#delta green: alien intelligence
exit-babylon · 1 year
(American) War Department
CIA’s Directorate for Science and Technology Which gathers information with promise for scientific and technological developments which present a superiority advantage for, or a threat against, the National Security, [also contains the “Weird Desk”, which centrally processes intelligence about UFOs and ETs and their interaction with Earth], current Deputy Director of Central Intelligence for Science and Technology is Ron Pandolfi.
Strategic Defense Initiative Office (SDIO) Ballistic Missile Defense Org. (BMDO)
Which coordinates research, development and deployment of Star Wars electromagnetic pulse, killer laser, particle beam, plasmoid, and other advanced technology aerospace weapons.
Department of Energy (DOE) which, besides its cover story of researching cleaner-burning coal and gasoline and more solar power, is principally involved in research and development of: more specialized nuclear weapons; compact, self-sustaining, fusion powered, particle and wave weapons, including electromagnetic pulse, gravitational/anti-gravitational, laser, particle beam and plasmoid applied weapons research; high energy invisibility “cloaking” technology, etc.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories Sandia National Laboratories-West (SNL-W)
Which are involved in nuclear warhead “refinements”, development of new transuranic elements for weapons and energy applications, development of anti-matter weapons (the Teller Bomb: 10,000 times the force of a hydrogen bomb), laser/maser technology applications, and, reportedly, successful teleportation experiments, among other projects, at this Russian nicknamed “City of Death”), Livermore, CA.
Idaho National Engineering Laboratories (INEL), which houses numerous underground facilities in an immense desert installations complex larger than Rhode Island, has security provided by its own secret Navy Base, is involved in nuclear, high energy electromagnetic, and other research, and includes Argonne National Laboratory, West), Arco, ID
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Phillips Air Force Laboratory Which are sequestered on Kirtland Air Force Base/Sandia Military Reservation, and conduct the translation of theoretical and experimental nuclear and Star Wars weapons research done at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories into practical, working weapons), Albuquerque, NM.
Tonopah Test Range SNL’s DOE weapons testing facility for operationally testing Star Wars weapons in realistic target situations, and is adjacent to classified stealth and cloaked aerospace craft and United States-UFO bases at the Groom Lake [USAF/DOE/CIA] Base [Area 51] and Papoose Lake Base [S-4]), Nevada Test Site/Nellis AFB Range, Tonopah, NV.
Haystack (Buttes) USAF Laboratory, Edwards AFB, CA A 30 levels deep, extreme security facility reportedly engaged in alien technology retro-engineering.
Los Alamos National Laboratories The premiere research lab for nuclear, subatomic particle, high magnetic field, exometallurgical, exobiological and other exotic technologies research, Los Alamos County, NM.
Area 51/Groom Lake (USAF/DOE/CIA) Base) and S-4 (Papoose Lake Base) Ultra-secure “non-existent” deployment bases where extremely classified aerospace vehicles are tested and operationally flown, including the Aurora hypersonic spyplane, the Black Manta [TR-3A] stealth fighter follow-on to the F-117A, the Pumpkinseed hyper-speed unmanned aerospace reconnaissance vehicle, and several variants of anti-gravitational craft (U.S.-UFOs).
U.S. Special Forces Command Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, Fl, along with its Western U.S. Headquarters, Special Forces Command, Beale AFB, Marysville, CA, coordinating:
U.S. Army ‘Delta’ Forces (Green Berets) U.S. Navy SEALs (Black Berets), Coronado, CA. USAF Blue Light (Red Berets) Strike Force
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which coordinates the application of latest scientific findings to the development of new generations of weapons.
The Jason Group Elite weapons application scientists, developing cutting-edge science weapons for DARPA, and operating under the cover of the Mitre Corporation.
Aquarius Group UFO technology application scientists, reportedly working under the guidance of the Dolphin Society, an elite group of scientists privy to extremely classified science and technology findings.
Defense Science Board Which serves as the Defense Department’s intermediary between weapons needs and the physical sciences.
Defense Nuclear Agency Currently concentrating on fusion powered, high energy particle beam, X-ray laser, and EM forcefield weapons development and deployment.
U.S. Space Command Space War Headquarters for operating “the next war, which will be fought and won in space”, Falcon AFB, CO.
North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), operating the nuclear survivable space surveillance and war command center deep inside Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs, CO.
Air Force Office of Space Systems Which coordinates the development of future technology for operating and fighting in space.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which operates covert space defense, ET research, and space weapons compartments, in addition to manned Shuttle and unmanned scientific satellite launches.
NASA’s Ames Research Center Which conducts the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Project, Exobiology (alien life forms) Division, and “Human Factors” (PSY-Warfare) Division), Sunnyvale, CA.
Project Cold Empire SDI weapons research – Classified
Project Snowbird Pseudo-UFO’s used as misinformation.
Project Aquarius UFO research – Classified
Project MILSTAR Development and deployment of WW III [space war] command, control, communication and intelligence satellites.
Project Tacit Rainbow Stealth drones/pseudo-UFO’s.
Project Timberwind Nuclear powered space vehicles.
Project Code EVA Space walk based technology.
Project Cobra Mist SDI energy -beam (plasmoid?) weapon research.
Project Cold Witness SDI weapons – Classified
Copyright © 2023 Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults All Rights Reserved.
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agentgrange · 2 years
Following previous field notes dipping into the nature of the Lloigorians and Nylarthotep it felt appropriate to now expand on another major existential threat in this universe; the force that the Conspiracy has taken to (somewhat incorrectly) calling the Mi-Go or Fungi from Yuggoth. As any experienced Agent will tell you neither term is accurate for a variety of reasons. They aren't a "fungi" as such and the term "Mi-Go" is itself a bastardization of the Tibetan mythology. The later comes from the Yuggoth's penchant for engineering physical simulacrum to house their extra-dimensional alien consciousness based on existing species they encounter-- In the Mi-Go's case, the original race of yetis and by some mythos sources the true survivors of Hyperborea.
In the lore as written, the crab-like amorphous spongy fungus-like form that the Mi-Go take are their "true" form. The Himalayan variant of the Mi-Go are an engineered body they psychically occupy, and the Greys phenomenon and abduction event are all puppet constructs created by these "true" Mi-Go for their own nepharious ends. This was all a very clever way of incorporating the mythos into modern conspiracy back in the 90s when Delta Green was first thought up. The team has admittedly gone to lengths to outline alternative forms and interpretations of the Mi-Go in resources since them to keep them intimidating, to the point of openly encouraging Handlers to modify the material as they wish to reflect the ever evolving nature and base uncertainty of the mythos. In that spirit, I propose my own take on the Mi-Go as I represent them in my campaigns. Feel free to use it, modify it, or grant any feedback to how I choose to represent them. The one thing that gives Delta Green a leg up on them, afterall, might yet be the inconsistency with how they are portrayed between different operations.
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Maybe at one point the Mi-Go were higher-dimensional beings of energy living happy lives on the astral plane as Machine Elves, blissfully ignorant of any material reality until every so often their mechanical intelligence slipped on a orgone energy banana peel and accidentally break through into the material world manifesting as a goblin or a certain talking mongoose. More than a few prehistoric psychonauts and magi might have even learned ways to commune with the modern Mi-Go's ancient progenitors making them curious or envious of humanity. Perhaps not only humans but other as yet unidentified corporeal alien intelligences otherwise impossibly separated by space and time also learned the art of hypergeometery and made early contact alongside humanity. These ancient progenitors might even still exist well into this century acting the as "Secret Masters" to modern occult theosophists. Alister Crowley claimed to be in regular contact and instruction from such an extra-dimensional Secret Master named "Lam" who happened to look suspiciously similar to the Greys as they would appear later following the Second World War. For this reason, I've opted to call these pre-Yuggoth entities the Machine Elves or simply the Lam.
As I've gone over in my last post, the Lloigorians are a well of temporal negative energy that are broken shards of a greater primordial Lloigor Field that has mantled role of the Outer God Yabolath, or the Demiurge. Likewise, the Black Prince is a mantle for humanity's ability to achieve a corrupted version of gnosis reliant on dark occult ritual. He is an innately corrupting servant of entropy emerging like a tulpa or godhead from any number of hermetic groups or religious cults that dabble in chaos magick. Likewise, I don't imagine the Mi-Go as an alien species as we'd identify a flesh and blood creature similar to these shifting wells of energy thats broken through to our reality as ancient fae creatures or modern high strangeness.
Enter the planet Yuggoth, or Pluto to us earthlings. Its impossible to say for sure when or how, but at an ancient point in history some relatively simple organism on Yuggoth spontaneously developed the capacity for a communication system similar to mycorrhizal networks. For reasons that have eluded Delta Green's most gifted scientists these networks were capable of recording and exchanging data, in the literal sense of the word, not only between physical links with other organisms in the network but in higher, stranger dimensions. This simple, and impossibly alien "fungi" became a biological hypergeometric circuit boards and any Lam drawn to their network took to them like lightning. Suddenly the once ethereal Lam were given grotesque, crude physical form as the Yuggoth.
In time with ages of immense psychic effort the Lam were able to shape their new spongy bodies into the winged abominations we recognize as "true" Mi-Go today. The eons wasted molding themselves from frozen pond scum to hideous beasts have made them bitter and, lets face it, crazy. But they remembered well their contact with early man and those Secret Masters that avoided being drawn into Yuggoth's astral fly trap. They gaze enviously at those Lam not bound to Yuggothi flesh and covet the elegant human form with its intuitive emotions and decision making above all else. It is the subjugation of the remaining free Lam, and the assimilation of humanity that will lift them to godhood. For the Yuggoth were dragged into this alien world with no mouth, and they must scream.
While the Yuggoth have been able to mold their bodies into the forms of several conquered races in their history since their emergence, the human form retains a certain "je ne sais quoi" that they've struggled unsuccessfully to perfect. For now. The abduction and hybrid program has prompted many modest but promising results, including the modern Greys themselves and several generations of corporeal near-human vessels able to walk among us or work alongside their Majestic-12 "allies." Just as lloigorians take form through projecting a hologram onto reality however, the bodies of "hybrids" made from the hypergeometric "fungi" of Yuggoth are not entirely material and are effected heavily by the observer effect. Form and consistency vary greatly depending on the observers individual perception and relative context, with the least amount of variation among those socially primed to perceive them through cultural norms and memes. This, as well as several iterations and progress made on Mi-Go experimentation, partially explains why the abduction event contains a wide range of different entities until the Zeta Reticuli "Greys" solidified in the American / western consciousness. This theory has caused a great amount of distress among leadership once realized that any material that furthers this perception works to solidify the Yuggoth's hybrid constructs and further their ambitions at infiltrating humanity. It is the opinion of some, including Agent Grange, that indeed any materials that document the Yuggoth in any form of clarity be treated as an extreme cognitohazard including but not limited to The Report, The Bucket, and the Kitchen Sink. Any and all Addendum should be carefully documented for signs of observational crystallization of the Mi-Go phenomenon especially anything claiming to be new coherent information on their origins and ambitions.
Thankfully for now this dimensional uncertainty has been one of the major hurdles in their strategy of domination; the complexity required to give the Lam an ever shifting corporeal shape also greatly limits their ability to recall and parse information especially when reliant on human concepts like "time" and "causality." With the stars drawing near and the end of humanity at hand, there has been a great amount of anxiety among the Yuggoth that humanity and its secrets to a more perfect form might simply slip through their twisting fingers and all progress will be lost within a generation. This has caused a bit of a schism among the Yuggoth in more recent years, with some fully investing in the study of Nylarthotep to bend human perception to their ends more quickly. Others still are capable of grasping the concept of a "sunk cost fallacy" and have turned to the worship of Hastur to better understand human subjectivity and intuition.
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companionwolf · 11 months
tonight's delta green recap
- MONDAY YOU CANT JUST SAY THAT <- he's screaming about info npcs revealed again
- brain: hi. let's eats the device. cronch / me: [hits it a lot with a cardboard tube]
- Monday is not convinced. I am running in circles. Duality of human.
- shoutout to Joy (and thus her player) for taking over questioning Monday bc I currently have a stepped on dog biscuit for a brain 😔
- are the cult and magsoft one and the same? we don't know. but it's a thought
- skeptical Jay is skeptical
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- ^ rolled to persuade the npc to give it to them and got a 77 (crit fail iirc)? wow
- Jay now has a bat that they are very aware would have likely helped to kill them if things had gone different in the combat encounter
- Wilkenson is full of secrets . What have you been through sir. Tell me.
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- ^ HAAANDLER this makes me want to eat glass (in a REALLY good way)
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- 'OK but Jacob with explosions' no he's banned from those I forbid him entirely
- @ Jay: get some goggles and a face mask if you're gonna use that bat
- Agent 'I get excited about fucking up buildings' Jay, who's currently brightening over the idea of cutting MagSoft's power generator off
- MagSoft office has multiple basements? what they got in there? 👀
- professional service + locals + college kids help bodyguard this place. cut to Jay going 'I will beat people with this bat' after a moment of consideration
- there's probably backup generators. yay.
- I think this man's been through the Horrors. <- dude got. Duplicated by a alien intelligence????????
- I always gave my flesh willingly, he says. Like he can just say that and I won't start screaming again (positive)
- FIXERS?????
- me rn at this game:
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- 'he knew what they were and what they do'
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- 'I can talk w them without the device they put me in the box bcuz they were jealous' very rude but also * inhale *
- W H A T
- I'm almost too afraid to ask who Wilkenson means when he says 'them'
- I might just implode from. Whatever this emotion is. It's a good one but yipe
- there's many moulins. OF COURSE.
- I have so much emotion rn I had to walk around my room a few times whisper screaming
- oh hey we're back to Jacob now ya--
- Handler: do a SAN roll please
- me:
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- while Jacob is more concerned with getting the fuck out of here, I'm sitting here like "Sunday no.............................):'
- ...is Jacob in a fucking cave.
- and that's where we end tonight. bye
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hvbris · 2 years
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a mobile friendly muses list 
Lucy Gray Baird -  canon - primary muse
Caesar Flickerman - canon - primary muse
Effie Trinket - canon - primary muse
Prim Everdeen - canon - primary muse
Tigris Snow - canon - secondary muse
Cassia Snow - canon - secondary muse
Clove Heliodor - canon - secondary muse
Lucretia Snow  - OC - primary muse
Codrin Hornbeam - OC - secondary muse
Juniper Hickory - OC - test muse
Dana Scully - canon - secondary muse
Fox Mulder - canon - secondary muse
Clarice Starling - canon - secondary muse
Hannibal Lecter - canon - secondary muse
Eve & Noah Gideon - OCs - primary muse
Brook Graham - OC - secondary muse
Captain J. Hook - Peter Pan - canon - secondary muse
Harley Quinn - DC - canon - request only 
Lord Voldemort - Harry Potter - canon - request only
Luxa - The Underland Chronicles - canon - primary muse
Elliot Alderson - Mr. Robot - canon - primary muse
Wednesday Addams - The Adams Family - canon - primary muse 
Eve Polastri - Killing Eve - canon - secondary muse 
Violet Baudelaire - A Series of Unfortunate Events - canon - primary muse
Count Olaf - A Series of Unfortunate Events - canon - test muse
𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐓𝐀 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍 A secret organization whose goal is to identify and neutralize supernatural threats.
Cassandra Miller - FBI Agent & Delta Green Agent - OC - primary muse
Mina Miller - Amateur Paranormal Investigator - OC - primary muse
Dr. Isaac Soliman - doctor & alien - primary muse
The Horned One - canon - primary muse
Samantha Jacobs - Delta Green HR rep - OC - primary muse
𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐎𝐂𝐬 with various verses
Salomé Blake - daughter of Satan/mean girl - primary muse
Haniel - angel - secondary muse
Dimitri - immortal/first man - secondary muse
Ava Walker - OC - secondary muse
April Becker - OC - primary muse
Jill the Ripper - serial killer/therapist - request only
Olive Bennet - christian girl possessed by a demon - secondary muse
Deirdre Adams - daughter of a black widow, affiliated with @collidingxworlds​​​ & @uselessdevice  - secondary muse
Lavinia Adams - The Black Widow, ​ affiliated with @collidingxworlds​​​ & @uselessdevice​ - request only
AISHA 1.0 - Artificial Intelligence​​​ - secondary muse
Simon Zielinski - CIA spy - secondary muse
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wcrlds · 2 years
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I never should have gone to the surface. I’m too curious. I’m told it’s my worst failing.
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Oh, she’s so… she’s so beautiful. Kes. I think one day she’ll see the sun.
Kes is an occapam. A series native to the delta quadrant, known for their strong telepathic abilities and short lifespan. Most occampans never see the sun, much less the stars, their planet was for centuries controlled by an alien. He gave them everything — food, energy, entertainment. It wasn’t enough for her. She was… curious, and everyone could see it. When she was born, her mother said: she is going to see the sun one day.
And she did. For the first time in centuries, an occampan left their underground home and reached the surface.The sun was glorious, more than she could have ever dreamed of. There, she met a man named Neelix. Kind, funny, he promised her he would take her to see the stars. But the Occampans weren’t the only people living on that planet. Another race, jealous of their prosperity and access to water, took her so she would show them the way to her city. She refused.
Eventually, she was rescued by the Starship Voyager, and there, among the aliens and the stars, she found her home.
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If there’s one thing that this experience has taught me, Captain, it’s that there’s no time like the present.
occampan biology
body temperature: 16C (that’s why you often see Kes wearing several layers of clothes, tights under her dresses, boots to keep her feet warm);
lifespan: average of 24 years (they become adults at 5 and a half years old.)  The occampa, due to their short lifespan, have increased mental capacity, learning things very quickly so they can contribute to their society. Despite their rapid lifespan, they age very slowly for most of their life. Only during the last year of their life they quickly age up - a process known as the Morilogium);
eating habits: they are vegans and they require less food than the average human;
physiology: their average height is 5′2″;
sleeping habits: they only require three hours of sleep per night;
senses: similar to humans;
skin: it has a grainier quality than humans, not as soft;
powers: eidetic memory and general telepathic powers;
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character sheet
She has a dazzling, ethereal beauty, waifish and fragile. But Kes is not frail: there is a dignity to her bearing, an alertness in her look, that suggests a being of powerful intelligence.
name: kes;
nicknames: sweeting (by neelix);
age: 5 + (roughly 20 human years);
weight: 47 kilos
height: 160cm
body build: slim, elfin, delicate
eye color: green
hair color: brown;
skin tone: brown;
predominant features: occampan ears, large eyes, slightly far apart;
hair style: kept in dreadlocks, usually styled in buns or large braids;
voice: low, husky, softly-spoken;
good personality traits: joyous, attentive, bright, assertive,
bad personality traits: secretive, abrasive, worried
mood character is most often in: “It’s a joy to pretend to be this extraordinary creature, so open and everything so new. No sort of cynicism or precociousness or pretentiousness or sarcasm” - jennifer lien.
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It bothers you that I’m making friends of my own. You always have to involve yourself somehow.
neelix and kes: neelix saved her, and for that she will forever be grateful. i don’t acknowledge they had a romantic relationship, i see it as a more of a familial relationship – neelix as sort of an older brother figure who feels responsible for kes and her safety. he is still controlling, possessive; he sees kes eternally as a child, but there is no romantic undertone to it.
Look at me, Captain. I’m the same Kes you’ve always known. I haven’t lost my judgment. I’m not under some alien influence. I believe something crucial is happening to me and I want to see it through.
kes, janeway and tuvok: kes sees janeway and tuvok as parental figures, especially tuvok. he became her mentor, her friend, the person she can turn to when her mind becomes a hurricane she can’t control. he is usually the person who can bring her out of her head. his guidance is extremely important because when it comes to important matters, he doesn’t show where he thinks she should go, he allows her to make a choice. to put it simply, kes worships janeway. she sees her as something larger than life, she is the manifestation of the wonderful ship they are in, she is stronger than a planet but willing to change and adapt when given new information. kes wants to emulate her. she is also the person she feels most comfortable to speaking about personal matters.
Just let me stay for a little while. I haven’t seen you much over the past few days. I miss you.
kes and the doctor: she was the first person to see him as something other than a machine, a thing whose only purpose is to serve the voyager crew.  he was also the first person to see her as something beyond neelix’s companion. the sickbay was the safest place in the ship for her, just the two of them, discovering themselves in this strange new world. she adores him. they never have awkward lulls, conversation flows easily between them.
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I don’t know what happened. I looked at the hypospray and it just came to me.
powers: oh, voyager, you really had to find the weirdest way to write kes out, huh. so, here is my whole spin on the whole thing. instead of her powers being something the writers can bring up from time to time for a plot line, I have that Kes is steadily working with them in the background. She takes a small break after she hurts Tuvok, but he is the first one to say that suppressing them will only lead to a more dangerous situation later. mastering her powers is essential to avoid a repeat of the incident.
teleknesis: the first one she masters, she is very proficient with it. most objects up to 100 kilos she can move without breaking a sweat, it takes more of an effort the heavier the thing is, but up to half a ton, she can usually do it. above that, it requires too much of her.
increased life span: as we saw in the other occampan group, using their powers, mastering them, increases their lifespan. Kes will live probably until she is 32, gaining 8 more years due to her increased control and contant use of her powers.
telepathy: its a work in progress, always. she struggles a lot in creating steady connections, slipping into other people’s minds, or overwhelming the other side with her emotions. she can reach the minds of people far away from her, up to one kilometer.
manipulation of subatomic particles:  she can create fire, increase the speed in which atoms are moving, making plants grow more quickly, and she can also reverse the process, making things freeze. metal turns to water, water to ice.
teleportation:  she can move herself, and objects (such as voyager) to par off places. it is not something she usually does, especially with objects, as it drains her. she can, however, teleport herself across short distances without much of a problem.
time travel + more complicated skills: the depth of her powers is never fully explored, she feels in her chest that she can do more, and she certainly wants to explore it, but she can see the fear in other people’s eyes when she uses her powers, it scares them so it’s never something that becomes a part of her life.
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curiousbuilder · 5 years
My SRMTHFG Theories
I have come up with some new theories and updated an older one. These theories are mere speculation and should be treated as such. I’m doing this for fun, so it doesn’t matter to me if I’m looking too deep into nothing.
Theory 1 : An Intergalactic Human Civilization
In my previous theory post, I speculated that humanity within the Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go! universe colonized at least two galaxies: the Milky Way galaxy and the Shuggazoomian galaxy. They seem to have spread pretty far, but for whatever reason this intergalactic civilization seems to no longer exist.
Remnants of this human civilization:
1. VX808 Modular Computer Tracking Probe
In the episode A Ghost in the Machinder (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o838Q12j4BY), the Hyperforce encounters a giant intelligent starship designated the VX808 Modular Computer Tracking Probe. It claims to be the last surviving member of a race of intelligent machines that originated from the Tallus star system and that the Skeleton King Worm destroyed its world and fellow machines.
VX808′s ‘avatar’ displayed on its screens is a green human face. I believe it to be a possibility that humans had created VX808s’ ‘species’ for various purposes. They were most likely built to mine planets and systems for resources, identify planets for terraformation and eventual colonization, to explore distant regions of the galaxy, and maybe explore distant galaxies.
2. The Old Industrial World
In the episode The Prototype (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqBFekX4T2U), the Hyperforce lands on an old industrial world that was once rich in resources, but has long since dried up. The crumbling factories here most likely once provided this human civilization with various electronics, such as robots, androids, and cybernetics (as the scientists who built the Super Robot and Slingshot were expert roboticists). The inhabitants of the planet most likely emigrated away once the jobs evaporated along with the dried up resources.
3. Human Cuisine
In the episode Girl Trouble (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_zGyKIxZb4), Chiro hangs out with two girls, Certhana (or Serthana? I don’t know) and Corelean. Eventually, the trio stop by a space burger joint and order various human foods such as cheeseburgers, soda, star-shaped fries or chips, and later on throw pie at their ‘attackers’. It seems that human food has become ingrained into the galactic community, suggesting that the intergalactic human civilization has existed for many many years, long enough for their food to become commonplace.
Also, in the episode Wonder Fun Meat World (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et0rAzG92F4) the ‘food’ that Wonder Fun Meat World sold was very similar to fast food sold on our planet. Soda, a french fry, a meat stick shaped like a pizza, etc. Even their mascots can be described as something a human would design.
It is revealed that humans are a delicacy on Cloggy Colon Creature’s home planet. It is possible that, once this human civilization collapsed, many of its former colonies could not defend themselves and were enslaved by aliens, such as CCC’s species.
4. Mining World of Delta 5
In the episode The Sun Riders Return (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEghpF8uUqo), the planet of Delta 5 is a mining colony populated by people who seem human. Sure, their skin color is gray, but that could be because of them having evolved to better suite their planet’s environment. It is possible this mining colony was set long ago by the intergalactic human civilization during its decline or maybe even before then.
5. Humans In Two Galaxies
In the episode Belly of the Beast (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiRtpEZSayg), we see the Skeleton King Worm arrive in orbit around Earth. Our Earth! The planet is in our modern age, which is strange considering that Shuggazoom is extremely more advanced than Earth is, despite them both being populated by the same species in two separate galaxies. Why is this? I speculate that Earth was once colonized by humanity, but was most likely still being developed when the intergalactic human civilization collapsed. Perhaps, after they were cut off from the rest of humanity, ancient Earth regressed back into the Stone Age due to not being able to sustain itself due to a lack of development, technology, and access to knowledge that was probably supplied to them by the other human colonies.
6. What is Shuggazoom?
 Throughout the series, Shuggazoom is shown to be a planet with a single city in which humans dwell. Outside of this city, however, is a region known as the Zone of Wasted Years. What happened to this region? Why is it a wasteland? Why have humans all decided to live in Shuggazoom City?
I believe that Shuggazoom could have either been the original home world of humanity, was a former colony that was also cut off from the rest of humanity but kept its high technology, or was even the former capital of this intergalactic human civilization! The name ‘Zone of Wasted Years’ implies that it was once a promising and valuable region that humanity worked hard to develop. It could have been a region where many megacities existed, or even where vast industrial complexes once stood. Whatever it was, it was very important.
Out of all three possibilities, I believe Shuggazoom was once the home world of humanity and their civilization, but not their capital planet. The Zone of Wasted Years could have been created by a destructive civil war that engulfed most of the planet, and possibly their entire civilization, forcing the surviving humans on the planet to build Shuggazoom City.
Theory 2: Jinmay’s Possible Origin
In the first episode of the series Chiro’s Girl (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2avHSs_o0GM&list=PLKYsfT7yVchQ6a_BeJb1zkH9FnLvWO7_A) we discover that Skeleton King found Jinmay deactivated in space, wiped her memory, and planned to use her against Chiro.
My theory is that she was built by the Alchemist’s former science partners in an attempt to create a sapient android before they moved on to create Slingshot. It is possible that Skeleton King recognized his partners’ designs and hardware and would explain why he was able to access her systems and delete her memory.
Theory 3: Galactic Smash
In the Galactic Smash arc (the arc starts here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgXF3iQoYh4), many warlords across the universe are participating in a competition known as Galactic Smash, in which the warlord with the most inhabited planets destroyed by their forces will become the number one player.
Why does such a game exist? Why do these warlords dedicate their forces to the merciless annihilation of inhabited worlds, for a seemingly meaningless title? My theory is that the Dark Ones themselves are using these warlords to bring about the destruction of the universe, which is what the Dark Ones desire. These warlords are possibly being used as pawns, ignorant of the invisible hands that move them along the cosmic chess board towards oblivion. Once these warlords destroy everything, they will undoubtedly be destroyed by the masters they did not know they had, who no longer need them.
I hope you enjoyed these theories! I enjoyed fleshing them out.
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mousetaur · 6 years
On the Beauty of Oysters
(I wrote two Scotty/Keenser fics in one day, send help)
Lieutenant Keenser gets a new officer delivered to him at Delta Vega. And he finds himself becoming quite enchanted by the loud-mouthed, rude, brilliant engineer. 
(Roylans are colourblind, if you are wondering why Scotty’s hair is green)
Read also on AO3  Machinery hummed around the run-down work station. Steam puffed out of motors and dreamily leaked off of surfaces. A clanging echoed from a particular machine. It stopped and a four-foot-tall craggy faced alien popped out. Lieutenant Keenser popped out and turned a switch on a nearby panel. The machine he had been working on hummed to life and he made a satisfied noise. Not that there was anyone around to hear it. 
When he had first been posted to Delta Vega, there had been a whole team of engineers, along with a medic, a cook and a few scientists. Over time, various individual's work had been completed, people were promoted, transferred or left for other reasons. Eventually it was just Keenser, monitoring the outpost, maintaining equipment and sending regular updates. He missed having other people around, not least because there was too much equipment for one engineer to handle. It frustrated him that some were falling into disrepair and most everything was dusty because he just didn't have time. And while he'd always been a solitary person, even on Royla, he'd never spent such a prolonged period of time without contact with another living thing. Even the supply shipments that came every two months were delivered by drone.He must have been alone for almost a year by the time an unexpected knocking came the door. As he slowly made his way to the door, the knocking became an incessant banging that worried him. The entry pad on the outside had been broken for some time, so whoever it was must have been stranded in the ice and wind. He rushed down and opened the door.  
"About bloody time, I'm freezing ma arse off out here. " came a woollen voice from inside a hat. The officer shuffled inside, followed by a well laden hover dolly with more supplies than Keenser was used to. The hat was pulled up, revealing a full grey human face. Humans weren't normally this grey, ordinarily it was just their lips, suggesting that this human had changed colour due to the cold. He always found it interesting how easily humans changed colour, especially since he found out it was unintentional. Roylans changed colour to suit their mood but they were generally aware they were doing it, and it took longer than a few seconds for a full facial flush like embarrassment on humans.
"I tried using the door pad," said the human. He had a Starfleet duffel bag over one shoulder. "But the bloody thing shocked me." Keenser nodded. He felt it might be appropriate to speak now. It had been a while since he'd needed to, he hoped he could still form humanoid sounds. Roylans didn't have vocal cords in the traditional sense. "Broken." He managed to grunt out. The flushed man gave him a condescending look. "Broken, aye. Shocked I am." It had been so long since he'd even heard sarcasm, Keenser couldn't bring himself to be annoyed by it. "Look here, I'm meant to report to a Lieutenant Keenser. Can you take me to him?" He asked. Keenser nodded, pointing towards himself. The gesture was either not understood or ignored.   "Me." He grunted. "You?" "Keenser." "You're Lieutenant Keenser?" "Yes."   The man rolled his eyes up to the ceiling, a gesture Keenser had become familiar with in his time in Starfleet.   "Well they told me you're the man in charge so here." He stuffed his hand in his pocket as he spoke and handed Keenser a memory drive. Presumably it held information on why Keenser had suddenly been sent a colleague.  
"So how many other are stationed?" Asked Scotty as they wandered back down the corridor. Clearly no one had briefed him on Delta Vega. Perhaps that's how they got him to agree. Tired of talking, Keenser just shook his head and hoped the gesture would be understood this time.   "So, it's just the two of us in this Godforsaken hole?" "Yes." He managed to reply. He felt a bit sorry for the officer. He wasn't good at human ages, but he guessed from his smooth skin and lack of facial hair that he was a young man. Perhaps just graduated. Probably a mono-syllabic, inexpressive alien was not the most exciting companion for a young man. No matter. In all ways except his work, Keenser was used to disappointing people.  "Do you ever say more than one word at a time?" "Rare."   "Brilliant." 
Keenser set the new recruit, Scotty, to work on a basic machine. One he knew wouldn't matter if it was broken, just in case Starfleet had decided to send him a hopeless mechanic. He'd heard that every now and then some high-ranking official's kid got through on an easy course and then left with no real skills. He went to his office, a storage cupboard he'd put a computer in, and looked at the memory drive. NAME: MONTGOMERY SCOTT RANK: PETTY OFFICER HOMEWORLD: EARTH Montgomery Scott had graduated top of his class and had been the Academic aide to Admiral Jonathan Archer's Advanced Relativistic Mechanic but had sent the Admiral's prized beagle through a warp pad and the pet had been lost. He was since demoted and sent to this outpost. He was not as young as Keenser first thought. Further reading showed that Scotty had a history of struggles with authority but had been showed himself to be a brilliant mind and touch. Well, how fortunate for Keenser that he now had one of the best up and coming engineers in Starfleet all because of a beagle.
He hopped down from the shelf he used as a chair and wandered back into the main work station where he had left Scotty. Only to discover Scotty was not there. This was annoying. However, when he checked the machine, he saw that Scotty had not only fixed it, but had adjusted it slightly in a way that should have increased fuel economy and energy output. He soon located the man by the swears coming from behind a machine. It was the hot water generator to the showers, which had shut down a long time ago. Keenser didn't really require hot water though, so he simply bathed in cold water. There was a part missing, an old part that he hadn't bothered requesting because he didn't have time to fix it. He knocked on the metal belly of the cylinder. "Oh, aye, I fixed that doodad, I don't see why you needed me to really, practically useless. Then I was freezing so I thought I'd have a warm shower. Bloody cold water came out. So I came round here to give her a squiz. She's missing a part but I should be able to reroute the AH!" A shocking sound came out just before the scream. "I'm alright. Ah, there we are." The cylinder shuddered to life, clinking and bonking. Scotty shuffled himself out and smiled proudly.   "Explain." Demanded Keenser.   "What?" "Reroute. Explain." Scotty looked shocked at the command but explained it anyway. Of course. If only Keeenser had had time. The internal bladders that regulated his emotions let out an impressed smell. Not that a human would probably even notice it.   "No shower. Come." He grunted, waving his arm and leading Scotty to other neglected machines. The rest of the day was dedicated to getting some heaters back online, food dehydrators working and other such basics that Keenser hadn't needed but Scotty certainly would.
Over the next week, almost everything in the work station had been looked at, if not properly cared for. Working with Scotty was surprisingly easy. While the green-haired man was very talkative, he knew his stuff. All Keenser had to do was vaguely gesture to a machine and Scotty would figure out what he wanted him to do. Or he would hand Keenser a tool just as the Roylan was thinking about it. It was as though they had been working together all their lives. He liked the way Scotty would hum to himself, or mutter aloud about things he was working on. In his spare time, the Scotsman (Keenser had found this out in an unprompted life story one afternoon) would note down calculations in regards to his transwarp theorem. A few times Keenser edited these formulas, only to be yelled at for his troubles until Scotty had relooked at the edits and thanked him for his contribution. There was a lot of that about Scotty. He seemed rough, yelling and storming around when he didn't get his way. But he respected Keenser's intelligence and was often kind. Keenser had gotten used to climbing up to get things from shelves he couldn't reach but Scotty had built him a small set of portable steps.   "One day you'll fall and crack your head and I'll have no clue how to fix it." Was his explanation. Keenser very much doubted that a fall from such a short height would crack any part of his shell open, but he appreciated the sentiment.  
A while later, after their evening meal which they ate together, Scotty had complained about a lack of alcohol.   "All I want, right, is a nice whiskey. There's plenty o' ice around to put in it, just a drop would help. I'm sick o' bloody protein nibs and bad coffee. A drop o' nice whiskey in ma coffee would perk me up no end."   Keenser had hopped out of his seat and waddled away to his storage locker. He'd brought it with him, then forgotten about it. Now seemed as good a time as any to break it out. He returned and handed the bottle over to Scotty. The green-haired man whistled. "How'd you get this? This is blimmin' expensive. Supposedly the best stuff in the Galaxy." Keenser just shrugged. "Gift."   "What, someone just gave you the most expensive whiskey in the Galaxy as what, a birthday present?" Keenser shrugged again. While he found the story humorous, not everyone he told had. He decided how he came about the alcohol wasn't important. Scotty poured them both a glass and it was quite enjoyable. Scotty went on about whiskey, and Scotland, and how to tell a good whiskey and Keenser listened quite happily.  
Chap Two on AO3
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crimsonsunsets · 3 years
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I never should have gone to the surface. I'm too curious. I'm told it's my worst failing.
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                  Oh, she's so… she's so beautiful. Kes. I think one day she'll see the sun.
- Kes is an occapam. A series native to the delta quadrant, known for their strong telepathic abilities and short lifespan. Most occampans never see the sun, much less the stars, their planet was for centuries controlled by an alien. He gave them everything — food, energy, entertainment. It wasn’t enough for her. She was... curious, and everyone could see it. When she was born, her mother said: she is going to see the sun one day.
- The sun was glorious, more than she could have ever dreamed of. There, she met a man named Neelix. Kind, funny, he promised her he would take her to see the stars. But the Occampans weren’t the only people living on that planet. Another race, jealous of their prosperity and access to water, took her so she would show them the way to her city. She refused.
- Eventually, she was rescued by the Starship Voyager, and there, among the aliens and the stars, she found her home. 
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If there's one thing that this experience has taught me, Captain, it's that there's no time like the present.
occampan biology
temperature: 16C (that’s why you often see Kes wearing several layers of clothes, tights under her dresses, boots to keep her feet warm);
lifespan: average of 24 years (they become adults at 5 and a half years old.)  The occampa, due to their short lifespan, have increased mental capacity, learning things very quickly so they can contribute to their society. Despite their rapid lifespan, they age very slowly for most of their life, only during the last year of their life they quickly age up - a process known as the Morilogium);
eating habits: they are vegans and they require less food than the average human;
physiology: their average height is 5′2″;
sleeping habits: they only require three hours of sleep per night;
senses: similar to humans;
skin: it has a grainier quality than humans, not as soft;
powers: eidetic memory and general telepathic powers;
character sheet
She has a dazzling, ethereal beauty, waifish and fragile. But Kes is not frail: there is a dignity to her bearing, an alertness in her look, that suggests a being of powerful intelligence.
name: kes;
nicknames: sweeting (by neelix);
age: 5 + (roughly 20 human years);
weight: 47 kilos
height: 160cm
body build: slim, elfin, delicate
eye color: green
hair color: dirty blonde;
skin tone: tan;
predominant features: green eyes, occampan ears;
hair style: kept quite short when she is young, but she eventually lets it grow past her shoulders. it becomes wavy (and just a little bit curvy);
voice: low, husky, softly-spoken;
good personality traits: joyous, attentive, bright, assertive, 
bad personality traits: secretive, abrasive, worried
mood character is most often in: "It's a joy to pretend to be this extraordinary creature, so open and everything so new. No sort of cynicism or precociousness or pretentiousness or sarcasm” - jennifer lien. 
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It bothers you that I'm making friends of my own. You always have to involve yourself somehow.
neelix and kes: neelix saved her, and for that she will forever be grateful. i don’t acknowledge they had a romantic relationship, i see it as a more of a familial relationship -- neelix as sort of an older brother figure who feels responsible for kes and her safety. he is still controlling, possessive; he sees kes eternally as a child, but there is no romantic undertone to it.
Look at me, Captain. I'm the same Kes you've always known. I haven't lost my judgment. I'm not under some alien influence. I believe something crucial is happening to me and I want to see it through.
kes, janeway and tuvok: kes sees janeway and tuvok as parental figures, especially tuvok. he became her mentor, her friend, the person she can turn to when her mind becomes a hurricane she can’t control. he is usually the person who can bring her out of her head. his guidance is extremely important because when it comes to important matters, he doesn’t show where he thinks she should go, he allows her to make a choice. to put it simply, kes worships janeway. she sees her as something larger than life, she is the manifestation of the wonderful ship they are in, she is stronger than a planet but willing to change and adapt when given new information. kes wants to emulate her. she is also the person she feels most comfortable to speaking about personal matters.
Just let me stay for a little while. I haven't seen you much over the past few days. I miss you.
kes and the doctor: she was the first person to see him as something other than a machine made to service them. he was the first person to see her as something beyond neelix’s companion. the sickbay was the safest place in the ship for her, just the two of them, discovering themselves in this strange new world. she adores him. they never have awkward lulls, conversation flows easily between them.
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I don't know what happened. I looked at the hypospray and it just came to me.
powers: oh, voyager, you really had to find the weirdest way to write kes out, huh. so, here is my whole spin on the whole thing. instead of her powers being something the writers can bring up from time to time for a plot line, I have that Kes is steadily working with them in the background. She takes a small break after she hurts Tuvok, but he is the first one to say that suppressing them will only lead to a more dangerous situation later. mastering her powers is essential to avoid a repeat of the incident.
teleknesis: the first one she masters, she is very proficient with it, and loves to use it during her off hours for jokes.
increased life span: as we saw in the other occampan group, using their powers, mastering them, increases their lifespan. Kes will live probably until she is 32, gaining 8 more years due to her increased control and use of her powers.
telepathy: its a work in progress, always. she struggles a lot in creating steady connections, slipping into other people’s minds, or overwhelming the other side with her emotions. she can reach the minds of people far away from her, up to one kilometer.
in general, i’ll be erasing the power over subatomic particles as that felt a little too much for me. she can still control atoms (she can make fire grow, she can make plants develop faster), but it never goes beyond that and as this power is very unique and she struggles mastering it, she tends not to use it. she can control herself not to use it, but she has no talent in it.
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It's all right, it's all right, we're taking care of you now.
Now that I’ve finished Voyager, here are some notes about her post-canon. The events of the episode Fury do not happen, Kes remains on Voyager until they reach Earth and from there, she eventually joins Starfleet properly.
During the last four years of the trip, Kes gains a field commission and a rank — Lieutenant Kes, assigned to the medbay. Due to her eidetic memory, after a while, there isn’t a lot left for her to learn, so if there isn’t an emergency, she is allowed to do rotations on other parts of the ship. She is not particularly fond of engineering, but she really likes the bridge (especially pilot duties) and also to help Tuvok with security matters.
Once they return to Earth, she is evaluated by Starfleet Medical. They round out her education and she officially becomes a doctor.
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thebibliomancer · 8 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #96: The Andromeda Swarm!
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February 1972
This is a good cover. Although I haven’t noticed until now but the A on Avengers has just gotten completely out of control. Its off the page somewhere, frolicking with Lesser Dog.
Last time: Ronan in Arctic thwarted; Kree and Skrulls warring; Captain Marvel, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch by Skrulls kidnapped; Rick Jones by Kree kidnapped, Inhumans freed from Maximus’ absolute rule to be placed back under Black Bolt’s absolute rule; and H. Warren Craddock leading a witch hunt against aliens.
This time: AVENGERS IN SPAAAAAAAAACE. Finally. On part eight of this nine part story about a cosmic war.
We even start out on panel one in space.
After helping the Inhumans, the Avengers are paying a visit to the SHIELD space station to borrow a spaceship. Nick Fury is more than happy to lend them one, even and especially if it pisses off H. Warren Craddock.
The only thing the ship needs is a power source and it happens that Mjolnir is a damn good one.
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So off they take off from the station and rocket through the solar system on their way to the Andromeda Galaxy where the Skrull Empire is located.
But at some point beyond Pluto, the “Bogey-Baby” (Nick Fury should not be allowed to name things) runs into a Skrull armada that is headed for Earth.
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And the Skrulls are frankly confused. Nobody would be so dumb as to send a single ship against their armada. So clearly this is a trick of some sort.
The captain switches to manual magno-image (???) and where their radar saw one ship, magno-image sees a fleet outnumbering theirs.
But the Emperor is micro-managing this mission and thinks maybe this magno-image is the real trickery and orders the commandant to investigate. So he launches a probe with just his flagship. See, if its not a trick, then they’ve only risked one ship. If it is a trick, its one ship versus a bigger ship.
And it was a trick. Now the Avengers have to scramble to think of a better one.
Oh, and a brief thing about the original roster. We have Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Goliath and Vision. It’s almost the original roster post issue 4. Except no Wasp.
This is interesting because when Stan Lee turned the book over to Roy Thomas, he told Thomas to try to keep Iron Man and Thor off the book. I think the idea was either to make it easier to keep the continuity of their own books organized or because its harder to threaten the Avengers if they have those two powerhouses on the team. Roy Thomas agreed but as you may have noticed, recently he’s been slipping them back in so much that they may as well be the permanent roster.
For this storyline, it works quite well. You have half of the current team abducted to another galaxy. It adds quite a bit of scale that the original Avengers have to come back to deal with a problem this astronomical. Its not great for Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch though, having to spend a chunk of this story as hostages.
Anyway. The Avengers figure that if they take out the flagship, the armada might flee. So the Avengers launch out of the Bogey-Baby - Iron Man in his armor and the other four in starfighters. In the silence of space, they deflect missiles and lemons headed toward the Bogey-Baby and then Thor and Vision rip open the hull of the Skrull flagship.
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And the Skrulls are kind of freaking out. Thor and Vision are standing in space like its not even a thing. And if that’s not enough, Cap and Iron Man soon join them. Cap even crashes his starfigher through the hull breach to further discombobulate the Skrull defenders.
The Avengers leave Goliath in his ship outside to keep an eye on the armada. And its a sound decision but Goliath can’t help but feel insecure about the whole thing. He threw away Pym’s growth serum and the last dose he took has finally worn off. So now all he’s good for is playing lookout.
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And remember that he became Goliath in the first place because he was insecure about being a bowman on a team of superheroes. And now he’s back to feeling useless.
On the flagship bridge, the Commandant is getting frustrated. After breaching the hull, the four Earthlings seem to have just... vanished. But Earthlings can’t vanish! The briefing material said so! (Discounting Sue Storm, of course.)
And just as the Commandant is yelling that they have to find the intruders, the intruders intrude on the bridge. Thor just rips the blast doors off like nothing and tosses it into the room.
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Dude knows how to make an entrance.
Thor claims that the four Avengers are actually the weakest of Earth’s defenders and tells the Skrulls they better turn their fleet around. Its a really good bluff. Cap tells the Skrulls to return Wanda, Pietro, and Mar-Vell or else the Weakest Defenders will tear this ship apart.
Except the Skrulls did their homework. They know that Iron Man, Thor, and Vision aren’t typical of Earthers.
But before we find out what the Commandant would have done, the Emperor interrupts. He’ll handle this one personally. Via telecommuting.
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He swings the camera around to show the Avengers that Mar-Vell is making an omni-wave projector for the Skrulls. Usually an instantaneous means of communication but also capable of becoming the ultimate death-ray.
Cap can’t believe that Mar-Vell would do this but Iron Man asks what they really know about this guy they’ve never met. WHAT DO WE REALLY KNOW, CAP?
But the Emperor clarifies. Mar-Vell is totally doing it to protect Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, who are being held hostage in tubes.
Why don’t you confirm for the nice folks at home, Mar-Vell?
Except Mar-Vell pulled a ruse. He used the omni-wave projector to create a hologram of himself so he could sneak behind his Skrull guards and punch them in the head.
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And with that done, he can free the two mutant Avengers from their tubes and shoot the Skrull Emperor.
Now that second part doesn’t go as well. The Emperor must have been watching Dune because he has a personal energy-shield.
But since the whole ploy to get the Avengers to surrender didn’t work, the Emperor tells the Commandant to execute Plan “Delta”!
The Commandant orders craft Beta-31 to execute Plan “Delta” from outer space at once. The Avengers are too late to stop the order from being sent but they’re really eager to find out what Plan “Delta” is all about.
And with the other Skrulls on the bridge held at bay by the other three Avengers, there is no one to come to the Commandant’s aid as Vision tears his suit off him and starts beating the Skrull demanding to know: What is Plan “Delta”? Where is the Skrull throneworld? Where are Wanda and the others being kept?
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The other Avengers are aghast. They tell Vision that he doesn’t know what he’s doing. But with his high-speed computer brain he knows exactly what he’s doing.
Thor and Iron Man pull Vision off the Skrull Commandant. And the guy actually decides to talk, although he maintains its because it will do them no good to know.
Craft Beta-31 has already launched. Its a miniature ethercraft armed with a nuclear warhead far bigger than any Earth has built. And its going to turn Earth into a seething, lifeless ball of hellfire. Because if the Skrulls can’t capture Earth, nobody can have it.
But thankfully, Goliath was left outside. And Cap contacts him and orders him to stop craft Beta-31 at any cost!
And as Beta-31 picks up speed to enter hyperspace, Goliath catches up to it and with a VOOM! busts onboard.
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The four Skrulls crewing Beta-31 assume that Clint must have some sinister superhuman power because (to editorialize a little) why dress like that if you don’t?
And the Normal Sized Man Who Is Not And Cannot Become A Giant plays along with the misconception. Because he’s regretting throwing away the growth serum now that he’s trapped with four armed aliens with just his questionable wit to call upon.
And if he fails, Earth becomes a lot hotter.
But lets leave that as a cliffhanger for now.
Because there’s a side to things we haven’t visited in a while. And a kidnapped person we haven’t check on.
So lets swivel over to the Kree Galaxy where a still weirdly green and pink Ronan is berating the Kree that snatched up Rick Jones.
Because he asked for an army of Inhumans to battle the Skrulls and this is just the worst kind of concession prize.
The Kree soldier can’t even account for himself. He just had the weirdest impulse to kidnap a Rick Jones.
Just so incredibly disappointing. If Ronan acted on weird impulses then he’d have murdered this dude by this point of the conversation. But he thinks he recognizes Rick Jones. Oh, hey, didn’t they meet in the Arctic and then Rick Jones helped destroy Ronan’s citadel?
And Rick still likes breaking things that belong to Ronan.
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And he just grabs a weapon from one of the guards and busts it over Ronan.
Ronan is unfazed but impressed. Rick Jones has a kind of rudimentary courage that Ronan doesn’t often see among his own people. Its the exact kind of quality that Ronan likes in his slaves.
So now Rick Jones is his slave.
And so slave Rick Jones will learn humility to temper his courage, Ronan shows him the big Kree fleet that’s departing even now to secure the Earth. Or destroy it. Y’know. Whichever.
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Rick Jones raises a pertinent question. Why all the hubbub about Earth?
That’s a dumb question, you dumb idiot. Look at this convenient war-viz. As you can see, Earth just so happens to lie almost exactly at the midpoint between the Skrull’s Andromeda Galaxy and the Kree Galaxy.
Its of the utmost strategic value to whichever side holds it (because that’s how space war works probably) so it must either be occupied or annihilated. The odds don’t favor Earth’s survival though.
Speaking of bad odds, Rick Jones escaping the Kree homeplanet of Hala. Worse odds even then Earth’s survival. Yes, Ronan did see you try to run away there, Rick. 
And now Ronan is disappointed in Rick. See, he likes courage and humility in his slaves. He also likes intelligence. Specifically the intelligence to accept your fate and become a servile lackey. So this just won’t do.
Don’t you count yourself lucky that you get to be the sole survivor of Earth, Rick Jones?
He does, actually. Because it means that one day he will definitely kill Ronan. Only way to lessen those odds is just to waste Rick right now. What are you waiting for, DO IT!
Ronan responds to this little outburst and attempt at the first intergalactic suicide attempt by locking Rick in a room. A room that happens to have a big computer screen the Supreme Intelligence uses to communicate.
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The Supreme Intelligence introduces its giant gross gestalt intelligence self to Rick.
Rick responds “Man, you’re ugly!”
Rick Jones, master of the first impression.
Rick also brings up another pertinent question, two in one issue, a personal best! But if the Supreme Intelligence is so supremely intelligent, why is he locked up in a broom closet?
And well, he underestimated Ronan and got weakened and locked away. He’s so weakened that he can no longer mentally manipulate the energy shields that protect the top echelon of Kree and Skrulls.
So instead, he’s been manipulating events less directly. He caused the Avengers and Mar-Vell to be hounded by H. Warren Craddock, presumably by making the technicians testify. He sent that dream to Rick Jones that had him tear out of the courtroom. He kept Mar-Vell from realizing that Carol Danvers was really the Super-Skrull until it was too late. And he gave that nameless Kree warrior that Rick Jones kidnapping whim.
Rick Jones buys the Supreme Intelligence’s story. The past few days have been crazy enough that this all comes off as pretty reasonable all things considered. Giant alien brain manipulating things. Sure. Finally the world makes sense again.
But the Supreme Intelligence didn’t arrange all of this just to have someone to talk to. He has plans for Rick Jones. Plans that will decide the fate of worlds without end.
And part of the plan involves throwing Rick Jones back into the Negative Zone face to face with Annihilus.
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-sad trombone-
So next time: the Kree/Skrull War arc ends. Who will live, who will die, who tells your story? Will Earth beat the odds and survive? Will Clint Barton accomplish a thing? Will the Avengers reunite with their kidnapped friends?
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agentgrange · 2 years
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D-- Does. Does the newest lore in Delta Green imply:
1. America only won the Cold War by strong-arming a report granted to them by a malevolent alien intelligence.
2. Gorbachev was a literal, actual puppet leader appointed by Reagan to dismantle the Soviet Union.
3. Dismantling of the Soviet Union had began as early as 1984, and every action taken by the government past that point in the late Soviet Era should be seen as part of the plan of dismantling the USSR on behalf of the United States?
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Star Trek Voyager 3(C) The Tyrokans
The transition between becoming Borg and the Mind Being Numb, Controlled, and then turned back “on...”
Being “One with his own thoughts,” well, that was hell.
Months of flashbacks of being assimilated. The anger from the emptiness of becoming separated from the collective was all to hectic. Doctors sedating and then reprogramming my Nero-implants to bare the stresses of dealing with Human logic and Machines doing the thinking, for you, was bad enough.
The transition became much more rough due to the deep Chemical Bond forged between me and Darren tal.
The mind becomes sick from the loneliness. However, the bond of Ala' Vora made seizures, vomiting, and Total chemical chaos ,of the Human physiology, much worse.
I was like a child learning how to walk, talk, and learn However, the portion of me being made of computer technology made the learning portion of my dilemma as easy as uploading information.
The physical integration of Human walking, eating, emotions...This portion of my recovery was much more complicated.
The sun always looked like a tiny Christmas decoration as it's light shone through the thick transparent aluminum windows of Voyager 3.
     In the Mess Hall, Victor Ganternoff, an ensign for security, had a love for cooking. He was quite the gifted chef. Outside the computer's replicator.
      I always enjoyed his French toast. Now that my Human taste buds were able to taste, once more, I was looking forward to my Dinner/Breakfast.
 “Hey Captain Bullock.    The Usual?:   Victor had this smile that seemed to allure all of the female staff aboard my star ship. He was so excited. After exiting the academy studying Security and Minoring in Engineering, I needed his versatility aboard this new and seemingly unbroken-in machine.
  Compared to my Borg eye implants, and viable Borg flashing implants on my body, he put me to shame. Victor was a true ladies' man.
   ?I'm glad you made it aboard, uh, vic?” I smiled as my half-electronic sounding voice-box tried to sound out my emotion.
    “You look very well, sir. A lot better than at the briefing of your rank being announced. Wow. What it must have been like. Being a machine...Then back to Human?”
“Betazed...I'm Half Betazed. I was bread from a father who was Betazed and a mother who was Human.   Back in my originating century, doctor's just simply thought I was of high Intelligence. Even then, telepathy was only an absurd notion in medical sciences. Little though being of alien descent.”
My vocal processor was unique. Working with the Cortical Implants that once belonged to the Queen of Borg, originally, I was literally a walking Karaoke Jukebox. I could disguise my voice to any voice I have heard.
I was the Royal Medic Drone, Security Detail For The Queen as she regenerated, and a walking transport and assimilation center drone.
I was as close to the queen as Seven of Nine. I had a direct link to her own Nero-net. Outside of the records I read from the ship's log concerning the drone “one” born on Voyager, I was the second most advanced computer-humanoid life form in starfleet.
My computer implants could store the entire ships computer contents within a few nano-seconds. I was a walking database, Defense system, and emergency medical staff all wrapped in one body.
It's still feeling like a few weeks ago when I was captured from the Pheonix iii, assimilated, and assigned to protect and repair any damage the queen had sustained.
I could blow a hole in the side of a star ship as big as a “galaxy class” as big as three decks tall and two and a half decks wide. I was deadly, but , perfect for the “Drix” project.
Darren was doing much better the last few months. Since her revival from life support and having to relearn six months of coma life, Darren Tal was almost better than she had been before.
She felt safer with the new me. Not freaked out. She never looked at me, well, like a “freak.”
She might be connected to me biologically, however, she still could have fainted, cried, ran, or who was in denial of who I truly was.
A lot of the Starfleet staff did have a similar reaction. Some hated me. Despite the fact that I was programmed to kill, assimilate, and defend one of the most infamous leaders of a bionic race that took every civilization as it's own possession.
They never knew her like I did. She truly believed that she was bettering the worlds around here.
She had a passionate smile and a unique personality. When I snapped out of the Hive Mind, even for parts of a brief hour, I noticed her honesty and passion.
I was truly in awe of a Queen of billions of drones from the connection that was only her brain. Amazing.
Victor whipped up four pieces toast, whipped cream, chocolate chips sprinkled with powdered sugar on top. Sausage patties and O.J. “Exquisite.”   I smiled as my ocular implant messaged out the ingredients and names of the foods I was to ingest.
“You know, Vic, I feel like an Old Wikipedia Terminal.:  Laughing..
“What is Wikipedia?” Victor asked in question of my last remark.
“It was an old 21st century Earth Encyclopedia Network run and operated by it's users.”
“Interesting...You really are hundreds of years old?! Wow, sir, you still look only 37 with the implants.” - My emotions sensor could detail his honesty with the compliment. Victor was one of my most honest and loyal crewman. Outside of the famous data. He was still as functional as when aboard the Enterprise F. Except, he too, was fitted with built in weapons and skin that appeared to be so real – he was the tin man who became a real man.
“Thanks, Vic. Be on the bridge in 4 hours. I want you at one of the helms. Along side data, my wife, and My Second in Command, Harry Kim.”
I patted Victor on the back as I slid past some engineer managers and through the Dining Room doors.
Star Trek Voyager 3 – A Sweet Start
Posted on March 27, 2016 by kevinmkappler
It has been 10 years since I was once a mindless Borg Drone in a Vast Expanse of the Collective. I still have trouble waking in a standing position. Alike a horse in his stall. My Alcove reminds me of a vampire’s coffin standing upright. Outside of the Coffin lid, I’m in one. Every time I open my eyes I have to see computerized readouts and sensor readings in my head. I see those irritating blinking green lights underneath my Human flesh and realize that I am no longer, nor will ever be, full Human. “Regeneration Cycle Complete. 8 Hours….24 Minutes Regeneration Hours Logged.” That darn Voyager 3 computer might as well announce when I defecate. I understand it’s the computer’s job to monitor my Borg and Human life-cycles in order for me to stay as healthy as I can for my crew. “Xander Talias Bullock to the Sick Bay, Please…” Dr. Davinchi , a holographic life form had just announced my need for my morning implant checkup as I was putting on my Star-fleet Mandated Captain’s Uniform…making sure to keep my look nothing under, “Perfectionist.” I had an example to set for the 150 crew members I command……. That I care for, like family. My captain’s quarters were fitted with an Alcove of my own. The bed next to my hideous machine was my wife’s, Darren Tals’. Above my desk was a picture of the late Captain Katherine Janeway. One of my Star-fleet Heroines. Her personality was sublime. Her diplomatic skills were above only my own. I was to be awarded the “Diplomatic Medal of excellence” at the Anniversary of the original Voyager’s return to Earth. Checking my left hands Borg computer display, “Laser Weapons on Standby…Systems at 100%... Ready for Input.” I still feel like a living Video Game Android when I have to tweak my implants. A necessity. One reading off, Bam! Either my built in Phazers will fire accidentally or my shielding energy systems would mistake another crewman of being an enemy threat and shock them to dust. I consider myself a “Terminator,” but with a soul. Back before my time-jump to 4466 from 2017, I would have never conceived of becoming a “living Machine.” I thank the Borg Queen for that. She was a sexy machine. Brilliant…too eccentric, but so beautiful a creature. Even if “Making the whole living galaxy like us, ‘a collective of planets,” was her unchangeable goal. My best friend and now “half-sister” Seven of Nine I had to thank for being Liberated from the Collective Mind and having millions of other drones linked inside of my mind. I was alone in my mind, once more. The implants not only made my Human strength 150 times a normal Super-Bodybuilder, they warded off any disease through the Nano probes detecting viruses and blasting them dead at a micro cellular level. I have a computer inside of my head, “A Cortical Implant” that raises my original Intellect from 220 to well above an unimagined 650. I can store the who ship’s memory in my mind and still have gig quads more space left for entire planet databases. Just inside this tiny microprocessor/life support machine inside my skull 149 of the crew that served with me on the Phenix died after Seven of Nine and the Doc tried to detach the more advanced Borg 2 generation implants from their Human and Alien bodies. I still feel horrid and hyped anger towards the loss of some of the greatest people I’ve ever had the pleasure not just to serve aboard a starship with, but, to have an extended family. As we toured for 15 years together. I’ve been with Star-fleet for 25 years. 15 years… I studied…I trained…. I fought in Hand to Hand battles with the fiercest of foes trying to steal our ship and its technology. As a drone, I was one of the Queen’s personal bodyguards and medical chief to the other medical attendants in the main royal collective station in the Delta section of Space. I processed orders to terminate drones, strip them of their living machine implants, and to make sure the queens own robotic fitting chamber was at peak operation. I used merely my Borg Beacon implanted in my lower cranium to instruct thousands of drones to do my medical and security bidding at a nano-second’s notice. All the information that I had stored in my Cortical Implant as a Medical/Security Commander Drone was still intact. I’ve processed thousands of different types of Worlds and their inhabitants. Their physiology. Their history. Assimilating techniques fitted for each and every individual life form. I was originally fitted with medical laser scalpels, high powered built in phasor array weapons throughout my old exoskeleton, and I had the Night-Vision and X-Ray vision of that 100 times more advanced than any medical facility in the known galaxy. I, myself, sliced the queen’s head off when Seven of Nine managed to help my mind regain its independence. Just long enough to silence her and the plot for one species to enslave the worlds. Even through the dismantling of the extra Borg equipment, Seven of Nine seemed to care for me and oversee the “assembly line” treatment of all 150 Phoenix Crew assimilated after our liberation. After my scars from the removal of the Borg implants healed, I had to have multiple cosmetic alterations made, surgically, in order to look at my peak. Well, a more Handsome looking Human, anyway. I was brought back to Star-fleet headquarters and tested for competency. Side effects of trauma caused by the pains of being assimilated and then de-assimilated. I was in fact still 55% Borg. The Star-fleet Headquarters had to make sure that my thoughts not only remained “my own,” but, I think within normal Star-fleet Official Military Perimeters. Not only did I recover, quickly, I recovered faster than most who went through what Seven of Nine and I had gone through. Impressed, Starfleet uploaded instructions and files concerning being placed at a Captain’s level of a Starship to enable me to start work on Voyager 3 as soon as it was finished being constructed. She was a massive ship. She might look like her sister ships Voyager One and Voyager 2, however, she out-gunned and out maneuvered both of these ships put together. She was a little bit bigger than most Intrepid class ships. In fact, she had enough spaces, quarters, and computer power of her bigger related vessel…the Galaxy Class. The Voyager 3 was a Medical Defense ship. We were to have a crew of a mere 100-150. (Due to the computers running the massive vessel which could house and comfortably accommodate 1,000 individuals). She has 4 engines. Outside the front and portions of the side portions of her bow appearing to look like Voyager, she had two engines on the side and two trans warp capable engines on the tips of the wings that extended past what the original Voyager held her two side mounted engines. Voyager 3 was deemed the “B47/Concord Supersonic Starship Jet of 4483.” I was to be awarded as she was being sent on her maiden voyage. To seek out worlds in the Delta section of space who needed, but requested, medical supplies, help, and defense from local invading planets. The sickbay was unusually quiet for the night before a launch of a starship. Intro Captain Xander Talias Bullock here. I've been serving with The United Federation of Planets for over 35 years. I am Human, by birth, however assimilated by the Borg Collective ten years ago. As I was on duty as Chief Security Officer aboard the U.S.S Phoenix II. The Phoenix was a research vessel with a Trans warp Prototype Warp Drive. Captain Tom Tucker and all 100 of the ships occupants were also Assimilated by the Collective. I was liberated 1 year later as Seven of Nine attempted a recovery mission of our missing crew members. Sadly, I was the only subject to survive a medical procedure to remove Borg Implants and restore our Original Physiology. 55% of the Borg Implants were removed. Alike Seven of Nine, I am almost Half Borg. I was born in an earlier time, as well. A time travel vessel (the U.S.S Chrystaline) was successfully completed and deployed to a target time on Earth; 2017 A.D. I was randomly picked to be transferred to the future in a science experiment to see how the time line would hold after removing 12 subjects from 4 different eras back in time, and from 4 different Planetoid Cultures. 1816,1916,2016, and 2216, from Earth, Cronos, Vulcan, and Delphi 6 were the Time and planetary targets. The experiment was a success. All of us test subjects were trained, at Star-fleet Academy, according to our mental, physical, and telepathic abilities. I was discovered to have above average Human Intellect at a score of 220 and a Telekinetic Ability to communicate through other Humanoid minds and "push" them to do what I had instructed through my mind. I was found to have terrific diplomatic skills. So naturally, Security and Engineering were my education agendas at the Academy. Now I command the Voyager 3. One of two prototypes constructed after the original Voyager's destruction 35 years ago. We travel through the Delta Quadrant and provide protection, education, and medical aid to those Planets in need of my services. .. Darren Tal looked beautiful in her long,black, Paris French Dress. Her long black hair curly and shiny. We were attending the Launch of my ship, "The Voyager Three." I was seated in the captain's chair in the center of the bridge right by the tactical and security posts. Tal wished to fill the position of "Chief Engineer." Her application was denied due to our spousal status and so she was allowed to act as ship's counselor. She was a kind heart. Bold. Brave. Perfect for the job. My pilot was Zen Dyak. A Vulcan who majored in starship design and creative engineering. He had quick reflexes and a brilliant and colorful mind. He had , like most Vulcan's, little to no emotions. However, he did show them, more than others of his species, from time to time. So I chose him. Bridget Darvey was from Scotland. She had twelve years of experience of weaponry and tactics aboard a galaxy class ship "The U.S.S Defiant 2." She was getting used to an Intrepid/Galaxy Class Mix with Borg Technology implants. (Due to my experience with the Borg, by being Borg, I had the technology replicated and installed). Steven Flikas was my Head of Security. Ironically, Harry Kim (an old crewman of voyager 1, seasoned but still able for his post on a star-ship had stepped up for position as my commander. 2nd in command. He was perfect). We were lucky enough to even get Data. From the Enterprise-D. We were quite grateful and honored to have such a famous and gifted Chief engineer and Tactics Official. He, too, stepped up for a ride on this newer breed of Star-fleet vessel. The crowd was heavy and quite large at the launching of Voyager 3's Ceremony. Tal was Standing Beside me in her New Command Uniform, holding onto my hand as she was never to let it go again. It was a new journey in a new ship. Policing areas in space. Trying to find a Terrorist Group calling themselves, “The Drix.” Since data was a living machine. A non-organic life-form, myself a half breed of sorts, and the Doctor, Picasso, a Holographic Life-form were threats to the drix... As they have the means and some twisted reason for wiping us all out. “Word has it, that the Drix are great Camouflagers. They know how to hide in the dark, in plain view, and are so cunning – one might think that one of us could be one of the members of this terrorist group. Aiming to wipe out all living non-biological life forms. Being from many different species of Humanoids, the Drix have no boundaries. Ex-star-fleet officers, Klingons, and even Vulcans have joined this brutal Cause. Anyone who hates the Borg, well, the word has it, The Borg is even Intimidated.” - Data explained the character of our enemies as the ships systems were turned on and my check-list for pre-warp take off was initiated. Pressing a touch screen on a panel fitted on a wrap around arm on my chair, I started my preflight announcement. “Attention. Crew of the Voyager 3. I am proud to be acting as your Official Captain, Xander Talius Bullock. All systems are go for launch and I advise all of you to take your stations as we prepare to leave the docking port. I am honored to have you as my crew and family. As you know, this mission shall be a long and treacherous one. We shall start our way to the Delta Quadrant, Shortly. As soon as word is given, our Slip Stream Drive and Trans-warp Drives shall be placed in operation.. Making our trip a quick and feisty one. All systems have been rechecked and tested by Star-fleet, so, we have a Green Light. As soon as we reach the Delta Quadrant, I shall then make another announcement for all senior officers to meet in my planning room for more details on how mission “Fox-Hunt” shall be completed. Thank you and enjoy your journey's start.” “Helmsman, ladies, take us out...” The beeps and clicks of their touch screens could be heard as the pilots tapped at their helm controls and engaged our impulse drives long enough to get us 50 feet away from Starbase 1. Just over Earth and Orbiting the most beloved home I had ever known. Tal was not born of this planet and she worried, long before we had accepted this mission, if we'd see her newly found and loved lands, ever again. The comforting sensations of our “Shared Heart” body signals kept her at ease. As we shared a unique commitment even beyond what marriage was even considered to be. We both loved it. As we were physically and mentally one with one another. We we two parts equaling one. Seeing her eyes in my mind's eye helped me get through even the longest of moments where I could not be holding her, tight, by my side. Darren Tal never fully explained the origins of her home world. As far as Star base computers could explain, her and her family were crew-members and life residents about a generational ship. Running for over 400 years. Up until the first Voyager met up with them. Many of them, including my beloved Tal, wanted to be free of the confinement of the ship. As her related species were Xenophobic. The were afraid of any outsiders, whatsoever. Meeting my heroes Kate Janeway and Seven of Nine brought some of those fears to rest. In the late 1970's, just when I was originally born. Before the time travel experience of 2016, they had started their journey as a smaller exploratory vessel. I had mentioned to Tal how I believed that our two species could be related. She didn't doubt it. We just could find the evidence. That some of the Varron Natives were in fact mutations of other Human beings on Earth. Their generational ship was clearly not from the delta quadrant and another species, the Krol, were a reptilian race who were our cousins. It just fit. I had some features that were identical to Counselor Troy's of the Late enterprise D. A Betazoid. Scans revealed I had a brain structure just as advanced as her race. However, I was still a native to the planet Earth. “Stay strong, my love.” I heard Tal's brainwaves broadcast into my own subconscious speak. “Helm....Engineering....Stand by For Trans-warp Engine Startup and Engagement on my mark...” “Five....Four....Three....Two...Turn down Impulse Drives and Give me Trans-warp at Warp 8.9” “Engaged, sir.... “ Zem Dyak exclaimed. “Perfect.” Smiling, Commander Kim seemed to be in sync with me in expression of relief that this new technology didn't have some form of new and out of the box bugs to kink out. “How do systems look Data?” “All functions are at normal parameters, Captain.” “Bridget, How about weapons and shields?” “A little bit jumpy there, Mr. Bullock. But, she is humming like a hummingbird in Spring.” - She smiled as I enjoyed her Scottish whit and phrases. “Xander, we shall be in the Delta Quadrant within two hours.” - Harry Kim calculated due to the Trans-warp Engines taking over the regular warp drive.. Voyager three had four reactors. Very big and powerful liquid plasma trans-nerve connectors and synaptic fluid fuel particles being processed like a human brain. Amazing. The huge cylinder shaped canisters of “intelligent anti-matter-positive matter processing systems” reminded me of huge brains. In reason, the two were similar. The cores were “intelligent.” Sort of like Data. We had the first warp cores that were fully Automatic. They also are the first to “think” and “feel” also to “reason” just like Data's Transmatric Nero Network that made up his living machine. His mind. In fact, data had made the selection of creating the first Artificially Intelligent Power System ever constructed. Our computer had a male voice. Funny how times change. It was a middle aged, gentle, however bold sounding tone that made me think of my Sixth Grade Drama Teacher. Tony Farella. So, I nicknamed the Computer 'Tony.” The processes of my Borg implants needed regeneration in 12 hours. So I had to make sure all my duties were done and all reports were filed. So Tal and I could spend some much needed romantic alone time together and Seven of Nine, who ironically was part of the crew as my personal physical attendant (due to her own experiences with me in the past and my Borg Equipment Operation Skills) she could maintain my critical systems if the access nuclear fission in the core or any of my implants should malfunction. I had a few scares when my lasers fired off and wounded some security guards at the academy while I was training. We were studying self defense. Instead of boxing or a kick knocking an opponent down, I accidentally had a reflex where my laser defense system armed itself and injured two security. Along with cutting another instructor's hand off due to a panic attack. Once Seven of nine taught me how to control my laser implants through new programming techniques and new organic thought reflex exercises, I was declared “Fit to continue training” after six months of Seven tutoring me in the art of “Being Human” instead of “borg.” I seemed to learn and recover fast psychologically when it came to most experiences. Medical and or emotional. After being given two extra chances to relive my life...Before the time trip and after the Borg Assimilation and Integration to the Queen's Hive Mind. I concerned these more than miracles of chances that were being given unto me by Star-fleet. The individuals, as well. Who helped me regain my human and Machine traits. I would often talk at length about my upbringing with my wife, Tal, and our Twelve year old Daughter, Chrystal Anne. In all due logic, I was over 400 years old and I looked like I was still in my twenties. (If yo exclude the Borg Eye sensor covering my Left eye and the bionic portions of Borg Shielding glowing through my skin in green flickers of pulses. I'd laugh with Tal and my daughter after I'd joke about going back in time and walking through “da-Hood” (Ghetto) as a borg drone. “I'd be my own worst nightmare to all. No boy would step up to this scary son – of – a -bitch.” Tal gave me credit for surviving such a hard life before becoming a trans-time individual sought as a candidate for their “Time Era Adaptation and Reintegration Project.” Most of my memories were still coming back in spirits since my assimilation and becoming liberated from the collective. It was also the sickness from Olan'vora. Olan'vora was a Varro biochemical reaction. During and after mating, the epidermal skin illuminated. Psychological bonding increased with our exposure,to one another, stimulating the areas of the brain responsible for love. Allowed to advance, the olan'vora became permanent and Tal and I became biochemically linked. Separation thereafter was rare, however, up until this point the effects would diminish in a matter of months with decreased exposure. Withdrawal symptoms could be unpleasant. However, Tal and I were constantly together after we had met. Months before away missions due to training and serving as an ensine about the Phoenix ii. If we were to be apart for more than a month, we had to keep in visual and auditory contact within every five days. If we had to be physically separated for more than a month, hypo-sprays warded off the severe medical dilemmas of our Biochemical inter-linkage together. At times, Tal and I became so sick, I had to stay in sick bay for a week at a time in order for my chemical biological makeup to be regulated. Harry Kim became romantically involved with Derran Tal, a Varro female. She didn't believe it was possible for a Human to be affected by olan'vora. I disagreed, as well, with Tal. “I think we still originated from a similar species back on Earth. Whether primate or reptilian, like the Flox, we too are quite similar. (Outside of sex being a little bit more than just plan intercourse). When Tal and I made love, we would have foreplay, however, the chemicals in her saliva and Vagina walls were quite powerful. While I would penetrate her, her vaginal walls would swell and become tighter. Little fibers inside of her vagina would become stimulated and act like thousands of tiny needles. Prickling into my skin and then longer-yet into my veins. Her body would extract her secretions into my penis and through her hands as she touched my body. Injecting hormones alike when a man ejaculates. Stimulating me even deeper. The injecting nodes, or 'hair fibers' were not painful. I could feel them for a second as itchy mosquito bites. Then, when her ejaculations began, she would secrete her chemicals into my body and deepen the euphoric and orgasmic state. Her receptors also removed some of my chemical markups and hormones into her own bloodstream. Slowly, but surely, making us “interconnected” as a single biological unit. Every time we had sex or even held each other. Our bodies worked together in fusing one another together. Her vagina would glow. After awhile so did my penis. Chemically, I started becoming more feminine and she, a tad masculine. It was fantastic. Her eyes would transmit signals that only my subconscious could comprehend. Our brain chemistry became one as well. Her tongue would also wrap around my uvula and exchange fluids, as well. It didn't choke me, rather, it made us even more aroused. Ass I started to have oral sex with Tal's Vagina, similar things happened as she orgasmed as I had orgasmed. My tongue would glow and so would her clitoris. Her vaginal fluids tasty quite sweet and were intoxicating like alcohol. Sex with a Varro Female was so intense, I'd love to die while pleasing the woman I loved. Even at first glance. When I bumped into Tal in History and Technology Class. Just one look into her brown eyes that first time and I could swear that we both knew we would be husband and wife. I knew that part of the Varro mating ritual was where the Female drew in her potential mate, whom she first became drawn too, through her invisible eye signals beamed to me from her own chemicals causing her brain to change light frequencies in her pupils. The smell her body put out while I was nearest to her drew me even closer. Her hormones smelt so good, sweet in fact. I was physically desiring her, but yearning for her like a hungry man who has not eaten a speck of food in weeks. I was quite hungry for Darren Tal's body. I really was looking at marrying an Asian lady by the name of Lilian Drang. A student studying for her engineering career. Lilian and I had been intimate for six months after I had started the academy. Until shortly after this, I met Tal. I couldn't look at Lilian any more. Even our emotional involvement becoming seriously tied together wasn't enough from Tal drawing me closer from Lilian. Lilian was quite hurt by my leaving her. I couldn't explain to her why. I just didn't know at the time. Somehow, I just needed Tal. The first few times I was sexually involved with Tal, was in my Dorm room that Lilian and I shared, together, as a serious couple. A few times when Lilian walked in, she had caught Tal and I making love. She could see that Translucent glow shining in the dark before Lilian turned the lights on to confront us, until she ran off traumatized. Leaving the door wide open behind her. I tried to apologize. At times Lilian accepted my apologies and told me if I never saw Tal again, we could still get married, as planned, within the next six months as we had planned. Her father, Dol, owned a freighter service for supplies being brought in to and from the academy. Every time I tried to stay away from Tal, I'd get physically and emotional sick. A few times, I ended up in the infirmary. Having hypo-sprays pumped into me, with no success. I was drawn back to Tal without even a word being said. Two months later, Tal and I were married instead. The birth of our Daughter came next. The Varro Female went through labor for days before the offspring would be born. Even then, our hands must be touched , and my presence be assured if the two were to survive the birthing process. If I hadn't been there, for any reason, both Tal and our Daughter , Chrystal, would have died during birth. Holding Tal's hand as she pushed and pushed our child out into her living world, I could note becoming entranced and our thoughts being melded into one. Our daughter's subconscious mind was with us as well. “Hello Father, Hello Mother.” - Her voice echoed through our united consciousness. “we are now three... a life forever meant to be... one and forever...Our shared Hearts. Now we have a united family.” Both of us started to glow with green translucent colors as our baby daughter cried for the first time. A bright light passed, into and out from our conscious unity ,before we had reclaimed our conscious moments apart from the mind meld. Full of sweat, me and Tal smiled and hugged each other. I picked the baby girl out of the doctor's hands and held her to me. Her little smile was just lke her mom's. She had my eyes. Chrystal Blue. “Chrystal...” we both said in unison as we came up with the name , together. “Anne” was Tal's idea. From that old movie I played for Tal from my childhood, “Annie.” It just fit. So, Chrystal Anne Bullock was born at 2:00pm on a Friday evening. As my attention ran back to the present, our ship was in Trans-warp. The flickering energy waves on the main display screen appeared psychedelic as we were speeding closer and closer to the Delta Quadrant. "We shall reach the Delta Quadrant in 30 minutes present speed" Data announced. "Good. My first order as your Captain, a relaxing break in the mess-hall for an hour, then a board meeting covering scans to be performed for any DRIX Activity in our entry point of this area, and a mapping of all current Drix Locations as transmitted to the computers by Star-fleet." - I smiled after feeling "overwhelmingly Important" as I sat in the center chair. I tried not to show too much ego, however, it is natural for someone in my position to display some sort of gloat. Tal was rapidly getting more and more healthier, since our kiss of “Hello.” She was moved to a general Medical room in Star-fleet's medical center.. I came to visit her 4 hours every day. After my training on operations of the systems aboard Voyager 3. Which was docked at Star-dock Alpha-One. She was a beautiful ship. I had six chairs of unique leather fitting ,for me, and the five officials to be stationed along side of me. Two helmsmen stations , two tactical and weapons stations, two communications centers, and two medical/engineering/science centers. All-in-all, we had a huge bridge. A lot more automated than the other vessels that I was stationed on. The bridge was more comfortable to sit and navigate with than the Enterprise d. It was so simple to operate, that as long as you were captain, one could operate the whole ship by himself. I needed my engineers and science officers, to help make repairs and also calculate star charts and time variables. We have two physicians. The Chief Physician was the old Doctor EMH Hologram turned “Holographic Life form,”as he became self-aware aboard the original Voyager. Since my Borg implants and technology were the most compatible with the newest of technology aboard Voyager three, I was needed to train additional crew members on how the Trans-warp arrays, Borg tactical weapons arrays, and Klingon Cloaking Arrays worked. My brain was filled with every detail file on the newest of star-fleet prototypes. I was a walking encyclopedia on anything Star-fleet. Since my Borg cortical implant was stronger than any other Borg, I had more memory and quicker assimilation qualities of information than any being aboard this new vessel. People could learn from me. My telepathic abilities aided me in communicating with any crew member lost without a com badge. I was equal to the Betzoids and Vulcans in their telepathic abilities. Added the fact that I could transmit a vocal message into anyone's mind and actually sense their response. Even if they were millions of miles apart from me. Each time I sat in the Center chair, in the Captain's command row of Voyager Three, I felt a strong emotion of pride and power as I looked to the front of me at the Central View Screen. “Tal would love sitting beside me at the moment we had to fight off an attack. She could see her husband in action.” - I'd often talk to my wife about pushing her weight aboard Voyager 3. As ship's counselor. And starfleet agreed. Tal was good with others. A soothing personality and soul. That special trait that brought us together shall keep the crew on this ship comforted and felt cared for. The Experiment that brought me into the 24th century was brought on by Star Fleet. Individuals who were destined for an eternal end with no offspring were chosen to participate. I, was one of those subjects chosen. It was 2017. December. The cold Chicago morning brought shivers up my spine. I had finished a recording session for a new album I was worked on, “Cold Dust..” which I was certain would be a techno dance hit. It was 12:00am. I was so tired, that I could barely get to my 2017 Freight-liner Rv. As I unlocked and opened the front driver's side door, a bright purple light lit up from above and harsh winds started to form all around the studio building and the RV. Looking up, it appeared to be a weird looking aircraft. A small shuttle, but without the jet engine sound. It was quite silent and interesting in shape. It looked like a small fighter space plane from battlestar Galactica. (One of my favorite space series). Avoiding a collision of it and myself, I jumped into my truck, quicky started the engine and skidded away. For a moment, I thought I had lost the medium sized craft. “Good, no where in….” before I could finish my sentence, a bright light illuminated all around me and my truck and slowly we disappeared and ended up in the shuttle craft ,itself. It was the size of three cargo jets. Mostly touch screens and fancy displays that, I, myself had never seen before. A young lady, along with what appeared to be two larger male security guards, appeared before me sitting in my vehicle up in the cargo bay area of the ship. The two Security guards were holding two weird looking rifles and my heart beat harshly quick and quite hard from all the excitement. I fainted. 12 hours later, as I awoke feeling as if I were tranquilized like a horse, I noticed a weird circular scanner sliding towards the middle of my body from the sides of the bed that I was lying on. “Awake, I see. “ - a Blondie haired Doctor who looked around 35 walked towards my bio-bed and started tapping on the touch screen portions of the bed's holoscreens. “Welcome to the year 2350. You have been chosen for a top secret reintegration and behavioral testing program that we liked to code, 'Project Retouch.'” - the gentleman had a soothing smile and a calm sense to his demeanor. However, the idea of being in another time seemed too far fetched for me to believe. “No way, sir. As advanced as all your equipment is, I believe you are government F.e.m.a. agents trying to expose to a new sort of interrogation technique to.”
I then sensed the man's thoughts and realized that we were,in fact, in the early part of the year of 2350. “How did you get to Earth, how do you know English, and I did have a feeling that time travel was possible…"What part of the government are you with...” shortly after stating my reaction, the doctor's thoughts were picked up by my psi talents, “He shall adapt quite well being that he is quite intelligent. Star-fleet training it is.” I heard his thoughts, as I thought the doctor hadn't noticed. Tapping his recommendations on his small touch pad chart computer.
“ahh, a telepath. I see. I had underestimated you having the ability. Most humans lack the proper usage of their whole brain in order to even understand how to even go about using that sort of mental talent.”
Outside of appearing completely human, he had pointed ears and weird shaped eyebrows.
“I am Vulcan. Dr. Zen is my name. Chinne Zen.” - we shook hands, however, after shaking hands – the doctor injected me with some sort of tranquilizer so I could sleep during the ride back to our secret base on the planet Zenox 5.
The memories of my integration into this new time period, the advanced technology of this era, and the different beings I had encountered over the last 35 years still remain fresh in my mind, to this day.
I found out through the Planet's database (later that year) that I was part Betazed and part human. I had one other alien race in me. Varro. A coincidence, yes, but not surprising. I always had a feeling that some Human beings were far fro what they had appeared to be and assumed that a lot of Humans , that I thought were weird, turned out to be inhabitants from another part of the galaxy. I was proved right, yet again, in assumption.
Tal had explained to me that the Generational ship that she had lived on, started it's journey during the early 1970's. In 1973 portions of the ship broke off. They had twelve living pods at the time and three pods fell to Earth and crash landed on the Northern portion of the globe. Part in the Americas and parts of Asia.
She figured the news out while she was Engineer and scientist aboard their ship as she plotted with countless other Varro sisters and brothers to break away from the solitary existence that their Xenophobic relatives forced them into.
Figuring out that the pods could work independently after technical modifications were made shortly after the emergency separations of 1973 and 2012, her idea for the synthetic virus could ensure their escape from solitude 12 fold.
After flying her pod to a nearby Star-base Space Station about 25 light years from where their ship had broken off into pieces and the original Voyager had left their potion, Tal asked around and found some computer information from a Ferengi that proved accurate to where their race had come from.
Some were, in fact , from Earth. They had fixed their pod's warp engines and flew to different parts of the galaxy.
Some were explorers who merely were products of intimidating aliens that had just steered clear of other species and continued to find other portions of the galaxy to inhabit and go to.
She explained that a planet name Varrion 5 became too congested to live on and that the politics of the era were corrupt and unjust. So a group of scientists and scavengers but the soon to be generational ship from spacecrafts,parts salvaged from their homes, and parts purchased and or salvaged from items acquired from space stations and other jobs they came across, were built into the ship of exploration and community.
I understood why she felt so trapped upon the generational ship. Avoid everyone all the time meant lonely hours and limited cultures from which to learn new facts from.
Being told where to go and how to get there is “slave's life,” I had agreed.
I explained to her , that we were not too much different in lifestyles (while she was aboard the generational ship) whee I was living back in the 21st Century. When money was still in use and government power was still in it's Childhood phase. (Before Star-fleet was created and money was too much of a burden to carry, anymore before the system abolished the use of paper and coin currency).
Before the invention of Dr. Cochran's. The Warp engine. We were grounded, Cuffed to our planet, and unaware of other life forms. Until “First Contact” of 2135. (I told her that was a guesstimate as I was so bored in history class at the academy). I learned much better, hand's on, before I was assimilated into the Borg Collective. Now, I could just scan books, computer terminals, and use my assimilation tubules and suck the information out of a person, item, or computerized mechanism and just learn.
Smiling, I'd kiss her neck gently and whisper, “That's how glad we got to know each ether's bodies and spirits 'hands on.”
Darren Tal would giggle and her face would become all flush.
I reached the turbo shaft number one. As the doors went to slide closed, Darren Tal rushed to join me on the bridge.
“Hello My Love......Have a sweet breakfast break?” - the sparkle in her eyes never ceased to amaze me. It was breath taking.
“Victor Made the most amazing French Toast, for me, this evening. I figured, 'we are scanning the start of the Delta Quadrant for Signs of Drix Terrorist Attacks. I have to be fueled and ready.” - smiling, Tal kissed me deeply and we held hands, not just as Captain and Ship's Counselor, but as Husband and wife.
I was so grateful to have my life back, again.
This time, to honor those fallen and those who risked their lives to get me to where I am at, today, I'll destroy every last participant in the Drix Movement.
Even if this Voyager seems to get stuck, lost, in yet another part of the galaxy.
   The bridge was quite busy. Harry Kim at his chair, instructing Data where he wished to take our ship first. Then to call Victor to the Bridge. Data was already at his post, efficient as ever.
The Borg Mind Released.
Posted on December 1, 2015 by kevinmkappler
Here is the start of Star Trek Fan-Fiction, that I am writing, as a spin-off to the original “Voyager.”
 Voyager 3, The Borg Mind Released- Pathway to Insanity
Captain Xander Talias Bullock here.
I’ve been serving with The United Federation of Planets for over 20 years.
I am Human, by birth, however assimilated by the Borg Collective ten years ago. As I was on duty as Chief Security Officer aboard the U.S.S Phoenix II. The Phoenix was a research vessel with a Trans warp Prototype Warp Drive.
Captain Tom Tucker and all 100 of the ships occupants were also Assimilated by the Collective. I was liberated 1 year later as Seven of Nine attempted a recovery mission of our missing crew members. Sadly, I was the only subject to survive a medical procedure to remove Borg Implants and restore our Original Physiology. 55% of the Borg Implants were removed. Alike Seven of Nine, I am almost Half Borg.
I was born in an earlier time, as well.
A time travel vessel (the U.S.S Chrystaline) was successfully completed and deployed to a target time on Earth; 2017 A.D. I was randomly picked to be transferred to the future in a science experiment to see how the time line would hold after removing 12 subjects from 4 different eras back in time, and from 4 different Planetoid Cultures.
1816,1916,2016,and 2216, from Earth, Chronos, Vulcan, and Delphi 6 were the Time and planetary targets. The experiment was a success. All of us test subjects were trained, at Starfleet Academy, according to our mental , physical, and telepathic abilities.
I was discovered to have above average Human Intellect at a score of 220 and a Telekinetic Ability to communicate through other Humanoid minds and “push” them to do what I had instructed through my mind.
I was found to have terrific diplomatic skills. So naturally, Security and Engineering were my education agendas at the Academy.
Now I command the Voyager 3. One of two prototypes constructed after the original Voyager’s destruction 35 years ago.
We travel through the Delta Quadrant and provide protection,education, and medical aid to those Planets in need of our services.
Throughout the Galaxy, species are being destroyed. Through the aid of an Anti-Borg/Cyber-organism Society naming themselves the “Drix.”
The Drix are secretly spread out in locations throughout all quadrants of all Known Galaxies.
Weapons, which are made up of a computer virus,nano-probes, and a biological virus, are being deployed through launched photon torpedoes,probes, food supplies, mutated Borg assimilated technologies,sent communication signals, and stolen Federation Technologies.
Such tech was already infected with both a virus weapon, nano-probe devastation measure, infected biological agents, and hidden program codes.
A weapon was designed to infect cyber-organisms, alien life forms ( which are Holographic life entities), or Borg Forces with a triple function biological, mechanical, and tissue mutation virus.Nana-probes were programmed to destroy hardware and living tissues from within the body. Finally chemical Mutagens were placed in adjunct to create the ultimate killing machine.
A super-deadly weapon that causes organs (inside the invaders biological systems) and The Mechanical Computer/Program/Life support/Internal Operating System Centers in Biotech Organisms to mutate.
The Mutagens, which are Contained in strands of these coded viruses, Destructive Nana probes,and chemical agents; within each weapon, such a weapon targets both biological DNA and computer hardware Systems (in cybernetic life forms).
This weapon forces changes, to both the Biological DNA Structuring and The Mechanic Hardware Portions of a Cybernetic Alien’s Physiology. Life Support Systems, Programs, and Physical Memory Systems are attacked..Until all components are permanently shut down and damaged.
Internal organs mutate, from within DNA Strands inside of every organ. Until all organs shut down ,die,and become useless, the virus keeps replicating and attacking from within the Alien’s body.
All hardware ceases to function,permanently. Due to the nano probes attacking all working machinery. When the computer virus erases all hardware programming codes , and the results are death, only then will the weapon finish its function.
The Drix do try and overthrow Planetary Systems, which had already been populated with Borg, and Cybernetic Life forms. Fear , confusion, and effects on the beings not targeted by the Drix, are ridden with health and telepathic mind psychosis plagues, as a side effect of a poorly planned war of hate war weapon. Such threatens all United Federation of Planets inhabitants. Measures have been taken to reprograms all Planetary Computers to become autonomous guardians. Monitoring activity of all Drix colonies they seek out,locate, and monitor. Through Probes, Federation Star ships, and Communications grids
My ship, Voyager 3, was designed to execute such a mission. We are one defense against a growing threat that threatens to endanger large races through a Hate Crime brought on by a past that should have been forgotten long ago.
Darren Tal had not seen me in over a year after the Borg infiltration. She was so certain I was lost as a drone that she became deathly sick. Due to her Varro Physiology, her and I were mated for life. I had just been released from the Starfleet Medical Facility and the only difference she’d see in my face is my left eye was a huge,flat and glowing red sensor and my hands were lined with assimilation tubules and display/laser output components.
My hair was the same. So was my smile. I was not full human, but, I was fascinated in my new function. I felt like Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Terminator.”
I was on my way back to our home, located in the personel housing complex on Shuttle Magnex, when the call came in over the loud speakers. “Darren Tal’s Health has Responded. Repeat, Darren Tal’s Health has Responded. Condition updated from Critical to Stable.”
I, too, felt quite a bit more healthier and energetic. In Darren’s culture, their mind’s could sense their mate from 100 miles away. As long as they were within planetary local.
 Star Trek Voyager 3 – Part Three..reuinion.
Posted on February 1, 2016 by kevinmkappler
“Xander? IS that you?” Darren Tal was hooked to scanners, pumps, and a life support system awhile Xander was a Borg General Drone in the Borg Collective.
She had remained critical until Xander leaned over and kissed Darren on the Lips just like waking “Snow White” from her Coma Slumber.
Amazingly, Xander’s Memories flooded his Cortical implant. The pair glowed a brighter green than when Harry Kim from Voyager first met and dated Tal almost 25 years ago. She looked so beautiful and young. Even though she was in her late fifties.
Her age never showed. When Xander  was entranced by Darren Tal’s beauty aboard the Phoenix ii, she appeared as if she were 23.
This time, they were both crew members and cleared for such an affair. I was the Chief Security detail at the time. That first kiss tasted like Honey and my body felt as if I was floating in the Heavens.
This kiss was no different. However, Tal was doomed to die since Xander and her were permanently bonded in the process of the Olan’vora.
“I remember , that in the collective, my implants would fail due to Tal and I being separated by force. The Borg queen had to install a special pump to keep my biological systems alive due to them trying to shut down after being away from Tal for only three months.
“I had no memories. I am thinking that our separation caused severe Brain Trauma and Tal’s kiss returned the missing chemicals back into my blood stream…through this beautiful reunion and sweet honey kiss.”
 I turned to the doctors who were still quite cheerful about Tal regaining consciousness after a coma that lasted for almost two and a half years.
“Well, Two of Twenty-Nine. Do you remember how the Queen finally released her grasp do you?” – Seven of Nine also looked quite young for a Borg drone of 55.
I had sensed it was a trick question to get me to explain to Tal that I had murdered the queen of the Borg by slashing off her head with my built in Laser scalpels that had been installed in my arms.
Pulling a seat nearest to my Lovely wife, I asked how our twelve year old Daughter, Chrystal, was doing. If she had succeeded as a recording legend…She so wanted to become a legend. To honor me. After I was stripped from her almost three years ago and her mother flat-lined shortly after.
Chrystal stayed by her mother’s bedside..until she heard of my liberation. The scheduled return date to this moment- when Tal and I could be successfully reunited.
“Xander,dear, I don’t really know.” Tal’s sweet and soft laugh always made me grow more and more attached to her. The luminescent shine returned to us.
” Funny, how must a Borg Drone Looks all lit up like a Green Light Bulb.” I hugged my wife very closely to  me. We held onto each other as if we had our life to depend on it.
“Your daughter did not become a musician. Rather, she succeeded you in returning to Starfleet Academy and became one of our youngest pupils.
“She is studying the Borg. She is on the Chapter covering your Mentor, Xander, Captain Kate Janeway.” – a familiar voice echoed from across the room. It was Harry kim.
“You look like hell, Xander. But, that’s what I have always liked about you. Your strength. How even through hell and back, you never stopped.” – Harry Stood nearest to the foot of Tal’s medical bed.
“Thanks, Harry for being such a great support. Xander, Harry looked after me after I had fallen sick from Olan’vora.
Smiling, i hugged Harry for protecting my dearest part of my life’s force. Next to serving to protect the Fleet….as I was briefed on the way over to Tal’s Critical Care Unit. I was briefed over the Voyager Three Multi-Tech craft. I was to be the Captain.
“Tal, even better news. You tell her Xander.” – Harry smiled as he pushed for me to start with the better news before answering Seven’s question Concerning the grip of the Borg, the Queen, and my life.
“Voyager is not the last in Line. Neither is two. I am the captain of the Voyager Three Multi-Alien Technology craft project. Against a rebel terrorist group calling themselves, the drix?” – I looked at Kim for a confirmation of the group’s name.
“yep. That’s it.” – Kim slapped his fists together, in a feisty and friendly manner as he did when he was in a cheerful mood.
“Voyager Three, honey, well, this is a lot to take in.” – Kissing her forehead.
“Tell me, what will she do?” – Tal laughed as she asked me for the details in a humorous and flirty way.
She can cloak like a Klingon Bird Of Prey. Fire while Cloaked. She can achieve Trans-warp flights while cloaked and armed like a Borg Cube, and She is the Biggest Ship, now, in the fleet. ”
“wow…. and my forever dearest is at the command of such a powerful ship?” – Tal kissed me delicately in pride as she was told that her husband would serve on the most advanced star-ship ever conceived by Starfleet.
 “Two of Twenty Nine of Adjacent One. You Never Confirmed the Reasons  of Why The Borg Queen allowed you to be liberated..In the first place. I think you need to tell her….Or should I?”
Seven was in a determined frame of mind that I would not be able to avoid her question. She knew I was scared to explain to my newly Conscious wife, Tal, that I had executed the leader of the Borg Species.
“How did you get away from the Queen, my love?” Tal held my sweaty hand as she knew I was quite nervous. She always knew. We were telepathic. Connected by soul and Blood.
 “Nooo. You…You Didn’t,Xand, you Didn’t?” – Tal picked up a stray telepathic thought of the incident behind the queen’s murder.
 Tal was a firm believer in the preservation of life.As was I. Before I had no other choice but to end the Queen. I felt guilt, anger, and satisfaction of revenge…all wrapped up into one.
 Seven smiled, hung her head and placed her left hand upon my shoulder as I tried to explain to my sweet Tal, that I had no other choice but to murder the queen through Decapitation. How the queen ordered me as her chief medical and royal tactical Security Drone. How I was the one Drone to lead the attack on Earth to Assimilate, once again, millions of lives.
The torture of Implants painfully installed into my body. The screams and horror of me being experimented on as the Queen “Perfected” Her most advanced and powerful Drone ever to be assimilated into the collective.
I didn’t have to say one word. Tal heard my Telepathic tears and memories pouring out of my mind into hers.
 Sobbing, I lowered my Half-Robotic Head to her chest.
 Messaging my back of my head, “I understand my love. You had no other choice.”
Tears flowed from Tal's eyes as she relived my memories with me.
 “She’s gone and you are with me…..Safe and one.”
We were now in the Delta Quandrant. Thanks to Voyager 3(c)'s new TraceWarp engine revamp. We just seem to “ooze” as we traveled as if we were simply “zapped” out of the Alpha Quandrant. Out our space dock.
She flew quite smoothly. The advanced weapons and cloaking engineering was superb.
Scotty would have fell in love with this big sweety.
Three reactors fueled her. We used dilithium gel, instead of crystals. Such ended up three times as powerful concentrated and in liquid as it quickly was pushed and converted in the warp reactor's plasma.
“Captain,” another small vessel has been detected by our sensors. Do you wish me to open hailing frequencies?”
    “Data made this deduction quite quickly. I was always amazed by his technology. Even though my own Borg tech was even more developed than his.
Part of his Emotions chip could pick such up. Yet, my Betazed emotions made such even more powerful clearer.
My left ocular implant also displayed his emotions color.
Any living entity, bionic or organic,(such is sensible by my brain which also was organic).
The vessel was lengthy, wide, and it resembled a larger Varro vessel. My family was before me and my emotions were tingling.
Sensing all of the entities aboard, “250 life forms are aboard and life support is failing.” - Data spoke.
“Commander Kim. Go to transporter two with general of security, Jessie Wilcox. Both of you shall beam aboard the Varro vessel and see what casualties exist. Doctor Divinci shall accompany you to aid the injured. Keep me posted.”
 “Yes Xant.” - Harry
Tapping my comm badge, “Xander to Dr. Devinci. To sickbay. Priority alert. “
“Yes, Captain Bullock...I was just enjoying a mid-evening concerto with Ensign of Medicine, Keith Geid.” - Mr. Divinci , as one knows was a legend from the first Voyager, won my selection as ships Captain of Medicine.
Gied looked italian. But, was almost 75%  Greek. He grew in San Francisco training at Star Fleet Academy to win the title, “Chief Medical Officer” aboard a ship.
At the top of his graduating class, he flew aboard the pheonix 3's medical rescue starship. Acting as resident physician to captain Myers.
He was quite impressive. He was brilliant and an artist with skilled hands in surgery.
A medical tricorder was almost unnecessary as illness (from as many as 100 species) was amazing stored in his Half Klingon and Human mind.
His father was a general “Xang” in the Klingon high command and his mother an English Nurse studying an outbreak of Kardasian Xenionervosis virus infections.
She met Xang as he defended Kardasian during the Marque rebellion. Such was put to rest as their services proved invaluable in outer and more lethal locations of the galaxy.
With cunning command, Xang could wield his power very stealthy and in a quick and ingeniously plotted manner.
I aided the President of Star Fleet when I was freshly graduated from Star Fleet. Before I boarded the Pheonix.
We met as I went to detain him, however, the Marque and him proved useful in this Drix war as it had been discovered and as I was taken and first assimilated bt the Borg.
They were quickly renamed the “Starfleet Shining Marque Squad.”
These wars remind me of Earth's World War 2. Outside of it being in the far reaches of space.
They wore blue silk jackets with black fire shaped shoulder shades (instead of standard starfleet colored schemes.
Their badges were also redesigned as a Glossy Sparkling Silver Right Shing “M” as they were our “Secret Spies.” (As comparable to Earths historic Cia from my home country, The United States.
Mars was my favorite vacation. As newly connected vessel's commander stood before me, he reminded me of the Martians in which the legendary and historic “Area 51” of Earth's American Territorial Arizona portrayed. Of Yesteryear.
He stood about five feet three and no inches. White long hair. Bigger head, green chrystal shining eyes, white eyebrows, stern jaw, and long green skin with suction cups on his fingers. Such reminded me of the old time “Gyco(tm) commercials.
The little lizard driving his small red jaguar, reminding us to “Save on Car Insurance,” however humorous, this being was a lot (in similarity) as he spoke.
“Commander Tyoc, I bid you greetings and ask of you, do you require any assistance from the United Federation of Planets. I am Captain Xander Xavier Bullock of Star Fleet Command aboard the Uss Voyager C. “ - With a smile and my ocular implant glowing red,green,and purple, my Borg implants could immediately identify him as Stolaxian. From Planet Solaxus 9. Far off in the start of the Delta Quadrant, they were of scientific research and peaceful research communities . The damages to his vessel appeared to be of internal provocation or some actions that were accidentally overloading the reactors and systems of his smaller Stolaxian Cruiser.
Shaped like a silver and green King Crab, this 55 personal vessel was quick as ours, however, a little bit in technological  similarity as the Vulcans.
These beings were, also in fact, telepathic. I could hear all 55 minds blazing into mine. I could filter them. Of course. I am Betazed and Borg. Neat? Not to them. Their logic confused them with me being of questionable motive.
“I can assure you Commander, I mean no harm to you or your vessel. I am liberated.” - I ended speaking due to the lack of response and sensed fear in these poor drifters.
As they were failing in life support and propulsion systems and had five crew members seriously radiated by radiation burns from a overheated reactor core.
“We know of your kind. We trust no contact from the Borg.”
“The vessel you command, is this a trick or indeed, a fact in origin?”
Commander Tyoc also broadcast curiosity in his feelings. I nodded my head as I smiled from finding, what I considered in my instincts, maybe some  new allies?
Do you know of the Federation? I am the real deal, my friend. I have been liberated from the Borg and fought against my kind in the liberation from the Borg attacking my far reaching planet Earth. Situated in The Alpha Quadrant. Trillions of Light-years, almost five years in travel. I assure you, we are assigned to rescue, investigate and challenge threatening species trying to conquer and harm other planetary systems.” - sitting back down in the Center chair, Tal Sat next to me. Relaxing after nervous feelings appeared, then to calm, after I broadcast relief to her, telepathically.
“ooh. Most impressive Captain Bullock.”
Tyrok explained research concerning an anti-drix weapon project evolving nanobot detection,countermeasure, and medical damage reversal of damages to the species inflicted by their cruel weapons.
“I applaud your efforts and your Planet's concern with the Drix outbreak and cruel intentions of mission.”
Smiling, I clapped as I responded with charm and integrity.
“Thank you Bullock. I can sense your Telepathy. You are an empath?”
“No, Telepath,Telekinetic,and also Bionic.” - smiling.
“That is a powerful trait in, what species? Betazed?” - Tryok was quite intelligent and , as well, charismatic.. Unlike the Vulcans , who were sterile sounding, and sometimes narrative, in vocals, like a computer.
“I like your personality. How's about you and your crew board Voyager C as our guests, get fixed up, and enjoy a great feast with us? Our gift to our meeting? AAA e?”
“I'd be of honor, captain. We shall prepare for transport in a moment.”
“Captain Bullock to sickbay. Beam the injured there. Security.... Meet the Tyrokans at Sickbay and dock 2. Arm phazers on stun....Go to yellow alert. Notify Starfleet that we are assisting a damaged vessel and greeting a new contact. Non volatile or threatening.”
“Yes, Captain” - the comm officer obeyed and Starfleet concurred.
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agentgrange · 3 years
I really appreciate your blog, especially your last post talking about the internalized ideology of what the agents, especially in the cowboy era would feel about being a clandestine black ops conspiracy.
As a leftist myself I really like Delta Green because it is one of the few properties out their that actually treat intelligence and law enforcement as being war profiteers and foot soldiers for capitalism.
Regarding the complex realities of agents who must always look over their shoulders, I always liked relaying on the pesudo liberaterian/conservative conspiracy theorist who is distrustful of the government and is well packed but would have very little to no idea on how to change the world in a meaningful or insightful well. An Alex Jones or a David Icke thinking themselves as a Fox Mulder or a Dale Cooper when they are very clearly a keystone cop.
But that is just one idea I have and I very much like your perspective of maybe disillusioned agents and assets question Cold War logic and propaganda, understanding how sometimes Delta Green maybe made some supernatural or unnatural threats worst with their interaction.
Anyway thanks for your words!
Hell yes, I'm happy about the responses and that other people feel the same. You definitely Get It™️
As a fan growing up of X Files and Twin Peaks there's a very different feel to those shows because while they are based in real life spook agencies the people involved in the story start as or become outcasts even within that community. It lets them see behind the curtain of the machine, but they still have one foot out the door with the rest of us subject to the system and it often forces them to challenge that structure or go against it if need be. It's why it holds up and fails to be copaganda that doesn't age well in the same way that early Law and Order is.
The cowboy era, moreso than any other era, highlights that by requiring that your agent actively goes against the directives of your organization whose real job is to subvert that structure at all costs, and in fact make a regular habit of embezzling, defrauding, and otherwise undermining it as a weapon against the unnatural. Compare that to the modern Post 9-11 system where you can literally be a Raytheon salesman in Afghanistan joined onto a Delta Green special taskforce as a government contractor and it's played totally straight just with the added levity of; but it's to stop aliens. A lot of the maliciousness of the intelligence blob is whitewashed.
If you like applying that to the sort of anti-government libertarian conservative characterization, I also strongly suggest you read some of the books by Stephan Hunter. He wrote Point of Impact, the book Shooter is based off and it's filled with characters like that who are just PREMIUM character inspiration for Delta Green that capture that perfect sense of paranoia and individualism while still being deeply deeply enjoyable to a leftist like me as absolute shock. Some of it is deeply cringe and genuinely unhinged but then you have books like 47th Samurai where a Yakuza boss seeks out an enchanted sword used by the mythical 47 Ronin to use it's influence to take over the Japanese porn industry because he thinks too many American actresses in it.
It's pulp garbage, but my god if it doesn't give you a window into the mind of aging paranoid antigovernment boomers that's spent their lives praising the system coming to slow the realization that the imperial structure doesn't exist to serve their best interests.
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