#deep lust masterpost
shinknocks · 4 months
Deep Lust Masterpost
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Title: Deep Lust -- Circle: BATTEN OUKOKU -- Artist: Miyaazu -- Scanner: slaughterchichi@lj -- Translator: doujinshin00b
Zoro x Sanji (Zosan), One Piece -- Mild NSFW
Cover, P1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, NSFW>> 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,>> 24, 25, 26 . Translator's Note
Original Japanese Scans (Posted Nov 24th, 2014) found on myreadingmanga.info . Possible re-print here (original Japanese) .
** page 23 cropped due to denied appeal **
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fishnapple · 3 days
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🔞 Channelled message:
The first time that they feel desire for you & their fantasies
(lover/partner/future spouse)
This is an old reading, I actually have this type of readings stashed away in my draft from months ago but could never find the right time to post them. So here is one of them. Enjoy.
Disclaimer : Contain mature contents. Minors (under 18y/o) do not interact.
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Your feedback is much appreciated. If you find the reading resonated with you, leave a comment, I’d love to know 🎐
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Are you generally this flirty and aggressive with other people or only with me? I'm worried. Other people shouldn't be able to witness this side of yours. Am I a possessive person by nature or I'm only like that towards you? I don't know anymore.
I was perfectly contented with my daily life, structure and routine bring peace to my mind. I could be a very repetitive person, don't find me boring, I won't be like that with you. Do you know why? You jolted me out of this safety shell and plunged me into a strange land by that playful and straightforward way of yours.
The moment you came closer to me with that broad smile and that heat, oh, that heat, I could feel it in my skin even when you were not touching me at all. Thanks to you, I've discovered that I have the hot for aggressive people, or it's just you. I imagined you grabbing me and bestowed me with a passionate kiss, then whispered into my ears how much you wanted me. It sent a shiver down my spine. I'm not gonna lie, I felt instantly aroused, I hope that I didn't make a fool of myself in front of you. Just know this, I will have no problem getting aroused whenever you initiate it.
You protested that it wasn't how you behave? Well, it's true, you weren't exactly that sexually aggressive towards me like that, not yet, not in the beginning. You probably were just having some fun, playing some games, tackling some creative projects, or recounting some fun stories while I looked at you and wished that passion of yours would be directed at me instead.
You were so brilliant, a walking flame. You awaken my desire like lightning striking down a tree. My mind went into fantasy land and imagined what it would be like, holding you in my arms, naked, both of us, our chests pressed against each other, touching that soft skin, both outside and inside. What we could discover about each other, what we could experience together. I wanted to be risky, to pour all of my desires on you, to taste you everywhere, to do it until we're both overwhelmed, to see where the limit is, and push through it.
Another thing that I have to confess is that at that time, that feeling was pure lust. I hadn't developed romantic feelings for you yet. But my desire for you will haunt me, I won't be able to decipher the reason. Until someday, when I finally looked deep into my feelings, after questioning it thoroughly, I will arrive at the conclusion, the inevitable, that you are the one for me.
Note: this person will develop sexual desire for you when they see you putting effort into something creative, when you were having fun, showing jest and passion for life, being assertive in a playful, flirty way. It may be a random moment, not a big event. That attitude will be a contrast to their usual way in life, so they will find it exhilarating and freeing. That will also affect their fantasies about you, wanting to be free, having no limit, indulging in each other, touching your deepest place. There could also be some exhibitionistic desire, somewhere a little open with the risk of being seen. Other than that, they don't really have any specific kink or particular fantasy. They are mostly go with the flow style.
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Does me saying I love your tears turns you off? Don't worry, I will never be the one that makes you cry, or at least I will try not to be one. We can cry together, you can cry in front of me. The sight of your tears will tear my heart open and let out this feeling that I myself wasn't aware of before.
I was really grateful that you chose to be open with me, telling me your pains that no one else had ever known. It's my honour. At that moment, I felt as if our hearts had been bridged, your emotions flowed into mine, I won't even know what was yours, what was mine. I will feel this rage inside, toward life, maybe? How could life give you so many pains like that. You were just yourself, yet people couldn't have the bravery to face that realness. Please don't ever dim your light for other people or for anything.
But that rage will be accompanied by desire. My desires are tied to my emotions. The more intense the emotion, the more intense my desire will be. I will feel this instinctive urge to protect you. Destruction and protection go hand in hand. I wanted to force all those painful memories out of you and burn them, to replace them with memories of me.
I felt a war inside me. I wanted to touch you softly, caressing every part of you, to tell every inch of you that it's okay, to wrap you with pleasure so much that those tears will be tears of pleasure (oh no, will that make me the one that makes you cry? I'm willing to be the offender then). But I also wanted to grab and take you into me, to push you so hard that we would become one, whatever I do, you still feel so distant to me. I got impatient.
But I won't act on that desire. I will be gentle, I will be the comfy bathtub that you drown yourself in after a long day. To be the warm water in the tub, lapping over you. Can you feel my heat? You don't need to do anything. Let me take care of you.
Note: This person will feel an intense desire to protect you and to soothe you. To them, emotions go hand in hand with sexual desire. So the moment that their emotions and yours are heightened will be the point where they feel sexual desire for you. At that time, you could be telling them about past pains of yours, likely from childhood, it related to being an individual, isolation, not fitting in, of loss. You will be crying, the tears will be the trigger.
This person has the ability to connect emotionally with other people. The connection of emotions will lead to the connection of bodies. They are gentle but have a more aggressive side to them, a little extreme. I feel like the moment they feel desire for you will lead to your first time with each other. The fantasies will stay in their head, but they won't act on them completely. It could also come as a surprise for you. You may not be fully aware of the extent that is their desire for you.
They have a liking for water and wetness, be it the water around you when you are having sex or the water coming from you. So they might like to give you oral, shower sex, licking, dripping, spilling. They will also like to talk to you to instil their own fantasies into your mind so that you will share the same fantasies for each other. They want to achieve oneness.
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I suppose that I wasn't being honest with you. Hiding all my problems and weakness, my insecurities were many, you know, they weighted heavily on my mind. Every night, they would come in, haunting my sleep. Life is heavy to me, I'm a fearful person. I've never felt safe in this world. My foundation is lacking. It felt like I was living in a castle made from cardboard, ready to collapse at any moment. And how can I welcome another human being into this shabby castle of mine? That was how I thought about our relationship. I wasn't courageous enough, I let my demons whisper in my ears while you were there, caring, with the gentlest love that I've got.
It was until we had our first serious argument with the possibility of you leaving that I was awakened. It felt like hearing something exploded. I was disoriented, the first thought that sprang to my mind was to hold you, firmly, to drag you into my cardboard castle, to let you see it all, without care how it could collapse with both of us inside.
I thought that if I prepared enough, I would be confident, I would be able to show you our bright future together. But when will be enough? I'm ashamed that it had to take an argument for me to realise it, that my desire for you would be ignited in such a negative situation, human sure are weird creatures, don't you think?
No, I didn't act out that first thought, I just grabbed your hand and apologised, like a good and polite human. My heart was awakened, but that doesn't mean my mind would just quietly follow suit.
After that incident, I found myself thinking about it again and again. I would relive the argument but put an erotic twist to it. (TW: dubious consent) I imagine me being rough and acting all assertive. Without a second word, I would pull your turning back close to me and kiss your neck and shoulder from behind, arms caging you so tight, you would feel a little suffocated. Then, as I feel you getting softer, I would let my hands trace every inch of your body, with you still a little miffed but can't resist my touch. I imagined you being pleasured until you let out a soft moan, shaking in my arms.
Then I would turn your head around to face me and kiss you with my all, without being afraid that you would find out all my insecurities and all that unsightly parts of me.
Note: This person could be quite emotionally distant, afraid to commit because of their insecurities. They are restrained and tend to overthink everything, to the extent of being paranoid. They are in their head more than their heart, their heart is a dangerous place for them.
There will be a point where you are tired of the uncertainty and distance in this relationship. The situation would be when you go on a date with them, something not quiet right will happen, something small, but you will argue and the argument leads to a bigger issue. You will want to walk away. This is when they realise the possibility of losing you, like a Tower moment. They don't want that to happen, so they will grab your hand and apologise, explaining their problems. Some kind of commitments will be formed. And also the desire for you.
They have a more aggressive and earthy side to them that is hidden and only comes out in their fantasies. They would want to pleasure you from behind, making you feel their feelings for you through physical touch. The focus is on you. They imagine themselves to be more brave, to open their heart for you to see without a care in the world.
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Ah, our first kiss, our sweet, sweet, first kiss. I can still recall the taste of you exactly, just like being on that day again.
Do you remember it too? We even took a picture of us kissing, to solidify our memory together, a celebration for our love. I felt so warm, like a sun has found refugee inside me. The kiss transported me into a magical land, into our future together, our journey has started.
I will be thinking way far ahead, about how our wedding will be, where will our honeymoon be spent, how our first night as a married couple will be, how our kids would look like, how we would be worried about their future and finally have some rest together in the old age. I didn't know that I was such a planner, or was I a dreamer? No, I'm a magician, I will make our dreams come true. Yes, brace yourself and start looking forward to it.
I have a commitment kink. There, I've said it, loud and clear. The moment we solidify our commitment to each other (I like the word 'solidify', like heavy concrete that we could sit on) will be the moment all my passion broke free and come running to you.
Do you think our lifetime plan in my head is just some innocent planning? No, I'm a sucker for details. No detail of our life will escape my mind. Including our sex life. What kind of domestic life could be without the pleasure.
Just like when we were dating, we will continue on being smitten with each other well into our trembling-hands-and-hair-whitening era. You and I will make sure that passion is never lacking in our relationship.
We will talk about it a lot, seriously and flirtatiously, teasing each other, then sit down and discuss it, like a research project. We will try many different things, getting feedback from each other, then calibrating the system until it reaches perfection. We will also tell each other about our deepest fears and painful memories, then we will kiss each other better every time.
Let's grow together. Let's run our naked bodies along the seashore like little kids, collecting seashells, giggling then colliding into each other.
Let's have our late night debate about the metaphysical then tearing out clothes in the process.
Let's grow trees together in our garden, let's get dirty (literally) as we embrace each other (I can't help using 'each other', I also like this word) on the soft, damp earth. Then, many years later, we will embrace each other under the shade of our grown-up trees.
Note: There's this warm and bubbly, exited energy to this person. The moment you first kissed will be when they start imagining your life together. They get turned on by commitment and the future prospects of your relationship. When they're dating, they definitely have long-term commitment and marriage in mind.
They are quite cerebral, love to think, and plan ahead. But those thoughts don't just stay in their head. They got put into reality. They like to think about the relationship as a project to build and to perfect with their partner. But they are not rigid. They like spontaneity. They want to feel the pleasurable aspect of the relationship with their partner everywhere, to make memories, to celebrate the love. Everything can lead to sex. They seem to have a preference for the outdoor and nature.
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Hmm, do you have some kind of superpower? The kind that can lower other people's intelligence? I felt like a toddler learning to speak for the first time when I'm around you. And this mind of mine did not feel too well about that. I'm usually the one that people look up to. I can say with some confidence that I'm an intelligent person, but being in front of you? My intelligence seemed to take a strike and went for an infinite vacation. I don't think you've noticed this dilemma in me. Thanks goodness, at least I could still appear as a good enough debate opponent for you. What's with all this talk about intelligence anyway? Because I want to know the cause and effect of things. I want to know the cause of my desire for you and the effect of it.
To put it plain and simple, you challenged me mentally. Who would have thought that I could get turned on by debating about the present school system with you? Talking about vehicles turned me on, talking about religious matters turned me on (wait, that doesn't sound right). I know you didn't do it to rile me up. You simply share your view and ideas with me, innocently. But I also know, our debates turn you on too, you can't hide that twinkle in your eyes whenever I say something controversial or go against you view. We flirt by words, our words, they clash then kiss each other. Is 'arguing' in public considered a type of PDA?
I thought I was the absolute ruler of my own mind, sitting smugly on the pile of gold, getting praised by commoners, confident that no one can match me (I'm a vain and arrogant human being okay). Then the gate was blasted open. There stood you, alone, with that bazooka for a mouth and an equally smug face. I thought that you came to steal my gold, no, that wasn't the true horror, you came to tell me that my gold was fake. Ah, how I slipped and fell, face kissing the ground. How dare you? I had to bravely stand up and charge at you, to kiss you? (Eh, I didn't expect that twist. Is this some kind of cheesy romance web novel?). Don't take it the wrong way, it's not like I'm worshiping you or anything, I just want to get close to you to study you, to pull out all of your secrets, and then? To sit at your feet and admire them, maybe? While we are in the mood, may as well dress the parts. Let's turn ourselves into characters of our own novel. Let me regain some of my dignity in my fantasies. Let me be the teacher, and you be the student, nodding admiringly at my every word. Then, while I'm drunk in your adoration, you would turn all bratty and tease me, strip me of my dignity again.
Note: I don't have much to say about this person other than you may want to save up to buy lots of costumes later on.
This person is quite arrogant and used to being admired and put on pedestal by other people. But you won't be like that to them. You challenge their world view, kick them down the pedestal, and they like that. There could be a masochistic streak in them. Wanting to be put down, to be humbled. They will want to be lured into a trap by their partner and be tricked into submission (willingly, with consent, of course). They like you to act bratty while they pretend to be frustrated and have to give in to you.
They have fantasies about role-playing, could be related to medieval themes. I don't see any particular actions, just them liking the mental stimulation and talking back and forth. To them, pleasure comes from the mind.
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Do you know about the ducklings imprinting? About how in the early period of a duckling, they capture the image and sound of a moving being into their mind, permanently solidifying this being as the object for the duckling to follow? I was like that with you.
You came into my life during my most transforming period. I felt like I was born again, leaving behind all the bad memories and disappointments. I felt weak and lonely, lost in this new world, literally, I had to move to a new place, getting used to the new environment from the start. And you were there, gently walking side by side with me. It's bittersweet how I had to go through the darkest moment in my life to meet you, but it's all worth it. You made the pains feel like distant memories.
I still remember that moment perfectly. You came to me, asking if I had eaten. I said no, and you proceeded to cook a speedy warm meal for me. I wanted to cry, honestly. Never in my life had I ever thought that food could be such a multipurpose thing, a miraculous balm, a pouring melody, a comfy blanket, a word of love. I felt full and nourished, by you.
Let me put you on the pedestal a bit, let me see you through a rose coloured glasses, let me dream about you every time sleep comes to me, temporarily or eternally. Let me return the love equal to that you've given me, or even more than that. I want to give you my all, at the same time, I want to be all that you have, as you are mine.
Sometimes, I wished that there's only the two of us in this world. How I wanted to muffle all other noises, smear all other colours, air out all the scents so that the only remaining things are your voice, your colours, and your scent. Let me paint you. Though I can't be confident that there exists a kind of paint that can convey the brilliant of your skin, your eyes, your hair. It's frustrating how I can see you crystal clear in my mind yet unable to translate the image into the canvas. In this case, could you be my canvas and let me paint myself onto you?
Note: This person has a sensitive and artistic soul. They will meet you when they've just come out of a dark tunnel, starting a new life, moved to a new place. They will get attached to your kindness and warmth. I feel like the situation when they develop desire for you for the first time will be when you are comfortable with each other already. You could come to their place, cooked for them. They could see your care, which will trigger their emotional desire for you. Their physical desire is tied to their emotional desire.
They will want to serve you, to put you on pedestal and cater to your every desire. They could be a little possessive, wanting you for themselves. They want to have sex in somewhere secluded, private and quiet, with a sparse surrounding or even empty. All of their focus will be on you. They will want to stay silent to hear your moans, eyes fixing on you all the time, and breathing in your scents everywhere. Then after the sex, they want to paint you, on canvas, you could be their muse, or paint on you with their marks. It's like your existence in their mind and in front of their eyes are still not enough.
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hongjoongscafe · 1 year
Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Genre: smut
Summary: he was too eager to punish you.
Word count: 2.4k+
Warning: edging, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms, squirting, smoking, spanking, oral, fingering, BDSM, name-calling, mean JK, Daddy kink, vibrator, cum eating, overstimulation, spitting kink, pain kink, face slapping, cream pie, unprotected sex (cover it up before Namjoon gives you an unpleasant lesson).
Note: lemme know if you wanna be added to the taglist.
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“Oh my fucking God!” you moaned as a heavy hand landed on your naked ass, leaving a sweet sting behind.
“You are such a fucking slut, hm,” Jungkook growled. “Always acting like a whore in front of everyone,” he said as he left another hard blow on your ass. He had you bent over his legs with your skirt hiked up and your black lace thongs down your ankles. Your tits were hanging out of your skimpy tube top.
His fingers slipped between your dripping cunt, pinching your throbbing clit with his fingers. “This fucking skirt does nothing to hide this slutty cunt. Just asking to be fucked by anyone with a dick.”
“Only you,” you whined and gasped when he spanked your cunt, making a wet noise. “Please!”
“Please what?” he squeezed your cheeks and made you look at him. “What do you want you fucking whore?”
“Please, Daddy,” you cried. “Fuck me already!”
“That's all you can think about, hm? My big fat cock?” he spread your ass cheeks to see your pathetic holes clenching around nothing. Your cunt was dripping juiced down your thighs and begging attention. “Look at you being so fucking needy. I bet you will spread your legs open for my friends, too.”
“No, Daddy!” you felt frustrated, not being able to feel his fingers or cock inside your hot and wet cunt. “Please, fuck me like a whore that I am,” you pleaded.
Jungkook picked you up and threw you on the silky sheets. The mattress dipped around you as he climbed up and turned you around, on your knees and pushed your head down in the sheets. He pulled his belt out of his pants. Hastily, he pulled your hands behind your back and tied your wrists together.
“You wanna get treated like a slut? Okay then,” he harshly pulled your hair to bring your ear near his lush lips as he dangerously whispered, “Don't complain when you get bruises and a sore cunt tomorrow.”
“I wo— Ahh,” you screamed as he plunged his four fingers into your cunt, not letting you adjust but fucking them hard and fast. The tears rolled down your cheeks as your mouth moaned loudly, enjoying every single second of him.
“Fuck,” he grunted. “Your needy cunt is taking my fingers so well. So wet.” The wet squelching noises turned you on even more. “Gonna fuck you till you pass out and wake up to my dick pounding into you. Wanna make sure to remind you that you are my fucking whore. Gonna fuck this fact into you.”
He felt your walls clenching around his fingers making him know that you were close. “I'm close. Please, don't stop! Why?!” you screamed when suddenly you felt empty. You gasped when he landed a painfully hot spank on your pussy making it look pinkish-red.
“Don't raise your voice in front of Daddy,” he coldly said. “You are such a fucking brat. Need to put you in place.”
You knew you fucked up big time by showing up in this outfit at a Halloween party and talking to Taehyung a little too frankly as he checked you out. You knew you wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow when Jungkook's eyes were red with rage and lust.
He got up, shuffled around and removed his clothes. And opened the drawer. You couldn't see what he took out of it but waited for him to come back.
After a few seconds, he got back behind you and raised your ass higher up. Your eyes widened when he shoved a vibrator deep into your cunt. He chuckled when your hole easily squeezed it in. He then crawled in front of you and pulled your hair to get it between his legs and make you sit a little, face to face with his throbbing big fat cock. Its head was angry red and shiny with precum. His cock was the prettiest with the perfect curve. “Now be a good whore and suck my cock.”
You didn't need to be told twice as you licked his head and took him into your mouth, trying to take the whole of his big length but miserably failing. “Is my cock too big?” you hummed around him. “Tsk tsk, thought you were trained after taking many dicks.” You both were well aware that that was not true. But you would be lying if that didn't make you want to beg him to fuck you senseless. “Guess nobody had a dick this big?” he said, taking a blunt between his lips and lighting it up before throwing the lighter away. He took a deep puff, rested his hand with the blunt over his head and looked at your form through hooded eyes.
You bobbed your head up and down. You wanted to take it all and tried harder. You closed your eyes and pushed your head down but gagged when his tip hit the back of your throat. He moaned when you swallowed around him. Your hands itched to hold his dick and play with his balls.
Jungkook could see his dick moving in your throat. “Fuck,” he grunted. “You are taking me so fucking well. Just like a perfect whore.” You moaned around his cock when he started the vibrator at a lower setting.
You looked up at him through your wet lashes to see him smirking and holding a tiny remote in his other hand. Your eyes rolled back as the mild vibrations were slowly pushing closer to your high. But soon you were disappointed when they stopped.
And then he turned them on stronger than before. His dick slipped out of your mouth as you moaned loudly and your eyes rolled back. Your nails dug into your palms and your legs shook. “Don’t fucking stop!” he hissed.
You opened your eyes and licked his balls and sucked them one by one. His eyes rolled back as his chest heaved up and down. Small moans and grunts were leaving his pink lips. He took another puff of smoke and blew it out. Your tongue was pressed hard against his underside. You could feel the vein throbbing against it.
He took the blunt between his lips and held your hair and forced his cock inside your mouth. He started fucking your mouth. “My pretty cumslut. Taking in daddy so good.” He turned off the vibrator completely when he saw you coming closer, yet again taking away an orgasm.
He felt closer to his high and quickly changed his position and got behind you. He slipped himself inside your hot cunt beside the vibrator and fucked your cunt. His thrusts were hard and fast making your body jolt. Your cheek was pressed against the silky sheets as you drooled all over them.
He grabbed your waist and pulled you back as he trusted. You both moaned at the pleasure it sent through your veins. His cock went deeper into your cunt, his tip brushing your spongy g-spot. “I’m gonna fucking mark this pussy with my cum in it. Will make you walk around in this fucking skirt without panties with my cum running down your thighs. Wouldn't that be good?”
“Daddy, please!” you whined. “Please let me cum! I'm so close.”
Before you could cum, he pulled out. An evil chuckle left him. “You will only cum when I ask you to.” He pulled the vibrator out and replaced it with his fingers. He plunged them into your cunt making you scream out.
“Daddy!” you blabbed some incoherent words to him. He was satisfied to see you so dumb and senseless just because of him.
“So fucking dumb. You wanna cum?” you nodded your head but screamed when he spanked your ass, making it redder than it already was. “Words, you dumb whore.”
“Yes, Daddy! Wanna cum on your fingers!” you cried, tears staining the purple sheets.
Jungkook groaned, feeling your velvety walls throbbing and clenching around his fingers. “Cum, then. Fucking cum on my fingers like a slut you are.”
“Oh, Daddy,” you screamed.
Your eyes rolled back into your skull and moaned out his name loudly as your climax hit you harder and squirted violently. Jungkook removed his fingers but rubbed and spanked your pussy hastily as your squirt splashed around on his abs and cock. “Give me more,” he grunted as he plunged his fingers back into your cunt and fingered you hard. You weakly squirted some more before you felt overstimulated and whined.
Jungkook flipped you around and saw your fucked up face. Your makeup was ruined, mascara was running down your cheeks and lipstick was smeared all over your mouth. He loved it.
He took a puff of blunt and blew it out before putting it away. “Now you look even more of a slut. But we are not done just yet,” he said and got between your legs. “Look at my hand. Look what your needy cunt did to it.” You looked at his hand covered with your cum and squirt. “Clean it for me.” He said and shoved his fingers in your mouth. You wrapped your lips around his fingers and licked them clean. He pushed them further until you gagged around them. He enjoyed looking at you trying to suck his fingers. You were his perfect little slut, letting him do whatever he pleases without ever stopping or stepping away.
You moaned around his fingers when you felt the sweet stretch in your pussy as he trusted back inside. “You wanted to cum, yeah? Let's see how many times you can cum.”
He started plunging at an animalistic pace. He took his fingers out, wrapped them around your throat and tightened the grip just enough to leave harmless bruises and to make your head a little dizzy. His lips found yours and clashed messily. He slipped his tongue in your mouth as you moaned when his cock hit deeper into you. Your walls were feeling raw but the pleasure was too good to stop.
His free hand found your clit and rubbed circles over it. “Fuck, Daddy! So good. You fuck me so good! So fucking big and girth.” He let go of your neck and squeezed your right tit and pinched your nipple.
“You like that, bitch?” you let out a hoarse yes. He spat on your jiggly tits and wrapped his mouth around your nipple and sucked on it. His tongue was flat on your sensitive nub and then bit it before leaving it with a pop. “So fucking nasty. I smell your slutty cunt here. It's leaking so much. My balls are drenched.”
He stopped for a second and held your under thigh and bent you in half. He thrust back inside, much deeper this time. Your hands were still behind your back, holding the sheets as if your life depended on it.
Jungkook rubbed your left cheek with his hand before slapping it. Your eyes rolled back and pussy clenched around his dick suffocatingly. He chuckled seeing you like this. “Such a painslut.” he said and slapped your cheek again. This time you moaned loudly for him and took another hit on your cheek. You were indeed a pain slut just like him.
“Open your fucking mouth,” he moaned.
You obliged and opened your mouth and slid your tongue out. He collected the spit in his mouth and came closer to your mouth and spat it in your mouth harshly. The glob of spit slid down your tongue. He never spat in your mouth before. But it felt good and dirty. You moaned loudly and clenched around him.
“Swallow,” he commanded. You swallowed and showed him. “That's my good slut. Come on now, cum again. Cum on my cock.”
Your walls squeezed around him. Your mouth fell open in a silent scream as you felt your orgasm taking over your brain. You had no control over your body. It just screamed for Jungkook to destroy and use.
“Yeah, baby. Just like that,” he groaned when your walls squeezed him squirting all over his cock. “That's it. Let it all out,” he rubbed your clit to help you ride your high. You felt tired. But he didn't stop. Instead, he picked up his pace, “I still didn't cum. You gonna cum with me, too.”
“No more!” you cried as he kept hitting the spot. “Too sensitive!”
“Shut up!” he spanked your ass leaving a burning pleasurable pain behind. “You said you are a fucking whore so act like one and take what I give,” he gritted. “Be a good girl and cum with me, yeah? Fucking cream my cock,” he panted, coming closer to his climax. “Cream it good, baby.”
Your body shuddered and your back arched. Out of nowhere, the strongest orgasm slapped you across your face and you came on his cock again.
“Oh fuck,” his voice trembled and thrusts got sloppier as he came inside your burning walls, painting them white. He filled you up to the brim with his cum as thick ropes of cum didn't stop. His orgasm was more intense than ever. He never edged himself this much ever but he didn't regret it.
Finally, he was done coming. Slowly, he pulled out of your cunt and hissed at the overstimulation. Your cunt was red and swollen as his cum dripped down your folds and stained the sheets. The sight was too delicious to leave it alone.
Jungkook bent down and licked a thick strip from your asshole to your dripping cunt. You tried to get away but he held you in place. “Daddy,” you whine. “Too sensitive.”
He hummed on your cunt, sending shivers down your spine. “I know, baby,” he moaned. “But your cunt is so fucking delicious.” He kept on eating you out until your cunt was clean. But he didn't leave just yet. He wanted to pull one more orgasm out of you.
He nibbled your clit and sucked harshly on it. Your breath hitched and your mouth fell open. Your brain could not register anything anymore. He kept sucking and biting your pussy until you felt coming closer. “I'm, yeah, hmm,” you let out some slurred meaningless words but he understood.
With the last bite on your clit, you poorly squirted on his face and came. He lapped every single drop and finally, left your pussy alone before laying next to you and removing the belt from your bruised wrists and kissing them.
Jungkook looked at your fucked face and felt proud. You were barely awake when he pulled your trembling body closer in his arms. The last thing heard him say before he pecked your lips was—
“My little whore never disappoints her daddy in bed.”
@veneziamadness @cheline @sansmilkbread @jayb17 @constantlydelulusional @8tinytings @tea4sykes @chimmisbae
Have a nice day/night💓
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sirjaketkiszka · 2 months
Jake Kiszka One Shot: Twenty Minutes
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There’s twenty minutes till show time. Jake says it’s enough time.
Jake x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,502
Warnings: 18+!!, sexual content, cursing, dirty talk, grinding/dry humping, slight overstimulation, praise, multiple orgasms, the overuse of the word “baby,” and, of course, mediocre writing.
Disclaimer: apologies for any potential spelling errors or grammar mistakes.
Jake One Shot Masterpost
“Let him know he has 20 minutes until he needs to be on stage!” One of the backstage crew yells while passing me in the hall, running in the direction of the stage. Multiple members of the backstage crew follow behind him.
“Got it!” I yell back as I open Jake’s dressing room door. Swiftly stepping in, I turn around to close the door, my back to the rest of the room. “Hey, there’s 20 minutes till showtime,” I tell him, my back still to him as I immediately close the door, not seeing him right away.
“That’s enough time,” his voice is low behind me, causing me to turn around in surprise. He’s walking swiftly toward me like a lion stalks its prey, with his head tilted down, and eyes consuming my every being. With pupils already dilated, he’s on me as soon as the door is locked, his lips finding mine in an instant. His firm kiss sucks a shocked gasp from my lungs, my eyes widening for a moment, but fluttering close the next.
My back is pushed against the sturdy door as I struggle to keep up with his lips moving hungrily against mine. Continuing the fast pace, his tongue invades my mouth and I moan in response, earning a satisfied groan from Jake. The taste of him invades all senses with lust and hunger, and I grip his bare waist to pull him closer.
He pulls his lips away, but quickly moves to the side of my neck, leaving sloppy, wet open-mouthed kisses in their wake. Tilting my head, I grant him more access, my breath quickening and eyes remaining closed when he sucks on the sensitive skin beneath my ear. “Jake, we only have 20 minutes,” I sigh, my lips going dry from soft breaths.
“Then we’ll have to be quick.” He says while pulling away and grabbing one of my hands from his waist. He guides me to the green room’s couch, takes a seat, and leans back against the cushions. Watching me hesitate, he pats his lap with his free hand, his darkened eyes fixed on me, “Come here.”
Stepping a little closer, I stand directly in front of him while looking down at him with furrowed brows, signaling my curiosity. He leans forward slightly and reaches behind me to cup my ass, causing a small gasp to push past my parted lips. His deep, velvety brown eyes hold mine as he rests his chin on my lower belly, looking up at me with begging eyes. “Can I take these off, baby?” His hands slide up to the hem of my pants.
I nod, making a pleased smile appear on his plump lips as he hooks his fingers into the hem and tugs gently on my pants. The waistband stretches over the curve of my ass and hips, and I step out of them when they reach my ankles. Jake discards my pants to the side and leans forward to plant kisses on the tops of my thighs. “You’re so beautiful,” A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips, “Come sit.” He instructs.
Still in my underwear, his hands come up to rest behind my thighs, nudging me toward him to sit on his lap. When I do, his hands separate my legs slightly, making each of my legs fall on either side of his hips. Straddling him, I sink into his lap with my hands on his broad shoulders, and his already firm bulge presses against my aching center.
Once I’m situated, Jake’s head tilts back to look up at me, his eyes silently asking for something. Admiring his soft features for a moment, I lean forward and gently place my lips on his eager ones. The kiss is slow, meaningful, and thorough; our tongues moving sensually against each other, consuming our desire for each other. His hands move to my hips, his fingers sinking into the soft skin, and ecourages me to grind on his bulge.
Hesitantly, I slowly move my hips forward and back, creating a dull friction on my cunt. A breathy sigh leaves my lips, but Jake swallows it with a hungry kiss as a heavy breath escapes through his nose. His grip on my hips strengthens and I can feel him guiding me to go faster. With each swipe, he pulls me harder against him.
The growing pressure causes my panties to soak with arousal, my breathy sighs morphing into quick pants. In need of something more, my shaky hands travel to the fly of his suit pants. Stopping the motion of my hips, our kiss doesn’t break apart while I unbutton and unzip his pants, desperately tugging the waistband down. He lifts his hips slightly, causing me to yelp at the pressure against my swollen clit, and I tug his pants down enough so he’s just in his boxers.
Resuming the previous pace on his bulge, my hands blindly search for the waistband of his boxers. When I finally hook my fingers into the hem, his hands quickly move from my hips and grab my wrists to stop me. He breaks our kiss with a concentrated brow, “No,” his voice is hoarse and he’s panting as much as I am, “Keep them on.”
“What?” My hips come to a halt at his request, “But how-”
“I said we’d be quick,” His hands release my wrists and find their way back to my hips, trying to guide me back onto his hard cock. There’s a dampened spot on the fabric at his tip, where the precum leaks. I can see the outline of his dick; the tip pointing toward his belly button, and his boxers clings to his shaft. “Grind on me, baby.”
The desperate tone in his voice pulls me to guide myself back onto his bulge, my clothed cunt resting snugly on his equally clothed shaft. Without his pants, the friction is more amplified as I slowly rock my hips back and forth. A moan catches in my throat when my clit rubs against his shaft, sending a wave of pleasure to my core, causing the familiar molten feeling in my belly.
“That’s right,” He praises, his grip on my hips becoming firmer, “Keep grinding on my cock– I can feel how wet you are.” His words come out in strained grunts in between heavy huffs.
My head falls back at his encouragement, my mouth hanging open to let quiet, desparate moans out. His lips find my exposed neck, leaving sloppy kisses down my throat and nibbling at the soft flesh. “Take this off,” He mumbles against my heated skin and his hands bunch the bottom hem of my shirt, “I need to see it.” Pulling away, his eyes are now fixed on my cunt, which my shirt was previously covering.
Lifting my arms, I allow him to take my shirt off, leaving me in just my underwear and bra. He lets out a quiet, “God, yes,” and keeps his gaze fixed on my pussy grinding on his shaft.
I feel the delicious heat pool in my lower belly and expand over my limbs like a rising tide, causing the walls of my cunt to squeeze. My hands grip the back of the couch, using it as leverage to quicken my pace, chasing my growing climax. The quicker I grind, the further my release is, the vigorous friction melting into numbness. Groaning in frustration, I beg, “Please, Jake,” I whine and beg for something more, “I need you inside me.”
He finally looks up at me and a lazy smile forms on his lips, “So needy,” He lifts his hips slightly, adding to my pleasure and earning a satisfied sigh from me, “This feels good. Just like this, baby,” His hands on my hips assist me, moving my hips faster and more thoroughly, “Just keep doing that.” He groans quietly at the newfound pace.
My climax is slowly rebuilding itself, but it still is not enough. Desperate, needy moans exit my throat, dissipating into the air as I try to focus on chasing release. My eyes squeeze shut in frustration, and he notices.
“Look down, baby,” One of his hands releases my hip and comes up to rest on the back of my head. He pushes my forehead against his own, making me look between us where I’ve made a mess all over my panties and on his boxers. “Look at us.”
I stare at my grinding pussy and his drenched cock. I’ve left a trail of slick along his shaft, both fabrics soaking up our mixed juices. The tip of his cock threatens to peak through the waistband of his boxers from the force of my thrusts.
“Good girl. Watching you grind on my cock drives me insane, baby,” His husky lust-filled voice reaches my ears. His breathing is heavy, much like mine, like this is affecting him as much as it is me, “I fucking love it. I love watching you grind on me.” His hand behind my head holds me in place to keep watching, “I could watch this all fucking day– God, I wish you could see yourself right now.”
“Jake, I’m so close.” I choke out as my breath gets caught in my throat, a tingling feeling spreading over my lower belly and aching core.
“Breathe, baby,” He soothes, “Keep going, keep riding me.”
I blow out a sharp, shaky, frustrated breath, “I need more, please, Jake.”
“Hold on,” He grunts out, slowing my hips down and lifting me off of him so that I’m hovering over him. He repositions himself and sets me back down. This new position has the tip of his cock directly on my swollen, aching clit, and when I move my hips again, it doesn’t take long for my peak to return. “Does that feel better?”
“God, yes,” I gasp out as my eyes stay fixated on my pussy and his cock. His sensitive tip pushes against my clit with each thrust, causing my walls to flutter once again, “Jake, I’m going to come,” I quietly shout, my voice high from a mix of pleasure and exertion.
“That’s right, come on my cock,” His hand leaves the back of my head to assist my hips in finishing, quickening the already relentless pace, “Fuck– faster, baby.” The needy and desparate tone in his encouraging words pushes me over the edge.
A string of exasperated curses and the chanting of Jake’s name hits all corners of the room when my orgasm finally hits. It’s intense, given the labor it took to get here. My eyes squeeze shut once more, my vision going blurry and hearing muffled as my pussy walls frantically clench around nothing. A wave of fluid rushes to my panties, soaking them completely, while also soaking Jake’s boxers in the process.
I’m heavily panting when I realize Jake has not released my now-aching hips, my pussy still grinding on him. The final waves of my orgasm cause my body to jerk and spasm against him with each swipe of my sensitive clit. “Jake, I-”
“Please, keep going, baby, I’m almost there.” His shaky breath and the clenching of his lower abdomen confirms that he’s close. I finish out my orgasm by riding him, and the overbearing feeling of his tip brushing my clit causes me to whine with a sheen layer of sweat covering my forehead.
“Jake,” I whimper, the overstimulation causing a fatigued moan to catch in my throat.
“Almost there,” he mumbles beneath me, his gaze fixated on what’s happening between us. He tightens his grip on my hips once again, controlling the speed of them, as well as the pressure. “Oh my god, fuck,” He begins steadily panting, the rhythm of my hips becoming sloppy. “Please, please, please,” He quietly chants, his head swinging back and landing against the couch cushions.
Seeing him so desperate pushes me to take control, the aftershock of my previous climax subsiding and quickly being replaced by my second climax. I grip his shoulders and keep control of the thrusts, causing the coil in my gut to retighten at an alarming rate.
“You’re going to make me come,” His eyes roll for a moment and his mouth hangs open, “just like that– make me come just by grinding on me.”
“Shit!” Crying out, I forcefully and sloppily grind my pussy onto his cock, my second orgasm hitting me harder than the first. A loud, desperate yell exits my throat while my hips violently sputter from the pulses of my climax. My forehead immediately falls onto his shoulder as I keep grinding, “Oh my god,” I pant as my second climax lasts longer than the first, making my legs violently shake and squeeze around his lap.
“Oh fuck!” Jake yells, and a choked, broken-up groan fills the room as his orgasm hits him simultaneously. His head lifts off the couch and his forehead falls onto my shoulder as well. He watches as his restrained cock twitches beneath me, shooting his release into his boxers and soaking the fabric even more. I feel his body tremble, his stomach twitching with the final pulses of his orgasm. His hands, still on my hips, slowly and firmly guide me up and down, milking the rest of his cum out of him. “My god, baby, look at the mess we made.” He pants as well.
I look down, and sure enough, we’re both soaked. His cum is leaking through the fabric of his boxers and my two orgasms are spread all over my spread thighs. An exhausted chuckle leaves the both of us, the reality of our situation weighing on us.
“You’re so good at that,” He moves from my shoulder and leans up to kiss my forehead, “you always make me feel so good.” That earns an exhausted smile from me, and I lazily kiss him. He reciprocates, his hands traveling up from my hips to the sides of my face. For a second, the kiss grows hungry, and the thought of continuing flashes in my mind.
“One minute till showtime!” A stagehand yells down the hall and we both frantically look at each other, abruptly breaking the kiss.
“Shit!” I scramble off of Jake and find my clothes scattered along the carpeted floor. He does the same, buttoning his suit pants, and finding his matching jacket. “Jake, your boxers-”
“No time!” He quickly kisses me and runs out of the green room. Now fully dressed, I follow him as the sounds of the instrumental introduction flood the backstage halls, the floor and walls rumbling with anticipation. Jake just barely makes it to the stage’s steps, where his three brothers wait for him.
“Wow, Jake’s the last to be here, that’s a first.” Sam makes the snarky comment with Danny and Josh shooting Jake a questioning look in return.
“Just got caught up, that’s all,” Jake responds panting, shooting me a cocky smile before following his brothers up the steps.
Another short one, but you guys seem to like them, so I’m happy! Hope you enjoyed!
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maissafespace · 1 year
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I know you.
Shigure Sohma x Reader
synopsis: Shigure Sohma, a complicated man with a lot of secrets, knowing him gave you everything, from love to happiness to frustration and pain. It can’t help that you cannot get away from him.
warnings: age gap relationship. angst. mean!shigure, domestic fluff, heartbreak, arguments, mentions of break up, mentions of cheating (not happening). nsfw. emotional s*x, doggy style, missionary, cream pies, mentions of pregnancy, breeding.
a/n: it’s a brief story for one of the men that has my heart, but unfortunately is in a unique situation with a person I loathe lmao. It’s something that I needed more than anything, I haven't written for some time so I hope it's decent. please like, comment, reblog, tip! thank you for reading!!!!
Masterpost • Masterlist
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Living as a zodiac and as a Sohma, Shigure never saw anything beyond the walls of the clan when he was young, and he never thought about it either.
When he was kicked out after the whole thing with that woman and the other as well, he had no option but to. He had to find a house, find a job, a routine to follow, to live a life as a normal human and not one of the zodiac.
In that, he could not forget to fill his own release. How to pass time when he had the time to distract himself.
First, it was his few flees here and there, Mayu as well. But nothing and no one that made him feel less like the dog of the zodiac, only loyal to one woman in mind. No one was ever serious enough or enough in itself.
The appearance of the kids was a welcomed distraction but not ‘it’ yet, it was another failure. Their fights, their presence made him observing of what the zodiac was, therefore made her existence even worse and far more amplified.
When he met you, nothing changed at all at first. You were and are younger than him, just another woman, meeting him during your first year in uni in a random cafe in the city while he was 25.
It took you a bit of time to actually talk to him, to get the glances and looks to have an effect, to have him take you seriously at all beyond an 18-year-old looking at a slightly older man.
Maybe at that moment you were looking for a distraction from the workload as well, he doesn’t know really the motive behind your pursuing.
But he knew that neither of you were actually taking the situation seriously, it was all out of lust, for him to not think of Akito and the curse, for you to probably not think of family and your own problems.
Things weren't supposed to be taken seriously.
Yet, after three years, here he was, thrusting into you deep and hard, groaning into your mouth as he muffled your moans and made everything echo with the slick on your skin.
Your legs spread apart, feet planted on the futon while his hands pinned yours down. Chest against chest. Forehead against forehead.
You knew his secret.
His attraction grew even more after the discovery, you stayed and listened, you stayed and understood, you stayed and didn’t care.
You stayed.
He knew the difficulty in it though, you were a very affectionate person, for years you wanted to hold him, the man that was making your head go crazy but you couldn’t without ending up with the cute version of his dog.
Because while it was at least something, after years, and a title, it was still frustrating.
As he fucked you thoroughly, he could see the way your legs twitched every time to wrap around him and feel the most. He wanted it too, feel your legs tightly around himself, feel your arms around his back and leaving all the marks you wanted.
As he spilled into you, hands firmly on your waist, digging into your flesh as he pushed as deep as he could, he showed you the same amount of want and need. The marks perpetually being left on your skin, everyday you saw them, every time you remembered that none other would fit them as his hands would.
Panting against your chest, he was feeling your nails brushing through his hair, your lips leaving light pecks on the crown of his head.
It was an experience looking into your eyes every time. He never felt as overwhelmed as in those moments.
So much care and love that he probably shouldn’t deserve for who he truly was. He had told you things but not nearly as everything as he should have.
His head was still split into his zodiac and human, but now there was you, thinking of Akito felt like a betrayal each time, he felt shame that he still couldn’t figure out a way to break this curse and shame of feeling a pull that he would never feel with you. It was something unique with Akito, unfortunately and till then, when she called he would be with her as she wished.
While nothing physical had happened, that was the bare minimum. Just his thoughts were near enough awful for someone in a relationship, he couldn't do anything about the chain that tugged when she wished even in moments like these, where he had the only woman who truly loved him unconditionally with him, making love to her.
Much that he only snapped out of it when he felt you push him off your body. Scrambling around with the sheet covering yourself to find your clothes while he just closed his eyes with a sigh, knowing he had fucked up royally, his hand going to his face, eyes looking down with guilt and then at you, putting on his t-shirt and pants with your shoulders going up and down irregularly.
"I'm sorry." Is all he could say.
"It's not enough." You said with a crack in your voice. "I understand, okay? I do, I did for three years but I can't just ignore it every time. I know she's in your head but where am I? Are you wishing it was her? Are you just doing this out of pettiness? Are you just wasting my time? Am I wasting my time with a man that cannot stop thinking of his ex lover even when we are having sex? Did you cum because of her or me? These are all the questions that come to mind whenver this happens, I'm tired of it, Shigure." Tears were freely rolling down your cheeks, looking at him with sadness and disappointment as he just felt guilt. He couldn't even hug you.
"I know it's not enough but I'm trying. I don't want to think of her, I don't want to, I want to be with you. Why do you think we are where we are now? I want you, but I cannot stop that! I cannot break it." He said through frustration.
"And I get it! But you cannot expect me to not be hurt!" You said back to him.
The room fell in silence. When your breathing regulated, you started to walk off to the door, but he held you back by the wrist. "Where are you going?"
Snatching it back. "I will sleep with Tohru. I cannot be with you tonight."
You closed the door behind you. Shigure just fell back into bed, hunched over as he repressed the need to scream in frustration. He didn't want to admit defeat, unfortunately whenever this happens, he would lose you for three days at least.
He could not do anything, he had not found the way to break the curse yet. He was really trying, for you and for him to live a normal life. He was also sure that it will still take time for it to happen after he discovered a way.
He slept sporadically in the night, waking up every hour and hoping to find you back on the other side of the bed, but it was always empty. In the early morning he woke up and walked down to find the kids all up and about, you were with Tohru by her side wearing his long sleeved shirt and his sweatpants, with your hair wet after what he assumed was a relaxing shower whenever you felt stressed.
Tohru greeted him as gently and kindly as always, Kyo and Yuki doing the same with less enthusiasm, you stayed quiet, he only met your eyes briefly, recognizing the puffiness and the slight redness you tried to cover up, looking away as quickly as possible.
The kids knew to not ask. They ignored whatever had happened every time it happened. Breakfast happened as normally as it would've.
When the kids were gone, so were you, locked up in your shared room with him as you worked from your computer, he knew already he had to stay out of it, he stayed in his study room, writing when he could not do nothing but think to how fix things with you this time.
The first two days went exactly as he predicted, each of you staying in your own spaces, not a word said between you two. He felt anger that you got mad at something he could not control at all and frustration that he could understand it. He saw you each day with the same puffiness around your eyes.
The third was not as he imagined, after the kids went to school, he waited for you to walk up the stairs and disappear till they returned, instead you spoke to him. "We need to talk, Shigure."
Those words didn't inspire faith in him, just fear. Hearing his full name from your lips felt even worse, whatever it was, it was not something he probably wanted to hear.
You two sat in front of each other in his studio, in silence, heart racing in both your chests as you tried to find the right way to put it out. But there wasn't a right way, so you just said it.
"We should break up."
Your words felt like a bucket of ice poured onto him. His eyes widened and he spoke without even thinking. "No."
"I'm not asking, Shigure."
"I said no. I'm not breaking up with you, I don't care whatever you have to say about it, I am not ending my relationship with you." He said, anger visible in his eyes. "We are happy."
"If you think happy means having an argument every two weeks because of another woman, I doubt and am scared of your definition." You said with a chuckle.
"Are you unhappy?" He asked directly.
"I'm not happy entirely." You swallowed. "We have our happy moments, I know, everything apart from this is perfect. But I just can't overlook it every time. It hurts, Shigure, I feel it breaking me all the time physically and emtionally." You said to him. His jaw clenched.
"I'm trying, it's not something I asked for. I want to break it as much as you do and live a fucking normal life."
"And how much time is that going to take? A year? Two years? Five? Ten? Never?! I am 21, I am young and have time to start and build something with someone else, Shigure. I'm not wasting time being your second choice, I will want to get married and have children. What will happen then? Akito will have me end up like Kana and then what, Shigure?"
"You're not a second choice-"
"I am if there is another woman in your heart and mind. Because there shouldn't be. I do not have another man pop up every now and then to which I cannot say no, to which I cannot not accept advances from."
"You know, nothing ever happened. Don't start that shit with me, Y/N. You won't end up like Kana, I won't let Akito get close to you, I made sure of that for three years and Hatori knows he cannot. This conversation is over, I'm not breakiing up with you, forget it." He got up and started to walk away.
"Shigure. Shigure. Shigure!" You yelled following after him up till you were in your shared bedroom. "Stop behaving like this."
"I told you I'm done with the conversation."
"But I'm not. Can you not understand that I'm hurting and we have no way to know if this will end up in tragedy or will work out."
"Do you think I don't want that? I just want to have a fucking life, away from that, now that I'm with you. I did think of it, I want to get married and have a family with you, I just need time to figure this out and break it." Tears rolled down your cheeks at the thought of not having that.
You had fallen in the deep end with him.
"I'm not throwing away the best thing that happened to me." He said sincerely, with fear in his eyes as he looked at you. "I know things are not the best right now, but we endured it and I'm not giving up."
You sniffled, frusteation growing in you as well. "What if I want to get married right away?"
"Then we will get married, tomorrow if you want."
"First you'll have to get permission from the head of the family." You spit back at him.
"I don't care. I've been kicked out, despite being called back from time to time, I call all my choices. I'm marrying you, whether you want it or not, tomorrow or whenever you think it's right." He shrugged. Your jaw clenched.
"What if I was pregnant? What would happen then when you get called back, when she finally wants you openly because she will not want you with another? Where do we end up? Shigure, just understand, for once, things will not change." Your voice had some sincerity, his eyes narrowed at it. Looking at you up and down.
"Are you?" His voice was hoarse, in disbelief.
"I said if I was."
"And I'm asking if you actually are." He just looked at your frown, the veil of tears that was buidling up in your eyes as you shut your mouth in a thin line instead of giving him a proper answer. "You are." He said taking a step towards you, as you took a step back.
"I don't know if I'm keeping it, don't get your hopes up, I'm not raising a child in these conditions." Your words held bitterness. "You didn't even want anything when we started our relationship, you didn't want the committment, I'm sure a child was not in it as well."
"Things changed you know that. For fuck's sake we live together, how do I not want committment? With you? I just told you I'd marry you tomorrow if you want. I'm 28, a child is not going to scare me off and make me break up with you. It's just making me love you more."
Your breathing became visibly irregular from the anger or frustration he didn't know. But you had only given him a reason more to fight for you. "Gure, please." You just cried, breaking. "I am scared." Your head fell down, eyes shutting as you cried.
Despite it, he understood. He understood your fears, he understood that you were scared, you were young, pregnant and in a relationship with a man that it's chained to a woman he grew to despise, and that could not touch fully without becoming a dog.
His gaze softened, walking towards you and leaning his forehead down to the top of your head, the most intimacy he could give you, kissing your head. "I love you. I truly and incredibly am in love with you." His hand slid on top of your flat stomach. Your hand going on top of his. "I'm here with you, just hang with me a little more."
You faced him, lips colliding with yours as you locked in a burning kiss. Your hands quickly pulling down his yukata from his shoulders, pooling on his waist as your nails quickly dug into his skin as always giving him indication of your need for him.
It wasn't long after that you both found yourselves naked on the bed, his cock into you as he dug his fingers into your thighs to keep you down and yours in his shoulders in a position where it didn't trigger it.
His length going in and out of you deeply, whispering sweet things into your ears as you just moaned his name, making something snap in him, something he wasn't quite sure of.
"Mine, mine..." He repeated as changed and pounded from behind you, his hand keeping your head to the side, looking at you fucked out state as he erased any idea of breaking up from your mind.
He felt the pull, growing restless to have his attention, but he just couldn't, he was caught up, he had you, he had you forever, and with you he had a child that was enlarging his own proper family, that tied you in a way that he cannot be tied with anyone else, his dream of a normal life with you and away from everything else.
A tear fell down his cheek as you moaned out his name coming on his cock as he kept going in and out of you sloppily, reaching his own point of release as he came deep in you, spilling his seed in you once again, feeling the knot releasing and something completely breaking in him.
You both panted for air, crying silently and he fell on you, the urge in him to hug you tightly.
So he did, he hugged you.
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floralcyanide · 11 months
˚₊✩‧₊◜kinktober 2023! ―
― day ten ⛧ mutual masturbation
Austin Butler x F!Reader
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A little naughty fun ensues with you and your boyfriend, Austin.
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warnings: smut, mutual masturbation, masturbation, fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, nipple play
word count: 612
author's note: I'm soo sorry this is so late jfc but I'm catching up rn. I've been super busy but I'm finally on fall break lol I hope yall enjoy!! I appreciate feedback (:
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You’re laying on Austin’s chest, lightly running your hand along his toned skin. Your cheek is pressed into him as you watch him lazily stroke his cock, and you can feel his breath hitch when he flicks his wrist slightly to change his rhythm. You lick your lips as you see his cock harden more, his tip reddening. Running your fingertips along Austin’s torso makes his skin jump, and you glance up at him. He looks down at you, his mouth slightly agape as his eyes begin to glaze over. Austin notices how you’re rubbing your thighs together under the sheets.
“Are you not gonna touch yourself?” he asks.
You hum, removing your hand from Austin. You open your legs, tossing one over his stomach as you slip your hand between your thighs. Slowly, you rub your clit through your underwear, kissing the skin of Austin’s peck that’s by your face. You groan as your fingertips rub the bundle of nerves just right. Moving your underwear to the side, you let yourself get lost in the feeling of pleasure coursing through your belly as you circle your bare clit. 
“Think you can fit a finger in that hot cunt of yours?” Austin asks, his voice deep with lust.
“Yeah,” you say, nipping at Austin’s nipple playfully, causing him to jerk into his hand.
“Do that again,” Austin sighs.
As you slip a finger inside your wetness, you wrap your lips around Austin’s nipple, sucking lightly. He moans quietly, moving his hand along his shaft a little faster. The sounds he’s making cause you to clench around your finger, your walls fluttering as you curl the digit. You’re panting as you lap at Austin’s nipple, watching his face contort through your lashes. You push another finger inside your pussy, flipping over on your stomach as you keep your leg over Austin. Being spread open further allows your fingers to reach deeper inside your cunt, your free hand playing with your clit. You’re still positioned over Austin’s chest, biting and sucking his nipples and supple skin. He lets out small noises of pleasure as he fucks his hand quickly. You feel yourself getting close to your release, the sound of you and Austin’s moans blending together. Watching Austin as he pumps his cock makes your urge to take him into your mouth stronger as each moment passes. So you do, catching him off guard. You swirl your tongue around him, hollowing your cheeks and letting him fuck into your face. 
“Fuck, get on top,” Austin ushers you to move.
Fully removing your underwear, you slide on top of him, lining his cock with your soaking entrance before sinking down on him. Austin grabs your hips and guides you up and down his length, your moans urging him to thrust into you faster. He grunts as he brushes your cervix, and you clench hard around him. Your nails graze his chest, clipping his nipples and causing him to thrust into you further. You’re bouncing as fast as you can on Austin’s perfect cock, relishing in the feeling of his tip slamming into you. As he fucks you, he hits all the spots inside you that are sending you closer to the edge. Slamming down onto Austin harshly as he pushes deeply inside you, your toes curl as your orgasm washes over you. Your orgasm triggers Austin’s as he empties his cum into your pulsating cunt. You’re catching your breath as you ride Austin slowly, letting both of you finish your highs. 
“We have to do that more often,” Austin grins, letting his hands roam your body.
“That was so hot,” you pant, “We definitely should.”
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@jessica987 @justafangirl @amanda08319 @works-of-fanfiction @topperscumslut @cranesbathtowel @butlersluvbot @nela-cutie @straykids-gives-me-life @ineedmyaccountback @itsbebeyyy @blankbedroom @purejasmine @mrsbutler99 @tiredkitten @ab4eva @kai-wifey @dynamitehacke @arieslost @your-nanas-house @shynovelist @darknight2202 @crackheadwithtoes @lyss-111 @lilymurphy03 @faebirdie @yongi-lee @specialstay @greatkinglulu @thequeenoftheisleofavalon @scribbuluswrites @langdons-slut @pplanetoparis @generalvoidthing @banshailey @straykids-gives-me-life @flwrs4aust @richardslady121 @hellocals @coco-bitch @oh-kurva @cece05 @poppet05 @eliseinmemphis @buttrry11 @meds4beatlemania
(if you signed up to be on the taglist and do not see your name, your tag failed or you may have typed the wrong url.)
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doumadono · 1 year
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I'm thrilled to reveal my first-ever Kinktober collaboration event hosted by me, Doumadono, and my second writing blog, Thepaperpanda
After the huge success of my inaugural Kinktober event last year, conducted on ThePaperPanda, I've opted to explore a fresh concept this year. With this notion in mind, I contacted the writers I hold in high regard, inviting them to partake in a playful exploration of lust and desire. To my astonishment, the response was overwhelmingly positive, and I am deeply honored to have such exceptional writers participating in this little project. I want to express my deep thanks to all the writers who are participating. Having each and every one of you on board brings me great joy and satisfaction ♡
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Essential information
♡ This Masterpost has been prepared to function as an informational leaflet, providing comprehensive details about the upcoming collaboration event
♡ The Masterlist will undergo updates as soon as the works are posted
♡ All works will be NSFW 🔞
♡ Our event-specific tag will be applied to all works: #kinktobercollab‘23
♡ This is a multifandom event
♡ Within this collaborative event, you'll discover a variety of stories, including headcanons, blurbs, drabbles, and full-length fictions
♡ The event will include various pairings (such as KiriBaku, ShigaDabi, etc.)
♡ Below, following the cut, you can find the complete list of prompts, characters, and writers participating in the Kinktober 2023 Collaboration
♡ Reblog to help spread the word!
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♡ day 1 - blow job | Douma | @sanriokamabodo
♡ day 2 - overstimulation | Bakugo | @doumadono
♡ day 3 - dry humping | Atsumu Miya | @doumadono
♡ day 4 - maid | Dabi | @dabihawksluva
♡ day 5 - bukkake | KiriBaku & ShigaDabi | @doumadono
♡ day 6 - orgasm denial | Levi Ackerman | @mrskokushibo
♡ day 7 - sensory deprivation | Douma | @muzansfangs
♡ day 8 - drunk sex | Bucky Barnes | @thepaperpanda
♡ day 9 - leash | Sukuna | @thepaperpanda
♡ day 10 - shibari | Douma | @thepaperpanda
♡ day 11 - creampie | Shigaraki | @thepaperpanda
♡ day 12 - break
♡ day 13 - mirror | Hawks | @kyojurismo
♡ day 14 - daddy kink | Jake Lockley | @thepaperpanda
♡ day 15 - hair pulling | Akaza Douma Kokushibo | @sanriokamabodo
♡ day 16 - morning sex | Neuvillette | @thepaperpanda
♡ day 17 - spanking | Kotaro Bokuto | @doumadono
♡ day 18 - temperature play | Dabi | @dabislittlemouse
♡ day 19 - break
♡ day 20 - break
♡ day 21 - angry sex | Bakugo | @mrskokushibo
♡ day 22 - oral sex | Sae Itoshi | @thepaperpanda
♡ day 23 - rough sex & praise kink | Lucifer | @thepaperpanda
♡ day 24 - dirty talk & finger fucking | ShibaDabi | @lifeform286
♡ day 25 - breeding kink | Dabi | @sillakits
♡ day 26 - love triangles | KiriBaku | @kyojurismo
♡ day 27 - period sex | Bakugo | @thepaperpanda
♡ day 28 - lingerie | Shigaraki | @misafiryanki
♡ day 29 - threesome | Erasermic | @gamergirl-niffler
♡ day 30 - torture | Dottore | @gamergirl-niffler
♡ day 31 - biting | Douma | @sanriokamabodo
515 notes · View notes
oddinary4bts · 2 years
Sinful Lust | myg & jjk
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☆summary: in an attempt to spice up your bedroom life with your boyfriend Min Yoongi, you suggest bringing another man into the action. Yoongi seems reluctant at first, but when you mention his friend Jeon Jungkook, he can’t deny his attraction. All that’s left to do is to convince Jungkook into participating...
☆pairing: bisexual boyfriend!Yoongi x female!reader x Jungkook
☆rating: 18+ (MINORS DNI)
☆genre: mostly smut. a tiny little bit of angst if you squint real hard. an open-ending if I decide to make this into a full fic, snippets of life!au
☆warnings: cursing, alcohol, pet names, explicit content: lingerie set, threesome, dom!jk, sub!yoongi (with a tiny little bit of switch maybe), switch!reader, consent bc consent is important!, oral sex (female and male receiving, male on male, female on male and male on female), Jungkook has a praise kink, dirty (filthy) talking, hair pulling, jerking off, tits play, ass slapping, ass biting, deep throating, clit play, fingering, pussy slapping, ass eating, ass fingering, unprotected sex (please use protection irl), big dick!jungkook, finger sucking, mouth fucking, edging (sorry yoongi), anal sex, double penetration, choking, aftercare (none for jungkook :( )
☆word count: 10.4k
☆a/n: Yeah so. This is pure filth. I am sorry. I lost control of myself and... yeah. No regrets though. I hope you’ll enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it hahaha. Thank you @moonleeai as always for beta-ing this fic <3
☆a/n pt2: also, I switched up my writing style a little for this one bc I wanted to try something new, so my bad if it’s trash. And another thing that’s worth mentioning: I do not own BTS or any of the members. I do not know what they are like irl (I do not claim to know their personalities, sexual orientations, beliefs, etc.). This fic is just a work of fiction, so please keep that in mind while reading
☆series masterpost
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           If there is one thing you have figured out about your boyfriend, it’s that he likes men just as much as women. Has probably never really indulged into his fantasies with the male gender, but you know he desires it, in the deep dark corners of his heart.
You know he has a thing for one of his younger friends. And you can’t blame Yoongi – Jungkook is a source of fantasies even for you. With the sleeve of tattoos, piercings, and his new motorcycle, you’re pretty sure Jeon Jungkook is the initiator of a lot of fantasies in the people surrounding him. Because Jungkook is sinfully beautiful, with his long hair and muscular body. An image of lust and desire.
Yoongi is sitting across from you. Eyes lost in his book, with a strand of his long hair actually hiding his gaze from you. He hasn’t noticed you worrying at your bottom lip, or the way you have been tightening your thighs together for the last minute. You have a clear image in mind: him, going down on Jungkook. And you know Yoongi will say yes if you ask.
Indeed, he’s never refused you anything when it comes to sex. He’s happy to indulge in your own fantasies, and finds pleasure in seeing you come undone. Maybe it’s time you find pleasure in seeing him come undone.
“Yoons”, you breathe.
It’s whiny, the way you say it. Yet he keeps his attention on his book, mouth falling open. “Uh?”
“Is there something you would like to do?”
He looks infinitely confused, and his eyes finally flit to yours. “Right now?”
You nod, tilting your head to the side until it rests against the couch. Your eyes are dark, lustful, and you bash your eyelashes for him.
He immediately gets the meaning.
“Oh.” He puts his bookmark in place, before dropping the book on the coffee table. “Isn’t Jungkook supposed to drop off some stuff later?”
All part of the plan. Jungkook went on a trip to another country a few weeks ago and bought alcohol for you and Yoongi. He’s supposed to drop it off after dinner, and you can’t help the wandering thoughts in your head.
“Yeah?” you let out, sighing heavily.
With a little bit of dramatic effect too, maybe.
“What’s up with you?” Yoongi asks, and there’s the ghost of a smirk on his lips.
It’s been established in your relationship that Yoongi is bisexual. So you don’t feel a tug of regret when you say, “Would you ever be interested in having sex with a man?”
A confused line appears between his eyebrows. “While dating you? I wouldn’t cheat on you.”
You keep silent, wetting your lips, and it takes him a moment for him to understand that that’s not what you meant.
“Oh”, he lets out again. He chuckles, and the smirk reappears on his lips. “What has been troubling your thoughts, sunshine?”
“I know you want it”, you simply state.
He’s not stupid enough to deny it, so he remains silent.
“What do you think about a threesome?” you ask.
At that he ponders for a time. “I don’t know if I’d like sharing you with someone else.”
You had expected that answer. But you know what to say to convince him otherwise. “What do you think about Jungkook?”
You don’t miss the light flush that moves on Yoongi’s cheeks. It’s echoed on your own cheeks.
“What about him?”
You cock an eyebrow, because Yoongi knows just as well as you what you’re implying.
“He’d never say yes.”
Your fingers travel up to your lips, and you pinch the bottom one between your index and thumb. You think for a time. Yoongi is not wrong. You have no idea how you’d convince Jungkook to do something like that. Even if Jungkook is the type to sleep around a lot, you don’t know if he’s ever done anything similar.
More than that, you don’t know if he’d be willing to have sex with one of his friends. But Jungkook… Always willing to offer a helping hand Jungkook… You’re pretty sure he’d do anything for one of his hyungs.
“There’s no hurt in asking”, you point out.
Yoongi folds his arms on his chest. “It could make our friendship pretty awkward.”
You have an inkling Jungkook won’t say no though. So you offer your best puppy eyes to Yoongi.
He chuckles, and shakes his head. But you know by the blush that hasn’t left his cheeks that Yoongi is just as willing as you are to ask.
Maybe he’s been thinking about it himself, you wonder.
You figure you should prepare, if you’re to ask Jungkook tonight. Yoongi helps, and you realize he’s a lot touchier than he usually is. Kissing your neck while he’s hugging you from behind, pressing you against him. It’s his way of saying thank you. You know he probably won’t voice the words, but he’s the man you love.
You know him well enough after all.
The hours tick by slowly, and when you hear the doorbell ring you both startle. You look at Yoongi, and he offers you no salvation. You’re the one that will have to ask.
You make your way to the door, opening it to reveal Jungkook. He’s just as attractive as ever, with his oversized black t-shirt that hides the upper part of his sleeve of tattoos. You drink in the sight, offering him a warm smile as he greets you with his bunny grin.
“Hey Jungkook”, you reply, and you open the door wider for him.
He doesn’t hesitate, stepping in and around you. “Yoongi-hyung!” he says as a way of greeting your boyfriend.
Yoongi has moved closer, and he grabs the bottle of whiskey Jungkook has brought back from Scotland. You notice your boyfriend looks a little uncomfortable, but Jungkook’s eyes have already moved back to you.
“How was the trip?” you ask as you close the door behind him, leaning against it.
Jungkook is holding his biker helmet in one hand. Your thoughts provide you with an image of him riding the motorcycle, and it’s all you can do not to bite your lips.
“It was awesome”, he says. “Road tripping around Great Britain was way more fun than I thought it would be.”
You cock your head to the side prettily. “Was it?”
Jungkook nods, and his eyes dip on your frame. You think he hasn’t noticed the way you’re dressed before, because his eyes widen a little.
You’re wearing jeans, with a set of lingerie under a shirt. Your oversized white dress shirt probably hid it at first, but Jungkook’s gaze takes a while before moving back up to your face.
You’re pretty sure it has gotten a shade darker by the time he meets your gaze again.
“It was”, he replies. He glances at Yoongi, probably wondering if the scorching look you’ve been eyeing him with is normal, or if something’s wrong with Yoongi.
Yoongi is still holding the whiskey bottle, and he raises it a little. “Want a glass?”
Jungkook is a smart man. He doesn’t always let it show, but you know those big, doe eyes of his notice everything. You almost think you won’t even have to ask out loud. He’s already connected the dots by the time he looks back at you.
“I hoped you’d ask.” The words are said in a lower tone than the voice he usually uses. It feels intimate, and a drop of warmth moves down your spine.
“You’ve gone so far to get it for us, it’s only normal we offer some to thank you.”
He gulps. You know he’s fighting internal demons right now, trying not to gaze down at your breasts again. So you push up from the door, walking around Jungkook, close enough for your arm to brush his.
“Why don’t you come in?” you say over your shoulder, as you make your way to the kitchen to get glasses.
You and Yoongi form a great team. Because by the time you join them in the living room, Jungkook is sitting on one end of the couch, and Yoongi is turning on some ambient music. Nothing too high-key, because you don’t want to scare Jungkook away.
You need to make sure he wants this too, even if he probably has connected the dots already.
You put the glasses down on the coffee table next to Yoongi’s book before grabbing the whiskey bottle. Before you open it, you kneel down, sitting on your heels. That way when you pour Jungkook will have a direct view of your cleavage. You take your time pouring, feeling the burn of his gaze on your curves.
“Isn’t she pretty?” Yoongi comments.
He’s bold. Bolder than you thought he would be. But he always does when he becomes horny, and you know your offer has made him hornier than you’ve seen him in a while.
Jungkook tears his gaze away from you, almost reluctantly. He seems to hesitate for a time, and if he hasn’t really caught up to the vibe, he sure has now.
“I’ve always told you your girlfriend is gorgeous”, he agrees.
Yoongi has a smirk playing on his lips, but he remains silent as you finish pouring the glasses. You grab one of them, taking a small sip of the burning liquid. You let it roll on your tongue before swallowing slowly. You keep your neck arched a little, just so Jungkook can see your throat work as you swallow.
He shifts on the couch a little, spreading his muscular thighs open.
“It tastes so good”, you purr.
Jungkook’s lips part open, and he catches a breath. “Does it?”
He’s always looked like the dominant kind. From the stories he’s told you both, you know he is. But if you want to really pleasure Yoongi tonight, you have to make sure you stay in control.
“Taste it yourself”, you say, wetting your lips as you slowly get up.
You keep the same glass you just drank in, and you walk around the coffee table to offer it to Jungkook. He glances at Yoongi as you do, and Yoongi runs a hand through his hair, smiling at his friend.
Jungkook grabs the glass you hand him. You don’t let it go right away, and you smirk as Jungkook looks up at you. He plays with his piercing, before offering you a dashing smile. You let go of the glass and watch him as he takes a sip.
He swallows just as well as you just did.
Your smirk turns satisfied, and you turn back around to grab the two other glasses. You give one to Yoongi, and then you sit next to him. Your boyfriend wraps an arm around your shoulder until you’ve molded yourself perfectly at his side. He moves your hair behind your shoulder, before kissing the spot on your neck over the collar of your shirt.
You tilt your head to the side, offering him better access as he sucks on the skin, and you never gaze away from Jungkook.
You’re pretty sure he hasn’t blinked in a few minutes now.
“We’ve been thinking”, you say as Yoongi presses a wet kiss on your neck before pulling away, observing the mark he put on your skin. “We have to thank you properly.”
Jungkook shifts a little again, and if you didn’t want to keep the eye contact you would look down at his lap to see if he’s already aroused. He bites at his piercing, and his gaze moves from you to Yoongi, before resting on you again. “A glass is plenty enough.”
You know he’s lying. His voice is husky, low. You’ve never heard him speaking like that before and it only makes you want him more.
Want him for Yoongi too.
“We can offer you a lot more”, Yoongi says. He shifts too, and you know he’s already hard. You decide to be bold, and you let your free hand fall to his lap. It rests on the top of his thigh, and you gently pat him.
“We sure can”, you echo. You wet your lips, though Jungkook is looking at where you’re touching Yoongi. You don’t miss the flash of envy that moves on his features. “If you want to.”
You’re not sure if he expected you to ask for explicit consent. He holds your gaze for a few seconds, before knocking back his glass and drinking the whole of it.
Anticipation builds up in your core as his dark eyes find your face again. He’s smirking, and it’s a dangerous look on his features. You’re pretty sure he can consume both you and Yoongi if he wants to.
“If I want what?”
He’s teasing. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, and it only burns brighter as your hand moves to Yoongi’s dick. You palm him through his jeans, and Yoongi rests his forehead against the back of your shoulder. Probably because he’s growing shy, and he’s afraid Jungkook is going to refuse.
“We could make you feel good”, you purr. You palm Yoongi harder. “Couldn’t we, baby?”
He moans against the back of your shoulder, and you let a dangerous smirk of your own move on your lips.
“Pretty sure that meant yes.”
Jungkook shifts. This time your eyes betray you and they fall to the bulge that has already appeared in his pants. He looks big, but you quickly move your gaze back up to his face.
“You guys want to fuck me?”
Jungkook is crude. You didn’t expect that from him, yet it suits him well. It suits his fuckboy persona far more than you thought it would. But it also explains why he’s been able to sleep around like that – he knows what he’s doing.
Yoongi looks up from your shoulder at that. He surprises you with his next words. “We want to show you how you’ve been good for us.”
Yoongi is not the dominant type. It happens, sometimes, and you didn’t think it’d come out when you’d be with Jungkook. You’re happy it has though, because Jungkook loses the dark look. It turns into want, unexpectedly, and it makes you understand one thing: he has a praise kink.
  “Such a good boy, who bought whiskey for us. Right, Yoons?”
Yoongi sinks his teeth into your shoulder. It takes you by surprise, and you let out a small moan. Jungkook watches carefully, putting his glass down on the coffee table. You drink from yours, never breaking eye contact, a little like you did earlier.
It works just as well, and you’re pretty sure Jungkook shifts purposefully closer to you. He’s not close enough for you to touch, but you can tell he wants it.
“You’re going to jerk him off in front of me?” he asks.
He’s figured out the dynamic of sex between you and Yoongi, hasn’t he? He knows you’re the dominant one, and something about it makes him want to dominate Yoongi with you.
Jungkook is right where you want him to be.
“I might”, you say innocently. “Would you like that?”
You cock your head to the side, and Yoongi goes back to sucking a mark on your skin. It makes your focus on Jungkook waver a little, and heat pools at your core.
Jungkook doesn’t seem to know for a time. He’s probably never been in a situation like that before. But he finds the strength to smirk, nodding once. “I wonder what kind of sounds hyung makes when he comes.”
Yoongi bucks his hips, searching for more friction. Jungkook is turning him on far quicker than you usually do.
“Then why don’t you help me get him out of his pants?”
The question takes Jungkook aback. He didn’t expect you’d want him to participate in pleasuring Yoongi, didn’t he?
He wets his lips, his tongue playing with his piercing for a time, before he replies. “I’m not sure what you want me to do.” He looks like he wants to please though.
“Why don’t you get on your knees in front of him?”
Jungkook’s mouth is parted. He doesn’t know what to do, but he watches you bite your lower lip, before nodding once again. While he positions himself, you take the glass of whiskey out of Yoongi’s hand, before putting it along with yours on the coffee table. It brings Jungkook very close to you and you freeze as he grabs your jaw. His face is inches away from yours when he says, “Can I at least kiss you before I suck his dick?” Because he knows that’s what you want. He understood as soon as you suggested him kneeling in front of Yoongi.
Yoongi’s breathing grows louder. Jungkook lets you turn your head towards your boyfriend. You make sure Yoongi is willing, cocking an eyebrow in question. He pats your back, sitting back on the couch to watch.
Your eyes trail back to Jungkook, and you see him swallow once as you close the distance between the two of you, one hand landing on the nape of his neck to bring him closer. He kisses you slower than you expected, and his piercing presses an indent into your lips. When he swipes at your bottom lip with his tongue, you open your mouth.
Jungkook is a good kisser. It takes you aback, and you moan in his mouth. The moan turns to a pained whimper when Yoongi grabs your hair and pulls you back.
“Enough”, he says.
You think he’s angry, but you only notice that he’s freed his dick from his pants while you were kissing Jungkook. And he’s slowly stroking it. For a second, you bite your lip, wanting to dive down and wrap your lips around his tip, but you resist.
The goal is to get Jungkook to suck his dick, not you.
Jungkook seems taken aback. He’s breathing heavily, lips parted as his eyes avoid Yoongi’s dick. He looks at your boyfriend’s thighs, at his face, but he clearly ignores the dick that’s standing prettily about a foot in front of his face.
“Don’t be shy”, you encourage him.
Jungkook blushes a little, and his eyes settle on you. “I’ve never done this before.”
The little bit of insecurity that shines on his face takes you by surprise. You gently cup his cheek, glancing back at Yoongi once before you focus on Jungkook.
“You’re so good at everything”, you praise. He swallows, listening to you intently. “Show me that you can be good at this too.”
When you pull him closer to Yoongi’s dick, Jungkook doesn’t resist. He follows your lead, until his mouth is but an inch away from your boyfriend’s cock. Yoongi is holding it up, and he’s watching Jungkook with round eyes.
You can tell he’s wanted this for a while by the bead of precum that sits on the slit.
“Why don’t you lick it first, mmh?” you encourage Jungkook. “So you can get a taste.”
He gulps, and his eyes flutter shut as he obeys. Yoongi sucks in a breath as Jungkook licks at his slit, hesitantly at first. But then he seems to steel himself, and he swirls his tongue around the tip of Yoongi’s dick once, then twice.
You can tell Yoongi’s aching to grab the back of Jungkook’s head so he can fuck his mouth by the way his grip on you tightens. It hurts a little, but you’re fascinated. You can’t look away as Jungkook wraps his lips around the head, sucking once.
Yoongi hisses, before letting out a low, “Shibal”.
You think the word is the hottest thing you’ve ever heard Yoongi say before.
“See, you make him feel so good already”, you praise Jungkook, and he lets out a small moan.
He likes it. That much you can tell. He really does, because one of his hands replaces Yoongi’s at the base of his dick. That frees your boyfriend’s hands, and it doesn’t take him long to pull you in a heated kiss that leaves you breathless. You suck on his tongue and swallow the moans he lets out as Jungkook starts bobbing his head up and down. Slowly at first, then finding a rhythm that seems to be comfortable.
Probably because Yoongi has moved one hand to Jungkook’s hair, and he’s guiding him down on his dick. It’s your turn to moan now, and you go back to kissing Yoongi.
He’s panting, trying to focus on your lips, but some part of you tells you he wants to look at Jungkook. So you pull away and sure enough Yoongi’s eyelids shoot open, and his gaze glues to where Jungkook is working on him.
Jungkook is holding your boyfriend’s cock up with his tattooed hand. His long fingers make Yoongi seem smaller than he looks in your own hand, but you know your boyfriend stretches you well enough. You already think about fucking yourself on his dick, using Jungkook’s spit as lube…
You need friction, and soon. You quickly shrug off the cotton dress shirt. Jungkook opens his eyes, and his gaze trails to you. He drinks you in as you palm one of your breasts through the lingerie. It makes you feel hot, even though he’s currently almost choking on your boyfriend’s dick.
Especially as Yoongi bucks his hips, and he hits the back of Jungkook’s throat. You’re surprised to hear Jungkook moan, and for a time you think it’s the most beautiful sound you’ve heard in your life.
You’ve unbuttoned your pants by the time Jungkook has blinked some tears away, and you’re pulling them down your legs when he sits back on his heels to catch his breath.
Yoongi is a mess. Head thrown back against the couch, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down each time he swallows or gulps. You’re pretty sure he could finish like that, but you want to give him more.
“You’re so good”, you praise Jungkook. “You could make him come like that.”
Jungkook slowly jerks Yoongi off while his eyes trace every curve of your body, as if you’re a piece of art he has yet to understand. He doesn’t seem like he wants Yoongi to come down his throat, and you’re not sure you can blame him. But still he looks at the two of you with fire in his gaze. He doesn’t want to stop either, and you watch him battle conflicted emotions for a time.
“But aren’t we supposed to be the ones making you feel good?” you add, offering him salvation.
“I feel good”, he admits, and he flushes deep red.
You smirk, playing with your tit again. You pinch your nipple through the fabric, brows almost touching as you let out a small moan. Jungkook has stopped jerking off Yoongi by now, and you look down at your boyfriend’s dick. He’s leaking precum, and you bite on your lip.
“Do you think I should suck him too?” you ask. Before Jungkook can reply, you turn your attention to Yoongi. He’s already looking at you through half-lidded eyes. “Will you be a good boy and not come down my throat, mmh?”
Yoongi doesn’t seem like he can even think coherent thoughts. Still he nods, mostly because he’s probably on the verge of an orgasm and he has no sanity left.
You look at Jungkook. He’s sat back on his heels, and he’s palming himself through his pants. The bulge has grown a lot more by now, and you weren’t wrong before: he clearly has a huge dick.
You salivate at the thought, knowing just how well it matches his large frame. You wonder if he tastes like your boyfriend. You’re not sure Yoongi would like you doing that; he’s shown a little possessiveness earlier when you were kissing Jungkook. So you focus on taking off your jeans for now. The fabric feels too tight against your skin, and you need them off before you start blowing Yoongi’s dick.
Jungkook watches you, as does your boyfriend. You’re stuck not really knowing what to do next. Because both men clearly want something from you. You’re surprised when Yoongi speaks up.
“Do you want to taste her too?” he asks.
Your eyes widen a little, and Jungkook gulps once. “If you don’t mind.”
“She’s got the sweetest taste, of course I don’t mind.”
You meet Yoongi’s gaze. You realize he’s doing this for you. He knows you find Jungkook attractive too, and he’s ready to give you what you want.
It makes you love him even more. So you go in for a kiss, kneeling next to Yoongi.
You startle when Jungkook slaps your ass. “Why don’t you get in a position where I can eat you out while you take my place at hyung’s dick, mmh?”
You almost forgot Jungkook is more on the dominant side too. If you weren’t already soaking through the lingerie, you know his words would have made you drip.
You obey him, mostly because you’re afraid Yoongi’s going to change his mind. But your boyfriend doesn’t seem like he will, and he offers you a sweet smile and a nod of his head to indicate that he wants this just as much as you do.
You stop hesitating. While you get on all fours, Yoongi finishes taking off his pants and underwear. His skin is red where the pants have been tight against his skin, and you massage his thighs mindlessly while Jungkook moves.
He takes off his shirt, and you’re pretty sure both you and Yoongi have frozen as he stands next to you, the hard planes of his body making both of you salivate. Jungkook works out a lot, and the results are satisfying, giving him a body you could spend hours admiring. He looks like a perfect Greek god, and you’re struck dumb. It doesn’t last long, because he quickly moves behind you, sitting on the couch until his face is at a level with your raised ass.
Before you have a chance to turn and focus on Yoongi’s dick, Jungkook bites in your ass, hard, and then sucks on the skin.        
He’s been dying to leave a mark on you too since he saw Yoongi do it, hasn’t he? It makes you moan, and as your pussy clenches around nothing, you grab Yoongi’s cock by the base to bring it up to your mouth. And you’re relentless, sucking him just how you know he likes it. You’re probably better than Jungkook, just because you know how to please Yoongi like the back of your hand, and his cock hardens in your mouth.
You know Yoongi could come just like that. But he told you he wouldn’t, and you trust him. So you give him your best, taking as much of him in as you can, keeping the gag reflex in as he hits the back of your throat. One of your hands starts playing with his balls, with just the right pressure, and you moan around his cock loudly when Jungkook cups your pussy through the lingerie set.
“She’s soaked”, he tells Yoongi.
Yoongi chuckles. “She’s probably dying to be fucked.”
Oh the little shit. Jungkook slaps your ass again, and it stings. “I assume you’ll be the one to fuck her.”
“Don’t think she can take both of us at the same time.”
Listening to them talk about fucking you like that is making you forget what you’re supposed to do. You make to pull away, but then someone holds your head in place.
“We didn’t say you could stop.”
It’s Jungkook. And as he holds you down, Yoongi starts fucking up in your mouth, hitting the back of your throat. If you weren’t busy choking around the dick in your mouth, you’d hear the sound of kissing.
Indeed, Yoongi pulled Jungkook into a kiss, and surprisingly enough Jungkook didn’t resist. No, he’s been enjoying this far more than he expected he would.
You blink back tears as Yoongi keeps hitting the back of your throat. It’s not your first time doing something like this, though Yoongi is usually softer with you. It seems bringing Jungkook into the action has changed him, because he’s relentless, fucking your mouth hard.
You don’t care. Not a single bit, because Jungkook has pulled the lingerie set to the side, just enough for two of his long fingers to start drawing circles on your clit. You moan, and the sound is echoed by a grunt from Yoongi.
“You’re two messes”, Jungkook says as he dips his fingers inside of you up to the first knuckle. He’s collecting your juice, and a second later he’s back to drawing quick circles on your clit. “Begging to be fucked by me.”
The moan Yoongi lets out this time is higher pitched. More like a whine, and you choke around his dick as he thrusts up hard. You would pull away if you didn’t know Jungkook is going to force you back down. Right now, you want him to pleasure you, and you move back a little, seeking for friction on his hand.
He pulls the hand away, before slapping your pussy hard. You whine around Yoongi’s cock, and your boyfriend grabs a handful of your hair. You can imagine him, with his head thrown back on the couch. Not knowing where to look between you and Jungkook. And apart from the light touch of his fingers on your clit, you don’t know what Jungkook is doing. Is he touching himself, or is he watching Yoongi? Is he discovering he might like this more than he expected, or is he searching for a way out?
“Should I get her ready for us, hyung?”
The little brat. You know your boyfriend will feel intimidated by having to dominate you with someone else. But still, Yoongi says, “You sucked my dick, it’s only fair I let you fuck my girl”.            
You’re not sure if it’s fair. But thinking about Jungkook fucking you with Yoongi… it makes you go haywire. You dig your nails in Yoongi’s thigh, where you’ve been holding yourself up for a moment after you stopped playing with his balls. He hisses in pain, but you’re swirling your tongue around his tip, playing with his frenulum just the way he likes.
Jungkook is silent for a time. He moves his fingers from your clit to your entrance, circling it once to collect more juice. But then instead of moving back down to your clit, he moves up, and your pussy clenches as his fingers play with the circle of muscle of your asshole.
“Have you ever been fucked by two guys at the same time?” he asks. You don’t know if he wants an answer, so you keep sucking your boyfriend. Jungkook slaps your ass again, and his fingers go back to your clit.
You understand his question was rhetorical when something very wet replaces his fingers on your ass. His tongue. He uses it to play with the ring of muscle, even going all the way as to dip his tongue inside. You want to reach back and touch him, but you can’t let go of your boyfriend.
Not when Yoongi is using your mouth like this.
The fingers Jungkook has been using on your clit move back to your entrance once again. This time, he dips them in, deep, without a moment of hesitation. You clench around him and he spreads the fingers, fighting against your walls. This time, you pull away to moan, face falling on your boyfriend’s stomach as you jerk him off quickly, holding his dick tight in your grip.
Yoongi’s shirt is clinging to him, sweaty from the action. Though he’s mostly just been benefiting from what you and Jungkook do, you know his heart has been beating out of his chest. You raise your head to look at him, but he’s busy looking at Jungkook. It makes you glance back, and you think you could almost come watching Jungkook work on you like that.
Jungkook has his eyes closed, brows knit together as if he’s in deep focus. You can only see the top of his face from where he’s eating your ass, and his fingers make squelching sounds as they fuck into your pussy.
You’re so wet you’re almost convinced you could take both of the men in your pussy. The thought makes you moan, a pornographic sound that makes Jungkook’s eyes open. He pulls away, and he slaps your ass as you just stare at him.
“Why are you not sucking hyung anymore?” he asks, cocking his head to the side as he observes you with that dark lustful gaze of his. “You can’t focus?”
As he says the words, he fucks his fingers harder into you, and the knuckles of his other fingers almost hurt as they hit the soft flesh on both sides of your pussy. You can tell you’ll be sore once Jungkook is done with you. Once Yoongi is done with you too.
Your nails once again dig in Yoongi’s thigh, and he quickly grabs your hand to move it away. He puts it back on his balls, and you massage gently, not wanting to hurt him. You try to straighten, but Jungkook puts a hand on the top of your back, shoving you down towards your boyfriend’s dick.
“Be a good girl and suck him, baby, he’s been so good to us both.”
You obey, and your tongue is back on Yoongi in no time, tasting the salty precum that keeps leaking from his cock. Jungkook laps at your hole once again, and it’s a new feeling. You’ve never done that before, but he knows what he’s doing. So much so that you’re barely surprised when he dips his thumb in your ass, pushing hard against the tight ring of muscle until your hole has swallowed all of his digit.
You could come soon. You’re pretty sure if you focus just for a few seconds, you’ll be coming all around Jungkook’s fingers. But you don’t want to come just yet, you want to enjoy every little jolt of electricity Jungkook pulls from you.
Maybe your lack of attention on Yoongi has given him back his thoughts, because your boyfriend grabs one of your breasts in his large hand, his grip tight. You reward him by swallowing his dick whole, letting your throat work around his head.
You’re becoming more wet with every movement of Jungkook’s fingers inside of you. So much so that he adds a third one with ease, stretching you wide open. You don’t even know who he’s trying to get you ready for: Yoongi, or himself?
You don’t care. You want both of them to fuck you.
But you want a little control too, you want to know what’s happening. As Jungkook fucks his digits inside of you, you pull away from Yoongi’s cock.
“Jungkook, why don’t you finish undressing?”
He stops moving, probably not expecting you to still be vocal. But he obeys you, mostly because his dick has been straining against his pants for a while. You can’t imagine it being comfortable.
While he undresses, you climb on Yoongi’s lap, your back facing him. You grab his dick, holding it up long enough so you can sink onto it, and you moan breathlessly as you go as far deep as you can, until all of him is gripped in all of you. You clench around him, and his large hands find your waist as he grunts.
And while you’re fucking yourself on Yoongi, you turn to look at Jungkook. He’s even more beautiful than you imagined he’d be: his cock is huge, definitely larger than your boyfriend. You almost think you won’t be able to take him in, but something about the way he smiles devilishly tells you he knows how to get you all ready for him. His dick has a large vein that goes from the base all the way to the tip. You want to run your tongue on it, but he’s sitting a little too far again, muscular thighs spread wide as he strokes his cock lazily.
His eyes follow you as you move up and down on Yoongi, and your boyfriend’s fingers dig in the supple flesh on your hips as he guides you on himself. But when Yoongi moans again, you don’t miss the way Jungkook’s eyes dart to him, his grip around his dick tightening as he starts going faster.
“You like it, mmh?” you tease him, regaining his attention.
Jungkook plays with his piercing, his head resting against the couch as he watches you.
“You could suck my clit while I fuck myself on Yoongi.”
Your suggestion is barely out of your mouth before Jungkook gets up. His dick stands proud and tall, and you look back at Yoongi to see him already drinking in the sight. He fucks into you then, and you slow down so he can use you however he wants.
Jungkook jerks himself off, gently, making his way towards you. He stands in front of you, and you can’t help but look down at his dick. At the large head, that shines red as precum appears on his slit. Your eyes trail up to his face, and the smirk on his lips tell you enough of what he wants.
He wants you to choke on his dick. But he understood something too, earlier when you asked Yoongi for permission.
“Hyung, can I fuck her mouth?”
Yoongi moans loudly as your mouth falls open.
“Say it with your words.” Jungkook is indecent. You’re pretty sure he’d tie the both of you up and use you both however he wanted if you let him.
“As long as she likes it”, Yoongi replies breathlessly. He slows down his movements into you, but he pulls you lower, until all of his dick is sheathed inside of you. He then circles his hips, and it makes him reach places unknown to you before. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you moan loudly.
The moan is interrupted by two digits sitting on your tongue. Your eyes shoot open, and you instinctively close your mouth around the fingers, sucking once. Jungkook cocks his head to the side as you start playing with the pad of his digits, hollowing your cheeks as you suck another time.
“You really want to suck my dick, don’t you?”
You do. You also want to see Yoongi sucking his dick, but you’re not sure the position allows it. So you nod, keeping Jungkook’s fingers in your mouth for as long as he allows before he’s grabbing the back of your head, dragging you closer to his cock.
You resist a little, just because you want to be a little brat, and Jungkook slaps your cheek with his cock once.
“Open up your throat.”
His words convey a command you’re wired to give in too. No matter how much you like to dominate, you’re not sure you have it in you to disobey him when he speaks the words with such a husky voice.
So you open your mouth, and you let him move your head until he can thrust into your mouth. He’s big. Large. It hurts your jaw a little, and your eyes water as he reaches the back of your throat faster than you thought he would. It doesn’t deter him, and he pulls almost all the way out before thrusting in again.
Below you, Yoongi is still circling his hips, and he grunts as you clench your walls around him, instinctively. Your juice is dripping down his balls, tickling him, and he has the clear image of Jungkook licking him clean. He almost wants to ask, but he’s too shy. All he can do is fuck you as he listens to you choking on Jungkook’s dick.
Jungkook fucks your mouth another couple of times before he lets go of the back of your head, moving your hair to the side to reveal your neck. He caresses it with one long finger, and you take the lead, grabbing a hold of his dick as you swallow once, your throat tightening against him.
The sound he lets out makes you think you’ve reached nirvana. It also makes Yoongi fuck up into you, and though he’s already hitting your cervix, you almost think he’s gotten deeper.
You offer Jungkook’s cock the same care you offered Yoongi’s earlier. You suck him dry, licking up at his head to taste his precum. It tastes a little different than Yoongi’s. A little sweeter, and you think you could get drunk off of it. It’s addictive, and all you can do is swallow as much of him as you can, hollowing your cheeks around him.
You try to look up at him, but the position doesn’t really allow him. You’re bent and you’d have to stop sucking his dick to be able to turn your head enough to look at him. You can’t resist the impulse though, and you hold his dick with one hand as you pull away, licking down his length, with your head tilted to the side until you can look up at him.
He’s not looking at you. His head is thrown back, revealing a sharp jawline that could cut through glass. You can’t resist yourself, and you let your teeth graze the sensitive skin of his dick.
He looks down so fast you almost think he gets whiplash. Instead, he just surveys you with a dark dangerous look on his features. It makes you add your own movements to Yoongi’s action, and your boyfriend’s grip on your hips tightens even more.
“I thought you were supposed to suck my clit”, you tell Jungkook, maintaining eye contact as you tap his dick on the side of your face, tongue darting out until you’ve found the frenulum.
He seems angry, towering over you like that. You’ve seen him eating good food enough before to know that that’s because he’s enjoying himself. “When you can suck my dick like that?”
You pull away, and surprisingly enough he lets you go. You start moving up and down on Yoongi again, cocking your head to the side. “But poor Yoongi is barely getting any action.”
Jungkook looks at your boyfriend. You’re not sure he’ll understand what you want, but a few seconds later he drops to his knees.
“Maybe he just needs me to suck on his balls, don’t you think?”
You moan, almost in time as Yoongi. Jungkook is bold. Crazy, even. You lose a hand in his hair as he dives in. He stops by your clit first, sucking it hard. It makes you clench around the cock spearing you, earning you a grunt from your boyfriend. He’s rock hard inside of you, and you’re pretty sure it’s taking all of his will not to come.
He suddenly straightens and wraps an arm around your middle as Jungkook moves lower. You assume Jungkook sucked on one of his balls, and Yoongi lets out a low string of curses that makes a knot tighten in your core.
You’re far from being ready to let it uncoil. But you can tell Yoongi will come if Jungkook keeps doing whatever he’s doing.
“Yoons, you think you can hold on a little longer for us?” you purr.
His forehead is resting on the back of your shoulder, so you feel it when he nods. But he has no words for you, just a broken string of moans that form a melody in your ears as you keep moving up and down. You taunt him, clenching your walls once, and the moans turn into a hiss.
“Never thought hyung was such a good boy”, Jungkook says as he pulls away. He’s got spit on his chin and your hand moves from his hair to his chin so you can dry it.
And instead of letting it air dry, you bring your thumb to your mouth, licking it dry. Jungkook just watches you carefully, and then he’s moving back to your clit.
The next few minutes are lost to you. The orgasm that hits you takes you by surprise, almost bringing Yoongi down with you. But he’s better than you, and he just forces you to still your movements as your walls pulse against his dick.
Jungkook is too skilled with his tongue. Flicking your clit in a way that makes you see stars, until they’ve exploded and you’re just left panting for dear life.
“You ask him not to come and then you just do?” Jungkook teases. “How unfair.”
He stands, licking his lip dry. You’re spent, head thrown back and resting against your boyfriend’s shoulder. Yoongi is still holding you, one of his hands palming your breast through your lingerie set.
You’re pretty sure it’s ruined at this point. Jungkook bends down, and to your surprise he steals a kiss on your boyfriend’s lips. Yoongi moans in his mouth, and while they kiss Jungkook’s hand sneaks under you. He finds the place where the lingerie is attached, and quickly releases it.
You turn your head, pressing a kiss to Yoongi’s cheek. Jungkook must have sensed it, because a second later he’s meeting your lips. You can still taste a little bit of yourself on him, though you know Yoongi lapped most of it clean.
“Let’s get her out of this”, Jungkook says as he pulls away.
Yoongi obeys, and he pulls the lingerie set over your head, until your breasts are finally revealed. Your nipples are perked on your chest, hardened by the pleasure that just ran to you. Your boyfriend palms them as Jungkook watches, and he’s back to stroking his dick.
You reach out, and your hand finds his balls as he pleasures himself. He tilts his head to the side, but he lets you do as you want. You’re weak from the orgasm that just rocked through you, and Jungkook looks as if he’s coated in an aura.
You know it’s the ecstasy from you coming so hard, but some part of you want to believe he’s a fallen angel.
As you palm him, Jungkook’s gaze slides to Yoongi’s next to you. Yoongi wets his lips, and his eyes drop to his friend’s dick.
“You want to get a taste?”
Really, Jungkook is not familiar with sanity. He doesn’t care for it, only wants to ruin the both of you. You’re forced to let go of his balls as he moves until he’s got one knee resting on the armrest of the couch. He holds his dick up towards Yoongi, and you let out a slow whimper as Yoongi wraps his lips around Jungkook’s large head.
You realize then that Yoongi probably has had lots of experience with men before you came into his life, because he clearly knows what he’s doing. Jungkook looks almost pained, brows touching on his forehead as his mouth falls open. He’s panting after a few seconds, and his eyes fall on you.
“Fuck”, he curses. “I don’t know which of you sucks best.”
From the moans he lets out next, you’re pretty sure it’s Yoongi. But you don’t care, you’re too busy circling your hips so Yoongi’s cock reaches every little spot in you that can make you see stars.
Jungkook observes you. You think he’s been watching you more than Yoongi. And as Yoongi bobs his head up and down, taking more of Jungkook’s cock than you ever could, the younger man bends down and presses his lips against yours.
The kiss is sweet and slow. With no tongue, just his lips working against yours. His are infinitely soft, and you moan in his mouth. He keeps on kissing you, to a slow and steady rhythm that almost aches.
You miss him as soon as he straightens. But you don’t miss the way his gaze hardens as he holds yours. He looks sad, for just a fleeting moment. The next moment the look is gone, replaced by a lustful expression.
“Fuck”, Jungkook says, and he looks away from you to meet Yoongi’s gaze as your boyfriend keeps sucking him. “I want to get the chance to fuck her before I come.”
Yoongi whines, and he reluctantly pulls away from Jungkook’s cock. The latter refuses to meet your gaze anymore, and he motions to the couch.
“Hyung, why don’t you lie down?” he says.
You clench your jaw, before getting up from Yoongi’s lap. Your pussy clenches around nothing for the first time in a while, and you stand next to Jungkook as Yoongi moves. You startle as Jungkook slaps your ass, hard.
“Do you think your asshole is ready to take him?”
He meets your gaze now. He’s about to drag you to hell with him, and you admit you should be scared. Somehow, you aren’t, and you just want him to use you the way that he wants.
“I don’t know”, you whisper.
“Bend down”, he orders.
You nod, facing the couch until your chest is pressed against the back rest. You hold yourself up with a knee propped on the side of the couch, and your eyes turn to Yoongi. He’s holding his dick, jerking off slower than his usual. Probably because he’s already too close to coming.
You jerk forward as Jungkook lands another slap to your ass. It stings, and he parts your cheeks to reveal your asshole to him again. One of his hands moves between your legs, collecting your juice as he dips two fingers inside of you again. Once he thinks his digits to be lubricated enough, Jungkook pulls out and moves them to your asshole. He seems to hesitate for a time, and you bite your lips as you hear him spit, and the blob of saliva lands on your hole a second later.
Only then does Jungkook push his fingers inside your ass. He fingers it slowly, with scissoring motions that make your legs tremble, but you hold on strong. You keep holding Yoongi’s gaze for as long as you can, but when Jungkook adds a third finger, you lose the battle against your drooping eyelids.
The feeling is foreign. It doesn’t feel as good as when he was fingering your pussy earlier. Yet it makes you clench your pussy around nothing, makes clear juice collect around the entrance again, until you’re dripping on Yoongi under you.
Jungkook starts going faster, and when he slaps your ass with his free hand you moan loudly, hiding your face in the couch cushion. You wince when Jungkook pulls you by the hair, forcing you to look at Yoongi again.
“Look at him”, he commands. “You’re going to have his cock deep inside your ass soon.”
Yoongi is jerking himself faster than before when you finally are able to open your eyes. His jaw is clenched hard, and you can see a vein popping in his neck. You reach between the two of you, and he lets you grab his dick, though you only offer him a slow job as you’re too weak from Jungkook’s ministrations.
Jungkook takes that as a cue to pull his fingers out of your ass.
“Sit on him.”
You’re slow to obey. Yoongi sits up a little to help you, and a moment later you sit on him reverse-cowgirl style. You look up at Jungkook, waiting for his next order, but surprisingly enough Yoongi acts on his own. He angles his dick with your ass, moving it between your cheeks twice before settling it against the ring of muscle.
You wait for Jungkook to give you permission, and when he nods you sink down on Yoongi.
His dick is far bigger than Jungkook’s three fingers. It hurts a little more, even though Yoongi took the time to use his spit as lube before he aligned his dick with your ass. You wince, but you refuse to close your eyes, holding Jungkook’s gaze until Yoongi is deep inside of you.
“What a fucking pretty picture”, Jungkook murmurs.
Yoongi lies back down, bringing you with him. He puts his feet up on the couch, to give himself leverage so he can slowly move in and out of your ass. Never fully leaving you empty, but always keeping a steady rhythm. The initial discomfort slowly melts into pleasure, and your hand moves between your legs, until you’re drawing circles on your clit.
Jungkook surveys you for a moment before he decides to join the fun. It’s a little awkward at first, as he positions himself, but soon enough he’s kneeling between both your legs and Yoongi’s. He spits in his hand, rubbing his palm on the head of his dick for a few seconds as his eyes fall to the spot where Yoongi is slowly fucking you. He must like what he sees, because his features turn hungry.
He’s going to wreck you.
Jungkook positions himself at your entrance. He uses his dick to rub on your clit a few times, and you bite down on your lip as he does it. It feels good, better than you thought it would, but you’re pretty sure that’s just because Yoongi is still fucking your ass, and your body is craving for more. Jungkook’s features soften as he meets your gaze, but when he starts pushing in, your eyes shut.          
It hurts. A lot. Yoongi stills inside of you as you let out a pained sound. Jungkook gives you a moment to adjust, and then he’s pushing in a little more. The tip is fully in by the time he stops again, and you’re panting as Yoongi holds you tight to his chest. He runs a soothing hand on your side, and you take a deep breath to try and relax.
You startle when a hand cups your cheek, making your eyes fly open. It’s Jungkook, and he makes sure you’re looking at him, solely focused on his gaze, before he finishes thrusting in.
You weren’t wrong. He’s enormous inside of you. Way bigger than Yoongi. But you don’t know if the feeling is confused because Yoongi’s dick is still up your ass. You feel so full you think you might explode. Jungkook gently runs his thumb on your cheek, and you take a deep breath in time with him. You slowly breathe it out, and the ache between your legs slowly changes.
It still hurts, but not as much, and you nod slowly to indicate to Jungkook that you’re ready. He’s gentle as he pulls out, before thrusting all the way in once again. You moan, and everything clenches around the two dicks. Yoongi tightens his hold on your middle, fingers digging in your ribs. He’s probably going to come without even having to move, his body succumbing to all the edging you and Jungkook gave him.
It takes a moment for your pussy to adjust. But it eventually does. Jungkook sees the change in you, and he grabs your waist carefully as he gets ready to pound into you. He’s not quite ready to do it yet though.
“Hyung, why don’t you fill her ass with your come?” he says. “You like it, uh? When I fuck into her like that?”
Yoongi curses again. “Yes.”
“I’m pretty sure she’s willing for you to come now”, Jungkook continues.
You nod. “Please come for me, baby.”
Jungkook clenches his jaw at the pet name, but his eyes roll to the back of his head as Yoongi starts moving again. And then Jungkook is thrusting in you, in synch with Yoongi, and all you can focus on is the spot between your legs. The two cocks spearing you, fucking into you relentlessly until you’re on the verge of another orgasm.
You’re a moaning mess. Both men also moan their share, being vocal in their pleasure. Yoongi is the first one to reach his high between the three of you. He stills deep inside of you, releasing his hot seed in your ass as Jungkook keeps fucking into you. The latter must see you’re on the verge of coming undone too, because he reaches between your bodies, until his thumb is rubbing on your clit.
You come next, painting Yoongi’s pelvic white as his come drips from your ass. You don’t remember when he pulled out, but the feeling joined with Jungkook’s thumb brought you to your orgasm, and it hits you with a renewed intensity. It blurs your vision, turning it fully white, and there’s ringing in your ears when you finally fall from the high.
Jungkook hasn’t come yet. He waits until you’re looking at him again, and his hand wraps around your throat as he leans forward, just to hit a better angle for himself. And then he’s coming too, ropes and ropes of his seed that he plants deep inside of you, barely even slowing his rhythm. He milks his orgasm inside of you, with knitted brows and his teeth digging in his lower lip. It almost looks painful, and you reach up to pull his lip free of his teeth.
Only then does he still inside of you, though his dick twitches a few times again before it finally rests too.
There’s nothing but the sound of breathing for a time. From Yoongi beneath you and Jungkook above you. Your own breath is ragged, and you’re not sure you have blinked since Jungkook has come. Your eyes are lost in his, and you drink in the emotions that pass in his gaze.
You wonder if it’s regret that makes him pull away until all you can watch is his profile as he sits on the other side of the couch. You feel his seed roll down your pussy, sliding over your sensitive hole until it drips on Yoongi, mixing with his own come.
It’s sinful. What you did tonight is sinful, and your body is already sore from it. But as Yoongi presses a kiss on the back of your shoulder, you know you would do it all again.
It takes a moment before Yoongi lets you go. He always holds you after you’ve done the deed. It’s something that’s always been important to the two of you. But it feels a little unfair today, because Jungkook is sitting on his side of the couch and he looks infinitely lonely over there. So you sit up, moving off of Yoongi until he can sit up too.
“Do you guys want a glass of water?” you ask.
“Please”, Jungkook answers, and Yoongi nods once when you meet his gaze.
You get up from the couch with shaky legs, and you wince as you feel more come roll down your thighs. You bend down to grab Yoongi’s shirt, pulling it over your head, and then you’re off to clean yourself and grab water for the two men.
When you come back from your trip to the bathroom and the kitchen, you’re hit with the smell of sex that clings to the living room. You’d open the windows right away if you didn’t know how cold it is outside, so you instead move to the boys to offer them their glasses.
Both of them have put their pants back on, and Jungkook is holding his shirt in his lap, looking at it with a troubled expression. If they have talked while you were gone, they’re now completely silent.
“Here”, you say as you hand the glasses.
Yoongi grabs his and gulps it down in long sips, while Jungkook barely looks up at his before taking it. It takes him a few seconds before he’s drinking, and you turn your head away from his pretty features to look at your boyfriend instead.
Yoongi is already looking at you. He offers you a loving smile, the one he reserves just for you. It makes you smile too, filling your chest with warmth as you move towards him, until you’re sitting on his lap with your arms wrapped around his neck. Jungkook takes that as a cue to put his shirt on, and he sighs heavily before glancing at the two of you.
“Didn’t expect this would ever happen in my life”, he admits, and a tired smile moves on his lips.
If you hadn’t seen the troubled expression on his features a moment ago, you would almost think Jungkook is happy and satisfied at the moment. The latter might be true, but there’s sadness surrounding Jungkook. Something you don’t think you’re supposed to be the one to fix.
“Thank you”, Yoongi says.
You turn your head to look at him, as Jungkook lets out a small laugh. “Anytime, hyung.”
“Both for the whiskey and the sex”, Yoongi adds as a joke, and this time Jungkook’s laugh rings truer.
You talk a little, letting the afterglow of the sex carry you through a conversation about everything and nothing. You partake in it, though you’re getting tired. The two orgasms that those men pulled out of you are taking their toll on you, and soon enough, you’re yawning with your head resting against Yoongi’s shoulder.
Jungkook chuckles. “I’ll take that as a cue that I should go.” He gets up, stretching lazily. His shirt hikes up a little to reveal a sliver of his skin, and you feel hot all over again at the thought that you had sex with him.
Jeon Jungkook just manhandled both you and Yoongi as if it’s nothing to him.
You follow him up, walking to the door with him. Yoongi walks behind you, his fingers finding your hand and holding it gently as you lean against the wall in the hall. You watch as Jungkook puts his shoes on, before grabbing his biker helmet that he left next to the door.
“So”, he breathes out, and a small chuckle follows the word. “I’ll see you two around?”
He’s looking at you as he says the words. You offer him a small smile. “I hope you didn’t think you’d get rid of us so easily.”
The unease that has seemed to be clinging to Jungkook slides away, replaced by relief. Did he think you were going to drop your friendship with him?
“Of course not”, he denies. “Even if tonight was unexpected…” he trails off.
“It was fun?” Yoongi provides.
Jungkook nods his head, and his eyes flit to Yoongi besides you. “We should do it again.”
Yoongi’s fingers tighten around yours, the only indication that he would want it too. But he’s letting you choose what to reply.
A smirk casts a mischievous look on your features, and you barely hesitate before saying, “Let’s meet up again sometime next week”.
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☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Ooooooooof yeah. That was... yeah. I’m sorry for sinning so hard haha but thank you for coming down to hell with me :’) I’m wondering, will you guys like seeing more of this couple/throuple?? If so, please let me know by following this link! Also, don’t be afraid to leave feedback, it’s always appreciated!!
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curioussesame · 5 months
curiosity anon fic masterpost
curiosity kills
Chilaios, Rated E, 12k words, smut with feelings Laios jerks off every night during his partols, and Chilchuck pretends his doesn't know. Until, that is, Laios gets curious about whether Chilchuck does the same, and everything spirals out of his control.
A Tangled Path (But All Roads Lead to Us)
Chilaios, Rated E, 35k, marriage of convenience Two years ago, Laios hired Chilchuck for an unconventional job: to travel home with him and his sister so they didn't have to face their parents alone. Two years later, as their party hunts down ancient-elf treasure hidden in a cave, Chilchuck is still dealing with the monumental decision he made on that trip (and the very annoying feelings he has for the man who changed his life.)
Curse Bearer / Curse Breaker
Chilaios, Rated E, 29k words (unfinished), arranged marriage Beyond that door, his husband was chained and muzzled, completely naked, waiting for Chilchuck to consummate the marriage with him. Hardly traditional, but those were the precautions the Toudens felt necessary. They also insisted on the room being kept in complete darkness—they were afraid he’d turn and run if he so much as looked at him. Chilchuck is not a coward. He's going to fuck the monster.
good dogs get dirty
Mickuro, Rated E, 3k words, porn without plot After washing up at the baths together, Kuro is so fluffy and clean that Mickbell can't resist cuddling with him, perhaps a bit more affectionately than usual. When he realizes the effect this has on his companion, he immediately knows that he wants to see this through all the way, he just needs to convince Kuro that's a a good idea (and that he's not too small to take him).
Dungeon Cravings
Chilaios, Rated T, 1k words, fluff and humor Chilchuck is pregnant with Laios's child, and he starts to crave something they ate while in the dungeon together. Of all the things it could have been though... why that?
kept safe
Chilbell, Rated E, 2k words, ambiguous relationship When their parties are attacked, Chilchuck takes Mickbell and hides him to keep him safe. They can still hear the carnage outside, though, and in the cramped dark, he can feel every shiver and hear every whimper from the terror-stricken half-foot laying under him. He acts without thinking, just wanting to comfort Mickbell (and maybe also himself.)
Assumptions Made
Chilaios, Rated E, 9k words, resolved sexual tension Laios turns himself into a half-foot, and whether or not it's an accident, the change it stirs in their relationship definitely isn't.
On Command
Chilaios, Rated E, 2k words, porn without plot Chilchuck had always been a bit of a masochist, but it was hard to trust other partners with that knowledge. With Laios, though, he had the perfect balance of blood-lust and dog-like obedience. He wanted to bite, but he’d only do it on command.
a loving captor
Chilaios, Rated E, 4k words, kidnapping role-play Reality settles over him, cold and damp, like the omen of fog just before dawn. He’s been kidnapped. Bound and laid bare upon a bed. Blindfolded, so he can’t see who’s done this to him or where they’ve taken him. (Chilchuck and Laios play out a fantasy, and Chilchuck falls deep into immersion.)
straddling the gap
Mickuro, Rated E, 2k words, gender exploration Mickbell realizes something about himself. Kuro loves her, unyieldingly.
Pay for It
Chilaios, Rated E, 14k words, sex work/past trauma Chilchuck is done with that life, but it still haunts him. He hopes he can keep his ghosts hidden from Laios.
sweet like honeysuckle
Chilaios, Rated E, 3k words, macro/micro The party is split up, Chilchuck has been turned into a tiny fairy, and Laios is the only one there to look after him. Soon enough, they discover the shrunken size and the wings aren't the only changes that have taken place, and once Laios has a taste of him, he can't stop until they're both completely spent.
loyal dogs have no owners
Mickuro, Rated E, 4k words (unfinished), changelings Mickbell and Kuro leave their party behind after learning that they planned to use Mickbell as monster bait, and somehow wake up in changed bodies. Mickbell is now a kobold, and Kuro a tall-man. Some things change and some things stay the same, and Mickbell isn't sure if their relationship will be in the former or latter category.
Deep-Crimson Desire
Chilaios, Rated E, 3k words, fisting Laios and Chilchuck learn a lot about each other, that night. Especially about Laios's body and how much it can take.
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jaketsparrow · 7 months
TENDING Part 6.1
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Tending Part 6.1!
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Josh Kiszka x f! Reader
Word Count: 6.3K
A/N: Welp it’s been months since I’ve updated this bad boy and I do apologize profusely. I finally feel like I’ve had my creative spark back :) I hope you can all forgive me that its 1. Late 2. Only half of a part. This is going to be a backstory chapter with some drama mixed in! The next chapter will most likely be the last… Also, I PROMISE I will be better updating from now on! 
MENTIONS OF/ TW: Angst, mentions of vomit, swearing, lots of emotional/break up/ manipulation talks, lots and lots of drama and yelling, unfortunately, no smut this time around friends, please forgive me :)
The echoes of the rowdy women finally start to calm down. No more ‘how's my makeup?’, ‘that band was so good’, ‘Let’s get an Uber’. Just the silence of the empty bathroom, except for a steady drip-drop from the faucet. The bar outside was still rambunctious and full of life, but here in this one grimy stall, you were lucky to have a few moments of peace. 
It was one of those ‘worn-in’ bathrooms. Drawings everywhere, phone numbers plastered across the stall doors, posters from previous events hanging askew to the sides of you. You couldn’t really tell if any of the surfaces around you were ‘clean’, but at this point, you didn’t care enough to think of the germs collecting. 
You had your back against the cool textured wall, trying to collect yourself, finding sensations other than anxiety to focus on. You try to gather your surroundings, grounding yourself by running your hands over the words and numbers on either side of you. 
Reality starts to set back in after the panic lowers. You can feel your body temperature dropping, the adrenaline and booze wearing off. Your eyes had finally stopped tearing up and for a brief moment, you had enough strength to asses.
What the actual fuck was going on? 
Why did you feel so torn up about this man? When at every turn he just disappoints you. 
Every chance you’ve given Jake has proven that maybe he wasn’t a person you could fix. You loved a good fixer-upper and you couldn’t stay away. Coming from a broken past yourself made it easy to want to try and help others, to coax others into feeling better, doing better. It was a habit you tried to break often, but always cycled back around. 
Jake wasn’t the right person to give everything to. Every negative thought of him swirled around you, consuming you. The entire Mariella situation came flooding back to you. You fall weak for him every time, your rage turning into the most fucked up but beautiful apologies of lovemaking. Although you can’t romanticize sex with him, it’s quite honestly been pure lust. Craving each other, needing each other’s skin despite everything else falling apart. 
You want him to tell you that you’re his girl… That you’re his good girl. You want to hear those words whispering in your ear, quivering at his slow breaths against your skin. It would make everything better because it just would. His praise is worth a thousand apologies. Wrapping yourself around him and staring deep into his big brown eyes was enough to make you forget everything. Feeling him reach your very limits, pulling you as close to him as you can get…
But, you can’t let yourself be persuaded into a relationship of toxicity for the perfect fuck. 
You haven’t even considered that there was also the good Jake. Not just the good-in-bed Jake, but the Jake that let you dance with him, despite denying that he could. The soft chuckle that he let escape his lips as you paraded yourselves around his living room. The music that filled the room slowly felt like it had slipped away the longer you noticed your connection growing. It was hard to even remember what was playing because all you could remember was his soft brown eyes looking back at you. 
There was the Jake that did fight for you, multiple times. He stood his ground to a woman who was trying to do everything in her power to keep you two apart. He showed you his most private comfort place, where you both bared your souls to the nature around you. The most intimate and freeing apology of all. There was the version of Jake who quit his job so you could still work… 
God. He was the epitome of an anti-hero. 
The tears returned, streaming in small bursts down your face, never stopping. Your head started to collapse below you, trying to keep the tears from melting away the makeup you spent hours preparing for him. Each drop fell below you, although you could hardly see any of it through your clouded eyes. 
If you weren’t going to end up with this man, he would be for sure the one that got away. He would constantly be on your mind. Ruining you. Climbing through every future memory of intimacy. Asking you ‘Is he better than me sunshine?’ and ‘I bet he can’t make you shake like I can’. Jake would swarm every thought, every decision, every lover.
This night caused more confusing thoughts to enter the mix. Although he showed such kindness to you, it was always in a backward way. 
How could you deal long-term with someone so jealous? Someone who is jealous of you for forming a friendship with his own brother? How could you continue with someone who wasn’t even sure if he wanted to continue with you? Granted that time has passed, but will that thought always be in the back of his mind?
From this point on it felt less like a decision you had to make and more of a decision for him. But he had always picked you, between Mariella, between the job, he always chose you… 
“Oh shit.” A male voice echoes into the bathroom, “Is it clear in here?” 
The house was completely dark when you pulled into the driveway. It was the first time Jake even let you drive in his presence; although he had no choice considering the state he was in when you left the bar. He probably could’ve handled the road fine but it was easier for you to get behind the wheel. 
You park the car where he would usually leave his, and sit awkwardly in silence for a moment; gripping onto the steering wheel. Sweat steaming between the leather grips and your palms.
Your heart is pounding. This is a deciding moment, you weren’t sure where the conversation would lead you. You remember your first night together, back at the bar, feeling that same heartbeat flutter. Only this time the feelings you had were not full of new beginnings, but rather worrying about an ending. 
He hadn’t spoken a word since you put him in the passenger seat. He made no admirations to the cute knickknacks you had collected in your car. It was a very tidy car, but over the years you tried to put more of yourself in the car; this thing is yours until you run it in the ground, so why not? Cute little celestial strings hung from the rearview mirror, little statued women sat near your speedometer, just little pieces of you sprinkled in this steel box. You were especially hurt that he didn’t immediately perk up at the CD cases tucked between his seat and the center console; he wasn’t even interested in seeing if you had ‘good music taste’. 
This was awkward, but you had to get out of that bar. There was no way you were going to be able to discuss anything productively with his two brothers and best friend listening in on every word and possibly amplifying the situation further. You had learned your lesson finally. 
“Jake,” You attempt to prod him in a calm and gentle voice, hesitant with your tone. Remaining neutral. 
He doesn’t respond. He starts to fiddle with his belt, holding his head down in a pouting position. His thumbs run past the buckle, swirling in patterns over the metal. He can’t even look at you. It’s the same avoidance all over again. He’s like a child in that respect, he can’t even come to sit at the table for real adult conversations. 
You turn to face him, lifting your leg slightly on the seat, trying to still seem casual and not at all upset, “Jake. I brought you home because we need to keep talking.” 
The silence in the air lingers a bit longer through the tension. You two are both separated from each other entirely. Not only because of this difficult discussion, but because there was literally a part of the car separating you two. 
“I just don’t know what to say to you,” He stops fidgeting and cranes his neck back into the headrest. He’s halfway to a tantrum. You’re pushing him to be vulnerable; that would be a risky move. “Where do I even start?”
“How about you start by telling me the whole story Jake.” 
You jump up, scared of hearing the voice of the opposite sex join you in your echo chamber. “Hello?” You call out, trying not to sound as frightened as you feel. 
“Darling! You didn’t leave!” The voice sounds more familiar now. 
You unlock the stall door and peek out to see his familiar curls. He looks concerned, unsure of what he’s even doing in the women’s bathroom.
“Is he in here too?” You ask, scared to fully emerge. 
“No, he won’t move. Stubborn fucker.” 
Once you know it’s safe, you step out of the stall, holding yourself in a slump. You look over to the mirrors to see that your makeup is far past ruined; you’re practically ready to audition for clown college. You reach your hands up and awkwardly paw at your face, trying to hide the tears from Josh. The makeup runs across the pads of your fingers, the tears barely helping to wash away the mascara. 
“Oh, oh, don’t worry about that.” Josh saunters over to you, arms spread wide ready to envelop you in a hug. He braces you and reaches himself around your shoulders. You rest your head into the crook of his neck, trying to sniffle away the tears. 
“J-Josh,” You say through muffled choking breaths. 
He rubs his hand across your back, “Shh, don’t say anything to me. I need to apologize to you. I’m sorry I did that to you, it wasn’t right of me to be the one to say something like that,” He unfortunately releases the hug, but traces his hands down your arms to catch your hands, holding them firmly in his. He takes a deep breath for a moment, lowering his head in shame. “He just was being a complete dick!” 
You laugh at his honesty. Jake was being a complete fuck. His attitude always rose within a matter of seconds. You couldn’t understand where it all came from. It was like someone setting off a Molotov cocktail. 
“No, no, please don’t apologize,” You whimper, pouting your lip out, trying to keep the tears at bay. 
Josh squeezes your hands again, “I insist that you let me say that I’m sorry. I know how to get under his skin and that very moment was the wrong time to prod at him.”
Josh has this sincere look about him. Although minutes ago he couldn’t read the room, now he was, understanding the care that you needed at this moment. He had this healing, vibrant energy about him that would be impossible to be upset at. 
“You really do know how to push his buttons,” You giggle softly, “He was totally out of line and being horrible… As he is known to be…” 
Josh pouts back, mirroring your expression, “He was… And well is… But that didn’t mean I needed to say something that would hurt you too.” Josh lowers himself to meet you at your eyeline. 
It's quite remarkable how similar the two look. Although, their energy is what truly makes them stand out as different individuals. They share many of the same features, those soft yet strong bones, and the perfect full lips, but… Something about their eyes makes them so different. Josh has a ray of sunshine behind his eyes, while Jake has the stars and moon behind his. 
You drop your shoulders, “What did you mean by… You know… What you said Josh? I want to know if he even wants to keep doing… doing this whole thing.” 
“Mama, are you kidding?” He pets your hair out of your eyes, “Just look at you,  of course he does! Are you fucking joking?” Josh’s excited voice doesn’t dissuade your uncertain feelings. 
“But you said-” 
“Ah ah, you silly beautiful girl.” was this a compliment or him calling you stupid…  “You didn’t listen to everything I said,” Josh taps the side of your head, “clearly a bit foggy up here from all that whiskey you just downed- a nice touch of drama by the way.” 
You shake your head and smirk shyly. It was dramatic. It was far more confrontational than you had ever been before. He forced this side out of you, this primal, protective rage. You wanted more than ever to protect your sanity, your heart. Everything was hot, then cold, black, then white. There was no clear happy middle ground when it came to the two of you. 
Josh continues, “I said he thought you didn’t want him anymore. He was trying to respect your wishes.” He lingers on that for a moment. The words settling in… Respect… what you wanted…  “But you have to remember darling, he can be as dense as they come sometimes.”
“Sometimes?” You cut in with sarcasm.
“Yes, but shush. He needed that push to fight for what you have. Do you know how much he talked about you before we went on tonight? He wouldn’t shut up about how he was excited to have you in the crowd tonight and to go home with you, as his. Not something he had to try and win over, not someone he would have to fawn over from the other side of the bar-”
You cut Josh off, “He said all that?”
“We’ll I’m embellishing, I know he meant all of that. Anyway, my point is no matter what, he would’ve come back eventually- I know that for a fact. You’re quite special, I don't think he’s stupid enough to waste not being with you. He just needed his big brother to give him a swift kick in the ass to chase it all a bit sooner. If anything, I just moved the timeline along.” 
You raise your hands to your brows, furrowing them in confusion, “But why all the back and forth? Why all the big messes that, if I may add, are never truly cleaned up by himself. Why does everyone else have to convince him to do the right thing?” 
Josh moves his hands from yours and rubs the sides of your shoulders, “Mama I think he’s falling for you, he’s just so clueless and doesn’t know how to tell you. Men, am I right? ” 
You reach up to grab his hands, “Josh, do you realize how annoying that is?” You chuckle at the thought, Jake does have quite the incompetence for love, “How annoying it is for two people who can work together to have all of these fucking nightmares? Nightmares that I may add could’ve been avoided.  He’s been constantly trying to burn this bridge ever since we built it!”
“Of course, I know it’s a mess, but you have to understand the reason he is this way.” 
“And why is he that way? I think he likes to make us all scramble around for him…”
You drop your hands, dramatically pacing about the bathroom now. Trying to make it all make sense. Everything is done so that Jake is in the right. Everything is cleaned up for Jake. He never has to think too much about anything because someone else will come along and give him an ultimatum or push him in the right direction. He never has to come be the one to apologize because someone else will come to clean up his messes; to give grand excuses for his behavior. 
‘Oh, he didn’t know’ or ‘he’s so confused’. 
You couldn’t be in a relationship with a man where you were constantly having to cater to him, to always be the forgiving one. A few weeks were draining enough to experience all of this, but how would months, even years feel? 
Josh breaks the silence, “Well that’s because someone else did that to him.”
You stop pacing, thinking about what Josh could mean by that. Someone else? As in another girlfriend? You start to slowly walk back into the conversation. 
“Why? Wait, what happened?” 
The door rustles behind Josh. Danny pokes his head in, awkwardly smiling at the two of you. He puts his hand up in a shy wave. He’s bashful and not entirely thrilled to be interrupting.
“Not to rush,” He interjects, “But some of the girls out here are really not liking the idea of using the men’s room instead.” 
“Too bad!” Josh shouts. He stops for a moment to think. Almost like a lightbulb went off over his head he goes, “Oh! Boy! Wow! She’s really thrown up everywhere! What a fucking mess!-” 
“Josh!” You scold. 
Josh turns back to you, whispering, “If you want the story, I have to buy some time… Oh, man! Do NOT come in here! This is fucking crazy!” 
You realize Josh’s plan and play into it, making loud gagging noises to sell it further. 
“Don’t! Blehhh Come in!” You yell. 
“Oh wow! They’re going to need two mops for this mess!” Josh can’t help but giggle at his own statement. 
“Josh!” You laugh with him this time, “Two?!”
Danny smiles at the improv, poking his head back outside. You can hear his muffled voice softly telling the women that you ‘just need some time to clean up’. 
“Okay, go!” You push, “You can’t leave a cliffhanger like that! Mr. Stoic was in love? Mr. has no emotions?!” 
“Well,” Josh sighs, “I wouldn’t call it real love…. But yes, Jake had a love, once. She was horrible, awful. We all hated her.”
“This sounds like a great start.” You interject, “It’s always the problematic woman huh? And the innocent manipulator?  
Josh sighs, and grabs your hands into his, “Can ya let me tell my story before you start with all your comments?”
You squeeze Josh’s hands back, nodding, agreeing to behave. 
“Oh good, because it’s a fabulous story, but I never get to tell it! My brother is awfully sensitive about her. ‘Don’t bring her up Josh’, ‘I’m fine as long as I forget about her’. Ugh. He just couldn’t let go of her. Quite an annoying person. She was always the first one to pick on Jake, more so than I do- which as you know, is saying something. She loved to point out all his flaws, and try to take away his autonomy in every sense. He fell victim to it, becoming a pet of hers. She’d say jump, he’d say how high… 
She would show up to all his shifts at the last bar he worked at, and sit there and watch him… I don’t mean she would fawn over him the way you used to, but she would sit there, and judge every interaction, everything he did… The entire time. She was… to put it nicely… Psychotic.”
She sounds lovely, you think to yourself. Explains some of the behavior he’s displayed in the past few months. The need to be in control in the bedroom, the lack of emotional intelligence…
“She wanted to control Jake, and because he was young, stupid, and well, in love. And you know what that ass did? He let her. We started to protest it, tried to set up more gigs to get him out of the house, to introduce him to more people, show him he was better than her, and she found out.”
The reaction is swift and immediate, “Oh, he didn’t…” 
“Oh yeah, that fucking idiot told her everything! There were no secrets between them! She made sure of that. Well, really I should say, he had no secrets when it came to her. That… She… I could count on two hands how many ‘friends’ she saw behind his back… She hated us for trying to break down the manipulations. So when she saw that he was pulling away from him, she started to catch on to him and where we were stealing him away. He broke one night and crushed all of our hard work. And from that point on, all she did was take him away from us, until…” 
“... Until?” You poke. 
An uncomfortable sigh pushes through Josh, “Until she made a move on me.” 
“What?!” You exclaim. 
“Yes, yes, quite dramatic. We were out one night all together, playing pool or darts or something. She had only let Jake go out with us if she was there to be his bitchy chaperone; we couldn’t be trusted to be alone with him anymore. Well later that night I’m driving the two of them home, Jake’s practically passed out in the passenger seat and she was screaming some stupid pop music in the back seat. I helped her into the house, leaving Jake to rest a little longer since he was out. I walked her into the living room and laid her on the couch. When she fell back, she latched onto me and practically sucked my face off while I struggled to get her alien mouth off of me.”
Josh mimics the entire scenario, creating his reenactment of sorts. Flailing his body about the linoleum floors. What a fucking character.
“Oh no…” The severity of this situation is climbing and climbing, and everything is starting to make sense. 
Josh continues, “Little did either of us know, but Jake was not asleep in the car, just merely ‘resting his goddamn eyes’ and came through the front door to find her tongue halfway down my throat. They screamed, and he cried, then she cried, meanwhile, I scrubbed my mouth out in the kitchen sink… It was a whole ordeal.”
“But why did she even kiss you? Was it to get back at Jake for something? Just a fucking cheating addiction? Why would she do that to him?” There are so many questions to be answered, and your time in this ‘private’ bathroom was running out. 
“She claims the whole twin thing and that she was too drunk to make out who was who, but darling… Can you believe that? I am much better looking than Jake, you’d think she’d know the difference.”
“Okay, Josh.” You roll your eyes. 
“All in all, it was quite uncomfortable for me, but it was enough to push Jake to leave her once and for all. It took him ages to be able to talk to me about it, mostly because during their whole fight she had convinced him it was my idea. By some sort of good magic, he broke her spell and listened to reason… But through this whole ordeal, he lost a lot of the love he could give… 
He just didn’t trust me or anyone anymore. He got paranoid all the time and would hate to be alone, but if I came to live with him he wanted me to leave after only a couple of days. I felt horrible for him.” Josh dropped his head, “He had wasted years being taken around like a show pony… All for it to end because she couldn’t resist me.”
“Oh my god Josh, you’re not helping yourself look any better here!” You joke at him, knocking your palm into his shoulder. 
“Oh c’mon! You know what I mean.” He turns to face his complexion in the mirror, playing with the tussles of his curls, “Anyways, from that point on he became this mysterious shrouded man that none of us recognized. He started having more random girls follow him home from the bar, he started just being stupid. 
And that lovely ex-girlfriend of his, well she never stopped showing up at the bar… She would come in and harass every girl who showed up at the bar, but never in a way that she would be caught. She would leave backhanded compliments, tell them that Jake would never go for them, blah blah. All bullshit so she could keep control of him. He pleaded with her to leave, to give him time to heal; but she wouldn’t.
The manager and security finally caught on to her, but by that point, it was too late. Jake was worried he would never move on as long as she knew where he was. So he had to move to a different bar, the one you worked at…” 
Josh glances over at you to gauge your reaction. He looks suspicious like he’s hiding some of the truth. 
“Okay… Feels like there's more to this story…” You follow Josh’s reflection and catch him half-wincing. 
“There is. And you might not like it, but…” He turns back to face you. 
“But…?” You Push 
“...What did Jake tell you about Mariella?” 
“Mariella?” A name you thought you wouldn’t have to deal with now. You had finally felt like you had the upper hand on that bitch, “Just that they had slept together once, right when he started… Right?” 
Before you can even finish your sentence a craze starts to fill through you. Fuck. You can see the puzzle pieces connecting in your mind. Not a complete picture yet, but you know something is going to be said that will connect all the pieces. 
What does she have to do with all of this? 
“Well. That is correct. But did he tell you why he slept with her?”
“Josh… I don’t like where this is going.” 
Your pulse starts to drop again. You had hoped you would hear nothing more of this story or this girl, mostly because you thought that had been resolved. You already had enough jealousy that had built up from that situation, and you can feel it burrowing through your sane mind again. 
“I don’t think you entirely will, but it pertains to the story.” Josh sighs, “Now these are probably details he left out because of the whole other story… but Mariella was a friend of Jean, his ex.”
A complete feeling of bewilderment smacks you. The fuck? Friend? Is this a revenge story? A rebound? Did he…? 
You don't have much time to think before Josh is spoon-feeding you the rest of the story. 
“Jake knew that Mariella and Jean were friends. Now they weren’t best friends or anything like that, but he knew that if he slept with her, it would be enough to feel like he was even for Jean hitting on me or something- I don't know! 
“That’s gross.” You can’t help but feel gross knowing Jake was that kind of guy. 
“Well…Except, he couldn’t.”
You make a befuddled face, confused, “He couldn’t what? Like he decided it was bad? He had come to his senses?” 
Josh grits his teeth, almost looking like he is unsure whether he should share these next details. 
“He cried. He made it to her bedroom and cried. They were still dressed, he never even attempted anything. He brought her home, talked a big game, and then sat there and cried on the edge of her bed. He tried to get something going, but I think she had come to her senses by that point… He had put on this tough exterior for months, but he couldn’t be that guy. He didn’t want to admit that to anyone… And well Mariella had everything she needed to blackmail Jake.” 
“Fuck.” You walk over to the sinks, leaning your lower back into the counter, “So he never even-”
“No mama. He didn’t.” Josh strolls over to lean next to you. 
“Then why did he?-” 
“Would you want to tell someone you're sleeping with that your first rebound you spend the entire night crying?” 
“I guess not.” 
Everything was starting to make sense. That cool, distinguished vibe Jake was always trying to emulate was a front, when in fact he was as soft and gentle as you had dreamed. Jake was just a lost boy, floundering around, trying to protect himself from being made a fool, or falling in love too hard too soon. 
You turn to look at Josh, who is wincing through all the realization, “Fuck. Oh no Josh… He’s going to hate you for telling me all of this.” 
“I know.” Josh pets his chin between his hands, “Still not sure if it was the right thing to do… Seems like I’ve gotten pretty good at oversharing Jake’s messes. Maybe you can convince him to tell you his story, now that you know he’s worth trying.” 
“I never said I would try Josh, I still feel pretty fucked by this whole thing. The least he could do is actually fuck me instead of fucking me over and knocking my brains around in my head every couple of days.”
Josh shrugs, “That’s Jake. At least, the Jake that’s out there now. But I know what he’s capable of.” He winks at you. 
You lean over to hug Josh, squeezing him with all of your might. “I don’t know what to do Josh. I think I love him.” 
“I think he feels the same way, Mama.” He pets the back of your head, calming you. 
You can practically feel the radiation of relief washing over Josh. He never knows whether he’s saying the right things or not. But just that simple explanation gave you everything you needed to forgive Jake, or at least to know it’s worth trying to talk something out with him. It was sad to know that it didn’t come from him, but wounds can be hard to talk about. 
You had wounds of your own, fears of being abandoned, and always ready to cut things off before getting your heart broken. Perhaps you were too quick to keep turning Jake away, but of course, all of this is easy to say now that you have the full story and time to reflect. 
Knock… Slam. 
Jake barrels in, guns blazing, ready to tear the place apart. 
He drunkenly stomps over to the two of you and pulls you apart. 
“Jake!” You scold. 
He turns to you, and points his finger in your face, “No. Not you. Do not get involved this time,” His finger veers over in front of Josh, “Stay out of my fucking love life. Don’t get her to leave me too.” 
Josh throws his hands up in defense, “I didn’t-”
“You always, always win Josh. You took Jean, you’re taking her too.”
Josh squares up against Jake, taking his hand to lower his finger, “Have you considered that I’m not the reason they always leave Jake? Have you considered Jean was a horrible person for you and you’re still letting her ruin your life? You’re letting it ruin her chance to know you?” Josh looks over to you this time. 
Jake throws his hands up in the air, “Ohhhh wise Joshua, please let me in on your vast knowledge of relationships. You’ve survived so much! It’s bullshit Josh. Everyone loves you, everyone adores you, you don’t fucking get it.” 
This. This was disgusting. Everything Josh was saying was completely crumbling. 
You take your moment, and prepare to join the battle, “Jake.”
He doesn’t even want to turn to look at you. He knows he’s being horrible. He knows he is trying to share the load of his pain instead of facing it. 
“No, I said no. You don’t get it either. Do you know what it’s like to always be the other twin? The less outgoing, the less lively. Oh yes, assigned that from the beginning. Josh was the star of the show and got everyone he wanted. Got all the attention. Steals everything from me…” “Are you finished?” Josh asks, crossing his arms in front of him, “Because I have something to say now.” 
Jake turns around to face the wall, smacking his palm against the brick, “Oh go ahead, please, we’d love to hear you talk some more.” 
“So you decide now is the best time to come in here to try and get her back huh? Now, twenty minutes after your dirty secrets come out? Not when she was trying to fix it? You think you’re some brave guy coming in here to save her from me? No fucking way. I- ME- I am the one who came in here to make sure she was okay, not because I’m in fucking love with her, but because she’s in love with you. You have to be honest with her, be a fucking man.” 
“Josh-” Jake murmurs, he seems hurt, “I-” He stares intently at Josh, broken from the words that were just spoken to him. You can see the emotions swirling inside of him, trying to decide: good, bad, angry, sad. You see his finger raise again and lift towards Josh. 
“Jake! Look at me!.” You place your hands on your hips, scowling at Jake. He’s still locked into Josh, staring at him with a feverous intensity. Here was that brute cover-up again, and you were ready to face it head-on. “I’ve had just about enough of whatever bullshit this is. Your adult men, knock it the fuck off, you both care about each other! Stop being petty children. You’re both pretty! Whatever you want to hear!” You feel your blood pressure rise, all the drama and persuasion you have in your body pushing forward, “Jake your brother loves you and is trying to help you because for some reason as grown as you are, you still don’t know how to use your fucking words. Josh, your brother also loves you but you do have a habit of taking things too far and stepping into shit that doesn’t belong to you… Now, if we can get back to being fucking adults tonight that would be great!”
He turns to gingerly look at you. He’s scared. Thats all. He doesn’t want to be mean. He’s like a child, unsure of how to deal with his own emotions. 
Josh looks at you, slightly frightened, but also intrigued by your willingness to control the situation. 
“Alright? We get it?” You check both of their expressions, making sure the sentiments have sunk in, “Good. Apologize so we can get this shit over with.” 
Jake jumps back and squares his shoulders, trying to boost his manly behavior. He squints his face in a peculiar unsettling way,  “I’m not-”
“I’m sorry!” Josh blurts out. He sounded fearful almost like he was scared you would do something to him if he didn’t apologize. 
You turn to look at Josh who has this sheepish apologetic look on his face. Jake brings his hand up to his face, trying to rub away the distasteful expression. He relaxes himself enough to admit to Josh, “I’m sorry too.” 
He looks to you for approval. You cross your arms over your chest and nod satisfactorily. “Okay fine. Good enough,” You examine Jake, not just trying to quickly survey his expression, but instead seeing the fear behind his deep brown eyes. The guilt slowly pulls forward, creating a stormy mess inside. “We’re taking you back to your place now. Okay?” 
He lets his guard down entirely. Shocked at the words coming out of your mouth. You two are entirely landlocked, holding your ground just feet from each other. Jake, opposite to you, has no idea that his whole love life was just spilled to you. Instead, all he knows is he is scared. He thinks he’s lost you all over again. 
He seems like he’s sobered up, like his mind is clear, like he was ready to fight for you, on his terms this time.
Josh tries to sneak past the two of you. Danny opens the door enough to let him squeak out. 
You walk up to Jake, wrapping your hands around his waist, pulling him tight into you. Lining yourself up to fit right into him. You look up to him, reaching one of your hands up to tuck the loose pieces of hair back into their rightful place. He’s silent, watching your every move. 
“Jake,” You coo, “I’m going to drive us back to your house, okay?” He nods his head, “And then,” You dig your hands into his hips, “we’re going to talk. Like how fucking real people should.”  He nods again.
You move your arms up to his back, caressing him softly, trying to show him that you aren’t as mad as you may seem. You reach around to his bicep, cuffing yourself on it, guiding him out of the bathroom. 
You open the door to find the two hooligans, Josh and Danny, leaning against the door, eavesdropping. 
“Boys, I think it’s time we call it a night.” You rub both of their shoulders, silently thanking them for their efforts tonight. “We’ll do this again soon, okay?” You look to Jake, who is still stoic, perhaps more confused than anything, “Jake and I are going to go home and chat.”
Out of nowhere, Sam pounces over to the group. He looks concerned and worried, “Oh my god! I heard you throwing up like crazy in there are you okay?!” 
You turn to Danny, “Do you wanna?-”
Danny laughs, “I got it.” 
You give Sam the same comforting arm rub as Josh and Danny and continue to parade Jake through the bar. Some glances make their way across the room. No surprise there; you were some form of entertainment for the customers tonight. 
Jake finally breaks his silence, the shock is settling, “What's?-”
You shush him, “Let's just get home.” 
@gvfmarge @takenbythemadness @heckingfrick @gvfpal @sanguinebats @giraffehippy @anythingforjtk @lipstickitty @pinkandsleepy1934 @gretavansara @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @milkgemini @violet-hayes @Lyndz2names @edgingthedarkness @twistedmelodies @gretasfallingsky @thetroublegetssoloud71 @earthgrlsreasy @starcatcher-jake @sarakay-gvf @a-lanterninthenight @ignite-my-fire
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shinknocks · 4 months
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Deep Lust Page 25
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fishnapple · 26 days
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Channelled message: Things they wish to tell you (lover/partner/future spouse)
This reading is about things that the person you have in mind wishes to tell you but find it hard to do so. I don't know why, but the tone of this reading sounded so angsty. I had to fought back the urge to comment on every sentence as I was typing.
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Your feedback is much appreciated. If you find the reading resonated with you, leave a comment, I’d love to know 🎐
About me | Masterpost Book a reading with me - KO-FI (Read this post : personal reading)
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1. Amethyst
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I feel like a kid whenever I'm near you. It's hard to hide, I feel so vulnerable. You stripped me of my armour. You made me afraid but I liked it. I want to tell you that you can strip whatever is left of me, and I will be willing to stand there and let you do it.
But before that, you have to catch me. I like the game of hide and seek, running and chasing. Every time I had to chase you, every time you had to chase me, it gave me the satisfaction that I'm not proud to tell you. Don't give me that look, you and I both know that whatever game we are playing, in the end, the loser gets to win, the winner gets to lose. You know you can catch me, because I let you.
I love whispering things into those pretty ears of yours. Feel them so close that my lips can almost touch your skin. Sometimes you will laugh, sometimes you will stay silent, your skin getting more red, sometimes you will turn around and let your lips touch mine. Your reactions are my goal and I'm an over-achiever.
Teetering between pure love and pure lust, what to choose? Sometimes we are so close to being enemies to each other, then we fall over into lovers. I don't know how we do it but I like to keep it a little ambiguous. The suspension, the uncertainty, those uncomfortable feelings make me feel alive.
Not to mention that people are so confused about us. I bet they can sense something between us, those flustered looks, those closer than necessary touches, those innocent exchanges. They can guess but they will never know the depth of our connection.
I actually love the feeling of sitting on the couch, waiting for you to come home to me. Once we've built our nest, I don't want to leave it. I don't want you to leave either. But I know your free spirit well enough not to tell you my wish. But you can't blame me if sometimes I use some "tactics" to entice you to stay with me. Hey, I can hear your snicker. You think someone like me saying this kind of thing is probably lying. Well, I do lie, but about the opposite thing, I lie to the world that I'm not a home-body, that my life is a constant motion, moving here and there, that I'm someone who always takes charge. My lies will be so convincing that they can even fool you. Yes, I know I like to change things, but look closer, you will find something that stays the same no matter what. I hope you won't give up finding it because I won't make it easy for you to find it. But I know you like a good challenge.
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2. Rose quartz
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I have so many things I wanted to tell you, but the moment those words arrived at the tip of my tongue, they took a U turn and went back. I don't know why I like to betray myself like that.
I would tell you how this ice cream tastes good, but all I could think about is your taste. I would tell you I like the feeling of warmth when sitting near the fire, but all I could feel is your heat. Same old stuff, same old stories, same old jokes, repeated again and again. What am I trying to hide? Why can't I just say what I want? What am I so afraid of?
I feel like a yellow rubber duck, floating forever on the surface, can't never get deep enough. Well, at least I get to be with you in the bathtub, not complaining. Here I go again, using light words to camouflage my feelings and desire for you. I don't want to be a tease, I want to be an arrow, striking its target at lightning speed.
Use your finger and sink this duck down into the water, and keep it that way. Hold me down, keep me still, until I'm drown in you.
Giving and taking, holding and embracing, I want it all, I don't want a single experience to slip through my fingers, I want to salvage everything, to savour slowly then to devour swiftly.
I want you to be the cold, harsh truth to my soft lies. The punishing force to my innocent crimes. But I also want you to be the embrace that I can fall into, the laughter I long to hear in my darkening days. Greedy, I know. And you can be greedy with me too. You ask and I will give.
Will you say no to my dreams, saying they're just pipe dreams, forever should be in the land of the unreal. Or will you say yes and applaud them? I know I can make them real, I know I can turn my thoughts into things that others can see and feel. I have faith. I just want you to have that same faith with me. Wouldn't it be nicer to have two who dream the same dreams? And nicer still when those two can create something together. I suggest a family, kids, pets, just a few examples.
I wish to take you everywhere, to meet everyone I know and everyone I haven't known. The feeling of a community, of connections always warm my heart. I hope you understand that. But it's okay if you don't, because there are probably lots of things I don't understand about you either. And let's keep it that way.
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3. Tiger's eye
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I have so many plans for our future. Since the first time when I met you, probably in some corners of my mind, I've been drawing up our plan together, our imaginary home, our imaginary kids, even our imaginary pets.
Talk to me, tell me your own delusions, give me more fuel, rile up my imagination. Delusions create the world. Or so they say, or so I say. Doesn't matter. Because I'm actually nurturing these delusions of mine into reality. Just so you wait and don't act surprised when they do come true. I have the divine on my side. You can't beat it, I can't beat it. And believe me, I've tried.
I've tried to go against the nudges, the little push behind my back so many times. It usually didn't end well. I still found myself in the exact place that I needed to be, whether I wanted to or not.
Please don't misunderstand, I'm not saying this to tell you that being with you is against my will or I want to fight back our connection. I just want to explain the way I do things in general. I do bizarre things, say bizarre things sometimes, a lot of times, actually. You would think these are all jokes. They are. When you're viewed as a weirdo, it actually gives you lots of freedom to do things your way without people exclaiming disappointment or shock. What's there to be shocked and disappointed if they already viewed you as someone capable of everything, even unhinged things. This is the way I deal with the world. Quickly, so they will be out of my sight and let me focus on other important things.
For example, you, the sight of you, up close, inching ever closer, faraway, walking away but never be out of my sight. Curate an art exhibition for me. With pieces of art showing your myriad expression and sounds. Showing you in different clothes or without. I'd love to just stand there to watch and listen. Then, when I'm brave enough, I will be an art thief.
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4. Carnelian
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Let me tell you upfront, I'm not the kind to forgive easily. And I know with each pain I'm getting, I'm also dissing out more pain towards others and myself.
I get easily obsessed about everything, good or bad, mostly bad things. They've burnt a piece of me. I've been betrayed in the past. So many betrayals that made me angry towards the world, towards myself. I just wanted to go away. No, not to hide, but to gather my strength again and come back and confront. I used to be the one that is caught in other's claws, now I know how to catch them in my claws.
But this kind of behaviour ruined my soul. I want to sweep away all these pains and anger, to lighten my existence. It's almost a wish that I've been keeping to myself for all this time. And now you know about it too. And I'm glad that you can help me make it come true. Pull me out of this destructive cycle. Help me breathe and look for the light.
I say hurtful things sometimes, you probably will fall victim to that some day and I want to ask for your forgiveness beforehand. I let my pride get in my way a lot of times. To prove my point, to prove my worth, to prove that I'm strong, that you can't hurt me. But you can, you just choose not to. I know I'm at your mercy. This makes me uncomfortable, but it's actually not so bad. I'm getting used to it. Thanks to your humour and gentle touches. For every hurtful word of mine, you replaced it with your kiss. If I ask you to cry for my pain, will you do it, in my stead?
You sure know how to tame me, or just anyone ever met you feel the same way? Stop, I won't let myself go into that direction of thinking. Let's just focus on us. Teach me how to dismantle someone's defence like you did to me, step by step. Just so I can understand what's being done to me. I want to know everything, grab everything in my hands to understand it.
Don't worry, I won't do it to you, because you will come to me defenceless. Is that how you will win? Will I take all I can and leave you with nothing, or will I give you all and be a part of it? You decide.
Note: I usually pull one oracle card to read their energy better. With this group, three cards wanted to come out. I looked at the cards, the fish, the bear and the scorpion, then tried to put them back because that's too many. Right at the moment I put them back into the deck, I felt a sharp pain in my rib-cage for a split second, so I decided to put the three cards down and read them for this group. And guess what, a part of the stone layout does resemble the scorpion's tail.
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5. Aventurine
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I'm putting my best behaviour for the world to see, for you to see too. In this world of everyone fighting to get to the top, I just want to honour a softer energy. To nurture and harmonise everything, everyone. But I pursue that desire with the mentality of a soldier, a worker, diligently getting closer to my goal every day. I don't know how to do this, to be honest, I'm properly doing it wrong. Shall I just agree with everything to keep the peace, or shall I fight back?. Is it possible to honour something that I don't understand?
I have a dilemma of being a little people-pleasing. I like to hide and push my individuality to the back. Let my own compass take a back seat while letting others dictate what's good for me. I can't deny that a part of me wish for this. To let others lead me and I will do what was told. And I just want to trust you with that responsibility, putting myself into your hands.
The only thing I want to control is how I do things, those small details to get the job done. I guess I'm just overwhelmed by the large responsibility of life that I fuss about the details. When can I stop putting my mental energy into banal things and think about the bigger picture? Will I ever meet my calling, my destination?
But good news, I'm learning. Those days that I hid in my house, alone, probably did me some good. I'm learning to be with myself. So that I can be with others. You will get an early access, of course, with special service.
I'm glad that I can feel safe with you, enough to whisper in low voice about my spiritual belief. It's always there, with me, protecting me. The last thing I want is to be called strange. Especially from you, and lucky for me, you won't. You will never do that to me, that's your kindness. To other people, they can see me getting upset at our carpet being spoiled by coffee. They probably will think that I was upset because of the cost of getting it cleaned, the ruined aesthetic. But to you, you will understand the reason immediately. You will know that I believe a spirit lives in that carpet and spilling the coffee will hurt them. Keep it a secret for me, okay? Pinky promise.
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6. Prehnite
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The first time that we met wasn't the first time I saw you. I had seen you ways before that. I just needed time to build my strategy, to infiltrate into your life as smoothly as possible.
I was patient, time was on my side. There is no need to rush. You had your guard up and I didn't want to scare you away. Heck, I sound like a predator, circling its prey. Or maybe I was? You tell me.
But I do know that you didn't make it easy for me to approach you. I have to confess, I almost gave up. I have a habit of letting go too early. A sign of things derailing, then I will be up and going. I couldn't be bogged down by anything, or so I thought. Love was never the end goal for me. It was just a side effect. Even lust had not much meaning to me. I just sped up ahead, leaving them behind. I was pursuing total freedom. I viewed everything as an object to be studied, to extract information from, to help build my personal library. I basically lived in my head.
What's mysterious force that kept my patient in pursuing you, I don't know. Maybe you are the biggest mystery that I've yet to solve. And that thought was the beginning of my demise. At least, my old self's demise. I'm enjoying myself right now, with you.
But you also didn't make it easier when we're together. What are you? Divine punishment? It's not like I have the option to pack by bags and go back to my old way again. I've already burned the bridge leading to it. No coming back now.
You push me to the edge, and I will pull your hand with me. Let's fall together then soaring up again. When our wings are tired and broken, plunge me back to the depth, and I will show you how enticing it is to be with me down below. You're afraid, but you're also brave. I won't do something that I know you can't do or don't want to do. That's our unspoken oath.
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hongjoongscafe · 1 year
Bloody Love...
Chapter: II -Redolent-
♠︎Pairing: yandere!king!jungkookxoc(coronis)
♠︎Genre: angst, smut, yandere, gore, dark romance, horror, creepy (dark fantasy).
♠︎Summary: "you happen to be in a world where wrong is right and right is wrong."
♠︎Word count: 3.6k+
♠︎Warning: creeping, nudity, non-consensual nudity, murder, sniffing, clothes sniffing.
♠︎Note: lemme know if you wanna be added to the permanent or specific taglist! The pictures are not mine, I just edited them.
♠︎Disclaimer: I do not condone any sick behaviour. This is just fiction and please keep it that way. If someone is following you or you feel creepy vibes from someone, please ask for help. Again. This is fiction and does not literally relate to anyone who is mentioned in this. Thank you.
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Castle… The place where commoners were afraid to go. It was not a path to hell… It was hell. The things that happened within the walls of the castle stayed there. Because no one ever came out alive from that place.
Everyone knew there were darker mysteries hidden inside that hell. The darkest being the king. Some say that he has the eyes of an Eagle. He would know who is going to be the prey when he sees one. And never forgets.
His Majesty was remorseless. His words were limited yet venomous. They created chaos. They held power more than God itself. Some say that he doesn't even spare his own family.
Does he have one? No one knows.
He was mentioned in great legends, saying that he had the grandeur of a devil. It was mentioned that no one was born as handsome as he was. His body was as if made of rocks… Just like his heart.
What a waste of beauty.
The decrees of the realm stated that no outsiders, or commoners, were allowed to see him or know his name. The only thing that was revealed was ‘Jeon’.
Not a soul has ever seen him other than those bureaucrats, who were no different than him, but still, his fear was huge among humankind.
He was a ravening monster that plagued his realm and beyond.
There are seven sins: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and indolence. He was high of pride, greedy of souls, lustful of bodies, envious of love, gluttonous of blood, wrathful against peace, and indolence after seeing the world fall apart.
“Jimin- ah,” a thick voice rang through the spacious room.
“Yes, your Majesty,” the guard in his room quickly replied.
“I want this sweet, feminine redolent forever alive. If this could come near me and stay here in my arms, I would never let it go,” he took a deep sniff from the white nightgown. He was laying on his bed, bare body covered with the clothes he stole a couple of days ago. He couldn't get them away from him.
“Your Highness, I'm sure you will have it,” the shorter male who was looking outside the window from the door said.
“Mm,” the king moaned as he rubbed his hard-on with he-like underwear. It was a white cloth in the shape of underwear and had strings to tie them around the waist. “I have never seen beauty so bright,” he closed his eyes and saw her naked, and vulnerable while taking a bath. How her body was shining through. He envied the water that got to touch her in the places, he wished, no one has ever touched apart from her. “Her long black locks were so silky. My hands wanna thread through them and pull them,” he hummed and brought her chemise to his nose. He sniffed where her perky breasts had touched.
He brought the underwear to his face, “look at that, she must be a little whore. Good for me,” said he. “Good for me. Just as long as no one else has used her,” he sighed. “If someone did, you know what is going to happen… Don't you?” he slowly asked Jimin as he looked at him at the door, holding his Halbred tightly in his hand.
Jimin gulped and nodded. “Very well, your Majesty.”
“Hm, now get my horse ready, I want to head out tonight and… See a beautiful flower. Also, summon Maria, too. Tell her that I want her mouth immediately,” he closed his eyes yet again and brought her underwear to his nose and used his hand to give himself some pleasure.
It was evening when His Majesty left the castle and rode towards the village where he last left his heart. He was dressed just like before. His eyes shone in the dark. He had two of his main guards with him. One being Jimin and the other being Mingyu. All hidden behind the black cloaks and masks. Heave jewellery decorating the sins they committed.
The Lord was aware of the time. He knew by the time he would reach there, everyone would have hit the sack. They all had to wake up early to work for the day and get the material ready for the horsemen who would come from the castle and take the material for the day. Their jobs were harder.
The clops of the horses neared the village. And by the time they reached, the whole village was shushed. The fire in the shacks was blown off. The three of them rested there and observed the village.
His Highness took a box out of his leather carrier and a letter. He smirked and got down from the horse and the other two followed. They hid their horses just outside the village and marched towards her house. The guards lit their Mashal and he took his lantern with him.
The walk to the shack was not as long. Jimin and Mingy were commanded to stay alert and away from the shack.
After he was left alone, he moved towards the back where, he figured, was the slot of his princess. Taking careful steps, he stood in front of the window from where he could see the beauty herself sleeping. His heartbeat soothed. A new feeling flowered around him, making him inch closer to her.
He looked and looked and looked at her. The itch in his hands worsened and begged him to feel you on his fingers. So he does so. He looked around to figure out how he could go inside. There his eyes caught another window which was open for fresh air to go inside. He made a silent work to hop inside the slot.
His feet took him closer to her. He kneeled and sat beside her. Her face looked peaceful under the light of the lantern. Her long-lashed kissed her cheeks. Her lips were slightly ajar. Her nightgown was loose, showing her shoulder. He brought his face to her neck and inhaled her essence deeply. He shuddered and moaned.
“Fuck,” he sniffed her again. “You are so fucking addicting. Soon I'll take you, hm? We will be together forever. I'll give you all the pleasure in the world, Princess,” he mumbled. “No one will even dare to think about taking you away.”
As much as he wanted to touch her, he didn't. He kept his hands tied and just sniffed her scent. He looked at her. Her body looked so vulnerable. Slowly, he removed the thin sheet from her. His dick twitched in his clothes as he saw her gown ridden up, showing a peak of her clothed pussy. His breath sharpened. His wicked mind made him scrunch up the gown just enough for him to see her. The strings of her underwear came undone not even a breath apart. Sneakily, he removed the front flap and saw her bare under his eyes.
His cock kept twitching, and bringing his hand to it, he rubbed himself through the clothes. A sigh of relief escaped from him. She was right there, bare for him. Her hairy pussy looked inviting. But he shook his head and carefully removed her underwear and stuffed it inside his sack and covered her back with the sheet.
Out of nowhere, a crow started cawing by the window. Its cawing was loud and was getting louder and louder. The crow fluttered its wings around.
Hearing the crow, she started moving around, making his heart thump in his chest. He quickly left the box and the letter next to her and got up. After giving a last glance, he left.
“I'll be back for you tomorrow, my Princess.”
“Coronis! Coronis! Wake up!” Circe shook Coronis. “Mother had asked for you.”
“What happened?” she sleepily mumbled.
“Something,” said Circe in a hurry.
“Okay, I'll be there in a minute,” Coronis stretched.
Circe went out of the slot and closed the door behind her. Coronis sat up and stretched her neck and looked around. Her eyes fell on a time box next to her head towel. She opened it and saw a necklace that had a tiny bone as a locket. She had seen many animal bones but this was a lot different. Maybe it was a bone from an animal she hasn't seen bones of.
Then she saw a letter laying there too. The paper was not just any ordinary paper, it was a high-quality paper that was sent to the castle. Her hands started shaking as she unfolded it. There were the words written in beautiful handwriting, and at the end, there were some dark red drops which she figured must be blood.
Her heartbeat increased and started sweating. Her shaky eyes read the letter–
“My dear, If you haven't fogged my mind with your face and lustrous body, then what have? It's been a couple of days since I have been thinking about your beauty like a little boy. My mind goes crazy. Your piquant scent lingers in my nose and makes me want to sniff you forever.
I want you to stick to me. I would never let you go or let anyone hurt you. No one gets to fondle that beauty other than me. You are mine so make sure to not let any single soul touch you unless you want to see more people hanging.
I have brought you a little present. I expect you to wear it. It's not an offer but a command. You know better what happens when someone doesn't listen to me, don't you?
Now, my Princess, I'll end it here so that you can do your job like an obedient little girl.
Your dearest♡.”
The tears threatened out of her eyes. She started hyperventilating. The terror ran through her veins. “No no no,” she mumbled. “This can not happen.”
“Coronis!” She heard her mother calling. Clearing her throat, she wiped her tears and shoved the box and the letterunder her sheet.
“What?” She asked.
“Draco and I are going to the gathering. The message was circulated early this morning. So, we both have to go. The guards will be here soon. The buckets of milk are by the entrance, and the supply of eggs and bread is also there,” Martha informed. The lady stepped closer to Coronis. “And last, you need to bring yeast and dry fruits from Nori’s.”
Coronis kept frowning but nodded. Her heart was still racing and now had no will to face the guards. “Okay.”
Before leaving the shack, Martha turned around, “take Circe with you and be careful.”
Coronis stared at the now closed door. Thoughts were running wild in her mind. There was some deep shit that she had gotten herself into without even knowing.
“Coronis, you should get ready,” Circe said as she sat down and took her slate to study some basics.
Coronis nodded and went into her slot. She moved slowly towards her sheet and took the box and the letter. She took the necklace out and fastened it around her neck with her eyes tearing up. Looking at the letter, she brought it to her nose and sniffed it. It had a scent of woodsy and musky notes. It was unique, something she had never sniffed. The redolent stuck to her nose. It was pleasant and made her want to sniff it again but her fear made her tremble and hide the letter in her trunk of clothes along with the box.
She then quickly removed her clothes to change but her breath hitched at a realisation and whispered to herself as tears dripped down her cheeks again, “He did not…”
The clops of the horses echoed through the village. The trembles in everyone's heart rose. The paths started to get cleared for the guards to match through. Kids were shoved back into their shacks.
Sighing, Coronis stood up and started taking the big buckets of milk out along with eggs and bread. The demand for her bread was supplied to the king. He always loved it. And every day, a huge amount of bread was supplied to him. He had one rule, what he used, nobody gets to use. If the bread for him was supplied by her, the rest of the castle and commoners would get it from other bakers. Not from her.
She sat outside by the steps, waiting for the guard to come and take the goods away. She looked pretty today. Her hair was down. The black gown she wore was beautiful. The full sleeves were puffy and the neck was high, covering her beautiful collarbone and neck. The reason why she wore it was because of the necklace.
She adored the colour black.
While waiting, her mind ran back to the letter and the necklace. The paper, and the redolent, both were highly graded. The bone necklace was expensive.
They wore jewellery, but it was cheaper. The chain wasn't made of metal, it was made out of black thread and had cheap silver or iron as a locket. But the one she got, the chain was of rose gold and the bone was held with gold.
Someone from the castle is creeping upon her. He is probably the one who took her clothes too after seeing her taking a bath.
Neigh of a horse pulled her out of her mind. She looked up and saw a patrol man getting off. There were two divisions; a guard and a patrolman. Patrolman wasn't the one who usually took the supplies. But he had the carriage that came for her supplies every day. So she stood up and got to work.
She didn't look up at the man but started loading the carriage with buckets of milk and other things. She went back and forth. The man kept following her movements.
After she was done, she tied up everything with a rope so nothing would break or spill. Then she took out her tiny pouch and opened it and forwarded it towards him. She flinched when she felt a warm hand touching hers. Now she looked up at the man, into his eyes. Her mouth fell open after seeing those eyes. They were the same ones she had seen when that old man was beheaded.
Coronis could never forget those eyes. The dark, vicious eyes.
The man put coins in her pouch and kept on holding her cold hands in his warm ones. They glanced into each other's eyes. He brought his hand up to her head and caressed her head.
He felt her soft hair and threaded his hands through them. Slowly, he snaked his hand down to her face and caressed her cheek. He saw how her face started to turn red. She shook in fear.
His thumb gently traced her lower lip and pulled it down. Then he traced her upper lip. It all felt too intimate. He loved the feeling of her against his hands. He wanted to take her then and there.
Coronis's breath hitched when she got the whiff of the hands of the man. They reeked of that woody and musky redolent. Her breath started shortening.
He looked down at her neck and patted it as if he was trying to find something. Then he shoved his hand down her neckline and pulled out the necklace and adored it. She saw him smiling under the mask. His eyes became small as he smiled and felt the bone against his fingers.
He looked up at her, “Never remove it,” her mouth fell ajar at his thick raspy voice.
But she shakily nodded. And pulled the locket and shoved it back into her dress.
His eyes then focused behind her, and she followed his gaze and fell on her little sister who was standing there, terrified.
Coronis got in front of his gaze so that he could not see her sister. She gulped and looked down. He grabbed her chin softly and made her look into his eyes. He looked at her, took all the details of her face and removed his hand from her face and locked the door of the carriage. Getting on his horse, he set one last glance before heading back.
She let out a heavy sigh, finally breathing properly. Now she knew who was the creep that invaded her privacy.
“Circe, go get ready, we gotta go and get the goods Mother asked us for.”
The market was, as always, tight. People were fighting for the material. Some were bargaining with the vendors to relieve some prices.
Coronis held Circe's hand tightly to not lose her anywhere. She didn't want to bring her but her staying at the shack, alone, would have been nerve-racking. “Do not leave my side, alright?” Coronis said.
“I won't,” the little girl nodded and grabbed her sister's hand tighter.
A knife was secured with the older one just in case. The open market was far more dangerous than it seemed. Predators roamed around, trying to find their prey in the open. The worst part was that no one ever helped anyone out of it. If someone is dying, they are dying. There is no other way unless they are brought to the physician. But that was mainly done by the family.
They both stopped by the Ji-un’s to buy some yeast. And then walked towards Nori.
Nori was a sweet girl. Coronis was fond of her. She was sweet-spoken and on certain occasions, she took care of Circe as her own sister. It had been a good while since she last met her.
Coronis and Nori both started chit-chatting about things. The dry fruits were looking nice. She was ordered to make some dry fruit cake. So she selected good quality dry fruits and started looking for other things for her baked goods.
Baking was something Coronis loved. She found her escape in it. Every single day, she would tie her hair up and put on her black apron. Her recipes were always secret, even from her own mother. She always said that if you love doing something and put love into it, there is no way that the goods won't turn good even if they are for the devil himself. She was gifted in baking.
Her melodious voice would tingle through the shack while she baked and mixed the ingredients together to make another scrumptious food. It was her h—
“Coronis!” a scream made Coronis's blood drain from the face. She looked around but Circe was gone.
“Coronis!” she ran towards the sound, dropping everything at Noris.
“Circe!” she called. “Where are you?!”
“Coronis!” the little girl screamed again.
There were people gathering in one place. Coronis went there and saw a patrolman holding Circe in a headlock. “Circe!” She ran towards her sister but other guards held her back. “No! Not her! Punish me! Not her!” Coronis begs, her tears running down her cheeks.
“Shut up!” the man yelled and held Circe tighter. “Do you not know what happens to those who come in our way?!”
“Please, I beg your mercy!” Coronis kneeled down and rubbed her hands together. “She is a child. She doesn't know much. Please, let her go! Take me instead! Kill me, not her!”
“You should have thought about it before, lady,” the patrolman pulled out his longsword and raised it high up in the sky, ready to take Circe away from Coronis.
Coronis begged and begged. She closed her eyes but never stopped begging for mercy. After a few, a sound of a sword separating a head came. The whole village was silenced. Only Coronis's cries were heard, still begging for Circe's life.
“Coronis!” She felt a tiny human latching onto her. She opened her eyes and saw Circe hugging her and crying like no end.
She looked around and glanced at the man who was holding Circe was not beheaded. Her eyes fell on the man who was standing near it with a bare sword drenched in blood.
Those eyes. It was him.
Coronis crawled to him and bowed down to him. “Master! Thank you for sparing her life!” Coronis cried hysterically. She kept on crying and said good words to him. Circe, too, bowed and thanked him for letting her go.
From far away, he looked at what was happening. He heard a little girl screaming for some Coronis. He would have not interfered but he saw his Princess running and crying towards the little girl that his man was holding. He could not bear to see her cry and beg such a low life for having mercy on a little girl.
He turned his horse towards them and saw that the little girl was at her shack. Coronis was rubbing her hands, begging but he was ready to take a life that could possibly ruin Coronis's life. That boiled his blood and made him see red.
He moved behind that man and worked his sword once and the head of the fucker was gone. His breath swelled. He got down from his horse and saw the sisters crying.
When Coronis crawled and thanked him for sparing Circe's life. He wanted to cry and take her in his arms and make her feel better but he knew better than to do this.
He patted both of their heads and got on his horse and rode away and two others followed him.
Coronis hugged Circe closer and stood by looking at the man who was going away and away. He was wicked and cracked. But saved her life's life. She could never thank him enough for this… even though he did unforgivable things to her last night without her knowledge. Her sister still stood higher and far more important than her dignity.
“Circe, never make me this weak, for my sake.”
Sanaa's note:
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Let me know your thoughts! Your words really help me a lot and motivate me to write more frequently! The feedback from chapter one made me write this one faster. Thank you so much! I hope you guys will keep on interacting and won't be silent! 💓
The behaviour of all the characters is visualize.
@veneziamadness @cheline @sansmilkbread @jayb17 @constantlydelulusional @8tinytings @tea4sykes; @darkuni63 @mageprincess7 @whipwhoops @ackercute @ane102 @kimseokjinsmirror1233 @sparklingglory @jungkooks21 @namjoonscrabjuice @yluv-damara-13
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mimisempai · 1 month
This unavoidable between us - Chapter 6/8
Chapter Summary
Masterpieces and scented baths. They're getting closer and closer, and some confessions are just around the corner. 
A little patience, my lovely readers…
On Ao3
Rating G - 2912 words
Masterpost here
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Day five
-Visit to the National Gallery
-Dinner cruise
Awakened by a ray of sunlight streaming through the shutters, Crowley turned in Aziraphale's arms and admired the light playing on the beautiful features of his lover. A sense of possession came over him, though he knew Aziraphale would never be his.
He had sensed a deep sadness in Aziraphale the day before, but Crowley knew he would never tell him what it was.
He allowed himself to be a little melancholy.
He had his soulmate in front of him, and he knew he couldn't tell him anything. Worst of all, he could feel their bond growing stronger. Aziraphale's sadness was becoming his own, and Crowley didn't know what to do with it.
He whispered, "If you let me in, I'll take care of you and you'll never be sad again."
Crowley froze as Aziraphale moved slightly. A few seconds later, he sighed with relief - Aziraphale still looked sleepy and probably hadn't heard what he'd whispered.
He was so perfect for him. Crowley had never felt this close to anyone before.
He shook his head to stop thinking about it. He'd promised himself to enjoy every day and he would. He lifted himself a little to place a light kiss on his lover's cheek and pulled away gently. A smile formed on Aziraphale's lips and he murmured, "It's not fair. You can't light a fire like that and not go on."
"A fire?" 
Crowley slid his hand down Aziraphale's chest, watching with pleasure as he drew goosebumps with his fingertips until his hand disappeared beneath the blanket, lingering in the warm hollow of Aziraphale's hip. He watched with satisfaction as Aziraphale gasped in response before laughing softly.
"You look rather cold, the way your skin is shivering."
Aziraphale's smile widened, "If I'm cold, then warm me up."
"I am at your service," Crowley replied with delight. He planted a kiss on the other cheek before dropping another, just as light and lazy, to Aziraphale's lips. Then he resumed his place in his lover's arms, lightly tracing meaningless curves across his chest, watching with delight as Aziraphale's body responded to his touch. He heard him gasp several times, but did not change the rhythm or pressure of his touch.
"Hm... don't stop."
"I don't intend to." 
Crowley straddled Aziraphale and leaned in until their lips met. He nibbled on Aziraphale's lip, then whispered, "We can't let this poor body grow cold." 
He captured Aziraphale's lips in a deep kiss before tracing a path of kisses along his jaw to his ear where he breathed: "But it will take time, there are many places to warm on this beautiful body."
Aziraphale moaned softly, "That's fine with me," as Crowley kissed his way down his neck, pausing to run a mischievous tongue along the hollow of his collarbone, eliciting another gasp before Aziraphale whispered in a lustful voice, "Take all the time you need."
"Oh, I intend to," Crowley replied, continuing his path of kisses, and as he slid down his lover's body, feeling it harden beneath him, he raised his head and looked into his eyes before saying, his eyes clouded with desire, "In fact, I think it's going to take me hours. Because I intend to explore you thoroughly."
Swallowing, Aziraphale couldn't help but arch slightly at the other man's touch, "I like that plan."
Crowley merely smiled softly before letting his hand slide lower until his fingers hooked the waistband of Aziraphale's pajama pants and slid them down his legs to continue his exploration, and it really was a good exploration.
In the aftermath of their pleasure, they were lazing in bed for a few minutes.
Crowley, snuggled against Aziraphale, raised his hand to caress his lover's face when he suddenly felt a wetness beneath his fingers.
He straightened to look at the other man's face and saw that his eyes were glistening with tears. Overcome with concern, he asked softly, "Aziraphale, are you all right?"
Aziraphale turned to him and despite his eyes glistening with tears, he smiled softly and replied, "Yes, I'm more than okay. It's nothing...it's just too much emotion," he said breathlessly, shaking his head.
Crowley pulled Aziraphale to him and pressed their lips together in a tender kiss. Aziraphale's hand came up to caress his cheek and he looked into Crowley's eyes, so many emotions there, but he could not express them.
Crowley wanted to tell Aziraphale how he felt, to let him know how much he meant to him, but the intensity of the moment overwhelmed him as well, and all he could do was pull Aziraphale into his arms and hold him tight. They remained like that for long minutes, in a silence heavy with meaning, but which neither dared to fill with words.
Crowley decided to break the silence and asked in a light tone, "Still up for the gallery tour?"
Aziraphale ran a hand through his hair and replied in the same tone, "Always when it comes to masterpieces, and you?"
A playful smile passed over Crowley's lips, "I like living masterpieces like the one I have here." As he said this, he traced the curve of Aziraphale's hips with his finger, then continued, "But I'm willing to make the effort to go and see some more for you."
Aziraphale slowly slipped out of Crowley's arms and rose to go to the bathroom, Crowley following him with his eyes, taking in the view before rising in his turn.
An hour later, after a hearty breakfast, they were strolling the halls of the National Gallery.
Once again, Crowley was surprised by Aziraphale's display of affection for him. He had thought he would be more reserved in a museum, more on guard, but this was not the case. 
More than once, as they moved from one hall to another, Aziraphale would take his hand, or when Crowley lingered in front of a particular painting, he would put his hand on his back while giving him some background explanation about the work or the artist. Because, of course, Aziraphale knew all the major works in the gallery by heart, and even the minor ones.
Crowley, who didn't know much but was always curious to learn, listened intently because Aziraphale knew how to make works of art interesting, always with a little anecdote, funny or not.
Crowley, curious, asked him between paintings, "I wonder why you insisted on coming here if you already know everything."
Aziraphale paused, looking a little embarrassed, before replying, "Well, I've always come alone, and it's always been a dream of mine to share it with someone."
Crowley didn't reply, just nodded in understanding before taking Aziraphale's hand in turn and resuming their visit.
An hour later, as they entered another wing, Aziraphale exclaimed, "Ah, here we are, I knew there was this exhibit and I'm glad you can see it."
Crowley was amused to see Aziraphale's excitement. It was somehow beautiful to see, more beautiful than anything he'd seen since this visit began. Aziraphale was so passionate that his whole person seemed to be lit from within. Crowley wondered if many people had had the opportunity to see him like that. If Aziraphale had often been like this.
From the few hints Aziraphale had dropped here and there, Crowley got the impression that he hadn't.
He asked Aziraphale, "What is this all about?"
Aziraphale shook his head, "Look at it first, then we'll talk about it later." He winked at Crowley and continued, "Just like Cyrano."
Crowley's curiosity was piqued and he began to wander among the paintings on display. The artist's name was Monet and Crowley was immediately captivated. He had painted the same view of a cathedral thirty times, only a few of which were on display. Each painting was different, depending on the light, the season, and the weather. It was as if the artist was trying to capture reality in the mobility of its changing light.
He murmured, "Amazing."
He heard a slight chuckle from beside him. He was so absorbed in his observation that he hadn't heard Aziraphale approach.
"I take it you like it?" 
Crowley nodded enthusiastically, "It's crazy! He's painted the same view thirty times and not one is the same. He did it again and again. And with other landscapes, too."
Aziraphale smiled fondly and replied, "Actually, I wanted you to see this because it makes me think of you. As much as I look at you and think I'm getting to know you, you show me something new every time."
Crowley blushed slightly and turned to a new canvas to collect himself. God, Aziraphale had a way of returning compliments and throwing him off balance. He felt Aziraphale's hand slip into his, intertwining their fingers as he murmured, "That was a bit much, sorry. "
Crowley turned his head toward him, "No, not at all, I'm the one who never really knows how to take compliments. I never feel like I deserve it."
Aziraphale lifted their intertwined hands and kissed the back of Crowley's hand before replying softly, "But you deserve them. "
Crowley simply replied, "Thank you," before returning to the painting. After a few seconds, he said, "You know, this work reminds me of you.
Aziraphale muttered, "Impression, sunrise. Why?"
"Well, when we are far away, we only see the sun, but when we get closer, we see all the details that give depth to the canvas, and you are the same way, when we don't know you, we only see the cheerful person really like a sunshine, but the more I get to know you, the more I discover the details that make me see who you really are."
Aziraphale swallowed and asked, "And you like what you discover?"
Crowley rolled his eyes, "Do you doubt it?"
"Tell me, please."
Crowley looked up into Aziraphale's face and, resting his hand on his cheek, murmured softly, "Of course I like it. You really are an extraordinary man. And I..."
Crowley fell silent, realizing what he was about to say.
But Aziraphale insisted, "And you what?"
"I wish I'd known you before, or had enough time to get to know you better."
"Anthony, I'm sorry..."
"Shh, don't say anything, I know. Let's just enjoy this moment, okay?"
For the first time since the beginning of the week, Aziraphale felt like telling Anthony everything. But once again he decided to keep quiet, for what could his lover of a week change?
He nodded and they continued their visit, managing to regain their former ease after a few minutes.
They left in the early afternoon, and after a light lunch at a small restaurant on the way to the hotel, they found themselves back at the door of their rooms. Aziraphale turned to Anthony: "Are you...?"
Crowley had started to speak at the same time, "Do you..."
They laughed and Aziraphale motioned for him to speak.
Crowley asked, "What do you have planned for this afternoon?"
Aziraphale shrugged, "I hadn't planned anything special because I didn't know how long the gallery tour would take and I didn't want to overload the day because of dinner tonight. I confess I wouldn't mind a little nap."
Crowley asked, "Each to his own room? " 
Aziraphale smiled slightly, a little tentatively, "I was hoping together?"
Crowley smiled broadly and replied, "Let me freshen up and I'll be right there."
A few moments later, he walked over to Aziraphale, who was already comfortably ensconced on the suite's sofa, and as he approached, he saw that he had even fallen asleep. He smiled fondly, taking a few seconds to study the peaceful face.
When he approached again, Aziraphale moved a little and muttered, "I hope you don't mind, I started without you."
Crowley chuckled softly and sat down next to Aziraphale, resting his head on his lap, a position he was growing to enjoy.
He turned to face Aziraphale, taking advantage of his slumber to bury his face against his lover's stomach. As he began to drift off, he felt Aziraphale's fingers run through his hair, gently scratching his scalp.
 It was the same caress that woke him nearly two hours later.
"Anthony, you'd better wake up if we're going to be on time," Aziraphale said gently, shaking his shoulder.
Crowley was reluctant to leave his cozy cocoon and buried his head further into Aziraphale's belly as he laughed softly.
Aziraphale tickled his neck lightly under his shorter hair.
Crowley let out a low moan and rolled onto his back. His eyes remained closed. Aziraphale leaned forward and brushed his slightly parted lips with his own. Crowley finally responded and wrapped his arms around Aziraphale's neck, pulling him closer to take his lips in a full-on kiss. When Aziraphale lifted his head so they could catch their breath, Crowley said mischievously, "A real prince's kiss to wake a princess."
Aziraphale replied in the same tone: "Well, if the princess doesn't get up, she'll be late for the ball. Although..."
His face clouded slightly, not unnoticed by Crowley, who asked, "Although what?
Aziraphale sighed and said in a slightly embarrassed tone, "Would you mind canceling the dinner cruise?"
Crowley straightened and shook his head, "Aziraphale, it's your week, your schedule. I have no problem with that. And what would you like to do instead?"
Aziraphale shrugged, "I don't really know, I... "
Crowley, resting his hand on top of his, interrupted, "You'd let me choose for you?"
"Yesterday was excellent then, yes, I'll gladly let you choose."
"Perfect!" Crowley clapped his hands and stood up, motioning for Aziraphale to remain seated, "I'll pack a few things and you stay here until then."
He almost jumped at Aziraphale's amused look.
A few minutes later, Crowley called.
"You can come in, Aziraphale!"
Aziraphale went to the bathroom where Crowley's voice had come from. When he arrived, he saw that steam was slowly rising in the bathroom, which was warm and smelled faintly of flowers.
Crowley reached out to him and said quietly, "Come."
As Aziraphale joined him, Crowley began to remove his lover's clothes. 
"Anthony... I can do it."
But before he could make a move, Crowley shook his head and said softly, "Let me take care of you, okay? This time is for you. Not by contract, just because I want it."
Aziraphale, moved, obeyed and let himself be tended to, a complete stranger to the pleasant sensation of having nothing to do.
Once he was completely naked, Crowley led him to the edge of the tub and helped him get in and sit down. Once he was seated, Crowley leaned him back and it was absolutely heavenly. The warmth of the water seemed to soak into his bones and muscles, easing aches and pains he'd never thought he'd have. Crowley had turned on the whirlpool, the water bubbling gently, sending pleasant tingles down his skin, and the scent soothing his mind with a single breath. He let out a heavy sigh of contentment as he closed his eyes.
"I get the impression you like it," Crowley murmured.
"Hmmm..." Aziraphale hummed, looking up at him. Crowley planted a light kiss on his forehead and then stepped back to undress under the appreciative gaze of Aziraphale, who didn't want to miss a thing.
When he had finished, leaving only his underwear, Aziraphale continued to follow him with his eyes, surprised that he didn't come and join him in the bath. 
Instead, he seemed to be sitting behind Aziraphale, who asked, "What are you doing? ".
"Washing your hair, of course."
Aziraphale, a little embarrassed, replied, "You don't have to."
"No, but I want to. You said it was my choice, so it is."
He took some water in the palm of his hand and began to wet Aziraphale's hair, who, seeing that he had no argument for refusing, let his head fall back.
Crowley then coated his hands with scented shampoo and placed them on Aziraphale's head, brushing his hair back and massaging his scalp. Aziraphale could barely contain a moan of pleasure. 
Crowley continued his massage while washing the hair, then rinsing it again, using the showerhead at the end to make sure all the shampoo was rinsed out. 
Aziraphale leaned his head back and murmured, "Thank you."
From the tone of his voice and the way he looked at him, Crowley knew he wasn't just thanking him for the bath. Crowley simply leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on Aziraphale's lips. 
"You're welcome, Aziraphale. The pleasure was all mine."
He stood and finally removed his underwear to enter the wide tub as well, ignoring all the free space to sit between Aziraphale's legs, sliding forward to rest his head just under Aziraphale's chin.
Aziraphale's hands slid around his waist and he kissed the top of Anthony's head. For a long moment they sat there, enjoying the water and each other's presence, feeling completely warm, relaxed and content, exactly where they belonged.
When the water became too lukewarm, they decided to get out of the bath. After that they had a light supper, still in perfect harmony, and of course went to sleep in Aziraphale's bed.
When Anthony fell asleep against him and Aziraphale felt the sleep take him for the second time, he felt like telling Anthony the truth, but in the end he decided against it, he didn't want to lose the bliss he was feeling right now.
Tomorrow would be another day.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable fan fictions Masterpost : here
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I Never Want To Fall Asleep - Chapter 8 (Part 2)
Word count: 3,107
For pairings, warnings, and disclaimer - see Masterpost
thank you @gretavangroupie for helping me wrap up this story. much love!
(this chapter contains explicit sexual content!)
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Sunday, December 25th, 2022
Frankenmuth, Michigan
When you clamber into the cold car, Jake immediately cranks the heat and puts his hand on your thigh, rubbing gently to warm you up. You sigh contentedly.
You’re both silent on the drive to the motel, but you can feel an inexplicable tension filling the air. He has soft music playing, and it doesn’t feel awkward. You just feel, nervous? Your knee that isn’t in Jake’s grasp is bouncing up and down softly, and you hope he thinks it’s just because you’re cold.
You both make it up to the hotel room, and you fumble with the key in your cold hands. When you finally get the door open, you walk in as confidently as you can, dumping your bag and scarf down on the table. When you turn around, you see Jake lingering in the doorway.
He looks up at you shyly. “So, can I see you tomorrow?” 
You’re confused. “You aren’t staying with me?”
He goes red and fumbles on his words. “Oh, I, uh… I didn’t know you wanted me to.”
You take a deep breath and walk bravely toward him, lacing your hands behind his neck.
“Well, I don’t want you to leave.”
He nods, the blush still radiating in his cheeks. “Me, neither.”
Now that you’re alone, there’s an air of nervousness about him. He runs his hands up your sides, his fingers flexing on your waist.
“Kiss me.” You breathe. And he does.
His mouth crashes into yours, hard. He takes mere seconds before pressing his tongue against your teeth, and you open your mouth graciously. You feel the months of pent-up tension and lust spilling out into this moment, and you tighten your grasp around his neck, anchoring him to you.
He spins you around and blindly reaches behind you to close the door, eventually having to break away to find the handle, which makes you both giggle breathlessly.
He presses you up against the door, his knee pushing between your legs, pinning you in place. You slide your hands into his coat and push it down his arms, letting it drop to the floor. He runs his palms up your sides under your sweater and prompts you to lift your arms so he can take it off. When he’s thrown it onto the closest chair, he rests his forehead against yours, and whispers to you.
“I love that you wore that today.”
Your cheeks get hot, and you give him a small smile. “I just wanted to feel you close.” You admit.
He’s kissing your neck as he says, “I’m right here.”
You hum, knotting your fingers into his hair, as he nips the skin of your jaw.
“You’re so beautiful.” He breathes.
You pull his face back to you so you can kiss his mouth. You want to pour out every feeling you have for him into a kiss. You’ve never been great with intimate words or compliments, but you hope he can just feel what you’re thinking by the pressure of your lips and the tight grip of your fists on his shirt.
You place your hands on his shoulders and push him backward until the backs of his knees hit the bed. You rest your forehead on his shoulder as you untuck the tails of his shirt and undo the three buttons he actually has done up. Your hands are shaking as you get the last one, and his hands replace yours to slide it over his arms and let it fall.
You step back from him and lift your dress over your head, kicking off your boots. He does the same.
As you stand in front of him in just your bra and stockings, you feel your skin burn as he rakes his gaze over you. He takes a step toward you and runs his fingers across the smattering of purple marks on your collarbone. The pitiful amount of concealer you’d used to cover them has rubbed off on your dress.
“Did I do that?” He asks sheepishly.
You smile and nod.
He frowns. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. I liked it.” You smirk.
With newfound confidence, you sink to your knees in front of him, toying with the drawstring of his trousers, and placing a wet kiss to his hip bone, before hooking your fingers underneath them and sliding them down his legs.
As the back of your hand brushes his cock, he lets out a little whimper. Oh, you liked that. You’d do anything to have him make that noise again.
You’ve left his underwear on, but you can see just how hard he is for you. You cup him in your hand and brush your open mouth over the fabric, peering up at him from under your lashes. You can feel his frame tense as he lets out a sharp breath, and reaches down to wrap his hands around your biceps, pulling you to your feet.
“Not tonight.” He breathes. You’re a little disappointed, you would’ve liked to see what kind of reactions you could elicit from him in that position, but you can’t help but feel relief to have his face close to yours again.
He wraps his arms around you, toying with the hook of your bra.
“Let me see you.” He murmurs, and you nod. He unclasps it with ease and tosses it to some unknown corner of the room, planting a soft kiss on the slope of your chest.
He steps back and pulls you with him as he sits down on the end of the bed, holding onto your waist to keep you standing, and begins to kiss down between your breasts, brushing his nose across the skin of your abdomen. You sigh, your head tipping back, as you run your hands through his hair.
He slides his hands underneath the waistband of your stockings, and along with your underwear, he slowly slides them down your legs. The feeling of his hands on the bare skin of your hips and thighs is like a drug, and you begin to feel your skin prick with goosebumps. He helps you step out of your stockings and runs his hands back up the outside of your legs, and you have to wrap your arms around his neck and lean your chest down onto his head to keep your balance.
He begins to plant soft kisses on your lower stomach, digging his thumbs into the bare creases of your hips and thighs. He loves that spot. You feel your stomach tingle at the feeling.
You push back on his shoulders so you can plant your knee on the bed, swinging the other over his waist to straddle him. You’re completely naked now, save for your necklace, and he touches it delicately on his way to grab your breast, as you plant yourself in his lap.
You both moan at the feeling of your bodies connecting, despite the thin fabric separating you. His hands run up your back to hold you in place, and you feel yourself slowly grinding down on him without even really thinking about it. 
He attaches his lips to your chest and encourages you, using his position to move your hips in slow circles, occasionally giving a gentle buck of his own.
He’s so warm and soft, and your hands mindlessly run over his hair, his shoulders, his back, wherever they can find purchase. You use one to cup his jaw, pulling his face to you so you can kiss his lips. It’s soft, you barely make contact, but you moan into his mouth as he pushes himself upward to increase your pleasure.
He slides a hand between you, pressing his fingertips into your clit, using your motion to move them as you circle your hips.
If you were on the outside looking in, you’d probably be embarrassed. You're perched in Jake’s lap, chasing your own high as you gyrate above him, making the most feral sounds.
In the moment, though, you can’t possibly be. When he removes his hand, he leans back onto one arm, keeping the other firmly on your hip, fingers digging in, and looks at you with such awe that you feel a fire in your belly, searing through your limbs. You’ve never felt this kind of passion before.
You lean forward to capture his lips quickly, before breathing in his ear.
“I need you inside me, now.”
He lets out something like a growl and grabs onto your other hip, before flipping you both over to plant himself between your legs. You scoot backward up the bed and he follows you, but not before nipping your calf. You squeal.
You let yourself have one moment to wonder if this is the right choice, but when he looks up at you and you see the same fire in his eyes that you feel in the pit of your stomach, you know there’s no stopping either of you now.
When his face is level with yours, you place a hand on his heaving chest, wrapping your legs around his waist. You can feel his heart hammering.
He leans down to kiss you, pressing his still-clothed cock between your legs.
“Are you sure?” He whispers into your lips.
“Yes. Fuck me, please.”
“Condom?” He murmurs.
“I’m on the pill.” You reply impatiently. 
He hums, low in his throat, and you reach down to rid him of his boxer briefs. He kicks them off the rest of the way and you take him in your hand, giving him a few soft pumps before pressing him all the way into you.
He lets out a low groan and a curse as his forehead comes to rest on your shoulder, one hand planted on the mattress beside your arm, the other palming your breast. You grip the back of his head, encouraging him to move. He starts slowly, as if to prolong this for the both of you, but you don’t care. You just need to feel him.
“More.” You moan, and he doesn’t hold back.
You knew this would feel intense. What you didn’t count on, however, was how this would amplify the feelings you already had for him. To feel connected to him in such a physical way, you’d never be able to go back. From the sounds he’s making and the soft affirmations he’s mumbling into your neck, you know he feels the same.
Save for the sounds of your skin smacking together, your whimpering, and Jake’s jagged breathing, the room is quiet. You tug on his hair to pull his face to you, where he leans his damp forehead against yours, still moving relentlessly inside you, hitting every spot.
“I love you.” You whisper.
He kisses your mouth hard.
“Fuck, I love you.” He practically moans. “I can’t… uh… you’re gonna make me come.” He admits breathily.
You let out a moan at that, too, snaking your hand between your bodies to touch yourself. “I want you to. Come inside me, Jake.”
His fingers dig into your hip so hard you’re sure they’ll leave bruises, but you don’t care. You want to have his marks all over you. You rake the fingernails of your free hand down his back, and you feel him shiver.
He picks up his pace, grunting in your ear, and you feel yourself on the precipice. 
“I want you to come with me.” He manages to get out.
You whine. “I’m gonna.”
His motions become erratic as he brings himself to the edge. Or you bring him there. You don’t really know, you may as well be one body at this point.
You reach your release, crying out as you grip the hair at the base of his neck, holding his cheek to yours, and you feel him come inside of you, groaning and cursing into your neck, shuddering with the intensity.
You’re both shaking, breathing hard, as you remove your hand from yourself and bring both arms around his head to hold him close to your chest, where he lays with his cheek flush against your sternum. You play gently with the ends of his hair as you both come down, and he doesn’t move. You don’t want him to. You just want this feeling of your bodies being connected for a little longer.
All his weight is on you, and you revel in it. The skin on skin and firm pressure of him is better than any weighted blanket. It feels like he’s just an extension of you, grounding you to the earth so you don’t float away.
“You ok?” He murmurs.
You hum. “You?”
You feel him nod under your arms. “That was intense.” He turns his head to look up at you, and you brush the hair from his eyes.
“Mmhm.” You just smile at him. You don’t even really have the words right now.
He plants a kiss on your breast as he moves to pull out of you, and crawls over you to flop down on the pillow beside you, pulling you into his arms.
With your nose pressed into his chest, you ask, “Good intense?”
He hums. “The best.”
You smile into his skin. “For me, too.”
You just lay there for a while. God, it feels good to be next to him again, especially now that you’re both fully undressed and all your feelings are out in the open. He pets your hair, running his fingers lightly across your shoulders. You pepper soft kisses across his chest, and eventually, as if he can’t stand it anymore, he pulls you up to kiss you gently on the mouth.
“Are you sleepy?” He asks you quietly.
You nod.
“You can go to sleep, baby. I’ll still be here in the morning.” Your tummy flutters at the pet name.
You sigh. “I don’t want to sleep here. Take me home, Jake.”
“To your parents’ house. I want to sleep in your room.”
He grins. “Okay. We should probably shower first.”
You groan. “Fine.”
You sit up slowly, your skin still radiating with adrenaline, and swing your legs over the edge of the bed to get up. Jake follows suit, and walks quietly behind you as you pad to the bathroom.
Your shower together is nothing short of sickeningly romantic. You take turns washing each other's hair and bodies, and Jake takes every opportune moment to plant soft, wet kisses on any part of your exposed body that he can reach. It’s heavenly.
When you finally get out, you have to share the towel that you and Sam both used this morning, which you admit to Jake apologetically. He just laughs.
You both leave your hair wet. You find some comfy clothes and repack your duffle as Jake redresses himself, helping you tidy up the room.
“Will you come back here?” He asks you casually, as he pulls up the covers on the bed.
You giggle. “Not unless you kick me out.”
He hums. “I don’t foresee that happening.”
You nod. “Well. No, then.”
He looks satisfied with this, and says as much. “Good.”
When you’re packed and ready, he follows you down to the 24-hour service desk to return your key and settle your bill. When you glance at the clock on the wall of the dim office, you see it reads 1.46am.
As you both shuffle back out the door into the cold, you lean your head on Jake’s shoulder and ask, “Will your mom be pissed if we come back this late?”
He chuckles. “I think she’ll just be happy we’re home. Both of us.”
You hum as Jake takes your bags, and you climb into the car.
This drive is much calmer. You feel contented. Jake keeps his hand around the back of your neck the whole way, massaging your muscles, and you let out a few deep sighs.
You sneak back into the Kiszkas’ as quietly as you can, kicking off your shoes in the entryway and hanging your outer clothes by the door.
When you pass the living room, you see that Ronnie has made it up to bed, but Sam is still on the couch, quietly snoring. You silently hand Jake your purse and pad your way over to Sam, pulling the blanket from the arm of the couch up over his lanky frame. You hear a small sigh as he tucks it around his chin and resumes snoring. You have to bite back a giggle.
You follow Jake up the stairs, careful not to bump anything on the railing, flicking off light switches as you go. When you finally make it to his room and shut the door, you let out a sigh.
He sets your bags down on Josh’s bed, and sits on his own to take off his shoes, looking up at you as you lean against the door.
“Ready for bed?” He asks.
You hum. “I am now.”
You strip back down to nothing, and he does the same. You curl up in his small bed, sleep imminent, and settle down, facing each other. Your legs tangle together, your arm draped lazily over his middle, his hand petting your hair.
“Did you have a good Christmas?” You ask him quietly.
He chuckles. “I did, thanks to you.”
“Me, too.”
He lifts your chin to brush his lips softly over yours.
“How could I have ever thought we could just be friends?”
Your breath hitches in your throat. “I don’t know.”
He begins to absently run his fingers over your neck and collarbone, creating fresh goosebumps in his wake.
“Do you think we should wait to tell my brothers? Josh already knows…” He muses.
You giggle. “Danny and Sam know, too.”
He smirks. “Nosey assholes."
“Have you thought about what this will mean for tour?” You ask softly.
He gives a small nod. “I don’t think much will change. I’ll just struggle to keep my hands off you even more than I did before, now that I know what it feels like.” He brushes his hand up your thigh, grabbing a handful of your flesh.
You hum.
Jake chuckles to himself, and you look up at him curiously.
“Where will you be sleeping tonight, Y/N?” He asks you, a callback to the question he’d ask you every night on tour, when both of you secretly prayed that the answer would be his room.
You giggle. “Right here, Jake. Tonight and every night, if you’ll have me.”
“When you’re with me, I never want to fall asleep. Don’t want to waste a second.”
@ohgodthefeeling-gvf @profitofthedune @sinarainbows @klarxtr @jakesgrapejuice @gretavangroupie @mackalah @clairesjointshurt @writingcold @alwaysonthemend @jakekiszkasbuttsweat
a/n: thank you so much to everyone who's been following this story! it's made me so happy that you guys (like me) enjoy this silly little corner of the internet and have supported me <3 big love to all of you
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broodybuck · 29 days
The Secret Scandal | Series Part 4
Series Summary: After Lord Steven Rogers returns from his summer travels nearly unrecognizable, Lord James Barnes discovers he can't take his eyes off his oldest friend.
Series Tags: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Rated E | Tags: 18+ explicit smut, Bridgerton (TV) au, historical au, no powers au, top Steve, bottom Bucky, friends to lovers, denial of feelings, first time, touch-starved
[Masterpost] // [ao3 link]
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[PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3]
Back at the townhouse, Steve lets Bucky ride him. The evening is glorious and they are both feeling the effects of being allowed out in the open tonight.
Steve is staring at Bucky as if he's never seen him before. His eyes color with curiosity, enthrallment, and a lust that makes Bucky arch back on Steve's member and whine.
Steve's quiet demeanor does not fade in the following days. There is a stretch where the two do not see each other due to family obligations. They do not receive a chance to sneak away to the townhouse and it is a torment like no other for Bucky.
He dreams of Steve every night they are apart and at one moment, he even wails out in the night desperate to be touched.
Their reunion is less jovial than Bucky imagines for Steve acts much too calm about their chance to be alone again. When they step into the townhouse, the silence is deafeningly in Bucky's ears.
His greatest fears swarm back to him that Steve is reconsidering a future for them.
"Steve, are you well?" Bucky asks.
"Of course," Steve claims. He grimaces, avoiding Bucky's eyes.
"Please, tell me the truth."
Steve sighs, shoulders deflating.
"I would like to propose an idea and I fear how you will respond," Steve admits.
"Propose it."
Steve takes a deep breath. "I have thought of a way for us to have a future more... acceptably."
Bucky arches an eyebrow at him and waits for more clarification.
"Those two women we met at the club. They are in the same predicament as we are. I had the idea that we could marry them. One each to appease society and our mothers. Somehow, we could switch places and in reality, spend all our time with each other. The marriage would merely be a sham."
Bucky breathes easily again for all his fears were surrounding Steve leaving him forever, forgetting about them. Instead, Steve has been harboring an idea to create that very future.
"Steve, I believe that is a grand idea."
"You do?" Steve's face lights up with hope.
"Of course, I had not considered a way to make ourselves and our families happy. That would solve it all."
Steve rushes to wrap Bucky in his arms and even lifts him up in a hug to kiss him. Bucky chuckles.
"And here I had been waiting for our reunion to become commemorative," Bucky jests.
"I had been in agony over the thought of you rejecting the idea. In truth, I had feared you may no longer want a future as Dorothy and Margaret have at all."
"I feared the very same thing," Bucky tells him.
Steve laughs incredulously, "How foolish of I to doubt you."
He sets Bucky down as his face turns softer than a bale of cotton.
"Buck, I love you."
Bucky does not even hesitate in his response.
"I love you too."
They take to the bed after that and Bucky is astonished by how distinct it feels tonight. He did not suspect that laying with Steve could get any better as it had already been the greatest pleasure he had ever experienced.
Ostensibly, it could get better for their connection tonight is unmatched. Steve takes his time as if they had never done this before. And after he pushes inside, he keeps murmuring into Bucky's skin, "I love you" over and over as if Bucky had not heard him the first time.
Maybe shamefully, it causes Bucky to finish much earlier than expected. Of course, Steve does not seem bothered — he never does — and Bucky decides to repay him with a filthy reward of pushing Steve's member to the back of his throat. Steve finishes not long after.
They hold each other in bed much longer than they usually allow. Typically, they aim to return to their family homes at a decent hour but tonight, they both do not wish to let go.
Days later, they return to the club to speak to Dorothy and Margaret about their proposition. Unfortunately, their plans turn sour much too quickly.
"I apologize," Margaret remarks ruefully. "We have no families to present us, as well we do not reside in Mayfair. They would never allow us at the ball."
Steve and Bucky frown at one another never considering the obvious logistics or how their plan may crumble so immediately.
"Although," Dorothy jumps in. "We know another young lady who lives as we do. In Mayfair. We can introduce you, yet you would need to find a second young lady for your plan to work."
Steve and Bucky exchange looks.
"Introduce us, please," Steve urges.
They meet the young lady at the club the following evening. It's Carol or as they know her better, Lady Danvers. She is a couple of years younger than them and she debuted just this year.
After nervously informing her of their idea, she smiles.
"I would cherish the chance for that. I wish I knew of another lady like me in Mayfair, alas I do not," Carol tells them, remorsefully.
Steve and Bucky frown along with her.
"Well, then we keep waiting," Steve declares. "Surely, another young woman may present herself. We shall wait."
Bucky takes his hand. "It will be certainly worth the wait."
Steve smiles at Bucky and then reaches a hand out to Carol who accepts it amicably and holds Steve's hand as well.
The next time Steve and Bucky lie together in the townhouse, Bucky finds himself curious about the women. He's drawing lazy circles on Steve's chest with his finger as he speaks.
"When our plan ensues," Bucky notes optimistically. "Who do you think will lay longer on our honeymoons? The two of us or the future lady and Carol?"
Steve grins at the query.
"I believe us, most definitely us."
"I believe it too," Bucky smiles. "I cannot imagine anyone else feeling better than the way you make me feel."
Steve turns onto his side to press his face close to Bucky's.
"I cannot imagine such a thing either."
"Do you think the girls are as filthy as us?" Bucky wonders.
"I would hope they are," Steve laughs. "It is more fun that way."
"And fun to clean up together," Bucky smirks.
Steve kisses his grinning lips. "I do concur."
Three weeks later, they are both summoned back to the club through a letter they receive from Carol.
When they arrive, Carol is more elated than they have ever seen her.
"I just received word," Carol exclaims. "A new family will be moving to Mayfair in time for next season. There is a club similar to this one from their town and the eldest daughter is a part of it."
"That is most excellent news!" Steve celebrates.
"Thank you for sharing it with us," Bucky echoes his excitement.
"If I may," Steve says. "How are you so sure you will find her pleasing before even knowing the lady?"
It was the same thought Bucky was having as well.
"It does not matter," Carol gleams. "This plan of yours is merely a perfect facade. If we do not find a liking to each other, we will be free to explore other options and still satisfy our families."
"I am chuffed you are so engaged with our plan."
"I truly thank you for finding me. Before I met you both, I thought slivers of time in this club would be my only solace."
She bows at both men, a habit from society she has not shaken albeit they are hidden in their club away from it all.
Steve and Bucky smile at her as she leaves toward another room. They look at each other. Steve takes Bucky's hands in his.
"Do you suppose you can wait until next season to begin our life?"
"I can wait as long as it takes," Bucky responds easily.
Steve kisses him. Each time they share a kiss out in the open, even if it is only limited to this small club, it feels particularly thrilling.
"Do you believe there are many others?" Bucky asks.
"Many others?"
"Like me," Bucky clarifies. "Those who were so dubious to their true desires and will most likely mold to society as they are expected."
"I suppose there are."
"To think I was about to pay a woman to lay with me!" Bucky shakes his head.
Steve cups his face fondly, brushing a thumb down each cheek.
"I do not think I would have even enjoyed it," Bucky confesses softly.
"You may have enjoyed it a little," Steve chuckles.
"I cannot imagine how I would have."
Steve narrows his eyes playfully. "You are only claiming so to stay on my good side."
"I am always on your good side, darling."
"That much is true, I confess."
Steve hugs Bucky to his chest. Bucky heartily returns the embrace, wrapping both arms tightly around Steve as well.
"You are sure you will be content waiting so long?" Steve checks again.
"I will be more than content as long as you do not cease taking me to your townhouse."
"That will never end... as long as you will have me," Steve swears.
"Steven. When will you understand me? I'll have you forever."
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