#dee moni
h0lidayg1rl1225 · 5 months
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i return. with a dee redesign
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and this shitty doodle SHHH DON’T THINK ABOUT IT TOO HARD
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omegaremix · 1 month
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Omega Radio’s 50 Years Of Hip-Hop. When the ‘Brentwood Era’ started, I had the dial on WBLS, one of New York City’s hip-hop / rap stations. It not only signified the first-ever genre I’d pay close attention to, but also signified the beginning of personal cassette dubbing.
For a few years, I’d record as much as possible off to the right of the dial, then later on Hot 97 and Kiss FM. I’d capture Kid Capri, Kool DJ Red Alert, Funkmaster Flex, and Ed Lover, Dr. Dre, and T-Money of Yo! MTV Raps. Running concurrently was In Living Color, a rap-centric die-laughing comedy show that introduced us to the Wayans Brothers, Homey The Clown, Fire Marshall Bill, The Homeboy Shopping Network, and more. My formative years listening to hip-hop / rap lasted as long from middle school to graduating senior year. There’s no shortage of mostly positive memories in Brentwood, in thanks to all of my cassette dubs from that era.
I returned to hip-hop / rap when I discovered WUSB a few years later and stumbled upon one of their shows, Ghetto Radio, who showed me a more underground side of things. Street FM, Eminent Audio, and The Basement practically changed my life because they introduced me to sampling culture, forever opening up a new world in getting to know more about myself. As soon as I became a Stony Brook student, I inquired about joining the station. Now, I became a dee-jay and gave back to our listeners the same way WUSB gave to me. It wasn’t until my second run at the station (Winter 2013) when I started Omega Radio and took my show more seriously.
For 11 years, we’ve taken every chance we get to play hip-hop / rap. Our shows started when we did a five-hour bonus broadcast to usher in a new year: classic Seventies’ vinyl classics on New Year’s Eve, then three hours of the rough stuff on New Year’s. Since then, we paid it forward by delivering all-time legends (The Notorious B.I.G., 2Pac), more golden-era cuts (EPMD, A Tribe Called Quest, Monie Love), the Eighties (Kool Moe D, MC Shan, Eric B & Rakim, classic old-school moments (Whodini, Sugar Hill Records, Afrika Bambaata), and even white-label underground releases (Lo-Down Click, Erule, Brother Arthur). Let’s not forget the ladies of the game, either (Queen Latifah, Monie Love, MC Lyte, and Yo-Yo to name a few).
Later on, we introduced deluxe editions of our shows consisting of golden-era legends still doing their thing (KRS-One, Onyx, Dres of Black Sheep), backpack artists (Jedi Mind Tricks, R.A. The Rugged Man, the Griselda camp), beat tapes (Fuzzoscope, All These Fingers), and newer artists (clipping., Danny Brown, Obnox, Dabrye). We also made some legend specific tributes for Public Enemy, N.W.A. (edited for FCC quality-control), and The Wu-Tang Clan, which happened to be Omega’s most popular show to date. As long as it isn’t Kanye West or TekashiSixNine, we’re good.
The good news? There’s no sign of up stopping. We’ll continuously re-visit our golden-era finds until they’re depleted, and may even consider re-introducing our white-label bonus shows. And we’ll still play our new, current, and relevant hip-hop, rap, and backpacker finds on our deluxe shows.
Found below is each and every hip-hop / rap broadcast Omega WUSB has broadcast up until this point. We urge you to check them all out. Want to re-visit an era with the most creative freedom? Any artists you missed out on? Trying to find a one-hit wonder you want to make a legend out of? No worries. We have you covered.
Here’s to fifty more years of hip-hop - and you can all thank DJ Kool Herc for that.
December 31, 2012-January 1, 2013; #5. (Double bonus.)
February 25, 2013; #10.
June 30, 2014; #55.
July 19, 2014-July 20, 2014; #56.
August 17, 2014; #59.
November 22, 2014; #68.
July 13, 2015; #87.
August 24, 2015; #91.
June 27, 2016; #114.
August 15, 2016; #120.
February 11, 2017; #132.
July 29, 2017; #142. (Partial.)
July 28, 2018; #168.
September 3, 2018; #173.
October 15, 2018; #177.
December 10, 2018; #183. (Wu-Tang Clan.)
May 4, 2019; #194.
June 29, 2019; #199.
July 20, 2019; #201. (Public Enemy.)
August 19, 2019; #205. (N.W.A.)
August 24, 2019; #206. (Partial.)
March 16, 2020; #223.
August 3, 2020; #236.
August 15, 2020; #237.
October 26, 2020; #245.
January 30, 2021; #254.
April 21, 2021; #260.
May 19, 2021; #264.
June 16, 2021; #268.
July 3, 2021; #271. (Double deluxe.)
August 11, 2021; #278. (Hip-Hop’s 48th.)
January 3, 2022; #294.
January 12, 2022; #295.
April 25, 2022; #305.
May 21, 2022; #307.
June 20, 2022; #312.
August 22, 2022; #325. (Delayed.)
August 27, 2022; #326.
October 24, 2022; #333.
(Originally published on August 11, 2023.)
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ask-de-writer · 1 year
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THE FISHERMAN'S LEG (Part 3 of 20)
A sequel to Dee 1/2 Demon
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
6373 words (work in progress)
© 2023 by Glen Ten-Eyck
All rights reserved. This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Blog holding members of Tumblr.com may freely reblog this story provided that the title, author and copyright information remain intact, unaltered, and are displayed at the head of the story.
Fan art, stories, music, cosplay and other fan activity is actively encouraged.
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New to the story? Read from the beginning HERE.
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Fisherman Minami glared at Sunma, but remembered in time to raise a finger and bow to Magistrate Lim. Being acknowledged, he demanded, “Criminal charge? Why would you seek to damage my reputation so?”
Her face gone tight but forcing a false smile, she pointed to the thick file documenting his multiple legal faults. “It is not needful for me to defame you, Minami san. You do that yourself.
“Again, I ask the good Magistrate to set the fine or other penalties as the law requires.”
Magistrate Lim bowed to her while replying, “It shall be as you wish it, Sunma san. As your case is directly tied to much else, all must become criminal, with every fine made current or he must be required to do hard labor on the roads of Sabo.
“For his assault on your person, and its connected violations, he must pay of silver cash four strings ten and three strings twenty five of copper cash.
“Miko san, I need your services as a Provincially Registered Scribe and Accountant.” He offered her Minami's thick file. “This criminal charge has now reduced all of the civil complaints to criminal ones. I will not increase any of the penalties. Please total up all of Minami san's outstanding arrears, including this case. The entire sum must be paid this day or he will have to have a penalty of service added in addition to any outstanding monies.”
As Miko's abacus beads clattered swiftly at each new page turned and her busy brush added more notes, Fisherman Minami was looking aghast. At last, she finished the task.
Magistrate Lim kept his face imperturbable as he formally asked Miko, “Have you the accounting of Fisherman Minami san's arrears and the specific cases?”
She bowed deeply as she replied, “I have indeed.” She offered the Magistrate the paper in her precise handwriting.
Magistrate Lim examined the document carefully before turning to fisherman Minami. He began, “Minami san, there are only two things that you can do to avoid six moons of hard labor on the roads of Sabo province.
“You may produce all of the required arrears in fines and restitution or you must do what you have not done previously. That is fully explain to this Tribunal a lawful justification for all of your actions against the plaintiffs since you came back to Sabo from the war, two years ago.”
Pulling a sour face, fisherman Minami growled, “How much must I pay?”
Calmly, the Magistrate replied, “Two of golden cash. Of silver cash, one string and eighteen, of copper cash, three strings and twelve.”
Sketching a bow to the Magistrate, he grumbled, “I have the money. I was going to put it to good use fixing up my boat, the Sea Lion. Now, through the evil legal chicanery of these girls, I must waste it to stay free!”
With a polite bow to constable Canra, Magistrate Lim framed his order courteously, “Constable, if you would be so good, accompany Minami san as he gets his money and guard it well until it is here. Should he try to do any other thing but get his money, you may use any force needed in your own judgment.”
“It shall be as you have said, Good Magistrate,” constable Canra replied, seeing to his cudgel and taking his ceremonial but very functional naginata from its rack by the door.
Bowing politely to Minami he stated, “Let us go to gather your funds. The Tribunal is awaiting them.”
Sour of face, Minami arose and left, the constable close behind him.
While they were waiting, Miko bowed to Magistrate Lim and offered, “Good Magistrate, if Minami san has such a sum readily available, we must look into why he has allowed such an arrears to accrue over the last two years. According to his Tribute Tax assessments he should not have so much.
“He has reported both poor sales and a high rate of spoilage as reasons for his low income.”
Magistrate Lim nodded to her and replied, “There is already an investigation underway, Miko san. The seven fishing boats that supply the Fish Market have all complained to me of the massive spoilage rate that reduces what they are paid after turning their catch over to him.”
Miko promptly bowed deeply as she replied, “Good Magistrate, as a Provincially Registered Scribe and Accountant, it is my duty to tell you of any crime that I become aware of.
“If Minami san is not buying the catch at the dock, it becomes a consignment. He is fully responsible for all that he takes in and must pay the fishermen for their whole catch, regardless of any spoilage that happens while it is in his care. Such is the law of consignment.”
He bowed to her and replied, “The matter will be taken under consideration.”
Shortly, Constable Canra and Fisherman Minami returned. Clearly holding his temper, the fisherman laid the money gently on the Magistrate's laquer ware table.
While the Magistrate was confirming that each string held its full hundred coins and counting the rest, he sat and fumed.
Magistrate Lim looked up from his counting and stated, “All is correct.” He quickly brushed a receipt and gave it to the furious fisherman. “You may go.”
Patsu was directing the other three girls as they constructed yet another float out of bundles of bamboo.
“That's it, Satsuna san and Dee san! Get the ropes around that floating bundle and pull it up onto the ropes that we laid out! Now, Miko san, pull those ropes up around that bundle so that they cross each other. Catch them around our new bundle and tie them tight, one set at each end. Then we can just push one bundle in and keep the other up where it is easy to work on!”
Satsuna looked up! She dropped what she was doing and siezed a long bamboo pole intended for the next float! Yelling, “Thief! Stop thief!” she sprinted up the shore and thrust the pole between fisherman Minami's legs!
He tripped flat on his face, dropping Patsu's good striking hammer and a board from their lumber pile! As he was beginning to get up, Patsu arrived and kicked his rump, driving him flat again!
Constable Canra stepped through the hole that fisherman Minami had, unnoticed, chopped in the fence around the Chiasu Estate property that Dee managed. The constable smiled and said, “Well done, Satsuna san but too soon.
“Dee san, I was waiting for him to emerge from your property to arrest him for theft. Now, all that I can charge him with is vandalism of your fence, attempted theft and criminal trespass. With your permission, Dee san, I will do so.”
Dee picked up their board and gave Patsu her hammer. As she was doing so, fisherman Minami snarled, “Those bungling girls have no need of good tools or fine wood like those planks.”
Dee, her usually slowly waving flame red hair now gone stiff from anger, gave Minami a hard stare with her yellow eyes, their vertically slit pupils closed to thin slits by her anger as she nodded. Voice tightly controlled, she permitted, “Please do so, constable Canra san and to the other charges add another count of his slander of us from the Shop of Repairs.
“We shall be to the Tribunal shortly. The fence must first be mended.”
The constable led the bitterly protesting fisherman Minami away while Dee and her friends wove new strips of split bamboo into the fence, to fill the hole made by Minami. As soon as they were done, they went up the busy streets of Sabo village to the Tribunal.
To be Continued
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scotianostra · 9 months
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25th December 1665 saw the birth near Greenlaw of songwriter and poet Lady Grisell Baillie.
First Deaconess of the Church of Scotland Lady Grissel, also spelled Grizel at times, was born at Mellerstain House in the Scottish Borders, the daughter of Sir Patrick Hume of Polwarth.
A pious and kindly lady, Baillie was noted for her philanthropic work, providing a water supply for Newtown St. Boswells, building the Baillie Hall in the same town in memory of her brother Major Robert Baillie, restoring a bridge over the River Tweed, and involved with the local Temperance movement. In 1888 she was ordained at the church in Bowden as the first Deaconess of the Church of Scotland. The Order of Deaconesses was a ministry for women introduced into the Church by The Very Rev. Professor Archibald Charteris in the same year. Deaconesses were involved in missionary work and nursing the sick.
In the 1840s Baillie lived at Eildon Hall near St. Boswells, then later she lived at Dryburgh Abbey House. Lady Grisell’s verses bear mournful witness to suffering. Only two of Lady Grisell’s songs survive: “The ewe-butchin’s bonnie,” which may have been inspired by her father’s ordeal, and “Werena my Heart’s licht I wad dee,”
She is also remember for the book The Household Book of Lady Grisell Baillie 1692-1733 which offers a detailed portrait of domestic expenditures and daily life at a Scottish country house. Lady Grizel Baillie is buried on the grounds of Mellerstain House.
Werena My Heart Licht I Wad Dee
There was ance a may, and she lo’ed na men;
She biggit her bonnie bow’r doun i’ yon glen;
But now she cries, Dool and a well-a-day!
Come doun the green gait and come here away!
When bonnie young Johnnie cam’ owre the sea
He said he saw naething sae lovely as me;
He hecht me baith rings and monie braw things;
And werena my heart licht, I wad dee.
He had a wee tittie that lo’ed na me,
Because I was twice as bonnie as she;
She raised sic a pother ‘twixt him and his mother,
That werena my heart licht, I wad dee.
The day it was set, and the bridal to be
The wife took a dwam and lay doun to dee;
She maned, and she graned, out o’ dolour and pain,
Till he vowed that he ne’er wad see me again.
His kin was for ane o’ a higher degree,
Said, what had he do wi’ the likes o’ me?
Albeit I was bonnie, I wasna for Johnnie:
And werena my heart licht, I wad dee.
They said I had neither cow nor calf,
Nor dribbles o’ drink rins through the draff,
Nor pickles o’meal rins through the mill-e’e;
An werena my heart licht, I wad dee.
His tittie she was baith wily and slee,
She spied me as I cam’ owre the lea,
And then she ran in and made a loud din;
Believe your ain een an ye trow na me.
His bannet stood aye fu’ round on his brow
His auld ane looked aye as weel as some’s new;
But now he lets ’t wear ony gate it will hing,
And casts himsel’ dowie upon the corn-bing.
And now he gaes daund’ring about the dykes
A a’ he dow do is to hund the tykes;
The love-lang nicht he ne’er steeks his e’e;
And werena my heart licht I wad dee.
Were I but young for thee, as I ha’e been
We should ha’e been gallopin’ doun in yon green,
And linkin’ it on the lily-white lea;
And wow, gin I were but young for thee.
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Eminem: Hip-hop saved my life
"Can y’all hear me? I can’t hear me. Can you hear me?
"This s--t’s crazy. So I wrote some s--t down tonight that I’m never going to f---ing remember, so I had to read it off the paper and s--t, but it’s from the heart. I realize what an honor it is right now for me to be up here tonight, and what a privilege it is to do the music that I love, and the music that basically saved my life.
"Where'd the man, where did Dre go? The man who saved my life, ladies and gentlemen, Dr. motherf---in’ Dre. So I'm going to try to make this as quick and painless as possible. I’m f---ing stuttering and s--t, I mean Jesus Christ.
"So I’m probably not supposed to actually be here tonight because of a couple of reasons. One of them that I’m a rapper, and this is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. And there’s only a few of us right now that have been inducted in already, but there’s only a few of us.
"Secondly, I almost died from an overdose in 2007, which kind of sucked. Hailie, plug your ears: because drugs were f---ing delicious, and I thought we had a good thing going man, but I had to go and f--- it all up and take too many. God d--n. OK Hailie.
"OK, so. Hold on, I lost my motherf---in' spot. Paul, did I say, I said drugs were delicious, right? And finally, I had to really fight my way through man to try and break through in this music, and I'm so honored and I'm so grateful that I'm even able to be up here doing hip-hip music, man, because I love it so much.
And they say you won't work a day if you love your job and s--t. This part I'm not crazy about? But, OK.
"My musical influences are many, and they say it takes a village to raise a child. Well it took a whole genre and culture to raise me.
"They say success has many fathers, and that’s definitely true for me. So whatever my impact has been on hip-hop music, I never would have or could have done this s--t without some of the groundbreaking artists that I'm about to mention right now.
"And this is a list man, I put this list together yesterday. And I kept adding to the s--t, adding to the s--t, and if I forget anybody, I apologize. But these were my teachers right here:
"I'm gonna start with the 2 Live Crew, 2Pac, 3rd Bass, Alliance, Apache, Audio Two — Milk Dee, what up! — Awesome Dre, the Beastie Boys, Big Daddy Kane, Big Pun, Big L, Biz Markie, the Notorious B.I.G. of course, Black Moon, the Boogie Monsters, Brand Nubian, Brother J from X Clan, Buckshot, Casual from Heiroglyphics, Chill Rob G, Chubb Rock, Chuck D and Public Enemy, Cypress Hill, D-Nice, Dana Dane, De La Soul — now I’m about a third of the way done.
"De La Soul, did I say De La Soul? Def Jef, Del the Funky Homosapien, DJ Quik, Dr. Dre of course, Dres from Black Sheep, Ed O.G., EPMD, Fat Boys, Fat Joe, Fu-Schnickens, Gang Starr, Geto Boys, Heavy D, House of Pain, Ice Cube, Ice-T, the Intelligent Hoodlum, JJ Fad, Jaz-O, Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, Just Ice, K-Solo, Kid & Play: I'm a tenth of the way done.
"King Sun, King Tee, Kool G Rap, Kool Moe Dee, KRS-One, Kwame, Lakim Shabazz, Large Professor, Leaders of the New School, the one and only LL Cool J — love you bro. Lord Finesse, Lords of the Underground, Mantronix, Masta Ace, MC Breed, MC Lyte, MC Shan, Melle Mel, Merciless Ameer, Mobb Deep, Monie Love, Nas, Newcleus, Onyx, Organized Konfusion, Outkast, Andre 3000, Paris, Pharcyde, Queen Latifah, Rakim, Redhead Kingpin, Pete Rock and CL Smooth, I’m almost done.
"Redman, Roxanne Shante, Run-D.M.C., Salt-N-Pepa, Slick Rick and Doug E. Fresh, Snoop Dogg, Souls of Mischief, Special Ed, Stetsasonic, now I’m all down to the S’s. Super Lover Cee and Casanova Rud, the D.O.C., the Roots, Black Thought, the Skinny Boys, Tony D, Too $hort, Treach from Naughty By Nature, A Tribe Called Quest, U.T.F.O., Whodini, Wise Intelligent and the Poor Righteous Teachers, Wu-Tang Clan and YZ.
"Those were my rock stars man, and I just want to say, like, those are just a few of the names that I hope will be considered in the future for induction. Because without them, a lot of us wouldn’t be here. I know I wouldn’t.
"So that’s all I had to say, man. I know this induction is supposed to be me talking about myself and s--t man, but f--- that. I would not be here without them. I’m a high school dropout man, with a hip-hop education, and these were my teachers. And it's their night just as much as it is mine. So thank you."
Hip-hop saved Eminem's life, he saved mine! Congratulations Em, and Thank You!!
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moondirti · 1 year
Dee I just saw the ask game and I wanna know so much but I narrowed it down to 30, 31 and 44 pretty please 🥹🫶🏻
moni my luv!! thank you for sending these in babes i'm giving you a big smooch
thirty: favourite tv show(s)
bojack horseman (forever no. 1)
attack on titan
avatar the last airbender
breaking bad
succession (which i haven't finished yet!)
thirty-one: 3 random facts
i broke my collarbone playing hockey as a kid
i'm the eldest of four, with three younger brothers <3
my real name means obedient. i guess my parents had a vision for me or smth but it does work out as a nice icebreaker during dates
forty-four: age you get mistaken for
ahh I don't know! i'm 22 and there are two groups of people, ones who seem to think i'm 17 and other who overshoot to 25. i think i look my age but we move
get to know me ask game
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queersrus · 2 years
Fire Emblem theme
a name list from fire emblem Three Houses specifically! including dlc characters.
made for a friend!
ash, ashe, ashen an, ann, anna, annette, al, alo, aloi, alois, ael, aelf, aelfri, aelfric, aby, abys, abyss, abysskeep, abysskeeper, ar, aru, arun, arund, arunde, arundel, ad, adra, adras, adrast, adrasti, adrastia, adrastian, ach, ache, acher, achero, acheron, ans, anse, ansel, anselm, anselma, aub, aubi, aubin,
by, byl, byle, byleth, ber, bern, berna, bernad, bernadette, bernadetta, bal, balthus, blake, black, bar, baro, baron, be, bee, bea, beast, bi, bia, bias, berna, bernha, bernhard, bly, blyd, blydd, blyde, blyddyd, blai, blaid, blaide, blade, blaidd, blaidde, blaiddy, blaiddyd, bladed,
caspar, casper, cas, cass, clawd, claud, claude, cath, cathe, cather, catheri, catherin, catherine, cy, cyr, cyri, cyril, cyrill, con, cons, const, constan, constance, constanz, constanza, cor, corn, corne, cornel, corneli, cornelia, chi, chil, chilo, chilon, chav, chave, chavel, chaveli, chavelie, chavelier, chava, chaval, chavalie, chavalier, cheva, chev, cheval, chevali, chevalie, chevalier, char, charo, charon, chri, chris, christ, christo, christoph, chrisophe, christopho, christophon, christophone, cou, coun, count, claudi, claudie, claudia, ceth, cethl, cethle, cethlea, cethlean, cethleen, cethleann, ci, cic, cice, cich, cicho, cichol,
deer, dear, doro, dorothy, dorathy, dorothee, dorothea, dim, dimi, dimitry, dimitri, dedue, duk, duke, dom, domi, domin, domini, dominic, dominik, dominique, dea, dae, dee, death, daph, daphn, daphne, daphnel, der, deri, derik, derek, derick, derrick
eagle, edel, edelgard, em, emp, empo, empor, empe, emper, empero, emperor, er, erwi, erwin, ed, edd, edmun, edmund,
fer, ferd, ferdi, ferdinand, feli, felix, flay, flayn, fle, flech, fleche, fae, faer, faergh, faerghus, fla, flame, fo, fod, fodl, fodle, fodla, fodlan, fral, frald, fralda, fraldar, fraldari, fraldarius,
gil, gilbert, gate, gatekeep, gatekeeper, ger, gerth, gwen, gwend, gwenda, gwendal, gar, gare, gareg, garr, garre, garreg, gaj, gajas, gajus, gau, gaut, gauti, gautie, gautier, glau, glauc, glauce, glauces, glaucest, glaucester, glou, glouc, glouce, glouces, gloucest, gloucester, gon, gone, goner, goneril, greg, grego, gregoi, gregoir, gregoire, gun, guna, gunar, gunn, gunna, gunnar, glen, glenn, godfr, godre, godfre, godfrey,
hu, hubert, hi, hil, hild, hilde, hilda, han, hanne, hanneman, hapi, hol, hols, holst,
in, ingri, ingrid, igni, igna, ignat, ignite, ignatz, io, ion, ionu, ionus, ioni, ioniu, ionius, iri, iris, ind, inde, indech,
jer, jeri, jerit, jeritz, jeritza, jera, jeral, jeralt, jud, jude, judi, judo, judie, judy, judith,
kni, knigh, knight, ko, kos, kost, kosta, kostas, kro, kron, krony, kronya, klau, klaus, klause, ky, kyph, kyphe, kypho, kyphon, kyphone, klie. klei, kleim, kleima, kleiman,
lion, leon, liona, liono, leona, leono, leonie, lin, linhardt, lor, lore, loren, lorence, lorenz, lorenzo, lorenza, ly, lys, lysi, lysith, lysithe, lysithea lu, lud, ludwi, ludwig, lad, ladi, lady, ladis, ladisa, ladisal, ladisalv, ladisalve, ladisalva, ladisla, ladislav, ladislave, ladislava, lon, lona, lonat, lonato, lei. leic, leice, leices, leicest, leiceste, leicester, luc, luca, lam, lami, lamin, lamine, leo, leop, leopo, leopol, leopold, lyc, lyce, lyca, lycao, lycaon, lamb, lambe, lamber, lambert, loog,
mer, merc, merca, mercade, mercades, merce, mercede, mercedes, mar, mari, maria, marian, mariann, marianne, marianna, man, manu, manue, manuel, manuela, mon, moni, monic, monica, monika, monique, moniqua, met, meto, metody, metodey, mi, mik, mike, mika, mikla, miklan, my, mys, myso, myson, marc, marce, marcel, marcell, marcelle, marcela, marcella, mau, maur, mauri, maurice, marc, mark, marque, marqui, marquis, marquise, mat, matt, matth, math, matthi, matthia, matthias, may, maya, marg, margre, margra, margrav, margrave, mac, mack, mach, macu, macui, macuil,
nad, nade, nader, nem, neme, nemes, nemesi, nemesis, noa, noah,
och, oche, ochs, od, ode, odes, odess, odesse, os, oz, oswa, oswal, oswald, or, ord, orde, ordel, ordeli, ordelia,
petra, pal, pall, palla, pallad, pallar, pallard, pallardo, pit, pitt, pitta, pita, pittac, pittacu, pittacus, pan, pat, patr, patre, patri, patrice, patrici, patricia,
raph, raf, rapha, raphae, raphael, ran, rand, rando, randol, randolph, rod, rodr, rodre, rodri, rodrig, rodrigo, rodriga, rodrigue, rodriguez, rhe, rhea, rie, rieg, riega, riegan, ru, rufus, ro, row, rowe,
seiros, ser, seir, seiro, sy, syl, sylv, sylve, sylva, sylvai, sylvain, set, seto, setos, sete, seteth, sham, shami, shami, so, soth, sothi, sothis, solo, solos, solon, si, sim, simo, simon, simone, sit, sitr, sitre, sitri,
tom, tomas, thomas, thal, thala, thalas, thale, thales, ti, tia, tian, tiann, tianne, tiane, tiana, tianna tim, timo, timoth, timothy, timothee, timothie, timothea, timothia, timotheo, timotheos,
um, umb, umra, umbral,
ves, vest, vestr, vestre, vestra, vi, vis, visc, visco, viscou, viscoun, viscount,
wolf, wolfe, wolve, wil, wilh, wilhe, wilhel, wilhelm, wal, wald, walde, waldem, waldema, waldemar,
yu, yuri,
zol, zoltan,
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omegaplus · 1 year
# 4,459
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Omega Radio's 50 Years Of Hip-Hop. When the 'Brentwood Era' started, I had the dial on WBLS, one of New York City's hip-hop / rap stations. It not only signified the first-ever genre I'd pay close attention to, but also signified the beginning of personal cassette dubbing.
For a few years, I'd record as much as possible off to the right of the dial, then later on Hot 97 and Kiss FM. I'd capture Kid Capri, Kool DJ Red Alert, Funkmaster Flex, and Ed Lover, Dr. Dre, and T-Money of Yo! MTV Raps. Running concurrently was In Living Color, a rap-centric die-laughing comedy show that introduced us to the Wayans Brothers, Homey The Clown, Fire Marshall Bill, The Homeboy Shopping Network, and more. My formative years listening to hip-hop / rap lasted as long from middle school to graduating senior year. There's no shortage of mostly positive memories in Brentwood, in thanks to all of my cassette dubs from that era.
I returned to hip-hop / rap when I discovered WUSB a few years later and stumbled upon one of their shows, Ghetto Radio, who showed me a more underground side of things. Street FM, Eminent Audio, and The Basement practically changed my life because they introduced me to sampling culture, forever opening up a new world in getting to know more about myself. As soon as I became a Stony Brook student, I inquired about joining the station. Now, I became a dee-jay and gave back to our listeners the same way WUSB gave to me. It wasn't until my second run at the station (Winter 2013) when I started Omega Radio and took my show more seriously.
For 11 years, we've taken every chance we get to play hip-hop / rap. Our shows started when we did a five-hour bonus broadcast to usher in a new year: classic Seventies' vinyl classics on New Year’s Eve, then three hours of the rough stuff on New Year’s. Since then, we paid it forward by delivering all-time legends (The Notorious B.I.G., 2Pac), more golden-era cuts (EPMD, A Tribe Called Quest, Monie Love), the Eighties (Kool Moe D, MC Shan, Eric B & Rakim, classic old-school moments (Whodini, Sugar Hill Records, Afrika Bambaata), and even white-label underground releases (Lo-Down Click, Erule, Brother Arthur). Let's not forget the ladies of the game, either (Queen Latifah, Monie Love, MC Lyte, and Yo-Yo to name a few).
Later on, we introduced deluxe editions of our shows consisting of golden-era legends still doing their thing (KRS-One, Onyx, Dres of Black Sheep), backpack artists (Jedi Mind Tricks, R.A. The Rugged Man, the Griselda camp), beat tapes (Fuzzoscope, All These Fingers), and newer artists (clipping., Danny Brown, Obnox, Dabrye). We also made some legend specific tributes for Public Enemy, N.W.A. (edited for FCC quality-control), and The Wu-Tang Clan, which happened to be Omega’s most popular show to date. As long as it isn't Kanye West or TekashiSixNine, we're good.
The good news? There’s no sign of up stopping. We'll continuously re-visit our golden-era finds until they’re depleted, and may even consider re-introducing our white-label bonus shows. And we’ll still play our new, current, and relevant hip-hop, rap, and backpacker finds on our deluxe shows.
Found below is each and every hip-hop / rap broadcast Omega WUSB has broadcast up until this point. We urge you to check them all out. Want to re-visit an era with the most creative freedom? Any artists you missed out on? Trying to find a one-hit wonder you want to make a legend out of? No worries. We have you covered.
Here's to fifty more years of hip-hop - and you can all thank DJ Kool Herc for that.
December 31, 2012-January 1, 2013; #5. (Double bonus.)
February 25, 2013; #10.
June 30, 2014; #55.
July 19, 2014-July 20, 2014; #56.
August 17, 2014; #59.
November 22, 2014; #68.
July 13, 2015; #87.
August 24, 2015; #91.
June 27, 2016; #114.
August 15, 2016; #120.
February 11, 2017; #132.
July 29, 2017; #142. (Partial.)
July 28, 2018; #168.
September 3, 2018; #173.
October 15, 2018; #177.
December 10, 2018; #183. (Wu-Tang Clan)
May 4, 2019; #194.
June 29, 2019; #199.
July 20, 2019; #201. (Public Enemy)
August 19, 2019; #205. (N.W.A.)
August 24, 2019; #206. (Partial.)
March 16, 2020; #223.
August 3, 2020; #236.
August 15, 2020; #237.
October 26, 2020; #245.
January 30, 2021; #254.
April 21, 2021; #260.
May 19, 2021; #264.
June 16, 2021; #268.
July 3, 2021; #271. (Double deluxe.)
August 11, 2021; #278. (Hip-Hop’s 48th)
January 3, 2022; #294.
January 12, 2022; #295.
April 25, 2022; #305.
May 21, 2022; #307.
June 20, 2022; #312.
August 22, 2022; #325. (Delayed.)
August 27, 2022; #326.
October 24, 2022; #333.
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lancashire-poems · 2 years
Th' Village Pedlar
Th' Village pedlar's a jovial owd brick, A merchant o' great local fame; He goes trudgin' areawnd wi' his basket an' stick, An' a few useful things aw'll just name. He 's needles, an' bodkins, an' thread, An' buttons, an' bobbins, an' tape, An' hair-pins for lasses to stick i' their yead, To keep their hair nicely i' shape.
He's wursted a haup'ny a bo, Blue-peawder, an' furniture paste, An' capital mustard i' packets an' o, If yo' think it's noan good yo' can taste. Neaw th' owd pedlar ne'er gets eawt o' tune, Tho' he's bother'd wi' o sorts o' foalk; Iv they vex him a bit, he forgets again soon, An' passes it off as a joke.
He's carried his basket so long, That at last it's become like a charm, An' he'll tell yo' he feels as if sommat wur wrong, If he hasn't it hung on his arm. E'en at church on a Sunday, awm towd, When his mind should be free fro' sich cares, He's o ov a shiver, his arm feels so cowd, For th' want ov his basket an' wares.
He's a Christian i' th' spite ov o' this, Oh, awve often yeard th' owd fellow tell 'At he thowt he could boast o' moor genuine bliss Than even eawr Queen could hersel'. Earthly jewels one sees up an' deawn, He will tell yo' must crumble to dust; But he's livin' in' hopes o' possessin' a creawn, At'll nother turn faded nor rust.
Owd pedlar, aw wish aw wur poor, Trampin' reawnd wi' a basket an' wares: Leavin' blackin' an' blessin's at every one's door, An' trying to leeten foalk's cares. When tha claps deawn thi basket to dee, Whot a gloom will be felt o areawnd! Hot tears'll stond tremblin' i' mony a one's e'e, As they lower thi body i' th' greawnd.
Th' little childer' 'at loved thee so dear, To that spot where tha 'rt buried will throng, An' they'll say, wi' sad looks, "Th' owd pedlar lies here, Come, let's sing him a noice little song." Then they'll deck thi green grave wi' wild fleawers, Pat it closer to keep thee reet warm; An' say, as they leave thee alone a few neawers, "Bless th' owd fellow, he's tackin no harm!" ~ Lancashire Songs, Poems, Tales & Recitations by Samuel Laycock 1886
This one is labelled as a song in the book. It seems to fit nicely to Grand Old Duke of York and similar tunes.
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smallcollegebasketball · 10 months
2023 SCB Champions Classic Team
Congratulations to the 2023 Small College Basketball Champions Classic Team
DJ Campbell, Stockton
Jeff Hunter, Keene State
Octavio Brito, Keene State
Logan Pearson, Wisconsin-Platteville
Blake Berg, St. John’s
Wes Dreamer, NW MO State
Jake Hilmer, Upper Iowa
Nick Reid, Upper Iowa
Chris Dees, Emmanuel
Jacksen Moni, Northern State
MVP:  KJ Jones, Emmanuel
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h0lidayg1rl1225 · 6 months
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torory lovechild concept
her name is Dee Moni
she’s a mimic, like tori
that’s specifically rory’s old uniform shirt
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444namesplus · 11 months
Aabled Aade Aaded Aagalf Aak Aakey Aal Aan Aapet Aaport Aar Aarbant Aarint Aariël Aark Aastoe Aate Aative Ablated Able Ablieve Abs Acally Acony Acur Adom Adorse Adriete Adrovam Ady Aga Agre Aiscal Ald Alderia Aler Aleroug Aligant All Ally Almith Amative Amendy Amet Ametrio Ammine Amy Anake Anantal Ancious Ando Andy Ane Ang Anian Aniaphy Ank Annome Ano Anocray Ans Ansin Antaal Anted Anth Antic Antive Antje Antoary Apandes Aptible Arcaly Areting Aring Ark Arkino Arrow Arse Art Artic Arupt Ary Ascomy Assian Ast Astunch Ate Aud Aug Aurieng Bable Ban Bant Baran Bard Barga Bark Barkje Bas Basible Bastork Bated Batic Beadog Beart Bed Bel Beld Beran Bia Biabby Bicarm Bioul Bious Bir Bish Bite Ble Blemn Bleon Bles Blese Blespen Bletlet Blion Blumse Boal Bobek Bol Bolve Bong Bowlet Brizzly Bron Buff Bugh Bught Bul Bur Buric Cal Cale Calise Calth Cane Cang Capper Cary Cascan Cated Catious Cattrus Cervate Cha Chal Chale Chan Cher Chesse Chible Chime Chimel Chint Chog Chrit Classh Cle Clous Clugnox Coa Cob Cobje Cobse Code Colanis Colitic Colke Coll Colt Com Coman Con Cona Conal Coner Coneve Conful Coninee Cont Conthor Coose Coot Cordtak Corious Cormle Corn Cors Cort Corty Cory Coult Coursel Cous Cousive Cowas Cowl Cra Craable Cracous Cran Cre Cred Cresp Crot Crowl Crupon Crus Cud Cul Cultje Curbolt Cureal Curillo Curte Cury Cus Daafrot Daerat Damer Damus Dar Darbiss Darien Davight Daviou Deal Ded Dees Dele Deliek Delo Den Dens Dess Dete Deve Dew Diant Diante Dic Dica Dices Die Dieperm Dil Dilly Din Dious Dis Dish Disking Dist Docke Dol Doles Don Dorazy Dous Dow Dowl Dried Drier Drous Dul Dulane Dule Dulsid Dunk Dus Eadal Eadrit Eathine Eette Efaw Efowl Ele Elishad Ellis Elo Elt
Emarrog Eming Emins Emous Endale Ent Enve Envully Erful Ess Eve Excian Exious Exy Fail Faing Fant Fat Fative Feeafje Fene Fenje Ficenar Fick Fict Fid Fient Fieve Fina Finke Fir Fird Firdse Fireble Fired Firent Firieng Firy Fis Fiscal Fiss Fist Fisted Fistive Flad Flard Fleda Fling Floyal Flybus Flypse Fole Fonia Fonke Foo Foonat Foose For Fore Forn Fow Frachim Fraille Fraina Fre Frea Frect Fred Free Freer Freflee Frele Frik Fron Frow Frud Gal Gande Gart Gel Gelic Gen Genje Ger Gerk Gia Gian Gibitic Giciaas Gidowl Gieral Ging Give Glactle Gle Glexy Glish Gocer Goel Goent Golke Goonk Gootert Gootive Gor Gorogm Gra Grat Greld Grelish Grelly Grent Gres Gresous Gric Griekey Grog Guagus Guak Gue Guelp Guid Guidsh Guile Guingry Guitz Gusil Hadming Hairey Hal Haldere Hamet Har Harai Harses Hary Hatre Haud Hautef Hautse Haw Heal Hean Heardse Heark Hed Hee Heernes Heous Her Herenew Hes Het Hids Hight Homar Honk Honoi Hous Hum Humes Huncow Hundew Hysive Icaning Icork Ied Ien Ierne Ight Imand Iming Imone Impar Imple Impre Imse Inake Inantul Inar Inbo Inbray Inco Incrous Inded Indemu Indieke Indulve Ine Inegal Ineorna Iney Ing Ingbeke Inger Ingrie Innet Ino Inost Invidsh Ird Ireact Irrow Itemijk Itunke Jaades Jaaker Jaal Jaalia Jaan Jacara Jach Jagle Jane Japate Jass Jast Jastic Joal Joarie Joch Johanus Johark Johaud Jose Joself Josna Joste Kan Kanuse Kee Kia Kill Kin Kincat King Kingm Kne Knekent Kner Koentje Komel Kray Kraying Lacenin Lam Lamu Lar Leasped Lemined Let Lian Liblay Lied Lighted Lineke Lionek Liplark Lis Lish Lished Lishon List Litoiso Live Loacon Loe Logame Lono Lorn Lorp Lorty Lose Losious Lous Low Lowl Loyak Luelf Lug Luudus Mablue Mack Maded Madedo Maden Magazy Mage Magen Magent Magerp Mal Malded Man Mandic Mani Mar Maretic Mari Marik Marnus Marre Marroak Martive Mast Mat Mate Matheep Matic Mating Maxed Meacoon Mele Melego Ment Mentaly Mentive Mers Mespik Met Metful Midne Midyba Miebal Mina Ming Mint Minus Miret Miticia Moderve Modist Modna Molen Mon Monalog Mone Monete Mony Moo Moofly Mookal Mord Morm Mory Most Mouray Mous Moutth Mus Nach Nack Naitive Nalish Nally Nam Nammit Naptife Narmle
Ned Neet Nelic Nes Ney Niane Nicart Nious Nitchic Niël Nockbo Nockwid Norbus Noster Obart Obnont Obsea Obure Obvigh Offird Oper Opet Opha Ophar Opous Orly Orm Orneve Osectle Ous Pable Paive Pandic Pang Panise Pantje Pard Park Paslo Paspant Pastard Paste Pat Patiot Pear Ped Pedeang Pen Penise Penth Per Perawk Perik Perman Pers Petes Phal Phameet Phee Phy Pid Pighty Pik Pimard Pine Ping Pird Pirteng Piscoly Plar Plight Poing Pois Poke Pole Polishy Pombo Pon Pona Ponek Ponk Pontal Ponzo Por Pory Pous Praing Pran Pre Pree Pref Presp Prest Pri Prile Pring Prion Prions Proate Prog Prommie Pron Prose Protim Prus Pught Pul Pummic Pupid Purk Pus Quare Quel Quelle Quewd Rable Ran Rand Rane Rant Ras Ratifus Ratint Reaging Reart Reas Reater Recawk Redel Redic Reitte Rel Relhelf Relow Renesel Rente Rentive Rep Res Ress Ret Rey Rhic Ric Rieks Rieng Rildepe Rimple Rited Rizzly Roft Rom Ronke Rooma Roon Rost Rous Rowl Sad Sagiver Same Sanatte Sang Sangal Santed Sconist Scruud Scura Seat Sed Sedam Sen Seneks Senge Ser Serus Shal Shard Sharma Sher Shruin Shyps Sig Sil Siog Sisth Sive Ske Sle Slo Slows Slueble Slught Slus Sluuk Smin Smous Smée Snamble Sob Sold Soleer Somatty Soment Sop Sopones Sopuna Sorady Sory Sout Spaston Spelder Sper Spiele Spir Spon Spum Spus Squel Stal Starm Ster Sther Sticall Stijn Stin Stious Suak Suale Submi Sul Sumb Sumbas Sund Sunrar Sus Swar Swileck Sworow Synch Tak Tedem Tenim Tentje Ter Terape Term Thed Thent Thful Thiea Thiefle Thod Tibut Tic Tifier Tiful Tion Tive Tivenus Tocks Tof Toish Tompat Tomper Ton Tont Tonvull Top Tor Torgal Torm Tors Tort Trachte Tral Trarsed Tratic Tray Tret Triam Trider Triele Trient Tristed Troate Trow Truping Trusin Tug Tuouse Turcent Ture Turel Turos Uls Una Und Undee Une Unfiss Unflee Unful Ung Unger Unred Unree Unreser Unress Uns Unsina Unt Uzbel Uzzark Vable Vagine Vagjer Vak Vat Vee Ver Vie Vijs Vine Visia Vity Vul Waldran Walemal Walp Warian Wary Wha Whal Whar Wids Wied Wijn Wijs Wilded Wiles Wilis Winic Wole Womin Wor Workbow Wormat Wornoi Yal Yous
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djmordecai · 1 year
Rare Formz - Brand New Funk (official music video)
beats & cuts by @DJMordecai 
lyrics & vocals by Chris Miller 
engineered by James Swisher 
Rare Formz lettering by Brad Bacon 
from 2015's @rareformz6905 Rare Formz - The Album https://rareformz.bandcamp.com/album/... 
a tribute to @djjazzyjeff  & The Fresh Prince ( @WillSmith ) - Brand New Funk 
as well as an homage to our hip-hop heroes. 
shoutout to @TheFoundationhiphop 
Brand New Funk (Get Down!) (Get Down!) Brand New Funk (funky) (Hit It!) Brand New Funk (Get Down!) (Get Down!) Brand New Funk (funky) (Hit It!) Brand New Funk (Get Down!) (Get Down!) Brand New Funk (funky) (Hit It!) Brand New Funk (Get Down!) (Get Down!) Brand New Funk (funky) (Hit It!) 
[Chris Miller - Verse 1] They want that old school rap back and cats want it ASAP so I'mma flip it on niggas, the track be the gym mat I’m at a high demand for rap fans I'm Outstanding like the Gap Band, check soundscans, More money than ever so ain't no margin for error and I've been eatin’ on MC’s since Tougher Than Leather and my peoples got my back, like Africans with Mandela. So you better put them glocks down like you were Heather ‘cause I get high like Dominique smokin’ the chronic leaf and I'm in and out the future like Quantum Leap Come follow me. I flow off old school beats just like Mahogany I'm so ‘90s with the gold chain and rockin’ wallabees I still gangsta boogie Kool G Rap my ass off get stomped out for pressin’ that fast forward Sucka MCs ain’t ready for fastball ‘cause my style intense like you takin’ that crash course 
[Chorus] my DJ [rock the beat] shout out to Marley Marl big ups to Chubb Rock Special Ed and Ice-T Monie Love and Geto Boys Schoolly D and Run-DMC   Spoonie Gee and Rob Base Nice & Smooth all day man. 
[Verse 2] I stayed criminal minded BDP first album, that was ‘87.I was up in project housin’ D.O.C. came with No One Could Do It Better. Then that Paid In Full album had a nigga wantin’ chedda. I freestyle in project hallways all day. Then Sir-Mix-A-Lot had that Posse On Broadway Flow like the incredible letter man. Red said, whateva, man. Big drove the caravan in Maryland. I was a student of the game when I learned from Kane before Meth I was bringin’ the pain like Memphis Bleek, I was comin’ of age I wanted to be Cool J when he walked on stage. He was King Hercules. He walked like a panther. Sun Rise In The East that Jeru Tha Damaja I reminisce like Pete Rock and CL peace to Melle Mel. Shante the illest female 
[Chorus] my DJ: (rock the beat) Shout out to De La Soul Craig G and Pete Nice Whodini, MC Shan Juice Crew, Ice Cube Shock G, Jungle Brothers Black Sheep and Latifah Peace shout to Nicki D 
[Verse 3] Whatchu know ‘bout Milk and Giz? And ain't nobody rock a party like Biz I want to dance like The Kangol Kid Scoob and Scrap Lover, Trouble T-Roy, even DJ Kool Herc even invented the b-boy. Take a look around like Master Ace, Public Enemy got me hype when they said they wanted “BASS!” Flavor Flav was the first hype man, I love British Knights, but really I was a Fila fan. Just somethin’ you wanna hear like Gang Starr and Premier with that flava in your ear. That Craig Mack that’s real Love MC Ren, but when Lyte dropped Paper Thin, cats like Drake wouldn'ta made it back then we had Prince Paul, Large Professor, big Daddy-O can't forget Kurtis Blow them word and real rap shows Parrish and Erick Sermon, Heavy D from Mount Vernon Joeski Love he even did the Pee-Wee Herman 
[Chorus] to my DJ: (rock the beat) shout out to Doug E. Fresh Dana Dane and Slick Rick the whole Get Fresh Crew Steady B, Kool Moe Dee Cold Crush Brothers and Busy Bee Prince Rakeem and UTFO Fat Boys and Chill Rob G. And we out. Yeah, can't forget my DJs, shout out to: DJ Kool Herc DJ Red Alert Paul C Jazzy Jeff Cash Money Grandmaster Flash Mr. Magic DJ Hollywood Jazzy Jay Eddie Cheeba DJ Charlie Chase DJ Chuck Chillout The Masterdon and DJ Davy DMX 
 fresh to death, man.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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25th December 1665 saw the birthof songwriter a nd poet Lady Grizell Baillie.
Lady Grizel, also spelled Grisel at times, was born at Redbraes Castle in Berwickshire, the eldest daughter of Covenanter Sir Patrick Hume of Polwarth. At age 12, she smuggled letters from her father to the imprisoned patriot Robert Baillie of Jerviswood. Sir Hume publicly defended Baillie, and after Baillie’s execution, Sir Hume’s castle was confiscated, forcing Sir Hume into hiding in a vault beneath Polwarth Church in Edinburgh. The family later fled to Holland, finally returning to Scotland to participate in the “Glorious Revolution” of 1688. In 1692, Grizel Hume married Robert Baillie’s son George, and in 1696, Sir Hume was made Lord Chancellor of Scotland.   Lady Grizel’s verses bear mournful witness to suffering. Only two of Lady Grizel’s songs survive: “The ewe-butchin’s bonnie,” which may have been inspired by her father’s ordeal, and “Werena my Heart’s licht I wad dee,” which appeared in the Scottish folk song collection Orpheus Caledonius (1725) and in volume 4 of Tea Table Miscellany (1724-37).   The Household Book of Lady Grisell Baillie 1692-1733 (1911) offers a detailed portrait of domestic expenditures and daily life at a Scottish country house. Lady Grizel Baillie is buried on the grounds of Mellerstain House, her home in the final decades of her life. The handheld wooden lantern the young Lady Grizel took on nightly visits to her father is now in the collections of the National Museums of Scotland.
Werena My Heart Licht I Wad Dee
By Lady Grizel Baillie
There was ance a may, and she lo’ed na men;
She biggit her bonnie bow’r doun i’ yon glen;
But now she cries, Dool and a well-a-day!
Come doun the green gait and come here away!
When bonnie young Johnnie cam’ owre the sea
He said he saw naething sae lovely as me;
He hecht me baith rings and monie braw things;
And werena my heart licht, I wad dee.
He had a wee tittie that lo’ed na me,
Because I was twice as bonnie as she;
She raised sic a pother ‘twixt him and his mother,
That werena my heart licht, I wad dee.
The day it was set, and the bridal to be
The wife took a dwam and lay doun to dee;
She maned, and she graned, out o’ dolour and pain,
Till he vowed that he ne’er wad see me again.
His kin was for ane o’ a higher degree,
Said, what had he do wi’ the likes o’ me?
Albeit I was bonnie, I wasna for Johnnie:
And werena my heart licht, I wad dee.
They said I had neither cow nor calf,
Nor dribbles o’ drink rins through the draff,
Nor pickles o’meal rins through the mill-e’e;
An werena my heart licht, I wad dee.
His tittie she was baith wily and slee,
She spied me as I cam’ owre the lea,
And then she ran in and made a loud din;
Believe your ain een an ye trow na me.
His bannet stood aye fu’ round on his brow
His auld ane looked aye as weel as some’s new;
But now he lets ’t wear ony gate it will hing,
And casts himsel’ dowie upon the corn-bing.
And now he gaes daund’ring about the dykes
A a’ he dow do is to hund the tykes;
The love-lang nicht he ne’er steeks his e’e;
And werena my heart licht I wad dee.
Were I but young for thee, as I ha’e been
We should ha’e been gallopin’ doun in yon green,
And linkin’ it on the lily-white lea;
And wow, gin I were but young for thee.
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donaidk · 3 years
Back to the comfort theme I guess 🥺
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moondirti · 1 year
Dee, a thought - do you have anything in common with Wraith? 🤔 tbh she’s growing on me and I still haven’t even started ANIMALIC (it’s on my reading list I promise)🫶🏻
moni! hi ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
naturally, a lot of my interests/beliefs/personality translate into my work while i write, so yes, i have loads in common with her! the passion for space is one. i started writing animalic towards the end of an astrophysics course i took and decided to input all the cool shit i learnt because i loved the subject so much. not only that, but i think her humour as a coping mechanism, trauma repression and mild uselessness are also quirks we share. at the end of the day though, she's just a character, and i refer to her as her own person despite being a reader-insert because in my head, she is<3
love you babe! thank you for taking an interest
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