#dcbbw will write
dcbbw · 2 years
In Progress
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Hello, fellow tumblrs! I know I haven’t been around as much, and for sure not as engaged as I used to be. Can I just say that since 2019, my professional and personal lives have been filled with next-level adulting and living the consequences of other folks’ life choices. Add on that 2020-3 has been a major Groundhog Day cluster, and that’s my life now.
Maybe I’ll return to my Good Daughter WIP and write it ALLLLL out. Maybe I’ll discover I’m not alone with my frustration, anger, and innermost thoughts. Or you all will find out just who I am when I take off my masks and allow myself to be vulnerable in front of God.
We’ll see.
In the meantime, I have been working on some writing and hopefully in the very near future, I’ll be posting some things for your reading pleasure super soon (if you’re interested; I know you guys have options).
Snippets and synopses are below the cut. Everything is in a form of draft, and final editions may vary.
 Trudy Sloane (#Sloane Washington Appreciation Week)
Song Inspo: Closer, Gaopele
Sloane Washington sat on the side of her bed, running her palms over her face. A twinge of pain in her shoulder caused her to roll her neck in an attempt to alleviate the hurt. She exhaled a quiet sigh as her eyes opened; they blinked as they adjusted to the darkness.  
The quiet in her domicile sounded … different. Despite having shared her space with not one, but two people for months, it was no longer a temporary thing. Sloane extended her left hand, feeling the heaviness of the engagement ring on her third finger permeate her entire body.  
Gertrude Sloane Washington was engaged. To be married. The permanence of her answer changed everything. Or perhaps nothing. Time would tell. Naked, she rose and padded silently across the bedroom floor to a rocking chair that sat in a corner of the room. There was just enough moonlight eking through the closed blinds for her to make out her robe laying atop the pile of unfolded laundry that sat on the chair’s seat.  
Her hair, normally plaited in an elaborate coronet braid, was twisted into two thick ponytails, one hanging over each shoulder blade. She lifted the tresses while black polyester fabric whispered against soft, almond-colored skin as she shrugged into the covering. Sloane glanced over at the still-sleeping body in the bed; it heaved slightly and rhythmically, in sync with slumber-filled breath.  
Khaan Mousavi. The man who would be her husband.  
Sloane walked over, feeling the stickiness from their earlier coupling between her honeyed thighs before scooping her cellphone from the end table and exiting the room.  
 The Poisoned Apple (Birthday Fic for @bebepac)
Song Inspo: Somewhere in the Universe, Pity Party
“Nico,” she called out in an authoritative voice.  
No answer.  
She jiggled her wrist and forearm, causing the handcuff tethering her to the bed’s guardrail to rattle. “I know you hear me,” she taunted.  
Pain, disgust, and desire coursed through his blood as Nico tensed at her words, at the very sound of her voice.  
He hated her. She had murdered his son. His only child.  
He loved her. He had loved her mother first, and as with her mother, Nico found himself vying with another for her affections, her attentions.  
The Brooks/Rys women were trouble. Difficult, messy, drama magnets.  
“I’m not guilty of Nicolai’s death yet, and I never will be. The hand-picked congress my dear father is pulling out of his ass as we speak to ensure my innocence will make certain of that.” 
Nico finally turned away from the windows, a disdainful expression on his face and a smirk on his lips. “Oh, is that why the King of Cordonia has placed you in a psych ward under a 72-hour hold? Because you’re so innocent? Or is it because of your true lineage?” 
The girl’s eyes narrowed threateningly. “Mind your words and your tone, Guard. I am still the heir to the Cordonian throne.” 
“Are you?” He moved slowly, deliberately closer to the bed. “Being a royal, there may not be actions taken against you for taking my son’s life, but there will be consequences.” 
For the first time since Crown Princess Eleanor had been admitted to the facility, uncertainty flickered in her chocolate-brown eyes and a frisson of fear licked at her belly. No one saw her with Nicolai; no one saw her push her him off the cliff’s edge.  
Everything hinged on her story, and as the only witness to her boyfriend’s death from an “accidental fall”, her story was the truth.  
Her eyes followed Nico’s movements as he drew closer to her: the stealth-like way he walked, his shoes making no noise against the floor; the rigidness in his broad shoulders; the blank expression on his face, as if Ellie were an everyday object.  
“Nicolai fell! He lost his footing and fell.” 
Nico shook his head slightly. “Too convenient. My son, a King’s Guardsman, lost his footing on dry land the day after he discovered us naked together? You killed him, and you owe me the why, Eleanor.” 
 Partner Knows Best (Ask from @peonierose)
Song Inspo: Rollin’, Blessing Offor
Who knows who best? That is the question, and hopefully I can provide some answers. Debating between using the Him & Her crew (Mermaids, Riam, SGL x Riley B., UnRomance Liam x Riley) and the DC AU crew; leaning towards Him & Her because I have ideas/plans for DC.
Below are their questions; let me know in the comments if you have any better ones!
·         Who’s the early riser? 
·         Go-to breakfast? 
·         What’s their love language? 
·         Sun, snow, rain? 
·         Who initiates sex? 
·         Who loves harder? 
·         First to apologize? 
·         One must-have if stranded on a deserted island? 
·         Who’s the better communicator? 
·         Who’s the better driver? 
·         Who’s needier when they’re ill? 
·         Who’s more likely to walk away from the relationship? 
·         Where do you see the relationship in five years? 
 Hell to the Hail (ask from @peonierose)
No song inspo yet
The DC AU gang celebrate a belated Valentine’s Day together (I call it PALentine’s), where Leo gloats over the Kansas City Chiefs’ 2nd Superbowl win, much to a salty a.f. SGL’s dismay.
Also, working on updating next chapters of Mermaids, Discontent, Platinum AU; a Commoner’s Wife one-shot; and quite possibly some Liara for Kiara Theron Appreciation Week.
Thanks for reading, and sticking with me during this ongoing, long-running trying time. Your support, encouragement, and care mean the absolute WORLD to me!
 Tagging:   @jared2612 @ao719 @marietrinmimi @queenjilian @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie @liamrhysstalker2020  @neotericthemis @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet  @busywoman @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @beezm @gardeningourmet @lovingchoices14 @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @lady-calypso @emkay512 @jovialyouthmusic @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @queenrileyrose @alj4890 @yourfavaquarius111 @motorcitymademadame @queenmiarys  @burnsoslow @lizzybeth1986
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angelasscribbles · 7 months
Follower Appreciation Post
Okay, first of all.....
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I just want to take a moment to say how much I appreciate all my followers and all the friendships I've made here.
And to show my appreciation, I'm going to open my asks for a little drabble event. Here are the parameters:
You can ask me to write anything you want. So yes, @twinkleallnight, this means you can ask for Drake x Olivia 😆
I reserve the right to refuse to fulfill any request for any reason (I can't imagine a situation where this would happen, but I'm covering my bases)
I will endeavor to keep my responses to 500 words or less.
I will accept requests for this challenge through the end of next week. So March 22nd, 2024.
Requests can be for fics, or they can just be questions about any of my existing characters/pairings. In addition to the series on my primary master list, feel free to send asks for Cordonian Royal Airlines or Law's End.
Requests do not have to be TRR though that is the primary fandom I write for.
Just FYI, I likely will not start on these until April.
Choices fandoms I will take requests for:
The Royal Romance
Ride or Die
Queen B
Open Heart
Romance Club fandoms I will take requests for:
Heaven's Secret
Vying for Versailles
On Thin Ice
Tagging everyone on my "everything" master list under the cut.
@karahalloway, @harleybeaumont @alj4890 @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone
@walkerdrakewalker @kingliam2019 @bascmve01 @twinkleallnight
@lovingchoices14  @tinkie1973
@secretaryunpaid  @irishgrl2022
@kristinamae093 @tessa-liam
@gabesmommie1130 @queenmiarys
@differenttyphoonwerewolf  @jared2612  @belencha77
@dcbbw  @amandablink @indiacater
@bebepac @twinkle-320 @mattiematt1234
@emersyn-in-cordonia @lunaseasblog  
@hollygirl1269 @mainstreetreader
@ladyangel70 @ohmyeightpastlives  @gardeningourmet
@sillydg @phoenixrising0308
@3pawandme @21-wishes @73geenalove @jennieausten
@princessleac1 @kachrisberry @tornbetween2loves
@fangirling12566  @pinklipsandmasonjars @savannahdix
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storyofmychoices · 9 months
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I know the Choices fandom isn't what it once was. Its heyday has long past. Creators continue to leave, but still, there are some new ones joining, there are creators that have been here since the beginning and are still holding on. The fact that there are so many people still here and creating is just amazing. I am so proud to be a creator in this fandom.
I just wanted to shout out writers that are still posting about what they love, regardless of fandom size, number of notes, etc. They write because they love their characters and that is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your stories with us.
@choicesfandomappreciation : countdown to 2024
This is in no particular order. I have not read all the writers on this list, but think they still deserve a shout out for all of their hard work and dedication.
@lilyoffandoms [masterlist]
@jerzwriter [masterlist]
@trappedinfanfiction [masterlist]
@princess-geek [masterlist]
@peonyblossom [AO3]
@liaromancewriter [masterlist]
@stars-are-within-me [masterlist]
@lucy-268 [masterlist]
@lorirwritesfanfic [masterlist]
@inlocusmads [masterlist]
@ladylamrian [masterlist]
@aallotarenunelma [AO3]
@jamespotterthefirst [masterlist]
@missameliep [masterlist]
@ao719 [masterlist]
@noesapphic [masterlist]
@saibug1022 [masterlist]
@gutsfics [masterlist]
@twinkleallnight [masterlist]
@cariantha [masterlist]
@peonierose [masterlist]
@angelasscribbles [masterlist]
@harleybeaumont [masterlist]
@karahalloway [masterlist]
@tessa-liam [masterlist]
@alj4890 [masterlist]
@petiteboheme [masterlist]
@starlight-starfury [masterlist]
@a-cloud-for-dreams [masterlist]
@zealouscanonindeer [masterlist]
@tveitertotwrites [masterlist]
@moominofthevalley [masterlist]
@a-crepusculo [masterlist]
@aria-ashryver [masterlist]
@genevievemd [masterlist]
@dcbbw [masterlist]
@coffeeheartaddict2 [masterlist]
@kristinamae093 [masterlist]
@potionsprefect [masterlist]
@eadanga [masterlist]
This list is by no means exhaustive, please know that it was not intentional if you were left off!
Please visit @choicesficwriterscreations to find many more writers! You are all brilliant and amazing. Keep doing what you do!
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choicesprompts · 11 months
Song Rewrite Challenge
This will be just like the Rewrite Challenge and the Rewrite Challenge Holiday Edition, except with songs!
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Music often inspires and informs our writing, but what if you straight up took a song and rewrote it as a story using your characters?
Here are a couple of examples:
Betrayal by @nestledonthaveone
Social Climber by @angelasscribbles
The rules are simple:
Pick a song
Rewrite it using your characters
Tell us in the header what song you're using as well as what fandom your characters are from.
Tag @choicesprompts <- This part is very important! It ensures that your story gets seen, reblogged, and added to the master list at the end of the event.
Use the hashtags #choicesprompts and #songrewrite
Post/submit by the deadline, which is January 31st, 2024 11:59 p.m. CST
That's it! This is open to ALL choices fandoms!
Go forth, create, and be great!!!
Tagging the general choices prompts interest list under the cut.
@dcbbw @bebepac @karahalloway @harleybeaumont
@twinkleallnight  @missameliep @jerzwriter @twinkle-320 @aussiegurl1234
@argylemnwrites  @katedrakeohd @peonierose @sillydg
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daily-haley · 3 months
Get To Know Me Tag
Rules: Answer the questions because I want to get to know you better!
Thanks for the tag @davycoquette and @kuebiko-writing
1. Do you have a pet?
I have 5 living pets. 2 small dogs, 2 outdoor dogs and 1 turtle.
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2. Comfort food?
Hands down, curry chicken! I'm a slut for spicy food.
3. How many languages do you speak?
I speak English but it's a lifetime goal for me to become bilingual so I'm interested/studying Spanish.
4. Random fact about self?
I am double jointed in my elbows haha!
5. If your life was a movie which movie would it be?
I don't know it would probably have to be cartoon-related. Maybe Bratz
6. Something you're proud of?
My journal. It feels good to look back at my younger self-writing to my future (current) self. So I'm glad to have started journaling back then.
Now I'm tagging (you don't have to play if you don't want to) @winvyre @sassystyl @dcbbw
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bebepac · 9 months
Get To Know Me!
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Sorry, no scandalous hot gossip here. Just your run of the mill chick.
Thanks to @ao719 and @dcbbw for tagging me for this!
Last Song: Young, Wild & Free
Favorite Color: All the variations of the "Pink" family, turquoise, and most recently Carbon Black Metallic because I got my car back after it being in the shop!
Last Movie: Christmas Deja Vu
Currently Watching: The Brothers Sun
Currently Reading: CE's, I have to renew my license at the end of the month. I refuse this to be a fevered dash pressing "submit" at 11:59pm the night before my license expires.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet > Savory > Spicy . I've never had much of a threshold for spicy food. But i've always had a sweet tooth.
Last thing I googled: Amber Riley Movies
Current Obsession: My budget planner. I'm really trying to upper level adult y'all.
Currently Working On:
Another Cinnamon Spice Chapter
A Rotten Apple Wedding / with an alternate ending twist
Just trying to write more in general!!!!
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Tagging in this: @tessa-liam @angelasscribbles and anyone else that wants to share. Consider yourself tagged.
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choicesflashfics · 7 months
Week #73 Prompts
This week’s prompts are:
Prompt 1 — “Sometimes I can’t believe that you actually chose me.” -> “I have great taste.”
Prompt 2 — “That was way out of line.”
Prompt 3 — “What do you mean ‘maybe’? That was a yes or no question.”
You have to use at least one of the prompts, but you may use all if you’d like.
The fic can be no more than 2500 words. Word count must be present. Text fics are welcome as well. 
The prompts must be used exactly as they are. 
Whether you use one, two, or all three, the prompt(s) must be bolded. Please put in your A/N which prompt(s) you’re using. 
Use proper warnings/tags for the fics if they require any (nsfw, etc.)
Tag @choicesflashfics when you post and your fic will be reblogged. If your fic isn’t reblogged within 48 hours of posting (because we all know how tumblr tags are wonky sometimes), send a message with the link.
Post your fic by Saturday, February 24th (11:59 EST). 
Happy writing! 
*just a reminder that asks are open for those who want to submit their own prompt suggestions!*
Tags: @aallotarenunelma @ao719 @bebepac @blackcatkita @boneandfur @burnsoslow @cadybear420 @charlotteg234 @choicesfanaf @choiceskatie @choicesmonthlychallenge @dcbbw @deb-1106 @emkay512 @foreverethereal123 @jerzwriter @katedrakeohd @kristinamae093 @leelee10898 @lolablackwrites @lucy-268 @mariemarieohcontrary @myglassesareinkansas @neotericthemis @niaellariious @ownworldresident @peonierose @petiteboheme @phoenixrising0308 @polishchoicesfan @queenrileyrose @sfb123 @sincerelyella @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @writing-not @zaffrenotes
(If I’ve missed anyone, I’m so sorry. Please let me know if you’d like to be added to or removed from the tags. If I’m unable to activate your tag, I will try to reach out in the comments!)
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lizzybeth1986 · 10 months
Tagging @choicesfandomappreciation for Spread Kindness Week! I unfortunately was on holiday while this was on, so I missed the week while it was happening. Still, I do want to put up some (belated and very well deserved) appreciation posts for folks whose writing, art, content or even just simple posts make me smile!
For Day 1, I want to shower some well-deserved praise for the fan community blogs that encourage content creators with their events, competitions and prompts, and who tirelessly work to present hundreds and thousands of creative works in their masterlists. As someone who runs a couple events of my own, I know how strenuous it is and it takes a massive amount of drive and patience to do it on a regular basis!
@choicesficwriterscreations - I know you've gone through a couple tough weeks this month, and I admire how sensitively and compassionately you tried to handle it. So much love to the hosts and I hope you guys go from strength to strength! @jerzwriter and @cfwcmod-lucy, love you!!
@choicesmonthlychallenge - LOVE all your monthly prompts even if I am so sluggish in getting them done! Kudos to every single individual who has run the separate blogs for each month...you're all amazing and I love how each day has three prompts to choose from. You all really spoil us for choice. Loads of love to all the individual hosts - @liaromancewriter, @lilyoffandoms, @lorirwritesfanfic, @lucy-268, @peonyblossom, @songsaboutgirls, @midnightmelodiz and of course the mod of this blog @lovealexhunt!! (Forgive me if I forgot anyone!!)
@choicespride - So much respect for all the events you hold, with such a variety of prompts 💜 Picture prompts, dialogue prompts, scene prompts...you name it, we'll find it. And all the weeks are so amazing!! Much love to @peonyblossom and @songsaboutgirls, once again!
@choicesflashfics - I can't help but be in awe of how you put out all these great dialogue prompts week after week! And all different and easy to incorporate into stories. I admire your drive and efficiency!
@choicesprompts - Love the variety of activities happening in this blog!! The rewrite challenges...the prompts...the round robins and collabs - I've never actually been confident enough to participate yet but I really love how you bring so many writers together!! Lots of love to @angelasscribbles and @dcbbw for this blog!
@choicesholidays - Again, this blog keeps track of so many holidays and tries to include them all, and I really admire that! They've done great work 🤗🤗🤗 Again, much love to @angelasscribbles!!
@moodmusicmonday - Love the way you encourage us to share the music that inspires us to write!!
@wordwarriors - An amazing community - we try to meet up every month to discuss aspects of writing and how to improve on it, as well as how we can make our own writing more interesting. I love this little community!!
And of course all the character and book appreciation weeks! @drake-walker-appreciation @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation, @tobias-carrick-appreciation-week - these are the only ones I recall seeing rn but if there are others do let me know!! Loads of love to @angelasscribbles, @karahalloway, @harleybeaumont! SO MUCH LOVE to my amazing co-host for all my character weeks too, @sazanes!!
My lovely Discord Gang!! I have such amazing discussions with them 💜💜💜 @cassiopeiacorvus, @thecapturedafrique and @mand-delemonde - love you all!!
Also to the people who send me such nice inbox messages including @peonierose and @lovealexhunt - I'm very poor at responding to them, but do know I appreciate what you're doing so much ❤️🥰❤️
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angelasreblogs · 1 year
Saturday Survey 7.29.23
First of all, my main blog is still marked as explicit. While waiting for Tumblr review to figure things out, I had an idea for a new story. I dismissed the idea because hello, I have 12 in process series as it is. But five of them are close to completion and this idea keeps popping back in my head.
I'm not saying I'm going to write it for sure, but let's see who likes the idea.
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Riley is crown princess, the crown has passed from oldest daughter to oldest daughter in an unbroken line since the time of Kenna Rys. Liam, Leo, Bertrand, Maxwell, and Rashad are all suitors from the Cordonian noble houses in competition for the future queen. Maybe some foreign nobles like Bradshaw Achilles for good measure.
My first idea was Drake is a commoner she met in NY who shows up unexpectedly at the masquerade ball. But I'm not sure I want to write the social season again. Maybe she meets him when he shows up to apply for a position in the queen's guard.
At any rate, the power dynamic is flipped. More The Bachelorette than The Bachelor.
Tagging my permas under the cut
@karahalloway @harleybeaumont @nestledonthaveone @alj4890 @aussiegurl1234 @walkerdrakewalker @kingliam2019 @twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @tinkie1973 @secretaryunpaid 
@queen-arabella-of-cordonia  @kristinamae093 @tessa-liam
@differenttyphoonwerewolf @queenmiarys @emersyn-in-cordonia
 @bascmve01 @twinkle-320 @mattiematt1234
@dcbbw  @amandablink @indiacater @bebepac
@lunaseasblog @belencha77  @gabesmommie1130
@jared2612 @hollygirl1269 @mainstreetreader
@ladyangel70 @ohmyeightpastlives  @gardeningourmet
@sillydg @phoenixrising0308
@3pawandme @21-wishes @73geenalove @jennieausten
@princessleac1 @kachrisberry @tornbetween2loves
@fangirling12566  @pinklipsandmasonjars @savannahdix
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hydn-jpg · 2 years
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for Robin @dcbbw, my secret pal!! here's liam and riley (who i sincerely hope i did justice (;;;*_*) i'm really sorry if i got her design wrong!)
i've never really read TRR or anything else from the franchise but i read a few of your works and they're so captivating!! i was enthralled the entire time i was reading, i especially love how you write and express the different rileys!! they have so much personality and i enjoyed reading her interactions with liam and the other characters!
happy holidays, i hope you enjoy your gift! 💛
(thank you for hosting the event, Dani!! @choicesfandomappreciation)
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angelasscribbles · 8 months
Getting to Know You Better
First of all, thank you so much to @peonierose, @queenmiarys
@dcbbw and @bebepac for the tag!!!
Second of all, I apologize for how utterly late I am in my response.
Here are my answers:
Last Song: Another Level by Oh the Larceny
Favorite color(s): blue
Currently watching: Found and Irrational (I do love the crime procedurals!)
Last movie: The Creator
Currently reading: Spare
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Savory all the way! I don’t like spicy food generally (unless it’s cream cheese stuffed jalapenos) but I love Mexican food. My husband tells me this is an oxymoron, but I stand by it. And though I like savory food, I cannot live without my sweet tea! (That’s the Texas girl in me, Yee Haw!)
Last thing I googled: “Hell or Highwater Walkthrough” (it’s a romance club game and there is a free diamond rush event going on right now)
Current obsession(s): 1. My playlist for Insurrection. 2. historical research on King Louis the 14th and prominent members of his court, emphasis on the openly queer folks (despite it being against the law, but if you were a prince then hey). 3. LGBTQ stickers. I have them on everything…my laptop, my water bottles, the back of my car…..
Currently working on: A Valentine’s Day one-shot from The Agreement. It’s a flashback to when Riley and Drake’s marriage started to become real.
Clean copy:
Last Song:
Favorite color(s):
Currently watching:
Last movie:
Currently reading:
Last thing I googled:
Current obsession(s):
Currently working on:
Tagging some peeps under the cut, but please, anyone and everyone who wants to is welcome to play!!!!
@karahalloway, @harleybeaumont @alj4890 @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone
@walkerdrakewalker @kingliam2019 @bascmve01 @twinkleallnight
@lovingchoices14  @tinkie1973
@secretaryunpaid  @irishgrl2022
@kristinamae093 @tessa-liam @gabesmommie1130 @queenmiarys
@differenttyphoonwerewolf  @jared2612  @belencha77
@dcbbw  @amandablink @indiacater 
@bebepac @twinkle-320 @mattiematt1234
@emersyn-in-cordonia @lunaseasblog  
@hollygirl1269 @mainstreetreader
@ladyangel70 @ohmyeightpastlives  @gardeningourmet
@sillydg @phoenixrising0308
@3pawandme @21-wishes @73geenalove @jennieausten
@princessleac1 @kachrisberry @tornbetween2loves
@fangirling12566  @pinklipsandmasonjars @savannahdix
@jerzwriter @petiteboheme @storyofmychoices
@thetruearchmagos @talesofsorrowandruin @apollowritesstuff @eli-writes-believe-it-or-not @little-mouse-gardens @brieflyinfatuated @justafunctionalmess @writingpotato07 @hannahsrambles2
@aallotarenunelma @inlocusmads
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annabellewynter · 1 year
Hello Again!
Hi everyone!  I just wanted to take a moment to say hello.  I have been back on the platform for a week or two with a new handle @annabellewynter, however, I was on Tumblr and part of the Choices community for many years as speedyoperarascalparty.  I decided a few years ago to leave Tumblr for personal reasons and recently I took a long hiatus from writing at all. 
I’ve learned several things in my time away, and I think I’ve done a little growing up too.  I thought I might share a few of the lessons I had to learn the hard way, in case it helps any people here that are struggling with whether to step away, deactivate, etc.
I do not recall how many followers I had when I left Tumblr.  Although it may have felt like it mattered at the time, it truly does not, so please try not to let that be a focus for you.  
I can not remember how many comments any one of my stories received, how many likes, reblogs, etc.  But at the time, it seemed to be the ONLY measure of success I cared about
I do remember the moments when writing felt great.  The times that a storyline clicked, I got that feeling in my stomach of euphoria.  That’s what writing should feel like and it’s the reason I came back.
I also remember feeling emotionally taxed, judged, and pressured to make others happy and to compare myself to others who are more popular/well-read, or successful than myself.  This came from my insecurities and no one else.
So this time around, I have rejoined the platform for me.  I am writing my own stories, with my original characters.  Some of the stories will be former TRR ones that I started and never finished.  Some will look similar in parts and very different in others.  But, I am writing for me this time, on my timeline and content I truly enjoy.  If you feel like reading, you are welcome to. If it's not your cup of tea, no hard feelings in any way. Do what is right for you.
I am not really reading choices fanfiction at this point but will certainly check out a story here and there, particularly if you need a little support or encouragement, so feel free to tag me.  
I am also here for anyone who might currently be feeling the way I was and would like to chat.  I will not judge you, I will not talk negatively behind anyone’s back or hold any grudges.  My purpose in posting this is to share my journey in the event it helps you on your own.  
I wish you all the best!
Pamela Walker, speedyoperarascalparty, 
Annabelle Wynter
I have no idea who is even on this platform anymore, so just tagging a few of my former mutuals.
@leelee10898 @kingliam2019 @gnatbrain @jovialyouthmusic @riseandshinelittleblossom @twinkleallnight @nestledonthaveone @sweetest-marbear @bascmve01 @kimmiedoo5 @sirbeepsalot @axwalker @katedrakeohd @hopefulmoonobject @dcbbw @tinkie1973 @bebepac
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choicesprompts · 6 months
Spring Writing Reblog Game Prompt 1
Answer for yourself or your MC (or whatever character you wish to!)
Answer in a reblog
Tag however many you wish to play along!
What is your favorite thing about the spring season and why?
Tagging some people I think will enjoy it, no pressure to participate whatsoever! Please let me know if anyone wants to be added to the list for future prompts!!
@karahalloway @harleybeaumont @aussiegurl1234 @alj4890
@nestledonthaveone @peonierose @dcbbw @bebepac @kingliam2019 @tessa-liam @jerzwriter @storyofmychoices
@secretaryunpaid @walkerdrakewalker
@bascmve01 @twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @twinkleallnight
@kristinamae093 @indiacater @aallotarenunelma @inlocusmads
@lizzybeth1986 @noesapphic @thedistantshoresproject @petiteboheme @thosehallowedhalls @liaromancewriter @justcallmefox89
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harleybeaumont · 2 years
Choices Spread Kindness Celebration
I’m late as always.. but I wanted to give some shout outs!
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
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First off- To all my readers. The fact that there are people out there who want to read things that come from my brain still astounds me! I am so thankful for you all for taking the time to read what I write. Every like, comment, share, and DM brings me so much happiness and makes my day! 💕 So THANK YOU so much!
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
Second - To other writers. You guys are the reason I came to tumblr and your writing encouraged me to attempt to write my own fics. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve stayed up late binge reading a series or one shots I found on here. And I LOVED every minute of it! I know it takes a lot of time to put your ideas down on paper (or laptop), not to mention editing, making moodboards, etc - So thank you so much for sharing your stories with the rest of us!
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
I also missed Artist Love day, but I need to give you all a shout out as well! I have seen so many amazing art commissions on here and recently I got my first one! I still have to write the chapter (it’ll be soon) before I post it, but this artist did a fantastic job and I want to give them some love! I cant WAIT to show it to you. Not only is @weetlebeetle an amazing artist, they are also extremely kind and a joy to work with. Highly recommended! ❤️
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
I also want to give a shout out to those who create events like this and share our stories that keep the fandom alive. I know I’m still relatively new here, but I have seen some of the sweetest people go out of their way to include me and others and make sure our work gets shared. So thank you! What you do is so important and we appreciate it! @lovealexhunt @jerzwriter @lucy268-mod  @choicesficwriterscreations 
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
Tagging everyone on my tag list so you all know how much I appreciate and love you! I have made some amazing friends on here and I’m so grateful to have met you! (if I’ve missed anyone it is not intentional!)
@queen-arabella-of-cordonia @angelasscribbles @xpandass420x @tessa-liam @nestledonthaveone @yolandawalker  @lovingchoices14 @queenmiarys @twinkleallnight @differenttyphoonwerewolf  @persephone13 @phoenixrising0308 @3pawandme @peonierose @bebepac @karahalloway @princessleac1 @honey358luv @officiallyunofficialperson @yourfavaquarius111 @kingliam2019 @cathx91 @walkerdrakewalker @kat-tia801 @marshmallowsandfire @lunaseasblog @belencha77 @iaminlovewithtrr @malblk21 @busywoman @cordonianprincess @tinkie1973 @riseandshinelittleblossom @twinkle-320 @21-wishes @shannonwrote @squid-princess-teach-swallow
also want to give some love to @secretaryunpaid @ladylamrian @dcbbw @lacyb16 @princess-geek @flowerpowell​ @aallotarenunelma​ for always being so kind when we’ve interacted!
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twinkleallnight · 2 years
I have not done this in quite some time. But I am here.. i have been writing. Just haven't completed it yet.. so till then here's for @wip-wipeout-weekend and day 3 of @kiaratheronappreciationweek and for @choicesficwriterscreations
Sunday Six
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Kiara sat across Liam in the conference room. Dressed in a black suit her image was sharp and thoroughly professional. Her silky black hair was tied back in an elegant French bun. Her eyes focused on the documents in her hand. An occasional click was heard when her hand fiddled upon the pen it held.
“What do you say?” Liam asked her.
“There are many clauses in this agreement which need transcript so that all of us are in clear picture.”
Rashad sighed, “I would still say, leave it to my team, I will make sure you get the right people and papers on your table, Liam.”
Kiara gave Rashad a stare. He tried to pass it over.
Liam looked at both of them and inhaled a deep breath. “Let me get this straight to both of you.” He placed his palms on the table with weight. “I want both your departments to work hand in hand.”
He addressed Kiara first, “Even if this is the matter of external affairs, I want Rashad to look into the legal aspect of all the points to be discussed.”
He then turned to Rashad. “And Rashad, you can keep a check that things are being scheduled abiding to the laws of both the countries but Kiara’s department will take a lead on this.”
He got up and dismissed the meeting. After Liam left, Rashad gathered his belongings and told Kiara, “I will call you to my office once my team is ready.”
Kiara snipped, “You can come to my office once your team finishes the job. The case primarily belongs to me.” She strutted away on her heels leaving a baffled Rashad behind.
Tags: @3pawandme @alj4890   @angelasscribbles  @bascmve01 @bebepac  @busywoman @dcbbw  @gkittylove99   @harleybeaumont   @iaminlovewithtrr   @karahalloway @kingliam2019   @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone  @neotericthemis   @mom2000aggie @phoenixrising0308  @princess-geek  @riseandshinelittleblossom @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @sillydg  @tessa-liam @tinkie1973  @txemrn     @walkerdrakewalker  @yourmajesty09  
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choicesflashfics · 8 months
Week #71 Prompts
This week’s prompts are:
Prompt 1 — “Are you flirting with me?” -> “I’m always flirting with you, [name]. Keep up.”
Prompt 2 — “I don’t want anyone to see me cry.”
Prompt 3 — “Why does this always happen to me?”
You have to use at least one of the prompts, but you may use all if you’d like.
The fic can be no more than 2500 words. Word count must be present. Text fics are welcome as well. 
The prompts must be used exactly as they are. 
Whether you use one, two, or all three, the prompt(s) must be bolded. Please put in your A/N which prompt(s) you’re using. 
Use proper warnings/tags for the fics if they require any (nsfw, etc.)
Tag @choicesflashfics when you post and your fic will be reblogged. If your fic isn’t reblogged within 48 hours of posting (because we all know how tumblr tags are wonky sometimes), send a message with the link.
Post your fic by Saturday, February 10th (11:59 EST). 
Happy writing! 
*just a reminder that asks are open for those who want to submit their own prompt suggestions!*
Tags: @aallotarenunelma @ao719 @bebepac @blackcatkita @boneandfur @burnsoslow @cadybear420 @charlotteg234 @choicesfanaf @choiceskatie @choicesmonthlychallenge @dcbbw @deb-1106 @emkay512 @foreverethereal123 @jerzwriter @katedrakeohd @kristinamae093 @leelee10898 @lolablackwrites @lucy-268 @mariemarieohcontrary @myglassesareinkansas @neotericthemis @niaellariious @ownworldresident @peonierose @petiteboheme @phoenixrising0308 @polishchoicesfan @queenrileyrose @sfb123 @sincerelyella @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @writing-not @zaffrenotes
(If I’ve missed anyone, I’m so sorry. Please let me know if you’d like to be added to or removed from the tags. If I’m unable to activate your tag, I will try to reach out in the comments!)
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