#deemo echo
cuvshin · 9 months
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Echo with my headcanons maybe?? I love empty eyes, you know
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peachysodafizz · 1 year
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I got a new apple pencil tip, so here’s a drawing of Neko and Echo together
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demonqueenart · 2 months
Hiya there!!!! Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals (if you want to, no pressure) 💚
Hello Ser! Lovely to see you on my ask box. Thank you for sending me this <33
1. Graves -Ancient memories- [Deemo II]
2. Bibbidiba - Hoshimachi Suisei
3. Loveit?
4. Nise Kao - yama
5. Echo over you [Deemo II]
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crabknee · 3 months
Crabs top 10 video game soundtracks
This here is a list of my top 10 favorite video game soundtracks from games I have played (for the purposes of this ranking, franchises will only have one spot on the list so I can't just fill the whole list with fire emblem)
10. Deemo
Deemo is this little obscure and niche rythm game that I have played on and off for many years now. The entire game is just a vibe, but the songs are all very awesome and there are SO MANY to pick from, it's honestly pretty surprising just how many bangers there are, taking into account the sheer amount of songs. My favorite will always be "Metal Hypnotised" even if it doesn't really match the vibe of the rest of the game.
9. Sly Cooper 2
Sly Cooper is a series from my childhood, I played this a lot back in the day so I have a lot of nostalgia for it. My favorite game in the series just so happens to be the second game which is filled with so many great tracks, ESPECIALLY the paris level. That's where all the good stuff is at, "Paris rooftops" especially is great for a nice chill theme, but I cannot deny that all the versions of the "Nightclub" track including "Nightclub", "Dimitri Battle" and "Following Dimitri" just cannot be beat.
8. Hollow Knight
Hollow knight has some great music, especially for the bosses in the game. I really like the orchestral vibe and a lot of the boss music fits the fights very well. I really like that the music for the titular Hollow Knight has a bit of a sad vibe, it's a great song and it gets even better when you learn the lore of the guy. That said, I gotta shout out my guy Grimm with his awesome battle music "The Grimm Troupe" It just goes so hard and is so extra in the best way.
7. Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2 just has some great music in general, especially octo expansion, which I have been playing a little bit on and off recently. It's all just so unique and I haven't quite heard anything like it. It really is almost just it's own genre. Always gets me pumped and is very hard not to bop to. My favorite track is probably "Fly Octo Fly" but the others like "Calamari Inkantation" and "Bomb Rush Blush" also just slap so hard.
6. Dark Souls
Every game in the Dark Souls series has great music, including Elden Ring and Bloodborne, but I have chosen the first game for my list because all of the music in that game is so iconic. The tracks are all so hauntingly beautiful and all fit the vibe of the game so well. It's all so melancholic in the best way. While "Gwyn, Lord of Cinder" always hits the feels and "Firelink Shrine" always makes me feel safe and nostalgic, I have chosen "Dark Sun Gwyndolin" not only because I love the guy, but because the theme itself is just so calm and haunting in a way I really enjoy.
5. Child of Light
A quaint little rpg with heavy fairy tale vibes, and the music heavily reflects this. It is such a beautiful soundtrack and I just can't help but love it, even if a lot of the melodies are the same. But come on! People have won figure skating competitions to these songs, you gotta love them. My favorite is definitely "Off to Sleep" that plays at the end of the game but "Final Breath", "Aurora's theme" and "Pilgrims on a long journey" all slap also, the last being the before mentioned figure skating song.
4. Fire Emblem
Now, am I cheating here by not picking a specific game? maybe. Do I care? no. Do you care? probably not, and if you do, bugger off! Anyway it had to be here, it's my favorite franchise ever and the music is great. My biggest problem is that it isn't on spotify and that I wasn't into fe when I listened to music on youtube and that's why it isn't higher. The music in all the games are hype as fuck but the highest points in the series are probably FeEchoes and Fe3h. My favorite track of all just so happens to be from echoes, that being the theme of the one and only Berkut, known as "Pride and Arrogance" It just fits him so well and it just goes so hard I cannot deny it it's spot here. "Lady of the Plains" is a classic tho and "Fodlan Winds" go hard as fuck.
3. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Now, all the shantae games have fantastic music, but Pirates curse is just a cut above the rest imo. The vibes are great, they're mostly upbeat and are all fantastic, especially all music from zombie island. I also have a lot of old great memories with this series which also helps quite a bit tbf. I mentioned zombie island and that's because they have three great tracks in "Rave in the Grave", "Run, Run Rottytop" and "Rottytops", while I love all, I am choosing rave in the grave here, but do feel free to listen to the others, and also just the rest of the ost, they're all bangers.
2. Katana Zero
An absolutely fantastic soundtrack to an absolutely fantastic game, the general vibe (idk what to call it, synth maybe? for most of it?) is just fantastic for this game specifically and there is just such a wide variety of emotions and vibes that this collection encompasses. My favorite however that I keep coming back to however is "Rain on Brick" the title theme, it is just so fantastically melancholic in exactly the way I need it to be, I will however also recommend you to go listen to sneaky driver, that is also a great track.
And it's not even close, this soundtrack is so damn good it's the only thing I listened to for, like, at least a week after I finished the game and I still listen to it regularly. The whole album for the soundtrack is my go to study music, my comfort playlist has 32 songs and 6 of them are from oneshot and I could definitly add more AND I'm pretty sure that the track called "Niko and the World Machine" is in my top 3 songs listened to of all time, that said the song I have decided to show you is the song called "Eleventh Hour" which is also very great.
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thistlekatt · 1 year
I loved Deemo, so when I discovered Deemo II I hopped onto it! And omg Echo is adorable I love her she deserves immediate fanart
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gmchk · 5 months
動画/DEEMO II Song Preview: Echoes of Obscurity【24/1/28】
おはようございます。24/1/28(日曜日)「DEEMO II」の最新動画をお知らせします。 DEEMO II Song Preview: Echoes of Obscurity Composer: TSK Song Pack: Story 06 – Light Shines Eternal Difficulty: 2/ 5/ 9 “Gradually sinking into darkness and chaos, the only response you receive is a vague echo.” Play the DEEMO II main story to Chapter 4 “The Eternal Traveler” to challenge this new song! 動画 YouTube動画
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charagenvy · 2 years
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the gender envy character of the day is Echo from DEEMO II!
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imaturtleturtle · 3 years
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The Echoes of raindrops
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heikokuru1224 · 2 years
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Echo Over You
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dot-ravn · 2 years
Made more art >:DDD I've been loving DEEMO II so far and Echo is so fucking cute akjdskdsokdf
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rgdramas · 2 years
I don't care what anyone says. Echo is gnc af and I will die on that hill
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shy-chicken · 2 years
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rainbowdonkee · 4 years
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With 2019 coming to an end, I wanted to make a list of my personal top 10 video games that came out this decade. I was 12 in 2010, and now being 21 video games have always been important to me! Many of the games that are the most dearest to me sadly came out before 2010 (HG/SS barely made the cut with the NA release). I tried to not make recent releases be part of my bias (FE3H lol), plus there were many games such as Bioshock 2, Fallout New Vegas, DA2, ACNL, and many more that I love but this list would have been too long! 
1. Dark Souls (2011)
2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017)
3. Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver (NA 2010)
4. NieR Automata (2017)
5. Final Fantasy XV (2016)
6. Bloodborne (2015)
7. Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (2017)
8. Astral Chain (2019)
9. Granblue Fantasy (2014)
10. Deemo (2013)
Dark Souls: Although I haven’t really completed the game personally, I’ve seen many playthroughs and videos about the story and characters. Hidetaka Miyazaki is absolutely awesome in creating those fantasy worlds and characters, everything that Dark Souls ended up influencing was pretty groundbreaking. And the OST is always enjoyable to hear again.
Breath of the Wild: This game took quite a long time for Nintendo to release, and when it finally came out on the final year of the WiiU and the birth of the Switch... it was pretty emotional. Also to realize that Iwata-san never made it to see the rise of Nintendo’s success after the failure of the WiiU gets me everytime, but I hope he sees all the smiles and joy BOTW has brought since its release. The game changed not only what is a LOTZ game but what is an open world, I’ve played it twice and each time I picked it up was a new experience.
Pokemon HG/SS: This game was released around Fall 2009 in Japan, but for NA it was out in March 2010. I still remember the anticipation for Spring Break to arrive in order to spend all my week playing it! I never had the chance to play the original Gold/Silver, so everything was new to me. My 12 year old mind almost exploded when I ended up finishing the Johto League only to find out we were ALSO traveling to Kanto!!! I was shook! This game is amazing, and I’ll forever wait for them to somehow add our Pokemons following us around, that mechanic was so cute! And of course the OST is golden, and I can always listen to it and be brought back to those days.
NieR Automata: I never played any of the past NieR games (although I was aware of their existence). The first trailer I ever watched had the “Become as Gods” song so I was hooked from the start! And learning that PlatinumGames and Square Enix both developed the game made me hyped for its release. I love everything about it, the characters, story, music, themes. By the time I finished the game, it had brought me into a journey of questioning so many heavy topics about life...I really wasn’t expecting that about a game. Not going to lie it may or may not have brought me a mini existential crisis but with a game made my Yoko Taro can’t be too surprised.
Final Fantasy XV: The game I so often heard fabled tales since as back as 2009 and the hype was just building up for this game! I remember going to the movie theater when they were having special screenings for the Kingsglaive movie (I dragged my friend, little brother, and mom lol). The game went through so much, many cuts and changes were made but I personally ended up liking what we got. Still super sad that many unreleased DLC’s were cut off, but the love I have for the characters and music will always stay.
Bloodborne: Hey another Miyazaki game, what can you say...the man just makes brilliant games. He took everything I love about gothic, victorian era, and Lovecraftian esque and made this extraordinary game. I’m here hoping that maybe this 2020 we can hear a slither of news of Bloodborne 2, the theme for this game is too good for them to leave it as only one game.
Fire Emblem Echoes SoV: After the train wreck that was Fates, I literally was not expecting for us to get another FE title so soon! Japan waited 2 years for Echoes but thanks to localization giving us Fates in 2016, we got SoV a year later. I never heard of Fire Emblem Gaiden, before this game I never played any of the Japan only FE games, so when news was coming out about this title I tried 100% to AVOID it. Why? Because this was the first time I could start a FE game without personally knowing anything about it, and when I first played it, right from the start it felt so different, it didn’t felt like a Fire Emblem game (which isn’t bad at all). With the new art direction it also felt like a whole new world, I love Hidari and I hope we get to see them more in future FE games. The game had a simple plot which I didn’t held it against them, I knew this was a remake, and personally I’m glad they didn’t added things like an Avatar or S-Supports. They stayed true to its original source, and SoV will stay as my personal favorite FE game. Also Heritors of Arcadia will be the best vocal theme we got in FE series.
Astral Chain: Oh snap another PlatinumGames IP? This developers are just too good! Astral Chain came out of nowhere although I’ve heard it was worked on for a long time, supposedly even before NieR Automata was developed. I really enjoyed the game very much, from all the 2019 games that came out it caught my eye and I went in with not too many expectations but I had a good time. The story took a crazy turn and I could see some similar themes as NieR Automata but it held its own ground to become unique. The fighting mechanics were so much fun to play and the music was also awesome! I wish more people talked about this game since it is Nintendo’s new IP. I hope we can get the twins for Smash Ultimate!
Granblue Fantasy: I first new anything about Cygames back in 2016 when I saw the OP for Rage of Bahamut. After Seeing the OP for season 2, seeing Azazel in all his glory I knew I had to watch the anime! Luckilly Rage of Bahamut season 2 was continuing in 2017 so I was able to catch up just in time for its final 10 episodes. I LOVE Azazel and Kaisar and of course ROB Lucifer! Then to my surprise I found out about GBF, and I was dumb and thought the app was unavailable in the west which is technically true since you need a Japanese account to download the app which has an ENG text option. So it wasn’t until 2018 that I downloaded the game and started my journey through the sky. This gacha game literally changed what is a gacha game to me, the developers listen to fans, the community is fun, and just everything about this franchise is so great. I’m not a hardcore player so I’m not too worry about grids, I’m here for the cute husbands. (Lancelot, Sandalphon, Albert, Grimnir I lov u).
Deemo: I love this game, one of the best app games I’ve ever had. Back in the day I used to play TapTap Revenge and that was my first taste of rhythm games, Deemo brought me back to those types of apps. Whenever I was anxious I could always play this game and pass the time while keeping my mind busy. Plus without Deemo I would have never known artist’s such as Mili. The game is on the Switch which I’m so happy because I was able to just get all the songs without flooding my tablets storage space.
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halcyonmirage · 2 years
I feel like I'm going big brain mode-
Deemo II theory that the world is made up of the composer's memories, as he tries to immortalize his loved ones and the happiest moments in his life. However, he's losing his memory (the rain) and thus, people are "blooming" (being forgotten).
It seems evident that the notes in the collection are written by the composer:
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This may also explain the unfinished music sheets and why most residents have names, but others are just "walker", "welder", or "barrista", people he knew and were fond of as part of his memories at the station, but never knew their names.
Echo and the Station master being the only "human" looking characters may also be because the composer knows them best/wants to hold onto their memories the most.
The Ancestor and the Loomers might signify a traumatic experience of a disaster that maybe killed all these people, hence the composer tries to fight them off because he does not want to accept their deaths yet. This is why they are frozen now, as he no longer recalls the details of the disaster, but their impact still looms over his mind.
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And finally....
Why does playing the piano slow the rain, his memory loss?
Studies show that music can help patients with dementia regain parts of their memory. This lady who says she doesn't remember how to play the piano, is still able to perform a whole piece beautifully:
I think this is a story of an old man nearing the end of his life, losing his memory, but wanting to hold onto the happiest moments of his life. The composer is the man we see at the end of Chapter 1, holding the bouquet of flowers.
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inthezoyne · 2 years
Let’s take a moment to talk about: DEEMO II
if you aren’t aware about DEEMO, it’s a rhythm game developed by the Taiwanese game developer Rayark. The first game was released for IOS and android mobile platforms in November 2013.
But I’m not here to talk about the first game I’m here to talk about the second game.
I want to talk about DEEMO II because it’s ridiculous that the few people who seem to be talking about it are being negative even though it just got set out for release a few months ago. this isn’t the final version of the game.
As of January 13th 2022 DEEMO II is now available to be downloaded on iOS and android for free with (minimal) in app purchases.
I want to start talking about the visuals along with the story of the game and how much the visuals match the atmosphere of the game both tone wise and story wise. I’ll try to not get too off track but as always, no promises.
I’m very tickled with how whimsical it is. I don’t think just talking about the visuals and showing a few pictures so you watch the release trailer here - x
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I know I said I wasn’t going to talk about the first DEEMO game however I’d like to bring up how different DEEMO II is when in comparison to the visuals. I don’t mean that in a bad way when I say that.
Although some returning fans may find the change in visual design and aesthetic choice to be jarring.
I personally found it to be quite relaxing and familiar and fit with soft relaxing tone of the game. As you can see in the art below, DEEMO I had a more rough angular style in comparison to the current in game visuals.
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The visuals are a mixture of hand drawn 2D animation for cutscenes and 3D landscapes that give the new exploration feature accompanied by the rhythm game to feel more intrenched in the world and I love it.
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(Concept art for The Statue Room) vs final product
Now I want to talk about the story because of how much potential it has for future updates.
I’ll start with the initial plot and try not to include any spoilers in case you really want to play the game for yourself.
Content warning: mentions of death ahead
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The game takes place in a rundown train station where all the trains have either stopped or fallen under water by the sheer amount of rain. This leads to the gloomy rainy atmosphere that the game helps provide.
The rain is deadly to those taking shelter in the rundown trains station and is called “Hollow Rain” if anyone is touched by Hollow Rain you “Bloom” which is type of death.
(Inanimate objects can Bloom too)
(This isn’t a game mechanic it’s a part of the lore)
So everyone is depressed because they’re stuck in a train strain trying to survive with minimal shelter, food and hope since some of these people have seen their loved ones “bloom” and be turned into petals which you can see around the station.
As to where the Rhythm Game part comes in, you play as a girl known as Echo. She believes The Composer, The Creator of the world they exist in will come back and make the Hollow Rain go away with the use of his pianist skills.
Echo is convinced of this because of how she came back after Blooming and heard The Composer.
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Of course many have given up on The Composer and believe he has abandoned them this apart from Echo and Deemo who look for The Composer’s charts to play to clear up the rain.
After you play music for a certain amount of time you can unlock different areas in the Train Station by clearing away the rain. Such as The Balcony, Cafe, North Courtyard etc.
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The more rain you clear up the more sunshine shines through in areas which I find to be an amazing visual detail.
While the story for the game is short at the moment there’s tons of potential here and tons of music which you can unlock through playing the story or be an impatient person like me and buy the multiple albums that are unlock-able via micro transactions.
A lot of people seem to complain about the micro transactions or bundles but they’re actually quite cheep and nothing is pushed onto you. if you don’t want to buy them just don’t buy them it’s that easy.
There’s nothing else I have to add hear except DEEMO II is a wonderful game both visually and audio wise it has amazing songs and developers. I can’t wait to see what else there is in future updates! I’m very excited!
if you haven’t tried playing it you should try it out. Just for fun at least it’s free to download.
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sky-blue-memories · 3 years
Deemo II Teaser Analysis
So, new teaser! They gave us a lot more information to go off this time, so I’ve written up an analysis/speculation below. Feel free to mention any details I missed!
Before we get into it, just found out that tumblr has a ten image limit so can’t fit as much as I want to but you’ll see most of it in the trailer! Which you should definitely watch!
New Information
I’ll just get this out of the way for people who have already seen the teaser already, these are new details about the game that we have been given directly.
* Our protagonist’s name is Echo.
* The game takes place in a world that is constantly raining. Anyone who stays under the rain for too long turns to a flurry of white flower petals.
* People stay in the train station take refuge from the rain. When the grand piano in the station is played, is clears the skies and keeps the rain at bay.
* Echo and Deemo are searching for a way to stop the rain permanently
* The game will consist of investigation/exploration and rhythm gameplay
* Scenes are made with a combination of 2D and 3D, which aims for a hand-drawn, apocalyptic, fairy tale style and feeling
* If all goes smoothly, the game should release at the end of 2021.
Now, apart from the death rain, we are given other details about this new setting. Namely, its supposed creator, the Composer. They’re a pretty big deal, considering that there’s a statue in the train station dedicated to the guy and songs of old sang much of their praises.
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As for the world itself, a friend suggested that this could be a dream world? Personally I’m against that since the world seems too big and hostile to be in a dream but at this point we know so little that anything could be possible, so I’m not ruling it out.
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Also, I guess I’m putting this here, but there’s just a giant beast hanging around the station for god knows what reason and I’ve heard no one talking about it, in fiction or not. Are we just letting this one slide?? Is nobody questioning the humungous eldritch horror just outside the door
* Echo: I don’t have a lot of theories about Echo currently, other than she’s probably got That Tragic Backstory and something that could possibly make her special to the masked men (which I’ll go into later). I do love her design though and I’d do just about anything for her
* “Klaus”: As can be seen from this screenshot, Echo is sorting notes for someone named Klaus. Later in the teaser we see she finds some sheet music in this stack.
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Either Klaus is a character we’ve yet to meet, or what I think is more likely, the name of the conductor/station master. What role he plays other than playing the piano to keep away the rain stands to be seen.
* Deemo: Kind of an aside but this guy is so short compared to Hans’ deemo that the thought of the two of them standing together is sending me. My current question is whether he existed already or Echo manifested him. Also, why is he harmless when the rain is lethal? And why does it seem like only he and the station master know how to play the goddamn piano
* The citizens: So currently we only have a handful of humanoid characters, while everyone else seems to be... blobs. It’s probably because its easier to draw these instead of an entire crowd (and they’re just cute) but if there is a lore reason I will probably lose it
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(A background detail I didn’t notice in the last trailer is that a lot of these fellas have flowers sprouting from their heads from the rain!)
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Also this one guy with the glasses is my everything right now
* Masked men: Alright we need to talk about this because surprisingly enough these guys aren’t in this teaser despite being so prevalent in the last. I hope they haven’t been fucking retconned out by rayark but honestly anything could happen
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I mention these guys because they’re a part of the few humanoid characters we have, and for some reason, they’re hunting Echo? Which makes me suspect that she has some sort of special ability that makes her a target. Apart from the rain, they’re currently the only hostile force in the plot, which makes them worth highlighting. The guys in the above picture are also holding what could a photo of her, suggesting someone else has dispatched them to get her. Or they’re cops. Shitty fantasy cops look I have no idea
I don’t have much to say about the exploration part other than that it’ll probably play as it looks; run around asking questions, do a little minigame here and there. I would love to talk about the rhythm game part though
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First off, this UI looks so darned good?? The choice of lighter colours and the rain theme contrasting the usual dull lilacs and greys of the overworld is. God it’s so good I could stare at this all fucking day
The actual gameplay looks different too, closer to reborn’s style than the original. It’s more noticeable in the teaser but the notes are travelling in a slight curve to the bar. I believe they mentioned changing tempos and camera changes too so watch out for that
Of the songs we can see there are Reverie (by satella), Dream Together (by INSPION), Fairy’s Crown, KUMO, and Kokoro Odori. Currently no returning artists yet but hopefully we’ll see some later.
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I’m putting cutscenes in gameplay because I don’t know where else to put it, but we’ll be getting some CGI cutscenes apart from the animated ones. The style looks good so far so I don’t really mind
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The screenshot above passes by in a flash so it’s a bit hazy. This raises so many questions for me though. What is this place? Why has the format changed? I honestly thought at first this was going to be a turned-based combat thing, but it’s probably more of the exploration part. That said, why did they change the format then? We’ll have to see.
I recommend checking out the official website. There’s a series of snippets there called “The Boy in the Station”. I thought it was just flavour text at first but there actually seems to be some important information there. Also found out this is being developed by jengen, the folks who did reborn. They’re still hiring right now in fact.
That’s about all for now. If you don’t mind, I’ll be returning to my cave and screaming my brains out
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