(Kevin Michael Kappler)
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Trust in Waking Days.
Every day as I awaken
I think of the blessings of each breath…
As death has not yet taken
A brilliant and bright loving soul
Although troubled times have come my way
I look to the skies and count the beautiful items…
 Counting all the details against misery’s toll…
I smile in delight
For all of my selfless and wholehearted plans
shall become successful
As I trust in the miracle of waking each and every day.
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Finish The Puzzle
People watching can be so much fun As we are all unique and amazing It sends my soul fluttering Feelings are now on a rabbit's run. Feelings of intrigue and yearning of sharing ideals passions.. Pleasures.. and such. A true "medal of honor" as broken a heart This prize it shall always steal. Made of stronger materials than titanium or graniter.. This man's will is stronger than "Mr. Universe.." Now he has his air flowing upon him.. Such attention is ideal. As no man is an island Or can be the leader of his own solo equipped army He needs pieces to complete his empty portions Of the puzzle of his soul.. In witch he silently tries.. Melting the fears of frigid cold rejection... He shall break from the mirror And enjoy other's company And true affections.
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Late at night
When the whole world is fast asleep..
I crawl into a place
A Meditation, land, of sorts..
There..we are both together
Feeling one another deep.
Sweat from the night
A sigh in my Subconscious
Waves in a huge ocean
Upon a small two man rescue raft
I call for you
Frame by frame
The movie plays
As we look into each other’s eyes
Alone in this Magic World
Just Us Two
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The Iron Will
The Iron Will So how strong and Long it endures. The Universe Welded such together by the sun. Forged by Metals from Above The soul is a force Strengthened by the fellowship Of this one. A Brighter toll Riches, from such, that shall never die. It never remains cold It might grow older... However, it shall last forever. For as one The brighter suns The Iron Wills Are forged, together. Stay with me Until the end. This is just the beginning of the journeys Of the soul As eternity We are flames that fire up The steel factories That, with such energies, it shall always mend.
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Life’s Gallery
Life's Gallery Foggy memories A dream or a nightmare? Pain and stress...misery. Whack...Whack!!!! Give me the pills for the pain.... Hell, I'm a little quack! I strike hard to make the ball a winning shot. I sweat hard..giving life .. all of the remaining strength that I've got. Down the same old halls...every day. A gallery of my life. I smile at the visions. For I've survived .... I deserved a name plate...below the art I survived over every hectic way.
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United Yet Divided
By Kevin Michael Kappler United We Stand Divided... We Have Fallen Balance is the Key To a Better Way.... So why isn't the Balancing beam being set up....for a success and a brighter day? A Volcano of lies Lava Scolds the Truthful and the Innocent Sitting on our hands We merely die like lost sea creatures boiling on the sands.. Of life's Symbiont energies peacefully brimming with  healing purpose and fluid intelligence to heal our Misguided people from destruction.. The Oceans push their waters .. harder then harder As the Gods of Fortune, Health, and Care.. Buddha's tears fill a great portion of the ocean.. devotion... We must stop and bath in these waters..gifts of nature,,, End the senseless ignorance and violence,,, Becoming who we know we can be.. Gentle creatures over-flowing with gleaming gifts of solution and equal distribution of rights and softer tolerance. Until the Volcano is put to sleep with truth's song... Until the destruction of a great world comes... At the rate and on the road on which we have traveled, wrongly, down... The time until the Vengeance of our Angry and Divine Creator, upon us, his wrath shall be seen quickly and deeply strong. We, as a free and gifted world, should united and see the gifts of our creator signaled to end the suffering of ignorance. Self made unneeded trials.  Not just in government and this "migration violence" "drug dilemma" the world is a beautiful place..if we unite and work, listen, and care as one. Together.
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A promise to Future's Paradise
A Promise to Future's Paradise
Strength comes from within our own hearts.
We need to share such strengths
So that our world can enjoy a well needed start.
We have grown apart
Due to bias and big headed egos.
We need to look in the mirror
We see that we have come far from being a hero.
We need to change what horrific errors
Which have stain this world with it’s inhabitants’ blood
How can we truly live if we have our heads hidden in dark mud?
We need to see the truer light
Help lift one another up
Through selfless notions and tomorrow’s future
The bonds of evil and sickness must be torn apart
To seed the green plants and fruiting trees of the promise of a future paradise
Standing peaceful and true side by side
We can seal the future of light
That goes far beyond blind and war filled pride.
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(Kevin Michael Kappler)
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Hurting Guns - A late night sorrow induced ambient mix.
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(Kevin Michael Kappler)
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My mother told me never to curse
There is a three-letter word
“You” that is used as “Perverse.”
A one way street
Only the GPS in your head
Allowing any direction
A cross road allowing...
The Equal Ways in which others you can meet.
“You” might be “busy” with what you direct your mind too
That you push others to feel and act as a duplicate
To the “you” that is your universe
Snap out of the run around looped Track
And stop racing against the world
As you have built one of your own with too high of walls.
A broken leg and a broken pace
To Keep visitors in your life
as “you” can be a word used as “perverse.”
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I am man
I am man.
I can play certain sports
I love my cars and mechanics
I can be a pain with my antics…
Seemingly Full of Only Testosterone and Pride
I can be shallow
I can be flirty
However, there is , to me, another side.
My heart feels
I cry while watching sad or romantic movies
A feel lost while alone
I judge the man that I see in the mirror
It couldn’t be any clearer
That I have a more feminine part
This man that you see
Is also a true loving Lady, inside.
Listening with a true ear.
Giving too much of himself
Hiding his pain to save another hurting and who has cried
on my shoulders
I offer the warmth and strength
Discipline like a Man
However, I have just made my stand.
Just because I am the image you see
In physical form on the outside…
Does not mean I’m on the prowl
Like a Lion on the hunt for his Pride.
Looking for his next conquest
Like a flesh hungry Zombie
I am more alive than I look
Inside and out
I am Man through and trough out.
I proudly have declared myself, whole, in a sweet
and loud shout
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Museum of The Heart
I walk through portions of my life’s memories
Like a curator in a Museum.
Dusting off those old memories that I once held fresh
Paintings and Sculptures defining my journey within life and its journeys.
Now they are old and less important exhibits
That I stumble upon
Doing clean up of my space - almost lost or forgotten
Sweet and Clear Flashes of Remembrance fill the moment
As I walk further down my mind’s museum halls
The empty spots
Along these spaces
Are the memories to be filled with your face and heart
A soul in which we shall share in the future…
Of friends and places I wish to visit…
As this late night watchman secures his stronghold of shows..
Emptiness fades with the visiting of such a place
holding the most important items
In his heart which is held in place by Love’s sutures.
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Haunted Fame
I’m that ghost
the spirit that you hear howling in the hallways.
I’m the Invisible Man that you sense around you
Yet you fail to share a spare moment of your days.
A mirage of a man that gets lost in Life’s Traffic
Only recognized when your social club has emptied out
You stop for a while, feel the empty and cold air
Isn’t such tragic?
I’m the invention that the public doubts will take off
With purpose in society
Like an airplane
In my years of living
Failure to connect with new souls
Since the Cats in The Cradle
with Their Silver Spoons
and you are the slow moving one
Wishing to be more like that...
Wondering what recipe that success needs in it’s soup
To out perform the cooks who make such a reality
and scoop out bowls for fans with their
Awards and Name’s Ladle.
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Science Fiction. Portals to my dreams
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