#day 26 & 27- universe & neon sign
u2fangirlie-blog · 9 months
50 Things for My 50th Birthday - Now With 10 Bonus Things!
50 Things for My 50th Birthday
A continuation of my 40 Things for 40 List, with 10 additional entries for 50. Plus 10 Bonus Things!
Originally written December 2013 on my 40th birthday. It's a list of bits of wisdom I wish I had known when I was younger. Every item has a story behind it. I don't know if this is original, intelligent, humorous, creative, interesting, or valuable to anyone other than myself. But it means something to me.
Maybe someday I'll write an annotated version of the list with the stories for each one. Then that would turn into a book. Maybe it's better to give short snippets and remain mysterious than to overshare everything. December 2023.
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40 Things for my 40th Birthday: 12/2013
1. The Universe has a sense of humor which manifests itself as irony. Take time to stop and notice the big glowing neon signs that point to irony.
2. Karma, like gravity, is a force of nature. It does not discriminate. It balances your actions and consequences like balancing an equation.
3. It’s better to be single and alone than be in a bad relationship for the sake of being in a relationship.
4. See the patterns and interconnections - streams, veins in leaves, flowers, moss, agates, geodes, galaxies, calendars, time – it is beautiful and awesome.
5. Every day is different. If today is shitty, tomorrow will be shitty in a different way.
6. Look for the positive. Thousands of things go right every day.
7. Have a good work ethic. Do your best, but don’t let perfectionism interfere.
8. Know your history. Remember your ancestors and family. You could not be who and where you are without all of their hard work.
9. Don’t bite the hook.
10. Don’t feed the troll.
11. Remember Professor Remus Lupin’s Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons – Ridiculous, Expecto Patronum, and Chocolate.
12. Learn crafts – sewing, knitting, beading, etc. – it enriches life. It’s fun to give surprise presents to people.
13. Dream out loud at high volume. Turn it up to 11.
14. No good deed goes unpunished.
15. The Platinum Rule: Treat people how they want to be treated.
16. Always have 2 weeks’ supply of socks and underwear.
17. Invest in good bras. Your back and boobs will thank you later in life.
18. Always wear comfortable shoes. Your feet will thank you later in life.
19. Don’t waste time in front of the mirror. Save money. Cosmetics are optional.
20. Do not fester. To fester is bad. Don’t bottle things up for years. When you eventually explode, it only frightens, confuses, and pisses off the target of your nuclear blast, and innocent bystanders may be injured.
21. Don’t confuse lust for love. Lust and love are not the same thing. Don’t allow physical attraction to obscure reality. Ask questions. You might not like the answers but ask anyway.
22. Beware of charming men. They use sexual energy to get attention and evoke a reaction, like using glamour magic. The feeling is fleeting. It’s nothing special.
23. Don’t wait by the phone or the computer. When a man says, “I’ll call you tomorrow,” he probably won’t. He might intend to call, but he doesn’t know which tomorrow he means – 24 hours, 6 months, 8 years later. Don’t take it personally.
24. Diamonds are not a girl’s best friend. You don’t need a ring. A loving relationship is the real treasure.
25. U2 is the greatest rock ‘n roll band and “Achtung Baby” is the greatest rock ‘n roll album in the entire Universe.
26. You are your own worst enemy. You are the only enemy you will ever have. Stop listening to the Itty Bitty Shitty Committee.
27. You are your own best ally. You are the only ally you will ever have. Never betray yourself to others or to yourself.
28. It is what it is.
29. Chill the fuck out.
30. On the subject of Big Girl Panties: Pull them up. Deal with it, whatever it is. They can be She-Ra Princess of Power, Wonder Woman, or Tinkerbell Underoos. In times when you can’t pull up your Big Girl Panties, get some Coping Skills so you can deal with it. Use Coping Skills until the problem is solved or the situation subsides. Repeat as necessary. Coping skills will eventually become the New Normal way of dealing with it.
31. Learn as many life skills as you are capable of doing - housekeeping, home repairs, yard maintenance, gardening, cooking, car maintenance, etc. Be as self-sufficient as possible.
32. Know when to ask for help. Offer to help others too. Know when to hire professionals to do the job.
33. Felines are the best animals ever in the history of all species on Earth. Being a Crazy Cat Lady is wonderful. It’s the cats who are crazy.
34. Read everything. Read constantly. Develop highly effective writing and verbal skills. Clear communication is essential.
35. Book smarts, diplomas, and degrees are not an accurate measure of intelligence. Common sense, ability, skill, and experience are most important.
36. No one likes an insufferable know-it-all. Don’t correct others even if you are right – unless it is a life-or-death situation.
37. Practice mindfulness. Orient your perception to the meta level.
38. Be grateful and express gratitude.
39. Be compassionate, sympathetic, and empathetic – even to people you dislike or who dislike you. Everybody hurts. Everybody has bad days. Understand that.
40. Remember the reason why you had your ears pierced on your 30th birthday. Enjoy the small pleasures of life: favorite foods, scents, sights, sounds, clothes, jewelry, and all the pretty things. These are what the dead remember and desire the most.
50 Things for My 50th Birthday: 12/2023
41. Toxic Situations: Know when to get out on your terms while you still have options. Leave before they force you out. Otherwise, you could be left scrambling and everything is worse.
42. The Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42, obviously. (Thanks to Douglas Adams.) 42 is the atomic number of molybdenum. 42 divine beings, with Osiris, Ma’at, and Thoth in the Hall of Truth, judge souls before they enter the afterlife in Egyptian mythology.
43. Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills, motherfucker, do you use them? You spent 2 years in Fight Club. Strive to be skillful every day. The core skill sets are mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. Remember your values. Remember Wise Mind. Remember Radical Acceptance.
44. Gaslighting: Discussing problems is complaining. Telling the truth is causing trouble. Explaining yourself is making excuses. Asking questions is undermining others, making others look bad, or challenging authority. Challenging hurtful comments is not knowing how to take a joke. Expressing emotional needs is neediness. Expressing emotions is seeking attention. Showing confidence and intelligence and using an above-average vocabulary is being a bitch, being a know-it-all, or flexing your education and experience.
45. You need people whether or not you like it. Remember the pandemic lockdown. Remember working from home for a year and a half. You thought you trained your whole life as an introvert for that historic moment and would be excellent at it. No. It was objectively bad. It was a disaster. You need people. Be a better daughter, sister, and friend to the people in your life.
46. People change for better or worse. People will drift in and out of your life. People grow apart. This is a natural part of life. Accept it.
47. Magical Thinking: It’s one thing to know better. It’s an entirely different thing to do better. This is stupid behavior. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, how hard you work, or how good your intentions are. It’s never going to work out how you want it to. It’s never going to get better. And no one cares. Accept responsibility for your part in it. Don’t make excuses. Do something different. Do better. Change.
48. “Do or do not, there is no try” is fundamentally bad advice. Yoda’s lesson led Luke to black-or-white thinking. What would Spock or Picard teach Luke about learning a new skill? Get up and do it again until you can do it or find another way to do it.
49. Everybody is sick of your shit. Everybody, including you, is sick of your shit.
50. On the subject of Giving a Fuck: You either give too many fucks or you never have enough fucks to give. You need to practice, as the internet meme says, “moderate fuck distribution.” Ask yourself when you truly feel like you have zero fucks to give, are you completely out of fucks? Can you have a fuck debt, have a negative number of fucks? Or does something magical happen? Like a mint in the bottom of your purse, like loose change between seat cushions, like a potato chip under the fridge, there is always one more fuck to give. Like a free play token or an extra life in video game, one more fuck will magically appear. That one magical fuck will be dirty, hard, bitter, and broken, but it will be there when you need it. That one magical fuck can be saved or given as needed until you can replenish your regular supply of fucks.
BONUS CONTENT: I have more than 10 things to add to the list of 50 things.
Life is unpredictable. I don’t know if I’ll live another 10 years to continue the list, so I’m writing 10 Bonus Things. Everyone loves free bonus things!
51. “If I don’t do what my parents want, they will be mad at me.” WHAT? Did you just say the quiet part out loud? Every decision in your life is based on it! How can you be in the fifth decade of your life on this planet? Are you even an adult?
52. You can’t be needy if you don’t have needs. Meet your needs for yourself. No one else will. If there’s the slightest stink of neediness on you, people will abuse and reject you.
53. Don’t have expectations of others. Don’t engage in wishful thinking. Stop wanting people to demonstrate their feelings or care for you in the way you want. They won’t. It’s never going to happen. If you ask for what you want, then you are needy or attention-seeking. Accept what they offer as they give it, even if doesn’t meet your expectations, even if it’s nothing. That may be the only thing they can offer or the only way they know how to express it.
54. Most of being an adult is lying to everyone that everything is okay and that you are fine, when in reality your life is an unbearable mess, and you are not anywhere close to being okay.
55. Nothing you do is ever good enough for others. You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. It never changes.
56. “Use it or lose it.” You refused to believe it until you quit using it and you lost it. You don’t need to look in the mirror to see it. How does your body feel? Get up, girl, and use it.
57. No one gets out of here alive. Prepare for your death. Don’t leave the burden of your funeral plans, estate, and debts to your family, friends, or strangers. If you worked on projects or created things with other people, include it in your will. Your legacy, and that of others, literally could be thrown away. If you don’t tell people what you want, they will get it wrong. Then you’ll have to come back and haunt the fuck out of those people.
58. There’s no escaping your past, especially with family. They remember everything. Every obnoxious thing you did as a teenager. Every time you freaked out. Every time you had a bad day. Every mistake you made. Every mental health breakdown. It doesn’t matter how hard you work to change and overcome your problems. You’ll always be that past worst version in their minds, and they’ll hold it against you forever.
59. Your family is never going to forgive you for getting a degree in English. It’s always going to come down to their misperception that you are nitpicking and correcting them when you’re not. They’re going to throw it in your face like a glass of ice water.
60. Remember the “Litany Against Fear” from Dune. You memorized it when you were 15 years old. It still works.
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Oracle - Intro : Sibyl
June Drabbles 2022 Days 26 & 27 - Universe & Neon Sign 
A/N: So we all know by now that I completely missed the mark on finishing all of these in the month of June. One of these days I will complete a challenge on time. Maybe. But I have had a lot of fun writing these drabbles/stories, and with only a few more to go I’m powering through the rest of them. This one is actually a bit different from the rest, because it is for something that I have been plotting and planning (and stressing about getting right) for roughly a year, but when I saw these two prompts I took it as a sign (and you’ll see why that’s appropriate) to finally get the ball rolling on this soulmate au series. I’ve never written the soulmate trope before, and I am nervous to try... but I’m also excited and I hope that you enjoy where it’s going... and that you don’t hate me too much. ;) 
Word Count: 2,800
Warning: death, violence, language, theft 
Summary: Years of job hopping and point pinching have finally put Ezra in a position to take a step up - literally out of the gutter-gunked scud puddles of Cirian Central, but also out of the slow sinking pit of debt and dying dreams that he’d been languishing in for too long. But just as his luck takes a turn for the better, something else lands hard and haphazardly in his lap - fate. And not just his own. So will he follow the fortune... or the fortune teller? 
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A deluge of grimey water splashed against the dingy window that Ezra leaned against, looking out as the storm drains from mid were emptied onto the rooftops, sidewalks and unsuspecting heads of those on the lowest level. He grimaced as a nearby man got drenched by two levels worth of rainwater, debris, fuel oil and Kevva knows what else. I know what else. This entire planet is a pus-stained scab on the Cirian sector. The unfortunate, muck covered man was either uncaring of or unfamiliar with the drainage system in that portion of the city, but Ezra had plenty of practice when it came to dodging the showers of street slick that rained on the ground level every quarter cycle. Central was his home planet, after all. 
Or at least it was where he hailed from. He hadn’t called it home since the first time that he left it - as a sixteen year old stowaway on a trash transport headed for the Bahkroma System, forged documents aging him by three years stuffed into his pocket. But if he was being honest with himself, it hadn’t been home since well before then. He had no nostalgic notions, no rose-tinted memories made there to feel fondly for the place. Docking on Central between jobs was never something that Ezra looked forward to, and he always sought to leave again as quickly as he could. For a while he did everything in his power to find work that would keep him off-world for several standard years at a time, taking odd jobs on benches and freighters and places where he could negotiate lodging into his pay. His plan had been to save his points for all the equipment that he would need to start the career of his dreams - digging for aurelac, toxic environment and all. He got hired to his first crew a few days after his twentieth birthday, and in two decades he hadn’t looked back.
Though there were several other mining trades he could have gotten into that wouldn’t have required the life support suit and filtration hose, none of them paid nearly close to what he knew prospectors on the Green Moon made when they sold their gems. He understood the math of it. The deadlier the job, the higher the payout, and there weren’t many professions more potentially hazardous than the one he wanted to make his own. News of the rush had only amplified his drive, Ezra’s eyes growing wide as he read about pearls rumored to be the size of fully grown channel-rats. The location of the theorized rhizomatic deposit that the prospecting guild had dubbed The Queen’s Lair was unknown, but Ezra chose to believe that if it was real, he would find it. 
I’d finally be free of the debts I’ve carried all these years. They weren’t insurmountable - he was still paying off loans that he’d taken to upgrade some of his equipment - but the fact that he was tethered by such a seemingly in reach number of points made them feel steeper than they were on the record. It was why he had started sneaking small, lower grade gems into the hidden pouches that he’d sewn into his suit, smuggling them back to Cirian to sell to the fence he met at the pub he frequented when he was forced to stay there between stands on the Green. It upped the risk even more, but the math continued to check out, Ezra’s earnings going up as well. Not exactly what I envisioned, but… If I find the Queen’s Lair it won’t matter. He watched the last drops of filthy water slide down the glass and sighed. And I’d finally be able to afford more luxurious accommodations than the inns down here in this scud-crusted sludge puddle. If he had his druthers though, he wouldn’t stay on the mid or top tiers, either. If given the choice of anywhere to spend his free time, he’d pick Kamrea or Cardovan or Lao. Anywhere but Central, really. 
At least it’s only a couple of days this time. Just a handful of cycles. He grinned to himself as he pushed the door open and stepped out of the bar, a few mugs of mash mead sloshing around in his belly and his brain to give him a pleasant buzz. He hadn’t met with Geyser this time, and Ezra briefly wondered if his blackmarket connection hadn’t gotten himself caught. But when no one came to slap cuffs on him as he took a seat in one of the open stools and ordered a drink, he determined that Geyser likely got drunk in some other sinkhole and forgot that they were meant to meet, or else he’d struck a deal with another thief for higher quality pearls or fewer points. It didn’t matter much to him, not with the offer he’d just accepted to join a crew that was setting out to find the Lair - and not returning until they had unearthed it. This could very well be the last time I ever find myself here. 
With that thought, and a handful of pebble pearls he would have sold to Geyser still burning holes in his pocket, he strode down the dark alley and out towards the glow of artificial lights. He had no idea what time it was, but down on the third level it didn’t matter if it was night or day. It didn’t matter that Cirian Central had two suns or that its moon was the brightest and largest in the sector. The substructure of the cities that covered the planet’s surface blocked out the sky at ground level. Even if it didn’t, there was an ever present haze from steam valves and factory vents that hung in the air that acted like an opaque filter, muting everything to a dim shade of gray. The only light that far down came from the various signs that flashed in vibrant colors boasting bars, brothels, brokers and anything else transients and vagabonds like him might need. The constant buzz of the flickering neons created a white noise that was only broken by the wet slopping sounds of the drain pipes from above, footsteps of people that came too close, or the hacking coughs of Fringelings like him, leaning in doorways and against dripping brick walls as they smoked their fire hash blunts down to their fingers. 
It had been a few years since he’d smoked one, and for a snippet of a second he thought about trying to barter with one of the men for a little bit of leaf, rolling the smooth but cloudy gem grains in his pocket between his fingers. He knew someone would take that trade, even if they had no idea what the street price of aurelac or fire hash was. But if he wanted to feel the effects all he’d have to do was stroll down Stinger’s Alley and suck in the smoke. And that’s not what I want to do right now anyway. He needed to find accommodations for the next two nights, and once that was taken care of he would be back in one of the bars, celebrating the change in his fate that was just on the horizon with another mug or three of mash mead. The purple lettering of the Astral Hotel’s sign hummed in the distance, the S and both Ls smashed so that when lit it actually read A tra Hote, and since Ezra had stayed there a few times before and knew exactly what to expect - the damaged neon tubes advertising the place were quite an accurate representation of what it was like on the inside, too - he headed off in that direction, the grainy gems still rattling between his fingers.
But before he could cross the street, a woman emerged from a curtained doorway and stepped directly and intentionally in front of him. Her wide brown eyes were shining and shaking as they locked onto his, and though it would have been easy to brush the look off by assuming that she had inhaled too many vapors from the fire hash and steam valves, Ezra got the immediate feeling that she was stone sober. Her shoulder length hair had likely once been golden blonde, but now, like everything on this level of the city it had started going silvery gray, and she kept it tied back with a red head scarf, that and the beaded bracelets clacking together on her bony wrists as she reached for him the only splash of brightness that didn’t come from the buzzing lights. What in- 
“You don’t know how to find her, do you?” Her hands clasped around his arms, the woman stronger than she appeared, and Ezra was so stunned by the sudden contact that he simply froze. What? Who?
Blinking, he shook his head and wrinkled his brow, and then gently lifted his arms to try to shrug her off without touching her. “I think you might have the wrong person, ma’am. I’m not sure who you’re referring to, but-” 
She only doubled down, fingers gripping the worn fabric of his waffle-knit pullover. “The woman you’ve seen. In the flashes.” 
She scanned his face for a reaction and he knew that he gave her one, his mouth dropping open as he sucked in a breath. How does she know about… I’ve never- He blinked again, and a pair of eyes that were far more familiar to him than any he’d ever looked actually into came to the forefront of his mind. Her. The woman whose laughter he felt in his heart when he was happy, whose anguish he tasted when tears stung his own eyes. The woman he’d never met and always assumed had been nothing more than a figment of his imagination. The ghost in his dreams. But they aren’t just dreams… Sometimes I see her while I’m awake, too. 
“The woman who always dies in your arms.” 
That drove the buzz right out of his blood and left a chill in its place. 
The woman who always died in his arms - who he was never able to save. She’d drowned and he’d been too late to pull her from the water. She’d been shot and he hadn’t acted quickly enough to patch her up. She’d been poisoned, stabbed, struck by a vehicle, attacked by an animal. No matter how many flashes Ezra got of her smiling, safe, sleeping or even sighing into his ear, they were outnumbered by the ones that ended with her death. 
“How in Kevva’s name do you know about that? About her?” Because I’ve never told a soul. Not a single scud-sucking soul. 
“I know a lot about you, Ezra. We’ve been here before.” 
His heartbeat quickened and his tongue suddenly went dry and thick in his mouth, the air in his lungs going stale. “If this has anything to do with Geyser, I-” 
She waved one ring encrusted hand to cut him off. “I don’t concern myself with black market activity. What you choose to do with the pebbles in your pockets is unimportant.” He bristled, even as the woman took her other hand away from his arm. “What I need to tell you is far more pressing than five and a half points in cloudy aurelac.” 
Is this a setup? Ezra glanced up and over her shoulders, eyes darting left and right to make sure that no one was watching or lurking on a nearby stoop. Shoving his right hand in his pocket, he felt the creamy texture of the unpolished pearls against the pads of his fingers. There were exactly five and a half points worth. How is- 
He was hit then with another flash.
Inky black darkness that swallowed the tree line. A crackling flame that spit and snapped with wet wood, sparks swirling upwards with the smoke. A stripped down, hopper-style landing pod that didn’t look operational. And a woman imprisoned in a glass booth that was lit by harsh white neons. Her body was covered in some kind of pink powdered substance, and a golden mask obscured most of her face. But her eyes opened, and Ezra knew them. Another flash and there she was, draped in the crook of his left arm, face tipped up towards his and gasping for air. 
But this time his ghost didn’t die. 
This time he yanked the emergency hose attached to his gear and sealed it over her mouth and nose. This time he wasn’t too late or too slow. This time he had what he needed to save her. To save you. 
When he blinked again you were gone and he was back in his body on the streets of Cirian Central, breathing hard as the clairvoyant woman clutched at one of his arms with both of her thin hands. “Come inside unless you want to get slime soaked,” she urged when he finally looked down at her. What? “The drains, Ezra.” She pointed upwards. “They’re due to-” Shit. 
He nodded, letting her pull him through the curtain and into her shop just as the drain valve twisted to slop greasy gray water down on the place where he’d just been standing. But that wasn’t what mattered. And at this point, the moon rocks in his pocket didn’t matter either. She… she’s alive. She- “She didn’t die.” 
The woman sighed as she closed the door that he hadn’t seen, locking it behind herself and drawing the curtain shut. “Yes, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.” Turning to look at him over her shoulder, she flicked the light switch to turn off the buzzing sign in her window. Ezra watched, shaken and dumbstruck as the tubes forming a hand and the words psychic readings fizzled out and went dark. “You saw her.” She slowly spun to face him fully. “But you don’t know how to find her, do you?” 
Find her? He swallowed, brow furrowing and heart thudding hard. “You mean to tell me that she’s… that she is more than just a vision? That she is-” 
“She is as real as you and I are.” Outside, another slosh of filthy liquid rained from the mid level as his host pulled a chair from the corner of the room closer to its twin near the window, gesturing for him to sit. He did, and she sunk into the one she’d just moved, leveling him with her stare. “But unless you do exactly as I say, the fate that you just witnessed will change and you will lose her again.” She leaned closer, the look in her eyes even more desperate. “Possibly forever.” 
It didn’t make a lick of sense. Lose you? Again? He had never had you. He didn’t even know who you were. 
That isn’t entirely true. I know her eyes. I…Something churned in his chest and then it felt as though he’d split open if he couldn't get his arms around you. I do know her. She… she’s my- 
“Tell me one thing, soothsayer.” Something still wasn’t adding up though. He shook his head as he tried to even out his racing thoughts and slow down his breathing. “Why pray tell, does it matter to you if a point pinching aurelac swindler like me finds his soulmate?”
“First of all my name is Faye.” She answered without flinching. “And it matters to me because I believe that if you don’t follow the path that leads you to her… I will never see my daughter again. They are both alive, Ezra. My daughter and the woman who has been haunting your memory.” 
“My memory?” He balked. “You mean the visions? The dreams?” 
“Do they feel like dreams to you? Do you often dream without sleeping?” She reached forward, covering one of his hands on his knee with her own. “The things that you’ve seen? They are not dreams. You lived those moments, Ezra. All of those possibilities. In a hundred different worlds, in a hundred different universes. And all of them have ended the same way. But I see a path that ends in a different place - a place that leads to my little girl and to the piece of your heart that you’ve been living without - and now that you’ve seen it, too…” She squeezed his hand. “How can you look away?”  
The answer was simple but he kept it to himself. He couldn’t. I won’t. But he was going to need some more clarity. “Tell me what you’ve seen, and what will be required of me before I embark on this path of yours, Faye.” 
Tell me how to find her… Tell me how to find her in time and I’ll go down any path you point me towards. 
Thank you for reading! If you would like to be added to or removed from the taglist, please feel free to let me know or you can fill out the form on my masterlist.  
tags:  @something-tofightfor​ @alraedesigns​ @pheedraws​ @shoopidly​ @fific7​ @valkblue​  @cannedsoupsucks​ @tobealostwanderer @paracosmenthusiast @gracie7209​ @dihra-vesa​ @marauderskeeper​ @disgruntledspacedad​ @novemberrain221​ @littlemisspascal​ @mishasminion360​ @stevie75​ @nyctophiliiiiaaa​ @practicalghost​ @tanzthompson​ @harriedandharassed​ @woodlandmouth​ @swtaura​ @thescarletfang​ @trickstersp8​ @princessxkenobi​ @imtryingmybeskar​ @wildmoonflower​ @mswarriorbabe80​ @theredwritingwitch​ @writeforfandoms​ @thesoftdumbass​ @the-rambling-nerd​ @saharasunset​ @timpletance​ @beecastle​ 
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clownkiwi · 3 years
i was tagged by @stormysapphic !!! thanks selja!!! <333
rules: answer the 30 questions and tag 10 blogs you’d like to know better!
1. name/nickname: i only have 2 names: ruby & mystery (altho ppl have nicknamed me "rubes" before :])
2. gender: clowngirl (nonbinary transfem)
3. star sign: gemini
4. height: 5'10.5"
5. time: 4:17pm EST
6. birthday: may 23rd (in 16 days from now!!)
7. favourite bands: crush 40!!! babey!!!!!
8. favourite solo artists: left at london
9. song stuck in my head: everhood ost 77 "the final battle"
10. last movie: the mitchells vs the machines!!!
11. last show: adventure time
12. when did i create this blog: 2013 (still my first & same blog)
13. what i post: alot, but i either post about my current hyperfixations, special interests, or like any funny thing i find on my dash
14. last thing googled: “this is me homunculus" JDJDJJD
15. other blogs: im growing a url hoard, but currently ones that i can list off now are @clownkiwiart (my art blog), @urfavehatescops (not my blog, but im a mod on there), @your-fave-is-sonic , @wlwtangle (my sonic side), & @rubberduckyisopodpropaganda (rubber ducky isopod side, isnt super active)
16. do i get asks: not oftenly, but i do!!! (usually anons or from mutuals, altho im not good at answering all of them, sorry </3)
17. why i chose my url: im a clown & i love kiwis + my fursona is a kiwi (bird)
18. following: 3,275
19. followers: on this blog, 869 (NICE NICE NICE NICE)
20. average hours of sleep: like 6-8 hours on average (recently)
21. lucky number: 5, 2 & 3
22. instruments: uhhh i played cello in elementary school, n i sometimes play piano/keyboards, but i dont really play an instrument
23. what am i wearing: my pjs, which is jus a walgreens shirt hand me down, captain america pj shorts, & also my underwear
24. dream trip: mayb like 3-4 disney parks around the world (disney world, disneyland, disneyland paris & tokyo disneyland), mayb the universal studios parks as well (universal studios florida, california, & japan), & id like to visit the uk sometime!! defo visit scotland & ireland as well (mainly visit scotland to see my friend :]). would also like to visit all of my friends in my geez louise telegram gc, & id like to visit japan for a week or 2 (ive got a lot of dream trips LOL)
25. favourite food: chocolate covered oreos & & stromboli!!
26. nationality: american (unfortunately <3)
27. favourite song: i have a lot of favorite songs, but at the moment its been Everhood OST 77- The Final Battle
28. last book read: ummmm besides like stuff ive had to read for school, i guess the sonic idw comics can count???
29. top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: hmmmm,,, well, id love to live in any universe where sonic exists & is real. i also wouldnt mind living in the wandersong universe!!! that universe seems v chill & i can vibe with it. living in the mario universe would also be alot of fun :3c
30. favourite color: GREENS, i love greens!!! either like a neon green, a pastel, soft green, or like the forest green i use for the outlines of my sonas
iiiii tag @nbmudkip , @greenpath , @fruiitbatz , @synap , @snapbackdrag0n , @dork-master , @transdeanwinchesterr , @nakitengoku , @sun-wyrms , & @cherry-crescent !!! (if ya wanna do this tho)
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smoljamswrites · 5 years
all is fair in love & war | bts x reader | chapter two
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pairing: bts x female reader
genre: mafia!au, series fic, angst, fluff, (eventual) smut
warnings for this chapter: stalker-ish kinda? y/n is uncomfortable, mentions of abuse, my bad writing!!
a/n: hey, I’m trying my best to make the chapters longer than the previous and including more things, so please stay tuned!!
the fic playlist is here, if you wanted to hear it x
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He flew down the stairs, eager to find the two at the bar and fulfill his ‘mission’. Well, if there’s anything Taehyung is good at, it’s distracting people. He was regularly sent out to divert people’s attention, and boy was he quite the distraction. With his boxy grin and beautifully sculpted face, it was hard to leave him. He couldn’t wait to see you properly! With all these years of staring at old photographs of you, he couldn’t believe this was his chance to finally talk to you. This, of course, only made him run faster. And it was at this great speed that Taehyung could barely see what was ahead of him and bounded straight into Jungkook.
“Watch where you’re going-“Jungkook started, “What? Why are you looking at me like that for?”
“Did you let her leave?” Tae deadpanned.
“…yeah, but I got her number!” he smirked, walking up the stairs smugly.
Your last 3 days have consisted of three things; sleeping, eating, and texting the bartender. He keeps asking when he’ll see you next and you want to see him too, you really do, but it’s too risky to leave again.
The lights behind you are blaring, good at hiding the blush forming on your cheeks. He leans in, mouth by your ear. He smells quite musky, with a touch of vanilla. It’s so sweet and hypnotizing and God do you love it! With his lips ghosting over your ear, he whispers “do you want me to take you back to your home later? Saves you paying for a taxi, I can drive you?”
You begin to fidget in your seat, squirming at the idea of him taking you home. Not because its him that would take you home - actually you find yourself trusting the bartender more as you continue to speak to him - but rather because what would happen if he did. Would he expect to come into your house? What if they notice he’s there? Would they hurt him? You can’t even get caught coming back in, let alone sneaking in another person! God how long have you been out for?
A small cough interrupts your inner dread, and you notice Jungkook beginning to stand up straight. After you quickly realise that he must have thought you had rejected him, you subconsciously reach out and grab his arm.
“um I’m sorry but I live in a dorm and you see the, um, university is very strict on having strangers on campus and so it’s not-“
“Hey, don’t worry about it, I completely understand!” he says, rather gently “but can I at least have your number?”
Your mind wanders back into reality as you hear footsteps heading towards the kitchen. Immediately your hands move to play with your bracelet, your eyes darting to the door of the kitchen, fingers twisting the metal on your wrist. 3 of the main members of Sin Syndicate enter the kitchen as an uneasy feeling sets in your stomach. You look up expectantly at the men, and they look down back at you. The one member, who’s name you know to be Ju-Won, walks around the table and stands directly behind you; as for the other two, one stands in front of you, on the opposite side of the table, and the other stands at the door. A tingly sensation creeps up over you, as you feel Ju-Won touching and twisting strands of your hair through his fingers. You hide the urge to cringe, as you think about the things those hands have done – the lives they have taken.
“So sweetheart, Yunseo says that you can’t keep scrounging off us anymore. You’re a big girl now, and we can’t keep paying for you, can we? You have to start working for your life now. Ju-Won suggested you could work in one of our brothels, but we don’t want you too tired for us when you come back home, so we have decided you’re going to be working at ‘Angels’. You start tomorrow!” the greasy smile in front of you makes you want to throw up.
As Ju-Won lets go of your hair, and you nod politely at the 3 members (much to your resentment) you head back into your room. It seems really out of place in this big mansion of the Syndicates. The room has a cream colour scheme and is filled by a single-bed and a small chest of drawers. Reaching around your socks in your drawer, you search for the one that hides your phone. The phone springs to life, with the brand logo flashing on the screen when you turn it on. Sitting down on your bed, notifications begin to come through.
Jungkook: Hey, how are you today? [11:34✓✓]
Butterflies arise in your stomach as you lie back onto your bed, smiling to yourself. Your fingers move faster than your brain, and before you know it you have already replied.
You: Hey, I’m alright thank you, I’m actually starting a new job tomorrow! I’m a little nervous about it to be honest, but I’m so glad to be getting out the house more! [13:26✓]
You reread the message you sent and panic. It definitely sounds like you’re being held captive, you think.
You: Yknow, getting out the house more than usual because of college and everything haha! [13:27✓]
You put your phone away in your drawer, feeling calm now that you had saved your little mistake.
“Um Joon?”
Jungkook, adorned in a complete black outfit, enters the living room, phone in hand. His eyes search the 6 other pairs in the room, until he lands on Namjoon’s. He nervously walks over to the couch and sits on the arm of it before continuing,
“as you know, I’ve been texting Y/N for the past few days, and well...she says she has a job?”
“A job?”
“Yeah. She said she starts tomorrow and she’s nervous. You don’t think-“
A shorter man, but equal in fierceness and determination, interrupts Jungkook’s fretting, ”Well they aren’t going to let her go and work for a legitimate place, that’d be stupid. And as the Syndicates only run drug chains, strip clubs and brothels, then she’s obviously working in one of them.”
Jungkook’s face morphs into one of outrage; almost disgust,” A fucking brothel!? They better not be sending her to work there Yoongi, I swear to God, I’ll fucking torch the lot of them”
Taehyung can’t stop himself for giggling at his younger’s outburst, “Why do you even care!? You hardly know her, and be realistic yeah? She’s probably working for one of their strip clubs to get her started, because it’s not like they’re gonna let her run riot on a drug chain. And sending her straight into a brothel? Unlikely.”
“Tae’s got a point. I’ll try and work out which one they have likely sent her too.” Their leader places his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder comfortingly, and then continues to head to his office.
A bright purple neon sign, declaring the title ‘Angels’ flickers above the bar. The ‘A’ has devil horns above it, completely ridding the name of its suggested innocence. Most of the place looks like it is following an open plan design. Yellow leather chairs meet black shiny counters; tacky turquoise poles stand tall on top of the surface. You are pretty sure, that just in the 2 minutes you have spent here, you have seen every colour existing.
It’s quite busy in here already to say it is only the late afternoon, you think. Men dressed in suits occupy most of the room, but you are surprised to see female clients lurking around. From all the movies you watched, you always gathered it was only men that visited these types of places. Clearly, you were wrong. Your eyes continue to search the place, whilst you are waiting for further instructions from Yunseo. On the opposite side of the room you see a raised platform, with black, leather seats and small, red, circular tables surrounding it. You quickly conclude that this must be the stage where main performances are given. Focusing on that area, you see the a few silver poles coming out of the stage. You gulp, wondering if they are expecting you to be able to pole dance. You could never do that, you muse, you can barely walk in a straight line half the time! As for the employees, they are absolutely stunning. Long hair swaying in sync with their hips, their golden skin hypnotizing every person to watch their every move. You really don’t know how you’re going to fit in here.
As you take a sip of your water, a gentleman joins you at the bar. You can’t help but to take notice of him as he orders himself a drink, engaging in conversation with the Syndicate Bartender.
“You’re new ‘round here, right? I haven’t ever seen you here before?”
“Yeah, a friend recommended me the club, said I should check it out, so here I am” the dark black hair of the gentleman is parted, allowing any lurking eyes a better scope of his handsome face.
Just as you begin to listen to the rest of their conversation, Yunseo taps your shoulder.
“Okay Y/N, you’re going to have to get practicing because I’ve booked you a performance slot ready for Saturday, and you better not disappoint us!”
“Wait? For Saturday? That’s just 3 days away! How am I supposed-“
“You’d watch your mouth if you know what’s good for you sweetheart”
And just like that your head tilts down, hands in lap. Yunseo has always scared you, and has always took advantage of this whenever he has a chance.
“Good girl,” he hums, hand moving to cup your face, “Come with me and I’ll show you where you can practice”
As you get out of your seat to follow Yunseo, through the pungent scent of sweat and arousal, the gentleman at the bar catches your eye once more. It’s the way he is looking at you that you notice the most. With a prominent frown filling his features, he seems to be thinking about something. But you don’t have time to ask him about it or continue to ponder, so you turn back around and walk after Yunseo.
The rest of the evening is filled by your frustration. Yunseo had left you in this room, filled with only a stripper pole, a speaker and leather sofa, and these 4 walls are now driving you insane. It’s not like you’re the worst dancer in the world, it’s just you don’t have enough confidence. Just when you were about to hit play on the music, someone bursts into the room.
“That’s enough for today! Yunseo told me to get you home” a member you recall being named ‘Seojun’ says.
That’s right, you smile to yourself, if Yunseo told him to fetch he’d do it – he’s like a little puppy dog, a follower, and he always has been.
As you exit the room with him, Seojun’s phone starts to ring in his back pocket. As he picks up the call, you can’t help but to watch and listen,
“Hello?......How long did he stay here for?.....I don’t think it’s too strange no…….He could have been telling the truth I guess……bring it up with Yunseo, he’ll know what to do.”
You wonder for a moment who ‘he’ was. But then you remember where you are, and that it literally could have been anyone. Seojun closes the door behind you and leads you out the back entrance to the car.
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next chapter update: Saturday 1st February 2020 8pm gmt
tagging: @dearlydreadful @honeydewseoks @whimsicalwoodlands @toddsgirl27 @wendyiiwl @asifetch7 @barbyisafangirl @miraculyfe @btsxdoll @laluzdirectioner​ @slutkoo​ @bubbletae7​ @h5naaa​
let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters!
Thank you so so much for reading!
all rights reserved © smoljamswrites | 22/01/2020 | reposting my work or modifying of any kind is strictly not allowed. Translations are also not allowed.
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fenrislorsrai · 3 years
30 questions
I was tagged by @ouidamforeman
Rules: Answer 30 questions about yourself and tag 20 others you want to know more about
1. Name/Nickname: Fenris
2. Gender: NOT FOR YOU
3. Star Sign: Aries
4. Height: 5’2″
5. Time: 1:58 pm
6. Birthday: Nuclear accident, but it turned out okay!
7. Favorite bands/groups: Johnny Cash. Le Matos, Beth Orton, Preturbator,  Le Castle Vania, Loop Guru, Lords of Acid. Sarah McLachlan, Florence and the Machine.  A tribe Called Red. my tastes are all over the place.
8. Favorite solo artist: Johnny Cash.  It does not matter what playlist I was making eventually I am like “but why not some Johnny Cash”
9. Song stuck in my head: some goddamn electronic loop. which song? Fuck if I know.
10. Last Movie: I don’t honestly remember. beginning of year was kind of a big blur. I know I watched some. The last one I can clearly remember was Rare Imports. A Finnish horror movie with Santa as a cryptid.
11. Last Show: Star Trek Deep Space 9, which I’m currently rewatching
12. When did I create this blog: April 2012
13. What do I post: Good Omens, Star Trek, my own art, werewolves, hyenas, bats, I like critters. solarpunk stuff.
14. Last thing I Googled: Lesbian labrys flag to show to someone on my phone
15. Other blogs: My art blog which I forget to update is @hconeillart my business on is @rainydaypaperback and I also have @werewolfccg which is werewolves
16. Do I get asks: very rarely!  I occasionally get people asking for help finding textbooks as I can help you do that!  I just rarely publish those publically.
17. Why I chose my URL: I have used this user name for 20+ years.  Back in the days when the internet was fractured into message boards and listservs and various fandom groups had about 6 words each they liked as user named. damn RavenBloodWulf was already taken! what about RavynBludWolf? THAT TOO???  Fenris was one of the popular words in that group, Lorsrai is literally nonsense that look like a foreign word and isn’t. 
18. Following: 199
19. Followers: 888
20. Average hours of sleep: 8-8 1/2 
21. Lucky number: 4? idk
22. Instruments: trumpet.  I haven’t played in years though. I was a band nerd. I was even in the pep band in college. Despite having to play at every football game, I have never, ever figured out the rules. A thing has happened, PLAY LOUD.
23. What am I wearing: jeans, a blue and white striped sweater, and the gayest sneakers. they’re pink and teal neon and sparkley. GAY.
24. Dream job: I own a bookstore. I’m really happy with that. 
25. Dream trip: anything I don’t have to drive at all. fuck you, cars.  I’ve done a bunch of long haul train riding. So maybe the one across Russia.
26. Favorite food: Sweet potatoes. But savory. bake ‘em, fry ‘em, mash ‘e, put ‘em in stew. gimme.
27. Nationality: American
28. Favorite song: Hurt by Johnny Cash
29. Last book I read: Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love, and So Much More by Janet Mock. I’m ALMOST done with The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins.
30. Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: Star Trek. Just let me chill in a  post-scarcity environment. I’d probably be doing ecorestoration somewhere.
Valdemar- I’m gay and I like horses. 
Watership Down- I’m aware that barely counts as a differently universe. but a world where we are not alone and there are other species whose gods may be seen just at the edge of the garden... that just gets to me. 
I’m supposed to tag people, but lord, I know a lot of you have anxiety. s’okay, I love you anyway. No tags. I don’t want to put anyone on the spot NOR have anyone feel “why didn’t you tag me?” YER COOL AND I LOVE YOU YOU ANXIOUS MESSES.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Headlines: Monday, September 28, 2020
The Forgotten Front Porch Is Making a Comeback (WSJ) Thanks to the pandemic, the front porch is enjoying a new golden age. Like their near cousins, stoops, steps, even fire escapes, porches offer a semipublic setting where we can meet friends and neighbors face-to-face—even if those faces are masked. In the words of Claude Stephens, founder of a tongue-in-cheek group called Professional Porch Sitters Union Local 1339, a porch is “the only place where you can feel like you are outside and inside at the same time; out with all of the neighbors and alone reading a book.” In Europe there are town squares and sidewalk cafes for fostering casual encounters, but there is something distinctly American about the front porch. Starting in the 19th century, every respectable house in the U.S. was built with a confident front porch. In an era when the backyard was devoted to drudgery—vegetable gardens, trash pits, outhouses, perhaps a chicken or goat—the porch offered an oasis of calm. “The front porch was an escape from the heat of the wood-burning kitchen stove,” explains historian Donald Empson, the author of “The Street Where You Live,” an architectural guide to St. Paul, Minn. “On the porch, in the cool of the evening, the family could gather to discuss the day’s events and exchange the latest news with neighbors strolling by.” Porches offered neighbors a place to exchange gossip, to spin sagas and sing songs, to flirt and court and air political views. The front porch at the turn of the century was Starbucks, flash mob, church social and Facebook rolled into one.
Already facing its worst crisis since 9/11, airline industry set to cut more than 35,000 jobs this week (Washington Post) Some 16,300 United employees—and more than 35,000 across the airline industry—set to be out of a job come Thursday. It’s another devastating blow for an industry facing a crisis analysts say is already far worse than it experienced after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and one that has already seen employment in air transportation decline by 100,000 jobs according to one measure. The employees facing furlough will be victims of the ongoing devastation the pandemic has inflicted on airlines, which have seen demand for travel drop precipitously since March, but also of a Congress that says it wants to protect their jobs with billions of dollars in aid and yet has been unable to reach agreement on a bill to do so. Lawmakers say they didn’t intend to create a precipice when they gave airlines an initial $25 billion in aid on the condition that they not lay off workers until October. Like many Americans, they expected the virus to be under control by now. Instead, it continues to spread and air travel is stuck at about 700,000 passengers a day, a third of its normal rate.
Mexico issues arrest warrants on sixth anniversary of disappearance of 43 college students (Reuters) Mexican authorities have issued dozens of arrest warrants for police and soldiers whom they believe may have participated in the 2014 disappearance of 43 Mexican college students, head of the investigation said on Saturday. The announcement came during a news conference at the National Palace in Mexico City on the sixth anniversary of the students’ kidnapping. During the event, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and Mexico’s Undersecretary of Human Rights Alejandro Encinas held fabrics embroidered by relatives of the victims, many of whom attended the ceremony holding large pictures of the disappeared students. Saturday marks the first time in the case Mexican authorities have announced arrest warrants for military personnel. The students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers’ College disappeared on September 26, 2014, in the state of Guerrero. The remains of only two of the students have been positively identified so far. The unsolved kidnapping of the young men who were training to be teachers convulsed the country, sparking massive protests in 2014 and garnering international condemnation as one of the darkest examples of the government’s longstanding difficulty preventing violence or convicting those responsible.
Europe remains committed to in-person classes as school outbreaks remain rare (Washington Post) How much does in-person schooling contribute to the spread of the pandemic? The answer, experts are saying in Europe after several weeks back in classrooms, is that it’s rare for children to spread the disease within the walls of a school, but not unheard of. Not every country can point to a school where the coronavirus seems to have spread. And even where there are such schools, including in Belgium, Norway and Germany, such outbreaks typically remain countable on a single hand—affecting a fraction of a percentage point of the millions of students and teachers in session across the continent. So despite rising coronavirus cases, and although universities have emerged as sites of concern, European countries remain wholeheartedly committed to in-person learning for primary and secondary schools. According to Steven van Gucht, the head of viral diseases at Sciensano, Belgium’s national public health institute, “The school environment, in our perception, is still quite a controlled environment. We think it’s better to have schools open than to send kids home, have them meet on the street and give them more opportunities to spread the virus.”
Swiss voters reject limiting jobs for EU citizens (AP) Voters in Switzerland cast ballots Sunday on a nationalist party’s proposal to limit the number of European Union citizens allowed to live and work in their country. Swiss public broadcaster SRF reported after polls closed at noon that projections based on partial counts indicated most voters had rejected the measure, which was championed by the populist Swiss People’s Party. It had proposed giving preferential access to jobs, social protection and benefits to people from Switzerland over those from the 27-nation bloc that surrounds it. If passed, the proposal would have further strained the rich Alpine’s country’s deep and lucrative ties to the EU, of which it isn’t a member. It could also lead to reciprocal disadvantages for millions of Swiss citizens if they want to live or work in the EU. Roughly 1.4 million EU citizens live in the country of about 8.2 million, while around 500,000 Swiss live in EU countries.
How Amazon Conquered Italy in the Pandemic (NYT) Ludovica Tomaciello had never shopped on Amazon before being trapped at her parents’ house in March during Italy’s coronavirus lockdown. Bored one afternoon scrolling TikTok, she spotted hair scrunchies that she then tracked down and ordered on Amazon. When the package arrived, she was hooked. She soon signed up for Amazon Prime and turned to the site to buy a tapestry and neon lights to decorate her bedroom; halter tops, jeans and magenta Air Jordan sneakers; and a remote to wirelessly take selfies for Instagram. When stores reopened in May, Amazon remained her preferred way to shop because of the convenience, selection and prices, she said. Amazon has been one of the biggest winners in the pandemic as people in its most established markets—the United States, Germany and Britain—have flocked to it to buy everything from toilet paper to board games. What has been less noticed is that people in countries that had traditionally resisted the e-commerce giant are now also falling into its grasp after retail stores shut down for months because of the coronavirus. The shift has been particularly pronounced in Italy, which was one of the first countries hard hit by the virus. Italians have traditionally preferred to shop in stores and pay cash. But after the government imposed Europe’s first nationwide virus lockdown, Italians began buying items online in record numbers. Even now, as Italy has done better than most places to turn the tide on the virus and people return to stores, the behavioral shift toward e-commerce has not halted.
Scores arrested in protest against Belarus’ president (AP) Hundreds of women calling for the authoritarian president to step down protested in Belarus’ capital on Saturday, continuing the large demonstrations that have rocked the country since early August. Police blocked off the center of Minsk and arrested more than 80 demonstrators, according to the Viasna human rights organization. Protests, by far the largest and most persistent in Belarus since independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, began Aug. 9 after an election that officials said gave President Alexander Lukashenko a sixth term in office. Opponents and some poll workers say the results, in which Lukashenko was tallied with 80% support, were manipulated. Despite wide-scale detentions of demonstrators and the arrest of many prominent opposition figures, the protests haven’t shown signs of abating.
Fighting erupts between Armenia, Azerbaijan in disputed area (AP) Fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan broke out Sunday around the separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh and the Armenian Defense Ministry said two Azerbaijani helicopters were shot down. Ministry spokeswoman Shushan Stepanyan also said Armenian forces hit three Azerbaijani tanks. There was no immediate word on casualties. Nagorno-Karabakh is an ethnic Armenian enclave within Azerbaijan that has been out of Azerbaijan’s control since the end of a war in 1994. Both sides have heavy military presence along a demilitarized zone separating the region from the rest of Azerbaijan. International efforts to settle the conflict have stalled and fighting sporadically breaks out. In July, one of the most severe outbreaks of fighting in years left 16 people from both sides dead.
China Gives Unproven Covid-19 Vaccines to Thousands, With Risks Unknown (NYT) First, workers at state-owned companies got dosed. Then government officials and vaccine company staff. Up next: teachers, supermarket employees and people traveling to risky areas abroad. The world still lacks a proven coronavirus vaccine, but that has not stopped Chinese officials from trying to inoculate tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people outside the traditional testing process. Officials are laying out plans to give shots to even more people, citing emergency use, amounting to a big wager that the vaccines will eventually prove to be safe and effective. China’s rush has bewildered global experts. No other country has injected people with unproven vaccines outside the usual drug trial process to such a huge scale. The unproven vaccines could have harmful side effects. Ineffective vaccines could lead to a false sense of security and encourage behavior that could lead to even more infections.
Melbourne eases lockdown, schools, work resume (AP) Australia’s second-largest city, Melbourne, has further eased lockdown restrictions imposed after a surge in coronavirus cases, allowing most children to return to school from next month and sending more than 125,000 people back to work. Melbourne and surrounding parts of rural Victoria state were placed under strict “Level 4” lockdowns on Aug. 2, shuttering schools and non-essential businesses, imposing a nighttime curfew and prohibiting public gatherings.
U.S. tells Iraq it’s planning to pull out of Baghdad embassy (Washington Post) The United States has told the Iraqi government and its diplomatic partners that it’s planning a full withdrawal from its sprawling embassy in Baghdad unless Iraq reins in attacks on personnel linked to the American presence there, U.S. and other Western officials said Sunday. The process of shutting it down is expected to take 90 days, a window that would give the Trump administration the opportunity to reassess the decision, said a diplomat familiar with the situation. President Trump’s decision to order the killing of senior Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani outside Baghdad airport in January sparked a firestorm in Iraq. Iraqi lawmakers urged the expulsion of U.S. troops. Iran-backed militia groups ramped up a campaign of rocket and small-scale bomb attacks on the U.S. Embassy and Iraqi military bases that host U.S.-led coalition troops. Seventeen years after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, the Baghdad embassy remains one of America’s largest diplomatic outposts in the world. It was unclear Sunday whether the decision to pull out might still be reversed if Kadhimi’s government is able to better protect Western diplomatic and military personnel.
Israelis mark Yom Kippur under ‘painful’ virus lockdown (AP) The solemn Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, which annually sees Israeli life grind to a halt, begins on Sunday in a nation already under a sweeping coronavirus lockdown. Every year, businesses shut down, roads empty out and even radio and TV stations go silent as the faithful fast for 25 hours and hold intensive prayers of atonement on the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. The more secular-minded can be seen riding bikes or even picnicking on deserted highways. The holiday begins at sundown on Sunday. But this year all non-essential businesses have already been forced to close, and Israelis have been ordered to stay within 1,000 meters (yards) of their homes throughout the High Holidays, which began last week with the Jewish New Year and continue to mid-October. It’s the second nationwide lockdown since the pandemic began, an attempt to contain one of the most severe outbreaks in the world. Israel, with a population of just 9 million, is reporting more than 7,000 new cases a day, raising fears its hospitals could be overwhelmed.
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mutfruittea · 5 years
Fallout OC Interview
tagged by: No one, but this looks like fun and figured ‘why not?’
I’ll tag: 
As well as anyone that wants to! If you were lookin’ at this and think “Oh man, that looks like fun. I wish I was tagged” CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED by me. ^-^
1.       Choose an OC.
2.       Answer them as that OC.
3.       Tag 5 people to do the same. *cough*
 1. What is your name?
“Samantha Wright”
2. How old are you? 
“A bit over 228. Give or take a few years. It’s a long story.”
3. What do you look like?
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 4. Where are you from? Where do you live now? “Ha! A small town in the middle of nowhere. I was attending University, in Texas, when I met my late husband. Shortly after we got married, he joined the military and that moved us around for a while. We were stationed near Boston when he was discarded… I mean discharged from the Army. This was all before the war. Another long story. Currently I live with my family in Diamond City.”
5. What was your childhood like? “Not much to say. My mother’s family was conservative; my father’s family was liberal and I’m the result of that co-parenting situation.”
6. What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions? 
“I’m the General of the Minutemen and the Overseer of Vault 88.
I’d say I’m friendly with most groups in the Commonwealth, but a few of these groups have requested to remain anonymous.”
7. Tell me about your best friend. “Oh Nicholas? You’ve gotta remember to keep hydrated around him, because he is one S A L T Y sonofagun. He’s an alright detective too. You can tell him I said that.” *wink* “His office is behind Arturo’s, just follow the neon signs. I sincerely hope that you never need his services. 
All joking aside, he’s a good man and an even better friend. The more I think about it, he’s more of an older brother at this point. I’m not sure where I’d be with out his help and support.”
8. Do you have a family? Tell me about them! “My son; Shaun and Sister-in-law; Natalie. Shaun has a perpetual thirst for answers that grows increasingly difficult to quench each passing day. He’s polite, smart and accepting of everyone. Even if they are not accepting of him…
Natalie is a pistol. She’s astute, quick witted and is ALWAYS giving Piper and I a run for our money with her debates. Recently, she’s been on about exploring the Commonwealth with us. We’ve pacified her with a promise to revisit the topic at the end of the school year. Boy… is she counting down the days. Ha! Honestly, I admire that fire within her.”
9. What about a partner or partners? 
“My wife, Piper… “The spine of my book, which without my pages would scatter.” I don’t recall who or what that quote is from, but it’s the closest to describing how I feel about her.”
10. Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them? “I’ve heard of them. Hard to miss that massive entrance and announcement they made. I’ve worked with them sparingly. Our core morals and values don’t always line up.”
11. Who are your enemies, and why? 
“The usual characters; Raiders, Gunners, Super Mutants, aggressive wildlife, etc. Preston doesn’t like it, but I usually don’t fire the first shot. I’d never ask this of those is one of our settlement or even of the Minutemen under my charge. It’s just a personal choice. I like make sure I’m not accidentally targeting a non-hostile. Yes, I lose the attack of opportunity, but there have been some close calls in the past.” *Pats Dogmeat’s head*
12. What about The Enclave? *apparent forced smile* “I haven’t had the pleasure.”
13. How do you feel about Super Mutants? “One of the reasons I rarely fire the first shot. The FEV process is brutal, but inconsistent. I’ve met a few Super Mutants that were altered physically, but not mentally. Interestingly enough, I discovered this anomaly is not isolated to just the Commonwealth. After some research and asking around, this has happened before in different areas around the States. Mind you, these are just rumors and personal experience.”
14. Have you ever fought a Deathclaw? “Oh yeah. OOOooohhh yeahhh.”
15. What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in? “The craziest? Oh my, it would have to be when defending the U.S.S.  Constitution with Ironsides. Never in a million years would I have imagined myself fighting scavengers off a land-bound ship along, side a robot that fired missiles and wore a bicorn hat. If it wasn’t for the evidence on top of that skyscraper, I’d think It was just a fever dream.”
16. Do you like fighting? “No, but there are times when a person is called to do things they don’t particularly enjoy.”
17. What’s your weapon of choice?
“I know it’s controversial, but I rarely leave home without my laser riffle. Especially since Shaun built most of the modifications on it. It’s sentimental to me if nothing else.”  
18. How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?) “I’m not the strongest, perceptive or most agile. My mother used to say I had “the endurance of a goldfish on land, but could sell a scuba tank to a seahorse.” I’m not entirely sure that was a compliment or not.”
[[ S 4 - P 4 - E 4 - C 10 - I 7 - A 4 - L 10 ]]
19. Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them? “Yes, I have… I think what VaultTech has done is deplorable. The idea of a safe place to survive the war was a good one, but the human testing was not. While not all the experiments caused bodily or even psychological harm, the subjects were unaware, let alone consenting, of being participants.
The Vaults themselves are standing the test of time pretty well and make excellent, secured settlements. I’ve been working with the Overseer of Vault 81, another Vault where the scheduled experiments failed. Her advice has been essential in establishing Vault 88, though… we have a BIT more of an open-door policy.”
20. How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you? 
“Avoiding it when I can, wearing a hazmat suit when I can’t, keeping Rad-X and Rad Away on hand. Preventative practices are best, but not always an option. The best advice I received was, “Early intervention is key. It’s easier to treat light radiation exposure than fully progressed radiation poisoning.”
21. What’s your favorite wasteland critter? “I have a soft spot for deathclaws. My wife calls them “human meat grinders” and I 100% agree… but damn they look cool.”
22. What’s your least favorite wasteland critter? “Molerats for sure. They can swarm and surround you if you’re not careful. Not to mention they are a nightmare for crops.”
23. How do you feel about robots? 
*Shrugs* “If they’re non-hostile, I have nothing against them. We have a settlement run entirely by robots. I happily attended the Zwicky wedding. Lovely couple by the way. Codsworth has been a family friend even BEFORE the war.”
24. How many caps do you have on you right now? “I’d prefer not to answer that, if it’s all the same to you.”
25. Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla? “Ooo, Nuka Cola has good variety of flavors.”
26. Do you do chems? “No. Nothing against those who do. “As long as you’re not hurting anyone.”
27. Do you ever think about the Pre-War world? “Sometimes. Certain dates and places bring back memories, but I try to remain as present as possible. That life is gone…”
28. What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently? [It’s noted that after being asked this question, Samantha looked over the interviewer’s shoulder into another room; where a woman was doing dishes and two children laughing while attempting to put together a mini robot model]
“I have none. No regrets.”
29. What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve? “Rebuilding the Minutemen is something I’m proud of, but it was a collective effort. I don’t think I can claim that as a personal achievement. As far as what do I hope to achieve? I’m not sure. I don’t measure life by what I have accomplished or what I will accomplish. I’m just a regular person doing my best.”
30. What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world?
“I want to be part of a safer Commonwealth. Everyone coming together not jut in crisis, but in celebration as well. With the Institute gone there is more of a chance for that to happen, but we have along way to go. It may not happen in our lifetime, but we can lay the groundwork for future generations.”
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As many for mm2 u can handle 😔💞
1. how old is your sim?20 !!
2. when is your sim’s birthday?march 30
3. what is your sim’s zodiac sign?she’s an aries
4. what is your sim’s ethnicity?shh i’m still working on it fhhjf
5. does your sim have any nicknames?lmfao all the ones elliot likes to call seraphina tbh
6. do they have a job? if so what is it?she doesn’t have a job dfhjhg she a freeloader
7. where does your sim live?la !!
8. who does your sim live with?her husband elliot ;u;
9. what environment did your sim grow up in?she grew up in a rather cold household. her mom isn’t very loving, she just wants a beautiful and successful daughter to brag about
10. what are your sim’s favorite foods?she loves (and currently misses) sushi !! )): she also loves fruity candies, like jolly ranchers and the gummy life savers !
11. what is your sim’s favorite drink?root beer !!
12. if they have one what is your sim’s favorite color?it’s a threesome tie between green, orange, and red lmfao
13. does your sim believe in any cliches?she’s a hopeless romantic so any of the romantic cliches? she adores them !!
14. what is your sim’s sexuality?she’s pansexual !!
15. what is your sim’s gender identity?female
16. is your sim type a or type b?type b !!!
17. is your sim introverted or extroverted?she’s extroverted !
18. is your sim neurotypical or neurodivergent? she’s neurotypical
19. is your sim a pet person? if so what is their favorite animal?yes !!! her favorite is probably bearded dragons
20. does your sim have a best friend?not necessarily but she’s recently started hanging out with a new made friend, gigi, and i can see them becoming close friends soon ;-;
21. what is (was) your sim’s favorite school subject?she genuinely enjoyed math
22. is/was your sim a high, mid, or low achiever in school?high only because of the expectations her mom held on her and because she had nothing else to do at night other than schoolwork
23. are they planning to go or have they already been to college? if so, what would be or what was their major?she had plans that she didn’t end up following through with partly because of her dad and partly because she was done doing what her mom wanted
24. what are your sim’s political beliefs?she doesn’t really have any
25. what is one thing your sim wants to do before they die?she has about 500 years to do anything so…. she hasn’t really thought that hard about it yet
26. does your sim have a favorite tv show (cable) and/or movie?cable show she likes steven universe and her favorite movie is spirited away
27. is your sim a netflix viewer? if so what are their top 3 shows?yes and her top 3 are; ohshc, boys over flowers, devilman crybaby (it’s a love/hate)
28. does your sim like books? if so, what’s their favorite one?she read manga more than books but her favorite manga is lovely complex !
29. does your sim enjoy video games, if so what is their favorite one and do they play on pc or console?she likes them yes but she doesn’t play many. her favorite is kingdom hearts (the entire series) but she’s more of a pc player (it’s about those mods man)
30. what is your sim’s personal style?she’s a mix of high fashion and neon street style
31. does your sim have a lucky charm?she does not !
32. is your sim religious?nope !!
33. what kind of music does your sim listen to and who is their favorite artist?a mix of electronica and eletronica remixes on youtube and also just a lot of game ost’s, she really enjoys bohemianvoodoo !!
34. is your sim a festive person? if so what’s their favorite holiday?ye and her favorite is valentine’s day ! even is it doesn’t entirely count
35. what is your sim’s favorite type of weather?she likes summer so that she can actually dress in her favorite outfits without nearly dying from the cold
36. does your sim prefer to start fights or finish them?finish them mostly because she hates fights/fighting
37. does your sim have a dream job?she’s prevented herself from really having a “dream job” knowing her mom would probably shit all over whatever she chose but she thinks it’d be pretty neat to own a cafe
38. does your sim have any siblings?her half brother uriel !
39. does your sim get along with their family?not so much with her mom but she does get along with uriel
40. what is your sim’s favorite hobby?she likes to play with her makeup
41. what does your sim look for in a romantic partner?she’s had all types of different ideas in her head but as long as she feels comfortable with them and they can be silly with her, it’s golden
42. what is a secret about your sim?…… she’s killed a man
43. what is a wish your sim has?that she grew up with more loving parents
44. what is a flaw your sim has?she resorts to destroying things when she’s mad
45. how do others generally perceive your sim?probably as some dork weeb fhggjh
46. does your sim have a greatest achievement? if so what is it?yes !!! meeting and marrying her soulmate and starting a family with him ;-;
47. if they have one, what is your sim’s greatest regret?trying to impress her dad and taking someone else’s life
48. does your sim have a favorite emoji?honestly, whichever one it is she’s feeling at the moment
49. does your sim use simstagram?lmfao nooo
50. what is the last text your sim sent (and who did they text)?well it would’ve just been this 😘emoji but i’ll do the text before lmfao,“for now I’ll admire your beautiful face in person 😌” and it was to elliot
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a drabble a day based on this prompt list by @creativepromptsforwriting
1- Fairytale - Asteria (Ezra x OC Clara - PoNR universe) 2- Garden Hose - Dirty Work (Francisco Morales x Female Reader) 3- Fruit Stand - First Taste (Oberyn Martell x Female Reader)  4- Radio - Last One (Javi Peña x Female Reader)  5- Block Party - Cover to Score (Pedro Across the Street x Female Reader - The Long Con universe)  6- Tattoo - Vena Amoris (Dieter Bravo x Female Reader - A Bad Idea universe)  7- Ice Cream - Vacation Rules (Din Djarin x Female Reader - Mando needs a break universe)  8- Postcard - Not Like Him (Francisco Morales x Female Reader) 9- Festival - Sweet Smoke (Marcus Pike x Female Reader - Third Time’s the Charm universe)  10- Skating - Lifesaver (Javi G x Female Reader)  11- Barefoot & 12- Night Walks - Under the Dornish Moon (Oberyn Martell x Ellaria Sand, Oberyn Martell x Female Reader - Aphelion universe - written by @something-tofightfor​) // Under the Dornish Moon: Ellaria’s POV - written by @the-blind-assassin-12​ 13- Pride - Out Loud & On Purpose (Dieter Bravo x Female Reader - A Bad Idea universe)   14- Fries & 30 - Peaches - Back on Your Feet (Francisco Morales x Female Reader) 15- Stream - The Romantic Type (Joel Miller x Female Reader one shot - inspired by art created by @stealyourblorbos​)  16- Flower Crown & 25- Midsummer - What Fools (Dieter Bravo x Female Reader - Bad Idea universe) 17- Outdoors - When Land Touched the Sea (Ezra x Female Reader - Angelfish universe)  18- Cocktail Umbrellas & 19- Playing Cards - Counting On It (Pedro Across the Street x Female Reader - The Long Con Universe)  20- Sailboat - The Places Where I Missed You Most (Nico x Female Reader - A Clumsy Romance universe) 21- Karaoke - Happiness Looks Good On You (Marcus Pike x Female Reader - Third Time’s the Charm universe) 22- Dandelions - Birthday Wishes (Joel & Ellie flashback - set in Survivor Blues but could be stand alone)  23- Buttons & 24- Pearls - Frowned Upon (Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x Female Reader - Recall universe)  26- Universe & 27- Neon Sign - Oracle:Sybil (Ezra x Female Reader - Soulmates AU) 28- Dragonfly - Skimming the Surface (Pedro Across the Street (Calls) x Female Reader - The Long Con universe)  29- Birch Tree - Bare Branches (Nico x Female Reader - A Clumsy Romance universe) 
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zazberry · 6 years
30 Questions (but not really) Ask Meme!
Tagged by @alphards-asterism ! 
1. Nicknames Zazu, Zaz, Ace (who would have guessed lol)
2. Gender Nonbinary/Demiboy
3. Zodiac Virgo/Libra Cusp (9/23 which is either Virgo or Libra depending on which charts you use)
4. Height 5′ 
5. Time 3:20pm, EST
6. Fave Band(s): Oh man this is embarrassing, Bare Naked Ladies, All Time Low, Panic! at the Disco, Motion City Soundtrack, Fun., Owl City, Paramore, Franz Ferdinand (there’s definitely others but this is all I can think of atm)
7. Fave Solo Artist(s): Janelle Monae, Solange, and Lizzo (I know there’s more but again I can’t think of anyone esle atm)
8. Song stuck in my head Currently it’s a mix of the opening to Hunter x Hunter and the Greed Island ending to Hunter x Hunter with Make Me Feel and PYNK by Janelle Monae (because I can’t just have one song, that’s not allowed)
9. Last movie I saw The Birdcage (A very very good gay movie)
10. Last Show I Watched Hunter x Hunter and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
11. When did I create my blog? Oh gosh another embarrassing one…November of 2010…and I have consistently used it ever since… 
12. What do I post:
Waaayy too many things to list…As far as original posts go, it’s mostly Style Savvy and random text posts though. This is my main blog and I’ve been using it for almost 8 years so what I post has changed a lot over time. 
13. Last thing I googled: Franz Ferdinand to check if it’s a band or just one artist for this post lol
14. Do I have other blogs? Yes, way too many….
@hinatatears for Dangan Ronpa
@thetruedetectiveprince for Persona
@aceattorneyblogging for Ace Attorney
@phispaperdoll for Zero Escape
@gaysonpianos for Neon Genesis Evangelion (not too active anymore)
@refzsk for, well, posts I want to save for reference…despite being a refernce blog it is not organized at all tho OTL
@acesaesthetics which is just my aesthetic blog (i’m so creative, i know)
15. Do I get asks? I…don’t know what this means…yes you can send me asks but I don’t normally get them?
16. Following: 265 (most of them don’t post much or at all anymore, my dash is usually pretty dead)
17. Followers: 389, but most of them are deactivated or spam blogs that I’m too lazy to block. I block new ones but it’s way too much effort to look through that entire list at this point
18. Average hours of sleep: No idea…I either sleep way too much or barely at all…
19. What am I wearing: Light pj pants with cassette tapes printed on them, light blue tank top, light blue zip up hoodie and hot pink head scarf because my light blue one is dirty lol (I’m almost always in a tank top and pj pants…)
20. Lucky number: 13!!!! Ever since I read Midnighters by Scott Westerfeld it’s been my fav number, plus I like it because most people hate it…
21. Dream job: I have so many…Ballet Teacher, Ballet Choreographer, Costume Designer, Makeup Artist, Stage Hand for stage plays, and Research Psychologist are all my dreams that have been crushed because of my chronic illnesses.
Now my one remaining possible dream job is becoming a therapist…but that still requires more school which I can’t do just yet.
22. Dream trip: This is an extremely gay answer but it has to be Texas to see @nothlits 
23. Favourite food: Potatoes in any form except hash browns lol
24. Nationality American?? (Lebanese and Italian on my mom’s side and Czech on my dad’s side)
25. Favourite song: If I had to pick one it’d be Money by Mystery Skulls, that’s the only song I know from them but I could listen to it on repeat forever….
26. Last book I read: It’s been so long I honestly don’t remember…Probably the audio book for The Last Days by Scott Westerfeld because I love it so much…
27. Top three fictional universes I want to join:
-Hunter x Hunter, because the concept of Nen is like…exactly what I’ve always wanted to be able to do haha
-Midnighters, because I’ve loved it for so long and the idea of an extra hour in the day with just you and your friends AND you get cool powers? Sign me up.
-Pokemon, again because I’ve loved it for basically my entire life and honestly who doesn’t want to be a part of that universe??
Not sure who to tag who hasn’t already done this…if you see this and want to do it, go ahead!! 
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foryourart · 7 years
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Image courtesy of Five Car Garage. 
PLAN ForYourArt: January 25–31
Thursday, January 25
MORE ART HERE, Santa Monica Airport (Santa Monica), 12–6pm. Through January 28.
Teen Hip Hop Workshop with DJ Survive and the Inner City Dwellers, Cypress Park Branch Library (Cypress Park), 4–5pm.
Botany Bay Series: Plant Science for Gardeners & Citizen Scientists - January, The Huntington (San Marino), 4:30–5:30pm.
designLAb Public Reception: Italian Style: 1930s - 1980s, Pacific Design Center (West Hollywood), 5–9:30pm.
Kim Schoen: The Hysteric's Discourse, Young Projects (West Hollywood), 5–9:30pm.
Suzanne Wright, Pomona College (Claremont), 5–9pm.
Rap on Border: A Public Conversation, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego (San Diego), 5–8pm.
Reilly Rhodes on Winslow Homer, Laguna Art Museum (Laguna Beach), 6pm.
Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb: On Cuba and Collaboration, Annenberg Space for Photography (Century City), 6:30–8pm.
Guided tour: Edgar and Norma Coronado, Self Help Graphics & Art (Downtown), 6:30pm.
Art Los Angeles Contemporary, Santa Monica Airport (Santa Monica), 7–9pm. $65. Through January 28.
Talk: Curator Walkthrough of "A Universal History of Infamy" with Pilar Tompkins Rivas, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7pm.
At land’s edge presents Set Hernandez Rongkilyo, Revolutionary Autonomous Communities Los Angeles (Koreatown), 7–9pm.
Gifts of the Spirit: Prophecy, Automatism and Discernment, Vibiana (Downtown), 7 and 9pm.
Charlemagne Palestine: CcornuuoorphanossCcopiaee  
aanorphansshhornoffplentyyy, 356 Mission (Downtown), 7–10pm.
LECTURE: Thomas Hutton, MOCA Grand Avenue (Downtown), 7pm.
Film: Free Screening | The Chi, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm.
FeM Synth Lab How-To: Humanize Your Synths, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7:30–9:30pm.
Suzanne Hudson presents Vija Celmins, ArtCenter College of Design (Pasadena), 7:30pm.
​Twin Engines Performance Series: Brian Getnick and Christy Roberts, PØST (Downtown), 8pm. $5–10 suggested donation.
Friday, January 26
RUSSELL TYLER: Altered State, Richard Heller Gallery (Santa Monica), 5–7pm.
Combat Shock, 4864 W Adams Blvd (West Adams), 6–9pm.
Le château des destins croisés, Château Shatto (Hollywood), 6–9pm.
In Conversation: Alternative Art Spaces with Brooke Kellaway and Libby Werbel (PMOMA), SBCAST (Santa Barbara), 6–7pm.
stARTup Art Fair LA, The Kinney (Venice), 7–10pm. Through January 28.
The Pain of Others, Ghebaly Gallery (Downtown), 7–10pm.
Hayden Dunham: Canary for the Family, Club Pro Los Angeles (Downtown), 7–11pm.
Together We Plan!: Community Activism In 2018, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7–9:30pm.
Joseph Holtzman: Seven Recent Paintings, Bel Ami (Chinatown), 7–10pm.
2018 PEN Emerging Voices Welcome Party, LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions) (Hollywood), 8–10pm.
GUIDED TOURS with Davie Blue, Human Resources (Chinatown), 8pm. Through January 28. $10 suggested donation.
The Music of WADADA LEO SMITH, Automata (Chinatown), 8pm. $18.
Judith Butler: The Materiality of Mourning in the work of Doris Salcedo, REDCAT (Downtown), 8:30pm. $10–20.
Saturday, January 27
Talk: Gallery Course: Italian and Northern Renaissance Art, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 8:30am.
Ranch Clinic - Container Gardening, The Huntington (San Marino), 9–10am.
Talk: Responding to Sarah Charlesworth: Creative Writing Workshop with Karen Holden, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 10am.
Basic Auto Care Clinic, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 10am–1pm. $20–25.
Finding Autonomy and Connection through Contact Improv: Jen Hong, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 12–3pm. $30.
BEND, BLOW & GLOW I, Museum of Neon Art (Glendale), 12–7pm.
Johanna Breiding: The Rebel Body and Making Social, Angels Gate Cultural Center (San Pedro), 1–4pm.
Native Seeds: Food Preparation / Sun Cookies, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 1:30–4:30pm. $60–75.
Pascual Sisto: INSIDE OUT, Five Car Garage (Santa Monica), 2–5pm.
Cassils | Nik Kosmas | Lesley Moon | Elliot Musgrave: The Language of the Body: Art, Physical Practice & Intersectional Action, ltd los angeles (Mid-City), 2pm.
Live Free or Die: Artist Talk with Soyoung Shin and Juliana Wisdom, The Huntington (San Marino), 2pm.
Demystifying Dim Sum with Chefs Susan Feniger and Kajsa Alger, The Huntington (San Marino), 2pm.
Women’s Center for Creative Work: Live Free or Die, The Huntington (San Marino), 2–4pm.  
Ruben Ochoa Artist Talk, Art + Practice (Leimert Park), 2:30–5:30pm.
Vija Celmins, Matthew Marks Gallery (West Hollywood), 3–5pm.
Beyond the Ordinary: A Conversation with Three Conceptual Artists from Argentina, Getty Center (Brentwood), 4pm.
Tokens of Affection: Valentines by Corinna Cotsen, Craft in America Center (Beverly Grove), 4–6pm.
Lyle Ashton Harris Book Signing + Discussion with Walead Beshty, Charles Gaines, and Amelia Jones, Arcana Books on the Arts (Culver City), 4–6pm.
Origins, Downtown Labs (Downtown), 4–7pm.  
Joan Horsfall Young: Cottages, Anne M Bray: Road Trip, and Fielden Harper: Continuum, TAG Gallery (Santa Monica), 5–8pm.
Simone Forti: Time Smear, The Box (Downtown), 5–8pm.
The Gallery @ Michael’s, Michael’s (Santa Monica), 6–8pm.
PETER WU: Or, the Modern Prometheus, Held & Bordy Gallery, Windward School (Mar Vista), 6–9pm.
MELTING POINT: MOVEMENTS IN CONTEMPORARY CLAY, Craft and Folk Art Museum (Miracle Mile), 6–9pm. $12.
Martin Soto Climent: Temazcal, Michael Benevento (Koreatown), 6–8pm.
Chad Attie: The Last Island, The Lodge (East Hollywood), 6–9pm.
Closing Reception for Aztlan: A Sense of Place, dA Center for the Arts (Pomona), 6–8pm.
Right at the Equator and Relax Shadeans, Depart Foundation (Malibu), 6–9pm.
Art Event 2018: Enter the World of Warhol, Palm Springs Art Museum (Palm Springs), 6pm.
ANNEX, M+B (West Hollywood), 7–9pm.
Closing reception: Cell, Share, Swivel Chair, Monte Vista Projects (Downtown), 7–10pm.
Closing Reception for Taking Up Space, Tiger Strikes Asteroid Los Angeles (Downtown), 7–10pm.  
Music: The Music of East L.A., LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm.
ALARM WILL SOUND: 1969, CAP UCLA (Westwood), 8pm.
Winter Exhibitions Opening Celebration, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 8–11pm.
Life's not fair and people don't act right, BBQLA (Downtown), 8pm–12am.
Centennial Bash, Laguna Art Museum (Laguna Beach), 8pm. $25–45.
Sunday, January 28
Stories of Almost Everyone, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 11am–5pm. 
Skip Arnold: Truffle Hunt, ICA LA (Downtown), 11am–6pm; The Act of Doing: A Conversation with Skip Arnold, 3–4pm.
Brought to Light: Revelatory Photographs in the Santa Barbara Museum of Art Collection and Crosscurrents: The Painted Portrait in America, Britain, and France, 1750–1850, Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara), 11am–5pm.
Pelotas Oaxaqueñas/Oaxacan Ball Games: Photographs by Leopoldo Peña, Fowler Museum (Westwood);12–5pm;  talk, 2pm.
Cecily Brown: Rehearsal and Midori Hirose: Of The Unicorn (and the Sundowner Kids), Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara), 12–5pm.
Grin & Bear It!: Decorate your very own handmade bear workshop, 356 Mission (Downtown), 1–4pm.
Dan Levenson: SKZ Monochrome Diptychs, American Jewish University (Bel Air), 2–5:19pm.
I can call this progress to halt book launch and screenings, LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions) (Hollywood), 2–6pm.
Around The Table:Recipes and Stories from The Lark in Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara), 2pm.
LECTURE: Rebecca Matalon: Welcome to the Dollhouse Walkthrough, MOCA Pacific Design Center (West Hollywood), 3pm.
Miguel Gutierrez // I am sitting on my aura, we live in space (Mid-City), 3–6pm.
Nina Könnemann: Que Onda, Gaga (MacArthur Park), 3:30–6pm.
Closing reception: Pouya Afshar: En Masse, ADVOCARTY's THE SPACE (Downtown), 4–7pm.
Robert Irwin: Site Determined, The University Art Museum, CSULB (Long Beach), 4–6pm.
Latin Jazz - LIVE !, dA Center for the Arts (Pomona), 4–5pm.
Music: Crossroads School EMMI Chamber Ensembles, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 6pm.
Monday, January 29
Window Dressing, Cerritos College Art Gallery (Norwalk), 4–6pm.
This, Not That Lecture: Sarah Whiting, UCLA (Westwood), 6:30pm.
Talk: Wu Bin's Ten Views of a Lingbi Stone, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm.
Stranger Landscapes: Films by Pia Borg, REDCAT (Downtown), 8:30pm.
Tuesday, January 30
Outcasts: Prejudice and Persecution in the Medieval World, Getty Center (Brentwood), 10:30am–5pm. 
Family Day - Word Play, The Huntington (San Marino), 11am–3pm.
JIM MORPHESIS artist lecture, Kellogg University Art Gallery (Pomona), 12–1pm.
Dance Girl Dance, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
After Concretism: Audiovisual Experiments in Brazil, Getty Center (Brentwood), 7–9pm.
How To Have Hard Conversations: Step 2, Constructive Conflict Communication at Work, Home and Everywhere In Between, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7–10pm.
READINGS: Some Favorite Writers: Viet Thanh Nguyen, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Talk: Conversation with Award-winning Costume Designer Mark Bridges, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm.
Camille Henrot, ArtCenter College of Design (Pasadena), 7:30pm.
Wednesday, January 31
Christodoulos Panayiotou: The Paradox of Acting, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Skip Arnold | Stanya Kahn | Kalup Linzy Jumana Manna | Mickalene Thomas Film screening organized by Mariah Garnett and Aimee Goguen, ltd los angeles (Mid-City), 8pm.
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back on my bullshit again
and once more!! if you happen to stumble across these posts of mine, please just ignore them.. they’re a way for me to reflect on my life (and improve my english), and while i can’t stop you from reading them, can i say that you probably wouldn’t benefit much from it lol. anyways let’s go
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up.
my lots of songs list: the love club-lorde, river en vacker dröm-håkan hellström, living dead-marina, why we ever-hayley williams, snälla bli min-veronica maggio, take this lonely heart-nothing but thieves
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
oof um the person who will be the love of my life? no lol but like zendaya would be pretty cool ig
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“... and the top was red-and-white striped, and it all zipped up in the front.”
4) What do you think about most?
hmm my friends maybe?
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you?
not that i know of
6) Do you have any strange phobias?
nah i feel some trypophobia (?spelling) sometimes but that’s it
7) What’s your religion?
i’m kinda christian, but like i choose which parts to believe in and not, like i believe in the message of doing good and love, but not like homophobia or an actual god lol
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
sitting in the sun, listening to music
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
ah probably paramore, yeah it must be them
10) What was the last lie you told?
eh kinda basic but “i’m fine” i guess
11) Do you believe in karma?
ooh that’s a questioning worth discussing, no i don’t believe in the actual the-universe-is-constantly-judging-our-actions, but like that people who do good tend to get good things back? yeah that makes sense
12) What does your URL mean?
my main (neon-places) is from perfect places by lorde, and just neon bc it sounds cool
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
oh god if i only knew,,, i really need to improve my empathy, but my systematical skills are quite good
14) Who is your celebrity crush?
hayley williams
15) How do you vent your anger?
i don’t get mad😌😌 no but like when i get irritated do i just close my door to my room and like listen to music in headphones and solve a puzzle or something lol
16) Do you have a collection of anything?
i kinda collect things that mark an important/memorable event in my life, like my first pride bracelet, my favorite jeans from when i was like 15, lots of birthday cards,, yeah it’s not so unique, but they’re important to me
17) Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
yes!!!! me a few years ago would’ve never thought that i’d be like this now, but i’m proud of myself and what i’ve become!!
18) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
fun fact i HATE sleeping to the sound of rain. it makes me really anxious,, i love the sound of waves though, or my little sisters pure laugh :,)
19) What’s your biggest “what if”?
what if i’m just faking everything, what if this is not actually me but something i put up to please others around me
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
not ghosts really, but there must be some sort of life in the whole fucking space,, while maybe not what we traditionally would categorize as “life”, must it exist something, somewhere
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
i’m in my bed so like. my nightstand to the right, my wall to the left
22) Smell the air. What do you smell?
absolutely nothing, i’m so used to the smell of my house
23) What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
oo idk??? i’m usually quite content with wherever we’re going, although fotografiska in stockholm was shitty though
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender?
oh um like tyler joseph maybe? gerard way, frank iero? yeah i’m an emo slut
25) To you, what is the meaning of life?
no don’t go there,, thereisnomeaningoflifesoitsallaboutmakingasmuchaspossibleandliveashappilyaspossiblyuntilourfleetingexistenceonthisearthisover
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
.. yeah you could say that i drove, i have a driving license after all, and i’ve never crashed but i’ve been stopped by police a few times lol
27) What was the last movie you saw?
no idea, i never watch movies... or wait!! we had legally blonde on at my friends house a few days ago when we got home from a party, i didn’t exactly watch it but it was playing
28) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
i’ve had some bad allergic reactions in form of severe eczema
29) Do you have any obsessions right now?
‘the devil and god are raging inside me’ by brand new, doing my makeup a special way
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you?
yeah, that i’m gay and together with my earlier best friend (we were not)
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
not really,, i’m really fucking scared of conflicts so i simply forgive and move on, it’s easier that way
32) What is your astrological sign?
pisces baby
33) What’s the last thing you purchased?
a blue skirt second hand!! v cute
34) Love or lust?
um idk i’ve never really experienced any of them, but maybe love
35) In a relationship?
36) How many relationships have you had?
a whopping amount of zero
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
I DONT KNOW someone tell me please how to get someone to like me,, but like more friendship-like is it usually to always choose my words very carefully to not upset anyone, it usually gets me quite far
38) Where is your best friend?
where? i hope she’s home? well like we took the bus home together a few hours ago, so i guess she’s home
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM?
aha ha funny,, i was having a small mental crisis so i sat and did math (by free will, school has ended for summer) while listening to melodrama.. yes
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
i don’t know, this is so hard.. but like. no? or it wouldn’t really work to have someone like me as a close friend, i’m to introvert, i tend to surround myself with extroverts who bring me with them to do stuff
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
oh um i call 112 (the swedish 911) and make sure someone else notice the dog too and help it while i hurry to my job
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) yes, i think so. only my closest though, to give them a chance to say goodbye properly, but i wouldn’t really like other just acquaintances to reach out just bc of the circumstances
b) i try to travel as much as possible, party all i can, tell everyone i love how much they mean to me and just. live
c) of course, i would be scared to death (see what i did there) but i wouldn’t have any other choice but to fully live my last month
43) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
hard times by paramore!! it always makes me want to dance
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
45) How can I win your heart?
show any whatsoever interest in me lol
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity?
i guess,, i’m like the opposite of insanity though, i’m constantly numb and completely lacking any creativity, so it may work the other way too
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
hmm maybe my school application? i’m so fucking happy with my choice
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
hmm nothing too special i guess, just the usual loved and missed and so
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “heart.”
like the anatomy and stuff,,, i really like biology, more than romances lol
50) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors?
usually different shades of blue, but right now all pastel colors, especially purple
51) What is your current desktop picture?
my locked screen is two of my best friends, and my home screen is paramore ofc
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
trump would be pretty nice
53) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
oh um like “name a few things you don’t like about me” or something, bc as i said, i hate conflicts
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
the ability to change the probability!!! it’s the ultimate superpower!!!
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
my tøp concert maybe? i was really euphoric then, and i haven’t really felt like that since, but i’m afraid i’ll destroy that memory if i could go back so idk
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
i’ve had quite a happy life yet, there’s no big thing i’d like to erase,, no i feel like every experience in my life has leaded me to where i am today, so i wouldn’t like to erase anything
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
hmm idk maybe alex turner. idk i feel like it would be pretty nice
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
italy maybe? my friends and i planned to go there this summer before the corona hit, so i’d like to go there lol
59) Ever been on a plane?
yeah several times
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities.
idk idk i’m not really.. attracted to anyone rn? it’s kinda weird but there’s no one where i’m like wow this person is HOT,, nah i don’t really feel anything like that at the moment
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hannahatotago · 7 years
30 ask challenge
Tagged by @itsunicornstudies
1. Nickname: Philly, flip-flop, Rosie
2. Gender: Female
3. Star Sign: Aries
4. Height: 1.54 cm || 5.7’’
5. Time: 1:58pm
6. Birthday: 7th of April
7. Favourite Bands:
Hipstamatics, Panic!, Green Day, Neon Trees
8. Favourite solo artists:
Dodie, Maala, Poppy
9. Song stuck in my head: My kinda love by Mala
10. Last movie I watched: Doctor Strange
11. Last show I watched: Victoria
12. When did I create my blog: So long ago, like years ago
13. What do I post: study things (tips and posts) sometimes art or cool science facts
14. Last thing I googled: archean era
15. Do I have any other blogs: Yup, it's my main one for like stupid memes and ish
16. Do I get asks: Sadly no, although I must admit I never really post. I can only blame myself
17. Why I chose my url: I've changed it soooo much but the current one it just my name + my university
18.  Following:267
19. Followers:162
20. No question so let’s put something here: 😋
21. Average hours of sleep: It depends on the time of year tbh, 7-8 in winter and like 9 or 10+ over summer hols
22. Lucky number: 7, 3 &21
23. Instruments: I have no sense of rhythm nor the ability for my hands to do two vastly different things at once. So none
24. What am I wearing: Old denim shorts and an old pink t shirt. Perfect painting outfit
25. There was just a book emoji here so:📖✒
26. Dream job: I'm not entirely sure yet, something in a lab but I still get to talk to people. In health maybe
27. Dream trip: Through Europe via train
28. Favorite food: Anything sweet
29. Nationality: New Zealander
30. Fave song: atm it's Lucy by Olivver the Kid
I tag: @mael-strm @therevisioneer @literaltortoise @tiny-notes @astudyrose @motivation-station
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bughead-fic-request · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I would like to thank @leaalda for making these amazing banners.
This is an effort to spread the word about all fan fiction writers in our little fandom. If you would like to be featured or nominate a writer, please contact me. Please reblog this post if you can and check out some of @ficmuse work!
1. First things first, if someone wanted to read your stories where can they find them.
I post all of my work on AO3
2. Tell us a little about yourself.
I’ve been a writer and a poet since childhood. Professionally, I’ve worked for a major Internet service provider, been an executive secretary, made collections calls and even sold windows door to door. I just completed an art history Capstone in Roman and Greek art and am contemplating graduate school. I’m also a mom and a wife. I’ve worn a whole lot of hats in my life.
3. What do you never leave home without?
Something to read. I carry my Kindle in my purse. I read a lot of romance, mystery, and historical fiction.
4. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Depends. If I’m really immersed in something I’m writing, I’ll pound the keys until 2 am or later. Ideally, I’m in bed by eleven.
5. If you could live in any fictional world which one would you choose and why?
Westeros! Ice zombies? Dragons? Bring it on.
6. Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met.
I’m a fangirl with a travel budget, so I’ve met some actors from my various fandoms, including James Marsters from Buffy and William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy from Star Trek. I like attending conventions. I’ve met Charlaine Harris, one of my favorite authors. That was a big thrill, too.
7. What are some of your favorite movies/TV?
TV: X-Files; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Friends. Movies: While You Were Sleeping; Fifth Elements; Pride and Prejudice (2005).
8. What are some of your favorite bands/musicians?
Music is a really important element of my life. I need music while writing, cooking, driving, you name it. My all time favorite bands include Coldplay, Depeche Mode, Garbage, and Muse. Musicians? Jeff Buckley, Leonard Cohen, Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan.
9. Favorite Books?
Jane Austen; I waffle between Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion. Charlaine Harris’ Southern Vampire Mysteries. Dorothy Dunnett’s Lymond Chronicles. Dorothy Sayer’s Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries.
10. Favorite Food?
Any configuration of a potato. Baked; fried; mashed. I’m a potato fan.
11. Biggest pet peeve?
Passive aggressive people. Just tell me what I’ve done to piss you off and I’ll try to make it right. If you can’t do that, we’re at an impasse.
12. What did you want to be when you were little? What do you want to be now?
I’ve always wanted to be a published author and that’s still my dream.
13. What are your biggest fears? Do you have any strange fears?
Oh, boy. I have a phobia about driving on the highway. It’s very weird. I’ve gone way the hell out of my way to take side roads instead of highways.
14. When you are on your deathbed what would be the one you’d regret not doing?
When I was fifteen, I had the choice to go to boarding school in England. At the last minute, I backed out and went to a school in Pennsylvania instead. I really regret that; my whole life would have been on a different path.
Okay… lets talk about your writing!
15. Which is your favorite of the fics you've written for the Bughead fandom?
I’ve only written a few, but the BLT universe (Bizarre Love Triangle, Long Live Rock) is my baby. That’s my blood, sweat and tears, right there.
16. Which was the hardest to write, in terms of plot?
Fugue. The idea of Jughead as a murderer was so preposterous, I had to figure out a way to make it real and believable.
17. How do you come up with the ideas for you fic(s)? Do you people watch? Listen to music? Get inspired by TV/movies?
I get inspired by music more than anything else. Usually, finding the right song is the key to unlocking a story for me. But it can be other things. I eavesdrop like crazy and I also am very moved by neon signs and photography. I often look at moodboards and listen to a fic specific soundtrack while I’m writing.
18. Idea that you always wanted to write but could never make work?
I’ve been writing a fic with Betty as the POV character. The plot is inspired by the movie Groundhog Day. She keeps repeating the same night over and over. It’s funny on film, but I think it’s too repetitive as a story. I haven’t given up on it yet, but it is really kicking my butt.
19. Least favorite plot point/chapter/moment you’ve written?
Archie and Betty hooking up in Long Live Rock was just such a bummer.
20. Favorite plot point/chapter/moment you’ve written?
Jughead’s backstory about how he got his beanie in Bizarre Love Triangle.
21.Favorite character to write?
Jughead, for sure.
22. Favorite line or lines of dialogue that you've written?
For Long Live Rock, I had to write a lot of song lyrics. I’m particularly fond of some I wrote for Jughead: Fortunes have been made and fortunes have been lost /Princes earning money by moving rocks Princesses waiting tables in a neon glow/What we had we'll find again and never let it go.
23. Best comment/review you’ve ever received?
I really love it when people just get so flipped out that they can’t even articulate their feelings and it’s a lot of capital letters and exclamation marks.
24. How do you handle bad reviews or comments?
Unfortunately, I have a thin skin. I can handle the occasional nasty comment, but when it’s message after message of people hating what you do, it’s demoralizing.  My husband has repeatedly suggested not reading the comments on Ao3, but I feel an obligation to respond to each reader unless they are being a complete and utter asshat. The hate mail I received on Tumblr for parts of Long Live Rock was just unbelievable. That stuff, I just delete and try to ignore. That being said, constructive criticism is great. But that’s rare and far between. I get a lot of “this is great” or “I hate this with the fire of a thousand suns” and not much in the middle.
25. If you could change anything in any of your stories, what would it be?
The inevitable typos that I can only notice after I post them. Each one causes me physical pain.
26. What is your favorite story you’ve ever written? Any fandom?
My first real labor of love was a story called The Countess which was based on the BBC TV show of Robin Hood. I had a massive fangirl crush on the bad guy, Sir Guy of Gisborne. I shipped him with Maid Marian and despite the fact that she DIED, I still wanted a happy ending for my OTP. Did I mention that he killed her? Because that was the canon ending of that ship! So, I literally resurrected her, made the hero of the canon story the villain, and gave the full monty love story and a happy ending to Marian and Guy. It made my heart happy. It still does, because that canon just pissed me off to no end. One of the great joys of fan fiction is the ability to tell canon to go screw itself.
27. What are you reading right now? Both fan fiction and general fiction?
I haven’t read much Bughead fic because it lessens my ability to get into the headspace of my own AU. However, I am fortunate to have a plethora of fic recommendations from my dear @jandjsalmon waiting for me. As for fiction, I am currently reading a historical mystery called Instruments of Darkness by Imogen Robertson.
28. Do you have an advice for writers that want to get into this fandom but might be scared?
Don’t be afraid that your work isn’t good enough. Your work is always better than you think it is! You are your own worst critic. Trust that there is an audience for every story. We are a very welcoming community and you are guaranteed to find someone who will appreciate the work of your imagination.
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dawniel · 4 years
a tag update
I saw this tag I did in Jul2017 I was almost 18 and I'm being crazy nostalgic rn. I’m trying to give an update to my answers and have a look at my growth. if the answer is the same I'm leaving it, you’ll see what I mean. The changes are so unbelievable to me and I am proud of my progress.
1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: from my dad  school office for academic enquiry 3. Text message: “did you even listen” “goodnight babe”  4. Song you listened to: God Knows I Tried Level of Concern tøp 5. Time you cried: yesterday today lol
6. Dated someone twice: havent dated someone once yes 7. Been cheated on: how if i havent dated someone once no (? 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: havent had my first kiss yes 9. Lost someone special: yes 10. Been depressed: hahahahahah why would you ask so? do i look like-? oh yes? yes. (I was being so annoying but yea 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope yes
12. dusty pink baby pink 13. white black 14. pale/ baby blue beige
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15. Made new friends: so many internet friends god bless y'all kinda 16. Fallen out of love: never actually been in love? yes  17. Laughed until you cried: i guess?? 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yea that isn’t hard I’m problematic  19. Met someone who changed you: of course I’m quite easily influenced by people actually 20. Found out who your true friends are: yes but I’m still figuring out tbh 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no yes 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: idek who is on fb 23. Do you have any pets: not rn:( 24. Do you want to change your name: no 25. What did you do for your last birthday: i forgot? wait let me check i had a cake with my parents and,,, sorry i really can’t recall probably had fun with my friends I ate sushi with my bf and went back home, my dad surprised me with a homemade cake I celebrated it with my parents it was very cute 26. What time did you wake up: 5sth am and sleeping again at 11am? and then waking up again at 1pm??? 830am 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: doing the phil curly hair animation sleeping...who was I, also that animation is still cool good job old rosie 28. Name something you cannot wait for: the graduation dinner perhaps? i didn’t have much to look forward to,, death? for this coronavirus to be over! I was so sad then:( 29. When was the last time you saw your mother: just now 30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: how i see life?and how i see myself? but kind of dont because i dont want to change everything about myself I have changed but I am excited for the growth to continue :) 31. What are you listening to right now: my father talking silence 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: does tommy count he’s a creep this is crazy.. my bf who is with me for almost 2 yrs is named Tom 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: the me talking to me reacting the the world lately it is the limited working space at home to paint for my course 34. Most visited website: tumblr and youtube
35. Elementary: (not too important) 36. High School: high school is basically my life falling apart except that i know i want to do art in my life it is interesting looking back 37. College/university: for uni i hope i will get the offers sigh this depends so much on the grades of the entry exam and we dont know the results yet bitch I'm proud of you you got your first choice 38. Hair color: lighter brown 39. Long or short hair: short longg 40. Do you have a crush on someone: yea 41. What do you like about yourself: how i think (when I’m not depressed) in a quirky way I am serious with thing that are important 42. Piercings: i got four now 5 43. Blood type: b 44. Nickname: rosie my bff calls me lettuce head sometimes but I dont really have a nickname 45. Relationship status: hello darkness my old friend occupied 46. Zodiac sign: my sun is cancer 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite tv show: idk my mind is empty now Bojack/ the Good Place/ the end of the fucking world can't decide 49. Tattoos: desperately wanting one but none yET 50. Right or left hand: right handed
FIRST… these remain the same ofc
57. Eating: no 58. Drinking: no 59. I’m about to: sleep 60. Listening to: the typing sound 61. Waiting for: i wait for life to end/ but it never comes around (making a ldr reference that no one will ever know) i guess my other day out? another houseplant? idek i dont have much expectations going out and summer! 62. Want: to love myself, be a good person, and be happy. also be better at art. (all still true:) 63. Get married: maybe if i find someone special in the future yes uwu 64. Career: i would say art but I’m re considering fashion design again? I’m still contemplating,, to work in a social engagement art space
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs kisses 66. Lips or eyes:  eyes 67. Shorter or taller: for girls i wish to be similar, for guys taller 68. Older or younger: older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: idk arms 71. Sensitive or loud: dont be loud but not too sensitive because i already am a sensitive fuck (is this abt sex and I didn't know hahahahah) sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: both have its charm what can I say true but troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: i havent kissed someone yes 75. Drank hard liquor?: no I’m a good girl I’m still good,, yes 76. Lost glasses contact/lenses: yes 77. Turned someone down: yes 78. Sex on first date: havent been on a date no 79. Broken someone’s heart: i think no? but may to friends? I’m not sure probably 80. Had your heart broken: always I’m so flipping dramatic ffs I hadn’t at that time, and yes 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: yes 83. Fallen for a friend: until this day I still wasn’t sure if i had a crush on her yes
84. Yourself: i wish fr I wish more than I used to 85. Miracles: yes but not when I’m in the situation 86. Love at first sight: kind of YES 87. Santa Claus: when i first knew him i was already presented that he is a fictional character 88. Kiss on the first date: can you believe in a kiss?? what does this mean??  89. Angels: not quite but mo you right there’re a lot of good ppl out there that help us in life like angels
OTHER… 90. Current best friend’s name: carol (still true❤︎) 91. Eye color: dark brown 92. Favorite movie: neon the professional not sure, could be About Time
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Tag Game
Rules: Just answer the questions and tag at least 3 people.
I was tagged by @lokisson214782 (thanks you)
1. Name/nickname: Elizabeth, I don’t really have a nickname, but I have been called princess (mostly by family), eliza, and liz
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Scorpio
4. Height: (5′2)
5. Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
6. Favorite animal(s): All of them. Wolves, scorpions, cats, dogs, bunnies, foxes, just of the top of my head?
7. Hours of sleep: 3-6 hours (when during a semester), 6-9 hours (when off of school)
8. Dogs or cats: I love both, but prefer dogs (mainly cuz cat claws and teeth are more painful) 
9. Number of blankets: like 7 or 10, usually always using one
10. Dream trip: I’d like to go to New York or California, or travel around Canada
11. Dream job: Psychologist  
12. Time: 5:09 p.m.
13. Birthday: November 13th
14. Favourite Bands: Twenty One Pilots, P!atd, Green Day, Paramore, Jonas Brothers and One direction (when they were bands), Hey Monday, All Time Low, The Ready Set, The Band Perry, Neon Trees, there’s probably a lot more
15. Favourite Solo Artists: Ed Sheeran, Sia, and Harry Styles, P!nk, Shakira, Carrie Underwood, Miley Cyrus, George Strait, Reba McEntire, Beyonce, and Avril Lavigne, to name a some
16. Song Stuck In My Head: Hit the Road Jack
17. Last Movie I Watched: Ray
18. Last Show I Watched: Law an Order: SVU
19. When Did I Create My Blog: Sometime around 2016
20. What Do I Post/Reblog:  Quotes, tv shows, movies, Disney stuff, cartoons, colorful stuff, anything with animals (as long as it’s nothing bad), that gay shite, supportive things, basically anything I like.
21. Last Thing I Googled: Pictopia
22. Other Blogs: Nope, just have this one
23. Do I Get Asks: No, but I’d like to 😊
24. Why I Choose My URL: it’s my name, my family nickname, the numbers usually assigned to me
25. Following: about 4,998
26. Followers: 180, and I enjoy each one
27. Lucky Number(s): not sure, but I really like, 3, 5, 7, and my favorite is 13
28. Favorite Instrument(s): Guitar, piano, violins, drums, trumpets, sax, and more.   I enjoy listening to them, but I can’t play any.
29. What Am I Wearing: Black and White joggers, and a Star Wars t-shirt
30. Favorite Food: There are so many, but right now, kinda want pizza, burgers, fries, and nachos
31. Nationality: Hispanic
32. Favorite Song: I have too many
33. Last Book Read: Picking Cotton
34. Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Join: Harry Potter and X-Men, there are probably other, but I can’t think of any right now
I tag: @drrarythings, @drarryismymuse, @cryusgoodman,@xx-thedarklord-xx, @a-mini-a-day, and @jayscarlos  
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