#descending stories: showa genroku rakugo shinju
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Ultimate Anime Tournament: Round 1, Matchup 79
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doublesama · 2 years
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Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju peaked at Episode 11. It reminded me a lot of the Burnt Fields arc of March comes in like a lion.
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im sooo normal
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nyanimes · 2 years
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I guess my taste in characters can be summed in " morally and heteronormative ambiguous "
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luwaspulse · 1 year
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kashilascorner · 2 years
Already cried with parakiss. might as well start watching descending stories s2 for the full heartbreak
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crehador · 2 months
If you could relive any memory of your past, what would it be?
FASCINATING question thank you!! i am interpreting this as reliving a moment for the first time, experiencing something for the first time, and not going back in time to change a moment in the past
(hopefully that is the correct interpretation lol)
so one moment to relive... the first thing that comes to mind is the classic wish to forget one piece of media so you can experience it for the first time again, and since i'm deep in the animanga pit i'm defaulting to thinking about what series i would want to experience again like it was brand new
first instinct is hpmi but honestly i don't think that's true, i still love it every bit as much as i loved it on day one (more, in fact) so i don't think forgetting it all and starting anew would bring any greater enjoyment
so it comes down to... i would either want to relive my first time experiencing samurai flamenco or showa genroku rakugo shinju (descending stories)
for samumenco it's because i went in completely blind, binged the whole series in one sitting (yes both cours), and loved it. i had no idea what to expect so all the twists and turns were so fresh and exhilarating to me. i still love it on rewatches, but that experience of knowing nothing and just being taken for a ride was amazing
for descending stories it's just flat out the best anime i've ever seen, it moved me so deeply, it was perfect in its craft and its delivery, i cannot praise it highly enough. i can't even bring myself to rewatch it very often because it just completely destroys me. i don't think there's a "shock! factor" like there is in samumenco, like i think it's just as powerful of a series even if you go in knowing the whole story. but it was, in a word, life-changing and i wouldn't say no to experiencing that fresh again
(a third runner-up a series i might like to watch for the first time again is tatami galaxy, because i first watched it back before asnm was my favorite voice actor. i wasn't even deep into the voice actor pit at that point, and i distinctly remember thinking "WOW no idea who this guy is but he's really talented" lol. lmao even. oh how little i knew. so i kind of wonder how much more !!! i would have been if i'd watched it for the first time while already being an enormous asnm fan)
ok so now i've fully just bastardized the question to be "what anime would you want to experience for the first time again" lol clearly i have too much of a one track mind but. it is what it is
thank you for the ask! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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flymetothestar · 2 years
OMG Sorry @lizzy0305 ! How did I miss the tag notification for so long!?!
Anyway, Ten characters, ten fandoms (I barely know anyone on Tumblr so no tags):
1. Severus Snape - Harry Potter
2. Connor - Detroit: Become Human
3. Squidward Tentacles - SpongeBob SquarePants
4. Kunimitsu Tezuka - The Prince of Tennis
5. Reiji Mitsurugi | Miles Edgeworth - Ace Attorney
6. Merlin Emrys - Merlin (BBC TV)
7. Sherlock Holmes - The Sherlock Holmes Series
8. Legolas Greenleaf - LOTR
9. Edward - OFMD
10. Eighth Generation Yakumo Yurakutei - Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju
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anime-of-the-day · 2 years
Anime of the day: Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen
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Alt Title: Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju
Released: 2017
It has been sometime since the events of Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu. Yotarou is now a shun'ichi, but he is conflicted in his rakugo identity. Rakugo is also facing its own complications, being outdated. The one preserving rokugo is Yakumo, but he is growing older and fears he is reaching his limits. Konatsu, on the other hand, is now a single mother. She wanted to raise her son alone, but Yotarou objected. He would like to marry her and take her son as his own. The world of rokugo needs to adapt with the times, but with change on the horizon, will it continue?  
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beneaththetangles · 3 years
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Otaku Reader’s Corner: December 2020
Look Into My Eyes (One Shot)
Look Into My Eyes is a one-shot manga about an idol group on the verge of disbanding. While it appears that most of the members are ready to move on to bigger and better things, one of them can’t let go, and in the early pages of the manga has an outburst onstage during their final show. The one-shot continues and shows the reader the perspective of each member of the idol group as they came to the decision to disband. It also pulls back the curtain in its brief narrative of the idol group, highlighting the sadness behind the fake cheers seen on stage. The mangaka, Miyako Yoko, packs a ton of emotion into the pages and has a fantastic art style. Look Into My Eyes has definitely made me interested in investigating some of Yoko’s other, single volume works. This is one of first few, lesser known manga that Star Fruit Books has picked up and I’m glad they did. It’s good to see less popular titles, including one-shots like this, getting more widespread attention—especially when they’re this good. ~ MDMRN
Look Into My Eyes is available through Star Fruit Books.
Skip Beat! Vol. 1
My renewed interest in shoujo has me looking toward the classics, which include Skip Beat. Although I’ve watched the series, the opening volume still startled me (in the best of ways) by how captivating its protagonist, Kyoko, is, as she undergoes transformation. I don’t want to give too much away to readers who may not be familiar with this older work (volume one was originally released nearly two decades ago), except to give the general setting of the entertainment industry, which Kyoko will navigate, with volume one revealing both possible rivals and love interests, with neither seeming to be particularly interested in her. The writing is sharp and often unflattering to Kyoko, which adds this sense of authenticity and I should say a surprising “punk” tone to a romantic work. And while the art style of the time, which sometimes means impossibly long limbs (think four or five foot long arms) and angular chins that could cut glass, is on full display, more noticeable is mangaka Yoshiki Nakamura’s complicated paneling and artwork, which adds a complex and satisfying dimension to this shoujo tale. Also engaging are the extensive artist notes, which explain the process of creating Kyoko and Skip Beat, reaching back to her days on her previous manga series, and shed light on how characters are created and the sometimes contentious relationship between mangaka and editor. All in all, this is one of the great opening volumes of shoujo, and all readers of manga, shoujo fans or not, shouldn’t neglect it. ~ Twwk
Skip Beat! Vol. 1 is available through Viz Media.
A Very Fairy Apartment (Series)
While J-Novel Club is best known for its light novels, they also publish a number of manga. Unsurprisingly, most of those manga are adaptations of light novels, but they do have a few manga originals like this series. It’s a gag 4-koma centered around a college student whose apartment is shared with a bunch of fairies. And by “fairies” I mean actual, mythological “fay” of various sorts, such as Kobold, Cait Sith, Goblin, and even some beings like Jack Frost. Indeed, while this series is perfectly enjoyable for its wacky fairy hijinks, it’s also surprisingly educational if you’re interested in learning about this sort of mythology. There are 5 volumes in this completed series, though keep in mind that it is currently digital-only. ~ stardf29
A Very Fairy Apartment is available from J-Novel Club.
Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju (Series)
As part of the 25 Days of Manga challenge in December, I decided to pick up Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju, about Yakumo VIII, a master of rakugo (a Japanese storytelling performance art), as he takes on his only apprentice, a former convict who is referred to throughout the series as Yotaro. As one who knew nothing about the medium going into the series, I was introducted to it as Yotaro is, since he learns rakugo over the course of the series. Featuring the storyteller sitting alone on an elevated platform, rakugo was, traditionally, a male dominated field. However, the manga avoids a stagnant tale, taking so many divergent paths while introducing fascinating characters and providing them some of the best character development I have read in years. Honestly, my enjoyment of the series is the reason why I plan to invest time in 2020 in watching the anime adaptation. I never expected a series about the workings of rakugo and a new apprentice could draw me in so well; yet, here I am, singing it’s praises. Definitely glad I read it. ~ MDMRN
Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju is available through Kodansha.
Street Fighter Classic Volume 1: Round 1 – Fight!
Recently, I’ve been discovering the wealth of video game manga, comics, and novels, which extend to many franchises, including some of my favorite series, like Street Fighter. Volume 1 of this iteration of the franchise is a collection of several comics in one with full-colored pages and exquisite detail. It is definitely not a volume for children, as there is a lot of violence, blood, mature dialogue, and some foul language. Volume one of Street Fighter Classic follows Ryu, who is seeking revenge for the death of his master, as two other notable characters, Chun-Li and Guile, look for Charlie, the latter’s missing partner. The work also features a few side stories, like Cammy and Sakura’s, and the art changes with each tale since different artists contributed to the collection. Beautiful cover art is featured for each “Round,” (chapter), and the story is fast-paced. This excellent volume has me looking forward to collecting and reading the others, as well as to other gaming manga and comics in the future. ~ Samuru
Street Fighter Classic Vol. 1 is available through Udon Entertainment.
Super Mario Bros.: Manga Mania
Do you like gag manga? Do you like the Super Mario franchise? Do you like occasional fart jokes? If you said yes to these questions, I have to ask if you’ve ever heard of Super Mario-kun. A long-running gag manga series about the exploits of Mario and his friends, Super Mario-kun follows the plot of the various video games that have come out over the past 29 years. So far, the 54 volumes of this series have yet to come out in the US. Until now. Well, kind of. A single volume “best of,” as selected by the mangaka, was released in the US through Viz Media and let me tell you, I’m so glad they did. It’s a lot of fun as it gives silly adaptations of stories from the Paper Mario games, Mario & Luigi games, and Super Mario Sunshine. It’s also an all ages series; immediately after I finished it, my 11 year old picked it up and started reading it. If you are remotely interested in a joke comic about Mario, absolutely check this out. It’s a single volume and gives you a great taste of the original series. I hope word spreads on this so that the world sees that there’s an appetite for this manga here in the US and we receive more of it.  ~ MDMRN
Super Mario Bros.: Manga Mania is available through Viz Media.
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doublesama · 2 years
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What made Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju better than the first season was how we got to see both the rise of Yotarou and the fall of Yakumo simultaneously.
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mina-ahavi · 5 years
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its-naruto-universe · 7 years
Can you recommend me some good anime/ mangas to watch/ read? But not popular ones. Thanks
ohoho you are in the right blog my love
Toshokan sensō
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Ikoku meiro no croisée
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3-gatsu no Lion
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Natsume Yuujinchou(This is so good yet so underwatched)
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Akatsuki no yona (The anime is like the best thing sp has ever done and yet it is so underated)
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91 days
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Aoi Bungaku Series
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Donten ni Warau
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Gugure! Kokkuri-san
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Higashi no Eden
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Houkago no Pleiades
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Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha.
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Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows
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Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
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Kuzu no honkai
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I will post the manga list later
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joseinextdoor · 6 years
The Josei’s Top 10 Anime of 2017: Part 2 (#1-5)
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One last hug to the year’s favorites. Did you miss out on Part 1? Fear not! You can click here for the bottom half of the Top 10, including honorable mentions. Or, if you’re ready to check out the cream of the crop, hit the jump and read on for more. (more…)
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