noumios · 20 days
If you're still doing the doodle thing I have some oxventure requests you can choose to take or not, demonwoods, Lilith and her snakes, trans Edie, and Billie and Dob together (bc I think they'd get along)
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they're talking about murder ^_^
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a-casual-egg · 13 days
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I like to think Corazón is flipping off his dad
[Image Description: One image divided up into thirds via two black horizontal lines. In the top section, Prudence and Corazón are kissing with their eyes closed. Corazón's hand is on Prudence's cheek, and his head is tilted. He has three earrings on his ear that are all the same shade of blue as his nail polish. To the left of them, Merilwen is looking fondly at her partners kissing. She has a single green earring in her ear. In the second section, Corazón and Merilwen are kissing with their eyes closed. Corazón's hand is on Merilwen's cheek and ear. Prudence's body is to the right of them. She is wearing a form-fitting purple dress and resting her hand on Corazón’s head (her hand has sharp black nails). In the third section, Merilwen and Prudence are kissing with their eyes closed. Prudence's hand is on Merilwen's cheek, and Merilwen arms are spread out over Prudence's shoulders (Prudence's hair blocks the view, but it's implied). In front and to the left of them, Corazón is looking past the viewer and to the right with an angry expression. He is flipping the person he's looking at (that is unseen to the viewer) off. End Image Description.]
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that book cover meme from twitter, but with merilwen and prudence for obvious reasons (reasons: i like women.)
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oxventure-text-posts · 2 months
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There's more but these are the first few that come to mind
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theoxvest · 7 months
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I am so productive at work (lie). I don't use office supplies to make Oxventure fanart (also a lie).
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oxventurebigbang · 3 months
Day 2 reveals!
Today, we have two works with a decidedly femslashy thing going on.
oh ye of little faith
Art by HyperMeee
Story by sabinelagrande
Explicit, Garnet/Prudence, past Corazon/Prudence and Cthulhu/Prudence
A huckster comes looking for power. Nobody is expecting it to derive from an unstuck, potentially deified warlock who's just trying to get by.
i wanna ruin our furrendship (we should bear lovers instead)
Art by channeltheflannel
Story by travvymybeloved
Teen, Merilwen/Prudence
Prudence invites Merilwen out for a camping trip, seeking some company for her time of the month (being a bear due to the full moon). Merilwen does her best to not seem like she's completely in love with her best friend.
Please enjoy these fine works, and don't forget to tell the creators you liked them!
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leprosycock · 10 months
do u have any fav book recs!???? love ur literary mind and would love to know if u have any good must reads sorry this is random
thank you!! i don't read nearly as often as i should but i have a lot of books that i love:
the furry trap by josh simmons is a wildly weird, disgusting, and obscene piece of work that i've loved for years. it's satirical and deranged and very darkly funny and his style is so unique. it's a collection of eleven short comics and some standalone illustrations. my favorites are cock bone, christmas eve, and demonwood, but none of them are bad. at least in my opinion. a lot of people think it's just edgy for edgy's sake, but even if it is, it's still really fucking good. i always find that criticism to be so funny because it's only ever flung at media with any kind of sex and violence and taboos in it.
tender is the flesh by agustina bazterrica is one that a lot of people are familiar with, but it's far from overrated. it's about a world in which cannibalism is legal and humans are bred, bought, and sold for meat. a very lonely, broken, divorced blue-collar man begins to form a bond with a specimen despite any physical contact with her being expressly forbidden. it's twisted and stomach-churning and intimate and i love it.
poison for breakfast by lemony snicket is insanely funny and tender and witty and entertaining. it's essentially an unreliable autobiography that follows strings of consciousness and memories and musings as he panics after getting a note under his door that tells him he had poison for breakfast. it's short and sweet and there are so many wonderful poignant lines throughout it that made me close the book for a second and think for a while.
the wasp factory by iain banks is awesome and it's about a sixteen year old boy named frank with a very fragile older brother who's been sent to a psych ward. frank is ruthlessly violent and unstable and he takes all his anger and frustration and bloodlust out on helpless animals, either human or non. it has a really interesting ambiance to it that traps you in both this violent teenager's headspace and this murky, unsettling little scottish village and things just get worse and worse until you realize you can't get out. highly recommend!
someone who will love you in all your damaged glory by raphael bob-waksberg is a fantastic collection of surreal/sci-fi-based stories that have one foot firmly grounded in realism and very human relationships. it's very vulnerable and tender and tragic and romantic. this is the same author who created bojack horseman, so if you're into that show's brand of drama, you'll really love this
i hope you find me: the love poems of craigslist's missed connections by alan feuer is one of my most favorite little coffee table books ever. it's what it says on the tin: dozens of posts from the missed connections section of craigslist are compiled and wrangled into individual poems and it's really fascinating and it makes my heart ache to see all these very real little individual cases of lost love. i think it's really important to study real people just as much as stories that people can craft.
i luv halloween by benjamin roman and keith giffen is a HIGHLY underrated, EXTREMELY early 00s trilogy about zombies, aliens, and a group of really shitty, violent, obnoxious children who get stuck in the midst of global panic around halloween. it's super edgy and indulgent and gory and gross and childish and it's a whole lotta fun. i go crazy for the art style and the general mindless self indulgence of it all
memories of my melancholy whores (memoria de mis putas tristes) by gabriel garcia marquez is a really lovely and flowery novelette about a ninety year old man who's on his deathbed and he believes that true love will help him feel alive again. he manages to find it in a very young prostitute and reflects on what sets her apart from the others. a lot of people call it the spanish lolita, but it's wildly different. really the only similarities are falling in love with a young girl and realizing she's different than you envisioned her to be at first. it's not for everyone, but i think marquez's prose is beautiful. pretty much everything in his bibliography is worth checking out, he's a genius
holy robots by vasilina orlova is a stunning collection of poetry and it uses the ideas of humans falling in love with and forming lives with machines that try very hard to be human but can't quite do it to illustrate real-world relationship struggles. it also delves into other themes of nature and pure romance as it goes along. it's a quick read and it's so worth checking out, i love it to death
arkham asylum: a serious house on serious earth by grant morrison and dave mckean is a standalone batman comic that's VERY worth reading even if you only have a passive knowledge of batman. it's a beautiful piece of work all on its own. the art style is absolutely fucking gorgeous and it's unlike anything i've ever seen. essentially, the inmates at arkham have overtaken the asylum and batman has to sacrifice himself in order to save the hostages. thus, he subjects himself to brutal psychological torture at the hands of the criminals he's put in the asylum himself and he wastes away little by little. it's good!! it's so good!!!!!
stray toasters by bill sienkiewicz is one of the most intense, gorgeous, twisted, and surreal experiences i've ever had while reading a graphic novel. it might take you a couple of reads for it to really sink in because it's not at all straightforward, but it's a fucking masterpiece of art and writing and it really influenced a lot of my own work and the way i tend to approach art. essentially, it's about a lonely, burnt-out detective who gets released from a psych ward to hunt down a serial killer who's mutilating housewives and young children. it's insanely difficult to find physical copies of, so i would personally just read it online.
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pinkcowqueen · 8 months
For your shipping meme: a song that reminds you of your first ever ship
Hm. That's an interesting one!
The first fandom I ever really got into properly was Oxventure, and I suppose the first thing I shipped was DemonWoods?
For that, it has to be Curses by The Crane Wives
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rightintoalake · 9 months
For the shipping bingo thing, demonwoods, queen of diamonds (Edie × Garnet), and dobbert (bc why not) ?
yes! hello!
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the thing with demonwoods is their energy is so good vibes and they both can be so sweet, but it always feels like opportunities to a build romance go *whoosh* cause their perspectives are so different; every time prudence is proud of merilwen for evil deeds mer is sinking into guilt for it at the same time; then at other times mer thinks prudence is incredibly cool but this goes unnoticed; its the sort of ship that works best in fanfic established scenarios since the oxventure series doesnt have downtime for the pcs to just go hang out (up to and including therapy. just bc merilwen should make peace with her inner viciousness first. a little bit bc lets be real the only therapist taking them on for long is dob)
queen of diamonds is currently neutral since their adventures have been mostly seperate, but it could happen! that sort of card dealer and saloon girl with so many weapons at the table would be fun, especially with a hint of malice for working together to rinse some guy for information and cash
dobbert is a much weirder ship, less bc it doesnt have legs yet but more bc they are so so so strange. any ship with dob has to include in some form that his type is *woman who wants to kill me* primarily, everything else second. that being said this is still an underrated ship it has so much potential for sillyness. not a relationship of sensible choices, but they are supportive choices! egbert is so chill and unbothered by most things, dob has a weird fixation of liliana, neither one of them would ever figure it out
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25thhanabusa · 2 years
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Happy Pride Month!
Day 7: Prudence (Oxventure)
Headcannon Bisexual.
The flowers here are an attempt at Begonias. They have many meanings but can be a warning of something sinister coming, which is appropriate for our favoritw tiefling warlock.
Ive mentioned I love Demonwood and unhealthy amount, but also I adore Demon Pirate, its incredibly fabulous. And I'm pointing and accusatory finger at all the people on Ao3 for making me like Dob tossed in the middle of Prudence and Corazon.
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a-casual-egg · 12 days
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Decided to do a quick sketch of this
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[Image Description: 2 images, the top image is a pencil drawing of Merilwen, Prudence, and Corazón all standing with annoyed/tired expressions. Corazón is in an old-timey nightgown and sleeping cap. Prudence is in a long robe with furry accents on the sleeves and neckline. There is also a bow tied around her waist. Merilwen is in a bra and boxers with a heart pattern. Her tail has curled around her hand and is bending downwards slightly in front of her leg. Above Corazón there is an arrow pointing towards the way the trio is looking. Around the arrow is text that reads "Dob woke them up". The second image is a Tumblr post that reads "Hear me out
The ship dynamic meme but poly" with three images underneath the text. The first image is of a man in an old-timey light blue nightgown and a matching sleeping cap. The second image is of a pink, slightly transparent robe. There is fluff around the sleeves and bottom. There is a lighter pink bow tied around the waist. The third image is of a close-up of white boxers with a red heart pattern on a mannequin. End Image Description.]
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i didnt mean to draw every deadlands pc except for garnet, was just sketching some random things while listening to part 2 of everyone has amnesia, but i guess i only drew zillah so it evens out
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oxventure-text-posts · 10 months
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theoxvest · 9 months
hi for the bingo! katie x merilwen and merilwen x prudence?
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PearlElf- Not something I've thought about before but it intrigues me. I do like the idea that the person who hated Katie the most would grow to be like 'oh shoot'. This one I like because of the drama potential.
DemonWoods- Used to be my favorite Oxventure ship and I still like it. Its cute.
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coldstormyday · 2 years
Prudence: Die.
Merilwen: Please don't die!
Prudence: DIE!
Egbert, confused: Why are they yelling at a plant?
Corazon, watching while eating popcorn: They bought it together and Merilwen wants Prudence to accept it as their child.
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noumios · 3 years
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messy wip but i should be writing an essay rn
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