#dazaia x reader angst
qtheronie · 4 years
“Back to the stars, I’ll find you there”
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Time seemed to slow when the tip of a metal blade pierced through your skin. The blood leaking through your shirt, and some dripping from the corner of your mouth.
Your world was ending, and it was painful. The pain wasn’t the wound that was killing you. It was the pain you saw in your lover's eyes. Watching their world fall apart from a war they could not win with waves crashing into them watching you die.
But then, your lover suffered the same fate. Just with a bullet through their head brought them to the ground, killing them instantly while you were still alive.
You limped your way over to your lover, still clinging to that bit of life you still have. At last, you collapsed onto the ground near your lover. You reached over and held onto their hand as you laid on your back, staring into the blue sky, reliving the times the two of you had together.
You smiled as your life began to fade. Slowly but surely, you kissed your lover's hand before taking your last breath and dying with a smile on your face knowing back to the stars, you’ll find them there.
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qtheronie · 4 years
Dazais ill-fortune
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Warnings; fluff to angst, mention of death, some cuss words.
Yuh girl back at it again with some angst!
And I’m sorry if this is super crappy and if you find grammar errors, the thing I use to help with my writing has disowned me!
My goal in life was to get enough money to buy a cure for my mother's sickness. So that's why I started working at the armed detective agency. I became friends with a man named Osamu Dazai then soon became lovers. I’ve made so many friends and memories apon working here. My first memory was when I first met Osamu
{February 14th, past.}
I pulled the doors open to mine and my boyfriend's favorite cafe. As I walked in, I was greeted by one of my ideal workers, Amani Takahashi. She immediately grabbed two menus and walked me towards my usual booth.
She had sat me down and grinned, she pulled out her little notebook and grabbed the pencil from her ear and asked me what to drink.
“The usual?” she asked, and I nodded in return. “And for the special boy?”
“The usual for him as well, a black coffee.”
Amani smiled and scribbled down the request and ran off to the kitchen. I had pulled out my phone and looked at the time. (7:30) It flashed. I sighed and turned off my phone, waiting for him to come.
Amani came back with our drinks and set them onto the table. She pulled out her little notebook again and asked if I was ready to order. But I told her no and to wait for (Boyfriend's name) to show up. The waitress nodded and put her notebook back into her pants and walked off to more customers.
Thirty minutes had now passed, and they're still was no sign of him showing up. I let out a soft groan and rested my hand on my cheek and looked out the window. ‘He’s going to show up! I know he will, I just need to wait.’
I sighed and looked at my phone, an hour had passed and still no trace of him. Not even a text. The bell on the door to the cafe had rung, making my head peep up. I was hoping that it was him, but it was a boy with shaggy brown hair with bandages wrapped around his arms and face making it look like he was heavily injured. I cringed at the scene and wished that he was doing okay.
He looked over at my way and made eye contact with me; he showed a soft smile as I did in return. I felt a notification go off on my phone, which caused me to break eye contact with the boy and look down at my phone.
I had received a text message from (boyfriend's name). I smiled a bit. I opened my phone and went into his contact and called him, which he picked up seconds later.
“Hey!” I heard his voice from the other line, “I'm sorry that I didn't show up today. I was uh, a little busy.”
The small smile on my face had dropped. Of course, he was busy. He always is.
“It's okay. I should’ve known that you were busy.” I was going to ask him if we could replan, but I heard the faint voice of a woman. “Are you at work?”
“No, I’m at home. Why?”
Now, I didn’t want to be one of those girlfriends who assumes that your partner is cheating on you, but why was there a voice of a woman on the other line? I shake my head at my thoughts and respond to him.
“No reason, just making sure you’re safe.”
There was that voice again, but this time it was louder and was calling out to (Boyfriend’s name).
“(boyfriend’s name), is anyone with you?”
“No.” He responded, “God, you’re getting nosy.”
“Oh- uh sorry, I was just wondering.”
“No, you think I have a girl over don’t I?”
Well yea kinda, I’m not dumb I heard a voice. I thought.
“No! Of course not.”
“I know you’re thinking that I do, you think I'm cheating on you?”
“(boyfriend’s name)-” But I was too late, he hung up.
I set my phone down on the table roughly and curled my hands. Tears threatened to fall out of my eyes as time passed. I folded my arms on the table and let my head fall. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to prevent tears from falling.
“Whats a beautiful lady like you sitting here all by yourself and crying due to boyfriend issues” I heard a voice ask. I lifted up my head to see that same man who I saw earlier. I quickly wipe away my tears and straighten my back.
“How did you-” I started but was quickly cut off.
“Waitress” the strange man called, “Can I get a cup of wine, and this beautiful young lady a?”
“You don’t need to get me anything, i'm good.”
“Please, I hate to see such a pretty face cry. So Please, what would you like?”
I looked at the man shyly and then told him what I wanted, “A strawberry milkshake, please” The waiter smiled and took note and left to the kitchen.
“Why are you doing this? We don’t even know each other.”
“Well, we can solve that problem! I am Osamu Dazai”
Osamu Dazai, I thought. He looks like one. I look at Dazai once again. Now I can see more detail of what he looks like. He had gorgeous brown eyes that somewhat matched the pale color of his skin. He has bandages wrapped around his arms and face. He had also had a little gauze patch on his cheek and was even wearing a black trench coat.
“Well, m’lady, you have a name right?” Dazai asked, breaking me out of my train of thought.
“Oh yea, sorry. My name is (Your name), (Last name).”
That was the day that I had met Osamu Dazai, valentines day. Where my boyfriend couldn’t join me because he was busy with some girl or something. I’m almost glad that (boyfriend’s name) didn’t come. Dazai made me realize that I didn’t need such a person that I didn’t need someone who didn’t love me. Cause one day, he's going to wake up and notice that he should’ve tried. And that I was worth the fight.
The only person I needed was Osamu.
That brings us up to the next important memory I had of Osamu.
{ May 30th, past }
“Osamu, how much longer am I going to have to wait?” (Your name) asked, trying to adjust her seat in the car while being blindfolded. “My butt hurts.”
(Your name) heard the man beside her chuckling before the car came to a stop. “You don’t need to wait any longer! I shall come and save you, my belladonna.” Dazai unbuckled his seat belt and got out of his car. He then opened the door on (Your names) side and carefully helped her out.
He grabbed onto her hand and led her through what felt like sand. “Osamu Dazai, I swear if you’re going to try to make me commit double suicide with you, then I am not interested.”
Dazai once chuckled again, “Don’t worry. It’s not going to be a double suicide this time. Though I wish you would just let me die in your arms, then I would be at peace.” he slightly pouted.
“You know, if I wasn’t blindfolded I might’ve just happened to take that offer”
“My sweet belladonna, would you really!?” Dazai’s eyes had lightened up in excitement.
“Just kidding.” Dazai groaned and mumbled a few words under his breath.
After a few minutes of walking they were finally there. Dazai had (Your name) stay in place as he stood behind her and untied her blindfold. The girl felt Dazais fingers slowly untie the knot. Soon light quickly invaded her face making her squint as she slowly started to adjust her eyes to the new light her and mouth dropped.
He had taken her to the beach. He knew that she loved midnight walks on beaches so when he finally got some free time from the agency he would take her to the beach at midnight. And then confess what he longed to do. His love.
“You might wanna close your mouth before bugs get in.”
(Your name) chuckled and slapped his chest playfully, she then felt dazais back press onto her chest. He wrapped his arms around her figure and rested his face between her neck and shoulders. (Your name) rested one hand on top of dazais, and the other went up into his hair. “My, my, someone's affectionate tonight.” Dazai left an “mhm” for a response. His grip onto her waist had grown tighter as if someone were to take her away from him. He buried his head deeper between her neck and shoulders and let out a soft I love you. He wasn’t thinking that he was going to get a response, but when (Your name) said that she loved him too, his world stopped.
Dazai took a deep breath and pulled away from (your name) and made her turn around. Dazai closed his eyes and let out a sigh before starting. “Maybe it was your laugh, or your eyes or your smile. It could’ve been your hair, or your voice, or your personality. Whatever it was, it made me fall. Pretty damn hard.”
“I love you. I don’t ask you to reciprocate the feeling. All I ask you is to respect what I feel. Because falling for you was never something I planned.” Dazai had finished, he had a small spark of hope that the girl who he felt so desperately in love with would return the feelings, but her silence was beginning to make him doubt the little faith he had.
“(your name),” He started, “I'm sorry-” But he was quickly cut off as he felt her lips on his.
(Your name) had placed her hands on both sides of his cheeks and pulled away but close enough that she felt his breath on her lips. “I love you,” she said before placing another kiss on his lips before pulling back. “Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason.” and she kissed him again but this time it was longer.
Dazai had put his hands on her waist and pulled her closer to him, then he pulled back from the kiss.
“Then would you do me the favor of becoming the one who I can commit a double suicide with?”
“Depends.” (Your name) giggled, “will you become my boyfriend?”
Dazai smirked and kissed her again, “I think you already know the answer to that, belladonna”
Now, we’ve come along this far, and you’re probably thinking that I fulfilled the goal I had for my mother and married Osamu.
Everybody has their share of life before they have to leave.
So this is the last important memory I had of Osamu, the day I died.
{June 19th, past}
We were walking down the road hand in hand when it happened. If it wasn’t for (your names) special ability, it wouldn’t have been dazai instead of her.
A white-looking car had sped down the road with the windows down with two men in it, the driver and the passenger with the gun. As the car drove past the two couple (Your names) ability had activated, making the world slow down. She had looked to the left where dazai had been at, which was next to the car. The person in the passenger seat had fired the gun rapidly. The girl let go of dazais hand and latched on to his arm, making him stumble back, making him nearly missing the bullets.
This wasn’t (your names) plan, her plan was to take him home and grant him his wish and start a family with him. It also wasn’t her plan to get shot at either.
(Your names) ability has disactivated making the car sped off and dazai falling to the ground with (your name) on him.
“(Your name)!” She heard dazai scream her name. He quickly got off the ground and pick (your name) up and into his arms.
She had felt dazais chest rise up and down quickly, and his grip on her tighten as he runs. The girl looked up at her boyfriend, gazing at his face that had the sheer look of panic.
“Osamu.” (Your name) whispered, she lifted her hand and caressed his cheek. “I’m not going to make it.”
This caused dazai to look down at the girl, tears running down his face. “No! Don’t say that, we’re so close to the agency! Yasono will help you! She’ll heal you!”
(Your name) smiled and coughed out a little blood, “Osamu, you know I love you. I love you so much, so very much.”
“Please just a little longer! I can see the agency from here!” Dazai cried. He was never like this, but he couldn’t care less that people could see him scream and cry. The love of his life, his girlfriend, his soon to be wife, and his baby (pet name), was dying in his arms.
“Osamu, you’re..so..strong..” (your name) whispered, letting her hand slowly fall from his face.
Dazai got to the building where the agency was, and kicked the door open, “yosano!” Dazai yelled, which to his luck, the doctor rushed out of her office.
She looked at the boy with the girl in his arms and ushered him into her office. Dazai had set the girl onto the bed and backed up, letting the female doctor take over.
It had only been an hour or two, but to dazai, it felt like the entirety. Yosano had opened the door and looked at dazai with pain in her eyes. Dazai stood up from his seat and ran into the room, and there she was. On a bed, she was barely breathing. He knew that it was only going to be a bit until she had to go.
He walked to her bed and sat on the chair beside her. Dazai reached over to (your names) hand and held it. He then placed his other hand on the side that he was holding and brought it up to his head, “Of course I’m strong. I’m your..your Osamu.” He finally spoke, answering (your names) response from before.
He had heard (your name) slightly and quietly giggled. She turned her head and lifted her unoccupied hand and placed it on dazais cheek. “That’s right. You’re my Osamu. Don’t ever doubt your strength even though you don’t feel it.”
“I love you (your name)! You can’t leave me, please. I don’t know what I would do without you!”
“If you’re going to leave me, then at least let me come with you!”
“No Osmau..it isn’t your time yet.”
“Please..” he cried out
(Your name) grabbed his hand and pressed his palm agasint her lips, “I love you so much.”
Dazai had let go of her hand and placed his on her cheek, rubbing his thumb on her cheekbone. “I love you too”
“I’m glad that I get to die by your side. I do.” (Your name) smiled, and used the last of her strength to kiss the man she loved so much, dazai quickly pressed a hand on her back and head.
Dazai pulled back to look at the girl “(your name)?” Dazai asked, but got no response. He slowly laid her down. “You promised (your name).” He mumbled, “you promised that you would commit double suicide with me.” Dazai looked down at the women he loved and grabbed her cold hand. “But you forget that you can’t do a double suicide alone.”
This is the end of my story, the story that took so long to start and finish too fast.
We learn that some stories just don’t have happy endings, and sometimes that’s okay, cause one day you’ll meet again.
Haha, thank you for reading this long angst and sucky book. This took me about a week to complete, and this is the longest story I have ever written.
Quotes I used: “you’re..so..strong..” “Of course I’m strong. I’m your..your..” -Mikhail and yuliy, Sirius the jaeger.
“Maybe it was your laugh, or your eyes or your smile. It could’ve been your hair, or your voice or your personality. Whatever it was, it made me fall. Pretty damn hard.” -unknown
“I love you. I don’t ask you to reciprocate the feeling. All I ask you is to respect what I feel. Because falling for you was never something I planned.” -unknown
“Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason.” -unknown
(I got all of my quotes on Pinterest)
Big thanks to @xxxlilacskiesxxx skiesxxx for letting me use your Oc, Amani Takahashi.
And a big thanks to @tea-memes for helping me correct this and giving me ideas for this. Big help :)
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