#bronze cinderella boy
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You know I had to add Grandpa Ralph cause he knows the hottest gossip around…and he’s also making sure everyone else knows about it as well
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cinderellaboyfanpage · 2 months
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the key siblings are just so cuteee!!
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thatninjacat27 · 4 months
Roleswap With the Keys Idea
(makes some references to the Key roles post I made a while ago)
Silvie (Silver) swapped with Chase. Bron (Bronze) swapped with Deacon. Violetta(Violet) swapped with Buddy. Goldie (Gold the hero key) is the older sibling(I picture the hero key as a lady despite probably going to be a guy.) Oberon (Obsidian the villain key) is the older sibling too.) (Goldie and Oberon are twins.) Trevor (Trevor the Everyman key) is probably a middle sibling.) Oberon, Violetta, and Trevor were separated from Goldie, Bron, and Silvie when they were babies. The story will be similar as maybe one of their parents has cancer but different as they discover how exactly their family ties with Ex Libris and learn about their missing siblings. They all look similar with differences. Chase and Deacon are still cousins. Chase and Buddy still have that rivalry(?) going on and are not related. I keep thinking about how Silver and Bronze were reunited and I think about how Chase and Deacon would be reunited in the au. Very similar circumstances and Chase would call him Dorkin but they’d still hug with Deacon being slightly suspicious of Silvie.
Bron would still have green eyes and brown hair. Goldie has blond really yellow (sunflower or hay looking) hair. She also has really dark blue eyes. Oberon and Violetta have black hair. Silvie has very light blonde hair with a white streak going through. I’m still stuck on the eye colors of Silvie, Oberon, and Violetta. I know Silver has pink eyes but I want to keep some realism with it. Trevor has brown hair and brown eyes.
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kitkat-the-muffin · 1 month
For fun I reread Cinderella Boy and kept track of everything in the following categories:
What the boys know about Buddy and vice versa:
Knows Chase is 18
Knows Chase takes dance lessons (or more accurately that he’s on a dance team). Amendment: knows Chase took 4 years of dance lessons
Knows that Chase knows basically nothing about the keys and their actual power
Knows Chase has a gluten allergy
Knows Chase is sensitive to gore and violence
Knows Chase is a fan of musicians
Knows Chase loves to sing
POSSIBLY knows Chase’s full name and trademark (if he was actively listening)
Knows Chase is on good terms with Silver
Thinks Chase stole the Heroine and Helper keys
Knows Deacon chose the cat story (this will affect his perception of him)
Knows Chase dislikes boats because he is scared of the water (and that Chase is prone to seasickness)
Knows Deacon likes making plans
Is under the impression that Deacon and Chase met on the bus
POSSIBLY knows about Chase’s grandpa (depends on his eavesdropping abilities during their first meeting)
Knows that Chase found his key with the missing page from the book that supposedly belongs to the “old man” (this further supports the misconception he has that Chase stole them)
Is aware Buddy has allies
Knows Buddy is NOT sensitive to gore and violence
Knows Buddy hates singing but likes dancing
Believes Buddy is on bad terms with Violet
Believes Buddy doesn’t know his full name
Knows Buddy is a Drama Queen
Knows Buddy hates getting wet
Knows Buddy is searching for the keys and expected someone else to have Silver
Is aware of Buddy and Ex Libris and pays more attention to that info than Chase does
Believes Buddy does know Chase’s full name
Thinks Buddy is very intense
Knows Buddy is a tsundere lol (or at least I think he’s capable of picking up the hints of the trope)
Knows Buddy is a Drama Queen
Knows Buddy hates him in particular
Knows Buddy hates getting wet
Suspects that Buddy is working for someone else
Additional notes:
Chase used to have a copy of the book he found Silver’s key in as a kid
Buddy says he needs to get the Heroine key back “before the old man finds out something’s missing”
The keys cannot be removed from their user’s person within the story
Chase has a friend named Simon who flakes out on dance practice
Buddy says that there are people more deserving of the keys, implying he has people in mind. He also says “our keys” implying he has allies
Gaining Narratonin takes mental fortitude
It is acknowledged that Buddy uses some kind of unknown method to end up in the same books Chase does
Buddy loves bugs and insects
Boris the horse hates Deacon
In Cinderfella (I), Buddy agrees to stop trying to bully Chase out of the books if he can complete all of the original Cinderella novel
Buddy drew a smiley face at the bottom of the chore list. I just think that’s neat
Buddy is willing to give Chase hints to progress the story
When Buddy tells Chase to water the grave of Cinderella’s mother, the task makes him feel uncomfortable and he asks to opt out of it (which he can’t). He says it hits too close to him :(
Story-relevant clothing disappears once a key-holder is wearing it
Fairytale food has no effect on the digestive system
Chase feeding and naming the birds. I just love that. One of them is named Jake
Silver’s full name is Little Silver
Silver says that entering someone else’s book without having the book on hand is impossible, meaning Buddy is breaking some kind of rule (unless he is a part of Ex Libris and is using an unknown spell)
Narratonin is the pure form of humanity’s enjoyment of stories
There are 12 keys in total
Silver and Violet are sisters. Amendment: Bronze is their brother
Narratonin can heal small wounds
Chase’s mom is named Myra and his dad was named George. George is dead and Myra has cancer
The keys don’t have parents so they likely all consider themselves siblings
Buddy hates Chase’s singing voice
Buddy knows a lot about the keys and claims that it’s helpful to be on speaking terms with them, which contradicts Ex Libris’s ideals
Keys are capable of tasting and digesting food (it is unknown if they produce waste)
The key Chase failed to buy was gold-colored, likely named Gold 🤔
Chase can’t count
Silver loves cheese
Deacon loves horses but horses hate him. Amendment: the same goes for unicorns
Chase loves sparkly things
Buddy is somehow capable of knowing the entire plot of the book he’s in, including obscure stories like the cat one
Buddy was only aware that the Heroine key was missing (likely only after running into Chase for the first time, however) and is surprised to later find out other keys were gone too
Real-world items can be taken into the books, like cellphones and jackets
Buddy knows a fair amount about cats
At the end of Toffee Break, Buddy says that Chase “will be useful after all” after acknowledging his ability to derail the stories. His plans remain a mystery 🤔 since we already know he prefers to follow a story to the letter, what use could he have of Chase who does the opposite?
Punko implied the existence of a Mary Sue key
Chase’s full name is Charlie Everett Hollow. Deacon’s full name is Deacon Everett Hollow. They share a middle name
Chase is 18, Deacon is 20, and Buddy "looks 20-ish"
According to Punko, Buddy would do ANYTHING for a chocolate bar
If Chase’s wedding vows include the phrase “timely jewelry retrieval” we are all legally allowed to make fun of him
Chase's dream husband is a "super crazy hot vampire guy" from the Mistenwood Movie franchise named Caspian Wolfsblood
“After all that… and it’s just a small… weak little thing like you.” This implies many things. After all what? What do you mean by “thing”? We need answers, Buddy! He ends their first ever conversation with “it’s your funeral” which is VERY concerning, as if using the keys incorrectly may kill Chase???? So many questions!
Boris the horse has been in the house before
Boris ate one of Deacon’s shirts
When Deacon and Chase were kids, they’d play in the attic area above Chase's room and Chase’s dad would warn them not too fall off the ladder
Chase has an Alistair shrine under his bed
Bronze is 100% content with living in an oven mitt
Chase openly hates Deacon’s mom
Chase loves coconuts
Chase tried to take photos of Buddy with both digital and film cameras but they turned up blank. He took a lot of test shots though. A lot
Chase lies when he says he tried to take the photos for Silver, because they realized Buddy was too young for her to recognize him the same day he met her
It can be assumed that book objects can be taken into the real world thanks to Bronze’s request for a seashell from the Beach Boys arc, but as the arc is currently unfinished we do not know if this is truly possible
Ex Libris lore:
They created the keys
They kept the keys in a library and rarely let them interact in their person forms
Silver last remembers being in the “Ex Libris building” which is the society’s headquarters
The Order of Ex Libris had many spells and secrets
Narratonin was discovered before the keys were created, and they were created to collect this substance
The keys were used constantly by lower members of the order and then given to senior members to make wishes
The keys were kept on key rings to keep them asleep, and the keys themselves were stored in a very safe and secure location (presumably a box)
As a StarGoth Enthusiast I will also log every time Chase and Buddy blush in response to each other:
Cinderfella (I)
Toffee Break (II)
Toffee Break (V)
Toffee Break (V)
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bananacakepie · 4 months
So there’s a webtoon called Cinderella Boy by Punko, and I’m hooked. There are some spoilers about the plot up to the 17th episode, so if you haven’t read that far: continue at your own risk.
The plot goes like so; there’s a boy who goes by Chase, and his mom is sick. He wants to make a magical wish to save her, but to do so, he needs both a magical liquid called Narration, and a set of 12 magical archtype keys. Each of the keys can turn into a little person, but also allow whoever is using that specific key to enter a story, and seemlessly take the place of whatever character holds that specific archtype. There’s a dangerous group called Ex Libris that wants the keys (assumingly to fulfill their personal goals with the wishes) and has most of one, but Chase is on a mission to find all of them.
My big question is this: What keys are there?
So the plot kicks off with Chase finding Silver, the Heroine Key.
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So she then tells Chase thst the last thing she remembers is being held by Ex Libris, and dhe refers to the other Keys as her family, and she encourages Chase to find them.
While trave Ing through stories, Chase meets “Buddy”. He wants Chase to stop using the Heroine Key and hand it over to him. Buddy has a Key of his own - but he hides it under his shirt.
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Buddy holds the Villainess Key (who’s name Silver tells Chase, is Violet), and is implied to work for Ex Libris. So that one will definitely be hard to get.
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In a recent storyline, Silver spots two Keys at a flea market, but by the time Chase runs away, grabs the money to but them, and comes back, one of the Keys has been sold. Chase buys the remaining Key.
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The Key that Chase does get turns out to be Bronze who is the Helper Key. The archtype of a sidekick.
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And that’s all the know Keys! The Heroine Key (held by Chase), the Villainess Key (held by Buddy/Ex Libris), and the Helper Key (held by Chase/Chase’s cousin).
You get the idea. 3 known, 9 unknown. 2 held, 10 with unknown locations.
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And Chase wants to find them.
One of the Keys got sold at the flea market, so it’s likely nearby.
(Left Picture: The lighter colored Key is the missing one.)
And there’s another Key mentioned on the paper that Chase found.
(Right Picture: We can see symbols on 3 of the Keys. From what we can see, the top left is labled “Hero-”, has a rose on top, and a heart shape on the bottom. The top right’s lable is obscured, but we can see the sun on top and the circle shape on the bottom. The bottom left is labled “Villa-” before being cut off, has a gem on top and a curved diamond shape on the bottom. There are no visible details on the bottom right Key.)
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The right picture tells us more about the unknown Keys. We know about the Villainess and Heroine Keys that match up with what is seen on the bottom left and top left respectively. But the top right Key’s name is unknown.
So aside from that, we can also guess what the rest of the keys are, because they said to represent the 12 archtypes in stories.
Chase initially mistook the Heroine Key for the Hero Key, which is a good guess for one of the archetypes.
But things get interesting if we look at the 12 Jungian archtypes: The Innocent, Everyman, Hero, Outlaw, Explorer, Creator, Ruler, Magician, Lover, Caregiver, Jester, and Sage.
Breaking down these roles, they are:
The Innocent - The dreamer or a romantic
The Everyman - Kinda background character
The Hero - You know this guy, he’s the warrior, the dragon stayer, the HERO
The Outlaw - The rulebreaker, or revolutionary who dislikes the status quo
The Explorer - The wanderer/seeker, they like their freedom and seek to keep it
The Creator - they seek to bring their vision to fruition as an artist or innovator
The Ruler - The big boss who wants plwer/control (maybe the VILLAINESS)
The Magician - They seek to make others all happy and are charismatic leaders and healers
The Lover - The HEROINE; goal is to be in a relationship
The Caregiver - The HELPER
The Jester - The fool or the trickster who lives for fun
The Sage - The smart one, often the mentor
We do pick up some potential archtypes from this, but we can’t really be all that sure of the names for some vauge ones. Some new ones I feel more sure about might be: Mentor, Trickster, Fool, Leader, Wanderer, Artist/Creator, Rebel, Everyman.
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But what do I know? Do your own research, or share your own opinion on the future Key archetypes!
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frosting-pudding · 27 days
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beccas-books · 3 years
September Recap
Books Read:
The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
Rating: 5/5
Blue Lilly, Lilly Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
Rating: 4.5/5
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
Rating: 5/5
Opal by Maggie Stiefvater
Rating: 2/5
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller 
Rating: 4.5/5
Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron
Rating: 3.5/5
Soulswift by Megan Bannen
Rating: 5/5
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
Rating 4/5
A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir 
Rating: 4.5/5
Favorite Book of the Month:
It’s a tie!
The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
Soulswift by Megan Bannen
Least Favorite Book of the Month:
Opal by Maggie Stiefvater
Preview of Next Months TBR:
The Bronzed Beasts by Roshani Choski 
As Good as Dead by Holly Jackson 
Kingdom of the Cursed by Kerri Maniscalco 
The Bright & the Pale by Jessica Rubinkowski
Nameless Queen by Rebecca McLaughlin
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districtunrest · 3 years
author self-interview
tagged by endlessnightlock :) thank you!!
name: we’ll still say Gabbie, even though that’s very much an alias leftover from being a minor online. I also go by MarbleSharp.
fandoms: THG is the only one I’m active in lately but this blog reflects my other, more passive fandom interests lol
where do you post: Archive of Our Own and Fanfiction.net. and then I advertise/preview things here on tumblr. 
most popular multi-chapter fic: Somthing of Our Own, or SOO, a WIP about Haymitch and Hazelle Hawthorne with peripheral Everlark, reconstruction, and other fun post-MJ things. 
favorite story you’ve written so far: gosh, Idk. I think I like SOO best because it’s my most recent writing and it’s my attempt at a mature slow-burn between two middle-aged people with shared history and a good deal of baggage but a good deal of hope, too. it’s just flat-out compelling to me and I care about it a lot which makes it more than a little painstaking to write, haha
fic you were nervous to post: my very first one, To Have and To Hold, back in 2011 when I was in the eighth grade(!). but it’s a nice, little, bittersweet AU about Haymitch’s girl, had she and his family survived.
how do you choose your titles: agonizingly. 
do you outline: for multi-chapter stories, I do. but they’re loose outlines where I leave room to let things happen ~ organically ~ in between major plot points. I tend to be very character-driven.
Best of Luck, Mockingjay - for a horror prompt, featuring Jackson toward the brutal end of the Squad 451.
bronze legacy - a prompt about Finnick & Annie’s son that sort of explores the genetic/societal onus of carrying a late parent’s legacy. there’s a happy ending though!
The Callers from the Coffin - my first multi-chapter story, where I used Markus Zusak’s narrator Death from The Book Thief to narrate parts of Haymitch’s life that either Haymitch remembers on his deathbed or Death witnessed itself. it’s not really a crossover but I labeled it as such because there are general spoilers for TBT. it was fun to write and the reception was pretty good, though much of the character backstory within is no longer my headcanon lol
cinderella man - a short and sweet multi-chapter story where I use the Cinderella fairy tale to tell Peeta’s side of the Everlark story (or one interpretation of it, anyway).
eat your heart out - about Titus, the cannibal tribute.
Gym Class - an Everlark oneshot where Katniss accidentally (but also not) hits Peeta in the face with a dodgeball, or the origin story of Peeta’s ‘not a piece in their games’ philosophy.
let the memories be good for those who stay - my one (1) story for another fandom. it’s an AU of The Book Thief where the main character Liesel dies and her love interest Rudy lives instead. I’ve gotten many an upset comment about it, which I accept warmly. :)
A New Way to Breathe - a prompt (for shesasurvivor actually!) about Johanna and Haymitch after the war, though in this story the war doesn’t end... well... for some beloved characters. imo, this fic is best read listening to “Alone Together” by Fallout Boy on repeat. 
stronger than her story (once she’s lost the plot) - Enobaria vs. Johanna through the years. and it’s very much vs., not / or &
To Have and To Hold
in progress: 
so this is your maverick - this AU where Thresh and Rue win can be considered finished but I’d love to come back to it and do a second, final part from Rue’s perspective. only trouble is, I’ve read several great fics with this same AU that cover them going through the rebellion together and so I don’t really know what I have to add to it. we’ll see (as if it hasn’t been 8 years lmao)
Something of Our Own 
coming soon:
a month ago, I would’ve said stronger than her story (once she’s lost the plot), a near decade-long WIP lol 
but for right now, I’m just working on SOO. *shrugs*
do you accept prompts: sure, though I tend to be a slow writer and I might have to sit on it for a while before posting it. it’d probably be a drabble, too.
upcoming story you’re most excited to write: the rest of SOO? I feel like a broken record :P 
story/stories you’re most excited to read: the stories or authors I’m subscribed to, of which there are too many to list here. I also love to check out my mutuals’ recommendations or their own work!
tagging shesasurvivor, juxtaposie, hawtnip, warriorlid14, finnicksannie, lorata (all of whom I hope haven’t already been asked this... if you’ve answered, please tag me so I can learn more about your work!!)
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gavillain · 3 years
if you’re still accepting for the character ask, i’d love to request princess aurora, anastasia tremaine, and hercules 💘
Sure. I'll do these three. Sorry it's been a hot minute.
My otp for them:  Prince Phillip, of course. One of the best romances in Disney.
My brotp for them:  The maternal bond she has with Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather is so satisfying.
Any other ships: Gaston (thanks to you), Snow White, and Hercules all come to mind.
Their best friend: I feel like Cinderella and Snow White are her two best friends. OG princesses gotta stick together.
My favorite nickname for them:  "Sweet princess" that Merryweather calls her always sticks out in my mind. "Rose" too.
My favorite AU of them: I like the idea of an AU where she and Phillip eloped together without ever realizing that they were actually betrothed and slowly discovering the truth while Maleficent conquers the heirless kingdoms for herself.
My favorite outfit they wear:  Her Briar Rose dress stands out to me more than her princess dress, lovely though it is.
Defining color: Pink and blue. I shall not take sides XD
Would I date them: No, but I'd be her friend :)
First impression: I loved her movie as a kid, and I always thought she was beautiful and kind. Though I never really thought much of her compared to Maleficent.
Current impression: I have found a very strong appreciation for her in recent years (and you're no small part of that). She's one of my five favorite princesses, and I feel like I knew of her once upon a dream but now I actually am getting to know the real Aurora in recent years. I love it :)
Hogwarts House:  I would say she's a Hufflepuff. Very focused on compassion, empathy, and duty.
My otp for them:  Don't really have one. I never particularly cared for her romance with the baker, and I don't have a strong crossover option in mind.
My brotp for them:  Cinderella. I love the idea of them becoming friends and sisters after Cinderella III.
Any other ships: I know @jcmorrigan has floated the idea of her with Rumplestiltskin from OUAT, and I see a lot of potential there. I also remember a really good video of her with Proteus from Sinbad that I still think about all the time.
Their best friend: Probably Drizella. They fight and bicker, but they're a dynamic duo together.
My favorite nickname for them:  I like the idea of someone calling her "Ana" for short in an affectionate way.
My favorite AU of them: Probably the Disney Parks version because she's hilarious there XD
My favorite outfit they wear:  Her main dress is the best.
Defining color: Pink, but a very magenta shade of pink.
Would I date them: No, but I'd be her friend :)
First impression: I didn't think much of her or Cinderella as a kid. I respected the movie, but it wasn't one of my favorites and I didn't own it on VHS. Cinderella III, I enjoyed a lot more when it came out, and I found Anastasia to be one of the most fun and memorable parts of the movie.
Current impression: I love her a lot! I went through a phase of really appreciating her and being obsessed, but I've mellowed on her. Cinderella wise, I tend to gravitate towards Lady Tremaine and Lucifer before Anastasia now. However, I still think she's an excellent and fun character in everything she appears in.
Hogwarts House: She's a Hufflepuff who tries to act like a Slytherin because her mother is one.
My otp for them: Megara! I just rewatched their movie last night, and I just LOVE their romance and connection so much. It fights for the top spot for my favorite Disney romance.
My brotp for them: He and Phil have such a satisfying relationship too. Ditto him and Pegasus. I love them.
Any other ships: Well obviously Aladdin and Herc are a hot couple together, also Aurora, Prince Eric, and a few of the heroes from the TV show/sequel like Theseus the Grim Avenger.
Their best friend: Gotta be Phil.
My favorite nickname for them:  "Wonder Boy" from Meg always melts my heart.
My favorite AU of them: The AUs I've seen where he and Aladdin are a couple and get together are my favorites.
My favorite outfit they wear: His main hero armor.
Defining color: Bronze
Would I date them: Absolutely I would
First impression: I've always loved him and his movie. Even though I didn't pay super close attention to heroes when I was young, Hercules was one of the ones I always liked. I had quite a few toys of him too.
Current impression: I love him. One of my favorite Disney characters over all. I think he's just such a sweetheart and so damn likable. Like he's the type of Disney character who I'd really want to just hang out with and be friends with. He's not necessarily in my top ten heroes (Megara is, though), but he's always on the cusp.
Hogwarts House: VERY much a Gryffindor. He has some Hufflepuff shades to him, but not nearly enough to challenge the obvious Gryffindor.
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Cinderella Boy Text Posts (1/?) Chase & Buddy
Hope you enjoy the text posts because I spent my entire morning making these instead of going to work early like I said I would *clown noises*
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cinderellaboyfanpage · 2 months
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bronze: i want a protective quilted glove for touching hot kettles.
deacon: you want an oven mitt?
(what can we say, our bronze here is a simple man)
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thatninjacat27 · 4 months
The Names Of The Keys For Cinderella Boy (Webtoon) + ideas/theories on unknown ones
I’ve been obsessing over this for hours.
Confirmed Keys (Keys that have names and their roles):
Silver- Heroine Key, User: Chase Hollow, Color: Silver
Bronze- Helper Key, User(heavily implied): Deacon, Color: Bronze
Violet- Villainess Key, User: “Buddy”, Color: Purple
Unconfirmed Keys(Key with fandom given names and possible roles for them):
Gold- Hero Key, User: Unknown, Color: Gold
(I feel like the name is a given because it’s first place and usually main character. I think as a cute nickname Gold should be sometimes called Goldie. He’s got to be the oldest with the Villain key being the second oldest then Silver(headcanon but I wouldn’t be surprised is Silver is the second oldest because Silver is typically a second place medal. I keep think of Bronze, Silver, and Gold being the Main Protagonist Trio because of their names. The names are what get me))
Obsidian- Villain Key, User: Unknown, Color: Glassy Pitch Black (Basing the color on how the actual stone looks.)
(I wish I knew who came up with this name because I absolutely loved it. I feel like it fits perfectly and black matches well with purple as villain colors)(if you are reading this, please comment so I can credit you properly for having mentioning the name first.)
Trevor- Everyman Key, User: Unknown, Color: Brown(chosen because it’s a basic color)
(credit for the role goes to @bananacakepie. Post: https://www.tumblr.com/bananacakepie/743283540605747200/so-theres-a-webtoon-called-cinderella-boy-by?source=share )
(This name is kind of a joke but also not really. I saw a post by the creator about how all the servants were named Trevor no matter what they did for a living and I found that a little funny. I used that idea for a key that was copied into many keys so that random members of Ex Libris could walk around in the story without any real hassle and spy on anyone with a main key to make sure they were doing their job properly. It’s a blank key with no little person but it’s still named the “Trevor” key by low ranking members as an inside joke. I then saw a post here on tumblr about different possible roles for the keys, saw Everyman role, and was like as a joke, Trevor should be the name of that key too. Anyways, still going to keep my original idea for Trevor because I kind of got maybe two fics that involve the blank keys but I wanted to share my thoughts on possibly names/Key roles)
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I will add more keys as we learn of them/come up with them and update any information. Comment whatever Key roles/names so that I can add them as well. I want to add personalities to them too but I’m bad at describing them so also comment that if you want to.
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treatian · 4 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One:  The Dark Curse
Chapter 210:  His Final Resting Place 
So the Seer had been keeping secrets from him. She was a clever little bitch when he got right down to it. She'd kept this secret because she knew that he might have been resistant to it in the beginning, perhaps fought her, and tried to find another way around it. But now that he was only a few months away from his Curse being enacted, she knew he hadn't a choice but to trust her and go along with her path. She told him things when he needed to know them. And to think that sometimes he thought he was gaining control of her.
It wasn't hard to find this location. Not with his magic, though, it was odd how his magic reacted to it. A month or so after he'd gotten the news, when he noticed that the Charmings, Cinderella, and her Prince Thomas were beginning to exchange more messages, he felt ready to see it, accept it, and make the appropriate plans. So he'd pictured it in his mind, the image of the future the Seer had once given him of Snow White standing in a dark place some distance from him, completing her deal to tell him the truth if a question was ever asked of her, and then he went there. But his magic didn't bring him to that place, to where he wanted to be. Instead, he arrived in a wooded area within King George's Kingdom. He inhaled through his nose and smelled dwarf as well as…fairy magic.
Ordinarily, he might run from a smell like that, but this time he pulled his dagger from his boot, for extra measure, and walked toward it. If ever there was a plan to contain him, he should have known fairies would be behind it.
The scent of magic grew stronger as he walked through the forest, dagger out, following after the trail of it like he was some kind of bloodhound. It led to somewhere unexpected…an old Fairy Dust Mine. There were boxes outside, freshly covered with hide. If he had to guess, they'd only arrived a few days ago. He pried the lid off one and glanced inside. Iron, silver, bronze, and gold, raw metal materials that stunk of fairy magic. In another one, hammers, nails, axes, smelting cups…construction materials. He glanced at the entrance to the mine in front of him. The wooden frame to the cave entrance was dilapidated, the smell of dwarf was there, but it was old. Clearly, this mine had not been used in years. And yet new materials were being delivered? Because this was what the King and Queen were planning with the Prince and Princess. This was it—his new prison.
Sensing no heartbeats coming from within the caverns, he slid his dagger back into his boot and proceeded inside. It wasn't much of a prison, but then again, it wasn't much of a mine either. This cave hadn't been mined probably since he was a boy and a shoddy job they'd done on it too. He could still feel the fairy dust in the walls. There was one tunnel as opposed to dozens he knew that mines often used. At the cave entrance, the ground went down, then made a turn, then made another turn and…
There it was.
He was drawn to one particular spot about halfway down the hall. Oh, he could practically see the ghost of Snow White from his vision standing there when she told him her truth. But from where he stood now, her back was to him, and from where she stood in the vision, she'd faced him. His eyes drifted beyond her, down the darkened hall—the cavern's end, a dead end.
That was it. His future home. His cell.
Boxes had been stored here just as they were outside, but he could see footsteps in the dirt and small drawings where bars were meant to go. Bars made of gold, silver, bronze, and iron…all elements that mythically kept magic at bay. They'd done their homework. While a single one of those elements wouldn't keep him from his magic, all of them combined would surely dampen it. The metals…and one other thing.
He felt it when he crossed the lines on the dirt that indicated with the cell would begin. Fairy Magic. The unmined Fairy Dust that still sat in the walls had a long time to stew. It was powerful stuff. This cell, this small space, it acted not unlike Bald Mountain. It wasn't at such a high concentration as that mountain, but it was enough that he felt his magic diminish immediately. Outside the cell, he had it, inside…there was a noted soreness in his bad ankle. It was present, but he was grateful that the pain wasn't overwhelming as it had been the first time he'd been to Bald Mountain. He could live with a bit of soreness for a while. That wasn't the only effect of being in the room. The voices in his head were quieter, the sound of ordinary prattling became a whisper, and whispers from the less powerful became nothing. Nimue, Zoso, and the Seer, they were the three most prevalent if he cared enough to focus on them…which he didn't. He couldn't transport himself inside or outside the cave, which was probably why his magic had delivered him to the forest instead of here. But…
He held his hand open and produced a ball of fire. It was small, smaller than he'd wanted it to be, but it was there. His magic wasn't gone entirely. Weakened to the point that creating fire made him want to take a nap for the first time in a hundred years, yes. But not gone.
He used what he'd created to light a torch he saw hanging against the wall. It was less work than keeping it lit. He was able to communicate with the Seer, but only just. She was dampened too, but when he focused, he knew that she wanted him to look around. To find something. A place to hide.
Yes…he had a plan, a plan for what he needed to do before the Curse was cast to wake himself up earlier than the others from the Curse and get a head start in helping the Savior break it. But if this was where he was going to be, if this was how he would be trapped, he needed to be smart about how he did it. At her urgings, he ran his hands over the future cell's walls. Something hiding. Something he needed to find. Something he needed to stumble upon.
His hand ran along the walls, stone after stone without giving, but suddenly small rocks came tumbling down at his touch and revealed…
A crevice! It was small. He reached inside of it and stopped when he felt his fingers jam on the far side of it. It was maybe seven or eight inches deep. But the area inside created enough to hide just a few small precious objects.
Objects. Things. Oh, there was a lot he would love to leave within these walls. If he was to be here for a month or two, he would have loved to bring a spinning wheel. He'd want a blanket for comfort, Belle's chipped cup, his staff, maybe an item or two from his collection. But that wasn't an option. He had this one small space, and that was that. There was no room for anything else. His ability to create a Trigger to the Curse, a piece of magic that would wake him up when the time came, would take priority. He'd need to come up with something small and then hide only what he needed to work that magic, to set it in place. He'd need to be careful when he was in here, store up the magic he had, use it for one last grand piece.
Looking around the small space that was to be his own, he knew it wasn't going to be easy. He wasn't especially keen on small spaces like this, and he'd grown accustomed to living with a certain amount of grandeur over the years. This was going to be boring. Like rotting away forgotten. But he'd do it. He'd do it so long as he knew that Baelfire was on the other side. He'd lived well over a hundred and fifty years, and by the time the Curse broke, he'd be closer to two hundred. What were a few months of boredom?
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bananacakepie · 4 months
So here’s something that might be crazy, but i thought was interesting.
In the webtoon Cinderella Boy by Punko, after meeting two of the key characters, Silver is more confident that Chase will help all of the key people, while Bronze thinks that Chase is going to show a nasty side, and they’ll get the short end of the stick.
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Now this may be because Silver has spent more time with Chase, but this can also be a reflection on their personal experiences in stories.
Silver is the heroine key, a person who traditionally suffers at the start before earning a happy ending. Of course she would think that her life now would be her happy ending, and brush aside years of hardship - it’s what she’s used to seeing.
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Meanwhile Bronze is the helper key and describes his role as, “traditionally a confidante, aid and sounding board fir the protagonist.” Or as Deacon so aptly describes it: the sidekick. Not really as much as a desired role: one that often gets pushed aside at the end for the hero and heroine to take their bows, or is sometimes turned into a slightly antagonistic figure who works against the hero (he’d have to continueiously hurt his siblings) [this is all based on my experience with these archetypes]. He’s probably jaded by that, and is much more cynical about Chase turning out to be all right - after all, isn’t Chase just another hero who’s going to get his happy ending and throw Bronze aside?
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Anyways, go check out Cinderella Boy by Punko on webtoons, it’s really good.
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frosting-pudding · 27 days
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mvlans · 5 years
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Hello lovelies! I’m so grateful for each and every one of you guys!! You’re all amazing!! So without further ado here’s the 250 follower celebration!!
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(blacklist #zellecelebrates if you don’t want to see this on your dash)
tagging mutuals and blograte formats under the cut :)
a e s t h e t i c
element: water | fire | earth | air
metal: gold | silver | bronze | rose gold
flavor: citrus | cinnamon | honey | mint | vanilla | chocolate
season: spring | summer | autumn | winter
time: dawn | noon | dusk | midnight
place: beach | mountains | desert | city | forest | meadow
continent: north america | south america | australia | asia | europe | africa | antarctica
olympian: zeus | poseidon | hades | athena | ares | hephestus | aphrodite | artemis | apollo | hera | dionysus | hestia | demeter
d i s n e y
princess: cinderella | aurora | snow white | ariel | jasmine | pocahontas | megara | mulan | belle | tiana | rapunzel | merida | elsa | anna | moana
place: agrabah | atlantica | corona | arendelle | motunui 
sidekick: pascal | pua | mushu | rajah | olaf
weapon: ice | frying pan | sword | bow | trident
pixar movie: toy story | inside out | coco | the incredibles | ratatouille | finding nemo | monster’s inc | up | cars | wall e
short: piper | paperman | lava | partly cloudy | la luna | for the birds | lifted
era: golden age | silver age | bronze age | renaissance | post renaissance | revival
(tagging my 10 newest and 10 oldest mutuals :))
@obiliviate @midsgard @thatpunygoddess @moorgans @tanteheleens @nymphadoraxs @buckyrogrs @peachysalingers @treiawney @sabrinaspellvman @nataliamaximoff @hers-mione @sphring​ @toriamalfoy​ @lizziesaltzmen​ @kvzbrekkrs​ @qhoul-boys​ @parker-peter​ @carohldanvers​ @goldstinas​
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