my-vanishing-777 · 30 days
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littledemon55 · 3 months
If you're an autist and you know it, clap your hands 👏👏
If you're an autist and you know it, clap your hands 👏👏
If you're an autistic and the thought of people headcanoning Stolass as neurodivers makes you vomit and lose faith in humanity, because he's clearly neurotypical, also a literal r@pist and manchild- clap your hands 👏👏
(Happy Disability Month, we shall roast this stupid owl twink above a bonfire!🔥 If anyone is autistic coded, it's Octavia!)
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killallxys · 1 month
For JK Rowling
"History will be kinder to her, than contemporary media".
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sinfullyrosey · 2 years
Aggressive Affection
A concept:
The tweels being roughly affectionate with their partner, but not in a r*pey kind of way. More like in the “I love you so fucking much that I can’t contain all this newfound overflowing affectionate I have for you so let me just nom on you in the hopes that you understand even a fraction of my love towards you” kind of way.
Like, Floyd loves loves loves biting and marking his partner, especially when they squirm beneath him. Loves it even more when when his partner huskily asks him to bite harder. Rough them up a little more. Squeeze their thighs rougher. They writhe and whine for him to not hold back and to just use them as a chew toy already! He toothily grins down at them and coos over how much smaller they are compared to him, how so much more tiny and fragile they are, how much he loves his little shrimpy and loves the sounds they make. Like a prey squealing as he devours them.
Jade is much more reserved compared to his twin... at first. Oh, he tries to keep up appearances, but even he can’t hold back his natural instincts forever. Eventually those soft touches and lingering caresses turn into the desire to latch down his maw onto supple skin, to mark them and hear them keen. His teeth itching and aching with desire. His much taller frame looming over his tiny partner, bending down to properly flash his dangerous smile at them, sending a shiver down their spine, before nuzzling into their neck and giving little nips. 
And that’s not even accounting for their eel forms. Adds a whole new flavor to their unconventional affection. Their tails wrapping around their partner, gently squeezing at first, before tightening more and more, pressing against sensitive spots along their skin. Either twin leaving bite marks on any exposed skin and pressing themselves as close to their partner as possible. It’s positively primal how unrestricted they are towards them, trilling and growling all the while.
This same behavior extends to their instinctual need to protect their mate, to ward off any fool who didn’t get the memo that they’re taken. RIP to anyone who makes the unfortunate mistake of harassing, or worse, assaulting their partner. That person is gonna become nothing but bloody chum. Also RIP to anyone who accuses either twin of being a “hypocritic” and accusing them of ever purposefully harming their partner against their will. Such slander is just asking to get squeezed.
Actually, hold on-
Gonna get some of the others in on this since I’m on a roll.
Leona, the lazy ass, nuzzling into his partner as he uses them as a pillow, rubbing his face against theirs. A deep rumble reverberates from deep in his chest, causing their body to shake in response. The lion just keeps pressing himself against them, putting all his weight on them, pushing them further into the mattress. His ear twitches at the sound of their muffled protests and giggles to get off. But he doesn’t, yawning in his partner’s face and instead licking his rough tongue lazily along their skin. Their quiet moans fill his bedroom as his licks turn into nips and gentle bites at their neck.
Malleus is the worst one once he’s reached a certain point in the relationship, becoming much more openly affectionate. Nuzzling his partner’s neck and chuckling at their little squeak when he lifts them up to hold them. His wings and tail present and wrapping around his partner, caging them against him. Their view blocked by only the sight of the dragon fae grinning down at them mischievously. His tail pulls them closer in his embrace, cooing at the size difference between him and their child of man. Clawed hands begin to wander...
Azul refusing to let his partner see his octo form, reserving himself more so than Jade, limiting his affection to simple hand holding and pecks on the cheek. And yet he still finds himself in his original form, tentacles coiling themselves around his partner, wrapping around them and clutching onto them in desperation. Almost afraid that if he let them go, they’ll leave forever. The suckers are glued to their skin, further trapping them to him. All eight tentacles pull his partner closer to him, pressing them against him. Much like Malleus and his wings, Azul’s tentacles serve as a blanket of inky black, only allowing his partner to see darkness and the bright blue of the octomer.
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webshood · 7 months
Jason grew up being a biter.
As a kid on the streets of Gotham there's not much you can do to keep yourself safe against other kids and adults who are bigger than you, stabbing or hitting them can only go so much, and that's when Jason started biting people.
That lady from the children centre who most definitely sold of children for the highest bidder? Biten on the hand.
Some jack¹ tried something with him? Jason's teeth locked on his shoulder until it drew blood and he managed to run while the guy was distracted.
After being adopted, Bruce discouraged it, mostly because he had biten Poison Ivy and had a hard time dealing with an allergy on his gums, but more often than not, Jason would take the chance and nibble a little bit on the rogues, like a feral racoon.
After his debut as Red Hood, Jason's habit of biting people had seemingly vanished, it was still there he just had a helmet restricting his biter nature. When he changed his get up to the domino and detachable mouth piece, it was a dark day for the rogues, Robin II, the biter was back in the game.
It takes him two weeks before he actually bites someone and takes a good chunk out of Bane's arm accidentally, his bite force way stronger than when he was a child, the doctors have to suture it back together and about an inch of Bane's tattoo is missing, probably somewhere on the sewers after the Red Hood spit the skin out.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
B4 i forget again,the Neil Gaiman apologia by throwing pity parties for themselves got on my nerves so imma do a dump on why even besides the borderline pedophilic r*pes he did to two different women,he's a bad person
Zionist(fence sitter on the Israel vs Palestine conflict)
Supporter of undeniable pedophiles(defended fictional cp and even payed to support it's legalization)
And wrote a pedophillic story himself that was also incestous in the form of his Snow White retelling
His writing in general has a lot of racism to it and yes,even queerphobia despite him being pro trans because supporting a minority does not inherently equal being a real ally.That's called performativeness
He's not your dad,he's not your uncle,he's not your friend,he didn't raise you.You are nothing to him.He'd turn against you in a second and we all know it.He's been doing it the whole time.It happened over 20 years ago
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huntressofladyartemis · 5 months
Stop saying that the gods and goddesses are mysoginists or feminists… They aren't, they weren't! I'm sick of reading or listen how some gods are insulted or acused of mysoginists or some others are acused of feminists… No! They not!
They were religious deities! They still are, because there's an Hellenistic community of worshipers! But i'll talk of the Ancient Greece… I'm not Greek, but i don't like how some gods and goddesses are treated just for their myths and the same people say that were the Greeks whose actually treated the gods like that! What's i'm saying?
"Zeus is a dick, a mysoginist, a r*pist even worse that his son Apollo, he can't kept his pants on and that's how the greeks portrayed him, so… the greeks says that Zeus is a dick"
What? Seriously??? The Greek whose worshiped him? Zeus the most important god in the Greek Pantheon? Zeus the king of the Olympians and the father of the gods?
I know many of the male gods assaulted women in the myths… But please I'll say it again… Don't took the myths as literal! Neither the ancient greeks do it that because they worshiped those male gods… They took the myths as metaphores, lessons and stories…
But i advice you if you're not sure: talk with a greek person! Ask the greeks theirself because they know much better of their own culture and history!
Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, Athena, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus, and a can continue with all of them…. I will defend all of them because i love them and i know the context and history behind the myth! I know the myths were written by persons (HUMAN PERSONS) whose "humanized" the gods to be more close with them, so that is why in the myths the gods aren't perfect! I know there's people who worship them (i'm not hellenic polytheist yet, but i would like to worship Artemis one day of these) and i respect the deities! I know the symbolism and metaphores of the myths and stories!
Zeus is NOT a dick! Hera is NOT a bitch! Aphrodite is NOT a whore! Apollo is NOT a asshole! Ares is NOT a idiot! Dionysus is NOT dumb drunk! Artemis is NOT a cruel and bad friend! Poseidon is NOT a piece of shit! Demeter is NOT a bad helicopter mother! Hades is NOT the villain… But neither was Zeus, Demeter, Apollo or Aphrodite! No!
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fortunelowtier · 5 months
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theres "red flags" and then theres whatever the fuck this is, because this shit is the reddest flag i have ever seen in my LIFE
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buttercup12233 · 5 months
Hey I'm just going to put this out there that if you sit there and say that "Valentino might've had some trauma for him to be hurting Angel like this-", but turn around and say "some people are just born evil when it comes to Stella", then something is clearly wrong with you./srs
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daerklina · 1 year
“why do you stan this character, they did [insert crime], ur prawblemateec😭😭”
they have pretty face? they don’t exist? have you considered that I don’t give a fuck? let women have hobbies?…
that whole discourse with villains bores me senseless. “they are evil & cruel etc” — yes, they are, this is literally why we stan them, I’m not a pro in using some ‘very smart’ terms, so I’ll explain it in easy words.
yes, we like villains because of their nature, because they’re evil and because they have charisma, cunningness, magical, their motives and their character is intriguing NOT FUCKING BECAUSE WE ARE THE SAME😭
also “you like [insert character] because of an actor” — No!?! I like them because of their personality and if I do like them because of an actor, it’s not a fucking crime? yes, we admit we like them because of an actor, that’s the powerful aura lol.
the most confusing thing about all of this is when a person stans a morally grey character but actively shits on you and creates a whole ass ‘hate communities’ because you stan another morally grey character + ur not pure enough if you stan [insert name] 🤡🤡 + they will make you a criminal and create million lies about u and ur character + “my villain is morally superior than your villain” (kaz brekker & six of crows stans, I’m looking at u)
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my-vanishing-777 · 2 months
However, some men have taken illicit photos of female athletes to a whole other level. They use infrared photography, which picks up heat signatures. The cameras pick up signatures transferred through undergarments. That means if the athlete’s uniform is thin enough, voyeurs can snap pics showing the contours of their underwear.
Early reports of this form of assault go back to the start of the decade. A 2020 article in President ONLINE notes that, even then, some prefectures in Japan had moved to ban infrared photography altogether in a bid to keep adult and minor athletes safe. In 2021, former volleyball player Ootomo Ai said she’d fallen victim to infrared photos, as well as people trying to take photos in or near the women’s bathroom.
To give female athletes an additional layer of protection, Japanese sports clothing manufacturer Mizuno this week announced a new “anti-infrared” line of competitive sportswear. According to the manufacturer’s site, the new clothing uses material designed to absorb light in the infrared range. That renders the garment opaque not only under visible light. but under infrared light as well.
“Incorporating the newly developed infrared blocking fabric into sportswear can help reduce the number of athletes that fall victim to illicit infrared photography,” the company said in a statement on their Web site.
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littledemon55 · 3 months
Dear god, why do people sympathise with this literal manchild? 💀😭 (Person that got the spirit but the wrong twink they sympathise with below the cut.)
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Stolass isn't depressed.
Stolass doesn't punish himself, he pities himself to the point where it hurts.
I wish this fictional owl would kill himself on screen, so we can all sleep peacefully at night, but VivzieFlop won't give us that satisfaction.
Also eww, no offense, but Stolass doesn't deserve happiness. HE'S A FUCKING R@PIST FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!
Octavia should've taking his "Happy Pills" instead, because she actually needs them, unlike him.
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killallxys · 1 month
believer in the idea of all men deserved to be raped, tortured, and slaughtered in the same way they treat women. they all deserve to be violated in the same way they do to women. they deserve to be tortured into their deaths. they deserve to have their lives prolonged only to suffer more. i need every man to suffer the fate they've put women through forever.
Your reasoning is completely justified. Enough of the feminism which coddles men. Their true faces are actually quite different. Deep down they are rapists, murderers, torturers. Worst thing is they take sadistic pleasure in it. Your father, brother grandpa, son, BF, husband, male friends are all rapists deep down. They hate women. Men all around the globe share the common bond. Even polar opposite men have one thing in common - Disgust, hatred and contempt for women.
Even if we women do the same to them we will never take joy in it like men do. The sooner we realize this the better. Because the consequences of not doing so are real and staring in your face take a look at Afghanistan
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scramratz · 4 months
My toxic trait is that I believe I could fix Homelander
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greensaplinggrace · 8 months
absolutely fascinated by people saying the darkling committed genocide. is this the result of them not reading the books or is this the result of stringent moral policing in fandom spaces defining how people interpret media online? or perhaps is this the result of said moral policing creating a feedback loop of misinformation for those that don't remember the books too well?
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lesfir · 20 days
Fanon!AA will r!pe Tav, laugh while Tav cries in chains, sits in a cage and gives them drugs to make them cum and smile.
Canon!AA doesn't get involved in this dead dove shit. Tav can go to hell, to war. And come back when they want to, is what he likes - Tavs chose him themselves, as they did in act 1, act 2, and chose him in the night of turn, be together forever.
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>I'm sorry I kind of disappeared. I didn't mean to leave you like that. It's added in Patch 6, by the way.
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