#de facto separation agreement
Legal Guardianship: Identifying The Best Child Custody Lawyer
Phillips Green & Associates stands out as a light of competence and compassion when it comes to legal guardianship and the search for the best child custody lawyer. The firm's dedication to ensuring a child's well-being during custody battles is unrivalled. Phillips Green & Associates stands out as a trusted brand in the convoluted web of family law, famous for its competent legal assistance and uncompromising devotion to its clients' interests. Recognising the importance of this critical position, the company guarantees that each attorney reflects not just legal prowess but also sensitivity and a thorough grasp of the complexities of custody disputes. Please contact us for additional details!
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angelasreblogs · 6 months
Master List Organization Poll
I would love to have everyone's input on master list organization. I have a lot of content and my ideas of how to most efficiently present it keep changing.
I used to have a short paragraph/blurb for each story out to the side of the title. Now I just have bullet pointed lists of titles under categories (ie, “collabs”, “Poly stories”, etc).
I used to have things sorted into multiple master lists, then put them all in one place for simplicity then moved them again, sorting into several blogs each with its own master list: TRR Scribbles, TRR Poly, TRR One Shots, TRR Bad Romance. On these blogs, you will find them further divided by category, but all shown on the same page/list.
I’m wondering what works best for the readers. When you go looking for content, which format do you prefer?
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Ex 1 List of stories with blurbs:
Insurrection: Riley isn’t what anyone thought she was. Her actions set off a civil war in Cordonia. Eidolon: Construction in the four-hundred-year-old throne room awakens an ancient evil. Unexpected Max has an inappropriate fixation on Riley. Dark Elf: Liam Rys is unpleased that his human half has left him not quite immortal. He has a plan to correct that. American Girl: Riley, Drake, and Liam grew up in a small town in North Texas. High school graduation scatters the three lifelong friends and shakes up their respective relationships.
Ex 2, same as one but divided into categories
Paranormal: Eidolon: Construction in the four hundred year old throne room awakens an ancient evil. Dark Elf: Liam Rys is unpleased that his human half has left him not quite immortal. He has a plan to correct that. Non-Royal Au's: American Girl: Riley, Drake, and Liam grew up in a small town in North Texas. High school graduation scatters the three lifelong friends and shakes up their respective relationships. Drake x Riley Stories My Best Friends Girl: Drake Walker struggles to contain feelings he shouldn't be having as he finds himself falling for the same girl as his best friend. Star Crossed: Drake Walker meets the woman of his dreams the night before his best friend's wedding but there's a major obstacle.
EX 3 Title only, one long list
Three Weeks in Ramsford
The Proposal
The Agreement
Forbidden Passion
Savage Love
Royal Retribution
The De Facto Queen
Victim of Love
Ex 4 Title only, divided into subcategories but still all on ONE master list
Riley x Drake:
My Best Friend's Girl
Lavender and Crimson
Star Crossed
A Fervid Fixation
American Girl
Riley x Liam
Other Pairings:
In Your Room Drake x Leo
The Crown and the Shield Jackson x Constantine
Broken Jackson x Eleanor
Leo & Liv Leo x Olivia
Mardi Gras Mayhem
One Step Ahead
One Night in Cordonia
Cordonian Royal Airlines
Ex 5: The way it is now, links to separate blogs/ML. Stories are divided into broad categories (each of the below links leads to a separate master list where stories are then sorted into further categories but all on the same page/list)
IE: You click on one of these and when you go to that page, you see ex 4 above. ex 4 is what you get when you click on TRR Scribbles here.
Why Choose? Poly/RH stories.
TRR Scribbles: Mono pairings
Law's End: A crime procedural
One-Shots: TRR one-shots
Visuals: Art, edits, etc.
Extras: other TRR stuff
Ex 6: The way it is now, links to separate blogs/ML but with paragraphs/blurbs giving a brief description of the story. So organized like ex 5 but when you get to the ML, instead of title only, there would be blurbs like in ex 1.
Ok, was that clear as mud? If you understand all that and have an opinion, I would love to have your feedback!!!
Tagging under the cut. Thank you all in advance for your help!
@karahalloway, @harleybeaumont @nestledonthaveone @alj4890 @aussiegurl1234
@walkerdrakewalker @kingliam2019 @twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14  @tinkie1973 @secretaryunpaid @irishgrl2022
@queen-arabella-of-cordonia @kristinamae093 @tessa-liam
@differenttyphoonwerewolf @queenmiarys @emersyn-in-cordonia
 @bascmve01 @twinkle-320 @mattiematt1234 @jared2612
@dcbbw  @amandablink @indiacater  @bebepac
@lunaseasblog @belencha77  @gabesmommie1130
@hollygirl1269 @mainstreetreader
@ladyangel70 @ohmyeightpastlives  @gardeningourmet
@sillydg @phoenixrising0308
@3pawandme @21-wishes @73geenalove @jennieausten
@princessleac1 @kachrisberry @tornbetween2loves
@fangirling12566  @pinklipsandmasonjars @savannahdix
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Daniel Camargo Barbosa
Camargo's mother died when he was a little boy and his father was overbearing and emotionally distant. He was raised by an abusive stepmother, who punished him and sometimes dressed him in girls clothing, making him a victim of ridicule in front of his peers.
Camargo had a de facto union with a woman named Alcira and had two children with her. He fell in love with another woman, Esperanza, age 28 whom he planned to marry, but then found out that she was not a virgin. This became a deep root of Camargo's fixations, and he and Esperanza formed an agreement that he would stay with her if she aided him in finding other virgin girls to have sex with.
This began a period of their partnership in crime. Esperanza was Camargo's accomplice, luring young girls to an apartment under false pretenses and then drugging them with sodium seconal sleeping pills so that Camargo could rape them. Camargo committed five rapes in this way, but did not kill any of the girls. The fifth child that they abused in this way reported the crime, and both Camargo and Esperanza were arrested and taken to separate prisons. Camargo was convicted of sexual assault in Colombia on April 10, 1964.
A judge sentenced Camargo to three years in prison, and Camargo was initially grateful for the perceived leniency of the judge, swearing to repent and mend his ways. However, a new judge was given precedence over the case and Camargo was sentenced to eight years in prison. This provoked Carmgo to rebellious anger. He served his full sentence, and was released.
In 1973 he was arrested in Brazil for being undocumented. Due to a delay in sending Camargos criminals records from Colombia he was deported and released with his false identity. When he returned to Colombia he took up a job as a street vendor in Barranquilla selling television monitors. One day when passing by a school he kidnapped a nine-year-old girl, raping her and murdering her so that she could not inform the police like his previous victim had. This was his first assault involving murder.
Camargo was arrested on May 3, 1974 in Barranquilla, Colombia when he returned to the scene of the crime to recover the television screens that he had forgotten beside the victim. Even though it is believed that he raped and killed more than 80 girls in Colombia, Camargo was imprisoned in Colombia after being convicted of raping and killing a nine-year-old girl. He was initially sentenced to 30 years in prison, but this sentence was reduced to 25 years, and he was interned in the prison on the island of Gorgona, Colombia on December 24, 1977.
In November 1984 Camargo escaped from Gorgona in a primitive boat after having carefully studied the ocean currents. The authorities assumed that he died at sea and the press reported that he had been eaten by sharks.
He eventually arrived in Quito, Ecuador. He then traveled by bus to Guayaquil on 5 or 6 December, 1984. On December 18 he abducted a nine-year-old girl from the city of Quevedo, in the province of Los Ríos Ecuador. The next day a 10-year-old girl also disappeared.
From 1984 to 1986 Carmago committed a series of at least 54 rapes and murders in Guayaquil. The police at first believed that all the deaths were the work of a gang, not understanding that one man could have killed so many. Camargo slept on the streets, and lived off of the money he could gain by reselling ballpoint pens in the streets. Occasionally he supplemented his income by selling clothing or small valuables belonging to his victims.
Camargo selected helpless, young, lower-class girls in search of work and approached them, pretending to be a foreigner who needed to find a Protestant pastor in a church on the outskirts of town. He explained that he had to deliver a large sum of money, which he showed them as proof, and he offered them a reward if they would accompany him to show him the way. He pretended that he was a stranger to the area, and hinted at the possibility of the girls getting a job at the factory. No one was suspicious of an older man accompanying a girl or young woman who could be his granddaughter. Carmago would then enter into the woods, claiming to be looking for a shortcut in order to avoid arousing suspicion in his victims. If the girls grew suspicious and drew back, he did not prevent them from leaving. Camargo raped his victims before strangling them, sometimes stabbing them when they resisted. After his victims were dead he left their bodies in the forest to be picked clean by scavengers.
Camargo was arrested by two policemen in Quito on 26 February 1986 only a few minutes after he had murdered a 9-year-old girl named Elizabeth. The policemen were on patrol and approached him at the height of the avenue Los Granados, thinking that he was acting suspicious. They were surprised to find that he was carrying with him a bag containing the bloody clothes of his latest victim, and a copy of "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoyevsky.
He was taken into custody and later moved to Guayaquil for identification. When he was arrested he gave a false name, Manuel Bulgarin Solis, but he was later identified by one of his rape victims who escaped.
Daniel Camargo very calmly confessed to killing 71 girls in Ecuador since escaping from the Colombian prison. He led authorities to the dumping grounds of those victims whose bodies had not yet been recovered. The bodies had been dismembered. While he told the Ecuadorean authorities of the locations of the bodies and how the sadistic crimes were committed, he showed no feelings of remorse. After raping his victims, he had hacked, slashed and crushed the girls with a machete. He gave a cynical explanation for choosing children. He wanted virgins "because they cried"; this apparently gave him greater satisfaction.
According to Camargo, he killed because he wanted revenge on woman's unfaithfulness. He hated them for not being what women are supposed to be. His victims were all virgins.
It was reported that in November 1994, he was murdered in prison by Luis Masache Narvaez, the cousin of one of his victims.
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mariacallous · 2 years
The Scottish parliament cannot hold a second independence referendum without Westminster approval, the UK supreme court has ruled, in a unanimous judgment likely to anger Scottish nationalists who say the country’s future is for Scottish voters to decide.
The first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, said immediately after the ruling: “Scottish democracy will not be denied.”
She said: “Today’s ruling blocks one route to Scotland’s voice being heard on independence – but in a democracy our voice cannot and will not be silenced.”
She said she respected the ruling, but accused Westminster of showing “contempt” for Scotland’s democratic will.
“This ruling confirms that the notion of the UK as a voluntary partnership of nations, if it ever was a reality, is no longer a reality,” she told a news conference.
Sturgeon said her government would look to use the next general election as a “de facto referendum” on separating from the rest of the UK after more than 300 years.
She said: “We must and we will find another democratic, lawful and constitutional means by which the Scottish people can express their will. In my view, that can only be an election.”
Delivering the unequivocal judgment, the supreme court president, Lord Reed, said the Scottish parliament did not have the power to legislate for a referendum on independence because such a bill would relate to the future of the union of the UK, a matter reserved to Westminster.
Reed rejected arguments put by the SNP, which the court permitted to intervene in the proceedings, based on the Scottish parliament’s right to self-determination under international law.
He said that in the absence of an agreement between the two governments, as happened in advance of the 2014 vote, the Scottish parliament did not have the power to legislate for a referendum.
The ruling came after an unprecedented hearing at the UK’s highest court into whether Holyrood had the legal authority to legislate for a referendum on Scottish independence without Westminster granting it the required powers.
Four consecutive prime ministers have refused Sturgeon’s requests to grant her a section 30 order, the section of the 1998 Scotland Act – the legislation that established the Scottish parliament – that allows Holyrood to pass laws in areas that are normally reserved to Westminster, such as the union.
The question was referred to the court by Scotland’s lord advocate, Dorothy Bain KC, at Sturgeon’s request after she confounded critics in June by announcing her preferred date for another referendum as 19 October 2023.
Bain argued that the referendum bill was within Holyrood’s powers because the vote would merely be consultative and would not have any immediate consequences. Independence would be achieved through lengthy negotiations, as happened with Brexit.
But Reed said the effects of legislation “are not restricted to legal consequences but can include its practical consequences”. The outcome of a referendum would “possess the authority … of a democratic expression of the view of the Scottish electorate” and would “either strengthen or weaken the democratic legitimacy of the union”.
Therefore, Reed said, the five judges had concluded unanimously that “it is clear the proposed bill has more than a loose or consequential connection with reserved matters”.
Sir James Eadie KC, a senior lawyer acting for the UK government, said Bain had refused to certify the draft bill as legally competent earlier this year because she “did not have the necessary degree of confidence” it was lawful. The proposed legislation was “solely and squarely about the union”, Eadie said, and thus in breach of the Scotland Act’s bar against passing legislation that dealt with the UK’s constitution.
He suggested that Scottish ministers’ attempts to seek a ruling were “premature” and “theoretical” because the referendum bill had not yet been presented to Holyrood, an argument rejected by Reed, who said the bill was within the scope of the court and further that he accepted Bain’s argument that it was in the public interest that the court should provide an authoritative ruling.
Calls for Scotland’s pro-independence movement to cast aside its bitter differences and unite after the judgment were made outside the supreme court by an MP from a party that has become home to former SNP members.
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Neale Hanvey, formerly an SNP MSP and sitting at Westminster for the Alba party, said the ruling was a defeat in one respect but was also a helpful clarifying point to demonstrate that “all avenues within the union had now been exhausted”.
He said: “Now we must unite as a movement. So we need to stop the elections charade of ‘one more mandate, vote again for the SNP,’ because the reality is there are people in the Conservative party who support independence, there are people in the Lib Dems who support independence, there are many members in the Labour party who support independence, and of course there is the Alba party.”
Alba was formed in March 2021 by the former Scottish first minister and SNP leader Alex Salmond, and has attracted two sitting MPs from Scotland’s governing party amid fissures in the independence movement.
“What we need is a constitutional convention where we put our differences to one side and prioritise Scotland. We have to find a way to come back together as we did in 2014 and settle on a strategy that is solely focused on delivering independence,” he said.
The Scottish Labour leader, Anas Sarwar, said that while it was right for the Scottish government to seek legal clarity on the question, “there is not a majority in Scotland for a referendum or independence”.
He said: “The supreme court’s answer was clear and I thank them for their speedy work in this case. We must now focus on the problems facing our country, from rising bills to the crisis in our NHS.”
The Scottish Conservative leader, Douglas Ross, called on the SNP to “drop their referendum obsession” and respect the ruling. “The country faces enormous challenges right now. Our economy and our NHS are in crisis. We have a wave of public sector strikes – including the first teachers’ strike in almost four decades. These key issues must be everyone’s top priority.”
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
I don't know about other countries but over here I do not think there is a real legal distinction between marriages and civil unions (same sex unions are still not legal here, not even sure if same sex unions done abroad are recognized), we generally use our word for "marriage" to mean the religious ceremony and "civil union" to mean the legal secular union. More and more couples here are getting only legally married but not religiously, or postpone the religious marriage ceremony even for years
the general difference between marriage and civil unions is that civil unions are contracts that give much of the same couple legal rights (eg medical, property, children, etc.) as marriage, but they are not legally married under the law. some choose civil union over marriage (ex gay people in non legalised countries) because they may have personal reasons for not wanting to get married, like already married but separated from someone (so they can't get married), not wanting to go through the process of divorce, unwilling to fully commit themselves to the social concept of marriage, etc.
it gets even more complicated when you bring in de facto marriages, where in some countries, like mine, if you live with a romantic partner for two or more years, you are in a de facto marriage and hold much of the same shared rights, and all you have to do to start the process of ending it is moving out, and then you sort out who gets what (typically your stuff still belongs to you, it's just stuff shared under both names, and kids where legal processes may be needed if you can't come to an agreement).
so, tldr; marriage, civil unions, and de facto marriages are all slightly different things under law, but are multiple ways to share rights, ownership and responsibilities with a partner legally. in countries with both same sex marriage and de facto marriages, civil unions largely become redundant.
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Divorce Lawyers Sydney Free Consultation
Whether you’re considering divorce, or simply want to know your rights, it’s essential to consult with a qualified legal professional. The right family lawyer Sydney free consultation can help you resolve your case quickly and effectively.
A good lawyer will ask questions about your version of events. It’s important that you are honest and accurate because fabricated information may harm your case.
We’re here to help
A divorce Lawyers Sydney free consultation is a major life event and it can be a very upsetting time. Having the support of a family lawyer can help alleviate some of the stress of the process, particularly in relation to matters such as property settlement and care arrangements for children.
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A Sydney family lawyer can help individuals navigate the course of a divorce, including legal proceedings and negotiations. They can assist with registering on the Commonwealth Courts Portal, preparing an application and Affidavit and filing it online. They can also assist with a range of other family law matters, including mediation and resolving disputes without the need to go to court.
A Sydney family lawyer can also help with a wide range of property issues and disputes that may arise during a divorce. They can advise you on the legal processes involved and ensure that any assets accumulated during your marriage are fairly divided. This includes assisting with the financial documentation needed and putting forward strong arguments to secure your share.
We’re experienced
If you want to divorce your spouse, it is important to choose a lawyer who has experience in this area of family law. They can help you with your divorce application, ensure all documents are correct and complete and provide advice on what outcomes may be available to you. They can also assist you with arranging child custody arrangements. They can explain the laws of Australia regarding spousal maintenance and property settlement.
Divorce and separation can be emotionally draining. Having a legal expert on hand to handle the administrative and bureaucratic aspects can free up your time and energy to focus on your children. Moreover, it can save you money in the long run by preventing any misunderstandings and costly mistakes.
Under Australian law, in order to get a divorce, you need to prove that your marriage has irretrievably broken down and that there is no prospect of reconciliation. This can be done by demonstrating that you and your former partner have lived separate lives for 12 months, although brief periods of reconciliation do not affect this timeframe.
We’re affordable
Whether you’re facing a legal battle, a charge or the end of a marriage, a Sydney divorce lawyer can help. They can guide you through the process and ensure your application aligns with Family Law Court guidelines. A free consultation with a legal professional can provide you with the clarity and support you need to make the right decisions for your situation.
The complexities of Australian divorce law are challenging for anyone to navigate alone. Having an objective legal expert on your side means you can focus on the emotional wellbeing of yourself and your family during this upsetting time.
Divorce lawyers can also guide you through the various steps of a divorce application, from filing the paperwork through the Commonwealth Courts Portal to preparing your Affidavit. They can also assist with international divorce applications, ensuring that your spouse is properly served within Australia or abroad, if necessary. Their expertise can ensure that all assets, including those acquired during the marriage, are equitably distributed.
We’re reliable
Choosing a Lawyers Sydney who is specialised in divorce and separation is important. Family law involves the legal issues surrounding the breakdown of de facto and same sex relationships, marriage, divorce, property settlement, financial agreements, spousal support, child custody and parenting arrangements.
Getting the right advice can help you navigate the legal process and alleviate stress during a separation. You can find a specialist by searching the Law Society website for your state or territory. You can also visit a community legal centre (CLC) for free advice.
Separation can be a difficult time for both parties. If you want to get the best outcome for your situation, it’s important that you have an experienced family lawyer in Sydney by your side. They will guide you through the process and ensure that all your rights are protected. They’ll also make sure that you have the necessary documentation to proceed with your case. This will save you a lot of time and money.
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kapadiaau · 11 days
Navigating Legal Challenges with Kapadia Legal: Your Trusted Partner in Legal Matters
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Navigating family law issues can be an emotionally charged and complex experience. Whether you're dealing with divorce, child custody, or property settlement, having a reliable and Best Family Lawyers Melbourne by your side is crucial. In Melbourne, Kapadia Legal stands out as a leading law firm dedicated to providing exceptional family law services. With a compassionate approach and a wealth of expertise, Kapadia Legal ensures that your rights and interests are safeguarded throughout the legal process.
Why Choose Kapadia Legal for Your Family Law Needs?
Expertise and Experience
Kapadia Legal boasts a team of highly skilled Family Lawyers Melbourne with extensive experience in handling a wide range of family law matters. Our expertise spans across divorce, child custody and support, spousal maintenance, property settlement, and more. By staying abreast of the latest legal developments and precedents, Kapadia Legal ensures that clients receive the most accurate and effective legal advice.
Personalized Approach
Understanding that every family law case is unique, Kapadia Legal takes a personalized approach to each client. We listen to your concerns, understand your objectives, and tailor our legal strategies to meet your specific needs. This client-centric approach ensures that you feel supported and informed throughout the legal process.
Compassionate and Supportive
Family law issues often involve significant emotional stress. The team at Kapadia Legal is not only knowledgeable but also compassionate and empathetic. We provide a supportive environment where you can discuss your concerns openly and feel understood. Our goal is to alleviate some of the stress associated with family law matters by offering clear guidance and reassurance.
Strong Advocacy
When it comes to family law disputes, having a strong advocate in your corner can make a significant difference. Kapadia Legal is committed to protecting your rights and achieving the best possible outcome for your case. Whether through negotiation, mediation, or litigation, their lawyers are skilled in advocating on your behalf.
Transparent Communication
Legal processes can be complex and daunting. Kapadia Legal prioritizes transparent communication, ensuring that you are fully informed about the progress of your case and understand the legal implications of each step. We are readily available to answer your questions and provide regular updates, so you are never left in the dark.
Services Offered by Kapadia Legal
Kapadia Legal offers a comprehensive range of family law services to address various aspects of family-related legal matters. Some of our key services include:
Divorce and Separation
Navigating the end of a marriage or de facto relationship requires careful legal guidance. Kapadia Legal assists clients with all aspects of divorce and separation, including filing for divorce, negotiating settlements, and representing clients in court when necessary.
Child Custody and Support
Determining child custody and support arrangements is often one of the most contentious aspects of family law. Kapadia Legal works to ensure that the best interests of the child are prioritized while striving to achieve fair and workable custody and support agreements.
Spousal Maintenance
In cases where one spouse may require financial support following a separation or divorce, Kapadia Legal provides expert advice on spousal maintenance. We help clients understand their entitlements and obligations, ensuring that fair support arrangements are established.
Property Settlement
Dividing assets and liabilities after a separation can be complex. Kapadia Legal assists clients in negotiating property settlements, taking into account factors such as financial contributions, future needs, and overall fairness. Our goal is to achieve a just and equitable distribution of property.
Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
While some family law matters may require court intervention, many can be resolved through mediation and alternative dispute resolution methods. Kapadia Legal offers mediation services to help clients reach amicable agreements without the need for lengthy litigation.
Contact Kapadia Legal Today
If you are in need of a Building and Construction Lawyers, Kapadia Legal is here to help. Our experienced team of Building Dispute Lawyers, Civil Litigation Lawyers in Melbourne is dedicated to providing the highest level of legal support and achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients. Contact Kapadia Legal today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards resolving your family law matters, Kapadia Legal's Building Lawyer is here with confidence and peace of mind.
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arcuriturnbulllaw · 3 months
Navigating the Complexities of Binding Financial Agreements: A Guide to Finding the Right Lawyer
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Binding Financial Agreements (BFAs) are legal documents that outline how assets and finances will be divided in the event of a relationship breakdown. They are commonly used by couples who are entering into a marriage, de facto relationship, or contemplating separation. However, navigating the intricacies of BFAs can be challenging without the guidance of a knowledgeable lawyer. In this article, we'll explore the importance of seeking the assistance of a qualified BFA lawyer and provide tips for finding the right legal representation.
Why You Need a BFA Lawyer:
Legal Expertise: BFA lawyers specialize in family law and have in-depth knowledge of the complexities surrounding financial agreements. They can provide valuable insights into your rights and obligations under the law.
Customization: Every relationship is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach to BFAs simply won't suffice. A skilled BFA lawyer can tailor the agreement to your specific circumstances, ensuring that your interests are protected.
Compliance: BFAs must meet strict legal requirements to be enforceable. A lawyer experienced in drafting these agreements will ensure that all necessary provisions are included and that the document complies with relevant legislation.
Negotiation Skills: In many cases, reaching an agreement on financial matters can be challenging and emotionally charged. A BFA lawyer can act as a mediator, helping you and your partner navigate negotiations and reach a fair outcome.
Peace of Mind: Entrusting your BFA to a qualified lawyer provides peace of mind, knowing that your interests are being safeguarded by a professional who understands the intricacies of family law.
Finding the Right BFA Lawyer:
Specialization: Look for a lawyer who specializes in family law and has extensive experience in drafting and negotiating BFAs. They should be well-versed in the relevant legislation and recent legal precedents.
Reputation: Research potential lawyers online and seek recommendations from friends, family, or other professionals in your network. Pay attention to client reviews and testimonials to gauge the lawyer's reputation and track record of success.
Consultation: Schedule consultations with several BFA lawyers to discuss your situation and assess their expertise and approach. Use this opportunity to ask questions about their experience, fees, and strategy for handling your case.
Communication: Choose a lawyer who communicates clearly and effectively, keeping you informed throughout the process. You should feel comfortable asking questions and expressing any concerns you may have.
Compatibility: Trust and rapport are essential when working with a lawyer. Select someone who you feel comfortable with and who understands your goals and priorities.
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kailashlawyer · 4 months
Navigating Family Law with Expert Guidance: The Role of Australian Family Lawyers
Family matters can be emotionally charged and legally complex, making the guidance of a skilled professional crucial when facing issues such as divorce, child custody, or property settlements. In Australia, the role of Australian Family Lawyers becomes paramount in helping individuals navigate the intricate terrain of family law. In this blog, we'll delve into the significance of Australian Family Lawyers and how their expertise is pivotal in ensuring fair resolutions and protecting the rights of all parties involved.
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Comprehensive Legal Support:
Australian Family Lawyers specialize in providing comprehensive legal support across a spectrum of family law matters. From marriage and de facto relationship issues to child custody disputes and property settlements, these legal professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. Their understanding of the ever-evolving family law landscape enables them to guide clients through the complexities of the legal system with compassion and expertise.
Divorce and Separation:
One of the primary areas of expertise for Australian Family Lawyers is divorce and separation. They assist clients in navigating the legal processes involved in dissolving a marriage or de facto relationship. From filing the necessary documents to negotiating terms such as spousal support and property division, these lawyers work to achieve fair and equitable outcomes for their clients during what can be a challenging time emotionally.
Child Custody and Parenting Arrangements:
Child custody disputes are among the most delicate and emotionally charged aspects of family law. Australian Family Lawyers play a crucial role in helping parents establish suitable parenting arrangements that prioritize the best interests of the child. They guide clients through the complexities of legal terminology, assist in drafting parenting plans, and represent their clients in court if necessary, ensuring that the child's well-being remains the central focus.
Property Settlements:
The division of assets and property settlements can be contentious issues during a divorce or separation. Australian Family Lawyers work to secure fair outcomes for their clients, taking into consideration factors such as financial contributions, future needs, and the welfare of any children involved. Their expertise in property law ensures that clients are informed about their rights and entitlements, facilitating smoother negotiations and settlements.
Alternative Dispute Resolution:
While some family law matters may escalate to court proceedings, Australian Family Lawyers are also adept at alternative dispute resolution methods. Mediation and negotiation can often provide more amicable and cost-effective solutions for families, allowing them to reach agreements outside of the courtroom. Family lawyers act as mediators, helping parties communicate effectively and find common ground for resolution.
Protection Orders and Family Violence:
In cases involving family violence or the need for protection orders, Australian Family Lawyers play a crucial role in advocating for the safety and well-being of their clients and their children. They assist in obtaining intervention orders and navigate the legal processes to ensure the protection of those at risk.
Australian Family Lawyers serve as pillars of support for individuals navigating the complexities of family law. Their expertise, compassion, and commitment to justice contribute significantly to achieving fair resolutions in emotionally charged situations. Whether facing divorce, child custody disputes, or property settlements, engaging the services of an experienced Australian Family Lawyer ensures that your rights are protected and that you receive the guidance needed to move forward with confidence and security.
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legisservitaepax · 4 months
Article 90 of Family Code
Article 90. The provisions on co-ownership shall apply to the absolute community of property between the spouses in all matters not provided for in this Chapter. (n)
Agapay vs. CA, G.R. No. 116668, July 28, 1997,
Miguel Palang contracted his first marriage on July 16, 1949 when he took private respondent Carlina (or Cornelia) Vallesterol as a wife at the Pozorrubio Roman Catholic Church in Pangasinan.
A few months after the wedding, in October 1949, he left to work in Hawaii. Miguel and
Carlina's only child, Herminia Palang, was born on May 12, 1950.
Miguel returned in 1954 for a year. His next visit to the Philippines was in 1964 and during the entire duration of his year-long sojourn he stayed in Zambales with his brother, not in Pangasinan with his wife and child. The trial court found evidence that as early as 1957,... Miguel had attempted to divorce Carlina in Hawaii
When he returned for good in 1972, he refused to live with private respondents, but stayed alone in a house in Pozorrubio, Pangasinan.
On July 15, 1973, the then sixty-three-year-old Miguel contracted his second marriage with nineteen-year-old Erlinda Agapay, herein petitioner.
Two months earlier, on May 17, 1973, Miguel and Erlinda, as evidenced by the Deed of Sale, jointly purchased a... parcel of agricultural land located at San Felipe, Binalonan, Pangasinan with an area of 10,080 square meters.
said rice land was issued in their names.
A house and lot in Binalonan, Pangasinan was likewise purchased on September 23, 1975, allegedly by Erlinda as the sole vendee. TCT No. 143120 covering said property was later issued in her name.
On October 30, 1975, Miguel and Cornelia Palang executed a Deed of Donation as a form of compromise agreement to settle and end a case filed by the latter.[3] The parties therein agreed to donate their conjugal property consisting of six parcels of land to... their only child, Herminia Palang.
Miguel and Erlinda's cohabitation produced a son, Kristopher A. Palang, born on December 6, 1977. In 1979, Miguel and Erlinda were convicted of Concubinage upon Carlina's complaint
On July 11, 1981, Carlina Palang and her daughter Herminia Palang de la Cruz, herein private respondents, instituted the case at bar, an action for recovery of ownership and possession with damages against petitioner before the Regional Trial Court in Urdaneta, Pangasinan
Private respondents sought to get back the riceland and the house and lot both located at Binalonan, Pangasinan allegedly purchased by Miguel during his cohabitation with petitioner.
WON first and principal issue is the ownership of the two pieces of property subject of this action.
he sale of the riceland on May 17, 1973, was made in favor of Miguel and Erlinda. The provision of law applicable here is Article 148 of the Family Code providing for cases of cohabitation when a man and a woman who are not capacitated to marry each other live exclusively with... each other as husband and wife without the benefit of marriage or under a void marriage.
While Miguel and Erlinda contracted marriage on July 15, 1973, said union was patently void because the earlier marriage of Miguel and Carlina was still susbsisting and unaffected by the... latter's de facto separation.
Under Article 148, only the properties acquired by both of the parties through their actual joint contribution of money, property or industry shall be owned by them in common in proportion to their respective contributions.
If the actual... contribution of the party is not proved, there will be no co-ownership and no presumption of equal shares
In the case at bar, Erlinda tried to establish by her testimony that she is engaged in the business of buy and sell and had a sari-sari store... but failed to persuade us that she actually contributed money to buy the subject riceland. Worth noting is the... fact that on the date of conveyance, May 17, 1973, petitioner was only around twenty years of age and Miguel Palang was already sixty-four and a pensioner of the U.S. Government. Considering her youthfulness, it is unrealistic to conclude that in 1973 she contributed P3,750.00... as her share in the purchase price of subject property,... there being no proof of the same.
Petitioner now claims that the riceland was bought two months before Miguel and Erlinda actually cohabited. In the nature of an afterthought, said added assertion was intended to exclude their case from the operation of Article 148 of the Family Code.
In any case, even assuming that the subject property was bought before cohabitation, the rules of... co-ownership would still apply and proof of actual contribution would still be essential.
Since petitioner failed to prove that she contributed money to the purchase price of the riceland in Binalonan, Pangasinan, we find no basis to justify her co-ownership with Miguel over the same. Consequently, the riceland should, as correctly held by the Court of Appeals,. revert to the conjugal partnership property of the deceased Miguel and private respondent Carlina Palang.
With respect to the house and lot, Erlinda allegedly bought the same for P20,000.00 on September 23, 1975 when she was only 22 years old. The testimony of the notary public who prepared the deed of conveyance for the property reveals the falsehood of this claim. Atty.
Constantino Sagun testified that Miguel Palang provided the money for the purchase price and directed that Erlinda's name alone be placed as the vendee.
The transaction was properly a donation made by Miguel to Erlinda, but one which was clearly void and inexistent by express provision of law because it was made between persons guilty of adultery or concubinage at the time of the donation, under Article 739 of the Civil Code.
Moreover, Article 87 of the Family Code expressly provides that the prohibition against donations between spouses now applies to donations between persons living together as husband and wife without a valid marriage,. for otherwise, the condition of. those who incurred guilt would turn out to be better than those in legal union.
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santoshlawyers · 5 months
Trusted Family Lawyers in Parramatta, NSW
Santosh Lawyers & Consultants are a dedicated team of highly experienced Family lawyers in Parramatta, Blacktown and Sydney helping people navigate relationship breakdown and divorce. Divorce and separation Child support and parenting agreements Property settlement Apprehended domestic violence orders Wills and estate planning Child custody De facto relationships Spousal Maintenance
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caroltracy633 · 9 months
Your Family's Advocate Expertise in Family Lawyers in Adelaide
Family is the cornerstone of our society, providing love, support, and a sense of belonging. However, even the strongest families can face challenges that require legal assistance. In Adelaide, South Australia, family lawyers play a crucial role in helping individuals and families navigate complex legal issues related to marriage, divorce, child custody, property division, and more. In this article, we'll delve into the world of family lawyers in Adelaide, exploring their roles, responsibilities, and the importance of seeking their expertise when family matters become legally complicated.
Understanding Family Law in Adelaide
Family law encompasses a wide range of legal issues that affect families and individuals, including marriage, divorce, child custody, adoption, domestic violence, and property settlements. These legal matters often require specialised knowledge and experience to ensure that the rights and interests of all parties involved are protected.
In Adelaide, family lawyers are legal professionals who specialise in family law cases. They are equipped to handle various aspects of family law, providing guidance, representation, and support to their clients. Let's take a closer look at some of the key roles family lawyers in Adelaide play:
Divorce and Separation
One of the most common reasons individuals seek the services of family lawyers is for assistance with divorce and separation. Family lawyers can guide couples through the legal process of divorce, helping them understand their rights, responsibilities, and options for resolving issues such as spousal support, property division, and child custody.
Child Custody and Support
Child custody disputes can be emotionally charged and legally complex. Family lawyers work to protect the best interests of children involved, advocating for custody arrangements that provide stability and a nurturing environment. They also help parents establish fair child support agreements that consider the financial needs of the child.
Property Division
When a marriage or de facto relationship ends, the division of assets and property can be contentious. Family lawyers in Adelaide assist in negotiating fair property settlements or, when necessary, representing their clients in court to ensure a just division of assets.
Adoption and Surrogacy
For families seeking to expand through adoption or surrogacy, family lawyers provide guidance on the legal process, helping prospective parents navigate the intricate requirements of adoption agencies and surrogacy agreements.
Domestic Violence and Restraining Orders
In cases of domestic violence, family lawyers can help victims obtain restraining orders and take legal action against their abusers. They play a crucial role in protecting vulnerable individuals and ensuring their safety.
Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Not all family disputes need to be resolved in court. Family lawyers often facilitate mediation and alternative dispute resolution processes, helping parties reach mutually acceptable agreements without the need for costly and time-consuming litigation.
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Why Choose Family Lawyers in Adelaide
Legal Expertise
Family lawyers in Adelaide have a deep understanding of South Australian family law. They stay updated on changes in legislation and case law, ensuring that their clients receive the most accurate and relevant legal advice.
Emotional Support
Family matters are often emotionally charged. Family lawyers in Adelaide provide not only legal guidance but also emotional support, helping clients navigate the emotional challenges that can arise during legal proceedings.
Objective Perspective
During emotionally challenging times, it can be difficult to see a situation objectively. Family lawyers provide an objective viewpoint, helping clients make informed decisions based on their best interests rather than emotional impulses.
Legal Strategy
Family lawyers develop legal strategies tailored to each client's unique situation. They understand that no two cases are the same and work to achieve the best possible outcome for their clients.
In cases that do go to court, family lawyers serve as strong advocates for their clients, presenting their cases effectively and passionately to protect their rights and interests.
Family matters can be complex and emotionally challenging, but family lawyers in Adelaide are there to provide the expertise and support needed to navigate these difficult situations. Whether it's a divorce, child custody dispute, adoption, or any other family-related legal issue, seeking the guidance of a family lawyer can make all the difference in achieving a favourable outcome.
In Adelaide, family lawyers play an indispensable role in preserving the well-being of families and individuals, ensuring that their legal rights are upheld, and their interests are protected. When facing family legal matters in Adelaide, remember that you don't have to go through it alone. Reach out to a trusted family lawyers adelaide to guide you through the legal complexities and help you find the best resolution for your situation.
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homomenhommes · 9 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
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1904 – Umberto II of Italy, born Umberto Nicola Tommaso Giovanni Maria di Savoia, occasionally anglicized as Humbert II (d.1983), was the last King of Italy for slightly over a month, from 9 May 1946 to 12 June 1946. He was nicknamed the King of May.
Son of King Victor Emmanuel, as the Prince of Piedmont, he was educated to a military career and in time became the commander in chief of the Northern Armies, and then of the Southern ones. However, his role was merely formal, the de facto command belonging to Benito Mussolini. By mutual agreement, Umberto and Mussolini always kept a distance.
After the end of WWII, King Victor Emmanuel abdicated formally in favor of his son Umberto in 9 May 1946 under the threat of an upcoming referendum to eliminate the monarchy.
Umberto served as king for 34 days. He and his wife were both young and cultivated, and thus presented a stark contrast to Victor Emmanuel. It was to no avail, however—a decisive majority voted to make Italy a republic. Having promised to accept the election results, Umberto accepted the defeat, urging his now-former subjects to serve the new republic. The monarchy formally ended on 12 June 1946, and Umberto left the country.
Umberto and his young wife separated in exile; it had been an arranged marriage, following a long tradition of royal families.
Some academics have explored Umberto's possible homosexuality. As early as the 1920s, Mussolini had collected a dossier on his private life for purposes of blackmail. Certainly during the war, newspapers asserted that Umberto was homosexual, and information continued to be spread in the lead-up to the post-war referendum on the monarchy in the hope of influencing the outcome. It is, however, unclear to what extent such rumours could be substantiated.
Umberto's custom of giving a fleur-de-lis made of precious stones to favoured young officials in his entourage was well known, and Umberto's lovers may have included Luchino Visconti and Jean Marais, and a former army lieutenant who published details of Umberto's advances to him.
King Umberto lived for 37 years in exile, in Cascais in Portugal. He never set foot in his native land again.
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1189 – On this day, William Longchamp (d.1197), sometimes known as William de Longchamp or William de Longchamps, a medieval Lord Chancellor, and Chief Justiciary, was appointed Bishop of Ely in England by Richard I. Born to a humble family in Normandy, he owed his advancement to royal favour. Although contemporary writers accused Longchamp's father of being the son of a peasant, he held land as a knight. Longchamp first served an illegitimate son of King Henry II, but quickly transferred to the service of Richard I, Henry's eldest surviving son. When Richard became King in 1189, Longchamp paid £3,000 for the office of Chancellor, and was soon named to the see, or bishopric, of Ely and appointed legate by the pope.
Longchamp governed England while Richard was on the Third Crusade, but his authority was challenged by Richard's brother, John, who eventually succeeded in driving Longchamp from power and from England. Longchamp's relations with the other leading English nobles were also strained, which contributed to the demands for his exile. Soon after Longchamp's departure from England, Richard was captured on his journey back to England from the crusade and held for ransom by Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor. Longchamp travelled to Germany to help negotiate Richard's release. Although Longchamp regained the office of Chancellor after Richard's return to England, he lost much of his former power. He aroused a great deal of hostility among his contemporaries during his career, but he retained Richard's trust and was employed by the king until the bishop's death in 1197. Longchamp wrote a treatise on the law, which remained well known throughout the later Middle Ages.
There were contempory claims that he was homosexual. Of Longchamp's homosexuality, Giraldus Cambrensis claims that "the more outrageous the sexual act, the more he liked it"; that he made homosexuality so common that heterosexuals were ridiculed at court - "If you don't do what courtiers do, what are you doing in court?"; that a woman brought her daughter to him dressed as and trained to imitate a young man, but when the bishop undressed her and found she was a girl he would not touch her ("although she was very beautiful and ripe for the pleasures of the marriage bed,"); and that his homosexuality was so great that even descendants of his family were suspected of homosexuality.
John Boswell warns that Giraldus' claims are so exaggerated, they may be based on little more than the standard English animus against the French-born Norman overlords - but also notes that unlike other English diatribes against the invaders, his complaints against Longchamps are not about general sexual depravity, but concerned only with homosexuality. It is also important to note that male sexual relationships appear to have been commonplace at the court of the bisexual King Richard I.
There was a well-known line about Longchamps that the barons would trust their daughters with him, but not their sons.
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1895 – Walter Spies (d.1942) was a Russian-born German primitivist painter. In 1923 he came to Java and then Bali starting in 1927. He is often credited with attracting the attention of Western cultural figures to Balinese culture and art in the 1930s and he influenced the direction of Balinese art and drama.
Walter Spies was born in Moscow, Russia, on September 15, 1895. His father was a German diplomat. When he was 15, Spies was sent to school in Dresden, Germany, but he returned to Russia on summer vacations, and he was there when World War I broke out in 1914.
Spies's father was arrested immediately, and when Spies reached military age in 1915 he too was arrested by Russian soldiers and sent to an internment camp in the remote Ural Mountains. This experience was much less severe than might be assumed, however. Though unable to leave the remote village, Spies was not restricted to a prison; he worked for local farmers and lumbermen and learned their folktales and songs.
As Russia became immersed in political change in 1917 and withdrew from the war, Spies was able to return to Moscow. Disguised as a peasant he rode trains as a hobo toward Germany and then sneaked across the battlefront, arriving once again in Dresden. There he worked for sculptor Hedwig Jaenischen Woermann in her studio.
In the 1920s, in Amsterdam, where he saw artworks imported from the Netherlands' Indonesian colonies and connected them in his own mind with the natural themes and slightly surrealist constructions he had been cultivating ever since his internment in the Ural Mountains. Obtaining passage to Indonesia by signing on with a freighter crew, Spies arrived in Bandung on the island of Java in October of 1923 and quickly got a job accompanying silent Chinese films on the piano.
His enthusiasm for music attracted the attention of the Sultan himself, who hired Spies as conductor of a small European orchestra he maintained. Spies quickly mastered both the Javanese language and Malay, which served as a common language for Indonesia's thousands of islands and became the basis for the modern Indonesian language.
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Spies grew weary of his increasingly hectic social life, and retired to the tranquil mountain retreat that was to become the setting of some of his most beautiful and atmospheric paintings, including "Iseh im Morgenlicht 1938" Despite his desire to escape from a constant stream of visitors, Spies still used to receive guests at Iseh, including the musician Colin McPhee and his wife, anthropologist Jane Belo, the Swiss artist Theo Meier and the Austrian novelist Vicki Baum. Vicki Baum accredits Walter Spies with providing her the factual historical information and details on Balinese culture for her historical fiction novel "Love and Death in Bali" - dealing with the Dutch intervention in Bali (1906), and first published in German in 1937.
In December 1938, Spies was arrested as part of a crackdown on homosexuals. Spies was gay, and that fact, combined with his German citizenship, helped to seal his doom as Germany menaced the rest of Europe in the late 1930s. The cultural atmosphere in Indonesia tightened, and Spies was arrested on charges of indecent behavior in December of 1938, serving a prison term that lasted into 1939. With the influence of people such as Margaret Mead, he was released in September 1939.
When Germany invaded Holland soon after the outbreak of World War II, the few German citizens in the Dutch East Indies were arrested. Spies was held for 20 months in internment camps on Java and Sumatra. Even there he could occasionally paint and study musical scores sent to him by relatives. But early in 1942 he was put on a transport ship bound for Ceylon. A day after it left Sumatra, on January 19, 1942, the ship was hit off Nias Island by a Japanese bomb, and the Dutch crew abandoned ship without setting its German prisoners free. Spies drowned with the rest of the prisoners.
Never prolific, he left a modest body of paintings that sometimes yielded prices of more than $1,000,000 in art auctions by the early 2000s.
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1996 – The European Parliament calls for an end to "all discrimination against homosexuals."
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2011 – Australia: "X" becomes the gender option for intersex people on their passports, while transgender people continue to choose between "male" and "female."
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mariacallous · 8 months
Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti blamed Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic on Friday for failing to sign an agreement to normalise relations after talks in Brussels the previous day failed to yield progress on the establishment of the long-debated Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities, intended to safeguard the minority Serb community’s interests in Kosovo.
“After more than ten years of insistence on Association [of Serb-Majority Municipalities in Kosovo], Serbia yesterday refused to sign a draft for self-management which was brought by the EU and the US,” Kurti told journalists in Pristina.
“He often repeats that he accepts the agreement as a concept but not as content while demanding limited implementation. This is a direct attack on the agreement itself,” Kurti added.
Kurti insisted that any new agreement with Serbia should be formally signed.
“A signature is acceptance and a guarantee of implementation,” he said.
The leaders of the three biggest EU states, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, tried on Thursday to get Kosovo and Serbia’s leaders to commit to implementing the agreement on normalisation of relations and establishing the Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities.
On Thursday evening, the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell told media that in order to help Serbia and Kosovo to reach a deal on the Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities, “we presented a new, serious and balanced European proposal” and “insisted the parties to take this opportunity, which would be a great leap forward in the normalisation process, and avoid new spirals of violence”.
“But unhappily, the parties were not ready to agree on that without preconditions that were unacceptable to the other party,” Borrell said.
After the meeting, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told media that the new European proposal for the Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities, which was presented to him on October 21 in Belgrade, is a “good basis” for further work but that Serbia will not accept UN membership for Kosovo any formulation that refers to Kosovo’s “territorial integrity”.
“I was saying from the very beginning, that I was ready and that we were ready to fulfil everything, except things that would lead us to de facto or de jure recognition of Kosovo’s independence, UN membership status and the territorial integrity of Kosovo,” Vucic said.
Asked if he refused to sign the agreement on the Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities, Vucic responded that “there was no question of signing or not signing something”, adding that an agreement on the association had already been signed back in 2013 in Brussels.
“This is something that was signed that had to be fulfilled, but it wasn’t fulfilled in the past ten years, almost 11 years,” he added.
EU expresses security concerns
On Friday, the European Council expressed concerns about the security situation in the north of Kosovo, which continues to be tense a month after a group of armed Serbs attacked Kosovo police officers near the northern town of Zvecan on September 24.
They killed one police sergeant, and three members of the armed group were also killed during a police operation the same day.
“Kosovo and Serbia must pursue sustained de-escalation efforts, as well as ensure the holding of new elections in the north of Kosovo as soon as possible, with the active participation of Kosovo Serbs,” a European Council statement said.
“Failure to de-escalate the tensions will have consequences,” it added.
A history of broken deals
In March, the European Union announced that two leaders orally agreed on implementing an EU-backed plan for the normalisation of ties at a meeting in Ohrid in North Macedonia.
But at the separate press conferences that followed the supposed breakthrough meeting, Kurti and Vucic put very different spins on it. Vucic kept insisting that he did not sign anything.
Before the Ohrid meeting, experts told BIRN that any deal could only be implemented under international pressure.
As a BIRN analysis in September showed, six months after the oral agreement in Ohrid, the two sides only made efforts to endorse a declaration on missing persons and establish a joint committee to monitor implementation of the agreement. The rest of the agreement went unfulfilled.
Ten days before the attack in north Kosovo in September, Vucic and Kurti met in Brussels, but no progress was registered and recriminations have continued since then. The EU later warned that non implementation of previously made agreements caries risk of losing “opportunities for progressing on their European paths”.
For years, Kosovo and Serbia have traded accusations over which side is responsible for the failure to implement agreements reached in Brussels since the dialogue process started in 2011, first on technical issues and then involving top political leaders.
Negotiations led to the so-called Brussels Agreement in 2013, which envisaged the establishment of an Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities to represent Serb interests in those areas of Kosovo where they form the majority.
Two years after, in August 2015, Kosovo and Serbia’s prime ministers signed an agreement on the competencies of the Association, but most of them were later ruled unconstitutional by Kosovo’s courts. Since then, the idea has remained on paper, a casualty of continuing political tensions between the countries.
Kosovo broke away from Serbia during the 1998-99 war and declared its independence in 2008. It has long been recognised by most Western countries, but not by five EU member states, or by Russia, China, Serbia and others. Serbia has since declared it will never recognise its former province’s independence, and added this to its constitution in 2006.
Since the end of the 1998-99 war, Serbia has continued to operate a parallel state system in Kosovo among the Serb community, issuing documents, licence plates and other papers for them.
After some failed attempts, Serbia and Kosovo in August 2011 signed a so-called agreement on freedom of movement.
This was mostly about car licence plates and identity documents and regulated the way people can move through Kosovo and cross the border with Serbia. It was extended in 2016 for five more years.
When the Kosovo government in 2021 decided not to extend it again, and said it would no longer tolerate use of Serbian-issued licence plates, the two countries entered a year-and-a-half-long political and security crisis.
Kosovo Serbs set up barricades in September 2021 over the licence plates dispute. This was ‘solved’ with a temporary sticker system solution.
But no final solution was found, and the crisis wasn’t quelled for long. It erupted again in August 2022, this time in an atmosphere polluted by echoes of the war in Ukraine. A new deal was made in November 2022, but both sides still interpret it differently.
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dffamilylaw · 11 months
Navigating the Complex Waters of De Facto Separation: What You Need to Know
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Relationships are intricate journeys that sometimes lead us down unexpected paths. One such path is de facto separation, a situation where couples live apart without a legal divorce or formal separation agreement. De facto separation is more than just a physical distance; it's a complex emotional and legal state that can raise a multitude of questions. In this blog post, we'll delve into the concept of de facto separation, its implications, and how to navigate this challenging phase.
Understanding De Facto Separation
De facto separation refers to a situation in which a couple decides to live apart while remaining legally married or in a domestic partnership. This can occur for various reasons, such as personal growth, work commitments, or a need for space. Unlike legal divorce or formal separation, de facto separation doesn't involve court proceedings or official documentation. Instead, the couple's living arrangements and intentions define their separation status.
Implications and Considerations
Legal Status
One of the key aspects of de facto separation is that it does not change the legal status of the relationship. Even if a couple lives apart for an extended period, they are still legally married or in a domestic partnership, which can affect matters like inheritance, property rights, and taxes.
Financial Arrangements
De facto separation can raise financial questions. Couples should discuss how to handle joint financial responsibilities, such as bills, mortgages, and shared assets. It's important to determine whether there will be financial support during the separation and if any legal documentation is necessary to protect both parties' interests.
Child Custody and Support
If children are involved, the couple needs to establish a clear plan for custody, visitation, and child support. While de facto separation doesn't involve the court system, creating a written agreement can help prevent misunderstandings in the future.
Healthcare and Benefits
In many jurisdictions, marital status affects access to healthcare and other benefits. Couples need to understand the impact of de facto separation on their eligibility for these benefits and make necessary arrangements.
Navigating De Facto Separation
Open and honest communication is crucial during this phase. Discuss reasons for the separation, expectations, and goals. Establish a clear understanding of each other's intentions and how you plan to handle various aspects of the separation.
Legal Advice
While de facto separation doesn't involve formal legal procedures, consulting with a family law attorney can provide valuable insights. A legal professional can help you understand your rights, obligations, and potential consequences of the separation.
Written Agreement
Even though de facto separation doesn't require court involvement, creating a written agreement can help avoid future disputes. This document should outline financial arrangements, child custody, visitation schedules, and any other relevant agreements.
Seek Support
De facto separation can be emotionally challenging. Consider seeking individual or couples counseling to navigate your feelings and ensure that you're making informed decisions.
De facto separation is a unique situation that demands careful consideration of both legal and emotional factors. While it doesn't involve the formalities of divorce or separation, it's essential to approach this phase with a clear understanding of its implications. Open communication, legal guidance, and a well-drafted agreement can help you navigate de facto separation while preserving your rights and relationships. Remember that every relationship is different, and finding the right approach that aligns with your circumstances is key to moving forward positively.
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maranofamilylawyers · 13 days
Free Consultation With Family Lawyers
A family law case can be a stressful experience. It is a good idea to have a support system in place during the process. This can include a lawyer, friends and family. You may also be able to get legal assistance from a community legal centre.
You should consider finding a family lawyer that specialises in your particular matter. A proven track record of examining complex family law issues, disputes and cases is important.
Free consultations are offered by many family lawyers in Sydney
When you’re dealing with a Family Lawyers Sydney free consultation matter, it’s important to understand your rights and responsibilities. Getting the right advice from a specialist family lawyer can help you make the best decisions for your situation. Fortunately, finding the right legal help doesn’t have to be expensive. The first step is to schedule a free consultation with a Sydney Family Lawyers.
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You can choose from many different family lawyers, but you should do some research before choosing one. Check the lawyer’s credentials and experience, as well as their reviews and testimonials. You should also find out about their fee structure, so you know what to expect.
Family law matters are often complex, and they can have a significant impact on your life. They require a combination of legal expertise and emotional support to navigate the process. The right Sydney Family Lawyers can provide both of these things, guiding you through some of the most difficult times in your life.
They can help you in a variety of ways
A family lawyer can help you with a variety of legal matters. For example, they can help you navigate the divorce process and assist you in getting a custody agreement. They can also help you file for financial support or a restraining order if you are in danger of domestic violence.
Whether you’re filing for divorce or separating from your partner, it can be difficult to sort out the many complex issues involved. A top-notch Sydney family law firm can help you find a solution that’s right for you. They will ensure that you’re protected in all areas of family law and that your rights are upheld.
When choosing a family lawyer, look for one who has experience in handling cases similar to yours. Check their track record and ask about their success rate. You should also make sure that you can communicate openly with them and that they keep you updated on the progress of your case.
They can represent you in court
The right family law specialist will be empathetic, respectful, and sensitive to how your case affects your loved ones. They will be experienced and knowledgeable and will provide you with rational, objective advice tailored to your specific situation. They will also be well-versed in the law, including all relevant statutes and case law, and will ensure that your interests are protected.
Family lawyers can help you resolve disputes through mediation and negotiation.
This is a good way to avoid protracted litigation. It is also a cost-effective option. However, if your matter is complicated, it may require a court hearing.
Family lawyers are knowledgeable about the laws in Australia that cover issues related to the breakdown of de facto and same-sex relationships, property settlements, child custody and access, spousal maintenance, domestic violence, and adoption. They can assist you with navigating the complexities of these legal matters in the Family Court or Federal Circuit Court of Australia.
They can help you in other matters
Family Will Lawyer Sydney are also skilled in assisting their clients with other matters that fall under the law. These may include working out the best way to end a relationship (known as a property settlement) and other issues, such as child custody and spousal support. A family lawyer can also help you file for a restraining order against a violent partner.
In addition to helping you with legal proceedings, a good family lawyer will provide valuable guidance and support during the emotional aftermath of a relationship breakdown. This is especially important for people who are experiencing domestic violence, as it will help them get their lives back on track.
When choosing a family attorney, look for one with a solid reputation and proven track record. Also, find out whether they offer fixed rates for certain tasks. This can make the process less stressful and easier for you to manage your budget. Also, ask friends and relatives for recommendations.
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