#dealy bread
sguardimora · 1 year
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[ph. Michele Montolli; Paolo Brancalion]
Nei giorni scorsi la compagnia Kepler-452 ha fatto visita al Centro d’Incontro per l’Alzheimer di Rimini e ha avuto l’occasione di conoscere due gruppi di persone che settimanalmente vengono accolti presso il centro. Come già accaduto durante il periodo di residenza a Budapest dove hanno incontrato altre persone che vivevano all’interno di un centro per l’Alzheimer anche durante la residenza di Mondaino hanno avuto l’opportunità di condividere con queste persone, accompagnate dalle psicologhe del centro, le domande che stanno muovendo il processo creativo e di ricerca per Album: Che cos’è un ricordo? Dove vanno i ricordi quando svaniscono? Paolo Brancalion ha curato l’organizzazione di questo incontro insieme a Michele Montolli che ha raccolto alcune immagini e parole per raccontare alcuni di questi momenti di condivisione.
Ci aspettavano, tutti trepidanti, attorno ad un grande tavolo; saranno stati una trentina.
“Benvenuti agli attori!”
“Io sono stata a Mondaino!”
Già prima di iniziare una signora con in mano dei fogli di giornale plastificati ci racconta che più di cinquant’anni fa, grazie all’intercessione della maestra del paese, nel suo paese contadino arrivarono dei carri colmi di regali per tutti i bambini. Primo tuffo, inaspettato, nei ricordi.
Poi la compagnia si presenta, raccontando che la loro ricerca si sta muovendo attorno al tema della memoria e che, per forza di cose, si sta intrecciando con l’emergenza climatica ancora in corso in Romagna, seguendo questa metafora: come degli oggetti e suppellettili dimenticati emergono dalle case durante l’alluvione così dei ricordi sbiaditi, persi in qualche angolo oscuro, ad un tratto possono tornare in superficie.
“Buttate via tutti questi ricordi, da domani inizia una nuova vita!”
Questa la vivace esclamazione riportata da una signora, che si riferiva ad un episodio accaduto nei giorni scorsi in una delle tante case sommerse dal fango.
Nell’ultimo secolo ci sono stati eventi meteorologici estremi come quelli attuali? Questo l’innesco del discorso nei meandri della memoria. Alcuni prendono appunti di quanto detto, per fissarlo, altri alzano continuamente la mano per far fluire i racconti, prima che sfuggano. E allora iniziano ad apparire le immagini dal passato come il momento in cui “il mare era arrivato fino alle prime case e la mastella diventava una barca per muoversi” o di quando “la bibbia fu l’unico libro a salvarsi nel seminterrato allagato”. E poi il trauma dell’alluvione nel Polesine che ha costretto all’emigrazione molte famiglie, quello di Firenze del ’66 in cui molti volontari sono accorsi in aiuto, come oggi.
Cosa sono i ricordi? Un flash, un’emozione, un trauma, un luogo, una fotografia. Qualcosa di estremamente concreto per queste persone, tracce dense di sensazioni provate sulla pelle, tattili. Ma anche il luogo del primo innamoramento, quando “credevo di essere un conquistatore e invece sono stato conquistato”, o l’incubo ricorrente di essere bloccati in un posto buio che poi si rivela essere, forse, il ricordo traumatico e inconscio del parto difficile della madre.
Dove vanno i ricordi? Restano nella testa fino a che una parola non li liberi, passano nella memoria degli altri, forse vanno sulla luna. Di sicuro “hanno un gran senso dell’orientamento”, non si perdono davvero. Ecco allora che con la musica e i movimenti sperimentati durante gli esercizi del metodo Hobart, che qui viene applicato integralmente, affiorano immagini, suoni e odori sbiaditi, che si cerca di estrapolare il più possibile, andando a delineare i profili dei ricordi di una vita.
Mai come in queste occasioni emerge forte la consapevolezza che la memoria è anche e soprattutto un fatto collettivo, che affidiamo agli altri, di cui ci prendiamo cura nelle relazioni. E il progetto Album intende esplorare proprio questa dimensione.
Michele Montolli
Over the past few days the Kepler-452 company visited the Alzheimer's Meeting Centre in Rimini and had the opportunity to meet two groups of people who are received weekly at the centre. As had already happened during their residency in Budapest where they met other people living in an Alzheimer's centre, also during their residency in Mondaino they had the opportunity to share with these people, accompanied by the centre's psychologists, the questions that are driving the creative and research process for Album: What is a memory? Where do memories go when they vanish? Paolo Brancalion organised this meeting together with Michele Montolli, who collected some images and words to recount some of these moments of sharing.
They were waiting for us, all eagerly, around a large table; there must have been about thirty of them.
"Welcome to the actors!"
"I have been to Mondaino!"
Even before we began, a lady holding some laminated newspaper sheets told us that more than fifty years ago, thanks to the intercession of the village schoolteacher, wagons full of presents for all the children arrived in her peasant village. First, an unexpected plunge into memories.
Then the company introduces itself, saying that their research is moving around the theme of memory and that, of necessity, it is intertwining with the climatic emergency still underway in Romagna, following this metaphor: just as forgotten objects and furnishings emerge from houses during a flood, so faded memories, lost in some obscure corner, can suddenly come back to the surface.
"Throw away all these memories, from tomorrow a new life begins!"
This was the lively exclamation reported by a lady, referring to an incident that occurred in recent days in one of the many houses submerged in mud.
Have there been such extreme weather events in the last century? That was the trigger for the discourse in the meanders of memory. Some take notes of what was said, to fix it, others continuously raise their hands to let the stories flow, before they escape. And then images from the past begin to appear, such as the time when 'the sea had reached the first houses and the mastella became a boat to move around' or when 'the Bible was the only book saved in the flooded basement'. And then the trauma of the flood in Polesine that forced many families to emigrate, the one in Florence in '66 when many volunteers rushed to help, as today.
What are memories? A flash, an emotion, a trauma, a place, a photograph. Something extremely concrete for these people, dense traces of sensations felt on the skin, tactile. But also the place of first falling in love, when 'I thought I was a conqueror and instead I was conquered', or the recurring nightmare of being stuck in a dark place that later turns out to be, perhaps, the traumatic, unconscious memory of the mother's difficult birth.
Where do the memories go? They stay in the head until a word releases them, they pass into the memory of others, perhaps they go to the moon. They certainly 'have a great sense of direction', they don't really get lost. And so it is that with the music and movements experienced during the exercises of the Hobart method, which is applied in full here, faded images, sounds and smells surface, which we try to extrapolate as much as possible, outlining the memories of a lifetime.
Never before has there been such a strong awareness that memory is also and above all a collective fact, which we entrust to others, which we take care of in relationships. And the Album project intends to explore precisely this dimension.
Michele Montolli
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cuuno-moved · 2 years
In a small apartment right off of the Rosehip University Campus grounds, a bucket sat under a drip.
The bucket was unremarkable, an orange, plastic, 10 gallon thing from a hardware store. The handle was broken, the sides scraped. Someone had written on it, long ago, but the words were so smudged that they were rendered unreadable, the letters written in permanent marker that had betrayed itself as only semi permanent.
The water came from the ceiling, a dark brown stain that spread out over half the length of the living room. The water was not clean, of course: no water was, these days. It had a sort of stagnant sheen to it, small particles swimming in the bucket like a soup. It smelled bad too, like rusted pipes and old bread.
The worst part, however, was the sound. A constant, repeated sound that seemed almost like a heartbeat, that seemed to drill into one's head and make their eyes throb and their chest ache.
The drip was starting to drive Orville mad.
He had been hunched in the living room for an hour, listening to his roommate pack, his own bags sitting beside him. The drip had invaded their home nearly a month ago, and it hadn’t shown any signs of relenting. The constant stink and eternal drumbeat of the drops had infiltrated his nightmares, and the never ending chore of dumping it out every other night had created in him some sort of strange deep seated animosity towards the bathtub.
He stared at the bucket, angrily, almost daring the next drop to come.
It always did.
"Orv," His roommate rasped from the doorway. His voice had been getting better since he'd stopped smoking, but it still had a choking quality to it. He stood in the doorway to the living room, his bag on his back, his bat in hand. "You ready to go?"
Orv paused, before sticking out a foot and kicking over the bucket. The water sloshed out, rushing about with such force that it moved the couch slightly. Orv sprang back quickly, before the water could sink into his shoes, grabbing his bags and shoving past his roommate and into the entry hall.
His roommate, QBD, had the keys in hand, his entire body tense. He had a permanent scowl, but over the year and a half of them living together, Orv had started picking up on the smaller microexpressions that betrayed his true feelings. Right now, for example, QBD’s lips were pressed together, and his ears were slightly red. He was nervous.
Orv couldn’t blame him. This was the first time in a long time that either of them had left- actually left, that is, not just run a quick errand down to the grocery store, or a venture to the lab- in nearly 10 months.
10 months since the world ended.
It was an odd thought, to be sure, that it had been nearly a year since some ice cap somewhere had melted, releasing some unknown pathogen into the water. Since nearly everyone on Earth either became a rabid beast or died. Since Orville realized he had the chance to be save the world.
Orv said that was the goal, at least. To help people. To save people.
More realistically, though, he wanted his name in a book. He wanted articles and libraries and a statue in a college park. He wanted to die as more than Orville Free, the little skinny kid from Rosehip, California.
That’s why he got into pharmaceutical sciences, why he started spending so long learning how to make vaccines and medicines.
QBD didn't understand.
His legacy was secured in Sharpie markers on bathroom stall doors, proclaiming in elegant font that ‘QUINCY BURTON DEALY IS A FAGGOT.' His legacy was already fixed in the whispers of the other students, the Snapchats pinged across the campus, the eyes of the other football players in the locker room.
It's not that people at Rosehip Community College disliked gay people. It's not that homophobia was an issue.
The issue was the fact that QBD wasn't the right kind of queer.
He explained it to Orv once. If a man were gay, he had two choices. He could either be hyperfeminine, with a high pitched voice, a limp wrist and flawless makeup, or he could be just a little bit masculine, but nice looking, with a polo shirt and slacks and a nice haircut.
QBD was neither. He was massive, 6'7" and 250lbs of raw muscle, with piercings on every visible patch of skin. He wore tattered clothes and shaved his own head and smoked and drank and swore. He listened to shitty underground rock from the 80s and made his own jewelry out of junk he found on the side of the road. He wasn't just a gay man, he was queer.
Of course, some of that attention rubbed off on Orville, too. People would come up to him to ask if QBD had set up a meth lab in their apartment, if he actually tortured and killed small animals, if he'd ever "tried anything" with Orville.
Orv did his best to ignore it, though. This would be hardly a footnote- if that- in his biography. A sentence mentioning his insane roommate, and then it would move on.
However, once the apocalypse started and they became holed up together, that changed.
QBD was suddenly the only other character in his autobiography that really deserved mention. He was no longer the weird roommate, he was the man who saved Orv’s life, over and over again, and learned how to purify the water, and learned how to hook up the radio.
The one who still didn't agree with Orville about their duties to the world.
"I don't like this," He reminded Orv as soon as they reached the car. "I still think we should just run away."
"We're not running away," Orville insisted. "You have the purifier?"
"In the trunk," QBD adjusted a mirror, still not starting the car. "And the vaccine?"
"In the purple case under the back seat."
The electric van barely started, coughing and choking before stuttering to life, and both men heaved a stuttering laugh, relieved and afraid all at once.
“Orv,” QBD murmured, finally, as he pulled out of the parking spot. “Orv, I’m serious, it’s not too late to change our minds. We can just leave, can just go live in a farmhouse or something, look after ourselves.”
“QBD,” Orv responded, his voice hushed and sharp. “We’re not going to fucking run away. I told you, we need to- we’re going to save the world. We’re going to get the vaccine to Washington, and we’re going to-”
“What if we don’t! Someone else can save the world, someone else can make the vaccine. We’re fucking college students, someone else-”
“Someone else, someone else, it’s always someone else,” Orville hissed, slamming a hand into the dashboard. “If you don’t like it, you can leave, you know! No one is keeping you here-”
“Don’t!” QBD snapped. “Don’t say that. There’s… I won’t leave you.”
“And I won’t waste the last six months of my life that I spent on a vaccine, only for us to run away.”
“It wasn’t a waste, we can still take it.”
“There’s only five doses-”
“-Two is enough-”
“-What if it’s not?”
“Orville,” QBD said, his voice cold. “Why do you care so much about this.”
“...We should stop, get some supplies,” Orville ran a finger over his seatbelt. “Maybe find a Freer's. Somewhere bigger than a Redmart.”
“There’s one in the next town,” QBD responded, finally, turning on the turn signal, before immediately turning it off again as he realized what he'd done on instinct. “We can probably get weapons there too.”
The rest of the drive was dead silent, both of them stewing in their own thoughts.
Orv liked QBD.
He really did, even if they didn't agree on this, even if he didn't want to do this.
He was still coming along, even if he didn't agree. Even if he didn't want to save the world, he was still coming along on Orv's journey.
(Part of Orville liked to imagine it was because he knew deep down that it was the right thing to do. The rest of him knew it was probably because he still thought he stood a chance of convincing Orville not to be a hero.)
The Freer’s Stop N’ Shop sat empty in its lot, the great big gray concrete monster in a sea of pavement, cars rusted and abandoned, the lines reaching from the department store out to the tips like roots, searching for water.
'Silly store,' Orv thought, somewhat incoherently. 'The water’s not for drinking anymore.'
The store was dark- the generators had died months ago- and all the windows in front couldn’t brighten it up beyond the first thirty feet. QBD had the only flashlight, and it wasn’t really a good one, but still, they huddled together, advancing.
All the fresh food had rotted a long time ago, leaving the air thick with the stink and flies, but there was more canned food than they’d had at the local corner store back home. Orv loaded up a cart, marching on into the darkness.
They each picked out some clothes, a coat and a bag for each of them, and a new pair of shoes for QBD.
Last, they found themselves in the drinks aisle. The filtered water was drinkable, but only barely, and they didn't want to risk over exposure. In the apartment, they'd kept huge jugs of juice, but those were hardly practical on the road. Instead, they each grabbed a couple cases of soda.
"We can stop for more if we need to," Orville pointed out, although he wasn't sure who he was justifying himself to. "It doesn't have to be enough for… however long this takes."
"California to DC," QBD breathed. "You don't think this is… I don't know, stupid? Borderline suicidal?"
"It'll be fine," Orv waved a hand. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."
"I trust that you think you know what you're doing," QBD said, setting a pack of beer in the cart. "That's the problem."
It felt a bit odd, to walk through the checkout line, knowing that they didn't have to pay, so Orv left a wrinkled ten dollar bill on one of the conveyor belts.
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numptypylon · 3 years
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“Afterwards, I promise-”
Callum flinched back in surprise, at the touch of cold, probing toes. “Did you just-?!”
“Enjoy your food,” Ezran announced, loudly and pointedly.
“Fine,” Rayla scoffed, “I’ll just finish my peas; they’re delicious and deserve my full attention, anyway.”
Great, so… Rayla had definitely taken that as a rejection, and he was just about to discard all of Opeli’s guidelines of propriety to fix that misconception, but then she looked up from her remaining peas and it wasn’t upset in her eyes, but… a challenge.
He had never seen anyone take this long to eat peas or anyone enjoy peas quite that much.
“I’m just enjoying my food!” Just no shame. “King’s orders!”
Last dish would be jellytarts as always, and Rayla wouldn’t dare sully Ezran’s favorite food with whatever she had done to those peas, but there were two more courses to go before then.
Maybe if the next course was one of those one-mouthful-dealies, he could still survive this night-
Oh no!
Peas were nothing compared to the torture to come! Quite literally, because there hadn’t been almost no peas left by the time the pea-torture had commenced but the festive Solstice bowls being brought out held a lot of soup and oh, the look on her face-
Rayla smirked viciously, taking a very uncharacteristically dainty and tiny bite of her bread roll.
Soup took so long to eat with these tiny spoons.
“Truce?” he pleaded, knowing it would be in vain, but… he had to try.
“Up yours.” Very much the response he had expected, but the tiny, almost comforting brush of her foot, he had not, and she softened a bit. “We’re just upholding tradition as per the ancient texts, writ by the First Elves of Xadia, that upon nadir of Winter Solstice Night, you must torture your beloved with what tiny, green implement you have at hand, calling back to the sacred seeds of the Great Bog Oak-“
“Xadian tradition my ass, you’re just brazenly… uh… sandwich-uh…” Yeah, so… Opeli was listening now, and he had already said ‘ass’-
”Ærterne... hvordan gjorde du ærter til et redskab i dit rænkespil, det er ikke ligefrem en grøntsag kendt for sine intriske erotiske egenskaber-”
”År af mit liv er allerede forvundet i aften, det håber jeg I ved,” stønnede Opeli.
Writing exercise, where I wrote a drabble where every sentence starter makes up the alphabet in order. It was bloody HARD to get anything coherent and to keep it from getting stilted, not sure I quite succeeded. Also, I was really hungry when I wrote this, and it shows just a bit 😆
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painted-crow · 3 years
Okay this is wildly off topic but I saw that you cook japanese food. Can you recommend some dishes to try or ways to get myself to like it? I want to like Japanese food so bad but I haven't liked anything I've tried aside from super basic stuff like sushi, teriyaki, and gyoza. I've even tried making curry and omurice at home and everyone except me loved it.
Japanese cooking resources
Ah, I have been called upon! Lemme dig some stuff out of my Bird nest for you :D
Disclaimer: I'm not Japanese or an expert on this. I'm just a cooking nerd who thinks Japan has the best food and experimented a whole bunch with Internet recipes and stuff from the Asian market.
I learned a lot of what I know from these two foodie blogs:
Just One Cookbook
No Recipes
(the latter site does, in fact, contain recipes, but the blogger would encourage you to build the confidence to cook without them)
Since you're having trouble finding dishes you like, I suggest starting with udon: thick, chewy noodles often served in dashi broth, perhaps with fried toppings. You can prepare udon a bunch of different ways, that's just a classic one--but no matter how you make it, udon is a pretty easy sell. Tonkatsu is another dish that's hard to dislike, and makes a good topping for your udon if you want to make both at once!
Fun travel memoir
There is a fantastic book called Pretty Good Number One: An American Family Eats Tokyo.
It's a foodie travel memoir and it's exactly what it sounds like: this guy went to Tokyo for a month with his wife and daughter and they ate a bunch of food, his daughter made friends with half of the entire population of Tokyo, and he wrote about it. He's a really entertaining writer, and it has great descriptions of all kinds of Japanese food, so from there it's easy to go look up recipes.
You'll want to go to an actual Asian market if you can find one locally. Use Google, they're often tucked into odd buildings.
Different Asian markets cater to different cultures' cuisines, so there might be one market with a full assortment of Indian MTR spice blends but no kombu or katsuobushi in sight. They usually have a variety though. If you can find an H Mart, you're golden (H Mart is Korean, but will have the stuff you need for Japanese food). Be willing to explore a bit! Last resort, go ahead and use Amazon, but trust me--the Asian markets are cheaper, and I much prefer supporting them to feeding Amazon.
Just One Cookbook also has a list of Japanese pantry essentials, which is really good, but it's also really completionist (I don't even have all of those premade sauces) and stretches the definition of "pantry" a bit, so it seems more intimidating than it should.
Here's my version.
Pantry essentials:
Good soy sauce. Just get something that says "traditionally brewed" and you're fine. If you spot dark soy sauce: it's smokier and less salty, very different, it can't replace normal soy sauce but you might grab it too.
Short grain "sushi" rice. Try not to overpay for it. If you're in an Asian market you're fine. If you're in the fancy organic section of Hy-Vee, you're gonna get ripped off.
Mirin. A seasoned cooking wine. Unfortunately, bad mirin is easy to find and is loaded with corn syrup. Try to find some that isn't; remember, ingredients are listed on the bottle proportionally. It's very worth paying $10 for a good bottle of mirin. I don't *think* you have to be 21 to buy it? Drinking it would probably be unappealing. Mirin is very important, and it's a versatile cooking ingredient; once you know what it does you might find yourself putting it in everything.
Sake. You do have to be of legal drinking age to buy this. Which kind you get for cooking isn't a super big deal, and you can get by with just mirin most of the time.
Kombu and katsuobushi. The former is a kind of seaweed/kelp (it may look dusty with white powder; that's natural MSG and it's a good thing). The latter is shaved dried smoked skipjack tuna and looks a bit like pencil shavings; you might see them labeled "bonito flakes." They're common ingredients for dashi (basic Japanese cooking stock), but you'll see katsuobushi used as a topping on lots of savory dishes. If you can't find these, try looking for dashi powder or tea bag type dealies.
Toasted sesame oil. Not hard to find.
Rice vinegar. Same.
Panko bread crumbs. These are special, lofty, crispy breadcrumbs. They're different because of SCIENCE and are what happens when you electrocute bread dough. I'm not joking.
Cornstarch/potato starch. I slightly prefer potato starch (good texture), but they're not that different.
Nori. These are those pressed algae sheets you use to wrap sushi, but they're used for other stuff too, like onigiri, or shredded as a topping.
Noodles. Obviously, if you want to make udon, you need to buy some. You can easily find dried udon, but if you spot frozen or even fresh udon noodle packs, grab them.
If you can find an Asian market that stocks all this, you should be able to get the whole list for around $50. Asian markets tend not to be expensive, which is yet another good reason to learn to cook Japanese food. (Other reasons: healthy, tasty, easy to cook in a small kitchen...)
Of course, you also don't need to get the whole list at once! It's not cheating to just get what you need for a particular dish.
Fun stuff you can find at Asian markets
With the basics out of the way, here are additional tasty things you might want to look for:
Furikake. Not strictly necessary, but I like it. It's a topping/seasoning blend you can mix into your rice, and it comes in lots of flavors, some fishier than others. Start with a nori or vegetable flavor if you're uncertain. Tamago flavor = egg.
Ramune. If you've never had marble soda before, don't deny yourself the adventure of trying to figure out how to get the bottle open. Lots of flavors.
Good instant ramen. Nongshim's Shin Ramyun is what I usually get, and even Walmart sells it. You'll never buy Maruchan again.
Candy. So, I don't know who's in charge of Japanese fruit flavored candy, but it actually tastes like fruit, which is wild.
Yuzu and/or sudachi juice. If you can find these, grab 'em. They're citrus juices. Yuzu is a bit like lemon but less strongly sour and more... clean? Crisp? while sudachi is a bit like lime but more green and complex. I'm describing these poorly. You might also be able to find candy or drinks with these flavors.
Sugary drinks with nata de coco in them. Nata de coco is a firm jelly-like dessert type... thing. It's made from coconuts and it's got a unique jelly/crunchy texture and is odd but good. You might be able to find nata de coco on its own, but I'll warn you: the kind you get packed in jars will be Very Sugary.
Tapioca pearls. If you like bubble tea, here's the place to get your boba.
Umeboshi plums. These sour/salty pickled plums are a tasty ramen topping.
Ice cream. Those square melon popsicles are delicious, but get them home quickly, their texture is very temperature sensitive! And if you spot individually wrapped ice cream cones, grab one.
Euro cakes. These look kinda like round Twinkies, but Twinkies only dream of being this tasty. I like the pandan flavor best. Don't be put off by the green color.
Soft tofu. So good 🥰 and weirdly hard to find in supermarkets. It's got a texture like custard, and apart from its fairly neutral, fresh flavor, will easily pick up any flavors you put on it. An excellent addition to udon soup; add it last, the tofu is fragile (and doesn't actually require cooking). Silken tofu sometimes comes in shelf stable packages. My experience with those has been fine, but the general consensus is that the tofu you get from the fridge section is better.
Frozen pork buns. They might be labeled "siopao" or "bao" (Chinese names) or "nikuman" (Japanese name). Lil bread buns with bbq pork or other fillings. You steam them in the microwave and they're delicious.
I'd recommend having fun getting a few of the things off this list, rather than being a completionist about the first one, if you find yourself choosing between the two. That said, make sure you get the stuff you need for the thing you want to make!
Okay, now I want a pork bun. I wonder if my brother's eaten them all yet...
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midnightcthulhu · 8 years
20 Questions Tag Game Meme I got tagged by my bae @truepanslav​ Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better. Name: mari Nicknames: marina, sing(because of my first name, signe), singer, mango(it was ages since i was called that though) Zodiac Sign: leo Height: uhhh short Orientation: pan Ethnicity: swedish, american, italian, portuguese i think, like a billion other european ethnicities,,,basically i am ultimate white bread Favorite Fruit: satsumas and nectarines Favorite Season: summerrrrrrrr Favorite Book: all i can think of atm is game of thrones also slaughterhouse 5 was p good Favorite Flower: any weird fancy looking ones Favorite Scent: bacon, snow, rain, the smell of people i like Favorite Color: black Favorite Animal: cats of all varieties, snakes, dragons Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hot chocolate. coffee only if it’s mainly milk and sugar or one of those fancy starbucks frappe dealies Average Sleep Hours: what Cat or dog person? :3c ña Favorite Fictional Character: fuck you for trying to make me choose from my ocean of children Number of blankets you sleep with: just one big one or several if it’s cold Ideal trip: anywhere where there’s a lot of stuff to do but also a nice place to relax Blog Created: september 2014 i believe. please don’t look at my archive Number of Followers: 788 atm and none of them pornbots, i go on regular blocking sprees I’m going to tag: all of my mutuals
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yung-cringe-blog · 7 years
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sguardimora · 1 year
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[ph. Mirco Lorenzi]
Venerdì per la prima volta il progetto La scuola elementare del teatro e della danza si è tenuto nel pomeriggio e ha visto la partecipazione non solo di una realtà scolastica ma anche dei genitori degli alunni e delle alunne. Infatti, in occasione della presenza della compagnia Kepler-452 in residenza all’Arboreto per la ricerca e composizione del nuovo lavoro Album, i bambini e le bambine della scuola elementare di Schieti, accompagnati dai genitori e dalle maestre sono entrati nel processo creativo degli artisti. Album è un lavoro è sostenuto dal progetto europeo Stronger Pheripheries e coprodotto da Pergine Festival (Italia), Pro Progressione (Ungheria) e L’Arboreto Teatro Dimora (Italia) e si sta sviluppando intorno al tema “Dealy bread”, trattando più nello specifico il tema della famiglia e della memoria.
Dopo essere stati accolti da una merenda nel foyer del teatro, il gruppo è entrato dentro la scena di Album guidati da Nicola Borghesi, Enrico Baraldi e Roberta Gabriele e sono stati catapultati come in una sorta di set cinematografico abitato da un conduttore-intervistatore (Nicola), accompagnato dal suo cameraman (Enrico) e da Roberta che osservava lo spazio. Che cos’è un ricordo? Qual è il tuo primo ricordo? Dove vanno i ricordi quando spariscono? Da queste tre domande si è mosso l’incontro tra gli artisti e la comunità scolastica/famigliare disposta sul palco allestito con una cinquantina di sedie e mobilio vintage. All’interno di questo dispositivo scenico dove spettatori e artisti si mescolano, che ospiterà anche la prova aperta che si terrà venerdì 26 maggio dalle ore 20, Nicola ed Enrico hanno accolto bambini e adulti facendo convergere l’ora di lavoro insieme sulle tre domande di cui sopra. Da questo confronto serrato tra padri e figli, maestre e alunne, madri e figlie, genitori e insegnati condotto con audacia e sensibilità da Nicola sono emersi ricordi, immagini, odori e sensazioni che hanno dato vita a una biblioteca di proto-racconti immaginari.
Un ricordo è un’esperienza del passato che ti rimane impressa nella memoria. È un’immagine sensoriale, sinestetica. Spesso sono gli altri il nostro ricordo. I ricordi sono ricostruzioni artificiose, sono immaginazione. I ricordi sono spesso brutti. I ricordi hanno bisogno di una storia e deve essere forte, spesso traumatica. È qualcosa che abbiamo percepito in passato e che con gli stimoli esterni torna alla memoria. Il ricordo non è razionale, quanto meno te l’ho aspetti arriva.
Il mio primo ricordo è la paura di affogare durante il battesimo. Un foglio verde grande che sembrava un terribile coccodrillo. Giocare alla guerra con bombe di carta. Imparare a fischiare insieme a mio padre. L’odore dei limoni nel giardino della nonna in Sicilia. Un bimbo dell’asilo che mangiava la terra e gli altri che lo incitavano a mangiarla. Molti ricordi me li sono inventata. Una camera, tanti libri e tanta luce, di mattina: era la stanza dei miei genitori. La prima volta che ho galoppato sopra un cavallo.  Il primo concerto a cui sono andata sola con un’amica.
I ricordi che scoppiano vanno nel fuorimemoria, un tuo secondo cervello che non sai di avere. Vanno in una parte del cervello che non conosciamo. Ha il nome di una dea greca… I ricordi vanno nelle teste di chi hai incontrato. Scappano dal tuo corpo e si dissolvono nell’aria. I ricordi non vanno da nessuna parte non ci sono più. Non svaniranno mai restano nella testa e quando vedrai un posto magari ti torna in mente un ricordo che non ricordavi più: è il luogo te lo fa ricordare. Sono legati alle emozioni, scompaiono e tonano con le emozioni a cui sono legati. Quando scompaiono ritornano nel luogo da dove sono venuti.
Queste sono alcune delle memorie e delle riflessioni che adulti e bambini hanno condiviso in questo pomeriggio denso ed emozionante, ricco di risate e silenzi, abbracci e lacrime, parole e sguardi che molti dei presenti non dimenticheranno ma serberanno a futura memoria.
Wednesday, for the first time, the project The elementary school of theater and dance was held in the afternoon and saw the participation not only of a school but also of the parents of the scholars. In fact, on the occasion of the presence of the Kepler-452 company in residence at the Arboretum for the research and composition of the new creative work Album, the scholars of the elementary school of Schieti, accompanied by their parents and teachers, entered the creative process of the artists. Album is a work supported by the European project Stronger Pheripheries and co-produced by Pergine Festival (Italy), Pro Progressione (Hungary) and L'Arboreto Teatro Dimora (Italy) and is developing around the theme "Dealy bread", dealing more specifically the theme of family and memory.
After being welcomed by a snack in the foyer of the theatre, the group entered the scene of Album led by Nicola Borghesi, Enrico Baraldi and Roberta Gabriele and were catapulted as if into a sort of film set inhabited by a conductor-interviewer (Nicola), accompanied by his cameraman (Enrico) and Roberta who observed the space. What is a memory? What is your earliest memory? Where do memories go when they disappear? From these three questions the meeting between the artists and the school/family community moved on the stage set up with about fifty chairs and vintage furniture. Within this scenic device where spectators and artists mingle, which will also host the open rehearsal to be held on Friday 26 May from 8.00 pm, Nicola and Enrico welcomed children and adults by focusing the working hour together on the three questions of above. From this close confrontation between fathers and sons, teachers and pupils, mothers and daughters, parents and teachers conducted with audacity and sensitivity by Nicola, memories, images, smells and sensations emerged that gave life to a library of imaginary proto-stories.
A memory is an experience from the past that stays in your memory. It is a sensory, synesthetic image. Often others are our memory. Memories are artificial reconstructions, they are imagination. Memories are often bad. Memories need a story and it must be strong, often traumatic. It is something that we have perceived in the past and that comes back to memory with external stimuli. The memory is not rational, the less I wait for it, it will arrive.
My first memory is the fear of drowning during baptism. A large green sheet that looked like a terrible crocodile. Play war with paper bombs. Learning to whistle with my father. The smell of lemons in grandma's garden in Sicily. A kindergarten child who ate the earth and the others who encouraged him to eat it. I made up many memories. A room, lots of books and lots of light in the morning: it was my parents' room. The first time I ever galloped on a horse. The first concert I went to alone with a friend.
Memories that burst go into “out of memory”, a second brain of yours that you don't know you have. They go to a part of the brain that we don't know about. It has the name of a Greek goddess… Memories go into the heads of who you met. They escape from your body and dissolve into air. The memories go nowhere they are no more. They will never vanish, they remain in your head and when you see a place, perhaps a memory that you no longer remember comes to your mind: it is the place that makes you remember it. They are tied to emotions, they disappear and tone with the emotions they are tied to. When they disappear they return to where they came from.
These are some of the memories and reflections that adults and children exchanged on this dense and exciting afternoon, full of laughter and silence, hugs and tears, words and looks that many of those present will not forget but will keep for future reference.
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