#deceased estate lawyer
legaljackson · 3 months
Estate Administration Lawyers in Australia
We are now sure that by understanding the roles and responsibilities of both probate and Estate Administration Lawyers in Australia, you can manage difficult situations easily. 
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deceasedlawyers · 11 months
Legal Representation of your Deceased Estate in Australia
Legal Representation of the Deceased Estate will build its future that is why is it important for the estate. There are some factors that make certain people eligible for representation. Those Factors and the other factors will determine who will represent the deceased estate. These factors can be understood easily by consulting an expert deceased estate lawyer Perth WA. Read the blog which will give an  idea of who can legally represent the deceased Estate.
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arcuriturnbulllaw · 1 year
Providing professional and accessible legal services
We take pride in being a Firm that has been built on client and industry referrals and we believe that we have been able to cement such long-standing relationships and a well-respected reputation through our extensive experience, local knowledge and quality service partnered with our high ethical and professional standards. Visit:
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poguesmaybank · 3 months
Leverage Episode Battle
The Lost Heir Job: Season Two, Episode Nine. The Leverage team targets a shady lawyer looking to usurp his deceased client's estate. In an attempt to retrieve the money from the estate which was promised to a charity, Parker plays the client's long-lost daughter and claims to be his heir. With Sophie still in London, the team works with an uptight lawyer as a chaperone, but they soon find out that there's more to her than meets the eye.
The Experimental Job: Season Four, Episode Eleven. The Leverage team goes back to college to investigate a program of sinister psychology research. Hardison poses as a cooler, collegiate version of himself, and Eliot goes undercover as a homeless veteran.
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batfamscreaming · 28 days
TRIGGER WARNING: extremely insensitive depiction of how much one is ‘allowed’ to react to their trauma and grief. (there is NO ‘how much one is allowed’, it’s trauma, it sucks, there’s no right way to react or right time limit for how long to grieve. One grieves for how long they do or want or need.)
Sorry for dragging so much angst into your inbox but do you think people treated Bruce after his parents’ murder like he doesn’t deserve to grieve or be sad? He’s the most privileged orphan in all of Gotham with all the millions of money, the mansion, the personal butler, best education and a secured future as the CEO of Wayne Industries? So what if the staff leaked personal information of his grieving phase, so what if people gossip about a secret relationship between the butler and the deceased Martha, speculating if Bruce is actually their illegitimate kid, so what if the Kane’s avoid him, so what if the other children bully him, so what if he gets kidnapped a lot for the money, so what if reporters are trying to interview him on how exactly his parents died and what their last words were or why they even went through that sketchy looking alley to begin with? He’s got money, he’s got a future, hundreds of children go through the same of worse and they don’t have the opportunities that he has. He has a roof over his head, his needs are always met, he never has to be concerned about money, he’s living the dream of many citizens. The loss of Matha and Thomas is tragic, absolutely, but the city is grieving them just the same because with their deaths all of their chances for a better future went down the drain.
This does not reflect my opinion, this is a horrible reaction to a child losing their parents, nothing of what I wrote as an example is in any way acceptable behaviour. Hope that's clear.
I don't mean to sound rude but if you decide to answer this, I don't want some idiot coming at you or starting an argument because I accidentally worded my ask offensively.
I mean
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But yeah no people act like huge assholes even when they don't think you're rich and shit.
Like. Listen. If Thomas Elliot is still around, he's absolutely jazzed Bruce doesn't have to listen to his parents anymore.
If Bruce gets to follow Jewish mourning practices he gets a week to fall apart just fucking completely and then a 30 day period of sort of interacting with the world and the rest of the year is meant to slowly return to 'normal business'
Bruce probably doesn't get that or have it enforced. He's not in charge of the funeral or burial-- and the Wayne parents don't have family left to execute their estate either. So presumably they have a lawyer, or business partner, or friend who will execute it. Maybe it's Leslie. Maybe it's Lucius Fox. Maybe someone else? I doubt it's Alfred because Alfred has Other Shit To Do, especially if he's named as Bruce's guardian in the event of a Crisis.
Anyway. The funeral is either reported on or broadcast. Alfred simply cannot let Bruce go looking at all disheveled, and he's maybe not wrong about that. Bruce definitely gets the week off school. Maybe a bit longer. But then he does... have to go back. He still has the rest of the year to mourn and get back to business as usual right?
...anyway this is a long post to say that Bruce is usually the one actually thinking those things. Like. Other people may also be thinking them but there is some truth to that if your parents are both violently murdered usually you're in a a much worse position than Bruce is!
And someone has failed to reassure him that it money and a place to live literally doesn't make up for your family being dead. Literally we have wrongful death suits that can pay out damages but it's the compensation that that person can no longer help make a wage, because otherwise it would be impossible to put a number on the amount of money that would make up for someone being dead.
This thing happens to other people all the time in Gotham. And our media is filled with examples of it being worse. Losing the loving parents is usually step 1 on the trauma conga line. But then Bruce's just stops. He goes back to school. People are sorry for his loss the first year. After a couple more they start saying that Bruce doesn't have to sneak out or worry about being grounded because there's no one telling him what to do. Yeah of course it sucks but look on the bright side right? No bedtime. First car is a lambo. Most parents suck. Yeah, you get along when you're a kid and don't know any better, but that just means it was probably good they died while you had a good relationship with them, right?
You know those posts about "white middle class people want trauma soooooo bad?"
That's a sign of trauma. Is that you want something external to explain why you feel like shit internally.
Probably throwing himself into studying helps to try and be a distraction. Probably a lot of martial arts training to try and exhaust himself and yes make himself feel hurt and bruised to explain why he doesn't want to get up in the morning. The Batman 2022 novel tie in had him as a street racer for a while which is going for an adrenaline high after nothing else feels good anymore at all, which is ridiculous, because he has more money than God and no one to tell him what to do with it.
The issue is that Bruce doesn't think he should feel as bad as he does, because it's been like eight or ten years now, right? He's so much better off than anyone else who has lost their parents. So he should be grateful about it instead of lonely and broken.
And everywhere he looks externally will reinforce this, whether they intend to or not.
Alfred hasn't ever told him he needs to stop mourning them, but Alfred's always had a stiff upper lip and kept his own mourning as hidden as possible, trying to take care of Bruce without realizing he's Bruce's model for behavior now.
Every single parental approval slip is now a guardian approval slip. Alfred has lawyers with automatic cease and desist instructions on true crime investigations and documentaries but there's not much they can do about non monetized podcasts and videos or news reels revisiting the anniversary. There's a layer of insulation between himself and the people on phones trying to call him but if he gets any amount of social media people talk at him about the One thing they know about him. And of course sometimes there's a newspaper article or opinion column about how Gotham's future died with the Waynes, how they're all mourning their past possible future, and if it's before Bruce is 18-- all that will say is that they are survived by their son, who, obviously, does not carry the future his parents promised with him.
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Thots for the Silverfoxes? Maybe Lloyd owns the real estate company that sells the houses in the neighborhood and enforces the HOA.
His unfortunate little reader inherited just enough money for a house and happens to be in the office signing the documents on one of the days that Lloyd is there, reminding everyone that he's the boss.
She wishes she had never done it but a particular lawyer who she worked closely with while settling her inheritance and the estate of (deceased loved one) heavily praised and recommended this neighborhood.
Sorry but I just absolutely had to find a way to try to get Lloyd in this. He got me in a chokehold rn 🤣
I see him being sleazier to that. He sublets one of the homes out to students to optimized his profits. Overcharging for rent on a five bedroom and cramming in as many coeds to share two bathrooms and a single kitchen.
Of course, it's perfect hunting grounds for him and he's certain to include 'females only' in the listing.
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irenethewoman · 9 months
Mrs. Shelby - Chapter 10 - Comeback
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June 1920, London
I watched as unfamiliar buildings flickered past on the familiar streets. Even though I was back in London, everything still felt unreal, like the events of escaping home and marriage were just from last night.
The Barton estate was located in Belgravia, and the familiar white villa stood proudly on the street. Led by a servant, I ascended the stairs and sat in the drawing-room, waiting.
The furnishings seemed unchanged; my mother's picture still hung on the wall. She remained frozen in the past with her beauty. After five years away from the trends and expensive cosmetics, I wondered how much of Elizabeth Barton's dominance in London's social season remained on my face.
Five years ago, in haste, I left without taking her photo. Over these years, whenever I looked in the mirror, I felt she had vanished from me.
It wasn't like my mother and I were close. At home, she seemed like a faint presence. The upbringing of the four of us siblings was handled by the governess; Dad occasionally offered guidance. With chefs, maids, housekeepers, and Dad's private lawyer, the affairs of the house didn't concern her. Her existence seemed solely for birthing and being a beautiful hostess, adorning her beauty with her husband's wealth. From my earliest memories, the most common praise for her was, "Your mother is truly a stunning beauty." Even after her death, people still reminisced about her. Beautiful, unparalleled beauty. That's all Lady Elizabeth Turner Baroness left in this world.
I looked at the photos for a while, then sat on the long sofa by the window, looking outside. The streets were deserted, filled mostly with cars, devoid of the lively atmosphere of Small Heath. The streets here were clean, spacious, and orderly, everything I knew, but I couldn't find the sense of belonging to a home here.
I heard footsteps and turned my head. My maternal grandfather walked shakily, supported by two men. One should be his only grandson, my cousin Adam Barton, the other man I didn't recognize.
Looking at the old man, I felt a mix of emotions. For a moment, I didn't know how to face him. He had once shown me around his factories, introduced me to his business partners, and would always bring us little trinkets when he visited Turner Manor. But it was also him who, when I had no way out, ordered his son to send me away when I knocked on his door, his cold attitude treating me like a stranger worker striking in his factory. For five years, he didn't care about my whereabouts, allowing me to disappear from the world.
It was also him who, suddenly after five years, desperately searched for me, wanting me to come back and inherit his legacy.
I looked at him, tears streaming down, finding it somewhat amusing. A person of his age acting out this play in front of his juniors.
But I still cooperated and squeezed out a couple of tears.
Then he joyfully introduced my cousin to me, speaking with an intimate tone that gave me goosebumps. The boy was only 17, still studying at Harrow, but he looked bewildered, lacking the shrewdness of his grandfather.
 He enthusiastically expressed how much he missed me, going from my mother, who passed away ten years ago, to me, my foolish brother, and my deceased younger brother who should have inherited the title and had a promising future but unfortunately died.
He circled around the topic so much that everything he said seemed superfluous. I couldn't get any information from it—except what I already knew.
I couldn't sleep.
This was my bedroom. I lay on the soft bed, dressed in comfortable silk pajamas, the fresh scent of flowers lingering on my nose. Everything was quiet, and there was no noise outside. There was also a bedside lamp that could be turned on at any time.
But I couldn't sleep. I wanted to go back to Tommy. Even if it meant squeezing onto a small bed with him, lying naked on rough cotton sheets, breathing in the smoke from his body, occasionally hearing noises from outside, we could only rely on the moonlight to see each other clearly.
I stared at the ceiling, trying not to think about everything in Birmingham. It would only make it harder for me to fall asleep. I counted sheep in my mind. After counting to three thousand and fifty-six, unable to endure the agony of insomnia, I put on a coat and left the bedroom.
I wanted a glass of whiskey.
In the study, I met my maternal grandfather's personal lawyer, Edward Collins.
He looked surprised to see me.
"I can't sleep, so I came for a drink," I explained.
He nodded. "What will you have?"
"Whiskey, Irish."
Collins seemed quite interested in me. I could see him stealing glances at me.
I could understand. A female heir who disappeared for five years and suddenly reappeared, it was quite attention-grabbing. Everyone would be curious about her story and then gossip about her misfortunes or good fortune.
I didn't mind telling the story if the audience could give me an equivalent return.
For example, the content of my maternal grandfather's will, the current situation of the Turner family.
I turned my head, coincidentally making eye contact with Lawyer Collins.
 His hands twitched nervously, and his young face turned red.
"How long have you been working for my grandfather?"
"Since... since I graduated."
Since he graduated... I had no interest in when he graduated. I rolled my eyes silently in my mind, continuing to ask him, "Do they still have connections with the Turner family?"
If he was smart enough, he should understand what I was asking.
I saw him gulp down a big mouthful of alcohol and choked.
Well, he was quite clever, and his mouth was sealed tightly.
"What are his next plans? You can tell the truth; I am his heir."
"Miss, you might as well directly ask me about the contents of the will," the young lawyer smiled bitterly.
Since the conversation had reached this point... I nodded, finished my drink, and got up to leave.
My maternal grandfather, after my return to London, never mentioned his plans, treating me as if I were just a guest he invited.
He always liked to intentionally or unintentionally let me interact with his grandson, allowing us to be alone. Let me teach him piano, guide him in painting, and so on. It seemed like the more I got in touch with this inexperienced little cousin, the more he thought I would fall in love with him.
Lawyer Collins gradually became my late-night drinking companion. Although he still refused to reveal a word about the will, I roughly guessed something from our small talk—my maternal grandfather wanted me to marry into the Barton family, to marry this boy who hadn't even entered university.
Since he didn't say it explicitly, I pretended not to know. The expenses of staying at Barton Manor didn't come from my wallet, and my maternal grandfather cared more about the title of Baron Turner than I did—whether the future mistress of the Barton family would be Miss Turner or Lady Turner made a big difference.
So, what was there for me to worry about? Good food, good drinks, living comfortably in Barton Manor, enjoying the life of luxury and leisure that belonged to me.
Maybe because I had no family affairs and business to worry about these days, I felt like I had gained weight.
It wasn't just me; my maternal grandfather noticed too.
 Finally, during dinner, he subtly brought up the society ball. He chose the ball hosted by the American ambassador for my comeback.
Now was the end of London's social season. In his view, I didn't need to find a suitable husband; I just needed to use a platform to announce that Miss Turner had returned to the London aristocracy.
It was also a declaration of war against the Turner family.
For me, it was harmless, and I could wear fashionable and beautiful dresses and jewelry. Why not go?
"Diana Turner!"
I gracefully entered the ballroom.
According to the information Lawyer Collins told me, my sister Helen had married a common politician two years ago, and she was now Lady Burgess—an underage Lady Burgess, something only that scoundrel William could achieve. So, the only Miss Turner in all of London was me.
Even after five years away, I was still adept at self-indulgence and socializing.
In the luxurious ballroom, I chatted and laughed with the aristocrats, enjoying the feeling of being the center of attention.
Night after night, I reveled in luxury.
After attending the ball hosted by the American ambassador, invitations for other balls poured in. Turner Baron's family once again became the talk of the town. People, like hyenas catching the scent of meat, tried to get a share of the Turner family's fortune.
Among the visitors were my Aunt Miller, Uncle Jacob Turner, paternal uncle grandfather, and other relatives.
They claimed to be willing to help me inherit the estate.
"They speak so high and mighty, as if they're willing to help me," I sat in the tasting room, shaking the glass in my hand. "But it's just because they think I'm a young, single woman, and after inheriting the estate, I'll be ready to be divided."
Lawyer Collins, hearing my words, nodded in agreement. "Forgive me for being blunt, Miss, but your sister Lady Burgess is indeed easily manipulated by her husband. With Mr. Burgess around, they probably can't extract much from this couple."
He said it politely. I, during these days of socializing, heard a lot about the Burgess couple: the stingy and shrewd Mr. Burgess, and Helen, like a puppet, capricious and with her brain merely for decoration.
"So, that's why they came to me." I tilted my head back and finished the drink.
My maternal grandfather, after my return to London, never mentioned his plans, treating me as if I were just a guest he invited.
He always liked to intentionally or unintentionally let me interact with his grandson, allowing us to be alone. Let me teach him piano, guide him in painting, and so on. It seemed like the more I got in touch with this inexperienced little cousin, the more he thought I would fall in love with him.
Lawyer Collins gradually became my late-night drinking companion. Although he still refused to reveal a word about the will, I roughly guessed something from our small talk—my maternal grandfather wanted me to marry into the Barton family, to marry this boy who hadn't even entered university.
Since he didn't say it explicitly, I pretended not to know. The expenses of staying at Barton Manor didn't come from my wallet, and my maternal grandfather cared more about the title of Baron Turner than I did—whether the future mistress of the Barton family would be Miss Turner or Lady Turner made a big difference.
So, what was there for me to worry about? Good food, good drinks, living comfortably in Barton Manor, enjoying the life of luxury and leisure that belonged to me.
Maybe because I had no family affairs and business to worry about these days, I felt like I had gained weight.
Finally, he gently mentioned the comeback dance to me over dinner. He chose for me the dance given by the wife of the American ambassador meeting. It’s the end of London’s social season. In his opinion, I don't need to find another husband, I just need to help him A platform announced to the dignitaries in London that Miss Turner had returned. It was also a declaration of war against the Turners. For me, there is nothing wrong with this, and there are fashionable and beautiful dresses and jewelry to wear, so why not go? "Miss Diana Turner!" I walked into the banquet hall. According to what Attorney Collins told me, my sister Helen was married off by our brother two years ago. Ordinary politician, she is now Mrs. Burgess - the underage Mrs. Burgess, well, the only one who failed was William. Things that only human beings can do. So I am the only Miss Turner in London. Even after being away for 5 years, I still know how to enjoy and socialize without a teacher. In the luxurious banquet hall, I chatted and laughed with the dignitaries, enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by stars. Shengsing and singing every night, drunken and ecstatic. After my high-profile appearance at the American Ambassador's wife's ball, invitations to other balls began to flow in. turner of chelsea The Baron's family once again made a family affair known to the whole city. These people were like hyenas on the scent of meat, trying to get the most out of the Turners' Get a piece of the inheritance. Also visiting were my aunt Mrs. Miller, uncle Jacob Turner, cousin, and other relatives. They said they would help me inherit the inheritance. "You heard what they said was high-sounding, and they looked like they were willing to help me." I sat in the tasting room, shaking my head. Wine glass in hand. "Just because they thought I was a young single woman, after I inherited the inheritance It can be divided up. " Attorney Collins nodded in agreement after listening to my words, "With all due respect, Miss, your sister Mrs. Burgess does In fact, he is a person who is easily manipulated by his husband. With Mr. Burgess around, they probably wouldn't be able to get out of this couple's life. 10/2/23, 3:18 PM Mrs. Shelby 10 Comeback – Vanessa’s Poplar https://xinruoxiangyangwuweibeishang257.lofter.com/post/200277e1_1cc09bb9f 6/8 How much property is extracted from the government. " Everything he said was polite. I have also heard a lot about Helen and his wife at dances these days: Stingy Congressman Burgess, a shrewd and mean-spirited man, is like a puppet, with a moody temper and a brain just for decoration. Helen. "That's why you found me." I raised my head and drank all the wine in the glass.
The red brick house at 10 King's Road has remained unchanged in five years, standing tall on the Thames just as it has for more than two hundred years. He stood aside, silently observing the people coming and going inside. It is history itself. I was born and raised here, watched my parents die, was imprisoned, escaped for freedom, and now fight for Come back for revenge. I pushed open the study door, and the people arguing inside stopped and turned to look at me. Their expressions are interesting Extremely. "You…" William's eyes widened and he staggered towards me. He must have thought that over the past five years I had Buried in some unknown corner. I sneered in my heart, but didn't show it on my face. I smiled gently and warmly. It seemed that our relationship was really good. I really miss him. "Long time no see, my dear…brother."
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asterchats · 4 months
no real aster daily life updates today. i am rly tired. the plant grew her new leaf, and i found the easter carrots that Lindt sells in a local IGA and thought about buying their entire supply but decided not to (They're SO GOOD for dipping into tea oh my god. miraculous chocolates). i have been watching the umbrella academy and liking it. I have to be at work Even Earlier Than Normal tomorrow and the next day because of how things shook out today (just patients and appointments first thing in the morning, nothing bad). we got a fax today that was classic spam email only it was sent through the fax machine? supposedly from a canadian lawyer who put in writing and sent to random strangers their plan to defraud their state government of US$13,000,000 (yes, US in canada) by lying about deceased estates in collaboration with the stranger. it was really fun. i threw it out.
i ran out of tea at work, too. more tea for tomorrow.
that's what happened today, love u
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ukrfeminism · 1 year
Widow left out of husband’s will after 66-year marriage wins half of £1m estate - A widow whose husband of 66 years excluded her and their four daughters from his will, and left everything to their two sons, has won a high court case for a share of an estate worth more than £1m. [...] Karnail Singh, who died in 2021, “wished to leave his estate solely down the male line” after writing his will in 2005. (From The Guardian)
Thanks anon, I’ve been meaning to post about this -
A widow whose husband of 66 years excluded her and their four daughters from his will, and left everything to their two sons, has won a high court case for a share of an estate worth more than £1m.
Mr Justice Peel heard that Karnail Singh, who died in 2021, “wished to leave his estate solely down the male line” after writing his will in 2005. He heard that Harbans Kaur, who married Singh in 1955, estimated the estate to be worth £1.9m gross but one of her sons put the value at £1.2m.
The judge, who heard the family had run a clothing business, ruled Kaur, 83, should get 50% of the net value of the estate. He said it was clear “reasonable provision” had not been made for Kaur, whose income consisted of state benefits of about £12,000.
Peel, who heard the case in the family division of the high court in London, said evidence showed Kaur had played a “full role” in the marriage and worked in the family clothing business. In his ruling, the judge said: “By [a] will, dated 25 June 2005, the estate was left in equal shares to two of the children … the sons of the claimant and the deceased.
“The reason why the will was crafted in these terms, excluding the claimant and the other four siblings, was because the deceased wished to leave his estate solely down the male line.”
He added: “It seems to me that this is the clearest possible case entitling me to conclude that reasonable provision has not been made for the claimant.
“It is hard to see how any other conclusion can be reached.
“After a marriage of 66 years, to which she made a full and equal contribution, and during which all the assets accrued, she is left with next to nothing.”
He said she should “receive 50% of the net value of the estate”.
Heledd Wyn, a partner at law firm Shakespeare Martineau, said the ruling should be a warning. The lawyer said: “This decision is evidence that people cannot simply be cut out of wills, especially spouses which have contributed for a significant number of years.
“The court has been very clear on this matter and has ruled in the interest of fairness.”
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altschmerzes · 9 months
also. once a-fucking-gain The Fuckening Continues To Continue With My Fucking Dad’s Fucking Estate and the way everyone is handling it in a way that seems COORDINATED to be as cruel to me specifically as possible. sorry for Continuing Oversharing lmao hopefully this is just. done now.
to recap the previous Fuckening, i was misled in a way that feels extremely clear and deliberate by the HR lady at my - abusive, now deceased - father’s work to think i was a beneficiary of his life insurance policy. I Am Not. my sister is the sole beneficiary and im named as the contingent which based on surrounding context is something he did as a “fuck you” to me for not having anything to do with him for the last seven years. as a result of the way the HR lady spoke to me about it - grouping my sister and i together as a unit, as Beneficiaries, plural, etc - i ended up under the clear impression i was one, until a phone call with the insurance company cleared up that he basically disinherited me as directly and deliberately as possible. even so, i have been dealing with the major bulk of the stuff his work and associated accounts and estate stuff needed from the family, because my sister is too despondent to want to deal with any of it and is refusing to answer phone calls, emails, or do any paperwork. my mom is babying and coddling them about it, as per the usual approach to my sister, who it is a cardinal sin to upset in my family.
so today i get Another email from the HR woman at my dad’s work. she is like haha yeah too bad i wasn’t clearer that you don’t get anything before making you do all this work! anyways, we need xyz paperwork from you guys still :). and i just.
she is. STILL hounding me for shit i dont have and am not INVOLVED IN because my fucking sister - who by the way is a grownass adult, and i know i sound insensitive but they’re almost 24 and i know they’re grieving but im not exactly having a fucking awesome time here - is dodging all attempts to contact them.
so i email her back and say i am almost entirely uninvolved in any of this please contact my mother or sister for further assistance. and then screenshot the email and texted it to my mother and told her hey. im done dealing with this. please take point on this because my sister’s inability to answer an email has caused ME to carry the burden of all of this constantly and i have compassion for them and what they’re going through but im fucking done. but in like. lawyer speak.
mistake, clearly, to mention my sister at all bc in the ensuing back and forth where im attempting to make it clear that my sister’s consistent non-responsiveness from the very beginning have made me the only person who will answer a phone call or email from this HR lady who has important paperwork she needs to do, and i am fucking Finished and will Not be doing this anymore because for obvious fucking reasons im uninterested in doing any more work for this estate situation - and fuck this lady for effectively lying by implication to get me to chase my mom and sister down for her. and all my mom is doing is getting defensive and protective of my sister. ignores a message i sent her that was long enough it wasn’t containable in a single phone screen and sends back two brief sentences about how my sister is completely blameless for anything and they don’t even have the paperwork HR Lady wants from us. and goes around and around about how my sister has done Everything Right and any contact i’ve gotten from HR Lady is not related. despite this woman saying to me repeatedly “we have not heard from your sister” as an explanation for why she was emailing to calling me.
the whole time too im like. texting her in Lawyer Speak lmao i am writing this as if i am communicating with Combative Opposing Council.
and it just. my fucking mom. the fucking fact that my mother is prioritizing my sister over me even in a direct conversation with me when she knows well and fucking good why i might be KIND OF UPSET RIGHT NOW - and it’s something she herself seems upset! - about is just like. gd. yeah. this isn’t news but this is such a clear and fucking. ice cold reminder that she has one child she will invest any amount of energy into and it is not me and it never will be. she has room in her heart to care about One Kid At A Time - which she has fucking all but TOLD ME to my face before - and it will never, ever be me.
“i know we’re ignoring you lately but your sister needs us and the squeaky wheel gets the grease” real thing my mom said to me when i was like, sixteen. fucking incredible. nothing ever changes does it.
like i know my sister was getting really close to the fucking bastard before he kicked it and is devastated about this but does anyone want to spare two fucking seconds to consider that my father fucking died too and just because im not SAD about it doesn’t mean im not dealing with some seriously upsetting and emotionally heavy shit. like perhaps the administration of my abuser’s estate - which he CUT ME OUT OF as directly as he could without writing a will to disown me in - isn’t something i should be forced to deal with and be retraumatized by because my sister, the precious baby of the family, is fucking sad. my mom said to my grandmother at some point about all this that “[gav] and [sister] didn’t get the same dad” and the fact that she is at least that aware of how this is impacting me and is still getting defensive of my sister when talking directly to me about how this is impacting ME is like. jesus jennifer.
they can just all go to hell and leave me the fuck alone.
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thenightling · 1 year
Alex and Paul (the first gay couple of The Sandman)
Some Sandman fans may have missed that Alexander Burgess and Paul McGuire were couple in the original Sandman comics.  
  Don't feel stupid if you missed it. It was deliberately subtle at first.   
Remember, the first issue of The Sandman was published by DC comics in 1988.  Neil Gaiman had to be discrete. He had a lot more freedom later on and that's why in The Sandman: The Wake you got to see Paul out right call Alex the "love of his life." I didn’t even notice it at first when I read it in 2017 but then I heard a fan reading that made it much more obvious.
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 Now here are the subtle hints at Alex and Paul's relationship from the first issue of The Sandman. (Note: It's also more obvious in the first chapter of The Sandman audio drama and the first episode of The Sandman Netflix series).
1.  First, we don’t even see Paul until Roderick Burgess is deceased. This is because Alex would not have dared to have an open gay relationship when his father was alive. Also keep in mind this was the late 1940s when their relationship would have started. Homosexuality was still very much illegal in the UK. A common trope was to pass off your lover as a live-in employee.  For women it was sometimes a housekeeper or maid. For a man it was a groundskeeper or handyman.  This was Jerry Dandridge's explanation for Billy Cole in the 1985 film Fright Night. Paul’s official title is the gardener but that seems to just be an excuse as to why he’s allowed to live in the property. 2.   The use of language.  Here you can see Paul calling Alex “Darling.”  It’s not just an “English thing.”  Most English men in the 1940s and 1950s would NOT have called another man darling.  A woman to another woman, yes.  A woman to a man, yes.  A man to a woman, yes.  But a man calling another man “darling” is like shouting “Hello, we’re gay!”
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3.  The next clue is in that same scene.  
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This is a visual clue.  You have a blond man in a turtleneck smoking a cigarette (a visual stereotype idea of a gay man) and the painting of Roderick Burgess glaring down disapprovingly.     4.  Notice Alex’s wording.  “We’re safer just leaving him down there.”  Why “we”?  That indicates that they are in on it together.   Alex had no real reason to tell a mere gardener about his supernatural captive.  The implication is clear, they are “partners” and Paul is living there with him.  And again, Alex’s father is glaring down disapprovingly. 5.  Paul asks Alex if he fancies a game of tennis. You don’t usually get asked by your gardener if you want to play a game. This is no mere employee and employer relationship.  
6.    Now it’s been over twenty years and Paul is still with him.  Paul’s status has changed from gardener to personal assistant.   Alex hands his occult organization over to Paul even though Paul (weirdly) doesn’t believe in magick. They have an immortal being that doesn’t eat or drink locked in the cellar, with solid black eyes, and cannot escape a crystal cage inside a binding circle but he doesn’t believe in magick...  
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7.  You don’t usually live with your gardener turned personal assistant who is also your driver.  Also I’ve been told that this is a come hither look Paul is giving him right here.
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8.   In 1988 Paul is still with him, pushing Alex’s wheelchair.  And Paul calls Alex “love.”  Darling and love are not terms men usually use toward other men except if they are not straight.
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9.   He trusted Paul with the key to Morpheus’s cage.  I doubt he would do that with just anyone.  
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10.   Later the relationship is made much more blatant in The Sandman: The Kindly Ones when Paul refers to Alex as the love of his life.
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11.  Paul is now a lawyer. The implication is clear.  Alex shared everything with him.  His fortune, his estate, everything.   He financially supported Paul and paid for his law education. Alex was Paul’s Sugar Daddy.  He’s older than Paul by roughly twenty years.    
12.   It’s hard to see but on the nightstand next to Alex’s bed is a copy of Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, which Neil Gaiman admits is a love story between two male presenting entities.  
13.  There’s a cruel moment in The Sandman: The Wake where it looks like Paul might have died but he hadn’t.   He and Alex finally get a happy ending.  
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legaljackson · 4 months
Most Comprehensive Deceased Estate Lawyers in Australia
Jackson Legal is a leading firm of deceased estate lawyers in Australia, providing comprehensive legal services to assist with estate planning, administration, and disputes. With a team of experienced professionals, they offer expert guidance and representation to clients nationwide.
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welcometololaland · 1 year
Random thought. TK has money now. He must've received a huge money from his mom. I refused to believe that Gwyn was not loaded. She's a big-time lawyer that has her own firm (if this is canon and not something we all just decided). Either way she would leave something for her boys. Jonah still has Enzo and must've received some too but that's it. It's just Jonah and TK. I wonder what will happen to the firm tho if Gwyn is one of the owners?
look, this is an interesting question, and I'm gonna preface it by saying I just don't think Lone Star (for all the love I have for it) is that deep. but I've spiralled about it anyway so here are my thoughts 🤡
Now, I don't believe Gwyn would have died intestate (without a will) and she would have updated it on Jonah's birth (if she was being prudent). I can definitely see her having set up some testamentary trusts which perhaps limit TK (and Jonah's) ability to access their inheritance. People typically think of these as being able to be accessed once the beneficiary reaches 18/21 but that's not always the case, and specifically where the beneficiary might have, say, a history of alcohol, gambling or drug addiction. Given that TK's inheritance is never mentioned, maybe we can hypothesise that Gwyn may have made provision for this to ensure TK's money is caught up in a trust pending him reaching, say, 30.
As to the law firm (im not sure if this is canon) - that depends on the structure of the firm (private company, partnership etc.). Typically in large firms there are buy/sell arrangements which require the other partners or shareholders to buy out the deceased/incapacitated partner/shareholder and then the proceeds go to the estate. this is to ensure that the running of the firm isn't affected by the departure of one partner/shareholder. if Gwyn's firm was a sole practice, that's a different question. Also, not all lawyers are rich please believe me on this 💀💀💀💀
I took this way too seriously but I refer to my first point which is that this is a TV show about firefighters, hot people and grain silos and I'm just a freak ❤️ thank you for the ask!
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desert-bluffs-and-me · 6 months
WTNV quick rundown - 104 - The Hierarchy of Angels
Catch up with episode/live show/book rundowns I've done here, for all those quick fact needs without having to relisten to 200+ episodes and other content!
I know you are, but what am I? What am I? What am I? What. Am. I. Welcome to Night Vale.
It is time for the scattering of Old Woman Josie's ashes. Since it's illegal to acknowledge angels, the Erika's are running into difficulties fulfilling Josie's wishes.
Alondra is dealing with her mothers estate and can't seem to find a will, only a badly spelled message clearly made by the angels saying everything belongs to them. She just wants to go home even though she can't recall where home is.
The angels also start to construct an amusement park of sorts with an equally misspelled message giving them permission. Alondra's lawyer, Emilio Tavares tries to halt the proceedings saying they're using money from Josie's estate illegally and can't just do whatever they want to fulfil her wishes without legal documentation.
Miriam Adelman (the lawyer dragon), defends the angels rights to build the 'Night Vale Sculpture Garden' (which apparently includes roller coasters and such) in order to fulfil Josie's wishes and scatter her ashes under Giacomo Manzú’s famous sculpture 'Top Thrill Dragster.' This is all completed because nobody can stand against the dragons, but the city refuses to hear any more arguments from them since they aren't legally allowed to practice law on this earth and 'angels don't exist' to be clients anyway.
Weather: "Qualified" by Sammus feat. Open Mike Eagle
Larry Leroy, Josie's closest neighbour, recounts how the two of them were somewhat close. He also mentions how Telly is still out in the desert giving haircuts to cacti.
Cecil tells us the secret hiearchy of angels, which in a nutshell is this: Angels are immortal beings which can be human souls(but few deceased humans do become angels), animal souls, plant souls even the souls of outdated electronics. They are all named Erika and are all equal to each other. They share all memories and all physical sensations, experiencing everything simultaneously. Their minds are overwhelmed with enlightenment and pain. They have no centralized leadership, but they do have committees which don't have titles or objectives, emerging as needed. Angels are wealthy but do not understand currency.
Angels have no bodies, only visual projections of winged and barely humanoid forms, dreamed up by those who see and acknowledge them, and may vary based on the viewer. The secret hierarchy of angels is an ethereal mass of feelings and thoughts made manifest by necessity and are only individual beings because humans imagine them to be.
Steve leaves a message on Cecil's phone saying he's seen the Woman From Italy. Cecil also apparently enjoys playing jokes on Steve by pretending it's an answering machine when it's not, but also pretending he's there when it's actually the answering machine.
Kareem, after surviving as a radio station intern for 16 months, has decided to change his major to Earth Sciences so no longer needs his internship. He will instead be taking classes with Simone Rigaudeau at the NVCC, which was apparently inspired by him genuinely finding a death certificate for Simone dated 1983. He believes Simone knows what happened to NV, why Kareem's family doesn't know him any more and why Michigan is not on any map in NV. Cecil is bothered that he'll now have to do his own filing but wishes Kareem well.
Dana calls for a crack down on low level crimes so they don't become bigger crimes, including littering (which can after all, encourage the dangerous Street Cleaners to come).
Stay tuned next for hosts Josh and Chuck and their wildly popular show, Stuff You Shouldn't Know, which as usual will be an unbroken redaction beep for 30 straight minutes. No one has ever heard Josh or Chuck speak. And as always, good night, Night Vale. Josie was beautiful. And angels are real. Good night.
Proverb: A million dollars isn't a sandwich. You know what's a sandwich? A taco.
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nightrestrp · 10 months
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Good morning, Nightrest residents. This is Catherine Graves, reporting live from Stoughton Estates, across the street from the residence of the prominent, local family, the Ohs. It is with a heavy heart that we inform the public that the body of Ae-ra Oh, mother and wife, has been found deceased this morning outside of her home. This news comes just weeks after the victim's son, Jacob Oh, was arrested for the murder of Maria Adella Hayag, who has been confirmed to be the perpetrator of 19 murders that occurred beginning May of this year. Oh is set to appear in front of a judge within the coming weeks, and intends to plead not guilty by reason of self-defense, according to the family's lawyers. His hearing has now been postponed to late September given the circumstances of today. Authorities received a call early this morning that the body of the deceased had been found, and within a few hours, local Nightrest Police received a package of what we believe to be the heart of the late Oh. The victim suffered approximately 50 stabs to the body, mirroring that of the prior murders within the past few months. Law enforcement is currently investigating if the deceased's murder is the work of a copycat, or if someone who was working with Hayag is still at large. Oh's death has been ruled as a homicide at this time, and this will be an active investigation. For the time being, we ask that those not related to or working for the family of the deceased remain clear of the Oh Estate, as the area will be treated as a crime scene until further notice. At this time, we would also ask that individuals remain vigilant, and report any suspicious behavior to the police. Anyone with information regarding that of Ae-ra Oh's relations or recent whereabouts are urged to come forward immediately. As of just minutes ago, we have been informed that the family of the deceased wishes to keep the investigation private due to the high-profile nature of this case. Local authorities will issue an official statement within the coming weeks. Our heart goes out to the friends and family of the deceased, and we encourage everyone to give them privacy during this difficult time. Once again, this is Catherine Graves, and this has been Nightrest News. Please, stay safe.
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foreverlogical · 11 months
United States Senator Kyrsten Sinema (I-Arizona) is embroiled in a tough 2024 reelection fight due to her defection from the Democratic Party last December and her controversial closeness with corporate lobbyists. This week, The Intercept's Daniel Boguslaw reported that Sinema also has ties to billionaire Leon Black, who stands accused of raping a sixteen-year-old girl inside now-deceased sex-trafficking financier Jeffrey Epstein's Manhattan townhouse in 2002.
"In 2018, Black and his wife together made a $5,400 donation to Sinema's campaign, the maximum legal contribution at the time. Three years later, Black was out from the top post at Apollo Global Management, the firm he helped found, after it was revealed that he paid the disgraced financier Epstein more than $150 million for estate planning and tax services," Boguslaw wrote. "The Senate Finance Committee is currently investigating that payment and whether it involved tax evasion."
Support from "private equity leaders like Black quickly evolved into a full-scale industry feeding frenzy," Boguslaw explained, noting that "Sinema has raked in well over $3 million from investment and private equity firms in the past six years."
READ MORE: 'Red flags': Kyrsten Sinema ramps up security spending with company owned by Tulsi Gabbard’s sister
Boguslaw learned from data furnished by Open Secrets that "employees at Apollo Global Management represented the single largest corporate donor base to Sinema’s campaign committee between 2017 and 2022, contributing a combined $172,025," adding that Sinema's "coziness with the industry has guided her hand against key Democratic priorities, including those designed to raise taxes on the wealthy in an effort to balance the federal budget. Sinema's obstinance has soured her standing in her own state."
Meanwhile, Boguslaw continued, "The Senate committee interrogating Black's finances has accused the former executive of consulting with Epstein to avoid hundreds of millions in taxes with payments that 'were inexplicably large; well in excess of what Black paid any other financial advisors and far higher than the median compensation of Fortune 500 CEOs at the time.'"
Boguslaw noted that the Senate probe commenced within days of Black's third rape allegation, which "alleges that Epstein confidant and convicted sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell had trafficked the then-16-year-old girl to that location. Black's lawyer denied the allegations and said that the plaintiff holds a 'vendetta' against him."
READ MORE: 'She's a sellout': Ex-Kyrsten Sinema supporters see her 'lavish lifestyle' as a total betrayal
Boguslaw's analysis is available at this link.
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