#decampment delusion
symliadoo · 1 year
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if you remember this sweater you deserve a veterans discount
(belated decampment anniversary doodle)
[id: a blue doodle of my oc, elliot. he is posign with his hand on his hip, snickering, and looking to the bottom right. '8 years' is written next to him. end id.]
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The Surprising Strength of Brazil’s Democracy
Seeming similarities between the attack on the presidential palace in Brasilia and the US Capitol abound. But Brazilian democracy has proved more resilient.
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From the angry mob’s chants about a stolen election to the physical desecration of edifices of democracy to a shaken national political class trying to make sense of how things descended into political violence, seeming parallels between the violent attack on the Brazilian Presidential Palace and the Supreme Court and Congress buildings by supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro this January 8 and the insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, abound. But appearances can be deceiving. Unlike January 6—which delayed the peaceful transfer of power in the United States for the first time in the country’s history—nothing of substance was interrupted in Brazil. The rioting in Brasília unfolded after the inauguration of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva had taken place, on January 1. The rioters stormed empty public buildings in Brasília, as Brazilian politicians enjoyed the weekend elsewhere. As for Bolsonaro, the so-called Trump of the Tropics, he had already decamped for Florida.
More important, there is no Brazilian equivalent to “Stop the Steal,” the movement that powered January 6. Devoted to undermining the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s election, the movement enjoys widespread support within the Republican Party and among conservative media outlets. At least 150 election deniers were elected to the House of Representatives in the 2022 midterms, an increase over the 139 Republicans who voted against the certification of electoral votes on January 6, 2021. By contrast, election deniers in Brazil appear to lack political patrons. No major Brazilian politician is on record as denying that Lula won fair and square, and a reported 92 percent of Brazilians rejected the attacks. Indeed, the most prominent voices questioning the Brazilian elections are in the United States, including former Trump adviser Steven Bannon. Even though political violence driven by conspiracy theories and mass delusion about a stolen election will forever unite the Trump and Bolsonaro administrations, Brazilian democracy fared better than American democracy under a president who was hell-bent on undermining the institutions and norms that he was elected to protect. There’s much irony in this turn of events, since Brazilian democracy only dates to 1988.
Continue reading.
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kindlecorner · 5 years
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new icon for decampment!! time for a less edgy one.
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decampmentcomic · 6 years
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I forgot I haven't updated on Tumblr on a long time.
Episode 5 is up! Episode 6 should be out Friday.
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symliadoo-archive · 6 years
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“I don’t care what your academy told you, I’m your superior, and as much as I hate it, your partner. Get your head out of your ass and follow my lead.”
“No offense Price, but you have to be the most full of himself wild card I have ever seen.”
back when these bois first met, when they used to work at the same precinct and all that
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marjorierose · 4 years
Hey do you want to browse perfumes with me and imagine some smells that are also based on imaginary premises? Great:
NOTES: Danish Spruce Eucalyptus Vetiver Calone Ambergris Baltic Sea Mist
SYNOPSIS: When Stina, a burgeoning writer, decamps to her mother’s summer house for the winter to write a book, her trip overlaps for one day (and one steamy night) with a brawny fisherman named Ulv. While she struggles to gain traction with her novel, her fixation on the mysterious seafarer results in countless unsent letters, the contents of which chronicle the spiraling psyche of lust and longing. Set on the desolate west coast of Denmark during the tourist off-season, Every Storm a Serenade is a meditative masterwork that will lull you with its well-designed sentences and intimate tone.
It's possible I would rather read this book than smell this perfume, but only the perfume exists.
NOTES: Talc Lavender Absolute Black Pepper Teak Amyris Vanilla Powder Fresh Linens
SYNOPSIS: Separated when they were nineteen but forever tethered to hope, two Argentinian lovers, manage to stay in touch even as the world pulls them further and further apart. Persuasive messages, some of which take months to reach their recipient, dramatically alter the course of each of their lives but the time that passes between communications has a way of unraveling even the best-laid plans. Aboard a transatlantic flight many years later, the two are serendipitously united but the repercussions of this much-anticipated convergence could have global consequences.
This sounds pulpy, but the fragrance has so many clean-laundry elements that maybe it would be refreshing.
NOTES: Natural Cambodian Oud Cantaloupe Cedarwood Muskdana Honey Salvaged Shipwreck
SYNOPSIS: When the long hours Azzam Issa pulls at his family’s bakery begin to interfere with his day-job as a security guard at The Louvre, things turn bizarre. Angelic creatures move from one painting to the next and statues speak to him in cryptic whispers. The delusions are a nuisance and the few hours of sleep he is afforded between jobs are no better; dominated by visits from ancient mariners and supernatural figures from worlds past. It isn’t until he begins to listen to these apparitions that he becomes truly unhinged. In the frantic search for the true identities of these lost souls, Azzam discovers something far more remarkable, his own.
Please take a moment to appreciate how "salvaged shipwreck" is not the name of this scent, it's just listed as one of the fragrance notes in it. Also the phrase "the delusions are a nuisance."
There are a bunch more, and if this perfumer opened a small press I'd be here for it.
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nickyfantastic · 4 years
On the lessons of Goldwater for Reagan
Many contingent factors—Rockefeller’s divorce, Scranton’s indecisiveness, Nixon’s 1962 gubernatorial defeat, Lodge’s late start, etc.—contributed to Goldwater’s stunning upset of the Eastern Establishment at the 1964 convention, but the decisive element was undoubtedly the superior organization of the Goldwater camp. Whereas Taft’s old guard was still fundamentally a network of courthouse cliques, the Goldwaterites were a cadre of middle-class, mostly college-educated, activists with a transcendent commitment to a right-wing ideology and political agenda rather than to the Republican Party per se. They were also a financially independent movement, succeeding in the supposedly impossible feat of mounting a national campaign against the Democrats without support from the Eastern Establishment (most of whom decamped towards Lyndon Johnson). As we shall see, the great postwar boom—particularly the disproportionate share of military spending received by the South and West—raised new centers of financial power in Los Angeles, Houston and Denver; and Goldwater was bankrolled by many of the same ‘angels’ who would later elevate Reagan. More innovatively, Goldwater ‘was the first major political candidate for whom supporters conducted a large-scale campaign to solicit political contributions through the mails.’ The extensive mailing lists that William S. Warner collected for Goldwater were a revolutionary step forward in emancipating the right from dependence on the Eastern Establishment and in providing the resources for it to survive and grow as a network of institutionalized single-issue movements and multipurpose umbrella groups. The organizational originality of the Goldwater effort, and its radical departure from Republican tradition, is vividly revealed by a comparison of its financial base with that of Eisenhower’s 1952 campaign.
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Goldwater’s grand design in 1964 combined two ambitious schemas; the ‘Southern strategy’ and the ‘hidden Republican majority’. The first assumed that the growth of massive white resistance to the civil rights movement since 1954 had opened a huge potential breach for right-wing Republicans in the formerly ‘solid South’; while the second argued that the GOP had lost thirteen percent of its voters since 1940 because, in nominating moderates, it had failed to offer a real alternative to an alleged ‘silent majority’ of conservative voters. The testing of these assumptions in the heat of battle produced traumatic lessons which became codified in subsequent right-wing campaigns. The ‘Southern strategy’ was a qualified success to the extent that five of Goldwater’s meager six victories were in states of the Deep South (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina). The ‘hidden Republican majority’, on the other hand, proved to be a deadly delusion, as Goldwater’s doctrinal fidelity to conservative ideology (for example, in Appalachia, he condemned anti-poverty measures, in Florida he attacked medical aid for the elderly, and so on) alienated millions who had voted for Nixon in 1960, giving Johnson the largest plurality in history. At the time, many liberals and establishment Republicans believed that the New Right had been effectively annihilated as a serious political force; in fact, the organizational apparatus survived intact, and thousands of conservative activists learned salutary lessons which they would apply in the campaigns of the seventies. First, 1964 demonstrated the suicidal folly of attacking vastly popular New Deal reforms, like Social Security or the TVA, which benefited the middle classes quite as much as the working classes. Secondly, the abrupt practical refutation of the latent majority thesis sharpened the focus around the problem of winning over elements of the Democratic coalition and encouraged many conservatives to concentrate on bipartisan single-issue campaigns with a rightist dynamic, rather than on frontal ideological clashes.
Mike Davis, Prisoners of the American Dream  
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lhs3020b · 5 years
Boris And the Baddest of Bad Weeks
I promised an expanded entry on what’s going on at the moment in our national meltdown, so here it is...
Allow me, if I may, to walk back an earlier comment of mine. Some time ago, I was distinctly skeptical about the idea of an early general election. However, the situation has evolved. You see, there was one thing I didn't count on. I never imagined that Boris Johnson would be stupid enough to force nearly two dozen of his MPs out of his party.
That's right: I over-estimated his intelligence. Umm, whoops.
In my defence, what he did may well have been the single most utterly-stupidly self-defeating maneuver ever in British politics. The only sense I can make from it is that he's having a narcisistic breakdown. Actually, viewed in that very narrow light, perhaps it does make a little sense. If you've ever had the misfortune to have a narcissist in your life, you'll be aware that the thing they just can't cope with is any sort of rejection. The "no"-word tends to summon a meltdown - and of course BoJo faced a pretty major series of "nopes" from Parliament this week.
The other thing I didn't count on was that apparently yes, there actually are some things that some Tory MPs just won't do, even if the consequences of Not Doing The Thing runs to damaging their personal careers. This did come as a surprise to me - I'd assumed that blind partisanship and the desire for salaries would ultimately trump - or perhaps, Trump - all other concerns. But no, credit where it's due, it turns out that for at least 21 of them, there was a floor on the greed after all. Admittedly it's taken us three years of accelerating chaos to find it, but it was there.
The next factor that I didn't count on was that the opposition parties got their act together. Bluntly, there was no hint of this over the summer. The speed with which it happened has left me a little dazed. The earlier failure to call a Vote of No Confidence, the weird shenanigens over ludicrous Governments-of-National-Unity, the generalised infighting and chronic myopia ... just two weeks ago, it was not looking good. I was basically starting to quietly accept that we on the pro-Remain side were finally defeated, and worst of all, we'd been defeated mainly by our own allies.
Then the prorogue happened.
It's fair to say that it's already backfired. The obvious cynicism of the strategy, the naked contempt for all the institutions of British government, the sheer gall of it all - it was meant to energise the pro-Brexit crowd. Instead, it appears to have driven everyone on the soft-Brexit/pro-Remain aisle into a state of thermonuclear rage. And if there's one thing that can bring unlikely allies together, it's a common enemy. By pursuing his grandiose "oh look at me being so Brexity!" cock-strutting routine, Boris accidentally made himself into exactly that enemy.
The other factor was that the prorogue has imposed a sharp time-limit. Consequently, Continuity!Remain just doesn't have the luxury of descending into factional infighting. The deep irony is that putting us on a tight deadline has actually helped us. It's imposed a focus that just wasn't there even 10 days ago.
Meanwhile, as for the wider country, well, Boris's walk-about up north yesterday seems to have been a complete disaster. Random people were basically coming up to him to tell him that it had all gone wrong. Then there was that bizarre speech he gave in front of a captive audience of police recruits. It was just weird - proper delusion territory, and entirely-incoherent. I'd like to compare it to Trump, but at least Trump can manage a consistent theme. Johnson was just rambling. There was nothing there, except possibly a desperate plea for attention. A lot of the political journalists I follow are openly-speculating about whether BoJo was on drugs during the speech.
(And wouldn't that be the ultimate post-2016 banter-timeline twist? If the Prime Minister - the Prime Minister! - got busted for snorting crack?)
Meanwhile, BoJo's narc-meltdown has accidentally undone Theresa May's one significant achievement.
Contrary to what many people think, Theresa May did manage to thread one single needle. That was, she (mostly) managed to keep the parliamentary Conservative Party together. Granted a few MPs jumped ship to Change UK earlier in the year, but it stayed in single digits. There was no big split - and, significantly, the Change UK crowd got wet feet about no-confidencing her. The advantage of this was that Theresa May avoided having the Tories fall into what we might call the 1922 Trap. Here's what I mean by that: in the late 19th Century, the old Liberal Party was increasingly-split on the issue of Home Rule for Ireland. The tensions only got worse as time went on. Then Asquith went and delivered the First World War and precious little else of value. (He was notably-slimey on votes for women, and seemed uninterested in doing anything about the property qualification that 40% of men still faced. The cynic might note that Nick Clegg's behaviour is not entirely new.) Lloyd George tried to put the party back on its feet, but the damage was done. During the 1920s, the Liberals were openly-split. At elections, Liberals ran against each other in numerous constituencies. Because of the way first-past-the-post voting works, in practise this meant that Tories or Labour got elected instead. (A constituency has - say - 46% of the vote for any Liberal candidate, but two run. Each of them gets 23% of the vote. A.N. Other Party takes 24% and gets the MP's seat.)
Theresa May's political strategy - yes, she actually did have one - was predicated on avoiding having Tories run against other Tories at elections. Given their divisions, it was a narrow needle, but she mostly managed to thread it. Boris Johnson has gone and exploded that. You see, of the 21 MPs he's sacked from the party, several are saying they'll contest the next election as independents.
It's hard to know just how big a problem the 1922 Trap will be - but, their vote is already split with the Brexit Party. And even the most optimistic opinion polls have the Tories around 10pts down on where they were in 2017. They're already in minority in the House - how many votes can they afford to lose, really?
Meanwhile, there's a further problem. The Tories' drift to the political right may have taken them too far. They assume that their friends at the Times, the Sun, the Telegraph and the BBC can plaster over the cracks for them - but, can they? The media was full-throated for May in 2017, and she still lost her majority. The newspapers are hysterical and shriekier than ever - but, who reads them? I can't remember the last time I bought a physical copy of one of the main papers. I suspect that's true of many other people too. There are signs that the socially-liberal/financially-conservative chunk of voters are starting to decamp to the Lib Dems. Again, it's not clear how big this movement is - but, as I said earlier, how many votes can the Tories afford to lose? It's possible that they could be facing the nightmare scenario of a general election where the right-wing vote is split three ways (four, if you count UKIP's still-slightly-tembling corpse, though they're close to a rounding error now). If the next election was still certain to be in 2022, all this would be somewhat academic. Two and a half years is a long time, they could find a way to turn things around. All things being equal, I expect they would.
But then BoJo had his narc meltdown, didn't he?
The so-called government is now in absolute minority in the House. While their opponents can't currently agree on an alternative prime minister, nonetheless the anti-BoJo grouping now has a majority of 43. They can stop him doing anything. No legislation is going to go through this house. Finance bills are basically dead on arrival. I really can't see how he could pass any kind of Budget. And also, if he does anything at all to irritate the Opposition, they can no-confidence him any time they feel like it. Quite simply, he's on death row.
My guess is that they'll leave him be during the prorogue period. The logic here is obvious enough - let him twist in the wind. He's doing a great job of destroying himself, so let him get on with it. This way, when Parliament returns late in October, they can do the deed and it will look like a mercy-killing rather than a gang-land execution.
Hypothetically, there are four ways Boris could get off the hook:
1) He could resign. This would arguably save him some dignity, and just perhaps it might leave a little room to revive his future career. But, he won’t take this option. He’s a narc. They don’t voluntarily quit. (Plus, uh, much as I’d cackle if he was forced to quit, it just leaves his successor with the same set of problems that he failed to address.)
2) He could try to simply ignore the anti-hard Brexit law. The problem here is, it would give the opposition a prima facie grounds for an immediate Motion of No Confidence. He might get some love from the rightwing press, but the ultimate result would presumably be his removal and a new Prime Minister. It would be the most pointless constitutional crisis ever.
3) He could arrange to lose a motion of no confidence in his own government. This would arguably be constitutional, and might be a way to trigger an early election. But, it would a) look utterly-absurd, b) be an unprecedented thing to do and c) would also require him personally to face the House telling him to fuck off. I’m not sure that a narc is capable of that. Also, there’s the issue that, as we saw in 2017, there’s no guarantee that he could win a general election. I’m absolutely not sanguine about the risks of an early GE but a) that’s democracy and b) if he runs his campaign the way he’s running being PM then he could well end up roasted.
4) He could reverse the prorogue. On the one hand, un-proroguing Parliament would buy him some extra legislative time. On the other hand, his opponents have control of the House, and a wobble on the prorogue would make him look weak. There’s not much upside for him here, though it’s the most “conventional” of the four options.
Basically the TL;DR is that while he has some choices, none of them are good and all of them could cause him considerable personal pain. The opposition have set up a proper four-pronged Morton’s Fork for him. Which tine will he impale himself on?
As for Brexit? Well, one interesting detail is that the underlying political question seems to be open again. It hasn't quite gained mainstream traction yet, but apparently people are starting to ask whether Brexit is going to happen at all. The Labour Party's position has moved visibly toward hard-Remain, albeit grudgingly. The Lib Dems are having their time in the sun again (though, I suspect that glomming up Philip Lee may help them less than they seem to hope). I don't know that I think it's going to happen, but I can now imagine a situation where at the end of October, the anti-BoJo constellation No-Confidences him then pushes a quick revocation bill through Parliament. (The "party line" here would be, "We wanted a second referendum but this man's scheming hasn't left us enough time.") Again, not saying this is at all likely, but I think it is now a possible outcome.
And if nothing else, BoJo's supposed golden hour is turning out to be quite the nightmarish turkey - and isn't that just delicious?
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sageglobalresponse · 3 years
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No plans by APC Reps to dump party, says Doguwa
Mr Alhassan Ado-Doguwa, the Majority leader in the House of Representatives, says there was no plans by any of the All Progressive Congress (APC) Representatives to leave the party for the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).
Ado-Doguwa, member representing Tudun Wada/Doguwa constituency in Kano State, disclosed this in a statement issued to newsmen in Kano.
“My attention has been drawn to a spurious and specious claim by Ndudi Elumelu, the Minority leader, that some imaginary members of the ruling party have met with him to discuss their desire to join the sinking opposition party.
“My reaction was to ignore this delusion, but because of the consideration for unsuspecting and innocent members of our great party and constituents who we represent at the House of Representatives, we owe them this clarification.
“It is a fact that there was an executive session of the House, which was indeed convened by the leadership for the sole purpose of further discussions about the way out of the insecurity situation in the country.
“It must be noted that Members across the partisan divide were too busy and occupied with the sense of duty and obligation to our nation’s wellbeing to have time for parochial and narrow prism thoughts of partisan politics and membership recruitment.
“It therefore remains a curious slant that Elumelu in the heat of the current situation does not have the presence of mind to face squarely the matter that affects every Nigerian rather he is opting to embark on a voyage of political philandering of looking for new members for an opposition party that is like a sinking ship beyond salvage.
“It clearly shows the kind of opposition we have.
“If the minority leader will want to use the meeting of their party to announce a non existent news of members of the ruling party trying to decamp to a party in dire straits bereft of solutions.
“I wish to affirm without any doubt that the infantile claim of the minority leader that some members of the APC in the House of Representatives are thinking of joining the PDP remains a figment of his imagination and that of his co-travellers on that journey.
“With all emphasis, I say that members of the APC are focused, too united, determined and fully committed to working with President Muhammadu  Buhari and standing in one accord with all Nigerians at this time to find a lasting solution to the challenge of insecurity that does not recognise partisan tendencies.
“We believe that working together with the leadership of the House of Representatives, under the leadership  of Speaker Femi Gbajabiamila, who had pushed concrete legislative support actions to stem the tide of insecurity challenge.” he said.
According to Ado-Doguwa, the most recent of such interventions of the Speaker was the setting up of a non-partisan broad spectrum special ad-hoc committee on security.
He added that the committee is currently working out the modalities to hold a week-long crucial security Summit, where statesmen, security chiefs, and other relevant stakeholders will converge to proffer solutions to the rather lingering security problems bedeviling our country.
“Without doubts, we shall be counted as an integral and veritable partner and component that worked to defeat this national challenge, and when we do, which will be soon, it with be all reasonable hands on deck.
“This is our sacred commitment as Members of the APC in the 9th House of Representatives beyond the lousy tendencies of a sinking opposition party,” he said.
#apc #nigeria #house of representative
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painterlegendx · 5 years
9 Things To Expect When Attending Classical Painting Poses - Classical Painting Poses
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At the acme of her celebrity, Munson fabricated a career best that aback set a accepted for added than a aeon of models to come: She pivoted to acting. Aboriginal on the stage, but anon the beginning blur industry was absorbed in her, and she was absorbed in anything.
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In 1916, in a admirable archetype of turn-of-the-century Christian solidarity, the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Catholic congregations of New Rochelle, New York, came calm to assemblage adjoin a bounded screening of Inspiration, on the base that the blur was about base and clashing for accessible consumption. The blur depicts, for the aboriginal time in American history, changeable dishabille afterwards pornographic absorbed — Munson plays a archetypal and brood to a sculptor who avalanche in adulation with her but not until afterwards he’s covered her naked anatomy in plaster. A accumulation of aerial academy acceptance who had aggregate for the canceled screening alternate home, crestfallen.“Where is she now, this archetypal who was so beautiful?”
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The aforementioned year, Munson additionally decamped for California, area she became one of the ancient American wellness influencers. "Health is absolutely the aboriginal wealth, and usually the agency of every added wealth," she wrote in one of her semifrequent bi-weekly columns. "Most advantageous people, if not absolutely beautiful, are absolutely acceptable to see."Her career almost survived the decade. Blur opportunities would actualize and vaporize instantly, like baptize aerosol on a hot adamant — the New York Herald declared the closing of her blur Abstention as due to a "sad, but absolutely accustomed abridgement of interest." An added balked Munson wrote a camp letter to the United States government accusing a bulk of individuals, including cine and date producers, of pro-German accord in the deathwatch of Apple War I. Munson believed that, as a woman of English descent, they were conspiring to end her career. A arresting murder-suicide involving a doctor who was bedeviled with Munson soured accessible opinion, and eventually her assignment broiled up absolutely — she and her mother confused to upstate New York, area both would alive for the blow of their lives.
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Not a decade afterwards acceptable Miss Manhattan, Munson attempted suicide by bubbler poison, anon afterwards accepting a buzzer from her "Most Perfect Man" calling off their approaching marriage. She and her mother lived meagerly in their baby town, area Munson was admired as an eccentric, generally confined as the dupe for alien boondocks mischief. At age 40, Munson’s mother had her committed to an asylum. Decades later, announcer James Bone catholic to Oswego County, New York, where, with cooperation from some of Munson’s relatives, he was able to bare the charge documents. Her mother had declared "depression, delusions, hallucinations," and admitting accustomed concrete evaluations from doctors, the adjudicator accustomed the motion. The address was, Bone noted, filed on her birthday. She lived there until she died, the horizons of her apple absorption to a admixture of barrio about abreast the Canadian border."What becomes of the artists’ models?" Munson asked in a cavalcade appear in 1921. "I am apprehensive if abounding of my readers accept not stood afore a masterpiece of admirable carve or a arresting painting of a adolescent girl, her actual abandonment of draperies accentuating rather than abbreviating her bashfulness and purity, and asked themselves the question, Area is she now, this archetypal who was so beautiful?"
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Now apprehend added about supermodels:Done reading? Now watch 100 years of apocryphal eyelashes:
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You can chase Allure on Instagram and Twitter, or subscribe to our newsletter to break up to date on all things beauty. 9 Things To Expect When Attending Classical Painting Poses - Classical Painting Poses - classical painting poses | Encouraged in order to our website, with this time period I'll provide you with concerning keyword. And today, this can be a 1st image:
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symliadoo · 5 years
sometimes I forreal forget that price is only like 26 years old and spent most of his early adult years being a cop so he didn't weed out all that immaturity
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newsnigeria · 6 years
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/politics/mba-come-off-the-codeine/
Mba, come off the codeine - You don't have any rights in Nigeria! (Interesting read)
I am amused. My Naija pipo na wah. We too get comedians.
So, the ‘uproar’ is ‘oh the defections is not in our interests’!
‘oh defections are a slap on our democratic rights’!
‘oh, the PDP is the genesis of our problems, defection to their party is not advised’
Whatever your ‘oh’ is, I want you to shake off your shackles and see the road clearly.
1. Nigeria was not formed in your interests by British colonisers and the political parties in Nigeria since they left, have never given a fuck about you. The Economist reckons over 70% out of the approximate $500-600 billion oil 🛢 receipts since independence have been stolen.
Nothing has changed with the Ayatollah. In fact he’s grabbing the Niger Delta oil to build rail and refineries for his Nigerien bros.
2. Defections aren’t a slap in your face. The only time I can say your votes mattered was when you voted Abiola. Even that was annulled. The financial inducement by the APC Jagabandits in Lagos, the equal purchase of votes by GEJ in PH, and the brazen cash for confirmed votes in Ekiti last week, show us you and I don’t really matter.
Not even our football teams. Emmanuel Adebayor was rejected the U-17 trials because he had no bribes to pay.
Okocha was not deemed worthy of any Nigerian club until he went on holidays in Germany and decided to have a five-aside at a local park. He was approached. He didn’t need to approach anybody. His talents spoke for him in Germany but was dumb in Naija.
Your current coach, who was the assistant at the World Cup, earns 3 million but takes 360k bribes. Is he thinking about the rights of players who might be talented but have no bribe to offer?
The Jagaban sets up Alpha Beta and they are given the keys to Rob the state blind. Most tax paying Lagosians have objected to that heist. Did he listen to you? Did your citizenship count? Buhahaha ha.
We knew about the dictatorial tendencies of the reticulated Ayatollah. But since PDP were so corrupt they’d sell Nigeria (probably a good thing), we sided with him and the Jagaban to dethrone them.
Hunger has pervaded the land, thousands of our citizens cried out for protection from his kinsmen, he turned a deaf ear to them and today, they lay six feet under. What rights should the dead claim?
Corruption under the APC is at the same levels with the PDP! We protested, raised our voices, wrote, were we listened to? Instead, the Fulani Herdsmen were protected by the armed forces according to ex military leaders. The government is also grabbing lands and using public funds to help the Fulani murderers.
Have you seen any Fula murderer in jail?
Yet the Zak Zakky guy and Dasuki have been kept in detention against court rulings! Is that not a repudiation of the constitution?
Yet you are pretending you have a right? Mba, come off the codeine. You don’t have any rights. The constitution is not respected and certainly, your breads are not buttered.
So it’s a lack of knowledge to situate imaginary constructs and present them as the reality. That’s called delusion.
Be like Jesus.
He was sandwiched between two thieves. Jesus is an omnipotent. He knew messing about will not work. So he sent one to hell fire, and retained one who acknowledged his folly.
The joke has always been on all of us – Nigerians. So be wise. Take the advice of Cardinal Richelieu. Be pragmatic.
Don’t wait for your enemies to self-destruct. They won’t. It’s like the Terminator film. They keep shape shifting and returning from the dead.
To help yourselves, you have to become ACTIVE PLAYERS in the game.
Muck in, jump in and help destroy any party that is not what we want.
What we have in Lagos is an hegemony. What we have in Abuja is even worse.
Help to dethrone and retire both!
As for the perennial thieves in the PDP, once they don’t have the APC to decamp to, you will be in a situation to finish them off.
That’s how we win.
So let’s dump the pretense. We are not ax democracy. We are a kleptocracy.
We are even so dubious we cannot get the political model of the country right. We operate a Unitary system and call is a Federal system.
We cannot run away from going back to the basics.
Self determination. True Fiscal Federalism. Law and Order.
If you like spend another 40 years, until the needful is done, forget it.
And those looking for imaginary ‘saviours’ to arise out of nowhere, keep deluding yourselves.
Your environment can only produce what it’s endowed with.
You cannot magic a good man out of a totally corrupt environment.
Jesse Bay
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kindlecorner · 6 years
good news y'all I finally figured out price's real name and guess who won't be able to find out until SEASON 3 WHAT IT IS
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decampmentcomic · 6 years
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hey look an update
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symliadoo-archive · 6 years
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these arent even in order i just put all the colored ones at the top bc i lov them @felishi LOOK AT ME I COMMIT TO DRAWING SOMETHING FOR ONCE
i went ‘teachers? you mean age everyone except deggy up 10 years?? ALRIGHT’
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konquestnow · 6 years
No one confronts the abyss better than Chris Orrick. The Michigan ex-factory worker formerly known as Red Pill has spent the last half-decade documenting industrial decay, familial pain, and struggles with addiction better than almost anyone inhabiting this poisoned soil. It’s somewhere between Charles Bukowski and Michael Moore, or maybe Atmosphere if he couldn’t ignore the arsenic in the air. As Orrick tells it, “Portraits,” his latest album for Mello Music Group is a return to form. “I tried to strip everything down to what I think I'm best at: simple, concise portraits of who I am,” Orrick says. “Whether that be finding myself through self-portraits, portraits of everyday workers, portraits of the current political moment or portraits of myself told through the eyes of people I encounter daily.” From the corroded arteries of the blue-collar heartland, Orrick emerges as one of the most incisive and savage critics of Trump’s America. If the American dream is dead, he unflinchingly lays the blame on avaricious corporations, crude demagogues, and structural racism. There’s nothing polemical about it: just warm-hearted, sad-eyed, gin-flooded depictions of a life where there are few right answers but a litany of wrong ones. The Michigan native is an acerbic poet, but too unpretentious and sarcastic to ever call himself that. In his love letter to his long-time girlfriend (“Lazy Buddies”), Orrick fantasizes about the pair decamping to a town an hour outside of Paris, where they can blissfully split a bottle of cheap wine. Then he mocks himself for being a little corny. But that’s part of its charm—through his ruthless honesty, we can see ourselves as we actually are—prone to idle delusions, indolence, and self-obsessed. “Portraits can often be overlooked, but there are so many details in the face that tell innumerable stories about what the person portrayed might have been feeling or going through,” Orrick continues. “I'm trying to find those details, within myself and within America today." On “Anywhere Instead,” he grouses about how most days he doesn’t want to leave his bed until noon, staring at his phone, wishing for imminent death. It’s a nothing matters, gallows humor that anoints him a laureate of existential dread. He captures the terror of the void, the ambiguity of not knowing where or when your next direct deposit will hit. He’s wise enough to understand how little he understands, allergic to cheap irony or forced symbolism. As he points out on stories, “not every story has a meaning, not every moment has a reason, sometimes you just let the music play and tell you what to say.” It’s obvious how loudly the music speaks to Orrick, who is rarely short of opinions or serrated observation. The somber piano-based melancholy and rugged drums of “Portraits” thump via a gifted arsenal of producers including Nolan the Ninja, L’Orange, Exile, Apollo Brown, and Onra. Only two guest rappers appear, Fashawn and Orrick’s partner in Ugly Heroes, Verbal Kent. Orrick carries the rest of the weight and you sense the Atlas burden he shoulders. But for the all the poignant complaints, there’s a soulful profundity at the core of the album. It goes further than stress over bills, nicotine and liquor compulsions, and a search for deeper revelation. If you can hear a song like “Mom” without slightly crumbling, you might be iron-born. It’s a eulogy for Orrick’s late mother, dead at 45 without seeing her children grow up, without the opportunity to take pride in her son’s ability to realize his dream—however flawed it can occasionally seem. It’s here where you sense the power of these Portraits. They capture the pain that too many of us feel, that manifests itself in so many distinct ways. For a little while, we understand the raw f&cked up complexity of what it means to be a human being in a lunatic world. The portrait is personal, but it’s all of us too. credits
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