#demo requests
louminouz · 3 months
"hot dilf hot dilf hot dilf" sniper chants into the mirror. then he appears behind him. the spy.
dilf summoning
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honestly almost every merc gets either the cat or duck mouth treatment
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danyvhell-writes · 1 year
General Ais headcanons (Touchstarved)
GN reader | The obsession with this game is real guys :') I can't get away
• Cat boyfriend like, bro will fall asleep on you (your chest, lap...) but if you dare to move just a little tiny bit the magic is over ! He will wake up instantly and go somewhere else to take a nap :')
• He's not gonna tell you but he likes when you touch his hair. Caress him, touch his horns, ruffle his hair even ! He's down for it and the moment you discover his little secret he'll give you endless opportunities to do so
• ↑ Scratch his head, please. Weak spot is right at the junction of his back horns, tug softly on his hair and the boy will melt.
• Ais is a man of few words but he really enjoys talking with you. Most of the time he'll annoy you just as an excuse to interact with you so you can start talking with him (and 99% of the time it works). He finds your little conversations entertaining and relaxing somehow.
• Btw, this guy will listen to you rambling. Talk about your latest obsession, stuff you like, things that seem unimportant : he will listen. He's curious to know more and especially if it's related to your fascinating person. Sometimes he'll just sit next to you and lean in your space just to have a better hearing of what you're saying. It might feel like you're monopolising the conversation but no no, he'll respond with snarky comments, laugh if you say something funny or ask you to keep going with your story. And also, he really likes your voice so...
• You remember when he said "I got eyes in the back of my head." ? (something like that) Well yeah ! His eyes are on you, always. His gaze will follow you wherever you are, with or without him. I'm sure this man uses the Groupmind to spy on MC ! Like bro come on, stop crushing this hard.
• If you have pets, they're not yours anymore. He WILL adopt them. Could be any animal or magic creature really, he will offer them absolute love in just two seconds. "Oh, this is my cat ! Her name's Nori, you can pet her if you want, she's super friendly." *pets her* "Oh yes you are !" *lifts her up so he can take her in his arms like a baby*  "Look at you, you're gorgeous. Such pretty eyes, cute little face, kitty kitty~ !" 
• He loves seeing you close to his soulless but he's also a tiny bit jealous to see that you sometimes prefer Princess' company rather than his. He'd be like "Uh hello I can do tricks too if that's what you like ??"
• He likes tea. That's it. That's the headcanon. No more seriously... I feel like he could be a tea amateur and genuinely enjoys a good cup of tea. If you don't know alot about it, he'll teach you the different types, how to infuse them correctly, what dishes you can pair them up with ! Want to learn how to make a real exquisite matcha tea ? He'll show you with much pride ! 
• ↑ Chit chat with him around some tea he made and he's yours. Bonus point if you ask for more. Extra bonus point if you're able to guess which tea it is.
• Has a special cup he keeps just for you when you visit him. He remembers your favourite drink and makes sure to always have a bottle/the ingredients when you come.
• If Ais is an oni, he might be japanese, so, this man speaks japanese. Most people think that because of his appearance he'd be super rude but oh no no no, the boy is polite. People assume he'd use 'ore' but nah ah, full 'watashi' user over here. You know that thing when your voice and demeanor changes a little when you switch languages ? That's him. His voice tends to go softer when he speaks japanese, he doesn't even realize.
• We know he likes learning about new languages, teach him some stuff. Of course he'll remember the curse words & insults quickly but pet names and romantic nouns are his favourites. If you're polyglot, show off a little, he likes it. Talk in your native tongue, even if he doesn't get anything at first, he will crush even harder. "Eh t'savais que les girafes avaient le même nombre de vertèbres que nous ? C'est juste qu'elles sont plus longues. C'est ouf ça !" "You make French sound so attractive and I'm sure you're not even saying anything particularly sexy..." "Yep !" "God, I want them so bad." he thinks
• After some time, you'd both start to naturally use words or phrases you've taught each other/you've heard from each other. He'd flex on you just to show how much of a fast learner he is, he wants to see you proud of him.
• Cracks his joints. A lot. Also stretches a lot.
• That guy who asks you to pull on his arms or whatever to help him stretch as hard as possible. "More." "What do you mean more ? I'm gonna break your bones !" "I said more, I"m not fragile you know." until you hear a big 'pop' and he sighs with contentment.
• If you burp in front of him, he'll make it a competition. "You think this is a big one ? Oh sparrow... you're a little player." And then proceeds to traumatize you for the next decade. "Do you have the fucking devil in you ???" "Nope, just my friend Ocudeus. He's gross, I know >:)"
• Traces small patterns along your skin when he's bored. He's really gentle when it comes to touching you.
• That type of guy who's obsessed with your hair, especially if it has a different texture than his. You could be doing anything and this bastard (affectionate) will twirl your hair, put clips in it, try hairstyles if you let him. He'll let you do the same to him if you want ! Go on, have fun with your new doll lmao
• Give him the silliest clothes and accessories, he will wear them. The bimboest crop top ? Yeah cool. Bat hair clips ? Cute. 
• Would joke about eating you to scare you but strangely you're always the one ending up biting him ! (not that he minds)
• 100% asks you if you want to fight. Like not in a threatening way but to test you out, he wants to see if you can handle a little sparring. 
• If you're someone who enjoys working out, he proposes to train with you. It sometimes follows to some sparring which might end up with you guys kissing... weird uh
• Has a particularly good memory. He remembers things that even yourself forgot, like really he’s your second brain (and often you’re glad). Everytime you’re asking him “How do you even remember that tf ??” and he’s just “Don’t know 🤷🏻‍♂️“
• You're the type of person who calls any guy 'bro' ? No prob, he finds it funny. He's not offended in the slightest and even actually likes it, he knows it's a language tic. Would definitely send you this type of dumb shit ouezghfoez 😭
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• He can be a little chaotic sometimes but you like it. After all he’s a demon, he likes joking and pranking so even better if you join him in his mischievous activities hehe. You guys would do the silliest stuff and try not to burst out laughing. Evil ones, evil.          
• Does that cute thing where he leans in close to you when you’re watching something and follows your gaze. He’s just a curious lil guy !
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voraciouspangolin · 1 month
Redoing this bc I got none last time... I'm looking to make drawings in this style
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Send requests through the "make an art request" button on my page
Absolutely no limitations to what you can request, I do suggest keeping anon off if you want to be notified about my answers because chances are they won't be finished for a bit.
I'm hoping to get tf2 related requests, whether that's tf2 ships, the mercs themselves, any of the side characters, and even personal tf2 ocs. Please provide references, or point me to where I can find references, if you want me to draw ocs
Thank you, and please spread this around <3
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saint-end · 7 months
Ahhh I've seen your req post and wondering if you're allowing for a game request too? QuQ
If yes would you mind if I req Josiah Nguyen from the game overtime? Really want to see him on your style sm!!! Thank you!!!!
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man who decides to go ape shit at work (<- relatable)
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another-delta-lover · 2 months
can u draw demo and soldier playing with raccoons pretty pls
(would do it myself but im lazy)
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Sorry for the quality and replying late!! I've been busy with school:(
Here you go!!
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amberandomly · 2 months
Solider tf2 tummy mayhaps? Please and thank you :)
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Yessirr!! Apologies for taking so long I wanna take my time with these requests
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angelbitezzz · 3 months
omggg, request for crossbones and starstruck getting nice cream together? or something?
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"Ha! Hahahahahaahaha!"
"icy you got a special one there." "you hiding a third socket under that mask?"
"now you know a hero never reveals his secret identity."
"C'mon! It'll be the scoop of the century!"
"heh heh heh."
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father-killjoy · 1 year
Well, Papa KJ, could we see all/some of the Mercs crammed in a car/minivan, in the middle of a long and mildly disastrous road-trip?
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They are lost.
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kartowka228q · 1 year
Please i beg you i want to kiss the one eyed scotsman
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it seems that he became sober from such an action (haha, no, he was just a little scared)
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emilythedog661-tf2 · 3 days
Request from Low-Quality-Microwave
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They Asked for Boots 'n' Bombs (Soldier x Demo) so i did them chilling out and having a drink while talking about things
i also did both the BLU and RED Soldier as i realised during the rendering they said BLU soldier
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5eraphim · 1 year
I'd like to request yandere tf2 mercs (all or select is fine), on a business trip or something and has to leave their s/o alone by themselves, so they blow up their phone, and maybe leaves a voicemail of them jacking off? i love ur work so much ;~:
Ahhhh tysm, that's so sweet to say! In general I like to keep multiple character requests to no more than 4 (With rare exception). So I used RGN to pick the four guys I wanted to feature here, hope you enjoy! (Gender Neutral Reader)
Fandom: Team Fortress 2
Characters: Scout 🐇, Soldier 🦅, Demoman 🐏, and Engineer 🦫
Rating: M (MINORS DNI)
Content Warnings: smut
Word Count: 1.8k
(Song Inspo- Hand that Feeds, Nine Inch Nails)
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Likely, out of all the mercs, Scout's the easiest to turn on at a moment's notice. And considering he's already plenty pent up from the stress of work and not having you around to help relieve the tension, he would loathe you for doing something like this to him. The longer the two of you are apart, the worse Scout gets, so if you plan this call to reach him the very night before he returns home, that would be when it would affect him the most! He's already so needy and lonely; the fact you would do this to him now would be the worst way of kicking him while he was already down. (So let's hope he didn't pick a time to check his voicemails while he was supposed to be focused on something important, or would he be in trouble!)
When he's done with work for the day, he'll call you up, expecting a follow-up immediately! He won't bother wasting time wondering if you've already settled down to go to bed that night, and a phone call would likely wake you up and ruin your night's rest. Once he's horny, all logic goes out the window. You've already built him up, he wasn't a release, and he wants it now!
Also, it's Scout we're talking about here. You were unlikely the first to send a little flirtatious message like this. Something to let you know you were on his mind to make up for the time he had no choice but to spend apart from you. He's far from the subtle type, and nothing makes him needier than being all alone like this. He needed you to be the strong one here, yet you were messing with his head and making him feel weaker than ever and overwhelmed.
The anticipation of what's to come next really gets him going, well before you even pick up the phone. 
For the rest of the night Scout would expect you to be up with him on the phone while he tells you about every perverted thought he's had running through his head while you've been away. He doesn't care if he's missing out on valuable sleep time; he's got more important things to worry about. For as much fun as he has with you on the line like this, it won't be enough to make up for all the time lost between the two of you; it will have to do for the time being. But be ready to get to work once he's back home with you!
This is one challenging position for him to be in! While on duty, Solly is sure to give all he can, and even after the mission is over, it takes a while before he's back to focusing on life off the battlefield. Say what you will about Soldier, but no matter what he's tasked with, he'll give it his all. All this to say, the moment Solly was off the clock and checked for your messages, he was caught entirely off guard. Once he gets over his shock of being caught off guard like this, he'll demand you call him back. Now that you've got him all fired up, he wants more and wants to hear it directly from you. While Solly definitely has a thing for listening or watching you pleasure yourself, given the forced dry spell between the two of you, now was not the time for something like that!
It doesn't take much to set him off in a situation like this. A mix of deranged loneliness and more than a little pent-up aggression has him practically foaming at the mouth from the teasing alone. He's borderline incomprehensible on account of the horny desperation, something you can't help but find a little validating, knowing at least you weren't the only one missing your partner after spending so much time apart. It was only fair that he should suffer a bit after making you miss him so badly.
Important to note, however, as turned on by the situation, he'll still be frustrated that you would do something like this to him. To get him so frustrated and wound up while you knew there was nothing he could do to feel your skin or hear your sweet voice directly in his ear. Though at least he's all the more excited to return home, as though he really needed any incentive for that.
More So than the evident lust you feel for him, and the lust you've conjured within him in turn, this message is bizarrely validating to him in a way he doesn't entirely understand. Not precisely in the patriarchal, "I have made it in the world as a provider for my loved one, and now I get to reap the reward of this." But more in a personal way, "There is someone back home waiting for me, someone who loves and misses me." Needless to say, Solly will have to fight himself tooth and nail to stay focused on the mission, but all this will hardly matter once he's back home with you.
While he's not nearly as easy to set off as Scout, Demo's still a man and is subject to loneliness and the temptations of the flesh all the same. And once he hears your voice on the line, practically dripping with lust, moaning out his name while you're pleasuring yourself? It doesn't take anything more than that to set him off into a horny tailspin. At the very least, Demo knows you're clearly craving affection and carnal pleasure and will at least try to be sweet with you when he returns your call and won't go straight to thinking with his dick.
Much like Scout, Demo won't beat around the bush either, and while he'll try to hide his lustful advances behind more pure-hearted affection, it won't last too long. But, unfortunately, Demo's never been one to know how to keep his cool after getting all riled up like this. Though there's definitely something erotic about seeing which of you will fold first, like when you act so surprised to hear him calling so late at night light this, wanting to make him suffer a little longer until he's begging and telling you exactly how much he's missed you while he's been away.
Would try to stall the conversation from entering horny territory long enough to sneak in a celebratory shot, something to end a long day's work. If you are up for it, I would like to listen in while you take one, too, in solidarity. And once you're a bit less guarded, he'll break out the "Don't tell me that's the best you got?" before addressing those messages you left him. He loves to push your buttons like this and see how far he can goad you on until you break. You started all this, and you'd better be ready to keep up with what comes next.
It's almost embarrassing to Demo how he still feels as though he can feel your influence and control over his mind and body, even while you're so far away. He wouldn't be too proud to admit how much he misses you and how your teasing only makes him feel all the clingier and miss you all the more. What he wouldn't reveal, however, is the almost masochistic pleasure he feels from being toyed around like this.
Demo's a switch to his core, and while he's so proud of you for taking the initiative like this, he'll be sure to return the favor to you down the line. So, for the rest of the night, Demo can hardly get a wink of sleep; he is too busy thinking about how he'll make you pay for trying to pull one over on him like this.
Unlike the rest of these guys, Engie's much more vigilant about checking his phone throughout the day; he hates getting a backlog of voicemails and finds answering them as soon as possible to be the one thing that stops him from forming a backlog. Which is to say, when he saw you called him late at night, his mind instantly flooded with worse-case scenarios, and he worried you were in grave danger, only to be entirely caught off guard by what it was you really had on your mind. It will be quite the struggle for him to keep his arousal under wraps until he gets home, and he will hold you personally responsible for this. And it's from this moment onward that Engie's already thinking of how he will get you back for all this when he returns home.
For the time being, Engie knows he'd need to bid his time a little longer before he can get you back for all this. And for the moment, once he's free for the day, he's more than happy to satisfy the current issue at hand. You were already feeling horny and needy, but Engie would do his best to keep things sensual between you. Breaking out that low, lazy Texan drawl he knows you love so much.
This serves the dual purpose of not only satisfying his own needs for the time being but as well as easing you into a sense of security. Of course, he'll let you think, for the time being, you've pulled one over on him, and he's the one playing into your hands, but this couldn't be further from the truth.
Once he's home with you and has you in his clutches, you will be in for it! Not only is he inclined to "double-down" on you, to be extra teasing and domineering to make up for the lost time between the two of you, but he also will wait until the moment is just right to let you know he hasn't yet forgiven you for trying to play such a trick on him, trying to get him so flustered while he was away at work. Now that you've given him a score to settle let's see how you like it all wound up. Engie only puts you more and more on edge without satisfying you until you apologize for leading him on like that.
He would be an absolute demon edging you and making you beg for him to "hurry up and fuck you already," only to look at you with deceptively sweet eyes and an all too-knowing smile saying, "What's the matter, sugar? You seemed to know just what you were doing last time." And sure, eventually, he'd cave and help you out, but you needed to learn a thing or two before trying to throw your weight around like that again.
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demonir · 2 months
can you draw demo and solly? can be romantic or platonic :D
ur art's pretty ^^
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they mean so much to me, do not separate them EVER!!!
also thank you for saying my art is pretty that means a lot <3
Requests are still open!
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starr-finn · 1 year
Hi okay so for ur first tf2 req, I will go with something that isn't too specific lol
- So this can be for all, but you don't have to include Pyro and Heavy if you don't wanna do all
- So the prompt is, Medic has either become sick and can't participate in the fight, or he got an assistant medic (in the case for writing for Medic)
- And Reader is the replacement/assistant medic!
- She's kinda like a medic gf but in a /pos way
- So she's got the med gf outfit (blighted beak, das fantzipantzen, long pleated skirt) with a quick-fix (so she can follow rocket-jumpers and sticky-jumpers)
- She's also very nice and always compliments/thanks her team ('That was an amazing kill/shot' + 'Wow that was impressive' + 'Thanks so much for the dispenser/sandvich') bc yippee kindness
- You know the perennial petals effect? That's her-core (also yes, if needed can reader be fem)
- Here's some her-core photos
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I will 100% write this for you! This is such a cute request, as per usual! hope you like this one bestie! I won't add pyro because I really don't know how to write pyro lol, also to everyone reading, I'm trying to color code things now! helps me keep focused
TF2 Mercs with a medic GF!
Author's note: all of the Mercs without Pyro because I just can't write him so yay! Hope Y'all like this! I tried to make it super cute, also, just to point this out here too, Fem!Reader, and mentions of food in Heavy's part (Sandvich ofc) PRobably mistranslated russian, and german, the french is pretty damn obvious
Buddy boy here thinks you're super cool, and he loves having a medic GF!
You're always there when he gets hurt, and he loves it
he loves your constant compliments
"Wow Scout! Nice shot!"
He chuckles softly and smiles "Thanks cutie!"
Scout loves how gentle you are when you patch him up, he thinks its adorable
any time you mention anything about being proud of him for some crazy ass shot he pulled off he almost cries
Full on adores you
Calls you stuff like Cutie and Baby doll
Bro gets into so much trouble it's not even funny tbh, dude stresses you out so much
He comes to you for everything because he enjoys how soft you are with him
He loves getting compliments from you, he just loves it
"Wow! great shot!" You smile, nodding softly at him
"Thank you Dearest" he salutes at you and then runs off to kill more people
Soldier will always drop everything to keep you safe (Defend your medics kids)
He gets hurt far to much for your liking but you honestly can't blame him in your job (and brain damage)
he is far too protective over you
Calls you Dearest and love
Bro gets hurt sometimes, just because of his explosives, and you're always right there with him
He rambles about how much he loves you and how much he loves how gentle you are when he's drunk
He always basically drops dead when you compliment him
You smile over at him "Nice shot, dear!"
Demo looks down, lightly kicking at the dirt "Aww...thanks love..."
Demo will physically fight anyone that even dares to try anything with you
He loves how you're always there when he's far to drunk to move
Calls you stuff like Love and Darling
Sniper doesn't get as hurt as often, he still gets injuries though
He'll keep you in his line of sight all the time and kill anyone that tries attacking you, super protective boy
as an introvert, homie almost loses it everytime you say something nice to him
Like pulls his hat down over his face flustered
"Woah!!! You're really good at that Snipes!" you smile softly and look up at him
Sniper blushes and covers his face with his hat "W-Well thank you"
now, dude will actually go to the ends of the earth to keep you safe
Healing his ass is super easy cuz this hoe stays still the whole time
Rambles about you to anyone who listens
Calls you stuff like "Roo" and "Little Koala"
Engineer (I absolutely adore this fucker)
Engie here is super easy to heal, still as a fucking stone
He likes to keep you safe, he absolutely loves you too much to let you get hurt yourself
He smiles softly and gets all blushy everytime you thank him or say something nice
"Thanks for the dispenser, love!"
He smiles and gently rubs the back of his neck "Awee thanks honey bee!"
Engie will hold your hand every time he's healing you
Helps you patch up some people
Brags that he managed to pull 'The sweetest damn woman alive"
Calls you 'Honey bee' and 'Sugar'
He's a doctor himself, so you both patch each other up!
actually tortured a guy for shooting at you
He always gets so damn cocky when you get all sweet with him
"Thanks for the heal Doc!" You smile and nod at him before running off
Medic chuckles softly and yells after you "You're welcome Engel!"
He likes when you help him with checkups!
He likes having you as a nurse around the infirmary
He doesn't really brag about you, unless he's like, SUPER drunk
Calls you 'Engel' and 'Schatz'
Ok so Heavy gets hurt more than soldier does, he is heavy weapons guy after all
Like all the other mercs, he's super protective
Takes all the thanks, and praise so gracefully
"Thanks for the sandvich dear!" You smile happily chomping down on the sandvich
Heavy gently ruffles your hair before walking off "You're welcome Ангел'
stands in front of you in fights
Definitely towers over you btw
likes when you heal him up after a fight
Calls you stuff like 'Ангел' and 'Родна́я'
This old ass man is a tryhard with not getting hurt, it still happens
Protective, again
another cocky one with praise and thanks
"Wow! Impressive kill Dearest!" You smile softly looking over at him
He chuckles softly and nods "Thank you, Mon amour"
Shows you off constantly
Brags more than scout does
you're really one of the only people he lets touch him
Calls you 'Mon amour' and that alone
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vocaloid-tunes · 11 months
Humansongs | Porter Robinson feat. Po-uta
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pizza-rina · 5 months
For the tf2 drawing req thingy, how about some Demo just having a good ol time? I think theres just not enough demo art out there
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cbsxreader · 1 year
if ur ok with more fantastical and/or meta stuff, could i please have the mercs with an s/o who was teleported to the tf2 verse from a much more serious setting and is still getting used to their comedic surroundings?
Mercs with an S/o who is from a different universe
Tw: (slight mention of drinking in Demo's one)
Is a bit confused, since he's used to his world and hasn't really thought of it being different in some way.
But he does kind of understand his S/o's frustration, from what he's heard from them, his world doesn't seem bad in the slightest.
If his S/o asks him about something, he'll act as if he knows all about it, but his S/o can tell that he's just a motormouth. He does say the truth sometimes, but it sounds so outrageous that his S/o doesn't believe him anyways.
"Did ya' know that I'm God's gift to women?"
"Yeah...sure you are."
Loves that his S/o is tough and ready for anything, but is oblivious to the fact that something must have happened to them that made them that way.
Once he does get it though, he is really protective of his S/o in the way that he teaches them his infamous necksnap, how to defend themselves and how to use certain weapons.
"You're doing great, cupcake!"
Is kind of a distraction for his S/o.
Like, both the fact that they're strangelly wholesome and that they see the world completely differently makes their S/o worry less about everything else.
Pyro holds their S/o's hand if they are in public or are feeling paranoid.
If their S/o wants an explanation for something they'll have to ask someone else, but if their S/o tells them about it afterwards, they will draw a picture of them
He is at a loss for words at first, because he, just like his coworkers, hasn't thought about his world differently from a different perspective.
He, for once, worries about his S/o drinking their trauma away and hides his alchohol better, locking it away in safes, lockers and cabinets.
If his S/o feels paranoid, he'll bring them away from people and soothe them.
He's honestly sorry for it, but there are times when he's more enticed about how his S/o might have ended up in his world than his S/o's world itself or their backstory.
"Did ya' temper with anything that could have caused ya' to teleport to our universe?"
"...We were just talking about how leaders in my world killed people for no reason..."
"*clears throat* oh..right, my apologies...carry on..."
But other than that, he tackles one silly thing after another, telling his S/o about them as well as providing theories to them about his world to calm them down and keep them from overthinking.
Is willing to act as a personal bodyguard for his S/o. He always stays by their side and makes sure they're not feeling paranoid or stressed.
If his S/o asks something about his world, he tries to explain it but quickly starts tripping over his words, apologizes and suggests they go and visit Medic or Engineer.
Heavy is also a good listener and wants to know what his S/o's world was like.
He is INVESTED in his S/o's world and backstory, gladly listening to them when they feel like talking about it. He even specifically asks to not leave out the gruesome and/or serious details.
S/o: *talking about a traumatizing event that dramatically changed their life*
Medic: *looking at his S/o, listening to them carefully, hand under his chin, unbothered by the theme*
Medic lets them watch his operations if his S/o needs a bit of space to breathe from exploring his comedic world.
Would try to explain anything that ponders his S/o's mind about his world, succeeding in explaining his medical adventures and achievements.
He tries to slowly but steadily explain how the world works and he himself realizes how silly it is compared to his S/o's home.
"Wait, wait. So, New Zealand is underwater and you're the last person from there and Australia is full of buff people with moustaches, because of a metal very creatively called 'Australium'?"
"Yea...we're all so used these things that Oi haven't even thought why they work in such ways.."
He understands that his S/o is still paranoid and helps them get used to his world by making lighthearted jokes about their surroundings as well as actually gently soothing them when they're paranoid.
Spy is a bit confused at first, thinking his S/o is crazy. But he spends more time with them and from the way they talk, act and interact with their surroundings, he can tell that they're telling the truth.
If his S/o is paranoid or stressed, he lets them use his cloak, so they can observe the chaos from aside and learn the weirdness of his world without needing to worry about them getting involved in it.
Spy also promises his S/o that he's always going to make sure they're safe and will watch their back.
"From now on, zhere won't be a time when you aren't safe."
Ms. Pauling
Finally, someone understands her!
"Wow! And they called me crazy, can you believe it!?"
Pauling is a great listener and lets her S/o talk about themselves and their world, if it makes them feel better.
Always provides her S/o with something to always protect themselves with (guns, knives, tranquilizers - you name it)
She may or may not sneak her S/o in to her office, if they're feeling anxious about their surroundings.
Sorry for the wait, anon!
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