#dem sources
everlastingrandom · 2 months
what they don’t tell you about working in news is that the years start coming and they don’t stop coming. But the years are actually every five minutes
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autiezo · 4 months
HARRY DU BOIS - "Awwww man. We don't have a car. Now how are we going to get to Jamrock?"
JEAN VICQUEMARE - (*speaks with faux gleeful sarcasm*) "Oh gee, I don't know! How about we go to the local elephant lot, and rent an elephant?" :D
LOGIC [Medium: Failure] - { That makes perfect sense }
HARRY D.B. - "Oooo that sounds nice." :D
JEAN V. - (*slaps his forehead so hard he could have given himself a concussion*) "We're taking the BUS, shitkid!!" D:<
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This feels like it could be a meme
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[ID: a picture of a drawing of a sales talk in a bakery. A woman and child are in front of the counter. The saleswoman is smiling obnoxiously and saying "I'm sorry, that's really annoying." /End ID]
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daughterofhecata · 10 months
Bin lowkey versucht, jetzt doch Erbe des Drachen zu gucken, als research für einen Januar Prompt Fill (und weil. Mark Waschke & Gedeon Burkhard). Problem: Habe 90% des Hörspiels gehasst und null Bock auf die Darstellung der Jungs.
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Macavity: That is it, dude. You're about to get it!
Quasi: Wait, wait wait wait wait wait.
Macavity: What?
Quasi: I'm baby.
Macavity: What the fuck does that ev-
Demeter: Hey, stop, wait. You can't do that.
Macavity: What?
Demeter: He's baby. You can't- you can't just do that.
Quasi: [blows a raspberry at Macavity]
Macavity: He fuckin-
Demeter: Yeah, well, he's baby. So.
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baekuras · 29 days
Every time I see a post on twitter all like "Remember, the left sides w/ facists!!!" or something along those lines I have two thoughts
1: okay so you're gonna vote for the actual facists instead? 2: nice try bot-we went through this already fuck off
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kittykattymwah · 2 months
I'm getting ready for my endoscopy as i write this and I'm spending my waiting time in Tumblr like the loser i am.
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anarchypumpkincowboy · 4 months
“You’re just a damn democrat” YOU TAKE THAT BACK I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT
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Kann Gott sein Versprechen halten ?
8 Gott sagt: „Meine Gedanken, Ideen und Vorstellungen sind in einer anderen Dimension als eure Vorstellungen. Die Sachen, die ich tun kann, laufen auf einer anderen Ebene ab als die Sachen, die ihr tut. --- Das ist Vers 8 aus Kapitel 55 und dem Buch des Propheten Jesaja in der Bibel, hier in der Volxbibel Version [ AT & NT 2014 ] von Martin Dreyer in heutigem Deutsch.
3D-Animations-Clip Nummer 3 von 7 kann dich zum selber Nachlesen, Nachhören und Entdecken animieren, das könnte für dich für immer den einen Unterschied ausmachen!
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Keira: MOTHER… For the LAST time most normal people find that  INCREDIBLY fucking CREEPY.
Demetra: & I find your input incredibly FUCKING annoying since I didn’t ASK you for it!
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phoenixyfriend · 7 months
Michigan just gave us the rhetorical weapon that could push Biden and the DNC to turn their backs on Israel.
Okay so this is amazing news. Michigan was going to be a key state in the push to get Biden, and the DNC as a whole, to start pressuring Israel, and they have just proven that they have that power.
Background: Michigan is a swing state, and it has 16 votes in the electoral college. Winning Michigan was a major factor in Biden's win back in 2020, and much of that rested on the Arab-American vote. It was also a major factor in Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump in 2016. She lost the state by ten thousand, seven hundred votes.
Praxis: For obvious reasons, Arab-Americans are incredibly upset with Biden's support for Israel, and support in that demographic has gone from 59% in the 2020 election to less than 17% now. As a form of protest, Arab-Americans in Michigan started a campaign to get voters to check "uncommitted" in the Democratic primary. This is an actual box that can be checked, though some less-organized pushes also suggested writing in 'ceasefire' like New Hampshire primary voters did.
The goal was to get at least 10,000 'uncommitted' votes, as that is how many Hillary lost by.
As Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud, the first Arab mayor of this majority-Arab city, said:
"We're not sizable enough to make a candidate win, but we're sizable enough to make a candidate lose."
(Source: NPR, 2/25/24)
As of 10:49 PM EST, 2/27, there are thirty-nine thousand uncommitted votes, according to CNN, which is doing live coverage.
NPR was reporting 30k at 10:14.
As a caveat, New York Times is saying that each of the last three Michigan Dem Primaries had about 20k uncommitted votes, so the 35k isn't all the push for pro-Palestine stances in Congress, but that's still a jump of almost 20k, which is way, way more than the goal.
And they aren't done counting the votes yet. Barely 30% of votes are in. The goal has been blown out of the water.
Other states are reaching out for advice on how to replicate the results.
This is big news.
So can we relax?
Fuck no.
Do what Michigan did. Vote in the Dem primary, and vote uncommitted or write in "ceasefire."
But on a more daily basis, if you have a Democratic candidate, lean on this.
Tell them it will be repeated elsewhere.
This could very well lose the election for Biden and more. The Democrats can't afford another four years of Trump, and they know it. The loss of Michigan can and will tank this election for them, especially since other states that helped Biden win, like Georgia, were also won on demographics that are growing increasingly upset by the situation in Gaza.
Go to the Michigan section of this post and use that in your calls and emails.
But remember. Call your reps. Call your senators. Call your governor, if you'd like. And if they're a Democrat, you bring this up. Be polite, the staffer isn't making these decisions. They might just be an intern. But bring it up and tell them that we are going to lose the presidency if we do not sanction Israel and actually pressure them into not only pulling out of Gaza and the West Bank, but paying reparations.
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kon-konk · 2 years
I rarely throw away good food. If I don't like it I'll usually just ask my friends or cousin if they want it. Tonight, however, I threw away almost an entire steak bowl.
Why? It tasted off, but I couldn't describe why or how.
Why not just give it to someone else? Because I couldn't help but remember the weird comment the cook that made my food tonight made.
Him: Yeah, you liked that steak bowl last night, didn't you? I bet you ate it up.
(I'd requested another cook make it last night because the other cook puts the perfect amount of bbq sauce in it every time, but when my food needed to be made he was on break, so this cook made it and I sucked it up for the night because it was already made by the time I realized the other cook wouldn't be the one making it.)
Honestly, the words were weird, but the tone he'd said it in made me actually wonder for a bit if he'd done something to my food last night or tonight.
I just kinda replied with a "yeah, it was good" and got away from him.
The cook who made my food is a really creepy dude, and I doubt he would have done anything to my food (well...I hope he wouldn't), but after telling my cousin about the comment he was equally weirded out and said he thought I made a good choice in throwing it away.
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max1461 · 4 months
The problem with "anti-disinformation" being taken up as the mantra of the establishment is simultaneously that it gives the establishment sympathetic seeming grounds for discrediting anything they don't like ("we're merely combating lies in the name of Truth! How can you be opposed to that?"), which is something we have already been seeing, and that it rhetorically forces the anti-establishment position to become "who cares about truth! I'm a based disinformation warrior!" which is also not any good. I have recently encountered
A respectable establishment Dem type of person asking me very incredulously "has that been fact-checked?" when I told them basic, uncontroversial information about the history of Israel and Palestine
A number of online radicals, left and right, taking up an almost explicit "checking your sources is establishment shill behavior" stance on the truth of their statements
And needless to say, this has not made me feel very good about the current state of the discourse.
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Erin Reed at Erin In The Morning:
On Tuesday, Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris announced that her pick for Vice President is Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota. In recent years, as trans and queer people have come under attack from over a thousand proposed bills, Walz is expected to serve as a source of optimism for LGBTQ+ people. The governor’s long track record on LGBTQ+ rights positions him as a strong oppositional force against what has become a national attack on LGBTQ+ people, particularly transgender individuals.
“I am proud to announce that I've asked Tim Walz to be my running mate. As a governor, a coach, a teacher, and a veteran, he's delivered for working families like his. It's great to have him on the team. Now let’s get to work. Join us,” read Harris’ statement on Twitter. Walz has taken decisive action against attacks on transgender people in surrounding states, making Minnesota a refuge for those seeking care. In 2023, he signed an executive order protecting transgender people from out-of-state prosecution if they seek care within Minnesota’s borders. The executive order also issued a bulletin to health insurance companies, mandating coverage and initiating investigations into health insurance denials in the state.
In 2024, Walz signed a bill banning the gay and transgender panic defense. This defense is often used to help individuals avoid murder charges or receive lighter sentences by asserting that they were "deceived" by a romantic partner who was gay or transgender. According to one study, the transgender panic defense has been used at least 351 times. Walz's pro-LGBTQ+ record goes back much further than his time as governor. In 1999, he sponsored the first gay-straight alliance at his high school while working as a teacher. In Congress, he co-sponsored the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act and voted to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D)’s track record on LGBTQ+ issues has been stellar, dating back to his pre-Congress days.
This makes me glad that he is the nominee.
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Etcetera: Why do you look sad? Demeter: There's a boy that doesn't really like me too much. Etcetera: Why do you care what other people think of you of you? They're not in your brain. Demeter: Whoa... that was actually very deep! Etcetera: Do you think if I stick a crayon right up my nose it'll bleed? Demeter: ... Demeter: Huh.
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I just think it's weird how tumblr eats my posts about Kamala
Anyway I had written a kinda long post that requires much more labor that I don't feel like entirely rewriting right now so I'll just post part of it and instead of it being a wall of text I made it a meme. Yw.
And it's straight and to the point cuz I'm so tired of this broken site and everyone else arguing with me about Kamala being a Nazi
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She is, just targets the Jewish people who don't serve American interests...which is just the same Nazi policy with different words.
Bonus, cuz I started making this post and couldn't help myself:
My other post had sources that proved Kamala hit AT LEAST 9 of Hitler's 25 point program. This is just one point before y'all start on your "being similar in one way isnt proof of anything" bs
(I might make it a thread if that happens but y'all can do your own labor so I'm not gonna rush to do it for you)
And in case it went over your head: 9/25 is is a 36% policy match. And the ONLY reason I didn't check to see if she matched any others is because the post I wrote was already so long. But it's definitely ≤50% which is Way too high for my comfort.
For example her "opportunity economy" that promises to rebuild the middle class and provide the elderly with more support?
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People didn't vote for Hitler the Man Commiting Genocide. They voted for Hitler the Progressive Union Man Who Cares About the Working Class.
Then they looked away when it came to anything that wasn't domestic policy because domestically he served "the common interest" of Germans. Who cares what he did to Poland or Belgium or Norway or-...he was good for Germans.
And that's what mattered to Germans. And not being willing to serve your fellow Germans was dubbed as prioritizing "self interest" by the Nazi party.
Sound familiar?
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Likewise if I don't vote Kamala I must not be American, I must be Russian psyop or a bot for making this post, or perhaps Very selfish?
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