#dead cells prisoner
smallestcritter · 4 months
Me after enabling assist mode and turning enemies' health and damage down to 30% so I can enjoy the game on my phone because I don't wanna suffer
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solmesia · 1 year
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sex is nice and all but have you considered just laying there... holding your vampire lover... and talking about the first time you broke your oath...........
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valdrift · 8 months
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personal hcs of the dead cells guys
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panacyllium · 4 months
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happy pride gay driftcells. get that ummmm.............................................................................................................. blue
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blabberoo · 4 months
I imagine both drifter and bobby are somewhat desensitized of death. Bobby more so cares less of corpses and sees them more as things to loot, while drifter is somewhat numb to the ticking timer he's in (he makes off handed jokes about himself that sounds slightly concerning). Drifter still respects the dead and what theyve left behind, thinking that borrowing their weapons as some sort of relief for the dead (Quirrel's words ;u;). "Borrowing", because he knows well it will be used by others when these things outlives him, and hes ok with it. (He also believes that a tool that still serves its functions has no reason to go unused)
Bobby is a loud and proud jerk, and drifter rattled that concept simply by just being himself, unexpectant on how it would affect bobby. While he had been familiar of death, he never properly grasped the concept of losing someone he truly loved.
And he doesnt know how to deal with it.
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i over analyzed again
even as a homunculus imagine having to deal with the psychological consequences that come with being immortal . like. maybe thats why hes such a bitch. maybe he does care he literally can't afford to because eventually everything he loves and cares about will fucking die around him . maybe he forces himself not to get attached to anything because it will all eventually die. he will literally be the only thing left alive until the end of all things. he only does things because he needs something to do to pass his time but in the long run none of that fucking matters hes just passing his time trying to make his existence at least somewhat enjoyable. thats the only reason why he does the same shit over and over and over just to do anything to pass the time while its still there
that is fucking terrifying.
to make a long story short: little flame head bobby has deep psychological issues ❤️
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gray-soul · 4 months
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prismit · 4 months
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the beheaded learns a cool new trick
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nefertitisfjordd · 2 years
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nemo-draco · 3 months
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Rewatching the Dead Cells trailers...and happened to pause at the perfect moment XD
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seashellisinmyheart · 4 months
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I totally forgot that this was going to be a thing.
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aconstantache · 10 months
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You're precious to me, Henry
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balamist · 2 years
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a boy
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hollypies · 2 years
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Was gonna draw them with Hollow and some others but i kinda want to draw other things rn. And I knooow if I don't post this now it will be lost to the sands of time lmao.
I'm not done with this au!! I . Might do a thing but I'll talk more about that later. Don't wanna hype myself and get other people hyped only to fail and crash into a brick wall lol
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soybean-official · 2 years
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Boutta start hearing those critical hit sounds...
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themegachessatron · 6 months
A Review of my time in Skyrim's Prisons (Featuring some followers): The Bloodworks
This is chapter seven of my ongoing series to explore and review the prison facilities of each of Skyrim's major cities. In this part we find ourselves in Windhelm, centre point of the Stormcloak Rebellion, looking at a prison with an... unclear naming convention. The prison itself is located inside the Palace of the Kings, in the guard barracks loading zone, so what do I call it? Well, I've decided to refer to the facility in this review by the name affectionately given to it by the people of Windhelm, The Bloodworks. This name interestingly derives from when it acted as a place to contain pit fighters while the Windhelm Arena was in use, but I prefer to think of it as a potential reference to the harshness and brutality of the prison in question, showing clearly that this prison has a very violent and disciplined policy. Does it live up to these ideals? Let's see...
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I arrive in the cell provided for my group and immediately the problem is obvious. That's it. That is ALL the floorspace there is. Prisoners are afforded a small pile of hay to sleep on and nothing else. This is by far the most brutal and unforgiving treatment in any prison reviewed so far and shows the Windhelm guard are more than prepared to back up their aggressive attitude to criminals with action, especially when they decide to throw four people into the same tiny cell. Our group had been arrested this time as a result of an altercation in the city streets over the very apparent racial prejudice in the city wherein Sofia in all the madness may or may not have taken the life of one of the market stall runners. In order to both keep an eye on us all easier and further punish us for our crimes the guards had decided to throw most of us into the same cell (Teldryn and Jordan lucked out and got a separate cell nearby). This was not only deeply uncomfortable for everyone involved but also, in Inigo's case, very distressing. After a short while Inigo's tolerance had run out and in a panicked state he forced the door open with his bare hands! Naturally the guards were not best pleased with this.
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So next thing I know we're in a firefight. My group had felt the red mist descend and were quite evidently sick of Windhelm's shit, which truth be told I can't blame them that much. A massive melee broke out with spells, arrows and swords flying in every which direction, blood coating the floors in the closest thing to a carpet the prison area will likely ever see. I had wanted to keep this review tasteful but clearly I was in the minority, so senseless violence won the day (hooray) and much commotion was felt during my tour of the facility (not hooray).
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Most of the initial combat took place in the holding area. A cold, dirty, cruel place where torture equipment was laid out liberally across the room and indications of past struggles and sufferings were commonplace. Clearly the Stormcloaks preferred getting their justice the hard way, and they were more than well equipped to do so. Everything in this room, from the cell's tiny empty space to the vicious devices being used here perfectly complement the brutal, no-nonsense nature of this facility. It felt more like a vampire den than a city jail, for both better and worse.
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While I was examining the fascinating torture devices, my friends had forced the guards into a chokehold at the foot of the stairs leading up to the barracks and ,quite simply, they filled up the booking list for Sovengarde completely in a matter of seconds. Now I understand that my clique is very well-versed in the potent cocktail of combat and "fucking shit up" but even then these guards were very quickly defeated and massacred. Though I suppose it's on brand for the Windhelm guards to talk big but be sent off to Shor's penthouse faster than a very ambitious Alduin who wants to get the whole world-eating thing done and over with quickly. If nothing else, I suppose bloodied walls and floors is expected in this prison, just not from the guards.
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An unexpected upside to the aforementioned slaughter is that it allowed me to examine the guard barracks fully without any interruptions, seeing as the entirety of the barracks' occupants were currently twitching downstairs in pools of their collective blood. The barracks in question were rather nice. Comfortable décor, plenty of bedding, effective and functional furniture, the works. It stands in stark contrast to the bloody (not intentionally) cesspit downstairs and shows that these guards were being well cared for by their superiors but unfortunately not well trained as the large pile of bodies just downstairs is proof of.
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Also included in these barracks, tucked away in the corner right of the exit down to the cesspit are the evidence and prisoner belongings chests. This is a strong storage location. Any prospective convicts would have to go through the cesspit in its entirety and enter the barracks where the guards are stationed (even if that is a moot point now) to access the chests and retrieve their beloved scroll of conjure storm atronach or whatever it is they use to fight off racists in this part of the country.
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The corridor out of the guards barracks was woefully uneventful (I can't for the life of me imagine why), with it leading to a door into the Palace of the Kings proper, which ended up being easier to escape from than I'd anticipated. The good thing about having a lot of dead Windhelm guards nearby is that there was plenty of disguises to go around. We were almost caught again when Inigo's tail accidentally came loose near the front door, but we managed to convince the real guards that it was just a very long, thin bear pelt before leaving.
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In conclusion, The Bloodworks were brilliant for what they wanted to achieve, which unfortunately for their review score wasn't a decent prison. The Bloodworks might just be the best torture dungeon I've ever seen, but it is highly insufficient as a city prison and the guards were... well, you saw what happened to them.
Final score: One Scroll of Conjure Storm Atronach out of Ten Scrolls of Conjure Storm Atronach
Thank you for reading this review. Next time we look north to see if we can brave the cold of The Chill in Winterhold.
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