#deacon hollow
Stargoth kinda???
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lapileaf · 2 days
Prunellas head canons! I had fun designing the outfits in the “musical” headcanon.
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If I had a nickel every gay "evil" character with good fashion taste, part of a evil organization and fell for his "rival" I'd have two nickels weird it happened twice
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nicomithi · 2 months
silly little comic I drew a month ago AHAHAHSHSHS
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credits to @cinderellaboyincorectquotes for the dialogueee 💗
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Cinderella Boy Text Posts (4/?) Chase
Here’s some text posts about the most wholesome, purest guy ever, Chase🩵
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All art is from “Cinderella Boy” by Punko on Webtoon
Link to other Cinderella Boy text posts
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
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kitkat-the-muffin · 4 months
For fun I reread Cinderella Boy and kept track of everything in the following categories:
What the boys know about Buddy and vice versa:
Knows Chase is 18
Knows Chase takes dance lessons (or more accurately that he’s on a dance team). Amendment: knows Chase took 4 years of dance lessons
Knows that Chase knows basically nothing about the keys and their actual power
Knows Chase has a gluten allergy
Knows Chase is sensitive to gore and violence
Knows Chase is a fan of musicians
Knows Chase loves to sing
POSSIBLY knows Chase’s full name and trademark (if he was actively listening)
Knows Chase is on good terms with Silver
Thinks Chase stole the Heroine and Helper keys
Knows Deacon chose the cat story (this will affect his perception of him)
Knows Chase dislikes boats because he is scared of the water (and that Chase is prone to seasickness)
Knows Deacon likes making plans
Is under the impression that Deacon and Chase met on the bus
POSSIBLY knows about Chase’s grandpa (depends on his eavesdropping abilities during their first meeting)
Knows that Chase found his key with the missing page from the book that supposedly belongs to the “old man” (this further supports the misconception he has that Chase stole them)
Is aware Buddy has allies
Knows Buddy is NOT sensitive to gore and violence
Knows Buddy hates singing but likes dancing
Believes Buddy is on bad terms with Violet
Believes Buddy doesn’t know his full name
Knows Buddy is a Drama Queen
Knows Buddy hates getting wet
Knows Buddy is searching for the keys and expected someone else to have Silver
Is aware of Buddy and Ex Libris and pays more attention to that info than Chase does
Believes Buddy does know Chase’s full name
Thinks Buddy is very intense
Knows Buddy is a tsundere lol (or at least I think he’s capable of picking up the hints of the trope)
Knows Buddy is a Drama Queen
Knows Buddy hates him in particular
Knows Buddy hates getting wet
Suspects that Buddy is working for someone else
Additional notes:
Chase used to have a copy of the book he found Silver’s key in as a kid
Buddy says he needs to get the Heroine key back “before the old man finds out something’s missing”
The keys cannot be removed from their user’s person within the story
Chase has a friend named Simon who flakes out on dance practice
Buddy says that there are people more deserving of the keys, implying he has people in mind. He also says “our keys” implying he has allies
Gaining Narratonin takes mental fortitude
It is acknowledged that Buddy uses some kind of unknown method to end up in the same books Chase does
Buddy loves bugs and insects
Boris the horse hates Deacon
In Cinderfella (I), Buddy agrees to stop trying to bully Chase out of the books if he can complete all of the original Cinderella novel
Buddy drew a smiley face at the bottom of the chore list. I just think that’s neat
Buddy is willing to give Chase hints to progress the story
When Buddy tells Chase to water the grave of Cinderella’s mother, the task makes him feel uncomfortable and he asks to opt out of it (which he can’t). He says it hits too close to him :(
Story-relevant clothing disappears once a key-holder is wearing it
Fairytale food has no effect on the digestive system
Chase feeding and naming the birds. I just love that. One of them is named Jake
Silver’s full name is Little Silver
Silver says that entering someone else’s book without having the book on hand is impossible, meaning Buddy is breaking some kind of rule (unless he is a part of Ex Libris and is using an unknown spell)
Narratonin is the pure form of humanity’s enjoyment of stories
There are 12 keys in total
Silver and Violet are sisters. Amendment: Bronze is their brother
Narratonin can heal small wounds
Chase’s mom is named Myra and his dad was named George. George is dead and Myra has cancer
The keys don’t have parents so they likely all consider themselves siblings
Buddy hates Chase’s singing voice
Buddy knows a lot about the keys and claims that it’s helpful to be on speaking terms with them, which contradicts Ex Libris’s ideals
Keys are capable of tasting and digesting food (it is unknown if they produce waste)
The key Chase failed to buy was gold-colored, likely named Gold 🤔
Chase can’t count
Silver loves cheese
Deacon loves horses but horses hate him. Amendment: the same goes for unicorns
Chase loves sparkly things
Buddy is somehow capable of knowing the entire plot of the book he’s in, including obscure stories like the cat one
Buddy was only aware that the Heroine key was missing (likely only after running into Chase for the first time, however) and is surprised to later find out other keys were gone too
Real-world items can be taken into the books, like cellphones and jackets
Buddy knows a fair amount about cats
At the end of Toffee Break, Buddy says that Chase “will be useful after all” after acknowledging his ability to derail the stories. His plans remain a mystery 🤔 since we already know he prefers to follow a story to the letter, what use could he have of Chase who does the opposite?
Punko implied the existence of a Mary Sue key
Chase’s full name is Charlie Everett Hollow. Deacon’s full name is Deacon Everett Hollow. They share a middle name
Chase is 18, Deacon is 20, and Buddy "looks 20-ish"
According to Punko, Buddy would do ANYTHING for a chocolate bar
If Chase’s wedding vows include the phrase “timely jewelry retrieval” we are all legally allowed to make fun of him
Chase's dream husband is a "super crazy hot vampire guy" from the Mistenwood Movie franchise named Caspian Wolfsblood
“After all that… and it’s just a small… weak little thing like you.” This implies many things. After all what? What do you mean by “thing”? We need answers, Buddy! He ends their first ever conversation with “it’s your funeral” which is VERY concerning, as if using the keys incorrectly may kill Chase???? So many questions!
Boris the horse has been in the house before
Boris ate one of Deacon’s shirts
When Deacon and Chase were kids, they’d play in the attic area above Chase's room and Chase’s dad would warn them not too fall off the ladder
Chase has an Alistair shrine under his bed
Bronze is 100% content with living in an oven mitt
Chase openly hates Deacon’s mom
Chase loves coconuts
Chase tried to take photos of Buddy with both digital and film cameras but they turned up blank. He took a lot of test shots though. A lot
Chase lies when he says he tried to take the photos for Silver, because they realized Buddy was too young for her to recognize him the same day he met her
It can be assumed that book objects can be taken into the real world thanks to Bronze’s request for a seashell from the Beach Boys arc, but as the arc is currently unfinished we do not know if this is truly possible
Ex Libris lore:
They created the keys
They kept the keys in a library and rarely let them interact in their person forms
Silver last remembers being in the “Ex Libris building” which is the society’s headquarters
The Order of Ex Libris had many spells and secrets
Narratonin was discovered before the keys were created, and they were created to collect this substance
The keys were used constantly by lower members of the order and then given to senior members to make wishes
The keys were kept on key rings to keep them asleep, and the keys themselves were stored in a very safe and secure location (presumably a box)
As a StarGoth Enthusiast I will also log every time Chase and Buddy blush in response to each other:
Cinderfella (I)
Toffee Break (II)
Toffee Break (V)
Toffee Break (V)
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gothicbeastgirl · 3 months
Toffee break (V) chapter wasn't as I expected *SPOILER*
What I read
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What I imagined will happen
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What really happened
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wee-miss-noone · 3 months
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Cinderella Boy as various ao3 tags
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glooomm · 21 days
Favourite panels from todays ep
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basicallyart · 10 days
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Anyone else wanna see Deacon build a trusting relationship with Bronze like Silver and Chase?
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storkydorky · 21 days
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I made a Cinderella Boy meme template! Feel free to download it and give it a caption. Go crazy!
(This is the first template I have ever made for anything-)
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+ Bonus Meme
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sp3ctrum-int3rn3t · 17 days
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deacon if he was a real doctor
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lapileaf · 26 days
A meme I made recently. Let me know if y’all want more Cinderella boy memes
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DEACON: what time is it?
CHASE: I don’t know, pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out
CHASE * handing the saxophone back to DEACON*: It’s 2 am
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fireflyconfetti · 1 month
how I imagined Buddy saving Deacon would go
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This was my first time drawing the characters with NO reference or, frankly, fucks to give at that time in the evening
Drew this in a feverish haze after the second to last episode of sick day dropped
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Cinderella Boy Text Posts (1/?) Chase & Buddy
Hope you enjoy the text posts because I spent my entire morning making these instead of going to work early like I said I would *clown noises*
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