#c: Demetra
silvcrignis · 1 year
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"Soooo any romance updates?"
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"This is the THIRD night in a ROW I've been in this room by myself playing online chess, eating CheezIts & drinking wine, Mother."
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"Yikes. Get a husband, I guess."
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magici-if · 1 year
Can i have either 'Y' or 'O' ?
so I only did Y cuz this post got realllllllly long
Y = Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
from THIS prompt list
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Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o?
Just...noise. Their partner chewing loudly/ with their mouth open, talking way too loudly, and picking their nose. Also, their partner queue jumping.
Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?
He snores really loudly and he gets up a lot of times during the night: first he might wanna get a midnight snack, then drink some water, then go to the toilet, then go open the window 'cause it's hot, and the list goes on. Yes, all that in one night.
Those endearing moments where you catch your partner sleeping and they just look so cute? Yeah, never happening with Martin, he's either up or snoring. He also sometimes uses words the wrong way 'cause English isn't his first language.
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Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o?
Just, anything that makes her feel like her presence is unappreciated. Cancelling on her the last minute when she had a whole date planned.
When she's talking about something important and her partner keeps interrupting her and not letting her speak.Her partner starting an argument in public or while they're in front of people they know.
Her s/o being on their phone when they're alone with each other. Also her partner leaving her messages on read without even reacting with a heart. (poor dem)
Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?
She texts like she talks: let's say she needs to say a lot via text, instead of writing one big paragraph, she'll end up sending 10 different text bubbles.
Dem 🫶
"okay" "so like" "the craziest thing just happened" "anyways i'll tell you when you get home" "cus I dont wna annoy you w too many messages"
Narrator: watch her send a myriad of messages
Dem 🫶
"are you not gna ask what it is?" ":(" "i miss you"
And then when her s/o asks her what it was, what will happen is:
Exhibit A:
"Oh I have no idea, I don't remember. Must have been something dumb."
Exhibit B:
"Oh no nevermind it was really dumb." / She grins, "I lied, just wanted to get your attention"
Exhibit C:
"Oh yeah! Let me tell you." and it's something really dumb.
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Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o?
His partner's glasses falling off their nose and them pushing them up by the middle like an anime character. His partner taking his food from his plate without asking. Seeing someone's snus on their gums while they are speaking.
Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?
They're lazy, and it's more of a lifestyle than a habit. He also makes a lot of useless group chats for everything, him and his friends are going to the cinema next Friday?
" '🔥🎥🎥 CINEMA NIGHT GANG 🔥🔥💯💯' was created by 'california's biggest babe (evander) ❤︎'. "
(he's never been in california)
At this point they'll do it on purpose to annoy people. Evander and MC going on a date?
"You've been added to '😈🤓 DATE NIGHT BABES🍆💞' "
"You've been added to 'oops I did it again ⚽️↗↘💥🥅 I scored a cutie.'"
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Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o?
Harley loves to just sit and talk with people, especially her lover. So her pet peeve would be when she wants to talk but it becomes a monologue 'cause her partner just stares at her and answers with monosyllables.
When Harley and her partner have planned to do an activity, and her partner keeps saying they're about to go get dressed so they can go, but it's been 3 hours and they still haven't done that.
Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?
She's an early bird. Say her s/o accidentally wakes up at 7:00 am, they'll find that Harley has already left, made coffee, left a a cute note saying
"brb!!! wanted to go on a run! I love you!!"
and bought groceries. They'll fall back asleep and wake up an hour later and Harley would have come home, wrote a song about how cute her partner is when they sleep, and bought them a bouquet with their favourite flowers.
Basically lazy mornings together are non existent with her and she'll prolly accidentally wake her partner up like 3 times in a morning.
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Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o?
When her s/o folds a page on a book instead of using a bookmark, or when they doodle on her textbook with a pen when she'd planned on selling it afterwards.
Also the phrases "Are you angry?" and "Why are you so quiet?" when she's just existing.
Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?
Echo will stay up the whole night playing a video game, watching a series or reading a book, their partner will go to sleep and wake up to find her in the same position. There comes the question: has she slept at all?
The answer is no.
She'll even try really really hard to convince her s/o to stay up with her so they can be together.
Echo will also literally terrorise her partner, she loves sneaking up on people and she's such a try-hard about it. She won't just sneak up on people, no; she'll even use her abyss powers to teleport behind her s/o and scare them.
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Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o?
Bad hygiene, especially bad breath/ yellow teeth. Bad communication, like his s/o giving him the cold shoulder after they had a disagreement.
Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?
He's a workaholic, if he can work on a book he's writing, research a specific type of affinity, or read a book about magic theory, he will. This man doesn't know how to relax, his partner will have to force him to sit down and chill together.
He is also probably addicted to playing chess on his phone, if he isn't working or spending time with his partner, he's on the chess.com app. Specifically, the 3 minute long matches, which he'll lose anyways 'cause he forgets he only has 3 minutes and he'll spend an eternity before making any move.
All this 'cause he watched one (!) episode of The Queen's Gambit (didn't have the time to watch the rest, he says).
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uniquegamers21 · 4 months
The days of doom
(Genshin impact roleplay)(One x One PRIVATE Roleplay)
He put the portal a little far from the Liyue harbour. He didn't want anyone to see him like this. The place seems calm and peaceful as always. Many traders come and leave from Liyue harbour. As expected of Liyue Qixing, she is indeed Pantalone's rival in terms of business. However, the city looks rather lively than before. They even added some decoration as well. Ah, is it nearly Lantern Rite? What a perfect timing! This would be the very first time he took her to Lantern Rite. It seems they decorated it with the statue of Yaksha and kite. He saw many children trying to fly the Jade Chamber kite. Some of them choose a whopper flower kite. Maybe, he should make his own kite later. 
 "Now, Welcome to Liyue Harbour my princess~ we should go to Northland Bank and take some cash. Besides, we came at the right time. See those decorations? They're preparing for Lantern Rite tonight. I bet they even hired Wushu dancing this year. I'm sure you will like it. Shall we go now?" Childe winked at her teasingly. It would be great if she could make up her mind and join Fatui instead. That way, he could keep an eye on her. Unfortunately, what Childe didn't know was that he wasn't the only one who would keep an eye on her. A man with a half mask sensed a portal nearby. However, he couldn't feel any abyss presence at all. Putting his money on the table, the man leaves the tea house and checks whoever it is. If they weren't the abyss, perhaps he could ask them how they did it. If they were the abyss, he had to get ready to fight. 
​​​​​​"uh, sir?" Dainsleif shook his head and waved his hand at the waiter. "You can take the change." The waiter looked confused, he stared at the money before looking back at him. "Uh..actually, you gave me less than the price...you need 1000 more." Dainsleif went silent for a while. "Ah, I see...my apologies. Wait a moment.." When he wanted to take mora from his pocket, he couldn't find it. 'Wait, where's my mora?' He kept searching around and still couldn't find it. "Wait, don't tell me...that kid- ugh...I never thought today would be a bad day. Excuse me for a moment. I will go back here once I get my wallet" Dainsleif quickly ran out, he need to find his wallet quickly and find whoever that was! "Sir! You can't leave without paying! You there, call security catch him!"
Inside Liyue harbour, Childe took her to Northland Bank. They welcomed her warmly and provided the amounts he asked for. After all, he is the harbinger. Even if he is the last one, he still did some work to raise their finances as well- ah, wait a minute, if she joined the Fatui, that does mean she will meet Pantalone as well. Ugh, he loves those more, but his monologues are too long for him to handle. Not to mention, the crazy doctor and his segments as well. Somehow, he started to change his mind about her joining the Fatui. Shaking his head at his random thoughts, Childe filled in the paper before the receptionist gave him the mora. "So, why don't we take a look at the kite? I'm sure you would love it,  or perhaps we should taste delicious food at the Pavilion? After all, master doesn't have a good taste...or maybe we should make a kite instead?" 
"Making kite? That does sound like a good idea...it's rare to see you do it with your own hands. I still remember the time when you paid a large amount of more to make a custom kite" A young man in a perfectly neat suit appeared behind them. He smiled warmly at both of them. He bowed at Demetra like a true gentleman. "Good evening miss, I am Zhongli, working in funeral parlour as a consultant. It's rare to see Mister Childe with someone as beautiful as you." Zhongli always acts like a true gentleman, even in the way he speaks, he chooses his words carefully. "Ah, Mister Zhongli. Good evening, I never thought I would meet you again here." Childe's expression remains the same, however, his body language is different than before. He pulled Demetra closer to him as if to show him that she belonged to her.
"That's right, she is my friend. Perhaps deeper than a friend. I want her to enjoy her first Lantern Rite"
"is that so? I had a close acquaintance who was an expert in making kites. Perhaps, I could introduce both of you to her? Of course, it depends on you miss."
Both Zhongli and Childe stared at her, waiting for the answer. Zhongli seems curious and would like to know her better. As for Childe, he is acting childish and possessive.
[ Ruka ]
"Is that so? entertain me then~" She winked at him playfully. It's been a while since the last time she spoke to another person. This person seems interesting enough, at least more interesting than the other akademiya student she stalk observed. There's another person that she kept her eye on, what was her name again? Soh- something? Instead of those technology from Khaenriah, she chooses to study animals from forests instead. She's quite unique, maybe he knows her?  "Ah, I saw one girl around the forest, she studied animals..what was her name again? Sohre? Shore? Sometimes she sneaks out as well, maybe you know her? Or perhaps you can relay a message later. If she kept doing that those animals could be the death of her. Well, now, how about we go and see more of those ruins Zandik?  I know someplace that may look interesting to you. I won't accept No for answer. Considering this as repayment that I saved your life." Actually, this is only a reason to get to know him better. She can't be a creepy stalker all the time. Aether kept reminding her to not be seen by others for the sake of their plan. Sometimes, she wondered why those people were so curious about Khaenriah. After all, they're doomed with the curse of immortality. Some of them even turned into a monster. Only a few of them survive including her. Ruka felt grateful that Aether saved her life on time. She could never forget what happened that day. Shaking her head, she put those thoughts deeper into her mind and walked ahead of him, showing the way. 
​​​​​​After 1 hour on the roads...
"those damn eremites.... seriously! Do I look like a spoiled elite girl or something?!" A long tiring sigh escaped from her small lips. Kicking the unconscious eremites on the ground, she gave him another smack just for her own satisfaction. Those eremites were guarding her secret tunnel and it made her furious that they found her secret alone place. Perhaps someone hiring them to find out about those sites? "Ahem, sorry about that. So, here is the secret tunnel that I found. Great isn't it?" Ruka grinned, feeling proud that she could find a secret path in a foreign land without Aether. She placed her hands on the late vines that close the entrance. Whispering the secret words, the vines slowly retract themselves. "Now, let's go to this cave" She pulled his hands and showed him what the cave could offer. As she kept pulling him, they went deeper underground. However, the sights are definitely worth it. "So, what do you think about this one?" There's a large tree in the middle, it's such a beautiful scenery. Under the there are purple carpet and some fluffy dolls that she brought. "Ahem, I just trying to make myself comfortable. Anyway, the one you are looking for, is over there" She pointed at another path across the tree. She quickly shows it to him. There are surprisingly a lot of ruins guards and the biggest one remains intact. "Oh! Here, I take off the circuit since it keeps firing missiles. Why don't you enjoy yourself now? I will be right there under the tree. You can come to me first when you are finished." It should be alright since he won't take a long time...right? Let's hope Aether won't scold her about this. Walking away from him, she decided to take a rest and lay on the carpet, closing her eyes for a while. The quietness of this place calms her mind, maybe it is alright to take a nap for a few minutes...
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ae-neon · 1 year
There are 6 queens and 3 realms right? well then aren’t there one queen per realm with a co-monarch?? But if that’s the case, that would mean they are lesbians and sjm writing actual representation for lgbtq?? Can’t believe it but maybe the queens aren’t sisters but cousins and that would be why they’re related to one another while the kingdoms are kept "separated"
or maybe 3 of the queens were sisters married to the kings of the different realms and are sent as representative?? But then i can’t explain the other 3 queens because if they were just servants thy wouldn’t be considered queens
or potentially there are 3 realms and each is divided into 2 "sub realms" which would mean tte 6 queens unite 2 by 2 to "assemble" each of the three realms (what in the marvel universe is this???)
Am i putting too much thought in this? I don’t know
Too much thought? Maybe, maybe not. But one thing is for sure: it's more than the author herself.
Lets start with the mortal lands themselves. There are 3 kingdoms existing under the Wall on the Continent: Scythia, Neva and Bharat.
Neva (Russian? Spanish?) is said to be a city. Papa A travels there to trade with merchants and attends a summit about the threat of Hybern on Prythian.
Scythia (Greek) is referred to as a "Realm/Kingdom" but is also said to be the smallest of the realms ruled by the queens (smaller than a city???) It's known for trade and horses.
Bharat (Indian) doesn't have much of a description but is also a place of trade, namely spice and cloth.
Now the queens. Only three are named. Vassa, Demetra (the golden queen) and Briallyn. The other 3 are older. A is brown skinned. B is fair skinned and C is dark skinned.
Vassa and Demetra are both Greek names so it might make sense for them to be the rulers of the region of Scythia. (Sparta had 2 kings so that's not unheard of)
A and C having darker skin fits them more in Bharat. (Maybe the region is called Bharat but within are two kingdoms?? Maybe they are married or twin sisters or represent two different groups in the region)
B and Briallyn could be the rulers of Neva. (Is is one city so the co-queen doesn't make sense unless they are married or twin sisters or something)
But that still doesn't explain the relationship between all the group of queens. (Especially because sjm makes it sound like they all live in one castle in the middle of the continent?)
So let's say the continental kingdoms have an alliance and because of that a central castle was built. I think that's the best explanation I can give
(maybe that's why it's not a big deal that Vassa is living in Prythian instead of returning to Scythia, they're used to not having their rulers around. Doesn't explain why she has no guards or entourage tho)
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aka-achara · 1 year
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Name: Achara Singhaboon
Alias/Deadname: Demetra
Nickname: 'Chara, Gator Girl, Gecko
Birthday: November 24 (2005)
Age: 15 (2020)
Gender: female but body is intersex (she/her)
Occupation: Student- Sophomore
Abilities: Serpent Senses (enhanced strength, speed, smell), Venom (paralytic acid spit), Beast Mode (can grow and bulk up to 7 ft tall)
Species: Alphasapien/Lizard Hybrid
Nationality: Thai American
Hair: Dark Green
Height: 5'8"
Class: Alpha C
Character Playlist:
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kaantt · 2 years
Kaamelott incorrect quotes:
Demetra : A-B-C Guenièvre. Always be classy.
Aelis : And a teeny bit slutty.
Demetra : Oh yeah, and a teeny bit slutty.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Beverly is the perfect happy homemaker, along with her doting husband and two children, but this nuclear family just might explode when her fascination with serial killers collides with her ever-so-proper code of ethics. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Beverly Sutphin: Kathleen Turner Eugene Sutphin: Sam Waterston Misty Sutphin: Ricki Lake Chip Sutphin: Matthew Lillard Detective Pike: Scott Morgan Detective Gracey: Walt MacPherson Scotty: Justin Whalin Birdie: Patricia Dunnock Carl: Lonnie Horsey Dottie Hinkle: Mink Stole Rosemary Ackerman: Mary Jo Catlett Mr. Stubbins: John Badila Betty Sterner: Kathy Fannon Ralph Sterner: Doug Roberts Carl’s Date: Traci Lords Marvin Pickles: Tim Caggiano Howell Hawkins: Jeff Mandon Father Boyce: Colgate Salsbury Mrs. Jenson: Patsy Grady Abrams Herbie Hebden: Richard Pilcher Timothy Nazlerod: Beau James Judge: Stan Brandorff Luann Hodges: Kim Swann Suzanne Somers: Suzanne Somers Gus: Bus Howard Sloppy: Alan J. Wendl Juror #8: Patricia Hearst Jury Forewoman: Nancy Robinette Rookie Cop: Peter Bucossi Policewoman: Loretto McNally Press A: Wilfred E. Williams Court TV Reporter: Joshua L. Shoemaker Court Groupie A: Rosemary Knower Court Groupie B: Susan Lowe Carl’s Brother: John Calvin Doyle Book Buyer: Mary Vivian Pearce Mean Lady: Brigid Berlin Police Officer: Jordan Brown Vendor: Anthony ‘Chip’ Brienza Flea Market Boy: Jeffrey Pratt Gordon Flea Market Girl: Shelbi Clarke Macho Man: Nat Benchley Dealer: Kyf Brewer Baby’s Mother: Teresa R. Pete Church Baby: Zachary S. Pete Doorman: Richard Pelzman Kid A: Chad Bankerd Kid B: Johnny Alonso Kid C: Robert Roser Joe Flowers: Mike Offenheiser Girl: Lee Hunsaker Burglar A: Michael S. Walter Burglar B: Mojo Gentry Mrs. Taplotter: Gwendolyn Briley-Strand Reporter: Jennifer Mendenhall Joan Rivers: Joan Rivers TV Serial Hag: Catherine Anne Hayes Lady C: Susan Duvall Press: Valerie Yarborough Kid: Jordan Young Camel Lips: Jennifer Finch Camel Lips: Suzi Gardner Camel Lips: Demetra Plakas Camel Lips: Donita Sparks Husband A: John A. Schneider Court Clerk: Lyrica Montague Eugene Sutphin’s Nurse (uncredited): Bess Armstrong Birdie’s Father (uncredited): Greg Coale Video Store Customer (uncredited): David L. Marston Stage Diver (uncredited): Kim McGuire Cop (uncredited): John Poague Club Kid (uncredited): Al Sotto Ted Bundy (voice) (uncredited): John Waters Film Crew: Art Direction: David J. Bomba Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Mark Berger Executive Producer: Joseph M. Caracciolo Jr. Thanks: Paul Reubens Original Music Composer: Basil Poledouris Writer: John Waters Production Design: Vincent Peranio Editor: Janice Hampton Producer: Mark Tarlov Supervising Sound Editor: John Nutt Thanks: Don Knotts Editor: Erica Huggins Director of Photography: Robert M. Stevens Associate Producer: Pat Moran Costume Design: Van Smith First Assistant Director: Robert Rooy Property Master: Brook Yeaton Art Department Production Assistant: Jeffrey Pratt Gordon Carpenter: Thomas Turnbull Thanks: Harry H. Novak Set Decoration: Susan Kessel On Set Dresser: Lianne Williamson Sound Editor: Ernie Fosselius Thanks: Arthur Machen Utility Stunts: G. A. Aguilar Sound Mixer: Rick Angelella First Assistant Director: Mary Ellen Woods Sound Editor: Frank E. Eulner Casting: Paula Herold Set Dresser: Michael Sabo Second Unit Director: Steve M. Davison Sound Editor: Robert Shoup Hairstylist: Kathryn Blondell Sound Re-Recording Mixer: David Parker Stunt Double: Cheryl Wheeler Duncan Assistant Makeup Artist: Janice Kinigopoulos Makeup Artist: Debi Young Makeup Artist: E. Thomas Case Post Production Supervisor: John Currin Assistant Property Master: R. Vincent Smith Music Supervisor: Bones Howe Draughtsman: Rob Simons Additional Hairstylist: Howard ‘Hep’ Preston Assistant Makeup Artist: Barbara Lacy Art Department Coordinator: Sarah Stollman Utility Stunts: Michael Runyard Unit Production Manager: Margaret Hilliard Hairstylist: Ardis Cohen Assistant Production Design: John Lindsey McCormick Makeup Artist: Betty Beebe Sound Recordist: Philip Rogers Producer: John Fiedler Secon...
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lamorgh · 1 year
❀• F A S H I O N • C R E D I T S •❀ Head: Lelutka – AVALON 3.1 EvoX Shape: UpBeatZ – Kimmy Shape – Exclusive @ UNIK Event (till May 2nd) Head skin: [Simple Bloom] – Teresa (in sorbet tone) – Exclusive @ The Salom (till April 30th) Eyes: TAROT – Ingrid HD Eyes LEL EVO X HUD – Exclusive @ The Salom Eyesshadow – Eda Make up – Eyaeshadow #3A – 25% OFF @ eBENTO Earring: MIURA – Demetra Earring –…
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faithfacades-remade · 6 years
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→  kestrel eilhart, half - elf monster slayer ranger → demetra aldanae, high elf grave domain cleric & circle of twilight druid
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brynxcathmael-blog · 7 years
Back together # Bryn&Demetra
“Uhm.. wh-what did you say?” Bryn asked the girl, her own eyes wide with a mix of shock and confusion as they moved back down to the papers that had been dropped on the counter. What on earth was this? The word ‘ADOPTION’ was popping out at her, making her pulse pick up speed as her hands shook, even with the whiskey glass she was polishing, the rag in her hand trembling as well.
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silvcrignis · 1 year
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"My child you have fulfilled the CYCLE."
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"That I have... I hated having the hot mom only to BECOME the hot mom."
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"I'm SO proud of you... I'm also hungry."
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"Same... We're getting Pizza Hut."
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thesimsfabrik · 2 years
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Robin is a dancer who lives in the neighborhood Magnolia Promenade. Today she is modeling her Party outfit.
Hair: @rustys-cc - F hair C-Curl Edit V
Skin Overlay: @remussirion - Skin 20 Female Overlay
Tatoos: @sugarowl
Shadows: @remussims - eyeshadow 31 Astrocyte
Eyeliner: ANGISSI
Blush: @remussirion - Blush 17
Lipstick: @mercisims - Lipstick 22
Earrings: @mercisims - Jordan Earrings
Choker: Feyona - Terra Choker
Tights: MsBlue - Mona Panty hose Collection
Heels: @dallasgirl79 - shoes Amelie Pumps
Watch: Feyona - Demetra Watch
Purse: @dorificsims - FENDI BAGUETTE 1997
Poses: @helgatisha , @roselipaofficial and/or @flowerchamber
Thanks to all the CC creators for The Sims
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callofthevoid-rpg · 3 years
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𝔽𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕖 𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕖
NOM La Guilde des Armes FONDATEUR·RICE Slyrak Cairic (†) LEADEUR·EUSE ACTUEL·LE Demetra Naera, la petite-fille de Slyrak. ANNÉE DE FONDATION Il y a 75 ans en (date) EFFECTIF Autrefois très nombreux (plusieurs centaines), le recensement de la guilde annonce à présent 339 membres à travers tout Evyr. PRINCIPE Les mercenaires de la guilde travaillent par contrat ; peu importe la requête ils la remplissent proprement et sans histoire si la mise promise est importante. VALEURS L'appât du gain et la solidarité (entre les membres) SIGLE / SYMBOLE Deux épées qui se croisent LOCALISATION Le siège officiel est à AESATIS (CELES) mais comme pour beaucoup, la Guilde est éparpillée un peu partout. ADMISSION Toujours ouverte, interdite aux arcanistes.
La Guilde a été fondée par Slyrak Cairic il y a 75 ans. Ancien lieutenant de Celes à l'arrêt de ses activités officielles, il commença rapidement à proposer ses compétences de combatant à des hauts placés bien offrants. Rapidement, il remarqua que la demande était bien plus grande qu'il ne le pensait et impliqua alors quelques un·e·s de ses pairs de confiance. D'abord un petit groupe, ils devinrent rapidement la Guilde connue d'aujourd'hui avec une structure et  un système mis en place par Slyrak lui-même. Celesien de sang et de nature, une règle notoire de la Guilde est que la pratique de la magie est interdite. Le groupe est donc fermé aux arcanistes et uniquement ouvert à celleux qui peuvent se défendre et se battre par d'autres moyens. Âmes égarées, mercenaires nomades ou espion·ne·s de talent, les membres ont de multiples compétences prêtes à être mises au service au plus offrant. Travailler seul·e ou en groupe est un choix personnel, la seule règle est le respect de la demande et la discrétion absolue concernant celle-ci. Pour ce qui est des contrats, le système est simple : premier·e arrivé·e, premier·e servi·e. C'est au membre même de se renseigner sur les nouveaux contrats disponibles bien qu'une liste générale est exposée au QG : à AESATIS (CELES). La Guilde n'a pas d'aspirations particulières et ne sert que le gain et le profit. Personne n'est forcé à prendre un contrat si celui-ci bafoue ses convictions ou sa morale. Il est simplement demandé qu'une fois que le contrat est pris, qu'il soit rempli au risque d'être banni de la Guilde. Tout membre laissant ses valeurs personnelles entraver le travail d'un autre membre se verra être lourdement banni, la Guilde n'ayant aucune tolérance à l'échec. Si la Guilde établit des crimes en tous genres, elle est officieusement protégée par la famille royale de Celes qui fait bien souvent usage des meilleurs éléments du groupe. Il y a donc une mesure générale de protection envers la royauté qui échange sa protection contre celle de la Guilde ; une mesure non approuvée par la majorité mais établie par Slyrak lui-même ce qui fait de cette règle une formalité immuable.
𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕔𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕖𝕥 𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕤
LEADEUR·EUSE Demetra Naera, petite-fille de Slyrak. Personnage à créer. BRAS DROIT un poste à pourvoir. GESTIONNAIRE DES CONTRATS gère l'arrivée des différents contrats et la réalisation de ceux-ci. Un poste à pourvoir. BOURREAUX entrent en scène si un client ne paye pas ou si un membre doit être puni ou banni. Force brute et loyauté sont les critères pour accéder à ce rang.  Cinq poste à pourvoir. MESSAGER·E·S s'occupent de faire passer les messages, de mettre au courant dans la plus grande discrétion les membres de nouveaux contrats. Postes à pourvoir. MERCENAIRES DE LA GUILDE membres de la Guilde du terrain, celleux qui prennent et réalisent les contrats. Postes à pourvoir.
𝕃𝕖𝕤 𝕣𝕖𝕛𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕣𝕖
Le recrutement se fait par le bouche à oreille et le piston. Il n'est pas difficile de l'intégrer mais il faut avoir conscience qu'une fois membre il faut demeurer actif et avoir son quota de contrats réalisés au risque de se faire punir ou bannir à jamais. Les demandes sont délicates et exclusives ce qui fait qu'une confiance absolue est instaurée dés le début et aucune bafouille n'est autorisée. Par ces conditions bien sévères, seul·e·s les plus averti·e·s osent réellement commencer les démarches pour rejoindre la Guilde. Après avoir été contrôlé en détails la potentielle recrue, un entretien est organisé avec Demetra et ses pairs qui confirmeront si oui ou non la demande est acceptée.
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susieporta · 4 years
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C' è stato un tempo in cui tutte le donne erano sacre.
Viste come dee, come Signore del proprio destino.
C' è stato un tempo in cui il corpo era sacro, in cui il sesso era una preghiera.
C' è stato un tempo in cui la donna era una strega, tessitrice, guaritrice, ostetrica.
La donna si immergeva nella natura, si profumava con gelsomino,
andava a piedi nudi, correva libera...
Ballava per lei, ballava per la vita, ballava per sedurre, ballava per la sua fertilità.
La sua bellezza era il suo fascino...
Era dei poeti l'ispirazione e dei musicisti, canzone.
La donna era cuoca, mamma, sacra, ammirata.
ornava il suo corpo di pietre naturali, i colori della terra erano il suo belletto.
Dov' è adesso questa donna?
In che fase della storia lei si è persa?
Dove dobbiamo cercarla?
In realtà, questa donna-Sacra esiste ancora!!!
È immersa in altre forme, in altre facce, in altri costumi.
I suoi rami sono stati potati, si è adeguata, schiavizza... non ricorda... non riesce a riconoscersi.
Oggi questa donna è una donna d'affari, è un medico, avvocato, poliziotto, casalinga, politica, infermiera, scrittrice, stilista.
Lei è ancora qui, ma non si ricorda chi è veramente.
Ha perso la memoria.
Ha dimenticato la sua sacralità, la sua divinità, la sua superiorità... il suo essere Donna!
Torna in te donna, pettinati con la rugiada, togliti le scarpe dai piedi... torna a ballare con il vento, soddisfa i tuoi desideri, imponi la tua volontà.
Torna ad amarti, canta con tutto il fiato che hai in corpo.
Sentiti bella, amata, desiderata, appagata.
Presta orecchio e ascolta quello per cui tua anima anela.
Onora la dea, riconoscendoti in Lei...
Torna a vivere la tua vita, ad essere la signora assoluta del tuo destino.
Donna, dentro di te c'è il divino e tante dee, che tu ignori completamente.
Sarai fertile e materna come Demetra?
O vendicativa come le tre furie?
Travolgente e feroce, come le arpie...
O forse una strega, saggia e misteriosa come Ecate?
Sovrana e dotata di magia come Iside, madre degli egizi,
oppure spietata, forte e coraggiosa come Kali?
Affascinante e misteriosa come le nereidi.
Forse curiosa come Pandora,
affidabile messaggera, come Iride.
O giusta come Temi?
Forse, sexy, impulsiva e completamente guidata dalla passione, come Afrodite...
Selvaggia come Artemide.
Oppure, sei tutte insieme!!!
Donna, ritorna. Salva il tuo ruolo, il tuo sacro femminile, la tua discendenza.
Non aver paura di seguire la luce, di mostrarti al sole e nemmeno di tuffarti nelle tenebre del mondo sotterraneo, dei falò, degli incantesimi.
Assaggi di tutti i regni ed i sapori, ma scegli di vivere intensamente ogni istante.
Segui i tuoi istinti... sii te stessa!!!
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
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bi-demon-ium · 3 years
thots on newest ep
spoilers below the cut
oh im so glad there’s more milligan and mr benedict interaction!! wholesome!! 
i’ve had a fic planned about them pre-canon since ep one but i wanted to wait for more information (which i’m glad i have, might wait until the finale tho in case there are any more twists)
milligan starting to remember!!! 
also everything with rhonda and number two!! they had me in the first half ngl i thought it was gonna be more of a wedge between them and i was like :/ but then they fixed it real well 
what’s up with the pool thing, too?? i’m intrigued 
GOD the whole thing they used to spy on mr curtain was a) completely nerve wracking somehow, b) so endlessly complicated
i just KNOW miss perumal is gonna show up soon. sad she wasn’t in this episode tho, i miss her :( 
mr benedict’s dorky little hat 
curtain is just so...... Creepy. his vibes... they are rancid... tony hale is doing a very good job 
but like seriously what the fuck? he radiates Danger and not in a hot way in a eaauuhhhhhhhhhh way 
and the whole Demetra thing 
they’re messengers!!! i’m simultaneously like Yay!! and Oh No 
ah constance is so smart :) 
i actually kinda liked kate basically getting a sports scholarship to stay. it’s both pretty funny and like. i’m intrigued to see where this goes with martina.
i actually like martina, although for the most part so far it’s more been like “god what a shameless bitch. i love her” because she is just so fucking funny (”Your God Can’t Help You Now” what a fucking riot who says shit like that???) but now... i admit, i’m a little intrigued. she’s still Like That but like... Hm 
also i love that they just made it tetherball why is that so funny to me 
TeThErBaLL iS tHe PrIdE oF tHiS iNsTitUtIoN
you know i don’t have a lot of negative things to say about the show so far, there are some changes i don’t like that much or don’t think were necessary but nothing really that didn’t at least have potential to go in a good direction, but there are two things that do really annoy me: 
one. mr. benedict hasn’t fallen asleep like once in the last few episodes and he’s literally on an enormous emotional rollercoaster. i get that it tends to be more triggered by happiness/joy but we know it can just be extreme emotion in general, particularly since he literally fainted when the house got invaded, so like??? what gives???? i get he can’t be passing out every five seconds since he’s a little 24/7 stressed but like. when he was yelling and throwing things or even right after when he just comes up to them looking Distressed And Depressed, or like. later when he’s talking about his brother or when he actually sees him or like. just . at all? are we gonna pretend it’s just gone now? and like when he realized what gemini meant he one hundred percent should have conked out on the table like. what could literally be a more extreme emotion than finding out your long lost twin who you love and miss is also the basically-a-supervillain enemy of yours who is destroying society, brainwashing people, and who actively tried to have you kidnapped and possibly worse, 
two. ok maybe this is stupid but the cheating thing really annoys me. not that they’re doing it but just how Offended they are at how Wrong it is like. sure, there’s for sure a strong argument that under normal circumstances cheating is wrong. but like. y’all. y’all . you a) aren’t here to actually go to school, you are here to stop someone from Doing The World Domination, b) it’s kind of not a real school anyway, it’s an evil institute for brainwashing all of society, with nonsensical classes, that manipulates and actively hurts children, c) oh and if you don’t YOU LITERALLY GET BANISHED FROM THE ISLAND AND YOUR BRAIN GETS ERASED LIKE????????????? actually it is not only okay but Objectively Morally Right to cheat in your situation. it’d be one thing if it was specifically rooted in the fear of getting caught (which, to be fair, is mentioned) but like they--sticky in particular--seem much more concerned with it being Unethical and like. i get being uncomfortable with it, i do! but again! the consequences if you don’t are you or your friends LITERALLY GETTING BRAINWIPED AND SENT AWAY I???????? IT’S OK IF SHE PEEKS AT YOUR ANSWERS I PROMISE YOU IT IS MORALLY OKAY AND YOU WILL NOT GO TO THE BAD PLACE FOR IT OKAY 
this is kind of negative but not really, more thoughtful--what was up with the waiting room? like, ngl, my adhd ass would have just started like. scrolling through my mental playlist and i would have started just singing whatever was in my head, or just like, lay on the floor and take a nap, like. dont get me wrong, waiting sucks, and i would probably go a little stir crazy after a while, but it’d be in the form of like. talking out loud a lot and singing loudly to distract myself and honestly someone would probably come in to shut me up but like--you get the idea, the point is, the waiting room seemed a bit underwhelming. like i get that it sucks, but like. it seemed like an extreme reaction? to be fair, the room seems designed to fuck with you, with the weird ambient noise of the fish tank and the clock (i wonder if it actually is set to glitch like that like, literally, or if that was just symbolic/in his head?) but like. it still seems a little strange. although, you know, i wonder if it’s like. one of those signals? i mean curtain’s whole thing is messages you can’t hear, right? like, supposedly some haunted houses are caused by high pitched sounds just outside our range of hearing but like, we can still sense it, but without the actual sound to ground it it makes the brain all paranoid and sometimes even hallucinatory or something? so i wonder if the waiting room specifically has some sort of super high/low pitched sound playing that makes you all jittery and anxious and lowkey hallucinating (hence the clock and looping fish--the clock could be faked, but the fish seems a bit extreme. not impossible to fake in this kind of universe i should think, but extreme) actually.... wait is it just like.... a miniaturized and more intense/targeted version of the emergency? i mean, sticky did literally describe it as anxiety (but more intense) and literally what is the emergency but this planted growing anxiety about everything? idk, maybe i’m totally off base here, i’m not the sharpest tool in the box, but like. food for thought 
again not really negative so much as just kinda like Hm but mr. benedict really feels less calm wise mentor and more like. shouty and emotional and volatile? well, volatile isn’t the right word, and obviously this is like 100 percent super due to the whole Curtain Revelation but like. idk, it’s weird? don’t get me wrong, i still love him, and when he has gotten like that he’s never like. the worst he’s done is raise his voice slightly and then apologize after, the throwing stuff was all actively outside and away from the others so that’s just venting babes 
and like he never raised his voice with the kids or anything either (although to be fair, that was before the big emotional revelation that seems to have kinda shattered his normal mask(?), but i strongly believe he wouldn’t lmao) 
it’s just weird bc it’s not what i associate with the character? but like. it’s not necessarily bad, and he’s still just as passionate and kind and genuinely caring, he’s not necessarily an angry person and he’s certainly not violent or rude or anything, he’s like.
the core of the character is still there and it just makes him seem--you know, actually, i think that’s really it. in the books, obviously, it’s more about the kids and the kids alone. mr. benedict functions as a mentor and protector, but he’s kind of like a parent--parents are people, obviously, but kids don’t fully... compute that? they do, but they don’t. the first time a kid sees their dad really cry or their mom properly lose her temper when she’s normally so even and calm or whatever else, it’s a real shock. which is kinda how i felt seeing mr. benedict yell the first time honestly, lmao. 
but anyway, the point is, kids kinda see grown ups, particularly ones they look up to, as invincible, untouchable, etc. they’re almost not fully rounded characters (okay, that’s not fair, they’re still developed and fleshed out, but i mean, they’re not the focus or the point, they’re not here to be sad or angry so much as they are there to be the calm mentor/etc. right? to be clear i am mega simplifying this, but i’m trying to get the vague point across) or rather, they’re not really the main characters. 
while in the show, it’s split more evenly between the kids and the adults having their own conflicts and problems--they’re each being given storylines, and mr. benedict is grappling with a real emotional problem with this revelation of his brother, and we get to see him as flawed rather than as just the Calm Wise Dad. 
so like while seeing him raise his voice was weirdly unsettling for me, it was like. it makes him more human? more of a character? i think that’s also partly why i’d like to write fic for him in the first place, because he’s a compelling/engaging character (and again... the vibes r so Pure) while in the books, while i really liked him, i wasn’t as interested in that kind of engagement. 
hm . morse code compromised, that can’t be good. ngl we’re getting into the territory of the first book i don’t remember that well (god i should reread it!! fuck!!) so i don’t remember if/how that happened in the book, but i do know that the second they specifically suggested using morse to cheat i was like :| hm bc like. my immediate reaction is Ah... Unnecessary Connection... Perhaps Do Not? in case they get caught or something you know 
i do wonder how they’ll communicate now tho... Oh A Hawk? oh worm 
ah the missing aren’t missing they’re only departed my beloved <3 
i just love the creepy messenger chants and i’m sad they changed a lot of it to nonsensical non rhyming things
imagine just fucking around with your radio and suddenly catching on to a creepy child’s voice slowly chanting the missing aren’t missing , they’re only departed. all minds keep all thoughts so like gold closely guarded, 
i’d lose my shit bro 
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diceriadelluntore · 4 years
Eroi Pelosi
Sebbene a me non piaccia proprio la metafora bellica per la situazione di pandemia che stiamo vivendo, io stesso ho più volte omaggiato l’eroismo e l’abnegazione che molteplici donne e uomini (siano essi medici o operatori sanitari, oppure trasportatori o addetti alle vendite e operatori del commercio, fino ai volontari, a chi consegna a domicilio) mostrano ogni giorno attraverso delle storie prese dal mito antico riguardanti condottieri, valorosi guerrieri e atleti favolosi. Se vi chiedete perchè abbia scelto proprio il mito classico (greco e latino), la spiegazione ve la do attraverso un aforisma:
Anche se non si volesse credere alla verità che nascondono, è impossibile non credere alla loro incomparabile potenza simbolica. Nonostante la loro consunzione moderna, i miti restano, al pari della metafisica, un ponte gettato verso la trascendenza.
Ernst Jünger, in risposta alla domanda “lei crede nei miti?”.
La storia di oggi riguarda un personaggio storico, Aristomene di Messene (o Messenia, secondo altra grafia) che però fu mitizzato da un poema epico, la  Messeniakà di Riano, un poeta e grammatico greco di età ellenistica (III sec. a. C.). Aristomene fu un valorosissimo generale nella guerra tra Sparta e gli abitanti della Messenia (combattuta tra il 685 e il 668 a.C.). Questa è la storia, di cui si sa poco. Molto più della leggenda, anche perchè Pausania il Periegeta ne riporta molti passaggi, essendo stato il poema di Riano, di cui non abbiamo che pochissime tracce, all’epoca famoso nella tradizione orale come l’Iliade di Omero.
Leggenda narra che Aristomene nacque dall’unione che Nicotelia, sua madre, ebbe con un serpente divino. Divenne un guerriero eccezionale, celebrando per tre volte il sacrificio detto Ekatomphonia (da cui deriva la parola ecatombe), riservato a chi fosse riuscito a uccidere 100 nemici. Nel corso della sua vita fu catturato più volte dagli Spartani, ma riuscì sempre a sfuggire. La prima volta venne preso sul monte Egila, presso un santuario dedicato a Demetra: furono proprio le sacerdotesse a catturarlo, ma la stessa notte una di queste, innamorata di lui, lo liberò. Una seconda volta si scontrò con la fanteria spartana, fu colpito con delle pietre, catturato con i suoi 50 uomini e condannato alla Keadas, cioè essere gettato dall'omonima rupe nei pressi di Sparta, dove leggenda vuole venissero gettati i bambini deformi e inabili alla guerra e i colpevoli dei crimini più efferati. Tutti i suoi 50 compagni morirono, ma Aristomene no perchè fu afferrato da una gigantesca aquila che lo posò delicatamente a terra sul fondo della voragine; qui disperato perchè circondato dall’oscurità e dai corpi dei morti, si rannicchiò nel suo mantello, aspettando la morte. Nel secondo giorno di attesa, si accorse che una volpe frugava tra i cadaveri: la afferrò per la coda e riuscì a trovare una via d’uscita. La notizia che fosse vivo sconvolse gli spartani, che iniziarono a pensare della sua natura “divina”. La terza volta fu catturato da un gruppo di arcieri cretesi: anche stavolta fuggì, perchè una bambina orfana del padre, ucciso dai cretesi, era con lui prigioniera nella stessa casa. La bambina sognò, la sera prima l’arrivo di Aristomene, di liberare un leone catturato dai lupi, e che il leone avesse poi sbranato i lupi. Incrociando lo sguardo fiero del generale capì quale fosse il senso “divino” del sogno. Così fece ubriacare i cretesi la sera stessa, rubò loro un pugnale e lo consegnò a Aristomene, che li uccise tutti e dette come sposo alla bambina suo figlio Gorgo.
Anche Aristomene perì: secondo Pausania, dopo che per anni nella città di Ira guidò la resistenza dei Messeni, morì per una malattia. Altri autori, tra cui Callistene e Plutarco che lo ricorda nel Catalogo di Lampria, danno un’altra versione: fu catturato finalmente dagli spartani, che ormai convinti di essere al cospetto di un essere non umano, lo squartarono vivo per vedere come fosse fatto dentro: trovarono che avesse il cuore peloso. Averlo era simbolo di immenso coraggio, forza e astuzia. Secondo Ippocrate e la scuola ippocratica infatti lo spirito dell'uomo è innato nel ventricolo sinistro del cuore il quale  organizza tutte le qualità dell'animo. Avere i peli sul cuore significava avere molto thymos: questo termine indicava l’anima, il carattere, la volontà e più in generale tutti i sentimenti che, potremmo dire, danno calore vitale alle persone (in Omero, che ne parla in molti suoi eroi, era un misto di amore, gioia, piacere, compassione, collera, passioni).
Secondo le leggende, anche altri gloriosi uomini come Leonida, Lisandro, Epaminonda avevano il cuore peloso, che nei secoli però ha cambiato significato, diventando sinonimo di “durezza di spirito” più che di incredibile eroismo.
Va ricordato che ad Aristomene furono dedicati funerali celeberrimi: quando il suo corpo fu riportato in Messenia, fu deciso di sacrificare ogni anno un toro a Zeus presso la sua tomba: si legava l’animale ad una colonna, se questa fosse stata scossa e mossa dall’animale, sarebbe stato di buon augurio, se invece fosse rimasta ferma, erano preannunciate sventure.
Quando nel 371 a.C Tebani e Spartani combatterono nuovamente a Leuttra, gli spartani sopravvissuti alla sconfitta raccontarono che tra le file nemiche c’era un guerriero pieno di luce invincibile, che sterminò moltissimi soldati spartani: era Aristomene, che guidava la sua anima “viva” nel ricordo per l’odio che aveva per Sparta.
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