#dear wyrmwood
sailforvalinor · 4 months
Out of context spoilers for @o-lei-o-lai-o-lord’s Dear Wyrmwood: A Year Apart:
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accidental-spice · 7 months
Hi! If you’re still doing moodboards, and if this isn’t weird to ask, could I have one for my OC Rory? 😅
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Not weird at all!!! I hope this looks okay, accuracy-wise, that is
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kanerallels · 10 months
Mmkay I finished the little story-let that my brain would NOT let me stop until I wrote now I can go do the other fun things I've been looking forward to!
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victoria-vd · 4 days
The Calm
// tw: panic attack, injury, claustrophobia, physical abuse, discussions of missing children
To say that Victoria was on edge this afternoon would be the understatement of the millennium. 
The once comforting quiet of her dorm had fallen to a tense silence during the past week— as if the room itself held its breath for fear of being lashed out at by the girl that occupied it. The shadows cast by the flickering lanterns trembled in fear, and the curtains sat eerily still.
And yet despite the dim quiet of the room, it was all still too much for her. The air conditioning roared in her ears, the dancing shadows were visually overwhelming, and the soreness in her chest ached horribly. Lying in her bed did little to alleviate the pain from the bruises that littered her torso— putting pressure on her back only seemed to make her feel worse. But she hardly had the energy to sit or stand either, let alone walk and go about her school day as if nothing was wrong.
Just thinking about all the work that will have to be done to make up for her frequent absences…
The past week had been an absolute nightmare for Victoria both physically and mentally. 
She cast a glare at the Hatterene beside her bed. The mere sound of Barcelona’s breathing sent a wave of vexation through her. But she very well couldn’t tell her to simply stop breathing. Many would consider that rude. And her mother’s Hatterene was the last Pokémon she’d want to be rude towards.
The Pokémon in question spared a glance at the girl in the bed, flicking her tendril of hair from side to side like the tail of a cat. A warning. A silent command for Victoria to calm herself by any means necessary. Suppression of the self.
They both remember what happened the last time everything had been “too much”…
Victoria broke her gaze from Barcelona, turning away in the bed to face the wall. She squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to block it all out. The lights. The sounds. The thoughts— both hers and everyone else’s.
Her powers were both a blessing and a curse. 
The young heiress felt a sudden warmth sneaking under her arm. She glanced down to find her Espurr forcing her way into her grasp, curling up beside her in the covers and nuzzling her head into her chest.
Victoria watched the little cat press itself against her. The Espurr had been a parting gift from the Wyrmwoods— dear family friends— shortly before she left for Naranja-Uva Academy that summer. They’d treated her like a second daughter.
A replacement for the daughter they’d lost: her best friend, Estelle Wyrmwood. 
… Has it really been seven years? 
The thought had sent Victoria into a spiral. She curled into herself, a lump tight in her throat. The time had flown by all too quickly and yet agonizingly slow all at once— she was acutely aware of the passage of time in her absence, and yet she was caught unawares by the realization of just how much time had passed. Soon, the years without Estelle will surpass the years with. 
(Across the room on the top shelf, the glass display case suddenly cracked.
Barcelona perked up at the sound, directing her attention to the girl beside her.)
But regardless of the presence or absence of Estelle in her life, her life has been defined by her only friend. 
…Well… that’s not exactly true, was it?
Wasn’t Esper also her friend? 
That question had plagued Victoria every day for the past month. What was Esper to her? The answer was complicated. She granted Esper luxuries that she’d bestowed to very few in her lifetime: her extended presence, a first name basis, the permission to use not just any nickname, but that nickname. There was a level of comfort she had with the girl that she found rare amongst individuals her age. She’d outright called Esper a friend of hers to the girls in the elevator. 
By all accounts, Esper fit the criteria of a friend. 
And yet Victoria hesitated to label her as such in her own mind. 
It felt like a betrayal to Estelle. 
Victoria turned her face into her pillow and choked out a quiet sob. Every heave of her chest sent a wave of pain through her torso. Her bruised ribs screamed at her to stop, but with just one moment of weakness, the entire dam had begun to crack under the weight of seven years of repressed emotions.
(The crack on the glass expanded, threatening to shatter at any moment. The flatscreen TV flickered to life for a moment before it too cracked under a sudden, invisible force.
No, not the screen. The whole TV.
The Hatterene whirled around to Victoria to place a handlike tendril on her shoulder, attempting to shake the girl out of the emotional spiral she’d put herself in.)
The young heiress hugged Esperanza to her chest, letting warm tears crawl down her cheeks. Esperanza; the subtle nod to Esper’s namesake had not gone unnoticed by her. Had she actually picked a name that fit her Pokémon? Or had she named the Wyrmwood Espurr after her in a poor attempt to fill a seven year long void?
Was she using Esper as a replacement for Estelle?
(The glass casing shattered into a million tiny shards that floated into the air. Loose objects scattered about the room levitated themselves from where they lie. A sudden pressure began to build within the dorm, like an invisible force was squeezing the outer edges of your skull, threatening to crush your brain matter between its palms.
Victoria was a ticking time bomb seconds away from exploding. 
Barcelona needed to act now.
She quickly snaked the tendril of hair around the girl’s torso and pulled her out of the bed—)
Victoria was suddenly ripped from the comfort of her bedsheets. Esperanza flew from her grip and was accidentally thrown to the floor. For a brief moment, panic surged throughout the girl’s entire body.
(The Hatterene pulled Victoria into the confines of her hair, encasing her in the cocoon of psychic-imbued strands that enshrouded her body.
When the risk of a psychic outburst was too great, the best solution was to suppress the psionic energy and block it from being expelled by the source.
To choke it out until it passes.)
Victoria tried to thrash about and kick her legs wildly, but hair slithered up every limb to restrain her, leaving no gap for her psychic energy to escape. The bruises on her torso became increasingly apparent under the constriction of Barcelona’s hair. 
(The floating objects trembled in the air. The cracked TV crumpled into itself under the room’s pressure. The bathroom door flung open with enough force to knock it halfway off its hinges.)
Barcelona frowned at the state of the room. Hm. It seemed this outburst was particularly powerful. This could prove to be an issue…
Glancing to the nightstand where Victoria’s Pokeballs lie, she levitated them into the air and released the Pokémon from within.
Matador and Maria were quick to appear before her.
The Hatterene barked orders at the two Pokémon, directing them to assist in restricting Victoria’s psychic outburst to the confines of the room. They needed to act now before—)
A loud wail suddenly erupted from the other side of the room, briefly distracting the other three Pokémon to find the source of the noise.
Esperanza had started crying.
Which wasn’t a big deal.
The bigger issue was that this was enough of a distraction for Victoria to thrash her way out of her psychic prison.
And all Hell broke loose.
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Blodeuwedd [Welsh WIP @bookdragon1811]
she was created out of flowers and has been trying to figure out how to feel grief for hundreds of years. human sacrifice and welsh curses may or may not be why she exists! she likes birds and is currently a forest
Brat [Dear Wyrmwood: The Treasure of Wyrmvale @o-lei-o-lai-o-lord]
Corli’s beloved pet and Aurora’s beloathed nemesis, Brat is a tiny gargoyle with an attitude the size of a dragon. When he’s not busy terrorizing Aurora with pranks, he’s usually fetching things Corli has misplaced, hunting for shinies, or serving as emotional support, a mouser, or a guard gargoyle- a Guardgoyle, if you will. His favorite things are Corli, bread, the cozy red sweater Corli knitted for him, shiny things, and vengeance.
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stormfet · 1 year
time to listen to dear wyrmwood. again.
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flickeringflame216 · 11 months
Mutual bingo, please?
*salutes* your wish is my command
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I'm folding Dear Wyrmwood up and monching it like a pierogi :^)
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thatoneawkwardhorse · 2 years
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I fell for the inventors daughter<3
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So do you listen to Dear Wyrmwood by The Oh Hellos and immediately relate it to all of your repressed emotions and issues, possibly to an unhealthy amount, or are you, like, normal?
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If the Wyrmwood isn't for drinking or swimming, then what is it for? What do you do with it?
I brew new diseases in it, dear. You're all swimming in and drinking unstable diseases.
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sailforvalinor · 1 year
@o-lei-o-lai-o-lord is writing this absolutely wonderful story called “Dear Wyrmwood” (you should read it!! It’s great!!) and this incorrect quote just randomly popped into my head:
*playing some in-world equivalent of Scrabble*
Fletcher: “I will put my ‘A’ down to make ‘A’.”
Will: “I will add onto to your ‘A’ to make ‘AT’.”
Vos: “I will add onto your ‘AT’ to make ‘RAT’.”
Rory: “I will add onto your ‘RAT’ to make ‘BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC’.”
Fletcher: *flips the board*
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accidental-spice · 11 months
Trick or treat!
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Here ya go!!
Happy Halloween!!
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kanerallels · 9 months
For the song ask: “You Matter To Me” covered by Evynne and Peter Hollens
Oh that was a beautiful song!! So sweet and it had this simple beauty to it. Also it just got added to my Kyvis playlist (aka the duo that is SO HARD to pick songs for) so THAT'S amazing
For you, "Unpack Your Heart" by Phillip Phillips, because it has a Corli/ Dear Wyrmwood in general sort of vibe, and I also love it
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dicesthetics · 7 years
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My full collection. A blue blood scarab set that looks more red, a blue/black Gemini extended set that was my first, a smoke borealis that was a gift from a dear dear friend and my second set, and the blue nebula. All between my wyrmwood vault and the box it came in.
oh blue blood scarab is one of my FAVORITES! these are all super cool!!! 
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thatoneawkwardhorse · 3 years
• Hi I’m Socks or Kitty! 19yr old Non-Binary Asexual lesbian (They/Xe/he/she)
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• probably on a horse somewhere
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• ND! Please ask me abt horses (especially mine ❤️) , Deadpool & Wolverine, Godzilla, The Mandela Catalogues, RDR2/RDO, God of War, and SSO
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• I don’t tolerate racists, homophobes, misogynists, proshippers, or weirdos on my blog
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• Main tags I use are in the tags below !
(My AU tags are as follows -
#TOAH 7 deadly sins - 7 deadly sins as horses
#dear Wyrmwood AU - a DSMP medieval fiction AU - on hold ATM
#Tap a miracle - I post about my horse LMAO)
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thatoneawkwardhorse · 3 years
DWW!Tubbo is gonna see DWW!Ranboo for the first time and think “damn this guy probably has no idea how to snuggle I’m gonna have to show him.”
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