#decided to try out some new things to render here and there
starheirxero · 3 days
I swear to god, I don't have words to describe, what this arc is making me feel/pos-
Moon is seemingly completely losing his grasp on reality, causing him to become more violent. He's becoming reckless, because nothing feels real anymore. He doesn't care anymore, if he's playing the villain, and has actively decided to lean into this role, as a matter of keeping control!
Sun is breaking down, because he lost his brother. Again. The Moon in front of him is nothing more than a shell of who he used to be, and he's struggling to keep his head above water.
Monty is planning on bringing old Moon back! I adore old Moon, but I care for New Moon just as much. What will happen to him, once his old self is back? Will he be trapped? Will he die?? Killing him would be unbelievably cruel, especially in his current state!
EARTH IS GODDAMN KIDNAPPED AGAIN- Another thing to point out to it, is what was said. Eclipse wondered, how she can still be so kind and positive. Earth has threatened Ruin and Bloodmoon to kill them, if she has to. If she were to kill them in self defense, I worry, what it'll do to her mental state!
And Oh god, our two villains, Jesus christ…
Ruin is Ruin, as he is. He fascinates me-
Bloodmoon, on the other hand, is simply heartbreaking. He's actively talking and arguing with himself, because his brother isn't there to reassure him anymore! He's desperately trying to fill the silence…
Another thing I found really interesting was Puppet's talk with Foxy! What makes a person? What makes a creature? What makes one good, and what makes one bad?
It's just so fascinating, I don't even have words!
This is, by far, one of my favorite arcs yet!!! It's so twisted, it's so intense, it's everything I could wish for!!!
The whole. vague hand motions. Everything with Moon has me intrigued beyond belief but also SO HEARTBROKEN ON SO MANY LEVELS. The one time he absolutely needs his family most, he's lost all of them AND he'll potentially be killed ?!?!! I'm personally hinging my hope that it'll be more of a merge than killing one to replace the other. but I'm also terribly worried that, instead of being leveled out, it just makes everything so much worse HDJSBD
AND WITH EARTH, GOSH, YEAH. I know that yesterday's episode had a fascinating title and I haven't watched it yet, but it has me WORRIEDDD 😭 Exactly like you said, even if its in self defense that she kills someone, I am soso worried about what that'd do to her mentally.
And stars yea the two villains rn.... Like u said, Ruin is fascinating as per usual, but Bloodmoon is just out here KILLIN' ME ☹️ He's been trying his best to cope with his twin's death and it is just DEVASTATING 2 me ☹️☹️☹️ AND YEA OMS DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON FOXY N PUPPET'S CONVO I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS ON IT FOR REAL AHAKAHSKD
It almost makes me think of how Earth almost always call Bloodmoon some variant of "little creature", how that may make it easier for her to hurt and/or kill him. Yk?? Ahsjsbd its all just SO FUN. I am frolicking around HEJAHAJ
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scarapanna · 11 months
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purinfelix · 6 months
loved the recent trent fic!! you write so well 🤩 would love more trent works w any trope or theme! take this as a formal request :)
oblivious ✮⋆˙
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pairing: trent alexander-arnold x reader summary: trent's attempts at making moves on the new media intern keep failing, and he has no idea why, until he enlists his teammates help warnings: none - just two idiots and miscommunication w/c: 2.7k
a/n: thank u sm for the req anon!! hope u enjoy this <33 i feel like i say this with half the stuff i write but istg i did not expect this being this long ... i just love trent sm writing for him seems so easy 😭
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Trent felt like he was losing his mind, and it was all your fault. 
Of course, he wouldn’t dare say that to your face, because in reality it wasn’t really your fault - he just wanted something else other than the possibility of you not liking him back to blame for why none of his moves seemed to be getting through to you. 
It wasn’t your fault that you had shown up for your first day as a media intern, lanyard pass hanging from your neck, in an outfit so cute he felt as if the wind had been knocked out of him when you introduced yourself. It wasn’t your fault either that his hand had trembled when he stretched it out to shake yours. And it definitely wasn’t your fault that, on this first day alone, he had missed 7 whole passes just because his eyes seemed to keep drifting to where you were watching from the sidelines. 
He couldn’t blame any of these things, nor the flurry of butterflies that rendered him speechless everytime he caught eye of you, on any fault of your own. But surely, after almost two weeks of unsuccessful attempts to garner your affection, there had to be something other than his own incompetence at play. 
First, there had been the training session a couple of days after your first, where he had finally worked up the courage to ask you for your number. Wiping his clammy palms on the back of his shorts, he had tried his best to walk up to you in as casual a way as possible - the last thing he wanted to do was creep you out before you even got to know each other. You had been in the middle of packing away some of the camera equipment you were borrowing, to which he offered to help. An offer you gratefully took up with a smile so charming he had to hold back from telling you he’d do anything you asked him right there and then. 
“Hey, you know, I was sort of wondering if,” he sucked in a quick breath of air to calm his nerves, and stop himself from rambling like an idiot, “if I could get your number? You know, in case you wanted to know your way around or if I have any questions about the media plans?” 
He attempted to flash his signature smile in order to conceal how nervous he was, and also how horrible both his excuses for needing your number were. Somehow he had decided it would be better to frame it as a casual, business-related request, to minimise the chances of rejection. But it seemed this wouldn’t be enough. 
“Oh, well I’ve already been shown around already and if you have any questions you can always contact the main media department! Here, I’ll jot down their number and email for you.” You shot him a warm smile as you bent down to pull a pen and notepad out of your back pocket, whilst Trent just stood there, frozen.
Sure he had left practice with a number but it wasn’t your number, and almost immediately he started coming up with a list of reasons why. Maybe you were trying to be nice, or thought he actually needed help. Maybe he had come on too strongly and scared you off, or perhaps you were already in a relationship. Or maybe, just maybe, you really were uninterested in him and were trying your best to let him down gently. The last was the most painful to accept, but somehow it was the one his mind kept circling back to.
Then, a couple days later, he had somehow managed to rebuild his confidence enough to decide to try to get to know you gradually, naturally, through conversation. Which was what he was attempting to do the entire time the team had been setting up for a photoshoot showing off the new kit with the help of the media crew, and of course, yourself. 
But once again, it seemed like luck was not on his side, because every time he tried to talk to you he would get swept away for a makeup check or outfit change or to be asked for his opinion on the damn lighting. All of this he could really care less about, but knowing you were watching on forced a smile on his face as he tried his best to get through all these tedious formalities as quickly as possible, so that he could get to you. 
Before he could though, he found himself sat in front of a camera, next to Dominik, trying his best to maintain his composure as he watched you fiddle around behind it. You were trying your best to be helpful, picking things up off the ground and rushing here and there trying not to geek out over actuall getting to witness a photoshoot in real time. It was almost too endearing for Trent to watch, evidenced by the almost goofy looking smile plastered across his face. 
“Yes, exactly like that Trent!” he heard the photographer call out, followed by a blinding flash of white light as he took his picture. You looked up at this of course, scurrying over to where he was, and Trent could almost hear his heart beat rising just knowing your eyes were on him. That was all he needed for another swell of confidence to hit him. 
“How do I look?” he called out, making sure to look directly at you so that his intentions couldn’t be misconstrued again. This seemed to catch you off guard though, as he watched your eyes shoot open in surprise, stuttering a little before he heard your response. 
“You look really good,” you said, and Trent’s smile only grew wider. That was of course, until you continued, “I think the new kit looks great on you guys!” Of course. 
From beside him he felt Dominik nudge his side, already sensing his teasing intensions. “Yeah, she said ‘you guys’ so don’t get too cocky now,” his teammate laughed, and Trent only shrugged off his mocking. Instead, he was more focused on you and how earnestly your tone had been that he couldn’t even find it in him to get frustrated with you for not taking his hints. That’s all he seemed to be able to do though, watch you, in the least creepy way possible - an awkward, slightly confused, smile on your face, clearly not understanding what his teammate had said. 
And this sort of scenario would only repeat numerous times over the next two weeks - Trent trying his absolute hardest to drop the most obvious hints at your feet only for you to look at them with that adorable gaze and walk off without entertaining them. He had lost count of how many times he had offered to carry your bags or equipment to which you had only responded with something along the lines of “Thanks, but I’ve got it!”, cheery as ever. He had even brought you coffee one morning, which you had accepted gratefully - and when taking it from him the graze of your fingers across his was enough to make him flustered. However, you clearly hadn’t noticed that he had written his own number on the napkin wrapped around it, which he watched you crumple up and toss away without a second glance. 
Small talk was far from his strong point but he had tried time and time again to start up conversations with you, which offered him some peek into your persona, but never enough before he was interrupted by the coach yelling at him to get back to practice or a teammate, clueless to his mission. Even so, if it weren’t for these tiny interactions with you he might’ve given up by now, but each one, drip-fed to him like a tired hamster running on a wheel, only made him more desperate to get closer to you. But he was just about to lose it. 
After yet another practice session, which proved that he was getting slightly better at passing whilst under your watch, but not any better at talking to you, he had trudged his way into the lockeroom. 
“It’s no use!” he sighed, slumping down on the nearest bench as if his frustration was taking a physical toll on him. 
“Oh cheer up Trent,” Robertson chided as swung an arm around the right-back’s shoulder, “I’m sure some day you’ll be able to match my pace.” 
“Lay off him Robbo,” Dominik laughed from the other side of the lockeroom, “it’s clearly not that. He’s been trying to get with that new media intern but they keep dodging all his passes.” 
“Funny football pun,” Virgil chimed in, clearly amused by this mention of gossip. 
“Oh you can’t be serious,” Robertson said, turning to Trent, “That’s what you’ve been doing? I was wondering what had gotten into you when you kept trying to talk to them and offering to hold all their stuff.” 
“Look, even you lot have noticed it! So either they’re ignoring all my hints or they’re just straight up disinterested.” Trent huffed, unaware of his teammates looking on with slightly amused pity. 
“I don’t think it’s either of thoes Trent,” Virgil hummed, “I mean, have you actually told them you’re interested in them? Directly, without trying to be vague or suave or anything.” 
A beat of silence aside from the whirring of the cogs in Trent’s mind. 
“... No.” 
“Sounds to me like you just need to get them alone so that they’ll actually hear you out once you do tell them directly. Seems like you need some help from ol’ Robbo hey?” Robertson gestured to himself, smiling goofily. 
“Yeah because you’re such the lady killer,” Dominik snickered, ignoring his teammate’s offended scoff before adding “Don’t worry Trent, we’ll all pitch in, it won’t just be Robbo.” 
“Thanks guys,” Trent sighed, too tired to question whether he was making the right decision or not. 
Although maybe it would’ve been worth rethinking his decision to let his teammates ‘help him out’ for a little longer. Because now, as he stood alone in one of the meeting rooms in the club building, he couldn’t shake the feeling that it was a bad choice. For the past five minutes he had been pacing anxiously up and down the length of the room, nothing but the hum of the ventilator and a few chairs laying askew to keep him company.  
Honestly, he had had a bad feeling about this ever since Robertson had told him to wait in the meeting room after practice, without any further explanation. Ever since their talk the previous day he had been revising the words he was going to tell you, as directly and clearly as possible to make sure that he didn’t mess up what he saw as his last shot. His adrenaline was still pumping high from the training session, and he really should’ve showered before coming here because now the paranoia of smelling bad was just another addition to his endless list of concerns. 
Suddenly though, he heard the creak of a door behind him. Whipping his head around he locked eyes with you as you slowly creeped out from behind it, somehow looking more lost and confused than he was. 
“Hi,” he heard himself croak out, feeling all the words he had prepared hitch awkwardly in his throat. 
“Hey,” you responded, voice charming as ever as you walked over to where he stood - face showing a slightly embarrassed expression at having caught him in the middle of what seemed like an awkward solo pacing session. “Robertson told me I was supposed to come to the meeting room, I’m not in trouble or anything am I?” 
Trent made a mental note to tell Robbo off later solely for having made you worry, but that would soon be lost under the sweeping realisation that the two of you were alone. Albeit, in one of the least romantic places possible, but alone nonetheless. 
“Oh- Well-” this realisation had only seemed to turn him into a babbling idiot. “It’s not that- You’re not in trouble, don’t worry. He probably only told you that because I wanted to talk to you.” 
The sigh of relief you had been letting out was cut short as your eyes flicked back up to him, eyebrows raised in curiosity. “Oh? What about?” 
He swallowed hard, this was it. With fists clenched he sucked in a quick, but deep breath, trying not to let the fact that you were standing mere steps away looking so effortlessly adorable, distract him. 
“I was wondering if-” he could hear his internal voice cheering him on - C’mon mate.
“-maybe you wanted to-” Spit it out.
“- go get a coffee sometime?” Not exactly, but good enough 
“A coffee?” you perked up at this, and your smile alone was enough to relieve the nerves that had been building in his chest ever since you had entered the room, “I’d love to!” 
Oh thank f-
“I mean, that sounds like a great idea for team bonding! We could invite all the guys and then the media team could get some great shots out of it and-” 
Relief truly is short lived. 
“No- like just us. Like, as a date.” 
Both of you seemed to be shocked when Trent said this. You, for obvious reasons, stood there, mouth slightly agape with your eyes widened. Trent, on the other hand, was surprised at how quickly and firmly he had said it, but considering that it was the accumulation of over two weeks of frustration, he wasn’t that surprised. Instead, he just watched you silently piece everything that he had done over these two weeks together. The smiles, the small talk, the coffee. All of these had been more than just friendly gestures, even if it had taken you this long to figure it out. 
“Like, as a date,” you echoed his words quietly, in disbelief almost, and he could only nod shakily in confirmation. “I’d love to.” 
Trent felt his heart swell, threatening to burst out of his chest, upon finally hearing your sweet response to the question that had been on the tip of his tongue ever since laying eyes on you. And he made this as evident as possible, letting out a loud sigh as all the nerves and stress that had been building up, finally left him, and were replaced by a much more pleasant feeling. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that,” he said through thankful laughter, “Has anyone ever told you that you’re, like, really oblivious?” 
“I may have heard that once, or twice,” you admitted sheepishly, unable to hold back from sharing his laughter. Suddenly though, a buzzing from your pocket cut through the moment, causing you to whip out your phone and scan it quickly. 
“Uh, damn, it’s getting late, I should go.” You were already spinning to head out the door, before you were stopped. 
“Wait!” Trent made his way over to you quickly, almost desperate in his movements not to let this last chance slip away once he had finally made something of it, “Do you think I could have your number? You know, to text you the details for coffee.” 
“Oh! Of course,” you laughed at your own stupidity for not realising this sooner, quickly pulling out the same notepad you had used almost two weeks ago, only this time using it to jot down your own number. As you handed it to him, your fingers lingered in his palm for a second, barely noticeable but enough to send a signal to him, one that said you felt the same, and had been for the past two weeks despite your inability to express this. 
You headed for the door, waving him a goodbye before shooting him a quick, playful smile. “See you, Trent!” you called out before disappearing down the hallway.
Trent just stood there, slightly in shock, but more so in a haze of elation, an almost embarrassingly wide smile finding itself across his face. To think the tiny slip of paper he was holding was the result of over two weeks of continuous, frustratingly tedious effort, much of it failing, was sort of embarrassing. But, thinking about this only made him cherish it all the more, as he held it close to his chest, smiling to himself.
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anonabelle · 2 years
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Red Angel's got a new partner to Prevent Harm with.
I’ve been working on this thing since the start of September and I am SO GLAD it is finally finished! I want to see this team up on screen SO BAD. SENDING ALL MY WISHES TO THE WIND.
(Art process timeline thing under the cut!)
At some point I want to make a gif out of all the process pics I took because there are quite a lot. Below is the condensed version, with all the major steps. The render stage took the most time to do because I really wanted to capture certain aspects of the show’s art direction that I really liked (and it took a lot of experimenting because coloring isn’t usually my favorite step).
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concept > sketch > lineart > flats > render (bigger image here)
This thing started off as a mindless procreate sketch (far left) and the thought: “Raph would be so much bigger than Casey in this iteration, huh. That’s cute.”
And yeah, snowballed from there.
I think I’ve drawn Raph several times since, but this is probably the first time I’ve ever tried Cass. I love her. I should (and will) draw her more.
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Screenshots I spent a lot of time staring at, especially Raph down there as I was trying to get the “manifesting mystic gauntlets” look right (accidentally lost a bunch of progress on it the other day. it was pain but i powered through :’) ).
I believe the backgrounds are from Hot Soup: The Game, which I had playing in the background at around the time I decided to think about the background for this illo. The Cass screenshot is from Rise, of course, and Raph is from the movie, juuust before he attempts to punch a krang in the face.
If you’ve read this far, thanks for reading and I hope it was... informative? Interesting? Here are my Rise-Raph-and-Casey feelings all wrapped up in a piece of art that I put my soul into. Thanks Rise crew, your work continues to inspire.
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eveningepiphany · 10 months
welcome to the final show | H.S, part 3
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my masterlist!
part one and part two!
summary: harry goes over to y/ns hotel for a good old room service dinner, also getting a little tipsy on wine, while starting to blur some lines. and it’s not long before things are no longer just between the two of them.
warnings: fluff, swearing, alcohol, getting a lil wine drunk, paparazzi, being confused on if you’re falling in love or just really good friends.
a/n: i’m so excited to finally have this written for you all! i’ve had some pretty bad writers block, hence the delay in getting it to you, but thank you so much again for your support and I hope you enjoy <3
There’s a certain type of attatchment that comes around once and a while. It’s rare.
It’s when things start to flourish. Maybe with a hobby, a passion, or a new found person. One your brain decides to put all its focus and interest on, to the point it’s all consuming.
This one gets stuck to you like glue. Hard to shake in the sense of no matter how hard you try to ignore it, it’s all you can think about.
Losing yourself in daydreams of something or someone without even realising, until you’re reaching for anything that will bring you closer to filling that need.
That’s exactly what’s leading you to be reaching for your phone at any given point of the day.
You imagine many perceive it to be a permanent growth on your person. But you can hardly help it. Texting is a simple way to reach someone. Feel connected.
So, safe to say you’ve messaged Harry more than your own family over the course of this trip.
You’ve become attached. To Harry Styles. Again…?
Of course, being a huge fan it’s easy to say you should probably already be accustomed to this, given your level of obsession.
But this is a whole other ball game. One that is becoming like an internal battle. Your already unhealthy and predisposed infatuation paired with now a real physical connection is enough to render you useless.
You reach for your phone. Text him, your brain begs. You consider. No, stop being clingy you loser, your brain rolls her metaphorical eyes. You place the phone down. Stare at a wall. Think about him. Rinse, repeat.
Not normal, you don’t think.
However, you search for some kind of justification. That you’re just good friends, and all that shit. It’s normal to miss someone you’re friends with.
If he considers you as that.
Which you would hope since you’ve been texting him enough it would be concerning if he saw you as just some mutual of his.
You’re also sitting in a cafe, unfortunately without him right now. Eating a croissant wishing that he were here. Allowing your gaze to linger on the chair across from yourself, imagining his solid frame filling up the empty space. What he would do if you stood up and ran a hand through his hair, maybe lent down a little so you could just—
The ring of the bell atop their entrance chimes and drags you out if your dangerous and spiralling thoughts. And for some reason get excited like you’ve somehow manifested this man to walk through the cafe door by thinking of him.
Feeling silly at the nag of disappointment in your stomach as you see an ordinary bloke saunter over to the till.
Maybe one you would check out, or emit some kind of interest in before you properly met Harry. You would feel disloyal now. Like the parasocial relationship has entered an entirely new level of psychotic.
If it’s still parasocial, that is. Or if now you’re just simply a girl with very cloudy and mixed feelings about a very beautiful man.
You audibly sigh out. Eating the final bite of your admittedly delicious croissant and picking up your phone.
You type out a message, sending it before you can even think it.
I’m in a cafe right now without you and you’ve honestly ruined them for me. I miss you and your free cups of tea.
Without me? Rude.
You laugh at his quip, watching as the little bubble pops back up indicating he’s typing.
I’m out right now, but if you’re not busy later we can do something? Go out or I can come over to yours.
You pluck mindlessly at your bottom lip with your teeth, how could you say no to that?
You stress over it either way.
well, you’re very welcome to come over to my hotel room. we can order room service if you want?
To this he texts back an agreement, seemingly keen. And you realise immediately you have to tidy your room before he comes over.
You swing him the location of where you’re staying, including your room and floor number.
Thank you love, ill be there in like 3 hours say? If that works for you.
At that, you stand, because who are you if not over-prepared. And it was time to go make sure your room didn’t like a war had been waged in it when he came over for the first time.
Cant be having a bad impression, you figured.
You did in fact rush back to your hotel complex. Not even stopping a crepe stall you passed by, which had to be a first for you. You clean the place until it appears well-kept at the least.
And once you’re finished, you easily fall back into overthinking the whole thing. So excited, yet getting those anxious jitters like a caffeine addict 12 hours no coffee.
Which is why you decide to busy yourself with an afternoon shower. And at the time you’d still had over an hour to go.
You take of course longer than you intended, and shortly after you come out there’s a knock at your door, easily making you jump as you tug a shirt over your head. Regretting the last minute decision for a shower since now you have wet hair and probably look like a right mess.
But it’s not like you can leave him out there while you go blow dry your hair, so you rush over to the door, and tug it open.
His brows shoot up, and a smile slowly blooms on his face as he takes in your appearance.
Your hair is still near dripping, and you stand in bike shorts and a loose tshirt. The most casual he’s ever seen you. Which he loved the look on you more than he admits to himself.
“Hi darling,” he smirks, a warm feeling settling over him as he keeps his eyes on you.
“Hey, Harry.” You stand for a few moments longer, finally shuflling out of his way to let him through the door. He is adorning a white shirt and has the cutest little bandana around his neck.
“I’m sorry,” You laugh, gesturing him inside, “I was drastically overestimating how long it would take me to shower… hence why im in this state.”
He pulls a hand from behind his back, a cup being presented to you.
“Don’t be silly, y’not in a state at all.”
“You’re joking—“ You gently take the cup from his ringed hands, “Harry!”
“M’sorry, m’sorry. I saw a coffee van on the way and I couldn’t help myself.”
“Did you get one for you?”
“No, but I did have a little sip of yours.” He confesses with a quiet laugh. But he quickly busies himself with your room, padding around and peeking out the balcony window.
You take a sip, watching him examine your space. Grateful you cleaned it.
He asks you a few questions about random things in your room, and you settle yourself on the foot of your bed, cross-legged.
You didn’t really think about the lack of seating in your one man room. But this hardly bothers Harry, since he’s scoped up the room service menu from wherever he found it, and sat next to you.
“Alright… what d’we have.” He talks to himself, opening up the menu and scanning over the foods.
You discuss the options, settling on a pizza and pasta to share, because, well, you’re in Italy.
The night progresses easily as time always seems to do when you’re together, and you fake fight over the best kind of pasta sauce. But he lets you have to last slice of pizza so peace is made shortly after.
“Should we order a wine or something? T’wash the pasta down.” He suggests as the sun begins setting.
“Why not, I won’t say no to some wine.”
That gets ordered to your door, and you go from the foot of the bed to lazing at the head of it. Sipping on wine and recounting old stories, or discussing stupid topics.
“Do you think the chicken or the egg came first?” You swirl your glass around, eyes shifting to look at his side profile as he gazes at your roof.
His cute nose outlined by the warm light off the lamp, which you flicked on in the corner after it got dark.
He bursts out into a laugh, “what kind of question is that?”
“I feel like it indicates the sort of person someone is.” You shrug, smiling.
“What like it gives you an intel on my personality?”
“Something like that.” You nod, “and decides if we have to stop being friends, if you answer the wrong one.”
He grins, “Well, maybe tell me which one to pick so we don’t have to do that.”
“Awh, so you don’t want to stop being friends?” You coo, still staring at him, watching as his eyes flick from the roof over to you.
“Of course not, who else am I meant to go on cafe dates with.” He laughs.
You’re both teetering on the edge of being tipsy, and it’s evident in the way you’re both talking to one another. Borderline flirting, probably a more fitting way to describe it.
“True, because I’d be very hard to replace.” You snort with sarcasm, taking the another sip of wine.
“You would be! I love our little dates.” He smiles, the second time he’s dropped the word date in the last minute.
You’ve scooted closer to one another somehow. Shoulder to shoulder as you steal glances of his beautiful face. Maybe this was subconscious, or on purpose. But you’re drawn to him like a magnet.
“So do I…” You flush.
“I’m a little tipsy.” You clarify, breaking the searing eye contact and looking at the near-empty glass in your hand. A fourth refill would easily tip you over the edge.
He lets out a quiet laugh, “Wine gone to y’head too?”
“Mhm, and I have a track record of poor decision making when I have too much of it.” You recall the plenty of times you did the stupidest shit just because you were wine drunk. Hoping that does not happen tonight.
“Might have to see it one day.”
“One day…” you agree, but you realise that you’re not really in Italy for much longer. You have about a week and a half left now.
“I… Harry,” you turn your body to face him, and he sits up a little, noticing the almost serious tone to your voice.
“I’m leaving soon.” You blurt it out, because it’s the only topic of conversation you’ve both been steering clear of. The thing neither of you want to address because eventually this won’t be easy to do. Who knows how many miles could get out between you.
And it almost hurts you to admit yourself because… where exactly does that leave you both?
Does your contact end when you leave Italy? Do you become people who occasionally text on a bi-monthly basis?
He draws a breath, “So am I.”
You let out your own tortured sigh, turning to pop your glass on the beside table and then lean your head onto his shoulder.
Your heart jumps at the contact, and somewhere in your brain, sober Y/N lets out a gasp, because she would never have the balls to do that.
So the wine maybe was a great idea…?
He wraps an arm around your back, “I go back to London after this.”
“Second week of August as well?” You pray it’s not earlier than the start of the month, since tomorrow is literally the 1st.
“Yea, the 13th.” He nods and it’s the only tiny shred of relief you’re getting from all this. That there’s still time left.
“I fly out on the 12th.” You say quietly.
But there’s a small silence that consumes you both for the first time since you met. Because you’re kind of exasperated for options right now. What do you say to someone who is going to inevitably slip from your grip.
You shake your head at nothing in particular, moving to wrap your arms around his shoulders, since words really weren’t going to cut it.
Somewhere in his muddled brain he notes this is the second time you’ve ever initiated a hug. And he leans into it, the arm he had around your back tugging you infinitely closer.
Your cheek is pressed to his neck, and you swear you feel his lips ghosting over the top of your head.
Slowly, you pull back. And he watches you with sharp green eyes. You hold that gaze, until he’s the one that breaks it. Stifling a groan with his hand, covering his face.
You look at him quizzically.
“I like this more than I probably should.” He gestures now between the two of you.
You chuckle, a tiny flutter in your stomach announcing it’s presence.
“So we’re making the most of the time left in Italy, then?” You put forward, ready to nearly wipe your schedule clean for the man.
Which, who could blame you?
“What are y’doing tomorrow?”
“Nothing, if you’re the one asking.” You laugh, and he smiles wide at your comment.
“Oh, is that so darling?”
You roll your eyes in attempt to be convincing, “of course, you always buy me tea so…”
“Well, that decides we’re going to another cafe I suppose.” His hand reaches for his phone strewn on the quilt somewhere, pulling up google maps to find some nearby cafes.
You perch your head back onto his shoulder to watch him scroll through the options. He stumbles on a beautiful looking one, less than a 10 minute walk away. He looks to see if you approve.
He peers down to where you rest on his frame, smiling unwillingly at the sight of you. Your own eyes trailing up to meet his.
And he swears they linger on his lips. Just for a fraction of a second.
“Mh, what d’ya think.” He gets out, voice suddenly several octaves lower. Almost gravelly.
You almost audibly gulp at the sound of him. Hyperaware of his existence right now, you could nearly zone out thinking about the strength of his arm muscle that’s right now pressed against you.
“Yea… yea that looks amazing. And tomorrow, what time?” Your hands fiddle with themselves in your lap.
“How about 1, since you’re probably gonna wanna sleep in a bit.” He suggests, free hand pushing his curls from his eyes.
The way he knows you’re probably going to want to sleep in. God.
“I’m down.” (Bad)
A smile erupts over your face, and you almost forget that the clock is still ticking. That you only have so long left here.
Which ‘almost forgetting’ isn’t enough to stifle the urge to use it as some kind of yolo shit. Because that is unbelievably strong. Like why not just invite him to stay the night?
Maybe another glass of wine and you can gaslight yourself into cuddling him and just falling asleep. He wouldnt leave unless he had to, so it’s an almost flawless plan.
The plan infact, was flawless.
To say the least, he slept at yours. In your bed.
I mean you don’t really remember it, since you talked into the early hours of the morning and drank some more alcohol to really top it all off.
You woke up under the covers, still clutching onto Harrys side.
He was already awake, scrolling on his phone, seemingly unbothered by the fact your head had taken residency on his chest.
You take the initiative to glance at the time in the upper-right corner of his phone, a little shocked when it reads 11:47am.
You do groan at the morning light streaming in the windows immediately after seeing the time though.
“G’morning. D’ya have a headache?” He asks with what you can only assume is the end of his morning voice. Which although just a taste, is enough to send you spiralling.
It’s also around now you realise he’s stripped down into boxers— still clad in his white shirt. What the fuck!
You struggle to form a coherent response.
“Morning. A little.” Your voice comes out as a hum.
Somehow, considering you’re cuddling him right now and you literally just slept in the same bed all night, both of you outwardly are quite relaxed about it.
Nothing is awkward. It feels lovely.
“I want a croissant so bad.” You huff, sitting up, stomach growling like as if you hadn’t eaten in a whole 24 hours.
“So, you’re the kind of person that’s hungry immediately after they wake up?” He laughs, hand coming to push the locks of your bed hair out of your face.
Outside of the sheer domesticity of that (which makes you literally have heart palpitations), your hair is a proper train wreck.
The humidity in Italy has made it horrific.
“I guess I am right now?” You reply to his previous ask, combing your fingers through the locks.
“Jesus Christ.” You curse at its uncooperativeness.
“Y’know that episode of friends where Monica complains about how the humidity fucks her hair, she was so right.”
“I love friends.” He immediately gasps, nearly jolting upright in excitement.
You laugh at his enthusiastic reaction, noting that you have to somehow find time over the next week to watch an episode or two with him.
“And if it’s any consolation, I think your hair looks great.”
“Yea well, it’s not like you’d really be able to relate to the frizzy hair. Since yours look so perfect all the time.” You joke.
This evokes a genuine flush on his face, “Alright, Y/N, calm it down.”
He’s laughing but you swear he actually looks a little flustered. Without the wine as a confidence booster, he seemed like suddenly he didn’t know how to take a compliment.
Unbelievable to you since he probably gets that many a day from strangers on the street.
“I, am going to get up and get ready then, so we can go out and eat.” You state, excited to be seemingly spending the majority of the day with him.
He holds back the urge to beg you to stay in bed with him, and says something nonchalant as if he doesn’t mind you getting up. But when you pad off to the bathroom he stares at your now empty space. And immediately shivers at the lack of your body warmth, despite the already warm humid weather.
After a few trips in and out of the bathroom you come out looking beautiful. And he has to get himself up and ready to go in attempt to not overthink it.
You craved his closeness the whole time it took you to prepare for the day. Every few minutes you’d get this almost overpowering urge to just go out there and throw yourself back into his arms.
It’s borderline pathetic. But now you’ve had him in your bed, his strong arms coddled around you, it’s very hard to not to be just that. His physical presence is perfect and comforting. You’re attached to that as much as any other aspect of him.
He puts on his pants, which were folded neatly on his own bedside table, plucking out the car keys in his pocket, “Im gonna nick down to my rental car, because I have an extra button up in there, so I’ll wear that out.”
He comes back and changes into said white button up, stripping his worn shirt off and leaving it somewhere.
Just like that, you’re ready to go, and you both decide to walk the short way there. It was too nice a morning to not.
The whole walk you’re chatting away as usual. But it’s paired with this newfound physical aspect. The way you so obviously want to be close it hurts.
Yet somehow you both act like it’s nothing. That the brushes of hands and shoulder as you’re in step beside each other is a simple coincidence.
And that when you get breakfast, the two croissants and shared cookie is just a friendly thing. In your head you’re even playing off the touching all throughout breakfast.
Which sounds dirty— but just the little conversational touches. Like a hand reaching out to touch a forearm in laughter, acting as if it adds something important to the moment being shared.
Or that somehow when you leave the cafe, with two takeaway cups of tea, the hands that end up interlinked softly between the two of you is just…
Well… who even knows anymore?
Because you’re walking through italy beside Harry— who is talking about his favourite kind of playground equipment, regardless of if he’s a near thirty year old man— all while holding your hand.
And to take a moment, because it’s important, his hands are everything they’re talked up to be. Littered with chunky rings and calloused fingertips from the years of guitar playing. Yet contrasted by his soft palms, which cups yours with this delicateness it almost brings a tear to your eye.
You also pray that your own hand isn’t sweating profusely in his grasp, because you wouldn’t put a clammy hand past yourself. The already humid weather paired with your anxiety surrounding this whole situation is quite literally the match made in hell.
Nothing about this can be passed off as casual to your brain anymore. You’re literally about to implode.
But you strive to hide it. So you solider on.
“I’m a seesaw girl okay. Hear me out—“
“No, I can totally see that!” He interjects, and you chuckle at his quick agreement to your statement.
“Right? They are so much fun. And even though I nearly took a tooth out playing on one when I was 7, I can still recognise they are superior.”
To that he laughs and bumps his shoulder into yours, “I mean I love that. I’m probably a swing person, I feel like no matter the age I will always be down for it.”
You can agree that a swing is a solid second favourite for you. And as you talk about that point with him, you don’t realise you’ve walked the whole ‘scenic’ route back to your hotel until you turn the corner and the entrance is around the corner ahead. And the way you went usually takes an extra 20 minutes.
It went so fast.
“Are you gonna head off or… come back up with me?” You ask gingerly, the hand not interlaced with his fiddling with the fabric of your clothing.
“Not sick of m’yet?”
“Never…” You shake your head, smiling as he gleams at your answer.
“M’flattered. The feelings mutual love,” he chuckles, “However I do have to go remind my family I’m alive. But it’ll only take about a day until they’re pleased for me to ditch them.”
Gently runs his thumb over your knuckles, whether it be subconsciously or not, “So tomorrow night ill come back over to yours for dinner if you y’want?”
You smile, a little sappy over the way he’s working a plan out like you’re both teenagers, “Yea, thats perfect, and we can try something else off the menu.”
“Maybe, if you want,” he begins carefully, “after that you can come over to where we’re staying. Meet my mum and sister. They’ll love you.”
Now you’re nearly bursting at the seems, “Oh, I would love that, H!”
“Okay, it’s a plan then.” He agrees, pulling his keys from his pocket.
You bid your farewells for the night, unlinking hands and being left with a tingling sensation in it, one that you wonder if he’s also getting.
You go to your hotel room and feel full with joy.
He is all too sweet for this world. And you’re a little obsessed.
Although Italy being in Italy feels like being in a bubble, and like you’re so far away from the real world, it is unfortunately a purely mental one.
And there’s one thing about a headspace like that, and it’s just how quickly it can be popped.
At midnight that night a notification pops up on your phone, one that when you open, you have to physically put your phone down.
what do i even caption this post because is that who i think it is or am i officially delusional? “HARRY WITH A FAN FROM THE LAST SHOW, HOLDING HANDS IN ITALY!” correct me if I’m wrong YALL idek anymore.
And this time, there’s no grain saving your ass. Because this was taken on what, quality wise, looks like a digital camera.
Which has made it so painstakingly obvious that it’s you. And you don’t even remember it being taken?
It was when you were walking back from the cafe, holding hands probably talking about fucking seesaws.
And everyone has caught on fast, because in the comments it’s an all out frenzy.
So, cats officially out of the bag.
y’all can expect a part four considering i lowkey left this on a cliffhanger 😝 so its on its way my loves
update: next part, PART 4!
@harrystylesgirlie @purple9950 @teamspideyman @rociolunaa21 @spiritofbuddha @lemonhrry @deamus-liv @Iquvlly @kuntxrgraudunkelbunt @hsfanficsrecss @hsstylesrings @saturnheartz @victoriasigaard @lilfreakjez @mrsvxder @skxawngs @theekyliepage @hannah9921 @shiffpring @multifandomsw @roslastyles420 @slutforcoffein @kittenhere @stylesfever @butterfly-lover @daniizstyles @padf00ts-l0ver @sunflowervol18
+ all the anons who sent stuff to my submission box, thank you to you guys too, all my love
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kozachenko · 5 months
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Starting off the 2024 season with Keiki because I've been thinking about her a lot lately
Artist's Note:
I decided to experiment a little more with my rendering style via using a more traditional approach to drawing in the shadows. I like how much texture this piece has as a result, my friend told me it looks like something out of a storybook and that was the look I was inspired by so I'm glad it turned out that way.
Also, when it came to doing the front view of the nose, I just went "fuck it" and made it a dot because why learn anatomy when you can just default to what 5 year old you did when drawing faces?
I also had an idea of how to draw Keiki's dress as that has always been something I've struggled with since it's kinda confusing to draw lol. I also gave Keiki some earrings in the shape of a kofun tomb because we need more Keiki with earrings (I could have also taken from IRL but I'll save that for when I draw Keiki next). Speaking of Kofun tombs, I made the thing she's laying down on the shape of a Kofun tomb, because this is also kind of a redraw of some old Keiki fanart from 2021 that I will show right here.
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I liked the concept of it (i.e. Keiki in the middle of a Kofun keyhole with the fire thing she has surrounding her) so I decided to try at that concept again just for fun. Back then I was very adamant on staying as close to canon as possible, but now I'm a lot more lenient with how I draw the characters. The pose in the 2021 drawing was inspired by that one Shinra-Bansho records MV where Keiki showed up for 5 seconds and the rest of it was Yachie but yeah. Also I always thought Keiki's apron was a dark green BUT NO IT WAS JUST A DARK SHADE OF FUCKING TEAL ZUN WHAT IS THE COLOUR THEORY BULLSHIT YOU HAVE CONFUSED ME FOR SO LONG-
anyways, I would say this is a pretty strong start to 2024 art wise, I'm gonna keep experimenting with this new rendering style because I like it a lot!
Below I put a comparison between the two drawings in case any of you wanted to see the two drawings side by side
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eddies-house · 9 months
So me and @gravedigginbbydoll were talking about Eddie after the upsidedown and I decided I needed to share it with y'all so you can cry with us
Eddie x reader, hurt/comfort blurb - post upsidedown Eddie, angst with fluff at the end
I'm thinking about post upside down Eddie, his injuries rendering him disabled, his left half of his body being weaker and not as mobile as his right due to nerve damage. He keeps getting better and better through physical therapy and hes super excited for his next doctors appointment because he's been making a lot of progress. You take him to his appointment and they tell him that the nerve damage is too severe and that this is probably the best it's gonna get which means he'd need to continue using his cane to walk and would still require assistance for basic tasks. They tell him that there's very little chance that his condition improves even as he continues physical therapy. As the doctor explains this to him, his expression is blank, no emotion behind his eyes. He hums every now and then to let them know he's listening but he seems very removed.
The doctor discusses the best course of action, instructing that he continues to live with someone who can assist him in his day to day until he's able to adapt to his new lifestyle. You hold his hand, brushing your thumb over his knuckles as a comforting gesture but he still stares straight ahead emotionless, only humming in response after every other sentence.
When the doctor asks if he has any questions he shakes his head, devoid of any kind of reaction. You take the initiative and ask things like if he should continue his exercises that he's learned in physical therapy, if there's anything at all that he can do to create a best case scenario and possibly improve his condition, etc. Throughout the conversation Eddie's like a ghost and completely checked out, eyes glued to the sterile white wall.
As you drive him home, back to his new trailer which had been paid for by the government, he maintains his stoic expression, staring ahead and not engaging in any conversation you attempt to start. When you try to ask him if he wants to stop by the diner for milkshakes before heading home he just shakes his head, not once offering you any eye contact.
When you pull up to the trailer, he gets out with a groan, his injuries still causing some pain though he persists through it and slams the car door, making his way to the wooden steps. You rush to his side but he waves you off, muttering an "I got it." somewhat irritably but still with a blank face.
Once he gets inside he sits on the couch, cane grasped in his hand tightly, his knuckles almost turning white. You're unsure of what to do from here, if you should leave him alone for a little bit and maybe just do some chores around the trailer or if you should keep him company. You don't want to make the wrong move, not because there's really any consequences but because he was just given some really life changing news that would scare anyone if they were in his position. You can't imagine being told that you aren't going to get much better when your mobility is already highly impacted. That you'll be fatigued almost 99% of the time. That it'd be best to look into finding a new profession, the role of a mechanic off the table. It's all so overwhelming.
Before you can decide if you're going to give him some space or simply sit with him and maybe hold his hand if he lets you, he tosses his cane to the floor, knocking against the coffee table in the process and startling you slightly. He's tugging on the roots of his hair before burying his head into his hands, a few sniffles heard from him.
At his outburst, you rush to him, kneeling on the floor in front of him, running your hands down his arms and whispering to him that it's okay. You know it's very clearly not okay but what else was there to say? He needed some kind of positivity. You knew it would be okay but right now it wasn't. Not for him. You start to whisper "I know, I know." sympathetically, running your fingers through his bangs gently.
Suddenly he's burying his face into your chest, clutching your shirt in his hands tightly as he sobs, gutteral cries erupting from him. Something you'd never heard come out of him before. You let him sob, scream, cry, everything. You don't tell him to shhh soothingly, you don't tell him to stop crying, you just let him feel. Because his life is never going to be the same and maybe there was some part of him before that somewhat knew that but to receive confirmation is a whole different thing. To hear someone else say those words to you is a different kind of startling. So you know in this moment he just needs to feel his emotions and let everything out. You hold him for several minutes, running your hands down his back, raking your fingers through the hairs at the nape of his neck how he likes.
When he finally calms down enough to talk, his cheeks are stained with tears, lashes collecting them before they fall, his voice broken. He starts talking about how he hates being a charity case, someone holding everyone else back, how no one deserves that, how you and Wayne don't deserve that. He doesn't want a babysitter. He hates that you have to help him all day, assisting in the most simple tasks that he used to be able to do with no issue. He hates seeing you fold his laundry, hates that you do the dishes and clean the kitchen, hates that you cook him meals. Not because he's ungrateful but because he should be able to do all those things himself. And now he knows he can't and it takes a toll on him.
He talks about how he'll be percieved by Dustin and the rest of the kids. How they won't think as highly of him anymore and that they'll forget all about him since he's unable to do everything he was once able to. DND nights will be limited because fatigue washes over him like a wave at the most random times and one second he'll have a good amount of energy, the next he feels so out of breath and needs to take a second. He thinks the kids will suddenly hate him and think he's such a downer with the way his condition wears him out and how slow he walks. He talks about how they were all so excited for this trip everyone had been planning to the waterpark and how he could technically still go but he wouldn't be able to do anything, he'd just sit there all day and probably get sun burnt without the fun of actually getting to go on the waterslides. Steve would probably revel in the fact that he'd become the go to 'big brother' figure, leaving Eddie in the dust.
You just hold him and shed a tear or two along with him because his life will forever be changed but you know he's still the same Eddie and he can't seem to grasp that. He thinks so lowly of himself and you can see in his eyes that he's devastated. You tell him that no matter what, everyone still loves him and that no one is going to forget about him just because he's disabled now. Sure, he's going to have to adapt to a new lifestyle but if anyone can do it, he can. You reassure him that no one will think less of him, that they'll still invite him to outtings even if most of them he may turn down due to his fatigue. They'll still include him regardless of his condition, even if it's something he might not be able to necessarily do, they'll still find a way to include him. His friends aren't just going to stop being his friends.
You remind him that you don't mind helping him throughout the day and neither does Wayne. You tell him that this has become one big family and after the events of the upsidedown, everyone is essentiallly bonded to each other. Wayne would rather him be alive than anything and the fact that Eddie almost died really did a number on him. So if Wayne has to help him with every day tasks, he doesn't mind one bit if it means he gets to continue living with his rebellious, loud nephew, if he gets to continue laughing with him over stupid late night shows on the couch and sit down at the diner every week to debrief and talk about life.
Although you mention the bright side of life and how his condition isn't going to define him and that he can still do the things he wants, just maybe a bit differently than he's used to, he doesn't take well to it. It's understandable, he was just given the news that his life will never be like it was before the stupid upsidedown. So him lashing out isn't exactly a surprise to you.
He doesn't yell but he does raise his voice and it almost sounds like he's reprimanding himself more than you. His words are harsh and he says things like "maybe everyone would be better off if I didn't make it out, you'd like that wouldn't you?", "What, so you think I'm just gonna hobble everywhere?", "You have no idea what it's like, my life has been taken from me, I can't play shows anymore, I can't even fuckin' work, I'm useless." You can tell he's being irrational, the news still fresh in his brain, causing him to act out and give in to the taunting words in his mind. When he tells you to leave him alone you do your best not to take it personally. He says it until you finally walk away, continuing to take care of some chores around the trailer which only drives him even more nuts. He sits there on the couch shaking, his world crumbling around him. You want to stay by his side, you need to be by his side but you also know that what he needs more is some space before you even try talking to him again.
You can tell that he's glaring at you for cleaning again so in order to provide him some ease you step outside onto the porch to sit and ponder. It breaks your heart that Eddie, your beloved boyfriend is so hard on himself and thinks he's become some kind of a nuissance when in fact its the opposite. The kids have been asking to see him but he's refused, hating that they'd see him like this. Dustin calls every day and asks how Eddie's doing, sometimes he stops by and drops off his favorite pie, an apple pie that Dustin's mom made once and Eddie can never get enough of. She had been making a lot more of them recently when she heard about Eddie. But every time Dustin dropped them off and politley asked if he could see Eddie, Eddie would refuse to come out of his room and tell you to thank Dustin for him but that he couldn't face him. He'd tell you to blame it on him being tired, that he was still recovering, which he was but Dustin knew something else was up. There was no changing Eddie's mind though and both you and Dustin knew that, respecting his boundaries and letting him make that call for himself.
When you step back inside the trailer, Eddie is right where you left him, sitting with his head tucked into his hands again, a few sniffles escaping him. He hears the door shut and his head snaps up and he's immediatly telling you "'m sorry, 'm so sorry I didn't mean to take it out on you." and you're just shushing him calmly, telling him that it's okay and that you're not mad at all. It makes him feel shittier because throughout this whole thing you've been so understanding and he feels like he makes it so hard. He's stubborn and he knows that.
You assure him that you know he's having a hard time with the news he received that morning and that you would've probably done the same thing. It's not easy to be told something like that and he should be able to go through his emotions, it's part of the process to acceptance. Eddie keeps apologizing and you're holding him, soothing him and telling him that he doesn't need to be sorry.
Once he's calmed down, you help him into the bathroom and set up a nice bath, the water steamy how he likes it so that it soothes his aches, some epsom salt sprinkled in the water along with a dash of your bubble bath because you know he not so secretly likes it. Even though to tell him you love to do this for him, he still feels humiliated, his face going red and hesitiance in his movements as you help him into the tub. So you join him and sit in front of him, facing him as you clean him, gently moving the rag over his skin and smearing bubbles along the way. It's tender and emotinal and he could cry again if he had any tears left just watching you care for him. No one should ever care this much about him but you do. You love him.
And he loves you. More than anything. You've stuck around even when shit got bad, really bad. He almost died and he knows the kind of trauma that inflicted on you and yet you remained his rock through the entire thing. He's been an asshole and he's lashed out several times in the sense that he gets verbally upset and says things in the heat of the moment and you still remain calm and collected as he backtracks and apologizes. Every nightmare he suffers through, you're right there with him doing his breathing exercies and comforting him, making him hot chocolate in the middle of the night, mini marshmallows, whipped cream and all. Eddie knows he is such a goddamn mess, his entire life one giant shitstorm after the other but you still find it in you to love him unconditionally.
After you clean him up, you get him situated in bed, all cozy and covered in his favorite blankets. You comb through his wet curls and use that stuff that he thinks smells so good on them to keep them nice. As you comb through his bangs, you jokingly tell him he could use a haircut and that you'll book him an appointment ASAP, him laughing, knowing that you're the one who trims his hair. Then you press a kiss to his cold nose. Once everything is all settled, you curl up in bed with him, carefully laying your head against his bare chest just how he likes. His stronger arm wraps around you and a small smile graces his lips. Life isn't perfect but with you it's bearable. With you he knows he's loved even when he feels he's at his most unlovable.
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sarnai4 · 1 month
Bottom's Up
Here are headcanons I have for the HTTYD group being drunk. (Admittedly, some of these are just how they are sleepy, but I think there could be a similarity in how the characters are just out of it.)
Hiccup: Impulsive drunk. This is the one time where he'd probably start a fight with someone. They have to talk badly about dragons or his friends, but it might happen without him considering the consequences (and considering his right hook that Snotlout got so well-acquainted with, it might not end badly for him).
Astrid: Bubbly drunk. She is giddy about everything, probably singing, and definitely dancing with whoever she grabs first somebody.
Snotlout: Emotional drunk (after a few sips). He's extremely happy one second, then bawling his eyes out the next. Every emotion and a lot of noise is coming from his general direction. Hookfang might try to smother him to quiet him down.
Fishlegs: Paranoid drunk. Conspiracies everywhere. The world is out to get him. You'll never convince him otherwise because clearly you're in on it.
Ruffnut and Tuffnut: Goofy drunks. They actually hold their booze for a while, but they are completely out of it when it does get to them. They're discombobulated and also very competitive because they want to see who can drink the most before it renders them unconscious.
Heather: Clumsy drunk. She is falling over everything and walking into people and/or walls. Get her to sit down because she'll have a concussion by the end of the night otherwise.
Stoick: Angry drunk. Clear out because if you say one wrong thing, your brains might be finding looking for a new residency. This isn't directed towards people he cares about at least, but any one else better stay on their toes.
Gobber: Delirious drunk. He's very happy, but that might be partially due to the fantasy world he's living in right now. All logic has been thrown off a dragon's saddle. Best time to convince him of anything too if you ever want to call him gullible.
Atali: Unconscious drunk. She's been out cold for a while now. Just leave her be.
Minden: Sleepy drunk. She's not as bad as Atali only because of Snotlout. She's trying to stay awake for him, but it is a bit painful and she's mostly failing.
Throk: Expressive drunk. He's confessing his true feelings to everyone...maybe in a very public way. Ruffnut is hearing how madly in love he is with her again and again. Anyone else nearby is also hearing how he feels about them whether they want to or not.
Mala: Bold drunk. She's having a crowd cheering her on for some fear of strength she just showed. She is the queen after all, so some adoring subjects fans are necessary. She also is a lot less shy about a few things involving a certain husband of hers.
Dagur: Not drunk. Let's be honest, there's not much more that can happen to his mind. So, days when they all go out drinking together are also known as "When Dagur keeps his friends and family from getting alcohol poisoning or causing irreversible damage." Alcohol isn't going to make him lose inhibition. He already lacks that. It doesn't make him weird because he's Dagur. He remains the same...however, that's not to say he doesn't feel it in the morning.
Below is a one shot I decided to make based off these headcanons.
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tired-teacher-blog · 3 months
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Characters : Tattoo artist Aizawa/ Florist fem reader
Featuring : Eri/ Hizashi Yamada/ Nemuri Kayama/ Oboro Shirakumo/ Emi Fukukado
Warnings and Genre : Fluff/ Romance/ Smut and Angst in future chapters/ Multi Chaptered Story
Summary : In a desperate attempt to get closer to the tattoo artist dominating every speck of your brain, you decide to pay him a visit one evening as a client seeking his service. This encounter will prove to be the beginning of something much bigger between you two, but will this new found passion be enough to stand against the difficulties your future holds?
Notes : Loosely inspired by this/ Art below is by the wonderful @/ael-draw who gifted me this gorgeous piece.
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Masterlist|Second Masterlist|Third Masterlist
Chapter Count : Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 • Part 5 • Part 6 • Part 7 • Part 8 • Part 9 • Part 10 • Part 11
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Mature content ahead so please be warned : 18+
_ "You seem.. distracted," he breathlessly utters while peering up at you from between your thighs, "aren't you enjoying this?" and the smirk following suit is an indication of his teasing, and confidence in his skilled tongue.
_ "Wha.. no, no that's not it!" truth be told, his wondrous mouth has always been enough to fog up your brain and renders you a moaning mess, and this time is no different as he has you sitting comfortably in the same chair you sat on months ago when you came for your tattoo, only this time, your skirt is hiked up around your waist and your legs are resting on his shoulders while your panties are discarded somewhere. 
How scandalous.
Here you thought you'd have dinner together between his scheduled appointments, but he had something else entirely in mind.
You aren't worried about someone walking in though, since everyone else is diligently working at the moment, you are however still not over what happened a few weeks ago when he came to visit you at night, all troubled and distraught.
_ "Look at you, swallowing my fingers eagerly." his teasing words are flustering, and his long thick digits are pushing you closer to insanity. He's aware of what he's doing to you, moving them slowly in and out of your fluttering heat, and curling them right at that sweet spot he knows all too well.
His lips are peppering your shaky thighs with soft kisses as his fingers keep spreading you deliciously, and you know that you will certainly not hold out for much longer.
_ "Shouta.. yes, keep going, please." you squeeze your eyes shut and arch off the leather chair while threading your own fingers through his beautiful hair, further messing his already messy bun. 
You are grateful for the blasting music outside of the booth, because everyone would hear your sinful moans otherwise.
His fingers quicken and his mouth envelops your reddened clit, sucking it hungrily and coaxing your release.
Your legs tighten around his neck and your eyes shoot open while shockwaves of pleasure rock you to the core and leave you pulsing in the aftermath of your orgasmic release.
Your throat is dry and your whole body is tingling as you strive to regain your composure, it was wonderful as usual, and for a moment there, you were actually able to forget about what's been bothering you for weeks.
_ "That was.. so good." a dumb smile is splayed across your face as your body is finally relaxed.
_ "I'm glad gorgeous," he replies with a chuckle while lowering your legs carefully, "so, did this help you relax?"
_ "What do you mean?" you're still on cloud nine and your mind is too fuzy to comprehend the meaning behind his words.
_ "No, never mind," he runs a hand through the loose strands framing his handsome face, "I just worry sometimes when you overwhelm yourself with work or other things." and for some reason, it feels as if he regrets his original statement and is trying to make light of the situation, perhaps because he's the one who's been troubled lately, and deep down he knows that it's affecting you in the worst of ways.
He means well though, obviously he does, and you know he's truly worried about you, but somehow you find his words irritating.
How can he act oblivious when he's the reason why you've been a mess lately? If anything, he actually owes you some answers.
Your smile is suddenly replaced with a frown, and you sigh out frustratedly as you carefully stand up on shaky legs and push your way past him in order to fetch your panties, "I should be the one telling you this."
He doesn't reply, and instead keeps his attention on you as he awaits an explanation.
_ "Shouta, isn't there anything you want to tell me?" you ask him calmly, eyes full of longing and a tinge of pain. 
You didn't have to say anything more for him to understand your request, and you just stand there patiently waiting to hear his answer.
He walks up to you, hands shoved in his pockets and eyes looking everywhere but you, and it reminds you of the day he visited your shop for the first time, because that day too, he was shy and a bit awkward, just like he is right now.
_ "It's not a big deal I promise." he feigns a smile as he answers, but you can see right through him, whatever happened that day -a couple of weeks ago- must have been a huge deal and it is clearly still affecting him.
He can deny it all he wants, but he's been distressed lately and it tortures you to witness, and what hurts you even more is that despite it all, he is still the same loving and caring man you've always known, and that night he visited you -a few weeks ago- was the first and only time he allowed himself to be vulnerable around you.
He heaves in defeat and you watch with frightened eyes as his head hangs low and his voice comes out, but nothing could ever have prepared you for what he has to say.
_ "Eri, she's.."
Your heart sinks as you're expecting the worst, this is about Eri, but what can it be? Is she ill? Did something bad happen at school? It can't be, you see her all the time and talk to her on the phone almost daily, and she is as bright and cheerful as she's always been, so what is it then?
_ "What about Eri? Shouta tell me quick, please." you grip onto his arms tightly and shake him as your patience was wearing thin already.
_ "Her mom is back, and she wants her."
No really, nothing could ever have prepared you for what he had to say..
_ "How could she.. after all these years." you know all too well that it isn't your place to comment on the subject, this thing in particular does not concern you at all, it is a family matter that has existed way before you even came along, but for God's sake you're unable to contain your anguish.
You know what these two mean to each other, to him, Eri isn't just his daughter, she's his whole life and everything in his existence revolves around her, and to her, he's the only family she has ever known and loved. Nothing's fair about this.
_ "It will be okay, I'm sure it will be fine, yeah." and it's a weird smile he's showing, one you're not used to seeing from him.
who is he even trying to convince? 
_ "But Shouta what about this is fine?"
_ "I have to believe that it is! Or else I'll go insane!" his hands are shaking and his voice is cracking now, as he's barely standing on his own two feet.
He has never been this way in front of you before and it kills you to witness.
You feel useless and hate yourself for triggering him this way, this isn't what he needs..
Oh right.. this isn't what he needs right now, not a reminder of this catastrophe but rather a reassurance, a sliver of hope, a moment to forget. It's precisely why he hasn't told you about it until you've brought it up a bit earlier.
_ "The man who took care of her all by himself for years, who raised her well and gave her all his love, who was both parents, is the same man standing right in front of me," it's all clear now and you know precisely what needs be done as you gently grasp on to his trembling hands, "you know what? It will be fine, Eri belongs with you and no power can change it, and I truly believe that."
He's speechless listening to you speak, lips parted and expression finally relaxing, this is indeed what he's been looking for, just a little peace of mind.
He pulls you to his chest and engulfs you tightly, so tightly in fact that you're left breathless in his strong arms.
His shoulders shake and a stream of hot liquid falls from his face to wet your own as he finally bares his all, and you stand there like a pillar for him to lean on,  listening as he breaks down in your embrace.
To be continued..
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xomakara · 9 months
I really needed to make a masterlist so I can link all the stories better lol. Anyhow, you'll find any ongoing series/stories/etc here.
Everything in the ML so far are rated MATURE. Anyone under 18, please do not interact. :)
I DO NOT write for Chenle or Jisung. Also not writing for the new NCT Team since they're literal babies.
Miracle Worker | Ongoing | In which Yoo Aimee is in a complicated relationship with Johnny Suh and Jung Jaehyun. She's somehow pregnant even though it's impossible since she was in an accident that rendered her to not have kids. [JohnnyxJaehyunxReader]
The Highlights of Romance | Ongoing | In which you're a bestselling author and become friends with your neighbors. But when your life suddenly becomes the center of attention, will your life be a novel in the works? [MarkxReader]
By Member
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Becoming Lady Moon | 5K words | You’ve been summoned back to the capital after a successful campaign, only to get married to Taeil, a scholarly man that the emperor himself has chosen.
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Inked By You | 10.1K words | You're best friends with Johnny and have had feelings for him for awhile. You think he's only attracted to you because of your tattoos but it's so much more.
Only One For Me | 11.4K words | Hanging out with your friends at the hottest club in Chicago, you never expect to see Johnny after you had left the idol life, your friends and him after a scandal. Johnny says he misses you and shows you how much he really does miss you.
Body & Soul | 3.4K words | You just want to have sex with Johnny but Doyoung keeps interferring so you and Johnny try to convince Doyoung into having a threesome.
Come On Over | 5.2K words | Haechan doesn’t want to be seen as a cute, little baby boy to you so he asks Johnny for help to seduce you.
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Closet Fun | 2.3K words | Taeyong drags you into a closet for some fun quality time.
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Private Lesson | 2.7K words | You’re tutoring Yuta in Math but he wants a biology/anatomy lesson instead that leads to sexy time
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Blessings | 6.7K words | You find out that you're pregnant and happy that you have Kun and others to help you navigate this journey.
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An Office Affair | 2.7K words | Doyoung really needs you when he sees that you're wearing a short skirt at the office meeting.
Body & Soul | 3.4K words | You just want to have sex with Johnny but Doyoung keeps interferring so you and Johnny try to convince Doyoung into having a threesome.
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Coming Soon
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Warrior of My Heart | 6.4K words | You returned home after a successful journey with your knight Jaehyun. Your brother, the king, wants you to start marrying and you knew there was one person that you wanted.
Desiring You | 6.4k words | When Jaehyun has an inkling that you were touching yourself and thinking of him, he wants to know all your sexual fantasies.
Forever Only | 4k words | Jaehyun comes home to find you getting off on his bed.
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Coming Soon
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Exploration | 3.6K words | When you stepped into an adult store looking for new toys, you didn’t expect to step out of one with your office crush, Jungwoo.
Crash Landing | 6.4K words | You meet Jungwoo in a space station and you both instantly hit it off.
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Waiting For Your Love | 3.6K words | Mark is secretly your boyfriend, takes you to his place and wants to take your relationship to the next level.
Falling For the Cowboy | 5k words | You take over your late grandfather’s old farm, meet your charming neighbors and townspeople, and fall in love with Mark, the handsome cowboy.
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No One But You | 6.8K words | One drunken night with Xiaojun gave you the most precious thing in the world, your son. Years later, Xiaojun returns from overseas and finally gets to reunite with you and his son.
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Strip Poker | 4.3K words | Hendery has been eyeing you for quite awhile and when your mutual friends decide on a game of strip poker, Hendery is in it to win it. His prize: you.
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Talk Dirty to Me | 2.2K words | You’re needy and horny but your boyfriend Renjun is on tour. You both decide on phone sex and you’re begging him to come home to you.
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Diving Into You | Series - COMPLETED | In which Lee Jeno really, really craves sex from his girlfriend.
Love Me Now | 4.7K words | Jeno just wants to love you.
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Physical Therapy | 2.3K words | Haechan sprained his ankle and is staying at the hospital. Being very horny and needy, he asks his pretty nurse for special treatment…
Physical Therapy (pt. 2) | 2.7K words | Haechan is still in the hospital but you're back to help him with his treatment.
Coming Home | 6.4K words | You and Haechan try to cope with a long distance relationship but when you land the opportunity to write a ballad song, you finally get to reunite with Haechan
Come On Over | 5.2K words | Haechan doesn’t want to be seen as a cute, little baby boy to you so he asks Johnny for help to seduce you.
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A Heavenly Night | 4.1K words | Jaemin takes you out on a date. But as friends? Tired of being friendzoned, you confess your feelings. Little did you know that he felt the same way.
Oh, Mommy | 1.9K words | Jaemin watches as you breastfeed the baby and ends up wanting sex afterwards.
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Coming Soon
By Unit
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It Started With a Kiss | 6.2K words | You always spend your birthdays with DoJaeJung since your birthdays all land in the same month. After being friends and fuckbuddies with them for the longest, you're finally ready to have all three of them as your birthday present.
Perfume | 8.6K words | Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Jungwoo all get a bit too jealous of each other when  you have sex with them individually.
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Our Love is Infinite | 14.6k words | You’re in a relationship with five guys that are utterly devoted to you.
All About You | 6K words | You and your five boyfriends go on a trip.
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bryce-bucher · 1 year
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Basidia Post #4
Vintage CGI:
Modus Interactive and I have been spending the last week or so learning how to use Alias Power Animator 9 which is essentially an old version of maya. It was used on sgi workstations back in the day on games like ff7 and mario64 for all the pre-rendered stuff. For a long time Modus and I have been pretty invested in learning how to replicate the look of old pre-rendered stuff, and, as it turns out, the best way was just to do it how they did it. For so long I tried to wrap my head around how old cgi stuff was modeled because the sorts of shapes that were often created seemed like they'd be unnecessarily hard to create with polygons. The thing that specifically stumped me for a while was how they handled wrinkles in clothing and organic shapes. As it turns out, the answer was hidden right under my nose the whole time. They weren't using polygons at all! Instead they were modeling with NURBS! It seems very obvious in hindsight, but I feel like I deleted the memory of NURBS once I exited highschool, and nobody ever seems to talk about or use them these days. If you don't know what they are, it's basically a style of modeling that involves making a bunch of bezier curves and using them to define surfaces. It's a totally different style of modeling from polygons with a lot of pros and cons, but it achieves that smooth look we're after extremely well.
Scout Rifle Render:
As shown in the pics above, I decided to make a model of the scout rifle in Basidia so that we could use it for an item icon. The process was definitely a learning experience, and one of the things I learned is that modeling like this is super fun. It's like creating each shape is a puzzle where you need to theorize what is the best approach to take, and following through is always a multi-step process of defining a surface and slicing it up. I find it super satisfying to pull off, and making slapping materials on it is always fun as well. Moving forward we are probably gonna use this program and/or older versions of maya to create any pre-rendered item icons or backgrounds that we'll be needing. Modus actually made new versions of the vials in it as well which I will put right here \/
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Wow there it is would u look at that. Power Animator just has an amazing way of outputting some unique, rich colors that are hard to get in modern software. I mean, just look at that cork. How do you make a cork have such interesting colors? Amazing. Fuck it, I'm gonna show off a little guy I made in power animator that has nothing to do with Basidia. I've been hyperfixating on this program since I downloaded it so I owe this to myself.
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Here he is! Power animator has this amazing glow effect you can put on any shader that adds this bloom as a post processing layer. I used it on the head in this one, and I think it achieves a particular dreamlike effect really well. The sorts of shapes I can get for cloth out of NURBS is also super fun and rewarding, as shown with the cape here. Character modeling is something I'm always really excited about, and I'll definitely be modeling some Basidia characters in this thing.
I am loving this program and I cannot stop thinking about it. Anyway, I have some commissions to take care of before switching back to midwest lost development, so I may or may not be posting about that game next week. I'm trying to buy an old sgi workstation with the commission money, and, if I can pull that off, then I will have access to all the old software they used back then (including the IRIX version of poweranimator). If you want to check out power animator yourself then here is a link to the program, and here is a helpful tutorial. Oke bye take care!
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paluding · 1 year
Introducing... The Tattooer!
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[This version is OUTDATED! Please, check the new version here. I updated the workflow, skipping a lot of unnecessary Photoshop editing. It's way faster! I'll leave this old version and files up though, for archiving purposes. But yeah I still totally recommend you use the new version!]
Finally! I’ve been working on this for so long and I couldn’t wait to share it. This is a series of Blender template files already set up to quickly bake textures from The Sims 4 to The Sims 2. Really neat for cc creators! The different Blender files will allow you to:
-Bake body textures from TS4 to TS2 (Female) -Bake body textures from TS4 to TS2 (Male) -Bake body textures from TS4 (Female) to TS2 (Male) -Bake body textures from TS2 (Female) to TS2 (Male) [Bonus!] -Bake head textures from TS4 to TS2 (Face + Scalp) [Experimental]
Check the file names to see which one is which, and the resolution of the baked texture it will give. Download! SFS / GD
Everything you see in the render above was converted using those Blender files. I only did a couple tiny edits to the eyes and lips to fix them. These templates were made mainly to bake and convert tattoos, but there’s more you can do with them if you get creative. I have to say, these are NOT perfect. Check out the eyebrows on the render above. They look a bit wonky compared to the original, don’t they? I left them as is to keep your expectations with these as realistic as possible. Results may vary depending on what you are trying to convert, so! With that in mind, this is all the stuff you will be able to convert almost seamlessly from TS4 to TS2:
-Tattoos. -Other body details such as body hair, scars, freckles, supernatural/occult details… -Body painted underwear and swimwear, as well as some other clothing that’s mostly painted on the body. -Socks, stockings and maybe leggings. -Even skintones! In some areas they will look weird, so I recommend editing and blending them with other existing TS2 skins. -Makeup. Kinda bad but hey it works! Eyeliner and anything that is around the eyes looks terrible for now, but other stuff like blush may look just okay. -Eyebrows and maybe beards. A bit of hit or miss with those. -Hair scalps. Very useful when converting some hairs! Although keep in mind part of that texture might also need to be baked on the face mesh, you know, that hairline makeup stuff.
Got your attention? Nice! Editing some of the textures from TS4 to match the UV mapping in TS2 using a 2D editing program can be incredibly hard. That’s where texture baking in Blender comes to the rescue!
It is recommended you download Blender version 2.91.0, which is the one I use. Don’t worry, it’s free! There’s also 3 Photoshop actions you will need to set up the textures for baking and then putting them back together, because unfortunately Blender doesn’t support transparencies in that baking process, so that takes a couple extra steps to make it work, but I think it’s still pretty fast and easy. And just in case Tumblr manages to blow up or something, I decided to include a pdf with the upcoming tutorial that will guide you step by step with all this process, so if this post gets deleted somehow (I really hope not!), you will still have that pdf as a backup archived.
You can download Blender here. Personally I recommend picking the fourth option, “blender-2.91.0-windows64.zip”, which is a portable version and doesn’t need to be installed. You will also need Sims 4 Studio to extract the original Sims 4 CC textures you want. As for Photoshop… I’m not going to tell you to buy that subscription service and give Adobe some undeserved money, so… yeah, there might be some other options out there to get it (very legit, yes yes).
So, before we begin, let’s clear out some questions you might have. What the heck is this texture baking thing and what does it do? Well, let’s imagine you have a projector and point an image into a blank wall. Then you pick up some brushes and start painting and copying that projected image in that wall. Texture baking is kinda like that when it comes to 3D models. You align two models and match them as closely as you can in shape and form, and once you adjust some parameters and values, Blender does the rest for you: it will give you a new texture for a new model with a different UV map. These files I’m sharing have everything already set up, so it’s a matter of plopping in that Sims 4 texture and you will get that new texture for TS2 in just a few clicks.
This tutorial assumes you know literally nothing about how to use Blender, so if you feel uncomfortable with it, worry no more! This will guide you with pictures showing where you need to click and explaining what is happening. For Sims 4 Studio and Photoshop the process might be a bit less detailed, but still this should be pretty beginner friendly. For this tutorial, I will use some tattoos as an example. Alright, enough with the rambling. Let’s get started!
·EXTRACTING TEXTURES AND EDITING THEM WITH PHOTOSHOP: First things first, you will need to extract as pngs all the textures you want to convert from TS4 using Sims 4 Studio. Once you’ve done that, open them up one by one in Photoshop and run the “No transparency” action. This will remove the alpha channel from the image, getting rid of all the transparency. Go ahead and save a png copy of it. Then run the “Make Alpha” action on those same swatches (from the beginning, make sure you’re not running the action on an already edited swatch!), which will only show the alpha channel of the image in black and white, and save another copy of that. You should have 2 textures for each tattoo swatch. For the “No transparency” action I like to name it BASE (And your swatch number or name), and for the “Make Alpha” action I usually name it ALPHA (And that same swatch number/name). I recommend saving them in different folders named BASE TS4 and ALPHA TS4 respectively to keep it organized. If you want to make this much faster in Photoshop, there’s an automation option in it that allows you to run an action through a batch of files in a folder and then saves it all. I won’t cover how to do it in this tutorial, but you should be able to find it easily on Google by searching something like “Photoshop automate batch”. It’s really powerful and will make your workflow with actions much faster. Definitely recommend learning about that!
·BAKING THE TEXTURES IN BLENDER: PRELIMINARY STEP 1: CONFIGURING BLENDER’S GRAPHICS SETTINGS: Open your preferred Blender file depending on what you’re going to bake and the desired resolution (in this example I’m going to use the AF-body-4t2-1024 file). Before we start messing around in Blender, there’s one thing you should set up. It is a onetime step, and once it’s done, you won’t need to do it again. So, does your computer have a dedicated graphics card? If you don’t know or you’re not sure, just skip to the next step. Configuring Blender so it uses your graphics card instead of your CPU will make the baking render much faster, so it is recommended you set it correctly. If your computer has a dedicated graphics card, click File (1) > Preferences (2) > and on the window that pops up click System (3) > and select CUDA and make sure your graphics card is there and tick it (4). I have an Nvidia Graphics card but your case may vary. Once you’re done, click on the tiny button on the bottom left corner and Save Preferences (5).
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PRELIMINARY STEP 2: CHOOSING THE RENDERING DEVICE: Click on the tiny camera button on the right, called Render Properties (1), and on Device (2) select GPU Compute if it’s not already selected. If you’re not sure if you have a graphics card or not, just select CPU. Then select the Material Properties tab (2) and Save your changes, either by pressing Ctrl + S, or clicking File (4) > Save (5). Okay, time to get into the good stuff!
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·STEP 1: LOADING YOUR TS4 BASE TEXTURE: In the Material Properties tab, click the folder icon that says Open (1) and on the window that pops up, navigate through your folders and select your first texture. For now we’re going to bake the BASE texture, so go to that folder where you saved the edited “No transparency” image. To navigate easily, the 3 buttons on the top right (2) are for the display mode. They will show your files in list mode, vertical and horizontal, and the one on the right will display the file thumbnails, pretty useful if you want to easily see your images. And the icons on the left side (3) will let you go one folder back and forward, go to the parent directory, and refresh the folder in case you just dropped something new in there. Double click on the image you need and that will load it into the Sims 4 body model, named “ts4 body”.
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·STEP 2: SETTING UP YOUR SELECTION AND BAKING THE TEXTURE: On the top right of the screen, you will see the names of the 2 models in the scene. Hold the Ctrl key in your keyboard and left click on the “ts2 body” model (1). If you did it correctly, you should see “ts2 body” in a yellowish orange color, and right down below, “ts4 body” should look more like a red orange. If not, try again by clicking first on ts4 body, and then while holding Ctrl click again on ts2 body. Then switch to the Render Properties tab by clicking the tiny camera icon (2) and click Bake (3). Depending on your screen resolution, you might need to scroll down a bit with your mouse to see the Bake button. Wait a few seconds for it to finish. You will see the progress percentage down on the bottom of your screen. Don’t panic if you notice your computer fans start ramping up, that’s completely normal! As I said in the beginning, using your GPU will bake the textures much faster than the CPU.
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·STEP 3: SAVING YOUR NEW TS2 TEXTURE: Once it’s finished, switch to the UV Editing Mode by clicking “UV Editing” on the top of your screen. And there it is: your new texture! You might have to scroll up your mouse wheel a bit to zoom in and see it in all its glory on the left side of the screen. We’re still not done yet though. You need to save it to yet another new folder (always try to keep your stuff organized!).
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You can save it by pressing Shift + Alt + S, or clicking on Image* (1) and then Save As… (2). That will pop a window where you’ll need to navigate again and save it somewhere. Give it a proper name (3) and hit Enter to save it… well, Enter doesn’t always work for me for some reason, so if that happens just click Save As Image (4). In this case, I personally like to call it something like “BASE TS2”.
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·STEP 4: GOING BACK TO STEP 1: Alright! So you have your new baked base texture, but we still need to bake the alpha channel to give it its transparency. In order to go back to step 1 and start the process once again, click Layout (1), go back to the Material Properties tab (2), select “ts4 body” (3) and click on the folder icon (4) to open and load the alpha texture you did in the beginning in Photoshop.
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Then it’s just a matter of repeating the process from step 2: bake the alpha channel and save it again as a new image (watch out, don’t overwrite your previous image!). This one I like to name “ALPHA TS2”. When you’re ready to move on, close Blender without saving. If you see a small check telling you it will save some images, make sure you uncheck it, so you will be able to use it again in the future from the starting point with no issues. I don’t think it really matters if you accidentally save your progress in these files, but I like to keep it clean and fresh so I can do the process where I left it from the beginning the next time I open it. And in case you mess up and save somewhere, you can always just delete the .blend file and download the template files again.
·FINAL STEP: PUTTING EVERYTHING BACK TOGETHER IN PHOTOSHOP: We’re almost done! Open Photoshop and drop in both your 2 new baked textures, “BASE TS2” and “ALPHA TS2”. Keep both layers on top of each other and aligned. For that you can enable the snapping in View > Snap to… > All. Rename these layers so the Alpha layer is “ALPHA” and the Base is “BASE”, and make sure ALPHA is on top.
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Then run the “Final Baked” action and now for real, it’s finally over! You just fully baked and converted these new textures. Congratulations!
So, to summarize, here’s a small guide with all the steps of the workflow I developed. Once you get the hang of it, baking and converting one swatch of a texture just takes a couple minutes. It really is that easy!
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One small note though, some of the baking blend files save the textures with a resolution of 2048x2048 pixels, as clearly stated at the end of their file name. That’s way too overkill, because TS2 only properly supports up to 1024x1024 for most of its textures and you should always resize your final product to that max resolution. I just made those 2048 versions because there might be some really tiny and slim details on some tattoos that may look a little too blurry when baked into a 1024 resolution, so for those cases use that if you want and then resize them in Photoshop. In the Resample mode of the Image Size menu, there are a few options to choose. For the fine details, I like the Nearest Neighbor (hard edges) option, which, even if it looks a bit pixelated, it still preserves most of the texture and quality.
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For anything else, I would just directly bake them using the 1024 versions in Blender.
And for the folks who feel comfortable playing around in Blender, this is just the beginning! Texture baking opens a LOT of possibilities, so feel free to move stuff around and edit the models to your liking! If you notice the baked textures look warped or stretched somewhere, or don’t like where some textures are placed in the S2 body, poke around that area moving stuff and then give it another try. The main objective of the baking process is keeping both overlapping models as close in shape as possible. You may also edit and save new copies of the templates, or make new ones from scratch using mine as a reference (keep a close look on those Baking settings and values, I think they work pretty well) and share them if you want to. Go ham, do whatever you want with them! I have plans on making templates to convert body textures from Sims 3 to Sims 2, but for now it’s not on my priorities, so we’ll see when that happens.
Whew! Hope none of this was too confusing. Need help or have any issues with these? Please ask/message me and I’ll be glad to help when I’m able to!
Credits for the CC used in the render demonstration: -Skin by Sims3Melancholic -Eyes by Northern Siberia Winds -Eyebrows by PeachyFaerie -Tattoos by xtc -Top by SerenityCC
And the Tattoo I used for the tutorial can be found here, by ValhallanSim
Last but not least, a huge, special thanks to @elvisgrace for all her help testing this for me. I’ve never shared Blender files, so hopefully everything works as intended and everyone can use them with no weird issues. Fingers crossed! And thank you for reading! Hope you have fun playing with this new toy hehe.
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estro-gem · 8 months
Oasis: The Amazing Digital Circus AU list
Please read my RULES AND BOUNDARIES before interacting with my content.
Oasis Description
A collection of stories revolving around the relationships among the characters of The Amazing Digital Circus. The characters of The Amazing Digital Circus all depend on each other by fulfilling a role that was silently assigned to them. They form their own little ecosystem; an oasis in a seemingly impossible environment - all in the name of maintaining their sanity.
For context, read them in order of post! While most are chronological, some are just random, past events that just add lore to the main story.
Main story:
1. The Snake and the Water Spring (Jax x Ragatha - Romantic/Platonic)
2. Raptors and Reptiles (Jax x Gangle - Platonic)
3. Wind beneath Wings (Zooble x Gangle - Romantic)
4. Touch (Jax x Ragatha - Romantic/Platonic)
5. Charting the Landscape (Pomni x Ragatha - Platonic)
6. What lurks beneath the surface (Jax x Ragatha - Romantic/Platonic)
7. Build the bridge to burn another (Pomni x Zooble - Platonic)
8. Misplaced, but present (Kinger x Ragatha - Platonic)
9. Blood in the Water (Jax x Ragatha - Romantic/Platonic)
10. Mirage (Group chaos)
Eyes (Jax x Ragatha - Romantic/Platonic)
Anywhere the wind blows (Zooble x Gangle - Romantic)
All Fanfics (in order of posts, including fic art)
The Snake and the Water Spring (Jax x Ragatha - Romantic/Platonic)
A fanmade take on the events following Pomni’s arrival and after the crew had dinner together. This is focused on Jax’s point of view, but still written in the third person.
Jax confronts Ragatha after the pilot episode’s 'dinner’ and does his best to comfort her in a way that works for them.
Fic art: Evil with a target
Raptors and Reptiles (Jax x Gangle - Platonic)
Gangle meets Jax in the hallway right after his long visit to Ragatha. It's been a hard day with a new face arriving so suddenly and Jax looks a little worse for wear.
One look at Gangle's face was enough to have him on edge again.
Eyes (Jax x Ragatha - Romantic/Platonic)
Ragatha hand-embroiders something under Jax's merciless stare.
Wind beneath Wings (Zooble x Gangle - Romantic)
Gangle and Zooble hangs out in the main room, the day after Pomni's arrival. The situation ends up with Gangle awkwardly trying to comfort the jester.
Things get worse as Pomni oversteps her boundaries, chasing Gangle back into Zooble's arms for comfort. Fluff and gossip ensues.
Fic art: Wagers
Anywhere the wind blows (Zooble x Gangle - Romantic)
Zooble was making their way to the lake to go dancing with Gangle. Upon arrival, the sight of Gangle caused Zooble to reminisce about their arrival in The Amazing Digital Circus and the chaos that followed.
Fic art: First dance
Touch (Jax x Ragatha - Romantic/Platonic)
Jax is suffering from the frustrating effects of touch-starvation, despite his touch-aversion rendering him from doing anything about it. After meeting up with his fellow circus-members, a good laugh and a brief on their new adventure, Jax is given the chance to confide in Ragatha.
Charting the Landscape (Pomni x Ragatha - Platonic)
After Pomni had a strange encounter with Kinger, she was struck with the need to work about developing her status to something more positive among the other Circus members. She decides to start by approaching Ragatha, who ends up giving her the friendliest reality-check she could ask for. Pomni was in more trouble than she thought.
What lurks beneath the surface (Jax x Ragatha - Romantic/Platonic)
Ragatha gifts Jax a plush that she promised to make for him. He enjoys the comfort that it brought him as well as the sentiment behind the gesture, until Ragatha reveals that the dress of the plush can be removed for him to discover a secret she added for him to find. He is plagued by strange possibilities to his dolly’s reasoning behind the design choice. He struggles to muster the courage to remove the dress – or even see reason to do so, other than quenching the thirst of his curiosity.
It's just a doll, isn't it?
Fic art: Eyes on you
Build the bridge to burn another (Pomni x Zooble - Platonic)
Pomni is having a hard time after an interesting and revealing conversation she had with Caine. To make matters worse, the jester is pushed to her limit by Zooble's shameless, apathetic mannerisms. She would never understand why they suddenly wouldn't leave her alone, after weeks of receiving the cold shoulder.
Fic comic/art: Unlikely friends
Misplaced, but present (Kinger x Ragatha - Platonic)
Kinger had seen everything, but he has a hard time telling facts from fiction. Fading in and out of reality, he is suddenly brought into a period of clarity when a good friend came for a visit.
Fic comic/art: Stale
Blood in the Water (Jax x Ragatha - Romantic/Platonic)
Gangle is accompanied by Jax, who had requested her assistance with something unexpected. As the two spend some time together, Jax realize that there is more lurking beneath the mask she chooses to hide behind. Due to the outcome of a quarrel, the rabbit is left to his own devices and ultimately seeks out Ragatha's company to make a special delivery.
As the odd couple eventually part ways, Ragatha is left unaware of a bloodtrail enticing an evil that they hadn't encountered in a long time.
This is literally the only way to summarize the story without spoiling anything.
Mirage (Group chaos)
The day starts off slow and ends in tragedy. Kinger is awake. Hell breaks loose.
Fic art: Possession
Fanart/Fan comics:
Evil with a target (CLICK HERE TO SEE)
Oasis TADC AU in a nutshell (CLICK HERE TO SEE)
First dance (CLICK HERE TO SEE)
Frustration (CLICK HERE TO SEE)
Slave to the throne (CLICK HERE TO SEE)
Silly Goobers (CLICK HERE TO SEE)
Pomni and Zooble tribute (CLICK HERE TO SEE)
Eyes on you (CLICK HERE TO SEE)
Asks about Oasis
(list may get it's own post if I get too many asks to include it here)
Kind encouragement to keep writing (1) (I will, thank you!)
A reader's favourite moments in some of the fics (1) (I love to hear them!)
Do I mind people drawing fanart of this AU (1) (2) (PLEASE DO, I'M HONOURED!)
Pomni's relationships and role (1) (2) (Spoiling it so soon...?)
Kaufmo's relationships and role (1) (Hmmmm...)
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skyberia · 7 months
[Knocking on ur door] hi I’m interested in nephos. What’s this abt a death curse?
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so, for starters, their general Tragic Backstory goes something like:
néphos was born cursed, or was cursed really shortly after birth.
their parents abandoned them basically immediately after they were born, presumably because they didn't want to deal with a Literal Cursed Child (or maybe because they had something to do with it…?)
by the time he was found by another person, he was nearly completely overtaken by this curse, his body almost entirely covered in these dark marks shaped like tendrils.
luckily the person who found him was a good samaritan-- a kind old halfling cleric who took them in and decided to try her best to help them, whatever the cost.
she couldn't find a way to dispel the curse through the usual means. hard to when you don't even know what the hell you're dealing with, she's never seen anything like this before
it's obvious that she's running out of time though, and that if something wasn't done soon they'd die. so she did the only thing she could think to do, which was buy them time.
ultimately she managed to take the curse and "isolate" it to his left eye, rendering it blind and darkened, but effectively slowing down its progress and making it so he could at least have a proper chance at living!
however doing this took a Lot out of her, basically seeping her of nearly all of her energy and magic and rendering her really weak and sickly as a result.
she managed to care for and raise them for a few years, but when they were a child still she became too ill to continue doing so and had to be taken for basically permanent care at a local house of healing, leaving them to fend for themselves in the streets.
thankfully what she did was pretty effective, making it so the worst they had to deal with (curse wise. they still had a pretty rough time in other aspects) for the first like two decades of their life was weird looks and a lack of depth perception.
but then one day he looks in the mirror and finds dark marks coming out of their left eye, reminding them that all that was done was just a measure to Slow Down the progress of the curse, and that he's still bound to succumb to it someday soon...
he tries to look for cures, goes to every curse specialist he can find, then to whatever expert cleric or wizard that's around, and none of them can even tell him what the curse even is. nobody's ever seen anything like it, and so obviously nobody has any fucking clue how to get rid of it!
so eventually they just give up. accept the fact that their lifespan is going to be significantly shorter than most other elves, that they're going to suffer a horrible and unknown fate at some point, and decide to just make the most out of whatever time they do have left
and that's it :) that's their whole deal. he then spends the rest of his days in baldur's gate fucking around and narrowly escaping finding out, placing bets on what'll get to him first the authorities or the curse, Except that's not what happens at all and instead they get abducted by mind flayers and get a tadpole inserted in their brain, and when they next manage a glimpse in the mirror Oh! Lol! the curse's suddenly spreading a lot faster than before huh! but they can't spend too long worrying about that because they suddenly have a bunch of new friends with a lot of problems and issues that are more pressing than his own and on top of that the world's falling apart and they're the only ones who can save it and Oh, uh, he just nearly died in combat and somehow that made the marks from the curse worse, and it's kind of starting to react weirdly with his lightning magic? and-- hey, you know now that you mention it, his whole life he just went along with this story his mother figure told him about his origins but the more he thinks about it the more holes he finds in it and it starts making less and less sense, and ha ha haa haaaaaaaa
(insert the whole companion questline i made up for them here. in order to not keep both of us here all day and also immediately contradict all the information i just gave you and overcomplicate everything, the really short version is: the woman he thought saved his life lied. Among other things)
anyway. Some other general things about them:
their full name is néphos huan
they're 54 years old
they don't know this but they're like elf mixed-race. their father was a sun elf, and their mother was a drow. he gets the red eyes (...eye...) and grey hair (and the penchant for ruthlessness, probably) from his mom.
their "job" pre-events essentially consisted of them seeking out people with issues and offering to help sort them out, for a price. Usually a quite high one.
he has a sort of reputation around baldur's gate as someone who can "solve any problem with a snap of their fingers!" because of this, which kind of makes him sound like a djinni. he is not. it just turns out that a lot of problems can be solved by frying whoever's causing them with a concentrated lightning storm lol
they're really reckless. i cannot understate this. At every turn they will see something that has a high chance of killing them (but that has some potential reward) and they will run straight at it. This was already a problem before but the tadpole makes it SO much worse
he's a real "what's in it for me?"/"where's my reward?" type bitch. refuses to do anything without knowledge that there will be some type of compensation for him at the end. This is a fine attitude to have and definitely doesn't have consequences that carry over to his personal relationships making them more difficult than they should otherwise be
i could go on for ages longer abt their general dynamics with the other characters and also their fake companion quest and so on but i will . leave it here for now. Thank you for asking. i love you
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wasyago · 11 months
how did u get so good at composition:3 did u like to draw background all the time or it came to be after practice how long does one piece usually take:333
hehe well, thank you first of all. second of all... um both? practice yes, no one gets it on the first time. and just. i dont know? doing it over and over again and trying new things and experimenting, seeing what works, what doesn't, where the background is needed and not.
i remember i heard a lot of artists around me saying that they didn't like or couldn't draw backgrounds, and for some reason i decided that im not gonna be like other girls and learn to do it. and i uhhh.... just started? drawing backgrounds? i was trying, and watching tutorials on youtube, and seeing how other people did it and eventually it got easier? i can say that i definitely enjoyed figuring out how to do it, struggling to get the perspective and composition right. like, it was hard but i had a lot of fun doing it, so it felt natural and just like, normal art progression? it didn't feel like i was going out of my way to draw backgrounds, i just did it when i felt like it?
at some point i joined a character ask, you know, when people ask questions and you draw the character answering. and i decided that im gonna draw a background for each answer instead of it being a character on a blank background. and doing this, like, specifically trying to draw backgrounds and tell a story with them, and doing it regularly and coherently, it helped me progress a lot. like, i started with a character sitting on a couch in a room, and then it got better and better, multiple rooms, multiple angles of the same room, different locations and images. it helped me a ton. just, figuring out when you need a background, when its rather i did something simple for one frame and focused on the other instead, where the character needs to be positioned, etc.
i can say i didn't do a lot of proper studies, and if i did maybe it would've been helpful... i only drew things that were in my head, with characters that i liked, with imaginary locations and stuff. never really drew from photos... we did go on plein-airs, or whatever they're called, when i was in art school, so drawing backgrounds from real life probably also helped a little, but i can't remember anything about it so it didn't do as much.
i looked at a lot of art from cool artists and expanded my visual library, i analyzed their art trying to figure out why i like it and how to make my art have the same kind of feeling. and i still do! sometimes something just takes over me and i scroll pinterest for 3 hours looking at pretty art and going to artists' profiles and saving art and using it as inspiration later. and it helps! a lot!
i dont know where this post is going ummm. i guess if you want to learn to draw something, just like, start. scrap it if you don't like it and try again, have fun, don't get attached. and uhh, i felt a little nostalgic so here are some of my pieces that i did throughout the years. definitely feels like i got better at it recently, but there's still a lot of room for improvement
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oh and for your second question. one piece takes about ummmm... more than a thousand episodes, thats 20 minutes times 1000 devided by 60 devided by 24... we're looking at about 14+ days of non stop watching?
no but for real. i dont really keep track of time when im drawing, uhh. plus depending on the complexity... my recent jrwi drawings are sketches, so they took maybe one or two hours max. something rendered uhhh, maybe 5 hours? if i don't finish it in one day the chances of this drawing ever getting done are super low, soo yeah
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amerricanartwork · 8 months
Current digital art process!
Acting on @shkika 's request because making my redraw for this post actually ended up giving me more confidence in my digital art process! As such, I'm gonna use it as a reference. And if this walkthrough of sorts turns out nice, I might do it again as my process evolves!
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I started off with a quick sketch of sorts, trying to focus both on movement and volume, and get the general idea of where each element is located. I edit the image dimensions and placement of things a lot in this phase, as my ideas often tend to change once I actually begin drawing them. In this case, as I got it down, I decided I wanted it to look like some cheesy animal motivational poster, so that influenced where the text was.
From there, I began to clean and sometimes edit the sketch, mainly by thickening the lines to make the shapes more definite, and erasing what wasn't necessary and interfered with other parts. Volume is one of my biggest focuses in my drawings, so I try my best to get the volume of each character at least hinted at with the lines. This is something that will probably remain in my process for a while, as I quite dislike doing separate lineart and like the messy, sketchy feel anyway.
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I also wanna mention, in addition to having references and such in other windows, I've recently begun having a second mini window of my current drawing off to the side so I can see what it looks like overall more easily, regardless of how much I zoom in on and flip the main window. It's quite helpful!
For reference, this is what the final sketch looked like:
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Then, I went on to add the flat colors. Another tip: I almost always set my sketch layer to "Lumi & Shade" because I think it makes the line colors a lot richer, but since it's based on what colors are underneath, it colors the lines a lot more individually than changing the sketch color as a whole. Here's some comparison to a version without the effect (left):
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Then, I add some shading using a (really nice) marker brush. This is honestly one of my favorite parts of the process, just trying to carve out all the volumes, especially since I usually use a pretty blue color for shadows!
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Sometimes, I honestly just leave drawings finished at this step, because I adore the sketchy look so much, and because I really don't like the tediousness of more realistic rendering in the painting process; from what I've seen/experienced, it often involves having to basically paint the entire image over again, which I've realized I find REALLY boring (and is also why I clean the sketch instead of making a new lineart layer). As such, one of my hopes is to reach a point where I could almost completely avoid having to clean up the image in a traditional painting method, instead being able to lay down lines and colors so well that they convey nearly all the volume necessary on their own, still have that sketchy appeal, yet also look finished and professional.
Alas, I did do a bit of clean up on this image, but I think it still turned out alright!
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Here's the finished drawing! I'll have to practice with this process a bit more to truly solidify it as my digital go-to, but nonetheless, I think this came out adorable! Thanks again shkika for the ask, and thanks to @mintscampi for the sweet prompt! I hope you guys like it!
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