#dengue platelet
healthally98 · 2 months
Why Platelet Count Decrease in Dengue – Fight Against Dengue
Dengue fever is a viral illness transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes it is a global threat marked by substantial health impacts in tropical and subtropical areas. Another significant component that needs special consideration in the case of dengue is the aspect of platelet count, which drops tremendously in this sickness. The following article will therefore discuss why this occurs in patients with dengue fever, as well as discuss symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
Understanding Platelets
What are Platelets?
Blood platelets or thrombocytes are tiny blood cells that are practically involved in clot formation and arresting bleeding. Leukocytes are formed in the bone marrow and are present in the blood stream waiting to be activated as soon as there is an injury.
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Normal Platelet Count
The normal level of platelets falls between 150 000 and 450 000 per microliter of blood. Sustaining this range is important for coagulation and health in general.
In this regard, the following sources are useful:
The Contribution of Platelets in the Body
Platelets’ purposes are to actively participate in the process of wound healing and cessation of bleeding through clot formation. That is bound to the site of injury, clump together and in concert with other coagulants, plug the hole.
What is Dengue?
Definition and Causes
Dengue fever is an illness instructions caused by dengue viruses which are transmitted through the Aedes mosquitoes. Currently, there are four known serotypes of the virus; this implies that a person can be infected four times.
Symptoms of Dengue
Some of the symptoms that patients develop are high temperature, severe headache, pains behind the eyes, joint and muscular aches, rash, and slight internal bleeding. Rare but more dangerous forms are DHF and DSS which are fatal conditions.
Dengue fever and its physical effects on the human body
A brief description of dengue is that it is a severe flu-like illness, and at times may progress to be fatal. Knowledge and interaction with platelet count are crucial in avoiding severe consequences.
This paper aims to determine the mechanism that leads to the destruction of platelets during Dengue infection.
Immune System Response
The process of the body protecting itself against the dengue virus includes the making of antibodies. These antibodies though, develop and sometimes end up identifying platelets as substances to be destroyed, thus contributing to a low count.
Effects of Virus on the Bone Marrow
Dengue virus directly targets bone marrow cells hence delaying the production of new platelets in the blood. This leads to the dispersion of fewer platelets in the bloodstream, to be precise.
Apart from the decrease in the aforementioned elements, the virus also enhances the destruction of the remaining platelets in the blood. This dual effect has the net effect of producing a pronounced decrease in the level of platelets.
Conversely, this paper aims to answer the question that why platelet count decreases in dengue learners will be able to come up with the answer without much difficulty.
Immune-Mediated Destruction
For this reason, the immune system of a body attacking the dengue virus can overreact and start destroying platelets. Regarding, this, auto-immune response is one of the main causes of reduced platelet count.
Decreased Production
Also, infection of the bone marrow by the dengue virus slows down the production of new platelets, thus hitting the general count.
Increased Utilization and Clearance
The body’s metabolism and clearance of platelets increase during the illness phase of dengue. This results in a decreased level of platelets in the blood since there is higher consumption of these platelets accompanied by poor production and destruction.
Signs of low platelets in the body
Recognizing the Signs
Signs of low platelet count comprise; bleeding easily, taking a long time to stop when cut, bleeding from the gum or the nose, blood in the urine or stool, and skin spots known as petechiae.
Impact on Overall Health
Low platelet count results in excessive bleeding and may give rise to so many health issues, thus, monitoring of platelet levels manifests crucial during dengue fever.
When to go to Hospital
You should consult your doctor if you have any of the following signs: signs of severe bleeding, vomiting that does not stop, severe stomach pains, or breathing becomes difficult. Any one of these could be an early indicator of severe dengue, for which the patient should seek medical attention.
Testing that Diagnoses and Monitors Platelet Count
Medical Tests for Dengue
Cases of dengue are confirmed through a process of blood tests to check for virus or antibodies, and platelets count. There are many tests specifically the NS1 antigen test, PCR test, and serological tests for IgM AND IgG antibodies.
Monitoring Platelet Levels
Also one must routinely check the platelets count during the illness, especially in dengue. It is expected that the levels of platelets should be checked frequently through a blood test to note any shifts.
Importance of Early Detection
The case shows that early diagnosis and management of the conditions likely to worsen dengue and low platelet count will help avoid complications and provide the best course of action.
Management of Low Platelet Count in Dengue Patients
Medical Interventions
Management is aimed at supporting care encouraging oral intake, and recording the patient’s output and input. In severe instances cases, the patient needs to be given platelets to control the bleeding.
Role of Hydration
Something as simple as taking fluids is very vital in managing dengue fever. Registry meals are beneficial because the patient’s blood volume is adapted to the amount of fluid taken; if not taken, there will be complications.
Medications and Therapies
No direct antiviral drugs for dengue are available at the moment, meaning the virus cannot be directly attacked and eradicated from the body. Symptoms must be kept in check and this entails employing pain and fever mitigating drugs. Do not use aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as they thicken the blood.
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nohkalikai · 1 year
should i just embrace the fact that i've become stupider
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jeevikadm · 2 months
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facts1590 · 2 months
Why Dengue Fever Lowers Platelets and How to Manage
Discover why dengue fever lowers platelet counts and effective ways to manage and prevent this condition.
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nancykhemchandani · 2 months
Why Dengue Fever Lowers Platelets and How to Manage
Discover why dengue fever lowers platelet counts and effective ways to manage and prevent this condition.
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latesthealthupdates · 5 months
Boost Your Platelet Count: Essential Foods For Dengue Fever Recovery
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Dengue virus spreads through infected Aedes species mosquitoes with around four dengue virus strains (DENV-1 to DENV-4)
For more information visit: https://www.punarjanayurveda.com/web-stories/boost-your-platelet-count-best-foods-for-dengue-fever-recovery/
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pinamed · 1 year
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We at Pinamed Drugs manufacture PLATOPIN to increase the platelet count with the richness of Carica Papaya, Giloy and Goat Milk extract in combination with the goodness of Tulsi significantly accelerates the Rate of increase in Platelet Count and enhances the body’s ability. Platopin increase your immunity level and give your body the ability to fight against diseases like Dengue, Malaria, Typhoid by using it into your daily routine. It acts as Ayurvedic Immune Booster.
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Best Foods In Diet For Dengue Patients at Livlong
Explore the comprehensive guide to Dengue Diet & food to avoid for dengue patient including immunity-boosting foods like rich in protein, iron, etc. Know more on diet for dengue patients at Livlong now!
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Best Foods In Diet For Dengue Patients at Livlong
Explore the comprehensive guide to Dengue Diet & food to avoid for dengue patient including immunity-boosting foods like rich in protein, iron, etc. Know more on diet for dengue patients at Livlong now!
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srisneha · 1 year
How to Raise Blood Platelets Level Naturally At Home? | Diet To Increase...
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kamreadsandrecs · 1 year
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healthally98 · 2 months
Symptoms of Low Platelets in Dengue – Dengue’s Silent Threat
Dengue fever is an infectious disease that occurs in a tropical and sub-tropical climate through bitten-infected mosquitoes affecting millions of people. However, one of the potentially severe complications of this disease is that it lowers platelet concentration in the blood. The mechanisms of blood clotting and blood thinning are relevant to an individual’s health and thus the actions of dengue fever on the reduction of platelet levels should be discussed alongside the resultant effects.
Understanding Dengue Fever
What is Dengue Fever?
Dengue fever involves the dengue virus that is conveyed by infected Aedes mosquitoes through their sting. This disease affects mainly the tropical/subtropical regions and ranges from mild flu-like illness to severe flux like the deadly ones.
Causes and Transmission
It is a vector-borne disease mainly spread by the use of infected mosquito lice to humans. When a given mosquito has fed on an infected human, it gets the dengue virus and so it becomes a separator and infects other people once it feeds on them.
Symptoms of Dengue Fever
Some of the symptoms of dengue include the following high fever, which is usually prolonged, headache, pains behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain as well as rash or short mild bleeding. All these symptoms are normally manifested 4-10 days after the individual has been bitten by an infected tine vector.
As gathered from the above information, it is demonstrative that platelets are an essential commodity in the body.
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What are Platelets?
Platelets are also known as thrombocytes and are one of the smallest kinds of blood cells that play a role in the coagulation of the blood. He or she can carry millions of such cells to the site of an injury, classify them and in this manner stem the blood vessel and stop the bleeding process.
Functions of Platelets
Formation of clots to avoid bleeding instances in the body.
Wound healing
This is because the flexibility is extended to the action of maintaining the structural integrity of blood vessels.
Normal Platelet Count
The normal number of platelets ranges from 150 000 to 450 000 platelets assuming it is per Microliter of Blood. Consequently, counts below this range are considered low and lead to various other health-related issues.
Dengue and Platelet Count
As has already been mentioned, platelets are one of the most sensitive elements affected by the dengue virus, which is why it is also crucial to examine how this illness influences the platelet count.
Of course, one knows that dengue fever leads to a decrease in the count of platelets in our blood which is technically known as thrombocytopenia. This is so because while the body employs its immune system to get rid of platelets, the marrow does not manufacture sufficient platelets.
Dengue transmission in this study is how the patient experiences a decrease in platelet count.
The dengue virus directly affects bone marrow, the source of plates, and overloads the production of plate-producing items. Additionally, the virus dysfunctions the normal and newly produced platelets and motivates the immune system to destroy these platelets hence their reduced production.
Here’s why the measuring of platelet count is important.
Dengue fever is observed to avoid more aspects and the most regularly checked by doctors is platelet count. It also has to be pointed out that when the count of these particular cells is low, the tendency of the blood to clot will also be slower and therefore conditions like excessive bleeding and many others are likely to occur.
Symptoms That May be Indications of Low Platelets in Dengue
General Symptoms
Fatigue and weakness
Pale skin
Severe Symptoms
Severe bleeding
Organ damage
Early Warning Signs
Recognizing Early Symptoms
Sometimes the initial symptoms of a low platelet count are not very obvious they include skin bruises and sluggish clotting of blood especially when there is an injury. This is vital in that it will facilitate early medical intervention hence improving the prognosis of the disease.
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onyxhealthy · 2 years
Foods to eat to increase
Platelet count
Table of contents
1. Goat milk
2. Green leafy vegetables
3. Pomegranate
4. Iron rich food
5. Vitamin B rich food
6. Avoid alcohol
7. Fatty fish
Goat milk
As we all know, milk is full of calcium and calcium helps to increase the platelet count. Calcium content with vitamin K and milk protein “Fibrinogen” increases the Platelet count and improves the blood's ability to form the clot. You can even opt for cow milk if you are not able to find goat milk, but goat milk is one of the most beneficial way to increase your platelet count fast. Several doctors recommend goat milk to dengue patients to increase blood platelets. Milk also has magnesium and potassium that can help lessen blood pressure and increase blood flow to vital organs that reduces the pressure on the heart as well as the cardiovascular system. So now you know whenever there is an emergency and you need to increase the platelet count instantly go and get some goat milk.
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health-11 · 2 years
Which fruits increase platelets dengue? Want to know ? Read in this given blog, we have detailed all of the helpful fruits for recovering from dengue.These fruites helps in a quick recovery, improve plateletes , and provide necessary nutrients.
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gyandutt · 2 years
डेंगू, पपीता, बकरी और ड्रेगन फ्रूट
ब्लॉग:- डेंगू, पपीता, बकरी और ड्रेगन फ्रूट डेंगू का दोहन करने के लिये मैं क्या कर सकता हूं? मैं बकरी पालन तो कर नहीं सकूंगा। पर पपीता के पौधे लगा सकता हूं। उससे डेंग्फ्लेशन (Dengue-inflation) के समय मार्केट का दोहन कर शायद करोड़पति बन सकूं! :)
मेरी पत्नीजी (बहुत से लोगों की तरह) कब्ज से बचने के लिये रोज पपीता सेवन करती हैं। प्रति दि��, बारहों महीने। गांव में रहते हुये पपीते की सतत उपलब्धता कठिन है। उनके लिये पपीता-प्रबंधन कठिन काम था। रामगुन फल का ठेला लगाने वाले सज्जन सहायता किया करते थे, पर पाया कि उनकी पपीता उपलब्ध कराने की सक्सेस रेट 40-50% से ज्यादा नहीं थी। वे पास की कछवांं मण्डी से अपने फल लाते हैं। कछंवा मण्डी में सब्जियाँ तो…
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marccurelab · 2 years
G- Don capsule|Buy capsule at best price in India | Marccure
The G-Don capsule  is exceptionally effective in treating dengue. It has extracts of Carica Papaya and Tinospora Cordifolia which helps in boosting platelets. It cools our physique from the high-temperature upward push all through viral infection. It relieves signs and symptoms of the disease & Regulates hematopoietic system.
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How G-Don helps in Dengue fever: 
Increases the platelets rely
Improves digestion
Reduces fever & infections
Vitamin E promotes early recovery
It is a nutraceutical remedy &
Has no sick consequences
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