#jujutsu kaisen fics
chosos-mascara · 1 year
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a piece of advice
𝙮𝙪𝙪𝙩𝙖 𝙤𝙠𝙠𝙤𝙩𝙨𝙪 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 - after you offer condom advice to yuta, you put forward a second suggestion.
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 - condom + lube use, fem reader, soft sex, yuta has a big p
2.6k words
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Yuuta wasn't a virgin. In the midst of his twenties, he'd had enough encounters and experiences, times in which protection had been of course used, though provided for him. There was one thing on his list of sexual endeavors that he hadn't done, and that had been purchasing his own condoms. 
With that in mind, he'd been standing with basket in hand, pacing the medicine isle within his local supermarket - an embarrassing buy he'd felt inclined to make. Toge had been encouraging him into the dating scene after strings of one night stands and situation-ships, a promise of setting the raven haired male up with his cute friend. There was only one hurdle until his scheduled date, and that had been within one of many boxes before him. He needed to prepare. 
One step over the other, an antsy stumble as an uncomfortable sheen of sweat coated his body. Yuuta sighed when looking up to the shelves, eyeing options and colourful packages decorated in awkward phrases; for her, ribbed for pleasure... the list continues. Each helpless reach toward a decision had been disrupted almost as soon as his clammy hand would lift, a person edging too close to the isle he'd been panicking within A swift withdraw and turn to opposing direction would be the result of his anxiety, and Yuuta would be left back at square one. 
Through this routine, Yuuta's stresses focused elsewhere, he hadn't noticed a recurring face passing every few minutes, the same pair of eyes watching as his brow furrowed over, as his fingers grazed shiny cardboard and gaze locked onto one package. 
At first, you'd watched the stranger through morbid curiosity; an attractive guy around your age looking at condoms? It had been that of human nature that had driven you to watch him make a decision, to fantasise over his fingers as he'd roll it over himself, positioning his ache to soothe yours. 
Would he buy ribbed, or focus on her pleasure? Or, with his anxious nature, you'd guess there'd be a chance he'd go for extra safe. When watching him finally reach out, you'd clenched your thighs in anticipation, a giddiness within you to witness his choice first hand, anticipation pooling with arousal within the pit of your stomach as his fingers had almost wrapped around a box - though he'd ripped them away much faster when another stranger had turned the corner. His black head of hair had blurred as he span into the other direction, raised arm flying to the back of his neck as his fingers scratched at the skin nervously. 
It had been the fourth failure that had finally driven you to take a step forward - to put him out of his misery and allow the situation to rest. At first, he'd watched your movements from the corner of his eye, though as you'd grown closer to his personal space than previous strangers had, he'd cautiously met your eye. The nervous look painted on his face had accompanied a thick swallow and sheepish smile as he stepped backward, hoping you'd simply pass by. 
"Are they for your girlfriend?" The question had been spoken with confidence as you'd turned to him, an arm crossing the other as he tensed up, forced smile dropping to a frown.  "W-what?" He'd stuttered in shock as he followed your raised finger with hesitancy. You had in fact pointing toward the rows of condom boxes shelved before him. "Well, there's a lot of choices, aren't there?" You'd spoken with ease, a light hearted tone to soothe his worries. "Have you used one before?"  The male's face relaxed with your friendly demeanour, though it had felt as if the ground was swallowing him whole. 
"Uh," He cleared his throat, hand returning to the back of his neck once again, meeting the spot you'd watched him rub raw over the course of his endeavour. "I've used them before - just never bought them." The statement had ended in a raise of your brow, and a churn in the pit of his stomach.  "Hm, can I offer advice?" You gestured toward the more elaborate forms of protection; ribbed, thin, dotted and heated. "You don't need things like this. If you care about her pleasure, just learn where the clitoris is." Your finger moved, pointing at flavoured condoms with a frown. "Personally, I don't get the appeal, unless you're planning on only having oral." 
Yuuta swallowed back a thick lump within his throat at that statement. 
Finally, you placed a palm over box, fingers wrapping around edges and lifting package out, facing it toward the attractive stranger. His dark blue eyes drifted over the writing, body slouched.  "These are fine for your first buy. They're standard, lubricated, and safe." You pushed the pack toward him, and finally, he held it between his fingers. He glossed over the back before clearing his throat and glancing back to the array of condoms before him, stray orbs finally slowing over bigger sizes, pointing toward a black box with gold writing, large written clearly on the front. 
"I think these might be better - they're normal too, right?" A pink tint had tickled his skin as he spoke, the smile over your face causing his breathing to pick up a pace, heart racing. You hadn't meant to let the giggle pass your lips, but it had, and Yuuta had appeared all the more uncomfortable.  "Size doesn't matter, you know? The normal ones will do fine." You'd tried to reassure him, though he'd opened his mouth, a quiet stuttering before he'd fought back.  "I don't think they'll fit." 
"Uh," Now, it had been your turn to shift uncomfortably, fingers finding the hem of jumper before contemplating your next question, and the appropriateness of asking a complete stranger for their dick size in the middle of your local supermarket. You'd wondered how to approach the inquiry, instead opting to take the box back from his grasp, fingers ghosting his. "It says on the back that they're 7 inches long. You should be okay."
Yuuta stirred, a dry cough pushed through throat as heat rose his body. What had already been an extremely embarrassing interaction had somehow grown worse as his brain had buffered, lips unmoving. When he'd watched the pretty girl pass his isle, he'd felt slightly uneasy; but when she had in fact stopped to approach him with advice he'd felt a thousand times more humiliated. And now, having you insist on a condomsize he'd known wouldn't fit both girth and size he'd endowed had left him with two options: the first had been to blindly accept the recommendation and buy the incorrect size, or the second; to tell you he'd been above average. 
For whatever reason, he'd decided on the second. 
"Well-" He'd stammered, before specifying. "I'm eight and a half." Yuuta hadn't been aware that his protest had caused your thighs to clench, tight muscles causing friction as a startled hum left your lips. You hadn't been entirely sure if the outward sound had been that of pleasure or surprise. 
"Oh." A short response to voice your surprise and detract from the small sound you'd made a few seconds before had been the only thing you could muster, mostly relishing in awkwardness.  
In reality, the honesty he'd spoken had only led you to feel more attracted to him. His relaxed outfit and pretty hair had been the first thing to catch your eye, and then a cute face - but now, you'd felt your little crush morph into desire, a need to have him between your legs to help fill an ache he hadn't known existed.
The black box had been dropped into his basket, a readjustment of the other items to retain some modesty as he'd finished his shopping. You'd smiled as he thanked you for the help, and watched him walk to the other end of the store while you'd taken your, in comparison, sparse basket to the tills, paying up and leaving.
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When outside, bag over arm, you'd contemplated two options. You had felt desperation to speak with him once more and to get his number in your phone, or maybe it had been to have his face between your thighs. In thought, you slumped back to the store's outer wall, a sigh leaving chest. Were you really going to embarrass yourself like this? To ask a man you were almost sure had been in some sort of relationship considering his purchase history - would you milk the slim chance of him being single?
Minutes had passed, and with time, rational thought had taken hold of you, gripping each shoulder to scream into your face. What were you doing out here? 
Pushing from the brick, shaking head, you took a step forward to make your way back home - most likely involving an evening of yourself and vibrator. Only, two steps forward with your head down had you close to lunging into another person - him. 
"Are you following me?" He had asked with small smile, another scratch to the back of his neck. Your expression of shock had seemingly concerned the raven haired male, his forced laughter dying out as he placed his hands into his pockets, a white plastic bag hanging from wrist. 
"Do you have a girlfriend?" The contents of his bag had been all you'd needed to spark the question, and he'd been goggling awkwardly once more.  "No - why?" The awkward laughter had returned at the end of his sentence, eyes trailing from yours to instead ghost over the pavement at your feet. 
"I-" You cleared your throat. "You were buying condoms, so I thought..." Trailing off, you'd mentally cursed yourself for the situation at hand.  "A friend of mine wanted to set me up with someone he knew." The stranger's explanation had been realistically unneeded, though you'd appreciated his specification - enough to prompt further questioning.  "So - do you have anyone to use those condoms with?" 
His gaze left the pavement and met yours before he'd replied.  "No." 
"Want me to help you with that?"
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Yuuta followed you into your bedroom, white shopping bag still over hand as you turned to face him. The accessory was cute, but had served as a reminder of both his awkwardness and the fact you'd let a stranger into your home with only the promise of sex. 
You'd stepped forward, closing the gap between each of you with your palms first, laying them flat over his cheeks. In this light, you could see the true grey of his eyes, soft and harsh tones making up his vision. He looked at you through both nervousness and curiosity before your slow movement forward had connected your lips in his, a drawn out kiss to test the waters. 
His hands had immediately came to press over the small of your back, bringing you closer while displaying the largeness of his palms. His grasp had taken more space than than other men's had, while somehow much gentler, calmer. He'd been a good kisser too, locking of lips molding perfectly to your own, and when introducing a swipe of tongue, he'd responded with a slide over yours. He felt good, a divine play between each of you as he moved with you, a gentle push toward the bed before you'd laid on your back, his grasp over your hips and the bag landing beside. 
Yuuta pulled back first, hands sliding upward to lift your shirt and graze smooth skin beneath, scaling the length of stomach before pulling cotton over your head. You giggled, a warmth on your face as he dug through the bag beside you, retrieving the box needed before tossing the white plastic to one side. The oversized hoodie he'd been dressed within had soon been thrown to the floor beside your garment, and through languid movements and kisses, the remainder of garments had been discarded. 
"Do you have lube?" Yuuta's voice was low, mouth against neck as he'd asked. At first, your response had simply been a hum in appreciation to the vibrations against your skin, teeth over lip to suppress a louder sound, though when he'd drawn back entirely you'd been left to process the question. A quick glance toward your bedside table had been enough, Yuuta's vascular forearm reaching over to pull the top drawer, a small bottle with a pump pulled from the mess. 
The black box had been opened, a condom retrieved by long fingers, the foil resting between teeth as he tore it open. You'd giggled and he'd looked toward you in sheepishness, the small smile you'd seen throughout your limited time with him returning.  "Do you do that for all the girls?" Your question had caused his eyes to roll, his smile and laughter answer enough before an apology. But, you'd reassured him.  "Don't apologize, it was hot."
He pulled rubber downward, shaft covered in the thin layer before he'd pumped a few globs of the thick substance over two fingers, a draw over slit to make your back arch. Yuuta watched your expression soften when he'd inserted them, slow pumps and heavy breaths. When he'd added a third, you'd shifted and he'd paused, but your hand moving to envelop his wrist and pull it toward you had caused him to continue, the care in his actions making for an easier experience. 
When he'd finally pushed the head of himself inside your walls, he'd groaned, a relief to ache he'd felt within himself when using only his fingers. He pushed in further, your tightness hugging him while you'd moaned beneath, arms lowering to allow himself closer to you, chest to chest.  "This okay?" He'd whispered gently and you'd nodded, eyes half lidded watching as he moved again, hips plush to your spread thighs before he'd draw himself back. Lips agape, moans passed through involuntarily, the stretch of his cock buried deep within you and his skin brushing yours to share warmth intoxicating. Your legs had moved from the loose spread position to instead wrap themselves around his torso. 
Yuuta groaned softly, finally pressing his mouth to yours after watching your expression contort beneath him with each thrust. A whimper against his skin, he'd rocked himself closer to release, your walls fluttering over the length he'd endowed to milk his length into the latex cover. Part of you had wished you'd taken him bare, envisioning his release as you'd taken his load, though instead he'd groaned and stuttered to climax within bounds of protection. 
Yuta's forehead had pressed against your own, fingers clutching the pillow behind your head in one hand and your thigh in another, squeezing over both cotton cover and the thick of skin as he allowed himself to experience his euphoria. He'd pushed himself furthest into you while coming undone, your walls squeezing him as he fizzled back into the bedroom around him. 
When he'd finished, the latex taken to the small trash can within your bathroom. When you'd returned from a quick shower he'd been propped against the headboard of your bed, clothed and phone in hand. 
"You're still here?" You laughed, damp towel hung over the white bedroom door as you'd made your way back into your room. His sight had lifted from his phone as he'd stood, smile over face.  "I was thinking we could go and get dinner?" The request had caught you off guard, heart skipping a beat when your eyes had scanned his. He'd have to let Toge know he wouldn't be meeting his friend, after-all. 
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planetnini · 1 year
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with the week you're having, you don't have it in you anymore to deal with anymore bullshit and take it out on your asshole of a roommate gojo satoru (3.8k words)
content. cheating (we don’t do the cheating), named ex: hiroto, shoko is an extremely good judge of character, geto suguru the man that you are, gojo is a bit of an asshole, reader goes off at the end (rightfully so) <33
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Whoever said that if you do what you love, you'll never work another day in your life was a liar. Sure it was a well-meaning sentiment and while it filled your soul with some semblance of hope on some days, it was the main reason you were struggling with your degree and drowning in work. 
So much for dreaming big…
“What’s got your panties in a twist?” the girl questioned. The smoke from her cigarette created an odour that permeated the air as you let out a sigh, leaning back on the wall.
“That shit’s gonna kill you one day.” you muttered moving your head toward the cigarette in between her fingers as you turned your attention to the scene in front of you, waiting for her to finish.
“Make sure I have a nice funeral.” she chuckled before puffing out a cloud of smoke as she pulled the cigarette away from her mouth. When you didn't laugh at her comment, she just stared at you. Your eyes were closed and breathing a little jagged as she observed. Did you think she wouldn't notice?
Ieriri does not reveal much about herself, but everyone that was friends with her knew she was deathly loyal and cared for her friends in a unique way. She put the stick up to her mouth inhaling as she spoke, "You look like shit.” 
“You know how my afternoon lectures are.” she sighed.
She put out her cigarette in the ashtray bin and tucked her hands into her pocket. She was not at all convinced by your story. 
“Hold it Missy.” she demanded and of course your feet stopped in its tracks before her, “Tell me what’s wrong now.”
“I’ve been hearing things about Hiroto.”
You don’t think you’ve met someone that hated Hiroto more than your best friend herself. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as you mentioned your boyfriend or as she called him ‘he-who-must-not-be-named’. She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed, her lips pulling into a pout. She always had a thing for the dramatics.
"What else is new? Hiroto is a scumbag."
"Ieiri!" you scolded, frowning at her choice of words. 
She scoffed with a shrug before she linked your arms in hers and started walking toward the cafe. You had no idea what she had against Hiroto. He was the most popular guy in your university, and he was the one everyone wanted to be with, but it came as a surprise when he chose you. He had eyes for you, and you couldn't understand why anyone would want you of all people so he asked you out one day and you didn't have the heart to say no. Even if you had liked him at the time, which you didn’t, you still couldn't have said no, it would have been an opportunity wasted. He wasn’t the nicest guy but you would say he treated you well so you defended him every time.
“I still don't understand what you see in him.”
You smiled faintly, “As much as you doubt him, he really does care about me."
You could tell that Ieiri didn’t approve. She never made her opinion on him a secret, and you don’t expect her to start now. 
She rolled her eyes again and sighed, "Yeah, well you should really find someone better, like a certain someone."
It was your turn to roll your eyes at the thought of who she was referring to: a certain white haired roommate of yours. 
“I hope you’re not trying to suggest who I think you are?” you stated as she gave you a sly smirk before shrugging.
“Have things with Satoru been better?”
You paused, contemplating on how to respond as you both walked into the cafe. You turned your attention to the menu as you stood in line. Your eyes scanned over the pamphlet you received when you walked in as you also looked at the assortment of baked goods and pastries. 
"I still can't quite figure him out." you muttered as you stared at some of the menu items.
Her curiosity was piqued as you said this, already knowing what she would order as she stared at you now. "What's he up to now?" she asked.
When you got to university, you opted to follow your dreams and your heart and while you looked forward to finishing your degree, reaching your dreams and goals was expensive, which was something you had known as a teen. It explained why you had to get a job that definitely does not pay minimum wage and why you had to room with Satoru Gojo, as per Ieiri’s request, just to be able to do what you love.
At first, you had thanked Ieiri for convincing the prestigious Gojo Satoru to be your roommate at the start but when he moved in, you were less than grateful.
Gojo Satoru was a scion of a wealthy and successful family making him the epitome of privilege: rich, handsome, and effortlessly at the top of his class without ever needing to study– he pretty much had everything handed to him on a silver platter. 
The first few months were turbulent, to say the least. Gojo acted like a spoiled prince, which was not surprising, always expecting things to be done for him and showing little regard for your personal space or boundaries. Arguments were frequent and inevitable but you shouldn't be complaining, he was the one paying most of the rent. 
Entitlement dripped from his every pore but then something shifted. With you trying to assert your own space and independence against his behaviour and actions, it was as though he had picked up on your growing frustration and decided to turn over a new leaf or whatever. 
It started with small gestures- he'd clean up after himself, occasionally ask if you needed anything from the store, and even helped out with chores around the apartment. These moments, though rare, caught you off guard. You couldn't help but wonder if it was all an act, a facade he put on simply because you were sharing a living space. Deep down, you were convinced that the 'nice' Gojo was just a pretence to keep the peace.
Yet, there were times when you couldn't ignore the fact that he seemed genuinely concerned about you, though these moments were fleeting– hidden beneath layers of sarcasm and his usual arrogance.
“He is just utterly unpredictable." you sighed as you put a hand over your eyes in frustration.
"Sounds like Satoru." she chuckled.
“I don’t know, it just feels like he’s nice to me because I’m friends with you.”
Shoko raised an eyebrow, a hint of concern in her eyes. "Are you saying he's being fake around you because of our friendship?"
"Yeah, sometimes it feels that way. Like he's just putting on a show."
Shoko's lips pulled into a small frown, her eyebrows knitting together, "That doesn't sound like him at all. Maybe he's just trying to be friends with you."
You had been so focused on the topic at hand, you hadn't realised you were at the front of the line.
You shrugged, "It's probably nothing.”
"Stop thinking about Satoru, you’re holding up the line." she scoffed as she smiled at the cashier.
You gave the worker an apologetic smile before turning to the person behind you, "Sorry, about that."
After ordering your favourite drink and some pastries, you approached a small table to sit. “I don’t know. I mean I guess Gojo and I are friends but still, I’m a bit suspicious.”
“I don’t think he would do something like that for my sake.”
"It just feels like you're trying to get him on my good side, I wonder why that is." you hummed with a tilt of your head, raising your brows at her.
"I think my best friend just deserves someone better." she shrugged with a pout.
"And Gojo is 'someone better'?" you scoffed.
Her hesitance was telling and you could see the gears shifting in her head, "That's like asking if apple juice is better than orange juice."
You rolled your eyes at her and looked around the café. The coffee beans alongside the soft humming of the machine, muffled speaking, jazz that played through the speakers really defined the atmosphere. Perhaps this place would become a regular study spot if they nailed just how you liked your drinks. 
“Thank you for coming with me by the way.”
“No problem.”
You had a small smile on your lips as Ieiri decided to fold the receipt she had in her hand into origami, your eyes leisurely scanned over the cafe's charming layout but then, as fate would have it, your heart suddenly felt like it had been gripped by an icy hand, causing it to skip a beat.
The cafe that once felt spacious now seemed to shrink around you, constricting your senses. Your gaze, once idly roaming the room, had fixated on an all-too-familiar figure.
There, amidst the warm, cosy ambiance of the cafe, sat Hiroto. He was not alone. He was sitting across from another girl, their faces close. A rare smile was etched across his features, who was she to be able to make him look at her like that? He had never looked at you that way… 
Maybe it was a friend?
Ieiri, perceptive as ever, noticed the abrupt change in your expression. Her eyes followed your gaze instinctively, and when she locked onto what you were seeing, her face transformed from one of carefree enjoyment to sheer disbelief and anger. 
Their smiles were flirtatious and you could feel the creeping feeling of fear settle in your bones.
They were completely engrossed in each other, oblivious to the world around them as they leaned in for a kiss. Definitely not a friend.
Ieiri was right. He was a scumbag.
Your mind couldn't quite grasp what was unfolding before your eyes, reality not even seeming real for a second.
Confrontation was the last thing on your mind. You didn't want to cause a scene, not here, not now, even if every fibre of your being screamed for justice.
Shoko's fingers tightened around her origami creation, crumpling it as her anger flared up. Her eyes locked onto the two with an intensity that could have scorched the room. 
She had always been vocal about her disdain for him, and this seemed like the perfect moment to let it all out. Without hesitation, Shoko started to push her chair back, her intention clear: she was going to confront Hiroto, give him a piece of her mind, and let the whole café know about his deceit. To berate him for everything he did to you, everything he did that you were too blind to see. You sat there in silence, your heart heavy with disbelief and betrayal but instinctively your hand reached out for hers. You shook your head ever so slightly, silently pleading with her not to make a scene.
“We can't just let him get away with this." she whispered back, her frustration growing by the minute.
Shoko's anger was palpable, and her lips quivered with the words she wanted to unleash but she respected your unspoken plea, if only for now, and reluctantly sank back into her chair waiting for your order number to be called out. Once you received the drinks and pastries, the two of you continued walking back to your shared apartment, the weight of the situation heavy on your mind as a tear slipped from your eyes. You had no goddamn appetite now.
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The evening had taken an unsettling turn for you. After returning from a troubling encounter at the café that you wished you could just forget, you found yourself back in your cosy apartment that you shared with the Satoru Gojo, the most popular boy on campus.
As you pushed off your shoes and set them by the door, you overheard some of Gojo's friends chatting in the main area. Forcing a smile, you greeted the people in the room as Ieiri followed behind you, making her presence known as she greeted them as well. You placed the bag of pastries on the table, knowing that for certain, Gojo would inhale them when he got his hands on them.
“Hey, do you have a smoke?” Geto asked Ieiri as he looked over his shoulder. Next thing you knew, Geto had moved to sit across from you at the island counter while you sipped at your glass of water, mind wandering back to your jerk of a boyfriend. “How are you?” he inquired, patiently waiting for your response.
“I’m alright, thanks,” you mumbled, trying to muster a genuine smile in response to his concern. 
Geto waved a hand in front of your face as your thoughts drifted. Suddenly, you were locked into eye contact with him. Leaning down to eye level, he asked, “You sure you’re okay? You look a bit tired,” a playful chuckle escaping his lips.
You sighed a little before shaking your head resolutely, “Just had a terrible fucking week.”
Geto chuckled, “Tell me about it.” he scoffed, commiserating with your struggles. Although he didn’t know the full story, it didn’t matter, you were seen for a second and it felt good, "I swear they have it out for us."
Ieiri was best friends with both Gojo and Geto in high school. You never really understood their dynamic at all but the brief interactions shared with Geto had been enough for you to come up with a comprehensive answer. 
Many people around had said that Geto was like the sun personified, radiating this warmth and light wherever he went. His presence had an undeniable magnetic quality, drawing people toward him but he could leave an indelible mark on anyone in his presence. It was quite possible that what was true, made you smile a little.
Gojo's friends continued their lively chatter, sharing stories and laughter and it wasn’t until you heard the tap turn on that you realised Gojo is standing right next to you drinking water aswell.
“Hey. You smoking or what? I don’t have all day, Suguru,” Shoko chimed in, her voice cutting through the conversation.
“That shit will kill you one day Suguru.” he muttered next to you.
“Funny. You said the same thing to me today.” Ieiri commented and you could feel all their gazes land on you.
“I guess we’re a lot alike.” Gojo joked and you feel yourself smile at his words as Geto and Shoko shared a look.
Geto cleared his throat, a hand coming up to your shoulder, “Things will get better, I promise.” he smiled as both he and Shoko exited the apartment for their smoke.
The atmosphere inside the apartment shifted slightly as you were left alone in the kitchen with Gojo.
“What was that about?” he spoke, regarding the comment that Geto had just made. 
You turned your attention to Gojo and shook your head dismissively, “It’s nothing.”
“You sure? You can talk to me, you know?”
“I know,” you nodded, “It’s nothing, really.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” he took another sip of his water. 
You paused for a moment, “If I knew you had guests over, I would've brought them some as well.” you stated, pointing at the pastries from the café in the bag.
Gojo raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "So those pastries are for me?" he inquired, his playful tone evident.
"Don't push it." you scoffed, your heart warming at his teasing for just a second. There is suddenly a nagging feeling that tells you he is just being nice to you due to the circumstances.
You clear your throat as you tear your gaze away from him, "Are your friends staying for dinner? If they are, I might skip."  You weren’t exactly feeling like yourself, and would rather not be spending time around people you hardly knew. You were just getting warmed up to the man next to you anyways.
“They’re not staying over. Even if they were, I don't really encourage skipping meals.” Gojo replied, his tone shifting between genuine concern and playfulness.
You can’t even force yourself to smile at his concern, you wanted to keep the discussion going, but your recent experience at the café had left you feeling on edge. "I guess I’ll see you at dinner then." you teased, your playful tone masking the underlying curiosity you had about his intentions. Did he truly want to be friends with you or was he doing it just out of pity? 
He nodded at you and you retreated back into your room to grab some clothes but the voices of his friends drifted into your ears.
“Was that Hiroto’s girlfriend?”
“Yeah.” you heard the familiar white haired boy reply.
Their conversation had been about you, and you knew it. Trying to push yourself to stop them from eavesdropping, you shook your head and continued at finding some comfortable clothes for tonight. You needed to do something to take your mind off the events from earlier.
"Wait, seriously? I thought he was dating someone else."
Their words cast a shadow over your thoughts and only amplified your bad mood. You clenched your fists, trying to push down the mixture of anger and hurt.
“I don’t know how she’s still with him.”
The weight of their judgement had hit you harder than ever, especially after what you had witnessed earlier. As you contemplated confronting them about it, you could hear the hushed murmurs growing louder, escalating your frustration as a couple of voices interject. 
“She’s kind of pathetic. Don’t you think so?”
You weren't ready to hear them belittle you any further, so you decided to retreat to the sanctuary of the shower, hoping the water would wash away the bitterness. 
You turned on the water, stepping into the shower trying to drown out the sound of their voices echoing in your head. You wished you hadn't noticed how little effort Gojo made to defend you. Perhaps you were wrong to think the two of you were friends to begin with and considering his track record, maybe you shouldn’t have been so lenient to think he was different.
As you emerged from the shower, refreshed but still vulnerable, you were in the confines of your room as you messaged Shoko about what had happened. You knew she would give her a piece of her mind when she saw him next. You laid in bed, letting out some breaths steadying your heartrate as you heard Gojo call for you from outside your door. You weren't prepared for this, not after what you just heard between him and his friends.
With your emotions still raw and your nerves on edge, you slowly opened the door to find Gojo standing there, his usual confident demeanour softened.
His presence in the dimly lit hallway was both comforting and disconcerting. You met his gaze, your eyes holding a mixture of anxiety and frustration.
Gojo's voice was gentle but laced with concern as he spoke, "I sent my friends home.”
You nodded, not even bringing it in yourself to even berate him for being an absolute asshole to you when he thought you weren’t listening.
“I noticed you've been quiet since you got home. Is everything okay? Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?"
Your emotions, a turbulent whirlwind of hurt and anger, surged within you. With a deep breath, you finally found your voice, but your words came out sharp and accusatory, "I don't appreciate it Gojo," you began, your tone wavering but determined, "I know what you and your friends say about me when you think I'm not listening."
Gojo's brows furrowed in confusion. "What?"
"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about," you continued, your voice quivering with anger.
You could see Gojo's expression shift from confusion to realisation, and a pang of regret flickered in his eyes. His usually playful demeanour had vanished, replaced by a sombre and sincere expression.
"I'm sorry," he finally whispered, his voice sincere but unsure of how to proceed.
You felt tears well up in your eyes replaying the pain of your boyfriend cheating on you and the callous things they said behind your back. The disappointment of his apology settled in- he’s only sorry because he got caught. 
“That was the last thing I expected from you.” you spat out. "I thought…” you let out a deep breath, your words hanging with every ounce of pain that you’d felt today. You shook your head as you continued, “I thought we were friends."
"We are." he declared, his eyes wavering now. With guilt or concern, you couldn't tell but you knew he didn't really care.
"We're not." you emphasised, still burning with the fury of all the events that transpired today. "Every day, I see you look at me with those eyes that say how pathetic you think I look."
Gojo's brow furrowed in frustration with himself. He wanted to say the right words, to offer comfort, but he struggled to find them. He stepped a little closer, his hands outstretched towards you. You stepped back, your heart pounding erratically, and he instantly retreated.
“You have no idea how much it hurts but I guess I shouldn’t have trusted you to begin with.”
Without giving him a chance to speak, you shut the door with trembling hands. You felt a thud against the door on the opposite end and you could hear him muttered a few curse words as you slid down the surface defeatedly.
His face that was etched with guilt and regret. That look was embedded in your head as you let the tears slip down your face. He gave a resigned sigh before turning away and trudging off towards the kitchen to make dinner– alone.
You stayed in your room until you heard the door to his room close after a couple hours of distracting yourself: with studying, messaging Shoko how much you hated Gojo, and cleaning your room. Retreating from your bedroom as quietly as you can, you see a plate of food he made for you wrapped up with a small post it note on your favourite drink next to it.
I know you're still mad at me, but I hope you don’t skip dinner. Eat well, you'll need the strength... ᕙ(‾̀◡‾́)ᕗ
You scoffed at his note, scrunching it up, putting it in your pocket. It was all just lip-service.
As you sat there alone, your eyes welled up with tears, and you could feel your composure slipping away. The weight of the day became too much to bear. Your heart ached, the hurt and betrayal coursing through you as you sobbed softly.
What a terrible fucking week.
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tags! @stsgluver @pandoraium @cottonheadedninnymugggins @satoryaa @bbyxxm @itsthemodelinme @sattosugu
notes. this is not proofread. i don't think the last half of this is as good but... we move!!! i'm sick and wanted to give back with the first chapter since i have some free time to write now <3 it gets better i promise, please comment and give me some love (or feedback), thank you :)
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shidouryusm · 1 year
little universe - gojo satoru x reader
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synopsis: in the last hours of dusk you realise how much Satoru means to you
word count: 1.4k
content: soft satoru, way too soft reader, fluff.
a.n - im too disgustingly soft for this towering paintbrush. I will kiss his eyes a thousand times
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The summer sky casted an endless blue, painting the skyline with her depth. Somewhere in the distance, the silence of this passing hour was cut by the songs of cicadas. and in the midst, you see Satoru. sitting on the porch, propped against the door.  a hand resting against his cheek as his eyes reach the infinity of the blue ahead of him. 
“toru?” your voice prompting him to break the unsaid staring contest and look at you. You bring your hand, raking through his hair, it’s muscle memory for you at this point. His hair, slightly damp from the shower earlier,was flattened over his forehead, tufts of it covering the cerulean eyes. His hair felt like light clouds drifting through your fingers,holding a softness in it that makes you wanna play with it forever. 
Satoru hums, feeling your touch. a sweet smile playing along his lips as he watches you take a seat beside him.
“you planning something devious? sitting like that.”, gojo laughs– a small breathy laughter, escaping his nostrils. his lips curving into his one sided smile upon your words.“can’t a man enjoy the simplicity of the nature. must I always be doing something”
“well, you aren’t exactly the type to…meditate under the nature, 'toru. it’s natural for me to conclude you’re probably plotting” you slash your hand against your throat “– world destruction or something nefarious like that. I'm not opposed at all though” you shrug your shoulders.
Gojo laughs again, a bit louder this time. his childish chuckle mixing with the buzz of the cicadas. A swarm of giddiness runs down your spine at his unadulterated boyishness. 
“Is this what you feel about me, darling? well, that’s saddening”, his large hand wraps you around your shoulder, pulling you against him, your body flush against the sides as you encircle your arm around his waist, you feel his thumb rubs small circles on your shoulder. Satoru presses a small kiss between your eyes before resting his cheek against you. An act of sheer comfort and tranquility. 
Silence veils over you both once again as you watch the blue sky deepening her shade, encroaching the night’s call. The colour of it resembling your lover’s eyes inadvertently making you look at them.
His eyes holds depth you can’t bring yourself to fathom. eyes that have witnessed acts you wish you could reverse time and undo. eyes that have seen through the uglies of the world that sometimes all you want is to wrap your hands around and protect them.
Yet these eyes hold unbounded beauty. eyes that conveys infinite promises to you. eyes that have never left the glint of mischievousness.
Eyes with so many layers of blue that you could sit down and point them out. Eyes even beautiful than the spread of the sky above and eyes that has left you falling more and more for him every passing day. 
“thinking something about me, sweetheart?” his drawling voice brings you back. His eyes are narrowed at you, eyebrows raised, as he brings his face closer. His nose brushes against your temples, small breaths tickling the skin, while he plants a sudden, sloppy and a rather wet kiss on your cheek. “you wanna go in for some–”
“Toru, that is vile. did you just smear your spit on me” you scrunch your face, touching the damp spot on your cheek where he kissed.
“Why you’re acting like I don’t do it every nigh….HEY OW OKAY SORRY” you pinch his sides with your arm that was wrapped around his waist. Glowering at him before resuming to lean against his chest, “sit here quiet and nicely.” 
“so mean.” you hear him mutter before tightening his hold on you, bringing you even closer. You smile, feeling his head resting against you again, as he releases a contented sigh. 
A waft of wind blows through the front porch. You watch the overgrown lawn swaying along the rhythm. There’s a sense of vulnerability in this moment, with the lingering hues of the fleeting blue hour. You and him. Unprotected yet so shielded within each other. 
Satoru’s heartbeat echos through your ear. The constant murmurs of his heart that is too big for his own good, sends your thoughts to an overdrive. 
His cheeky persona has always masked the care and love he harbours for the younger generation. His countless attempts have always wanted to set apart the world from the raw ugliness that he had to endure. His growth over the years has set himself on the pedestal of “the honored one”. A beacon of hope. The strongest of the Jujutsu world. A one man army to fix every twisted mess of Jujutsu.
But to how many is he Satoru? A raging sweet-tooth who takes drink orders, unimaginably sweeter for a normal human. A guy with a palm-in-the-face dressing sense. Someone who will mess up the bathroom in the mornings.Someone who will purposely use your shower stuff because it feels like you’re with me always. Someone who will pout and jut his lips to get something they want, too endearing for you to stick to your uptightness. Someone who purposely spoils a movie for you if he watched it ahead.
Someone who displays all the pride in the world while mentioning his students as if they are his flesh and blood,often treating them with whatever they demand. Someone who has a laughter ringing like a dulcet, and someone who is just…purely Satoru. 
You raise your head, facing him as you cup his cheek. A little sudden to surprise him but nonetheless melting into the touch. Your thumb rubs the rosy apple of his cheek, while his lips press a quick kiss to the inside of your palm. 
“don’t you get tired, toru?” your voice dripping with earnesty, your eyes pleading him to say yes just so you can say take some rest. 
Your insides points accusatory fingers to the world to make them see him as him. To let him take a break. To let him be his old self.
“I certainly do. I just wanted some sexy time with you and you turned me down. Im tired of being heartbroken all the time, baby”, satoru feigns sadness, closing his eyes with mocking despair. You shake your head, knowing he would avert it. 
 “Toru, you know what I’m talk-”
He stops you mid sentence with an abrupt small kiss, his lips tentatively hovers over yours before completely resting them. His large hand palming most of your face, tucking a hair behind your ear. 
The kiss, unlike every other, held unsaid words. As if your toru understood what you meant and conveys the answers wordlessly through shared lips and breaths. 
He pulls away, tucking your head against the crevice of his neck,his hands tangled in your hair, “I have you, my sweets. You may be a little obnoxious, leaving my heart into pieces, but having you is enough for me. more than enough if possible” his soft voice resonates in your ears.
Your throat feels lumpy at his words, arms tightening their hold on him. His admission filling a gap in your heart you never knew you had. You understand what he meant. The world may be oblivious to this side of his, but you aren’t. 
The vulnerability that he pours out to you singles you out from them. The rest may anchor themselves on him, but he rests on you – forever will. A piece of his youth has still remained and it is cradled safe in your hearts. Away from the world, forming a makeshift universe – holding just you and him.
He may be the strongest to the world but he was Satoru to you. The messy haired teenager you somehow managed to fall in love with. The haughty second year who grew into an individual filled with love bigger than the sky and compassion touching ends of the universe. It was your Satoru amidst the “honoured one”
“Well, you’re stuck with me now, no matter how much obnoxious you find me. You dug yourself a hole with this one”, a kiss plants against his chest, right where his heart is. right where the unbroken universe of yours resides. 
“Oh did I? how unfortunate of me”
As the last light of the fleeting evening hides under the blanket of nightfall, you make a promise to safeguard this Satoru away from the broken world. 
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oh to kiss this dumbass between the eyes and keep him in my pocket
oh tagging @stsgluver because baby said so
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darkimaginativeplace · 2 months
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Itadori Yuuji/Toudou Aoi, Itadori Yuuji & Toudou Aoi, Fushiguro Megumi & Itadori Yuuji & Kugisaki Nobara Characters: Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara, Toudou Aoi (Jujutsu Kaisen) Additional Tags: Aged-Up Character(s), Timeline What Timeline, Sex Tapes, Accidental Sex Tape Viewing, Accidental Voyeurism, Anal Sex, Masturbation, Phone Sex, Friends With Benefits, Fushiguro Megumi Loves Itadori Yuuji, Unrequited Love, Unrequited Crush, Dirty Talk, Megumi can't get shit in this house, Implied unrequired crush, Second-Hand Embarrassment, Switching
" “What?!” Nobara lets out, loud enough to make Megumi flinch in annoyance. “Itadori, are you telling me you’ve never properly visited Kyoto before? Seriously, what do you two even do to pass the time if Todo is not even taking you sightseeing?”
“W-we train,” Yuuji responds, staring down his drink, the can crinkling a little in his grip. “A lot.” "
In which Nobara and Megumi accidentally scroll one time too many in Yuuji's phone gallery.
( art credit @bornfreakdraws​ aka me )
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rose-matcha-latte · 3 months
JJK Gotcha 4 Gaza!
DONATIONS OPEN: JULY 2-JULY 15 Minimum Donation of $5
hello yes hi, i'm here to promo a jjk event i'll be participating in!
There are over 90 creators for all your fanart and fanfic needs!
Donation Info: https://jjkaction.carrd.co/#donationinfo
Submit Prompts: https://forms.gle/pBPGaewLKQwTGE6r7
please go check it out!!!
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if you would like to check out some of my writing that i'll be doing for this event, please check out my ao3! https://archiveofourown.org/users/dirtymatchamilktea/works
i mainly write NobaMai but anything Nobara & Mai & Maki centric is also good!
anything from fluff to smut to dead dove-like content for these three i've got you covered
hope to see you at the prompts <3
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ii2ko · 9 months
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ch. 6 — shadow the hedgehog
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someone save us from my unwanted cameos
@rybunnie @k4romis @raiyuxa @chilichopsticks @ritsufeet @squiiv @sillygraham @sad-darksoul @morgyyyyyyy @ashfrommyfire @illumnis @firefly—bright @kasumitenbaz @lunavixia @jtoddwife @rijhi @imaddicted-b@deskaisersliebling @aiieera @ptvluvr911 @defnotriri @dcvilxswish @saesofficialwife @aeliusbbg @bakarinnie @raechu11 @kzuvie
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Magnolia - Chapter Seventeen
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Rating: Explicit Media: Jujutsu Kaisen Pairing(s): Geto Suguru x Original Female Character, Geto Suguru x Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru x Gojo Satoru x Original Female Character Additional Tags: Vampire AU, Dark Themes, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicide Attempt, Depression, Loneliness, Polyamory, Slow Burn, Smut
A/N: Tags will be added as chapters are updated. Please be mindful of the tags and warnings at the beginning of each chapter, as they will tell you what you need to know about the content within.
Minors, DNI.
“Actions are so honest, aren’t they?” This comes from Satoru, and she looks back at him, her expression quizzical. “You aren’t saying much of anything with your words, and yet you’re still speaking,” he points out. She’s still in his lap, his hands on her hips, and he’s using his thumbs to trace little circles there, through the thin fabric of her dress.
“Take this dress, for instance,” he goes on. “Sure, the color compliments your skin… but let’s be honest. There aren’t many colors that don’t compliment your skin. You would’ve looked just as nice wearing the red one, or the green one, or even that black one with the lace around the bottom. But you chose the one that matches my eyes. Why is that, Lia?”
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Chapter Warnings: Spit
A/N: I said I was going to post more regularly, and then I got sick. 🤷🏾‍♀️ If you're still here following this, I appreciate you and I'm sorry for the infrequent updates lately.
Chapter Seventeen: X-Rays
It is the first time Satoru has ever kissed her. 
In the dim lighting of a packed club, with Suguru’s grounding presence firmly at her back, his arms around her waist holding her close. 
Here in this hot, crowded room, where the EDM bass is so loud it feels like it’s pumping through her veins… with Satoru’s hands on her hips and his tongue in her mouth and half a dozen pairs of sharp, jealous eyes watching it happen. 
He kisses her like he means it. It steals her breath and scrapes every coherent thought out of her head, replaces the music in her veins with blood that pumps hot and fast, takes all the strength out of her legs and makes her feel she’ll either float or fall. 
It’s deep and messy, and when he pulls back to let her breathe again, he can’t tell if the shine on her lips is from his mouth or hers. 
He finds he doesn’t particularly care; either way, he likes the way it looks. 
“Satoru,” Suguru murmurs reproachfully. “You know better. This is a public place.”
He meets the other man’s eyes over the top of Lia’s head, a smirk twitching at his lips. “You heard her - that woman won’t stop staring. I figured she must think she’s watching a show and I just wanted to give her something worth watching.”
Suguru is not impressed. “You didn’t even ask her if it was okay,” he points out. 
Satoru peers down at Lia. “Can I kiss you?” 
His belated question and the way he looks as he phrases it makes her laugh, even as the tiny flame of desire in the pit of her stomach grows bigger and bigger, fanned by the oxygen of his kiss. 
“Yes,” she answers around her laughter, looking up at him. “You can kiss me---”
“See?” His tone is almost gloating when he looks at Suguru. “She said it’s fine.”
“---but not here,” she adds. 
He looks back at her.
Is this what you’ve seen, Suguru? He wonders. Is this the look she wore when you had her? Her skin doesn’t lend itself to blushing in the form of pink cheeks, but he can tell she’s flushed all the same. There’s a light in her gaze that isn’t normally there, transforming plain brown eyes into something that would give his own uncanny blues a run for their money in a showdown. 
She’s so pretty like this, and seeing her this way for the first time stirs something in his gut. 
“Yeah,” he agrees quietly, thoughtfully. “I don’t think I like the idea of anybody else seeing you like this.”
“Do you want to go home, Lia?” 
The question comes from Suguru, asked softly as he rests his chin on her shoulder. The words themselves are benign, but she knows the question holds a deeper meaning. By asking her if she wants to go home, he is asking her if she wants, and if she will indulge in that want once they’re back in the privacy of their home. 
She doesn’t even have to think about it. 
“I want to go home.”
Slim-hipped and fluent and of lovely motion, Living to the tip of every bone, And ah, too exquisitely vivid-moving Ever to lie wanly down alone--- To lie forever down so still and slender, Tracing on the ancient screen of night That naked and pale writing of the wonder Of your beauty breathing in the light. -Max Eastman, X Rays (excerpt)
Kissing Satoru is different from kissing Suguru, but no less addictive. 
His hands on her hips are a different shape, but just as warm. He takes, takes, takes what he wants, and there is nothing tentative in his touch. It makes her feel emboldened, makes her want to do the same.
Suguru is like the knot that ties them all together… setting her in Satoru’s lap, watching the way they taste each other. Satoru is so pretty, with his blue, blue eyes and his flushed cheeks and his plump lips, slick with her spit… so pretty that not even Suguru can resist him. 
He leans over, that curtain of dark hair falling into his face and obscuring her view. Lia doesn’t want it obscured, though - she wants to see it - so she reaches out and brushes his hair back from his face, tucking it behind his ear so that nothing blocks her view. It’s so natural… so practiced and familiar, the two of them sharing a kiss. Pink cheeks and heavy breathing and that line of spit connecting their lips when Suguru pulls back.
It makes her squirm in Satoru’s lap, makes her want more. 
She watches as a look passes between them. She can’t read the look, but she sees the way Suguru reaches out and gently cups Satoru’s face in his palm, the way he taps his thumb against Satoru’s cheek. Satoru tilts his head back, opens his mouth, looking at her out of the corner of his eye even as Suguru gathers the spit in his mouth, pooling it on his tongue and letting it drip down onto Satoru’s.
She isn’t even aware of the soft, strangled noise she makes in the back of her throat. All she knows is that she wants, she wants, she wants. Whatever these two will give her, she wants it. She’s desperate for it in a way she’s never felt before, and it shows all over her face. 
It makes Satoru laugh. “Suguru, I think she’s feeling left out.”
“Hm?” Suguru looks down at her with a fond smile. “Are you feeling left out, Lia?” 
If asked before today, she might have expressed disgust at the idea of anyone spitting in her mouth. She might have turned her nose up in disdain at the very thought, wondering why anyone would find such a notion appealing in any way. 
Here in this room, at this moment, she feels like a completely different person. It’s written all over her face, she knows, but she nods anyway. 
“Hmm,” Suguru hums thoughtfully, exchanging another look with Satoru. “I suppose I should give her what she wants then, shouldn’t I?”
“It would be mean not to,” Satoru agrees with a smirk. 
He cradles her face in both of his hands, thumbs gently caressing her cheeks and his eyes looking into hers. “Open up for me, pretty… wide as you can.” The words are murmured softly, but they are a command all the same.
It surprises her how much she likes being told what to do.
Obediently, she opens her mouth. She can feel Satoru’s eyes on her and Suguru, hardly breathing as he looks between the two of them. Her eyes are on Suguru, watching him gather saliva on his tongue, letting it pool there and drip down onto her tongue the same way he did for Satoru. 
He flashes her a tender, satisfied smile before tapping on her cheek and uttering just one word - “Swallow.”
She does.
“Actions are so honest, aren’t they?” This comes from Satoru, and she looks back at him, her expression quizzical. “You aren’t saying much of anything with your words, and yet you’re still speaking,” he points out. She’s still in his lap, his hands on her hips, and he’s using his thumbs to trace little circles there, through the thin fabric of her dress. 
“Take this dress, for instance,” he goes on. “Sure, the color compliments your skin… but let’s be honest. There aren’t many colors that don’t compliment your skin. You would’ve looked just as nice wearing the red one, or the green one, or even that black one with the lace around the bottom. But you chose the one that matches my eyes. Why is that, Lia?”
It’s hard to look away from those blue eyes. Lia has never been hypnotized, but she wonders if this is what it feels like… to be in the grasp of a power greater than your own, to be unable to resist the pull of that power. To know that even if you could resist, you wouldn’t want to. “Because you said you’d be looking at me.” 
She doesn’t know what he’s expecting her to say, but what she’s said seems to please him. “I see,” is all he says after a moment. He looks over at Suguru, who is perched on the arm of the sofa. 
Suguru has been quietly watching the exchange, an affectionate smile on his face. “Don’t be surprised if he dresses you up from now on,” he shrugs. “One of his many taglines should be ‘you know Gojo Satoru likes you when he treats you like a paper doll.’”
“If all the clothes end up looking this nice on me, I don’t think I would mind,” Lia laughs. 
Satoru’s face lights up. “In that case, I added a little something to the pile of dresses on your bed just before we left.”
She looks at him expectantly. “What is it?” 
“Why don’t you go look for yourself?” His tone is teasing, and it makes her curious. 
“Is it something I can wear now?” 
He purses his lips thoughtfully. “Well now, that’s up to you.”
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Tag list: @therealestpussyeater
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manga-boo · 3 months
Itafushi fics be curing my temporary brain lag
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A/n: I'm not much of a writer on here, I don't post a lot but I really wanna write this so I'm giving it a go :)
Contents: Shibuya incident, jjk spoilers potentially, partial Canon divergence, angst, fluff, Sukuna as a whole, gojo being a simp but he's also incredibly sad.
Anyways enjoy, I hope. ♡
Incident Report
At 7pm, a curtain 400 meters in length appeared over the city of Shibuya, Tokyo. Before the curtain sealed, an unknown figure entered Shibuya and ran into the subway station. For the remainder of the incident that took place in Shibuya, This figure was never caught by another camera or human being again.
Sula Gojo was not a violent person in nature. Unlike her partner, Satoru, who's cursed technique of Infinity as well as him being the wielder of the six eyes and limitless technique, made him terrifying to fight against and he carried the power within him with pride.
she did not enjoy a fight. She didn't enjoy watching fights either. So when she told her team she wanted to join them in shibuya, they were shocked. However, despite them telling her she didn't have to do this, they all collectively knew if gojo was going she was going.
Shibuya was silent. A silence like nothing before. Sula could hear only the teams footsteps and a faint wind steadily blowing around the city. As they walked through the square, they stopped suddenly in the crosswalk. Megumi stood beside her on the left and Yuji on her right as they observed a curse crawling down the subway stairs.
Gojo pushed himself between Megumi and Sula. Grabbing his wife's hand, he turns his head to look at her.
"This is where I'm supposed to leave you"
Sula swiftly turned her head with fear. "You don't mean that right?" Her mouth fell agape as tears swelled in her eyes.
Gojo tightened his grip on her hand. "Don't be afraid, you know I'll come back for you".
For the first time in his life, Satoru gojo knew he shouldn't smile but for the sake of his wife, he did. He knew she wanted, no, needed to see it if maybe for the last time.
The plum hue of the Tokyo sky colored shibuya dark purple, a solemn color for a solemn moment. Suddenly Sula had remembered when she lost Suguru, and would not dare lose satoru too.
"You aren't actually leaving me right?!"
Gojos silence was deathly, Sula fell to her knees as she sobbed at the ground. Gojo couldn't bring himself to kneel with her.
Her mouth was still hung open in shock. As tears streamed down her face, Megumi stepped in to kneel beside the distraught woman. Distraught. Upset. In deep anguish. Anything could have been used.
"You will still have us" he didn't smile but he spoke with one "This was always the plan Sula-Sama"
He felt empathetic but once he saw His sensei's face he knew it wasn't his place to go anymore. "We need to move Itadori. There are curses in the Subway tunnels according to Nanamin, he's waiting for us by exit 3"
Yuji nodded sadly. He was eager to fight when they arrived but after seeing the emotion in his two senseis faces, he couldn't feel anything but crippling fear for how this could end for them all.
He leant down to Sula. "We will keep you safe, I promise". Thankfully, yuji could hold a smile on his face.
Yuji stood up beside Megumi as did Sula, who immediately faced her husband, he had his blindfold on still, meaning the emotion she had hoped to see on his blue eyes had failed to show.
"Please don't leave me" she begged him. "Please Satoru, stay" sula clutched satoru's black jacket tightly hoping he wouldn't be able to move.
Gojo put his slender, pale hand on the back of his wife's head and with his other, removed his black blindfold to reveal his glossy and oceanic eyes. If he had been crying under it, he kept it hidden well.
"I can't" Gojo kissed her forehead with tear stained lips and gave her the black fabric with a trembling hand "I don't want to leave you but you know I have to"
He let go of her and turned to Megumi and Yuji. "Itadori-Kun, Fushiguro-Kun. Take care of my wife"
The students nodded. With one final trembling move, Gojo kissed Sula and walked away. The Wife began to cry loudly, her loud and painful sobs rattling the veil.
Gojo walked into one of the buildings and Sula stayed with Megumi and Yuji. He was gone for now. But She couldn't shake the feeling her beloved Satoru Gojo wouldn't return for a long time.
8pm: Sula Gojo, Megumi Fushiguro and Yuji Itadori enter Shibuya underground metro.
By now it had been an hour since gojo left. Still coming to a calmer state, Sula had taken the position of investigating the dead curses in the Subway. A medium sized lump of a red fleshy substance slumped against the white tiled wall was their first one to look into.
"Rather unappealing aren't they?" Yuji frowned in Disgust.
"They weren't made to be pretty I tell you that" Sula replied as she leant down beside the fleshy curse and poked it gently.
It was completely dead. Hadn't been dead for long however, it was likely killed just as the three of them entered the subway.
"It's been dead only a short time"
Obviously, Megumi had had the same observations.
"That's what I was thinking," sula replied.
Sula stood up with a quiet groan and looked around the place. No other blood marks or any signs of battle were evident. It was entirely spotless, pure white. Except for this one spot.
The dead red mass. A figment of a violent rage.
"We should keep moving" Yuji announced "Nanamin is still waiting for us and we have a long way to walk yet"
Sula and Megumi nodded and the three walked out of exit 9.
By the time the three reached exit 7 it was nearing dark. Gojo had been gone for close to 3 hours now and Sula was really starting to worry, so was yuji. The pink haired student kept looking behind him every half an hour to see if the 'curses were behind him' but Sula and even Megumi knew he was looking for Gojo.
The three reached Nanami Kento by 10pm. And that was when Sula had begun to lose it. Of course seeing nanami made her extremely happy, seeing an old friend made the situation just the littlest bit more bright. But gojo still wasn't with her.
"You finally made it" Nanami spoke.
"It would seem like it. It's good to see you Kento, how long have you been in here?"
Nanami shrugged which said everything it needed to. Yuji took a step forward. "You said you needed to meet with us"
"I did. I also needed Gojo-San, is he not with you?" Nanami looked around for a moment and then brought his head back down. "I see he is not close by"
"He split from us at the veil" Megumi spoke.
Nanami inhaled sharply. "Hes already split from you?!"
He was shocked. Sula hadn't seen him so shocked since they were in school. "You look and sound surprised" she noted.
Nanami cleared his throat and fixed his glasses by pushing the middle with his finger. "Yes, well, he wasn't supposed to leave you, Sula-San. Not yet anyways"
Sula furrowed her brows. He wasn't supposed to leave? If he wasn't meant to then where did he go?.
"Where has he gone?" She asked
Nanami shook his head "I do not know, he didn't specify any details. Which brings me to my next concern, do you know why you are actually here?"
"She asked to come with us Nanamin" Yuji entered.
"I am aware itadori-Kun. But that's not why your here" Nanami looked at her "You couldn't say no to him could you?"
By now, yuji and Megumi escpecially were confused. They watched as the two adult sorcerers spoke. Mostly about things they didn't really understand, however they were now both confused as to why gojo had left them if he wasn't supposed to. And why he told them the wrong plan.
"Couldn't Say no to who? Satoru?" Sula questioned.
"Yes" nanami replied quickly.
"I usually don't" sula shrugged "but I don't see how this is relevant, satoru told these two that this was all the plan"
Sula looked at the boys and they were just as confused as she was. "It's true Nanamin, Gojo-Sensei told us that once we entered the veil he would leave us"
Nanami looked at Megumi as he spoke. "Gojo-Sama was only supposed to leave you all when Ryōmen Sukuna awoke"
Yuji gulped. Awoke?!...
"Why would he do that? Isn't he what Sukuna wants?" Yujis voice was shaky, as the vessel for the King of Curses he felt at fault for whatever could come next.
"Because you aren't the only vessel Itadori-Kun"
Part two
Incident Report
At 11pm, an unknown special grade sorcerer arrived in shibuya looking for Satoru Gojo. This unknown sorcerer entered a building on the right hand side as he entered the veil. He didn't return out.
Sula tilted her head. "Not the only vessel?" She questioned.
Yuji was terrified. There were other vessels? It worried him to know others were going through what he was but it was oddly comforting top, to know he wasn't alone.
Of course not all of them had THE King of Curses Ryōmen Sukuna possessing them.
"Who's the other vessel? Is it another curse possessing them?" Megumi asked.
Nanami sighed. "I don't know a lot about it yet. Gojo-Sama knows it all. Hence why I hoped he had stayed with you"
Sula hummed in agreement. "Me too", she said quietly.
"We need to know who this other vessel is, what could it be hiding" Yuji was talking half to himself and half to everyone else.
And also partly to sukuna by extension. Cogs began to work in Sula's brain..
"Gojo-Sensei mentioned there was a potential second vessel, however he ruled it out as only a theory. He said not to dwell on it as it was likely not true" Megumi said as he scratched his neck.
Sula held her chin. "Not true?" She said "that might be the first time I've heard Satoru question that something that he said wasn't right" sula chuckled softly.
"Let's keep moving. We are bound to find Gojo-Sama somewhere on the surface" Nanami spoke
As the 4 walked, Sula couldn't and wouldn't shake the feeling that the other vessel was right under their noses. Could it be Megumi? Or Nanami? Or even gojo himself. That sounded impossible as very little spirits came close to satoru and even fewer managed to hurt him.
But she went over every detail anyways.
Gojo Satoru had found, what should have been Suguru Geto just in time. His once bestest friend consumed by spite and vengeance, he wasn't himself. The scar on his forehead resembled stitches. Although he looked like Geto, Satoru Gojo knew better than to assume anything before looking into his soul.
"Still the same powerful satoru you were all those years ago" Suguru, or, Kenjaku said in an almost taunting way. His smile like sunshine.
Satoru, tied up, grunted with a scowl. "You do not get to say that!"
"I know you don't see me as Suguru Geto, and I may not be. But I am still your wife's brother let's not forget satoru, we will always be connected. Even now in this new body i still have that bond with you" Geto waved a finger teasingly.
"Bond?!" Gojo thought "pfft. Not with this monster"
Gojo swore once he was free from these confines he would destroy Kenjaku. Burn his world to ashes. But Suguru was still in there.
And in doing that he would burn himself.
"Is she here with you Satoru?" He questioned
"No!" Gojo grunted again. "And if she was you'd have to kill me to reach her. And you won't do that"
Geto smiled. "Your right, I won't. I can seal you instead though"
And just like that the confines that held gojo began to retract and form a small cube of brown fleshy material covered in eyes. Soon the brown turned silver and the eyes turned blue before it fell to the floor.
Satorus power had overthrown it. But it didn't matter now. Because he was sealed. and now nothing could stop Geto from moving forward with his plan.
And sula gojo would never know how her husband disappeared. And that made kenjaku smile.
Sula gojo, or back then, Sula Geto ,met Satoru Gojo when she was 22 at Jujutsu tech. He was best friends with her brother Suguru, They didn't make her life easy. Not that they were bullies or mean, but they were strong, and as the strongest sorcerers in the school, even the teachers were afraid of them. it made her realise she would never surpass them no matter how much she tried.
So she let it go. She worked to her own desired level and let her new friend and her brother help her along the way. After 2 or so years, they had all become close. With the introduction of Shoko ieri, they all quickly became tightly knit, and it made suguru and sula closer as siblings, and it was nice to have another female in the group.
But when suguru started falling apart from them, it was Satoru who had noticed first, although he didn't say anything until he felt the need. Sula back then didn't see it, she wished she had. To this day she beat herself up over it.
So did satoru, but he didnt admit it loudly.
When the four of them, Nanami, Megumi, yuji and Sula, had reached the edge of the veil once again they knew they were just going in circles. Megumi looked around for anything potentially different but he saw no such thing.
"That's the building Gojo-Sensei went into" Yuji pointed.
"I don't think it wise to hunt gojo-sama down so soon" Nanami spoke. Sula raised her brow.
"Why not? He could be in there still!" She exclaimed.
"I wish he had told you everything" Nanami looked at the ground "because I can't. I can only lead you to where you need to be"
Yuji scratched his head "ehhh, that wouldn't be in the ominous black building covered symbols would it?" He bared his teeth nervously.
Nanami nodded "That's exactly where we're going"
"EH?!" Yujis mouth fell open
"What's in there?" Megumi asked.
"What I can only hope you don't kill me for"
The silence fell. Nanamis words were sinister in tone but also empathetic. Like he knew something was going to happen once we entered inside.
"What are you hiding from us Kento?! Why aren't you telling us anymore about the vessel? Or why I'm here?!" Sula interrogated him harshly, she just wanted answers.
Nanami remained calm. "All I can say is, if you thought Gojo-Sama leaving you was horrible, I truly do pray for you"
And that was the last thing Nanami said for the next 3 hours. The panic set in quickly, yuji was shaking and megumi although hiding it well, was also quite scared. And Sula was beyond afraid, she had reached a level of fear that felt crippling.
There was thankfully no sign of sukuna emerging from yuji anytime soon, but yuji still says things to himself like sukuna is trying to make small talk. Yuji says that when sukuna tries to talk to him he asks for control over his body, which worried Nanami most of all.
"So what's here?" Megumi asked as they reached the second level of the building.
"That" Nanami pointed to a shrine.
It was well lit by red waxed candles and decorated with various flowers and small amulets, pristine symbols were painted in black paint all around it.
"A shrine huh?" Sula fixed Her sleeve and strode toward it, the red candles were enchanting to look at closer up.
"Why is this here though? Surely no one had time to build it when they were evacuating everyone" Megumi looked at Nanami who was equally as confused as Fushiguro.
"They didnt" yuji noted "the shrine was built way before they evacuated shibuya. It looks quite old in fact"
Yuji was right. The shrine was made of red wood, it was chipped and splintering. But who was it a shrine to? There were no pictures of anyone, only the symbols. Other than that there was nothing.
"A shrine to sukuna perhaps?" Megumi thought.
"I don't think so" Nanami said "I think it's dedicated to Kaitori Ryōmen"
Kaitori Ryōmen?! Who the hell is that? Sula, megumi and yuji all let their mouths fall open in shock.
"Who?" Yuji asked
"Kaitori Ryōmen is the Queen of Curses, she existed a long long time ago alongside sukuna himself. She died in a fire during the attack on the Ryōmen clan." Nanami said.
"Sukunas wife..." Sula began to connect the dots one by one.
"So if there's a shrine to Sukunas wife here in shibuya does that mean sukuna himself will come out to find her?" Sula asked anxiously.
"Maybe a fan of the Queen? A dedicated follower praying for her" Megumi added
"Actually..." Yuji says.
Suddenly everyone turnt to face the pink haired student. In the literal blink of an eye, sharp black tattoos began to form on yujis face, and his eyes bled Into red.
Everyone stopped, Megumi and nanami clenched their fists and Sula stayed quiet, not moving an inch.
"You were all so quick to make assumptions" sukuna laughed maniacally.
Sukuna. It was sukuna who spoke now. From the body of the beloved yuji itadori came a deep and ominous voice belonging to the King of Curses.
"What do you want?" Sula scowled.
Sukuna looked around smirking darkly. He looked at nanami, looked at megumi and then at sula who's face was filled with fear. Sukunas face however was wholly terrifying, he bared his teeth in an ominous manner.
"I'm here for you"
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kaipendesarapen · 8 months
there's a lot more sukuita fics from the author besides that, and based from my experience of scouring the internet for sukuita fics, it's the best you could get and be satisfied with it.
i recommend reading Stumbling Backwards Into Winter for your introduction to the whole hole of the author's works(i have mad respect for them so please be kind and respectful to them).
@thatninjacat27 to answer your question !!
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limitlessgojo · 11 months
Chapter 23: The End of the Beginning [Last Chapter]
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Depictions of Blood and Violence, Death, Gore, Japanese Mythical Folklore, No Major Character Death, Slight Horror, War
Previous Chapter: Melting
Word Count: somewhere over 900 I’m pretty sure
Tags: Kamo Noritoshi x Reader, Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Notes: After 2 years, I finally came back to end this book. It’s been sitting on the back of my mind, but there was something off with the way I wrote the last chapter. Couldn’t get it to end the way I wanted it to. Every time I proof read and reread it, I just didn’t like the ending. And I’m not going to post something I’m unsatisfied with, especially for my first full blown long series. I also had a bit of a writer’s block along with personal matters ofc. But I returned to my home country after n number of years after the pandemic and I finally feel so much better (mentally and emotionally).
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @rayhaitani @lordguameow @track5enthusiast @nayydoesthings @a1hina @r-rose08 @cherriesanwine @felicityforyou @freewitchjellyfish
“Hey, spar with me sometime. Next time you come to visit,” Hiroki slaps Noritoshi on the back.
“Of course, it would be a pleasure.” Noritoshi was well aware of how capable the man was in battle.
Noritoshi had already said his goodbyes to the rest of your family that morning, and it was only you and Hiroki sending him off at the main gate. He was pretty much recovered from the war, despite not being at 100% yet.
It was only for a short period that you got back together and now he had to leave. Plus you wouldn’t be seeing him for a while. Not until classes resume. His eyes met yours, easily seeing through your line of thought.
“I’ll see you then. Next year.” He held up one hand. Eyes mirroring your own, bright yet already filled with longing.
“Next year.” You whispered back. As if next year isn’t just in a few days’ time. The anticipation of new things and new beginnings settled into your stomach.
Noritoshi specifically chose a very sunny day to bring you to meet his clan. It was when he knew his father barely had anything to do. He made sure to butter up his step-mother and send some gifts ahead of time to ensure their good moods.
Nervous was an understatement as to how you were feeling at this very moment. Still you shoved it far down below, covering it up with all the information you got from Noritoshi about his family.
You were going to make this a flawless meeting as if your life depended on it. To which it kind of did.
You were touching up your make-up in the bathroom, incredibly focused on your thoughts, that you didn’t realize Noritoshi had entered. He leans against the wall to watch your every movement carefully.
The curves of your body. The way you move. The sweep of your brush against your eyelids, beautifully darkening the shade of your skin. The cursed energy like electricity around you, constantly flowing.
And bright red threads invisible to anybody else except for him, floating close to your body. They’ve become even more visible and prominent than before. Not that it bothered the both of you. In fact, it was a constant source of comfort. He found it cute that the strings appeared whenever you were within a 10 metre radius of him nowadays. His heart leaping fondly in his chest every time he feels your presence nearby.
‘From the first place, this whole soulmate bond was such a unique experience. Cursed technique crossovers, sharing of emotions, and now this red cord seems to be bordering on the edge of imaginary and physical.’ Noritoshi thought to himself.
He lifted a pinky and twirled it around the edge of one of the cords that were hovering around him. Instantly, the red cord tightened itself around his pinky and he could now feel it. Physically like a carbon wire against his skin.
He tugged on it and you immediately turned around upon feeling the pull in your chest.
“Did you call?” You asked.
Noritoshi only tilted his head and approached you with a smile. “Yeah. I just wanted to say,” He stood behind you, lightly placing his hands on your shoulders.
"You look perfect. It’s time to go." (He’ll figure out this cord later. Another quirk of the bond to study. For now you were front and center of his attention.)
You fidgeted in your seat knowing that you did your best to stall for time, even just for a few minutes to try and calm your nerves. You looked into the mirror, staring back at Noritoshi. Seeing the knowing glint in his eyes. You sighed and stood up to leave.
The Kamo estate was large and grand. Sprawling with abundant land, trees, Koi fish ponds, bonsai, small pebble gardens and low rise traditional buildings, it was a sight to behold.
And it caused your head to swim with more anxiety than you’ve ever felt before. A warm hand holds yours tighter, and it gives you the courage to take one step inside the entrance.
You felt weird, being under the scrutiny of so many people all at once. It wasn’t too out of the ordinary to be the center of attention as the daughter of the Tsuchimikado clan, but the gazes here were much more different. It’s as if the people are trying to find any weaknesses or faults from watching you walk. Suffocating.
Suddenly you wondered if your hair was done right. Your clothes were neatly pressed, but you had the itch to remove any dust or lint. Not that there was any.
The clan members stared holes into the side of your face, to the point that you've convinced yourself: You look absolutely hideous today. They all think you're ugly.
"You're beautiful, love."
You closed your eyes and couldn't stop the smile spreading across your face as Noritoshi linked his pinky with yours.
"You're gonna make me laugh, Toshi."
“That’s the purpose. Be at ease, no one will hurt you while I’m here.” His tone was cool and confident, letting you relax just an inch more.
The meeting went smoothly. Everyone was incredibly polite. There was a stiffness in the air, but it was to be expected, with a first meeting with one of the Great Three Clans as important as this.
It was way more uptight than Noritoshi’s meeting with your family.
His step mother and father were as he described. Strict, expecting a level of obedience.
But they weren't harsh or restrictive. Just your typical Asian parents, wanting their children to be high achievers.
They were eager to ask you about your family, background, cursed technique, everything. You carefully answered as well as you could, remembering your well-rehearsed lines with Noritoshi.
His step-mother, as he already said, was slightly distant, but very courteous and civil. You can now see how she really treats Noritoshi like he is one of her own.
They look incredibly pleased with you and your capabilities so far. Noritoshi was right, it didn't really matter. Because you had the power they craved and were fated to be with their heir.
For all your annoyance at the way his father initially treated you like some kind of weapon or item to be acquired by the Kamo clan, you couldn’t deny it was too convenient for your relationship to have both sets of parents more than willing to let the both of you stay together.
Especially in a world where Jujutsu sorcerers expect to die early and put their lives on the line in every mission they take. It is an unforgiving task leaving many sorcerers lonely and isolated from the people they long to be with.
You’ll take what you can get and brush over the minor details. For now, there is, at the very least, no doubt that you’d end up being the strongest sorcerer once you enter the Kamo clan, and they’re treating you accordingly.
Though you disliked the fact that the attendants looked terrified and were overly formal with you. It will take them some time to get used to being a bit more casual, you thought with amusement.
He led you to a small bench in front of a smaller Koi pond. Clean white and gray stones, very neat and polished, lined the edges. He gave your hand a squeeze.
A small table had been set up for the both of you. It was like a small picnic.
The view was surreal. You could see a lot of buildings just past the line of trees. The sun is due to set in half an hour.
"Are you really okay?"
You hummed quietly, “It wasn’t too bad today. Not that I’d expect any less from the Kamo family.
"I'm glad you like it here. Today was really good. They're much nicer to you than I expected," Noritoshi muttered.
Your head whipped to the side. "Is that a good or bad thing?"
"Not necessarily a bad thing. Just take it with a grateful heart. Anyways, there's nothing they can do, but to love and accept you. You're my future wife, and I'm the future clan head."
"Mmm…" You thought about that. It never really sunk in before until now that, yes you're eventually going to marry Noritoshi. And you want it with all your heart.
"Did you… just now… was that a proposal?"
His eyes widened. "No. Not yet. I mean," he sighed. "I want you to be with me for a long time, but I wouldn't want a proposal to be so lackluster."
You grinned, unable to stop the smile from reaching your eyes. "Right."
"You're not gonna let this one go aren't you, love?"
Noritoshi feels a surge of contentment and love rise in his chest as he watches you giggle uncontrollably. You’ve both settled back into a regular routine of having classes and smaller missions to exorcise curses alongside the other Kyoto Jujutsu High students. It felt refreshing to have more free time to play around.
You try to suppress your laughter, which you've been told numerous times sounds like a windshield wiper, but it was music to Noritoshi's ears.
"At least you've made up." Momo commented. You happily beamed at her, linking your arms together as you leaned against her side.
“Love is amazing isn’t it? Oh and about that book you recommended to me Momo senpai…” you chattered away distractedly.
"These lovebirds are way too obvious. Especially Mr. Vampire with the heart eyes right there." Mai muttered under her breath.
You turn to Noritoshi and indeed he hasn't taken his eyes off of you. Not even once.
"I'm not a vampire." He distractedly retorts at Mai, still not taking his eyes off you.
"That's a compliment you know. You deal with blood, have pale skin, and are suuuper beautiful. Vampires are so hot anyways. Guys and girls always stare at you, you know?" You teased.
"It's not me they're staring at when we go out on dates."
Noritoshi's eyes were so dark. Deep, that they almost looked obsidian. And yet they were still shining tenderly, with so much warmth.
And you once were intimidated so much by this man who looked incredibly reserved and stern. It was funny now that you think about it. He is like a puppy with you.
You both stared at each other for a while longer until Mai's irritated voice cut through the awkward silence, "Get a room!!!"
It's a few days before the next school year starts.
It was Spring once more. You ran up to the rooftop of the tallest building, to find Noritoshi already there. Leaning against the rails to stare at the Cherry blossom trees. The petals were being gently blown around by the wind.
He didn't even stir even as they suddenly picked up whirled around him in a small Twister. Cursed energy spiking through the air, threading through the wind, petals, leaves, and small twigs.
You stepped up and wrapped your arms around him. He turns around to face you with a gentle and loving expression on his face.
He presses his lips against yours and holds you tightly against him. His body warm and strong against yours.
You pressed in closer to make sure you weren't dreaming, and as if he could read your thoughts, Noritoshi wrapped his arms around your legs and lifted you up. Lips never parting from one another's.
Exactly one year ago, you both met and saw a life of love through other people’s eyes.
The past molds into the present and soon becomes the future. The emotions that bled from your former souls bleed into your current lives and strengthens your bond.
But something new and beautiful blossomed in your relationship with Noritoshi. A quiet warmth and harmony that millions would give to have.
And Noritoshi finds himself at peace to live his life, seeing you not as Misaki through Hotaru’s eyes, but seeing you as yourself through his own. He's content. Just as you are.
"Hmmm? That Ryomen Sukuna has a vessel? And he's back?" Your gold and black dagger dangerously twirled around your fingers. Your latest gift from Noritoshi. A broken metal blade reforged with the use of kintsugi.
Noritoshi turned to you with a grim expression. Your eyes met his and you both were thinking about the same thing at this moment.
"I want him gone."
"But (y/n) chaaan~," Satoru's voice blasted from the speaker of your phone. "This is a once in a lifetime chance to make the vessel take in all the fingers, and then kill him. What do you think?"
"Satoru. We'd do anything that must be done to wipe that curse off the face of the earth. But wouldn't it be safer to kill the vessel outright?", you slammed down your dagger onto the table.
"Ehhh? Where's the fun in that? If we do this right, we can take all 20 fingers out in one go. And not to mention, I'd keep things under control in case anything happens."
"That's a murderer, a rapist, a criminal, I can't even begin to name everything he's done and you know it!"
"I told you”, there was a pause as Gojo claps his hands twice, “I'm gonna be the one to supervise this kid so you won't even have to worry about him getting loose. I'm the strongest after all."
Gears turn quickly in your mind. Satoru wasn’t completely wrong, but you had your doubts. "Fine. But if he goes wild, I'll be killing Itadori Yuuji."
"No need. I told you I'll be in charge, and you know I can hold him down in case anything happens. Ja-ne~~ bye byee~"
The call disconnects.
You closed your eyes in anger, "That son of a-" You hissed between your teeth.
Noritoshi moved to sit on the chair in front of you. You pressed your face against your palm, with one elbow propped up against the table.
"What are you planning to do?" He gently asks.
"I'll make sure that guy doesn't get within a foot near us. If he hurts you, I wouldn't hesitate to kill him."
You were no different from Gojo Satoru. You were both willing to make necessary sacrifices when it came down to it. Except this time he seemed reluctant to let the vessel of Sukuna go. Your mind started running with thoughts and theories for possible reasons why.
Noritoshi smiles at you, running a hand down the length of your arm. You raised your eyebrows at him.
He leans forward, just inches away from you. Lips a few centimetres apart. Eyes a warm chocolate, almost black. "It will be fine. You know I'd do the same and more for you, my heart."
There is a fire in his eyes. Noritoshi has been more vocal recently. More firm and confident. You decided that you absolutely loved that look on him.
“Yeah… After all, we stay together, Noritoshi.”
“Dead or alive.”
Your eyes widened at his words, but he didn't let you retaliate as he kissed you sweetly. You laughed against his lips as you agreed with him. “Yes of course, Toshi.”
Fate bound you to this man even past the hold of death.
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chosos-mascara · 1 year
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gojo's bride
𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙪 𝙜𝙤𝙟𝙤 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 - as part of the ryomen clan, your life revolves around organised crime. when your father tells you you're destined to marry naoya zen'in, you're left with little choice but to run.
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 - mafia au, violence, arranged marriage, guns, killing/shooting in one scene, you're on the run, bounty hunter toji, marriage
side characters: suguru, sukuna and toji
5.4k words
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Throughout childhood, an image of marriage is painted by your family. A contract between soulmates; a display of love to a person. Notes of a traditional wedding decorated with chairs of close friends and relatives, smiles wide and eyes glassy. Or, maybe you were better suited to a romantic elopement followed by a getaway, littered with intimate moments before announcing yourself a wife. In the end, the outcome is the same, one drilled into you by your parents since a young age. Perhaps while innocent, you had indulged within the images of a princess-like gown and florals winding around an ornate staircase - though with age and your growing understanding of your father's business values, you'd understood this wasn't a day to look forward to. 
When those in your clan would mention a prospective husband, someone your father would pick by hand, your heart would race excitedly, hands grasping over your chest as you swooned in adoration. There had been a semblance of what you'd pictured your future husband to look like, though that had since dwindled. When hitting twenty, reality setting in that this was another thing you would not experience normally, you tried to push the idea away. To your family, you were a pawn, and your marriage would be nothing other than an advantage to them; because when born as a woman within the world of Japanese illegitimate business, there were more hurdles than most. Your life had been seemingly filled with one sacrifice after another, and marriage was looking to be the largest one yet. 
Which is why, a courthouse wedding planned only twelve hours prior hadn't been what you'd envisioned. Despite the loss of formality and tradition there had still been anxiousness bubbling within the pit of your stomach, hands clammy as you took hold of the man you'd barely known while reciting an unbreakable oath. Instead of a dress, you'd been in cargos and a long sleeved top, though Gojo had displayed a little more care over the ordeal - a crisp blue shirt and slacks, black lenses over his eyes an a Rolex on his wrist. He slid the ring over your finger, delivering vows that had meant very little to either of you, and you'd repeated the action moments later, heart racing when the officiant had announced that you were now bound by law. Geto and Sukuna signed the certificate, and the four of you left to return to the shitty apartment you'd been hiding within for the past week. A weight had been lifted, but a new one had only taken its place. 
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"Now, the reason we're gathered here is due to an important announcement within the family." Your father spoke, lips curving upward into a smile as his eyes darted to your own. It had been obvious when your parents had requested your presence for dinner there had been an ulterior motive, with yourself being left alone unless there had been news, or you'd been in need of discipline. It had usually been the latter, with being in your twenties and having a powerful father while being rebellious to his rules, there had been frequent fall-outs. Though within the moment his cold stare met yours, you'd understood exactly what he'd been about to say. 
"I've picked a partner for my daughter, finally." Through his thin smile, jagged teeth had shown. "Next week, she'll become a Zen'in, and our clan will reap the benefits of being united with one of the top three." For such a disgusting statement, he spoke with confidence, watching through beady eyes as the chatter of close and distant family members erupted, though mostly from excitement.  "What?" The quiet protest fell between conversations of others, any further objections died on your tongue. He looked down at you, a vacant stare before continuing. Your gaze fluttered to your mother to ask for a semblance of empathy, yet you were met with the same ruthless eyes. 
"Naoya Zen'in, my future son in law, will aid in managing business, merging with his father's company." The name had rang alarm bells through your already cascading mind, oblivion on the horizon. Naoya, a bigger misogynist than any man within your clan, a person referred to as scum by anyone with half a brain. 
There had been an uncomfortable cough opposite you, your panicked gaze meeting the dark eyes of your cousin. He's raised a brow, placing serviette beside plate as his head tilted toward large wooden doors - the only exit from the dining hall. You took a moment to think, mouth agape and heart racing, before standing. A large push through your daze of emotion had been all it had taken to activate the flight response, leaving your seat to run toward your room.
Once your head had hit pillow, tears flooded through your eyes, face plush to soft sheets in order to drown out the sobs raking over your body. The Zen'ins had been one of three leading clans within the mafia, alongside Kamo and Gojo. Three lineages known to be the dirtiest of all, though due to honor had been treated as if royalty. You'd heard Sukuna speak of Naoya in passing, and his disgust with the man he'd only met in passing.
"Hey," Sukuna's voice filled the air between muffled cries, body shaking and breaths heavy as you'd turned to face the figure walking through the room. Shifting, you sat with your back against the headboard, a pillow in your lap as the mattress dipped to allow space to your only friend. "I'm so sorry-" Sukuna began, bringing a hand to his face and sighing. "This is bad."
The weight of the situation before you had grown heavier when your cousin had admitted his own alarm. Sukuna feared no one, and had taught you to follow him on the same path of callousness; jobs executed with little remorse or care. Your partnership had resembled siblings to outsiders in the sense that you'd been family no one would cross, even if Ryomen had been a relatively new name within this world. With the company founded by your grandfather, there had been just enough time to spread word of the name, though when comparing feats to that of Gojo or Kamo, Ryomen had appeared ant-sized. 
"I can't," You stuttered over words between labored breaths, a harsh squeeze over the pillow clutched within your grip, pressing into your stomach. "Sukuna, I really can't do this."  Brown eyes scanned over you once more, concern riddled within the pupils, down turned eyebrows creating a crease at his forehead. He hadn't seen you like this before; distraught, scared. Since childhood, the pair of you had pushed emotion from your psyche, swearing vow to be honest only with the other. Each of you had promised to be the only person to trust in the harsh world you'd been brought into. In adulthood, you'd met with him significantly less, and Sukuna had built a name for himself as the Ryomen with the dirtiest hands. Yet, the vow would not be broken.
"There's a place downtown," Sukuna's voice had been hushed, a sigh from his lips before continuing. "Tonight, we'll leave. You can stay until I find a way to get you out of this mess." The statements he'd spoken had been frantic as he'd tried to make sense of the visions in his head - if he would've simply been born with more intelligence, perhaps he'd have been better aid when you'd needed him most. 
"What's that going to do?" You laughed through helpless sobs, rolling eyes at the promise he'd made - though with trembling lips and fingernails scratching anxiously over the skin of your arm, your body had demonstrated the true terror within you.  "Dad's not going to cancel a deal halfway through, not with the Zen'ins." Reiterating your point, you tried to push him away from an ill-planed escape, however much you'd needed him to give his all.  "We'll figure this out, okay?" Tattooed fingers smoothed through his hair, dullness within his gaze as he watched over your deflated form.
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It had been midnight when you'd left. With only a backpack for belongings, you'd stuffed it to the best of your ability before slipping through the bedroom window, prayers whispered as you'd absconded the building. Hopefully, your family would notice your disappearance after you'd left their surveillance lines. 
Sukuna had waited a block away, engine running as he'd awaited your presence in the passenger side. It hadn't taken much pleading before Suguru had agreed to house you, only having to hear the Zen'in name before allowing you to seek refuge, though he couldn't deny his concerns of being found even while in a safe house. After holding his breath while waiting for you, you'd finally emerged, slumping against the passenger seat. Sukuna had now been in control of your fate, shifting into drive. 
The journey hadn't been long, reaching the building within a half hour, though concern riddling your mind upon entry. A run down apartment block, ivy curving into single-pane windows to grow along the white-washed brick inside, cracked tiles beneath your feet left unwashed and elevator jolting upon movement. Your travels had been led mostly in silence, each remaining expressionless despite the mental hellfire you were wading through. 
Stopping at a wooden door, a brass 206 nailed into the middle of the wood, Sukuna had only had to knock once before it had opened. Stomach dropping, you stepped back, frantically looking to your cousin to voice your shock and betrayal when seeing the blue eyes behind the door. It hadn't made sense why Sukuna had brought you to a Gojo hideout - one of the leading clans alongside the Zen'ins. 
"Don't worry." The familiar brown eyes met your own, stern countenance and monotone voice as he'd placed a hand over your shoulder, a light push forward. "Satoru isn't like his family."  After Sukuna's reassurance, the Gojo had opened the door wider, stepping to the side to accommodate both you and your cousin as you passed through. The apartment's interior hadn't reflected the halls outside, being well decorated and clean. Following Sukuna through to the kitchen, you watched as he seated himself at the table, inked hand reaching to his pocket to fish out a carton of straights, pulling one from the pack and setting it to his lips. The amber of his lighter emerged after only one flick of the steel, lighting the end of the cigarette and taking a drag. 
"This is Gojo Satoru." Sukuna broke the silence, gesturing toward the white haired male you'd met with moments prior. The smoke drifting upward from the end of his cigarette wafted as he waved his hand, stopping as a painted nail pointed behind you. "That's Geto Suguru." Turning, you were met with a new face, though a name you'd recognised. 
Both males introduced had been tall, differing builds yet similar black ink etched into their skin. Satoru had been lanky, yet his height and demeanour gave an aura you hadn't often experienced, one of importance. Gojo's limbs had been decorated, though the most notable artwork had been the clan mark of Gojo: an eye on the right side of the neck. An immediate sign of strength for those who understood its meaning. Geto had been much broader, manner radiating from physical build rather than an intense aura. His physical strength had been clear. 
"Goes without saying that you can't leave the apartment." Sukuna's words had been low, eyes fixed to you with an intimidating stare. The heartfelt and honest personality he'd shared with you had switched when in the presence of others, Sukuna instead watching through an emotionless gaze as you reacted to his words. The instruction had been one that had your brow furrowing and arms crossing, though Geto had interrupted before you'd had the chance to counter.  "Naoya Zen'in is dangerous." Geto leaned back on a countertop, both hands supporting his weight as he continued. "Not because he's strong - it's because he's weak. People follow him only through fear." Geto shifted, eyes straying to the floor before meeting yours once more. "Naoya doesn't kill - he tortures, molests, creates hell for those who don't give him his way. Even then, he's too cowardly to do anything with his own hands." Suguru's statements had your blood running cold, a lump forming within your throat. 
"If he finds you, it's over." Sukuna continued from his friend, another puff of smoke passing his lips. He leaned back, usual stoic expression saddening you after the anomaly of sympathy he'd displayed earlier that evening.  "It's not just your life on the line right now; if they know we're involved, there's consequences-" One thing you'd despised throughout your life had been being treated as if a child, awfully long explanations from those who'd considered themselves smarter than you; almost always describing words of common sense.  "I know." Quick to interject, you'd stopped Geto's lecture, straightening yourself. "I'll stay here." You met your cousin's eyes as he stood from the chair, opening the window situated behind the sink to throw the smoked-cigarette through, closing it once discarded. 
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Sukuna had departed shortly after, cautious as not to raise suspicion. Between his few visits, you would be on no-contact, careful not to expose your whereabouts to your own family, or any clan allied with them. After twenty hours, your parents had reported you missing, stomach churning when details of a bounty had been explained in grueling detail by Gojo. He'd sat through an uncomfortable conversation within his own clan's meeting, reciting the disdain from the Zen'ins when the topic of Ryomen had been brought up in passing. 
It had been three days before Sukuna had visited once more, tense body radiating nothing other than intense stress. He'd attempted to appear un-phased by the events surrounding you, but when seeing the tired eyes and hunched back, you'd understood he'd been suffering. He'd slumped down in the kitchen chair once again, lighting up a cigarette before beginning to formulate words. The actions had mirrored that of your first evening in confinement, a feeling of deja-vu as he exhaled a cloud of smoke. 
"They're getting restless." He spoke, deep voice much rougher due to lack of sleep and an increase in his smoking habit. Gojo sighed, taking a seat beside him. You fiddled with your thumbs above the table, helpless to the strains both you and your cousin had faced. "Sukuna." Speaking his name had caused his eyes to flicker up and land to your expression. "I don't think there's anything we can do." His stop-off at the apartment had been limited, agreeing between the four of you that his visits should not exceed ten minutes. His departure had grown closer with every passing second, but a conclusion had yet to be found. 
"We'll find something." His reassurance had fallen to your deaf ears, instead of bringing comfort, his statement had instead made you feel as if your concerns were brushed off. He'd began to slip away, leaving yourself seated at the table, still helpless to the world surrounding you. There was nothing you could do in the small apartment, even if you'd wanted to aid in finding a loophole, or a solution. 
The following morning had marked four days missing, in which you'd grown increasingly depressive and bored. The new roommates you'd gained had often left for jobs and abandoned you to your own devices - which had been daytime television and chores. Being on the run had meant you were unable to use a phone or computer, and being alone most of the time had eradicated the chance of passing time through conversation or games. 
On the odd occasion only one of the males had been home, there had been one you'd preferred to the other. Gojo's presence had felt much greater than Geto's (even if he'd been more annoying). Gojo had at least made attempts at conversations. When overcoming the sense of pity Gojo had displayed toward you, he'd been pleasant to talk with, speaking of shared interests such as movies and music. Gojo had been passionate, often becoming excitable when remembering certain scenes or moments within his favourite media - though he could become equally as shut-off. There was a darkness within Gojo you knew he'd held close, and when childlike wonder had worn off, there was a very different person beneath. 
Geto had been mostly silent, though you could feel the heavy judgement through his body language. His gaze had been heavy on your skin, eyes narrowing with each movement and shoulders tense. It had been clear Geto did not trust you, and had more reluctance toward befriending you than Gojo had. 
Bringing a damp garment to hang over metal pole, you threaded fabric through the bars of the indoor clothes-horse, hanging them to dry. Much of your time spent in the apartment when both men had been home had been within the kitchen, mostly as not to burden the others with your presence. Though as you grabbed another shirt to dry, you'd noticed a tall figure at the door. 
"Are you doing laundry?" Gojo questioned, shoulder pressed up to the frame as he watched your movements. You nodded, returning back to the task at hand. "My bag was small so I've run out of clean clothes." Exhaling, you drooped the cotton over, straightening out a few creases. He smirked, finally pushing himself from the wood to waltz toward the cupboard, pulling a bag of sweets from a shelf and tearing it open. Placing a hard-boiled candy between his lips, he gestured the bag toward you.  "Want one?" The query had been muffled and accompanied by a few clicks of the sweet against his teeth. You shook your head, a small smile as if to thank him before he'd shrugged and brought the bag back toward his chest. 
Instead of leaving, Gojo had seated himself at the table, the perfect view to the chore you'd been partaking within. His eyes had burned into you, yet you'd attempted to continue as usual, facing away from the blue eyes to push cotton over wire. But after hanging another garment, you sighed, head over shoulder to lock your gaze once more. 
"Am I entertaining you?" He hadn't replied until you'd finished, your body turned to face him fully, eyes locked onto yours as he shrugged, a crack of the candy between his molars.  "Never done it." He commented nonchalantly, picking another sweet from the bag. The rustling lasted a few seconds before he was back to eating, a dramatic exhale from his nose.  "That's cause you were a trust-fund baby." Walking toward him, your bare feet tapped against the tiled floor as you brought an arm upward, fingers outstretched and sight locked onto the bag within his hand. Just before you'd been able to dive a hand into the plastic, he moved it to the side, leaving your fingertips bare. 
"Feisty for someone who's living in my apartment." He commented, blue eyes narrowing as he watched you roll your eyes yet admit defeat through your gestures, instead flopping down on the chair beside him. You sat in silence for a few moments, eyes wondering to the window above the sink - the only window within the apartment that hadn't been covered by curtains and allowed some semblance of light to cascade through. Although you'd appreciated this, there had still been some annoyance to the reminder of the outside world, and how you'd been unable to step foot within it. 
The fifth day, you'd finally brought yourself the courage to ask. 
At the table during breakfast, the opportunity had arisen in which you had both men seated with you, coffee situated before each body.  "Can you bring me shopping today?" The request would likely be denied, a faint memory of Geto's obvious distrust and worry that you'd be seen and captured if stepping foot outside. But, you'd hoped that being on the outskirts of Tokyo, you were unlikely to be recognized, and with both men beside you, you'd be well-protected. Perhaps the idea had been completely idiotic, and when met with Geto's stern expression and furrowed brow, you'd understood the likelihood had been slim to none. 
"Well," Gojo had began first as expected, the less stern presence easing your anxiety. "We're meeting Sukuna first-"  "She's not coming." Geto had been quick to shoot the idea down before Gojo had allowed a semblance of hope to form. He stood, bending over the table to gather the plates from breakfast. As he leaned across, his shirt had lifted upward, revealing a handgun against his stomach that he'd had tucked into his trousers. You hadn't allowed your sight to linger too long on the weapon, though it had crossed your mind when pleading with him. "I'll keep my hood up, please Geto-san." You bowed your head, squeezing eyes closed while trying desperately to find an excuse. Swallowing back your pride, you continued. "I need tampons." 
You hadn't looked up until you were sure Geto's expression would have softened, though when returning your gaze upward, he'd been visibly taken aback, eyes wide and lips parted.  "Whaddya say Geto-san?" Gojo's added emphasis on the term had caused you to outwardly cringe, a reminder of one of the lower moments in your life.  "Be quick." Short and spiteful, yet the words you'd wanted to hear most. You'd fought to hide the growing grin across your face, undeniably shocked by the permission you'd been granted. Gojo laughed at the display, hand languidly laying itself upon your shoulder before giving you a light shove. "Get your coat, sweetheart." 
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When approaching the pink haired Ryomen, you'd expected a foul expression, rant, or some form of physical punishment - yet instead he'd remained still, face unreadable. He'd been leaning against broken brick, cigarette in hand, pushing himself from the back-wall of some run-down establishment to stand upright. Seeing him like this had feared you more - Sukuna wasn't one to be lax over broken rules. There would be a significant reason he hadn't reacted to your presence. 
"She insisted-" Geto had began his defensive speech, though had stopped when Sukuna had raised a hand with the shake of his head. Holding the half smoked cigarette had been bloodied fingers, cuts decorating pale knuckles. "Probably better she's here for this." The words had your chest tightening, drop within your stomach when your gaze lingered over the wounded hand, being left to imagine the face that had been on the other side of his fist. "They've got a bounty on you. Saying we owe them money - the Zen'in's own you now." 
There hadn't been long to process his statement as he'd taken a step forward, another drag of his cigarette through stiff lips. "They've got Toji on her." 
Although you hadn't understood the weight of this comment, you could feel the men beside you tense, a quick glance toward Geto telling you all you'd needed to know. His skin had paled, and eyes widened. 
"Are you armed?" The question had added mass to your shoulders, a realization that your freedom had been coming to a close. Toji would have to be bad for all three men within your vicinity to be uncomfortable.
"Sukuna, we can't-" Eyes watering, you'd traced over the handgun tucked within your waistband, metal cooling trembling fingertips. "You can't do anything. This is it." 
Sukuna shook his head defensively, quick to begin a bitter reply and deter you from a path of righteousness. Though, the pop of a gunshot had taken stage before he'd had a chance to stutter more than a syllable, hands flying toward belt. Your fingers wrapped around the grip of the weapon you hadn't intended to use as you searched the alleyway for a body, adrenaline fueling your faster reaction time. Two men had stood at the entrance, the taller of the two aiming his own pistol in your direction. As he took steps toward you, the sunlight had hit his face, revealing a tilted smile, lips kissed by a thick scar. 
"Hands up, pretty girl." His voice had been rugged and deep, teeth bearing as he'd awaited your movement. You'd hesitated before raising both hands, persuaded only when his friend had taken a step forward, shotgun between his hands aimed toward Geto, who had been stood closest to the alley's entrance. 
"Toji. She's not armed." Sukuna's monotone voice didn't waver as he'd glanced at his allies. He'd hoped his lie would pass - you could sense his tension if the other's hadn't. "Ryomen. This your cousin?" Toji exhaled in amusement. "Been looking for her. Healthy bounty on your head, kid." His laughter had been entwined with malice, blood running cold as you'd met with green eyes. 
"You hate the Zen'ins. What changed?" Sukuna had asked, though had been shut down through Toji's quickfire response.  "Money's money. Hand her over, 'n we'll let you live." He'd used his left hand to usher you toward him, jagged smile increasing the panic you'd felt frozen by. 
Sukuna had withdrawn his own weapon, and Toji's expression soured at his movement. 
It had been a split second decision. 
You pulled your pistol from your jacket, aiming toward Toji's chest and pulling trigger. His eyes had widened in shock as he'd stumbled backward, wounded. It hadn't been fatal, though enough to stun him as your barrel aimed toward his partner.  His body had fallen backward much faster than Toji's had, a clear display of you accuracy. Before the black haired half had time to react, you'd ran, left hand instinctively grabbing hold of Sukuna's wrist. 
Only when Sukuna had slumped against the kitchen table, drops of blood dripping over the aged wood, had realized he'd been wounded. Your eyes set over the bullet hole in his bicep, a crimson patch darkening his jacket sleeve. 
"You were shot?" Your concern had been evident as the question had came to fruition through a concerned shout. He'd smiled in amusement, a gentle shake of head and pained laugh through chest.  "When you shoot someone who's aiming a gun, they'll pull the trigger." There was a tightness in his voice as Gojo had pulled his arm through the final layer of clothing, revealing the injury over skin. Geto had already placed a few items over the kitchen table, latex gloves stretched over hands after pushing his sleeves back, inspecting the wound. 
"Satoru, tourniquet." With Geto's voice quiet, Gojo disappeared for a brief few moments before re-emerging with a tie in hand, wrapping it over Sukuna's upper arm and pulling it tightly. "You're lucky that Zen'in had started to stumble before he shot, or you would've had Sukuna killed." 
"Zen'in?"  "He doesn't like the name, goes by Fushiguro. But, he's a Zen'in." Gojo explained while taking a seat at the table. Sukuna had leaved forward, wincing as a needle threaded through the wound.  "And, you're lucky there was an exit wound." Geto had added to the statement. "Though, your quick thinking likely saved one of us - so thanks, I guess." It had been obvious that the gratitude had pained him to say, though you'd accepted it anyway. 
"Do you think they'll find me soon?" You questioned, picking at the hem of your shirt as Geto finished the stitching. The fact you had little control over the outcome of both you life and your allies lives had irked you, a heaviness residing in your chest.  "It's likely they're already narrowing it down - Toji will tell them what he knows if they offer him enough money."  "You should just give me over, Sukuna. Get the money." A half joke, an attempt to lighten the mood. Though, when the tired, annoyed eyes had met your own, you'd realized the words had only hurt him more than intended. 
"What if you returned home with a husband?" Getou's abrupt inquiry had caught you off guard, but you considered the scenario nonetheless, fighting the urge to question why he'd asked, instead manifesting an educated answer.
"My father would have him killed." You spoke with a sourness, eyes remaining to cling to the floor. His attempts at a solution mirrored thoughts you'd had over the past week, though no fix had been found. The only options you'd had were to remain in hiding, or to accept your future as a Zen'in, benefiting everyone other than yourself. 
"What if you married someone they couldn't kill?" His suggestion left you dumbfounded, a muddled flurry of stutters as you'd exhibited your confusion to his ask. "Good luck finding someone powerful and willing to marry me." 
A person the Zen'ins couldn't touch would be a rarity within this world. Now your name had been made known to them, your place as a pawn in the Ryomen and the Zen'in's game, there had been an impossible chance of escape. You were raised purely for the benefit of your clan.
"I know someone." Geto's comment pulled you from your thoughts, another bought of self-deprecating laughter and rolling eyes shot toward him. There had been a glimmer of hope within your mind, yet you wouldn't display it to the men before you, instead residing back into refusal to protect your own ego. If you'd taken his words as banter, you would suffer less pain than to cling onto the premise of false-hope. 
"Satoru." Geto stated, gesturing to the pale, white haired and blue eyed friend beside him. Gojo's reaction had reflected your own; bewilderment. The brunette glanced between the two of you as you'd remained in mutual silence, awaiting his explanation.  "Satoru, think about it." Your eyes met Gojo's briefly before he'd returned his attention to his friend. "You'll be in her position soon - the strongest of you family and heir of Six Eyes; do you think your father will die before you give him a grandson to continue the business?" His theory had weight to it, but you brushed him off, watching Gojo's expression change from confusion to thought. "Geto, come on-" You began, voice gaining his attention. 
"I'll do it." Gojo spoke through upturned lips, both gazes returning to settle over his face. "I couldn't turn down the opportunity to mess with affairs that weren't mine to begin with - and fucking with my family is an added bonus." His playful grin paired with the prospect of being legally bound to him had sent heat through your body, mouth ajar while you'd lost yourself within the vision of a wedding day between yourself and Gojo Satoru.
"Gojo, this is serious." You began, narrowing your expression when looking into his own. "This is your future on the line." You took a sharp breath inward. "Not to mention, marrying me would mean having children down the line-" The rant had started, and Gojo had allowed a playful smirk to etch over his features.  "I'd be happy to fu-" His interruption was much to your distaste, the unwanted suggestion causing your stomach to churn.  "Use your brain for a minute and think about this as an adult!" The sudden outburst caused his eyes to widen before relaxing, mouth still curved upward as he leaned into the back of his chair.  "I've already decided, sweetheart. We'll go to the registry office tomorrow - Suguru and Sukuna can be our witnesses."
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For a marriage planned with less than a day prior, it had been executed with ease. The four of you had been brought into a small room, a registrar stood to your left as you'd taken Gojo's hands within your own. As he'd held your fingers between his, a cheap ring Sukuna had sourced from a nearby jewelers slid over your finger, you'd swallowed back your anxieties and listened as he'd recited his vows. 
You'd repeated the action, his calloused hands maintaining the gentle contact between your own as you had spoken much more timidly than he had. Though you'd done so with some reluctance, you had looked into his eyes as you'd repeated after the registrar, a fluttering in chest. Even if this wasn't real, nor was it love, there was some form of excitement within your fear. Though, you wouldn't tell a soul. 
After only ten minutes, you'd left bound by law' a much larger meaning within your families than to yourselves. From this day forward, you were to be labelled as a Gojo. You had expected that crippling weight to ease as you held the wedding certificate in your palm, yet somehow, it had just changed into a new anxiety. 
You had gone against your parent's wishes, as had Satoru, and for that, you knew there would be a cost. 
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reblogs and comments help creators more than just liking <3
a/n: after posting the teaser for this in MARCH, i have finally finished it!! i hope you enjoyed :,) i'm putting tags below, i'm so sorry if you forgot about this and are confused by the notif !!
tags: @ritsatoru @tomiokas-lunchbox @outrofenty @cherryblossiren @thisbicc @obitohno
844 notes · View notes
planetnini · 1 year
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* BEWITCHED
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you seem to be in quite the predicament when you catch feelings for your roommate especially since you just broke things off with your ex. things might take a turn for the better if you play your cards just right, but love isn't easy…
type. multi-part series pairing. gojo satoru x fem!reader tags. roommates au, slowburn, eventual explicit content, swearing, violence, drinking/alcohol consumption, crying….. a named jerk ex boyfriend (hiroto), suguru n ieiri are the cutest friends ever (wingmen), other jjk characters will make appearances, adding specific tags for the chapters!!
— updates when i feel like it
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one — maybe i could fix him?
two — newsflash!
three — fairplay
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reblogs and comments appreciated !!! if you wanna be tagged in the chapters let me know :)
© PLANETNINI 2023 - please do not repost, copy or edit my stuff.
492 notes · View notes
itjazzbicch · 10 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
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🥰 - means fluff
😠 - means angst
🍋 - means smut
😥- means sad/emotional
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Satoru Gojo
Rise & Shine - 🍋
Suguru Geto
Better Days -🍋/😢
Toji Fushiguro
Best I Ever Had -🍋
17 notes · View notes
therealmrsgojo · 7 months
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Am I busy with work? Yes. Do I have eight different fics in my drafts that I'm writing about simultaneously? Yes.
4 notes · View notes
rose-matcha-latte · 4 months
i wonder how people who've been reading my fic feel since
February 2022 - Five Chapters
April 2022 - One Chapter
February 2023 - One Chapter
Total of 6 Chapters at about 11,000 words over about a year
and then.
the brainrot is even more severe than it was when i started
but i do it for them
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21 notes · View notes