chaifootsteps · 7 months
Live footage of Charlie trying to convince the people residing in Heaven to please be OK with the Sinners living there.
The people in Heaven who were raped, tortured, murdered, abused by said Sinners: !?!?!?
No seriously a lot of the Sinners we see are evil and sending them to Heaven might cause issues, especially since repentance isn't required for redemption judging by how Pentious got in.
Charlie when she realizes that some people are in Hell because they're awful:
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waterfire1848 · 11 days
What do you imagine would happen if Zuko had been swept away by the current like in the comics and fire fans reactions? Like Ozai does canonically try and swim after him but Zuko just gets swept away.
Hello, @deadlyangelofpurity !!! (BTW love your art)
The fire family loved going to Ember Island every summer and they had never had a problem with the beach before so Ursa and Ozai don't really bat an eye when their three year old son run around on the beach and saves a turtle-crab. Ozai keeps an eye on him while Ursa is more focused on the one year old baby in front of her. When the giant waves comes up and washes Zuko away, Ozai darts into the water to save him and Ursa starts screaming for Zuko. Despite Ozai's best efforts the ocean claims the three year old before he can get to him. The guards arrive and look over as much of the ocean as they can, scanning the water for him, while others stay on land and look over the beaches. Ursa is inconsolable when they have to leave Ember Island without Zuko and holds Azula a little closer while Ozai is too stunned to speak. He could have sworn he was about to grab Zuko. How did he let his own son slip through his fingers? Ozai never made it a secret that he didn't like how weak Zuko's firebending was, but he was still his son. Ozai still cared for him and the thought that his own weakness is the reason his son is dead now is such a blow.
The Fire Nation mourns for the loss of the young prince. Azulon, who didn't care too much for Zuko, uses the opportunity to yell at Ozai and Ursa for failing to watch their son and letting him die. For a moment, he briefly considers removing Azula from their care but Ursa begs him not to and he decides against it. It's not said, but the family seems to understand that Ozai and Ursa aren't going to try and have another child. Ursa because she couldn't bear the thought of losing another child and Ozai because he doesn't want to risk failing a second child. Ursa grows more and more attached to Azula, her baby is now her only child and she showers her with as much affection as a mother possibly could. Ozai trains relentlessly, never letting himself be satisfied with his results. Another unspoken understanding is that they are never returning to Ember Island again. Ursa gives up her love for the Ember Island players and Ozai orders their family beach house torn down and everything sent to them at the palace. It's a very sad time for the family.
Meanwhile, Zuko's not doing so good. He get's swept out to see and survival---amazingly---by the skin of his teeth. While he's out at sea, a familiar group of pirates notice him and pick him up. They help him warm up and give him some food. Zuko's only three at the time, so they have no real reason or want to hurt him. On the ship, Zuko thinks the pirate life is amazing (Zuko: What's that? Captain: Our sail. It's the heart of any good ship. Zuko: What's that? Captain: Crow's nest. It allows us to see what's further out on the ocean. Zuko: Can I see? Captain, laughing: You sure you won't get scared. Zuko: I won't! I promise! Captain: Alright). That being said, the crew does try to ask the boy where he's from and when he says the Fire Nation palace, they come to an issue. On the one hand, they don't want to keep a three year old from his family. On the other hand, they will probably die or be locked up the second they step foot on Fire Nation soil. (Pirate: So we're keeping him. Captain: Of course we're keeping him. Pirate: What about when he asks about his family? Captain: He's three. Give him some time and he'll forget all about them. He'll make a fine pirate.) That's exactly what they do. They train Zuko do be a pirate and to use his bending to help them steal. Zuko becomes incredibly good at sneaking into nobles houses and stealing their stuff to bring back to the ship so the pirates can re-sell it. (Captain: Zuko! Where did you get that? Zuko, holding a ruby dragon statue: I stole it from some rich Earth Kingdom noble who said my outfit *the outfit the captain got for him* was disgusting. Never even knew I was in his house. Captain, shedding a tear: I have never been more proud of you!)
With Zuko "dead" and after Lu Ten dies, Ozai still makes the move to try and get Iroh's position because after Zuko died, Ozai has been pushing himself more and more into just about everything to make himself absolutely perfect (and make up for not saving Zuko that day). Azulon can't order Azula's death because he's running out of young heirs, so he sends Ozai into the war to actually experience what Iroh has gone through. Azula and Ursa remain at the palace where Azula starts her training as the crown princess but remains close to her mother's side (having grown up close to her and since Ursa is the only parent she has left). Azulon takes over Azula's training and puts her through intense sessions to try and make her into the perfect weapon. Ursa does what she can for her daughter, but she can't go against the Fire Lord....or can she? When Azula comes to Ursa one night, terrified because grandfather said he'd kill her if she didn't perfect her lightning strike by tomorrow and Azula doesn't know if she can, Ursa decides enough is enough and kills Azulon and, since no one else is around, she becomes the Fire Lady for the time being.
While that's going on, Ozai is in the war in the Earth Kingdom. He's not on the front lines, he's in the tents with the admirals and commanders but it's still a lot to witness after having grown up in the palace. One night, while some of the soldiers are staying in a coastal town, Ozai is woken up by the sound of someone messing around in one of the tents. Ozai goes to inspect it and, low and behold, it's Zuko (although Ozai doesn't recognize him). (Ozai: Who are you!? What you doing!? Zuko:...Would you believe I'm an inspector? Ozai, holding up fire: No. Zuko: Didn't think so. Catch me if you can, old man!) Ozai does catch him and is about to burn him until he sees Zuko's golden eyes and realizes who the thief is. Zuko is a teenager now so he doesn't really remember Ozai and runs away. Ozai, abandoning his soldiers, run after his son all the way back to the pirate ship. (Ozai: ZUKO! Zuko: I don't know who you think I am! But I'm not your son! Ozai: Yes, you are! Zuko: No! I'm not! I'm a pirate! My mom was some woman from the coastal towns and my dad passed away when I was little. I'm not- Captain: He's your father. Zuko: What? Captain: You....I think we have some explaining to do). Zuko listens to the captain's explanation and hears Ozai's side of the story. When all is said and done, the Captain believes that Zuko should go with his father back to the Fire Nation, so Zuko does (even if it is hard to leave the only family he really knows). Ozai and Zuko head off as soon as they can to return to a palace where Ursa is in charge and Azulon is dead.
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deadlyangelofpurity · 13 days
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Daughter Of Evil pages pt 1
I decided to do a comic because I love this song and whilst they aren't twins, I think Azula fits.
Link to part 2
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
Smoke with his tarkatan clone. Poor guy lol.
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I like the design. Poor Smoke.
Thank you, @deadlyangelofpurity​
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
Viv when asked why her show is in Hell when it's basically just Detroit with red people and furries.
Viv: I dunno.
Seriously what a waste of a setting. It's legit Earth painted red at this point.
I wish it had been set in Detroit. I miss being able to look up the Ars Goetia without feeling like I'm about to play a round of the knife game.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
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Big old batch of asks about episode 5...
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
To be fair, Rebecca created Rose/Pink to be seen as...a questionable person at best though Sugar is aware when to call a spade a spade when it comes to Pink's...less than favorable actions.
Rose/Pink is a controversial character and whilst the hate has died down, there are legit reasons to not like her(seriously I do not like that woman). Even a lot of Pink/Rose fans know better than to try justifying Pink's less than stellar decsions(Spinel was honestly probably the straw the broke the camel's back in all honesty). At most, they explain them but few are bold enough to say what Pink did to Spinel was right.
Viv however, keeps backflipping, retconning her story midway into the season and making dynamics worse for the sake of Stolitz and acting like Stolas is this uwu baby when he's honestly just a toned down Frollo with a weirdly contrived backstory he and Blitzo would be better off without.
Exactly, was Rose was introduced as this perfect, loving paragon of kindness and acceptance and heroism, only for these darker layers to be revealed as time went on.
Stolas was introduced as a rapist, and then Viv decided he was cute and Stolitz was cute and gets angry at anyone who says otherwise.
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
Yup, they confirmed Stolas was originally supposed to be a villain but they changed it. The one interesting premise they had and they threw it out for ship fuel. Hope it was fucking worth it.
Ugh, the caption on this too. "Stolas was supposed to be a villain and the most compelling antagonist this show had, but thanks to Vivzie nagging Brandon to make it a yaoi ship and Brandon agreeing, they're now a potential couple instead! <3 <3 <3"
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
I think Viv lets her favoritism for certain characters get in the way of proper development. It's why Stolas shifted from antagonist to uwu baby by Season 2. A lot of characters lost their edge in Season 2, seriously wasn't Ozzie literally mocking Stolas for giving up his life for a thrust with Fizz? Next time they see each other are really chummy for no real reason and Fizz got all his jerkass traits washed out. Striker lost all his IQ and Stella became a moron who has to be wrangled in her by brother. Ozzie is also turned into a PSA on consent for fake nuance points and it feels forced and unncessary.
Seriously that animatic where Stella was smiling and looking happy tells me that Stella being abusive was likely made later in development. I think Viv got attached to Stolas during production and when Season 2 was being created, Viv must've realized Stolas looks like a massive asshole so instead of addressing this, she just weasels her way out by tearing down Stella and every other character for the sake of this ship.
This wouldn't have been an issue had she at least made Stella a bit more believable because Viv focused more on making her hateable she forgot to make line up with what we've heard and seen because Viv is expecting way too much out of me if she expects me to believe Octavia somehow didn't notice how much of a screaming harpy her mother is and Viv is doing everything her power to try and bury the fact she didn't plan any of this by distracting her young audience with pretty visuals.
Vivz's favoritism for certain characters is one of the biggest, most agreed upon things that's throttling her show.
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
I feel like Viv got attached to her characters and plays favorites and as a result, a lot of characters become flanderized or straight up moronic. Seriously, why are all the Deadly Sins just a bunch of pushovers? They are supposed to be evil and yet Viv just makes them wussies and it's hard to take these people seriously.
It seems all her villains have become noticeably more stupid over time and Striker has become more akin to Team Rocket trying to capture Pikachu and blasting off for the tenth time in a week. A lot of the things that made them menacing are undercut by their idiocy or the unnecessary sex jokes/humor in scenes that do not need them.
Viv is playing favorites and it's fucking up the storyline. This whole childhood friends shit with Stolitz was clearly to pander to the Uwu yaoi demographic and it fucked the story over. Stolas should've kept his more menacing and sexually deviant personality and slowly wind back as he catches feelings for Blitzo if they wished to make them endgame and even then, they should've embraced the toxicity, not try making it unnecessarily convoluted. This is Wattpad levels of awful and Hazbin is probably gonna suffer the same problems given we'll be rushing storylines assuming it's a serial show or completely different from what was advertised in an episodic show. The fandom is the one filling in pieces for Viv due to their dedication but that doesn't solve the glaring issues and she shouldn't rely on fans to bend backwards to make justification for questionable writing.
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Couldn't have said it better.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
I don't give a damn if Viv or Raph get off to Val and have a rape kink but they need to stop letting to fuck up the story because they're trying to drag out Angel's abuse when it doesn't make sense why Charlie legit can't free him. Like there's no reason for Angel to still be bound to Val outside of Charlie being a pussy. Hell she could just ask Lucifer, who Viv turned into a misunderstood woobie for some reason. I'm certain they could force Val to fuck off because realistically what the fuck can he or the Vs do if Lucifer knocked on their door and asked for the contract?
Exactly. It'd be like if they remade Dragonheart and I was signed on to direct it and I tried to argue that the ten minute shot of his wang had nothing to do with my kink and that anyone who was uncomfortable with my shoehorned-in kink devoid of content warnings was an idiot.
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
Viv would do herself a massive favor if she just stopped touching topics she can't handle. She clearly wanted to have a deep, morally complex storyline but she's such a chicken and wusses out. The fact we had to have that kindergarten speech by Ozzie about consent proves how Viv can't handle these taboo topics. She wants characters she likes to remain likable by audience and she undermines the threat they pose by making the literal embodiments of Sin a bunch of wussies. She wants morally questionable characters but she keeps fumbling the ball since she doesn't want to view her uwu babies in any other light. Murder is ok, abuse and harassment is OK, sexual coercion is fine so long as the owl doesn't outright pin Blitzo down, but if you're a hatesink like Stella, Val or Crimson then you are fucked. It's only bad when certain characters do it and Viv can't stop favoring others long enough to be consistent.
Seriously, if you cut out the Val and Angel sexual abuse, Hazbin Hotel would've been a series for edgy teens. Viv should've stuck to the black comedy because she clearly wants to be inventive but lacks the experience to do so. The fact she chose to play it safe with Ozzie shows how badly she wants people to like her characters that she undermines the setting as a whole. Hell feels more like someone threw red paint on LA and had people turn into furries.
Ugh, don't even remind me about that consent speech from Ozzie. That was pure cringe.
But no, you hit the nail on the head. She can't stay away from topics she can't handle but she also can't do them proper justice, both because she's chronically immature and because it would run the risk of someone criticizing her precious baby OCs. It's ridiculous.
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Look I don't care if Viv gets off to s/a in her little fictional world. It doesn't matter to me. Fiction is fiction but still, I would prefer if Viv made up her mind on whether s/a is bad or not because she keeps depending on which character does it. Either be consistent or don't bother.
Not to mention why do we have so many storylines? There are only gonna be 8 episodes in season 1 and assuming season 2 gets the same/or at least similar number, there simply isn't enough time to go into depth with these characters, especially given how many there are. This shit is gonna be extremely rushed because it has to be given how little time there is.
Same. If you're into rape in fiction, fine. It's one of the most common fantasies there is. But either treat it with the gravitas it deserves, or make it clear what this is about, or don't touch it at all.
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
Yeah I agree the other anon, Ozzie approving of consent feels suspect given he LITERALLY supplies a rapist and her friends the means to go to Earth and seduce people with their voices(surely that impairs human's consent doesn't it?). If he's such a stickler for consent, then Veroiska shouldn't be allowed to perform on Earth as Ozzie would take the crystal from her since she and her squad aren't abiding by his values.
Once again, this is proof Viv needs a continuity director because the more this story goes on, the more it fall apart.
Veroiska is a legit rapist, as if Stolas yet apparently Valentino is the only one who gets flak for it.
God, I forgot about Verosika and the succubi! Ozzie's whole business is people being seduced with their full consent.
This show is a roaring mess.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
Also if redemption was this easy how has this not happened before? Seriously no one repented for anything, at best Pentious became nicer but like there's no acknowledgement of what he did to go to hell nor is there is an indication he regrets anything.
Revealing redemption like this was such a dumb move because it just looks shallow. It's like Viv honestly expects us to believe nobody tried fighting the Exorcists. Like come on, in the years this has been happening, nobody tried resisting? Seriously?
Season 2 reveal where we learn that Pentious went to Hell for building a machine that's powered by grinding up factory orphans.
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Poison is the biggest downgrade from Addict. Seriously Addict at least had its charm. This sounds like a toned down 'got it at home' kind of thing.
Off-brand Addict from the bottom of the shelf.
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