#della goes to london
i love british cab drivers
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Notes on the Il Sistina Cats production
I was able to see the Il Sistina Production on three seperate days: 19.10.2023 20:30, 20.10.2023 20:30 and 21.10.2023 16:00. These are my notes on this production.
I will use headlines so you can skip parts you don't want to read.
I'm a lazy ass bitch so I will use the English names and not the Italian ones.
First day I had the full cast.
Second day Grizabella was covered by another actress who played Grizabella a little bit different. Unfortunetly I didn't catch her name when they anounced it.
Third day Quaxo was missing so his lines went to Alonzo.
The Il Sistina production doesn't take place in London but in Rome. This is mostly shown by the setting but is also referenced in the lyrics (I do not speak Italian, but I understand some words). There is for example a street sign on stage which says: "Largo di Torre Argentina" which is a place in Rome and the LED wall in the background shows the Colosseum most of the time. There is also a Roman water fountain on the right side which even dispenses (fake?) water. The is also a street sign with "Via della Gatta" (Street of Cats)
They have a lot of chorus characters: Quaxo is a seperate character from Mistoffelees, they have Jemima AND Syllabub, Electra, Etcetera, George and Bill Bailey who is also named Carbuckety.
This season Bustopher Jones and Skimbleshanks are palyed by the same actor, he plays Bustopher Jones during the first act and Skimble during the second.
Gus is a seperate character with a very strong chorus identity which also takes part in the ball and in the Macavity fight.
The Macavity chorus identity is called Admetus.
Songs and characters:
Jellicle Cats:
Munkustrap is the first character on stage. His make up and wig are the only ones I do not like, but the actor, Sergio Giagomelli, is very good. He does a lot of dancing too. Second on stage is Demeter but she is later scared away by chorus Gus who wants to sit on her spot.
The number is very energetic and I really love the choreography. It "quotes" some of the Lynne Choreo but also the new Broadway one.
The Naming of Cats:
During this song they have the poem on the wall in the background which I found very distracting. They also changed some of the names. One name was Marc Aurel which was fun. The cats move when their names are mentioned. Bombalurina is very dramatic. Her collar sparkles a lot.
White Cat Solo:
Victoria dances next to the fountain. It was very beautiful. At the end Munkustrap joins her and lifts her up.
Invitation to the Jellicle Ball:
After Victoria's solo the lines usually given to Misto are given to the Quaxo character. On the day Quaxo was missing it was given to Alonzo. Still Misto isn't a mute characters, he has some lines later in the play.
The Old Gumbie Cat:
Il Sistina plays that bit where Misto thinks Munkustrap wants to sing and where he is quite disapointed when he doesn't. He needs som comfort by Tanto and Cori afterward. Meanwhile Tugger is still on stage which I've never seen before. Now it's his chance to be annoyed by her. The Gumbie Trio is absolutly amazing, all three of them are even more prominent during the musical. Gus wants to play with Demeters tail but she just smiles at him and goes away to dance with Jelly and Bomba.
Jennyanydots wears a ball of wool. There is tap dancing and rope jumping, mice and cockroaches, but the cockroaches are just knee socks. The number is very fun and energetic.
The Rum Tum Tugger:
First of all I absolutly adore the Tugger design. He is not black but gold, has amazing Make up with a heart and golden glitter eyeshadow. He doesn't have his mane but a big belt and during his number he also wears a white leather jacket. Gus more or less introduces him by showing the audience a poster which advertises one of his shows. First the Gumbie Trio, two younger kittens, Mistoffelees and Mungojerrie dance while Tugger sings. One after another the other Cats return. First Mistoffelees and Mungojerrie try to hold the other girls back (Cassandra and Tanto included) but no chance. They storm the stage.
The line usually sung by Misto, Alonzo or Munkustrap is given to Quaxo again (The terrible bore one). On the day Quaxo was missing it was given to Alonzo again.
The Gumbie Trio also plays a very prominent role in this song. Bombalurina has a great interest in Tugger, Jellylorum is very entertained and enjoys the show and the flirting, Demeter is not that amused by Tugger and his flirting but Vibes with the other Cats and joins the choreo. Sometimes she looked very shocked at him, it was really fun. The acting by Viviana Salvo (Demeter) and Natalia Scarpolini (Jellylorum) is absolutly great during this number, same for Giorgia Cino (Bombalurina).
Giorgia Adamo who plays Tugger does a really great job with his voice and acting. I flirted a lot with the audience. Really cool, really flirty Tugger.
Interesting staging choices were made too: At the end the fangirls do not stay on stage. They place themselves between orchestra pit and audience and look up to the stage where Tugger is performing, so they themselves become part of the audience. Jemima is fangirl number one and screams for Tugger until he shushes her.
Grizabella: The Glamour Cat
All in all the auditorium (Zuschauerraum) is playing a big part in the staging choices. At the end of number Tugger goes down one of the corridors and starts to hiss because he sees Grizabella. He turns around and goes back on stage. Grizabella is following him. First part of her song she sings next to the orchestra pit, then she wants to enter the stage. Munkustrap doesn't want that to happen so he blocks her path. He doesn't want her on stage, as part of the Jellicle Ball or even the play on a meta level. They stare each other down and Grizabella wins the fight. Munkustrap steps back and she can enter the stage.
Tugger attacks her coat and Electra hisses her while Jeima wants to touch her, but not on Munkustraps watch. Demeter and Bombalurina sing the rest of the song, then Grizabella leaves on the other side of the stage again.
I would say in this production Munkustrap and Tugger are her biggest foes. They do not want her around, while Old Deuteronomy and Jemima are her biggest allies.
Bustopher Jones
There is a stone foot on the right side of the stage. This is where Bustopher Jones lives. There is a hole in the foot and he pops out of there on multiple occasions. I didn't understand much of the lyrics but this Bustopher Jones loves Sushi. Jenny is very happy to sing about him, Bombalurina not so much.
Similar to the Broadway Revival this number works with a lot of food shaped props. It's very wholesome and fun.
Bustopher Jones is very involved in the first act, sadly he wasn't in the second act because then the actor plays Skimbleshanks.
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
After Bustopher Jones the Macavity scare happens and interesting enough Macavity really makes an appearance. He wears a coat and a hat. There are lights on underneath his brim (Krempe?), so you can see his face. He has a very evil laughter.
Rosella Lubrina (Rumpleteazer) and Simone Raggozino (Mungojerrie) are both absolutly amazing. Simone does a lot of acrobatics, not just during his number but also during other numbers. The number is very fun with its own choreography and some propbs, like a newspaper article which is about them, a fifty Euro bill and a bucket with holes. The ending of the number is more dynamic but they also do a short version of the cartwheel.
Also Bustopher Jones makes another appearance. He wars a cooks head so I think he sang the line conected to the cook in the lyrics.
The other cats do not seem to dislike them but celebrate them which makes a lot of sense. They do some sort of Polonaise to celerbrate them.
Old Deuteronomy
Mistoffelees announces Old Deuteronomy and then Munkustrap and Tugger sing the song together while Old Deuteronomy goes around in the auditorium, mostly on the first floor.
I think Fabritio Corucci who plays Old Deuteronomy is an Opera singer because sounds very operatic.
The Jellicle Ball
The ball starts and I absolutly loved the choreography. Very fun. One thing I noted during the whole show is that there is a lot emphasis on individuality during the dance numbers. They are synchron but do not move exactly the same, the dancers bring their own style and interpretations to the movements which fits cats very well. Also there are dance groups but these groups are not strict. Cats leave their groups to join the dancing of other groups. Absolutly greatly thought through.
At the beginning of the Ball the make a formation where Cassandra is front center. There is a part during the choreography where Demeter dances alone while the two other groups dance around her. The choreographer knows which characters are important!
The first part of the Bomba section is danced by Bomba, Demeter, Jennyanydots and two other Cats. It's very acrobartic with jumps, splits and floor work, the second part of the Bomba sections are pairs, but other Cats: Tanto and Cori, Mungo and Rump, Misto and Etcetera(?), Munk and Victoria ... They do a dance with lifts. All in all there are more lifts than in the Lynne choreo, more like the Broadway choreo.
Also there is no Victoria x Plato dance. The cats dance in a group while Jemima has kind of a solo next to them. She feels Grizabella's presence. Than the cats lay down. Old Deutoronomy who sits left wants to invite Griz on stage, but Munkustrap is again not happy and so she leaves again, scared away and the ball continuous without her.
The second half of the ball is very energetic and so much fun. There are lot of acrobatics, even Bomba, Jelly and Jenny do some, as far as I remember. Like everybody has to do some. And Gus also does a lot of dancing during the ball which I'm not used to. Absolute great choreo and great energy.
At the end Grizabella returns on stage and the cats hiss at her. Interesting enough Admetus is really, really aggressiv towards her which could be the directors take on the riveraly which Macavity has to the other Jellicle Choice contenders in the 2019 movie. Admetus is really very hissy and aggressiv, he nearly attacks Grizabella but Munkustrap steps between them and hinders him. Admetus is still hissing but leaving the stage (Simone Nocerino played this part so well, he was legit scary, more scary than as Macavity). Cassandra hinders Victoria to touch her. Munkustrap hinders Jemima. Jemima is the last one to leave, Grizabella reaches out to her, but she goes away. Only Old Deut stay back on the side of the stage.
This scene was very interesting. It was like: Munkustrap doesn't want the cats to touch her and to be close to her but he also doesn't want her to get hurt by them so he protects her from Admetus.
Memory Part I
Grizabella is alone on the stage, Old Deut is still near by. She starts her sad dance and sings her song. Malika Ayane is an absolutly amazing singer, voice vice one of the best Grizabellas I've seen live. Old Deuteronomy wants to touch her, to welcome her back. At the end of her song it starts to rain. Curtain.
Towards the end of the intermission the courtain gets lifted and people are alowed to take a picture with Old Deut. More and more Cats enter the stage and play with a tennis ball.
Moments of Happyness
I really loved Old Deuts voice, loved that it was very Opera. Jemima is great too, beautiful voice. Her design reminds me a little mit of the E-Girl trend. She is very cute. Also at the end Jellylorum hugs her before she starts singing about Gus.
Gus the Theatre Cat
Interesting choices were made again: A red curtain appears on the left side of the stage. There is also a door on the right side. For the first part of the song Gus ist not on stage. While Jellylorum is singing his shadows are projected on the curtain and the door. Only when he starts singing he steps on stage, but he doesn't sit down. One time he nearly falls but Rumpleteazer catches him. Also Munogjerrie does a salto when he calls on him (maybe it was the kittens these day part).
They also updated the lyrics. He sang something about Tiktok, Facebook and Likes and one day a woman in the audience was shouting "bravo" to that.
This Gus doesn't seem as frail and old as other Guses. He hardly even hesitates to start the Rumpus Cat number.
Rumpus Cat
The number is mostly sung by Gus and Munkustrap. It's musically quite similar to how the international tour does it, but I think different dog breeds are mentioned. What I also really liked was that the dogs are not seperated by gender. Both genders played both dog breeds. Bomba and Demeter do the wau wau part which usually goes to Rump and Mungo. Bomba, Demeter and Tugger were great dogs. I loved the choreo where all three of them were stomping and they were all so great. Etcetera was also a dog but she was a little bit more scared.
Gus comes out in a costume that reminds more of a pirate which was a fun wink at older productions. He also had a sword and he killed some of the dogs, I think Bomba died first. She did a great job at dying.
They do not play a reprise of Gus the theatre Cat. Gus just leaves and the Skimble number starts.
At the beginning of the number the cats act in the front of the stage. Cassandra is crying (I do not know why) and Misto gives her a handkerchief so she can try her tears. It was quite funny and Gaia Soprano is an amazing Cass all in all, very beautiful, very good dancer, very dramatic, very expressive and also fun. Less proud than your usual Cass I would say.
Skimble appears wearing his uniform und sings his part. The LED wall shows a map of Italy and the route of the train. It goes through Italy, I think south. They also use long glowsticks to build a train. It seemded modernized.
Similar to the 2019 movie the stage production uses tap dancing (even the same step and later a second different step) and the other Cats sit on the ground and drum. It really sounds like a train and at the end Mistoffelees makes a really realistic choo choo noice.
The tap dancing was very simple but very effective and the audience loved the number.
At the end of the number Macavity appears again. There is also a Macavity decoy to show his ability to teleport. The Cats attack him with Mungojerrie leading the way. But Macavity drives them away. He doesn't kidnap Old Deuteronomy yet. Old Deut stays on stage while Demeter begins the song. Macavity is also on stage, moves around in the background and listens to Demeter and Bombalurina, who mostly ignore him.
I really liked the arragement and the choreography of the number. Slightly sexy but also acrobatic and I really did love Bomba and Demeter so much. They are both great actors and dancers, active and central in every single number. Demeters make up is so fucking beautiful and it really just shows that you can do so much more than slap red lipstick on a female character to make her attractive.
There was more jumping at the end of the number. The backgournd dancers later are: Cass, Tanto, Electra, Etcetera Syllabub AND Jellylorum. They enter the stage from different sides and join the dance one after another. Loved the number so so much!
Macavity fight!
The cats come back and attack Macavity. Jenny is the first one to attack. Tugger tries to protect Old Deut but Macavity seems to be winning, so Rumpleteazer attacks Macavity from behind and saves Tugger. Mungojerrie attacks him again too but has to flee. At the end Macavity wins and disapears with Old Deut. He has a very evil laughter.
The fight has also some dance elements. At one time Macavity lifts Victoria, at another time he is lifted by two toms to attack Munkustrap. But all in all it is less brutal than in other productions I've seen.
Also, this production doesn't play the romance between Munk and Deme (or between Victoria and Admetus), as far as I saw, they are just cats, they are just vibing.
Mr. Mistoffelees
The cats do not seem very traumatized but they still want to get Old Deut back. Tugger starts the Mistoffelees song and Misto enters the stage quite at the beginning. He dances a lot and does A LOT of Magic tricks. Similar to Budapest this production descided to do more tricks and less dancing. Cassandra is his magical assistant and even does one trick by herself (cards out of the top hat). One time she is also in a floating box.
Pierpaolo Scida is a very happy, very fun Mistoffelees. He also does a good amount of dancing during the number. I think he was more happy and confident than the 2019 Mistoffelees but the production still took one idea from the movie here. Mistoffelees tries to bring Old Deut back two times, but fails two times. Macavity is seen up on the right side, laughing and holding Old Deut hostage. It seemed a little bit like a magical fight. Whose magic is stronger? Mistoffelees or Macavitys?
After failing two times Mistoffelees is very sad and he crouches on the right side of the stage, hiding his face. Tugger sits next to him, starts to sing again to encourage him to try one last time. He takes his hands and both rise up. Misto tries again and this time old Deut is back.
The Cats celebrate with a very fun choreo, Misto does some turns like in the Lynne choreo and a magic trick (turning a handkachief into a staff) and the number ends.
Grizabella is back and sings her song. I really liked both Grizabellas. This Grizabella is very strong. She didn't fall down, still Jemima sang her part.
Old Deuteronomy does announce her as Jellicle Choice, Victoria is the first one to touch her, Munkustrap second (so he doesn't hate her no more). The other Cats greet her and she goes to the heavy side layer.
The Ad-Dressing of Cats
Old Deut sings the number and the shows end. They dance a little bit on stage and go into the auditorium. End of the play.
End Notes
I really liked this production especially the make up, costumes and choreography. And I loved loved loved Demeter, Bombalurina, Jellylorum and Cassandra. Tugger, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer were absolutly great too.
The whole play seems more fun and less sad and dramatic than in replica productions. The fight was not very brutal and nobody got seriously hurt. Less romance, less violence, less sexy, less nearly dying but very entertaining and with a positive vibe to it. Neither Grizabella nor Gus seemed really like their end was near.
These cats just enjoy each others company and they love celerbrating together, which was very clear during the jellicle ball in a part where they kind of twisted with each other.
This production was really worth the trip!
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polina-me · 1 year
Imagine if there was an Anastasia Au for the caballaeros.
Roles first:
Anastasia — Donald Duck (of course 😏)
Dmitry — Jose Carioca and Panchito
Vladimir — Humphrey the Bear
Rasputin — Lord Felldreke
Bartok — Don't know... Sheldgoose or Leopold? Maybe both
Maria (Empress) — Scrooge McDuck
Nicholas ll — Hortense McDuck
Pooka — Ari
Sofie — Daisy
And now just a facts:
In the cartoon itself, the action takes place from Moscow to Paris. Here from Glasgow to London
Humphrey is a cute daddy bear (and a silent psychologist). They don't take him with them, HE follows them
Della is
Donald finds Ari in winter (as in the original). Ari was unconscious from a cold and Donald warmed him up under his coat and hugs. When Ari wake up, he thought he saw an angel
As you already know, Panchito and Jose play the role of Dmitry, but what exactly does it look like? I'll explain right now
I decided to divide Dmitry into two parts and so it turned out in general. But! That's not all!
Jose uses Donald for money (no wonder). His sick sister and her two sons and his cousin remained in Brazil. He travels the world trying to make money and most of his savings goes to them
Panchito also uses Donald (wonder). His family lives on the version they are trying to buy out
He's trying to make money so they can't buy the farm
The story will be about how Donald learns to accept his voice and his craving for adventure
How will Jose understand that the world rests not only on lies, but also on trust and love
And how does Panchito find out that his family doesn't really care about money and they let him go into the world, for the sake of his freedom, not money
And Scrooge and Della will believe in a miracle again
I do not know what to write next
I'm sorry I didn't answer for so long, I struggled with procrastination and exams!!
Love you, Bye ~♡
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windermeresimblr · 10 months
OC Obscure Associations Tag
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I was tagged by @treason-and-plot! Thank you, Pru! Of course I chose Alasdair.
Animal: Badger. Colors: Green, blue, and red. Month: May (he's a softie and loves to see flowers blooming and the world returning to life, shhh.). Songs: I always associate him with the Master and Commander version of "Musica notturna della strade di Madrid," because it's just such a lovely piece and he originally began life in my head as a companion to Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin. (And perhaps one day he might play a duet with a certain Spanish bluestocking…) And--this is a touch self-indulgent--"Chì mi na mòrbheanna", specifically for a loose translation of one line that goes "in the hunts of the deer shall I roam." Never mind that poor Alasdair doesn't like deer! Number: 8. Plants: Tulips. Smells: I'm hopeless at smells, so consider this a freebie! Gemstone: Freshwater pearls. Time of Day: Early morning. Season: Spring. Places: The loch by the McCarrics' house; his mamma's townhouse in London from when he was a boy; in the forest when sun shines through the canopy. Food: White soup, as in Pride and Prejudice. Drinks: Mulled wine. Element: Earth. Astrological Sign: Aquarius. (This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius / Age of Aquarius / Aquarius…) Seasonings: Mustard, ginger, marigold blossoms Sky: Dawn breaking through the clouds, followed by a wild stormy sky. Weather: Clear and bright; whether sunny and mild in the springtime or brisk and chill in the autumn, he doesn't have much preference. Magical Power: Time travel, of course! (Also he has some psychic ability…he is a very, very good guesser.) Weapon: A claymore. Social Media: He doesn't have one. If he were in the modern era, he'd have an Instagram focused solely on his beloved, spoiled rotten Scottie dog Wee Lassie and her antics, where he would make appearances only as a hand giving her treats or petting her. Make-up Product: None, though as a teen his mother would hold him down and wash his face with all kinds of concoctions to "fix his pimples." This did not work, but fortunately our Alasdair is a handsome man anyways! Method of Long-Distance Travel: Ship. Art Style: He's in the weeds of the 18th and 19th-century Academic style, but I think he'd like the Preraphaelites. I think he'd also love the Fauvists. Fear: Deer (though he'd never admit that), losing control (sorry buddy) Mythological Creature: Centaur. Piece of Stationary: Sealing-wax. When he was a child he would play with bits of sealing-wax, rolling them into balls, squashing them, etc. More than once he burnt his fingers trying to melt it. Three Emojis: He's from the Regency. Modern Alasdair: 🦡🐴🐶 Celestial Body: The Pleiades.
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denimbex1986 · 7 months
'From February 29th in Italian cinemas with Searchlight Pictures Italia and Walt Disney Estranei (All of Us Strangers), a feature film written and directed by British director Andrew Haigh (“Weekend” and “Charley Thompson”). The film, inspired by the novel of the same name by Taichi Yamada (1987), is a personal and painful journey through time starring two of the most beloved Irish actors of our time: Andrew Scott and Paul Mescal, recently nominated for an Oscar for his performance in “Aftersun”.
One night, in his nearly empty apartment block in contemporary London, Adam (Andrew Scott) has a chance encounter with a mysterious neighbor, Harry (Paul Mescal), that disrupts the rhythm of his daily life. As a relationship develops between the two, Adam is haunted by memories of the past and is driven to return to the suburban town he grew up in and the house he lived in as a child, where his parents (Claire Foy and Jamie Bell) seem still alive, with the same appearance they had on the day of their death, thirty years before.
Strangers – The soundtrack
*The film's original music is by composer Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch (Only You, Living, The Forgotten Battle, Censor, Rocks, The Strays). * The film's soundtrack includes the songs: The Power of Love by Frankie Goes to Hollywood / She Who Dares (Big Band Original) by Colman Brothers / Johnny Come Home by Fine Young Cannibals / Is This Love? by Alison Moyet / Build by The Housemartins / I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire by The Ink Spots / I Want a Dog (2018 Remaster) and Always on My Mind by Pet Shop Boys / Promised Land by Joe Smooth / Death of a Party (12″ Death) by Blur / If I Could See the World (Through the Eyes of a Child) by Patsy Cline .
Director Andrew Haigh on using the song “The Power of Love” from Frankie Goes To Hollywood : The idea that I loved that song when I was an 11-year-old queer kid living in suburban England and that I could put it in a movies years and years later, and now being very open about my sexuality, is something I never thought was a possibility. And I get to make a film with queer content – ​​again, something I never thought was a possibility. And I'm in a relationship, which is, again, something I never thought was a possibility. I was like, “Fuck it, I'll do it at the end of the movie.” I absolutely couldn't not do it. I wouldn't even care if no one liked it.
Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch – Biographical notes
Levienaise-Farrouch is a London-based composer and artist, Ivor Novello Award and BIFA nominee and HMMA awardee. Emilie composed the score for the BAFTA, Golden Globe and Oscar nominated film Living , starring Bill Nighy and Aimee Lou Wood, distributed by Sony Picture Classics...
1. Overture (1:50) 2. Harry (2:02) 3. Childhood Objects (1:53) 4. Park (5:25) 5. Come Back Soon (2:45) 6. Remember to Breathe (2 :37) 7. You Were Just a Boy (3:42) 8. Always Running Away (3:40) 9. Drifting Over the Edge (5:09) 10. Can I Hug You Now (2:08) 11. Parents' Bed (8:13) 12. Where Would We Go (2:14) 13. Sleeping in Their Bed (2:35) 14. Always Be Alone (3:35) 15. Whose House Is This (1:40) ) 16. Don't Say It (2:26) 17. Diner (4:22) 18. Harry's Flat (8:06)
The “Strangers” soundtrack is available on Amazon .'
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potionboy3 · 2 years
Jumbo Ask Game: 💋 💛 🌀 for Angelo, please?
Jumbo Ask Game: 💋 💛 🌀 for Angelo, please?
💋 How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
He's the most affectionate one of the family. His brother Achille is the type to be like hug me and you're dead, while Agata is also more introverted by nature. Angelo is definitely the one in the family to actually show his emotions with touch. He would be like this in a romantic relationship as well. Openly showing his love, thinking there's no point hiding it.
💛 In general, how in control of their emotions is your OC? Do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them, not the other way around? What do you think is the reason behind this and is your OC ever concerned about their lack of or good control?
He can get angry easily but it goes away quickly as well. He doesn't control his feelings well, negative or positive. They just come when they please.
It's mostly due being the youngest child and his siblings being so serious. He was also spoiled by his parents.
🌀 Where is your OC from? Where were they born? Do they still live there, if not why did they move? If they still live in the area how has it changed since their childhood? How many places has your OC lived in and where has been their favourite?
He was born in his family home, Palazzo Della Rovere. It's hidden from muggles, as the family line is thought to have ended with Vittoria Della Rovere (1694). The wizard side of the family continues to live hidden from the muggles, now located in Florence.
He later moved to live with his sister Agata in London, wanting to study at Hogwarts. He still visits Italy a lot, but as time passes, his relationship with his parents gets worse and the visits more rare. He definitely prefers living in London and appreciates the culture more, than what he was used to.
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olympic-paris · 2 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … July 21
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1414 – Pope Sixtus IV (d.1484), born Francesco della Rovere, was Pope from 9 August 1471 to his death in 1484. His accomplishments as pope included the establishment of the Sistine Chapel; the group of artists that he brought together introduced the Early Renaissance into Rome with the first masterpiece of the city's new artistic age, the Vatican Archives. Sixtus also furthered the agenda of the Spanish Inquisition and annulled the decrees of the Council of Constance. He was famed for his nepotism and was personally involved in the infamous Pazzi Conspiracy against the Medici family.
Sixtus has been accused of having had male lovers,as mentioned in the diary records of 1484 of the historian Stefano Infessura. Infessura called him a "lover of boys and sodomites", and suggested he awarded benefices and bishoprics in return for sexual favours and nominated a number of young men as cardinals, some of whom were celebrated for their looks (including his own nephews).
While it is indisputable that Sixtus favoured his relatives in the hope of having faithful executors of policy, as was often the practice at that time, there is less evidence of direct corruption or favouritism. The exception may perhaps be Giovanni Sclafenato, who was appointed as cardinal according to the papal epitaph on his tomb for "ingenuousness, loyalty and his other gifts of soul and body" The inscription lends support to allegations that his "physical endowments" helped to inspired the favors that the Pope extended to him. Scurrilous pasquinades were also said to have appeared on the statues of Rome.
The English theologian John Bale attributed to Sixtus "the authorisation to practice sodomy during periods of warm weather" to the "Cardinal of Santa Lucia". Likewise an anonymous work, True history of the lives of the Popes of Rome, circulated in London during 1679, accused Sixtus of setting up a brothel for both sexes. However, such accusations by Protestant polemicists are easily dismissed as anti-Catholic propaganda.
Sixtus IV is remembered most for his art patronage, which included the erection and first decorations of the Sistine chapel. Among the artists most prominent in his reign was the Florentine homosexual Botticelli.
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1887 – Edmund Heines (d.1934) was a Nazi Party leader and Ernst Röhm's deputy in the Sturmabteilung or SA. He was born in Munich on July 21, 1887. He volunteered into the army in 1915 and won the Iron Cross (first class) in 1916. He served the German army during World War I and was discharged as a lieutenant in 1918. In 1925 he joined the Nazi Party, even though he was gay, when it was still a mild socialist organization for workers rights.
He was an intense and cruel leader - convicted to a death sentence for several murders in 1929. But his sentence was commuted to imprisonment and eventually a pardon. His pardon was most likely a pay off.
He joined the Reichstag in 1930 and from 1931 until his death he was the SA leader in Silesia and Deputy for Ernst Röhm, the leader of the SA. During this time the SA had grown more and more violent under his and Röhm's influence and had directed many of their activities toward the Jews, Communists and Socialists.
On the night of June 30, 1934 (commonly referred to as the "Night of the Long Knives" or "Nacht der langen Messer") Edmund picked up an unidentified, young (about 18 years old), SA scout leader whom he may have known for some time. That night SS Detectives and Hitler himself - along with Hitler's chauffeur Erich Kempka - showed up at Edmund's apartment and found him in bed with the scout leader. The story goes (as told by Kempka) that the two men refused to get dressed, and after five minutes, Hitler ordered them both to be shot. They were never seen again.
The Nazis later released a story that Edmund was killed at the home of Ernst Rhoem at Munich, that he had run toward the fuhrer with a pistol when he was killed. It is believed that this story is false.
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1899 – Ernest Hemingway (d.1961) – Homophobe or closet-case? Hemingway, himself sexually insecure, included negative, even abusive portrayals of gay men in his fiction. The hunting-shooting-fishing (and writing) life of Hemingway begins with a little boy who was dressed in girl's clothing by his mother during his early years, a point he would later avoid when mythologizing his youth. He preferred to concentrate on roaming teenage adventures (apparently invented) in which his only problems were the sexual advances of adult hoboes, which he bravely resisted by carrying a knife wherever he went.
During his famous post-World War I sojourn in Paris (as recollected in the memoir A Moveable Feast, 1964), he encountered homosexual people of both sexes but always had greater difficulty dealing with the men than with the women. Lesbians with whom he was capable of being relatively charming included Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas. Stein, who had many conversations with him about homosexuality, seemed to think he was hiding something about himself. This belief has developed into a critical cliché that avers that Hemingway must have been repressing his own homosexuality because of the amount of time he spent abusing other people's. His favorite insults for other men were accusations of impotence, sterility, and homosexuality.
He himself was often accused of being queer—notably by Zelda Fitzgerald, who said he and Scott Fitzgerald behaved like lovers—but such accusations were generally mischievous, made by people who knew how angrily Hemingway would defend his manly, heterosexual virtue.
There are several homosexual characters in Hemingway's fiction; there are also frank homophobes. Jake Barnes, the castrated heterosexual narrator of The Sun Also Rises (1926), is severely affronted when a group of homosexual men clusters around the woman he desires but cannot have. His first inclination is to attack the lot of them with his fists, but it is part of his heroic restraint that he refrains from doing so. The short story "The Mother of a Queen" is about a rich homosexual bullfighter who begrudges the $20 he must spend on his mother's funeral. In "A Simple Enquiry," an Italian major unsuccessfully tries to seduce his young orderly. There is a "pederaste" painter in Across the River and into the Trees (1950) who paints in a saccharine style and hides his sexuality by keeping the company of women. A boy in Islands in the Stream (1932) has to give up his backgammon lessons with an older man when a discussion of André Gide's homosexuality comes too close to a practical proposition. All these representations are more or less negative, some virtually abusive.
Although the most characteristic of Hemingway's book titles is that of the 1927 collection of stories, Men without Women, his fervent admiration for masculine pursuits and the men who pursued them strictly excluded any man who seemed even a little bit queer. Above all, Hemingway is known for his "masculine" voice which, at its best, shapes an exquisitely terse prose style. Underlying his portrayals of the men he respects is the concept of masculinity responding to all potential attacks, or resisting all potential signs of weakness, by exhibiting "grace under pressure." This is the central point of his books about bullfighting, and it is a point that he has to make with frequent homophobic utterances. Mixed in with all the bluster about bulls is the concept of cojones, or balls.
His last book, The Garden of Eden, published in 1986 after his death in 1961, is an extraordinary rhapsody on male sexual passivity, with a central character who needs to be penetrated by a woman more boyish than himself. It offers a kind of solution to the conundrum of the macho man who wants to take the "passive role" in intercourse with another man, but without losing his own masculine status: Let the other boy be a girl.
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1919 – Seymour Pine (d.2010) was an American deputy police inspector with the New York City Police Department (NYPD) who served on the force from 1941 to 1976. As deputy inspector, he led the police raid on the Stonewall Inn, which took place in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969. The resulting Stonewall riots helped spark the development of the nascent gay rights movement in the United States.
The NYPD regularly raided such clubs, seeking to combat prostitution and organized crime activities, and Pine said at the time that three other bars in Greenwich Village had been raided in the two weeks before the Stonewall Inn raid. In his 2004 book Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution, David Carter described the resulting Stonewall riots as being "to the gay movement what the fall of the Bastille is to the unleashing of the French Revolution."
Carter rebutted the notion that Pine was a homophobe, saying that "I think he was strictly following orders, not personal prejudice against gay people". At a 2004 program conducted at the New-York Historical Society, Pine acknowledged that officers "certainly were prejudiced... but had no idea about what gay people were about." He also justified the raid on the Stonewall as a routine way of combating organized crime and noted that arresting gay people was an easy way for officers to improve their arrest numbers since, at least until that night, "They never gave you any trouble."
He later told Carter that "If what I did helped gay people, then I'm glad". As cited in The Advocate in 2009, Pine said that "I don't think not liking gay people had anything to do with it" and asked on the Brian Lehrer Show show about the justification for the raid responded that "When we took the action that we took that night, we were on the side of right. We never would have done something without supervision from the federal authorities and the state authorities."
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1955 – The "Fruit Machine" Homosexuality Test (Day and date are approximate here.) "Fruit machine" is a jocular term for a device developed in Canada that was supposed to be able to identify homosexual people, or "fruits". The subjects were made to view pornography, and the device measured the diameter of the pupils of the eyes (pupillary response test), perspiration, and pulse for a supposed erotic response.
The fruit machine was employed in Canada in the 1950s and 1960s during a campaign to eliminate all homosexuals from the civil service, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and the military. A substantial number of workers did lose their jobs. Although funding for the "fruit machine" project was cut off in the late 1960s, the investigations continued, and the RCMP collected files on over 9,000 suspected homosexuals.
The chair was like one from a dentist's office. It had a pulley with a camera going towards the pupils. There was a black box in front of it that showed pictures. The pictures ranged from the mundane to sexually explicit photos of men and women. It had previously been determined that the pupils would dilate in relation to the amount of interest in the picture. This was called the pupillary response test.
People were told the machine was to rate stress. After knowledge of its real purpose became widespread, few people volunteered for it.
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1962 – C. Jay Cox, born in Nevada, is a screenwriter and director.
Cox grew up in Eastern Nevada and made his first film when he was eight years old (a two-minute film noir called Vampire Cave). Growing up, he continued writing and creating short films. He graduated with a BA in Journalism from Brigham Young University.
He then moved to Los Angeles (where he currently lives) and worked as an actor, performance artist, photographer and other jobs. He began making video shorts, industrial films and documentaries.
After he wrote his screenplay for The Thing in Bob's Garage in 1998, he was given a number of jobs rewriting other people's screenplays. His own screenplay, Sweet Home Alabama, became a box office hit when the film, starring Reese Witherspoon, was released in 2002.
His next film Latter Days, which he wrote, produced and directed, won him several audience awards at film festivals. The title Latter Days refers to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His familiarity with the subject matter came from his upbringing as a fifth-generation Mormon. When he moved to Los Angeles he came out as gay. The film is not autobiographical, but it is deeply personal.
He directed and produced the 2008 film Kiss the Bride, starring Tori Spelling, and is a screenwriter for the 2009 film New in Town, starring Renée Zellweger and Harry Connick, Jr.
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1971 – The release of Everett George Klippert (1926 - 1996) who was the last person in Canada to be arrested, charged, prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned for homosexuality before its legalization in 1969; the reforms which led to Canadian legalization of homosexuality were a direct result of the Klippert case.
Klippert, a mechanic in the Northwest Territories, was first investigated by police in connection with an arson in 1965. Although he was not found to have had any connection with the fire, Klippert voluntarily admitted to having had consensual homosexual sex with four separate adult men. He was subsequently arrested and charged with four counts of "gross indecency".
A court-ordered psychiatrist assessed Klippert as "incurably homosexual", and Klippert was sentenced to "preventive detention" (that is, indefinitely) as a dangerous sexual offender. Klippert appealed to the Court of Appeal for the Northwest Territories; his appeal was dismissed. He then appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada; his appeal was dismissed in a controversial 3-2 decision.
The day after Klippert's conviction was upheld, New Democratic Party leader Tommy Douglas invoked Klippert's name in the Canadian House of Commons, stating that homosexuality should not be considered a criminal issue. Within six weeks, Pierre Trudeau presented the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1968-69 (Bill C-150), an omnibus bill which, among other things, decriminalized homosexual acts between consenting adults. The law passed, and homosexuality was decriminalized in Canada in 1969.
Klippert, however, remained in prison until July 21, 1971, whereupon he was released. He lived twenty-five more years before his death from kidney disease in 1996.
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1980 – Russia: Enso Francone, a 32 year-old Italian in Moscow for the summer Olympics, chains himself to a fence in Red Square to protest Soviet persecution of homosexuals. He was dragged away by KGB officers.
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agrpress-blog · 8 months
Dopo il grande successo della stagione 2022-23 tornerà in scena, dopo oltre 220 repliche, venerdì 9 febbraio 2024 alle ore 21.00 al Nuovo Teatro Orione - via Tortona 7, non lontano da piazzale Re di Roma - la pièce di Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer e Henry Shields Che Disastro di Commedia, regia di Mark Bell, traduzione di Enrico Luttmann, ed interpretata da Stefania Autuori, Matteo Cirillo, Viviana Colais, Valerio Di Benedetto, Massimo Genco, Alessandro Marverti, Igor Petrotto e Marco Zordan. Un grande successo internazionale che in epoche pre pandemia è andato in scena in contemporanea in varie capitali europee: Londra, Parigi, Varsavia, Budapest, Atene e Roma. In Italia, nell’autunno/inverno 2019-20, era al suo quarto anno consecutivo di tournée (dopo il debutto al Teatro Greco del dicembre 2016). Nella sola stagione 2018/19 la commedia ha attraversato otto regioni (Lazio, Piemonte, Lombardia, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna, Toscana, Molise), è andata in scena in ventinove teatri (fra cui due in Svizzera), ha fatto registrare ventidue en plein di pubblico ed è stata vista da circa trentaduemila spettatori. Dopo il grande ritorno nella stagione 2021-22 (aprile 2022 al Teatro Parioli di Roma), lo spettacolo è andato in scena, sempre a Roma, al Nuovo Teatro Orione nel febbraio 2023 e poi al Cinema Teatro Astra di San Giovanni Lupatoto (VR) all’inizio di marzo. «Questo spettacolo, The Play That Goes Wrong, è nato nel 2012, in un piccolo teatro all’interno di un pub di Londra che si chiama The Old Red Lion. Con un massimo di sessanta spettatori a sera e una scenografia “costruita” dagli attori stessi, questo spettacolo ha avuto un tale successo da debuttare poi in prima mondiale nel 2014 ­al Duchess The­atre di Londra […]. La commedia è stata scritta da Jonathan Sayer, Henry Shields e Henry Lewis, appositamente per la Compagnia Mischief Theatre. Mi chiesero di farne la regia, perché molti spunti contenuti nella commedia, provengono proprio dal mio lungo lavoro fatto con loro, come allievi-attori alla LAMDA (London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art). Sono immensamente riconoscente alla Mischief Theatre per questo! È la Compagnia più determinata con cui abbia mai lavorato e il successo della commedia è frutto dell’impegno, della tenacia e del talento comico degli attori. Lo spettacolo ha avuto sette mesi di tournée, in tutto il Regno Unito ed io ho diretto due cast che hanno sostituito, nel tempo, la Compagnia originale […], così come anche i cast internazionali in Ungheria, Australia, Francia […] Come a Londra, ho il privilegio di lavorare con attori di grande talento che si impegnano seriamente e quello che vedrete sarà frutto della loro abilità, dedizione e capacità di essere “stupidi”! Non sottovalutate quest’ultima cosa, si tratta di una capacità straordinaria e rara. Io ho solo aiutato» (Mark Bell) Che Disastro di Commedia narra la vicenda di una compagnia teatrale amatoriale che, dopo aver ereditato improvvisamente una ragguardevole somma di denaro, tenta di produrre un ambizioso spettacolo che ruota attorno ad un misterioso omicidio commesso nel West End negli anni Venti. Il racconto prende forma fra una scenografia che implode a poco a poco su se stessa ed attori strampalati che, con estro e inventiva, provano goffamente a parare i colpi dei vari tragicomici inconvenienti che si intromettono fra loro ed il copione, tanto da non lasciare spazio a nient’altro che a incontenibili risate e divertimento travolgente. Fra paradossi e colpi di scena, gli attori non si ricordano le battute, le porte non si aprono, le scene crollano, gli oggetti scompaiono e riappaiono altrove. Tutto è studiato fin nei minimi dettagli con smaliziato umorismo senza mai risultare artefatto o demenziale. Il ritmo incessante dello spettacolo, se da un lato coinvolge il pubblico in un impetuoso vortice di ilarità, dall’altro manifesta la grande fatica fisica che i protagonisti mettono in gioco per rappresentare i disastri che si accumulano in un crescendo senza controllo.
Da applauso le performances degli otto protagonisti, un cast di istrionici professionisti dalla grandissima abilità nel padroneggiare i tempi comici di recitazione, nel passare continuamente, con grande camaleontismo, da un registro recitativo all’altro, riuscendo così a trasformare la commedia in un vero e proprio gioiellino che porta con sé l’inconfondibile profumo dell’«evergreen». Il regista inglese Mark Bell mette in scena lo spettacolo The Play That Goes Wrong(in italiano, Che Disastro di Commedia) nato nel 2012 in un piccolo teatro all’interno di un pub di Londra, “The Old Red Lion”, con un massimo di sessanta spettatori a sera ed una scenografia “costruita” dagli attori stessi. Questo spettacolo ha avuto un tale successo da debuttare poi in prima mondiale nel 2014 al Duchess Theatre di Londra. Molti i riconoscimenti ottenuti: due Olivier Awards, un WhatOnStage Award, un BroadwayWorld Uk, un Premio Molière, un Tony Award e un Drama Desk. Scritta da Jonathan Sayer, Henry Shields e Henry Lewis, appositamente per la Compagnia Mischief Theatre, è stata tradotta e portata in oltre venti Paesi, sempre diretta da Mark Bell, sbarcando anche in Australia, in Nuova Zelanda e, negli Stati Uniti, a Broadway (prodotta da J.J. Abrams, al suo debutto nel mondo del teatro). Che Disastro di Commedia di Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer e Henry Shields – regia: Mark Bell; traduzione: Enrico Luttmann; interpreti: Stefania Autuori, Matteo Cirillo, Viviana Colais, Valerio Di Benedetto, Massimo Genco, Alessandro Marverti, Igor Petrotto, Marco Zordan; scene: Nigel Hook, riprese da Giulia De Mari; costumi: Roberto Surace, ripresi da Francesca Brunori; musiche: Rob Falconer; disegno luci: Marco Palmieri; scenotecnica: Amodio Srl – Dari Automazioni; produzione: AB Management - sarà in scena al Nuovo Teatro Orione fino a domenica 3 marzo 2024 (orario: venerdì 9, 16 e 23 febbraio e 1° marzo, ore 21.00; sabato, 10, 17 e 24 febbraio e 2 marzo, doppio spettacolo ore 17.00 e ore 21.00; domenica 11, 18 e 25 febbraio e 3 marzo, ore 17.00).
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xoxodella · 8 months
Cordelia Margaret Barber - “Della”
Her father is Marker of the Swans, an office in the Royal Household of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom. He tends to swan welfare and incidents involving swans.
During a week off from work, he spends his Leisure making his way around London where he meets a woman who he becomes smitten with in the week of getting to know her. However she seems to vanish and he goes back to work heartbroken.
One day while eating peanuts by the lake, he tosses some in the water for the swans. The water begins to foam and the birds guide it to him where it takes form of a baby wearing a bracelet with the name “Cordelia” on it.
-Has an ex-boyfriend from the Ares cabin who is very much still hung up on her and consistently trying to woo her despite their break up being his idea.
-Said ex can also be toxic and made a scene in front of the entire camp that no one should try and get involved with her as she belonged to him. Anyone who tried would have to go through him. Palmer saw this as a challenge (as well as hating his controlling attitude) and proceeded to grab Della's face to kiss her and then proceeded to beat her whoop her brother.
-Has charmspeak. This was found out in a rather unfortunate way when she had an altercation with a girl during a field trip and told her to jump off the bridge and the girl listened. She survived, however the event affected Della and that led to her being at Camp Half-Blood.
-Very in-tune with emotions and can see through people when they are fronting. She will 100% bring it up and might psychoanalyze you.
-She breaks the stereotype when it comes to combat. She knows how to defend herself and use weapons. She takes pride in being able to defend herself and still look put together. In heels.
-Has a rather maternal instinct. It was just her and her father and she would care for him just as much as he cared for her.
-Afternoon tea will not be missed and she will pack china with her when going somewhere if she must. Paper cups will never be an option.
-She has a tendency to fall asleep by the water, it soothes her.
-Once Barbie started making more inclusive dolls, she purchased the one that looked like her most because she didn’t have one as a little girl. She keeps it on her nightstand.
-Since there are no rules in capture the flag in regards to her abilities, she will use charmspeak to send campers in the wrong direction. This usually makes her a target people try to take care of early on.
-Has also 100% taken one for the team and wore a bikini during capture the flag.
-Underneath her bed has an array of designer shoe boxes, filled with older CD audio books on fluffy romance. She plays them at night and falls asleep listening to them. This normally leads to the portable CD player running out of batteries quite often.
-She’s also an absolute sucker for love and will even play cupid and try to pair up friends and fellow campers with each other.
-She creates welcome bags for any new campers that shows up with goodies and small things that she believes to be necessary like lip balm, stationary for letter writing, chocolate, etc…
-She avoids walking barefoot on natural Earth as pink roses seem to bloom where she treads. She does not mind it though as she uses the flowers to make rose oil and rose water, both of which she uses daily. Her father has a lovely rose garden because of her.
-She has been on a few quests, usually ones that involving having to fetch something.
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anewswire · 2 years
33 of the Absolute Best TV Shows to Watch on HBO Max
Searching for a premium TV show to settle in with tonight? Despite the HBO Max TV and movie cull of 2022, there are still quite a few quality TV series to binge on the streamer. It helps that it's the home of HBO, Warner Bros. and DC Comics. You'll find something to keep you on the couch. Read more: The best movies on HBO Max What's new on HBO Max in March March 6 - Perry Mason, season 2 premiere (2020): Period drama. Perry, Della and Paul brace themselves for the murder trial of the century. - Rain Dogs, season 1 premiere (2023): Dark comedy. It chronicles the life of Costello Jones, a devoted mother who wants more for her precocious young daughter, Iris. March 12 - The Last of Us, season 1 finale (2023): Post-apocalyptic series. Joel, a hardened survivor, is hired to smuggle Ellie, a 14-year-old girl, out of an oppressive quarantine zone. March 26 - Succession, season 4 premiere (2018- ): Comedy-drama. It explores themes of power and family dynamics through the eyes of patriarch Logan Roy and his four grown children. Best HBO Max original TV series At time of writing, these TV shows all score at least 70 on Metacritic. Comedy Jake Giles Netter/HBO Max Our Flag Means Death (2022—) In this comedy set on the high seas, Rhys Darby plays Stede Bonnet, an aristocrat who abandons his cushy life and family to become the captain of a pirate ship. Spoiler: He hilariously bumbles through the gig. Game of Thrones fans may spot Hodor actor Kristian Nairn hanging out among the crew, and the series also stars Taika Waititi as Blackbeard. Nathan Fielder, best known for his Comedy Central show, Nathan For You (and cringe comedy), writes, directs and stars in this new HBO series. In the show, the comedian goes to extraordinary lengths to let people rehearse moments before they happen. In the first episode, Fielder helps a man prepare for a confession to a friend, and builds an exact replica of the bar they're planning to meet at (the attention to detail is incredible). After planning for any outlandish thing that might happen, we see how the real exchange between the two friends plays out. Bizarre and truly fascinating, The Rehearsal should get some time on your screen. HBO Max A half-hour comedy series from Issa Rae (the star and creator of HBO's acclaimed series Insecure), Rap Sh!t introduces two former friends from high school. Shawna is an aspiring, socially conscious rapper, and Mia is a make-up artist and single mother who works multiple jobs. By the end of the first episode, the young women (now in their 20s) have reconnected and filmed a mesmerizing rap video that takes off on the internet. The show's protagonists are phone-obsessed, constantly checking up on social media and recording videos, and it impacts the viewing experience in interesting ways. HBO Max The great Jean Smart rightfully takes the spotlight in this acclaimed comedy-drama series. Throwing iPads into swimming pools and delivering withering looks, Smart plays Deborah Vance, a legendary Las Vegas comedy diva who must face the prospect of appealing to a younger audience or disappearing into obscurity. She's partnered with Ava (Hannah Einbinder), a young and equally snarky comedy writer, to freshen up her material. Perfectly balancing its biting insight into how the comedy business treats women, with the warmth of an odd couple buddy comedy, Hacks is one of the best originals to come out of HBO Max. HBO Max Starstruck is a classic screwball comedy, starring the lovably goofy Rose Matafeo. She plays Jessie, a twentysomething Londoner who parties it up on New Year's Eve, then later discovers she had a one-night stand with Tom Kapoor, a celebrity played by Nikesh Patel. Follow Jessie as she juggles odd jobs, from cinema worker to nanny, and her blossoming relationship with a film star that involves no high jinks whatsoever. Watch out for scene-stealer Minnie Driver as Tom's agent in this witty, neatly crafted comedy package. HBO Max The Sex Lives of College Girls (2021—) Mindy Kaling co-created this dramedy about four 18-year-old girls who start their freshman year of college together in Vermont. Equipped with distinctly different personalities, the college newcomers navigate love and sex in their own ways. The show is funny, easily bingeable and bolstered by the chemistry between its female leads. A contemporary teen comedy showcasing messy experiences, relatable characters and raunchy jokes. HBO Max I Hate Suzie sees Billie Piper team up once again with Secret Diary of a Call Girl writer Lucy Prebble. The result is a frenetic tour de force of ideas, steered by a vulnerable performance from Piper. She plays the titular Suzie, an actress who, moments after winning a part in a Disney movie, discovers she's one of the victims in a celebrity phone hacking scandal. Each episode explores a stage of trauma, tackling the question of how compromising leaks both upend and perhaps liberate a person's life. Amid the ruthless satire is a wonderful friendship between Suzie and her manager Naomi (Leila Farzad). HBO Max The Righteous Gemstones (2019—) This outrageous series highlights a highly dysfunctional family of famous televangelists called the Gemstones. In the show's first season, a member of the family is blackmailed, and ridiculous antics ensue. John Goodman stars as the family patriarch, Eli, and Danny McBride, Edi Patterson and Adam Devine also commit to the bit, pulling off an absurd and addicting black comedy. The second season of the show just wrapped up, and HBO has already renewed the series for a third. HBO Max From the minds of the gang behind Horrible Histories comes Ghosts, a sitcom that manages to become better and better with every episode. The ever-reliable Charlotte Ritchie (Feel Good, Call The Midwife) stars as Alison, a woman doing up the old mansion she inherited with the help of her amateur builder husband. On top of money problems, their reno plans aren't helped by the ghostly residents who want the house to themselves. If you're on the look out for purely light-hearted viewing, Ghosts delivers a high gag rate, a talented comedic ensemble and even an endearing arc of friendship. Most of all, it's gleefully silly. HBO Max The sibling rivalry is strong and primed for hilarity in this comedy from a couple of Saturday Night Live writers. Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider tell the story of Cary (Drew Tarver) and Brooke (Heléne Yorker), siblings in their late 20s who struggle with the sudden rise to internet fame of their 13-year-old Justin Bieber-channeling brother. Molly Shannon is a treat as their mother, Pat, ushering her children through open doors to success. Once you get over the gimmicky premise, The Other Two's pop culture satire and surprisingly heartfelt storylines are a winning combination. Schitt's Creek fans should give this a look. HBO Max In Barry's opening scene, SNL alum Bill Hader casually leaves a hotel room that contains a dead body. The actor plays hitman Barry Berkman, who isn't happy with life or his unconventional profession, but his path is altered when he travels to Los Angeles and gets roped into performing in an acting class. Barry features plenty of violence and a deeply troubled protagonist, leaning into the "dark" part of its dark comedy designation. But it's also really funny, and there are three seasons to binge. At the very least, you'll want to tune in for truly great scenes between Hader and his acting teacher, played by Henry Winkler. HBO This satirical show follows the family controlling the world's biggest media and entertainment company, whose members become embroiled in a battle to take over as their father's health declines. HBO Max Search Party caught the eye of HBO Max, shifting to production with the streamer in its third and fourth seasons. The latter is arguably its best yet, taking the story of four, clueless millennials to even greater extremes, including a bizarrely brilliant Susan Sarandon cameo. But we begin when twentysomething Dory becomes an amateur detective to track down a missing woman she barely knew in college. Really, she's searching for something else: herself. Equally conceited are her boyfriend Drew, the scene-stealing Elliott and the hilariously blonde Portia. This oddball show somehow creates the perfect cocktail of dark humor, mystery and insane characters. A collector's item that won't come around very often. HBO Max The best TV show of 2021 might already be here. It's a Sin follows a group of young gay men living in London during the '80s, just when HIV/AIDS was first diagnosed. This unique look at the early stages of what became a death sentence is handled with creator Russell T Davies' trademark irrepressible joy for life. The warm, empathetic characters continue to live their lives to the full, flitting between bustling share houses and local bars to the beat of a popping '80s soundtrack. Fast-paced, stylish and eye-opening, with a prevailing sense of hope, It's a Sin is a soaring triumph for everyone to fall in love with. HBO In the words of CNET reviewer Richard Knightwell: "2020 sucked. You got up every morning and it all was all just a tiny bit worse. But every now and then a ray of sun would appear through the clouds. One of those bright spots was Betty, a fly-on-wall-style tale of skateboarding teens in a balmy New York. Utterly real and breathlessly dreamy at the same time, HBO's TV follow-up to the indie hit Skate Kitchen painted a picture of young women facing the world head-on, pushing off and gaining speed and reducing obstacles into things waiting to be jumped over while looking cool. My baby daughter turned one while this show was on, and I can't wait to plonk her on a skateboard. I hope she finds a Betty crew of her own." HBO Max This black comedy takes us from London to Newcastle, Australia, following the misfortune of a woman who loses everything after the untimely death of her husband (don't ask how he died). Broke and desperate, Sammy is forced to return to her hometown with her son and daughter, where she soon discovers she isn't exactly a popular resident. The cringe factor is strong as Sammy does everything in her power to return to London, with some standout moments when she reunites with her bickering brother. Drama Liane Hentscher/HBO This TV adaptation of a popular video game follows hardened survivor Joel (The Mandalorian's Pedro Pascal) and spunky teen Ellie (Game of Thrones' Bella Ramsey) as they face human and not-quite-human dangers in a post-apocalyptic world. HBO Max The White Lotus (2021—) What was initially a limited series was so good HBO renewed it for a second season. The satire about guests at a fancy resort gradually unveils the darker edges of its picture-perfect postcard. The White Lotus features an ensemble cast, including Jennifer Coolidge, Alexandra Daddario, Steve Zahn, Molly Shannon and more hilarious people, who make this series soar. If that wasn't enough, a murder mystery with the big reveal waiting till the very end will keep you thoroughly entertained. Seacia Pavao/HBO Max Following the life of television chef and cookbook writer Julia Child, this drama doles out a generous serving of humor and charm (and delicious-looking food, of course). Sarah Lancashire is endlessly watchable as the famed American cook, who paved the way for future cooking shows with her long-running series The French Chef. All eight episodes of the season are available on the streamer now, and HBO Max has confirmed it's dishing out a second season. HBO Euphoria's second installment is on HBO Max now. This visually stunning series has garnered its fair share of fans, and it's not hard to see why -- the absorbing performances, cinematography and exploration of mature topics make this show shine. If nothing else, stick around to see Dune star Zendaya, who plays teenager Rue. HBO Max A dramatized miniseries that draws in part from a 2004 documentary of the same name, HBO's The Staircase is an enthralling take on a true-life story with fleshed-out characters and an all-star cast. Colin Firth stars as Michael Peterson, a novelist and husband to Kathleen (Toni Collette), who is found dead under suspicious circumstances. You'll want to tune in to see what happens next. Sophie Turner, Dane DeHaan, Parker Posey and others also lend their talents to the drama. Carole Bethuel/HBO In this captivating limited series, Alicia Vikander (Ex Machina, 2018's Tomb Raider) plays Mira, a young movie star who takes a role outside her normal blockbuster -- a criminal gang's muse in a remake of real-life French silent film The Vampires. The HBO show is based on a cult 1996 film of the same name, and both are directed by Olivier Assayas. HBO Max With Station Eleven, post-apocalyptic TV fans are in for a treat. The show's nonlinear storytelling will keep you on your toes, and well-conceived characters add to the appeal. As most of humanity succumbs to a flu-like virus, a young girl named Kirsten and an adult named Jeevan take shelter from the scourge. But from there, the show immediately launches 20 years into the future, which opens the story up to new dramatic turns and keeps us guessing at the past. It's really good TV, and it will likely satisfy those who don't typically opt for post-apocalyptic stories. HBO Small-town detective Mare Sheehan investigates the murder of a young woman, but Sheehan's own life is marred by personal struggles, including a divorce and the death of her son. Animation HBO Max Harley Quinn is an adult-oriented animated series that centers on the baseball bat-wielding antihero. Kaley Cuoco voices the mayhem-prone Harley, who in the first episode breaks up with the Joker and tells him she's going to replace him as the top villain in Gotham. The hilarious, action-packed show also features characters like Poison Ivy, and three seasons are available to binge. It premiered on the DC Universe streaming service before moving to HBO Max. HBO Max Adventure Time: Distant Lands (2020-21) Two years after Adventure Time ended, this four hour-long special came along, and it's a brilliant treat for fans of the animated series. The miniseries nails the spinoff brief, introducing new characters and expanding on the Land of Ooo universe, while remaining true to its source material. Its heroes Finn and Jake, his magical doggo pal, set off on new adventures, along with Princess Bubblegum, Marceline the Vampire Queen and BMO. The hourlong format is a nice way to change up and add to the exciting storytelling. A surprisingly emotional ride packed with every ingredient that made the original so beloved. Thriller HBO Max The Tourist starts its engine with an intense car chase in the Australian outback. More specifically, Belfast star Jamie Dornan is mercilessly chased off road and through the desert by a semitrailer. The next thing we know, Dornan's character is in the hospital with complete amnesia. A fun and twisty miniseries, The Tourist lets us tag along with Dornan as he searches for answers. One mystery that doesn't need solving? What you should watch tonight. HBO Max The Flight Attendant (2020-22) This compulsive thriller starring Kaley Cuoco is one of the best new shows to come out of HBO Max. Cuoco plays Cassie, a reckless flight attendant who sleeps with a passenger on a wild night out. She wakes up in Bangkok with barely any memory -- and a dead body in bed with her. With the ghost of the deceased helping her piece things back together, she sobers up and takes on the mystery of what happened. Watch out for a fantastic title sequence, as well as a surprisingly dark psychological layer. But mainly enjoy the amusing combination of an inept detective bumbling through the world of cold killers. Superhero HBO Max Following the events of 2021's The Suicide Squad, this DC spinoff catches up with Peacemaker (John Cena), our towering, costume-clad protagonist who's just been released from the hospital. Peacemaker believes he's a superhero, but with his oft-repeated phrase about attaining "peace, no matter how many people I have to kill to get it," the title doesn't really suit him. The show establishes Peacemaker's next steps -- he isn't returning to prison, but instead taking part in a black ops mission that will (again) get his hands dirty. The show often lands its jokes, and you'll especially enjoy its entertaining supporting cast. Documentary HBO Award-winning filmmaker Nanfu Wang (One Child Nation, In the Same Breath) directs this fascinating docuseries about the 1985 murder of 68-year-old Helen Wilson in the small town of Beatrice, Nebraska. There's a lot to the story -- six people were convicted for her murder and exonerated 20 years later. In the first episode, we learn about the impact of these events on Wilson's family and the Beatrice community. The show also introduces Burt Searcy, a former police officer who decided to tackle the case. Crime HBO Max Season 1 of Tokyo Vice, a crime drama based on a book by journalist Jake Adelstein, has slickly stepped on to HBO Max. Set in Japan in the late 1990s, this noir follows an American journalist (Ansel Elgort) who eagerly joins the staff of a major Japanese newspaper. A world of grisly murders, neon nightclubs and powerful crime bosses awaits. Paul Schiraldi/HBO This well-reviewed crime miniseries comes from David Simon and George Pelecanos, who've also worked together on The Deuce, Treme and The Wire (which Simon created). It's directed by King Richard's Reinaldo Marcus Green. Based on a nonfiction book written by a Baltimore Sun reporter, the absorbing, six-episode show explores police corruption through a story about the Baltimore Police Department's Gun Trace Task Force. HBO Max With its fifth and final season, this Italian crime drama based on a true story has carved itself a place among the great mafia shows. It stands out for its realistic portrayal of the Naples underworld, following a clan's internal power struggle after its head is arrested. With a dark, claustrophobic atmosphere and believable characters, Gomorrah is a refreshing and complete piece of TV. Read the full article
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The Great British Bake-Off AU!
Yes, this is happening. So a little while ago, I got inspired by this shitpost:
The OG question was sent to @kiatheinsomniac and then bounced to @asscrackcreed from whom I shamelessly have stolen this idea. So shoutout to them I guess.
It was the sign that I needed to write headcanons for the Great British Bake-Off AU. Ngl, I do have a soft spot for this show. It kept me sane when I had to spend a month bedridden during my illness.
Anyway, On your marks? Get, set, bake!:
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
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Originally from Syria, he moved to the UK with his parents as a child. Altaïr learned to bake in the home economics class and took a liking to it. He lives in Leicester with his wife Maria and two sons, Darim and Sef. When he's not baking, he's a book illustrator and stay-at-home dad.
While baking, he likes to use earth-flavored spices like nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, sumac, and mace. He enjoys using orange and lemon zest in his baking too.
Altaïr's strongest side is the technical challenge, and his weakest side is pastry construction. He can make beautiful patterns to decorate his bakes but can't do creative structures. It'll always end up as sth like a square. 
He is one of the calmest bakers on the show. Everything is perfectly planned and tried out multiple times before the challenge. Altaïr doesn't go into a panic mood while under pressure, or at least he doesn't show it.
His signature recipe is cinnamon walnut cake.
Ezio Auditore
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Ezio learned how to bake from his mom, and cooking together was their bonding activity when he still lived in Italy. He's a banker living in Edinburgh. When he's not baking he participates in all free-to-air cooking game shows. 
Unsurprisingly Ezio is a master in the cream department (nothing sexual about this sentence.) He likes using cream, mascarpone, meringue, and egg whites. White, fluffy, and puffy!
Ezio likes deep and slightly bitter additions to his cakes, like coffee or chocolate. He always balances them out with the perfect amount of sugar. It's not too sweet, but you can still taste the deep flavors.
His signature bake is ricotta cheesecake with coffee. He does have more Italian classics in his repertoire, like Torta della Nonna and Torta Paradiso.
He's a very emotional contestant who would cry if something goes wrong (because it's NOT just a cake!) He's very harsh on himself and tends to exaggerate his mistakes. His baking has to be perfect. Otherwise, he'll be dissatisfied with it. He's loud and a show-off in front of the cameras, so the public loves him, and the producers love him.
Connor Kenway
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Connor, though born in the USA, currently lives in London. He works as a home health nurse in Camden (I picked Camden because it's where the Kennway Mansion is ) for a man named Achilles. He bakes to relax after work, and his numerous friends are big fans of his goods.
Due to his job, Connor is good at all the physics and chemistry related to baking. He knows how to structure his bakes and what temperature of the chocolate is the best for the best glossy effect. Things like this.
He's the super competitive baker. He's in the show to win and won't accept anything less than the finale three. His determination is sometimes scary as if he wanted to murder someone who killed his family.
Connor's signature bake is something typically American with a twist. It is a recipe connected to his roots, but a look into the future too. I'd say it's pistachio, pecans, and pumpkin NY-Style cheesecake.
Connor likes to mix tradition with modern ideas but still keeps them quite conservative. There's a fine line between a modern twist and a  baking blasphemy to him, and he tries to balance it out. 
Edward Kenway
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He is a single dad of two, living and working in Swansea as a shipwright. He's an ex-sailor who used to work in the British West Indies. Edward started to bake eight years ago as a pastime with his now teenage daughter Jeniffer after her mother died. When he's not baking he likes to sail with his children and friends. 
His specialty is in the West Indies bakes. Brown sugar and rum are his favorite ingredients, and his signature bake is a burnt sugar essence sponge cake. He likes to use juicy fruits like pineapple or mango in his cakes too.
Edward is the contestant who should add one tablespoon of rum according to the recipe but pours half of the bottle instead.
He's the chaotic baker. His section in the cooking tent always looks like something exploded there.
He's the "I don't want to be the first baker to leave the tent" kind of contestant. He didn't sign up because he believes he's the best, but:  "If I'm not the last, that's a victory to me" kind of guy.
Arno Dorian
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Arno is from Paris but works and lives in London's most posh Royal Borough - Kensington and Chelsea. He's an actor and a ballet dancer. Arno is an artist and a perfectionist. He likes to express himself, and baking is yet another way to do it.
Arno is an expert on anything related to fruits. Jam, marmalade, or addition of fruits to cream or decoration. He likes to use flowers too.
His strong side is the visual aspect of his bakes. He can make the most creative, baked constructions, but they often lack stability. He can make a flying plane cake that looks real, but it'll fall apart way too soon.
Lavender and blueberry meringue cake is the staple recipe of this baker. However, his mother's recipe apfelstrudel is to die for, and it saved him from elimination.
He is a bit dramatic and a natural performer, but he's not as dramatic as Ezio. He still is dramatic.
Jacob Frye
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He is the youngest baker in the tent. Jacob learned how to bake from his grandma in Crawley. Jacob lives in Whitechapel with his partner and a newborn son Emmett (Canon Jacob had to be a young parent if Lydia was born in 1893 when Jacob was 46. Emmett's name comes from the list of known British Assassins used by the Templar Isabelle Ardant and a fanbase theory that he's Jacob's son.) He works with at-risk youth in a Youth Centre as a Mentor/caretaker and is a football (soccer) coach of their team, "The Rooks."
He's the one who adds controversial ingredients like beetroots to his sponges to make them moister. He can come across as pretentious, but he's just an unconventional baker. 
Jacob is the kind of contestant who everyone thinks is going to be eliminated, but he manages to get by and wins the "star of the episode" title in the next episode. You never can tell how he's going to perform in the show.
His signature bake would be something random that nobody expects, like Medovnik cake.
He's the "started baking, had a breakdown, bon appétit!" kind of contestant.
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i need you all to know that i am not built for a life of luxury, but i don’t know how i’ll ever recover from flying business class
the duck is this? reclining to a bed button business?!?!?
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So I hear that the symptoms of coronavirus include interest in making virtual visits of museums, apparently. Here are some museum websites that can fulfill your thirst for virtually-visitable art. The asterisk means I have been there. This is by no means an exhaustive list. I don’t even know why I am doing this.
- Pinacoteca di Brera - Milan *
Brera is the art academy of Milan and the most iconic museum, which contains Italian artworks from the renaissance to modernity including various masterpieces. I also recommend visiting it in person because the neighborhood of Brera is the art district of Milan and it’s really pretty although having lunch there in slightly overpriced, but then what isn’t (really if you are in Milan skip the touristy food places, have Chinese or Japanese, trust me). There’s also a lovely little botanical garden tended to by the botany students. Long story short when you come to Italy visit Milan instead of overcrowding Venice.
- Museo del Novecento - Milan *
This is a stunning exhibition and you also should go there (it’s in Piazza Duomo you can’t miss it) but in the meanwhile visit the website, that contains a selection of masterpieces. They opened a few years ago and it was free to visit for a while as a gift to Italian people, which was really nice of them. It’s not expensive now either and it contains a lot of works by very important artists of the XX century so it’s very worth it.
- Museo Poldi Pezzoli - Milan
Can you believe I’ve never been there? But there’s a lot of stuff in there. The website is not complete yet apparently, but there’s already some interesting things already, including little Japanese sculptures that now I want to go and see.
- Pinacoteca Ambrosiana - Milan
Leonardo, Botticelli, Caravaggio, Raffaello, Tiziano... they’re also digitalizing ancient manuscripts, and there’s also a fuckton of drawings and manuscripts by Leonardo. [Everybody liked that.] I fucking need to go there.
- MAUTO (Museo dell’Automobile) - Turin *
Guys. This is so fucking cool. “But I don’t like cars” you might say. Yeah, me neither. But the ancient cars are so fascinating. If I remember correctly there are also things such as the driving license of the first ever woman in Italy to get a driving license. Visiting the real place is better because the halls are very well done so if you happen to be in Turin drop by.
- Museo Egizio - Turin *
Listen this is the biggest Egyptian museum outside of Egypt and it’s awesome, although the site is sort of confusing but I’m pretty sure there are digitalized resources so if you’re into ancient Egypt try it. Right now the museum contains a temporary exhibition called Archeologia Invisibile (invisible archaeology) and it’s possible to make a virtual tour of the exhibition which is really cool. It focuses on methods and techniques used to study mummies and other kinds of artifacts. Just click on the link and you’re yeeted inside the exhibition.
- Musei Reali - Turin
Actually a group of museums, there’s an online catalogue. There’s a museum of antiquity, modern paintings, even the royal armory (armeria reale). Yeah there’s swords. You can study the blade now.
- Palazzo Madama - Turin
An array of Italian art through centuries.
- GAM - Turin
The gallery of modern art. Weird stuff. Memeable.
- MAO - Turin
Sick of Italian art? Yeah, understandable. Then it’s time for the museum of Asian art! Stuff from all around Asia, from the Middle East to Southeastern Asia. I want to go there. Let me go there, virus.
(Palazzo Madama, GAO and MAO also offer virtual tours with Google Arts and Culture but idk how that works. Links here, under “scopri”.)
- Galleria degli Uffizi - Florence *
The Uffizi Gallery is the quintessential Italian art museum and you really want to check it out. If you visit it in person, make a booking, queues are infinite. (People with disabilities skip the queues in all these museums though, if you are disabled and intimidated by these places with superqueues don’t be, just approach the personnel and you have the right to just get in.)
- Galleria dell’Accademia - Florence *
You might have heard of a lil statue called David by Michelangelo. Yeah, it’s there. But there’s also other things, although since the David is so famous no one really cares about those. Give them some love.
- Actually there’s an online catalogue of most museums in Florence, several of which sound super interesting, but it says they’re having technical problems and the picture don’t load. Maybe save the link, forget about it, and then after some time discover it again, idk. Or consider visiting Florence in person after the coronavirus goes away, I guess. Do yourself a favor and save up and get a real Florentine steak.
- Gallerie dell’Accademia - Venice
I have been in Venice for half a day and just a little tip: you (or someone that travels with you) are in a wheelchair? Consider making a plan for visiting Venice that includes this: go in fact somewhere else. In the meanwhile visit this site, although I can’t figure out how to turn it into English, but I’m sure you can handle a little Italian.
- MUVE - Venice
Actually it’s possible to make a virtual tour of various museums/palaces in Venice with the Google Arts and Culture project, which sounds great. You figure out how it works, the link should explain. I’ll do it myself one of these days.
- Peggy Guggenheim - Venice
XX century artworks, including some by the most famous artists like Picasso, Magritte, Dalí, Kandinsky etc etc.
- Musei Vaticani - Rome *
Did I call the Uffizi the quintessential Italian art museum? I stand by it, but. I mean. The Vatican Museums, you know? It’s a place you should visit at least once in your life. All of Rome actually. They say it’s too big and chaotic but don’t listen to them, listen to me, you must visit Rome when you can. Ask someone for tips on where to eat that is not a tourist trap, and you’re fine.
- Musei Capitolini and all the civic museums - Rome (at the top of the page, click on “all the museums” and you see a whole list, for each museum you can visit the collection)
All collections online, by rooms or subject. The Musei Capitolini is the main museum in Rome except the Vatican, but I also recommend the Centrale Montemartini which is a collection of ancient artifacts located in a repurposed thermoelectric center, which must be fascinating to see in person. I’m planning on visiting it the next time I’m in Rome. (I’ve only been twice, briefly, okay.)
- Museo Ebraico - Rome
It’s located by the Tempio Maggiore, in the neighborhood that was the Jewish ghetto in Rome. There are many other Jewish museums in Italy but I have been right outside this one. It was closed though.
- Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea - Rome
Apparently the largest gallery of contemporary art in the galaxy or something. Worth checking out I think.
- Galleria Nazionale Barberini Corsini - Rome
This contains some super famous paintings, by Caravaggio and others.
(There’s like 285375 museums in Rome I can’t check all the websites but I’m pretty sure I checked the major art ones.)
- Museo della Resistenza - Bologna
Feeling like nurturing your antifascist spirit today? Good.
- Museo Archeologico Nazionale - Naples
Good pictures, very interesting stuff. Statues, mosaics, epigraphs, and so on.
- Museo di Capodimonte - Naples
Very interesting although I don’t think you can browse the site in English. Then again it’s mostly pictures, so.
There’s literally a billion museums in this country and some have very confusing websites which are giving me a headache so I’ll stop here.
A few outside of Italy I can recommend:
- Archaeological Museum - Athens *
I was there and we had a slightly eccentric guide and it was very interesting.
- Museo del Prado - Madrid *
Physically, it’s huge and the halls are numbered in a confusing way that forces you to back and forth and by the end we were exhausted. Maybe online it’s less vexing...
- Museo Thyssen - Madrid *
I loved this museum. Loads of famous artists and interesting stuff.
- Museo Reina Sofía - Madrid *
Yeah we had a lot of time to visit museums in Madrid. This is where the Guernica painting is, you might have heard of it.
- Musée d’Orsay - Paris *
Awesome museum, they have those in Paris, what can you do. I haven’t visited the Louvre because we didn’t have the time, but it also offers an online tour.
- National Gallery - London *
Lots of Italian artworks, actually, and more.
- British Museum - London *
Well, there’s everything from everywhere, because of reasons.
Okay I mean there’s plenty of hyper-famous museums with online resources and you can find them just as much as I can find them, so. Have fun.
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hanmegumi · 4 years
YOUR WOUNDS BLEED ON ME, written by your irresponsible and overly charming Ginny
Chapter 1
Pairing: Sokeefitz
Summary: 19th century, London, Fitz Vacker finds himself in a difficult situation: He's taken it upon himself to charm his best friend, a young lady named Sophie, who comes from a well-known family, and is at risk of being hurt by the cruel society. Trouble comes with artfully disheveled blonde hair and ice blue eyes: Keefe Sencen, who not only will stick around for a while, but who also can charm both Sophie abd Fitz in no time.
TW: None :D
A/N: BRIDGERTON SUPREMACY- No but for realsies, I actually carried this out and im proud qkkajsjjsjs hope you like it (also amsterdam keeps going dw, i will update it on weekends)
@introvertedscarecrow @sunset-telepath @chocolate-mallowmelt @an-absolute-travesty @letmefangirlinpeace @atlxsperalta @artemiassamos @lemontarto @fire-sapphics @itstiger720 @theobliviouswhale @persassabeth-shipper @summer-waves9764 @bianavacker-is-bi-as-hell @aw-fuck-i-dropped-my-crossaint @valkyriesofvelaris
Fitz stared out the window of his chambers, both hands behind his back. Today, it started a new season, where all the ladies his age would start looking for a husband, and all the boys his age—including him—would try to get a wife.
His mother had always said he had to marry for love. No one could be able to force a Vacker into marriage, it was only up to them to choose who to spend their lifes with.
Fitz pursed his lips. He loved Sophie. He enjoyed the afternoons they spent together, reading in the vast library of his father. He liked dancing with her when alone. He adored her.
But never had it been romantically, not in the past, not now. Yet as the season had approached, Fitz grew anxious. Even if she was his age, Sophie had always looked young—too young to marry, and too young to get hurt.
He didn’t wish to get engaged so soon.
But perhaps his plans would have to change. Perhaps, he would have to get in the game.
He turned. “Yes, brother?”
Alvar cocked his head, standing under the threshold. “Our carriage is here. Mother has been shouting for you to make haste.”
“Oh.” Fitz glanced at his reflection to see if he looked good, and then smiled. “Let us leave then.”
As he and Alvar made their way to the first floor, his brother said, “You are wearing fragrance.”
Fitz’s eyebrows shot up. “Mm?”
“It smells like pines.”
“Ah.” Fitz cleared his throat, suddenly self-conscious. “Yes.”
“I thought you didn’t like it?”
“Things change.”
“... I thought you did not wish to marry, either.”
“All the same, Alvar. Things change, most of the time for the better.”
Alvar opened his mouth to argue, but his words were drowned out by Biana saying, “Finally! I thought you would never come!”
“It took you hours to get ready,” Fitz replied.
“I am not the one who has to be there.”
“No bickering,” Fitz’s mother, Della, said. She walked in the hallway, wearing a bigger version of Biana’s teal dress. “It is time. You better be prepared.”
“We are,” Fitz, Biana and Alvar said at the same time.
“Then, let us get going.” Della sketched a snowy smile. “This one will be a night to remember.”
On the neighboring house, the Dizznees were just starting to get prepared—quite the challenge, considering the triplets were a mess. Not far away, the prestigious Ruewens were already on their way to the soiree, hosted by the queen and king: Oralie and Kenric. The Songs were already there, chatting with the Heks—and avoiding the Redeks. Such luxurious family would never acquaintance a family that was followed by rumors as if they were shadows.
Fitz got out of the carriage. He heard whispers by his side, and soon realized they were whispering about him.
He forced a smile and, with his family tagging along, walked inside the palace in which the soiree was being held.
And The Waltz Goes On was being played by the king’s orchestra. On the tables rested several golden plates that offered food, and by their side stood tall fountains. Laughter and chatter filled the room.
“Who knew so many people would attend?” Fitz breathed to himself, and smiled when he spotted a blonde hair. He turned to Alvar. “Take care of Mother and Biana. I will...” He gestured toward the Ruewens.
Alvar pursed his lips. “Well, then. Am I to remind you that you are not the only one seeking marriage?”
“Look after them. As a viscount, that is your job.”
And he rushed away before his brother could argue. When he reached the Ruewens, he grinned and touched Sophie’s shoulder.
His best friend gave a little jump before looking at him. She broke into a wide smile. ”Fitz. I did not expect to see you here.”
“Do you think I would leave you alone?” He grabbed a grape from a plate. “How do you find yourself to be?”
“Nervous,” Sophie admitted. “Why are the Dizznees not here yet?”
“The triplets.”
“Would you like to dance?” Fitz blurted out. It was not hard to know she was not in love—yet—but to know that he was not, either. Looking around, there were many pretty ladies and boys. He was throwing a life away for her.
“Miss Foster,” he added when he realized her father was listening.
Sophie blinked, then snorted. “Dance?”
He nodded.
“With you?”
He nodded again.
“Fitz, I will dance with a suitor. If I dance with you, they will believe I am taken, and I do not...”
She trailed off, staring at something. Or at someone. Fitz followed her gaze, and felt a tiny surge of anger when he saw a certain family.
Ah, he thought. The Sencens are here.
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denimbex1986 · 5 months
'Andrew Haigh, after the award-winning 45 years , returns behind the camera for a second Chekhovian drama, in which "the poles of the story" are two, Adam (Andrew Scott), a shy television screenwriter with a painful past and Harry (Paul Mescal), the only other tenant of a condominium/skyscraper 'with large windows' ( high-windowed flats they call them in England) from which you can glimpse the London skyline. They meet one evening, on the seventh floor, Harry, half drunk, knocks on Adam's door and asks him to come in to drink some Japanese whiskey together, or "do whatever [Adam] feels like", because he feels lonely , but Adam refuses, he has just started writing about his parents who died in childhood due to a car accident. It is the prologue of a dark staging, concentrated on the foreground, in which the exposition is often suffocated, diluted, combined with a montage that makes the fade the most evident of the meta-textual indicators 'of the spatial flow of time'. In the film, in fact, the temporal dimension is rarefied , the story between the two is always immersed in a plastic Augustinian present, and Adam's past also remains a past that keeps the present as its interpreter; distances, especially temporal ones, in the film are always reproduced in spatial terms: the distance between the apartment block and the city, between the apartment block and the childhood home in Sanderstead, a suburb of London - aka the daily path between present and past - ; the space of Adam and Henry's bodies which is slowly reduced, the distance from the parents, the missed hugs, the choice of Henry's father not to console him when as a child he heard him crying in bed at night. Time, therefore, expressed in a spatial sense, constitutes the platform on which Haigh creates the three-dimensional drama of the protagonist, as Capra rightly writes : Adam is alone as an orphan, homosexual and as a human being.
The iceberg principle
According to Hemingway, the writer should focus exclusively on the surface of a phenomenon, of an emotion. The well-known metaphor is that of the iceberg (traces of it can be found, for example, in Viaggio Americano (Bompiani, 1997) by Fernanda Pivano, or in Festa Mobile (Einaudi, 1964)): as the mass of the ice is mostly more hidden under the surface of the water, so the writing must leave much of the message unanswered. In Strangers, I think Haigh turns the principle on its head, and creates a character, Adam, who compulsively scratches the surface of the water. What is upside down, however, is not the size of the iceberg, but the point of view from which one looks at it, upside down, often unrestrained, fearful. At the same time, the solitude of the writer (another solid Hemingwayan principle) becomes the solitude of those who "know little of the real", that is, the unfathomable. The director connects the ends of this gap - the distance (spatial and emotional) between the poles of the iceberg - shaping the gothic features of Taichi Yamada's novel (from which the film is freely inspired) into fantastic projections, which mimic and amplify the the protagonist's memory bulimia.
The New Worker wrote that Strangers is a film that talks about 'recollecting', that is (more or less) remembering , which from the Latin etymology means re-bringing something close to the heart. To this, regarding the film, I would add the need to belong , in the best romantic (poetic) tradition - it is no coincidence that the film was shot in the director's childhood home. Then Adam reformulates the spacetime in which he goes down the stairs in his pajamas on Christmas Day, or dinners with his parents. Haigh's scheme is always three-dimensional, Adam and the two parents facing each other, divided by two counter-fields, immersed in a dispersed light that accentuates the timelessness on a spatial level. In the sequence in which Adam takes his parents to dinner at his favorite restaurant this amniotic dimension implodes; the consequences of loneliness (or of love , Sorrentino would say), fuel a dialogue which, towards the end, seems like a prayer , that of Adam, "stay, don't go away yet". It seems to me like the same implosion in Manchester by the Sea (Kenneth Lonergan, 2016), if I look at the scene in which Lee and Randi meet by chance in the city and she begs him to listen to him, she wants to know if they will ever be able to have lunch together, she needs to tell him that he doesn't mean the bad things he said to him in the past. Here, Strangers starts from here - Adam's initial 'rejection' -, from an often trivialized empirical truth: in fact it seems rhetorical, but sometimes you have time, sometimes you don't, sometimes "the heart remains broken" as he says Randi to Lee. Strangers , it seems to me, suggests getting closer to suffer less . A dry, powerful 'solution', yes, a little Hemingway-esque, still upside down, like the final plongée chamber to the notes of The Power of Love , in which the fantastic tone returns forcefully - a very spot-on intuition by Haigh, who for certain verses protects us from the stereotype of "trauma as a cliché " feared by Sehgal ( taken from an article in Il post ): the fantastic (etymologically, 'to show') highlights that Adam's identity cannot be reduced to his past; it is, on the contrary, a search for correspondences , an escape . It matters little that the bond is between you and something that doesn't exist, "a forest of symbols" (writes Baudelaire) is enough to face one's ghosts .
Summer with strangers
Haigh's idea of ​​building a story poised between reality and unreality whereby the characters surrounding Adam appear as hallucinations has a precise function, namely to indicate that "things are just relationships" to be put into communication, consequently, what better instrument of imagination/hallucination – in very general terms, also from a neurological point of view, loneliness is understood as a pathology that complicates the establishment of social relationships due to an inflammation that particularly affects the regulation of emotions (i.e. first and foremost the subcortical areas of the amygdala and hypothalamus). It is the suggestion that dates back at least to the Buddhist text The Middle Path (Edizione Multilingua, 2004). Recently, Carlo Rovelli cited it in an interview to describe the nature of quantum dynamics, which in the same way I believe returns the spatial idea of ​​the past as a relationship that Estranei brings with him.
Translating is always a dangerous, revealing game, particularly for Strangers , if we think that the faithful translation of the Japanese title of the novel on which the film is based would sound like Summer with Strangers , or Summer with Strange People , i.e. Adam and Henry. Strange, they, for those who watch them, because they are silent, gay, jammed, out of touch, while they try to take care of each other . Haigh has found his answer to the question of questions: «how do you fall in love?», asks Cathleen Schine in The Love Letter (Adelphi, 1996), «do you fall for it? do you trip?" Haigh's answer is, writing.'
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potionboy3 · 2 years
| Della Rovere Family | Agata | Achille | Angelo |
A little introduction of these siblings in order of birth.  Agata, the only daughter and the oldest child. Agata moved away from Italy  to focus on her career. She works for  the International Magical Office of Law in London.   Achille, second oldest and the first son. After Agata left, he became the family heir which had been a dream of his. 
Angelo, the youngest child and second son. Angelo wanted to go to a proper school instead of being home schooled, and moved to London to live with his sister at age 14. He goes to Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin.  
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