#deleting text threads i regret and calling it self care
animatedtext · 2 years
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requested by resonanciadelalma 
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adventurepunks · 3 years
To be honest meme: 8, 12, 19, 22, 38
honest meme
8.Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
Drama.Grow the heck up, this is a hobby and stop taking the opinions of strangers so to heart that you feel the need to cry on dash about it or involve other people. I am 33 years old with tax forms and a mortgage, I long outgrew the high school petty drama of buhhhhhh. If you got a problem with someone either talk to them about it like a reasonable adult or just block them and move on. No need for the call out culture.
The self diagnosed illnesses. The RPC sadly is full of self diagnosed mental illnesses and nothing really gets done about it. If you are riddled with problems seek medical or qualified help, your rp partners are not your therapists and being depressed is not an excuse to send people shitty messages. (that’s more a old bug bear from my old blogs.)
The stress. Or rather seeing how this stupid hobby causes stress to people in it, writing and rping on tumblr is not a job it’s a hobby and something you ought to do for fun. The moment it stops being fun and affects your physical or mental health is the moment you ought to stop being on here and focus on happier more productive hobbies. Stop apologizing for not replying, stop getting anxious about lower activity. Stop thinking that you have a obligation to be on this site. The ones that really matter will wait for you to be ready and happy to reply to their thread.
12. Have you been involved in drama? Do you regret it?
Nah, I am too old to care for participating in tumblr drama. Last time I was involved in drama everyone was still rping with full size gifs and no text editing. My bitchy aunt vibe kinda deters dramatic people to stay away from me and if that doesn’t then I have a block button for a reason.
I am a blunt and honest person, I’d rather discuss my problems with who ever I have a problem with and solve them, I rarely bond with rp partners but when I do I work to keep the friendship going.
19. Do you delete anon hate or post and address it? Why?
Last time I got actual anon hate was in the Defelina era of Tumblr which is ancient history and it was almost a trend to get hated on by that blog.  If it’s anything constructive I will address it because hate sometimes is not hate but check yourself and your behavior just worded a bit more harshly, if it’s pure hate I will just say grow up, take a long good look at yourself and the choices you made to lead you to harassing random strangers on the internet.
22. What would make you block someone? 
Tumblr and my dashboard is a very curated experience for me and I am liberal with the block button hence the lack of drama involvement from above, I invest my time and energy only to people that are both appreciative of it and worth it.
If it’s someone I know or rped and spoken with OOC then it would take something severe for me to block them but random blogs I barely interacted with? I might as well be Oprah and everyone gets a block (aka I tend to find that some blogs message me to rp with me for the first time, I ask them for a plot idea and then never hear back or just get the dreaded I don’t know so I just block. It’s in my rules, you wanna rp with me then send a meme or come to me with an actual plot idea, the uuuuuh I dunno just means you haven’t read my rules.
If I want to rp with a blog and I approach I always have at least a general idea to pitch to them, it’s not much to ask for the same thing in return. Something made you follow me so tell me what it is otherwise eh.
Plotting is important on this blog, I don’t ask for a full blown storyline just a start of a plot idea so we can spitball together.
38. What advice would you give to someone new to rp?
I don’t really have advice as to rp in general...I guess work on good communication skills. Talk to your rp partners, talk to them about plots, about your muses, show interest and investment and that’s how you’re gonna have a good time. Only though invest your time to people that do the same, find the peeps that will get excited to write with you, get rid of those that make you feel like you’re a chore.
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beyondthetemples · 5 years
{{ “Be Honest” mun meme
{{ Questions list taken from here:
What would prevent you from following someone? Not trigger-tagging, or not using cuts for ns//fw scenes. (I have really intense emet*phobia, so if you don't tag for that, or won't tag for it upon request, I absolutely cannot follow. Savior catches most posts for me, even if they're not tagged, but there are just So Many Euphemisms and Various Ways to Describe It that it only works 75% of the time.)
Are aesthetics important to you? If they are, why? As far as blog theme, not really-- I just like fiddling around to find something that evokes their General Vibe, and seeing what themes other muns like! I won't judge by them though. When it comes to thread aesthetics, I actually prefer to leave them utterly unformatted and plain-text as possible. I have ADHD and Fancy Unicode and Symbols and All That makes it really hard for me to focus on what's going on in the thread, not to mention I don't have the attention span to match another mun's Styling like that. (Also, fun fact: I always have my Tumblr Dash at 75% zoom, and Dove’s theme already has text at a Very Readable Size, so nothing ever needs to be Smallified for me.)
What current rp trend do you hate? I don't think there are any I "hate", though I get confused on all the Different Verses that everyone has. (In all my years of writing fanfic, I've only ever written Exactly One (1) AU, and I never read them outside of rp. AUs just aren't my thing.)
How do you explain rp to someone in the real world? "Taking turns writing what the characters are doing." Everyone afk has been pretty supportive. (They all know I'm a writer, so like... it's Nothing New.)
Do you prefer interacting with male muses or female more? Why? I genuinely don't care either way! Guy, gal, nonbinary pal: as long as they're fun to write with, I don't mind a bit. (And Dove has no preference, either.)
Do you prefer writing male muses or female more? Why? Statistically, I have 3 female muses (4 if we count Evangeline as her own person and not just A Part of Dove Manifested)... and only 1 male. (And technically, both Srentha and Leyla are genderqueer, so it's really only Dove and Kary that are cis women.) But that's not intentional? Evangeline is feminine because Dove is feminine, and Kary was originally my girlfriend's-- if she was a male I still would've hardcore adopted him. It just kind of worked out that way. I just enjoy writing people, not gender roles.
Name any three things about the rpc that bother you. 1.) The aforementioned Verse Thing. (It doesn't really bother me, I'm just easily confused by Similar-Except-Vaguely-Different Things due to the ADHD.) 2.) Some people still don't know that godmodding isn't okay. 3.) The distaste for OCs??? I guess that doesn't exactly "bother" me either, because people are allowed to have preferences... but, I mean, I spent several years active in, and then Actually Running, a group of 1300 members on dA completely DEDICATED to OCs, and it was a blast, so I just don't understand why people don't like rping with them as much as canon characters. I personally find OCs more satisfying to explore, more surprising in every thread because you just don't know what to expect, and you have a LOT more freedom for plotting and reactions! Like! You can Shed the Constraints of Canon and Revel in your Newfound OC-Based Freedom!! Truly Become your Character's GOD!!!
What is your opinion on exclusivity? Do you practice it? Why / why not? Nah, I love the variety different muns can bring to the same muse! Other people can stay exclusive if they like. Being an OC mun, it doesn't exactly affect me. 8F
Have you ever had a bad experience with commissions? As either someone who makes them or as someone who buys them? (I don't really know how this pertains to RP?) But there was one time when someone gave me a really vague commission request, out of the blue, for a fandom I know absolutely nothing about, and just kept saying things like "Whatever you think they'd do!" when I asked for plot, characterization, or preference details... I never finished it because I Didn't Even Know how to START.
What do you know now about rp that you wish you knew when you first started? The reply doesn't have to be perfect. Or dramatic, even. Not every reply is going to shatter someone's heart or absolutely make their day. And that's perfectly okay!
Have you been involved in drama? Do you regret it? Nnnnot on Tumblr. (There was a LOT of drama amongst admins of the dA group, which strongly attributed to the decline of me RPing on dA, but I definitely do not regret standing up for myself. I do wish I'd been able to foresee it, though, and brought someone else on staff who was actually going to, you know, do the job they applied for?)
Have you ever thought about leaving rp? What caused it? What changed your mind? Never! Well not on Tumblr anyways. There was a period where my favorite partners were all going inactive, and I couldn't find anyone who wanted to interact with Dove, so of course I was despairing, wondering if I'd ever get to explore what I wanted to explore with her. But then I decided, you know what, so what if I can't find any canon Titans to advance her Tumblr timeline? I'll just fill in the blanks with fanfic canon, and work from there! Making that decision was so freeing.
Do you think rp has had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person? Oh, positive, absolutely. I may be too busy to really attend to it much nowadays, but my writing style has improved DRAMATICALLY, I've made so many friends, and I've learned things about Dove that I never would've discovered in the stories alone. (Or at least, it might've been discovered on a ten-year delay. 8F)
How has rp changed you personally? I was able to find fast friends, make connections with people over common interests, and my very first experience with leadership happened because I hung around a TTOC dA chatroom (because, specifically, I’d gotten ADDICTED to rp), came to love the people and characters, and decided, when the current admins had to step down, I would like to step up.
If you could change one thing about rp on tumblr, what would it be? Why? I'd like tags to stop breaking, that'd be nice. (But that’s an issue with Tumblr itself, not the rps.)
Have you ever sent a message to yourself on anon? Why? Pff, no. Mostly because if I really want something to happen, I'll either post an open, OR I'll do what I'm doing here, and just answer the questions myself. 8F I have a lot of fun doing this with headcanon question lists.
Have you ever sent hate to yourself on anon? Why? No, but that's because I'm all about learning (+spreading) positive self-talk, de-escalation, and avoiding drama. Drama doesn't serve anyone.
Do you delete anon hate or post and address it? Why? I address it and then block the sender, because I want everyone to know I don't stand for that. And I have this stubborn streak about standing up for myself, so, you know... Gotta Address It First. (And I've defended Dove from Mary Sue accusations since I started posting about her in 2006, so it doesn't bother me, but I love pointing out all the reasons that, Jack Rider voice: You Are Wrong!)
Have you ever felt pressured to write something you weren’t comfortable with? Nope, but that's because if I can't or don't want to, I'm open and transparent about it. (Not on Tumblr, anyways. There was one particular person in the dA chats that kept trying to make RPs All About His Muse, but we shut that down too.)
Have you ever followed someone because you felt like you had to, not because you wanted to? Hell no! I've never Automatically Followed Back, and it's right there in my rules, I need a little communication before I start interacting.
What would make you block someone? Anon hate, reblogging/replying to rps that don't involve them, starting their own rps on my posts, Bad Takes in the Tags, shipping something I genuinely can't stand... I use the block button pretty liberally. I just don't need that stuff in my life, in my tags, or on my dash.
Have you ever stolen something from someone else? Well I have adopted a couple of headcanons re: Canon Characters from the teentitansheadcanons blog. (Like hc that, one time, Beast Boy was a bug and someone almost squished him, so now they put all the bugs outside, just in case. I love that for some reason, so I adopted it.) And every now and again I'll see something in fanfic I like: Azarath Has Two Suns, I saw that in a fanfic and it just felt so RIGHT, so I adopted that too. But, I mean, rping as an OC, there's really not a lot I can steal. 8F
Have you ever had something stolen from you? If so, how did you handle it? Not on Tumblr, but somebody once stole a picture of Srentha from dA and used it in a random webs-page blog about their dreams? ??? I have no idea why they used him, or how they even fOUND him, but I kinda just shrugged and let it go.
Are you open to duplicates? Why / why not? (Isn't this basically the same question as "are you exclusive"? Because I have the same answer. I am, because I like seeing other muns' interpretations of the same character.)
How do you feel about vague posting? Use your own judgement for your own blog, but it's not something I do myself. If I have to vaguepost to vent something, I'll usually go on a more private blog, or at least stick it under a Read More.
Do you follow people even if they don’t follow you back? Yes! I like reading rps almost as much as I like writing them.
Do you read people’s rules before following or interacting? Always.
What is your opinion on “reblog karma” and do you practice it? I try to! Sometimes I can't figure out what to send in for the blog I get in from, but most of the time, I'll send something any time I reblog something. I really appreciate it when people send something in before reblogging from me, personally. c: (I get it if you can’t or don’t want to. But it sure is nice!)
How have you responded to popular slang used on tumblr? Do you use it in every day life? Do you use it at all? Not really, but I rarely use slang at all. Unless I'm actually talking about rp, muses, muns, etc, then I'll use those words.
Is there something you don’t know the meaning of but you haven’t asked anyone because you think it’s supposed to be general knowledge? Was there ever something you had to ask someone to explain? I'm that Ravenclaw who always asks questions as soon as I encounter I don't know, and I don't use words without knowing what they mean. Kinda defeats the purpose of words that way.
Have you ever experienced discrimination? Well, Dove has, since people have that "I don't like OCs" mindset. Or "she's related to a canon character, so she's automatically a Mary Sue". It's not as big of a Discrimination as sexism or racism, don't get me wrong! But it HAS limited our scope of interaction, and I personally think it’s a little unfair to make judgments like that.
How do you feel about personal blogs following your rp blog? Go for it.
Have you ever cried while writing a reply? Mmmmaybe once? More often my heartrate just raises a little in an exciting moment, or I write out a ten-paragraph response in a one-hour fit of delighted manic wordsmithing, but I've definitely been touched. (I'm just... not very good at crying when I'm focused on writing. 8F)
Do you read other people’s threads or do you only read your own? There's definitely a bias towards my own! (Before my EHD died, I had about a hundred and fifty rps saved as word documents.) But I also enjoy reading others' threads.
What’s one thing that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you? Hmm...Spelling and grammatical errors. When I was copying chat rps to word docs, I started editing the replies for readability, and that habit kinda transferred to Tumblr, so when I'm not in a hurry, or I have an Unusually Long Attention Span, when I copy the replies, sometimes I'll just edit them, but I'm not mad about it. Just got into that habit.
How do you feel about tagging triggers? Do you tag them? How do you determine what is triggering content and what isn’t? It is absolutely ESSENTIAL for me to have triggers tagged for ME, so of course I extend the same courtesy to others. I don't presume to know what triggers people; I've made it very clear that if anyone needs something tagged, they just have to ask, and I'll tag it. No questions asked. (Though if they want to vent about it, I'm open to that too.)
What advice would you give to someone new to rp? Just GO for it! I know it can be scary and intimidating and overwhelming to see a great writer and think, "Gosh I want to interact with them So Much".. .and you know what, sometimes you will get rejected. Sometimes you just won't mesh with muns. Sometimes your characters don't have a very exciting dynamic. But you'll never find those Goldmine RP Partners if you don't at least ASK.
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? he raped me, so I kinda don’t have any desire to text him
Has someone ever called you at midnight on your birthday? yes! K did one time. MAN that meant the world to me.
Have you ever slept in the same bed as your friend? yup. many times.
Who was the first person you talked to today? K. I woke up early cus I’m trying to get off my sleeping pills and I kept my shades up. When I woke up I had a long stream of messages from K pouring out his thoughts, which honestly was the most welcomed surprise. He had been SO CLOSED OFF lately and it was eating me alive, so to see that he carved out some time to put his thoughts to words, was one of the most incredible ways to wake up, especially after the ways things have been the last 6 mos. I had like an hour to just quietly be still and message back n forth. 
How many text messages are in your inbox? a lot. I keep trying to delete threads. I long to be the kind of person who has like 2 active threads and that way all the new ones are simply answered and deleted.
Will this week be a good one? that’s the goal. It’s a hard one so far, but I think my brain is just SO desperate to return to homeostasis and being happy again, that i’m just trying to grasp every shred of hope I can.
What was the last movie you watched and with who? I’m watching sleepless in seattle cus it helps put me into good dreams and I watch it alone.
Anything happen to you within the past month that made you really happy? uhhhhhhhhhhhh.. well doing the questions tonight was really meaningful to me. The guy at mickeys remembering me was sweet. getting rid of so many car fulls of donations has been great.
What are you wearing right now? jammies.
Do you want to see somebody right now? yeah. invited him and everything
When’s the last time you cried? approximately a half hour ago
Will you regret your next kiss? i really don’t get when this question is asked. why would i? 
Are you a forgiving person? lol don’t ask K this. he might feel differently, but I think I am? I try really hard to be. 
Do you currently have feelings for anybody? i do. 
When was the last time you changed in front of someone? i HATE to do that. like it is one of my most significant insecurities.
Are you the youngest person living in your house? I am
Have you ever liked someone older than you? that’s my preference
Who did you last fall asleep with? with? uhhhhhh I’m goin to guess Dutch when he slept in my bed. but like adult wise? Justin
Would you hug the last person you hugged again? i genuinely can’t remember when I was last hugged.
Now your cell phone, what color is it? uuuuuhhh hold on lemme snap off the case. oOoOo it’s a very pretty silver I think
Who were you last in a car with? probably mom
Who did you text most today? K
Do you have a reason to smile right now? I was very lucky for so long. that’s cool
Did a boy or a girl text you last? boy
Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them? hm. I don’t think so. He SO wanted a kiss and it bothered him I wasn’t into doing that. But I knew I was going to break off our dating cus he kept talking about how he thought it was OK that he held a gun to his sisters boyfriend when he pushed her. idk that didn’t sit well with me.
When was the last time something bothered you? now lol
Would you rather love one person, or have many short relationships? one
Would you prefer to date someone taller, shorter, or the same height as you: taller
Can you be your complete self around the person you like? i can’t anymore, no. but I was able to for like what, 7ish years?
Are you wearing makeup? no
What color was the last vehicle you were in? silver
Is there a person of the opposite gender on your mind? yea
When was the last time you got high? never unless I was maybe like from pain meds the doctors gave me
What’s a word that starts with the third letter of your first name? ambitious
Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? oooooof. no. but I think about it every day. but hard to kiss someone who is like 700 miles away
Do you always answer your phone? not usually. I do for my brothers or my mom or gram or K or nathan. 
Does anyone ever spell your name wrong? usually people like to put 2 n’s.
Will you be up before 7AM tomorrow? I mean off and on likely yes
In the past week have you cried? only about 3457 times.
Do you get along with your parents? I get along very well with mom most of the time. I don’t talk to my dad
What was the last thing you looked up on YouTube? the song “she’s gone” by hall and oates 
Any upcoming vacations? no.
What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? I like strong hands, strong posture, kind eyes, a cute smile, etc.
Do you have alcohol in your house? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LOT. which is interesting considering we probably have collectively 5 drinks the whole year MAYBE between 3 people.
What’s the closest pink object to you? pillowcase
What makes you the happiest right now? seeing K message me.
Are you mad at someone right now? no
Are you ticklish? unfortunately. it really bothers me to be tickled.
Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? my nephews/niece
Would your life be the same without alcohol? yeah. I really don’t care about drinking. I could eliminate it entirely and not notice a difference.
Have you had “the best night of your life? what, like tonight? no I’d say saying goodbye to a nearly decade long friendship is not grounds for best night of my life.
What was the first thing you thought this morning? “i wonder if K is up.”
What were you doing at 2AM last night? just about to go to sleep.
The shirt you’re wearing, does anyone else have it? So its a v-neck pretty old from old navy. It was an exclusive online and they hardly had any so if anyone has kept it this long, there wouldn’t be many people.
If you were offered to smoke some weed right now, would you accept? no. zero interest in anything altering my brain.
Could you go a month without cursing? shore thing
Ever been out of your state? lol. many many many times.
Do you plan on getting drunk or high tonight? no. 
Toilet papered someones house? no.
Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning? morning if I have any intention of my hair looking decent. Night if I want to sleepSO good. I’d love to take two (like someone else boujee I know) but I don’t have my own shower. the shower I use is in someone else’s bathroom which is connected to their bedroom. So I feel it would be a huge inconvenience 
Have you been to New York City? no. 
Can you go a day without laughing? if you asked me this 6 mos ago I would FIRMLY say no. I am an extremely happy and upbeat person. but man these months have just altered me to my core and this isn’t who I want to be. right now, I go dayssssssss without even chuckling.
Is there anybody you wish you would be spending time with right now? yea
Are you tired? a tiny bit.
How many tattoos would you get? none.
Do you get drunk every weekend? i’ve not been drunk in a long time.
Have you held hands with someone in the past 24 hours? no
Who was the last person you high fived? a nephew of mine
How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? none
Do you know how to drive? mhmm.
Will next Friday be a good one? uhhhhhh as far as I know there’s nothing planned. so probably. 
Who was the last person to wink at you? the guy at Mickeys lol
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handssrememberr · 7 years
People fall in love with the thought of love cause they've never had it. you deserve to be alone I deserve better. But most individuals who are so weak they can't find themselves to be alone. I did this already you found my shell already hollow not my fault you decided to go&crush my exterior. You'll find a second in time somewhere on this planet& you'll feel nothing but regret for your choices and where your life led due to the actions you made. I refuse to stay beating myself up over humans who can't see beauty if it hit them self as well. I love deeply im loyal I take care of my person thread by thread I will over come all this but god you're absolutely sick to dump the girl you were living with over txt &disappearing &already jolking up some bitch. I'll be alone&angry & mister "I want our break up ifwe have one to be easy and civil" ha my mom texts you without me knowing and all of a sudden my card "ends up in your brother car" you get to quit another job &delete every picture block me on everything ignore every text change bios "new chapter " my ass BE A MAN and end it to my face use your words!! You're ignoring all your friends all you want is a scene. Attention?! For what. I thought you HATED ATTENTION Ha but you're just gonna use them to sweet talk some little biddy huh cause "sex has never been your calling" huh lies. You're a web of lies. all will see your mess what what it is. I've never seen deceit in such a manner I am overwhelmed and disgusted to my stomach. I hope karma catches up with you and you realize the monster you are. Gonna go find your princess right? Even though you left one behind .. make that a queen. I held it down like no other for you no questions asked so leave a queen behind So unannounced?? Doesn't make you a knight in shining armor. Makes you full of shit. A coward for hurting me this bad &just leaving. Always telling me that your moralistic value is so damn high right? Well I think you meant PRIDE YOU PRICK I swear I'll stop screaming soon &my eyes won't be so hateful but you're so cruel I can't believe you. what happened to my BUDDY You're so selfish I'll pick my damn self up. In spite of you& eveything we were supposed to be.
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