#dear lucas...ur next
snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
dear barb;
hello hello >:) i come bearing a letter. general warning: this is in first person, because there's no way else to write a letter...so if first person pov is not your thing, kindly keep scrolling! <3 i'll be uploading this to ao3 too, if anyone feels more comfy reading it there!
i don't do taglists, but dio asked so kindly to be tagged so!! @flowercrowngods !! <3 now, onto the letter!
i don’t know why i’m writing this. max said it helped, and i miss talking to you, so here we are. i brought you some flowers. tulips, your favorites. i don’t even know if you can hear me, wherever you are, i hope you can. i hope it’s nice.
a lot has changed since that night. they found will, they found another girl too. they built a mall, then it got destroyed. then hawkins got split in half.
there’s a lot that’s changed, not just in hawkins, but everything. i’ve changed. for worse or for better, i’m not sure i know yet.
i broke up with steve. turns out we weren’t good for each other, and i wasn’t really myself when i was with him. you knew that, too. you were right about him, about me.
i guess you also know about the upside down. i won’t have to sugar coat anything.
we tried to find you, by the way. jonathan and i. we went out in the woods trying to hunt the monster that got will and got you, too. we thought if we found it and killed it, we’d find both of you.
we were wrong. i’m sorry. i should’ve listened to you. maybe if i had you’d still be here. or maybe if we had never gone to steve’s house at all. maybe we could’ve avoided all of this.
you want to know something really selfish? when will came back, i was angry. god, i was so, so angry. i mean, i was glad that jonathan got his brother back and that mike had his best friend back but…i don’t know. i couldn’t stay in the room long, it hurt too much. to know that they got their friend back but i couldn’t get mine. it didn’t make sense. it wasn’t fair. they were allowed to get their best friend back but mine was dead because of me. you weren’t coming back. we wouldn’t have anymore sleepovers and movie nights and study sessions. you were gone.
gone. gone. gone.
i waited until i got home before i started crying. i didn’t want mike to see me upset after his best friend came back. i ran upstairs, locked the door, grabbed an old sweater that you left at my house and cried until i threw up. i still have the sweater. it was the one you gave me on halloween in ’82, when it got so cold it snowed.
after that everything was blurry for a little bit. numb. i turned sixteen and didn’t even care because we made plans for that and you weren’t there. my mom tried to make a big deal out of it, but it wasn’t the same. i needed you.
i still need you.
then your birthday came up, in the summer. you were supposed to turn seventeen. i don’t think i even got anything done that day. mom thought i was sick but i just kept playing every moment back in my head. every movie night, every sleepover, every phone call—all the way up to knowing you were gone. to knowing i couldn’t call you that day and say “happy birthday,” because there was nobody to call.
it was also the same day i decided that whoever did this to you, whoever created the upside down, needed to pay. i know i can’t ever really give you justice, but i can try. the lab—the ones who created all of this—got shut down. we had to water the story down though, had to say that it was a chemical spill that killed you. not a monster from another dimension.
not that it was me.
we had a funeral for you. i couldn’t stay there too long, either. it hurt too much. The funeral and the fact that you weren’t even in the casket. it was a nice funeral though, the parts that i stayed for. i left before they lowered the casket in. i didn’t want to say goodbye to you, even if i knew you weren’t even in there, it just made it too real.
i still think about that night. i think about how i should’ve listened to you and that maybe we could’ve stopped it and maybe then you would’ve graduated with the rest of us, instead of rotting in the upside down. how maybe we would’ve gone to the same college like we had planned to do. how we would’ve gone to prom. how we would’ve celebrated your eighteenth, how you’d had that planned for years, and how we were supposed to celebrate it together.
how you’re sixteen forever.
how i should’ve listened to you. how it should’ve been me instead. how maybe i could’ve stopped it. i used to spend every night hoping, praying, that it was all just a bad dream and that i would see you at school the next day. that you weren’t gone, you were still here with me. i’d spend those nights wrapped up in your sweater sobbing, wishing that it would take me too. i didn’t know what to do without you. but i kept going, even if i hadn’t wanted to.
i killed the son of a bitch who did it. partially, at least. i had help from a girl with superpowers, which is…a crazy sentence to write, but, it’s true. we took him down. made him pay. i just wish we hadn’t had to do it at all, you know? i wish that we could’ve been normal teenagers and you would’ve been there to see it.
i didn’t make friends for a long time. not until recently. her name is robin. she reminds me a lot of you, actually. not that i’m replacing you, you can’t be replaced. she said that you guys were friends before we were, which is insane to me. maybe that’s why we work, she’s so similar to you anyway, it almost feels like you’re still here. she’s like another connection to you, someone who actually remembers you. someone who actually knew you. maybe in another life we could’ve all been friends. i like to think we would’ve been. i would’ve liked that.
i’m leaving you with an old photo of us, the ones we took at that little kiosk in that mall in Terre Haute, so you’ll have a little of me with you. there were two copies, one for me, and one for you. i know those were your favorites, and i hate to think that you’d be lonely wherever you are, so I’m leaving these with you.
i’ll write you another letter sometime, it might be a while before the next one, but for this, i really just wanted to say; i’m sorry. i should’ve listened to you.
i’m sorry. i wish you were here. it should’ve been me.
i miss you.
i love you
yours always, nancy.
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blue-n-yellow · 2 years
one thing that genuinely bothered me so much about vol2 which u haven’t touched up on yet (other than my in my liveblog) is like….
i know we’ve talked about how wills hugs look so nice nd all that and that’s great but like. fuck??? that resolution?
not seeing people react to eddie’s death to max’s hospitalization to the MASSIVE GATES SPLITTING HAWKINS IN FOUR. and like.
fuck. will didn’t get to individually hug any of his friends. the friends he’s had for years, for close to a decade, who he hasn’t seen in months. and he got a shared hug, we couldn’t spend the extra… two minutes total on seeing individual reunions between the kids.
we didn’t get to see joyce see her kids after her. incredibly stressful ordeal in russia, didn’t get to see will, who went through so much shit in the few days she was gone, react to seeing his mom again, we just got the tail end of their hug… i dunno, it was nice to see everyone back together in general, and the hopper + el reunion was so nice, but chapters 8 and 9 were already so long we could’ve taken five minutes to really drive home that everyone was together again
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
anything and everything
elide x lorcan, modern au, sick fic/domestic fluff, word count: 1874
The clock at the back of his classroom showed that there was two minutes left until lunch. The history teacher knew he’d lost his students three minutes ago, and tossed his printed copy of the PowerPoint onto his meticulously organised desk. “Alright, guys, I think that’s enough for today. Pack up and get out of here, yeah?” 
The sounds of rustling paper and shuffling bags filled the room. Lorcan unplugged his laptop from the projector and clicked it off, pushing the cart back to its corner. He heard his grade twelves’ easy conversations and jokes as they filed out, bidding him good-bye. 
“Bye, Mr. S,” Evangeline called, waving as she walked out, “thank you!” 
“You’re welcome, Evangeline. Have a good day,” Lorcan replied. No one else was in his classroom, so he pushed in the chairs and picked up the stray pencils that had been left. 
He slid his laptop into his bag and slung the leather strap over his shoulder. Lorcan left the blinds down from when they’d been drawn for the video he’d shown and flicked the lights off before he closed and locked the door. 
His hands were shoved in his pockets as he walked to the teacher’s lounge. Lorcan was the first there and he decided to call home, his phone in his back pocket.
As the phone rang, Lorcan grabbed an apple from the bowl of fruit and rinsed it before he ate it.
His fiancée picked up after two rings and sounded even more congested and hoarse than she’d been in the morning, “Hello, love. How’s your day going?” Elide coughed loudly, the sound deep and from her chest, “I’m feeling so much better, honestly, baby. I think I’ll just pop in and teach my last few class–” 
“Lee, you're sick. You'll collapse before you get to the front gate and you know it,” he said, nodding to Rowan, who walked in with Aelin and Lysandra. Nesryn couldn’t have been that far behind them. 
Elide huffed, knowing he was right and hating it, “I’m not sick, I’m not even barfing! I’m just achy and I have a cough, I’m fine.” 
“You have the flu, Elide. You do not have the energy to teach two classes - stay home.” 
She muttered something and Lorcan could practically hear her eye roll. “Fine. I can do video calls anyway, bye-bye, L, love you!” 
“That is not what I meant, Elide,” he protested, but Elide hung up. Lorcan sighed through his nose and put his phone in his pocket once more. The rest of the apple was gone in two bites. 
From one of the tables, the blonde science teacher looked over at him, a bite of leftover risotto and pink salmon on her fork, “Was that our Ellie dear? How is she?” 
“Stubborn and petty,” Lorcan grumbled in good nature. He tossed his apple core into the compost bin, “I’m done for the day, so I’m going home. Please don’t call me if you need help.” His colleagues laughed mockingly at his inconsiderate remark and Lorcan smirked, saluting them as he walked out. “Bye, guys. Have a good day.” He walked down the hall, waving and nodding to students he recognised. 
Lorcan passed two of his favourites, Luca and Evangeline. They stopped him to talk and they chatted about Luca’s upcoming debate and Evangeline’s English presentation. He wished them both luck and continued on, all but refusing to acknowledge any of his other colleagues. Lorcan didn’t have anything against them, save for a few, but he didn’t want to be dragged into a long conversation with them when his girl was home sick and miserable. 
Outside, it was raining, but light enough that it was more of a mist than any noticeable precipitation. Lorcan got into their old Volkswagen Jetta - the car that Elide had saved for during her last year of high school to buy - and pulled out of the parking lot, going slowly around the meandering students and teachers alike. 
Since he hadn’t eaten lunch yet and he had been dreading his tuna salad sandwich all day, Lorcan stopped by the local Blackbeak restaurant. He bought pierogies, borscht, sausage, and cabbage rolls. Knowing Elide loved them so, he added on an order of sweet, apple-filled piroshkis and sweet tea. 
Luckily, the wait wasn’t long and he tipped them well when they handed him the containers in two plastic bags, including a tray for their tea. Lorcan carried their food back to the car and put it on the passenger seat, carefully fitting the cups of tea in the cup holders. 
Lorcan got back in his seat and drove on, more slowly this time so the food would remain untouched. He’d tossed his phone onto the dash and it rang. He glanced over at it and saw Elide calling him. Since he was driving, Lorcan didn’t pick up and he would be home soon enough. 
He came to a stop at a red light and looked over at the text she sent him. 
princess: r u too busy to answer me cause ur with ur new WHORE. 
princess: dont even come home tn im so over ur disrespectful ass. smh. 🙄. cant believe i ever trusted a MAN. 
princess: bby im so hungry tell me what to get i cant decide 🥺 pls help me ill b so nice to uuuuuu ❤🖤🥰🥰😘 
Lorcan laughed and shook his head, driving on home. He pulled up in front of their townhouse a mere five minutes later. Carefully, Lorcan balanced everything and locked the car. He walked through the front gate and up the stone pathway. 
Somehow, he managed to carry everything and unlocked the front door. When he walked in, he heard someone’s long nails tapping across a laptop keyboard. Lorcan chuckled quietly and put his bags down. He hung up his jacket, put his keys in the silver dish next to Elide’s, and toed off his shoes. 
Lorcan walked down the hallway and passed the staircase, putting their food on the kitchen counter. Then, he rolled up the sleeves of his wool sweater and white shirt. He walked upstairs, “Lee? You in bed?” 
He passed their shared office and leaned against the doorframe, eyes landing on his fiancée. Elide had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, her dark hair pushed up in a messy bun. Her thick glasses were perched on the edge of her nose and when she looked up at him, Elide pushed them back up, “Oh, hi, love.” She looked back at her laptop and colour-coordinated lesson plan, still typing. “I didn’t know you were coming home, you didn’t have to do that.” 
“Evidently I did because my fiancée refuses to rest,” he said, shoving off the door and walking in. She rolled her eyes and frowned. Lorcan walked around to her side and crouched, twisting her chair around, “Elide. You’re sick. Your students are not going to be affected if you take a day or two off, now please. Can you just get back in bed? For me?” 
She clicked her tongue and sighed, “That’s cheating. You can’t say it’s for you when you know I’d do anything for you.” 
Lorcan smirked and cupped her face, his thumb stroking over her cheekbone, “Just doing what I can.” He surveyed her, his eyes not missing a thing. There was a slight sheen of sweat on her brow and her eyes were tired. Her skin was paler and more pallid than usual, the only spot of colour on the tip of her nose. She was restraining herself, but Lorcan could see her shivering. “How are you feeling?” 
“I’m… fine.” 
He arched a brow. Elide sighed through her nose and looked to the side. 
“Fine. I feel like shit. I’m tired and I have a headache and I’m so, so tired,” she whispered, tipping herself forward and leaning into him. “I hated that you left this morning. I wanted to be with you and… and let you take care of me.” 
Lorcan smiled softly and got to his feet, picking her up as well. Her head fell against his shoulder and he held her with one arm banded beneath her thighs. He cut off the camera and sent a bland message before signing out and turning it off. As he carried her out, Lorcan asked, “Are you hungry? Have you eaten anything?” 
Elide shook her head, “No… I was sleeping.” 
“I got food. Blackbeak,” he told her, smiling when she gasped wondrously. 
“O-m-giness.” Elide said softly, dancing her shoulders around. “You’re the best, baby. Did you get piroshki? The- the sweet one. With apple.” 
“Mm-hmm,” he said, pushing her hair back again. “And pierogies, tea, sausage, and cabbage rolls. Everything, even soup.” 
“I love you so fuckin’ much, man,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck. Elide’s face was comfortably hidden in the crook of his neck. She could smell his cedar cologne, the lavender dryer ball on his sweater, and the sweetgrass he’d smudged with. “We should watch When Harry Met Sally.” 
Lorcan huffed a laugh through his nose and kissed the side of her head, “Yeah. Sally’s a spaz.” 
“And Harry’s an inconsiderate asshat,” Elide replied, squeezing her thighs around his hips. 
They crossed through the door of their bedroom and Lorcan set her down on their bed. He left her be, letting her manoeuvre into her little nest of blankets, quilts, and a duvet. 
He changed into sweatshorts and a hoodie with their university’s logo before going downstairs. On his way, he re-did his hair in some tiered, sloppy and loopy bun. 
In the kitchen, he played some random song from his phone and bobbed his head as he served them both food. 
Lorcan carried their plates and bowls back upstairs. Elide got up to help her when he got to their room. On the TV that opposited their bed showed the main menu of When Harry Met Sally. He laughed quietly and shook his head, sitting down beside her and getting comfortable. 
Elide hummed delightedly and pressed play from her phone. She took the tea first and drank it quickly, suddenly ravenous. Lorcan passed her water and medicine. Elide took it and ate her beet soup, sans sour cream. 
The movie played and Lorcan ate his pierogies, gently sipping on his own tea. 
Done first, Elide put her dish to the side and leaned into him. She mouthed the lines, her eyes slowly falling shut. Lorcan grinned and finished the cabbage roll before easing out from under her and taking their things back downstairs. 
He got her more citrus tea and went back upstairs. The flu-ridden woman woke up when he got in bed and resituated herself. 
“I got the vaccine, baby,” Elide muttered, her arms wrapped around his neck, “and I’m still sick. I’m anti-vax now. They’re hoaxes.” 
Lorcan sighed through his nose, still adoring her dramatics. “You can’t say that to your students, Lee. They believe anything.” 
The chemistry teacher smacked his chest, “They arent dumb! They’re just…” 
“Stupid,” Lorcan finished her sentence. “C’mon, I had a student who didn’t know Terrasen’s capital. He was born here, Elide.” 
She snorted and hid her face in his neck. “I love you.” 
“Forever and always, Lee.”
☽ ☼ ☾
an: i luv them. omg. 
@mythicaitt​​​ @werewolffprince​​​ @schmlip-scribble​​​ ​ @the-regal-warrior​​​ @ladyverena​​​ @ttakeitbacknoww​​​ @shyvioletcat​​​ @alifletcher2012​​​ @tswaney17​​​ @ourbooksuniverse​​​  @flora-and-fae​​​ @thesirenwashere​​​ @queenofxhearts​​​ @maastrash​​​ @mynewdreamwasyou​​​ @cursebreaker29​​​ @empress-ofbloodshed​​​ @b00kworm​​​ @hizqueen4life​​​ @silversprings98​​​ @amren-courtofdreams​​​ @minaidss​​​ @superspiritfestival​​​ @sanakapoor​​​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn​​​ @spyofthenightcourt​​​  @thegoddessofyou​​​ @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx​​​ @claralady​​​ @neonhellas​​​ @darlinminds​​​ @readingismyonlyhobby​​​ @autophobiaxx​​​ @silversprings28​​​ @myshadowsingeraz​​​ @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln​​​ @elriel4life​​​ @always-in-a-daydream​​​ @jlinez​​​ @ladywitchling​​​ @mariamuses​​ @darklesmylove​​ @adelzd-bookblr
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hongism · 3 years
hi caly im back after reading moc41 and just... mind: blown. tears: none left. throat: sore after screaming into my pillow so much. emotional stability: basically gone from the amount of damage made in this chapter. but all that aside I STILL LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!
if theres one thing that saved me i’d say its probably all the san x y/n moments in 41 (tho ironically that joy is kinda short-lived aha :’) and also nightingale and soojin and LUCA now in the picture! i’m just manifesting more of their interactions once y/n comes back pls bring her back quick dear miss calyyy ㅠㅠㅠ
and also everyone probably already went batshit crazy at hongjoong while simultaneously sympathizing with the logic of his choices can’t hide that i’m one of them askwkzjs. again, i’m broken at how he went with the decision without the reluctance we all thought he would have, and it even seems like he’s eager to let her go if not for his guilt towards san. i guess hardly anybody would feel good when they’re being abandoned and deemed as less worthy, even if its by someone seemingly unimportant to them. i just wanna know if there’s any hope for y/n and hongjoong mending their relationship in the next act, or just any none-hateful moments? please i need them to be (somewhat) okay if yall wont choke each other sexually FINE just dont choke each other all together please askjwuwhshs 😭
and i cant even talk too much about wooyoung and yeosang it pains me and it even GETS WORSE OH MY GOD?!! but apart from that, i’m also super curious about the thing yeosang said to y/n too. i have a tiny theory basically about that part, but when i first read it i thought it sounds like y/n was part of the slave group wooyoung was in when yeosang was still prince??? like yeosang was somehow gonna choose y/n in that group, but ended up choosing wooyoung instead. or even if she wasn’t actually in the slave group it’s something about wooyoung beind chosen in y/n’s place, and yeosang already met her before she joined the crew. and y/n seemed so confused because she got brainwashed so she’s couldn’t remember all that (?)
overall ur a legend and this is a masterpiece as always caly, and it’s absolutely worth the wait. as angsty as this is gonna get i’m still really looking forward to the next chapters!! take your time and stay healthy bestie <3 — 🌊
hello hi bestie!!! IM SORRY!!!! i did a lot of damage huh 😫🤪 im so glad to hear you loved tho!!! that makes me soso happy hehe <3
anywho! im glad the y/n and san moments made it bearable and survivable! they had some good moments in the first half of the chapter :3 but don't worry we won't have to suffer for long pink promise!!!
you bring up a good point of hongjoong's choices and how it seems like his guilt towards san is the only reason he feels bad about his decision. i can't say that his decisions are gonna be made better or worse in the future, but there is a rather big reveal in the next chapter that will make the knife go a little deeper unfortunately :') is there any hope for y/n and hongjoong? it's too early to say really, we have such a long ways to go that i don't want to say anything without spoiling! we gotta go through some rough things to get to the better and happier things tho!!!
then... wooyoung and yeosang 😭 the most painful part for me as well tbh ahh yeah god damn !!! there's a lot to it and a lot in it and a lot of pain and layers of course! i can't say much but you are on the right track indeed with your theory and that's all i can say 🤐 but we have to remember that y/n lost her memories not once but twice! before joining the military and when jisung went in too! so there's definitely a lot of possibilities in there!!
thank u as always MUAH ur too kind <3 this one was VERY angsty, but i can say that it's as bad as it's gonna get for a while!! stay healthy too bestie i luv u <333
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luvdsc · 3 years
hey there bub! i was going thru ur masterlist and i saw in the "about" section that u made eye contact with taemin OMG how did that go AAAAA u got to make eye contact with THE lee taemin? soo lucky :") i bet this happened prob awhile back but how was the superm concert? i'm sure it was amazing n so much fun AAAAA sadly they didn't go here in my city :( but i was able to see NCT dream live during their dream show tour and i tell you WHEW GOSH those boys are so ethereal??? like they look so good in vids and in pics but they're 1000000x better in person??? like pictures don't do their beauty justice?? gosh i could write a full on essay abt this. until now i still cant believe i got to see the dreamies live?? its feels so surreal like a dream, its crazy. i remember the lights dimming and 'dear dream' started playing in the background and i just lost it lol i was shaking and bawling my eyes out n the show hasn't even started yet djkfkjn i first noticed jisung n when i saw him the first thing that popped in my mind was: "he is SO tall and he's soso cute dear lord :")" and the way he dances, a frickin dance king?? he's rlly such a born performer. AND OHMYGOD JENO, the man is rlly WOW, ngl he kinda looks intimidating with his sharp features and smooth dance moves but his eye smiles make my heart mELT. i remember during the encore stage, the show was about to end and the boys were saying goodbye to us, jeno's face was showed on screen, he was tryna eat the confetti LMAO. renjun,, i will never shutup abt this but renjun is confirmed to be a FAIRY!! the prettiest boy :") #RENJUNFAIRYAGENDA he has such sharp yet delicate features and his aura is just so warm n comforting like he just captivates u n lures u in, and when he sings, like u can feel the emotion, hes so talented. all throughout the show, hyuck was just GLOWING (lives up to his name, fullsun uwu) . he's soso pretty n he's my bias so i literally was just in awe when i saw him, i was speechless :') he was rlly entertaining to watch n he was also so attentive to the crowd esp when he saw some ppl that got hurt, he kept telling us to move back a little. OMG HOW COULD I FORGET NANA, jaemin was soo sweet n charming and the way his eyes lit up whenever he looks at the crowd gosh my heart was abt to burst he rlly adores czennies :") jskfvkds hes also super tall lmao hyuck was tryna lift his shirt up tho and of course chenle, ngl but all throughout the concert, my eyes just keep coming back to chenle. out of all the dreamies, he caught my eye the most. like,, THE POWER THIS MAN HOLDS IS CRAZY?? THIS MAN DIDNOT COME TO PLAY!! his stage presence is crazyy ohgod esp during 119 performance, and he looks like a prince in real life. he also played the piano and i remember everyone was just in awe as he played like the whole crowd had heart eyes for him. it was such a fun n amazing experience, the boys were so amazing n talented, they rlly know how to put on such a great show. they work tirelessly n they're so good, like their voices and dance moves, srsly amazing :") ++ it so memorable cus it was my first kpop concert hehe. buying tickets were such a pain in the ass ngl it was so stressful but SO worth it 🥺 i knew jisung was tall but i didnt know he was THAT tall, idk if im just small but they all rlly look so tall JKDFSDJVFF sadly mark wasnt there :( sorry if i made this long, i just got excited and i thought it'd be nice to share my concert experience w/ u as well hehe 😅 i hope you're doing great bub!! <3
- 🐼 anon
omg hi yes, i was lucky enough to score tickets to see superm last year, and i was right up against the main stage railing !!! 🤩 so ten made eye contact and smiled at me, baekhyun also made eye contact and smiled and waved at me (he’s my exo bias and i was like the heart clutching meme when he did that), i yelled “you’re doing great sweetie” when taeyong took a pause during commentary time and he said thank you 🤧, and god taem looked at me for a good 20 seconds smiling at me and i couldn’t handle it and had to blink and look away and he laughed at me 😔 akslhflakshdfla but oh my god, lucas is so goddamn attractive irl it’s insane, and ten is sooo so pretty like i didn’t even pay attention to what they were saying during the commentary time sometimes i was just staring at ten who was in front of me and i was the starry eyed emoji (baek and ten were right in front of me, lucas was next to them), and pictures don’t do taeyong justice at all like that man is absolutely ethereal ✨✨  also!!!!! seeing ten perform his solos, hearing taeyong and mark rap irl and of course BASS GO BOOM BY LUCAS BECAME MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE WHEN ARE THEY RELEASING THAT SONG??? and i was in tears when taemin performed right in front of me like 16 year old me would be shaking in her boots if she knew she would see god taem in the flesh. actually current me was shaking askdjfhalksjdf i cherish all the videos i took so much (i accidentally deleted the entire jopping video except the mark rap part when i was trying to snip it to post to my insta story and cried rip 😭😭)
YOU GOT TO SEE THE DREAMIES IRL OH MY GOD I’M SO JEALOUS 😭😭 I WANNA SEE THEM PERFORM SO BAD!!! i keep rereading your entire experience and i’m living vicariously through you now aklshdflakjsdhfda oh my god, i wanna see jisung and fairy prince renjun perform live so bad 😭 i got to see hyuck perform three times now with 127, and he’s absolutely amazing, i couldn’t stop watching him dance like he’s my number one favorite performer in nct and the way he dances is heavenly and wonderful and his voice is insane 💖 he truly was born to be an idol 🤧💞💞 i want to write a proper response to each of your description of the dreamies but right now i’m just like no thoughts head empty just heart eyes for every single one of those boys 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 aaaa thank you for describing them all, angel, i’ll keep this in mind as i write fics :’) omg and this was your first kpop experience???? you’re so lucky!!!! 💓 also i feel with the buying tickets omg i always have to get up early and keep refreshing on every device to get decent tickets and it’s so stressful askljdfhaksd but it definitely is so worth it in the end! my only regret is opting out of seeing skz last year and going to a party instead rip and omg no need to apologize!!! it’s really fun to hear about your concert experiences, sweetpea!!! 💞 thank you for taking the time to share that with me 💘  i’m doing wonderful and enjoying my weekend, and i hope you’re having a good weekend and doing well also, angel 🐝💛✨
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jungshookz · 5 years
hi cee !! i just thought of how cute coach!jungkook would be where he trains little kids and one day y/n drops off her little brother at practice and sees this cute new coach and is suddenly volunteering to bring snacks for the next game lol
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➺ pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
➺ genre: if it isn’t obvious by now this is 110% fLUFF, y/n is an obnoxious older sister but we love her, banana milk and animal crackers for everyone!!!!
➺ wordcount: 3.5k
➺ note: hi i want coach!jungkook to hurl a soccer ball at me thanks 
(gif isn’t mine!)
                                       ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“alright, twerp.” you crank the brakes before punching the unlock button on the dashboard “get outta my car.”
you push your sunglasses up to the top of your head before turning to look at lucas in the back seat and raising a brow
why is he not moving
“…mommy always walks me to the field.”
oh dear lord
you have places to be and people to sEE
more specifically you have to pick yoongi up at his apartment because you guys are going to watch that new spiderman movie together and you typically like to get there early so that you have more time to decide what you’re going to do in terms of snacks
“well, mommy didn’t drop you off today. sissy did.”
okay quick note: maybe don’T address yourself as sissy ever again
“-big boys walk themselves to the field.” you point out before glancing over at said field “y’know, lu, the world is a big, scary soccer field that you’re going to have to face alone one day…” you sigh and shake your head playfully as you yank the keys out of the ignition
of course you’re going to walk him to the field
you just like messing with him
“-you might as well get a head start now.” you unbuckle your seatbelt before opening the door
“…maybe next year, when i turn 6.” lucas mutters and kicks his legs against the seat
you can’t help but snort at his comment before shutting the door
your parents insist that lucas was planned but let’s be real
he’s more of a… happy accident!
the boy is sixteen years younger than you
he’s 5!
you’re 21!
a sixteen year age gap is never intentIONAL
nevertheless you still love him more than you love yourself
he’s a sweet boy!!!
he actually never went through the whole terrible twos phase and for that you are grateful because you’re pretty sure 18 year old y/n would’ve willingly flung him out the window in a heartbeat
and you know for a fact that he worships you
not reaLLy
but he’s a good little brother and you’re a good older sister and you’re just glad that the two of you get along
you just like acting like he’s a little stiNker all the time because it’s fun seeing him get worked up
“by the way, don’t tell mom i didn’t put your car seat in my car.” you help lucas out of the car before reaching in to grab his bag for him
you were going to be a responsible older sibling and put his car seat in for him but there were so many things to click and clack and lock and pop and honEstly you just didn’t have the energy to put it in your car so you just buckled him in and made sure to drive a little less recklessly
also you didn’t see the point in installing it in your car since this is going to be the only time you’re ever going to drop him off at his soccer practice session
your mom usually drops him off because duh
she’s m o m
but she had an emergency meeting at work and your dad is on a business trip for the entire week which means that yoU have to take care of him for the afternoon
which is fine!
except you made plans with yoongi, as mentioned earlier
which means you need to get this show on the road if you’re going to get back on the road to get to the show  
“okay, as long as you don’t tell mom i threw my grapes away.”
“wha- you threw your grapes away?!” you gawk at lucas as you shove your keys into your pocket “are you kidding me? you could’ve given them to me! those grapes were organic, too! they were the goOD juicy grapes!”
lucas smiles sheepishly before shrugging
kids these days
throwing away their damn juicy organic non-gmo grapes
what a waste!
“what time am i supposed to come and pick you up again?”
“6:30” lucas hums in response as he swings his hand with yours
the movie is set to end at 7
…how mad would your mom be with you if you made lucas wait an extra half hour in the dark for you?
u know what
it’s a risk you’re going to have to be willing to take
you are SO brave
not all heroes wear capes
“any preferences for dinner? mom won’t be home til late so it’s just the two of us.” you glance down at him as the two of you approach the field
there are already a bunch of other kids there with their parents
usually the parents just sit on the side and watch
and you would totally stay and watch but like…
spiderman > watching a group of sweaty 5 year olds running around and tripping over themselves
“mcdonalds!” lucas grins excitedly
he likes it when you’re in charge of dinner because it actually means that he’s in charge of dinner and he aLways likes it when he gets to choose what to eat for dinner
one time he asked for spaghetti tacos and you just gave him spaghetti tacos with no complaint
it’s amazing!
you’re a pushover for him and he knoWs it
“alrighty. but i’m getting the apple slices for you instead of the fries because you threw your grapes out.”
lucas immediately deflates
u win some u lose some
“okay, bud. i’ll see you at 7!” you chirp before dropping to your knees to give lucas a goodbye hug  
“6:30” lucas corrects you smartly and you resist the urge to roll your eyes
you don’t want to miss the ending of spiderman!!!!!!! what if you miss something mAjor that links to the next spiderman movie?!
whaTEver you’ll just watch it again when it eventually gets on netflix
back to business
one huGE perk of being an older sibling is the fact that you get to embarrass your younger siblings any time and anywhere
it’s your given right!
you’ve earned it
…and this is one of those times
“oH i’m going to miss my lulu so much-“ you’re practically suffocating lucas considering how tightly you’re squeezing him and you can’t help but giggle as you squish sloppy kisses to his chubby cheek
you don’t want him to ever grow up because you lovE kissing his cheeks
they were exTra chubby when he was younger
he’s starting to lose some baby fat :’(
lucas whines and starts to shove at your chest “stop it, my friends are watching!!!”
“well they’re just jealous because they don’t have an older sister as cool as-“ you immediately cut yourself off because-
holy SHIT
who the friG is thAT
it’s almost as if time itself slows down when you’re suddenly made aware of this very beautiful human being
warm brown eyes that you can already envision yourself drowning in
a bright bunny smile tugging at the corners of his mouth
honey caramel brown hair peeking out from underneath a plain black cap
two small, silver hoops hanging from his ears
he’s wearing a plain black hoodie paired with a pair of plain black shorts but somehow he’s making it look like he just walked straIght off a paris fashion week runway  
he has that boyish quality about him that’s making you weak in your knees
and to top it all off
he’s great with kids
your ovaries are quaking
he laughs and throws his head back before giving one of the boys a fist bump and getting back up on his knees
is it weird that you think his thighs are hot?
…yeah that’s a little weird
get it together
you pull away from lucas before resting back on your heels
you reach out to grasp onto his shoulders to make it seem like you’re having a serious conversation with him because let’s face it this is a very serious conversation
“lu. i��m going to ask you a question, and i want you to answer me honestly.” you look him dead in the eye
“don’t make it obvious, but… is that your coach?” your eyes flicker over his shoulder and lucas whIPS around to look at where you’re looking
way to make it nOt obvious
“mhm! that’s coach jungkook.”
coach jungkook
that has a nice ring to it
he looks to be around your age which is vEry appealing
working man with a stable job
…you’re into it
lucas is obviously blissfully unaware of the way you’re practically drooling over his coach because the next thing you know- “hi coach!!!!!!” lucas waves wildly and starts bouncing up and down excitedly when coach jungkook glances towards your guys’ general direction
you immediately get up off the ground and reach down to dust your knees off
you should’ve worn something cuter had you known lucas’ coach was going to look like that
“hey, buddy!” jungkook leans down to ruffle lucas’ hair when he rushes over to hug his knees “you ready for a fun session?”
you feel your heart skip a beat when he looks up at you and offers you a friendly smile
o god
“hi! i’m jungkook.” he sticks his hand out for you to shake and oH sweet lord even his hands are pretty
“hi…!” you clear your throat and shake his hand briefly “i’m y/n, i’m… uh, i’m lucas’ sister. older sister.”
you’re not sure why you had to throw in that last detail
you’re obviously his older sister you waLNUT
“ah, that makes sense. usually lucas comes with your guys’ mom, so i was just curious… are you going to stay and watch? there’s plenty of space to sit…” he gestures over to where the parents are and you’re about this close to texting yoongi and cancelling your guys’ plans together
“she can’t!” lucas blurts out “-she’s watching spiderman with yoongi!”
uh oh
lucas is blowing your chances with coach jungkook right in front of ur eyES
“yoongi- riGht, yeah, i’m watching spiderman with- lu, why don’t you go and warm up with your friends, hm?” you nudge him a little and he nods before ziPPing right off to join his pals
a beat of silence goes by
“yoongi’s my friend. just my friend.” you clear your throat again before glancing at your watch
“good to know…!” jungkook trails off and purses his lips slightly
this interaction is going downhill vEry fast
“i… should probably go if i’m going to get to the movies on time but thank you for the invitation to stay!” you chuckle lightly and jungkook nods in acknowledgement “i’ll see you later? when i come to pick lucas up? it was nice meeting you…?”
you are a hoT mess
you’re all over the place
why are you phrasing everything as a question?
what’s wrong with you?
you complete moron?  
jungkook can’t help but watch as you jog back to your car
lucas never mentioned an older sister
a very pretty older sister, as a matter of fact
of course, lucas doesn’t really mention anything besides a) soccer, b) snacks, and c) power rangers
very interesting
“how come you’re driving me to practice again?” lucas’ brows knit together in confusion as he looks at you through the front mirror
needless to say he was very much confused when you came to pick him up from school… again
the act of you picking him up from school isn’t weird but usually you only pick him up maybe once every two months
but this is your sixth time picking him up this month
so yeah
it’s a liiiiiittle weird
“because i wanted to give mom… another day off!” you smile brightly and turn on your signal before smoothly swerving to the right and heading down the familiar path to the field
“oh.” lucas nods and slumps back down in his car seat
about five seconds go by before he speaks up again
“how come you have so many drinks and crackers back here?”
your eyes flicker up to the front mirror again and you see him leaning over to look into the huge tote bag sitting next to him
“you know, lu…” you sigh and shake your head “-as your generous, thoughtful, veRy caring older sister, i just want to make sure you have enough energy for practice which is why i took it upon myself to provide nourishment for you and your little friends!”
“…what’s a noorushmint-”
“-just out of curiosity-“ you veer right into your usual parking spot before cranking the brakes
you turn to look at lucas over your shoulder “has coach jungkook… said anything about me?”
“i- oOH banana milk!!!!!!” lucas grins excitedly and pulls one carton out of your bag
here’s the thing
as mentioned earlier this is your sixth time picking lucas up from school and driving him to practice
that means that this is your sixth time seeing jungkook
and each time, he somehow becomes more and more attractive which mEans that you progressively get more and more nervous and awkward-flirty with him each time you see him
every time he looks at you you get all weak in the knees and your palms get sweaty and you end up regurgitating some lame joke about soccer
every time he laughs at your lame jokes about soccer you feel your heart skip a beAt
and you’re obsessed with how attractive he looks when he’s focused on something
he does this thing where he pokes his tongue into his cheek and it just-
oOh it just gets to you
“hey, twerp-“ lucas glances back at you as the two of you start trekking down the grassy hill to get to the field “don’t tell your friends that you already drank a banana milk in the car otherwise they’re going think that i’m playing favourites which i guess i kinda am buT-“
“y/n!” you immediately freeze when you hear jungkook call your name and you neaRly trip over your feet in surprise “-let me help you with that!”
you swallow thickly before offering jungkook a bright smile “hey! oh, that’s so nice of you…” he takes the two tote bags from you eaSily
what the heck
you were out of breath just picking them up and he’s acting as if they’re as light as feathers
you feel your mouth go dry when you catch a glimpse of his biceps flexing
the lord is testing you toDay
“hi coach!” lucas greets enthusiastically
jungkook grins down at lucas before wiggling his brows “someone’s certainly very energetic today-“
“y/n gave me an extra banana milk and i drank it all in thirty seconds!!!!!”
he totally just blew your cover
“you said you wouldn’t tell!” you scold playfully and lucas giggles before dropping his bag to the floor and spRinting over to his friends
“banana milk, huh?” jungkook peeks into one of them before looking over at you
he loves banana milk!!!!!!!!
“banana milk and animal crackers.” you correct and jungkook raises a hand in defence
oh fRick
he loves animal crackers too!!!!!!
you are the girl of his dreams!!!!!!
,.,.,.but like.,,., in a super casual way
because he hasn’t known you for very long
but it’s safe to say that he’s already become veRy fond of you and your company
you’re super friendly
and you’re super funny
and you’re super pretty
it’s also super cute when you’re cheering on for lucas on the sidelines
whenever he scores a goal you jump up and down on your feet and clap suPer excitedly and basically scREAM for him
jungkook loves how supportive you are even though this is a kiddie soccer game and the stakes are so unbelievably low
and his heart melted into a warm puddle that time lucas tripped and scraped his knee and you imMEdiately rushed to his aid
you patched him up and even kissed his boo-boo!!!!!! (lucas was a little embarrassed by that) ((he wouldn’t have minded if u did that at home but u did it in front of all of his bROS and he’s like the resident Cool Guy))
it doesn’t get any cuTEr than that!!!!!!
and jungkook knows that he’s here to coach but he’s finding it vEry hard to do his job whenever you’re around
because you smell like warm vanilla and your laugh is contagious and your smile makes his stomach do flip-flops
and the fact that you brought snacks and drinks for the kids is honestly just the icing on the cakE
“wanna split a banana milk?” jungkook jumps in surprise when he feels a gentle tap on his shoulder
“wh- sorry, what was that? i was, uh, thinking about… stuff.” he clears his throat
talk about s m o o t h
“i put the bag down for five seconds and the kids went wild but i managed to snag one carton without losing an arm.” you snort and poke the straw through the top “you wanna split one with me?”
he knows you’re not a mindreader but it’s taking every single one of his brain cells to try to noT think about how kissable your lips look right now
you turn slightly before holding the carton up for him to take a sip and you just have the cutest smile on your face right now and before he knows it he-
“do you wanna grab dinner sometime?” jungkook blurts out and his eyes widen in surprise when he realises that he just asked you out on a date
cuRse him and his complete lack of fiLTER
your own eyes widen in surprise and you blink owlishly
where did thAt come from
you’re not complaining or anything because yes of couRse you want to go out on a date with jungkook but heLLo where did that come from!!!!!!
“um, i-“
“oh, god. sorry! i’m sorry, that was totally- ah, jeez-“ jungkook groans quietly and reaches up to adjust his hat
“-i’m sorry, you’re just really nice and pretty so i thought-“ he can feel his face burning hotter than the damn sun “-i just feeL like we get along really well even though we don’t really know each other buT we can always get to know each other on a date-“
“-yeah, you’re right about that-“
“-i don’t know what i’m thinking!!! i haven’t gone out on a date in a long time so maybe it’s not a-“
“-jungkook!” you slap a hand over his mouth and he stumbles backwards a little from the impact
“…myeah?” his voice is muffled and you give him a warning look so he shuts up quickly
you pull your hand away before adjusting your cardigan a little “i would… i would love to grab dinner with you sometime.”
“oh!” jungkook’s voice is slightly pitchy and he clears his throat quickly “cool. sick.” he says with a lower voice before sniffing and looking back over at the boys
it’s totally whatever
he’s cool
it’s casual
dinner is casual
he’s like… suuuuper chill about it, bro
“mm. sick, indeed.” you tease lightly before nudging his side “…you still wanna split the banana milk with me or not? because i’m going to inhale this entire thing if you don’t want any.”
(the entire time you and jungkook are taking turns taking sips of the banana milk he can’t help but feel like he’s indirectly kissing u)
((but whatever))
(((he’s like…. suuuuuuper chill about it, brO)))
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
drabble masterlist // main masterlist
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sugar-petals · 5 years
I know you've been getting tons of requests for more tarot readings, but OH DEAR LORD, PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER ONE! Also, I luv ur blog have a blessed day!!!
i had a sexy idea. what about i take you to date night with SuperM 👀
That card has major prince in extra shining armor energy. It’s a highly decorated guy riding a star-spangled wagon pulled by two sphinxes. Pretty extravagant is an understatement. It can’t get any more glamorous and it’s perfectly Taemin. Especially because THE CHARIOT traditionally symbolizes being famous. Rings a bell right there. Date night will go down in a fancy car or limousine, or you will spend a major part in some kind of expensive vehicle getting you where you planned to go. Safe to say the overdressed one will not be you. Yep, no matter how hard you try. And it can’t be any other way. Taemin will stun with glitter, high fashion, perfect hair, jewelry, makeup, lavish fabrics, a perfect body, anyways. So expensive, lord. You date the Prince of Korea. Taemin might get into trouble with fans or frentic paparazzi when he shows up like that man. So it only makes sense the venue is likely a bit out of town because the chariot card is set with a city backdrop that fades in the distance. It’s gonna be next to a body of water which is depicted behind the chariot. Really a more secluded and remote area. That also tells me it’s you he dresses up for after all, not the public. And, either way. That the main theme of the card is the vehicle, that’s where you’ll be cheek to cheek. Driver, roll up the partition, please. 
Powerful card. Either of you, I suspect it’s Baekhyun, takes responsibility to organize everything to the very last detail. It’s more head over heart energy, a hurricane, literal brain-storm even. He will surely think it through a thousand times. You gotta be the one who says easy easy, it’s about you and me and not some management job where the setting and timing and whatnot gives you all kinds of pressure. Now you understand that Baekhyun’s serious, performance-like mode is at full throttle because he’s nervous as fuck, cares about you, and doesn’t want to make any mistakes. But that contradicts what date night is all about. It’s not supposed to be stress or a task. Rather than making a good impression and being perfect, you remind him to let go a little more and return to his goofy personality. The lesson of the card might go as far as having both of you realize that racking your brains to hard is a sign to do something else. Staying at home is not a bad thing, you might even enjoy yourselves much more because everything is already taken care of. Sword energy cuts, especially if it’s the King wielding it, in this case the cutting might refer to canceling plans short notice to pursue what you’re really in the mood for as a couple. Which in turn will be rewarding and something healthy to do because you don’t force yourselves into an obligation.
So… to state the absolute obvious right away. Even if you aren’t too familiar with Tarot at all, you know for a fact that this card is a darn good one to pull for a relationship question. Lo and behold: Lucas is your #1 address for date night. If I were unsure whom to pick, THE LOVERS are the most unequivocal sign like, pack the condoms, bring out the perfume, feel good, make out… wait, too fast. First things first: Oh my, he’s gonna be amazing as your kind of date consort. The chemistry! Explosive. Since the card depicts Garden Eden, that’s gonna be your overarching theme if you will. Cloud nine essentially. This evening will be blessed and sheer paradise. Adam on the card is surrounded by flames on a tree so you bet Lucas is gonna be on fire. There are also quite a few fruits depicted so I guess your food will be sweet and light rather than heavy. Now, as for the elephant in the room. Adam and Eve are more than stark naked on that card. Sex will be involved 10/10, out of all member’s he’s the one guaranteed to lay that pipe. The Lovers card also symbolizes a decision. It might be the day Lucas chooses to propose to you, even. Your relationship will be bound for the next level there. The angel on the card tells me you are safe and protected.
Unexpected! That card is just way too dramatic for a light romantic reading. Seeeriously. Especially with Mark as a member who’s known for being super goofy and cute instead of serene and grumpy. What it’s about is plain ole doom and destruction, bringing down the old to build and restart the new. Natural catastrophe and firestorms, even. Yeah like imagine sitting together with Mark eating chipotle and some bloody earthquake hits, that’s the scenario and… actually, no. Worry not, I think the card wants us to take the image literally. The date will be in or close to some kind of tower. Or any elevated structure for that matter. Eiffel Tower much? Tower of Pisa? Sounds very romantic to me. That we have a huge thunderstorm raging on this card tells me you’ll be inside watching the huge grey clouds and thunder which is gonna be quite spectacular. Summer might be the time of the year that date goes down since it’s the season most prone to thunderstorms. Note also how dark the tower card is, that date night will go on past midnight and it will be steamy, too.
Instantly when I drew that card, I knew it’s him on it. The four of cups shows a young black-haired man with closed eyes, sitting under a tree. Whether he’s dozing, sulking, meditating, or ignoring what goes on around him isn’t entirely clear. To me, and for Ten, I feel like it’s more of a worn-out day he’ll experience. Not the date itself, mind you, it’s the social circumstances. He’s tired from dance practices and all those schedules. All the fan interactions and SNS to be taken care of. Lots of stuff going on in the group. Truth be told, the card says date night isn’t the best way to go about it. He wants to be in a state of full energy when being with you. That works best if he has a separate day planned. And not date night as an addition to an existing schedule. Cramming it in seems like deprioritizing his partner so he won’t easily consider even if you yourself suggest date night. He has his reasons but might not always care to elaborate which is interesting given how outspoken Ten is otherwise. Maybe he’s not keen to burden you with his stress and his main strategy is to stay indifferent to keep things at bay, he really values relaxation time — nothing against you, just virtue of his business.
Interesting and simple, beautiful card! It shows a young man juggling two pentacles inside an infinity symbol, acting as a scale. That tells me two things: a) you’ll split the bill and b) this is a long-term relationship. Random I know, but makes for interesting context. The main theme from the card is the following though. It’s gonna be a date by the sea. There are water and ships pictured. You’ll see the anchorage and freight ships, even take a trip across a river alternatively. Who knows, the River Han is a popular dating spot in Seoul, I am sure someone so fond of all things nature will gravitate towards that. Looking at the waves is like a meditative experience. I also got an idea looking at that card once more, something more small scale: A pool date, super sexy. Like, imagine that. Taeyong is just an avid swimmer in pools, we’ve seen it. A bit of refreshment, some games with a ball, a bit of accidental exercise along the way without it feeling like a chore? Sounds about right. Plus you automatically get frisky in your swimwear. He’s not afraid to show his body. Whatever it is, a body of water will be involved for sure. If it’s by the sea an not inside water: Taeyong will wear either a red or even orange suit, we’re going fashion forward tonight babey, he can pull it off.
When I drew this I was like oh nu why :/ But we gotta roll with it. It’s not a seriously scary thing or something, just a more strenous, not 100% smooth romance card. The Ten of Wands is more of an indicator that there’s an obstacle or strain involved. It might be the kind of date where Kai is clumsy, someone doesn’t make it on time, it’s a hassle to find the parking lot, and so on and so forth. Consistent bad luck I do not associate with the TEN OF WANDS, however! It’s more of a what effort you put in is what dictates the result energy. The card shows a hunched guy carrying ten huge wooden sticks toward a town in the backdrop. And you can really see it’s heavy and he’s struggling because he has to carry so much. So, it might be a scenario where like, say Kai and you get stuck in traffic before you arrive. Which, you know, can be super annoying but can easily turned into a perk if you know what to do with the extra time. Or, Kai takes up so much responsibility with planning that he gets exhausted with the rest of his work in the mix. Though remember, effort always comes back tenfold (it’s the ten of wands after all) so it might be worth it and be a wholesome evening after some initial stress. Something unrelated I picked up from the imagery is that the date will be in a castle, because that is pictured in the backdrop!
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ayellowcurtain · 5 years
hi dear! i finally read the last chapter of your fic. and I actually expected the ending will be like that aha~ *kinda proud here* but I would tell you, the ending is good already. especially when lucas turned around, ohh my heart! at least we get to know their relationship is not ending there, and what happen next will be left for us to imagine (or maybe you will write a sequel *no force*). I hope my comment does makes sense! all of all, I really enjoyed reading ur fic. thank you!
Hiii!!! 😍 thank you, thank you! I'm glad that you liked it!! That scene in the train station was one of the first ones that I wrote of FP. There might be some news about this fic coming later today ;)) thank you again for readind and taking the time to send me your thoughts ❤❤❤
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fairytaehl · 2 years
Thoughts on vol 2? Spoiler alert. Did u think there was any point to Eddie’s death?
• hated that we didnt get any canon gay will scene. i didnt necessarily want his heart broken by mike rejecting him but it wouldve been okay, altho preferably why the fuck didnt they use his talk with jonathan as the opportunity? it would not have killed them to add 2 - 3 minutes more just for that scene, and people would finally stop thinking will had a crush on eleven¿???¿¿¿? and itd be SOME justice having him come out esp bc robin already has and will is just some sad pining gay boy like... wtaf
• why did no one talk about max or eddies death. i could see how maybe steve/robin/nancy might not but mike? lucas? his band friends? lel what the actual fuck. and why were they not all depressed b4 cali crew arrived. i get all abt grief and such but two days is still very very fresh when ur friend is in a fucking coma.
• eleven using love as her strength and receiving words of love is absolutely one of the best parts of her story. for years she has been used as a machine and she doesnt have a concept of people just loving her, they all have always wanted something from her, but her mom and mike dont want anything from her. they loved just her. her journey of finding out that her powers dont have to result as a form of anger or pleasing others is an immense character growth, idc what people say. there is nothing wrong with using the love you receive to motivate you, and yes max was dying next to her, but henry literally belittled her and destroyed her hope. she deserved that type of push, shes been traumatized her whole life.
• can we stop with nancys love triangle dear god
• robin might have a girlfriend which is cool i can respect this and encourage the wlw rep
• jopper >>>>>>
• wouldve been nice if they actually raised the stakes and killed a main character even tho i want them all alive but apparently theyre gonna do that in s5 soooo... woo, i guess
and to answer your other question, i dont think eddies death was necessarily pointless, but it did not feel like his story came to any conclusion. he didnt Really seem to have done anything besides the cliché "im not running anymore" (at the worst time, mind you), and no one even mourned him? my only guess is that mike just doesnt know yet but... doubtful. duffers said in s5 eddies death will play a role so we'll see.
0 notes
hopewritcs · 7 years
dancing in the kitchen. three.
pairing: romantic steve x reader, familial dustin x reader
word count: 1.9k
summary: without giving too much away: the reader is Y/N Henderson, Dustin’s older cousin who’s staying in town, due to some family issues. takes place soon after s2.
note: here’s chapter three! i’m legit blown away by the responses y’all. ur the best!!! 
other chapters: masterlist
tag list: @stevieboyharrington, @lola-winston-harrington, @fuckthatfeeling​, @thekidsofneibolt, @labgeek, @tyedyedstars, @samisimportant (if you wanna be added to the tag list, let me know!!)
Y/N couldn’t remember the last time she laughed this hard. Whether it was Lucas and Dustin’s squabbling, or Max besting the boys, or the comments Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve would make, she was happier than she had been in a while. Just as she was about to make a comment herself, she heard Mrs. Wheeler calling from the top of the stairs. Aunt Claudia was on the phone. Y/N noticed Dustin hadn’t moved, his eyes focused on the game at hand. She giggled, ruffling his hair as she walked by him heading up the stairs. 
Y/N thanked Mrs. Wheeler before taking the phone, “Hi Aunt Claudia.” 
“Y/N, sweetie.” Her aunt began, and Y/N could already see where this was going. “I’m just about to leave Mary’s now, so I’ll be home late.” 
“That’s fine Aunt Claudia.” Y/N said, waving her hand as she spoke. “How’s the new kitten?”
“Oh, such a little darling! I took some polaroids of him to show you and Dusty!” Aunt Claudia gushed. “Well, I better get on the road or else I won’t make it before midnight. Tell Dustin I love him and I’ll see him in the morning.” 
“Of course. Drive safe, I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight, Y/N. I love you.” Claudia ended the call. 
“I love you too Aunt Claudia.” Y/N smiled softly to herself before hanging up the phone. The girl bounded back downstairs and grabbed Dustin’s face, pressing a big kiss to his cheek. 
As the group around him laughed, Dustin turned to Y/N, “What was that for?”
“Your mom says she loves you and she’ll see you in the morning.” Y/N said, ruffling his curly hair and taking a seat on the couch next to Nancy once again. 
Dustin nodded, but he seemed to easily slip right back into the game he’d been playing with his friends. 
Y/N could remember when all the boys did was play outside and she’d chase after them. She spent so much time with her cousin in Hawkins that it had almost felt like home for the longest time. And it almost was. At least, that’s what she wanted. Hawkins had always felt more like home than wherever her parents had moved them--Los Angeles, Chicago, Las Vegas, Houston, San Fransisco, New York. Y/N had hated moving around, she wanted the stability of having a home. Not going where the wind blew them. Or, where the biggest paycheck for her father would be coming from. 
Y/N had counted days in her calendar until she’d be visiting her Aunt and cousin in Hawkins, always the first one up in the morning on the days they’d be leaving to visit, and the last one to go to sleep whenever they’d leave the town behind. She’d once pleaded with her parents to let her stay with her Aunt Claudia and Dustin too. But they hadn’t budged and continued to drag Y/N around with them wherever they went. 
Y/N’s father was a big time corporate lawyer and went wherever the money was best, which is why they continued to move around so much in her childhood. Her mother was a stay at home mom, the socialite type who would help plan galas and such in whichever city they were living in at the time. Y/N hardly saw either of her parents, but she hadn’t minded that in the least. She liked the quiet. Especially lately, when it seemed as though whenever both her parents were home there was a screaming match or something being thrown against a wall. That’s why they’d gone away. But Y/N wasn’t sure they’d come back--at least not together. 
There were other reasons why Y/N had been invited to stay in Hawkins with her Aunt Claudia and cousin Dustin, but she wasn’t ready to think about those yet--let alone say them out loud. She’d overheard her mother telling Claudia about it, “Y/N’s had a...rough year. She hit a bit of a...bump in the road. No, Claudia, she’s fine. She just...you need to watch her, okay?” Y/N had walked away from the doorway after hearing that. She didn’t want to think about what her mother had told her Aunt Claudia, or how she had told her. She didn’t want to think about what it was her Aunt thought of her now. 
Y/N was brought out of her thoughts when the doorbell upstairs rang. She could hear muffled chit chatting and her eyes glanced around the room. 
Max glanced up from the table in search of a clock. “Shit, is that the time?” she asked, standing up and putting as much distance away from her friends at the moment as she could. She gathered her skateboard and put on her jacket just in time for the basement door to open. 
“Maxine, dear, your brother’s hear to take you home.” Mrs. Wheeler announced. “Go on down, Billy. They’re all in the basement.” 
“Thanks Mrs. Wheeler.” a voice Y/N didn’t know replied, and then she heard footsteps descending the staircase. The door behind Billy closed, leaving the teens alone in the basement. When Billy reached the bottom of the stairs, Y/N looked between him and Max. They didn’t look related. 
Nancy seemed to answer her question, as she leaned in and whispered, “They’re step-siblings.” Y/N nodded, understanding. 
“Grab your shit and lets get out of here, Max.” Billy ordered, his voice sounding different than when he’d been speaking with Mrs. Wheeler a minute ago. He wore a dangling earring from one ear, and his shirt was only buttoned with the bottom few buttons, that Y/N could only roll her eyes at. “I’m not getting any younger, Max.” Billy groaned impatiently as Max started saying goodbye to everyone individually. Y/N guessed it was to avoid being with her step-brother for as long as she could. 
“It was nice to meet you, Y/N.” Max smiled, as she walked to her. Y/N had noticed that as the night went on, the redhead got more and more comfortable with her presence in the room, even asking her a couple of questions too. It had only made Y/N smile at the time, glad the young girl seemed to warm up to her. 
“You too, Max!” Y/N smiled, pulling the redhead in for a hug. It seemed to surprise her for a minute, before she wrapped her arms around Y/N in return. Billy caught this interaction and for the first time saw the new girl sitting on the couch. 
“Bye everyone. I’ll see you at school on Monday.” Max started to head for the door when she noticed Billy hadn’t moved so she stopped and turned back around, looking at her step-brother annoyed. 
“Who’s the new girl? Shouldn’t you introduce me to your new friend, Max?” Billy asked, walking over to where Y/N sat on the couch and looking at her. Y/N turned her attention elsewhere. “Y/N, huh? I’m Billy. When you get bored with these losers, call me.” Billy said to her, a smirk across his face. 
“Don’t hold your breath.” Y/N scoffed under her breath as she watched Billy lead Max out of the basement door. 
It seemed quieter once the door slammed shut behind the first pair to leave. And after a moment, the kids turned around. All of them saying they couldn’t--shouldn’t--continue without Max. They called it a night and all filed upstairs. Nancy walked Jonathan outside, Y/N expected to say a goodbye out there, away from the prying eyes and ears of everyone else. 
“It’s really good to see you again, Y/N.” Will said, suddenly by her side. 
Y/N pulled the boy into a hug. “It’s good to see you too, Will. I missed all you little nerds.” Y/N laughed. “Tell your mom I said hi.” 
Will nodded, waving a final goodbye to everyone as he walked out the door. 
As if on cue, the front door opened again, and a man walked in in a police uniform. Y/N looked confused, or maybe curious, at the new edition in the room. She didn’t really think she recognized him. 
“Come on, Jane. Let’s go home.” Hopper said, making his presence known. 
The short haired girl nodded, grabbing her jacket from Mike’s hands, a soft, “Bye Mike.” was spoken as she walked over to the officer, a smile on her face.
“It was nice to meet you, Jane.” Y/N said, a bright smile across her features as she watched the girl get ready to leave the Wheeler house. She turned around and waved a final goodbye to everyone in the room before heading out, holding onto the hand of the man Y/N assumed was her father.
Dustin was gathering his stuff, getting ready to go home, while Y/N looked over at Lucas, “Do you need a ride home Lucas?” she asked. 
“I have my bike.” Lucas replied, shrugging his shoulders. He’d biked home from the Wheeler house so many times that he knew the road by heart. Besides, he’d biked in way worse conditions than the dark night outside. 
“Oh no, you’re not.” Y/N said, putting her foot down. “It’s too dark outside. What if you got lost or hurt?” she shook her head, crossing her arms at the boy. “Steve will drive you home.” she offered. 
Lucas turned his attention to Steve, who was standing over by Y/N with a confused look on his face. 
“I will?” he asked at the same time Lucas said, “He will?” 
Y/N nodded. “You’re house is on the way to Dustin’s. It shouldn’t be a problem. Unless Steve isn’t giving us a ride home.” Y/N paused, turning toward Steve. She realized she hadn’t actually asked him what his plans were for the night. Maybe he wasn’t planning on driving the pair home, he might have had something to do after the game was over for the night. 
“What? No, I’m giving you guys a ride home.” Steve said, shaking his head after a moment of thought. 
“Shotgun!” Dustin called, running out of the house with a wave to Mike. 
“Don’t care!” Lucas rolled his eyes as he called back, turning to say goodbye to Mike before chasing outside after Dustin. 
“It was really good seeing you Mrs. Wheeler.” Y/N said, giving the woman a hug as she looked for her jacket. 
“It’s wonderful to see you too, Y/N. I’m sure we’ll be seeing you around a lot more.” the woman smiled at her, waving goodbye as she went upstairs to her bedroom. 
“Night Y/N.” Nancy said, giving Y/N such a tight hug that Y/N coughed. 
“Nancy, I’m going a few streets over. It’s not that far.” Y/N giggled at her friend’s reaction, but a smile was spread across her face still. “I promise, I’ll give you a warning before I have to leave.” Y/N said, scrunching her nose with a wink to her friend. Then she turned to Mike, “Night Mikey.” Y/N smiled with a wave as she bounced out of the house and down the driveway to where Steve parked the car. 
Dustin and Lucas both stood outside the car, holding onto their bikes and waiting for Steve to help them load them into the trunk. Coming up behind her, Steve unlocked the car for the younger boys, opening the passenger side door as he walked passed it to make sure the bikes both fit into the trunk. 
Y/N slid into the car, closing the door behind her and buckling up, ready to get a move on. 
There was a knock at her window and Y/N turned to see Dustin standing there. “Y/N! I called shotgun! No fair!” Dustin whined. 
As Y/N replied sticking her tongue out at her younger cousin, Steve closed the trunk and said, “You’re in the backseat, Dustin. Live with it.” 
“So, you like her better than me. How is that possible? You just met her.” Dustin complained, mostly to himself, as he climbed into the backseat sitting next to Lucas. 
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albatris · 7 years
in ATDAO, there are a lot of things the reader needs to know about Ports, and the apocalypse, and the multiverse, and what kinds of things happen when you screw around with them. That information is scattered throughout the story as not to be overwhelming.
here is a post that is essentially me screaming for literally an hour about all of that plus more in an incredibly overwhelming manner that still manages to make no sense at all
it’s wordy and unedited and mostly just so I can get things straight in my own head, but if you’re interested in What’s What In ATDAO, you’re welcome to come along for the ride I guess. just give that ominous readmore a click and good luck my dude
in reality this should be like three separate posts but go hard or go home am i right
so my brain recently decided to give me a lot of New Ideas for ATDAO in the space of like three minutes so forgive me if this is jumbled
I had a lot of really exciting ideas about the unreality and how Lucas Lucas managed to get swallowed by it in the first place, but for context I wanted to talk a bit about some ATDAO/multiverse-in-general worldbuilding ‘cause I haven’t talked about it in detail before, it’s a LOT of junk in one hit I’m so sorry
So first of all, the multiverse, that’s essentially a bunch of universes that exist in the same space but on different “layers” of reality, like you would have layers in a photoshop document. I have stories set across these various universes, each one is its own contained universe but functions as a part of the bigger multiverse. There are naturally occurring “cracks” between layers of reality that allow some flow of energy between universes in its own little multidimensional ecosystem thing… they’re necessary cracks, they keep things flowing as things should flow, life, death, rebirth, recycle, whatever
The ATDAO universe refers to them as Ports (short for portal, but like, it’s also sneakily referencing the idea of USB ports, as in “plugging something in and introducing something from somewhere else”), so I will also be referring to them Ports. so Ports can take pretty much any form, it’s entirely random, they just crop the fuck up wherever they want. It can be a person, a place, an object, (an idea?), whatever. All it means is that person/place/object, that’s now home to a kind of split where the boundary between one universe and the next is a little weaker, where one universe overlaps/bleeds into another, where energy can easily flow through. I would explain in more detail but it’s not relevant right now. All u need to know is that Ports are chill, Ports are normal, and nine times out of ten they’re entirely harmless
the ATDAO universe is old and tired and falling apart because sometimes things grow old and tired and start falling apart. So suddenly there are a lot more “cracks” in its reality, and those cracks make more cracks, as cracks do under pressure, and the ATDAO universe is under a fair bit of pressure. And where there are a lot of Ports, there’s a lot of energy flowing through from other universes. Some of that energy is from universes where reality operates differently (eg, the Kaleide universe’s magic system).The ATDAO universe receives this energy and is like “excuse me what the fuck am I meant to do with this nonsense code” because it’s not equipped to translate that to its own reality
but that energy’s gotta go somewhere so it kinda just does whatever the heck it wants, which is how your Weird Phenomena starts
(like of course, the ATDAO universe always had Ports even before it started dying, so sometimes bits of weird energy it couldn’t translate would come through, but people don’t think much of it, you know? Like, there’s weird inexplicable phenomena that goes on in our reality that we can’t explain. You’re just like “welp that’s horrifying” and you move on. It’s not till weird shit starts happening everywhere all the time, not till there are entire towns where time flows backwards and your porch seat is singing to you in a foreign language, that you start thinking “oh hey maybe the endtimes are upon us”
so that’s what’s going down in the ATDAO universe, the endtimes are upon them
(the idea is that eventually there would be so many Ports and so much overlap with other universes that the ATDAO universe would simply cease to exist, and would just become amalgamated into other universes, but humans are stubborn jerks and have no time for apocalypses thank u very much)
and then there’s Phoenix, which is a whole other kettle of fish that belongs in another post…. like no one wants to frigging go work for Phoenix, dear god, that’s pretty much sentencing yourself to Sims game levels of horror. If you work at Phoenix and spend so much time around Ports, chances are you’re gonna die and it’s not gonna be, like… a normal death… all the exits might disappear from a room and your phone won’t turn on to call for help, you open your phone up and the battery’s a fish and ur like “well shit”. Or you might be like “hey guys I found the Port” and then realise none of your coworkers can see or hear you, you’re not actually there anymore. You might walk into a house for 2 minutes and come back out three years later. it’s messed up. 
So Phoenix will take literally whoever they can get, which is usually people who don’t want to be there but don’t have a choice, for whatever reason, I could go on, but I don’t want to talk about Phoenix, I want to talk about Ports and universes and Lucas
everything’s already weird, but can get much much weirder when you start messing round with Ports and the ways universes overlap. For instance, Tris and Kai bring that ceiling fan you always hear me talking about into the unreality, and like… I mean…?? The ceiling fan is a Port, so it’s an object that’s an overlap between ATDAO’s universe and another one, and they go and haul that overlap of two universes into an entire other universe like it’s nbd because they’re idiots
that causes a lot of stuff to happen that I’m not gonna explain here because it’s not that relevant, like as it turns out it’s the only reason they’re able to make it out of that whole escapade alive, blah blah blah, I really just said that to give you a sense of the sorts of fuckery you can pull with universes and such
brings us to Lucas Lucas, and how he gets swallowed by the unreality in the first place, which is what I’m really excited to have figured out because it opens up a lot of opportunities to explore the mechanics of Ports in-story and!! I’m really keen!! because I put a lot of thought into it all and it’s fun
the whole thing is just ridiculous and statistically improbable so I love it of course. I love ridiculous statistically improbable happenings to get characters into stupid stupid situations, and then when they have to get out of those situations, statistic improbability is just like “oh….. sorry…… suddenly I’m busy….. have a hair appointment to get to….. good luck in there….”
So imagine, if you will, that in your car somewhere is a Port, maybe an empty soda can, it doesn’t matter. And imagine, by sheer ridiculous chance, that there’s another car that’s got a Port, maybe a headlight or something. And now imagine, by sheer goddamn ridiculous statistic improbability, that in some freak accident your car and this other car just friggin plough into each other and it’s terrible, it’s real bad
if those are two normal cars, that’s done and done, but this is Awful Statistic Improbability here, so what happens in this scenario is… well, basically that’s three overlapping universes that’ve just smashed into each other. The ATDAO universe, the universe that’s overlapping with your Port, and the universe that’s overlapping with the other guy’s Port. collide. full force. bam
and maybe this impact explodes out a little, maybe these overlapping universes colliding with more overlapping universes is this explosion of weird fuckin energy with nowhere to go, and they all overlap and where they overlap there’s a space that is forced into existence very brutally and very suddenly, where all three of these universes tangle into each other, and out of nowhere where there was a Nothing there is now a Something, albeit very briefly
and if you, a tiny innocent human person, happened to be caught in the middle of that instant where three universes slammed into each other and created a Something
ur probably dead, but what’s one more statistical improbability right
instead, you’re just gone. Police and ambos rock up to the scene and there’s just no one there. Cars are a mangled wreck but there’s literally no bodies. Everyone’s like “no one could have survived that, but no one can die so hard they just stop existing, right?? That’s not a thing, right??” Bits of the car are missing. Important bits, bits it needs to drive. How can u crash a car that can’t drive. But they’re just not there
and meanwhile Lucas has been caught in this Space In Between (and presumably whoever else was involved is also there?), and he’s messed up about it. Thinks he’s dead. Thinks he’s in hell. There’s a bunch of car junk that got trapped in there with him, the place is super twisted and weird and glitchy and he’s freaked out, it’s essentially three separate realities in a blender going nnrrrrrrrrrrr at full speed
and that space is not stable at all, it’s literally just an explosion of energy that shoved a bunch of universes into each other and created this momentary overlap hellscape thing. When that energy dies down and those universes begin to unravel from each other, the Something starts to collapse into a Nothing again
like if you had a sheet of red cellophane and a sheet of yellow and you slid them over the top of each other they’re orange, but then when you unslide them the orange isn’t there anymore, like that, except with universes, and with someone stuck in limbo in the middle of it all who’s got no way of getting back to into their own universe before the universe they’re in disintegrates
so then it’s not just Lucas freaking out in a hellportal, it’s Lucas freaking out in a half-formed almost-dimension that’s collapsing all over the place, just folding in on itself and returning to nothing because it’s not supposed to exist
and there u have it
literally the only reason I wanted to share this was because I thought about the conversations that would happen around the car crash scene and laughed because like
“sir he’s gone”
“he’s dead?”
“no sir he’s just gone”
“what do you mean?”
“he’s just not there. he took the steering wheel and engine with him“
“carol what the fuck”
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