dapper-lil-arts · 1 year
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Comicommission for @hollydaydoe ! woops you just got bunnied..
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lubia-zenite · 2 years
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I kinda miss when they were horrible to each other
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ravenpoefan · 1 year
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Or framed in his office
Anyways, Father’s Day XD
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foldingfittedsheets · 11 months
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My birthday sandwich treat, brought to me by: the lovely souls who sent me birthday treat money.
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dr-dlightfull · 1 year
I don’t hear any sirens approaching, don’t see the biggest danger yet…okay, we’re on the clear…
You good? Hey?
Earth to Buddy here…
[If it doesn't load, experiment s3nding it to discord or sumthing?]
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rysko · 5 months
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This feels v Juliusz core. Tell me I'm wrong!!
Oh i won't tell you you're wrong, you're so right! My boy would be so polite about the bleeding as well lmao
(anyone): are...you okay?
Juliusz: Oh, yes, sorry about that. I'm fineee. That's just a tiny...little...gunshot wound. *pained wheeze* I'll clean it up after i wake up i promise *proceeds to pass out*
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drawbudd · 1 year
Gummy bear tardigrade
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boogeyboyrules · 1 year
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KND Operation D.A.T.E. What if.
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thetooncrew · 2 years
if you get hit with animalization and delightfulization at the same time it takes a screenshot
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messilymoonlit · 2 years
i love taking a look at op’s blog whenever i come across a post that seems to have blown up, because there’s almost always no trace of it. they’re just carrying on, posting and whatnot. something something the mundanity of everyday life is enough but the occasional appearance of the extraordinary is nice too
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patriciavetinari · 2 years
It was against my wishes that I was made to watch the Andor series. I have thoughts.
I'm finding it very hard to discuss because with the entire franchise I feel like it's some sort of topsy turvy alice in wonderland world where we are expected to take very seriously this media that is so simplistic and so devoid of difficulty or nuance or the quintessential greyness and relativity of morals that calling it a series for children is insulting to at least some options of children's media.
I feel bizzare when star wars films (as well as marvel for that matter) are treated and reviewed and discussed as if these stories aren't an equivalent of mass produced plastic mcdonalds toy: utterly generic, simple, inoffensive and lacking any kind of storytelling mastery.
And yet we're at a point when those are not flicks, not something we can agree is fast food of cinema, instead it is treated like something grown adult humans should sit down and discuss as important cultural event of our times. (Not Andor specifically yet, but star wars in general at the very least).
To me, all of this is peppa pig. I cannot take this seriously. I cannot look at those movies and series that are milking themselves for money and are offering the same primitive story over and over and over again and be part of this pretense that this is cinema, that this is for adults. I will not sit with a group of adults and discuss the story and character development in peppa pig. That is not to say peppa pig is inherently worthless! No, I want children of target age to sit down and discuss those things. Learn appropriate level of media comprehension and analysis through appropriate works at appropriate age. Just like I feel star wars franchise in general is meant for pre-teen children, I guess.
And it's bizzare to me not only that the same story and same characters are regurgitated over and over, all of it also has this veneer of seriousness, thoughtfulness, with a pretense of being adult choice of storytelling (and story-listening!). That's the milquetoast liberal message aside even. It's literally the same to me as children's shows getting those grimdark remakes with drugs and sex and incest and rape and murder and abuse added in while it remains a flat, unseasoned, unnuanced story that we are for some fucking reason supposed to sit down and discuss at our lunch breaks because that's apparently what adults consume and discuss.
This is a continuation of that recent tiktok thing about 'not reading a 700 page Russian novel', the battle of anti-intellectualism and snobbism versus lack of curiosity towards anything more challenging than disney. It's disney. It's quintessential disney writing which is not to say the story is necessarily bad: again, for the target audience (which for star wars in its entirety should be in my opinion up to 13 years old) it can be ok. But it's not for adults.
Stat Wars is not for adults. Disney is not for adults. Marvel is not for adults. It doesn't mean it's bad. Graphics are good, yadi yada, spaceahip goes brrrr, it's fine. But I have as much desire as an almost 30 year old to watch or discuss it seriously as I have to watch and discuss peppa pig or spongebob or scooby doo or barbie mariposa.
I'm not even saying it's bad for adults to like children's or teen or young adults' media, keep an eye on it, check it out when it comes out, notice good and bad things about individual pieces, analyze them, admire the art etc etc etc. But the genre and the target of that art should be kept in mind. It should be called what it is: pre-teen sci fi. It should be placed in that category in media libraries, it should be prefaced as such in conversation and when the conversation is about adult fiction, Andor or Star wars (or marvel or disney) should not really take much space in that conversation.
And I'm tired of how much space that primitive writing, those mass produced plastic mcdonalds movies with basic barely liberal messages take up nowadays. I hate that I cannot just say that I don't really check out children's media this days and be understood as someone who doesn't watch marvel or star wars stuff (which is all the same whale anyway).
There's nothing to discuss. Writing is poor, pacing is poor, dialogue is dry, acting is okay (there's not much to act out, everyone had the same expression for the first five episodes), graphics clearly the main point of the whole thing and yeah, I guess, spaceships flying look good.
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ethics-wizard · 2 years
ethics and philosophy is fucking RAD, i wanna hopefully study it just as a hobby after i'm done with mathematics cause it's cool doing a big thunk and having nice lil arguments with people and stuff
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frens now
Exactly a good-natured debate is rousing as any sword fight in my books. *Eats Crown*
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spideysatan · 3 months
its funny how both polin and kanthony fans think that you can only love one couple, like you HAVE to hate polin if you like kanthony. its so stupid.
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allin-lightfoot-1981 · 4 months
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autism-corner · 10 months
yaknow if given a chance with micheal.... i would
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oateyes · 11 months
i made my sister look through my skyrim cook book for things that she actually would eat if i made it and one of the two recipes she bookmarked was the apple cabbage stew. i made it last night and it was definitely good, but i doubt i’ll be making it again. i don’t like sweet things and going into this i knew it would be at least a little bit sweet so i didn’t follow the recipe exactly the way the book said, i did not have leek /: * i used a small yellow onion and i added the thyme to the butter before i added the onion. after i had added the cabbage and said sister walked into the kitchen and said “is that thyme? i don’t really like thyme..” * so i added rosemary * i also sautéed the apple slices (i think it says diced, i sliced thin and then kinda sliced little 1cm pieces) and i had a chicken breast that i needed to use so i cubed it and threw it in. i also think i didn’t add as much water as the recipe called for bc i didn’t have enough bullion )))))): it was supposed to be chicken, the recipe says chicken, but i had to use one beef and i added about 2 tablespoons of flour, and i salted the HELLLL out of it
it was definitely a little bit sweet, but it was really good, i ate pretty much the whole thing, i made my sister get at least seconds before doing so tho
/: and i didn’t take pictures, i didn’t think about it until i was cleaning out the pot. i don’t think i’ll make it again tho bc it was pretty bland
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