#defend mickey milkovich
kandyzee · 6 months
When fiona is like, "I didn't" about mickey coming to see Ian. She isn't expecting him not to come because it's mickey. Fiona watched Frank, the person who was meant to love and care for Monica, not show up and support her with her illness for years. Yeah, fiona doesn't really like mickey, but she would be doubtful of anyone showing up. She expects it will be her and her family once again pushed to take care of each other. She expects disappointment cause she's traumatised and wants to look out her for baby brother. If fiona put her trust in mickey, it would just be harder for her to comfort Ian when he doesn't show.
And even ignoring that, she was right. Mickey didn't show up for Ian then. He does after, but that's not the point. Fiona isn't a massive bitch just because she expected something that happened.
People are always so hard on fiona because of how she treats the milkovichs. I agree that a lot of the time, she's out of place and mean for no real reason. She should be more open-minded and understanding, but at the same time, I get it.
Fiona doesn't know the milkovichs, mickey, in particular. She doesn't hang out with him and get invited to sleepovers. So she doesn't see past his kinda problematic shell. Mickey is just a kid, but he's also the kid who was trying to kill Ian, who beat lip up in the streets. Mickey is known to be a criminal, rude, and just like every other straight white guy on the southside. It's not surprising that she doesn't immediately warm up to him when in her eyes it was only a few months ago that he got a whore pregnant and married her. Fiona doesn't know a lot of the context that makes Mickey so forgivable.
I'm not completely defending her with her hate to the milkoviches. Like she should be able to understand that there is more to them, their kids in a bad situation. Her hate for them isn't entirely unwarranted, mickey way more than mandy. Can we remember that mandy did almost get Ian killed tho by lying and saying he sa her?? I might be a little mean, too.
Basically I just think people should try see fiona perspective on it a bit more and not just make her out to be a heartless bitch.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 9 months
mandy 🤝 mickey 🤝 debbie
being mistreated and judged by the gallagher’s and literally never being defended
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zutaralesbian · 9 months
I’ve seen every stan of a Shameless character act like their fave is perfect. From Mickey stans, to Fiona stans, to Lip stans, to IAN stans. Some of you just act like it’s a thing specific to Mickey stans because you’re mad he’s the most popular character 🤷‍♀️
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astaraels · 1 year
mickey doesn't read a lot, but I like to think his favorite book is the catcher in the rye. because one day ian brought him a copy and when mickey asked what the fuck, ian said that the main character reminded him of mickey. and mickey said that was gay as hell and brushed it off, but he read the book anyway and yeah, he kinda gets what ian was talking about. anyway I love mickey milkovich and holden caulfield and so does ian
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lupeloto · 1 year
listen, i know none of these are new takes but it’s on my mind and i mustshare. 
so, we all know that s10 and s11 of shameless have their flaws, to say the least...however, hear me out...
mickey in s10/s11 is so very important to me. yes, he still does some “immature” things, but we can see how he’s grown and matured in such a deeper way, finally ready to just fully embrace who he is. it also feels like he finally gets to take a breathe for the first time in years.
it’s so prevalent in s10 through how much he fights for himself. most of his story arc has been him fighting for ian, but in this season, we finally get to see him fight for himself and refuse to settle for less than what he thinks he deserves...like mickey actually looking after himself? THAT is so beautiful to me
and in season 11, he is truly trying to make things work and to alter himself/his lifestyle to make ian happy. i mean, early seasons mickey would never show that he cares that much about something to actually put effort into it. and yes, he makes a ton of mistakes in that season, but he trys to fix it and puts forth an actual effort to live this new life for him and ian. and THAT is so very beautiful
he matured so much throughout the years and these seasons really reflect that growth in the good, bad, and the ugly ways.
however, what makes it so special is that, despite the fact that he still has these major issues in his life to tackle, it feels like he can still fucking breathe while doing so. like yes, he is struggling but for once, it is not all consuming. he was able to just exist as a person without having to constantly keep an eye over his shoulder or plan for the next fucking wrecking ball to crash into his life
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nevvaraven · 1 year
people dog on mickey and call him a groomzilla for the chiavari chairs incident but if that was me and I gave my husband just ONE job to do for our wedding day and he fucked it up that badly even after being told explicitly what to do with the instructions detailed down to the T, I would also go insane and break some shit
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atthedugouts · 2 months
The Identity of Iggy Milkovich
This is dedicated to all the Iggy fans
Iggy and Mickey were sitting at the kitchen table going through an old shoe box of filled with fake ID cards. When Mickey was meeting with a potential victim, or client, of his moving business the lady told him they had to get her ex husband’s shit out before her wedding this weekend. Rich lady wedding means rich ass presents and Svetlana has been nagging him for a new microwave.
“How about Igor?” Iggy asks holding up an ID.
“The plumber? Naw, no one is going to hire a plumber the day of f their wedding. How about Ignatius?”
“He’s got like three warrants out for his arrest,” Iggy shakes his head. Ignatius has been such a problem child recently.
Ian walks in. It’s the afternoon but he’s been sleeping most of day after coming home from the club.
“What are you two doing?” He asks filling a glass with orange juice.
“Trying to find the right identity for Igs to use for crashing a wedding,” Mickey informs his boyfriend.
“I’ve collected a lot of personas over the years working in the family business,” Iggy says proudly.
“Huh, what is your real name?”
Mickey and Iggy stare at each other. Trying to remember if their mom used to call him something other than Iggy. Mickey knows his dad sometimes calls him Iggy the Ignorant.
“I think it’s just Iggy?” Mickey slowly answers.
“You think?” Ian questions.
“I haven’t used Ignacio in a while. He’s currently unemployed so I can probably get him hired as a day worker for a vendor,” Iggy says, he’s unfazed by the fact he doesn’t know his legal name.
“Oh,” Mickey snaps his fingers. “Get a job as a cater waiter and then you can bring home dinner too.”
The brothers high five and Mandy walks in.
“What are you two idiots celebrating?” Mandy asks taking the half drunken glass of OJ from Ian’s hand and taking a sip.
“I think Ignacio has a job,” Ian tells his best friend. “Do you know know Iggy’s real name?”
“When I was little they told me it was Iggosaur.”
“And you believed them?” Ian asks is disbelief.
“I was like four,” Mandy defends.
“But you believed it til you were fucking twelve,” Mickey teases.
“Shut up, I assumed it was Ukrainian.”
“Then we told her it was Iggothy,” Iggy adds.
Ian looses it. Iggothy is the best name he’s ever heard.
“Have you ever considered Iggothan? How about Igchard, Igliam?” Ian can come up with Iggy puns all day.
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em-harlsnow · 3 months
so, i’m guessing mickey spent a lot of time in the head master’s office when he was young. im pretty sure everyone in the show went to the same school, aside from Liam, so we can assume it’s the same headmaster that Carl got sent to a lot.
now, let’s say franny goes to that school as well. she’s a good kid, so it’s not like she gets in trouble a lot. but she’s been taught by all her family that if someone starts something, you finish it.
so that’s what she does.
she ends up in the office. the head master comes in and tells her he’s calling her mother, and franny’s not worried about that. debbie will defend her tooth and nail. when debbie doesn’t answer the phone (she’s not a bad mother, she’s just at work and turned her phone off) they call the next names down the line, which is ian (debbie says ian is her fave).
so the headmaster is making some comments about the other gallaghers he’s had to deal with. mentioning carl and his ways, and lip and his. he says he’s glad it’s ian coming, because he was the least trouble.
however, both ian and mickey come.
ian knocks on the door.
“come in.” headmaster says.
ian smiles tightly and enters, mickey following behind. they both take inventory of a room they haven’t stepped foot in in a decade, marvelling at how unchanged it is.
the headmaster glances up and honestly? he’ll never forget those knuckle tats. they tortured him for the entire time mickey was in school, because they were strictly against school rules.
mickey smirks when headmaster’s face pales.
“i see you’ve brought company, Mr Gallagher.” he says.
“yeah, sir… hope that’s okay.” he smiles again, never falling out of the pattern of calling this guy ‘sir’.
mickey snorts at him, but takes the seat beside ian, opposite headmaster’s desk. “you’re such a fucking goody-goody.” he mutters, and ian smacks his thigh with a shush.
“i didn’t do anything! he started it!” franny shouts, getting the first word in.
“i’m not entirely surprised to see another gallagher in my office. but it makes even more sense now, Mr Milkovich.” Mickey smiles at him mockingly. “who are you in relation to Franny?” he asks.
“he’s her uncle.”
“right. what is it with you gallaghers and milkoviches intermingling? i had to deal with your sister-“ he points at mickey, “- and your brother-“ he points at ian, “for far too long.”
“good genes.” mickey replies.
“oh, i’m sure.” the principle snarks. “so, we understand the other boy started it. that’s not the problem. the problem is that franny broke his nose.”
mickey barks a laugh, and ian shushes him again even if hes barely containing his own smile.
“i’m glad you’re taking this as seriously as we are.” principle huffs.
“sorry - we’re taking this very seriously. what’s the solution here?” ian asks.
“the boy’s family just want an apology. an easy way out, really.”
franny makes a noise of protest and mickey’s eyebrows shoot up. “a fucking apology? the kid’s clearly an asshole, maybe a little bone breaks from a girl would be good for him.”
“please contain your language, Mr Milkovich. and no, we don’t tolerate violence of any kind here. so franny will have to apologise.” the principle roles his eyes.
“that’s totally fine, excuse my husband.” mickey rolls his eyes and ian’s placating. “franny will apologise.”
although she huffs, she nods as well.
they’re about to get up and leave, taking franny with them, when the principle speaks again.
“if you don’t mind me asking, Mr Milkovich, how long were you in prison for? you see, me and some… fellow colleagues had a little betting pool going.”
Mickey rolls his eyes, and ian laughs.
“you made bets on whether he’d go to prison?”
“not so much on whether he would go, more on how long he’d stay there.” the headmaster corrects, which makes ian laugh.
“you’re such a problem student.” ian tells him, and mickey scoffs.
“like… two years? three maybe? he did escape at one point, not sure how that factors in.” ian tells him, because mickey is busy rolling his eyes.
“i did hear about that. impressive, i must say. i don’t think anyone will win any money on that, most people bet from ten years to life.” the headmaster tells him.
“yeah, well. one, fuck you. two, glad i surpassed your expectations, Principle Twat.” mickey huffs sarcastically, getting up and going.
“i see that nickname is never going.” the principle mutters as the two most insane families he’s had the displeasure of meeting leave the office.
god, he hopes franny won’t be trouble.
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No but honestly I thought Terry backing down from trying to stop the wedding because of the singing kids was so massively stupid
I might write a fic to fix that
(special appearances by Mandy, Fiona, Iggy and Colin)
It'll be where Terry successfully gets in but Mickey and Ian have a bunch of people (like Kev holding the bat) that step in between them to keep them safe
And of course Terry can't keep his mouth shut so he spews some nonsense that jabs at Mickey's self esteem but then the Gallaghers (and Kev and V and whoever else) defend him because he's family
And of course I'd have a special sibling moment between the Milkovich's/Mickey and his new in-laws
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kandyzee · 3 months
Gonna talk a little about mandy and molly relationship cause no one ever does. The few times I've seen people talk about, they say mandy didn't like her or was a bad older sister.
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First reason I see people say she doesn't like her sister is because she doesn't want to go get her. I feel like people are being purposely dense on this one cause she literally says why in the show. It's better for molly to be in foster care than at mandys house with Terry. Mandy goes through a whole separate kinda of abuse than her brothers. She wants molly (who is also a girl and could potentially have the same thing happen to her) not to have to suffer that. Outside of that mandys house is 100% not a safe environment tor child, its a one to no parent household, the place is practically falling apart, relatives are always in and out, it's used as a place to do crime. There are so many reasons why makeing her live there would be straight up crule. This is why when she does bring molly home she stays at the gallaghers.
The general coldness she has with her sister can very easily be explained by the fact that they don't really know each other. They don't get the chance to bond. I think it's also about protecting molly too. The Gallagher house is unsustainable. Mandy knows she won't be able to stay there forever, and she knows molly won't too. Mandy is trying to make sure molly doesn't get too comfy because she knows she will have to leave eventually. Also, THEY ARE SISTERS. Even if they aren't close, they're still sisters. No one says mandy hates mickey just cause they don't get along.
Finally, the way mandy makes sure people know she's a half sibling. I've always seen this as mandy trying to separate molly from herself/the milkovichs. Not her loving her any less. Being a milkovich comes with a lot of burden. Mandy grew up being compared to the worst in her family, and people already expected her for a reason outside of her control. She knows what it's like to be judged and ridiculed simply for being the daughter of a bad man. If she can somehow save molly from that, she will. Maybe molly won't be seen as a real milkovich. People will feel bad that she's associated with them instead of grouping her in. Mandy loves her sister, she sees good in her (Maybe even some of herself )and wants other people to be able to see the good too.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
maybe i’m insane for saying this but mandy hitting karen with her car was no worse than mickey (and debbie, kind of) attempting to murder/torture sammi
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zutaralesbian · 11 months
I know Ian has had a history of getting shit on unfairly in the fandom in recent years so I get why Ian stans are usually defensive. But some of them go a bit too hard in defending him and in result, absolve him of all toxicity he’s caused in his relationship with Mickey. Which is also annoying.
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astaraels · 8 months
Ruthless Devotion
they'll make a hundred men bleed raw for the chance to prove themselves. (on canine coded milkoviches.) (ao3)
Put your fucking guard dog on a leash.
Mickey's hands chase over Ian's sides, his teeth nipping at the soft and tender flesh of Ian's lips. There's a soft growl that starts in Mickey's throat and ends up in Ian's own, the two of them pressed as close together as it's possible to be. Heat sears through Ian's body, a delicious high that drugs can't ever seem to replicate. Just Mickey and the way his hands, his lips drive Ian up a wall. There's nothing like him.
Fuck, Ian, he hears Mickey say against his ear, his voice a breathy huff of laughter. Ian can hear the slightest whine in the sound. He'll never admit it, but Mickey likes when Ian makes him just a little bit desperate. There's a lot of things Mickey can't and won't admit to. Like when that guy outside the club told Ian to put your fucking guard dog on a goddamn leash and Ian saw Mickey's shoulders broaden, his whole chest expanding as Mickey inhaled, sharp and sudden.
His guard dog. Protective to a fault, snarling and chasing away anyone he deems unworthy. Mandy had been the same, snapping like a junkyard dog at girls who got too close to Ian in the halls; Ian had to fight the grin that always threatened to cross his face when they did things like that.
He loves fiercely, he knows, but Milkoviches love violently. They love with claws and teeth, loyalty a pale, weak word for what it truly means. Ian doesn't think his love compares, but Mickey and Mandy both stay by his side, refusing to leave. And maybe he had to hold a hand out, let them bite his fingers and draw blood before he gained their trust, but it was worth it. No matter what anyone thinks, they're worth the pain, worth the wounds. Where others see rabid dogs, Ian sees wounded, starving strays in need of protection themselves.
Of course he'd never say it. He'd never tell them that he knows what they are on their insides. Mandy calls herself a bitch, says it proud, dares others to turn it against her. Mickey says he's anything but, that he likes what he likes; the dark and knowing looks he gives to Ian sometimes say otherwise. Where Mandy's all claws, Mickey's all teeth, both of them desperate to dig in and claim territory that they'll defend to death.
Ian's become part of that territory; he's been snapped up by these Milkoviches even with the Gallagher blood in his veins. Like he's a lost fucking sheep they're trying to herd back to safety before the wolves outside can get him. And maybe Mickey's eyes darken when he sees those wolves stalking at Ian's door—Ian knows there's more gazes than Mickey's that linger on his shoulders and his hips, along the hard planes and soft lines of his body. Mickey's there every time he turns around, though, and Ian isn't afraid for himself as long as he has Mickey.
It's not that he's stupid, either; he knows they need protecting, too. They're both the type to leave themselves bleeding, ignore their jagged wounds in favor of his papercuts. So Ian has to look out for them—both of them, because as much as Mickey has clawed his way and made himself a den of Ian's insides, Mandy was always first. And she's always been more fragile. A dog can bite to defend itself, but beat it enough and it learns to keep its teeth in its mouth. That's what Ian's here for, though; he'll keep a knife ready to fight off any man who hurts her, and let her hide her beautiful bruised face in his shoulder so she doesn't show weakness.
And then there's Mickey—Mickey, who even now traces the lines of Ian's ribs, a little too easily seen against the pale skin of his torso. Mickey, who kisses hard like a punch to the jaw and yet sweet like spring rain. Mickey, who has eyes the color of Lake Michigan and just as impossibly deep. Mickey, who came into Ian's life like a car crash and who Ian never wants to let go. It's selfish, maybe; dangerous, certainly. They grin against one another's mouths and Ian traces his tongue over Mickey's teeth.
Mickey is a guard dog, fierce in devotion and determined to protect what's his. And maybe Ian shouldn't like the way that Mickey snaps and snarls, straining to be let off the leash and bring down violence on anyone who dares look at Ian like he's only there to be used up and spat back out. It doesn't matter that Mickey looks at Ian like a piece of rare meat, because from him there's a longing and a neediness that goes with it. There's a craving, a desire that goes beyond the surface—he knows that his body is only one of the many things Mickey wants, unlike those other men. Mickey will take anything Ian gives him, the pain and the pleasure mixing between their bodies.
It sends a perverse kind of lust through Ian when he sees Mickey's inked knuckles causing bruises to bloom on the jaws and eyes of nameless men with bad intentions. There's a delicious sort of dizziness, knowing how much Mickey enjoys it, too. And maybe Ian and Mickey have bad intentions with each other, too, but those are dark desires that they only share with each other. The way Ian nuzzles against Mickey's neck, smelling the heady, sharp scent of his cologne, and Mickey clutches at him with need. He wants, he wants, he wants…and he knows Mickey wants to give him everything.
Guard dogs off their leashes—that's what Mickey and Mandy are. Ian would never claim to know how to tame them, would never want to anyway, but they're both so beautiful in how dangerous they can be. It's different, the way he loves each of them, how they love each other, but the three of them have found a way to carve out some existence that fits them well. Ian knows what it feels like to cradle their jaws in his hands, to press his lips against the pale skin of their cheeks. They've let him in and let him see their vulnerability. Guard dogs who guard themselves fiercely. Mickey sleeps curled up by Ian's bed each night, putting himself between Ian and whatever threat might come.
And Ian knows it might be wrong. Hell, he sees the looks his family gives him, when Mandy would defend him a little too loud, when Mickey does anything for Ian without being asked. He knows what it looks like. But god, he doesn't care. That kind of devotion means everything coming from them. Coming from a Milkovich, it's a declaration of love.
Right now he's buried himself deep inside Mickey, the rough brick biting into Mickey's back as they move together. Ian bites down on perfect, smooth skin as Mickey growls Ian's name against his ear. The want and need, the pleasure and pain, it all comes together in this single unmatched moment. He hitches Mickey's leg up higher and tightens his grip in Mickey's hair, dull teeth sharp against Mickey's delicate neck.
He's not the only one with claws and fangs.
There's a pull and a groan, heat scorching through Ian's body as he moves; he feels Mickey's body pressed against his own, tight and tense like a live wire. There's a frenzied kiss, blood on their lips and it doesn't matter whose. The sounds of their breaths coming harsh and jagged break through the distant noises of the city. Ian doesn't fucking care about anything else in this moment, this white-hot moment where he can love Mickey Milkovich exactly as he deserves. Loyalty and devotion rewarded, as they should be. The only one who gets this from Ian, and it's all Mickey's alone. Those other men don't own Ian's heart, not even his body, despite what they may think.
Mickey's head nearly smacks against the brick as he comes apart, shuddering, unable to hold himself together. This is the part that Ian loves, that he always tries to watch if he can. Watching the moment where Mickey takes something for himself instead of giving it away so easily. And he still gives it to Ian—he gives his body to Ian so many times, every day and every way he can—but this, this moment where he breaks into pieces and pulls Ian's pleasure into himself. Like he'd devour Ian whole if he had the chance.
And Ian knows he'd let him. Would do it without a second thought. He knows he'll never find it again, this ruthless devotion that came to him with harsh, clear blue eyes and bruised, gentle knuckles that threaten violence at every moment. He buries himself inside Mickey—he doesn't want to come up for air, just wants to breathe him in until that scent is all he knows. It's the way Mickey sends him out of his head and yet grounds him unlike anything else. His guard dog, his leashed protector. Mickey would make the world bleed for Ian. Maybe it should scare him.
It only makes Ian love him more.
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callivich · 8 months
Calli, any Milkovich sibling HC, But stuck on those for a bit.
Iggy knew/suspected Mickey was gay. He didn’t care. He might not be the smartest but he knows his siblings. If he’d been around when Terry found out, he would have defended Mickey. Years later, Mickey shares what happened when Terry caught him and Ian and it makes Iggy so angry.
He never finds out what Terry did to Mandy. Neither does Mickey. Colin suspected but was never sure and never asks in case he’s wrong.
Mandy’s favourite sibling is Mickey. (Not that she’d ever tell him that). She was never that close to Iggy or Colin. But they do care for each other in their own ways.
Once Mandy leaves Chicago, she tracks down Molly. They keep in touch and become closer as time goes on.
Iggy and Colin are in and out of prison a lot but by their late twenties, they get their shit together and stay out of jail for good.
Over time, the siblings have regular meet-ups. They bicker a lot. But it’s fun and nice. They don’t really talk about the darkness of their childhoods or Terry much and if they do, they try and joke about it so as not to get too angsty about things.
They have a sibling group chat which is them roasting the fuck out of each other and also full of selfies where their flipping off the camera.
When Iggy gets out of jail for the last time, Mickey gives him a temporary job at his and Ian’s security business. But Iggy’s good at it, so he becomes a permanent employee. (Despite the fact he constantly teases Mickey)
Mandy wanted to go to Ian and Mickey’s wedding but found the idea of going back to Chicago and seeing everyone too much. She sent them a good present - a really expensive bottle of champagne and two fancy glasses. When they drink it, they share a toast to her.
When Terry dies, she moves back to Chicago. She thought it would be difficult but she finds it freeing knowing she’s living and thriving in the city while he’s dead.
Laura was not the perfect mother but she did try and they all have a handful of good memories about her. She came very close to taking them all and leaving Terry at one point but it never worked out. The siblings don’t know how close they came to having a better childhood.
As adults, they get really drunk one evening and all get matching ‘m’ tattoos on their wrists.
The siblings fought and argued as kids but they always shared food and looked after each other if one got sick or injured. It wasn’t always perfect. They didn’t always know what to do but they tried.
They all wore the same hand me downs. Even Mandy until she hit her teenage years and Laura gave her some of her old clothes. Mandy was big into thrift shopping because Laura took her once. She becomes an expert in finding clothes that look trendy but were cheap. She still gets bullied at lot at school but she pretends it doesn’t bother her.
They all end in therapy at one point or another. Some for longer than others. But they all find it helpful in certain ways.
The best memories they have about their childhood involve staying up late and watching shitty movies, crushed together on the couch. All of them talking over the actual movie and giving their own commentaries. This only happened when Terry was in jail or passed out.
One year they attempt to make some Ukrainian food that Laura made one year. It’s a bit of a disaster but they have fun doing it, even if what they make doesn’t taste that good.
They’re not as close as the Gallagher siblings but they do care and love each other in their own Milkovich way.
Does anyone else have any Milkovich sibling headcanons? Please do share!
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wh0lemilk0vich · 4 months
Also 25 33 and 42
25. In the new found privacy of their home, who is louder during sex? Who talks more during sex?
I think at first Mickey is really quiet because he's so used to making himself small and quiet about what he really wants. Once they move into their own space, Ian starts getting verbal with him and drawing it out of him, teaching him that if he keeps being vocal about what he likes Ian can do even better.
33. What happens when Ian and Mickey run into one of Ian’s exes?
I think Ian is usually pretty proud of himself or smug, like proud of how far he and Mickey have come or just wanting to rub their face in how happy he is with Mickey. (Also headcanon chubby!Mickey would give Trevor shit for being all about supporting and defending people but then being super fetishistic and objectifying of fat guys)
42. What's their most prized possession? (Bonus: Is there something Mickey kept from the Milkovich house after terry died?)
I think their first prized possessions would be their first grown up set of furniture. No more hand me downs or folding chairs, but decent new bought or even thrifted furniture, to make their place feel like it's really theirs. Something to keep nice and be proud of.
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atthedugouts · 4 months
Yevgeny Milkovich's First GTA
"Come one little man, move your feet," Mickey instructs his young son.
"I'm tired!" Yevgeny whined as he dramatically dragged his feet on the sidewalk. "We keep walking forever!"
"We wouldn't be in situation if you didn't break stroller," Svetlana scolds.
"The cheap shit was from Goodwill. It was bound to break sooner or later," Mickey defended.
"Or when idiot father closed stroller by throwing it at wall," Svetlana points out.
"Whatever bitch, kid's getting too big for it anyways," Mickey says.
Yevgeny drops to the ground.
"I can't move anymore," the toddler claims.
"Come on man," Mickey pinches the bridge of his nose. "Patsy's is not that far and Ian is waiting for us."
"Just carry him."
"You carry him," Mickey says back.
Svetlana points to her arm in the sling.
"Fine," Mickey rolls his eyes and picks up their son. Yev was getting heavier as he was getting older. Maybe Patsy's was farther then he thought.
Mickey looks around the neighborhood. The fucking gentrifiers are really taking over as he spies the things people leave in their front yards. One item captures his attention and he points it out to Svetlana who nods her head.
Mickey places Yevgeny in the toy car. The kind that looks like a miniature version of a real car that Yev could drive a speeding 4 miles per hour. The walk was a lot more enjoyable and the family of three made it to Patsy's with no more melt downs.
Yev pulled his new car up to the booth Ian was seated at.
"Whoa, you got your license buddy?" Ian teases.
"Papa could't carry son so we took this from someone's front lawn," Svetlana says with a smile.
"Ah, Yevgeny's first grand theft auto," Ian laughs.
"Whatever bitch, I'm getting a patty melt," Mickey says taking his seat next to Ian.
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