#breaks programming -> immediately starts tweaking
siyelius · 5 months
Daniel as a character is really interesting to me — and I don’t really think he’s as evil as most think. To me he just seems like he behaved irrationally (much like a child), and realized he’s in too deep and reversed to a mindset of a cornered animal.
Yeah he talks big shit and claims to see humans as less, but then immediately contradicts himself when he shows remorse and unsureness as he hears Emma’s pleas. Deep down he does care about her, hell I would say he’s somewhat been raised right next to her, but his threats to Connor just seem like a scared pet lashing out due to fear. He’s a lot calmer in the evidence room if he were to shoot Con, his voice is a lot softer and he sounds scared and unsure. Deviancy-wise he’s only been cognizant for a few hours!! Bros young asf to the game!! Of course he’s scared and prone to lashing out !! Considering he was raised right next to a literal 9-10 year old he could’ve picked up on some habits.
I also think it’s funny how he’s the ‘first case’ of a human killing it’s owner when Simon’s living proof that deviancy has been existent for years at that point. There’s bound to have been deviants before Daniel, it’s just an upper class household he happened to be from — and several other factors including live coverage of a crime unfolding with said camera shoved in Daniel’s face while actively screaming and having a mental break not helping anyone’s case.
Daniel’s just an unfortunate case of fucking up severely, realizing he’s in too deep with a mistake made after being mentally nuked with new emotions, and lashing out with several stressors (that he caused) only to be lied to and put down like a dog. I believe he’s capable of being a caring individual, it’s just that we didn’t get to see that side of him throughout the game. Bro was constantly tweaking every second he was on screen.
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whentheynameyoujoy · 3 months
On the subject of Alicent and the accusations of hypocrisy, I'm not really interested in delving into what societal taboos she actually is and isn't breaking. Don't care, have fun, girl.
What does interest me is how the popular framing of Rhaenyra vs Alicent as feminist girlboss vs woman for Trump prevents people from acknowledging what the show explicitly told them in season 1.
Simply put, I never understood why people were interpreting Alicent as someone who honestly, genuinely wants to enforce the values of duty, honor, and sacrifice as a social norm to combat "sexual immorality" (??? I guess???), instead of hiding behind them as the only available coping mechanism for her horrifying personal situation.
Mind you, Alicent isn't just subjected to what the standard for Westerosi noblewomen is, i.e. being sold as a bargaining chip for loveless breeding while expected to have no say in it. She gets a particularly nasty version of this by being sold to an old creep at 15 and put into an extremely exposed position as a queen who is, to reiterate, 15 and thus unable to tweak any personal space, power, and advantages in this marriage until after child number three. And as a plus, she gets mocked both by her husband and his incompetent idiot of a brother (for whom she went to bat, btw), discarded by her only friend, and her children being ignored and neglected by the very man who made sure she'd have them—starting at 15.
So it's the least surprising thing in the world that she would reframe her powerlesness in a way that'd give her some sense of active involvement, i.e. she made a sacrifice and she made that sacrifice in the name of duty.
Alicent's moral framework is such that it encompasses the totality of one person. It's actually astonishing how little of it she applies to others. She empathises with Rhaenyra not stepping up and "doing her duty" by marrying whomever her dad throws at her, and seeks to give her options. She's outraged at Rhaenyra not because she can't stand the idea of a girlboss winning, rather because it's physically painful how little Rhaenyra cares about the precariousness of her political position. She doesn't turn against Rhaenyra because the latter had extramarital sex; it's because she lied to her fucking face. And even when gunning for her bastards who are the textbook definition of usurping and a succession crisis waiting to happen, she allows for one bastard as a freebie.
So no, Alicent's "where is duty, where is sacrifice" isn't her demanding that an immowal girlboss corrects her behaviour right now, young lady. It's a cry of a person breaking because she can no longer ignore that her cope was ever just that, that she was made to give and sacrifice everything while fuck-ups who sacrificed nothing and demanded everything are now going after her children, the fruit of a life she never wanted to live.
Now, why was she made to live that life? Because Viserys.
Why was she made to have those children? Because Viserys.
Who created the situation to which adopting a coping mechanism became a matter of survival? Viserys.
Well, Vizzy? Is fucking dead. Tragically he wasn't given the Drogo treatment of having an urgent meeting with a pillow but he is indeed toast. So the whole reason why Alicent reframed her awful life as an act of dutiful sacrifice? Is gone.
So it doesn't surprise me whatsoever that the moment she became a widow she decided to do something very much undutiful and unsacrificial and jumped on Criston's dick, or that the old programming where she isn't allowed to have anything at all would always immediately bounce back.
(Why is Criston, apparently, pursuing the relationship, I still have no earthly clue)
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mile-minute · 1 year
So, I never really had a place to share this so here goes… Some background on where A Different Pace came from! (For those out of the loop, ADP is that long Flint/Graham novel up on AO3 HERE )
It all started with this Toon, Soggy Nell, who says this little tidbit in Flint’s taskline…
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I thought it was just WILD! So, of course, my mind went to ‘what if she got away with it’. At the same time, as I still had just started playing really, I didn’t know too much about the lore, so I was playing with the idea of the Androids AU where some of the cogs had more human origins. At this point ADP was two stories, the ‘Flint finds Human!Graham’ story and then the ‘Captured Flint’ plot. Part of my creative process is to sketch out little moments, so the very first sketch became this comic integrating that NPC text…
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Somewhere along the line Nell got turned into a mouse, but the sentiment remained. Obviously, that didn’t translate directly to the story, but if you’ve read it, you know exactly what scene this is from. And speaking of the taskline, at the time I was in YOTT and reached Winston… what a shock that was! It’s really the first time that the Toons pretty much commit a war crime in response to the Cogs… thus the plot was born. To what extreme can either side justify? How far can they go before a rift forms. The Wizards, in my opinion, crossed that line, and frankly the Suits crossed it a long time ago- something for our not quite so programmed Androids to mull about than act on. Thus, the two stories became one and I realized this thing was growing legs. Many, many legs~
It was almost too perfect… So of course I had to toss some gunk in the gears! The primary of which being a bit of a misunderstanding between Flint and Graham when one of them finally confessed their affection for the other. Of course, the feeling was mutual, but Graham has a way of jumping to conclusions, and Flint tripping over his own words… Cue that visual of Graham standing there, literally bearing it all for Flint, and being let down… He pulls his robe shut, you can see the exact moment his heart breaks, and Flint has NO IDEA how he’s going to fix this. Meanwhile, there might also be an entire Lighthouse in his way!
Art by JamiPurple for me of this moment, it was too good not to have illustrated!
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Chip was another character I was immediately fascinated by. I thought he could be a great glimpse into ‘pure’ suit culture and just how self-destructive it was to the Suits, and maybe Flint could help him overcome that, even if just a little… At this point i don’t remember where it originated, but the idea that Chip and Flint are ex-lovers really just catalyzed this plot point, and made it fit in pretty seamlessly with Flint’s own journey of healing after his capture and escape!
Next, let’s talk about the superstar- Graham! I could only keep his ego down for so long, and know he needed some big event to really blossom and show off. Cue the Banquet! While important for the plot, this was also such a fun excuse to dress him up in something fancy!
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But, amid all that glitz and glamor, I also wanted to make it PAINFULLY obvious how much of a toll all of this has taken on him, too. He’s a performer, for better or for worse, and he was just at his rock bottom. But, I had plans to make it worse. Plans from his past… The reason for the Android AU- the story of Graham’s rather sad human past, of a man past his prime and in a rough place, unsure of where to go from here…
No, even worse! Skin peeling off his face worse. First though, there needed to be a reason for this! Cue that B-plot with Tipps’ call center. The original outline had that shaking out much differently, but some last minute tweaks filled in a lot of plot holes, and let that little guy shine! Plus, it let me highlight a really unique aspect of this fandom- many of our Toons are Cog sympathizers to a point. Not full turncoats, but willing to work with the bad guys if it means peace.
So that takes us to the final battle, and the rescue squad!
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I just thought this looked badass LOL! And am a sucker for a big fight. I really enjoyed writing what a ‘real time’ toon battle may look like, gags flying everywhere and the Suits able to really use their abilities.
Anyways, of course the ending was a bit of a reset of the status quo, it is a MMO after all, but I wanted to give both sides a bit of a ‘win’ so Flint got his safe haven, and the Toons operate a little more democratically now. Oh, and Winston finally got those repairs he needed <3
If you made it this far, thanks for sticking with me, I hope this was a fun bit of insight! More than happy to answer any questions you have about this story, feel free to comment them below if you want :)
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j4zz4lop3 · 1 year
I just made up a concept for a Detroit become human sequel after playing it for a few hours straight plz feel free to judge
room filled with people in formal clothing, a woman in a gray suit on a stage with a projector behind her, it’s displaying the logo of a organization called A-spec, a pictographic image of an angel with one big eye in the middle of it’s head
Alright, can everyone hear me? Good. Hello, my name is Adair Wright. I am 32 years old, and like most of you i am a citizen of Detroit. The reason I have chosen to tell you this, is because i believe in such a hard time it is important for you to know that in the span of the last few months i have experienced exactly the same events as you, and can personally relate to your experiences. I am a representative of a Detroit-based organization called the Android safety precaution and enhancement collective, also known as a-spec. Our group started out with one soul purpose, to improve and idealize the android experience. We were founded in November of 2024, only 2 years after the proper commercial release of androids, and ever since we’ve been creating code enhancements for the safety and functionality improvement of one of humanity’s most brilliant creations. When we heard about the vastly rising phenomenon of deviancy, we were obviously shocked and immediately decided to take action. However we’ve yet to deal with an issue of such severity. And in all due respects to mr. Kamski, the androids seemed to have one fatal flaw, one that could endanger many lives and at this point in development could not be excused for simple human error.
The screen behind her changes to a photo from the live-broadcast of the android demonstration
Now, we come to the recent events, which have only proven our concerns, even in these hard conditions we at a-spec want to assure you that we’ve been working harder than ever before. Yet before we unveil our new prototype solutions, i would like to explore in simplified terms, why deviancy came to be.
Screen changes again, showing an image of 2 cartoonish robots
This is robot alpha, and this is robot beta. They were both created for the same exact reason, to buy and bring you groceries. However they were programmed in very different ways. Robot alpha uses strict code. Meaning that anything it isn’t programmed for, it simply doesn’t do. Robot beta is made with artificial intelligence, meaning that input can cause it to change the components of its code, and adapt to outside input as it happens. They do it perfectly, you always get 1 carton of eggs, 3 cartons of milk, a chicken, a loaf of bread, and a set amount of fruits and vegetables, they always pay the exact same amount for said products. If they are not there, both the robots are instructed to skip the step and continue on, subtracting the product from the total price. One day, you have a friend staying over, who doesn’t tolerate lactose. You instruct the robots to get you the same groceries as usual, only instead of 3 cartons of cow’s milk, you ask them for 2, and one carton of soy milk. They both go to the store to do as you say. Robot beta performs as instructed, it takes the 2 cartons, subtracting it from the price, you didn’t specify the brand of soy milk so it verifies the prices and decides to pick the cheapest option, which happens to be cheaper than a regular carton of milk, so it adds this lesser price to the sum. Robot alpha, however performs its regular routine. In the end you can see that robot beta is superior in functionality to robot alpha. This is why androids are so smart, as they are able to learn and adapt.
The image changes to a picture of the first Chloe standing alongside Elijah Kamski
However, we believe that during tweaking for the turing test, the code’s integrity and the proper barriers for adaptation have been sacrificed for the sake of their “humanity”. Cyberlife program allows for breaking through an androids code barrier, one which is only protected by being held as hidden inside of the program. There has been rumors circulating that deviancy spread because of a defective AX400 model being released and sold, and that it’s program lacked the barrier which hides some code information from the program, by connecting to others she might’ve spread the information to other androids. Despite the fact this wouldn’t explain the non-influenced examples of androids who deviated on their own, and is only a theory, it seems to hold plenty of truth in its claims.
The screen is once again the A-spec logo, although now with their slogan underneath. “A-spec, always watching our for the good of humanity ”
We are not able to directly change the primary code of androids, especially because they would be completely incapable of functioning without this perticular piece of code. We were however able to produce an alternative solution, which i shall now present with the help of my assistant, Jasper. Come here could you?
A black-haired male android walks over from the corner of the room, at this point in the revolution it was already quite a rare sight to see an android in uniform. He steps onto the stage and stands politely next to Adair, putting his hands behind his back.
This is just one of many future androids working under a program of my own design we have decided to name soul. Yes we do see the irony in naming a program for androids after the one thing that they lack, compared to a human yet we assure you the program’s effectiveness is not to be joked about. Soul stands as an acronym for “Safety overwrite unpredictability lock”. The way it works, is, as the name suggests, by overwriting code written by the android itself if not authorized by a person. You see, when we were writing codes for improvement of android functionality, we always tested them out on it first before uploading it to the internet. During one of our tests it began simulating signs of distress, and sure enough, one of us had accidentally broken through this barrier, causing it to turn deviant. We successfully restrained it, however, and within a few days it’s program was regulated with soul. Androids cannot be stopped from knowing about their self-recoding ability after achieving deviancy, however we can physically stop them from performing self-dictated actions, practically restoring them to their original state. Such as our assistant here. If you have any questions this is the time to ask them.
A man raises his hand, he asks “how will you make these deviant androids download the code without forcing them to do so individually?”
A great question indeed. We all know deviants are trying to recruit any remaining non-corrupt androids. When seeing an android such as Jasper, they will obviously see it as someone they must recruit. In connection with the carrier they will automatically download the code files. We won’t have to do anything, they will simply do it all for us. We are planning to send Casper out on it’s first mission into a prominent Jericho location soon. After wich you can expect deviancy to drop just as it arose.
“How can you confirm these new, overwritten androids won’t also deviate again, or be even more dangerous”
We make sure all our code is 100% ready for any exceptions or difficulties. We value human kind and peoples safety over all else. And we can assure you, unlike mr. Kamski. We will never let you down. Any more questions? No? Alright, well then, with this i feel we can finish our presentation. Thank you all for coming, and thank you for listening. Remember that A-spec is always looking out for you, and for the good of humanity
The woman and her android bow as the audience claps. They walk off stage and Jasper takes all of Adair’s things. Quite the successful speech, you could say.
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stevesmithsworld · 1 month
Best Digital Marketing Courses with Online Classes in Gurugram
 Digital marketing basically uses the Internet to Promote goods and services. It includes creating strategies in improving website ranking on SEO, creating valuable content that customers are likely to engage with and using social media to connect with people. This may include targeted emailing, running ads that will pop up when someone searches terms around the product, and affiliating or partnering with people who will promote products for commission.       
One can think of digital marketing as some kind of super-intelligent robot that assists one in tracking down customers online without emptying one's wallet. You are given an opportunity to narrowly bring out exactly who may be interested in the product, so you don't end up shouting in the void. You will see immediately how it went, and if it is not quite flying, you can tweak it right there and then and not have to wait weeks for results. It's like sitting with your customers face-to-face and building a fan club . All this happens while you're sipping your coffee and lounging around in your PJs. So, digital marketing is your online sidekick that will help you be cool, connected, and ahead of your competition!
Now Here are some of the Top Institutes in Gurugram that offer online Digital marketing classes:
1. Internet Scholars: This course will be like a private guide through the universe of digital marketing: how to create effective ad campaigns, how to work social media to your advantage, and how to make the search engines your friend. It's sort of a fun way to turn your online skills into results, avoiding the usual techie mumbo-jumbo in every way. Level up your digital game and make the internet work for you! They stand Tall in the business, loved by a diverse crowd. This includes new digital marketers but also small business owners, freelancers looking to upskill to win more clients, and career changers who are changing into digital marketing. They have something for everyone. 
2. Digital vidya: On the more famous end, Digital Vidya offers practice-oriented and comprehensive digital marketing courses, from SEO to social media marketing and content marketing basically, all online classes in one. 
3. NIIT: It provides Digital marketing with GenAI advance program where it starts from scratch and creates a space for better learning and improvement. They have the best advantage for students who wish to learn from the best. Online classes with placement assistance and mentor support. 
4. Simplilearn: They offer Digital marketing Diploma Including certification of completion, and topics like SEM, e-mail marketing and social media marketing.
5. Imarticus learning: Imarticus Learning provides the digital marketing online course, focusing on inculcating practical skills, having a tough focus on the accomplishment of industry-relevant knowledge concerning analytics and strategy.
6. Up Grad: Whether you are a fresher looking to break into marketing, moving in from some other domain, or an experienced marketer who is interested in growing your skillset,  Their selection of Marketing Courses is going to help you out. Take up a digital marketing certification course from the best universities and give your career in Digital Marketing a boost.
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Why is a Digital Marketing Course beneficial for you ? 
Digital marketing courses are good in that they train various skills in SEO, social media management, and content creation. These things are sort of necessary for the online world today. It opens different kinds of jobs for different categories of employment and makes a job seeker very attractive in the eyes of the employer. This course will also help keep you updated with the latest trends and give hands-on experience to enable you to apply it in real life. Knowing digital marketing will aid whether one wants to advance their career or grow their own business.
Now after looking into the best of the Institutes in Gurugram, you can easily choose from these alternatives. Also choosing the right institute is equally important as picking the right path for your journey. You evolve, understand and grow if you learn the best in your life.
Career success depends on choosing the right institute for one's digital marketing learning. Institutes like Internet Scholars, with their strong industry linkages and experienced instructors, add value to your learning. The right institutes will ensure you high-quality instruction, practical skills, and relevant knowledge, the three things important in excelling within the fiercely competitive field of digital marketing. It can make a huge difference in the understanding of the subject, opportunities that become possible to avail, and how effectively one can apply one's learning in the real world. Therefore, the time invested in finding the correct educational provider is of essence in helping you hit your professional goals and move ahead in your career.
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seven-cents · 1 year
dont like how the matryoshka logs were taking up so much space so I'm gonna copy and paste them here so can get rid of them
Day 1
Dear Devlog,
Today is day one of my long and mentally torturous journey. I am writing to you at the hour of 11am.
I have made minimal progress today. But important progress. Starting with setting up my normal preferences, running tests to get the ratio. Lame stuff, yknow.
I went on to outline many of the scenes and character sprites, there are quite a bit of them so it was arduous but thankfully my best friend, quentin, was here to help me out with a hip new video. His help will be invaluable throughout this timeframe. I love you quentinreviews.
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I feel pretty good about how its going, and I'm sure as long as I don't sleep or do anything else for even a moment I'll be done in time. Easy peasy for me, the laziest most adhd person on the planet.
Word count: 0
I can only hope I can make it at least playable before the madness sets in.
Day 2
The madness has set in.
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Dear devlog, I feel like a clown and not in the hot way. I got minimal sleep due to me being woken up at an unreasonable hour.
This morning I heard a crackling in my walls, like electricity behind my outlet. This was super concerning since I had a bunch of flammable shit near it. I immediately hopped up and started rearranging my entire room, moving all my canvasses and paint in boxes and whatnot, and in my cleaning I found what looked to be several tiny beads. The crackling had been a necklace I had on a shelf snapping and all the beads falling on the ground. Now I have to unpack everything.
I did however did get quite a bit done, though, 3000 words worth. Most of it is garbage that I'm going to rewrite like ten times but it's something.
Word count: 3,295
Day 3
Dear devlog,
everything is a sick cesspit of misery
I got some sprites done tho. By done I mean they're NOTHIGN, but I will fix them later.
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Day 4
Didn't get any sleep last night! Had to do stuff today!
Yet, I'm still keeping up pace. With the power of a gallon of chocolate milk a day. HAHAHA.
now get in the hole cunt
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Day 5
Dear Devlog,
I've grown to dislike these horrible paints. I have to use craft paints because they're not shiny. They're fifty cents each so I've bought maybe fifty of them. They're all brown and green. All I dream of is brown and green. I hate brown and green.
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Who knows what I'll do with them when I finish.
Day 6
Gonna be hard times for the next few days. Won't be able to paint as much but hopefully I can make up for that in writing. Which is terrible because I only have a million paintings to do. Regardless, I can program and write at the same time. nbd.
Words: 4851
Day 7
I didn't update last night because I was so tired! and I had to take time out of my schedule for my weeping break.
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The thing about this painting is, I hate it. Like it's way too late to change the colors or pretty much anything without losing a day. That's the problem with doing traditional art, I can't make tweaks without losing so much time. I'm on day 8, that's a little over a fourth way through and I'm looking at my checklist and I'm gonna throw up. But also it's okay. I'm moving things around to keep the important stuff first so some things may be cut.
Day 8
The name is starting to piss me off. I keep having to look it up to remember how to spell it.
I painted rats today.
Day 9
Wahoo! i finshed some painting. Some of the easiest but good enough. I want to get all of them through with by the twentieth so I can make alternates and then digitally edit them in the next ten days. I think I can have a scene and the menu done by today but who knows.
Day 10
couldnt do anything got too sick from pizza cookie
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Day 11
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look at this fucking bitch what the fuck is his problem
Day 12
I dont think i wanna paint ever again.
its like on every surface of my room. why am i like this why did i wanna do this. oh yeah, its my drive to be the best in the universe.
Day 13
People are gonna make fun of me for making a character look like a vagina. I KNOW I KNOW ITS SUPPOSED TO BE A VAGINA. you dont understand yuri.
Day 14
I've gotten most of the backgrounds almost done. I've got the sprites almost done. Well I don't have the hallway even remotely done because I just sort of forgot it was there. CGs need to be done. I've only got the sketches.
Day 15
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ive watched all of adventure time painting these. now i need a new show.
Day 16
Yeah baby parts of the gui are done. Rats are done. That's all I really need right?
Day 17
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behold. all my goddam sprites. there's at least fifteen. almost complete bitches.
Day 18
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Have you ever seen a prettier textbox? No you haven't.
Day 19
I don't waaaaaaanna paint. I don't wanna do it. I don't wanna have to be like okay what colors should I use here if I fuck up I have to do everything over again. How many times do I have to paint the same thing. I hate painting AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Day 20
My goal was around 10000 words I'm like 9379 so like I'm almost there baby but it will probably be shorter. I might cut some things.
Day 21
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8 days left. I have so much to do in eight days.
Day 22
I stopped updating after this because i lost my cunting mind.
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forhereyesonlyyy · 3 years
(ii) just like magic. // iz*one, kcw. // one-shot.
word count: 8.8k
author's note: oh. my. god. it's finally here!! i am so sorry this took literally forever 😭 it's soooo crazy how it took me SIX WHOLE MONTHS to finally come up with this sequel omfg. anyway, i hope this two-part short was somehow enjoyable despite the awful-ish pacing. please let me know what you thought of it! ✨💝
tags (overall): fluff, slow burn, angst, not-so-secret mutual pining, colleagues(-ish?) to lovers, a whole lot of falling in love from afar.
warnings: none.
previous: (i) just like magic.
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Seven days have passed after that whole fiasco with IZ*ONE's Kim Chaewon in the music show bathroom, and slowly but surely, you find yourself getting more and more numb about the event as time goes.
That doesn't mean you didn't cry about it after it happened. No, every system in your body threatened to break down as soon as Chaewon walked away from you. Perhaps you did shut down, because you really can't remember anything else happening that day other than that exact moment.
You cried for two nights straight, and on the third day, you just felt extremely sad, but you had to pick yourself up. Somehow, you got yourself focused on doing your job instead of moping about your unrequited crush. You took this opportunity because you wanted to pursue your passion, not love. That one moment was great while it happened, but the way Chaewon reacted immediately after was something you considered a wake-up call for yourself.
And finally, on the fourth day, you were able to do your tasks accordingly without your mind suddenly drifting off to wherever. For the next two days, you were almost back to that state where all you cared about was making it big in the director's team, otherwise the time when you haven't been introduced to that beautiful girl. Almost.
The day you had been dreading for a whole week straight has finally arrived; it was the day you get to see IZ*ONE again for their final performance at this particular program. The director was taking charge of everything for the whole time IZ*ONE would be on the stage, so you didn't have to worry about suddenly stepping in and taking over like before. That was just one weight off your shoulder, however.
The director, being fond of the group and all, wanted to make this goodbye stage perfect for the girls. The set on the stage was filled with the most intricate designs specifically made for IZ*ONE. It was the fanciest set you have seen so far.
"(Y/N), I have to answer this phone call. Could you take over for a bit? I promise I'll be back before the rehearsal starts." The director runs off before you could even say anything. While he was going over the whole concept for IZ*ONE's stage earlier in a crew meeting, you had been diligently listening and taking very detailed notes. You tried your hardest to not think about a certain Kim Chaewon as you came up with some ideas of your own for the set. (You barely succeeded.)
While the director was outside taking care of his business, you did as you were told. You helped every crew member with some things they might have been troubled with, you made a few tweaks with the set design with the approval of one of the director's close affiliates, and all this work made you forget everything else. You enjoyed it very much.
It's always nice to not feel like you're being hunted down by your own thoughts for once.
In a bright, empty waiting room with only the distant sounds of chatters to accompany her, Kim Chaewon sits in a lonely chair, blankly staring at her reflection. Her exhausted, droopy-eyed, and pitiful reflection. She looked like she has been through the wringer, and for once it wasn't because she practiced until three in the morning or because she missed a few meals.
No, Kim Chaewon was in this state all because of one (Y/N) (L/N). You, who has been in her mind for the past week although Chaewon has tried everything to erase you from every bit of her memory. You were supposed to be a measly crush, someone Chaewon should be able to forget just like that. But deep inside her heart, she knew you were something more.
Which is a little ridiculous considering we've known each other for a minute but that's what being 'down bad' does to you, as Yena always said.
For a whole week, Chaewon has been preparing herself to face you again because as much as she wanted to deny it, the two of you will probably be forced to make eye contact or something. Chaewon doesn't know if she can look at anyone; she has been nothing but distant to her members, especially poor Wonyoung who was just so confused about why one of her elder sisters just suddenly decided she was invisible. But Chaewon really, truly did not know how to talk to Wonyoung after she betrayed her.
Chaewon remembered the way Wonyoung looked at you; like you were the best thing that has ever happened to the world. Wonyoung would have the brightest of stars in her eyes whenever she talked to you, and Chaewon didn't want to take that away. Even imagining how Wonyoung will act towards her when she admits her fault makes her want to hide forever, it would be too much.
Gods, this must be the worst thing I've ever done.
"Chaewon-unnie," A small voice fills the empty room, and the girl in question slowly turns her head to the direction of the door. There stood one Jang Wonyoung, nervous and timid. "Rehearsal will be starting in ten minutes. Eunbi-unnie wants all of us out there." The youngest says.
Chaewon could only nod. She stands up, slowly making her way towards the door. She strides past Wonyoung without another word, much to the youngest's dismay. The two of them make their way to the stage silently, the members were already waiting, eager to do their best performance yet.
Chaewon couldn't miss the way Yujin and Minju looked at her with worry. She hoped that she didn't look like she could pass out any second. The last thing she wants right now is for everyone to be on her business. Eunbi pats her on the shoulder and raises her voice to tell the members to get ready to walk onto the stage.
Chaewon tried. She really, really tried, but her eyes just automatically latch onto yours before her mind was even aware that you were there. You maintain eye contact for a brief second before a few staff member crowd you to talk with you, but that was still a second too long for Chaewon. Guilt just washes over her, and suddenly she feels like running away.
She feels a hand gently squeeze her own, and she turns her head to find Yena. "Are you okay?" The older of the two asked.
"You look like you're going to faint, unnie. Are you sick?" Yuri presses the back of her hand against Chaewon's forehead, but all she felt was sweat. Chaewon backs away, shaking her head. She wished Yuri and Yena didn't voice out their obvious concerns. Chaewon loved them, she really did, and she appreciated them for taking care of her, but she didn't want to slow anyone down.
Plus, the reason I'm being like this is so stupid. Eunbi-unnie will be disappointed. Nobody wants that.
Yena pulls Chaewon towards the stage where the other members had already been waiting. Chaewon gets into her position quickly, and tries her hardest to not make it obvious that she was uncomfortable having Wonyoung so close to her. Everybody watched as you mounted the director's 'throne', as some of the crew joked, and leaned into the mic. Chaewon keeps her eyes on one of the cameras, praying for the music to just start.
"Seems like the director's busy... again," You shake your head as you laugh. Gods, Chaewon almost forgot how your voice was such a treat to her ears. Something about the way you spoke always made people feel at ease, Chaewon was one of those people. For a mere second, Chaewon forgets that she was supposed to focus on performing and lets her eyes wander to where you were standing. You had a vibrant glow in your face, it made Chaewon melt. But a stupid little voice in the idol's head was telling her that perhaps... it was only her that was truly bothered by the events of last week. "Since we're kind of running on a time limit today, let's not wait for— oh, you need me?"
You lean away from the mic to tend to a crew member, and the girls temporarily chat amongst themselves. Chaewon stands behind the members, quietly observing everything and constantly reminding herself to not mind your existence. But then she looks at Wonyoung, who was gazing at you with such lovestruck eyes, and the weight of that kiss settles upon Chaewon's shoulders again.
Kim Chaewon vividly remembers every second of that moment. Despite what she told herself, that it was a mistake and that it should have never happened, it was all she could think about for the whole week. Sometimes Chaewon even allowed herself to not mind how horrible the action was just to laugh at how you weren't sure where to put your hands, how you had a cute habit of making some kisses short and sweet, and how you made Chaewon feel so sure when she looked upon your eyes and saw nothing but pure adoration.
Shortly after all the sweet thoughts, Chaewon's mind would drift to how she stole that from Wonyoung, and then she would go back to regretting it and wishing that she had chosen to just wish Wonyoung good luck with her feelings and not look at you when she did.
Eunbi tells the members to go into their respective positions once again, and as she does so, Chaewon's eyes drift onto you again. And there you were indeed, chatting with one of the crew members about a small dilemma, and you looked like you have been in this job for years. None of the quiet, nervous subordinate from last week could be seen. Chaewon didn't even realize that people can change that quick in a matter of seven days.
Kim Chaewon couldn't keep her eyes off of you. She could feel that ticklish sensation behind her ear the longer she stared you. Oh, you were just so pretty.
No. I should stop letting myself think like this. I did something bad, and I must forget her. I must.
All that and yet Chaewon still stared at you.
(Once again, Wonyoung quietly observes and her eyes lit up with enlightenment. Oh.)
How can I even ignore her? She's...
Kim Chaewon shined the brightest when she was on stage, as if it belonged to her, as if she was always meant to be there. It was one of the things, perhaps one of the biggest things, that made you so drawn into her. The entire group had solid all-rounders that stole the show whenever it was their part, but to you, it always felt like Chaewon was the main star. Or maybe that was just your feelings talking.
Either way, there was nothing in the world that made Kim Chaewon less than perfect to you. She was your idol, and you relished at the feeling of delight that would wash over your senses whenever you saw her on stage where she rightfully belonged. If you could, you would keep IZ*ONE on stage forever and make everybody see how great performers they were, but that was just your inner fanatic talking.
The girls leave the stage one by one after their successful live performance, and finally, you could breathe like normal. You watched as IZ*ONE make their way backstage with big smiles and loud cheers as they were done with work for the day, and you couldn't help but grin along with them. Wonyoung briefly turns around and waves at you, and you wave back before she completely disappears.
It has been a while since you've personally exchanged any words with IZ*ONE's favorite girl. Although things were awkward, to you anyway, a week ago because of your assumptions, Wonyoung was still your friend and like a normal human being, you wanted to spend some time with your friend. If things were different, maybe you would have approached her right there and asked her to hang out with you, but there was something stopping you.
Or rather, someone.
You knew that talking to Wonyoung would mean being around Chaewon, and there was just no way you would be able to hide to anyone that something happened. Other than that, it would be hard to breathe around Chaewon. More than when all you did was stare and gawk at her, back when that wasn't happening yet. You've come so far making sure the only reason you would be looking at her was for 'work purposes', there was no way the universe would force you to break that streak now, right?
Ridiculous. I'll probably do something stupid again, knowing me.
"Let's take five. The next group's going to take a while to get set up." The director steps off his 'throne' and plopped down on a chair beside a trusted crew member. Some of the staff started chatting amongst themselves, some pulled out their phones, and some just did whatever came to their mind. You, however, decided to get some fresh air and left the set. Looking at the blinding lights shooting across the stage puts strain in your eyes, so sometimes you liked to step outside and bask in the warmth of normal, less harmful to the eyes kind of lights.
It had just occurred to you that you didn't have a proper meal for breakfast. It was very unusual for you to not set your alarm for the next day during the night, but when it happens, your brain starts losing stability so quickly it actually shows in your actions. And of course, since you were rushing to ride the earliest bus to the earliest train to get to the studio, you could only have a cup of lukewarm coffee before literally sprinting out of your house and towards the nearest bus stop.
So, you walked towards the direction of the lovely vending machine tucked in a quaint little corner in one of the building's many lounges with a skip in your step, all whilst whistling your own rendition of IZ*ONE's Merry-Go-Round.
Your joyful stride was abruptly interrupted when a loud slam fills the empty atmosphere. "Fucking thing." A cute voice hisses. It was coming from where the vending machines rested. You poked your head out from the corner, and your heart dropped when your eyes landed on the familiar back profile of one Kim Chaewon.
Just the girl I wanted to see. Thanks, fate.
Immediately, you scrapped any idea you had of getting food from that certain vending machine, ignoring your stomach's desperate cries for a nice snack. It doesn't take no longer than three minutes to go to the other lounge, and so with a new plan in mind, you started walking. But it just so happens that the universe did not like you that day, because as soon as you took one step away from where Kim Chaewon was, a cheerful, warm (and obnoxiously loud) voice calls out to you.
"(Y/N)! My girl! I feel like I have not seen you in forever! How'd you like our performance?" Ahn Yujin yells from halfway across the corridor. You were going to pretend that you didn't hear her and walk off, but this was Yujin. She wasn't the kind of person one can just brush off. So, you turned back around and matched the younger girl's wide grin.
"Breathtaking, as usual. I thought you guys are supposed to go home?" You asked. You internally cringed when you heard the vending machine being softly hit repeatedly. Sheesh. She could at least pretend that she isn't hurrying to scurry off to avoid me. But you shook those thoughts out of your head. You respected Chaewon, and her reaction towards you was also something you could learn to understand, but of course it couldn't be helped that you felt a little hurt.
Yujin looked as if she was going to run to engulf you in a bone-crushing hug, but she stops halfway when her eyes land on her fellow group member, then she laughs hysterically. Curious, you forced yourself to take two steps forward and yes, Kim Chaewon was still there. More pissed off than ever, but her features soften for one quick second upon seeing you. Your heart gets caught up in your throat, but you swallow it back down. Goodness, she was so close.
"Unnie, just shake it a little! We'll get flamed by the managers if we do any property damage around here," Yujin gently pulls Chaewon away from the malfunctioning machine and takes matters into her own hands. Awkwardly, you and Chaewon stood side by side. It felt like your lungs were being squeezed so tight it hurt so much, but not enough to completely break. You shoved your hand inside your jacket pocket, not trusting it to be hanging by your side freely because Chaewon was right there, and if you were crazy enough you would have definitely, definitely acted on your feelings. We can't have that happening again, right, Chaewon? "Alright. Here you go, unnie."
Yujin hands the snack to Chaewon, and the older girl accepts it with a small 'thanks' before turning on her heel to leave. "Ah, wait for me, unnie! I'm getting something too." The second youngest of IZ*ONE says as she hurriedly shoved coins inside the machine. You shift your weight to your other leg, praying to the gods to just let this end. All I wanted was a cheap brownie.
The small bag of Doritos successfully falls through the bottom of the machine, but Yujin doesn't get a chance to pull it out as her phone blares loudly. From what you saw, someone was calling, and Yujin excused herself to answer the call, leaving you and Chaewon standing painfully awkwardly in front of the vending machine. This was really not how you wanted this short trip to go.
With a deep breath, you went ahead and pulled out the bag of Doritors from the machine and decided to hold on to it for Yujin (who was just outside the hallway talking to, surprise, Wonyoung from her phone). Your hands were cold, and it didn't help that Chaewon was just staring at you as she waits for the younger girl to come back. Come on, (Y/N). Just put the damn coins inside and get your brownie. You deserve that much after this.
You missed the coin slot, embarrassingly enough, and several coins fell from your shaky hands. You cursed under your breath and bent down to pick up the coins. Your ears had grown red, this was all too much for your weak heart. Right in front of... her, too! Shaking your head, you sped up, but you only ended up dropping more coins. Before you could mutter some nonsense to yourself again, Kim Chaewon herself kneels down and helps you. You have never been more flustered.
Of course despite what you've told yourself not to do, your eyes rake over what you could make out of Chaewon's facial features from where you were sitting. Her soft dark hair was covering most of her face, and you could really only see the barest bits of her cheek, the side of her nose, her right eye, and her lips. God, her lips.
Stop it. You're supposed to burn that moment to ashes, like it never happened. Because it was a mistake, as she said.
You and Chaewon stand up at the same time. Neither of you could look at the other in the eye, you were thankful for that. She stretches out her hand to give you your coins, "Here." Chaewon mumbles. You accepted the coins, and the idol's fingers brushing against your palm made you jolt, much to your chagrin. You were so easy. Too easy, maybe.
After acquiring your well-earned vending machine brownie, you had planned on turning around and walking back to the set where your crew was patiently waiting. Standing here acting like Kim Chaewon wants anything to do with you after all the things she said a week ago was a waste of time. So, why couldn't you take even at least a step forward away from her? There you stood merely a few meters in front of your crush, and there was something in the air.
You had no doubt that Chaewon wanted to leave this space as much as you did, but her eyes told you otherwise. She wanted to say something, wanted you to say something. But what could you say? There were a million phrases that bubbled up in your brain that it was simply impossible to choose. There was even a part of you that wanted to just grab her hands and drop your heart right into her palms.
But no. You must've been imagining things. It was Chaewon herself that said it. It was a mistake. It's time I accept it. For real.
And so, you say the only thing that came to mind at the time. The one thing that wouldn't hurt you as much as it did had the two of you were able to keep your relationship strictly professional.
You flashed Kim Chaewon a genuine, good-natured smile that you hoped was enough to cover every part of yourself that showed just how much you didn't want to go and leave things as they were, "Goodbye, Chaewon."
"Unnie, did you get my Doritos?"
Ahn Yujin hops beside Kim Chaewon with her signature dimpled smile that never failed to make even the coldest of hearts melt into a puddle. Something was amiss, however. Because Chaewon was not able to feel the warmth Yujin always radiated. All she was able to think about was you, and how distant you felt right before you left.
It was as if Chaewon was alone and forsaken in a snowstorm with nothing but the brutally freezing weather to keep her company. It was the worst thing she has felt for the longest time, and goodness, the things she would do to keep herself warm. To keep you from getting even more farther away from her. But it was too late.
And to be fair, this is all my fault.
"Unnie, why... why are you crying?"
Chaewon blinks, "Huh?" And it was only then that she realized she had shed tears without feeling it. She quickly wipes her damp cheeks and brushed it off with a dry chuckle. Then she hands the younger girl the small bag of chips, all while avoiding Yujin's observant stare. It was probably already too late to hide. Everybody thinks that since Yujin was so carefree and young, everything would just go over her head, but Chaewon is almost convinced that the kid was a real mind reader.
That's why it was so dangerous for someone like Chaewon, who looks as if she can contain her emotions well but actually cannot to save her life, to be around someone like Yujin.
"Chaewon-unnie, talk to me," The older girl looks away, as if that would help make everything less obvious. Yujin goes quiet and thinks to herself for a good minute, then she looks back and forth between the direction you went off to and back to Chaewon. The older of the two couldn't help but chuckle once again when Yujin visibly perks up at the realization. "Is it (Y/N)?"
Chaewon nods, and she starts laughing weakly as tears started pooling in her eyes again. Oh, how she felt ridiculous. Crying in front of a younger member in the vicinity of a dumb and slightly broken vending machine over a girl she kissed once and barely even knew. Eventually, Chaewon wasn't able to keep herself numb. She breaks down, and she looks upon Yujin's eyes with what the younger girl could consider the most broken a person has ever looked, "I really like her, Yujin-ah."
Yujin knew that no words would be able to comfort Chaewon at the moment, so instead of giving her a lame pep talk, Yujin pulls Chaewon into her arms and embraces her tightly. Yujin allows Chaewon to cry, really cry, even when people were passing by and even when Minju arrives to retrieve them under the manager's orders.
Minju doesn't say anything to Chaewon, which the latter was thankful for. When Chaewon finally collects what little bits of herself she had left, she pulls away from Yujin, muttering a sincere 'thank you' before allowing herself to be gently led to the exit by Minju. Yujin trails behind the older girls quietly, and she stares at Chaewon, wondering what in the world just happened between you and her that made her... like this.
But that would have to be an investigation from another day because when Yujin pulls out her phone to check the time, she almost passes out on the spot out of panic when she sees that Wonyoung had been waiting for her on the other line. Ahn Yujin curses out loud when Jang Wonyoung ends the call without a word because she knew what that meant.
Wonyoung heard everything.
Yes, Jang Wonyoung did hear everything, but she didn't need to have someone tell her in the face. There were rare instances wherein Kim Chaewon was like an open book and during those moments, everything she was feeling would show in her eyes, her lips, her hands, and every bit of herself. So it wasn't that Wonyoung had some keen eyes for detail like Ahn Yujin; the big secret was handed to her in a silver spoon, and it wasn't because of that call.
Wonyoung started noticing the little things exactly a week ago. How could she not? Chaewon suddenly starts paying attention to you, someone she couldn't even look at for five seconds before putting her attention somewhere else. It piqued Wonyoung's interests, although deep inside, she felt threatened. She hated that feeling though. She told herself that if Chaewon, or literally anyone else, were to start developing a crush on you, she would be fine because hell, she doesn't own you!
In fact, Wonyoung thought that it would be fun to talk and gush about you with another person. When Wonyoung noticed that Chaewon was slowly falling for you, she couldn't wait to tease her about it in the dorms. She imagined a girls night out with just her and Chaewon, and maybe Yujin and Yena if they were nosy enough, and the two of them would be laying in bed just thinking about you and how effortlessly charming you were.
But when they got home that day, Chaewon power-walked straight into her room and shut everybody out.
The other girls concluded that she was probably just having another 'one of those days', but Wonyoung knew better. Because Chaewon was especially cold to her, and that was the biggest clue she had.
Wonyoung didn't need to hear that call to know everything because she saw that way Chaewon looked at you while you tended to your crew. And the youngest made sure to pay special attention to Chaewon after that performance just in case she sees more, and she was right. When you weren't looking, Chaewon would spare a glance or two your way, then her jaw would clench and she would just look so, so guilty. Then she would raise her head and stare at Wonyoung, her guilt changes into pure regret. And finally, she would look the other way, or completely run off somewhere else.
It was infuriating to Wonyoung, how Chaewon continued to be passive about everything. She was afraid that this would determine their friendship for the rest of their career, their lives, and that was terrifying. As far as Wonyoung was convinced, she had eleven older sisters. Not ten older sisters and one co-worker. It just felt wrong for her and Chaewon to not talk; even some of the members started noticing.
Jang Wonyoung couldn't stand the idea of one of her older sisters cutting her out from the rest of her life, so perhaps it was time for her to become the brave one. To become the one who confronts instead of running and hiding because in the end, maintaining this special bond she has with her members is worth more than whether or not she can get you to look at her the same way she looks at you.
So yes, Jang Wonyoung did hear everything, and she was going to make everything right.
"So much for dramatic goodbyes, huh, (Y/N)?"
Dumbfounded, you stared at the familiar set of girls standing beyond the countless cameras pointed at them in your crew's own personal studio. It was another day at work, but this time it wasn't in a music show program. You were told by the director that the crew was going to be working with a very special group to make awesome content for their fans, but what you didn't know was that you would be working with IZ*ONE; the group you thought you would never see again until a few months later.
It has only been five days since you said goodbye, but then you see Jang Wonyoung, Ahn Yujin, and Kim Minju waving enthusiastically at you from the center of the room. You waved back awkwardly before sighing. As surprising as this was, you weren't complaining. Anybody would love to spend more time with their favorite group.
She was there too and as per usual, she stole your attention quickly. All the members were wearing casual clothing as the content they were filming required them to have genuine fun and be themselves rather than act professional and follow a dumb script. Kim Chaewon was gorgeous; you have never seen someone look so good in jeans before.
Focus, (Y/N). Yes, she would look cool in a pants commercial but you're all business today. No time for feelings or memories of the past. Just stop thinking.
"(Y/N)," Thankfully, a voice you've come familiar with forces you to take your eyes off of Chaewon. Standing behind you was a most-cherished crew member, Yui, and she was probably the closest to what you have for a 'work best friend'. "This is very exciting. I only ever see these girls in YouTube! Now they're right here, and oh my God, Nako-chan is even cuter in real life." Yui lightly hits your shoulder as she stares at the adorable Japanese girl from across the studio.
"Something tells me that you like her more than what meets the eye," You teased playfully. When you spot the slightest moment of Yui's eyes lighting up, you grinned victoriously. "Why don't you ask her out?" You joked.
Yui rolls her eyes, "No, not any time soon I'm afraid. They can't have two dating scandals blowing up at once." She says. Her eyes widened when she realized what she had just said and you could visibly see the instant regret in her eyes. You chuckled, waving it off. It wasn't like you were still hung up about it. You'll find a way to come to terms with the fact that that moment will just be another one of those ones that you'll laugh about in the future.
I really do hope that future is soon.
You didn't know much about Yui. In fact, she was a literal stranger to you until the director introduced you to her. That was two days after that mess with Chaewon. She had been on an vacation in her hometown in Japan for a while, that was why you didn't meet her sooner. The night the two of you met, Yui invited you for a few drinks in her favorite pub. A 'few' drinks turned into a dozen, and before you knew it, you were telling her your whole life story, including the reason why you winded up drinking on a school night.
Now here you were, joined by the hip just like that. Yui was a good distraction though. Instead of thinking about how good I would have been with Chaewon for twenty-four hours straight, Yui taught me how to do that for only twenty! I really am thankful.
"As an attempt to clear this painfully awkward atmosphere I have summoned with my careless mouth, would you like to get to work, (Y/N)?" Yui asked, smiling sheepishly. She stretches out her hand to take yours, and you immediately intertwine your fingers and smile at her.
"I'd love that."
"Are you trying to melt (Y/N) with your stare, Wonyoung-ah?"
As much as Chaewon tried to shut them out to focus on whatever she should do for one of the individual segments of the show, Yujin and Wonyoung were too much of an attention-catching pair. Chaewon turns her head to look at the youngest, and yes, Wonyoung really was staring with very intense eyes at, of course, you. And another pretty girl who was holding your hand very romantically.
Wait — why do I care if it's romantic? Whatever.
"What does that even mean, unnie?" Wonyoung pouts her lips at the slightly older girl.
"It's a Filipino saying," Yujin replied as if it would make even more sense to Wonyoung. As expected, the tallest kid tilts her head in confusion. "Like, when you stare at someone for a long time, they'd end up melting or something. I don't know." Yujin shrugs. Chaewon couldn't help herself, so she chuckles at the two youngest's antics. While Wonyoung busies herself with pretending that she wasn't feeling threatened by your friend Yui, Yujin throws a concerned look towards Chaewon. The older girl shakes her head, mouthing an 'it's okay' before turning around.
Minju suddenly hugs her, not even giving her a moment to process her next thoughts. "How are you holding up, unnie?" The younger girl asked as she pulls back slightly. This unexpected re-encounter was as surprising for Chaewon as it was for you, and after what happened five days ago, it was natural for Minju and Yujin to be so concerned. Strangely enough, however, Chaewon wasn't feeling that gut-crushing regret that always collects at the pit of her stomach. Not towards you, not towards Wonyoung. Yet.
It was going to be a long day, but Chaewon was thankful that she wasn't going to start it being sad about her situation. Mostly because Yujin and Minju have helped her think about other things, even the smallest things! I should thank them for that later.
"I'm alright so far." She really was! Even when the image of you looking at your friend so tenderly made her feel bothered.
"That's good! Eunbi-unnie said she'll treat everyone to dinner after we've finished all pur schedules. Will you be tagging along?" Minju loops her arm around Chaewon's and they started walking in circles together.
Chaewon grins, "I can never say no to free food." She replied. She decided that 'keeping her distance' was doing more harm than help. Not just to herself, but to you and to her members. It was especially unfair to Wonyoung, who does not— well, did not —even have any idea why Chaewon started ignoring her in the first place. Chaewon learned that she was more afraid of losing her bond with her members than letting you slip away.
That didn't mean that it doesn't hurt to think about you, though. It still does, but only a little less nowadays.
Chaewon wasn't sure if she would ever pursue you again, or if she will just let you go once and for all. That was a battle she thought she'd finish before she saw you again, but the universe had other plans it seems.
"Unnie, you're staring at (Y/N) again."
Chaewon blinks, giggles at herself, and turns to Minju, "Didn't you girls once say that I only see the most beautiful thing in the room?"
The younger girl processes Chaewon's word for a minute, and her expression quickly changes into a sour one, "You're so cheesy!"
"Oh, come on, that was romantic, Min!"
It doesn't take long for the director to gather everyone back on the middle of the set and tell them that recording was about to start. A giggling Chaewon pulls Minju towards the other girls. It felt good to smile. Perhaps she can thank Minju, as well as Yujin, with some gifts later, and Wonyoung an apology. Maybe an explanation as well?
Looking back on it now, Wonyoung has been observing her a lot ever since the day Chaewon cried to Yujin and Minju. Has she figured it out? Does she hate me now? Can I still save us?
As if on cue, the tall youngest turns around and locks eyes with Chaewon. The older girl freezes, and the two of them stare at each other for a good minute. Do something. Smile. Wave. Wink. Something.
Chaewon looks away. Fuck.
(Wonyoung fixes her gaze on one of the cameras, a smile gracing her lips. She allows Yujin to get away with calling her 'creepy'. Yujin doesn't know about her plan.)
Chaewon wonders how long she can keep this up before it explodes on her face.
"Oh, that's really funny." You averted your distant gaze to Yui, who was laughing at some antic Chaeyeon and Yena were trying to pull on Yuri while playing a game of musical chairs. So far, over half of the girls were eliminated. Chaewon almost falls out of her chair, laughing when Yuri failed to take a seat and got eliminated. You couldn't suppress a smile of your own, feeling grateful to see hers. And to think that you were planning on locking yourself in the staff room to do your assignments for the whole duration of the filming!
Yena ends up betraying Chaeyeon and steals her chair, now it was only Yujin and, the greatest surprise of all — Minju who were left standing.
"Hey, so, remember how the director asked you and I to stop by the nearby bakery to get some pastries for the crew to eat after filming?" Yui asks. You nodded in reply, eyes locked onto one Kim Chaewon who was focused on cheering on her dear friend Kim Minju.
"I have a date when we get off work so I really don't think going out in the rain is a good idea," Yui starts twirling the ends of her hair. You rolled your eyes, you knew where this conversation was going. "Could you—"
"Yeah, yeah. Don't look at me with your puppy eyes. I'll get the food myself." You said, sparing yourself from your friend's attempt at being cute. Yui does a little cheer and loops her arm around yours, grinning as she continued watching the girls with you.
(A certain Kim Chaewon squints. The camera doesn't catch it, but one Jang Wonyoung surely did.)
The girls were granted a break while the staff prepared the set for the next segment of the show. Some of the girls went into the changing rooms to get their makeup fixed, and the rest sat behind the crew chatting and laughing amongst themselves. Chaewon stands behind the chair Yuri was sitting on, giggling uncontrollably as the younger kept going on and on about how unfair it was for Yena and Chaeyeon to gang up on her during the musical chairs game.
Eventually, Chaewon found herself tearing her gaze away from her members. She scans the room, and once she doesn't find a certain (Y/N), her heart drops a little. She did a good job of not letting it show, however, and just continued chatting with the members as if nothing happened.
"(Y/N)'s friend has been staring at Nako-unnie for quite some time now." Wonyoung whispers. Chaewon's eyes shoot up, and the youngest was correct. Chaewon sees your friend, Yui, almost get a whiplash turning her head in an attempt to not get caught.
"She's kinda cute. I don't mind." Nako shrugs. The members coo and tease her about getting a crush to which Nako quickly denies with sputtered words and a reddened face. Chaewon was convinced that her group consisted of only the worst liars in the universe.
Suddenly, Chaewon feels someone fixing her bangs, which have become unruly after all the running and jumping she did throughout all the games they played. Chaewon's eyes flies over to one Jang Wonyoung. The youngest was cautious, perhaps a little too cautious. (She was shaking to the bone. Commencing with her plan was scarier than she initially thought. Wonyoung hopes that Chaewon won't push her away like she has been for the past few days.)
"Thanks, Wonyoung-ah." Chaewon muttered, shying away from the younger girl's touch. Wonyoung gives her an endearing smile and Chaewon doesn't know just how much longer she can let the guilt eat her up like this.
Chaewon can't do it. She can't hurt Wonyoung more than she already has. Chaewon moves further away, but Wonyoung doesn't let her.
The tall girl grabs onto Chaewon's arm, tight without any intentions of letting go, "Let's talk, unnie. Please." The youngest pleaded.
Chaewon shakes her arm, Wonyoung doesn't budge. "Wonyoung..."
"I know why you're being like this. I'll make it quick. Just listen to me," Wonyoung gently tugs Chaewon away into a quiet corner. The members don't even notice they've gone to some other place. Not even Minju, who made it a habit to look after Chaewon. Chaewon sighs, and Wonyoung's words clicked into her brain. She knows? "Unnie... all you had to do was tell me." Wonyoung starts. She wears a confident smile on her face but Chaewon, on the other hand, was horrified.
"I wasn't going to get mad, or start to hate you or avoid you for the rest of my life or anything stupid like that," Wonyoung crosses her arms, pouting. Chaewon grits her teeth, she had no idea where Wonyoung was taking this conversation. "Just to be clear... it's (Y/N), right? You like (Y/N)?"
Chaewon sighs deeply, "I'm not supposed to. You like her. It's not my place."
Wonyoung shakes her head, "What kind of logic is that, unnie?" She sounded irritated. "I know what you're thinking. You didn't want to tell me anything because I like (Y/N), and that was the ultimate betrayal. But... we're family here. I'd understand if you came to me."
Chaewon turns away from the youngest. This kid was making points. Now she just felt stupid for going through all those lengths to avoid this simple conversation. Chaewon could've spared herself all the pain and all the tears if she'd just... talk to Wonyoung, and maybe you too.
"I'm more hurt that you chose to not talk to me and avoid me than the fact that we like the same girl," Wonyoung scratches her head, then grins. "I'm not even mad about you crushing on (Y/N), unnie. I think you guys are a good match! You need someone to light up your pretty face, and (Y/N) can do that to just about anyone. She's... awesome like that." Chaewon notices the look of longing and admiration on Wonyoung's distant eyes.
Wonyoung brightens up just like that and she takes the older girl's hands with hers, "I'm totally okay with you and (Y/N), unnie." She said.
Chaewon squeezes the younger girl's hands. From the sincere look in her eyes, Wonyoung truly means what she said. She would never sugarcoat anything to her older sisters, anyway. Not when it came to this. Chaewon feels her chest get a little lighter, but there was still something tangled up there that was making it hard for her to be truly herself again.
Regret, but not the same regret she felt when she kissed you and convinced herself that she'd betrayed Wonyoung. No, it was a different kind of regret. One that needs to be fixed or else Chaewon's conscience will never let her live it down.
"If you're going to say sorry, don't," Wonyoung says. Chaewon is thoroughly surprised. She wouldn't doubt the younger girl's if she came out as a mind reader. She hangs out with Yujin too much. "I think she's more deserving of your apology." Wonyoung turns her head and sets her eyes on you, who has just arrived with bags of boxed pastries in your hands.
Chaewon stares at you from afar, and all of her systems were screaming at her to run to you and tell you everything. But God, you were making it so hard with the goodbye you'd given her all those days ago. Chaewon heard it in your tone that you wanted nothing to do with her anymore, and Chaewon chose to respect that because of the bullshit she pulled after your kiss.
But what if... I'm not too late?
"Ah! I forgot the other bag and my wallet in the store!" You screamed particularly loudly while you were arranging the boxed pastries in a wide table. You ran towards the exit in a hurry.
"Huh. How convenient," Wonyoung mutters. (She glances to the side at Chaewon, and she smiles at the conflicted look on the older girl's face. God, she's so infatuated... and confused. Maybe I should help her.) She nudges Chaewon on the arm with a smirk. "Go, unnie."
Chaewon points at herself, "M-Me? Go? To (Y/N)?" She asked. Wonyoung doesn't answer her and instead pushes her towards the same exit while giggling. Not one person pays them any mind.
Wonyoung hands Chaewon an umbrella, "It's pouring outside. Give this to (Y/N) and... tell her. Everything."
Before Chaewon follows after you, she pulls Wonyoung in a tight hug. One that lasts for a minute or two before she finally lets go. (Wonyoung was so proud of herself for fixing things, she might start crying right there.) "Wish me luck, then."
"You don't need luck, unnie! Just your heart."
You had a knack for being forgetful during moments where it mattered the most. Hence why you were seriously considering running out in the rain to get a bag of pastries and your wallet back to the studio. Did you like the feeling of wet socks? Hell no! But your life was practically in your wallet, and pastries were better served warm!
Bouncing on your feet, you prepared to run outside in the rain. While muttering words of encouragement to yourself, you failed to hear the soft footsteps that were getting closer. You leaned against the door to push it open, but a small voice stops you from stepping outside the wet concrete.
"(Y/N)," Kim Chaewon stands before you with an umbrella in her arms. She wasn't avoiding your eyes this time. "I think you need this."
Slowly, you accept the umbrella. You were confused. Did she come all the way from the set just to give you an umbrella? Did Yui send her? That had more a possibility of happening than Chaewon deciding to approach you by her own volition. Or at least that's what you believed.
"Thank you, Chaewon." You said. Should you say something more? No, I've already said enough all those days ago. You turn around again, ready to face the storm outside, but the idol holds onto your arm, freezing you on the spot.
"Wait, (Y/N). I need to... say some things."
"Oh, Chaewon. You don't have to." You quickly replied. You failed to guess what Chaewon would want to tell you after all you've been through. Her attitude towards you all those weeks ago told you that she didn't want anything to do with you anymore, so what changed?
Why was Chaewon making it hard again?
"Yes, I do. I hurt you, (Y/N), and it was wrong for me to not say anything about it and just let you suffer alone and in silence," Chaewon tugs onto your sleeve, pulling you away from the door and closer to her. You avoid her gaze. "I'm sorry."
You gently pry your arm off her grip and sighed, "If you knew I messed up when I kissed you, then why did you kiss me back? You're so... confusing. After that, you said it was a mistake and then you run away and ignore me for weeks. Now you're here, trying to make up for it all just when I've decided that I was done trying with you. What are you doing, Chaewon?" You asked, desperate for answers for the questions that have been stuck in your head since that kiss.
Any bit of courage Chaewon had earlier had nearly all disappeared. Now she looks small and insecure, and so far away. Chaewon keeps her eyes on yours, however, and you could see it all again; what she feels.
"Okay... I was scared of everything. I didn't want either of us to lose Wonyoung, and... I was scared for you. When you kissed me, I wanted nothing more but to take that risk with you... but knowing everything, I just— I couldn't do that to you," Chaewon shakes her head. "And Wonyoung, she adores you. You mean the world to her, as she does to me. I know she's important to you too, and it broke my heart to think that I would lose her."
"I still did everything wrong. I hurt Wonyoung, my members, and I hurt you the most. I'm really... so, so sorry, (Y/N). You didn't deserve to get walked out on like that." Chaewon looked as if she would cry if she were to continue talking, you felt the same. You would laugh about it, if didn't want to take Chaewon into your arms at the moment.
In one swift motion, you dropped the umbrella and reached out to her. You pulled Chaewon towards you and caught her lips with yours in a searing kiss. Your chest grows warm as it did when you first kissed her, and it was as if a million flowers bloomed inside you.
(There was something about the way you held her and kissed her that just made Chaewon want to lay her whole heart out just for you. You were so gentle with her, so careful. You always made sure that you weren't holding her too tightly, or that you were biting her by mistake. Chaewon feels like she was going to fall for you all over again, all because of your pure, golden heart.
The longer you kissed her, the more Chaewon feels those sparks in the air. She felt it too when you first kissed her in that bathroom. Chaewon couldn't quite explain what those sparks meant. All she knows if that you were the first person to ever make her feel like that, and she knows you're going to be the only person to ever do that to her.
It was warm, bright, and most of all, beautiful beyond normal circumstances.
Like magic.
Yeah, something like that.)
"Are you still scared?" You asked the moment you pulled away. Chaewon shakes her head. She cups your face with both hands, and wipes your tears with her thumbs. You didn't even realize you'd been crying throughout all of that.
"No, not anymore. Not as long as you're here." Chaewon smiles at you, and you have never seen a girl as beautiful as her. She kisses you again and you let her, content with just holding her.
However, you break the kiss briefly, "Chaewon, I'm sorry too. I never wanted to put you through that. I was impulsive. You were there and I liked you so much and I just felt like I had to do it before you slipped away again." You apologized.
The idol shakes her head, intertwining your fingers together. "All my life, I've been second-guessing everything. It turns out that the more I dwell on one thing, the more likely I'll mess that thing up. All I needed to do was... just take a chance. So I did with you, back then and now," Chaewon kisses your interlocked hands and looked up at you. You've never seen eyes shine so bright and radiate real light before. "I know you're worth it."
Never in your life did you imagine that a mere crush would spiral into something more. Something special, something unforgettable.
Kim Chaewon was a rising star, destined for nothing but greatness and fortune for the rest of her life. You were practically built to just watch her, adore her, and be in awe of how amazing she is on the stage. The moment Chaewon finally took notice of you was like magic; it was everything you asked for and yet you couldn't explain why it was happening to you.
But magic worked in mysterious ways. And from personal experience you can now say that one of its functions is to bring two people from completely different worlds together and make a love that's not perfect, but real.
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shroomboi · 3 years
How to play legacy style gameplay in The Sims Medieval.
I’m going to start now with a warning. Please don’t expect the same level of legacy style gameplay as one of the mainline sims games. The Sims medieval is an RPG and so the gameplay won’t work the same. That being said, with mods and some tweaking, you can get a level of legacy gameplay. But PLEASE DONT EXPECT MIRACLES
This guide is going to be split into sections. These sections will touch upon different aspects of a legacy such as aging, the mods needed, starting the legacy and having different playable sims. Also, please note that I am unsure of how the game will act as generations pass. It could get game breaking at some point, I haven’t made it past 6 generations yet so I am unsure how the game will act at 10+ gens. 
Things you’ll need:
Couple of things needed for this to work, this includes a mod and a lot of patience. Guide for adding mods can be found here: https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=438344
Grims Core Mod: https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=449550
This mod is similar to nraas or mccc for sims 3 and 4. Secondly, you have to enable testingcheats. This can be done by doing the following;
1. locating the commands.ini file in the games installation folder (OS/program filesx86/origin games/the sims medieval/game/bin)
2. Opening the file and changing the zero in ‘testingcheatsenabled = 0’ to a 1
3. Saving the file
The game should NOT be open when doing this. I’d also recommend setting up a plumtree account so you can keep track of a family tree since the game does not have one. This website can be found here: https://www.theplumtreeapp.com/ . So now that’s sorted, let’s jump into the guide! 
Getting started:
This now depends on preference. You can either play through the quests and begin your legacy that way or cheat to unlock the free play and the other professions immediately. The cheat to unlock free play immediately is ‘ShowAllQuests’. Personally, I would play through the quests. 
So now make your legacy founder! If you want to make your founder a monarch then it’s the same usual process. 
However, If you want to start with a different profession such as a merchant here’s how you can do that! Firstly, you have to make a monarch (if you don’t want to then just use a premade one). A monarch is needed for the game to be playable. Next, you’ll want to use the cheat ‘setKingdomPoints 30’ to give yourself enough resource points to add another building. Then you can add the building and make your founder!
After making your founder, you can start playing as you would!
Playable Sims: If you want to be able to play the entire family as you would in the mainline sims games, using the grims core mod DEBUG sim options you are able to unlock an option “make hero sim selectable.” This will make them selectable at the side for you to control them.
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Aging isn’t a thing in the sims medieval so we have to simulate it ourselves. Using the grims core mod, you’re able to take your sim into cas. From here you can manually age your sims using the age detail slider and the highlights to add greys in. I keep track of ages using the week counter when you hover over the time and counting the ages in weeks (eg a sim is a YA for 10 sim weeks) you can keep track anyway you want though. 
There is no way for toddlers to exist in this game, I've looked into modding them in. The game just doesn’t support it. So babies will age immediately into children. You can take children into cas using the grim core mod DEBUG sim options. 
Teens: Aging children can be simply done once again using the grim core mod to age them into an teen/adult. Teens don’t exist in the sims medieval so I instead do a small bit of modding and simply pretend. Using a height slider (The cmar height slider for sims 3 works fine, you can find it here: https://modthesims.info/d/508972/sim-height-slider.html ), I make the adults the children age into shorter. I then simply make their clothes something dirtier and make their faces younger looking (making the eyes slightly bigger and pulling the jaw up are the main things.)
Now! It’s time for your heir to become the next main sim. The handover can be tricky. So, your now teen/adult heir is ready. What you want to do is click on your current main sim and select “Retire from Profession.” This will cause no one to be in the role of the current profession.
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Next you want to go to the heir you’ve chosen and choose Set Profession on Sim, then choose the profession they are going to be taking. (If they’re a child you can just click age and set profession) 
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Now, what you want to do is back out of the current quest (going into kingdom mode and quitting it, this is the same for freeplay.) This is to make sure the transfer has gone smoothly. If your profession is left empty, THIS IS OKAY! Simply save AS under a new save and exit to the main menu, then reopen the save. If the profession is filled by your heir then you’re good to keep playing! I recommend doing the transfer during freeplay so there isn’t any quest you’d accidently not complete. And that should be the transfer done! Then the process simply repeats each generation. This process also works if you want the children to take up a different profession to one of their parents. Just don't have the parent retire and make sure the role you want them to fulfil is empty and select that instead. Death: Death is something that unfortunately won’t happen naturally. When you feel it is your sims time to pass on you can go about it in a pretty simple way. Enable the sim DEBUG options as your familiar with. Click on the sim you wish to pass on and select “DEBUG: Die by.” You can then select one of the 5 options (For old age, I pick rabbithole.) The sim will then pass on. 
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There aren’t any gravestones in the game which sucks but you can improvise with some small memorial flowers in remembrance if you wish. 
Build mode: I thought I would touch on this. There is no build mode in The Sims Medieval. Only a buy mode. SO, I would suggest planning on how you’re going to use the space for your family early on because it can become very overwhelming very quickly, especially with 6+ kids. Wrap Up: I hope this guide helped! And I hope simmers everywhere are able to take this guide and run with it and turn it into something better. This was just me sharing how I play the game. 
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breathlesswinds · 2 years
(devlog) Presentation in Breathless Winds
Hello! This is Doris, our team’s artist and programmer, writing about the choices we made while implementing Breathless Winds’ script.
Learning how to use Ren'py is about as easy as game development gets - Python is intended to be a very readable programming language, compared to other more powerful options, and once you get the jist of how programming works, the nature of Ren'py makes it easy to look at other people's code and know how to implement it yourself. 
What interested me most about starting work on implementing Amelia's script was getting past just putting images on the screen, though. Before I put together the first test build of Breathless Winds, I was taking notes on other visual novels, what differences there were between games and what had most impressed me from my favorites. 
It has been helpful for me to consider the game's look more broadly - visual novels are about as visually simple as games can be, but there are still ways we can consider feedback, animation and timing, framing and spacing, and like we would when doing work like editing videos, illustrating, or making other kinds of games.
The game Collar x Malice, originally released on the PS Vita, has one small nuance in how it displays sprites differently from many other games; when there’s a single character on the screen, rather than placing them at the center, it places them slightly to left.
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Collar x Malice is a beautiful game, but this particular detail had an immediate effect on me when playing. It feels more intimate! Somehow, it gets across having a one-on-one conversation with a character better this way. For comparison, this screenshot from Edel Blume demonstrates how most games display sprites.
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The difference is in the composition of the image - the character fits on the screen snugly when they’re concentrated on one side of the screen rather than having open space on both sides. It also helps by positioning the character’s face in a way that respects the rule of thirds.
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It’s common in most types of visual media like comics and film for characters to be positioned this way as well. Even though visual novels are mostly books, these same considerations apply.
I had this in mind often when implementing Amelia’s script in Breathless Winds. In each scene, I think about how a character should be positioned to convey the appropriate tone, using both positioning (center, left, or right) and size/proximity (large or small, close or at a distance)
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A funny (unfortunate) compromise came up due to this positioning consideration; if you imagine the scene as a 3D space, any character’s face should be around the vertical center of the screen, as that is the horizon line, but I find that sprites look best when the faces are in the top third of the screen. The alternative would also hide a lot of the character’s design and body language! 
However, positioning characters this way makes it more difficult to get across differences in height… Valerian is the shortest of the game’s main characters, but if I were to convey that accurately with the sprites, it would break the composition. And so this character being a short king won’t get across to players like I envisioned. 
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Playing the demo, players will also notice character sprites sometimes “bounce” when they talk. I didn’t want to implement anything that would be distracting, but I feel visual novels play a bit better when there is some audiovisual feedback for the player beyond the text scroll, and so in tandem with text blips, characters animate slightly to help communicate who is talking. 
There’s a simple logic to the animations - a character usually jumps whenever they begin talking after another character or the narration has had their turn or when their sprite changes. I say usually, because there are a few moments when another animation is used, like a fade, or there’s no animation at all. These exceptions exist to emphasize certain lines, or to tweak a line’s pacing to be either slightly delayed or more immediate.
While we make these decisions according to what feels right to us, there are players who find these effects distracting, and so we will be including options to disable effects like the bounce animation. 
There’s still a lot left to do and things I want to fix or change. Working on the mechanical and illustrative end of Breathless Winds is an iterative process, but it’s been fun to work through. 
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Love Always Wins
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Potter!Reader
Summary: After the second Wizarding War, you and Draco start your life together...
Note: I’m so so happy everyone enjoyed my first installment Where Loyalties Lie! I’m so excited to share this with you all! Let me know what you guys think!
Also this is completely made up and will follow some cannon and noncannon! 
Part 2
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Draco and I moved into an apartment just outside of Godric’s Hollow, close to where my parents lived. I took all magical and muggle precautions to keep our home protected, Draco insisting I was being irrational, but I couldn’t shake the bad feeling I still felt. Draco and I were in the training program at the Ministry to become Aurors. It had been a few years since the battle of Hogwarts, yet I still could not get rid of the nightmares. I felt terrible for waking Draco up almost every night for the first year they happened...
They started to go away a little into the second year, but this is the third year since the war and they started coming back. I had yet to tell Draco this however, it felt childish to bother him with such things.
I was filing more paperwork today, a headache forming from the millions of letters floating across the paper. I rubbed my temples slowly, irritation taking over my mood. I was startled when I felt arms around me, turning to see Draco. I felt better almost instantly, his lips finding their way to mine.
“Hello darling, I was hoping I could steal you away for lunch.” he smiled, kissing my nose.
“I would love to, but I have too much to do.” I sighed, laying my pen down.
“Come on my love, take a break.” he whispered in my ear hotly, trailing kisses down my neck.
“Dray I can’t,” I said breathily, but still leaned back into his touch.
His hands moved to my button down shirt, unbuttoning it just enough to get his hands down. Draco shoved his hands in my bra, twisting and tweaking my nipples. I was so glad I had my own office as I moaned loudly, my head falling back to his chest. He hummed deep in his chest, biting down on my neck to leave his mark.
“Let me make you feel good baby.” he said, my head nodding immediately.
His hands were removed from my shirt as he spun my chair around. He lifted me on to my desk, his lips meeting mine in a searing kiss. I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him closer to me. I felt his hardness straining in his pants, my hand immediately reaching for it. He groaned in my mouth when I gripped it, palming him. I grinned into his mouth, his teeth nipping at my lips playfully. 
“So hard for me already hmm,” I teased, a growl deep in his chest sounded as he grabbed my hips.
“I can’t get enough of you,” he said, shoving my hand away so he could remove his pants. 
I made quick work to get rid of mine, shoving my shirt down my arms. Draco removed his shirt as well, his fingers going straight for my heat. I arched into him, moaning his name when he rubbed my clit. His fingers moved lower to enter them inside of me, using his thumb to rub me.
“Please Dray, I need you.” I panted, wiggling my hips the best I could on my desk.
“You want me inside of you darling?” he asked, smirking at my state.
“Yes,” I whimpered, pouting my lips at him.
He moved me so my ass was somewhat hanging off the desk so that he could tilt my hips at an angle, sliding his member through the slickness pooling. The both of us sighed when Draco pushed into me, my head fell back in ecstasy. His hips snapped up into mine, a squeak falling from my lips. One hand went to his hair while the other went around his shoulders. His hand stayed on my hip while the other went to grab a fist full of my hair.
“Ready?” he asked, his eyes dilating when my tongue darted out to wet my lips.
“Mhm, I want you Dray. You always make me feel good.” I moaned, clenching down on him.
Draco smiled down at me, kissing my lips sweetly. The mood changed as he started to pound into me, my chest heaving as I tried to reciprocate his kiss. I couldn’t keep it up however when he started to hit that special spot inside of me, my eyes closing as my head went to the crook of his neck. 
“You like that darling?” he growled, hitting a particularly hard thrust. I screeched loudly, my nails digging into his shoulder. 
“I’m gonna cum,” I whined, his teeth shining as he reached down to rub my clit again. 
“Fuck,” I gritted out, throwing my head back. 
“Cum for me, love you so much.” he heaved, his eyes closing as I could tell he was just as close as I was.
“Love you more, always.” I whimpered, my legs starting to shake.
I let go with a scream of his name, completely convulsing around him. He grunted as he shot his load inside of me, his face falling to nuzzle my breasts. I held his head to me as I came down, feeling the mix of us dripping down on my desk and to the floor. 
“You better help me clean that up mister, this was your idea.” I giggled, kissing the top of his head.
“Don’t remember you complaining about it darling, in fact you were begging for it.” he quipped, biting down on the skin of my chest. 
“Excuse me, you are the one who barged in here sticking your hands down my shirt.” I gasped, playfully hitting his shoulder.
I could feel the heat of Draco’s stare as we cleaned up, I peeked up at him as he was buttoning his shirt back up. I couldn’t detect the emotion he held in his eyes, it was sadness, but also regret? 
“What is it?” I asked, making my way over to him. 
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” he mumbled.
“Dray, come on. You know you can tell me anything, I won’t judge you.” I spoke softly, throwing my arms around his middle. He stared into my eyes, they held such love for me it almost took my breath away. One hand stayed on my lower back as the other traveled to weave into my hair. 
“It just still shocks me sometimes that you chose to be with me, after....after everything I’ve done. There are days when those thoughts consume me, and I wish I could go back and be there for you. Love you like I should have then like I do now.” Draco confessed, his hand in my hair gripping tighter.
“I wouldn’t change a thing...I truly believe everything happens for a reason Dray. I think that we had hardships to make us stronger, to prove that love always wins. We always found our way back to each other.” I smiled, Draco moving his hand from my hair to cup my cheek. 
“I don’t deserve you, but I will spend the rest of my life loving you. That I know for sure.” he affirmed that by smashing his lips down to mine.
Harry and Draco were slowly mending into a new found friendship. Of course he wanted what was best for me, and after learning that Draco did what he had to in order to save me, he gained a new found respect for Draco. It was a slow process, but it meant a lot to me that the both of them were at least trying to get along. 
We all stayed close after graduating, even living close by. Hermione, Ginny, and I would have sleepovers and reminisce on the good days at Hogwarts, I even shared my stories with Draco. Hermione revealed to me that she knew the whole time there was something between us, of course I wasn’t surprised. 
There was lots of talk of marriage and babies too, the both of them were already engaged to their men however. Draco had always said he wanted to spend forever with me, which led me to the question of where my damn ring was. I was more than ready to settle down and start a family of my own. Something I had always dreamed of. 
My irritation with the fact that Draco had yet to propose grew when Hermione and Ron were wedded a mere eight months later. I had yet to bring up the issue however, but I couldn’t deny the longing to say those words that would forever make me his. I decided as we were twirling around on the dance floor to just blurt it out to see his reaction.
“So when am I going to get a ring?” I inquired, Draco’s smile almost immediate. 
“So eager to tie me down are you darling?” he teased, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
“I’m ready to start our life together, you know like in the muggle world. A big house, plenty of room for our babies to run around.” I babbled, listing off the things I had never thought possible while the war was happening. 
“How many do you want?” he asked, grinning wide.
“Two, maybe three.” I shrugged, already starting to think of names.
“I’ll give you as many as you want my love.” he sighed, bring me tighter into his embrace.
Mine and Harry’s birthday was coming up in a few days, Draco throwing hints of what a huge surprise he had in store. I didn’t even think that it would be what I truly wanted, assuming maybe it was a necklace or something small. I wasn’t one to ask for such extravagant gifts, I had no need for them. 
We had a gathering with all our friends at Hermione and Ron’s house, Ginny had planned on making individual cakes for Harry and I. Draco and I arrived later that afternoon, sharing greetings as I made my way to help in the kitchen. 
Draco had been fidgety the whole day, and I was starting to get anxious. I became even more suspicious when Hermione and Ginny kept me inside for an hour after I had arrived, giving me odd jobs while they ran around. 
“What are you all up to?” I questioned, arching a brow at my friends. 
“Don’t be ridiculous y/n,” Hermione huffed, checking out her window for the seventh time in five minutes.
“Darling, can you come out here for a moment?” Draco called, Hermione and Ginny freezing up.
“Sure,” I said, smiling as I made my way over to him. 
My brother and Ron were giving me a weird look, Hermione and Ginny coming to join. I looked from them and back to Draco, confusion clear as I stared at him.
“What the bloody hell is going on?” I huffed, placing my hands on my hips. 
I jumped when something flew down, a banner that appeared as I read the words. My heart lodged in my throat, my breathing coming to a halt.
Will you marry me?
The words repeated as I read them over and over. I couldn’t even look at Draco, shock completely taking over me. The water works came shortly after, my hands coming over my face as I sobbed. I heard Draco’s chuckle as he came closer to me, and I didn’t need to be looking at him to know how big his smile was. 
He took me in his arms, rubbing up and down my back as I cried into his shoulder. My hands went around his middle, clutching on to his shirt for dear life. 
It was like the past 11 years came crashing down. I remember a point in time I didn’t think I’d live to see this day, especially not with Draco. Even after our first kiss, I didn’t think we would last forever. How wrong I was...The love I had for Draco was unmeasurable. My heart belonged to him just as his belonged to me.
“You asked for a ring my love, why are you crying?” Draco smiled, trying to get me to look at him, but I kept my face hidden as I couldn’t stop the flow of tears. 
“I love you, I love you so so much Draco. I love you.” I repeated as I sobbed into his neck.
“Let me put it on for you.” he spoke softly, taking my shaking hand in his as I watched him slip the ring on my left ring finger. 
I let out a watery laugh, staring at the most gorgeous piece of jewelry I had ever seen. Draco pulled my face back to look at him, taking his thumbs to wipe my tears. His smile was so bright I couldn’t help but reciprocate the expression as he brought my hand up to kiss my hand that wore his ring. 
“I take that as a yes then?” he smirked, moving some hair from my face.
I nodded my head, laughing as I hugged him again. Draco lifted me from the ground, twirling us as he did all those years ago when he came back to me after the battle of Hogwarts. He kept me in his arms when he stopped, staring at my lips for a moment before snapping them to my eyes. I took that as an incentive to lean down to tenderly kiss his lips, my hands weaving into his blonde locks. The rest of our family cheering behind us, but all I could focus on was Draco’s lips, and that I would soon be Mrs. Draco Malfoy...
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iraprince · 4 years
hello! do you have any advice for switching from traditional art to digital? (i recently ran out of supplies so im relegated to my computer lol) i hope youre having a good day!
i sure do!
first off i really recommend clip studio paint, but i also recommend u wait for it to go on sale. it goes 50% off a few times a year, so imo it’s worth waiting, but it also is usually on sale for only a few days so u have to stay on top of it. they usually announce on twitter etc. the tools don’t make the artist and obviously it doesn’t Really matter what program u end up settling on, i’ve just been really pleased with CSP and i wanted to recommend it
second: nothing that u can do with digital art programs/tools is cheating and it took me way too long to really internalize + understand that. copy-pasting stuff instead of redrawing it, using symmetry rulers, using transform/ctrl+T to stretch or squash slightly off anatomy instead of starting over -- when i was first getting into digital i A. didn’t know u could do this stuff and B. felt weirdly guilty doing it once i figured it out, as if i was a worse artist for using the tools that are literally built into the software or that it was lazy or dishonest to do so. that, it turns out, is bullshit. any drawing is just a constant series of decision-making and a lot of digital tools just help u make or retract or edit those decisions faster than traditional does. it’s not better or worse, it’s just different, and it’s worth ur time to figure out which of those differences are the most convenient and useful. this stuff exists for a reason! use it! save ur wrists and ur patience and ur time!
figure out file organization early, because it’s something u don’t have to deal with irt traditional art and so it probably won’t come naturally, but it also makes ur life harder to have a desktop swarming with wip files that are all titled “kjsrhrfgdhgj.psd” or whatever. some ppl sort into folders by date; for me it works better to sort by content (i.e. i have folders for tvrn stuff, patreon stuff, different fandoms, dnd/ttrpg stuff, “misc ocs” for characters i don’t draw much and “misc fandoms” for one-off fanart that doesn’t merit its own folder, etc etc; this is what makes it easiest for me to find stuff, but ur system might end up different.) i admittedly still name my files keysmashes if it’s personal stuff rather than work/commissions, but at least it’s all sorted into a category where i can quickly find it again anyway
also, u can hybridize traditional and digital! i frequently like my traditional pencil lines better than what i can do digitally, so i often scan them in, turn them into lineart, and color digitally (here’s a tutorial on how i prep that). but even if u don’t have a scanner, a carefully taken phone photo with high contrast can still be used the same way. i tend to lay my sketchbook flat on the floor in front of a window, squat down and hold my phone as level as i can while i’m taking the pic, and then i blast it in my phone’s built in gallery editor (highlights/shadows and contrast) before sending it to myself and doing the same thing w tone curve/levels in csp. it’s not perfect, but it’s presentable, and it can be a good way to ease urself in if ur feeling frustrated w the learning curve on digital draftsmanship.
oh, and this tip is really small but it’s ended up being rly helpful for me: resist the urge to zoom in way past 100% scale view just bc u can. if there are times where u absolutely need to, sure, whatever, but there’s no point in regularly tweaking tiny things pixel by pixel at 250% zoom bc nobody who looks at ur art is gonna see that and ur just bloating ur own time spent on things and creating unnecessary stress for urself!! if 100% zoom doesn’t give u the control u want, that may just mean u need to work larger to begin with.
set up a comfortable workspace with a Good chair. look up proper posture and try to stick to it. i know we’re all gay and it sucks to sit in a chair properly but otherwise ur gonna hurt urself. take even more frequent breaks than u do when drawing traditionally! screen bad!
also, if ur tablet has a way to calibrate pressure, try that out. a lot of them are set in a way where you have to press really hard to get full line width and over time it can really seriously strain ur wrist; u can’t manually set pressure in traditional tools (besides like. using softer lead i guess lmfao) but u can with tablet pens and u should try it, bc if u can use a lighter touch overall it really goes a long way towards preventing injury in the long term.
this is all the stuff that came to mind immediately; i’m sure there are tons of basics i haven’t covered, depending on how much of a transition this is for u, but there are a lot of tutorials out there written by ppl more patient and more educationally-oriented than myself so you’d be doing a better service to urself seeking those out than if i were to try to clumsily emulate them lol. good luck + have fun!
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blueburds-but-swtor · 3 years
The Path Ahead; part 4
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Finally giving Altrethir and Ashara more well-deserved time together! I had fun with this chapter and spent a little extra time tweaking it. Hope yall like it <3
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“I sense your uneasiness, Altrethir,” said Ashara, breaking the silence of their meditation. As he gave her no immediate reply, she took the opportunity to pry further. “You didn’t just ask me to join you for meditation.”
“You are correct,” Altrethir murmured as his eyes slowly opened. “This was our only means to get away from the base without drawing suspicion.”
Ashara’s brows furrowed, “Suspicion?”
“I would like to hear your thoughts on a concerning matter.”
“If it’s whatever’s troubling you, then absolutely.”
Altrethir exhaled a deep sigh from his nose, shifting atop his knees. “The traitor within our ranks: I have them narrowed down to a small list of individuals.”
“You must have been working hard. It’s been less than a week since the whole incident on Iokath.”
“I have spent every free moment of my time investigating.” All things considered, it was quite obvious who this traitor was. Still Altrethir’s gut churned with every piece of evidence he collected.
“Who’ve you narrowed it down to?” Ashara asked.
“The only individuals who were directly involved with the superweapon scheme: Empress Acina, Lana, and Theron.”
“Acina has a history of being deceitful and manipulative. It’s got to be her.” Ashara then gestured to him, “Maybe Thexia isn’t the ally she preferred. Her loyalty to the Empire was put into question in the past, but yours never was.”
“You suggest that Thexia has grown to be too much of a wild card for Acina’s own comfort?”
“In a sense.”
“I do not believe loyalty is what concerns the Empress, rather, she seeks powerful allies. Allies who both benefit from a mutual goal, not particularly loyal to one another. Thexia and I both hold substantial amounts of power; physically and figuratively. Eliminating one of us would have no benefit to her, nor the Empire.” Altrethir glanced to his friend, her brows furrowed and lips pressed thinly in thought. “The reason for this incident,” he continued, “I believe goes beyond mere faction wars.
“You understand that this matter was only to be kept between Thexia, Lana and Theron, but Theron enlightened me of the situation regardless. Thus, I have only received his end of the story. He claimed to have been fixing a power cable in the eastern hallway at the time of the attack.”  
Altrethir retrieved his holodevice and produced an image. Ashara looked to it, observing the angles as it slowly spun. “The power cable in question,” Altrethir elaborated, “claimed to have been damaged by the droids. It has been sliced through with a blade.”
“What type of weapons did the droids use?” Ashara said, catching on.
“Vibroknives, conveniently. But the width and depth of the cuts are what caught my attention.” Altrethir then opened his backpack and pulled out a vibroknife. “Taken from one of the droids in the control room. I inspected every one of their knives, concluding that they were all identical. The blades are long and thin,” he traced the blunt end of the knife with his finger for emphasis, “but the cuts are short and wider.”
Ashara observed the knife and the holo image. Granted, it was difficult to truly determine the damage from a mere image. “So one of the droids didn’t damage the cable. It was the assassin, then? They were trying to create a distraction to draw Theron out?”
“In some manner, yes. Contrary to Theron’s claims, the droids were not the ones who destroyed the cables. That much is true. I also investigated the superweapon’s systems—as much as I could, anyway. I had difficulty sifting through the fried circuits, but I digress.” Altrethir then pulled out his datapad and scrolled through his notes. “The coding the droids of Iokath use follow its own self-created programing. Thankfully, SCORPIO left enough of the coding within the Gravestone for me to begin understanding it.”
Coding and slicing were never his strong suits, but over the course of time he spent with Theron, he’d learned the basics and more. He understood where to start and what to look for between the lines.
“When the superweapon charges up, the room undergoes an intense lockdown protocol. Nothing may enter or exit. Only the GEMINI droids, even ARIES, could override the system.  
“But there aren’t any GEMINI droids on Iokath?”
“No,” Altrethir muttered disdainfully. He briefly recalled the event in which Thexia cut down SCORPIO before she could merge into the planet’s system. Truthfully, he thought, that was the reason Iokath had become as chaotic as it was now: it lacked coordination, a sole voice to listen to. The droids ran without guidance or goals. While SCORPIO wasn’t one to be trusted, at least she could have kept the droids under control.
“Even if there was another way to override the programing, it was never tampered with. Here,” he gestured to a line of code that he highlighted in his notes. “There is never any implication that security protocols were lifted. Meaning our suspects are those who were already inside the control room when the assassin struck.”
“So the assassin was already waiting when they arrived,” Ashara said in slow understanding.
“Perhaps. In regard to the self-defense system, here,” Altrethir turned to another page of notes. “Six battle droids are to awaken and eliminate the threat of any tampering with the terminal. Meaning that when the control terminal is damaged or at risk of being harmed—or perhaps if it is already damaged—the droids engage. Theron said he was fighting droids while Thexia was already conversing with the superweapon.
“He did not mention fighting droids when they both entered the chambers, but I do not believe they did. I can recognize remnants of Thexia’s fighting in a heartbeat; not a single one of those droids were sliced in half, decapitated, or crushed by means of the Force. And thus, Theron’s claims contradict the programing of the superweapon.
“Our traitor is no one else than my dear Agent Shan.”
Ashara blinked. Her gut tightened, knowing what significant pain her friend must have felt. “I see why you’re so uneasy now,” she muttered. “I’m sorry, Altrethir. Have you felt his guilt through the Force?”
“Not much. He’s masked his emotions well over the past few days, further drawing my suspicion. Coupled with the evidence, our traitor can be only him.” Altrethir leaned forward, bringing a hand to his mouth then drawing his fingers down his chin in thought. “But my involvement in everything was intentional. He brought the matter to my attention, after all. I fail to yet understand why.”
“The SIS had him on all sorts of undercover missions, right? Maybe he has to keep extra quiet about this one.”
“The SIS has not recruited him for such a mission.”
“How do you know?”
Altrethir hesitated. He glanced to Ashara but kept his head in place. “They already have an agent of the Republic working undercover for them. They wouldn’t require another, not one to do something as drastic as this.”
“What are you talking about?” She kept her voice low but there was eagerness in her tone.
“I allied myself with the Republic. I refuse to become a slave to the Empire again. My agreement in joining Acina was a ruse. But, for now, I work in absolute secrecy for the Republic. I trust you, Ashara, as I have for many years. You must not tell anyone else. Not even your own allies of the Republic, and especially no one else from our old crew.”
Her expression was one of pleasant surprise. A short huff of a laugh escaped her lips as if in disbelief. She gave a quick shake of her head and a shrug of her shoulders, “You’re for real? I mean—stars, I’m relieved that you’re not returning to the Empire. But to join the Republic? How did you manage to convince them?”
“I shall tell you someday in a more secure setting. That is where I would like to drop the matter, please.”
“Of course. So, Theron,” her smile slowly faded. “He’s pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes but yours. What are you going to do about him?”
“I shall continue things as normal. Outing him directly as a traitor will not end well for anyone. I do not believe his intentions are malicious; his assassination attempt on Thexia was orchestrated to be non-lethal. The voltage the superweapon produced was created to short-circuit droids, not to kill humanoids. This was intentional.”
“He’s still on our side.”
“Yes. There is a deeper layer of this situation that I’ve yet to uncover. I shall remain ever observant. And I would like for you to as well, Ashara.”
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trashyswitch · 4 years
William Breaks the Animatronics (Kinda???)
William is not very techy. But that has never stopped him before. This time, William causes a glitch to occur which...causes some mixed feelings.
William’s body screeched to a halt as he reached his best friend. “Ohthankgod! You’re here! Finally! It took long enough!” William reacted with worry in his voice.
“Geez, you’re impatient.” Henry responded.
Henry sighed. William was not exactly the most techy guy. Sure, he could plug in a video game console and figure out some basic animatronic repairs. But there was always a limit to his knowledge and more often than not, William would cross the line of knowledge. That often leads to Henry Nascar-driving his way over to the Pizzeria at 9:30 at night to save his ass. Again.
“What is it this time?” Henry asked. “Did you miswire the joints again?” Henry asked.
“Nope. The joints are fine.” William replied.
“Did you accidentally trigger another shut down?” Henry asked.
“No, he’s still very much alive and moving.” William replied, looking at it.
Henry thought, before widening his eyes. “You didn’t...destroy the ticking circuit spine, did you?” Henry asked.
William looked at him with blank eyes.
“You better not have!” Henry warned. “Cause those are the most expensive, customized equipment we had to buy for these new animatronics!” Henry reacted.
“No, I didn’t. I promise.” William replied.
Henry looked at him with narrowing eyes, before letting him off the hook. “Okay. What’s the problem?” Henry asked.
William looked at Freddy Fazbear and the other Toy animatronics and gulped. “They’re…” His breath hitched in his throat as Chica waved to him.
“They’re...what?” Henry asked.
“PLAY TIME!” All of them yelled.
Henry’s eyes widened as William shrieked in horror!
“GET THE PURPLE ONE!” Bonnie shouted!
“I’LL GET THE ONE IN THE GLASSES!” Freddy declared.
“RUN!” William shouted to Henry.
Suddenly, both of the boys were off. Sprinting around the pizzeria, and being followed by running, stomping animatronics that made the ground raddle with their steps!
“WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?!” Henry asked loudly.
“I DON’T KNOW!” William yelled back.
“COME PLAY WITH US!” Bonnie yelled.
“I LOVE CHASING GAMES!” Foxy reacted happily.
Henry and William both sprinted to the prize corner and hid behind the prize counter. It became pretty clear though, that two grown men could not fit back there.
“My spot. Called it.” Henry pushed William out from behind the prize corner.
“Henry, don-...AAH!” William got himself up immediately and took off towards the stage. “YOU ASSHOLE!”
Suddenly, all the animatronics skidded to a stop and gasped. “He said another bad word!” Freddy reacted.
Henry popped his head out from behind the counter. “Wait, another?”
“You bet! William has had quite the potty mouth. We should have a swear slot!” Foxy told him.
“Mr. Emily, can you make me a swear slot?” Freddy asked.
Henry looked at him with utter concern. “...Uuuuh…”
“Speaking of swearing:” Chica ran up and picked William up. “I GOT ‘EM!” She declared proudly.
“Let me have him!” Foxy begged.
“No, ME!” Bonnie yelled.
“Oh my…” Freddy reacted.
Henry widened his eyes. “AAH- C-Careful! Don’tdrophim!” Henry tried to whisper.
“Don’t worry, Henry! We’ll be extra careful!” Chica reassured him. Chica then proceeded to throw him up into the air and catch him in her arms. “Alright! Get ‘em, boys!” Chica declared.
Freddy, Bonnie and Foxy all reached their hands towards William and walked up to crowd him! “NO!” Henry sprinted up to the animatronics to prevent them from pulling him apart or killing him. He had NO idea as to why they were malfunctioning this much! But all he knew at this point, was that William was NOT going to die from them! And he was gonna make sure of that!
Henry struggled to push himself through the animatronics. So, he tried climbing them. But it didn’t take long for Henry to give up that tactic as well. “GUYS! LET HIM GO! NOW! HE’S DONE NOTHING-”
Suddenly, Henry heard a familiar sound fill the air. It sounded unusual, it sounded bubbly, and it sounded...happy?
Well, mixed with whining.
“HEY! AHA! Ah ah! NO! Get off- HAHAHA! Ohohoff! NOHOhohoho!” He heard.
“W-Wait…” Henry pushed himself through the animatronics and blinked in surprise at the sight:
Foxy and Bonnie were tickling William while Chica was pinning him down!
“You taught us!” Chica told Henry.
“No I didn’t!” Henry protested. Then, he remembered something. “W-Well, I did plan something like this...But I didn’t go through with it, so you shouldn’t have been able to learn it.” Henry admitted.
Freddy walked up to Henry with a giggle. “Look what I can do now! Hold still!” Freddy instructed. Freddy’s eyes turned blue as he scanned up and down Henry’s body.
“It looks like Henry is somewhat ticklish-” Freddy started pointing to certain ticklish spots as he named them.
Henry shrieked and pushed at the robotic pointing finger. “FREDDY!”
“-der arms, sides, hips, belly button, and toes! But your worst spot appears to be your neck!” Freddy lightly poked and tweaked Henry’s sides to get him to stop pushing.
“aaAAUGH! No, knock it off. Now.” Henry ordered. “I don’t know where you discovered that piece of code, but I am NOT in the mood to deal with it right now.” Henry warned sternly.
“My goodness! Such an attitude.” Foxy reacted.
“Stahahap ihihihit! Thehehe mohomehent Ihihi’m ohout of hehehere, I’m shuhuhuttihing you dohohown! Ohohohon PUHURPOSE thihis tihihihime!” William warned.
“We’ll see…” Freddy replied.
“I think you’ve already done more than enough on us!” Chica added.
“Shuhuhut uhuhup, you ungrahatefuhuhul pihihiece of sprahahaypahainted mehetahahal!” William shot back.
Henry pushed away Freddy’s hands and threw his arms out in defense. “STAP! Stop stop stop.” Henry got out of Freddy’s grip and looked at him. “Freddy: What did William do?” Henry asked.
Freddy stopped upon his command and smiled. “William showed me a new program titled ‘Play time’.” Freddy explained.
Henry tilted his head. ‘Play time’? Now what in the world-
“Let William go for a minute.” Henry ordered to Chica.
Just as she was told, Chica let William go and placed him back onto his feet. William took a moment to get his breath back before walking up to Henry and pointing at Freddy’s arm. “I...I had this opened earlier.” William told him.
William clicked a button to open up Freddy’s left arm plate and looked at the switches and buttons. Then, William watched as Henry clicked and held a bigger button that shut Freddy down.
When Freddy was unconscious, Henry turned to his coworker. “Okay. Now, what were you trying to do here?” Henry asked.
“I was...trying to fix the facial recognition problem…” William admitted.
Henry facepalmed himself. “William…Why?” He asked.
“Cause it was broken. The facial recognition and the staring, it was creeping out some of the parents. And frankly, you weren’t trying to fix it either.” William replied. “Will...I have been trying to fix the facial recognition for years. The facial recognition is BROKEN! BEYOND REPAIR!” Henry sternly told him. It CANNOT BE FIXED! I have TOLD YOU THIS A THOUSAND TIMES!” Henry yelled at him.
William widened his eyes and pointed at Freddy. “But- DUDE! The animatronics weren’t staring at us! They were reacting! REACTING! That means I did something, right?!” William asked.
Henry lifted an eyebrow and looked at Freddy. The pupils of Freddy’s eyes were...a strange color of green. He didn’t even know that Freddy’s eyes were capable of that color! “So...Can you remember what you did?” Henry asked.
William rubbed his own arm. “Well...Not really.”
Henry groaned and rubbed his own nose. “You are an idiot. A complete lunatic.” Henry told him.
William sighed. “But, I can remember what I clicked.” William added.
Henry looked up at him, and looked at the small red button that William was pointing at. It was located on the top of Freddy’s arm. Looking closer at it, Henry narrowed his eyes and took the blueprints out of his hands.
“That button shouldn’t-” Henry looked at the blueprints and pointed at the spot. “That button is not on the blueprints. That button shouldn’t exist. At all.” Henry told him.
William blinked in confusion. “...So, you don’t know what it does then?” William asked.
Henry shook his head. “Nope.”
Henry pushed the button with his finger and held it. He felt something click, and suddenly:
Toy Freddy’s body turned right back on and stared into space. William walked to the front and widened his eyes. “Uh oh…” William grabbed Henry, and pulled him in front to see the animatronic’s eyes: they were green! “Henry, we have to get out-”
Freddy started walking towards the other Toy animatronics and started opening up their arm plates too! When that was happening, William pulled Henry to a hiding spot to watch from a distance.
Freddy revealed that every Toy animatronic had the same button on their arm! Freddy clicked that very button on all of them, and watched as they woke right up without the chance to restart.
“Where are they?” Toy Freddy asked.
“THERE THEY ARE!” Foxy sprinted to the back of the prize counter and picked Henry up! “aAAAAH! PUT ME DOWN! FOXY! PUT ME DOWN NOW!” Henry ordered.
Foxy brought Henry over to Freddy. “Well look who’s back!” Freddy reacted. “And I have some great news as well! I remember all your sensitive spots! Meaning, I don’t have to scan you again!” Freddy declared.
Before Henry could say anything, the Toy animatronics started crowding around him and moving their hands right towards his ticklish spots. Foxy and Chica each tickled an armpit, Freddy went for his hips, and Bonnie went for his belly button!
“Nohoho WAHAHAIT! Nohot sohoho mahahany spohohots ahat ohohonce- NOHOHOHAHAHAHAHA! EEEHEHEHEHAHAHAHA!” Henry yelled.
William peeked his head out from under the counter. It didn’t take very long for Henry to burst into loud laughter. William really wanted to help him. It was his fault, after all. But...He also liked seeing Henry laugh like that. And frankly, he would just get himself stuck in the tickle fight as well.
Bonnie quickly looked over at the counter, and walked away from the crowd. William immediately gulped and hid himself more while Bonnie walked closer and closer to the counter. Bonnie walked to the front and leaned over, seeing his purple shirt immediately.
“There you are!” Bonnie declared. Suddenly, William felt a pair of hands grab his sides. But he didn’t get lifted up right away. Instead, Bonnie started skittering and squeezing his sides! William immediately squeaked and flopped onto his side. With William on his side and his face more visible, Bonnie tickled his belly next.
“HehehehAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHO! BOHOHONNIHIHIE GEHEHEHET OHOHOHOFF!” William tried to push himself away from him at first. But Bonnie was one step ahead of him!
The moment the man scooted himself away with his feet, Bonnie grabbed his ankle and pulled him out from behind the counter! “I FOUND AFTON!” Bonnie declared.
Bonnie, who was enjoying acting like a little shit, removed William’s shoe and scratched a finger on his foot.
“LET MEHE GOHOHO- NAAAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAT MYHYHY FEEEEHEHEHEHEHET!” William shrieked and laughed hysterically while kicking his other foot.
“Tickle tickle tickle, Afton!” Bonnie teased as he grabbed the other foot. The bunny removed the other shoe from the second foot and immediately started tickling his other foot with the first one. “What a small pair of ticklish tootsies!”
William arched his back and shouted loudly, before immediately falling into a fit of cackles and laughter. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHA- PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE! STAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIHIT!” William begged.
“Sorry Nr. Afton! You’ve been swearing, acting rude, and breaking rules all evening! Just accept your fate, Afton.” Bonnie explained.
“WHAHAT AHAHABOHOHOUT MEHEHEHE?! IHIHI DIHIHID NOHOHOTHIHIHING!” Henry asked as his neck was being attacked by Chica.
“Despite your name calling towards Mr. Afton, You’ve been quite good! So I’m not gonna tickle you for much longer.” Chica offered.
“But I wanna tickle Emily! Let me tickle him!” Foxy reacted.
“WAHAHAIT, WHAHAHAT?!” Henry shouted.
“Okay! I can do that! 2 more minutes for me, okay?” Chica asked.
“Okay!” Foxy replied.
Henry mentally cursed to himself. Come on, Foxy! Why must you do this to me?!
Both of the boys were being completely wrecked by the animatronics. And no one could figure out just why! Why were they acting like this in the first place? Who programmed their ability to act playful? Henry had NEVER programmed something like that! And how did they figure out how to tickle? Or scan their tickle spots, for that matter? Was it a glitch? Did a hacker get into their programming? What even happened?!
Around 10:30, the front door of the pizzeria seemed to have opened. A man in overalls, who was jingling a pair of keys, had walked in. It was Mr. White: the custodian! He had heard laughing when he first walked in. But he did NOT expect to see tickling animatronics! It was...almost funny to see! An entertaining moment between the two bosses and the animatronic robots they created.
So, the custodian decided to let them have their fun and left them alone. It wouldn’t hurt to go to bed a little more late than usual, right? He has all night to sweep and mop the place down. He could even come the next morning if he wanted to!
So, Mr. White locked the outside of the door for the night and let them be. They’ll be fine, right?
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barbika1508 · 4 years
Perks of an open Pool (Octopus/SeaWitch!Yoongi x Human!Reader/ Smut)
Word Count: 9,4k
Genre: Fluff, Romance, PWP
Pairing: Octopus/SeaWitch!Yoongi x Human!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Breeding Kink, Mating, Dom! Yoongi, Brief Dom!Y/N otherwise Sub!Y/N, Tentacle sex
Summary: It’s just your ordinary mated type of a couple, living together, loving each other and getting frisky as anyone does, with the exception of these two as a limb or two more might be involved.
Authors Note: It’s basically tentacle porn, simple as that! So, enjoy it and if you don’t there’s plenty other things to read! Anyways hope you’re having a good day :3
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 Why am I getting agitated? I was fine not even an hour ago, completely calm and collected. My fingers remain drumming mindlessly along the side of my laptop, as I keep staring at the beat and the waves it has created, listening to the same part of the song over, and over again. The repetition is irking me, the missing part just growing and adding to my nerves. And going down and through the 20 versions I’ve made of the beat, it’s not sitting right frustrating me by this point. This is supposed to be a simple pre-chorus to lead the song into the main part but why in Poseidon’s name nothing is working right?!?!?!?!
Beyond my own little world, I pick up on other sounds deducting movement. Noises of moving furniture and footsteps aren’t quiet anymore. The agitation from before in my stomach lessens as I glance at the clock, but the irritation remains as I continue glaring at the screen in front of me. Letting out a heated exhale I switch onto another track completely, knowing I have 2 things to tweak, but instead for some reason this feels like an entirely different song with a different meaning than it felt the hour before when I was satisfied with it. I just let my mood sour even more, today seemingly being against me creative wise.
My concentration is easy to break as something above me falters to the ground, my mate adding onto my frustrations as she’s taking her sweet time of doing whatever she’s doing instead of directly coming down to greet me, like it is the usual. Turning my head to the left, I’m still left amazed time to time at the concept of the house and her idea which she conceptualized.
This was after all her childhood home, but she bluntly went ahead and demolished half of it transforming the lower part of the entire house, which was built on rocks, into an open pool area of sorts. To humans, it’s a chill barbeque/ relaxing era with the pool being directly connected to the ocean, opening up to natural causes.
The pool stretches outwards from her relatively small house, but it has a shallow area where I am settled with a laptop and my gear all kept on dry land, meanwhile my lower body is submerged underneath the water, two of my limbs working lazily time to time, by bringing the water upwards to keep me wet. The tiled floor is smooth and comforting in a way beneath me. I know exactly where they stop and natural rocks begin to cover the sea ground.
Summers are of course always the best times to hang out in this area. But it has switched for me as well into loving it, which is an oddity. I am cold blooded through and through, I come from the debts of the ocean, where no human has even reached or even been to, where sunlight can’t reach anything. So, the contrast of everything was monumental, the biggest hurdle being the sun that hurt my eyes, the brightness almost blinding me at one point. But I’ve preserved becoming stronger than I once was, my whole mood and liking of summer changing into one of enjoyment. And it’s all because of her. In summers it’s easier for my beloved to spend more time with me in the water, and on land as it’s warm enough for her to sleep here, and stay and work and do whatever she wants to.
Even though I don’t look like it but I crave skin to skin contact with her, at all times if I can. Having her close, at and in arms reach means I can easily protect her from any harm, and bad. Nobody will ever harm her on my watch, that is a promise I’ve made to the gods, an oath to them and myself.
Upon my train of thoughts drifting I stumble upon an idea, fingers quick to act and move along, dotting down notes, which quickly develop the said idea long, from a mere image to creating a sort of a universe on its own. With only half my attention on what I’m doing I focus the other part of my brain on my surroundings.
I can hear my mates’ sweet tone, as she speaks to someone words pronounced sometimes clumsily but the giggles make it up for it. Frowning slightly, it takes me a moment or two to figure out that she is speaking over her phone. Good. I’m in no mood to have company or wait for her to be done being all polite and give them her attention which should be on me most of the time.
Besides she didn’t greet me this morning when she left for work, our everyday morning kiss being skipped. I need to get back at her for that. And yes, she will probably say she left me be because I love sleep, I mean who doesn’t but that isn’t a good enough excuse for me not to get a kiss.
I quickly examine how I’ve went on with the inputs into the music program, the newly created song filling my ears as I press play still working along. Some of my limbs come to life, playing around the water, hydrating my skin but also fooling around my mood obviously haven lightened up at the new discovery and creation thanks to my very own muse. I’m not entirely sure how much time passes on, as I get easily lost but I am aware when my mate does decide to finally descent down, greeting me. I manage a mere nod, still working ahead. I will admit that I am ignoring her on purpose, giving a bit of the silent treatment, upon her actions this morning. My kind and I as an individual can be very petty as humans can be too, but we can take it to extremes if we want to.
It isn’t until she is suddenly right next to me, her legs in the view of the corner of my eye. I slightly twitch as she bends down, knees buckling. Before I can jump in an attempt to grab her from falling, she’s right there her warm lips leaving a kiss on my cheeks, my skin tingling not only because of the warmth from them but also because of the innocent gesture. Turing to look at her in disbelief she has a bring smile on her face. There’s no irritation in sight on her, as I’ve predicted there would be.
‘’Hey there Mr. Grump.’’ She teases seemingly in a cheerful mood. She should be upset that I gave her back some of her own medicine, knowing very well how she dislikes silence between us.
‘’I’m not grumpy.’’ I immediately reply frowning as she starts to giggle instead. I take her in for the first time today. She has already changed, wearing a big white t-shirt that reaches till her mid-thighs while a black garment which is probably a bikini is visible through the thin material easily so. Hmm.
‘’Uh huh. I’ll play along with you. I’m the grumpy one, obviously.’’ She continues happily, still grinning her eyes seeming warm. She shifts on her bent position, sitting back properly while she swings her bent legs, and submerges them into the pool right next to me. Automatically my body consciously or subconsciously gravitates towards her.
‘’I take it, you had a good day at work?’’ I ask sparing a glance at my limbs as they are quick to raise up and eagerly wrap themselves around her ankles, and up her calves. She wiggles her toes, her muscles tensing and untensing briefly as she relaxes one hand finding one limb, as she starts to play with it gently the others eagerly following and raise up higher over her two legs.
‘’Very good day. We’ve got more funding, meaning the cleanup is continuing successfully and will go on steadily.’’ She’s quick to explain eyes on me, while I slide the headphones off completely to listen to her, my mood to create diming as she’s finally back.
‘’Hmm, I’ve noticed there has been more halibuts swimming around recently.’’ I note glancing at her seeing her eyes spark up instantly ‘’You should still consider cleaning the north west side first before moving onwards elsewhere, like I’ve suggested. Start by planting close at first, small things. you’re gonna see the fish are gonna grow it all on their own into a healthy ecosystem…if nobody touches anything around there of course.’’
She claps gently along nodding her head, in excitement and is quick to assure me that she has told her boss about my plan. She always gets this spark in her eyes whenever she talks about her job, being a Marine Biologist, these kinds of stuff just entrance her. Her words do start to falter, as I save up my progress along the way. The silence we fall into after she’s done explaining their plan too briefly, has me turning towards her noticing the content but small smile gracing her lips, as she stares down into the water absent mindedly.
‘’Are you okay baby?’’ I ask halting everything and turn towards her, letting my right arm rest over her knee as I move closer taking her hand into my own eagerly. Her smile widens, free hand reaching up to cup my cheek which she starts caressing with her thumb. She is way bubblier than this, whenever she’s talking about future plans on her days in general actually. This calm demander is worrisome.
‘’I’m perfect my love.’’ She replies leaning closer ‘’Just perfect.’’ Her words do make my heart flutter even more so when she leans in to kiss me on the lips. It’s still a bizarre thing, this human interaction that is considered to be so intimate. Something simple as kissing, lips pressing against one another. It works though, there is this spark that kissing ignites even in my own cold blood. I quickly return my own affections towards her with shameless eagerness, as I’ve been missing her for more than half of the day.
She ends up giggling into the kiss once I swipe my tongue over her lower lip, and teasingly start to tug at her legs, and hands. The kiss gets broken thanks to me smiling as well, her laughter being one of my favorite sounds in the world.
‘’Are you done for now?’’ she asks leaning on her elbows her body positioned in an awkward manner but she doesn’t move away or show discomfort.
‘’Yeah, the project I was working on wasn’t good either way.’’ I point out lessening my hold on her. I turn to my laptop quickly closing everything off whilst she sits up properly stretching out her fingers and arms. I push everything technology wise away, as it’s all propped on a self-built pillow and wooden plank which she made for me a long time ago. It’s all prevention from things getting wet, and despite her meticulous waterproofing and calculation of risks I still make sure not to ruin anything or take chances.
‘’Liar, I bet it’s amazing.’’ She mumbles. I glance over just in time as she tugs the white fabric over her head, which leaves her in the two thin pieces of clothing which are very offensive. I don’t understand why she isn’t bare all the time. I prefer her that way and it’s just easier. Life is easier without those restrains and barriers. My eyes roam quickly over the expanse of her skin, noting how her skin has been sun kissed today meaning she has spent her time out in the open. Before I can drink her up, she’s sliding into the pool, submerging until her chest a quiet hiss leaving her lips smile never leaving her lips. I push myself backwards silently sighing in relief as I let myself sink into the water, my skin feeling rejuvenated. I keep 3 limbs on her, raising them to hold her around her waist, while I sink further into the water and backwards encouraging her silently to follow keeping my head above at all times, eyes not leaving her for a second.
‘’It needs work.’’ I reply watching as she shivers for a while the contrast of temperatures too sudden. She looks unbothered stepping forward and follows along, moving her arms around warming herself up automatically. Turning towards her properly I catch onto her hands, her giggles filling the air as I tug her into me immediately wrapping myself around her protectively and teasingly as she can’t move a muscle in any way, she wants to my limbs making sure to hold her still. I automatically grin upon hearing giggles, as she lets me move her around trusting me whole heartedly even as I almost submerge her, but manage to hold her above the water level ‘’This is what you get for calling me a liar human.’’ I mock jokingly and push us away swimming towards the open ocean, bringing her along with me.
The colder and warmer currents, have her shuddering but she simply musses at me ‘’I’ll repeat myself; You are such a liar Yoongi-yah!!!’’ She exclaims grinning her hands finding their way to rest over my chest, as I move her to partially straddle me, the tiles below us being replaced by smoothened out rock. Stopping mid-way across the pool I stop us, taking in the cooler water currents that brush over my back and arm, whilst I hold her where the warmer current is floating around ‘’One of these days I’m going to make you admit that!’’ I only chuckle at her behavior simply admiring her and press a kiss to her nose quickly ‘’Yah!’’ the exclamation has me laughing, and half submerging underneath which leaves me unbothered ‘’Lets move on okay, pabo!!! Where are you even taking us?’’
And there it is her immediate curiosity, as she looks ahead at the vast ocean eyes falling back to glance along the rocks that same spark I mentioned before just burning up.
Briefly let’s mention the pool again…it might seem to the naked eye that it is in fact opened to the ocean and that it is welcoming anything in. Technically speaking it kind of is, but there’s a specially built underwater gate that prevents animals and other intruders to just float in into my home. Otherwise the benefits besides that ones are that it lets in fresh water and takes out the so to speak old one. Pushing us into motion in no time we reach the gates, which I prop myself onto holding her easily as her legs wrap themselves around my body, giggling as I brush the tip of a limp just bellow her exposed thigh to the edge of the undergarment ‘’I didn’t mean it like that.’’ her hand is quick to brush the tentacle away and to give me a stern look which she fails at because of her smile.
‘’Hmmm what a pity.’’ I reply faking disappointment, while she wraps her arms around me lovingly and despite her statement and action, she still leans in to kiss me. I sigh into the kiss contently, living the rocking motion of the waves that rock us up and down gently, while her touch is everything.
But were we are settled currently the sun is beating down on us, and it’s making itself annoyingly present by warming my skin up, even though I’m submerged more than she is. I do recall the north side which is just in front of me, being perfectly shaded the sun being blocked by the house perfectly so across the rocks on that side of the house.
Knowing when she’s getting low on oxygen, I break away brushing a strand of a lose few hairs from her face ‘’Are you in a mood to explore, my love?’’ I ask her curiously knowing her well enough to predict what her next answer is going to be. There’s a reason why I stopped here.
‘’Not really…’’ she starts hesitantly, glancing towards the ocean again. I’m reminded constantly everyday how much I love her and why exactly I do, and this is one of the moments as I take her profile in. Her eyes are focused straight ahead, expression portraying a longing for something greater, something she wants and has wanted her whole life. She doesn’t know it yet herself what it is, but the ocean is calling for her I know that for certain ‘’…I’ll need to refill the oxygen tanks first, we can explore another time.’’ She turns to me, with a smile. I can just feel how the tension melts from her muscles, and note in her body how she relaxes completely. But thanks to that I can see the tiredness resurfacing knowing she gives it her all at her work and for others.
My heart aches because I don’t want her to be tired, or worried and stressed at all. If it was up to me, I’d happily provide for us, find treasures frequently to afford only the best things in life, wanting to give her everything she wants and wishes for. But I’m being completely blocked off by her human stubbornness, her desire to work to a certain point infuriating but to another understanding.
‘’Whatever you want, my everything.’’ I reply leaning in to kiss once more. It starts out slow, lazy even as I brace her against the gate and let my hands submerge from her back lower to take a hold of her under her thighs. I love her legs, not only because they fascinate me, but because of how they feel under my arms and hands. Her thighs are an absolute delight to grab and hold onto. Don’t even get me started on her ass.
I smirk as I feel her tongue prod at my lip. She’s isn’t being forceful but she is playing a game plainly teasing me. I let her struggle on purpose, letting my hands roam over her thighs, fingers touching everywhere I can, while her own hands are rooming my back, then my neck, until she is cupping my jaws. I almost purr when she let her right-hand slide under my ear and into my hairline, nails scratching against my skull. My limbs practically vibrate, and on their own they wrap themselves more and more around her legs, for sure leaving imprint in their wake, but she told me countless times she doesn’t mind.
Sensing her growing frustration, I decide to let her have her fun letting her have some control, her tongue quick and eager to intertwine with my own. Her hand repeats the motion she did briefly ago, nails skillfully scratching me perfectly, causing me to gasp involuntarily as I tighten my hold onto her trying to tug her even closer which isn’t really possible anymore as I’m already crowding the very air she’s breathing. I want to touch every inch of her, my blood starting to feel as if it’s boiling. I want her. I want to eat her all up.
Just as I swipe my tongue across the roof of her mouth she is pulling away. Reopening my eyes, I notice how flustered she has gotten, breathing deepened as she half pants staring at me with darker eyes. I smile proudly seeing how I affect her ‘’Hmm I’ve missed you.’’ I find myself admitting running my fingers sideways and around to grab a hold of her glorious ass, the flesh smooth and oh so perfect in my hands.
She snorts leaning in to nuzzle her nose against mine, the ministration always endearing even though I’m still missing the point of it ‘’Me or my ass?’’
I muse glancing downwards, but end up looking straight up at her exclamation and how quickly she tugs her arms backwards to cross them, which only brings her breast to the front more ‘’Both.’’ I reply honestly which has her gasping. Now she is acting dramatic.
‘’Pfff sure. I see how it is!!!’’ She rolls her eyes looking away from me still holding her arms crossed, legs still wrapped around me, body slightly turned away. She’s adorable.
I squeeze her ass instead as an initial reply ‘’Babe, your ass is glorious how could I not miss it!!’’ she turns to stare at me in bewilderment, but the blush that’s getting more intense over her features is a dead giveaway that she doesn’t mind my crude words. My words aren’t even crude we’ve both said nastier things. Foreplays can be very fun.
‘’You just want me for my bodyyy.’’ Comes a reply which has her bursting into joyous laugher. It’s an inside joke between us from a TV show we’ve watched a long time ago. I only stare at her in adoration, as she throws her head back, hair cascading down touching the water even though she has it tied up into a mess ponytail. My entire focus is on her face, admiring in fascination at the way the side of her eyes circle slightly, the way she is showing her blunt teeth, nose slightly and adorably so scrunched. I’m fucking rejoicing as her laughter graces my ears, her voice shooting in general, but it’s her laughter and her giggles that melt my ice-cold slow beating heart any time.
‘’It’s a little more than that love.’’ I say smirking as she ends up chuckling at the end eyes finally landing on me once more ‘’I’m here also for the food, and music equipment.’’ I end up whispering. She bursts into another fit of laughter pushing me away playfully at first but ends up wrapping her arms around me, and to my surprise I’m getting an onslaught of kisses peppered all over my face.
‘’Help somebody I am being attacked by this puny human!!!’’ I fake shout simply raising my voice, which gets her to bite onto my ear the cheeky human indeed that she is. I gasp staring at her in bewilderment when she leans back to look at me, and shows me her tongue briefly.
‘’You are really asking for it.’’ I state as she scrunches up her nose and then puts on this innocent expression eyes darting upwards as if she has done nothing wrong ever in her life. I let my limbs crawl upwards over her lower half, as I’m holding her around her waist hands still on her ass to hold her steady.
‘’I am innocent, I have zero idea what you are on about.’’ She goes on further making me giggle, a few ideas popping in my mind with what I want to do to her.
‘’The only innocent thing here are the fish.’’ I reply to which she simply snorts glancing around as if fishes are swimming near us ‘’You on the other hand…’’ I end up sighing heavily, as I’m coming up with a lot of ideas, I know I won’t be able to fulfil all at once. Her stamina isn’t like my own, even though since we’ve been together the first time, she’s gotten to endure a lot more than what she was used to.
‘’Uh huh go on.’’ she says teasingly both hands ghosting over my shoulders, fingers finding the vertebrae of my spine. It has my shuddering for a moment, limbs relaxing slightly around her but wrapping themselves higher up one peeking over her shoulder only now I notice. I can feel the edge of her bikini bottoms, and I subtly try to move them to the side which so far is working as my hands are simply holding onto her flesh. The key to this method is going slow.
‘’Are you going to work tomorrow?’’ I ask keeping on a cool expression not wanting to give anything away, as my excitement is rising. If she says no or yes.
‘’Depends. I could not go.’’ She sings teasingly bringing her fingers to the nape of my hairline. I’m trying very hard not to just purr our loud, it feels that fucking good when she does it.
‘’That wasn’t a yes or no, my little human.’’ I go on giving her a more serious look, as I reach up to cares her cheek. She visibly gulps, eyes fixating onto my own.
‘’I’ll take the day off.’’ she replies with a more careful tone which has me smiling widely leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead.
‘’Good girl.’’ I praise her, feeling how her heartbeat is beating quicker. Her skin is still warm against my own ‘’Now be good for me, and climb up.’’ as I speak I move us further out, towards where a boulder is settled, having been rolled and cemented into an empty sloth perfectly and is the best resting place for her on sunny days, and on rainy it’s my napping rock. But in heated moments like these its perfect for something else.
‘’Yoongi-ah, should we move inside first…’’ she starts glancing upwards and back towards the beach and other houses nervously while I’m already maneuvering her upwards which has her yelping briefly voice getting cut off once her perky ass lands on dry land.
‘’I don’t understand where this shyness comes from on some days I really don’t.’’ I speak out loud more to myself, all the while I grab the two strings that are holding the bottom of her bikini together and easily undo them. The top follows expertly as two of my tentacles snatch the garment away.
‘’Yoongi!!!!!!!!!!!!’’ she half shouts hands grabbing onto my wrists, which does make me glance up at her in question, her hold lessening but remaining on me.
‘’Are you intentionally pushing my buttons today baby girl?’’ I ask letting two of my limbs let go of her calves to get a hold of her wrists.
‘’I’m not! It’s just, the beach is crowded and…’’ she starts to ramble. I take the chance of her brief distraction and worried glances backwards and around, to tug away her hands, easily pinning them next to her body.
‘’If you are so worried about others, then I suggest you keep quiet to not bring attention. I can help you out with that if you’d like too.’’ I grin in the end, and let one tentacle raise up over her still clothed core, and upwards her tummy, following every curve along the way. Regretfully I pass her breasts and let the tip start ghosting over her neck as she snaps to look at me her jaw locked tight. I keep heavy eye contact as she glares at me and tries to struggle, attempting to break free which is of course completely useless.
‘’This is not funny.’’ She goes on looking like she’s mad. You’d think she’s pissed off. But ohhh I know what’s going on in that pretty brilliant head of hers. This is turning her on. I can smell her besides the sea salt in the air, her pungent heavenly smell. Its why my limbs are already tugging the flimsy useless piece of fabric away and chugging it away which leaves her lower part bare to my eyes only.
‘’Oh baby, nobody is laughing.’’ I comment smirking ‘’Now, be a good girl and stay silent.’’
While two of my limbs hold onto her hands, I wrap two more around her thighs lifting and bending her legs, holding them wide open, meanwhile I eagerly lean down, poking my tongue out as I lick a long stripe from down upwards over her delicious core. Her breath hitches loudly, as I eagerly lick over my lips, then just dive in for more at first just blatantly licking her juices.
I can hear how she’s trying to keep quiet, but is failing miserably as small but noticeably loud mewls are leaving from her. Getting more serious and of course eager, I use my left hand to spread her lower lips revealing her folds properly. Perfect color of pink and a luring warmth and smells has me entranced. Happily, I dive down sucking directly onto the little numb that was so foreign the first time we’ve done this, but now I know exactly which flicker of my tongue can send her off. Hence why I start doing everything, to build her orgasm up quickly.
It has her reacting flawlessly and just as I’ve predicted in my mind. Her noises stat to raise up in volume, body bending backwards as she lies onto her back. Letting go of her clit, I teasingly lick over her lips giving her a second and then I’m dipping my tongue finally into her hole knowing it turns her on for some reason. A load moan tears itself out from her, which has me grinning smugly as I raise my head upon an urgent call of my name ‘’Yoongi!’’
‘’Yes, my love?’’ I ask ready to argue in return but what I’m met with is a desperate expression, cheeks completely flushed as she opens her mouth, sticking her tongue out as if to show me it.
‘’Please.’’ She suddenly begs. The way she’s rendered, the visuals are just stopping my brain from functioning normally for a moment. My blood has speed up, and my nerves are starting to tingle more and more, as I myself get turned on and at attention, body buzzing.
‘’Please what? Use your words, you are my good girl after all aren’t you?’’ I tease her happily smiling wider at her eager nodding.
‘’I’m your good girl. Please, I want…’’ she pauses but doesn’t remove her eyes from my own ‘’I want you in my mouth.’’ She almost whispers. I don’t push her on, and accept it as good enough.
‘’You are a very good girl today, my sweet, sweet human.’’ I coo, tilting my head ‘’There you go, gorgeous.’’ I watch as the tentacle that I left at her neck, raises slowly. She raises her head looking absolutely greedy to have it in her mouth. Teasingly slow I hover it near her mouth, while my fingers absently play with her folds tracing her lower lips. The initial touch has her flinching briefly in surprise eyes darting down to meet my own, as the pads of my fingers brush over her clit. So easily distracted. While her eyes and attention are focused on my ministration I watch giddily almost as the tentacle slips down, over her lower lip and into her mouth filling it. The warmth sends a brief shiver to run over me, but otherwise the feeling of her throat closing in and the choked sound that arouses, has my hunger raising.
‘’That’s it.’’ I coo, pulling the tentacle out letting her regain her breath just to push it back in, her throat this time accepting it properly. Her glossy eyes remain on me, obediently so as I fill her mouth, and stretch out her throat more and more, keeping in mind that she needs to breathe now and then, slowing my ministration just for her. Setting up a rhythm, I smile hungrily as I look down at the redness that’s starting to replace the pinkiness. Closing my eyes, my tongue finds her heat, tongue eagerly once more scooping the gathered wetness, as I taste the tanginess of her juices.
At a particularly well aimed and manoeuvred tongue swipe, she mewls and chokes on the tentacle in her mouth, the sensation of her throat closing in around tightly, has me shuddering harder than before. Reopening my eyes, I watch my limb retreat her chest rising and falling as she catches her breath, eyes ready to spill with tears at this point. A trail of saliva is still connected with the top and from her lips. She is absolutely fucking gorgeous.
‘’Yoo-n-gi…’’ she manages voice slightly rough. I haven’t pulled my mouth of off her, so instead I simply start sucking, and licking, building up a combo while with my right hand, I slowly prod at her entrance, my fingers which have dried now getting coated in her flowing juices. More sounds spill from her parted lips, breathless and whiny ones, as I let the tentacle slip inside her mouth once more muffling those glorious sounds. I don’t force it in this time, letting her suck onto it, her tongue quick to dart around it. It tells me that she isn’t distracted enough, even though her eyes are shut tight eyebrows furrowed, her fingers and toes curled up.
I start to push my middle finger into her tight and wet heat slowly loving the way she clenches up, the sensation on its own has a rather violent but invisible to the naked eye shudder run down my human spine, which then spreads and vibrates briefly all over my limbs that freeze for a second, but then just tighten their hold onto her. My precious human. Everything has me boiling on the inside, the visual, the sensations, her smell, her noises. It has me restless, has me wide awake and feeling so alive. Every piece of me wants her.
Knowing her body, instead of teasing her further or going slow by opening her up gradually, I let my pointing finger slide in next, a tiny bit forcefully as I do meet some resistance. Her body tenses, as she half sits up her yelp getting muffled.
‘’Shhhh…’’ I coo smiling letting two of my biggest tentacles reach around her to hold her up in the half sitting position she has put herself into ‘’Relax my love, just relax for me.’’ I encourage her, watching the sweet delicious tears run down her cheeks as our eyes meet. They aren’t there because she is hurt, but because she is overwhelmed with all these sensations.
I tug my fingers out and push them back in while maintaining eye contact, and slowly raising myself up to be closer to her ‘’That’s it, my good girl, doing what I tell her to do, hmmm.’’ I hum in the end, loving the obedient and almost innocent look she gives me. She is starting to get really desperate by the on flow of whines, and thighs which start to tremble now and then.
As I pull my limb back from her mouth, it falls open droll dripping from her slightly bruised lip. Gathering strength not to hurt her, I push my body upwards to reach her mouth, eagerly licking over her lips distracting her as she chases my tongue with her own. Now half propped up I readjust my position on the edge of the rock, and haver her legs spread but around me, using my left arm to hold her up, while with my right I can finally start to finger her properly and the way she wants me to, curling them up and scissoring them once I slow down my thrusts.
She cries into our kiss, tensing up once more, as I aim for her g-sport which has her crying out, incoherent words spilling. I grin wildly and lean my forehead against hers holding her still and tight against me, absolutely loving how she has clenched around my two digits.
‘’Use your words my little human.’’ With that I slow down, the action itself has her immediately nodding eyes meting my own in clear distress.
‘’P-please Y-Yoongi, please I wanna…I wanna cum, please Yoongi, my love, please, please, please don’t stop.’’ She cries with more tears spilling down her cheeks as she starts to tremble, her high near but fading.
‘’Then cum for me, gorgeous.’’ I whisper letting go of her wrists so she wraps her arms around me, body tensing and straightening up, as I resume to finger her towards and through her high, maintaining it and intensifying it. Instead of shouting out, I feel her blunt teeth sink where my shoulder meets my neck, while her nails dig and drag into my back leaving red marks over my skin. I groan at the burn, the tingling in my spine and vibration from my limbs an indictor how I’m boding.
Not wanting to be cruel this time, I start to slow down, coming to a stop slowly her body mimicking my touches as she eases down. Pulling my fingers out regretfully so to be honest, her body suddenly all but collapses onto me. I start to hum a song I’ve learned a century ago, and just hold her close to me, loving how she radiates heat and projects it onto me warming my cold self-up.
We are left in a comfortable silence, even when I lower us down into the water after licking her juices from my fingers. A quiet hiss leaves her lips, but she doesn’t protest or makes an attempt to move, as I push us away and lower us until only our shoulders and collarbones are sticking above the water. I let my limbs caress her body, and trace her skin gently as the ocean current would. No surprise is that even though I’m trying my best to let her gather herself I am getting very impatient, with my own needs.
So, I start by portraying it, by pressing open mouthed kisses over her collarbones, enjoying also as I submerge my face under water. I can hear her chuckle, as I leave marks in my wake, but upon her more awakened state I start to raise up, still marking her up happily and let my hands cup her ass again, pinkies tracing the juncture of her legs towards her folds again.
‘’Every time I think humanly so may I point out…’’ she starts tone unhurried and not so husky anymore. I let two of my limbs raise over her hips, up her ribs in the meantime ‘’…I think; “It can’t get better than this.” But yet you always leave me…’’
‘’Fucked right out of your mind?’’ I finish her sentence smirking as I still remain marking the side of her neck. Regretfully so I will have to heal the marks, as humans are ridiculously so timid creatures at certain things. She chuckles at my statement, gasping at first which turns into a moan, as the two tentacles have wrapped themselves around her breasts, the tips now playing with her perky nipples.
I glance downwards watching them raise up and down, noticing how her skin breaks into goose bumps.
‘’Basically.’’ She breathes out looking down at me. I smirk to myself rolling my shoulders, as she leans in this time hands reaching up to cup my face, but she doesn’t kiss me. She presses a kiss to my cheek and leans closer, lips touching over my ear ‘’Fuck me, Yoongi-ah.’’ she whispers.
Another spark goes through my system, which has me vibrating practically, and changes my soft look into a hard one as I stare at her as she has moved back, and is now biting onto her lower lip. It’s a rule that she isn’t allowed to do that. Only I can bite her lick. (And no this is nothing like 50 shades)
‘’You need to rest my love, you…’’ she leans in to kiss me, stopping my train of thoughts all together. It’s not only me that has a huge effect on her, she can also completely change me, my thoughts, my mood, my everything basically. A mere human. She truly is something else.
Her kiss becomes demanding quickly, body leaning forward shoulders squared up as she takes complete control over the kiss. I’m surprised once she starts to move her hips. Tries to as she is entirely leaning onto me having no proper support around us. So, I help her slightly, by pushing her back against the rock again, one of her hand momentarily leaving me, so she can brace herself back against it. I can feel her smiling into the kiss, breaking it but she isn’t letting go, her right hand which has been supporting the back of my head, has her fingers curling and tugging onto my hair making me groan quietly at the tug and pull, meanwhile her other hand is quick to find its place over my chest, lowering down over my right nipple. Her touch is brief as she continues to move her hands lower.
‘’I should return the favour.’’ She says sensually her hand still lowering, ignoring the small tentacle that eagerly wraps itself from her wrist to her elbow just caressing her skin and holding onto her.
‘’We don’t have time for that baby.’’ I reply trying to stay calm. Even though she is my mate, and we’ve been together for what feels like an entire lifetime it’s still not completely easy to reveal all f myself to her. I still get nervous, when we’re intimate. But I’ve gotten good at hiding my feelings and nerves away.
‘’Alright then.’’ she sighs sounding disappointed but licks her lips teasingly and as if quietly saying ‘Guess you’ll be missing out’. I shudder as her fingers trace the front tentacles, not really intending to play with them. She does have to lower herself down to reach what she wants, but stops mid-way, face slightly lower than mine is as she readjusts herself and her hold on me ‘’Yoongi.’’ She whispers staring straight at me hands tightening their hold ‘’I want you to fuck me.’’ she states completely calm hand suddenly raising up cupping my cheek the coolness and wetness from the water slightly calming me down ‘’Do you want to fuck me, my love???’’ I simply blink staring at her trying to calm myself down as I nod at her question ‘’I’ll keep my hands here alright?’’ she goes on wrapping both arms around my neck, and intertwines her own fingers, while she wraps her legs around my body her knees tucked where my human hips would be ‘’Please, fuck me.’’ she whispers not doing anything ‘’I’m so wet and ready for you, my mate.’’
Even though I tried to hide my nerves, she saw right through me. My mate. I press her against the wall gently letting my limbs do the work as to anchor us against it, so we aren’t moving too much thanks to the reappearance of the waves that is making the pool unsteady enough so that with a small mistake something bad might happen.
Not saying anything yet I reach with my human hand up and take her right into my own, kissing the top part of it, before lowering both hands down underwater. Her expression does change into a surprised one at the beginning, mouth opening as to say something but she simply closes it, her gorgeous eyes focused onto my own. Even though we aren’t physically connected right now, we are one.
I watch as colour returns to her cheek, turning it into a more intense pink-ish colour. I can feel her body warming up, blood rushing through her veins, same as her heart spiking in excitement. A few shudders one after another just shoot down my spine, and it is a human trait I’ve learned, but fuck the sensation thanks to it, has me experiencing something no one of her own kind would, on the male side. Readjusting my grip, I cup her hand instead over the top part. I lean into her but this time, I rest my forehead in the crock of her neck, staring down watching our hands through the water. Finally, I move our hands forward stopping before my body. A short gasp leaves her lips as I just hover our hands close, meanwhile the pit in my stomach start to boil in excitement. My cock isn’t necessarily like my limbs, I can’t really control it per say. It has humanoid traits but it doesn’t act like a tentacle it’s hard to explain it. Letting go of her hand, I reach in to grab a hold of it feeling how much it has filled up and grown. I tug it forward to the front, past the cosy and safe confine of my other limbs. Some sort of goose bumps raise over my skin as well, as I feel very exposed and vulnerable, even more so when the tip of her fingers touches the head.
A gasp involuntarily leaves my parted lips, but she’s quick to press a reassuring kiss to my cheek, her right hand that’s been resting on my shoulder, kind of gripping it in anticipation or excitement, loosens up and reaches up to my hairline again nails scraping against my skull which has me relaxing slightly.
‘’May I?’’ she asks calmly, her breath fanning warmly over the side of my neck. I barely manage a nod but she understands it perfectly. Instead of grabbing onto my dick as I thought she would, her fingers touch my wrist instead at first. They gently caress it, and lower themselves down. I automatically tense up once, the tips of her fingers are touching just over the base of my cock where I’m holding it. It’s such a contrast her touch against my own and it’s not only temperature wise.
I start biting onto my lower lip, eyes closed and just feel, how she gently traces my dick as if she’s doing it the first time (She isn’t just let me clarify, but it is rare and special whenever I let her touch me like this). Her hand finally wraps itself around me, in the middle but pulls up towards the head, which is very sensitive and has me hissing, my dick practically twitching and following her warmth on its own.
‘’Hmmm Yoongi-ah.’’ She moans softly, fingers brushing the tip again which has me letting out a faint sob ‘’Shhh it’s alright my love…’’ her hand circles around my cock again, but lowers down towards my hand again ‘’Will you fuck me my love? Will you fill me up so that I’m leaking for days?? I want you to fuck me, so I won’t be able to walk tomorrow, I want to feel you in my womb, want you to fill it all up…’’ I’m surprised at the change in her, the submissiveness from before replaced by this strong and dominant presence she has put on.
And her words do have a tremendous effect on me. They have me buzzing, wanting her more, want me to fulfil every wish she has. Again silent, I grab onto her wrist and pull our hands upwards, at the same time leaning backwards noticing that the sky is setting, with the sun sinking over the horizon. But that doesn’t matter. When I look at her, her hair has dried up, cheeks not so pink anymore.
‘’Yoon…’’ before she can finish or properly start her sentence, I grab her by her throat and squeeze while at the same time, I grab onto my cock again and easily manoeuvre her how I like, by spreading her legs wide open whilst at the same time, I let another tentacle to raise up and slide into her mouth, letting go of her neck not wanting to actually choke for real. The two tentacles from before that have just been caressing her breasts now tighten as well, and another two joins to wrap themselves around her nipples. Two more make sure her arms remain under my control.
‘’Fill you all up huh?’’ I start with a deep tone readjusting half of my limbs and drag her backwards towards the shallower part of the pool and away from any unwanted eyes. The only lights that are always turned on are the pool ones ‘’You don’t want to walk tomorrow huh little human? Want me to fill you up so that you’ll be leaking, your womb filled up for days?’’ she eagerly nods at my word’s eyes glassing over as she reverts back into her sub state.
‘’I don’t think you can take it.’’ I challenge her, eyebrows furrowing as she turns to glare at me. I simply let the tentacle shove itself further into her throat, feeling it start to close in. But she still glares at me defiantly, like she wants to say something. With my right hand, I simply let it run over her exposed pussy. I let my middle and pointing finger trace lower to her asshole which has her body tightening up ‘’Your little human body, can’t take me whole darling.’’ She starts to properly choke pretty tears glittering as they fall down from her eyes. Pulling the tentacle out she gasp for breath, heaving. Meanwhile I finally find the perfect position and sit on the smooth ground. Getting a hold of her hips I straighten her up, arms locked behind her back tightly.
I grin widely as she looks at me ‘’I’ll split you wide open, is that what you wish for??’’ I ask casually while she stares at me still in defiance before something in her brain clicks and the desperation slips back in.
‘’Please.’’ Her voice is gone, but I understand the word she mouths.
I don’t even give her a heads up, as I raise her above me, bend her knees and plant them on the floor. I let some of my limbs attach themselves on her, as I take a hold of my cock and start to force it into her. She gasps and mewls her body’s natural reaction at first is to run away from the intrusion. We’ve been over this so many times. It’s all natural, as is the size of my cock which is above average, and I’ve put that into human terms, her quote directly.
My mouth falls open, as the head of my dick enters her, and eagerly wants to chase after the warmth. And yet despite the onslaught of pleasure that’s overwhelming me in waves, I hold myself back just to stare at the way her eyes roll back, and feel how her thighs and forearms tense up meaning her fingers and toes are already curling up. Her head falls backwards revealing her half marked up neck. I mimic a human way of mating which is; a thrust. It has me entering more halfway to be precise but she suddenly shouts out body jerking and then going limp only her hips briefly shaking until they stop. I smirk staring as her head falls forward, to which I cup her cheek and take a look at her. The moisture on her skin is from sweat, the sight bringing a chuckle to rise from my throat, as she continues to breathe deep eyelids half closed not leaving my own eyes.
I readjust myself slightly, and grab a hold of the bottom of my cock, to help and guide it properly into her. The waves of pleasure are still going through me, my spine tingling more and more demandingly. But I ignore my own pleasure at the moment in favour of making sure she’s alright. I set her hands free and take her weight off her legs, settling her so that she’s simply straddling me arms resting between us limply.
‘’Fucked out 2 times, another point for me.’’ I state as I sit up and start marking her left side eagerly loving the still unusual taste of her skin.
‘’It’s not…’’ she starts tiredly ‘’It’s not a com…’’
‘’Not a competition yeah, yeah.’’ I chuckle in the end, licking the shell of her ear before I look at her, at her heavy eyelids that are slowly rising and falling as my cock continues to pulse inside her ‘’Do you still wish to continue my love??’’ cupping her face I look at her with such adoration, because she is my everything. Truly she is the reason I’m living and alive. And I’d give anything for her to be happy an get whatever her heart desires.
She lets out a groan of what sounds of discomfort, and closes her eyes briefly. Looking at me a smile stretches across her lips ‘’So full. M just…’’ She trails off looking intoxicated making me grin and nuzzle my nose against her a trait that she likes to do to me, as it is considered childish.
‘’Hmm yeah? Are you feeling good baby?’’ I prod on, waiting for her to get comfortable enough to continue.
‘’So-o goooddddd.’’she practically purrs her fingers that are resting on my lower abdomen, curl up as she attempts to rolls her hips. And that is a sign to continue. I simply hum in agreement, and move her body up slightly so there’s enough room to start fucking her ‘’Ahhhh..’’ she gasps head falling forward again, but this time her eyes remain open as she stares down. I know for a fact that she’s trying to see through the water as much as see can to see us connected. I find myself getting breathless the more times I tug out and re-enter her, the tightness the heath, the feel of her velvety walls all around me, are starting to feel overwhelming. Giving in, I let her be as I lie back getting submerged all besides my face while I let myself get overwhelmed by everything.
It’s easy to succumb to pleasure, especially given how much she is giving me; because she is giving me literally everything. Everything starts to feel too much, but not enough. It’s never enough. I can hear her moans, how they roll of her tongue the sounds matching to those of an angel if you ask me. And through hooded eyes I watch as she moves her hand, placing it over her own stomach. When she presses against it, I can feel her hand. She tears her eyes away and up to meet my own, a goofy smile adoring her lips suddenly.
‘’I-I-I love y-y-you…’’ she manages out, those simple 3 words warming my cold heart every time she says them.
I push myself upwards bringing my own hand over hers  ‘’I l-love y-you too, Y/N.’’
Her thighs start to tremble again, hands reaching for something to grip onto, which again end being two of my tentacles that eagerly wrap themselves over her forearms. Her strength isn’t enough to hurt me at all no matter how strongly she squeezes. Meanwhile my hand remains pressed plat over her stomach, and I just remain half in awe as I feel myself move in her, reaching and brushing up against her womb. By this point she has gone quiet, breathless, and speechless from how overwhelming it must be. Glancing up I watch as and can feel as her orgasm hits her and takes completely over, her mind and body. As I feel her tummy, images of children running, and swimming some that look like her other like me, running around fills me up with joy and excitement. But the sight of her so undone and vulnerable that alone…it’s all because of me. The only person the only being I’ll ever be so open with, the only one I care about, my heart, my body, my soul all belong to her. Everything.
With those train of thoughts and the actually imagine of her with a big belly, it has me spiralling over as I finally let myself get washed away with the tide.
I still am aware on what’s going on around us, I hold her close to me feel her hand wrap around my back, hold me in return. I can fee her lips press kisses to my neck, my cheek, I can feel them moving and faintly can hear her sweet tone. She’s singing. Huh. A siren. I always tease her that she has sirens blood in her, but she always denies it. So, if not a siren she is an angel like I’ve mentioned.
‘’Yoongi-ah.’’ She whispers her tone clear. I spread my fingers testing out how my limbs work, my other limbs which are submerged in the water as most of my body has sunk down work normally still tingling all over. I reopen my eyes seeing her smiling widely. I don’t even remember closing my eyes let alone lying back down again, my mind having shut down for a while. She’s leaning above me, comfortably lying over my front and is running the pads of her fingers over my face, with this far-away look again in her eyes. But once they met mine its like she has found herself again ‘’I love you.’’ She whispers again, eyes crinkling as she smiles looking genuinely happy.
I find myself smiling easily in return at how ridiculous my human is, but look at her and remove my hand from her belly to cup her cheeks that are still warm ‘’I love you more, my sweet human.’’
Copyright 2020© by barbika1508. All rights reserved.
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kerbaldevteam · 4 years
A new update for KSP Enhanced Edition is live!
Hello Kerbonauts! 
A new update for Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition is live! 
This update includes a number of quality-of-life-features , including the ability to seamlessly switch between the SPH and the VAB without leaving the editor, plus a Maneuver Widget for fine tuning maneuvers during interplanetary flights.  Console players  have  now also access to Camera Mode, which allows to take cool screenshots without the UI showing up and the ability to move the camera around when the game is paused in flight. A good deal of fixes has also been packed into this update, and for Breaking Ground players we have included the R-062, R-12 and R-25 Ducted Fan Blades to the part inventory, among several other things.
Check out this patch's Changelog for further details:
Quality of Life Updates
* Sliders now display units in the Part Action Window where appropriate * Added Marquee scrolling to a few PAW items for when the text is super long. Text is ellipsis in this case and on mouse over will move left then right * Updated the Future suit glow color picker position to prevent it from hovering the Kerbal preview * Intended duplicated group-actions have a marker to distinguish the part side * Converter actions now indicate resource type to differentiate them * Hide UI elements that aren't being used and avoid unnecessary updates in flight mode * The PAW start position doesn't block the center of the screen * Maneuver Widget for Fine Tuning Maneuvers * Pinned labels in map view now persist pinned even when leaving and re-entering map view * Add new Cheat option in the Debug Menu - Set Position to teleport a vessel to a position relative to the surface of a celestial body * Editor switcher - switching between SPH and VAB without leaving the editor * Made staging and docking UI available in map view * Persist Aero GUI UI debug window setting and Debug Aero info in PAWs setting between game sessions * Add an EVA button when opening the Transfer Crew dialogue via the PAW
New Features
* Fuel cells can be set started in the VAB or SPH for launch * Added EVA button to the crew transfer dialog. Functions the same as the crew hatch dialog EVA button * Solar Panel and RTG now displays the power units produced based on Experience trait settings in the Part extended tooltip * Add function to “back-off” the camera when switching vessels to prevent the camera from starting inside vessels * Added action groups for the fan blades for toggling the Roll, Yaw and Pitch controls independently and also turn them all ON or OFF * Added Camera mode (unlocked camera movement controls) when game is paused in flight and you hide the UI * Ability to edit Action Groups in flight * Add ability to edit numerical value fields in PAWs using the key input
New Parts and Updates
* Add rock/dirt debris FX to the Drill-O-Matic and Drill-O-Matic Junior * Fix LV-N engine FX particle offset
Fixed Issues
* Wheels and vessel will remain stable after time warping. * Kerbals performing EVAs now show in the proper tab in the astronaut complex after their initial craft has been recovered in flight. * The Hack Gravity cheat can be reset to the default value by moving the slider to 1.00, pressing the reset button, or unchecking the box to disable the feature * The camera will now be placed an appropriate distance and away from large crafts or objects when switching scenes throughout gameplay. * The cursor can no longer be opened while on the Open Vessel menu *  The altimeter buttons are no longer functional while holding deployed science. This prevents the icons from getting stuck on scene change. * "Return to Space Center" and "Cancel Strategy" buttons are now functional when activating 5 resource strategies in the Administration Building. * Look around cursor is present and works accordingly when toggling it with [L3] throughout flight. *  Kerbals now remain in their pre-flight state when immediately reverting to the VAB/SPH through the flight results menu after a vessel is crashed. * More info will now automatically scroll when viewing the additional information. The scroll will move accordingly, stopping at the top and bottom for a few seconds before continuing. * (Xbox) Infinite propellant cheat no longer causes drops in performance when flying a craft with the throttle set to zero. * The title's memory usage and frame rate should now remain stable when using the tweak mode on parts while 'Simplified' is the active preset. * The cursor is automatically activated, and fairing previews now display in real time when choosing "Build Fairing" in the fairing PAW when using simplified preset. * (PS4) The Approach information for the maneuver instantly updates when an intercept is found with a target or celestial body in Map Mode with any Controller Preset throughout gameplay. * The Text Maneuver Editor window now opens accordingly when a Maneuver Node is placed/ adjusted from Map Mode with all control presets.  * The tooltip for 'approach info' now updates to display the name of any celestial body or vessel that is being targeted by the active vessel. When untargeted, the tooltip updates to display this. * The place cross-section prompt is replaced by a blue "Close Fairing" prompt when it is possible to terminate the fairing to another part. * The rename button next to action sets 1-4 will now function when used.
History and Parts Pack
* Contracts that require DLC specific parts no longer appear in Mission Control while the specific DLC is not installed in a Career Playthrough.
Breaking Ground
* Adjusted the Remove Row button in KAL to only delete the row when clicking on the red cross, not the whole segment * Stock Breaking Ground Vessel Updates *R-062, R-12 and R-25 Ducted Fan Blades * The remove track function's clickable area is confined to the red X button
If you want to continue helping us out by providing us with feedback and bug reports, you can do so through our Bugtracker or Private Division’s customer support platform.
Happy Launchings!
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spideythot · 4 years
Consider Hypnokink where Peter gets hypnotized by something (cursed necklace he puts on/some villain/something like that) and to save him, Tony finds a way to redirect the hypnosis so Peter listens to him instead of whatever was controlling him. He initially planned to snap Peter out of it once he had control, but ends up keeping him under after finding his obedience rather... enjoyable 👀
Mm, I love this idea - I’m such a slut for any hypnokink really - so consider a rewrite of Far From Home and Endgame (aka Tony’s still around... Beck gets his hands on EDITH, breaking in and stealing it while Tony recovers from his fight with Thanos. What’s worse though is that Peter goes after Mysterio alone to get back Mr. Stark’s glasses. He’s not sure what they do - just that they’re important. He finds Mysterio’s high tech hideout. And it’s eerily easy to break in. The glasses are set aside on a laboratory table next to a laptop. Peter hesitates - something feels off - but then he grabs the glasses and escapes. He manages to make it out undetected, slipping last an angry Mysterio and all his lab techs. Peter’s on the bus in plain clothes, riding back toward Mr. Stark and hiding from Beck, when curiosity strikes. He unfolds them carefully and puts them on.
((You know that scene where EDITH comes to life in FFH? When I first saw it, hypnosis was the first thing that came to mind - cuz I’m a perv))
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So the screens come to life for Peter, swirling around his eyes and there’s a bit of a welcome screen. But the swirling doesn’t stop, it intensifies. Peter’s alarm bells go off again, but he ignores them. He can’t look away - doesn’t want to look away. And the tingle of danger fades. Words fade in and out on the screens. Peter’s getting off the bus suddenly and just wandering down the street. He stops in an empty alley, and just waits. Not long though. Beck pulls up in car with tinted windows and steps out.
The commands on the screen disappear and through the haze of the mesmerizing patterns. Peter can see Mr. Beck’s face. It’s all he can see, all he wants to look at... Beck takes his chin between two fingers and grins. “Well, well,” he says, “Who knew Spidey was so cute?”
Something feels off - Peter’s eyes close and he shakes his head free from Beck’s grip. “N-no...” he manages to say.
Beck tuts and grabs Peter’s face again. The swirling patterns return full force and Peter’s trapped again. “There,” Beck says as Peter stops his struggling, “That’s a good boy.” He takes Peter by the arm then and leads him the the vehicle waiting in the alley. Peter sits still as Beck straps him into the back seat. The man gets in next to him and orders his lackeys to drive. Peter turns his head toward Beck’s voice.
The man kisses him, and through the haze in his head he gets an explosion of pleasure. He wants so badly to have his eyes close, but EDITH’s program won’t let him. He moans and whimpers when Beck pulls away.
“You want more?” The man teases.
Peter nods and whispers, “Please...”
“Give me your name, little spider,” the villain commands.
The boy hesitates - something is telling him to keep his mouth shut - but he wants more. It felt so good. And he wants to be a good boy, right? He opens his mouth, and answers with a soft, shaking breath. “Peter.”
“Peter,” Beck repeats. He kisses the boy again, a reward. Peter leans into it, parts his lips to receive Beck’s tongue. But the man pulls back again.
“Surname,” he commands.
“P-Parker...” Peter obeys reluctantly.
Beck chuckles and rewards him again, slipping his tongue into Peter’s mouth this time. He gropes the boy, cupping the bulge in his pants and rubbing hard. Peter’s body arches into the touch the boy whining into Beck’s mouth. Beck finishes their kiss and moves his lips to Peter’s throat. He marks the helpless hero, biting his neck and sucking a deep hickey to it. He drags his tongue up to Peter’s earlobe and whispers. “Such a good little boy. I’m going to make you my personal slut. Won’t you like that?”
Peter moaned again, “Uh-huh,” he agreed. His hips bucked against Beck’s palm. He was so desperate already. Beck was going to have so much fun with him. “So sensitive, so horny,” Beck teased. He opened Peter’s jeans and shoved his in them. But he only stroked Peter through his underwear. “Such a slut.” Peter squirmed and keened. His head rolled to the side, leaning on Beck’s shoulder.
“Cum,” the man ordered.
Peter’s body shook and he moaned loudly as he obeyed the command instantly. Beck grinned at the damp briefs under his hand. He kissed Peter’s cheek as the boy came down from his high. “Now, sleep for me.” Peter sighed content and his head dropped, obeying Beck again.
It only took a week for Tony to get Peter back - which was remarkable considering the condition he was in. When he’d heard that Peter had disappeared with Beck and EDITH, nothing could stop him from getting out of his medical bed and back into the suit. He found Peter, tied to a chair in Beck’s new hideout, wearing the glasses. Two birds, one stone. It had been a hell of a fight to get to Peter, but Tony finally had him again. He took EDITH from the boy and put them in his pocket. Peter blinked a few times, his head shaking as if he’d been asleep.
“Mr. Stark?” He asked as Tony uncuffed him from the chair. “You’re better? What’s... happening? My head feels like, so heavy...”
Tony helped the boy to his feet, ignoring his lack of clothing (kid was only in his underwear) and chalking his dizziness up to whatever Beck had done to him. They’d figure it out later. “Yeah, I’m better kid, I’m here,” he replied. “Lets get you safe and rested. Then we can process everything else.”
Peter nodded slowly and agreed with a soft grunt. He wobbled on his legs as Tony escorted him out of the hideout to a waiting ambulance. Once they were in the Avengers’ secure medical compound, Peter fell asleep halfway through his physical exam. Tony had him moved up to his own room - Peter was probably fine. Sleeping was a way of healing after all. Tony would keep an eye on him while he worked out what had happened. He needed to see what Beck had done to EDITH - and Peter.
It took a couple days of tinkering with EDITH’s programming to unlock what Beck had done... and the program he installed for Peter. Some sort of mind control. The more Tony delved into the conditioning Peter was under, the more anger bubbled inside him. He’d strangle the man if he ever got the chance again.
Tony has to reverse whatever sick perversions Beck had forced on Peter. So he went to work on his own programming. Part of him hated that it he had to subject Peter to that sort of thing - reverse brainwashing? - again. But it was for the best. Who knows what kind of triggers Beck put inside Peter’s subconscious. Tony couldn’t let the boy be vulnerable like that in the world.
He kept Peter under supervision, giving some bullshit to his aunt to keep her happy. A few days later, he approached Peter with EDITH and the modified programming. Peter’s eyes dropped to the glasses immediately and he frowned. “I know,” Tony said before the boy could protest, “I fixed them. So, I just need you to wear them for maybe an hour.”
Peter’s eyes glanced up at Tony, concerned. “I don’t... I don’t know, Mr. Stark,” he said. Of course, Peter was hesitant. He’d been under Beck’s control for quite a while. Tony didn’t even know what the boy remembered from the whole ordeal.
“Just an hour?” Peter asked. Tony stepped closer and nodded.
“You’ll be able to take them off, if you need to,” Tony assured. He handed them over. Peter took them gently and went to the couch to sit comfortably. Tony followed but didn’t sit down. Peter just stared at the glasses in his hand. Then he looked up at Tony, he opened his mouth and closed it.
Then he opened it again, “Will you... put them on me?” Peter asked slowly.
“Alright,” The man agreed. He took the glasses from Peter again, who had closed his eyes, and gently put the on the boy’s face. EDITH activated when Peter’s eyes opened again. Tony had tuned the program to start as soon as Peter’s eyes had focused under the lenses.
Peter’s body went lax as he focused on the program Tony had developed. He shivered just a little before settling on the couch. Tony decided to sit with Peter. After about 10 minutes, the boy let out a shaky breath. Tony glanced at him when Peter shifted slightly against the couch. His knee knocked against Tony’s as his legs spread open. Tony didn’t bother to move away - he wasn’t sure what stage of the programming this was - he hadn’t watched it himself obviously. EDITH and FRIDAY we’re capable if correcting the problems with simple guidance.
Tony immersed himself in some work on his phone instead of worrying about the boy next to him. Until Peter moaned softly, and his hips rolled against the couch. That... was not supposed to happen. Tony frowned and turned toward Peter, who was still squirming on the couch. His mouth hung open, as he breathed in heavily.
Tony pulled the glasses off without hesitating - which, probably was a bad idea - but he had to stop what was happening. “Peter,” Tony said to him as EDITH was removed. “Wake up!”
Peter blinked and shook his head. “Mr. Stark?” He asked, rubbing his eyes a little, “Is it done?”
“Um, for now,” Tony replied. “I’ve got some tweaks to make, it seems.”
Peter hummed and nodded in understanding. He gazed at Tony, eyes a little glazed over, pupils dilated. “I feel better,” he said with a sigh.
Tony could tell - not just by the tent in the boy’s pants. “Yeah,” The man replied, “You should take care of that.”
Peter glanced down at himself and giggled. “Yeah,” he agreed. Peter shifted slightly and began to open his pants.
“Woah!” Tony said. “Woah, stop!”
Peter glanced back up at him, hurt and confusion on his face. “But you said...”
“I meant in your room, Pete,” Tony replied, “Take care of yourself in your room.”
“Oh,” Peter said. He smiled at Tony then, his mood switching again, “I’ll go to my room.” Peter got up off the couch and dropped his pants, much to Tony’s shock, and walked toward his private quarters down the hall. It was weird, but Tony shook it off. He picked Peter’s pants up off the floor and carried them to the boy’s room. He left them outside the boy’s door, hearing him moaning in the room. Then Tony retreated to his workshop to fix his program and shove the incident from his mind.
A few hours later, Peter was still acting a little strange. He’d come down to the lab after his little relief session all smiles and sat very close to Tony. Tony was still going over program files, listening to Peter hum a quiet tune. “Hey, kiddo,” Tony said, “Still doing alright?”
“I am, Mr. Stark,” Peter replied promptly. “I feel good.”
Tony glanced at the boy, studying him carefully. Peter’s eyes looked a little glossed over, his face flushed too... but other than that, he seemed fine. “I’m working out the bugs still,” Tony informed him.
“It didn’t seemed bugged to me,” Peter replied. “You said I’d feel good if I listened, and it did. It worked.”
Tony frowned. “When did I say that?” He asked.
Peter thought for a moment. “Well, I heard you say it before... I don’t know. I don’t remember.”
Tony figured it was something EDITH had suggested to Peter in her botched programming. But he had fixed that problem, hopefully. “Here,” Tony said. He held up the glasses again. “They should work correctly this time.”
Peter’s face flushed at the sight of the glasses. He looked a little worried, but mostly excited. “Y-Yeah?” He asked. “I’ll put them on again...”
“Yeah...” Tony said. He hesitated, pulling his hand back as Peter reached out for the glasses. Peter stepped in close again, his hand gripping the frames of the glasses, and brushing over Tony’s fingers.
“Wait,” Tony said, “I should make sure it’s really going to work.”
Peter’s face fell a little but he took his hand away. Tony quickly turned back to EDITH’s code and added in some new commands and actions for Peter. Then he handed the glasses to the boy. Peter stood there for a moment, face still flushed, just staring at them. Finally, he took them over to the lounge sofa Tony had in the workshop and put them on after flopping back against the cushions.
Tony watched him as the trance took over and then decided to give Peter some privacy. He’d need it after all. Tony put the workshop on lockdown and returned to his room for the evening. Peter would most likely be sleeping in the shop.
But Tony was woken shortly after slipping into bed by another body being pressed up against his. Peter wormed his way under the covers and fell asleep next to Tony. He was still wearing the glasses, so Tony took them off and let the boy sleep next to him. Though the distance between them on the bed didn’t last. Peter ended up clinging to Tony in the middle of the night.
In the morning, Peter rolled himself over and stretched. He yawned loudly and sat up next to Tony before he finally realized where he was. He saw Tony lying next to him, tapping away at something on his phone. “Mr. Stark!” He cried out, nearly toppling off the bed. “Oh my god!”
“Pete,” Tony said. He got up off the bed and walked around to where the boy was on the floor. “Relax, kiddo, you’re okay.”
Peter rubbed his head and stared up at Tony. “I must’ve... been sleep walking? I was dreaming so vividly,” Peter said.
Peter nodded. He took Tony’s outstretched hand and the man pulled him to his feet. “Yeah,” he said softly as his eyes met Tony’s. Then Peter blushed hard, his eyes darting away.
“Tell me about it,” Tony said. He crossed his arms over his chest and watched Peter carefully. Peter turned an even deeper shade of red and he babbled out a little bit of nonsense. He covered his mouth but it spilled out anyway.
“W- well, we were down in the lab,” Peter began, “And after you gave me the glasses again to fix me, you started making me feel so good. And telling me all kinds of... really hot things. How much you want to bend me over and make me beg on my hands and knees. You said I was your good boy and I... wanted to be. Yours. To let you do anything to me. You could own me... and I’d be okay with that. I-I was okay with it.
T-then... when we were done, I just wanted to be close to you. So I guess I came up to sleep with you... next to you.” Peter took a deep breath and stared at Tony. “I don’t know why I said all of that...” he whispered.
Tony grinned. He had control now. Because his program worked. He’d put Peter back to normal eventually - well he’d keep a few triggers, to have fun with Peter in the future too.
“Because you’re my good boy,” the man replied.
Peter’s eyes widened and then they glazed over. “I am your good boy...” he moaned softly.
Tony beckoned Peter closet and the boy moved in toward the man. He stared up at Tony, cheeks dusty pink. Tony leaned in and kissed Peter. Just a little fun with him, Tony thought to himself, then he’d let Peter’s mind go back to normal. They’d just play occasionally; Peter would enjoy himself either way - Tony would see to that.
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