testoster0ne · 8 months
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redwinesupernova · 4 months
goodnight silly nation if i wake up to more asks ill kiss u all on the mouth
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little-lovett · 6 months
None of that ever Happened Lol.
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tinyshe · 11 months
Garden Report & Frugal Living 23.08.05
I’m moving slower than a slug in a dried out summer garden. I water the potted plants and expect the rest to carry on.
The elderberry bushes are now in full bloom and the Autumn weather has set in. This afternoon I heard the little Executioner of Summer sit outside my window singing his sad song. The trees are definitely putting forth their Autumn attire in reds and yellows. So glancing back to the elderberry -- it will be a blossom harvest because there will not be enough time for the berries to mature and ripen. It has been a chillier Summer, even the hops that grow like rambunctious weeds were feign to put forth flowers; they just twindle and twine about without purpose.
The fruit trees have put on so much green new growth it is hard to see the fruit if there is any. A good Summer trim would be in order if I could drag a ladder about to mount and wack at them. Maybe tomorrow I can beg someone to do that for me.
Tomorrow I have decided I am going to pull the garlic in a ‘ready or not’ maneuver. I need to build up and amend the bed. I also still need to make a second harvest from the potato barrel. Did I tell you the peas are just starting to come up in the pots and some ravenous night marauder is mowing down the leek seedlings?
The blackberries are making a race to ripen. I’m not sure that they will make it with any sugar content due to the cold and eternal fog. I won’t write them off yet but keeping one eye on their progress since so many of them are still blooming!
In the pantry notes: I have found that frozen blueberries dehydrate faster than fresh. My thoughts are the skin of fruits and veg are there to protect the seed esp from dehydration BUT when they are frozen, it changes the structure of the cells/breaks down the fruit/veg which makes it less drying time.  I’m trying out my theory on frozen carrots that came in a big lot at a price half that of fresh. I’m sure I am reinventing the wheel here and experts have written about this, published and have made money on sharing this info but for you dear friends, you get to suffer through my benign ramblings all for the simple low price of a few eye rolls, perhaps a giggle and your blessed time. What a bargain!
The hens are confused at our dusk and dawn rampaging, the neighbors are quiet while we battle the skunks wanting to nest under our house. So far, they the skunks) are winning imo. I have a lovely food forest habitat surrounding the house that sits on post and piers. Yes gentle folk, it is the ammonia bomb season since I have gotten tired of shaking black pepper on everything everyday and doing big thumping loads of laundry at midnight. Doing some ‘bombing’ and buckets of water through the hedges will hopefully dislodge them (yes, there is 2).  I had a pair of garden gawkers arguing about the fire-of-eden so loudly I had to stick my head out the front door and inform them they were not far from the nesting skunk *snff*sniff*big eyes* whereas one of them informed me she likes the skunks because they eat rats.  Obviously this dear woman hasn’t chickens to protect nor a skunk spray under her bedroom in the middle of the night. But with that parting comment, they (the gawkers) left hurry-scurry ... and without the skunk! WAIT! Take the skunk with you since you love them! Please! Its free! Take it home with you!! Wait ... OoooOOo *big sigh of defeat*
Here’s hoping your days are skunkless and your Summer full of delicious Bounty!
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insanewizards · 1 year
food poisoning is so stupid my brain is dehydrated and starving, she hungers to gulp 7 litres of water (97 standard cumshots for those not familiar with metric) and feast like a viking eating her first fresh meal back from killing english people
meanwhile my stomach has a glock and is not afraid to use it
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jeonqkooks · 2 years
Hii it’s the anon that comes here everyday😅
Please don’t apologize for taking your time with your writing, you can take all the time you want. You probably know this already but just wanted to remind you:)) Please don’t feel pressured 🤍
And i’m sure that the wait will be soooo worth it 😩😩🫶🏼
thank you for saying this 🥺 and i love that you’re excited about obs !! you take care of yourself too love 🤍
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minimac-mspl · 5 days
Lube oil checks and recommended testing kits
For field inspection of lube oils, the following points are important to take action:
Basic tests for lube oils are to observe the oil in glass sample bottle for colour inspection.
If you observe that colour of lube oils is milky or dark in shade, then you have to process for further testing with hand held testing kits which are easy for use at the site.
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Following are the testing kits which can be used at the site for checking lube oil:
Millipore Patch Testing Kit – This testing kit is useful for measuring contamination in oil as per NAS/ISO by observing the patch paper with microscope. This is a very basic test to know if oil is contaminated or clean. This is a portable patch testing kit and easy to handle everywhere at the site.
Hydrogauge Oil Test Kit – It is used for checking moisture or water contamination in oil by adding a 10 ml sample in 2 types of different reagents. This is also an offline & portable testing kit which shows results approximately and at very low cost.
Visgauge Oil Test Kit – This kit is useful for checking the viscosity of oils from 0 to 460 ranges of oils. This testing kit is portable and easy to use.
Online Laser Particle Counter – This is an online contamination monitor which is useful for checking oil contamination in NAS, ISO format with particle distributions in 8 Nos of channels. You can connect this particle counter with a pipeline or any external oil filtration system with the help of the provision of minimize hoses and the particle counter has an LED screen to show results.
Portable Online Laser Particle Counter – This is a portable online contamination monitor which is useful for checking oil contamination in NAS, ISO format with particle distributions in 8 Nos of channels. This particle counter is able to check NAS values for multiple types of samples or multiple machines. It can be connected with pipeline or any external oil filtration system with the provision of minimize hoses and the particle counter has an LED Screen to show results.
Following are some Easy Field Tests and Inspections –
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Also read: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/importance-inventory-management-anshuman-agrawal-mlt-1-/
Minimac focuses on lubrication reliability and contamination control - Doctor's for your machine! Call +91 7030901266 for Condition Monitoring.
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daydreamdoodles · 18 days
Screaming into my pillow kicking my legs writhing on my bed
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chronivore · 3 months
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Charlie, Leader of the Dehyrates
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ghoulfr13nd · 1 year
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testoster0ne · 8 months
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patrick by michael downs
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haircaresimple · 1 year
reasons for dry and dehyrated skin
The reasons for these skin woes vary from changes in weather, and diet to a lack of moisture. However, did you know that dry skin and dehydrated skin are two different things? Well, there is this and much more waiting to be unpacked in this video with Shreya Jain and Shriya Pilagaonkar. They will be sharing an effective guide on how to determine if your skin is dry or dehydrated and the skincare ingredients like humectants, emollients and occlusives that you should look out for in your moisturisers.
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blackhorndreamz · 2 years
Mom Wanted In Death Of 5 Yr Old Boy Found Dead In Suitcase CHICAGO, IL  –  A boy found dead inside a suitcase in southern Indiana six months ago has been identified as a 5-year-old from Atlanta, and his mother and another woman are facing charges in his death. Cairo Ammar Jordan’s body was found on April 16 in Washington County, Indiana, near Louisville. Indiana State Police said the boy had…
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tinyshe · 2 years
Dehydrated Pickles: For Serious Pickle Lovers ONLY
Do you love pickles (or even pickle juice) and hate carrying them in your lunch? Dehydrated pickles are the answer, but be warned. They are for serious pickle lovers ONLY!
Can you rehydrate pickle chips?
Why yes you can!
There is one catch. In order to get the chips tasting like pickles again, they must be rehydrated in pickle brine. You would think that the intense flavor of the pickle chips would be enough to permeate water and make pickle juice. But it doesn’t work that way.
Rehydrating pickles in plain water makes the dehydrated pickle look and crunch exactly like a fresh pickle, but it loses its pickle power.
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lazulian-devil · 9 months
Okay, does anyone remember the whole Jeremiah/Gant thing from Book 9 (of Skulduggery Pleasant)??? Like... I remembered them to be their own book or villains.
Instead, they've just been lightly sprinkled in between the pages of this already massive book that has about a trillion different plots going for it - half of which I have honestly and earnestly forgotten about, because they arent that memorable.
My man, my dude.
What was your goal with Book 9? Does anyone know? Has he ever said anything? This is as dense as a dehyrated lentil snack. Am I going insane.
Also, its cool. Of course its cool. Its cinematic and insane and I love it. But does it belong in the book? Does it add anything we dont already know, does it enhance what we're doing? Is it literally (and I mean literally) necessary to have it in the book? What does it provide?
Ive been asking myself that a lot with all the plots in Book 9. I still have roughly an hour left to read and my Kindle is currently charging. But... I dunno man. This is a big book but its closer to bloated then to satisfying.
Or maybe Im just cynical.
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crwndsprkzy · 1 year
ok i need to prove a fucking point i swear to god
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