#derek hale is obsessed with him
casually-eat-my-soul · 13 hours
I keep thinking about jealous pining desperate Stiles and Derek
But like specifically Stiles Seeing Derek kiss someone else.
Stiles goes to visit Derek at his loft and he walks into a scene from a hallmark movie. Derek is kissing some random women under fairy lights to the back drop of a sunset. Stiles feels like someone plunged their hand through his heart and infected with body with ice. He genuinely feels sick to his stomach.
Derek looks down at said person with a soft smile, thinking that this time he can be safe. Before turning and seeing Stiles. They lock eyes and stiles is so visibly distraught. Like in the “where’s my dad scene”. One tear sliding down his face, hands clenched, grasping at his chest as if to rip his heart out.
And Derek knows he fucked up, but he doesn’t know how. All he sees is Stiles in distress and he needs to fix it. Stiles base scent has changed in a split second, now deeply intertwined with misery. He immediately moves from his love interest towards Stiles. But Stiles won’t let Derek comfort him. When Derek grasps his wrists, He tries to pull away.
Stiles is inconsolable at this point, choking on his sobs, barely able to breathe, barely able to see. This only makes Derek more desperate, he’s trying to pull stiles into a hug but Stiles keeps fighting him. Derek’s mind is racing with an explain on why stiles is falling apart in front of him. He thinks of Scott and the sheriff, praying that they are both still alive. He’s now genuinely begging stiles to let him help, to tell him what’s wrong, but stiles keeps pushing Derek away.
Derek’s love interest moves to help but stiles screams when she touches him. In his shock Derek stumbles away from Stiles, but not before ripping her arm off of Stiles.
The room freezes as the both of them are just staring at each other, stiles still sobbing, Derek shaking with adrenaline or fear he doesn’t know. Before Stiles turns and runs out of his loft.
And then nothing is like it used to be. Not like the summer they spent together, not even like the days of when they first met. Stiles is so different with him. Derek can’t remember the last time he saw stiles smile, or his eyes. All he can see is the eyebags that match his own and bitten bloody lips. He barely speaks to Derek and when he does is tone is soft and flat. They no longer banter back and forth with each other exchanging friendly insults. He is a ghost of the stiles that Derek knew.
Stiles doesn’t reach out and touch him anymore, not in camaraderie or comfort. Derek’s skin is devoid of stiles scent. His scent hasn’t changed from that night, now overcome with depression, pain, and tears. But even so Derek would still prefer to carry it with him. Derek feels like he is watching stiles die.
And Derek is ripping his hair out of his skull. He going insane. He has tried to talk to stiles but at meetings Stiles wouldn’t even look at him, and the Stilinski house has been lined with wolfsbane.
He goes to Scott and Lydia for advice, or understanding, fuck at this point he’d even take a stupid riddle. But scott just twists his lips in disappointment while Lydia glares at him with more hatred than she does Peter. Which is really saying something.
Derek is getting more frantic as days pass and nothing changes. It’s starting to affect the pack. The betas are more snappy and uncomfortable. Derek, himself is having a had time keeping his shift under control. Anger isn’t helping, if only it’s making it worse, more feral.
This costs Derek.
One night when the pack is fighting the next big bad. Derek’s sleepless nights and being distracted nearly gets him killed. He only wishes he could go back to that day, he would spend it, from sunrise to sunset with Stiles. Just making him laugh and smile.
The last thing he sees before he collapses is Stiles eyes in the moonlight, glistening with tears, same as that night. Beautiful all the same. But still Derek smiles. He is at peace knowing that this will be the last thing he sees.
But he wakes up, and all he has of stiles is traces of his scent on his skin. Derek roars in anguish. He can feel his betas trying to hold him down, he can hear them screaming but it all fades to white noise. He understands nothing at this current moment but loss. His wolf won’t stop howling.
He doesn’t fight the pull of the wolf, as he falls under his instincts. At the back of his head he knows that the people he is fighting are his pack mate, his own betas. The smell of blood affronts his senses. But nothing can be felt but violent grief.
The wolves in his den are wary and hesitant to fight him, as they should be. He can hear more wolves coming, and the deafening heartbeat of prey. He snarls at the prey that moves closer to him, fulling intending the go for the kill. As he pounces on the prey pressing him to the ground, teeth reaching to sink into his neck, he feels Stiles hands on his chest and he stops. The scent of Stiles is all around him, and Derek presses his face to his neck. Keeping Stiles pinned to the ground.
Thus way stiles cannot escape, cannot leave Derek grappling with the thought of losing him. Another wolf tries to get closer, reaching for stiles but Derek snarls at him. Stiles talks to the wolf, —
“Don’t worry about it Scotty, I got it from here”
“You sure dude?”
“Yeah, take the wonder trio and get out of here. We’re good.”
— as Derek pulls him into his lap, face still pressed into the junction between neck and shoulder. Not even willing to miss even the vibrations of Stiles voice. The wolves leave and Derek can finally relax and enjoy the presence of Stiles.
Derek feels overwhelmed, after weeks of not interacting with Stiles he is now surrounded by him. His hands run through Derek’s hair, his voice floats in the air, his scent finally intermingling with his own. This idea of losing the heat of stiles body pressed against his, makes Derek pull stiles even closer.
He doesn’t know how long they sit together but when he comes out of the fog. Derek breaks. A complete reversal of the night he lost stiles. Derek is crying in ernest, pleading and apologizing over and over again. Stiles is hesitant when he places his hands on Derek cheek. But when Derek leans into it Stiles begins to wipe the tears from his face.
They both face each other with open expressions. Stiles struggles to finds words to explain to Derek but all he can get out is a broken repeat of Derek’s own apology.
Derek felt as if his heart couldn’t know anymore pain, but as Stiles choked out an apology he could feel another piece break. Derek was just relived that stiles was finally letting him comfort him. Derek pressed their foreheads together and took a deep breath. Waiting for stiles to following along with his breathing. When they both calmed down stiles Slumped exhausted into his chest. With a heavy limbs Derek picked him up and carried him to the bed. Derek’s bed.
Neither of them need to speak durning this time. Derek was reluctant to set Stiles down, to let go for even a second. Instead he settled for watching Stiles as they both undressed and fell into the bed. Finally after weeks of sleepless nights, unrest and nightmares, they both full asleep wrapped in each others arms.
Derek refuse to open his eyes when he awakes. Afraid that when he does, Stiles will be gone and this would be a cruel dream. So he keeps them closed even when he hear Stiles breathe hitch. Even as he hears his heartbeat pick up. Even as stiles trails his fingers over Derek’s face. But he does open them as stiles presses a kiss to his lips.
Derek kisses him back just as fiercely. And this leads to teary confessions — “Don’t fucking lie to me Derek please, I can’t take it, don’t fucking kiss me out of pity.”
“Never out of pity, Mi Vida, I never wish to part from you even again, I love you, Mieczyslaw, truly. I can finally breathe again.” — They spend the day in bed, only leaving to eat. Even then they are always touching the other in some way.
After this Scott and Lydia pull Derek aside and threaten him with extreme violence. Peter joyfully welcomes stiles to the family.
(Honestly this was a whole train wreck. I also had another idea/version where this was happening during the nogistune. Where Stiles goes over to Derek’s loft as the darkness around his heart fills heavier that day and he sees Derek kiss someone else. The this is what finally pushes stiles over and allows the nogistune to fully take over. And Derek is forced to listen to the fox gleefully tell him that this action nearly broke Stiles. That while turning feral Derek has to learn that his actions cost him another person he loves. That because of this stiles and Derek are turning into twisted version of themselves. But honestly a fox should have never underestimated how far a wolf would go for their mate)
My bad for the long post but if you made it to the end, welcome to the trenches and suffering in the misery with me.
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bigfootsboytoy · 1 year
Obsessed with the way that Stiles spends ALL DAY with Peter and Cora listening to the tragic story of Dereks first love. Like...it's broad daylight when that story starts, and by the time they wrap things its nighttime. Stiles didn't even really need to be at the loft either, he just showed up to check if Derek was still MIA, and then the boy stayed and listened to a whole story. Stiles Stilinski isn't usually shy about telling people to get to the goddamn point either, so you know his ass was captivated.
Half of that episode was just Stiles chilling with the Hale's, learning the first bit of Dereks tragic backstory and eating it UP.
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patolemus · 5 months
Teen wolf rewrite but the only change is that Stiles uses a backwards cap every single day and as a result he is deemed the hottest student in Beacon Hills High School
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mariechristine00 · 3 months
Got back into Teen Wolf…news is that I‘m now extremely obsessed again…this guy plays a lot into it
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stereknation · 4 months
I See Your Face Before Me by jezziejay
Summary: While Stiles was studying in New York, Scott moved to LA and found a new co-bestie. Stiles can't wait to meet him. The feeling, however, is far from mutual.
AU piece, based somewhat around one of the stories in the movie Love Actually. The end especially.
Rating: Teen 
Main Character(s): Stiles Stilinski 
Additional Character(s): Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Allison Argent, Sheriff Stilinski, Melissa McCall, Original Male Character 
Pairing(s): Stiles Stilinski/ Derek Hale, Scott McCall/Allison Argent 
Tags: AU, no-one is a Werewolf, post-college fic 
Words: 9,204
Chapters: 1/1
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twpsyn-who · 1 year
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EDIT : Nevermind, I let them continue talking. It gets worse better.
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marnz · 2 years
teen wolf status update: the fucking audacity of the Darach to say “you mercy killing your virgin girlfriend at age 15 saved my life so we’re made for each other, please don’t be shallow about my slashed up face or the fact I’ve been killing people” to Derek!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DO THE WRITERS TREAT HIM SO BADLY!
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hedwig221b · 4 months
Not the same anon but your fav jealous and possessive Derek fics? I’m talking toxic possessive, Stiles always in sight and scented and being touched cuz Derek just CANNOT STOP 💞💞💞😌👆🏼🙂‍↕️
Hi, hello, here you go 🔥💖 (p.s. we need more obsessed borderline toxic Derek pleek)
As it Should Be by KuroKitty (HaleYes)
Stiles comes home from his 18th birthday party at the bowling alley to find a surprise waiting for him in his room.
Or, the one where Derek has no chill.
Assume I'm just An Asshole by mannersmakethmine
the pack always finding Stiles and Derek in coupley situations and assuming they're fake dating because there's a new threat in town, and Stiles and Derek because the shits that they are just go along with it.
Deflowered by astrugglingstoic
In which there is a prince, a knight, sequential sword fights, and an anecdote about pressed flower petals.
Feral Formalities by Aleandri
"There was silence as no one seemed to breath at the table. Derek had just gifted Stiles, an unmated Omega, with food. Right in front of another Alpha. Who he was on a date with. To discuss being heat partners…." In which, Stiles presents as Omega, and everyone wants a piece of the alpha-baby-making ass!
five times derek is protective of stiles and one time it's the other way around
Yeah, okay, so maybe Derek was a tad too protective of Stiles. So what? Sue him for worrying about his best friend, whom he totally does not have a raging crush on.
Okay, so maybe he does.
Shut up.
Hung The Moon by BurnItAllClean (nrnyx)
Slowly Stiles got control of himself again. His heart calmed. His breathing evened out. The anger was gone. In its place, a bone-deep weariness settled. He couldn’t do this. He wouldn’t survive this.
Might be a Predator by churkey
Derek's mom once told him they were predators. It never occurred to him to ask, 'If werewolves are predators, what do we hunt?'.
Oblivious Misadventures, and Other Such Tales by Little Spoon (JaydenNara)
Going to college was exciting and new, a chance for new friends and a fresh start, and the best part was, there was a supernatural fraternity on campus, meaning Scott finally had the freedom to be himself.
Then he met the resident human who came with a stalker alpha. What was the point of a supernatural fraternity if he still had to pretend to be human. And seriously, did Stiles ever fall asleep somewhere normal?
of gods & monsters by Dexterous_Sinistrous
“I’m not the best at conversation. I’ve been told I have no finesse for it.”
Stiles took a step closer to Derek, pushing the billowing silk out of the way. “And what would you say if you looked at me now?”
Derek looked up, startled for a moment when he realized he was now looking at Stiles’ unveiled face. He was silent for a beat, taking in Stiles’ features for the first time, convinced he would never see such beauty unveiled for him alone.
Oh my (let me look at those eyes) by Gorgeousgreymatter
A few months ago, he might’ve been able to solve this with some force—a little man-handling, a snarl, a glimpse of teeth. But he looks at Stiles’s broken face, knows he’s seen too much horror and blood and evil, the whole Big Bad Wolf routine is just going to fall flat. Because Derek looks at Stiles and he doesn’t carry himself like a teenager anymore. He carries himself like a soldier.
The Alpha and his Spark by sandyde03
Stiles is pregnant. Derek is perpetually horny and possessive. Stiles is confused. Not by Derek sexing him up. He loves that. It’s the fact that ever since he started to show that he was with pup everyone has been avoiding his eyes.
The Boy Is Mine, You Bonkers! by frownypup
It turns out that the words ‘a painfully smart and brave unclaimed human who is stupidly unutilized in Beacon Hill’s pack’ became the hottest gossip in werewolf underground. Yes, what the hell. Stiles’ existence has changed from a plankton to a rising sun.
Derek Hale has something he needs to say about it.
Three Little Words by Chloepioneer
“Oh god,” he whines, slapping a hand over his mouth to quell the vomit that boils the back of his throat. “Derek, is that the mailman?”
or Derek has a bad habit of killing people that take an interest in Stiles. Stiles might like it a little bit.
won't you torture someone else's sleep by redeyedwrath
I love you, Derek thinks, but he doesn’t say it, just watches Stiles throw his head back in laughter that isn’t for him and never will be. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Maybe if he thinks it hard enough, Stiles will hear him.
you are an obsession (i am your possession) by EvanesDust
Once Derek catches that tantalizing scent, he can’t stay away. Stiles. Derek’s completely enthralled by him. Obsessed. But all he can do is stand in the shadows, watching and waiting. Until he can make Stiles his, that is. And when that happens, Derek will never let him go.
Pack nights are not for getting laid by igotdamn
Stiles goes out clubbing, Derek doesn't like that very much.
Obsession by Rae666
Derek gets hit by a witch's curse and is confined to his loft as his uncle searches for a cure and Isaac stands guard. But as the curse grows worse and Derek's obsession with a certain pale skinned person becomes increasingly intense, how long can the team keep Derek and Stiles apart, especially when Stiles decides to take matters into his own hands?
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | smut | mafia | hurt/comfort | magical!Stiles | Stiles gets kicked out of the pack
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kitchenisking · 7 months
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March Fic Rec
back to back recs cuz I wasn't paying attention to the weeks fly by😅
Obsession by Rae666 - (Rating: Mature, Words: 2,399, sterek)
Derek gets hit by a witch's curse and is confined to his loft as his uncle searches for a cure and Isaac stands guard. But as the curse grows worse and Derek's obsession with a certain pale skinned person becomes increasingly intense, how long can the team keep Derek and Stiles apart, especially when Stiles decides to take matters into his own hands?
The Wolf by rororowyourboat - (Rating: G, Words: 3,901, sterek)
Stiles and Derek haven't seen each other in years, but after talking on the phone nonstop for months now, Derek is finally moving back to Beacon Hills. The day he's supposed to arrive, he stops responding to Stiles' texts, and then a blue-eyed wolf shows up on his porch steps. Obviously something has happened to Derek, and Stiles needs to help him out... right?
Tease by katrint - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 4,852, sterek)
Stiles is used to Derek being all growly, claiming and rough when he gets jealous, but when something that usually would make Derek all the above happens, and Derek shows no interest in Stiles whatsoever, Stiles starts to worry.
Ulterior Motives by useyrwordsderek - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 11,082, sterek)
In which Stiles is warm for Derek’s form, Derek is repressed, and Erica is awesome. (Lydia is also awesome, but that goes without saying.) Author’s notes: Set after Season 2; mild spoilers for all of S1 and S2. Previously posted to LJ. My first Teen Wolf fic! Be gentle!
It feels like a perfect night (for breakfast at midnight) by princecharmingwinks - (Rating: G, Words: 1,068, sterek)
Stiles is floating on cloud nine. He is absolutely living his best life. It's a Saturday night, he's out with his friends and he's dancing like it's his birthday. Because it is! (Or it will be in 20 minutes, once midnight ticks around). And what better way to celebrate the respectful age of 22 than a night out?
The Hale Beast by secretfanboy - (Rating: Mature, Words: 17,707, sterek)
Stiles would rather be at home playing X-Box than attending the ceremony inaugurating the Wolf nation's sovereignty over the Argent kingdom, but he's the Sheriff's son so those are the breaks. What he doesn't expect is the feral werewolf Prince Derek AKA The Beast to take an interest in him.
He was alone with the Beast. His heart started pounding its way up into his throat. A burst of static came from his cell phone. "Scott! Oh my god! He's here! The Hale Beast is here with me and I'm alone and no one is here to witness when he kills me...to death!"
Treasure by Hedwig221b - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 71,231, sterek)
“I know you don’t trust me,” Derek grunted. When Stiles inhaled to retort, Derek caught his chin and pressed a finger against his lips, making the boy freeze in place, eyes impossibly wide. “Don’t argue. I expected it. Wolves don’t trust easily, too. I just wanted you to know that… I’m sorry. I was selfish and didn’t see what was in front of me. You don’t need to worry. I’ll take care of everything.”
It was a thought that grew in his mind, spread to his heart and took root there, reincorporating into a deep desire and a vital need. Derek will take care of him and his little pup, he’ll bring the hearts of his enemies and put them at the boy’s feet. He’ll court and he’ll conquer.
The Mending That You Need by torakowalski - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3,861, sterek)
“He’s not my boyfriend, Stiles. He’s a man from a club. I couldn’t call him, if I wanted to.”
Even Forbidden Fruits Get Picked by flitterflutterfly - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 18,658, sterek)
When Stiles’ best friend gets himself bitten by a rogue werewolf, Stiles convinces him to seek aide from the local pack. Stiles tags along, ready to help Scott despite the knowledge that he likely wouldn’t be welcome. After all, Doms rarely ever approved of Stiles and he thought the Hales would be no exception. So he was surprised to find that not only had the rogue seemed to develop some kind of creepy fascination with him, the young alpha wolf, Derek, seemed to want him as well.
Transformation by sffan - (Rating: T, Words: 1,885, sterek)
“Dude. You turned into a wolf. What the hell? When did that start being a thing?”
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False Confidence
Don't take yourself so seriously / Look at you all dressed up for someone you never see.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: Spencer and Y/N hate each other, they just don't realise they have been anonymously messaging for months.
Word Count: 2.8k
T/W: Mentions of murder and death
A/N: For @sackofpissandshit . I came up for the premise of this as a plate of prawns fell onto my head at work. Enjoy! ◡̈
SherlockHolmes1887: You were right. 
You couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face; you replied immediately, the half-drunk coffee in your hand forgotten. 
NapoleonOfCrime: Feel free to say that again.
He did.  
Briefly, you looked up from your phone to cross the road. You were on the way to work having just received a message from Hotch. It sounded urgent. 
NapoleonOfCrime: So what made you realise that, as per usual, I was right? 
You had spent the better part of the night trying to convince him that Sherlock Holmes was in love with Jim Moriarty. You had met him online several months ago, on an Arthur Conan Doyle forum and have been messaging ever since. 
He, except for the one and only Penelope Garcia, was your best friend. You told him everything. Except for who you are. 
Early on in talking you both had agreed not to exchange names, tell each other where you lived or what you did for a career. You knew what SherlockHolmes1887 favourite film was (Star Trek), that he liked wearing mismatched socks and his mum used to call him ‘Crash’ because he would crash into things when he was younger. You knew that, like you, he had four qualifications, liked Sherlock Holmes and had an unhealthy obsession with coffee. You just didn’t know his name. 
Your phone vibrated. 
SherlockHolmes1887: “The greatest schemer of all time, the organiser of every devilry, the controlling brain of the underworld, a brain which might have made or marred the destiny of nations—that's the man! But so aloof is he from general suspicion, so immune from criticism, so admirable in his management and self-effacement, that for those very words that you have uttered he could hale you to a court and emerge with your year's pension as a solatium for his wounded character. [...] Foulmouthed doctor and slandered professor—such would be your respective roles! That's genius, Watson.”
Your phone buzzed again. You silenced it as you walked into the BAU elevator. 
SherlockHolmes1887: I reread ‘The Valley of Fear’ last night. 
You were about to reply when a voice cried out. 
“Hold the door!” 
Instinctively, you stretched your arm out between the closing elevator doors. 
The person entered beside you. 
If you had known who had asked, you would have let the doors shut. 
Dr Spencer Reid leant on his cane, drumming his fingers against its metal top as the elevator moved upwards. He had recently been shot in the leg on a case. You would never tell him but when that gun fired, you thought you were going to be sick. Your heart ached. It made you hate him even more.
“Reid,” you said, staring forward. You refused to look at him.
“L/N,” He replied. 
That was the most words you’d exchanged in days. 
When the doors finally opened again, you both headed towards the round table, where the rest of the team was waiting. 
You and Spencer were the last to arrive. 
It’s not like him to be late, you thought.  
You took a seat between Emily Prentiss and Derek Morgan - you were sat as far away from Spencer as possible.
“Now that you are all here,” Hotch began, pulling you from your thoughts, “let’s begin.” 
Penelope connected her computer to the screen; there was a picture of a body. The flesh was rotten, decayed from what was evidently years hidden away. Your eyes are wide as you saw it: a long cut, rough and jagged, stretched from neck to naval. You recognised this signature. 
“The Brooklyn Butcher,” you said, interrupting the silence. 
Hotch nodded. 
It was a case that had occurred six years ago and ended up going cold. 
Spencer recalled, “Eleven women, all under the age of twenty-five, all with red hair, went missing and then their bodies always turned up three days later with a long knife wound across their torso.” 
“The only body,” you continued, “that was never discovered was Sharon Lewis’. The first to go missing. The wife of Mitch Lewis, the prime suspect during the investigation.” 
“Why wasn’t he arrested?” Derek asked. 
Spencer answered before you could, tucking a strand of his brown hair behind his ear. Why did you want to run your hands through his hair? 
“There was no evidence. The police’s only theory was his wife was his first kill and he killed all the other victims who resembled her in an attempt to relive the thrill of the kill.”
“He had an alibi for Sharon Lewis’ disappearance,” you added. 
“Correct - they also never found her body. They couldn’t prove their theory without her body.” 
“Well,” Hotch said, “they have now.” 
“Sharon Lewis, aged twenty-four, was the first victim in the Brooklyn Butcher killings. Cause of death, blunt force trauma to the head.” 
JJ leant back in her chair and pressed her pen to her lips, “So the cut was postmortem?”
“According to the coroners.” 
“But that was not the case for the rest of the victims?”
“No,” Hotch replied. 
“Our UNSUB gained confidence in his kills.” 
Lewis was likely his first-ever kill. You wanted to message Sherlock and ask him what he thought. He was intelligent beyond belief, you were sure he would add valuable insight to this case but you couldn’t tell him. Then he would know you worked for the Behavioural Analysis Unit. You couldn’t let him know that. He couldn’t know who you were. What would he think then? When he knew you were more comfortable around dead bodies than real people.
“How was the body discovered?” Spencer asked. 
Hotch had that dark look in his eyes, the one he got when an UNSUB scared him. You hadn’t seen that look in his eyes since Haley died. 
“The body was left on an empty police vehicle parked outside a station in Brooklyn. There was a note attached to it.”
Penelope clicked a button on her laptop and the slide changed to a screwed-up piece of paper nailed to the shoulder of the body. 
Hotch read it aloud, “You have three days before I kill another. Happy hunting, the Butcher.”
He stood up from his seat, “Selene Harker was reported missing twelve hours ago. We leave for New York now - wheels up in twenty. Penelope, you’re coming with us.” 
She smiled nervously, you gave her a discreet thumbs up. 
Everyone stood up from the round table and headed towards the door, you had grabbed the handle when Hotch stopped you.
“L/N, you need to stay here.”
You froze, confused. 
He continued, “Reid has not been cleared to fly by his doctors yet and I need you to go through the old Mitch Lewis interrogation clips, find out whether he told any lies. Stay in touch.” 
With that he left the room, leaving you there with Spencer before you had a second to protest. 
You weren’t really sure how you did it, it’s an ability you’ve had since you were a kid. It’s how you were flagged by the FBI. You could tell when people lied. Everyone has a tell and, like the lie-detecter you are, you knew how to spot it. 
When you and Reid had first met, three years ago, he had told you all the statistics about lies: “Did you know,” he had said, “10% of all lies can be defined as exaggerations, though 60% of all lies are considered to be deceptive.” 
You remembered how you had nodded, anxious as it was your first day. 
“Of all liars, 70% of them claim to be willing to do it again. Every week, Americans tell 11 lies. In a study of 11,366 lies told by 632 people over 91 days, 75% of them lied between 0 or 2 times per day.”
“You know a lot,” You had laughed. 
Reid seemed kind. You liked kind people; you dealt with a lot of horrible people growing up. 
“I have an eidetic memory and an IQ of 187.” 
That was the first time you and Spencer had ever spoken and it was the last time you ever spoke like friends. 
You spun on your heels to face Spencer. 
“You leave me alone and I’ll leave you be. Understood?” 
“Understood,” Spencer said, rolling his eyes. 
“God, you are so infuriating.”
“I hate you,” he retorted. 
You noticed the way his jaw tensed. 
You grinned, “Lie.” 
Spencer groaned and left the room. Through the window, you saw him take a seat at his desk. 
Laughing, you walked into Penelope’s office and pulled up the police footage. 
You were three hours into the Mitch Lewis footage and he had told three lies. 
The first was that he did not know what happened to the other victims. Although, this could mean he had read about the case online. 
The second was more interesting. Lewis said he was at the pub when his wife disappeared. Even though there was security camera footage to confirm this, he was lying, 
The third made your head spin. He said he didn’t kill her. True. He said he didn’t know where she was. Lie. 
You paused the interrogation and contacted Hotch to tell him what you had found. He replied telling you to take a break as they searched for Mitch Lewis. 
In an attempt to distract yourself, you reached for your phone and messaged Sherlock. 
NapoleonOfCrime: Hi.
He replied almost immediately. 
SherlockHolmes1887: Hey.
NapoleonOfCrime: So you read ‘The Valley of Fear’ in one night just to try and prove me wrong? 
SherlockHolmes1887: If that’s how you want to interpret it :) 
NapoleonOfCrime: And?
SherlockHolmes1887: And…they are very much in love. It’s almost blindingly obvious. 
NapoleonOfCrime: “It has been an intellectual treat for me to see the manner in which you have grappled with this case.” The definition of enemies to lovers.
SherlockHolmes1887: Enemies to lovers? 
You don’t think you ever smiled as much as when you did with him. 
NapoleonOfCrime: It’s better you don’t ask, or else I’ll be sending you links to Moriaty x Sherlock fan fiction.
SherlockHolmes1887: What are you doing right now?
Your fingers danced along the tiny keyboard on the phone screen.
NapoleonOfCrime: Work. You? 
SherlockHolmes1887: Work. 
NapoleonOfCrime: How is it? 
It made you nervous that he didn’t reply instantly. 
NapoleonOfCrime: Don’t worry, this isn’t me trying to figure out what you do or who you are. I like the mystery. 
SherlockHolmes1887: Horrible. But it’s not really work that’s the problem. There’s a girl. 
It hurt a little to know there was a girl, of course it did, but you didn’t mind. What you cared about was how he seemed distressed. 
NapoleonOfCrime: If you want to share, I’m a good listener. 
He typed for what seemed like an eternity. 
SherlockHolmes1887: We, her and I, have worked together for years. She’s smart and funny and beautiful. So beautiful. But she hates me. I messed up when we first met, I was so nervous around her that I just ignored her. Whenever she tried to speak to me, I would walk away or just act like she wasn’t there. And, now, I am finally more confident, she can’t even be near me without glaring in my direction at least once. 
You yearned for someone to talk about you that way. No one had ever told you that you were beautiful. You didn’t need someone to tell you because you didn’t believe it, it’s just that sometimes, on the inevitable bad days, you want to feel wanted. 
NapoleonOfCrime: I’m sure if you explain it to her, she will understand - you said she’s smart. I can see why you like her. 
SherlockHolmes1887: Yeah, I fell hard. 
I fell hard. 
You recalled what Hotch had said, “Cause of death, blunt force trauma to the head.” 
You recalled how the cut was messy and hesitant whilst the rest were neat. 
 You recalled how it was done postmortem whilst the rest were the cause of death. 
You ran out of Penelope’s office, straight to Dr Spencer Reid. 
“Spence,” you shouted.
You were both alone in the room. 
Spencer looked up from his phone. It was strange, to see him on a phone. You had always thought he was the type of person to hate technology. Instead, he seemed thoroughly invested in whatever was on his screen. 
“Who are you messaging?” You asked, acting causal.
“No one,” he said.
“A girl?”
Spencer’s face had gone bright red. It was cute; it made you smile. 
Why did it make you smile? 
You decided to change the topic before your face went red. 
“Do you have the coroner’s report?” You questioned. 
He dug through the many files covering his desk and held it up for you to see. 
Blunt force to the frontal lobe, that confirmed your suspicions. 
You stared into Spencer’s brown eyes.
“I know what happened to Sharon Lewis.” 
You explained how it must have happened. Sharon was reported missing by her friend at 19:37. She was supposed to be meeting her a 18:00. Mitch Lewis was at a bar from 17:30-20:01, this was confirmed by camera footage. This means that Lewis can’t have kidnapped his wife. Or, perhaps, she never went missing. She tripped getting ready to see her friend and fell down the staircase. She would have died upon impact.
Spencer nodded in agreement with your theory.
“When Lewis got home and saw his wife’s body sprawled out at the base of the stairs, he saw an opportunity…” 
“He dragged her downstairs to the basement, explaining the deep scratches on her back noted in the coroner’s report.” You said, “Lewis worked in construction, he had a table and tools down there, he said so in one of his interrogations. He placed her on that table and cut her. He butchered her. And then did the same to others to try and recreate the high of killing his wife.” 
“We need to call Hotch.” 
Four hours later and Mitch Lewis had confessed and was in police custody.
Derek and Emily had found Selene Harker chained to the very same table Lewis had carved his wife like a cold slab of meat. 
The team was on their way back from Quantico.
You found Spencer sitting on a bench outside the FBI building. Spinning the silver ring your grandmother gave you around your index finger, you sat down next to him. 
You both stared forward, at the road. 
You were glad that you weren’t the only one who was affected by cases like this. You were glad that you weren’t the only one overwhelmed by empathy. Your mother once told you that empathy without boundaries was self-destruction but you were just glad that after so much time in this field, you still felt something. 
Spencer eventually broke the silence. 
“It scares me, Y/N, how easy a life can end.” 
Spencer clutched his cane so tightly that his knuckles went white. 
Gently, you eased one of his hands off it and held it in yours. 
You could hear your blood rushing in your ears. It was deafening. 
“You know, when I was a kid, I was always tripping over things. I walked into doors, tables, you name it. My mum would call me ‘Crash.’”
He laughed dryly whilst your world began to crumble around you. 
You dropped Spencer’s hand. 
“Sh-she called you what?” 
Spencer turned to look at you, confusion and worry were etched across his face, “Y/N? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” 
It’s not that you were upset, in fact, you felt almost the opposite of that. 
Your voice was steadier than you expected when you spoke.
“He is the Napoleon of crime, Watson.”
“He is the organiser of half that is evil and of nearly all that is undetected in this great city.”
“It can’t be.” 
Spencer held his face in his hands. 
“Disappointed, Sherlock Holmes 1887?”
You said it mockingly but you were terrified of what Spencer would say. 
“No, Napoleon of Crime. Not even a little bit.”
“You told me to explain how I felt to that girl so here goes. The first thing I noticed about you was your smile. I saw it from the other side of the room. And, Y/N, it was contagious. Just looking at you made me smile. You are so beautiful and so intelligent and I have wanted to tell you how desperately I liked you since the day we met.” 
He cradled your cheek with one hand. 
“And now I know that this whole time, as well as being the person I can see myself falling in love with, you are my best friend, my favourite, my person.” 
“I hate you, Spence,” you say just before you kiss him. 
Smiling against your lips, you hear him whisper, “Lie.” 
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sourmiguel · 4 months
Hi there!
Biggest sterek fan here, could you recommend any Alive Hale family fics where they love Stiles and want Sterek to happen.
Bonus point if Peter plays the matchmaker and tell Derek to stop being uptight
Pretty please 🙏.
Also thank you for the amazing work you’re doing with your blog, much appreciated 🫶🏻
Hey! I have so many Alive Hale Fam fics bookmarked it's crazy! I love them so much. I'm not coming up with any Peter ships Sterek specifically, but here is a wide variety of some fun Alive/Meddling Hale Fam fics:
Blind Date With a Book by thepsychicclam (wc30361, mature)
Summary: Stiles thought the Blind Date With a Book trend was a great way to drum up business for his small bookshop. He definitely thought it was a great idea after the hot guy kept returning and buying more blind dates with books. Derek didn’t know how he kept getting set up on blind dates by his family, or why he kept going on them. The highlight of his night was when the date was over and he could go to the little bookshop in town and buy something to read for the rest of the night. He wanted to read, not date.
I’m totally obsessed with this fic. So cute. I love Derek and his aversion to his blind dates. I love Stiles and how cute and eager he is. I love their game nights. I just love this.
Follow the Jelly Beans by @afailureandamasterpiece (wc5793, teen)
Summary: Derek waves hello to everyone else who is gathered around a bare tree and hops up the stairs to his childhood bedroom to put on his soft flannel bottoms. Gracie had picked them out especially for him last Christmas and he made sure to pack them for the traditional pajama decorating party. Only his pants aren’t in the bag. In fact, none of his belongings are in the bag. It’s not his bag at all. “Oh no,” he mutters, sifting through the contents. “Who the fuck packed this?”
I love: meet cutes, Hale family love, single father!Stiles, fluff. This has all of that.
Just a Hobby by kaistrex (wc3009, teen)
Summary: Five times Deputy Derek shelters his partner from the world of the supernatural and the one time he discovers he’s just been making a fool of himself.
Silly Derek, trying to shelter Stiles from the big bad world of the supernatural.
When You’re Close I Feel The Sparks by Leslie_Knope (wc39671, mature)
Summary: The guy is hot as hell, sure—leather jacket and glasses, Jesus, be still Stiles’ poor, bisexual, beating heart—but more importantly, it must really suck being new on the first day of senior year. “We’re adopting him,” he decides, tugging Scott and Kira by the elbow in that direction. “Let’s go.”
This is the best kind of HSAU - still in the ‘verse, just everyone lives. I love the progression of their relationship and the twists and turns of this fic!
Hale’s Modern Encyclopedia of Playing Cards (and Dating Humans) by thepsychicclam (wc49698, mature)
Summary: Wolves don’t date humans. And Derek’s okay with that. He’s got his Pack, his friends in the Pack network, and lacrosse. Plus, he plays cards with his grandma all the time. Stiles Stilinski definitely doesn’t factor into his life - no matter how much of a crush Derek has on him. But when bird creatures attack Derek, Stiles, and their friends in the Preserve, Stiles finds out about werewolves and things get pretty complicated. For Derek at least. And he thought school was his only problem, but now he’s grounded and Stiles is hanging around way too much for Derek to ignore him any longer.
I adore Derek and Stiles’s relationship and the growth it goes through in this fic. I think Derek with an uncontrollable crush that makes him wolf out in Stiles’s presence is so cute. I also love the Hale fam and the way Stiles (and Scott and the Sheriff) just get folded in after the crazy. So good.
Children’s Tales by @artemis69 (wc4690, general)
Summary: Be careful, little girl. Don’t go causing troubles in Beacon Hills, little girl, because the Hales live there. Keep away from Beacon Hills, little girl, or the Hales will destroy you. – Or: In a world where the Hales are alive and the protectors of the town of Beacon Hills, the humans politely fake ignorance of their not-really-human status, and they all live happily ever after. Then Kate comes in. Well. Tries to.
There are so many things about this fic that I love - the Sterek friendship, the Hales protecting the town, and the town protecting the Hales right back. So great.
Followers, let us know if you have any Peter ships Sterek / Alive Hale Fam fics for us!
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casually-eat-my-soul · 3 months
Love me an au where stiles doesn’t know that Derek is a werewolf and is always talking about how much he likes him where Derek and co can hear.
Stiles is like “look at him Scotty, he has shoulders that are built to moan into, how could I not want to date him”
And Derek is fucking dying off the to side, face red as hell. His sister are making fun of him, Erica, Boyd and Isaac are making fun of him, even the sheriff is making fun of him. All Derek is doing is thinking about is upping his work out routine
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gayaristocrat · 11 months
Big Booty!Derek Hale is a top but his boyfriend M/N is obsessed with the werewolf's bountiful ass. He'll grab onto it constantly during sex, holding onto it for dear life as Derek plows him.
Derek just accepts that his boyfriend will be groping him all the time
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See, everyone knows Derek’s ass is completely off limits. That means no touching, no slapping, no grabbing, and no playing with it. Hell don’t even look at it. Derek can tell any and everyone about this and everyone listened, except for one, M/N.
You see, it’s not M/N’s fault, he can’t help it if Derek’s ass is just so tempting. Those plump round cheeks just sit there, tempting him, begging to be grabbed and squeezed. The things he’d do just to fall face first into the globe-like mounds. He’d beg and beg Derek to let him touch it and every time Derek says no. Cut to M/N sulking and laying fetal position facing the wall cos Derek won’t let him touch his ass. I mean M/N complains about how Derek could be a big booty top and not do anything with an ass that fat.
However one time during sex while Derek was funking M/N within an inch of his life, M/N couldn’t even think straight. His heavy werewolf boyfriend was plowing deep in his ass and M/N was holding onto Derek tightly, digging his nails into his back. When Derek suddenly hiked M/N legs up into a mating press position he almost lost balance from the intense pleasure and grabbed onto the first thing he could thing of, Derek’s ass.
M/N has always been obsessed with Derek’s ass, so he finally decided to take advantage of this situation and grab tightly onto the werewolf’s cheeks like his life depended on it. At this point Derek was going to stop him, but feeling the hands on his ass actually felt kinda nice.
Taking this as a silent “ok”, M/N went even further as to start slapping Derek’s ass, feeling the meat mounds jiggle in his hands while Derek plows him.
Safe to say now that Derek internally loved when M/N plays with his ass and not just during sex, but he sure and he’ll won’t say anything to M/N about it. Derek just accepts that this is his new life now, he knows his boyfriend and he knows that ass grabbing won’t just be limited to the bedroom.
Cut to Derek stress groaning every time M/N grabs his ass in public and in the werewolf pack meetings.
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patolemus · 5 months
Sterek fic recs: High School AU Edition
In honor of my conversation with @darling-winnie about same age!Sterek, as well as my promise to @oldefashioned, here are some high school au recs!
1. Double Cherries (And 'Extra' Hoodies) by undercoverbastard
“No, no - wait - don’t tell me,” Stiles suddenly said, leaning forward and grinning at the boy directly on his right, eyes gleaming with joy and mischief as he spoke. “You want… a salmon burger, swiss, with fruit, and a vanilla shake. Eh?”
Derek scowled, shoving his menu at Stiles as he slumped back. “No,” he said plainly. Stiles pouted.
“Too bad! That’s what I’m penning you in for, Eyebrows,” Stiles said, scribbling on his notepad as he stood and began to walk away. Derek huffed, opening his mouth to give Stiles his actual order, but the only word he got out was ‘I’ before Stiles waved him off without even looking back at Derek or down at the notepad, stride unbroken, as he recited:
“Double cheeseburger, half swiss, half cheddar, no pickles, curly fries, side honey mustard, strawberry milkshake, extra thick, double cherries.”
OR: alive hale family, alive claudia, and high school friends stiles/derek - all wrapped into one, based on a joke from a TV show i watched when i was 7, and then got wildly out of control!
Notes: adorable, I love their banter and the conection they have. Alive!Hale family is always such a treasure, and Claudia and Talia's friendship is great here. It's completed.
2. i wanna dance with somebody (who loves me) by bleepobleep
Derek gets in an accident and loses a few years of his memory; suddenly everything is different— he's not a freshman loser anymore, but a popular senior, captain of the basketball team, a shoo-in for prom king, too, and he should have everything he's ever wanted— except he doesn't seem to be friends with Stiles anymore.
Notes: Derek is not having a good time. Pookie just wants to be with his best friend but it turns out they're not best friends anymore and the world doesn't make sense because of it. A little angsty but it all works out. It's completed.
3. Don't Kiss and Tell by Hedwig221b
Paige has finally got the boyfriend she always wanted. The only thing is, said boyfriend doesn't touch her, doesn't kiss her and spends all his time with Stiles Stilinski. You'd think they were dating, or something...
Notes: When I tell you I go feral for this au every single time I read it! Hedwig has the best unhinged obsessive sterek fics and I'll swear on that, don't even try to change my mind. Poor Paige is definitely being led on here, and both Derek and Stiles are assholes in this one, but they're in love and they're completely devoted to each other, so it's okay (I know it doesn't make sense now, but it will. Trust). It's completed.
4. But Then What... by Stoney
Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He's someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn't like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn't attracted to him.
Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.
Notes: Typical Jock/Nerd enemies to lovers only it's Stiles being incredibly paranoid and angsty all of the time lol. They both had me shaking my head because my babies truly don't know how to communicate, but we got there! Eventually. It's completed.
5. Just The Same by foxlavander
Something is seriously up with the captain of the lacrosse team. There's just no way Derek Hale is human. *** “I was wondering if you're even human. You move so quickly. I mean, it's ridiculously fast. No human should be able to move that fast, y'know? It's unfair for us. I mean, it's obvious you work out, and I don't, so that could be why, but like...I was just wondering if you were human, that's all.” “Stop talking, Stilinski, or I'll—” “Put me on the bench all season?” Stiles asks knowing full well that Derek Hale can't threaten him with shit.
Notes: This one is so good. Stiles is onto you, Derek! But seriously, they're so awesome in this one. And Derek bakes and he wants to open up a bakery and it's adorable. I love them and I love the Hales, everything is great. Look out for the werewolf reveal! It's completed.
6. The In Which Stiles Is Secretly Magic series by apocryphal
All Stiles wants from life is to learn to control his magic, keep his grades up, and not die horribly while saving Beacon Hills from supernatural threats. It's all going pretty well until Derek Hale, werewolf extraordinaire, has to go and ask him on a date. That asshole.
Notes: The lore for magic users in here is honestly so good. Love the world building! The Hales are alive in this one as well, which for me is always a plus. A little bit (maybe more than a little bit) angsty but it ends well. There's a few things going on, but basically Stiles is basically Deaton's apprentice and there are Rules(TM) he has to follow as a magic user. He's pretty badass though! The series is technically not finished, but both parts in the series are completed.
7. cheer up, babe by graveltotempo
He was the basketball captain. And he was a cheerleader. Can I make it any more clear? OR: Derek Hale thought he had his crush on Stiles Stilinski under control. And then Stiles decided to show up to school in a skirt.
Notes: Derek spends all 20k words thirsting over Stiles, as he should. Stiles gets to wear a skirt and be generally awesome. They are disgustingly sweet together.
8. Made Your Mark on Me (A Golden Tattoo) by writteninthewolfstar
Beacon Hills High and Lycan Heights High are well-known enemies. Derek Hale, Lycan Heights' star quarter-back, is well-known for being aggressive and arrogant. Imagine Stiles surprise when he discovers that Derek Hale is actually his soul-mate.
Notes: This one is very sweet. There's insecure Stiles and absolutely lovely Derek. It's abo with Omega!Stiles and Alpha!Derek, and it's actually pretty wholesome. Derek is like public enemy number one of BHHS and a jock, Stiles is a loner, and when they turn out to be soulmates they have to navigate what that means for it. It has 13 out of 14 chapters, last updated in March of 2024.
9. too busy being yours to fall for somebody else by whiry
Stiles, worried that Scott may actually leave him behind because of his newfound popularity, is desperate to cling to something away from the drama of Lydia Martin's amazing parties and the woes of high school lacrosse. What he finds is Derek Hale, a guy who seemingly hates Stiles at first, but slowly, and insistently, becomes friends with him. As their friendship grows, Stiles starts to wonder if they could ever become something more or if pushing what they have will lead him to being alone for good.
Notes: Also very sweet! It's strangers to friends to lovers, and Stiles falls out of love with Lydia without even realizing because he's fallen in love with Derek. The Hales are alive in this one, yay! The way sterek bonds over music is also so good! It's completed.
10. Stupid Over You by Wolfspurr
It's a Friday night, and instead of enjoying any of the numerous things he'd rather be doing, Stiles has been roped into dinner with his dad at the Hale's. On the plus side, Derek Hale will be there. On the minus side, Derek Hale will be there, and Stiles already has a hard enough time not making an ass of himself in front of the hottest guy in school. There's no way this can end well.
Notes: Overall amazing fic! Stiles is his oblivious awkward self that we all know and love, Derek is completely smitten with him. All this wrapped up in a dinner with the Hales and the Stilinskis. That's it, that's the fic. It's completed.
11. Six Minutes by CosmoKid
“What do you want?” Derek practically grows when Stiles is near enough to hear. He can definitely feel the werewolf vibes coming from the guy as well as the fuck off vibes that roll off him in tsunami-sized waves. Stiles has one thing he needs to say to Derek, but he also has eight million questions to ask him about the werewolf thing and he can barely sort out his thoughts as it is, let alone when there’s a ridiculously attractive werewolf who’s basically Adonis staring at him. Derek takes another drag of his cigarette and raises his eyebrows at Stiles expectantly. He shivers and blurts out, “Six minutes.” That makes Derek smirk, but it’s so condescending that even Harris would be impressed. “No offense, Kitten,” Derek starts and Stiles just narrows his eyes at the nickname. Derek keeps his eyes trained on Stiles as if to dare him to challenge the nickname. Stiles bites his tongue and resists it. “But you’re not really my type.”
Notes: This is not your typical high school au, but it's a nice change of pace. It's got werewolves, which we love, and bad boy Derek. Stiles stood no chances lol. It's completed.
12. The covalent bonds series by HaldFizzbin
Awkward Nerd Derek has been crushing on Handsome Jock Stiles since forever—so getting paired with him on a Chemistry project is definitely the best/worst thing that's ever happened to him.
Notes: I went on a little Nerd!Derek and Jock!Stiles fixation the other day so here we have it. Derek is awkward and funny and insecure and we love him. Stiles is Stiles, and he's awesome. The series is not finished, but all the parts of the series are complete.
13. It's Always Been You, Dumbass by stilinskisparkles
“Alright, cool, we should go,” Stiles says breezily, dusting off his hands as he stands. “We should?” “Yeah!” “But… Do you even care about photography?” “Not as much as I should,” Stiles plants both his hands on the table, bracketing Derek in, “You’ll have to correct my miscreant ways.”
Notes: Stiles is helplessly pining, Derek is painfully oblivious and the absolute last to find out. Somehow, they still go on like three dates together. It's pretty great, and it's completed.
14. can you tell me what was ever really special about me all this time? by whirl
There's something strange about Beacon Hills. Stiles can't really put his finger on it, but the way certain classmates look at him at school and the way certain adults look at him in the grocery store has him curious. And it's not the sort of pitying looks that his mom's coworkers used to give him, but these ones are longer, more searching, like they're looking for something. Not to mention the weird noises that sometimes come from the woods when he runs, too human to be animal and too animal to be human. Plus the way the Hales have seemed to sequester themselves to the wild and give Stiles serious Cullen family vibes. But Stiles, like everyone else apparently, ignores it. Until it becomes too great to ignore and he has to investigate for himself and find out what is actually going on in Beacon Hills. +++ Or, the one where Stiles and Derek meet, hate each other, slowly get to know one another, and fall totally head over heels for each other all while avoiding curious classmates, an angry ex-girlfriend, and, oh yeah, imminent death.
Notes: This one is kinda crazy but in a good way! It's 120k words long so be prepared for that, and Stiles finds out about werewolves. Derek, pookie, I'm rooting for you all the way! Also Cora, my beloved. I adore her. Stiles is pretty confused all the time for a while there. It's completed.
15. scary stories and roasted goods by graveltotempo
“I have more, you know?” grumbled Jackson, clearing his throat. “Okay, fine. Here’s another; a man goes is staying at a hotel for the weekend. On his way to his room, he notices a door with no number on it-” “An albino woman with white skin and red eyes committed suicide in that room years ago,” finished Erica, inspecting her nails with a smirk. “We know that too.” “A babysitter goes to put two children to sleep in their room and notices a large creepy clown statue in the corner-” he tried again. “Get out of the house, we don’t have a clown statue,” said Allison, tried to hide a laugh at the flustered expression on Jackson’s face. “Two roommates in a room. Sarah says that she wants to go to a party and Mary wants to stay home-” “Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn the lights on?” said Derek, and Stiles laughed, looking at him with sparkling eyes. OR the cheerleading squad, the lacrosse team and the basketball team go camping.
Notes: Another cheerleader!Stiles and Jock!Derek. I love them your honor. It's all very sweet and Derek pines as he ought to do lol. Don't worry, there's light at the end of the tunnel. It's completed.
That's all I have for this one. I probably have more in my TBR but I guess we'll find out. If I ever get there. My sterek TBR only ever grows and I never seem to be able to finish fics as fast as I find them lol. Hope you guys like these!
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
sometimes i remember people think stiles and derek don't like each other and i'm just like where? even in the first two seasons when they're assholes that doesn't mean dislike.in fact, dare i say, their issue is they like each too much.
stiles is obsessed with derek hale from jump but he's mad about it for like 1.5 seasons. stiles's held derek's paralyzed, grumpy, bitchy, werewolf ass up by treading water for two hours and was gonna go down with him.
derek is going through The Horrors in s1 so he's a grumpy dick but he chose stiles's home to hide in. the literal sheriff's house. it's unhinged behavior is what that is. the most open we ever see derek in s1 is when stiles's stays to help derek instead of going to play his first lacrosse game on first string than in s2 derek gives him the wounded bambi eyes in the abomination conversation scene. he crawled over broken glass to keep peter away from him. he definitely shows off to stiles a few times for giggles in s2.
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I think as Derek fans we have done a disservice in choosing the perfect profession for him - like yeah, he'd be great at sports, fine being a deputy, and all, but like Derek as a fireman has so much potential! I have read only few fanfics where he has been a firefighter, and I want moreeee! Like being a fireman is perfect for him in any au - his family died in fire, he fights trauma, becomes a firefighter in NY, and yada yada. Hale family is alive! well, no problem - he was a jock in high school, he grows up, decides he wants to be the saving kinda guy, becomes a firefighter in Beacon Hills.
There is so much potential here. And ofc Sterek being the relationship would be the icing on the cake what with him either being a paramedic, EMT, or like whatever profession.
SO, this is a humble request to Sterek fanfic writers - please, please, write few fics with Derek as a firefighter.
Reason for my Firefighter Derek Hale obsession is this fic that I have read a million times and keep going back to - Fireman Derek's Crazy Pie [Cheeseburger Baby] (17698 words) by owlpostagain (couldn't find their tumblr blog link) Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Laura Hale, Scott McCall, Allison Argent, Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Danny Māhealani, Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, Sheriff Stilinski, Talia Hale Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Underage Drinking, Misuse of Fire Alarms, Negative Zero Knowledge of Pie, This Was Only Supposed to be a Drabble, Fluff, Abuse of Italics and Parenthetical Asides, oblivious!Stiles, Oblivious!Derek, Lots of Oblivious!Trope, fireman derek, Alternate Universe - College/University, College Student Stiles Summary: “He can't blame me for the fact that I live in a building full of people united in the singular effort to ogle Hot Fireman as often as humanly possible." Laura laughs, loud and echoing in the empty restaurant. "Hot firemen can make a girl do crazy things," she agrees, nodding towards her brother's name on the menu. "Derek won't let me date anyone from his company, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the eye candy." "Send them my way," Stiles suggests, finally loading up a forkful of pie. "Apparently I'm incompetent enough that I need to be babysat at all times, because it would be cheaper than dispatching a truck every time I try to use a kitchen appliance."
You can also check out the tag - Firefighter Derek Hale
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