#def brought some enjoyment to me working on them
shrike-nest · 1 month
So uh… My partner (@ScatterPatter) has gotten me into Thomas the Tank Engine, and I really fell hard for these lads. Working on drawing my human-sonas of all the engines, but for now have James and Gordon. Hopefully Edward and Thomas tomorrow!
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ghost-of-you · 7 months
I just came across your analyses of all the 5sos albums and can I just say: chefs kiss. amazing. from the way you approach them both musically and lyrically (are you a musician? you have a very good ear) to being able to tell who is singing which part of the harmony (when there’s more than 2 singing at once I have No Idea, and even when there’s just 2 I’m still a little hit and miss). so grateful you exist and did them!!! not only for my enjoyment purposes but also because of my crazy projects I’m about to tell you about just in case you’re interested
anyway, it started with the RAH version of teeth. I’m a classically trained violist, I’ve played in many orchestras, I looked and asked everywhere I could think of just to lay my hands on something like the score so I could maybe pull some musician friends together and play it. No avail. Then, sleep deprived and slightly manic and very unmotivated in the middle of writing my honours thesis I must’ve played that bass riff when messing around on my viola and was like ‘this isn’t even hard let me just open musescore’ and decided Luke’s voice best fit the cello and calum the viola and six hours later it was a whole orchestral piece with the riffs passing around the upper strings like the RAH version and also woodwind and brass instruments somehow and then the bass riff led me straight into thin white lies which quickly morphed into NITSW (and can I just say that bridge is the best thing ever when played by strings) and I was like, this is telling a story. That became the first movement of the concerto.
second movement had to start with the flutes playing the piano intro of lover of mine, then I borrowed ghost of you from youngblood and threw in lonely heart, all the ones in vaguely 3’s as far as timing goes went in, all satisfactorily longing (if mvmt 1 is Relationship Angst) ending on a reprise of ghost of you chorus a semitone up (I’m not even sure anymore tbh, it’s def less cohesive but pretty I think) and I tried to copy its RAH intro as an outro. By then I realised I wanted to make the third movement about self discovery that ended on red desert because the album is just SO SAD and it deserved a happy ending and I wanted to try fit as many songs from the album in as I could (no shame and kill my time didn’t fit thematically unfortunately and easier should’ve been in movement 1 but sonically it just didn’t go, at least not yet I’m open to attempting to incorporate any of those songs) so started with old me. I realised I could overlay it with best years. Weird choice I know but the chords and melody worked well enough (and I still don’t think best years has been brought to justice ngl). Then I overlaid wildflower with high which is surprisingly a combination that I love, and it worked music wise and I thought they offset each other alright?? I’m still not quite sure where I’m going with it yet. but then comes red desert and I did the RAH intro and the whole song with harmonies (does get repetitive and idk what to do with that yet) and it’s like. yay, I gave CALM a happy ending.
I guess what I’m asking is I want to do more of these for more of their albums or combination of them (like they’re genuinely so fascinating from a musical and storytelling lens I can’t get enough) and I’ve got some ideas but I want to hear if you have anything you can just hear coming after each other. like complete mess and red line or smth?? even moodswings and space between a rock and a hard place?? idk. just ideas. throw them all at me. I’ll do it and dedicate it to you
Okay, first, no, not a musician, it's just that my dad was a dj, so i grew up around a lot of sound equipment because he's very particular about sound quality and that totally developed my ear for that type of stuff and my interest for music is that much more intense because of it (i did teach myself how to play the guitar and i do sing, but, like, i don't have any real training) and I really appreciate you coming here to say these, because i have a lot of fun writing those. Also I saw your tags, don't know if you ever figured it out but the milf anthem is mrs all american lol
Second, I'm desperate to hear what you did with calm, from the description alone it feels like something impressive, I'm very interested to see how you overlayed high and wildflower because i can see it, but i can't really imagine how that would actually work sokaosksokas
And third, I actually have quite a few smaller combos i like to push together (i went through a mashup phase when i was learning how to play 5sos songs lol) but i usually go from lyrics and adjust the guitar to fit my voice, i have no idea how that could work for you, but one i always do is vapor -> lie to me -> why wont you love me -> bad omens (it used to be high at the end, but then they dropped bad omens and i liked the way that narratively bad omens closed the loop, you end up trapped in the relationship you know it's not working I like that a lot for this combo), i have a few weirder ones, that are mostly the ones that i never fully managed to make it work but i think they could, like moodswings into bleach, story of another us into close as strangers, i know you saw my post about rearranging 5sos5 to tell a story and for some reason i think you can overlay caramel and bad omens, and red line and you don't go to parties (this one i admitedlly don't really know, but i think the red line riff with the ydgtp riff could be something, just a feeling lol), there's the rhythm section mashup, tomorrow never dies -> babylon -> tears, that I think you can make something with the bass in all of them, for some reason vapor and me myself and i, talk fast -> not in the same way -> blender -> kill my time, this one i think its cool because of the 80s pop of the melodies and the progression of the story with the lyrics, lover of mine -> best years -> older -> ghost of you, again you have the narrative and i think the piano can work all of there to make this tragic love song. And this is everything i can think of right now, but i will probably think of more as soon as i hit post tho soaskookasas
But seriously, this sounds really cool, please let me know how it progresses <3
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foster-the-world · 2 years
In route
Flying home after a great vacation. The national parks in Southern Utah/Arizona are simply amazing. Baby boy is a asleep - which is a real hallelujah moment.
10 out of 12 days were amazing. The other two were normal exhaustion/annoying stuff that traveling with three little kids entail.
My parents/Aunt joined for the first 9 days. Having them around always makes it feel more like a real break/vacation. My Mom is so good with all three kids.
Las Vegas - 2 nights. It was the closest airport and weren't excited about putting baby boy in a car after a 5.5 hour flight. The kids loved it. We took the girls to a comedy/magician show that they enjoyed. The pool was huge and three feet all the way across - so perfect for five year olds that are beginnings swimmers.
Valley of Fire. My Aunt's not a hiker and says things like "why would anyone think this is enjoyable, just a bunch of rocks, so much dirt, etc, etc." Which works out fine because any of the kids could go back to the car with her when tired.
St George, Utah - 6 nights - We did a home exchange. Some of the best playgrounds I've ever seen. There were some signs noting private donors. I wonder if it's all of the Mormon money? So many things in Vegas/the parks were free for 5 and under. Which is amazing for us. I feel like in NYC you are lucky if any kid over 1 gets in free to anything.
Zion was an amazing place. Baby boy decided to not sleep the night before. Which left us pretty cranky and not really fit to parent well. My parents/Aunt did a jeep tour while we hiked with the kids. Both girls complained a lot - which is not like them.
Arizona - 1 night - Luckily, my parents had offered for us to leave the kids with them while we drove to Arizona. We did a parents only trip for a more serious hike in Zion then onward to Antelope Canyon/Lake Powell/Horseshoe bend in Arizona. Truly otherworldly. Ate amazing Mexican food and slept in.
Of course, the kids had the time of their lives. Luckily, baby boy was back to sleeping like a charm so I didn't feel too guilty about saddling my parents/Aunt with them.
Did some more local/state park hikes with the kids when we got back. Pretty lake surrounded by mountains. Then an ATV ride with just the girls. As Rebel said "what a wild ride."
Bryce Canyon - 2 nights. What an amazing place. The girls and I did a few great hikes- they were champs. It was snowing. We also went to a country show dinner buffet. The music brought me back to my high school days. The girls were blown away by the idea of a buffet. Their eyes filled with joy when we told them they got to go back.
Unfortunately, baby boy realized he could climb out of his pack-n-play. He screamed bloody murder every time we put him back in. Can't have him bothering the neighbors so we drove him around to get him to fall asleep. I think we realized he's not really ready for hotel stays, yet. Home exchanges/airbnb's make our vacation lives so much easier.
Vegas - 1 night. Up at 3:20am to catch our flight. With flight prices being crazy it was the most affordable. It worked out as the airport was not crowded, I wasn't going to sleep well anyway and baby boy passed out right away. I realized we were going to be zonked when we got home so our sitter is scheduled.
Overall, an amazing trip. Next time I do less moving of places. Def want to take the kids back to Bryce Canyon when baby boy is 4+. So much more to see.
Both our arriving and returning flight has medical emergencies that asked for medical professional assistance. As a student, obviously I'm not qualified. But i don't think I'm going to be when I graduate either. The return flight it was a non-responsive elderly women making odd breathing sounds before we even took off. Her daughter seemed very unconcerned. Another passenger had to alert the flight attendants to stop us from taking off. Apparently the women has been released from the hospital recently and then caught a flu. The daughter tried to convince the flight attendants they could still fly. THEN ASKED IF SHE HAD TO GO WITH HER? How insane is that? Imagine not wanting to get off the plane with your elderly mother who was just non-responsive?
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ex-silent-reader · 3 years
Happy Holidays fic recs
Happy Holidays everybody!  I haven’t been commenting on posts individually like i normally like to so it’s kind of backed up a bit. I still really want to thank all the authors who have been sharing their stories with us and leave a lil itty bitty comment before I can expand on them for their own post so here’s that! Also I’ve seen a lot of undeserved negativity being spread to a lot of authors and I just want to thank you all for sharing your work on this platform FOR FREE and remind you that you literally owe us nothing and I’m super grateful that you continue to share with us. These are just some stories that I’ve read this week, i’d def like to do another of these soon :)
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any of these stories, each story is owned by the author tagged next to the title and the summary is pulled verbatim from their page, in quotation marks. The only thing I own is gratitude towards these authors for sharing their work with us.
Also all stories are rated M 
Also, a loooot of stories have come out lately and I haven’t had a chance to get to a lot of them yet but i hope to soon so I’ll hopefully make another one of these soon, but yea pls know that I’m not purposefully ignoring or excluding anything or anyone.
last christmas | ksj x reader - @xjoonchildx
“ summary: it was bound to happen, eventually. after months of near misses at barbecues and birthdays, there’s no avoiding your ex-husband at hoseok’s annual christmas bash. but it’s fine, totally fine, because you’re both adults – and you’ve both brought dates and booze. what could go wrong? “
This story was amazing! First of all, I love the comedy surrounding the entire situation, Hobi with his 8 trees and instigator Yoongi who also wants them to get their shit together for Hobi’s sake. I love all au’s but sometimes exes to lovers is difficult for me to side with because I don’t see how people can bounce back from so much hurt but in this story it felt very natural how they were able to find their way back together and I really enjoyed the insight to their relationship, especially near the end.
CREAM & SUGA -  @snackhobi
“summary: yoongi is your favourite regular. he’s patient, polite, and predictable, a-large-black-coffee-to-go-please, no cream, no sugar, thank you. rinse and repeat. the seasons might change, but yoongi’s order stays the same.
and then one fateful day in winter, yoongi asks about the weekly specials, orders a cup of christmas and sugary sweetness, and everything starts changing.”
Ya’ll. Yoongi fics just truly hit different. The plot of this was so adorable and him going out of his way like that to keep her engaged was so cute and just very Yoongi like. I also just really loved the descriptions in this, like how oc described making the drinks, it just made everything seem so real.
universe | myg drabble - @personasintro
                           “❥𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔; you’re his whole universe, you just don’t know it yet – or him” 
ASDFGHJKL! Like, I really have no words for the way this made me feel. Like, ik it’s not a super healthy dynamic but the thought of a fixated Yoongi is.. I loved reading Yoongi being so fixated with oc and doing everything i his capability to meet her. I also was v interested in the part where he bumped into her and she didn’t react the way he expected because it made me think about how he (or any character’s with his mindset) cope when the fantast and reality don’t match.
 A Holly, Jolly Crisis (M) -  @kpopfanfictrash
* Blog doesn’t allow copy/paste and I wanted to respect that*
This story made me feel so many things. Like there’s so many layers to it and both of their hurt, her visiting him and feeling betrayed while he felt pushed aside. This story was so complex and both characters had so many layers to them, but it’s still sooo well written and I was invested the entire time. Like, I genuinely can’t get my feelings out in a brief way so I’m looking forward to screaming about this in it’s own post.
 my only wish - knj | m - @ppersonna
“✹ summary- There are few things you hate most in this world. Hornets, unnecessary fruit pieces in otherwise perfectly good jello, certain shades of orange… But nothing takes the cake more than two simple things. Christmas. And Kim Namjoon. So why did you agree to pretend to be Kim Namjoon’s girlfriend at his family Christmas party? Bah-Humbug. “
UM! Absolutely adored this story, of course it would be a fellow cream suit enthusiast who can bring so much justice to dreamy Joon. I loved how he was portrayed here and getting insight to both his and oc’s feelings made me root for them soooo hard.
new parent syndrome - @1kook
“ SUMMARY You love Namjoon, honest. But you love your daughter Hyejoo even more— it’s not a controversial sentiment when you know he’s the same way! —and going back to a regular adult life sans kids absolutely sucks. (Or so you thought.)”
The tag “dreamy husband joon” is extremelyyyy accurate. This story was just so cute and their relationship truly felt so intimate and lovely. Her being on the phone with Jimin while Joon was smash SENT me but it was also so hot like ASDFGHJKL that man can do no wrong tbh.
  laundry day - @snackhobi
“summary: You’ve been letting your laundry pile up for a little too long. Fortunately, your neighbour Namjoon is there to lend you a hand. “
Pls this was so hot. Like, I’ve made it very clear thus far that I’m a total simp for Joon, the thought of that man going strawberry picking and thinking to grab some for oc genuinely makes me SWOON. He’s an actual heartthrob.
   The Sweet in Sweet Potato - @sahmfanficbts
“ Summary: You’ve been roommates for years. Now that you’re catching feelings, it’s time to run away. “
This entire series has had me so invested but this chapter!!! I’m always a sucker for Joon but the way he was so clearly in her feels (for OC) but wanting to respect her need for distance, what a man. And I was so happy to see oc working through her feeling towards Joon.
Last Christmas (M) - @jjungkookislife
* Blog doesn’t allow copy/paste and I wanted to respect that*
Damn, I really love when a misunderstanding is such a big catalyst for a bunch of drama/angst. It just really ups the tension for me because as the reader I know it was a misunderstanding but clearly the character’s don’t, so it just makes me really eager to see how they make amends. I really enjoyed seeing them slowly make amends and grow. Also the buildup to them deciding to give the relationship another go made the ending soooo satisfying.
 picking petals|pjm - @taestybae
“ summary ↣ you asked for a baby, so a baby is what you’re going to get. “
I really have no words for this, like it was so asaifgjhhkc. First of all, I really enjoyed that it was through his pov, i don’t typically read stories like that (I just don’t often come across them) but this still felt so natural that I didn’t even realize until right now, writing this comment. Also, the imagery was so well described and the anticipation built made this story so enjoyable.
 Deepest Indulgence  - @scribblemetae
“ Description/Summary: The world is a mess, gangs, violence and rates of poverty are at an all time high since corporations took over everything. You built your Sex house to be a safe place and a sanctuary for those in need, promising to protect anybody who needs it. What happens when an extremely attractive and very rich man walks through the door begging for a job at Deepest Indulgence? The one sex house that wasn’t meant for men like himself. “
I AM SO EAGER FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER TO COME OUT. Like, idk how I can even describe this correctly but this just feel so much like Tae...???? Like idk if that makes sense but just Tae being this v sensual man, but there still being more to him than that, just makes so much sense and even the word “indulgence” is just so sensual and reminiscent of him. Also, the storyline so far is something I’ve personally never seen before and I’m super invested in this world and story already. Very eager to see how their relationship progresses.
 let it snow | kth - @suga-kookiemonster
* Blog doesn’t allow copy/paste and I wanted to respect that*
It’s the way I read this last night, it took me exactly an hour (3am to 4 am cause I’m a CLOWN), and I was so invested that I kept putting off sleep to finish it. Man, i’m a simp for this Tae (just like he is for oc lmao). I really enjoyed reading it and the mention of Jisoo earlier in the story had me on the edge of my seat the whole time wondering when things were gonna blow up. Everything was just so sweet and fluffy, and the confession really made me feel so soft for them both cause they both were so in their own heads and feelings they couldn’t see what was in front of them so I really enjoyed the confessions.
Thank you, baby - @scribblemetae
“ Turns out the boy whos been stalking you for years has decided its about time he shows his face in the form of a picture, and decides its time to talk to you for real, in the form of a phone call. “
I genuinely don’t know how I can simp over this story in a short way but I’ll try my best. The characters are so complex and the storyline is twisted so many ways that make this so interesting to read and easy to become invested in. The way Jk is written, I understand why OC is lost on how to feel for him. Like, his actions are wrong, but actually meeting him and even seeing his though process, it’s hard to make him out to be the villian that his actions have categorized him as. I can’t wait to continue reading and write a full length comment about this!
FEED ME, FIGHT ME.  @yeojaa
“ What do you get when you mix a pissed off girlfriend with a neglectful boyfriend?  (Aside from trouble, that is.) “
I really enjoyed this, I love how aware of Jk and his boundaries the oc is and how she is cautious to walk the line and not push him too far while also letting him know how his actions make her feel. This just genuinely felt like a glimpse into a very real, very intimate relationship/moment and I loved that. I also just really love how this is written and I think you have a beautiful way with words. 
Chapstick - @softyoongiionly
“based on the time Jungkook said he needed someone to scold him so he’d remember to put lip balm on. Or Jungkook’s had a really long day and the only that can make it better, is seeing you. “
Idk if I’ve ever said it before, but I just love how you write relationships. Like, I can feel how comfortable they are with each other and how natural being together is for them. With your stories generally it just never feels forced and I really love that. I also really liked that we got Jk’s pov in the beginning, getting to see how tense he was really made me eager for their interactions and for him to feel comfortable and calm with her. Their interactions just felt so cute and natural and the end, assdjfhi, jk really deserves to be cherished and I loved seeing oc get him to the point of relaxation.
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meat--grindr · 3 years
another trans man fixated on Martin here!! 💕
could i request some NSFW of an ftm S/O teasing Martin while hes on the phone trying to do another interview as The Count? not a lot of talking from the S/O while hes on the phone, mostly physical stuff & feeling him up thru his clothes. the rest is up to you >:)))
(def going to use as a drawing prompt im just so so embarrassed to request off anon 😔😔😔)
Alright, so, this prompt has been living in my head rent-free ever since I first read it and I am so freaking excited to finally get to it. I’m sorry it took so long. I will admit this was a bit of a challenge for me because I am notoriously bad at writing dialogue. But I feel like it was good practice. Sorry if it sounds a little stilted in spots, I’m still learning.
Please, please, please link me to that art if you ever get around to it! You knocked it out of the park with this prompt and I’d love to give the art some love if you’re comfortable with sharing!
The Count Didn’t Count on This – Martin Mathias (Trans-Masculine Reader) – NSFW.
·       It’s late, and for once, you’re exactly where you feel you should be at this late hour—not sprawled across a chair reading, or gazing out of the window, watching the cars pass and counting the neighbours’ lights as they flick on and off in lieu of stargazing. And for the first time in at least a week, you’re not trapped at your desk, frantically typing the final draft of a paper, hindered by the slow keys of a typewriter that does not care a whit about the deadline steadily hurtling toward you. No, thankfully, this night has brought with it far more comfortable circumstances—you find yourself in bed, tired bones sinking into the plush mattress, consciousness caught in the bleary space between sleep and not.
·       Even better, you aren’t alone.
·       Tonight, your bed is warmed by another body, long and thin, curled tightly against your own, as though it were some sort of crime to leave even an inch of space between you. A bony hip digs into your thigh and you’re sure the press of your head and shoulder against his chest must make breathing difficult for him. But he’s made no attempt to shrug you off or shift your weight to a more comfortable spot, so you likewise let it be. In all honesty, you’re simply too comfortable to bother and you feel it’s safe to assume the same is true for Martin too.
·       The slow, even beat of his heart pulses against your cheek, and his long fingers stroke absently over your bare shoulder. The rough texture of burgeoning callouses catches against your skin—the sensation, though not wholly unpleasant, makes you shudder. Sometimes, you forget Martin works with his hands. When you hold them, they seem so delicate—his long fingers better suited to playing the piano than tightening screws or hammering nails. But he’s good at repairs and more importantly, he seems to find enjoyment the work. It certainly keeps him busy enough on the few afternoons that Cuda isn’t running him ragged in the shop, much to your personal dismay. But his nights—the nights like this—belong to you and you alone.
·       Your eyelids flutter closed, and for the first time in what feels like weeks, maybe even longer, you feel like you can rest. Really rest. Dimly, you find yourself wondering if it had more to do with finished papers and diminished responsibilities, or the reintroduction of the physical intimacy you’ve been missing so dearly. Though you can’t say for certain, you have a sneaking suspicion it’s the latter.
·       The longer you know Martin, the more you’re convinced that there is a preternatural bubble of calm that hangs around him. You can feel it in the way even the grouchiest old women in the store seem to soften toward him—hiding small smiles behind their sleeves, sometimes even calling him ‘dear,’ or in the way Cuda’s volatile temper deflates when his cruel words slide off Martin’s back as though he’s heard it all before from people who frightened him far greater. You’ve seen it at work on the feral cats that roam the neighbourhood—while they hiss and swipe at the children who chase them through the dusty streets, they sit willingly at Martin’s feet, rubbing against his legs with a familiarity that borders on friendly. And it’s in the way he looks at you—looks into you with those dark eyes that seem far too old for that handsome, youthful face—intense and all-seeing, but never judgemental. He is a point of unflappable calm in a world which never seems to slow for even a second. That calm has settled into you now, seeping into your bones as you lay there, listening to his heart thumping in the darkness.
·       The low crackle of the radio hovers at the edge of your hearing, a burst of static cutting through the droning voices. You’d stopped listening properly ages ago—the third time the DJ had made an attempt to dismiss his latest caller. It was an old man who was seven shades of pissed about the ‘teen-age hooligans’ who were ‘tipping over his bins every night and eating his trash.’ Of course, everyone with half a brain, including the host himself, knows it’s an animal—probably a raccoon, or a family of raccoons, but this old geezer has somehow convinced himself it’s a gaggle of ‘Satan-worshipping teenagers who have been brainwashed by heavy metal music and Pepsi Cola.’
·       Okay. Sure.
·       It’s utterly ridiculous, and just the sort of thing you’ve come to expect from the people who live in Braddock. Or the ones who call in to a show like this anyhow.
·       In a way, you feel bad for the poor DJ. Sure, he welcomes strange callers of all kinds, from alien abductees and bigfoot hunters to bereaved parents who teenagers are ‘just growing up too fast,’ or ‘a little too interested in the works of William Shakespeare.’ He even encourages them at times, but you’ve got to draw the line somewhere, and in your mind, this, funny as it may be, is probably it. You’re sure whatever the station is paying the guy, it isn’t enough to suffer through being called a ‘brainless sack of human garbage’ by a crazy old man.
·       “And that’s about all the time we have,” Despite his cheery tone, the poor guy sounds exhausted. “Thank you for calling!”
·       Another burst of static drowns out the old man’s reply, but you’re sure that whatever he’d said, it was not ‘radio-friendly.’
·       “…our next caller. You are on the air, Sir!”
·       “Yeah, uh…hi, Barry.” The man sounds young—probably not much older than yourself—and very nervous. He must be a first-time caller. As he and the DJ share opening pleasantries—what’s your name, how old are you, where are you calling in from tonight, is that a cat I hear in the background? —your attention begins to drift again. You teeter for a moment on the edge of sleep, the clean scent of your linen sheets and Martin’s shampoo filling your nose.
·       “I was just wondering if you’ve heard from the Count again since last time?”
·       And just like that, you’re awake again, attention fully focused on your radio and the funny little show that whispers through it.
·       The caller is asking about Martin. A cold shiver rumbles through your body. People ask about Martin on the show all the time—of course, they don’t know that’s who they’re asking about, but you do. It’s so strange, to hear a stranger talk about someone you know so well—even worse when they speak about him like they know him too. Sometimes, they make you laugh with their outlandish theories, but sometimes they make you sick—sick with worry: when he’s threatened with violence or exposure, sick with fear: when they make guesses that hit a little too close to home, and sick with jealousy: when they claim to have had an ‘encounter’ with him, or worse, try to set one up on air.
·       You know about Martin, of course—that he is a vampire, or at least he thinks he’s a vampire. Whether or not you believe him is another question entirely. He certainly does not abide by the ‘vampire rules’ as you know them from stories and television—he doesn’t sleep in a coffin, filled with dirt from his homeland or otherwise, rather he sleeps in a bed (curled up beside you more often than not these days). He cuts a handsome figure in mirrors and the photographs that you have pinned up above your desk. He walks about in the sun most days without complaint despite his pale complexion, and though he may not be a sleek. Predatory creature that oozes confidence, grace, and sex appeal, he’s no slouch either—lithe and handsome in a boyish sort of way, all knees, elbows, and wide dark eyes.
·       In fact, the only requirement he seems to meet on the proverbial ‘vampire checklist’ is his fixation with blood—and the need to consume it. Maybe that means something, maybe it doesn’t. You’ve come to the conclusion that what you think really doesn’t matter in the end—your opinion isn’t going to sway him on the subject one way or another. This is a truth about himself he believes perhaps more deeply than anything else. Who were you to try and change that?
·       So, you do your best to take everything in stride, and when you can’t, you humour him. Still, every once in a while, something will trip you up—you still can’t quite decide if he’s joking about being over eighty years old or not. But you do your best. You had even let him feed on you once. Though only once. In the end, it was Martin who had decided the experience was not one he would like to repeat.
·       He had laid you out on your bed, “I don’t want you to get hurt if you faint.” Though you’d told him nearly a hundred times that you’d be just fine, that you’d had blood taken before at the hospital, he had insisted.
·       You had expected things to be different. For a start, you had expected him to climb into your lap, to press his lips against your neck, seeking your pulse the way it’s done in the movies. Instead, he’d taken out a little white kit from his bag. He had unzipped it and laid it out on the bed, revealing a little bottle of clear liquid, a row of sterile, hypodermic needles, and a pack of fresh razor blades.
·       His long fingers fell upon the needles, caressing them lovingly one by one. Much to your relief, he did not pick one up. As if he could sense your apprehension, he’d said, “Don’t worry, I won’t need these.” He’d glanced up at you, measuring your reaction, “I won’t need them because you’re not going to fight me. Are you?” It wasn’t really a question. You shook your head, and the corners of his lips quirked up into a smile, “Good. It’s so much easier when they don’t fight me.” Those words had made you shudder. He really had done this before, then. Part of you hadn’t believed him—he seemed so…harmless
·       He’d picked out a single blade from the package, meticulously removing the white paper wrapping, taking extra care not to tear it, or let the blade cut into it. When he was through, he folded the paper into a neat square and dropped it onto the comforter. He lay the blade flat on his palm for you to see. “I don’t have pointy teeth, you see.” He took your hand, opening his mouth and guiding your fingers along the edges of his flat, dull teeth. “They aren’t sharp, so they don’t cut deep enough. You understand?” You’d nodded and he had kissed your fingertips gently, one by one.
·       “I’ll be careful, I promise,” He’d said, “I’ll only take a little. Just enough to take the edge off.” Despite the hungry glint in his eyes, you’d known he was telling the truth. He didn’t need to reassure you of that. You trusted him. Besides, you had asked for this. At least, he’d stopped asking if he still had your permission every five minutes. Of course he did.
·       And yet. Your heartbeat had kicked up, jittering like a frightened bird when you’d seen the needles and the razor. It was as though actually seeing them had made the whole situation feel more real. There was no denying you were afraid, but you didn’t tell him to stop—you didn’t want to. You had made up your mind. You wanted this; wanted to help.
·       He’d held your hand in his own like it was a thing made of glass. His fingers gripped the razor with a practiced grace as he held it just above your palm. Watching him, you were struck for the second time by just how rehearsed this seemed. How many times had he done this, with or without permission?
·       “Take a deep breath for me, okay? There’s a good boy.” Did he talk to the others too? Even the ones who fought back? You could picture him, chattering softly against the skin of some poor soul, sprawled limp across the floor.
·       Limp or lifeless?
·       The thought unsettled you, but you did as you were told, filling your lungs nearly to capacity as the sharp edge of the blade bit into the meat of your palm just below your thumb. As promised, he had been quick, pressing only as hard as was necessary. Even so, the sting of it made your flinch, your hand jumping in his own. His fingers tensed around yours, the tightness of his grip reflected in the grimace that flashed across his face as he bent his head to seal his lips around the wound.
·       You had expected to feel him pulling the blood from you, but he simply let it flow into his mouth, the coppery taste heavy on his tongue. He exhaled through his nose, long and low—a pleased sound. Something about that set you more at ease. He hadn’t recoiled or wrinkled his nose at the taste of your blood. You hadn’t even realized you were worried about how you tasted until that moment.
·       You had started to feel dizzy beneath him—dizzy not from a loss of blood, but the wet heat of his mouth against your skin. Your heart had stuttered in your chest as his tongue probed gently around the edges of the wound, soothing your sparking nerves, even as the blood continued to drip down his throat.
·       When at last, he pulled away, his face was flushed, and his breath came hard; his chest heaving as though he’d just run a great distance. Immediately, his hand shot to his front pocket, fingers searching for the roll of gauze bandages he’s swiped from Cuda’s first-aid kit.
·       He’d wrapped the clean white fabric around your hand with such care it made your heart ache almost as much as the wound itself. When he was finished, he’d flipped your hand over and pressed a gentle kiss against your knuckles. Then, he spoke. His voice was small, barely more than a ragged whisper, “Thank you.”
·       “Was that…was it okay?” Your skin felt feverish, as though the heat of his mouth had seeped into your flesh and was burning you from the inside out. And the dizzy feeling had only grown worse, forcing you to squeeze your eyes shut for a long moment.
·       Martin was still struggling to get his breathing under control, “Yes. I-It was good…better than good, actually. But…”
·       “But?” Had you done something wrong? Had you tasted bad after all? You cracked open one eye, then the other. The spinning had mostly subsided, but you still felt unsteady. “What can I do better next time?”
·       He’d gone stiff all over then, and his reply had come sudden and sharp, “No!” He cringed, the force behind his words clearly surprising himself as well. When he spoke again, his voice was softer, “No ‘next time.’ I…I can’t stand hurting you like that. I won’t do it again.”
·       You’d gazed up at him, blinking in confusion for a second. Then you realized what he’d meant—you had flinched when he’d cut you. Oh.
·       You reached up, cupping his cheek, “Oh, Martin. You didn’t hurt me. Not really.” It wasn’t strictly true—it had hurt a little, but you had been prepared for it to. You brushed a stray droplet of blood from the corner of his mouth with a careful swipe of your thumb.
·       “Yes, I did. I saw it.” You had tried to protest further, but he’d cut you off, much to your surprise. Martin almost never talked back like this, though perhaps you’d simply never given him a reason before. “I saw you flinch. I won’t put you through this again.”
·       And he hadn’t. Though you’d brought the idea up more than once, he had dismissed it each time with the same stubborn shake of his head. If Martin was anything, he was true to his word.
·       “…and it’s been such a long time since we heard from the guy.”
·       The DJ hums in agreement, “It has indeed, my friend. Maybe we’ll hear from him later tonight. If you’re out there listening, Count, don’t be a stranger! Give us a call,” He begins rattling off the stations toll-free number. “We’re all dying to hear from you again!”
·       You feel Martin stiffen up against you. You knew about the interviews he had done; you’d even heard one of them, back when Martin was little more to you than a silent, sullen face behind the counter at Cuda’s shop. And even when he’d started talking to you, he sounded different over the radio—his voice was deeper, and he sounded so confidant, so sure of himself when he talked about his ‘sickness.’ He almost never sounded like that in day-to-day life. You weren’t embarrassed to admit you found it attractive.
·       Martin on the other hand, was mortified to know you had heard him. He had known that people were listened to him, obviously, but they were supposed to be strangers. You actually knew him, and he’d talked about sex. Of course, reminding him you’d done a lot more in your time together than simply listen to him talk about sex did little to lessen his horror.
·       Of course, you also knew he’d been doing fewer and fewer interviews now that he had you to talk to and share his life with. But on occasion, when the pleading from the DJ gets too desperate, or he was simply that bored, Martin could be coaxed back onto the other end of the phoneline once again.
·       You glance up at him, but in the darkness, his expression is unreadable, eyes cast down toward the end of the bed, long lashes throwing feathered shadows across his pale cheeks. From the very beginning, he’s been hard to read. As you’ve come to know him better, you’ve needed to get comfortable with the idea of asking when you want to know something you could easily intuit if speaking to anyone else. He’s very good at hiding his thoughts and feelings behind a neutral expression and placid silence, but he would tell you almost anything if you asked him directly; so long as he had the words to explain it to you.
·       Do you want to make a call, Martin?”
·       For a long moment, he’s silent, turning the idea over in his mind a few times. You had never actually been with him when he’d done an interview in the past. He’d usually wait until you were three days deep in an assignment with no quick end in sight, or out of town with family. Maybe he would be too embarrassed to do it with you here or maybe he’s just not in the mood tonight. But, after a minute, he tilts his head down toward you and says, “Why not?”
·       The radio crackles out a jaunty tune—a commercial for some small business or another. “I’ll call in a few minutes. He doesn’t seem busy tonight.” Martin sits up, bracing his back against the headboard of your bed, and dislodging you from your perch. You grumble a little, irritated by the loss of your comfy spot, but you crawl into his lap anyway.
·       You press soft kisses into his skin, beginning at his hairline, and trailing down over his forehead, the bridge of his nose, his cheeks—the right then the left—the very tip of his nose, and finally his lips. He smiles against your mouth, leaning into the kiss with his whole body.
·       When you pull away only a moment later, you can practically hear the pouty turn of his mouth. He whines softly, but you pay him no mind, trailing kisses down his chin. “Are you nervous, Martin?” The question comes out muffled by the soft curve of his jaw.
·       “Not really, no…” He trails off, eyes cast to the ceiling, “I like the attention, I s’pose.”
·       You pull back to look at him, barely stifling a snort of amusement, “Don’t I give you enough?”
·       His eyes slide from the ceiling, falling upon you dark and wide. For a moment, you think he’s taken you seriously, but the pouty turn of his mouth breaks into a blinding grin, “You give me lots, sure, but I’m a creature of the night, remember? We always want more.”
·       The two of you sit there for a moment, gazing into each other’s eyes, the silence stretching on into the night. Then, you collapse into each other in a fit of giggles. Martin buries his head into the crook of your neck, shaking with quiet laughter. Sure, when he’d said wasn’t untrue, but when he put it like that, it was hard not to laugh.
·       “Welcome back, everybody. It’s almost the top of the hour at 01:57! I’m your host Barry…”
·       You hadn’t even heard the ads end! Martin scrambles for the chunky landline phone that rests on the beside table, nimble fingers punching in the numbers at speed. Though his calls had become less and less frequent, he evidently kept the number somewhere in his memory.
·       Martin’s voice is hushed as he speaks to whoever manned the phones down at the radio station, muttering something about ‘the Count.’ As he speaks, he winds the coiled phone cord around a delicate finger. It’s a simple, distracted habit of Martin’s but it makes your heart flutter whenever you catch him doing it.
·       You stretch your arm as far as you can, reaching for the radio, unwilling to give up your perch in Martin’s lap for even a second. Your fingertips brush the cool metal—once, twice—then you manage to curl your fingers around it. Pulling it into your lap you turn the volume down low so only you can hear it.
·       “I’m just getting word that we have a special guest on the line,” the DJ sounds positively elated, “Folks, it looks like the Count is back in town. Hello, Count! Where have ya’ been?”
·       Martin hesitates for a moment, his jaw working as he searches for the words, “Around.”
·       There is a definite lag between the words in his mouth, and those same words coming through the radio. The dissonance confounds your ears and makes your head ache in a dizzy sort of way, but you want to hear both halves of this conversation, not just Martin’s.
·       “So, what trouble have you been getting into since we last spoke, Count? Murdered any pretty ladies recently?”
·       There’s a smile in Martin’s voice, “Not ladies, no.”
·       “Oh really? Any men then?”
Martin glances down at you, though he makes a non-committal noise. The DJ takes a breath, as though he’s going to say something, but Martin cuts him off, “I wouldn’t call what I do murder, anyhow.”
·       “No? But you still need to drink blood, right?”
·       “Oh, yes.”
·       “How have you been getting your food, then? Don’t vampires uh…kill with every strike?”
·       Martin laughs, a soft, breathy sound that sends a shudder through you. “I’ve been managing.” His tone is damn near conversational. You gaze down at him, marvelling at how easy this seems to be for him. The Martin you’ve come to know and love rarely (if ever) speaks to strangers, and when he has no other choice, he’s never this talkative. It’s strange, but by no means an unwelcome change. You nuzzle against him, letting his voice thrum through your skull as it vibrates around in his chest.
·       “Enough talk of blood and guts, Count. What about your other problems, huh? Tell me, are the streets of Braddock safe at last from the real terror stalking them? Have you…” He pauses conspiratorially, “Found yourself a girl yet?”
·       Those words drive an icy spike of hurt deep into your guts. No, he had not found himself a girl. Martin must have felt your jaw clenching, as his free hand begins to card through your hair—soothing and soft.
·       “I’ve found…someone.” The implications of that word settles you almost as much as his touch. ‘Someone.’ Not a woman, but someone of significance, nonetheless. He bends down to press a quick kiss into the crown of your head. “Someone special.”
·       The DJ gasps, sounding scandalized. “Someone special! Well, I never. Good for you, Count.” You can’t say you’re a fan of the man’s tone—pleasant enough, but with a sharp edge that borders on condescending. But there’s little you can do but grit your teeth and bear it. “How long until you suck this one dry and move on?”
·       Wow. Fuck this guy. On some level, you’d known he was an asshole—sure you felt bad for him when people were rude, but he could dish it out just as well as he could take it. Every once in a while, he’d push a caller too hard or make a snide comment the conversation could have done without. You didn’t like hearing it when strangers were involved, and now that you were the subject of such a comment, you like it even less. He makes it sound like you’re some random conquest, or worse, little more than a meal to Martin. How wrong he was.
·       Suck this one dry and move on? Fat chance, Buddy. Though, his wording did give you an idea…maybe you could make this night just a little more interesting for the both of you.
You sit back, uncurling your legs and dropping your knees to either side of Martin’s hips, straddling his lap properly. Settling your weight back into his lap, you pull a face, pointing to the radio in your lap and mouthing, ‘What a jaggoff!’
·       Martin’s lips press into a thin line as he tries to stifle his laughter. He nods sympathetically but doesn’t say anything about it to the DJ. He’s slow to anger, preferring to divert the conversation rather than cause a scene. You can’t help but admire him for that. You lean forward, stamping a kiss against his collarbone.
·       “I…uh…try not to eat the things I love.”
·       “Ooooh, so it’s love, huh?”
·       You roll your eyes at the DJ, though you can’t deny hearing Martin say he loves you sends a little thrill through you—it was the same thrill you’d felt the first time he had said it to you, and the same thrill you hoped to feel for years to come. You trail little, open-mouthed kisses up the column of Martin’s throat, your mouth feverishly warm against his skin. A shudder jolts through him like an electric shock as your teeth scape across his Adam’s apple. You grin against his flesh, sliding up to nip along the underside of his jaw. There is a sensitive spot at the very corner that you love to exploit, and now seems like the perfect opportunity to do so.
·       Your teeth graze over the spot and his body jitters beneath you. His voice catches in his throat, though if the DJ notices, he doesn’t comment. You nip gently at the spot, reddening the pale skin as you worry it with your teeth. You long to suck a bruise there—the purple-blue hue would doubtless look stunning against the pallor of his skin, but you knew Cuda would have a conniption if he saw it, and you didn’t want to put Martin through that again. Not after last time. The pair of you had agreed that perhaps in future, it would be better if any hickeys you left remained under your clothes.
·       Pressing one final kiss against that spot, you pull back to look at him. You can tell he’s getting flustered—there’s a flush beginning to creep up his neck from beneath the collar of his t-shirt, deep pink and blotchy. You know, given time, it will reach his cheeks, the colour blooming high on his cheekbones. When you get him worked up enough, you could make Martin blush to the very tips of his ears. It was adorable.
·       Your fingers dig into the fabric of his shirt as you drag your nails down his chest. His teeth catch his lower lip. You can almost hear the whine trapped behind those pearly teeth.
·       “Why don’t you tell us a little about this special someone, Count?”
·       Martin hesitates, “I don’t know about that.”
·       “Nonsense! You can tell your good ol’ pal Barry. Who am I gonna tell?”
·       Martin isn’t that stupid. He knows Barry doesn’t need to tell anyone anything—he’s live on air, he’d be telling them himself. His eyes flick down to yours, searching for something, be it permission or resistance. He pulls the phone away from his ear, resting it against his shoulder as he waits for you to make up your mind. You know he’d hang up in an instant if you asked him to—he’d likely do you one better and never call in again if the DJ was just going to ask questions about you all night long. But you trusted Martin not to give too much information away—he’d managed to stay hidden all this time, after all.
·       You nodded at him, smiling and thumbing gently over a nipple. Though your touch is light, and the sensation is dampened by the fabric of his shirt, Martin makes a sound as though he’s been punched in the stomach. He shifts beneath you, tucking the phone underneath his chin as he moves.
·       You grip the striped fabric of his shirt, working it in your hands. You lift it a little, fingers slipping just beneath it to splay against the flat plane of his stomach. His skin is warm and soft beneath your hands. You look down at him, arching a brow and asking for permission with only your eyes.
·       “Fine.” He says, and though the word is an answer for the DJ’s pleading, he’s talking to you, looking directly into your eyes—granting the permission you were so hoping for.
·       “Great! So, how long have you been together?”
·       You fall into him, hands pushing the soft cotton of his shirt up over his chest. Your lips are on his skin in a matter of seconds, trailing kisses across every inch of exposed skin—stomach, ribs, hips, and everything in between.
·       “It’s been ahh—” His words are cut short by a tight little moan as you bite down hard just below his left nipple. However, he manages a solid recovery as your tongue laves over the spot soothing the sting, playing the whole thing off as though he had needed time to stop and think about it, “—bout a year, maybe a little longer.”
·       Clever boy.
·       You drag your tongue a little higher, flicking over the sensitive skin of his nipple. He arches into your touch, hips canting up against yours, threatening to buck you from your perch. He tilts his head, trapping the phone between his cheek and his shoulder, reaching for you with both hands.
·       He takes your cheeks into his hands, pulling your head away from his chest. You grin up at him, taking in his expression—his pupils blown so wide with want they swallow all but the slimmest ring of brown iris, his lips parted and shining in the semi-darkness, flushed to the tips of his ears.
·       You surge up to kiss him, remembering only at the last moment, he needs to keep his mouth free to carry on the conversation. With a huff, you divert your course, and fix your lips back against the skin of Martin’s neck.
·       He swallows hard as you press your lips back against his pulse, pushing his hips back up into yours. You can’t keep the grin form your face as you feel him pressing up against you—the outline in his pants far more noticeable now.
·       His hands tremble slightly as they search for yours, dragging them down to the front of his jeans. You grin widens as you press down. Even through the thick denim, you can feel his cock throb under your palm. Someone’s excited.
·       You look down at him and he turns his head away, flushing a shade darker. He was so easy to wind up like this, it was almost unbelievable. A few kisses here, and gentle touch there, and he was a blushing, whining mess spread out on your sheets for you to enjoy however your pleased. You had chalked the over-sensitivity up to a lack of experience, and had expected it to fade after a few months, but it hadn’t. He was just that reactive, not that you were complaining.
·       With deft fingers, you pop the button of his jeans, quietly dragging the zipper down. He lifts his hips, wriggling helpfully as you drag his pants and underwear down over his thighs.
·       His cock bobs free, flushed and leaking already. You ghost the pads of your fingers over the soft skin of his shaft, and he shudders, his whole body tensing. His knuckles are white where he grips the phone, and his jaw is tight with the struggle of keeping quiet.
·       You wrap your hand around him, stroking gently from base to tip. His back arches off from the headboard, and he falls forward, burying his head in the crook of your neck. The phone receiver bumps against your collarbone, hard and hollow. The plastic is pleasantly cool against your feverish skin.
·       “Is it different being with a…uh…forgive the expression, normal person?”
·       “They’re a…” His laugh is breathy, almost a moan as he glances down at you, “a real handful.”
·       You barely stifle a laugh. You glare down at him in mock disapproval, and he sticks his tongue out at you. Cheeky little bastard. Though the colour still sits high on his cheeks, and his breathing comes through parted lips in short puffs, he seems to have adjusted well to your pace.
·       “Nothing you can’t handle though, I’m sure. Do they know about your…condition, shall we say?”
·       “They are aware, yes.”
·       The DJ laughs, “And how did that go? Can’t be an easy thing to hear—that your boyfriend might vamp out and eat you whole!”
·       Martin sighs, “I already told you, I don’t eat people…” His voice is much steadier now, even as your fingers brush along the sensitive spots on the underside of his cock. That means its time to switch things up. You can’t have him getting too comfortable. Where would the fun be in that? You tighten your grip—something that usually makes Martin thrash against the sheets and sob into your pillows—and begin to swipe your thumb gently over the tip of his cock with every upward stroke. He almost drops the phone as he yanks it away from his mouth. He covers the receiver with a shaking hand just in time, as a soft whine slips through his teeth, “Oh, fuck…”
·       You press a finger up against your lips, reminding him to be quiet. He presses up into your fist, his hips stuttering as your thumb traces a lazy circle around his head. His free hand flutters nervously about his mouth, as he tries desperately to keep quiet. His breath comes sharp and quick though his nose as he struggles to keep control. You shift your weight, pinning his hips back down with your thighs, and though he tries to buck back up against you, you hold him firmly in place. He whines high in his throat, shooting a pleading look up at you, but you just shake your head and point at the phone, ‘Keep going.’
·       Slowly, Martin brings the receiver back up to his ear. His tongue flickers out over his lips and he lets out a shaky breath, “S-Sorry, I didn’t catch that?”
·       “I said, ‘let’s circle back to what you said before,’ about not eating what you love. Why not? If you don’t need to kill to feed, why not feed on this special someone? Surely if they love you back, they’d be willing.”
·       You slow your hand, wanting to give Martin a fighting chance at answering. You were momentarily intrigued by the DJ’s line of questioning. You knew why Martin didn’t want to feed on you, but you were curious as to what sort of excuse he would give.
·       “W-Well…it’s come up mo-ore than once but…” Martin goes silent as you squeeze down on him, his posture going rigid, his head thrown back against the headboard.
·       The DJ lets the silence hang for a moment, but when Martin doesn’t finish his thought, he cuts in, “But…? You still there, Count?”
·       You let up, and Martin takes a big gulp of air, as though he had only just remembered he needed to breathe. “Y-Yeah, I’m here. It’s…it’s complicated.”
·       “Oh yeah? How?”
·       “Well, it’s not about whether they’ll let me or not…” He takes a shaky breath, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment as he steadies himself. When he speaks again, his voice is low, barely more than a whisper, “It’s that I want more.”
·       He tries in vain to buck up into your fist, his hips rolling in shallow, abortive little thrusts. His teeth are sunk into his lower lip, his eyes boring deep into your own.
·       ‘I want more.’ Those words were meant for you.
·       You blink down at him, momentarily dumb founded. Then a grin spreads across your face, sharp and hungry. If he wants more, you’ll give it to him—you’d give it to him until he was begging you to stop.
·       Sliding down his body, you know this is risky. Martin has never been good at keeping quiet, especially not when you’ve got your mouth on him. But the idea is simply too enticing to pass up on. When were you ever going to get the change to suck his cock live on air again? Besides, this might be good practice for him in the art of keeping his voice down—not that you didn’t love to hear him, it just might be nice to keep your…activities a secret from the whole neighbourhood for once.
·       You wriggle down onto your stomach, bringing your face level with Martin’s cock. Settling yourself into a comfortable position between his knees, you bend your head, pressing a gentle kiss against the tip of his cock.
·       He makes an involuntary choking sound in the back of his throat. You look up at him, resting your chin on the tops of his thighs. You want to give him the time he needs to make up his mind. If he tells you ‘no,’ or pushes you away, you’d gladly go back to stroking his cock and kissing his neck. You would get just as much pleasure from the shivers and whimpers you could wring out of him that way.
·       But he doesn’t tell you no, rather he pushes his hips up against you, pressing the tip hard against your lips. You flick your tongue out, ghosting for only a moment over his sensitive flesh, but it’s enough to make his eyes roll back, his long lashes fluttering against his cheeks. You do it again, and his mouth falls open. Though no sound escapes the look on his face is just as glorious.
·       This is going to be fun.
·       You crane your neck, opening your mouth and gently taking the head inside.  Martin’s free hand shoots to his mouth, and he bites down hard on the meat of his palm to stop himself from sobbing out loud. You press your tongue flat against him, dragging it slowly against his hot flesh. He thrashes beneath you, jostling the phone against his cheek.
·       Carefully, you sink further down on him, taking him in inch by inch. He lets out a long sigh around a mouthful of palm.
·       “What was that, Count?”
·       “Oohh…nothing,” Martin grinds out, “Just…closing a window.”
·       The lie was flimsy, but the DJ, despite his skeptical tone, didn’t seem interested in pressed him on it further, “…Right…so how is your control around this person, huh? Do you ever get the urge to just go to town on them?”
·       Martin’s laugh comes out as a low purr, and he bucks into your mouth once, “Mmm, sometimes.” Ever so slowly, as you’ve sunk down onto his cock, he’s been curling in on himself. His head now rests atop your own, and you can feel the heat of his cheek radiating against your scalp. If that heat is anything to go by, he must be positively scarlet.
·       “And what does that entail for you exactly?”
·       With a little jolt, his cock brushes up against the back of your throat. You swallow down a little choking noise, breathing steadily through your nose in an attempt to calm your gag reflex.
·       The warmth of Martin’s cheeks is suddenly gone as he straightens up again. His head hits the headboard with a thump. “I-I just wanna…” He swallows thickly, his breath coming hard, “Push into…p-push my teeth into their throat and just,” He bucks up into your throat, either unable, or simply unwilling to stay still any longer, “just take what I want.”
·       “Their…blood?”
·       You swallow around Martin and his back arches so far he practically lifts off the bed “Yes! Yes, everything they have to give!”
·       “Right…for a moment there it sounded a bit more, uh, sexually motivated than that.”
·       Again, your throat contracts around him, and a hiss of air escapes through his teeth, “No difference really…”
·       The DJ is silent for a moment, “Now that’s an interesting tidbit about you, Count. I’m sure all the ladies out there would love to hear more about that.”
·       Marin fucks up into your throat again with a soft groan, “I’m…I’m sure they would but,” His breath is coming harder now, “unfortunately, I’m taken.”
·       The DJ laughs, “Hear that, Count? That’s the sound of hundreds of hearts all over Braddock breaking. Sorry, folks but it looks like you’re out of luck.”
·       Oh. He’s taken alright. You can just imagine the anguished looks on their faces when you learn he gets taken almost every other night by another man.
·       Though you’d love to keep him in this position, you’re struck by the sudden, possessive urge to have him on his back. You tap his thigh thrice in quick succession and Martin withdraws almost immediately. He’s always so respectful of your wishes, even if he whines a little when his cock slips from the wet heat of your mouth. The sudden chill of the air on his wet cock sends a shiver through him.
·       You scoot back, grabbing Martin by the calves, and pulling him down into a more horizontal position. He fumbles with the phone, as it slips from his grasp, landing on the bed near his shoulder.
·       “What’s going on, Count?”
·       “S-Sorry, I just…I just dropped the phone is all. I’m…I’m feeling awful shaky these days.”
·       “Oh, yeah? How long has it been?”
·       Martin’s tone is distracted, “Ages.” He is far more focused on you, his dark eyes trained on yours as you loom over him.
·       The DJ asks another question, but you’re not listening as you slip Martin’s slick cock into your mouth, wasting no time in taking him back into your throat where he belongs.
·       Though you can’t make out his words so well over the rushing in your ears, Martin’s voice sounds strained, slightly higher than usual. He’s fighting the pleasure hard.
·       His free hand fists itself in your hair, pushing you down tighter against his cock. You swallow hard, trying desperately not to gag as he rolls is hips into your mouth. He’s come such a long way since the first time you asked him to fuck your mouth. He’d been so nervous that you did most of the work, bobbing your head faster and faster until he’d spilled deep into your mouth. He had apologized for almost an hour after, thinking the rasp in your voice was all his fault. Now? He’s practically asphyxiating you, and you hadn’t needed to say a word.
·       Martin is shaking—his thighs tremble on either side of your head, and the phone in his hands nearly slips from his grasp again with the force of the tremors passing through him.
·       You hollow your cheeks and he’s forced to cover the receiver again as a series of whimpers tear free from his lips. You press your tongue flat against the underside of his cock, and he sobs, his hips canting up off the bed.
·       “I-I’m close,” His frantic whisper comes tight through his teeth, an edge bordering on panic creeping into his voice. You grip his thigh and redouble your efforts, gaining a high whine in return.
·       “Hey, Count? Count there’s a lot of interference on your end…I can’t really hear you. I think this is where this conversation has to end, but call back another night, huh?” Martin doesn’t even respond, he simply slams the receiver back into the cradle, ending the call.
·       Almost as soon as the call has disconnected, he’s a whimpering mess. “Oh, fuck! Your mouth…I-I can’t! Is it okay? Is it okay if I…?”
·       He can’t bring himself to say it, but you know what he means and hum a soft affirmation around his cock. He cries out as the sound vibrates around his over-sensitive flesh.
·       With a whimper, he fucks up into your mouth, once, twice, then he shudders, his whole body going rigid as he cums. His knees clamp around your ears, squeezing your head as he shakes with the pleasure. His fingers pull at your hair, any tighter and you’re sure he’ll pull some out. But you press on, hollowing your cheeks, letting him ride the high for as long as he can.
·       The sound he makes as you swallow around him is nothing short of wrecked. His fingers claw the sheets as though he’s trying to drag himself away from you, from your mouth, but his body remains locked in place beneath you.
·       His cock twitches against your tongue as you slowly pull back, the wet drag of your tongue digging raw little whimpers from his throat, and a shudder passed through him when you pull of and his cock is again exposed to the chilly air of the room. His hips press forward, seeking the tight heat of your throat again. It would seem almost desperate if the motion wasn’t so sluggish, almost sleepy.  
·       He reaches for you then in the dark. His hands, hot and sweaty from exertion and gripping both the phone and the sheets for so long, grasp either side of your face as he pulls you up for a kiss.
·       The salty taste of his cum still coats your tongue, but he doesn’t seem to care as he presses his lips against yours with a desperation you rarely see in him.
·       Pulling back, you whisper against his lips, “Was that enough attention?”
·       He smiles, “For me? Yes.” He presses another soft kiss against your lips. “But now it’s your turn.”
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katierosefun · 3 years
well, here we are! june basically flew by and it was a little rough, but we’re back with some long recs on cool things i’ve read/listened to/watched, and i’m about to force everyone to sit down and listen to my sleepover-esque ted talk in which i give unwarranted and unasked for rec lists. so here we go!
while you were sleeping
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okay, so i tried to watch this kdrama when it came out in like...2017, i think? but for some reason, i wasn’t able to get past the first episode. i don’t really know why? because it’s so beautifully shot, and i super love the premise, which is basically this girl and this guy are somehow able to see things that are going to happen in the future...but only in their dreams. this whole kdrama really handled the plot super well--each episode honestly felt like a movie in itself, and the filming was just stunning, and i think this has to be one of the most visual kdramas i’ve ever seen. each character is also super interesting and complex on their own, and i really loved seeing such a strong cast of characters interact with each other in this world. 
i think the only slight downside of this kdrama was that i couldn’t really get invested in the romance? i’m not quite sure why--i found both lead actors’ performances wonderful, and don’t get me wrong, i did think they were cute together as the drama went on, but i still couldn’t find myself buying into the romance until maybe relatively late in the drama (like...ep 11 or so? ep 16 was honestly when i realized that awww, wait, they’re actually super cute). but then again, i feel like the writers weren’t really prioritizing the romance either--i think they really wanted us to think about the beauty of dreams and redemption and how everyone can touch another person’s life in some significant way, so i can’t really be mad about it!
but anyways, overall i really enjoyed this kdrama and watched it all a lot faster than i thought i would! SOLID music, beautiful cinematography, good acting, mostly good writing, and some really memorable characters! def. a must-watch if you love suspense, aesthetics, and some wonderful characters.
the ghost detective
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i’m someone who doesn’t like horror or scary things at all, but i was so intrigued by the plot and whatever material i saw on tumblr, and...of course, choi daniel, lee joo young, lee ji ah, and park eun bin. honestly, this is just a really wonderful and really underrated cast, and they really all brought out their a-game for this 32-episode supernatural / thriller / horror drama. basically, this kdrama follows the story of a young woman who’s trying to figure out who murdered her younger sister...and of course, there’s something supernatural going on. 
honestly, this kdrama was such a ride. i loved the crime-solving aspect of it, and i was really in love with the interactions between all the characters, esp. that of eun bin and daniel’s characters. (guys...they’re so ride and die for each other. there’s also so much yearning. so much yearning in this kdrama, it just about killed me--) 
the villain was absolutely, appropriately, elegantly creepy, and like...scary beyond belief. basically, the villain (lee ji ah’s character) feeds her victims these harmful thoughts and ultimately get them to kill themselves. it’s sad and haunting, especially when you see that the victims tell their victims “don’t listen to the bad things. try only to listen to the good things”. and...yeah. themes of how to handle all of these bad feelings inside of you really came through in this kdrama, and there were a lot of themes of suicide and the kind of rage and sadness that comes with that. (also! if you’re a fan of lots of angsty/whumpy situations....this kdrama definitely does not hold back with all of your fave whump/angst tropes! literally! every! episode! i! had! to! lie! down! because! too! powerful!)
school 2013 
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(aww, look at this precious cast…as though they didn’t all make me ugly cry at least five times—)
yeah, yeah, yeah, i’ve talked about this kdrama ad nauseum, and i know i watched it last month, but as i was studying for the lsat, i really, really, really needed some comfort. most notably comfort re: studying life, academics, how difficult it is to study but also be uncertain of your dreams…and if you are certain of your dreams, how that sometimes requires studying but that just makes life all the more overwhelming…can you tell i’ve been thinking about this a lot
i’m not going to ramble more about this kdrama considering i already have done so multiple times, but i enjoyed this rewatch and honestly,,,my love for this show has just grown even more. there’s a good reason why people consider this a comfort kdrama, because. i consider myself deeply comforted. also, i’ve been listening to the ost for the whole month. it’s become a problem. but sometimes. sometimes you need to listen to songs that feel like someone’s patting you on the head and telling you don’t give up, set down your burdens, don’t think you’re alone and dream whatever you want to dream, go wherever you want to go. i’ll stop talking now, but god. when i say that i think everyone who has ever felt incredibly tired by work or school and just wished for someone to give them a big hug either then or now...god. this is just one of those kdramas that i think honestly touched so many people’s lives, and i’m very grateful for the cast and crew and writers for ever bringing this story to life. :’) (god, okay, now i’ll stop talking before i make myself cry i’m fine this is fine)
your honor
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so, i watched this kdrama thinking that it would be light and funny given that yoon shi yoon is the main male lead, but boy was i wrong--don’t be fooled by these happy little faces, this kdrama is heavy. this kdrama is about a young man (with a criminal record) who winds up impersonating his twin brother, who happens to be a judge. we also have a trainee who, after seeing the legal system fail her older sister, is on the rise to dispense justice through the courts the best she can.
honestly, the first few episodes were rough, mostly because of the content. big trigger warning for rape, violence, and sexual harassment at work. this kdrama really didn’t hold back when it came to addressing how the very people who use the law can also be the very same people who manipulate and abuse it. because of that, i found this kdrama incredibly powerful. that said, it certainly had its lighthearted moments too. 
overall though, i liked this kdrama. the main characters were incredibly complex and genuinely the type to make me believe that for all the injustices in the world, there are still and always will be people fighting for the right thing. as someone who wants to enter the legal field, this kdrama was just uplifting. i was so blown away by the absolute rawness of the main two leads, esp. yoon shi yoon, who i’ve only ever seen in super lighthearted kdramas. so this was a really interesting change of pace, and i genuinely enjoyed watching this!
waiting for love
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so this kdrama is just two episodes, and what’s better is that it’s available on youtube! it’s about two college students--a young woman who’s been hurt by falling in love with jerks now just wants to date, not really fall in love...and a young man who’s excellent at giving dating advice except he’s afraid that he’s never going to actually fall in love, so he just dates a girl for the sake of dating.
now, i kinda thought that this show was going to be kinda lighthearted, a little shallow--but it was weirdly...comforting? idk, i found myself liking it a lot more than i thought it would be. this is far from the perfect kdrama, and i kinda wished that we got more than 2 episodes because i think some of the plot points could have been better expanded, but...there were genuinely a lot of scenes that made me think a bit more about what it actually means to be in a loving relationship--like how it’s not enough to just put on a happy smile and eat meals together, but like...you know. there has to be trust and actual liking and also, yeah, maybe a bit of frustration in order to actually know whether a relationship is real or not. and given that the characters were all discussing the pressure on getting married and romance esp. when you’re in your twenties...idk. makes you think about are you dating someone for the sake of appearances? or do you genuinely...like them?
there was also quite a few tropes that i personally adore in this kdrama, which helped balance out the stuff i found more tiring. there was a lot of the “right person, wrong time” stuff going on (you really want the two main leads to get together after a certain point, and you just keep holding your breath whenever they walk past each other and beg please please please let it be this time...), and also that good old “two strangers fall in love with each other purely over writing to each other” (god. first the half of it, then me & au, then greenhouse podcast...something about this trope huh). that said, there were def. some parts that made me “:////” because some of the characters were kind of frustrating, but i’m gonna chalk that up to good writing since i think i was mostly mad about how i knew people like some of the characters lol. overall, i think this might be at least semi-enjoyable--it’s probably not something i’ll watch again, but it def. made me mull over what it means to actually be in a loving relationship, esp. if you’re in your twenties and everyone around you seems to be in happy romantic relationships/getting engaged and whatnot. 
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i’m a firm believer that there are some movies that are meant to cheer you up, some movies meant to make you cry, and then there’s some movies that are just meant to...sit with you. and this movie is definitely one of them. this story follows casey, a high school graduate, and jin, the son of a famous architect. the two of them are both so incredibly exhausted with their lives (casey with her constant worry about her mother, who’s a recovering drug addict; jin with his surface-level lack of concern for his comatose father). in their small town of columbus, indiana, the two of them bond over architecture and just. being quietly there for each other.
this movie’s been compared a few times to lost in translation in the sense that there’s this not quite romance between the two leads, who have a bit of an age gap (john cho and haley lu richardson have about 20 between them!). to be honest, i didn’t really get the sense that there was supposed to be a romance. if anything, it just felt like...two really lonely people finding each other. definitely not a simple friendship--definitely not a familial kind of relationship, definitely intimate. 
idk. i think this movie might not be for everyone--i definitely agree with a lot of past reviewers that this movie is on the slower side. there’s some stuff here about complicated relationships with parents, a lot of cool architecture, really beautiful shots...and overall, it’s just...quiet. it’s lovely, and i can’t really stop thinking about it. it’s subtle, bittersweet, and oddly compelling. might not be the kind of thing you’d want to watch in the middle of the day, but if you’re a little sad and in the mood for something not to necessarily lift your spirits but...at least acknowledge them and sit with you, then...this is the movie to watch. idk. i felt kind of crummy the day i watched this movie, and i felt as though someone just sat next to me on a park bench until the sun went down. (mayhaps specific but hush, i’m writing this right after finishing this movie, so i’m...feeling a certain way.)
wish dragon 
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i watched this movie right after watching columbus because a) decided i was in the mood for something lighter, and b) i learned that john cho?? voiced?? the dragon?? (caroline your crush on john cho’s jumping out this month...) 
but anyways! i loved this movie a lot. it was so satisfying? like, just narratively speaking? and the animation was wonderful and also weirdly smooth and satisfying, and there were a lot of funny and touching moments. this movie’s about this young man named din who stumbles upon a magical teapot that holds the wish dragon long--long has to grant din three wishes, and yes, i know, very aladdin, but that said, this movie has so many original twists that it feels weird to call it an aladdin retelling. it really did feel like a movie completely on its own, which i applaud the writer and director for! 
i don’t want to spoil too much of this movie, but something i really enjoyed was that din’s main wish is just to see his old childhood friend again. idk, i think we all have that one friend from when we were really little that we miss--and this movie really dug into that, as well as themes about parents wanting to do the best they can to provide for their kids, and!!! and long the dragon gets his own storyline and amazing character development too!!! i was honestly just amazed at how this movie fleshed out the characters so well and had so many wonderful themes that just made me tear up. guys. this movie’s great. highly recommend for its wonderful characters and the power of friendship. just a grand old time in general. :’))
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yeah...yeah, i wasn’t kidding about my crush on john cho this month. yes, i watched three of his movies within 24 hours. this movie is about david kim who’s looking for his missing 16 year old daughter, margot. this film is honestly noteworthy for many reasons, one of them being that the entire movie is told through like...a laptop screen, as in we kind of follow david’s frantic search through facetime, facebook, tumblr...which i honestly didn’t think i’d be into, but whoo boy, i was wrong. it just added to the whole addictive quality of this movie, as it usually does when it comes to anything from the thriller genre. 
but besides this just being a straight up addictive thriller with absolutely mouth-dropping twists (but like...good twists, and smart twists, good god--), this movie was just...touching? there’s so many themes related to what grief does to a family (because we learn within the first 10 minutes that the mom died due to cancer), and there’s just...something really fragile about relationships between surviving family members. i was absolutely blown away by john cho’s performance as a tentative and grieving widower whose world just absolutely falls apart in his search for his daughter. this movie was just so...real because of that. like, yes, this movie has all of the suspense that you would expect this kind of movie to have, but there was also just...so many beautiful themes about grief and how far parents would go for their kids and godddd yeah no i started sobbing when the movie ended. god. 
also, my bias towards john cho aside, i...really loved his character. david kim is absolutely believable, and like? he’s not just the guy putting the pieces together--he’s also the guy who misses his wife and also the guy who wishes that he was there for his daughter. he’s also the guy who pauses and re-writes all his text messages because he’s trying to be a good dad. i feel like with a lot of these suspense / missing person movies, it’s really easy to have characters who are just the stoic alpha male types--and david kim definitely had his badass moments in this movie, but like...something i just loved was seeing the vulnerability that comes with...having a missing child. being a parent. god. this movie messed me up but in a good way. i can honestly say that this movie is now probably going to be one of my fave movies of all time. highly recommend, am literally obsessed with it.
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid
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ohohoho………where to begin with this book. this was one of those books where i was like “huh i kinda don’t understand why people are so obsessed with this book”, but then i hit like...page 20 or 30 and was like “oh god i Literally Cannot Put This Book Down Oh No” and wound up finishing it in like three days (mind you, i only read at like...midnight these days. i don’t understand why either). 
i finished this book at like 2 am and promptly burst into tears because this was just one of those books. it follows the story of evelyn hugo, a famous hollywood actress from the 60s or so and onwards. known for her intense beauty and her seven husbands, she’s now giving an exclusive interview to the young reporter monique grant, where she’s about to tell all about her life. this book had me dropping my mouth multiple times, and i think tjr can spin one hell of a story, with so many good twists and turns and intensely memorable characters. by the end of the book, i was actually mad that evelyn hugo wasn’t a real person, because i, too, fell a little in love with her and thought, i want to actually watch her movies. i want to learn even more about this remarkable woman. 
but alas! she’s not real, so i don’t get to see her accept an oscar or look up all the tabloids about her and her seven husbands or her speculated (and very, very, very real) relationship with celia st. john. basically...i just loved this book. the last line made me smile and laugh and cry a little bit (actually...cry a lot), and y’know...i’ll admit it’s not totally perfect, but i’m glad this book exists, and i’m glad that even though tjr isn’t bi herself, was very adamant in this book about bisexuality being real. just. like. god. once again. mad that evelyn hugo isn’t real. it’s fine, she’s real in my heart.
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randomvarious · 4 years
Moby - “Bodyrock” Crossing All Over! Volume 10 1999 Big Beat
You all know who Moby is. He’s one of the most successful, talented, and eclectic electronic music producers of his generation. He’s the American who made big beat and sample-laden dance tracks achieve popularity in the US at the turn of the century. He’s an electronic music chameleon; he’s techno, he’s downtempo, he’s big beat, he’s ambient, and he’s even punk and alternative rock. He’s had a long, storied career, with plenty of hits and questionable decisions that have resulted in some really high highs and equally really low lows. 
By the time Moby released his fifth album, Play, which ended up becoming considered by many critics to be one of the greatest albums ever recorded in the history of music, he thought it was his final album. Just four years prior, he had released the critically acclaimed Everything Is Wrong, which Spin named its album of the year. He ended up selling a respectable 250,000 copies of the record worldwide, but for the amount of praise it received, and for being on a major label (Elektra), it was a mediocre showing. From jump, that appeared to be Moby’s curse, as it was for most electronic talents: good music, but bad sales; a niche market conquered, but little else beyond that.
Whatever likability Moby had accrued since the UK success of his 1991 techno track, “Go,” which sampled music from Twin Peaks, nearly disintegrated into thin air with the release of his fourth album, 1996′s Animal Rights, which saw him ditching dance music for a blend of alternative rock, hardcore punk, and ambient music. Fans and critics both hated this turn and washed their hands of him almost entirely. It appeared that everyone was just about done with Moby, and that Moby was just about done with himself. Animal Rights turned out to be an album that brought him within an inch of career suicide.
But by 1999, he had decided to go back to dance and electronic music and the result was Play. However, no one seemed to want to give Play any play at all. Moby shopped it to a number of big record labels, but at that point he was regarded as a has-been; a guy who’d run out of good fortune because of his uncompromising strong will and his insufferable need to be an artist. But Richard Branson’s V2 label, which was only three years old at the time, decided to take a chance on it.
From a quote in Rolling Stone:
First show that I did on the tour for Play was in the basement of the Virgin Megastore in Union Square. Literally playing music while people were waiting in line buying CDs. Maybe forty people came.
Most of the critics adored Play and saw it as a work of contemporary creative genius; a real mover-of-the-sticks kind of album. No one, at least no American, had ever made an album quite like it before. It was uptempo, it was downtempo, it had blues samples, it had breakbeats, it was more than danceable, and it was also quite emotional and vulnerable. It was an amalgamation of a lot of different things, and it was a beautiful representative mess of the post-modern, recently-formed digital age, which, at the time, appeared to be bringing the world closer together than it had ever been before, at least from a cultural standpoint. It was music that had a little something for just about everyone. But that was what initially appeared to have ben its fatal flaw, too. See, Play didn’t fit into any pre-defined, carefully crafted, easily marketable categories; It wasn’t rock, it wasn’t pop, it wasn’t hip hop, and it wasn’t R&B. So radio and MTV passed on every song. The album certainly had no home in America, and it didn’t sell all that well in the UK either. 
So Moby decided to sell the album out, literally. He licensed every single song off of Play for commercials, TV, movies, and video games, which were all industries that were more receptive to the varied sounds of the album. People would be exposed to Play through other indirect and less conventional means. And with every track licensed and songs appearing in nearly every medium that had audio, except for radio and MTV, Play, almost a year after its release, started to finally gain some commercial traction.
Here’s an illuminating Moby quote from that same Rolling Stone article:
Almost a year after it came out in 2000 I was opening up for Bush on an MTV Campus Invasion Tour. It was degrading for the most part. Their audience had less than no interest in me. February in 2000, I was in Minnesota, I was depressed and my manager called me to tell me that Play was number one in the UK, and had beat out Santana's Supernatural. I was like, :But the record came out 10 months ago.” That's when I knew, all of a sudden, that things were different. Then it was number one in France, in Australia, in Germany��it just kept piling on. [...] The week Play was released, it sold, worldwide around 6,000 copies. Eleven months after Play was released, it was selling 150,000 copies a week. I was on tour constantly, drunk pretty much the entire time and it was just a blur. And then all of a sudden movie stars started coming to my concerts and I started getting invited to fancy parties and suddenly the journalists who wouldn't return my publicist's calls were talking about doing cover stories. It was a really odd phenomenon.
Play only peaked at #38 on the Billboard 200, but it sold two million copies in the States alone. It was on charts across the world for several fucking years. And it finally brought dance music to the American mainstream.
There were two songs that almost didn’t make it onto Play though: “Porcelain,” which Moby hated, and “Bodyrock,” which Moby’s two managers hated. His managers complained that “Bodyrock” was a total ripoff of Fatboy Slim, which...fair..., and that it was tacky. But Moby wanted to keep it on there. He had sampled a classic hip hop song by Spoonie Gee and the Treacherous Three for it called “Love Rap,” which held sentimental value for him, and is the only vocal sample on the song (”Non-stop y’all, to the beat y’all, the body rock y’all...”). 
At the top of this post, I called Moby an electronic music chameleon, and “Bodyrock” is the song that saw him almost seamlessly morphing into a god of the big beat sound, somehow briefly placing himself among the ranks of The Prodigy, The Chemical Brothers, and of course, the aforementioned Fatboy Slim. And he managed to do it with just one fucking song. For “Bodyrock,” Moby basically took all the things that got those three big beat acts constantly lumped into the same category, as well as all the things that made them stand apart from each other, and then he mortared-and-pestled it all to death, reducing it all into a fine powder that he could re-arrange and re-apply into his own stunning creation.
“Bodyrock” is a song that’s layered wonderfully and fuses sounds from many different instruments and genres to make something that’s intense as hell, especially for a mainstream audience, but still highly enjoyable. It’s a perfect fusion of rock, hip hop, and dance music, all packaged together into one, solidly cranking song. 
Moby starts with the drum-and-vocal sample from Spoonie Gee and The Treacherous Three and then adds two layers of guitars, one with an acidified, throttling, crunchy funkiness, a la Fatboy Slim, that’s inspired by Gang of Four’s 1981 track, “What We All Want,” and one with a thin and whining kind of wah that’s also a bit funky, and which later on becomes an integral part of the chorus. Then Moby infuses the track with some hardness, with heavy drums and bass, as well as hand-claps. Rapper Nikki D, who released an album on Def Jam in 1991, then proceeds to appear out of nowhere for the chorus, pretty clearly trying to sound like MC Lyte’s nearly-forgotten 1996 jam, “Cold Rock a Party”. And along with Ms. D comes the most important piece of the recipe, the bow and ribbon that ties the whole song together, the streaming and high-pitched cinematic strings, which replace the Gang of Four-styled guitar, and are underlaid with a rumbling, motoring, thick bassline that also plays along to the string melody itself. 
Two unique and brief pieces then come later on, one that sounds like a combination of clean and dirty aquatics, with a brief, pleasant keyboard melody that sounds submerged in water, but still near the surface, and a swampy and swishy, mud-in-your-galoshes type of rhythm beneath it. Then, before the song’s final push, the other brief piece appears, which sounds like those frequencies you might hear from a hearing test machine, laced with Nikki D’s vocals, the drum break from Spoonie Gee and The Treacherous Three, and some bounding bass.
To close out the masterpiece, Moby lets the chorus ride, and then adds the “Love Rap” vocal back in. You’d think playing two vocals concurrently would clash and make the song unlistenable at that point, but somehow, they don’t. They happen to work really well, and when played together along with everything else, they yield the most intense and enjoyable part of the song.  
Play ended up having a total of twelve music videos and a quarter of them were for “Bodyrock”. The first two have a similar theme of British guys, all of whom except for one are white, dancing terribly, but also passionately:
The second one features a car explosion at the end!:
And the third one, which has a Run-D.M.C. cameo (!), shows Moby donning special sunglasses that allow him to see talented dancers everywhere:
Even almost a year after Play was released, it appeared that it was going to be Moby’s swan song and the death of his career. But the decision to license changed all of that, and if ever there was some kind of universal music award for “comeback artist of the year,” Moby would have absolutely won that thing. But in the immortal words of LL Cool J, “don’t call it a comeback,” because while the original best hope for Play was to return to the similar sales and critical appeal of Everything Is Wrong, it managed to far exceed that wishful and shortsighted forecast. Moby was comeback artist of the year and damn near MVP also. It was a wild, totally unexpected, and fantastic turn of events for his career and wellbeing. He almost stopped making music, but now he can’t stop making music. He released an album just this year.
I wholeheartedly agree with the critics who list Play as one of the greatest albums ever made. Not only is it fucking tremendous on its own, but It marked a much-needed turning point for Moby’s career, which undoubtedly kept him going, and still keeps him going today. And one of the many amazing songs on that album that makes Play what it is, is that consummate, brief bit of big beat greatness, that banger of a cut that almost didn’t make it onto the album, the one and only “Bodyrock”; a song that still manages to bop as hard as it did when it originally came out 20-plus years ago.
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
Two Cups Of Ice Cream
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89. “Oh my heart it breaks! It shall never be whole again!” “She/He/They break up with you every other month. Shouldn’t it be used to the disappointment by now?”
99. “Would it help if I stayed?”
Genre: SFW
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 3.7K
A/N: First time writing for him! I think I got some of it down, but defs could use work! Also guess who can’t fucking read because it says fellow pro-hero! Read the notes please ≦(._.)≧
You stare outside at the parlor window, feeling melancholy wrap its heavy arms you. Your chin digs into the palm of your hand as you watch groups of people pass by the window, laughing and holding onto each other. On the rare occasion you see the lonely person walk by but that only makes the feeling in your stomach heavier.
The air inside the ice cream parlor is cool and it soothes you as you feel yourself begin to heat up. You’re thankful that it’s empty today, save for you, the employees and a group of friends who sit in the corner, giggling into the palms of their hands, taking in spoonsful of ice cream into their mouths, sharing it with each other. You tear your eyes away from them, the corners of your lips pulling down into a frown, only to be covered by the palm of your hand as you return your gaze outside the window. You don’t want to be the person who sneers at other people’s enjoyment just because you’re miserable. You may not be having the time of your life, but there’s no reason to despise others and their happiness.
You spare another glance at your phone, clicking it on and scrolling through the messages that Takami has sent you. His last one taunts you- a promise that he’ll be there on time. You grip the phone in your hand and turn it over on the table; the screen clangs loudly against the metal and you feel your cheeks flush when the parlor goes silent for a quick moment only to return to hushed chatter.
You want to be angry at him. He promised to meet you here today. He isn’t one to flake so why now? Why bother telling you that he was going to be here today if he wasn’t? But the reasonable part of you knew that it was irrational to get mad at him. He’s the number two hero, of course he’s going to get caught up in stuff. It’s not like past when you two could hang out on the weekends. He’s busy now.  But you’re still hurt. You still feel bad that he didn’t at least send you a quick message. You’re angry that you had to order two ice creams because he told you that he would make it and to order his when you got there. You hated that your friend wasn’t here.
You’re broken out of your thoughts when the server places two cups of ice cream on the table, he smiles respectfully and walks away, leaving you all alone again. You didn’t even get to tell him thank you. You look at the cups in front of you, and then back to the empty chair, and back to the cups. You should have known that he wouldn’t come.
An exasperated sigh escapes your lips. Now you have to eat two ice cream cups and while that normally isn’t a problem you now have to deal with the looks of pity the group of friends is giving you. You’ve been stood up and now you’re forced to eat ice cream as you hope that with every swallow, the lump in your throat is being pushed down. Ice cream has never felt so heavy to you before. It’s a wonder how you even got it down, every spoonful being heavier than the last and you try to eat at a normal pace, hoping that the eyes you feel on you are just in your imagination. What were once sweet flavors, are now bitter and slimy; it slides down your throat at a choking pace, and it takes all of your willpower to not retch and spit out the ice cream.
You finish the cold snack and feel worse. The phone buzzes against the table creating another unfortunate sound and you scramble to pick it up, keeping your eyes down. Your eyebrows knit together at the message on screen.
-Be there soon!
You feel tired. The sick feeling in your stomach isn’t as heavy, it feels much lighter now. But everything else in your body feels heavy. You can feel your shoulders being weighed down by disappointment and eyelids droop. Your fingers drag across the screen as you tell him that you already ate and you’re heading home, but maybe next time you can meet up. And to convey that you aren’t bothered by his absence, you tell him to stay safe and to try the butter pecan flavor, and then you leave. You don’t wait for his reply as you walk towards the bus stop, your hands coming to wrap the cardigan closer to your body.
You know that you’re being childish. He’s late for reasons. You whine in the back of your throat and pull out your phone, typing away a quick message that you two can hang out at your place if he’s still free and press send, walking quicker to the bus stop as if you could run away from your actions.
The sun is starting to set and a part of you hopes that he’ll message you but another, much louder part doesn’t want him to, you don’t want to deal with the possible rejection that comes with him. You’ve had enough rejection for a year. You feel another buzz and you read the message, causing you to stop in your tracks and pull off to the side, confusing etching across your features. You mouth the words, “get ready,” and you shove the phone into your purse and stand straighter. You look up to the sky, a hand coming to your brows to provide shade and before you can turn your head, you’re lifted up into the air by the back of your shirt. You kick your legs out and let out a shriek, people stop in alarm to watch as you float into the sky, people staring and looking around in an attempt to wonder if you’re losing control of your quirk or if you’re being kidnapped. You cover your face behind your hands and tuck your legs in, a scream dies in the back of your throat and suddenly people are cheering underneath you. You don’t dare to look, you keep your eyes shut behind your eyes and you tuck your legs closer to your body when you feel arms pry themselves into the back of your knees and your back. They hold you securely and firm, and keep you close to their chest, vibrations rumbling caused by a laugh.
You can hear boots click against concrete and hands slide down your back and legs, letting your feet flutter above solid ground for a moment before planting them firmly and pushing your hair back. You open your eyes and reach over to the back of your shirt, feeling the feather for a quick second only to feel the feather brush against your fingertips before zooming off to go back to its place.
You two stare at each for a moment, he stands there with a sheepish look on his face, a hand coming to scratch at the back of his neck and his mouth parts open.
“You could have just messaged me to meet you somewhere you know. You didn’t have to kidnap me.” Your words are sharp and you wave your arms into the air only to bring them down and cross them across your chest.
He brings his hand down and curls it in midair. He stares blankly at you, the sun shining against him and reflecting off his visors. “You’re mad.” It’s not a question but a statement.
Your face falls slack for a second, only to sneer at him, your eyes narrowing into slits. “Of course I’m mad! You lifted me into the air without warning! Anyone would be mad about that!” Your hands are rising and you catch them in midair, twitching the fingers before bringing them to your sides to curl into fists. “At least a warning would have been nice! What you gave me was some vague shit!” Your breathing is starting to get ragged and you turn your head to the side, your eyebrows furrowing and mouth pulled into a line. “What do you want?”
The corner of his mouth twitches and the hand that was hanging in midair is brought up to scratch at the area above his visor. “You were mad at me before and you said we could hang out now if I wanted to.” He outstretched his arms in front of him. “So here I am.”
“I wasn’t - ”
“Yes you were. Your style of texting was different, ya know. A lot more formal than usual.” His eyebrows rise slightly upward and the corner of his mouth is pulling into a lazy grin.
“It wasn’t,” you lick your lips and look at him, your shoulders rising to meet you head as you tuck it in- a mock attempt to hide yourself, “formal.” The words don’t even sound convincing to yourself. You look up to meet his steady gaze. “I wasn’t mad.”
You purse your lips, “Where are we?” You change the subject and walk around the rooftop, going towards the edge and peering down below. Your breath catches in your throat and you stumble backwards, looking back at him with wide eyes. “Why are we so high up?”
“Because you’re never one to actually talk about your feelings- ”
“Oh like you are,” you snap, turning on your heel to face him. “You could’ve just met me at my place or-or something.”
“You’re mad because I stood you up.”
You take in a deep breath and pinch the bridge of your nose, “Can I go home?”
“A building was on fire.” You hear his steps clipping across the concrete. “I couldn’t message you before-”
“I know.” Your voice doesn’t leave room for further explanation. You feel worse than you did before, the sinking feeling in your stomach heavier, making you feel sick. “I just,” you don’t know what to say, you can’t be selfish with him, he’s a hero. He has responsibilities other than being a shoulder to cry on, “I know.”
His hands trail up your arms, the warmth penetrating even through your clothes, and rest on your shoulders, gripping them firmly. “What happened this time?”
You suddenly feel embarrassed with your reason for asking him to meet up. Your face burns with embarrassment and when you try to meet his gaze you flinch away making a ‘tch’ sound. “I feel dirty,” your words are slightly above a whisper.
His grip on your shoulders tightens and through a tense jaw he asks, “About?”
“I feel like we only ever hang out when I have an issue.” You shrug your shoulders and with all your force you look up at his golden eyes, with shaky hands, your arms come up between his and your wrap your fingers around the legs of his visor and pull at them. His eyes flutter close and he pulls his head back, allowing the visors to be taken off.  You look down at them, your fingertips tracing the edges on the legs, careful to not touch the frames.
“I don’t mind. It’s humbling.” The hands on your shoulder fall to the side of them, holding them softly.
“Can I be dramatic for a quick sec?” You ask, a sad grin taking form.
“’Course.” His reply is simple and he’s quiet for a few moments, letting you gather your thoughts on how you want to present whatever information you’re about to- but he’s sure he already knows what it is.
“Oh my heart, it breaks!” You exaggerate your own voice, making it higher and foolish. “It shall never be whole again!” Your words are sarcastic at the end, biting at the last word, your teeth bared for a second before you dip your head down and let out an audible exhale.
“They break up with you every other month,” he states, the concern on his face not reaching his voice.  “Shouldn’t you be used to the disappointment by now?” He leans away from you, balancing on the soles of his shoes before coming down and stretching his arms above his head, his wings extending and ruffling in unison, each feather stretching outward.
“I know.” You lift your head and loll your head to the side. “I just thought this time would be different.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Hm?”
“This felt,” you pause, trying to gather your thoughts in order, “a lot more definite.”
“I know you didn’t like them-”
“Hated them.”
“I know. But I still liked them and I,” you purse your lips and blow out a sigh, “just wasn’t ready for this to end.”
“They were the worst anyways. Had a terrible taste in movies and always acted so pretentious about everything.” He takes a small step towards you, inching closer and grabbing your biceps to pull you closer to him, your chests centimeters away from him. “Like remember when we had that movie night? And they wouldn’t stop talking about the themes in the movie. God, what a bastard.” He rolls his eyes and makes a fleeting gesture with his hand.
“Takami-kun,” you whine, throwing your head on his chest and pulling his visors to your chest, holding them gently in your hands.
“Thought I told you to call me Keigo.” You feel the rumble in chest when he talks, the vibrations running against you. “We’ve been close enough that you can call me by my first.” You hear the shameless teasing in his voice.
You pull away from him and pout. You raise a hand and give him a tap on the cheek. “Don’t be cheeky Keigo.” You turn around and step towards the ledge, waving him off when you notice in your peripherals, his crimson colored wings twitch towards you, the tips of his wings already extending towards you.
“I’m sorry that I was angry at you before.” You stretch your arms over your head, the yellow tinted visors clenched between one hand, and you stand on the tips of your toes, sighing when you feel the muscles stretch and pull against each other. “I just really wanted to eat some ice cream with you and complain for a bit.” You walk towards him, and put his visors back on him. Your fingertips drag down the sides of his face slowly, tracing along his jawline and gaze at his lips, only to pull away and return to his side.
“There’s always work to be done.” He stands next to you and outstretches one of his wings, coming to wrap around you, the feathers brushing against your shoulder, ruffling your cardigan and pulling it down slowly. “I really was on my way, you know.” He shuts his eyes and lets out a yawn, both his wings extending, only to curl in on you, the feathers pressing against you with gentle force and nudge you towards him.
You turn your gaze to him and scoff. Your lips twitch into a smile and turn around, dragging your finger through his feathers, having them twitch underneath your touch. “You owe me ice cream.” You reply comes out softer than you intended, and you continue to pet him, feeling the minuscule twitches that he gives. You grab a feather softly between your fingers and give a gentle pull, the feather falling into your grasp. With a tender graze on the barbs of his feathers, they quiver into your touch, following and staying perked to follow your graze. You bring the feather up to you lips, the feather trembling against the tip of your nose, tickling you softly. “Can you feel what I’m doing?”
“Just broke up and already flirting with me,” Keigo breathes out, letting out a soft laugh, controlling the individual feather to float back into place, leaving your grasp. “This has to be a record.”
“Last time was a moment of weakness,” you give him a side glance, lips coming into a playful grin. “On both of our parts.”
“Ouch,” he winces, pulling an arm to scratch at the top of his head. He turns towards you, the barrier his wings made, leaving you victim to the cool air.
“Oh, don’t act so hurt,” you wrap your arms around yourself and step towards him. “I’m not kidding about the ice cream by the way. I had to eat two cups by myself.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He takes a step back and extends a hand towards you. “Wanna go now?” His wings raise high into the air, lowering down slowly; they stay extended as he watches you.
“Stay at my place tonight?” You ask, already placing your palm into his gloved one.
“Would it help if I stayed?” He asks, his hand wrapping around you firmly, a gentle tug pulling you into him.
“It always helps when you stay.” You pause for a second, pulling away your hand to wrap your hair into a tight ponytail, tucking a few strands behind your ears. “You know that,” you step back into his grasp, your fingers twisting tightly into his jacket, only to turn around and press deep into his back.
He pulls away from you and slips his jacket off, wrapping it around you and zipping it up, adjusting at the collar, and pulling you closer. You stumble into his chest and glare at him, straightening your back and muttering a quick thanks. He nods in response, and you turn your back towards him, taking a small step backwards, flinching when you feel his arms wrap around your torso.
“Flavor?” You feel his strong wings flapping and lifting the both of you into the air. You can feel the gust his own wings create, and you shut your eyes, griping into his forearms and wrapping your legs behind his. You feel the deep rumble in his chest when he laughs. “Relax, I won’t let you fall, you know that.” He places a chaste kiss on the crown of your head, his hands gripping at you tighter.
You meekly nod, squinting your eyes open when you feel the wind become harsh against your skin. You let out a shaky breath and try to relax your shoulders.
You look down at the city below you. You aren’t that high into the air, just above a few of the taller buildings. Nearing the evening, the lights of the buildings are turned on and shining in the night. You let your legs fall off of his, leaving them dangling in the air. You kick your feet, feeling the wind resist against your movements. You hold tight onto his forearms, and nuzzle your nose further into his jacket, the fur of his jacket tickling your noise. You take in a deep breath and peek through white tufts, the lights looking like speckles behind fur.
“You never answered what flavor you wanted.” He says a bit loudly, pulling you tighter into him.
“Surprise me!” You yell out in response, swallowing down your nerves and outstretching your arms abruptly. You let out a nervous laugh, grasping at the air in front of you.
“I’ve taken you flying before.”
“Yeah! But I’m not used to it!” You turn your neck and look at him for a brief second. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this!” You give him a toothy grin, returning your gaze to the city below, and making grabbing motions to the lights that shine. “I’m terrified but I’m also having the time of my life!”
“Glad you got over your break up so fast.” He smiles wickedly down at you, taking a sharp turn upwards, squeezing you reassuringly when you squeak. His wings flap in midair, pulling his body straight and having you stand on the top of his boots.
You twist around him, shaking your head in an attempt to shake the hairs that have fallen onto your face back into place. “You always know how to put me into a good mood Keigo. Don’t act so cocky about it.” You smile up at him, bringing your arms back to his forearms, and placing your fingers above his naked wrists. You lean into him, looking down at the city.
“Hold on tight,” he whispers, his fingers pressing into your sides.
You don’t have time to think about what he said. You’re dipping towards the ground, his wings pulled back, and you biting into the fur, screams muffled and eyes shut tight, scared laughter mixing with the screams. And all too suddenly, his wings are expanding and flattening to level the both of you, the speed returning to a slower pace and your face stings with the cool air slapping into you.
“Keigo!” You laugh, both scared and exhilarated. “That was so mean of you!”
“I’ll make it up to you,” he promises.
Wooden floorboards creak underneath the both of your weights and you place a tentative foot on the wooden floor before hopping away from him. You turn your attention to the window on your side and turn to him.
“This is not the convenience store, you know.” You slip off his jacket and take out the ponytail in your hair, brushing your hand through your hair, tugging away at any knots formed. “The flight does not let you off the hook.” You point a finger at him, and break out into a smile, pulling out your apartment key.
“Yeah, I’ll make it up to you tomorrow.” He repeats and hurries you inside and kicks off his shoes inside and places his jacket on the coat stand.
“So impatient.” You click your tongue at him. “I’m the one with the broken heart and empty pocket, you know.” You turn to face him and your teasing gaze softens considerably so, you cup his face and run your fingers up to play with the tufts of his hair. “Just be patient for a sec. Take it slow Keigo.” You grab his hand place fleeting kisses across his wrist, looking up at him through the corner of his lips.
He hums closes his eyes, his leg coming up to kick the door behind him close, the free hand coming to lock the door.
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youngboy-oldmind · 4 years
Every once in a while I’ll listen to an album and not have much to say. So, I’ll add it to a list. Once my list gets somewhat long, I’ll do Quick Reviews on them. Enjoy!
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Last Winter (2014)
France-born/Queens-raised rapper Bas comes out strong on Last Winter, establishing a solid beginning to his mainstream career. With a unique soulful x relaxed sound, this 44 minute debut features great production and storytelling elements. The guest features, specifically KQuick and J Cole, strengthen the album. I have no real complaints about this record; it’s an easy listen with consistent musical tones and has songs to fit different moods. Highly recommend to anyone who likes J Cole/Dreamville’s sound and style.
Favorite song: Your World
Overall Grade: B-
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Nothing Was the Same (2013)
Superstar Drake releases his junior record Nothing Was the Same: An album that maintained melodramatic sounds from previous projects and songs like “Marvin’s Room” and “Find Your Love” and adds crisp, spacey production. The final product is a well polished, while sometimes underwhelming, conglomerate of tracks. He discusses his love life, relationships, fame, and his family. He switches between humility (“From Time” and “Too Much”) and bragging (“Started From The Bottom” and “All Me”). However, this is consistent throughout his discography as Drake tends to be both emotionally vulnerable and braggadocious. While none of the song were horrible, there were some tracks that lulled and felt boring. However, the consistent excellent production, especially the beat changes on “Tuscan Leather”, “Furthest Thing”, and “Pound Cake”, definitely override some of the calmer tracks. In my opinion, this project marked the end of Drake’s good releases, so he went out on a high note.
Favorite song: Tuscan Leather
Overall Grade: B
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Overly Dedicated (2010)
It’s a strange to listen to a Kendrick Lamar project and not have a full review of thoughts. Every other one of his projects are definitely getting a review in time and Overly Dedicated sits in his discography as a great mixtape. He brings an untraditional sound, almost experimental and sci-fi mixed into hip hop. It reminded me of OutKast’s Aquemini. This combined with his excellent pen game results in Overly Dedicated; a mixtape produced and created so well you would think it was his debut album. I wouldn’t recommend this as anyone’s introduction to Kendrick Lamar; I’d recommend Section.80 or good kid, m.A.A.d. city. This is definitely a deeper cut that I think fans of Kendrick will like.
Favorite song: Cut You Off
Overall Grade: A-
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Resurrection (1994)
Common is one of my favorite rappers. He hasn’t achieved the mainstream success as other artists who emerged from the 90s (Nas, Jay-Z, Eminem *technically*), but I consider him one of the most unique, consistent, and reflective artists to ever put pen to paper. Resurrection is one of my favorite records by Common. His ability to story tell and paint a picture of his life and experiences is almost unmatched. This album is another exemplification of this. I highly recommend this project to anyone who likes the 90s hip hop sound and artists like Mos Def and Talib Kweli or 90s projects like Illmatic and Reasonable Doubt. When I’m chilling at the end of the day or driving home after work, and laid back track, Common is my go-to artist. 
Favorite song: I Used to Love H.E.R.
Overall Grade: B+
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Cole World: The Sideline Story (2011)
Back before J Cole was a prophet in the hip hop industry--before the narrative expertise of 4 Your Eyez Only, the perfection of Born Sinner, and commentary of 2014 Forest Hill Drive--2011 brought The Sideline Story, a debut project filled with hunger and drive, yet stained by shallowness that J Cole now criticizes. His social commentary on“Lights Please” come off insincere. Instead of commenting on a specific situation, he’ll push the blame onto others for not being as woke as him. Other tracks like “Cole World”, “Can’t Get Enough” , “Work Out” are unimpressive, distancing from the excellent sound on Friday Night Lights, his previous mixtape that was overall better. It’s important to note I’m not saying those songs are bad BECAUSE they don’t sound like his previous project; I’ve saying their bad AND they don’t sound like his previous project. He carried some of that style on tracks like “In The Morning” (which was actually part of that mixtape), “Dollar and a Dream III”, “Rise and Shine”, and “Sideline Story”. But unfortunately, I was generally unimpressed by this record. 
Favorite song: Dollar and a Dream III
Overall Grade: C
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Hell: The Sequel (2011)
Royce da 5′9 and Eminem compliment each other perfectly every time they collaborate. They been a dynamic duo since “Bad Meets Evil” on The Slim Shady LP. On Hell: The Sequel they bounce off each other excellently, exchanging verse after verse over solid production and a techno-heavy sound. They get serious and reflective on tracks like “Take From Me” and “Lighters”, while goofy on “Fast Lane” and “I’m On Everything”. Neither of them outshine the other, which is rare when Eminem is on a project. In fact, on several tracks Royce brings some of the best verses on the project and out-raps Eminem. If you’re a fan of either of these artists, you will likely enjoy this project. The only song I didn’t like was “Loud Noises”; it felt like an obligatory feature since Royce is a part of Slaughterhouse and signed under Shady Records. Nobody brings a notable verse and the instrumental is unappealing at times. Overall though, this record is solid and highly enjoyable.  I would not be upset at a Hell The Trilogy. 
P.S.- Royce’s verse on “Take From Me” is the best on the album.
Favorite song: Lighters
Overall Grade: A
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babypaulchen · 4 years
babypaulchen’s fanfic recs
Most of these fanfics are shippy, some are gen (no ships). Please feel free to recommend me some fics as well!
Firstly, The Other Side of Midnight is my favorite Rammstein fic! “Till and Paul tell each tales to pass a sleepless night.” Paul and Till share stories about how they fucked Schneider, basically. I really like this one because one of Paul’s stories takes place in Feeling B era and I soak that shit up like a sponge. Plus it’s written beautifully. Like, this is one of those fics that makes me envious it’s so damn good. Read it or else!!!!
Fried Eggs and Honey - “Feeling B are just becoming established, but Paul wants more. He doesn’t know exactly what it is that he wants, though - not until he meets the shy, mysterious Till.” A super cute fic that I read all in one night. It’s written so realistically and casually that you can’t help but feel like you’ve lived the moment. I love fics that actually feel genuine. And Till is adorable. And Paul is so Paul. This fic literally had me punching the bed because they wrote Paul so spot-on. His faults and flaws, when he was young. Read this one. It’s so cute and perfect and the romance is written so realistically and ahhhh
Heroic & Durable by @zigratbites - “Paul has an accident on stage, but decides the show must go on anyway. This leads to some yelling, h/c and kissing.” Another great, wonderful, perfect fic where they capture Paul’s personality well. He’s a dedicated dumbass who will do whatever it takes to get something done well, and this shows in this fic. The side of Chrispaul does not hurt one bit, either. Love this one so much!!!
My Girl. by @till-hammer - “Frau Schneider comes out of her shell, but only for him.” this is Till/Schneider! this fic is SO GOOD I want more like this. exploration of character and gender is a favorite of mine. def recommend this one. love love love it
führe mich, halte mich by @slashs-head-is-fuzzy​ - “Paul and Christoph impulse fuck after leading each other on with regular cuddling sessions.” LEGIT ONE OF MY FAV FICS AHHHH this fic is for me and naturally I requested Paul topping. I adore how Paul is written, and the smut is sehr gut ahhh 
sehnsucht ist so grausam by @lunarcorvid​ - “As they wrap up the shoot for Du Hast, Till finds himself staring at the pistol that Schneider still has tucked into the back of his pants.” A++++ this is so hot lmao gun play can be so good if written well
Lied der unruhevollen Jugend by @wiener-blut - “After spending some time at a party, Christoph and Paul meander back to Paul’s flat, wasted, to have some more fun.” I LOVE THIS FIC another Feeling B era fic, done by the lovely Lily, for my birthday ;w; It’s so cute and fun and she is always so spot-on when it comes to portraying their personalities. Def read!!
Scent - “Paul is careless; Christoph gets mad.” I love this one. It’s short, but so so sweet. I’m a sucker for fluff. And they wrote them both well, too. It’s so cute ahhhh
You Make Me Perfect by @krispy-posts​ - No summary, but basically domestic Schneider and Paul being cute before delving into smut. I am sooo weak for the beginning domesticity, and also the mention of chubby WHDT era Paul. I’ve reread this fic so often. I adore it ;o;
Jetzt hab’ ich dich by @wiener-blut - “Attending a sophisticated ball, a particular man catches her eye.” A DRSG ‘98 AU where the reader is attending the ball and Paul approaches and dances with you ahhHHHHH I LOVE THIS ONE IT MAKES ME MELT
ich will eure blicke spuehren by @lunarcorvid​ - “Till and Richard need to work off some post-show adrenaline when they get back to the hotel room. Richard has an idea involving cigarettes.” I have a thing for smoking and Richard casually lighting up while sitting on Till’s dick is super hot lol
Rock Star - “Till overhears things on the tour bus.” Paul and Schneider flirt, with Till sitting in another room, hearing it. It’s from Till’s perspective. It’s really cute and funny!! Inspired by this pic:
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rein, raus - “ Paul could never shut up, especially at the most important of times. Like when fucking with Christoph on a tour bus while their band mates are sleeping.” summary says it all LMAO I think this was the first smutty Rammfic I read and actually enjoyed.
All My Marks On Your Skin - “Paul can’t remember when seeing Schneider’s claim on his skin became such an essential part of his life.” Post-concert fic where they stand in front of a mirror and Schneider touches his bruises! It’s Good™.
the strings that change the faces of men by @slashs-head-is-fuzzy - “Richard initiates something with Ollie. Schneider joins in on the fun. It all remains among friends, of course.” a very nicely written threesome fic!! I adore how Richard is written in this and the smut is EXCELLENT
Fluffy Slippers by @writing-rammstein (go and read all of her fics honestly, they’re all cute and perfect) -  “For the prompt: ‘can u hook a gal up with some good ol reader/paul hugging?‘” A request made by me LMAO This is super cute and sweet, I love it so much T__T
Herr Lorenz - “ After an inconsiderate joke, Flake feels insecure. Paul might just have the solution to it.” Feeling B era!! This was one of the first Rammstein fics I ever read…It’s so sweet. I love their friendship so much ahhhhh
Broken Machine by @iinchicore - “This story is set in 1994, during the time Rammstein stayed in Eichwalde to work on the songs for their first record, Herzeleid. The plot mainly focuses on Flake's struggle dealing with his speech disorder.” This one is so relatable and touching. I love this dynamic between Till and Flake and the writing is BEAUTIFUL ackkk please read!!
So seid recht gut auf allen Wegen (So be good in all your journeys) by @prismabird​ -  “Far from home for the first time, Till finds solace from the unfamiliar in the arms of the familiar (based on Till, Richard, and Oli’s first trip to America in 1993).” So far, this fic is REALLY enjoyable to read. I love the element of friendship and reliance on each other. It’s a fun read, albeit sprinkled with some angst. I have laughed a couple times, and I related to Richard’s struggle with language.
Scar Tissue -  “While Till and Paul attempt to get on with their lives and repair an alreay damaged relationship, the band are also dealing with their bandmate who is suffering from a serious addiction.” This one is really, very good. I love the TillPaul aspect, but it’s very bittersweet. This fic is so sad, it nearly brought me to tears hhhh
Du riechst so gut - “Paul finds Schneider's scarf while he is cleaning up the hotel-room he's in for the moment. He really had just intended to use it to block out the light but- well, he's not going to complain about what happens instead.” this writing is excellent, and the smut is very enjoyable. I adore any author that includes realism: Schneider’s inexperience and sloppiness in attempting to blow Paul is really appreciated.
Heart of the Matter by @weitweg-vonmir​ - “Paul received a heart transplant from a stranger that saved his life. Now, a year later, that stranger's lover comes to meet the recipient of the transplant.” man this fic is like a punch to the gut. honestly, I’m seldom ever moved by angst fic, but this one legit made me cry, thinking about how fucked up and sad this whole situation is. you can only feel true sympathy for both sides of this. excellently written A+
Nähe des Geliebten by @naraism​ - “It's New Year's Day and the boys (Paul and Richard) finally have some free time just for themselves.” so soft and warm throughout it....such nice writing, too. and ugghh TOP PAUL IS MY WEAKNESS overall a really enjoyable fic!!
Together - It has no summary but basically Ollie and Paul go to the stage of where they’re going to perform to get a feel for it, and cute stuff happens. I wish there was more Ollie/Paul out there ),:
Let Me See You Stripped by @wiener-blut - “Post concert, Paul submerges himself in an indulgent fantasy with Schneider.” this one is a bday gift for me and it is SOOOO good lmaooo lily knows what i likes B) good shit
Wir halten uns den Arm (We hold each other by the arm) - “Paul and Richard spend some quality time together.” I found this more cute than sexy. I like how they wrote Paul in this!!
For the sake of full coverage, I wanted to include my personal favorites of my own works. This is more or less in order from #1 favorite.
Ich Will Eure Hände Sehen - “A six-man group of criminals, lead by Till, operate in early 2000's Berlin. A series of occurrences, both good and bad.” This is my baby lmao it’s been with me since I first joined the fandom, and I really need to finish it. I love the characters sm... prob the most effort I’ve put into any of my fanfics in a long time ♡
Mein Tier - “Frau Schneider keeps to herself, unusually so. Her weekly life consists only of work, and staying at home. Unbeknownst to the people around her, Schneider goes home every day to five loyal dogs. Dogs who are unaware of their state of captivity. Dogs who are not truly dogs, but men with their humanity deteriorated to that of beasts. But they are more than happy to be cared for by their neurotic, loving master.” I’m so fond of this fic; I love all of the characters, and the dynamics. it is so fun to write for!! ♡
Reconnecting - “Paul and Schneider used to have an on-and-off-again sexual relationship when they were younger. Now it's 2017, and something has reignited.” I LOVE this one. Schneider/Paul is my OTP, and this was the one time I shoved all my Feelings for them into a fic. it’s so soft and intimate
Stripping Away the Layers - “It's been a while since their last "session". It seems Schneider has to reteach Paul how to obey. Unlike Till, who has always striven to please him, Paul clings to his pride. Schneider manages to rip it from him. He always does.” THIS ONE IS SO HOT THAT’S ALL HDSFFGL I’m really pleased with how it came out. The spanking part is my FAVORITE love this one...
This Is How This Night Is Going to Go - “Following the hectic evening of being followed around by documenting cameras, Paul and Schneider find some privacy away from the others. Paul doesn't really appreciate what he pulled earlier at the party.” the first smut fic I wrote for Schneider/Paul! I adore how I managed to write Paul in this one. he’s so bold and it’s hot lmao ♡
Red Ribbon - “Taking place in the 19th century, Schneider visits a whorehouse with intention of hiring the services of a male prostitute. It seems there are a few new additions. One in red catches his eye.” I’m mostly really proud of the second chapter... I love the pace of it, and the developing relationship. writing in different time periods is also sooo fun (plus ngl I really love prostitute AUs)
Worth the Risk - “Ollie visits Schneider in the secrecy of the night at a secluded villa where they're currently producing their newest album. He and Schneider make use of their bandmates' absence.” a super indulgent, super kinky Schneider/Ollie fic that I’ve reread multiple times just because I feel like I got it just right; it’s pretty damn hot lol
A Rocky Start - “Paul gets up earlier than Flake, and decides to make them breakfast. Soon enough, Flake joins him with a lovely surprise. Paul was never the best at resisting temptation.” I couldn’t get this idea out of my head while at work, and I’m really pleased that I managed to get it into words just how I envisioned it... so soft and warm and sexy ♡ I love this ship so much and I hope you give it a chance!!
And that’s about it! My greatest recommendation is exploring Rammstein fanfic as a whole, it’s another world of fandom that I feel deserves more recognition. Don’t be shy to test the waters!
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jq37 · 5 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 3
 Thanks, I Hate It!
This week, we move forward by first jumping backwards. Last episode, the Bad Kids found that Riz and Fig were missing. Now, we get to see what happened in the meantime. Riz was in his office, trying to put together anything new on the Nightmare King. We’re reminded that his sword--the Sword of Shadows which he got from the arcade and lets him misty step (also, which he used to kill Kalvaxus)--was made by Tabaxi ninjas (seemingly relevant considering the whole Shadowcat thing). He notices that, in his photo, Kalina’s image doesn’t look as time-worn as the rest of it, as if only the part where she appears was protected. He hears a noise and goes to investigate. What he finds, is a creepy-ass nightmare skeleton person in the mirror claiming to be Baron, from the Baronees (the person he on the fly lied--poorly--that he was dating in ep 1). Respecting the fact that Murph never clarified whether Baron was a guy or a girl, Brennan has Baron exclusively refer to themselves as Riz’s R̵̪̹̄o̸̱͝m̸͔͔̂̽a̴͕̾̈́n̵͙̬͒c̸̣̏͠ḙ̸̃̓ ̶̞̇̕P̸̞͚̈́a̸͉͒͝r̴̛͈͈t̷͓͇̋͒n̸̬͛̈́e̴̮̒r̴̝̃̓ in this mega-cursed, fake Swedish(?) accent.
Thanks, I hate it. 
Riz, faced with his lie brought to life, is pretty freaked and tries to shoot it but he’s quickly subdued and dragged into the mirror. Luckily, he’s able to leave the photo for his friends to find. 
Meanwhile, Fig spent the night in a weird fugue state--almost like an enjoyable nightmare. Most of her focus is on this feeling of isolation, fame, and power--but in a good way. In the background, she’s doing some unimportant stuff. You know, packing her stuff, stealing a gem, trapping Gorthalax in it, and going to Bastion City. No big deal. Anyway, that brings us back to the present with the rest of our party.
They make it to Bastion City and, more importantly, the hotel where Fig is supposed to be. On the way, Adaine tries to detect magic on Sandra-Lynn to try and figure out why she can see the photograph but nothing comes up. At the hotel, they unsuccessfully try to get the concierge to tell them where Fig’s room is. Adaine detects that the receptionist has some kind of transmutation on them and her first thought is, “Magic plastic surgery.” She dispels it. Not magic plastic surgery. The concierge is a demon--which is different and worse than devils who are at least lawful and, like, part of the bureaucracy of punishing people who deserve it.
Anyway, fight time! A lot happens during this fight so I’m going to try and highlight the most important parts:
All the employees in the immediate area turn into various demons to fight the party.
Adaine and Kristen catch sight of Fig’s room number (downstairs penthouse) right before the fight starts and, at the top of the initiative, Adaine goes invisible and runs for the elevator. 
Fabian vaults of Gilear’s face--unnecessarily--and rolls a nat 20.
Gilear (who has FIVE hit points) ducks and covers because of course he does. That doesn’t stop him from being completely obliterated by one punch from one of the huge gorilla demons. He freaking DIES. Thanks, I hate it.
Downstairs, Adaine finds a bunch more demons who are with Fig who is clearly being mind controlled. They have Riz strapped to a table and Fig’s about to stab him with a ritualistic knife. Adaine goes for a dispel magic and gets advantage because of Boggy which leads to her rolling *two nat 20s* and snapping her out of it immediately. 
In a very boss move, Fig immediately grabs Riz and dimension doors him out of his restraints and them both to the coat check where she left the ruby with Gorthalax. Before they poof out, Riz sees yellow eyes in the shadows. Familiar tabaxi eyes. Seemed like she was calling shots. 
Riz gets in a very cool kill with the line, “Tell Daybreak I said hi.”
Fig finds out Gilear is dead and grabs his soul. Kristen heals him up.
Fabian vaults off of Gilear a second time and rolls a nat 1, sending him back into death saves. 
Kristen tosses a spare the dying at Gilear and then kisses full wolfed out Tracker because time isn’t of the essence or anything.
Fig grabs the ruby Gorthalax is in and sees that it’s cloudy--cursed somehow to keep them from breaking him out. Not good. She also finds a bunch of other gems which she also grabs.
We meet Kristen’s new spirit guardians which are now hipster Post-Grad philosophy students in a full spectral coffee shop. She finds them insufferable but is also kind of into it. 
They clean up the rest of the demons and then Fabian does donuts on the Hangman. And we are out of combat.
Fig is a little distraught about having almost killed Riz and brought them all into this dangerous situation which literally killed Gilear--even though no one else blames her even a little. Gilear has a bit of a breakdown which is fair. The man died. They try to send him home--Fig wants to give him 10k gold and send him on vacation--but he is determined to stay and experience things and be useful. Also, Fabian has it in his (and Gorgug’s) head that Gilear must be some kind of chosen one since one of the demons in the fight chose to attack Gilear over him. 
Fig looks through the other gems she got and only one--a Celestial Sapphire--is similar to size to Gorthalax’s. When they bring it out, a slot in Gorgug’s van pops open. They slot the Sapphire in and, through the radio, an Angelic voice speaks to them. He sounds like Owen Wilson and he doesn’t remember his name. The Hangman hates him immediately. Fig pretends to be a cop to get info from the cops that arrive on the scene, doesn’t find out anything useful, but does roll a nat 20 on her deception (come on) and briefly turns the game into the sister, cop-drama show set in the same universe as the Grey’s Anatomy sham-life she’s living, kissing another full adult man. Incredible. 
They regroup at a posh restaurant/cafe called The Swan’s Little Parade. Sklonda calls and, after she and Sandra-Lynn do the mom-catch up thing, she has a quick talk with Riz where we find out a few things about Kalina:
She only worked with Pok on missions between Falinel and Solace.
She was great at going invisible and other infiltration things.
(Note: We actually learned this earlier but I wanted to keep this info together)She looks more like a traditional housecat than a big cat like some other tabaxi.
It’s extremely hard to scry on her. 
She didn’t attend Pok’s funeral.
The last time Sklonda heard from her was 12ish years ago.
Riz only encountered her a few times as a kid. 
Last Sklonda remembers, she reached out to Pok it was something to do with the ship the Oracle sank on. 
They pass around the picture to see who can see it and not only does it appear that Ragh can see her (oh, kinda implied this before but Riz can too) he also seemed really bugged out. Tracker says she can use her cleric mojo to put up some wards to (1) keep them from getting mind whammied like Fig did overnight and (2) maybe make Ragh feel safe enough to talk. She also suggests they all sleep in a huge dog pile for safety which I think is great and someone should draw that.
Gorgug gets a text. It’s Zelda. She can’t believe he left without saying goodbye.
Thanks, I hate it. 
Fabian for Using Gilear as a Launch Pad Two (2) Times
This was a top contender for this spot, even before Fabian did this a second time and screwed up so bad (nat 1!) that Gilear dropped to zero again and had to make death saving throws.    
Honor Roll
Adaine for Freeing Fig 
Listen, I will freely admit that I have a clear bias towards Adaine. You got me. She’s my favorite. HOWEVER, you cannot tell me that going invisible, rushing straight to the elevator, then rolling double nat 20s (a 1/400 chance) to release Fig from domination right before she plunged a knife into Riz’s heart wasn’t the sickest series of events that happened during this ep. What could possibly compete? 
Random Thoughts
I’ve been trying to figure out the rhyme or reason to who can see the full photo but I haven’t figured out a pattern yet. It’s not that only people who have seen her before can see her because Sandra-Lynn can see it and she said she’s never met her--although I guess it’s possible that she has and she didn’t recognize her since she’s a super spy. And it’s not a blanket thing on the Bad Kids specifically because Riz can see her. I was hoping they’d show it to more people so we could get a better idea of the rules. Maybe it’s based entirely on if she wants to be seen by that specific person? But then why wouldn’t it default to the blank image. It seems (from our limited POV) that most people can see her. Maybe for most people a blank space would be more suspicious than a random tabaxi? Idk.  
Riz forcibly installing himself as Fabian’s best friend and it working is low key the funniest relationship development in FH. I’m so glad Murph and Lou ran with that. Also, the fact that he’s basically accepted that Riz is his best friend but the Hangman hasn’t at all is so good. 
Brennan really just shot Zac in the head at point blank range at the end of the episode, huh? He really just did that to our boy. What’s also funny is that, unlike--say--CR where there’s usually at least a good minute of decompression and goodbyes, Brennan just goes for the kill shot and then peaces out immediately. What a power move. 
Also, poor Zelda! She’s already so insecure, this isn’t gonna be good for her self esteem. Arguably, there were extenuating circumstances Gorgug can claim but you know that’s only gonna help so much since he def could have at least called/texted her to let her know he had to leave in a hurry because Fig/Riz were missing. I wonder if there’s a section of the binder on this. 
For reference, the demons they fight in the hotel lobby are a Cambion, and then several barlgura and skeksis.
“He’s just a guy!” He certainly is. Check out his stats. Hilarious but also, I can’t act like my stats would look that much different. 
I truly, truly cannot believe that Emily pulled the exact same hospital stunt again and it resolved in exactly the same way. This is like when I played blackjack with my brother when I was a teenager to teach him that the house always wins and he hit 21 twice in a row. 
Also on the topic of Fig, her coming down from her mind control was my favorite part of this episode, for a couple of reasons. I love how sincerely Emily played the immediate shock and horror at what she almost did (closed book my ass). I love how every other person was so happy to get her back. I love that none of them even entertained the thought that she might be dangerous or untrustworthy now. Relationships at the intersection of constant bullying and ride or die are my favorite. 
While we’re on the topic of emotional scenes, Gilear full breaking down in the van post-fight was very funny but you also genuinely felt for the guy. It’s been a really long day for the guy and he died like one and a half times. His, “I haven’t experienced anything before this moment,” line really hit me hard. And I think it’s very wild that Brennan set the DC for convincing him to go home at 25 (which Fig did not pass with a 21). It’s very interesting that Gilear’s reaction to this series of events was to double down and be like, I *need* to be here. Seems like this could be a set up for some interesting Gilear development. 
The amount of times I have almost typed Balnor is unreal. My brain stores all the middle aged men hanging out with people too young for him to be hanging out with in the same folder.  
I can’t believe Adaine just went for that dispel except that I can because she did the exact thing with Iris’ wig at the NY live show and I couldn’t believe that either! I really did not think (1) that was a good move or (2) gonna lead to combat (except for the kind that gets you banned from a hotel). I completely misread that situation. Like, it’s a world full of magic. It’s not that weird that a random person would have a spell on them. Anyway, this is why she’s the oracle and I’m not. 
The Barlgura needed a 3 or higher to hit Gilear. He got a 19. Yikes.
“I had to ask.”/ “No you didn’t.” (The crew explodes into laughter.)
Riz tells the whole gang about the Baron thing and tells everyone that they need to stop lying in case all their lies are gonna pop out and attack them. Gorgug admits that he’s kissed the Hangman. Kristen confesses to a group of her closest friends and girlfriend that she is gay. Tracker is like, “Babe, what?” Tracker (and the Bad Kids but in a different way) must really love Kristen because she is just so much all the time. 
Fabian: Who are you seeing then?/Riz:...................No one. 
Ally Middle Name Beardsly wtf is a paranoia check? 
The comedic rhythm of Fabian vaulting off of Gilear’s face with a nat 20, him dying, being resurrected, and the Fabian trying to do it again with a nat 1 and knocking him near death is so perfect that it’s wild that it was totally random. This is the kind of thing that makes you get superstitious about dice. 
We’re introduced to Boggy’s second mood this ep which is Boggy’s mood which is a slightly squinted, “Hmm...I don’t know about this.” Thanks, I love it. 
In addition to considering Gilear might be the chosen one (by who? Of what? They don’t know and neither do I) the half of the group entertaining this theory also considers Gilear might be the Nightmare King (”If you are you have to tell me. I’m your daughter.”). I don’t know if the NK does possession but please have the NK possess Gilear at some point. If the theme of this season is carefully filing away random off the cuff gags and making them plot relevant, please let this be one of them. Also, lol at Murph trying to roll high enough so that Riz has the knowledge to stop the shenanigans before it derails the whole campaign.  
The group bestows upon Gilear the positions of Tour Manager, Social Media Manager, and Honorary Bad Kid (listed last of course).
Fig grabbed a lanyard of out Adaine’s jacket and I remembered, oh yeah, she has a very magical jacket that is only ever used for shenanigans, if at all. Imagine being so magic that you have a magic jacket that you’re always wearing that can summon anything (w/i reason) and you just kinda...forget about it most of the time. 
Curious about why Fig specifically was called in to do the sacrifice and why Riz was the one who had to be sacrificed. 
I hope Adaine just continues to loan out Boggy to anyone having a bad day. I love that.
“Maybe this is one of those massages that hurt.”
Really wanted Hilariel to Skype in and ask about Gilear. Her take on everything is always so funny. She is as crazy as everyone else in her family but in such a low key way.  
Lol at the party being like, “Yeah, Tracker healed me just fine without any 69-ing,” which is truly an incomprehensible sentence without context and still mostly incomprehensible with context. 
Don’t wanna overlook the coolness of Fig rolling double 17s (disadvantaged) to command the barlguras. Not magically, just convincing them she was still in charge of them. Very clutch.
Fabian is so much chiller about letting people on his motorbike these days. He let Gilear ride it. He let Riz ride it. He gave a blanket invitation for anyone in the area to hop on before he did donuts. I love Sophomore Fabian. 
Gilear gets a nat 20 for his first roll! Riz and Kristen got two nat 20s. Fig got one, Gorgug got one (he rolled a second one that was lost with disadvantage), and Adaine rolled two but they really only count as one since it was with advantage. Fabian rolled one of each. That’s a lot of 20s for one ep!
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comicteaparty · 4 years
February 3rd-February 9th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from February 3rd, 2020 to February 9th, 2020.  The chat focused on Park Planet by Sammy Newman.
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Park Planet by Sammy Newman~! (http://parkpla.net/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until February 9th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
first impressions are that the art has an attractive newspaper-comic style and is very clean for being a rare traditionally drawn comic
Attractive newspaper style is a good way to describe it. What I like about the art the most though are the unique merger of the complex designs and the simplicity. For example, the faces are a bit simple to match the tone and overall nature of the comic. Yet at the same time, there's all these interesting alien designs throughout that are all very unique. But everything fits so seamlessly together. Which I feel is kind of the strength of the comic. Is it does a really great job with balancing different aspects. Complexity and simplicity, serious drama and comedy, etc. It's one of those comics that feels like warm soup because it has a bit of everything.
Indeed, thus far it blends individual vignettes with characterization very well to remain fresh while still maintaining enough coherency to be enjoyable. Will definitely keep reading it
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I think "warm soup" is a great way to describe the comic! It has this cozy, nostalgic feel that you'd get from a well-written Sunday newspaper comic - but the concept is also super unique and intriguing on its own! - Can we talk about how great of a character Paisley is? She's got the whole emotionless robot vibe going, but she's one of the kindest characters in the comic despite that. And the way her character develops over the course of the comic is super satisfying (e.g., getting a date at the dance)!
I'm in love with the charming stylization of letters and layout so far-- its easy to sink in a read some pages during downtime and pick right up for the next read. Page 5 of 'craft time' made me snort out loud, these jokes are always landing and play out well! And as far as fav character, Paisley is so sweet and is def hitting chords for me!
I love the end of this page where Paisley lights the fire with her eyes to impress the campers!!! http://parkpla.net/index.php/page/book-0001/004-paisleys-day/
I do like the interesting blend Paisley has going on between being robotic and being human. I actually like that the story doesn't go too serious on the whole theme of humanity when it comes to non-humans. Although my favorite moment regarding Paisley is when the translators break and Paisley's joke is to speak in binary. It's definitely one of my favorite things about the beginning of the comic since I think it really captures both the comedy and unique alien aspects of the comic.
However, if I had to pick a favorite character I'd go with Wurlitzer. Cause I can't even. This is legit one of the most unpredictable characters to me, and I enjoy every moment Wurlitzer is around, because its just the sort of character that causes conflict by being in the same room as any other character.
I'd actually even say my fave moment is the company get together where Wurlitzer is doing introductions and is just kind of oblivious to everyone's attitudes and awkwardness. It's both funny, but also makes the social awkwardness relateable since it's easy to imagine having a boss like this. Overally, though, I also like any moments where the alien thing is brought up. This to me is the best part of the content cause there's so much to explore here and it just brings this really unique concept to webcomics by combining it with a park.
Paisley is a favorite thus far
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Everybody loves Paisley and so do I
I think "warm soup" and "Sunday comic" are great descriptions
But the world with the non-human characters brings uniqueness
Found a mistake on this page:
The dialogue randomly changes into type
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I love this art style
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
i think the type is intentional
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
That might have been an intentional choice if the artist was pressed for time or something
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
she's talking like through her teeth and mumbling
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I thought that may be the case, but his text also changes into type? So I think the author typesets by hand tracing over typed text, and forgot to do it here, maybe?
Comic Tea Party
9. What do you think happened to the humans and Earth? What do you think necessitated the creation of the park, and do you think it’s helping to preserve what’s left of Earth?
10. What moment of the work mixer did you relate to or enjoy the most and why? What about the entire scenario in general captures what it’s like to socialize at events like this?
11. What aspect of human-alien interaction have you enjoyed the most so far? How has this changed or given context to your thinking in how much of our lives are culture based?
12. What do you think this comic can teach us in general about fitting in with others, especially when we personally feel socially outcasted?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
To address one of the prompts I didn't get to, I like seeing Wurlitzer interact with basically anyone. I never really know what I'm going to get when it comes to Wurlitzer, so any strip goes to unexpected and fun places in those cases. Onto story stuff though! As for what happened to the humans, definitely some sort of mass extinction event. Probably something like climate change not fixed because of the fact they're also trying to preserve animals from earth as well. So I have a distinct feeling Earth isnt habitable in the comic's setting. >_> I also mentioned my favorite moment from the mixer earlier. However, in regards to the second part of the question, for me what really capture what its like to socialize at events like this is the facial expressions. Every single person is just a bit stiff, and even if they arent miserable, theres this hint in their expressions that they don't really want ot be there. And I feel most ppl feel that way about company get togethers. It's more tedious than it is fun. XD For human-alien interactions, it's actually probably this strip http://parkpla.net/index.php/page/book-0001/005-upcoming-events-at-hartwood-park/ Particular the last panel where the alien is making fun of ice cream for being so filled with sugar. I kind of feel this comic in general is a good reminder that "normal" is malleable. What's normal somewhere really isn't normal elsewhere. And it's usually the stuff we take for granted as normal. Like I'm sure one day there'll be aliens who see us eating with forks and go "WTF are these weirdos doing they have perfectly good hands." But either way, I kind of feel the comic shows a lot of scenes like that where just a bunch of mundane things are novel and weird to aliens.
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
In regards to what this comic teaches us about fitting in, i think for one, it's difficult. However, I think it also shows a little bit that we'll never fit in if we don't try. Like certainly the mixer was awkward, but imagine if nobody had gone to it. Nothing is ever gained by not trying. Also, I think this comic also kind of teaches a bit of self fulfilling prophecies. In that if you think too much that you won't fit in, then you probably won't fit in because the confidence just isn't there. Anyway, what I'm most looking forward to the comic I think is just learning a bit more about the human situation and also just seeing in general more human-alien interactions. I think this is the most interesting part of the comic since there's so much you can do in regards to questioning what is universal and what is just being human, and the writing is pretty all around great with this interesting aspect.
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Park Planet this week! Please also give a special thank you to Sammy Newman for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Park Planet, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://parkpla.net/
Sammy’s Shop: https://www.sammynewman.com/shop
Sammy’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/otterlogic
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seasaltmemories · 5 years
Thoughts on the Black Eagles
Spoilers for the entire game/route
Edelgard- I did my best to try and stay detached but what can I say she is my type and then all the ship tease had to happen and break my heart, even speaking from a less thirsty pov she is a really interesting morally gray character with well-developed motivation, I can’t help but just enjoy the fact she is so proactive despite the questionable nature of her actions (I haven’t done any other route yet I hear without you she gets real worse, but still from what I saw it seemed she only had beef with Rhea and it only turned into a continent-wide war bc Dimitri took Rhea shelter so it doesn’t feel right in my eyes to pin all the resulting deaths on her)
Hubert- He is like just openly the evil teammate and somehow he comes out likeable at the end of it all?? Like I was waiting for a humanizing moment, like a story explaining why he dedicated himself to Edelgard but aside from mentioning a turning point for when it became personal, he just apparently since been ride or die, on one had I feel like that makes him a less developed character (and kinda throws into question some of his paired routes) but I still loved his interactions with the others and just being nice in his own weird way
Dorothea- a delightful bicon, very personable and charming, I mentioned holding my breath about the bi characters bc I figured it would be a player-sexual deal where you don’t see it if you don’t romance them, but despite a lot of her stuff being about her trying to find a marriage partner (and implied to be mostly dating noble men) there was a very clear effort to use gender neutral pronouns and all with her, plus basically openly flirting with Edelgard and falling for so many female characters, one thing that kinda felt unanswered was just how sad her battle quotes were, and just how tired she was of fighting, it never came up in her supports, it really gave her character a melancholy ting I might end up exploring  
Ferdinand- grew a lot on me, especially as in battle he turned out to be a pretty good unit, pre-game impressions made it seem like he was all about competition which is just not an archetype I like but in reality he was pretty polite, more about his obsession with the literal trait of nobility and making sure others held up to their responsibilities, not the most interesting trait but enjoyable enough, especially when he ended up being just very friendly to Petra and all
Petra- also worried she would be one-note as the funny foreigner but a lot more personality shown through beyond her struggling with the language, regardless of the language troubles there was a degree of formality with her and a constant duty to Brigid, yet she still had her sense of humor, an absolute beast of a unit who was probably my strongest and def the highest level bc as a wryven lord she was just always taking out one enemy or another
Linhardt- the first few convos I was worried his entire personality would be his sleepiness but quickly rose to be a fave, just worked well with everyone and was a bicycle of the group I was eager to see paired with anyone, could both play off his eccentricities and ground others
Bernadetta- also worried that her personality would get old but not only did she have actual growth but holy shit did her backstory explain it all, girl was literally both physically and emotionally abused and behind the funny background music there was a very clear through-line for her believing everyone would turn on the drop of a dime to lash out at her and she mostly hid out in her room, still you saw her try and take steps and heal and generally move past it all, also a bicycle that just worked off every other member
Caspar- liked him the least but he was still enjoyable, just very “what you see is what you get” a hard worker who loves training, nothing about the character was done badly just not the most intriguing and I felt the most repetition among his supports, still after being mostly average by the time he became a war master he turned into a crit machine
I found the support system done really weird this time around, the fact + supports and ending some at B gave more freedom with structure was nice but they really wanted to have their cake and eat it too, bc you could get full supports with everyone, but a paired ending would still happen, they just chose it for you, which didn’t really change the fact there ended up being romantic subtext between basically everyone, and if anything it was more sudden bc marriage would just get brought up in any A support (although played as a what if that got a “let’s think about this later) still I loved the team and would be fine with them just all together, still in the future I hope this doesn’t happen again and that they just commit to S support, you don’t even have to write it, but I bet with a larger cast that is less so woven together I’m gonna care more about who ends up with who
As for the paired endings I got, they were: Byleth/Edelgard, Hubert/Dorothea, Linhardt/Bernedetta, and Petra/Caspar
Both Byleth/Edelgard and Linhardt/Bernedetta were adorable, Petra/Caspar was just perfectly passable, Hubert/Dorothea was the one I was initially most hesitant about (they were one of the first A supports I got so seeing HER proposal to him was like “honey you do so much better”) but now I want to try and make it work just because
But yeah this is one of the few games I’m most interested in actually replaying bc I want to get to know the rest, still i feel bias will affect almost everyone and most will always love their first house the most, still either way I enjoy this batch of weirdos a lot
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alo-piss-trancy · 5 years
What would be some Grell omorashi headcanons?
Quick Note: I tend to use she/her for Gr/ell and hc her as a tra/ns wo/man, but I also understand between canon sources, non-canon char interviews, author intentions, dif cultural views, The time period the canon takes place in vs. The year the media was published vs. Our current time now changing views/terms, it's ALL a giant clustertruck question mark blob. So feel free to hc Gre/ll differently, be that a very feminine ga/y man or b/i or nonb/inary or whatever, I genuinely don't mind how anyone hcs characters and fan content does not affect my enjoyment of canon in any way. I'm never gonna pick fights and claim somebody's playing with their imaginary Barbie wrong lmao, kindergarteners know better than that
Now to the actual ask:
ANON I LOVE YOU!!! Gr/ell is one of my fav chars EVER but I never get to talk about her hhhhh ❤❤❤
I've had 8 dang years to think about this so enjoy a varied selection 😼 I'm sorry in advance bc half of these are very lemony oops
* Reapers have stronger bladders than humans (in terms of capacity/general strength), but they're still much weaker than a demon's (goes for all bodily functions tbh. Demons don't really have any, the only reason they would need to go is if they chose to partake in occasional food/drink, and could easily hold it for weeks or even months at a time). A reaper can probably hang in there with a full bladder for a day or two if very determined, less if they've had any strong diuretics/alcohol (I imagine the humans' stuff is p weak tho and barely gets them buzzed).
* Gr/ell's bladder is stronger than a newbie like Ro/nald's, but weaker than someone like W/ill's. Mostly bc she's frequently drinking unhealthy stuff and has no problem up and ditching to pee as soon as she's tired of waiting.
* Not bladdershy in the slightest, and not dysp/horic either. (While she wants a womb/too look more womanly, she also seems fairly content with her body and even takes pride in it in several scenes.) The only time I could see her getting nervous/locking up is if she had a really bad day or felt extra self-conscious, and it wouldn't be a very severe condition.
* She doesn't like going in weird/gross places because she is a Beautiful Lady With Standards, thank you very much. If she has absolutely no choice she'll suck it up and pee in an alley like the commoner humans, but she will complain about it for the next few years at every opportunity.
* That being said she's also a huge hypocrite, and if the situation was reversed would immediately snap at someone like W/ill or Ro/nald to just go in the alley already instead of failing to hide their desperation on the job. You bunch of damn babies, grow a pair.
* If she needs to be serious/doesn't want ppl to know, she can hide desperation fairly well (a little clumsy/flushed and sweaty, but that could be mistaken as her normal goofy behavior), masking how bad it really is until she's a minute from wetting herself.
* If she doesn't care and wants to complain though, she's obvious af. Whines and gripes the whole time, full-blown potty dance to garner sympathy, legs crossed and bouncing, everything. By the time she gets to the suspiciously e/rotic moans ppl usually hurry to find her a bathroom/yell at her to leave lol
* There have definitely been times when Gre/ll used going to the bathroom as an excuse to ditch work for a LONG time or took many frequent smaller breaks to do her nails/read magazines/flirt with Seb, etc. Needless to say, this backfires terribly the one time she actually does have to go because W/illiam definitely isn't putting up with her bs no matter how much she begs or squirms. He's even madder at her when he realizes he'll have to clean the floor. If she wasn't so mad/embarrassed herself, she'd have taken joy in his karma and gladly told him to suck her d/ick.
* That's def not the first time W/ill's seen her desperate or piss herself. As young stud reapers in training I guarantee G/rell got shitfaced at company parties on more than one occasion (or just went out drinking the night before work on a weekday lol). Frequently showed up for field work having to pee every other hour and driving him nuts c':
* She and Ma/dame Red definitely fooled around a couple of times (she's the only woman Gr/ell's ever been attracted to) . Maybe Gr/ell already had the kink and brought it up, or maybe Red saw Gr/ell squirming and asked (insisted) she let her watch until she lost control, but either way things got dirty real quick lmao. Red slapped a demon's ass in the same room as her nephew, she's dom AF (and inappropriate lmao). G/rell's a giant masochist/sadist combo. Do the math 👀👌💯
* I personally love the concept of her ending up desperate after inviting herself along and crashing one of C/iel and Seb/astian's missions and just being miserable the whole time trying to hide it. Because she def can't embarrass herself in front of B/assy, but even worse she will NOT prove she has to take a potty break before some human kid. Naturally, C/iel being the complete brat and posessive bitch he is, immediately picks up on her predicament and torments her the whole time/makes a fool of her without letting Seb know the real issue. She can't lay a finger on him because she'd be Dead and she can't whine for B/assy to get him to stop bc that would mean explaining her problem so it just keeps escalating in comedic fashion. (This isn't even an omo hc really sorry lol, I just love any plot with those two bickering like petty babies as rivals for Seb's attention, even better if Ci/el consistently pulls one over on her and is the more mature one. You killed my aunt and then tried to steal my butler, Get Rekt Bitch )
* In any aus where she isn't hooking up with Red or trying to get Seb, I ship her hard with Un/dertaker (they're my otp actually don't judge me). In those he's actually the one with a massive piss kink and she's weirded tf out at first, but I mean if ur bf already eats dog biscuits and sleeps in a coffin u can probs learn to live with it. She indulges him periodically and he spoils her rotten afterwards. (I actually had several fic ideas for those two back in the day. One day maybe I'll finally get around to it).
* No matter what she draws a hard line at drinking it. No thank you. Golden showers are a maybe but they better have some gr8 shampoo to scrub her luxurious hair with afterwards.
* Wetting herself in that too small choir outfit from s1 that basically made short shorts and a crop top? P l e a s e
Dom G/rell:
* Has totally tried to pin Seb down/trap him somewhere and use his increasing desperation as leverage to get what she wants since he's too proper to wet himself. It probably doesn't work bc he's crafty and also could just throw her across the room, but u know. Points for trying.
* When someone lets her dom them willingly she's an absolutely sadistic fiend. W/ill completely torment them until they're begging and broken, and they have to pleasure her first before she'll show any mercy and allow them to let go. That said, she's got an almost sweet tone to anything she says and is very affectionate the whole time. It's a dichotomy that leaves any subs an absolute wreck. Her absolute fav part is watching ppl squirm and start to leak, it's cute.
* She also likes doing the whole fake sympathy play, where everything nice she says makes it 20x worse for the sub. Poor babies ❤
* Making out so they can't say anything no matter how desperate they are, just writhing underneath her with their whimpers muffled in her mouth? Perfection.
* Slowly pressing her boot into someone's abdomen is her signature move.
Sub Gr/ell:
* Loves the whole humiliation aspect and being all squirmy and nervous in front of (S/EBASTIAN) people, struggling to hide her problems and act casual but knowing her face is flushed red.
* When it gets really bad she gets super whiny and submissive, whimpering and moaning and really playing up the vulnerable aspect. Look how pitiful she is, it would be oh so easy for them to have their way with her~ (and then she bats her eyelashes and they just glare ajdkgk stop fucking around G/rell this is a Serious Scene we talked about this before we started)
* Sometimes she does public holds or gets desperate before a mission/visit just so she can see how long she can get away with it before she has to cave/people get suspicious. It's k/inky, exh/ibitionist, and oh so delicious~
* Lives for (S/EBASTIAN) the dom to get mad and disappointed in her, verbally berating her for not being more composed and embarrassing them in public, manhandling her as she's dragged somewhere more secluded to get ahold of herself, being teased and poked and prodded all while they're sneering in her ear. She wants to feel like the dirtiest, most ashamed and nervous person alive for such a simple need, knowing it's going to come out eventually no matter how hard she tries to be Good, having to beg and plead with teary eyes only to be denied access to the bathroom and told to suck it up and hold it.
* She really liked her original disguise/persona from the Ma/dame Red Days for this exact reason. Could be as shy and stuttery as possible and really play it up, got bossed around/teased by everyone, it was great. Totally got desperate once or twice so 'he' could beg Seb/astian to use the manor bathroom and get pitied. If he 'tripped' and just so happened to lose control and start crying, well, that couldn't be helped...
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hellsbovnd-archive · 5 years
character interview — leonnaux altoix
pulled from some writeblrs i follow since i’m... trying my best! to write  novel... works pretty good rp meme too though if i do say so myself! 
this was originally posted to @corvvii but because i used a readmore break for it and some answers have changed, i’m doing it again on my new blog to keep everything in one place!
tagging: @notoriousmonsterhunter​ @pom-friend​ @bhelni​ @celesiel​ @bookbornexiv​ @eorzeuh​ @ironeaters​ @itinerant-shrike​ @theaugustrebel​. others could def feel free to yoink if they wanna though!
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— what did you have for breakfast?
“Uh… I don’t remember, truthfully; I may have skipped it altogether. But—” He paused there, to consider. “—I don’t feel faint, so I suppose I must have eaten something. Probably slipped my mind. Maybe some dried fruit? I’ve been craving apricots lately. Ah—and coffee. Always coffee. Black.”  
— what can you cook perfectly?
“I’m not good at cooking at all—I burned noodles to the bottom of the pan once… Uh, so I guess a sandwich. It’s hard to mess up a sandwich. Just sliced tomatoes and some mayonnaise if I’m feeling fancy. If you don’t have fresh tomatoes, tomato paste is also fine. If you don’t have bread, well…”
— if you could choose a pet, what what would it be?
“I wouldn’t trust myself with pets any more demanding than a copperfish. I found a cat at an antique shop, and she’s around here—somewhere? But she kind of wanders as she pleases... I haven’t seen her in a while; I suppose she either found a better home or she got spooked by something.”
Leonnaux trailed off and rubbed the back of his neck.
“… I’m getting off-topic. Not so much a pet but—a familiar would be nice. Something that can fly, maybe a crow? They’ve always fascinated me, and then I wouldn’t have to rely on the broken mail service to make sure my letters get to their rightful recipients… On time.”
— how is your relationship with your parents?
“… Complicated. Next question.”
— what is your favorite read?
“There’s a book of old drama that Edda got me for Starlight—not this year, but last year. Or was it the year before that? Gods, it’s been a while. Anyway, that book actually started me on reading more fiction, and I still return to it from time to time. Some of the plays are dense, but I wouldn’t say a single one of them was bad, so it’s… Special. And my favorite.”
— do you put both socks on first, or one sock, one shoe?
“Both socks, then both shoes. What are you, some savage?”
— do you fold your clothes before bed?
“Not if they’re dirty, those go in the bin. If I just brought them in from the line, though, then yes; there’s no point in pushing it off until later; it’s a shame to let nice shirts get wrinkled.”
— how do you feel about marriage?
“It’s—complicated.” He laughs a bit. “Honestly, it’s a leap—kind of a terrifying one. My parents weren’t even married when they had me, so I don’t think it’s essential for any sort of relationship——Not. That I want kids. Gods, I would make a terrible father, but, the point is. As a concept, I think it’s… Nice, but ultimately non-essential. Anything further is private business, for Edda and I only.”  
— who was the last person you crushed on?
“Edda Vincents. She saw through me, and here we are, years later. I suppose being ‘kind of a loser’ paid off.” He couldn’t help the warm, giddy smile that flashed across his lips then.
— what does your dream home look like? and where would it be?
Leonnaux took a long pause, eyelids falling a bit. “I’m happy with my apartment, though something elegant like some of the richer merchants have in the city would be nice… Especially if I had a view of one of the main through-fares of the city from my bedroom window. Call it odd, but I’ve always liked the look of the city at night. It doesn’t have to be big. I’ve never needed a whole lot of space. It just needs to be… I don’t know. Mine. Maybe a balcony so I could look out over the city after sundown, or up at the stars.”
— what’s your worst habit?
“… This, I suppose. Keeping on-guard. It works for professional settings, but it makes making friends difficult sometimes. The friends I have, I have despite my manner… Not because of it.”
— what do you do for living and how do you feel about your job? (Primary Answer — @alizarinefc)
“I’m an academic, and I helm a relatively new endeavor in Alizarine Research & Reclamation. It’s slow-going, but I wouldn’t be doing it if I didn’t enjoy it. Just paperwork at the moment. Getting arrangements squared away. Making sure we have some sources of funding lined up…”
— what do you do for living and how do you feel about your job? (Bonus Answer — @ebonguardls)
“The Cloak & Dagger is actually… Quite enjoyable to work for, to manage. I get to meet people, get to listen to them. It’s harder some nights than others, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world, and it’s taught me a number of very useful skills… And put me in touch with several promising connections.”
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katierosefun · 3 years
andddd july flew by, and i’m here to give everyone an unasked for report of...things...i watched / read / listened to this month because why not
miss hammurabi
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aaaah oh my god the way i told myself that i won’t be watching any more legal kdramas because your honor stressed me out so much--but god. i wound up watching this and fell in love with it so fast? miss hammurabi is about a rookie judge (the gal on the right) disrupting the judicial system with her strong sense of justice. i really wasn’t too sure if i’d like her, but oh god. i fell in love with her so fast, with her desire to make the world a better place and her ability to smile even though she’s had a horrific life of her own.
honestly, i really just loved this show, mostly for how it covers so many issues in the courthouse, from working overtime to the emotional fatigue to the frustrations with those brought to court to the actual cases themselves, which are all civil court things (so we get some stuff about sexual harassment, child custody, medical malpractice, etc). this show really demonstrated that each of these cases were important--and also...really hard-hitting. i think i cried at least once per episode just because...yeah. i’m reminded that no one goes to the courthouse because they’re happy or because they’re having a good time, and it really is the job of judges and lawyers to keep a cool head and execute justice the best they can. 
so basically: i loved this show. i loved it a lot more than i thought i would, and that’s always a good thing. there’s also not a whole ton of romance here either, if you’re looking for a show that’s not really too deep into that. it’s def. more focused on depicting the legal field, as well as all of the complications that come with that. as a result, there’s a lot of heartbreaking moments in the show, but there’s also many, many, many uplifting ones that reminded me a lot of why i personally want to enter the legal field. so if you’re looking for a show that might restore your faith in humanity, then i def. recommend this kdrama!
beyond evil 
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so.....it’s no secret that i’ve been mildly obsessed with this show. i binge-watched it in the span of...i think four (4) days, so that’s averaging about four episodes (4 hours) a day. let me just say...i was kind of on the fence about watching this, but now i’m really glad that i did because whooo boy, i was in for a ride. basically, this show is about lee dong sik, who was accused of murdering his sister (amongst others) 20 years ago...and han ju won, the young detective / inspector who’s trying to track down the murderer (who he believes is lee dong sik). 
lots of other things happen, but that’s the least spoiler-y summary i can give of this show because....whooooo boy, there’s just so many twists and turns in this show? as soon as you start thinking you have everything figured out, this show tosses in another thing that reminds you of just how clueless you actually are. that said though, none of the twists felt out of place--they all felt very planned and very smart, so kudos to the writers for that! 
overall, i hella enjoyed this show--the plot, the characters (who all want to do the right thing, but they’re all very jaded in their own ways which makes being a 100% good person basically impossible in this monster of a town), and, of course, the relationship between dong sik and ju won. there was just an absolutely fascinating push and pull between their relationship, lots of distrust and mocking each other in the beginning...only to slowly but steadily grow into trust and respect for each other (and in my head, def. something more....but lol i’ll let you guys decide on that for yourself ;)) 
i.....genuinely loved this show. i found this show just incredibly smartly written, and all the characters were incredibly intriguing? and the relationships were all fascinating to me? just. god. this show ripped me apart so many times, and i loved it all the more for it. like. guys. i wrote or started writing about six fics for this show in the span of 48 hours because i love it that much.
the handmaiden
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ohohoho this movie has been on my to watch list for the LONGEST TIME, and i was glad that i gave myself some time to watch this movie at the start of the month, because...whoooo boy, it was so good. this movie is inspired by the book the fingersmith by sarah waters, only whereas i think the book took place in victorian england, this movie takes place in japan-occupied-korea. sook hee, a pickpocket, is hired by a conman to persuade the secluded lady hideko to marry him. the conman plans to later inherit hideko’s wealth and send hideko off to the madhouse. 
many things happen over the course of this movie, and i’m not going to spoil anything, but oh boy...oh boy. i mean, this movie is pretty well-known for the main relationship between the two protagonists, sook hee and hideko. the romance was such a ride, and i thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of it. this movie really said “be gay, do crime” in the best way possible. 
as a quick warning though, this movie definitely is erotic. i kinda knew that heading into the movie, and i was still a little caught off-guard. so maybe if you’re a little squicked out by sex/erotica in general, i’d maybe skip over this movie. that said, this movie was beautifully filmed, with beautiful writing, and the cast was just perfect. i don’t think i’ve seen a movie so beautifully or smartly crafted like this before, and i’m very glad i watched this film. 
the meg
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let me caveat by saying....i watched this because my brother wanted to watch it, so i sat through this movie and...y’know? it wasn’t awful. kinda predictable as far as shark movies go, but it wasn’t bad! i found myself enjoying it a little more than i thought i would...? but basically, this movie is about, you guessed it, an underwater research facility that was just looking into a deeper part of the ocean and etc. surprise, they found! a megalodon. multiple megalodons! cue the chaos. 
so...there were definitely some more suspenseful moments. i shouted “these people just KEEP FALLING OFF THE BOAT” a few times. there was one character who i was like “oh man he’s gonna be the villain isn’t he :( darn :(” to “oh hey he has a heart” to “oh never mind” to “ooph”. there were some more slightly emotional moments, but?? not particularly thought-provoking or impactful. so like? overall? it was one of those movies where like....it’s not bad, it’s not really good, but! hey, not all movies need to be incredibly deep to be even somewhat enjoyable! (and like, i mostly just enjoyed watching this movie because my brother and i cracked commentary all throughout it, much to my father’s chagrin.) 
so, apparently my music taste changes when i’m thinking about something that’s not star wars related, and i saw a bit of that when i was making this playlist for lee dong sik and han joo won from beyond evil. as spotify works, it wound up with me adding a few of my songs that i thought fit them, and then i wound up going into the radio part of my playlist and listening to a lot of new songs, and i just have to list some of my new faves here: 
let me follow by son lux: you know when you hear a song that just feels so...strangely cinematic? like, you get all kinds of vivid images in your head and stuff? this was def. one of those songs. it’s quiet, and there’s something weirdly...ephemeral about it? that’s the only way i can describe it. and mildly haunting. and mildly tragic. idk why, but i think big fans of tragedy & the patroclus/achilles kind of feel might like this song. it’s just. god. i spent 2 hours sitting in my bed just listening to this song on loop. 
not in the same way by 5 seconds of summer: this is a public scolding @ 15 year old me who thought it was lame to like 5sos just because they were getting popular. boo, 15 year old caroline and her “i’m a weirdo, i’m not like other girls or other people my age” phase! because 5sos actually slaps, and this was one of my fave songs? idk. another weirdly cinematic song. the refrain is just chef’s kiss, in the kind of rambly way that leads to a shout. i love that kind of stuff. 
start of time by gabrielle aplin. bro...the way gabrielle aplin’s voice brought me straight back to 2014-2016 era caroline...but weirdly, i haven’t heard this song from her before? and bro. bro....i’ve never wanted to run to the top of a hill and watch the sunrise with a loved one so bad in my whole life. god. idk. if you need a song that makes you feel like. things just might get better. this one’s for you. 
sedated by hozier: okay, so i’ve only ever listened to a handful of hozier songs in my whole life (i know, i know, how can i bicon like myself not listen to hozier 24/7? le sigh), but bro.....bro. i get it now. i get why people screech about hozier. i already liked his music before, but...ah. idk. something very powerful about this song. i now understand why people want to lie down in the middle of the woods when they listen to his music. 
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