shallowseeker · 22 days
Dean "had him by the thigh," is, like the reference to Philistines in the same episode, an ancient/Biblical one.
Cas's reaction, like "It's funnier in Enochian," is his reacting comically to what would be Biblical euphemism for: "Dean had him by the dick."
Much like a Seraphim "covers their feet" in the presence of God is a euphemism for covering their penises, ancient language also cloaked penis is euphemism like "hand, thigh, limb, flesh, etc."
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13x16 via spnscripts
I don't know, but it's just funny to think of Cas's mind jumping there first out of reflex and then his brain having to backpedal, like whoops.
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scratching92 · 1 year
It's kind of interesting how in Lancer, the Albatross seem to keep running up against organizations involved in decorp.
During the Sanjak Rebellion, it's stated that the Albatross assisted the DoJ/HR in fighting the Maw when they underwent decorp and became a greywash nanite swarm.
But also in the No Room For A Wallflower Act 2 & 3 drafts, they are suggested to have fought the CELESTINE project, which was another successful attempt at decorp that had to be wiped out to comply with the First Contact Accords (though the details are a bit sketchy, considering the context of this history being told to the players is a very deliberately ahistorical simulation).
And on top of that, we also know that they fought the Neo-Celestines in an event only known as the "Neo-Celestine Disappointment". And while we don't have much context for this event, we do know that the Neo-Celestines, as presumably the ideological inheritors of the CELESTINE project, were interested in decorp.
And this sticks out to me in particular, because much of the motivation for decorp in-setting is a kind of functional immortality, which is interesting in that the Albatross enjoy a similar status. Like, sure, they're not actually immortal - travelling at relativistic speeds just makes them age less - but in practice the Albatross are able to engage in potentially age-defining conflicts and then live long enough to see the results of their actions decades and even centuries on. They get to see themselves become mythologized over what is, to them, relatively short periods of time.
I dunno. It's just really interesting, that these seemingly-immortal warriors often find themselves facing off against those having sought or even attained actual, true immortality.
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horizoncollective · 1 year
sorry dude(s) but theres no hope of upending the FCA without Deimos showing up in orbit and going "fucks sake i gave you causal meatbags one simple instruction and you can't even follow that well hope youve studied for your physics exam cos im going to remove the strong nuclear force from your atoms if you dont turn that DeCorp program off yesterday actually you know what too late enjoy your unbound nuclei" I mean come on that fucking rocks got us over a barrel, Union cant beat it, HA cant beat it. What on Cradle do you hope your activist ass can do?
We don't expect to beat MONIST-1 in a fight, ever.
We're principles-first people though, and we despise the idea of being bullied into anything by anyone, no matter how powerful they are. No one, not even MONIST-1 or a government, should have the ability to force someone to stop doing something that doesn't harm anyone else.
MONIST-1 kidnapped the people living and working on Deimos and used its incredible abilities to bully Union into making the changes that it wanted. It's an asshole! It could easily have chosen to make its presence known without kidnapping anyone and if it had good reasons for humans not to do certain things, it could have told us. Presumably, it could still choose to give us information but it does not.
Of course it could kill us if it wanted to, but so could a lot of people. Union could also probably kill us all if it wanted to.
Personally, I'm not a fan of DeCorp and I can't see myself doing it. But it doesn't hurt me if someone else wants to try it, so I don't think it should be illegal.
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meriadoc-doc-hamilton · 7 months
one of my squadmates is piloting a balor, and recently she said shes been talking to some guy called "the maw", and has been obsessed with decorp, i tried to talk her out of it, but nothing i say is getting through to her and quite frankly, im scared that if she figures it out, ra is gonna come down on our heads like a ton of bricks.
anyway, do you know how i could maybe... make the nanoswarm not recognize her as a pilot? i like her, but i like living more, and if sacrificing her to the greywash is what it takes to survive, then thats what ill do.
uh ask your therapist
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horus-unofficial · 1 year
so the other day I posted about how decorp is based and now my manticore’s reactor is on the fritz. Do I need to buy a Sherman instead?
better to die an honorable death than live licking the boot. you need to enter castigation state and blow up immediately
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znarikia · 1 year
Concept: A HORUS hacker gets a hold of some liturgicode that can decorp them and turn them into an NHP. Tragically, their no longer human subjectivity still expects and craves the sensory input data of an organic nervous system and they jerry rig recorping by plugging their casket back into their body or into a flash clone of themself.
The galaxy's stupidest violation of the First Contact Accords.
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16 & 21!
16. Did you ever change an oc's identity when they were already established? Why?
Not really. Irene has always been agender, and that's a big part of its story. I never experimented with pronouns with Irene, in part because I put a bunch of myself into it and I know what I am.
For Edward, she never had a set identity in her first iteration so there wasn't anything established to change. I do like what it's turned into though.
21. Free ramble.
I'm going to talk a little about Irene because honestly there isn't too much to Edward atm. Irene came about as a result of trying to make a Lancer character that I would actually want to play and be invested in. What ended up happening is I created a character I put a little too much of myself into it and am not sure I want to use it with other people. It is a lot of fun to write about Irene though, especially now that I have an idea of who and what I want it to be, when before its current status was just "ready to be used in whatever." Thank you Harrison Armory. Unrelated but I should think about almost-decorped characters again. Field Guide to the Auric Range has good material for that.
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sylseal · 2 years
The Eschatar Report #2 (Lancer Fiction)
REPORT DICTATOR: Doctor Brenn Cross. Qualifications include a PhD in Xenobiology and a position as First Officer of the starship UEV Appalachia.
REPORT SOURCE: Surface of Eschatar via Omnihook.
REPORT REASON: Discovery of the explicit violation of the First Contact Accords by SecComm, discovery of a potential asset.
REPORT CLASSIFICATION: Highly Sensitive, Administrative Eyes Only.
When I was a child and I became unruly, my mother would tell me stories of Union's Black Talon. A monster, clad in black armor, bearing a sword that could unfold into a scythe, and who rode in the heart of a horrific dragon that could ravage entire worlds. She would tell me, "Brenn Cross, you behave yourself, or the Black Talon will show up to take you."
Of course, it was just a fairy tale. And we all grow out of fairy tales, eventually; we all grow up, we all wise up to the truth: there is no mysterious NHP who delivers gifts in winter months, no mysterious creature that takes our teeth when they fall out, and there is no such thing as the boogeyman. No such thing as the Black Talon, not really. Official Union records claim It was a person. An enforcer for SecComm, maybe their best ever, but still a person under all that. That's all they were.
This, as it turns out, was untrue.
Official records say that the actual Black Talon, the person, was destroyed in 4600u, and their mech was utterly reduced to atoms forever. They were supposed to be dead.
I am now here to clarify that no, the Black Talon is not dead. They are still very much alive, very much in good health...and very, very much against all things SecComm. Bear with me, this will take a small history lesson.
When the Black Talon was "created" in 3651u, it was done by taking the most promising recruit of Union's armed forces, who showed the greatest potential as a soldier and a pilot, and enhancing their body with cybernetics. That soldier's name was Galendriel; Gal, if you prefer. I will, herein, be referring to them by that name.
The transition from cybernetic augmentation to decorporealization was slow, gradual even. More cybernetic augmentation, more mechanical parts, more therapy to get Gal adjusted to it all, more and more until they were almost entirely cybernetic, and an utter terror on the battlefield. However, the idea of decorping Gal wouldn't come about until some time in the late 3600s when, SecComm, wishing not to lose what had rapidly become their greatest asset and enforcer, created a secret facility here, on Eschatar, to discover the secrets of immortality. Initially, it was not the prison that it would one day become, but instead a purely scientific research environment.
They discovered the secrets to decorporealization here, which of course have been utterly lost, and managed to transfer Gal's consciousness to a bio-mechanical body. The project was a huge success, but was put under so much red tape and classified documentation that no one knew it even existed beyond pure hearsay and rumor, and that was before it all got deleted.
Gal believed they were doing good work, at first. They believed that they were working towards the unity of all mankind, for the good of the people. However, that illusion quickly fell flat in the face of SecComm's tendency towards murder and mayhem. It didn't take long for Gal to decide enough was enough; they tried to turn against their handlers, to bring a stop to the madness...only for SecComm to activate a mind-control chip, placed in their head as a failsafe in case they didn't cooperate with Union's wishes.
And for a long time, that was how Gal was forced to operate. Forced to conquer and murder and butcher against their will. As the conception of mechanized chassis came into being, SecComm once again turned to Gal for their most dangerous and extreme version of this: a mech that could shift between something close to what we now know as Harrison Armory's Enkidu model, and a form that was much closer to a dragon. The purpose of the form shift was not only to intimidate foes, but also, to capitalize on a highly experimental technology.
You see, somehow, SecComm managed to split Gal's consciousness across two bodies: her human-sized, bio-mechanical body, and her mecha. Even Gal doesn't know fully how they managed this, but they did. Gal was able to remotely pilot that mech while it was in its dragon form, and in the event that both of their bodies were ever destroyed, their mind was backed up in triplicate, so there was truly no end to their suffering, nor the suffering they caused.
That lasted until, finally, there was an opportunity for Gal to escape. The revolt against SecComm in the aftermath of the Hercynian Crisis caused security around Gal to loosen, just enough for Gal to reach out to members of HORUS under a different name and a disguise. in exchange for being well-compensated, these members of HORUS broke the mind-control failsafe in Gal's head, allowing Gal to slip their leash once and for all.
Free, at last, Gal was one of the first to leak classified documentation on just what Union had done during the Hercynian Crisis, as well as the PISTON-1 incidents, onto the Omninet. Then, knowing that their existence was against the First Contact Accords, they sealed themselves up here, in Eschatar, to wait out the war and out of fear that SecComm would regain control over them somehow. They turned the creatures of Eschatar loose on their operators, and locked the operators in with the creatures. And otherwise...that brings us to the present day.
Other Specific Notation:
They could have let us die. They saw we were Union-aligned, they knew there was every chance that we could be there to take them back. But...they decided to help us instead. To guide us, to be a voice of safety in this dark prison. My hypothesis from my last report, obviously, was correct. When we descended to the core of the moon, we discovered a small apartment with an omninet connection and some of the best cybersecurity we've ever seen. Inside was a feminine figure with pale skin, segmentation at the joints revealing the nature of their body, long dark hair, and deep blue eyes with black scalera. They asked us to keep our distance at first, which we agreed to, in exchange for some answers as to who they were. That was when they told us their story, in full. I left immediately after to collect my thoughts and write this report.
After some time to think, I have ultimately come to a conclusion, and I say this as someone who is exceedingly and extensively familiar with the historical records of this person's terrible exploits: I do not believe they are a threat. I believe that if, given the chance, they would gladly make all the possible efforts they could to repair the terrible damage they had to cause under SecComm. They have expressed a deep disdain for SecComm and all they were forced to do for that administration, and have agreed to turn themselves over for a full and thorough scan, both physical and mental, in exchange for a promise of asylum and, as they put it, "a chance to make things right."
There is a question of "why haven't they come forward before?" And from what I have been told, they did not know whether or not ThirdComm would end up being just more of the same as SecComm after several centuries, or if there was truly a desire to be different. So, they observed us, via the omninet. They waited. And, when they decided they had seen enough, they set up a beacon. Not a distress beacon, just a signal beacon. That was how we found this place to begin with. They did place a warning in the beacon, explaining that this place was dangerous, but "dangerous" doesn't typically mean monstrous genetic lizards that nearly outclass Size 1 mecha. Still, considering SecComm's penchant for shooting first and asking questions later, I actually think they might have expected us to come armed to the teeth, maybe in mecha. As soon as they realized how much we had underestimated this place, they got in contact with us. I can't exactly blame them for the deaths of my men, but...they blame themselves for it. At this point, that's just one more thing for the psych evaluation.
But with all that in mind, I must make a stern recommendation of extraction, a psych-evaluation for Gal's mental health, and a recommendation of asylum for them. This is a creature that has been tortured just as much as any of their victims, and I believe, as part of the Three Pillars, that Union has a responsibility to care for them. Of course, I leave this matter in the hands of the Administration, but I do not think it is in our best interest to turn them away when they clearly want to do better after all this time.
With that in mind, this is Doctor Brenn Cross, signing off.
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quantranphotography · 6 years
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Những bức tranh, ảnh sẽ tô điểm thêm cho ngôi nhà các bạn sinh động và đẹp hơn. Hãy trang trí những bức tường của bạn bằng những bức ảnh đẹp, đơn giản. ----- Ảnh do chính admin chụp và in bán. Không phải là hình lấy trên mạng vvv. Nên yên tâm về chất lượng. Ảnh canvas độ bền cao trên 20 năm. Hình in ấn máy mới nhất. Lồng khung kính như hình. --- Liên hệ: 0938803077 - Quân Size in đóng Canvas: 20x30: 192000 ₫ 30x40: 250.000₫ 40x60: 420.000₫ 50x50: 470.000₫ 50x75: 610.000₫ 60x90: 760.000₫ 80x100: 940.000₫ Size in lồng khung kính: 20x30: 210.000₫ 30x40: 320.000₫ 40x60: 540.000₫ #canvas #huecity #huelandscapes #huecity #vietnam #travels #sunset #thienmupagoda #thienmu #pagoda #decor #decoratepicture #decorpic #homedecor #nature #quantran #quantranphotography
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O lugar de estudar não precisa ser chato !! Aí tem espaço para livros, lápis de cor, lembranças e as artes da Clara, lógico. Projeto: @laurasignorini_arquitetura Marcenaria: @ambforma • • • • • • • #laurasignorini #laurasignoriniarquitetura #instakidsdecor #instadecor #instakids #kidsdecor #quartodecriança #bancadadeestudo #marcenariacolorida #marcenariasobmedida #kidsroom #decor #decoração #interiordesign #designdeinteriores #contrateumarquiteto #lacacolorida #decorpic (em Praia de Ipanema - Ipanema Beach)
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scratching92 · 1 year
I originally wasn't going to read the drafts for No Room For A Wallflower Acts 2 & 3, for a variety of reasons, but I've been looking into a lot of lore surrounding the Albatross lately and it seems a lot of their conflict with the Neo-Celestine is contained pretty much entirely in the drafts.
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Bit of romance...🍃🌺 #decorideas #vintagedecor #ideasforhome #ideasfordiy #lovevintagestyle #greendecor #green #flowerdecore #diymom #diycrafts #marabuartspray #womensgifts #centerpiecesideas #centerpiece #vase #pencilholders #decorpic #decorphotography #photographyart #homestyling #housedecorideas 🍃🌺 (na lokaciji Koprivnica, Croatia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzap6fFA1Vt/?igshid=162fmxesd6iur
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aashit-antique · 3 years
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Recently i came across to my grandfather's awesome collection of brass pots . Hope you find it interesting !!! . . . . . . #homedecorate #uniquegiftshop #carvingpot #engarving #engarvings #chisselwork #handwork #onbrass #antiquecarving #vintagecarvin #gujaratantiques #vintagedealers #antiquesdealersofinstagram #raredeal #raredealer #olddealership #vintageartifacts #antiqueartifacts #oldartifacts #oldcharm #decorpic #centerofatrraction #atrraction #bangloreblogger #bangloreoldfashion #bangloreshipping #availableforsell #grandfatherlove❤️ #grandfathers #grandfatherscollection (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNkB2JuJQhZ/?igshid=izhpyg5sl4qv
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foervraengd · 8 years
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After two months of work, this baby is finished with a new faux marble appearance! This is the first time I've painted a furnace this big! #fauxmarble #marble #fauxpainting #decorativepainting #decorpanting
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ruthannamendoza · 2 years
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Wala na akong excuse para hindi mag balik loob sa pagiging youtuber ko. 😂👌🏻 Parang siningit lang talaga yung pc ni asawa ko. Bawat sulok may gitara 😅 (Grind na ulit para mabawasan ang mga bills. Nag + 2php/kW•h pa man din ang Decorp. 🥲🥲😅😅) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgjSVcKr0ep/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phgq · 4 years
Solar power plant in Pangasinan town seen to reduce power rates
#PHnews: Solar power plant in Pangasinan town seen to reduce power rates
DAGUPAN CITY – The Dagupan Electric Corporation (DECORP) hopes that the completion of its solar power plant situated in Barangay Erfe in Sta. Barbara town will reduce power rates.
 In an interview on Friday, DECORP legal counsel and spokesperson lawyer Randy Castilan said the solar power plant would supply 20 megawatts (MW) of power once completed.
 While it will not suffice to fill DECORP’s 80-MW load for its consumers, Castilan believes it would help reduce costs.
 “Walang value added tax (VAT) ito kasi sa atin mismo manggagaling. Renewable din, kaya cost-friendly (It has no VAT because the power will come from us. It is also renewable hence, it is cost-friendly),” he said.
 The power plant is still in its initial construction phases.
 Castilan said it is only 10-percent complete, attributing the delay to the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic which caused postponements of supply deliveries to the plant.
 Apart from the power plant, the construction of the DECORP substation in San Fabian town is also undergoing.
 Once completed, the substation will provide power reliability to the towns of San Fabian, San Jacinto, and Manaoag.
 These towns currently are dependent on the San Jacinto town substation, which is also owned by DECORP.
 However, the load and power demand in the areas are beginning to rise.
 Castilan said the company has decided to build the substation to accommodate more establishments and consumers.
 The substation is now 50-percent complete and will be connected to Dagupan City and Calasiao town once operational. Power will immediately be diverted to prevent long power interruptions in case of emergency.
 To prepare for the opening of the San Fabian town substation, DECORP is installing 69-kilovolt (kv) lines and electric posts in De Venecia extension going to the Bonuan Dagupan area connecting to the substation.
 Castilan expects the substation and the power plant to be completed and operational before the year ends.
 Meanwhile, DECORP has implemented an additional 33-centavo rate starting February this year that will be reflected on the electric bills received this month.
 Castillan said the increased rate is the result of rising temperature and power demand since the economy is beginning to rebound.
 He said the demand last year went down as only a few businesses remained open due to the lockdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
 Shopping malls and other large establishments, which he referred to as ‘big loaders’, recently began to return to their normal business hours hence, the increase in energy consumption.
 The average selling rate of DECORP was at PHP8.7 per kilowatt-hour (kwh) in January, and it rose to PHP8.40 per kwh in February.
 “If you are consuming around 100-kwh in a month, there would be an additional PHP40 increase in the rates,” he said.
 Castilan warned consumers there would be further increase by March or the following months, although there is still no final rate issued by power plants supplying energy to DECORP. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Solar power plant in Pangasinan town seen to reduce power rates." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1133403 (accessed March 13, 2021 at 12:05AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Solar power plant in Pangasinan town seen to reduce power rates." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1133403 (archived).
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