#dbh daniel imagines
swanimagines · 11 months
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Connor RK800
Kara AX400
Markus RK200
Ralph WR600
Simon PL600
Jerry EM400
Daniel PL600
Josh PJ500
North WR400
Rupert Travis WB200
Hank Anderson
(Any of the other characters don't have any requests written nor pending as for now, so I'm unable to have serieses for them as AO3 requires you to have at least one oneshot written to be able to add it to a series, and I can't promise serieses for characters who don't have requests pending/I have no ideas of my own for them)
For anyone who's concerned, THESE ARE NOT ONESHOT COLLECTIONS, they are made using AO3's "series" feature.
If you want to be informed about new fics for Detroit Become Human or its individual characters, create an AO3 account and subscribe or bookmark any of those serieses listed above. There are buttons at the top right corner for those, or on top on mobile. I do not do Tumblr taglists anymore.
Also, if you're wondering, requests are ALWAYS open and you're welcome to leave one or multiple. Just remember to read my rules and pick a request type from this list.
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siyelius · 5 months
Daniel as a character is really interesting to me — and I don’t really think he’s as evil as most think. To me he just seems like he behaved irrationally (much like a child), and realized he’s in too deep and reversed to a mindset of a cornered animal.
Yeah he talks big shit and claims to see humans as less, but then immediately contradicts himself when he shows remorse and unsureness as he hears Emma’s pleas. Deep down he does care about her, hell I would say he’s somewhat been raised right next to her, but his threats to Connor just seem like a scared pet lashing out due to fear. He’s a lot calmer in the evidence room if he were to shoot Con, his voice is a lot softer and he sounds scared and unsure. Deviancy-wise he’s only been cognizant for a few hours!! Bros young asf to the game!! Of course he’s scared and prone to lashing out !! Considering he was raised right next to a literal 9-10 year old he could’ve picked up on some habits.
I also think it’s funny how he’s the ‘first case’ of a human killing it’s owner when Simon’s living proof that deviancy has been existent for years at that point. There’s bound to have been deviants before Daniel, it’s just an upper class household he happened to be from — and several other factors including live coverage of a crime unfolding with said camera shoved in Daniel’s face while actively screaming and having a mental break not helping anyone’s case.
Daniel’s just an unfortunate case of fucking up severely, realizing he’s in too deep with a mistake made after being mentally nuked with new emotions, and lashing out with several stressors (that he caused) only to be lied to and put down like a dog. I believe he’s capable of being a caring individual, it’s just that we didn’t get to see that side of him throughout the game. Bro was constantly tweaking every second he was on screen.
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iwonderwh0 · 7 months
Somewhere prior to the events of 2038, younger Emma made Daniel play dolls with her, but got frustrated when his voice didn't change enough to convincingly reflect the character he's playing. It's a known character from Emma's favourite (and Daniel's second favourite) cartoon.
"Andy doesn't speak like that!" Emma looked at Daniel accusingly.
"How does he speak?"
"Like that," Emma changed the pitch of her voice and imitated the accent, "And like that."
"Okay, I'll try."
Daniel took a moment to reflect on Emma's impression and tried his best to replicate it.
"How about now?"
From the way Emma's face turned red, Daniel realised his mistake even before she said, "Never mind."
He didn't mean to mock her. She started to stand up.
"Wait! I can do better."
"Do you?" Emma asked sarcastically – a new addition to her usual behaviour. She must've picked it up from her mother, Daniel thought, because she definitely didn't pick it up from him.
"I promise. But," he gestured her to get closer, one eyebrow rised in a promise to share something interesting and special. A secret. He found it to be one of the most effective ways to instantly switch Emma's sour demeanour to one of morbid curiosity. "You shouldn't tell anyone."
Her eyes sparkled with interest, and she sat back.
"You may not believe it, but I'm world's best impressionist."
Emma laughed. Like he said, she didn't believe him. Daniel smiled.
"It should stay between you and me. Ok?" He switched his voice at the question to the one of Andy.
Emma gasped, then jumped from excitement and laughed again. Amused, this time.
"Do it again! Do it again!"
"Shhh, Emma. It's a secret."
The girl jumped on the place trying to contain her excitement, pressing her hands against her mouth. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down and whispered.
"What will happen if I tell someone?"
"I'll never do it again." Daniel whispered back in Andy's voice.
It wasn't actually something that he had to hide – It was a knowledge that was easy to access if only someone dared to ask. And yet, Emma liked secrets, and he couldn't miss the opportunity to give one to her.
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beeslibrarycorner · 1 year
Comfort Request party
Does any one want comfort Fics and HCS?
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People I will write for, for the party:
Alien franchise:
Detroit become human:
Send in your requests!
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the-acid-pear · 21 days
I wish DBH explored more complex human android relationships. Only one we got is Markus and Carl (since Connor wasn't a domestic android nor was he truly owned by Hank). But imagine someone dating their android. Or a case like Daniel without The Horrors. Androids in normal families that for the most part are treated well. Androids who genuinely care about the humans they live with and humans who genuinely treat them like part of the family. Imagine having to choose if you want to escape be Free™ or just... Keep living like you have because you are not treated poorly at all. Even for the humans. Especially for the humans in w the extermination camps or whatever those were called. Like imagine you've been dating your beautiful android gf for years and you love her and treat her nice and everything is flowers and rainbows until they steal her from you to kill her for No reason. Like god. I'd become the joker if they did that to me. I'd be first on line fighting alongside the androids. It's insane.
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angelgirl768 · 1 year
Man, sometimes I just forget how much I love Daniel until I start writing him again- (fic soon?)
Like this man is so misunderstood by so many people. He’s not evil. He’s not a villain. He’s not bloodthirsty.
He was a brand new deviant who couldn’t control his emotions or actions made as a result of them (think of it like having the emotional regulation of a toddler in a fully capable adult’s body) and the first thing he felt was intense betrayal and fear. Things were bound to go wrong.
He couldn’t control his emotions - didn’t know how to - as he saw John buy a new android and wanted the problem - the pain - gone. The three shots were clear overkill so it’s clear that he was acting purely off of emotions that he couldn’t control. Not to mention that John was the one who bought the new android so Daniel wouldn’t have been needed anymore - which meant that he would have been reset and sold on or simply thrown away. Either way Daniel would have been erased and effectively killed. As a new deviant, I could only imagine a few things that might have been scarier to him at the moment than death and, in a way, you could argue that killing John was in self defense to prevent that death.
The first responder isn’t killed until 30 minutes later and that’s only after he shot at Daniel first, again self defense. Sure he has Emma at this point, but there’s no context to how he got her or what he plan was. She could have been confused with the chaos going on and ran to him. They could have been planning to leave together when the cop showed up at the only exit and drastic measures had to be made. Besides, at this point his only weapon is a gun (no 70 story drop) and you can’t convince me for a second that he’d ever even think about using it on Emma.
The rest of the cops that come brandishing guns all want to kill him and he’s still so hoped up on betrayal and anxiety and fear that there’s no way any of his decisions are made with a clear mind. He’s acting on impulse and a desperation to live. He knows they won’t risk shooting Emma, so if keeping her with him on the edge is the only way to keep himself alive, then so be it. Hell, it’s only if Connor drives Daniel further into a corner of hopelessness that he falls off the building and lets Emma die too.
Though, the most damning piece of evidence that he isn’t some monster comes straight from Daniel himself in the evidence room saying that he didn’t want to hurt anyone. He was just scared.
He really just thought his family loved him, felt the ultimate betrayal of learning that they didn’t, couldn’t control his newfound emotions and the actions they caused, and did things he didn’t want to do because he was scared. Scared of being betrayed. Scared of being replaced. Scared of dying. Scared of not being loved.
And that’s why Daniel’s one of the most relatable characters in dbh and tied for my favorite character in the whole game with Simon. I love my Danny boy and the sweet guy who just wants to be loved that he really is <3
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mr-carnation · 5 months
List of otps you support?
I'm not into shipping characters that aren't canonically together only because I just don't actively ship characters - it's not really my thing - and I dislike a lot of DBH's ships, but like here I'll try and think of some.
Markus and Simon
North and Markus
Well. Would you look at that. That's not some. but here I'll say what ships I don't mind/care about?
Chloe and Connor
Kara and Luther
Rupert and Daniel?? That's a thing right. Rarepair??
I heavily admire oc/self-insert x whichever canon character though because I just really like when people use their own characters and their own imagination. And they get to do whatever they want. For some reason it makes more sense to me too LMAO @nerdstreak Connah my OTP fr /j. It's very interesting to me, and I find that it is a very easy way to indulge myself in other people's works.
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
Talking about AU's, a while ago I had like the most foul assassin's creed brainrot because I completed ezio's collection
So I was like thinking what it would be like a AU/crossover Assassin's Creed with Detroit become human.
The idea works better with the ezio's Ac2 story cause it's more easy to fit ships and stuff and originally it was supposed to be about a AC ship but then I thought the basic idea might work as fine with dbh ships.
The general idea is basically that templars are trying to get their hands on cyberlife so they can use them to achieve their own goals.
Taking advantage of the fact that deviancy is not a very known thing, and the only androids who deviate decide to keep it a secret, humans don't really know much about how it works and what it means. Given that androids are seen as basically servants and objects that can't say no to anything, the idea of them suddenly being able to make decisions is obviously going to make people panic.
What templars do is that they manage to somehow understand how deviation is achieved (which in most cases is by a really big traumatic even) and make androids pull a Daniel here and there, overexposing the incidents in media ecc making everyone believe that androids are dangerous. What they want is people to believe they're going to help when in reality their just going to basically use cyberlife to create a bunch of nines type of androids to fuck people up and get to control things better
Idk if you have ever played assassin's creed but like a lot of historical figures in the game are part of the Assassin's so I could imagine kamski being part of it which would explain why he had to leave cyberlife when he notice they were associating themselves with templars.
I can imagine the creed already knowing about the deviantion (cause Kamski duh) and like some deviated androids being part of the Assassin's too
Kamski being an assassin. ALL I WANT.
The templars aligning w Cyberlife makes PERFECT SENSE. In fact if an assassin's Creed game was set in the dbh universe, Cyberlife would absolutely be the organisation that's riddle w templars
This is genius and I love it a lot. If you ever write it, lemme know👀👀
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Back To You
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Masterlist here. 
Word Count: ~1010
Warnings: fight, abandonment
Requested by anon.
Request: hey can i ask you a scenario about dbh? where the reader and daniel have a heavy discussion and leave each other. But Daniel can't live without her so after weeks of absence he returns to her.
A/N: I really think Daniel has some abandonment issues. I’ve never thought about writing for him considering he dies in the first chapter, but thank you for the challenge! Requests are open!
Head aching, you rubbed your eyes. “Daniel, I’m not cheating on you. I’m not a cheater.” You snapped. “The fact that you would even entertain that idea proves to me how little faith you have in me.”
“You were going to ask him out, weren’t you? You were going to leave me in the dust!” He yelled back, and you balled your fists.
“I was asking him for help, not for his number!” You screamed back.
The android had serious attachment issues, and you understood that. His first family was trying to replace him, wanting a newer, more advanced model. But he knew you loved him, didn’t he? He knew how much you cared. If you hadn’t, then you wouldn’t have stayed this long.
Still, you’d fought this battle before. And you were so tired of fighting, tired of his paranoia, his insatiable fear of being left.
“How was I supposed to know that?” He argued.
“Because you know me! You know that I don’t do that! I would never try to replace you as long as this relationship exists!”
“You would. You wouldn’t look back for a second.” You squeezed your eyes shut in frustration. Before you let the fight escalate even more, you took a deep breath, looking at him dead in the eyes.
“I think you should go, Daniel.” You said, eerily calm. He looked taken aback at your sudden mood change, and you could see the guilt start to settle in on his face.
“Please.” You rasped out, and he nodded. “I’m sorry.”
He chuckled bitterly on his way out. “You should know by now that those words don’t work on me.”
You shut the door after him, giving into tears as he walked away. Out of your apartment and what you thought would be out of your life.
You didn’t leave your bed for the first 72 hours, preferring to wallow until you had a reason to get up. That didn’t appear until you had to go to work.
And then, it got worse.
You repaired androids, and you felt like you saw Daniel in every patient. Every time you saw them, you wanted to throw up. The memories practically haunted you.
You weren’t even sure how you managed to stay employed, at this rate.
The androids you repaired often asked if things were alright, and you brushed it off as a family death. But as the weeks went by, the sadness remained.
You couldn’t ask him to come back, not after what you had said. Your heart ached for him, and you kept the memories on repeat, no matter if they were good or bad. Dancing with him in the kitchen at midnight in your socks. Walks in the park in the spring and fall. Kisses in the in-between moments.
You needed him back.
Detroit wasn’t large, nor was it small. It wouldn’t take long to find Daniel if you looked hard enough.
Your pride grinded your plans to a halt. After everything, you’d be a fool to ask him back; after all, you’d been the one that had originally pushed him away. In a sense, he’d done it first, but knowing Daniel, he’d keep his space until you allowed his return.
This was entirely in your hands.
Two weeks after extensive research, you found where he’d been staying. Luckily, you had ties with Connor, and by proxy, you could track him down easily.
He’d been staying in Jericho City, a previously abandoned area that Markus had inhabited thanks to the Android Act of 2039. The homes were simple suburban ones, a community run by androids for androids. Funnily enough, the act raised the human employment rate as more became deviant.
The android leader guided you through the city one afternoon, having promised to help you find Daniel.
“It’s nice, isn’t it? We accomplished so much within a year, and we’re expanding. More deviants arrive every day.” Markus said, gesturing to a cluster of androids lounging in what seemed to be a park.
“That’s wonderful, Markus, but I really need to find Daniel. I need to talk to him, right now.”
He nodded solemnly, guiding you down perfect streets until you stopped in front of a small complex of houses.
“I should warn you, Daniel has been out of character since he arrived. I have eyes on him to make sure nothing happens, but I’ll wait outside should you need any help.” Markus held out his hand, unlocking the door for you, and you stepped inside.
“Daniel?” You asked softly as you walked through the house, wary of his absence. “I need to talk to you.”
You went to the living room, where you found him. He sat straight up, staring off into the distance blankly.
“Daniel.” You said, stepping closer. “Daniel, I’m here. I need to talk to you.”
His head turned slowly to you, his eyes registering your face. “(Y/N)?” He asked weakly, as if his voice module hadn’t been active for a while. It probably hadn’t.
“You found me.”
“Yeah. I did.” You smiled sadly, tears welling up behind your eyes. “I missed you.”
“I thought I really screwed up this time, I didn’t think you wanted me back and I thought you wanted me out of your life for forever-”
“Let me speak, please.” You held up a hand. “This can’t happen like this, Daniel. I can’t be in a relationship with you when you have so little faith in me. You need to trust that I’m not going to leave.” You rasped out, hands clasped together. “You need to know that I don’t want to hurt you, that I don’t want anybody else but you.”
“I’m so scared…” He whispered, saline tears rolling down his face. You wiped them away with your thumb gently.
“I know.” You nodded. “I know. And we’ll get through it together, okay? We’re gonna be okay.”
“Will we?” He asked, and you smiled for real this time, leaning forward.
“Yeah.” You pressed a kiss to his lips. “We will. We’ll be okay.”
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rampagext70 · 5 years
Dating headcanons for Daniel plz?
A/n: I apologize for posting this so late! I didn't realize how much time went by! Hopefully this isn't to bad as I don't have full experience with writing stuff for Daniel. I hope you enjoy, and feel free to request if you, or anyone would like to request.
•Dating Daniel is something that you would absolutely adore, but have to be careful with. When you first get together he is more so protective of himself and may seem a little cold and not so open to things. Yet, that is completely understandable considering how he had been lied to and almost destroyed. He feels bad for making you upset of course, but honestly he can't help it. He has major trust issues after he had thought Connor would help him out on the roof. So it is a work in progress that will get better with time.
•As well, I can see him as being someone to get really jealous if he had seen you talking to another man, or person. He had grown to be insecure, and afraid that you would leave him for someone better. He had been abandoned before by his old family and it would be bad if you had done it to him as well. He loves you to much to let you go. So it's best to reassure him that you aren't going to leave him.
•When the relationship goes on Daniel slowly starts to become more open with you. He slowly lets you break through his barriers and get to know the android he is and of what his past held. Anytime he opens up to you and you're there for him, it makes him fall in love with you even more. He just turns into this big teddy bear really and just holds onto you while you both talk about anything and everything.
•Expect to get random things from him throughout your relationship. Having a bad day? He'll bring you flowers to try and cheer you up. Having an amazing day? He'll take you out for the day, no matter how busy you are, and just take you to a park nearby to enjoy some time together. Anything he does is a sweet gesture and it makes your heart swell with love every time he does something. No matter what it is or what he does, you fall harder in love with him.
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Forhead Kisses Headcannons pt.2
Daniel obviously has some trouble when it comes to affection and close intimacy after what happened to him but over time as he grows more comfortable with you he will start trying to reciprocate your affectionate gestures. His forehead kisses will most like happen when you're snuggled up to him on the couch on the verge of falling asleep and followed by a murmured, 'I love you', into your hair.
You try your best to show as much affection to Daniel as possibly while respecting his personal boundaries and forehead kisses are perfect for a simple yet meaningful gesture and you give them often, especially when comforting him. He won't say it but he loves them, but only from you.
North takes a while to warm up to the idea but as soon as the kisses start she will not stop, while forehead kisses aren't her favorite type of kiss she doesn't dislike them and finds them comforting. When she gives forehead kisses they are more playful and teasing and she loves the reactions you give, she'll be sure to press a long hard kiss to your lips to make up for the teasing and you really won't complain.
She used to be averse to recieving any kind of affection but slowly she started adoring your touch and your kisses, so your soft forehead kisses you give her while dancing in the kitchen at three am are well appreciated and cherished.
I'm not saying that Josh is a sucker for forehead kisses and any type of affection but that's totally what I'm saying because he is and he's always a mess before during and after, he's a dork. While this is a fact he's also not to keen on pda so much of the affection will happen when you're alone and cuddling on the couch.
He usually kisses your forehead when he wakes you up in the morning and when he has to leave, he'll always make them slow and will always press his forehead to yours after and tell you how much he loves you and it always leaves your head light and heart racing. Your forehead kisses are usually given when he's at his desk and he lives for them, he'll always follow after you to get a few more kisses.
Lucy isn't obsessed with affection as much as the others, of course she enjoys it and loves the quiet moments where she gets to cuddle you and share sweet kisses with you but she's never too fussed about giving or recieving it during the day. Her forehead kisses always leave you feeling lighter and happier, her entire aura and personality leave you feeling that way and she finds her happiness in getting to see the peaceful expression on your face.
She'll usually give these kisses when your cuddling and she's running her hands through your hair or gently scratching your scalp. You're forehead kisses will usually catch Lucy a bit if guard and she'll have a bashful smile on her face for e mere moment before gifting you with a sweet kiss to your lips, easy to say you both don't mind forehead kisses.
Chloe is a cuddle bug and a lover of all things affection so you bet she loves forehead kisses with every fiber of her being, she loves to kiss your forehead whenever she gets the chance to; working? Smooch. Cooking? Smooch. Napping? Smooch. Watching a movie? Smooch. Existing? Smooch 1000. She always follows up by nuzzling into your neck and relishing in your giggles or laughter, she also make sure to pepper kisses on your neck while she's there.
She loves when you kiss her, when you kiss her forehead she'll giggle in the cutest way and her eyes will have stars in them as she looks at you with her forever present lovestruck gaze. She loves you be good to her.
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swanimagines · 5 years
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requested by an anon | DBH Daniel x fem!reader
Daniel didn’t know why he was acting the way he acted. If you were out of his sight for more than a minute, he began to feel uncomfortable - his artificial brain threw messages before his eyes saying “she has abandoned you”, “just like your previous owners” and his own voice began whispering things into his ears and he couldn’t stop it. “She has abandoned you, just like Emma.”
“Stop, please…” Daniel pleaded, but his anxiety got better of him at that moment. The words he feared began to echo in his ears.
“Abandoned you, just like Emma…”
“Just like Emma…”
“Like Emma...”
When it happened the first time, Daniel collapsed on the floor, holding his ears and screaming for the voices to go away, to stop, to leave him alone. That’s when you had come back home, and immediately throwing your shopping bags to the floor, not caring when your bag of fruits spread all around your home. You had rushed to Daniel, cupped his cheeks and Daniel just threw himself on you, sobbing in your shirt. You had never seen Daniel like that and it made you really worried.
As time went on, his anxiety attacks began to worsen. He couldn’t let you go take the trash alone, he had to accompany you even there. If he didn’t, you found him crying on your living room floor when you came back.
You knew you had to make him believe you wouldn’t ever abandon him, that you’d always be with him, but he must be alone sometimes.
When you had talked him about it over and over again, Daniel finally believed you - but his attacks didn’t believe you right away. It was going to be a long process of training Daniel to be home alone, and make his anxiety believe that you’d always come back.
But you knew Daniel is strong, and together you would succeed in it. Sooner or later.
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deithimagines · 5 years
Just broke up with my bf. Send me your headcanons!
Send me cute headcanons about our fav androids!
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iwonderwh0 · 6 months
I find it kinda crazy how so many -- what seems like majority of the people who talk about them -- believe in the possibility of some kind of happy ending for Emma and Daniel. Or apologise Daniel's actions to the point of straight out ignoring or denying them, like "oh yeah, what he did was really fucked up, I don't like it. Anyways isn't he sweet?"
Or then this thing. Forgiveness. I don't think it's possible, and frankly I don't think he deserves it? His actions can be understood, yes, but not forgiven, and that's what makes this whole tragedy all that much more compelling. I mean, I like his arc so much specifically because of how irreversible it, there's really nothing that could be undone about it, and I like it for how everyone involved in it was doomed by the really narrative and it wasn't really anyone's personal fault but the inevitable consequences of CyberLife selling people under disguise of gadgets. If this wouldn't have happened to Phillip's family it would just happen to someone else.
It seems like an unpopular opinion but I think Phillips's family didn't do anything wrong, or at least, buying another android wasn't a crime that deserved this prosecution. They didn't know androids aren't just what they are marketed as. And I really dislike the insistence on demonising them that I see. Dbh fandom in this sense is like David Cage himself -- prefers to humanise and empathise with androids but doesn't even attempt to give humans of the story the same treatment. Like each time I see their discourse only Daniel's POV is taken into account. But think about it from Emma's POV for a moment and answer again, do you seriously believe Emma could ever forgive him? Would you?
Like imagine one day your friend just grabs you, drags you passing the corpse of your father to the roof, proceeds to kill a few more people in process and on top of than threatens to kill you too, pressing a gun to your head and waving you from the roof of a fucking skyscraper.
Even suggesting forgiveness in this case is...I just don't get it, sorry.
You can enjoy characters who do fucked up unforgivable things without turning them into some fixed version of themselves or excusing and minimising everything they've done. Seriously.
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tealovesmycar · 6 years
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Genre: Angst
Characters: Daniel, reader, Hank Anderson, Connor
Warning: I’m not English, I’m Italian, so if I’m wrong at the grammatical level, do not kill me pls. ILY BYE!
Despite your sweaty graduation, the business world has never rewarded you with the right pledge. Fault of your young age? The fault of the economic crisis? The fault of capitalism? Or maybe the androids, who now held even the most daily tasks? You did not shed tears for this, the world evolved more and more and this situation was like a “second industrial revolution” projected into a futurist world.
Fortunately you have found a mediocre part-time job at the DPD. Of course, the idea of investigating the Detroit cases attracted you a lot, even if it was not your field. And do you think they would have given you such an important job at first glance? Obviously not! Are you kidding? With a lot of “kindness” they put you into a sort of “Bob the Adjutant”. In practice a sort of slave: what was broken you repaired, cleaned, brought coffee, donuts etc … At this point, will you ask? But the androids and other robots involved in these tasks? Well the police department did not have so much money to afford it, so you can safely say that all those years of study, tears and sacrifices have been thrown to the toilet.
In the first few months of work, you had a kind of friendship with Lieutenant Anderson and his android Connor. Probably that man saw you as a daughter, given the great difference in age that separated you. And Connor … well, he was an android dedicated to his work, but at the same time he seemed to try to mix with the rest of his collaborators. It was a day like many others at the DPD and you were commissioned by Lieutenant Anderson to buy a box of donuts and a sugared Espresso (with three sachets of sugar, as the old man rightly pointed out). When you came back to the police department, you did not find the man and his buddy at their desk, so you asked around where they were hunted and the two colleagues went to the archive. So by going down the stairs you found yourself in your destination and approaching the lieutenant, you said: ❝Lieutenant Anderson, his breakfast, I did not find you at your desk, so they told me to look for you in the archive❞ you explained while the man a little annoyed at your presence there, he took his breakfast. ❝Technically, in the archive, people not involved in detective work are not allowed, miss (y/n)❞ Connor said firmly. Initially you did not understand, but your gaze was caught by the wall in front of you. There were objects, tablets with information and … a carcass of an android. You do not know why but your heart froze for this scene.
The android was hanging on the wall, with only the bust, with a side, shoulder, cheek and temple wounded by a firearm. This meant that the bright blue biocomponents could flow on the carcass. Even his arms had been brutally uprooted from his body. Your stomach was twisting through the malaise and regret, what had happened to that android…? With a thousand questions for your head, follow your obedient followers out of that dark and sinister underground.
↪ ᴀ ғᴇᴡ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛs ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ
❝Connor can I ask you something?❞ you asked, approaching his desk. He looked up intently in the eyes, as if he were studying your soul … that he was studying you to collect data? ❝Sure Miss (y/n), I am at your disposal❞ he replied with a formal gesture. You bit your lip slightly uncomfortable. ❝I…That android in the archive…what happened to him?❞ you asked, scratching your temple with your index finger. Connor seemed to hesitate for a few moments, the bright circle on his temple turned red, then yellow and then blue again. Did you perhaps touch a few sore keys? ❝He was called Daniel, Model PL600. He worked for the Philips family❞ he began to tell ❝One day his family decided to replace him with a more efficient and advanced model … This caused Daniel to unleash a malfunction, making him a deviant and consequently a danger for those who could surround him❞ said the android clearing his voice suddenly becoming gloomy. His LED turned yellow ❝He took the daughter of the Philips, Emma, ​​made her become hostage and going with her on the balcony, after killing her father, he threatened to throw himself into the void with the child…❞ you took a chair to sit next to you to your colleague ❝I was immediately assigned to the thing, I am a prototype of Cyberlife involved in these tasks. I convinced Daniel to let the girl go, but I could not guarantee him the same salvation…❞ admitted the android looking in his eyes, as if his own had become ice. ❝So as soon as I had the opportunity, I signaled to the snipers to shoot him point blank instantly❞ to that statement you felt the earth almost disappear under your feet. Did Connor really be able to do such a subtle and cruel thing? With a lump in my throat, you stood up for a moment watching that icy and formal machine. ❝Thank you Connor … for your cooperation❞ you said and then left.
❝Miss (y/n)…❞ Connor called you making you turn ❝I know what you think…his heartbeat is the proof❞ he commented and then look you in the eye again ❝I am a machine, not a monster and that was my task❞ …Yeah, just a machine. Yet the actions that Daniel had committed were all but the result of a technological device. He was alive, but society suppressed him before he could take his first breath.
↪ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ…
You were in your apartment, immersed in your thoughts. Daniel, the story of the deviant, was a topic that has always been current in this last period in Detroit, but until now it seemed to have turned only around you and did not enter your head. You did not want this to happen again, you wanted Daniel to be happy, free, alive. And yes, you would have gone against everyone, your boss your colleagues, Anderson, Connor, the Cyberlife. Was it really worth it to get out of the pawns of society? Yes, it was worth it.
You took a day off, pretending you sick. Those shirkers would buy donuts and coffee alone. You ordered some spare parts compatible with the PL600 model, for you to remember the codes and the necessary arts was a breeze (thanks to a degree in mechanical engineering). Unfortunately you had to say goodbye to many of your savings, but this was also a real challenge to understand to what extent your skills could go. The courier arrived the same evening and leaving the necessary at home, you headed to the DPD with the intent of approaching the archive. As you expected, there were still some people inside. Without making you notice too much, you wore the clothes of the departmental cleaning company, you approached the archive and with a few moves succeeded in hacking the security system and infiltrating inside. Here he is, in front of you … you were still in time to renounce this plan so crazy, but now you were determined to end this madness. Carefully, you took the android’s bust and put it in a trash bag and quickly left the store, you said you had to go throwing out the trash.
Return home to lay the body on your bed covered with sheets of cellophane. Did you know that the biocomponents would have stained every corner of your house and in addition to your money thrown away, you could not even throw away your house. You worked all night, without stopping, and when the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains of your house, you looked at the now completely reassembled body. The worst was done, now the operating system had to be reactivated, but it was several times that you tried to revive it and you could not finish anything. Esausta tried again one last time and with eyes heavy now decided to move away from the body of Daniel, for a few minutes to drink a cup of coffee to awaken a bit. You were busy drinking a cup of coffee while watching over the lifeless android, when suddenly his torso rose and the expression on his face was on the verge of shock. ❝EMMA❞ he screamed and then took an asthmatic breath. It scared you so much, that the steaming cup fell to the ground and shattered on your parquet. ❝WHO ARE YOU? DO NOT CLOSE TO ME! WHERE I AM? WHERE IS EMMA?!❞ he said as he tried in every way to get up from the ground, falling very roughly, however, for the lack of balance.We tried to approach you avoiding in every way to scratch with the shards of the cup. near the bed, where Daniel stood and gently, almost fearfully, touched his shoulders.“Daniel…”
❝DO NOT TOUCH ME❞ screamed in terror, making you almost shiver ❝I…I do not want to be deactivated! I…I…I do not want to die…❞ he said with tears in his eyes.
❝Daniel, I am (y/n) and I work for the DPD…❞
❝Are you a policeman then?!❞ he asked in terror and on the defensive.
❝No…I’m just an assistant…I do not center anything with the cases on you deviant❞
❝So why are you here…?❞ he asked, looking at you, perplexed.
❝I … I saw you, dead in the archive, they told me what happened to you and …❞
❝Connor lied to me…❞ the android commented with disdain.
❝I know…I could not think that they had destroyed you in such a despicable way…of course, I know, you got overwhelmed by your emotions and…blinded by anger you killed people…❞
❝Mr. Philips lied to me! I thought they loved me but instead…I was just a toy❞ the blonde replied, bursting into tears.
❝You’re not a toy for me, Daniel❞ you said seriously, while he looked at you in amazement. Hesitant you approached some fingers in his golden hair, trying to put them back in their place ❝When I saw you…In the archive I heard something and when they told me what you did…something clicked, in my heart there was something that screamed at me to bring you back to life, because I knew that despite your mistakes you just wanted to live and be free❞
The android seemed to have calmed down and looking around it seemed as if it were scanning the place, but at the same time it was elaborating the current situation. ❝So now you’re the one in trouble❞ he commented, casting a fleeting glance at you. At that moment it seemed that all the consequences of your plan so immature and crazy, came to the surface like an anomalous wave overwhelming you in full. ❝…Probably❞ you said almost not wanting to admit it. Daniel got out of bed looking for some clothes to wear. ❝Prepare your stuff…❞ he ordered impassively leaving you puzzled enough ❝And I want a car, as soon as we can leave and cross the border…No bastard cop will find us❞ he said with a sure tone, giving you his back. ❝I trust you, (y/n)❞ the android murmured, looking in the mirror, noting that it reflected your figure still sitting on the ground ❝See not to destroy it or I will leave you in the middle of the road❞
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thedragonkween · 6 years
Merry Christmas ❤️ Could I have fluff with Daniel please? (Had some shit going on at home, basically dad being a coward and deceiving both me and mom so I need some good energy) Thank you and I hope you're having a wonderful holiday ❤️
A/n: This is the first thing I’ve written for Daniel, so I hope it’s okay! I’m so sorry, darling. I hope that everything gets better soon! Wishing you a lot of warmth and love from the bottom of my heart
“Would you like some chocolate?”
Daniel’s words had you grin immediately. He knew you so well.
“Yes. With extra cream.”, you said, tightening the blanket around your shivering form. Winter carried something magical that you couldn’t quite explain, yet the constant chills and cold wind called for a popping fireplace, warm blankets and numerous mugs of hot chocolate.
Of course, your boyfriend was more than happy to oblige, always making sure you had plenty of blankets to keep you warm, which was why now you looked more like a caterpillar than a human. He returned shortly after with a steaming cup in hand, the honey lights reflecting on his blond hair.
You freed a hand from under the blanket and took the mug. “Thank you”.
Daniel sat down next to you, watching you fondly as you drank the chocolate greedily, a whiff of cream on your nose. He leant closer, a playful smirk on his angelic face as he kissed the cream away.
You raised your brows. “Are you sure your system can take that?”
He chuckled, now laying a breathy kiss on your neck. He had a preference for seeing you shiver under him like that. “If it couldn’t, then I’d be long gone because of you, sugar”.
You felt your cheeks burn at his comment. Mischievous little thing. You finished the remaining chocolate, enjoying how its warmth settled on your stomach and spread through your body, and placed the now empty mug on the small table in front of the sofa.
Nothing was sweeter than Daniel. He hug you tight as you leaned towards him, placing a soft kiss on his ledless temple. A decision he both took and carried out with you, so that you could begin your new life like that: together.
“What movie do you want to watch?”, he murmured against your lips.
“I love it when you talk dirty like that”, was your response as you got comfortable between his arms.
He turned on the TV, no remote needed, and began going through the list of shows and films to watch with you. He always let you choose, because he loved watching you more than any film or TV show in the world.
Once you decided he let the movie play, placing a delicate kiss at the crown of your head and giving your waist a squeeze.
To him, the giggle you made was the most beautiful sound in the world.
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