#db bio
Dalton Blaine Bio
We can assume that Nick knows all of this and the other Warblers know most of it. Sebastian knows more than most from the “family friendly texts.”
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Blaine was born to a blueblood, wealthy family in Westerville, OH.  His father (FC Chris Noth) is from a blueblood Ohio lineage, is a Dalton and Harvard alumni, and a CEO of a Fortune 500 company. His mother (FC Catherine Zeta Jones) came from a middle class Welsh family. She was a West End dancer when she met Mr. Anderson in London. 
Blaine’s father is traditional and distant and did not know what to do with Blaine when Blaine came out. Rowena Anderson is warm and open but she struggled when she moved to U.S. as a young bride. As a result, she threw all her energies into motherhood and her misguided, helicopter efforts resulted in their child Cooper Anderson being one of the most spoiled children Westerville has ever seen. 
With Blaine she overcorrected and left him alone too much. Plus by the time Blaine was born Rowena had become swept into an anxiety-driven Westerville high society life. Her younger “oops” child was thankfully so easy going that it was not difficult to believe he was really always as happy as he seemed. Taking the young boy’s word that he was “fine,” Rowena, in her earnestness to be a proper Anderson wife, left Blaine often with nannies and too often, and worse, with Cooper.
Cooper loves his younger Brother but was convinced that his choices for Blaine were the only ones which could be right. His treatment of Blaine was uneven. One minute he was the most fun other brother you could imagine, the next minute he could be cruel. Blaine clung to whatever time his parents and Cooper would give him and focused on excelling in school and extracurricular activities for validation from his family and those at school. 
When Cooper left home for college in California at 18 to seek fame and fortune, eight year old Blaine was left feeling abandoned and deeply lonely at home. These issues from these years would become prominent in unpacking Blaine’s anxiety and depression. 
Naturally extroverted and eager to please, Blaine had made friends easily in school and in sports, but his immigrant mother didn’t think to arrange playdates so when he wasn’t invited to them he mostly spent any spare time finding solace and companionship in music. He read voraciously as well. It was reading online about Broadway performers’ lives that helped him come to to the realization that he was gay at around age 13.  
He enthusiastically came out to Cooper when he was home for Christmas first, then to his mother. Both of these Andersons had been around gay actors and were very supportive, but all three approached Mr. Anderson with trepidation, knowing he had grown up in a traditional right wing family.  Mr. Anderson had clearly been prepped by his wife to deliver an accepting speech to Blaine, so Blaine was stung by what appeared to be a lack of genuine support.
After a traumatizing bullying assault hospitalized him in January of his freshman year, Blaine was sent to Dalton Academy, the boarding school his father had attended. It was indeed a safer environment, with a zero tolerance policy on bullying, but Blaine couldn’t help but wonder if his father was secretly glad to be rid of him around the house. 
Nevertheless Dalton turned out to be a critical step in recovering from the trauma of the  assault. Blaine thrived in the show choir, on the polo team, fencing team and in other clubs. A sweet boy came to campus during his sophomore year. Kurt fell in love with Blaine instantly. Blaine thought of him as a friend for a long time before Kurt sang a song that showed so much soul that Blaine could see the extent of his beauty. He told Kurt how he felt and they were in love in the romance Blaine had always wanted. When Kurt’s family moved him back to public school at McKinley HS, Blaine followed. 
Their relationship became the center of Blaine’s identity, which was okay while Kurt was around and they could focus on his senior year activities and college admissions process. It wasn’t a perfect relationship - looking back, Blaine could see how he was too anxious about doing everything perfectly and Kurt was insecure and envious of Blaine’s “alpha-gay” qualities. 
Blaine’s anxiety was treated with bandaid solutions - spa treatments, movie marathon snuggle fests, sweet sex. Kurt’s issues were harder to address - he was jealous of Blaine when he was cast as Tony in the school’s WSS musical, and of many other similar situations.
An even bigger issue was Sebastian Smythe. Devastatingly handsome, witty and roguishly charming, he seemed to swoop into Blaine’s life out of nowhere. Kurt tried not to show he was threatened but he obviously was. Blaine thought he was harmless, and low-key sunned himself with the attention Sebastian gave him. He also felt Sebastian deserved some support, being one of a still relatively small group of out gays at Dalton. 
They became friends mostly over text even though Kurt didn’t like it. Then, inexplicably, Sebastian went too far in his attempts to one-up Kurt. He planned a prank to ruin Kurt’s clothes that ended in Blaine being hospitalized again. Then he tried to blackmail the glee club - Blaine was so mad at him. His bad behavior finally came to an end when a gay boy in their circles attempted suicide. Sebastian felt he’d played a part and felt badly about it. Blaine was finally able to forgive him and they continued their friendship.
When Kurt went to New York for college, Blaine felt bereft. Later, with a therapist, they would discuss Kurt leaving felt like abandonment. The depression that sank in triggered feelings from his childhood when Cooper left. Then and as Kurt grew increasingly distant as he was swept up into a new life, Blaine was crying himself to sleep. He tried hard to create a happy life after feeling left behind, finding a way to feel closer to the glee club and even winning the class presidency. But nothing had a lasting effect. In a lapse of despair, he ended up cheating on Kurt - a one night stand, something completely unlike him. 
He confessed his terrible mistake to Kurt, apologizing profusely and hoping for forgiveness. Kurt broke up with him. Blaine struggled to move on, trying out for only a small role in the school musical.  It was as if he’d forgotten about Dalton in his cloud of depression. Or maybe it just seemed hopeless to reach out to anyone there after he’d left them for Kurt. Then, they rose from his memories to be remind him they were very real - though only by disappointing him again by stealing McKinley’s the Nationals Trophy. They were up to pranks again and Blaine was tired of it. He was tired of everything. He headed to Dalton with frustration to get the trophy back.
When Blaine arrived to Dalton he felt he was in a dream-state, all the memories of his days there, of freshman and sophomore years, of “Uptown Girl” and Sebastian taunting him with “I Want You Back.” But then, with a strange miracle of music and performance, they managed to make him smile again, for the first time since his break-up with Kurt. Singing “My Dark Side,” singing lead for the Warblers, seemed to awaken a small light in him that hadn’t been there even when he sang “Beauty School Drop Out.”
All the same, Hunter Clarington frankly scared him. Even the once friendly Sebastian suddenly felt like a bit of an unknown quantity, he was a little too smooth and it made Blaine nervous. Though to be fair, everything made Blaine a little nervous these days. He didn’t trust much in life, especially himself.
Like a child, he turned to Cooper. He called him, hoping he might be able to help. His brother was trying to be better about their relationship, after his visits to McKinley in the spring. Thankfully, this time he was a good listener and Blaine felt better than he had in awhile after their call. 
Cooper actually advised him to go back to Dalton, which had been a safe haven after Blaine’s hospitalization his freshman year. Blaine said he would think about it. It was hard to imagine leaving McKinley after being elected president, leaving glee club when they had momentum and great new voices to win nationals again.  Then suddenly, his decision was made for him. Cooper had mentioned the Dalton visit to their mother on the phone, who then mentioned it to Mr. Anderson that night. His parents appeared in the doorway to his bedroom and told him that they felt a transfer back to Dalton was the best thing. They had (well his mother had, Blaine guessed) been worrying about Blaine since the school year began, and his father felt strongly that there had never been a good reason to transfer to McKinley in the first place. He pointed out that graduating from Dalton would look best to colleges in the admissions process and made it clear that they were not asking, but telling Blaine about the decision.  
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tahinnia · 10 months
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💜 & REBLOG appreciated .ᐟ
⠀⠀⠀► More info 📁
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bbdoll · 1 year
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Little slow lately folks... I homeschool 4th & 6th grade but I’m still very much involve in gameplay. 🫶🏽
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gok5 · 2 years
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the son of hell ★
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thebananwithaplan · 11 months
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. "Consistent height? What's that?"
You mean there's toons who can't change how big they are?
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thesirenssongs · 1 year
sorry for reblogging dragon ball yuri it will happen again
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xanderxciv · 2 years
(I posted this on my TikTok first, btw). Normally I dont give a straight up preview of what I'm drawing next, but after DragonBall Super: SuperHeroes AND the latest DragonBall Super manga chapter, its time to add another continuation to my Gohan & Sym What-If.
It also serves as a bit of a recap of my What-If stuff up to now.
I might as well list my What-If in order at this point, just so people can know what to search here:
Gohan & Sym:
Gohan VS Sym - Part 1
Gohan VS Sym - Part 1.5
Gohan VS Sym - Part 2
Gohan VS Sym - Part 3: Resurrection Of C
Gohan & Sym VS Almighty Cell - Part IV: A Line Crossed
Gohan & Sym VS Almighty Cell - Part V: No Interference
Gohan & Sym VS Almighty Cell - Part 5.5: Cyborgs Reach A New Height
Coming Soon: Gohan & Sym VS Almighty Cell - Part VI: The Id Of A God
The Earthlings stuff is called Earthlings Rise. There are Parts 1 through 9 currently.
And Piccolo's what-if, Namek Prime, takes place before Gohan & Sym.
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eliseuocscreator · 2 years
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Minha OC do anime Dragon Ball,lhes apresento: Shūyo! Ela é uma bio android alien,futuramente irá aparecer em uma fanfic minha,ela tem cerca de 100 anos(Velha,porém com aparência dos seus 25 anos).
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dragonballevolution · 2 years
DRAGOMB BALL SUPER HERO THEORY (not real spoilers i havrnt seen the movie yet and im avoiding spoilers)
this is going to go off of nothing but the one single trailer ive seen ok. im goig to put it under the cut just in case but also to be clear im as in the dark as everyone else who hasnt watched the movie yet. im aware making this post whrn the movie is already out is incredibly silly but i am a court jester
(ppl who Have actually seen dbsh DONT tell me if im right or wrong or any spoilers at all. i want to live in confused tomfoolery until i see it)
so anyway
Here's How Bio-Broly Can Still Win !
broly is canon now
red ribbon army is in it and they make artificial weird guys all the time. ehat if broly
its on earth i think. bio-broly was ALSO on earth
goten and trunks are there i think. bio-broly was a goten and trunks movey
iirc there was something someone said along the lines of "there will be an unexpected character." no one would EVER expect bio-broly
you know what that one guy from the trailer i dont know tbe name of (im not gonna look it up bc that WILL spoil me for real) very vaguely resembles?
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#BioBrolySweep !! #BioBrolySweep !!
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fitographia · 1 month
Less glute Vs More glute 🍑
All you need to know about foot placement / posture to ensure you are targeting your desired muscle groups! 🤍
Slight alterations to exercises can make the WORLD of difference, here are some side by side demos to hopefully help you gain a better understanding so you can apply it to your own training.
Exercise Details ⬇️
Bulgarian split squats:
More quad - Narrow stance + upright torso
More glute - Wider stance + Hinged at hips + Send hips back
Step ups:
More quad - Torso upright + Stepping straight down
More glute - Hinged over + Sending hips back
More hamstring - Straighter legs + Reaching further with DBs
More glute - More bend in knees + Focusing on pushing hips back
Reverse lunge:
More quad - Smaller step back + Upright torso (for even more quad try doing a front lunge instead!)
More glute - Larger step back + Hinging forwards at hips
We hope you found this useful team! As always if you need any extra help of guidance along your fitness journey, head to the link in our bio to enquire for 1-1 coaching. We would LOVE to have you part of the team 📈
©️Credit ig @zoandemfit
#fit #fitness #fitgirl #fitnessgirl #gym #fitnessmodel #workout #squat #sportgirl #abs #glute #glutesworkout #glutegains #hip #leg #legs #legday #cardio #core #body #bodypositive #bodybuilding #bodygoals #backtraining
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beatcroc · 3 months
turns out i have to make an unnecessarily wordy thoughtspost about doombox too bc there is nothing about this character that isn't fucking ridiculous and also really funny and i'm kind of really obsessed with all of it. ordinarily i would just start firing but in this case I need to just. paste his bio and then go through it step by step because every phrase here is absurd when looking at how he's handled along with the other characters and the world as a whole. here we go
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first sidenote: i should also add 'nonsensical' to the list of descriptors up there, because this is a fighting game and no doubt has the typical Bad Fighting Game Writing at play that doesn't really hold up when put under scrutiny as i'm about to, but understand that this is something i've come to love about the genre and its typically batshit lore, and it further enhances the experience for me. it's all utter nonsense and its my favorite shit ever.
the biggest thing to me that makes his entire shtick ridiculous is that he was explicitly made to be a weapon. like his express purpose is destruction and/or killing people, and he certainly has the disposition to be doing that. except that he is not doing that. he's out there playing Ball Game, evidently of his own volition.
i feel it is also important to highlight that he was not originally or intentionally a boombox; he just kinda lives in there. his own bio frames it as happenstance, but sonata's dlc skin lore** implies he isn't permanently stuck in there and can kinda just hop out and take control of whatever he wants whenever he wants. there is an entire goddamn tank just sitting there in the background of one of these stages. he is a weapon. there is heavy artillery readily available to him that he could be commanding if he wanted to, but he's not doing that either. he is still a boombox. i think he likes it in there. *there's an argument to be made that maybe he's not powerful enough to control something that large, or maybe just that switching hosts is really tiring or risky. im just saying though there's like a bajillion host devices better suited for A Fucking Weapon than a boombox, but he seems really committed to this for some reason. while im here btw it's fucking terrifying that he apparently can possess thing that are Not tech as well **as a side note from that the specific mention of her boomhammer is interesting. i don't think it's an intentional implication but i enjoy the idea he has an affinity for sound-based devices; i like to think the boombox left an impression on him with its being the initial thing he possessed and got used to
and then there is the berserking. the 'rampaging', as it is otherwise called. not exactly strange on its own given his temperament and designation, but strange for the way it's characterized as only a tendency. it's only that he's prone to rampaging. he rampages often, but not all the time. just often! what is he doing he is not rampaging? getting a custom trimmed jacket with his own logo emblazoned on it? like a nerd? and on the flipside, what exactly do these rampages even entail? because it's apparently not anything destructive or disruptive enough for anyone to care about stopping him under normal circumstances.
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like how are you a giant angry "not exactly stable" weapon of a guy and everyone's like 'yeah that's fine. that's our doombox!' toxic's specific wording regarding his getting unfucked postgame is "back to his old raging self", which implies to me there's almost a certain fondness, or at least amusement, at his being like this. i know one of the core themes of lethal league is letting these oddball misfit dudes do their thing and freely be who they are, but like. is doombox sincerely just not a threat for that? like really? dice's interactions also sort of imply that his actually trying to kill someone is really out of the ordinary for him so truly like. db my man what ARE you doing out there. * re: toxic and dice's talking about him; i do also find it amusing that one of his defining traits is just being pissed off all the time. again, not surprising given his purpose/designation as a weapon, but funny in that it's like. how he's KNOWN; in the sense that it is immediately noticeable and a cause for concern for other characters to see he is Not angry. fuckin social barometer of a guy. local angry guy isn't angry, something's wrong.
the "reasons for playing in the league unknown" bit also strikes me as a little odd even though it REALLY shouldn't. i'm like 97% sure it's just written like that to make him seems mysterious and unpredictable and dangerous, but it's a weird thing to call attention to when you consider that...less than half of the other characters' reasons are known? raptor is there trying to get info on his dad, that one's well out there. dust & ashes i think have some kind of implied reason for being there as well but it of course isn't elaborated on, and grid is like trying to impress "the youth" and establish a profile or something. nitro seems like he might not actually be IN the league as an official competitor? it's just helpful for him to know how to ball for the situations he gets into with his investigations. everybody else's "reason" pretty much seems like they're just out there to have fun. and toxic says as much in the story mode intro! the game was developed for people to escape the monotonies of shine city! so to imply doombox has a separate, non-recreational reason for being here is weird. the easiest read on it for me is just that he was drawn to it cause it's intense and destructive but at the same time.... if all he wants is an excuse to wreck shit....why are you competing in a structured sports game with rules and shit my dude. you are a weapon. just go attack people. except that we've established that he doesnt really do that. so. once again. what IS he doing out here
aside from the bio though, there's of course random little tidbits of characterization throughout the game itself and they are all also likewise ridiculous.
he refers to himself in third person, which is always an amusing choice for a character in general. it carries with it a certain sense of ego, an awareness of and and pride in one's presence and gravitas. this was mostly just surprising to me bc before i started looking at everything, i'd assumed he was more or less mindless and, yknow, robotic; without much personality/reason for being there beyond being the Biggest Baddest Best At Ball Game Guy doombox is already very imposing, so this is frankly a well-earned sense of pride for him to have.....but it still doubles back to being funny again because, as i've established above, he could stand to be a hell of a lot scarier! but he doesn't seem to notice or care that there are many readily-available options for becoming more powerful and/or establishing himself as unquestionable top dog. so instead he is a boombox. third-person is also often used for characters who are a little dumb, and i think this applies to doombox as well. he is a weapon, and clearly a brute-force-over-precision type of weapon at that, he doesnt need smarts. i think this is also sort of hinted at with his voice lines; where the other characters have some kind of snarky phrase or one-liner for their kill/score voice line, doombox just goes "bye-bye". Which is still appropriately Disrespectful, but it's also very, uh... simple. again i just think there are... more imposing things a guy like him could be saying there, but i guess he hasn't got anything more than fucking. bye-bye.
anyways the ego thing i think is well-echoed by his stupid fucking jacket. none of the other characters have their logo as part of their design and i'm pretty sure the rest of the symbols are just game abstractions and don't exist in-universe, but like. doombox is just going around wearing a jersey with his own damn face on it. ok. to be clear i love his jacket but it is literally so silly for him to have that. imagine being the guy having to custom-fit a fucking boombox. did db pay for it? how? we're getting into unproductive territory here but you could ask a million questions about that jacket and they all have hysterical implications. while im on the topic of designs i'd also like to say that while i don't count any of the other blaze redesigns as "canon" like actual events the characters went through between games [like raptor in particular would have already had to have the stitches since that's his backstory, it's just they weren't a design point before], doombox is in a weird spot since the first game's design for him was very specifically referencing its HUD in a meta way for his flavor and that was pretty much the entire extent of his flavor; while in blaze he and the HUD are very much separate distinct things with their own flavor. there's more to talk about here later but as it pertains to design what im saying is i think he just went out and found a better and cooler boombox to be in between games. and also got a funny jacket. *actually i have no idea if there's even a Timeline here. the gut vibe i had been running on was that blaze happens a couple years after the original, but looking at it now that doesn't seem right. does blaze Replace the timeline of the first game? are there even Events in the first game to count as a timeline? do they run concurrently?
alright anyway the last point here is the 3rd-person thing is even moreso interesting to me though bc i was under the assumption that 'doombox' was something akin to a codename he was given when other people saw this big fucking Thang rampaging through the streets. but seeing as 1. he's definitely aware of it, and 2. not even the damn scientists who made him knew he was in a boombox [as implied in his dlc skin lore], i'm led to believe he came up with the name himself. the fucking tape in his cassette player does just say 'doom' on it so i am choosing to believe that's either where he got the name, or that he put that on there himself.
MOVING on, another really good thing is that he does this
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i just think it's funny he's continuing to use the thing as an actual boombox; i feel like that isn't something he necessarily Has to do. obviously he's susceptible to certain quirks and limitations of being a boombox re: mind control tape, but i don't think that means he has to play out its every function. i think he's doing that on purpose and i am filing it under "he likes it in there". hes listening to his jams.
also on a similar note,
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this is also not important and i realize it's mostly just a quirky videogamey way to get around saying the robot kinda character is "asleep", but i do enjoy the implication that shine city's biggest terror is like out there running on 4 D-cells.
also i'm making this guy out to be a city street menace, and the vibe i had assumed for him before was like, a random encounter in the back alleys that you super do not want to run into; but his associated stage/hangout seems to be the desert/scrapyard? which i don't really have anything interesting to say to that, but it's definitely a different vibe for his character if he typically hangs out in more desolate areas.
i think maybe the most baffling thing doombox has going on is the apparent "rivalry" with dice. this is also bizzare from dice's side of things. what the fuck does it even mean to be "rivals" with doombox? what are they competing for? what kind of things does dice get up to that doombox would even give a shit about in the first place, let alone to be considered a rival in? i mean, like, the league, probably, but why dice specifically, out of everyone? would doombox's league rival not just be whoever's the [second] strongest there? i believe dice when he says they're evenly-matched, but there isn't really anything that implies dice is of particularly high prestige within the league so it feels like he shouldn't hold much interest as a target. to be fair dice doesn't seem like the type that would care about prestige, but again, if he's not out there flaunting his shit or trying to claim he's the best or whatever, why does db care? this would be a lot easier to understand if it was a one-sided thing on doombox's part like okay maybe dice pissed him off one day and he's still mad about it. whatever. that's the vibe they go for in story mode, but then there's dice's dlc skin description, which seems to run entirely counter to that and has dice as the aggressor:
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when deprived of his usual sense and restraint, dice's first thought is I Gotta Go Fuckin Kill Doombox? even if he's over it under normal circumstances, it's clear both of them have some deeper-rooted beef in this exchange. there is yet another layer to this in that doombox is, weirdly enough, not really shown to be the kind of guy that's interested in revenge. again, going back to his own dlc description, he- and i quote- "couldn't care less" about the guys who made him capturing him and chaining him up. his only interest there is breaking out and getting back to doing his thing. if you want to be really generous, you could also read this vibe from the story mode epilogue: doombox was not the one hunting down the safety league, that was nitro. doombox was simply, as stated before "back to his old raging self". both of these to say, he simply does not seem to give a shit about people who have directly wronged him and only wants to Do His Thing. so. once again. what the fuck is going on with dice that they both have lasting beef here. i truly cannot fathom what either of them did to be so mad specifically at eachother. this rivalry is something they reference a LOT too like it's a big deal in-universe, or something otherwise really important to portray. like
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lore so strong you gotta put it on an achievement!!!!! really!!!!! and there are no details whatsoever about this????? * while i'm here i'd just like to say have more questions about dice than fucking anything else in this game. sadly there's practically nothing to intuit from the game about any of his situations so i don't have much for coherent thoughts to post on him, but my god. what the fuck, dice. this rivalry is arguably the single strangest thing doombox has going on but it doesn't even break top 5 weird things about dice.
anyways, the final section and MOST interesting thing to me in all this is that, coming out of the first game, i was really under the impression that doombox is just the arbitrary final boss monster you gotta kill; no real purpose or personality his own to speak of, and most importantly just synonymous with the game itself and its aesthetics re: mirroring the HUD design. he certainly still holds the role of big scary final boss monster in blaze too, but blaze 1. has him much more fleshed-out as his own Guy, and more importantly, 2. doesn't really consider him a Problem like your typical big angry final boss monster. or at least not moreso than anything else going on in the game. he's not a threat to be eliminated, he's respected as a character and as a competitor in the league; and more than that he just seems to be... liked? as in, liked by other people in-universe? and he's liked enough that they'll readily help him out so he can keep doing his thing? i do think latch fixed him up postgame mostly bc he felt bad about being the one responsible for getting db brainwashed in the first place but like. the game could have just as easily gone "and then doombox was defeated yay" and left it at that. instead, they seem to have a vested interest in keeping him around. most transparently this is likely just a "we can't get rid of any of the playable characters or else story mode would be noncanon", BUT the point of this post is trying to read cohesive narrative sense into places there probably isn't any, and my read here is that doombox is a sort of inadvertent guardian of the league. for 1, he does still very much embody a lot of what the game [both The Videogame and the league itself] is about, but more importantly i think his presence is just really good at keeping a lot of the more minor threats at bay. if you try to fuck with the league, you will eventually be squaring off with doombox, most likely having freshly pissed him off in the process, and i can't imagine that goes well for who or whatever is in that situation. there's probably not much that wants to stand up to him by himself, and there's even less that can challenge the league as a whole unit; he's really just a good guy to have on your side like in general when you are running an illegal sports operation. i think at Worst toxic might see him as the league's funny little mascot but realistically i think she has more respect for him than that. either way i don't think he's going to care and it doesn't affect him much regardless. for this, doombox simply gets to keep doing his thing, whatever the fuck that may be. there are certainly still forces beyond his control at play here [as demonstrated in story mode by the safety league], and when these come into play, the league in turn looks out for him and keeps him on top of his game. i'm not sure if he has the, uh.... kind of cognitive ability that he could be grateful for this, but if nothing else, we know he seems to enjoy playing in the league, so he probably at least recognizes that he's not going to meet a lot of resistance in it and/or that it's a good environment to keep doing as he pleases. i don't mean for this all to sound so transactional, but it's hard to say whether he has much charisma in-universe for people to want him around for more "legitimate" reasons. likewise, there's also still a lot up in the air on how like... sapient doombox actually is. whether he can have complex motivations about anything or if he has some concept of "having friends" or if he can experience emotions besides rage; i tend to lean to "no" on those because i am really trying my damndest not to woobify this guy, but ultimately i don't think it matters much; in the end, he and the league are still mutually beneficial for eachother, and they still enjoy having the other around. and i think that's pretty cool :)
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helloiamadrawer · 5 months
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my name is Ace and welcome to my writing blog!
i mostly just write on this blog for the according fandoms:
1.My Hero Academia
2.Dragon Ball Super/Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
3.The Amazing Digital Circus
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Please make your age visible in your bio (because some stuff is 18+) you will be blocked if not and determined as a bot
2. no negative comments or anything that is hate related as it will result in to being blocked as well
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My Hero Academia
Yuga Aoyama
An Aoyama Fan's Nightmare
The Nightrobe 🔥
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Class 1-A headcanons and such
Class 1A Girls + music they listen to
Class 1A Boys + music they listen to PART 1
Class 1A Boys + music they listen to PART 2
Alternate Ending Chapter 383 KIRIMINA STORY 💕
Revenge at The Sports Festival
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Dragon Ball Super/Super Hero 🐉
Fav DBS/SH Characters NSFW Imagines
Dyspo NSFW alphabet (18+🔥)
Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 Content
Gamma 1
Nsfw headcanons (18+)
Gamma 1 bf headcanons
Gamma 2
X Reader headcanons (sfw and nsfw)
Supreme Kai Pairings (ship headcanons)
Universe 3 x Universe 9
Universe 4 x Universe 7
Kinger👑 Tweaking (Part 1) (trigger warning)
Kinger Tweaking (Part 2) (trigger warning)
Caine catching reader trying on his suit (fluff)
Jax curing your stress (NSFW)
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heisttheblackflag · 2 months
you should all be proud of me for being so normal this autism acceptance month despite having neurodivergence truther in my bio lmao I haven’t been tempted to make even one post abt who I think is autistic in pr1 or db. besides this one 😅
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dballzposting · 5 months
I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING that i have to share with you before the week is over
in db fusions for the 3ds, there is a vegeta yamcha fusion you can only unlock after a bunch of side quests and it looks cool as hell
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his name is Yamta.
important notes:
-yamcha is the one pressuring vegeta into it. vegeta lost a bet but he REFUSES to go back on his word
-the bio states that they 'work surprisingly well as a confident, mature warrior'
-he's only a-rank but the way his skills are set up, he gets stronger after an ally is KO'd (avenger) and then gets ANOTHER boost when fighting alone (lone wolf) which says something very interesting about his personality...
i just thought you should know before yamgeta week is over
Maybe I used to know but forgor .. I have Yamucha permanently fused with Tenshinhan but I LIKE THIS BETTER !!!!!!
THIS IS SO COOL !!!!! Look at his fucking sleeves & bare shoulders ... Yamucha is so playful and he likes to fuck around and he gets Vegeta to fuse with him.
AND THE FUSION IS HARDCORE!! "A confident, mature warrior" who is at his strongest when all of his allies have been defeated. A secret weapon. But not really because since he cant regenerate he would be one of the first to die on my team.
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sweetescapeartist · 1 year
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(This has been in my drafts since June 25th 2022. 😅 I hope you enjoyed it & sorry if I over explain things. I'm trying to do that less often.)
The Red Ribbon Army took photo ID of Gero, Vomi, & Gevo. The photos on file appear to be around a time before their death, relaying that Vomi & Gevo passed away when they were relatively young. And Gero loved his family so much so that his goal was to bring them back through science & technology. Oddly enough... you kinda feel sorry for Dr. Gero.
Key word, "kinda." You cannot forget that he conducted inhumane experiments on two kidnapped teens for many years until they forgot their names and were turned into living weapons with bombs in their chest. Gero's a evil sick bastard. But, even evil ppl can love their own family.
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Dr. Gero modeled Android 16 after his late son, Gevo. He was part of Gero's experiment to see if he could recreate his family. And #16 is a completely mechanical android made to be extremely powerful & was by far the strongest of the numbered Artificial Humans that Gero created.
When #17 & #18 wanted to release #16, Gero said that #16 was so dangerous that he would destroy the world, so he deemed him a failure. But, #18 finds it interesting that Gero kept this extremely dangerous "failure" around when Gero destroyed all the other failures prior to #16. Then, Gero stutters & makes up more excuses. This makes you wonder why did Gero keep #16 around. 🤔
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In a Q&A that is now common knowledge, Toriyama revealed that #16 is modeled after Dr. Gero's son. Then, Toriyama explained that Gero did not want the mechanical recreation of his son to be destroyed in battle, so he gave him a gentle personality. This gentle personality resulted in #16 being deemed a failure & Gero had him placed in a special chamber for safe keeping.
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[Link to the Q&A here.]
But, why did Gero install a bomb inside a robot replica of his son? Because Gero placed explosive devices in all the artificial humans that he made. It was a safety precaution to assure that his creations/weapons would not turn against him or fall into the enemy's hand. The bombs were also be used as a last resort against an enemy that is too powerful.
I find it amazing that Gero gave the fully mechanical #16 his own unique personality & made him sentient. In a sense #16 was a living machine. Gero was an extremely intelligent guy to be able to create artificial consciousness.
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Dr. Gero also decided to turn himself into a cyborg in the present timeline because he desired eternal life, becoming #20.
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(Its unknown if Future Gero turned himself into a cyborg because it is not shown in the manga. But, the filler sections of the anime depict him as a cyborg.)
Gero wanted to live forever in a world ruled by the Red Ribbon Army, and he wanted to do so alongside his family. Thus, he began recreating them. But, Gero only progressed to creating a robotic replica of his son & mechanizing himself.
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Vomi is canon to the main DB continuity.
Bio-Android 21 is only canon to the video game continuities. (Specifically FighterZ, but she appears in Xenoverse 2, Dokkan Battle, & DBZ: Kakarot too.)
The creation of #21 was different from converting a human into a cyborg, & far more advance than how #16 was made completely from mechanical parts. Bio-Android 21 was an absorption-type created by Gero's computer in a similar way that Cell was, but modeled after his late wife. #21 was created from the combined DNA of highly intelligent humans as well as the strongest humans. But, Gero's computer also added cells from Majin Buu for more strength, resulting in her Majin 21 forms.
Perhaps bio-androids like Cell were the next step in Gero's plan to recreate his family while creating himself a new bio-organic body after his cybernetic one.
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Vomi & Gevo were not a good people (that we know of) & both worked for the Red Ribbon Army. Ironically, the artificial human versions of themselves ended up being good people. Dr. Gero's immediate family were evil ppl. Except for his other son...
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Although he had another son, Gero did not have a close relationship with him. His unnamed son resented his father and the Red Ribbon Army & disassociated himself from his father.
It is mentioned in DBS: Super Hero that the parents of the 24 yr old Dr. Hedo had died when Hedo was young. And Hedo was 7 yrs old when his grandfather, Dr. Gero, was killed by #17. This indicates that Hedo's parents may have died shortly after the Cell Saga. Meaning, Dr. Gero did not recreate his other son because Gero was killed before his other son passed away. And because of their strained relationship, Gero may not have even recreated this son if given the opportunity.
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Gero: A pun on the Japanese word for "vomit."
Vomi: A pun on the English word "vomit."
Gevo: This name is interesting. It combines the "ge" & "vo" of his parents' names, and Gevo's name pun is still on a Japanese phrase for "vomiting."
Hedo: Yet another "vomit" name pun. But, this one references the word "反吐" which is "anti-vomiting" medicine.
Haku?🤔: If ever revealed, perhaps this will be the name of Gero's other son. The kanji for Haku is "吐" & also means "vomit." And what makes this theory of mine interesting is that Hedo's name pun consists of this character, but in front of it is the kanji "反" that means "anti." If Haku is the name, then the father's name is within the name of his son.
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bahnloopi · 11 months
How do u feel about the other movie villains?
Ik u love broly, but i wonder how the other villains stack to u, like android 13 or cooler etc.? Love ur work btw, cant wait to see more from u
Thx! Alright, here it is.
ZBroly Legendary Super Saiyan- 1000/10 (standing favorite)
Garlic Jr. - 6/10
Janemba - 8/10
Hirudegarn - 4/10
Turles- 7/10
Dr. Wheelo- 2/10
Slug- 5/10
Cooler/Meta-Cooler- 9/10
Bojack- 7/10
Android 13- 6/10
Bio Broly- (-100/10, despise this movie, I spit in its direction.)
Second Coming Broly- 7/10 (Love-hate relationship; great visuals but horrible character assassination)
Beerus- 6/10
RF Frieza- 5/10 (Vegeta deserved that W)
Cell Max- 7/10 (Really a 6/10 but the spot attack was pretty peak ngl)
Future 17/18- 7/10 (The bm on Trunks was ungodly disrespectful, but I loved it)
Hatchiyack- Forgot he even existed/10
Leaving out some og db films since I need to brush up on them.
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