#designer : brunello cucinelli
guy60660 · 6 months
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Brunello Cucinelli
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clavvdiia · 3 months
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brunello cucinelli spring 2025 menswear
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petit-etoile · 10 months
Astarion goes to the cat shelter to get a sibling for His Majesty, Tav is the worker who helps him out and it’s history from there
cat  &  mouse  ( back  &  forth )
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pairing: astarion/tav wordcount: 2,505 content warnings: set in baldur's gate but i mention designer brands, other than that,  nothing other tags: alternate universe - modern setting, pre-relationship, developing relationship, getting together, fluff, astarion is rich, gender neutral tav archiveofourown: here.
tag list: @azrielshadows1nger, @pandimoostuff, @faevi, @microskies, @foreverthemaraudersera, @queenofthespacesquids, @claryvoyantfray, @6doodlaang14, @anne-isnotokay, @itshimbotime, @yeeteth-the-raven, @sessils,@8-opossums, @worryknotdear, @abirdaboxandachippedcup, @ghosts-and-ink, @b4um3pfl4um3, @gunslingerorchid, @hypopxia,  @m0ssytrees, @erysione, @odette-attackattack, @catching-fire-in-the-wind, @ashrio20, @wills-mental-illness, @queenofcarrotflowers-s be added to the taglist here
summary:  ‘But you see, I travel for business and His Majesty holds grudges,’ Astarion explains. ‘If I leave him with a sitter, he’s a true terror. If I leave him alone, he eats my Brunello Cucinelli cashmere!’
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‘Hello! Is there anything I can help you with?’
The man is currently kneeling down, humming to himself, while he looks between a bundle of elderly cats and his phone. You’re surprised. Normally people who come to the shelter are looking for kittens as presents, but the sight of him giving attention to anything but kittens makes you feel better about his intentions. He looks at you, startled by the sound of your voice. His phone clammers to the ground.
‘Oh my gods, I’m so sorry!’ you say frantically. ‘I didn’t mean to startle you!’
‘  — my gods, no, I mean it’s quite alright, heavens above,’ he breathes out. He drapes a hand over his heart dramatically. ‘Perhaps you should wear a bell around your ankle. You’re…horrifically quiet.’
He huffs out a sigh of relief before picking his phone back up. He stands up, knees creaking as he does so, and shows you his screen. Thankfully, it’s free of cracks.
‘I’m looking for a companion for His Majesty,’ the man explains.
The picture he shows you is an offensively hairless cat who seems to be somewhat older as well, though it’s hard to tell due to all his natural wrinkles. You’re not sure how it’s possible, but the cat seems to be judging you through the phone. You once heard Mr. Withers say that all pets take after their pet owners' looks, and when you glance at the man before you, you can kind of see it. He’s not hairless by any means but he certainly looks at you with an air of accidental arrogance, and that makes you nervous.
‘What a cute cat!’ you say instead.
‘His Majesty is rather adorable,’ the man agrees. ‘Oh gods, I just realized he isn’t even wearing a sweater in this photo… Please look away, he is indecently exposed!’
You laugh, covering your mouth and closing your eyes as instructed. You can hear him frantically scroll through his camera roll for a picture of His Majesty that would have all his hairlessness expertly covered.
The next photograph you’re allowed to see of His Majesty shows the sphynx cat in an adorable sweater which matches the sweater his owner is wearing. Seeing the two side by side confirms your earlier suspicions. They seem to belong together. Smug, but not as if it isn’t warranted, and proud, like their happiness is something they’ve earned. You hum, nodding.
‘But you see, I travel for business and His Majesty holds grudges,’ the man explains. ‘If I leave him with a sitter, he’s a true terror. If I leave him alone, he eats my Brunello Cucinelli cashmere!’
‘He definitely sounds like he needs a friend!’ you agree.
‘But he hates kids,’ the man stresses, sniffing delicately. ‘So I doubt kittens would fare any better. He bit my sister’s niece once.’
‘I see, I see,’ you say, trying not to laugh. ‘We have a few cats here that I think could be a good companion. Right here is Kira and she’s quite the refined lady. I think she likes to gossip.’
‘Oh my,’ the man says. ‘She would fit right in.’
‘But there’s also Myshka. He’s a bit more playful, but he has gorgeous eyes,’ you say.
You kneel down where the man was sitting before, gesturing between the two cats you pointed out. Kira frowns at you disapprovingly, and Myshka continues to chirp happily. The man gasps at the adorableness and wiggles his fingers in front of the kennels. Myshka shouts like you’ve never heard him shout and bounces, shoving his nose against the doors and sniffing aggressively. He’s perhaps the least ‘civilized’ cat you have at the entire shelter, but from the way the man’s eyes light up, you wouldn’t even know it. Part of you is thankful. Myshka deserved a good home.
‘Ugh, he’s perfect,’ the man says.
‘He isn’t as old as some of the other cats, but most people overlook him because he isn’t a kitten,’ you explain. You wiggle your fingers too and Myshka forgets about the man and starts yelling at you instead. ‘He’s a little odd but I’d take him home in a heartbeat if I could.’
‘Oh? You want him too?’
‘Yeah, but my home is a bit busy,’ you say with a shrug. ‘I have a cute dog named Scratch, who is a rescue, and I’m currently helping rehabilitate a baby owlbear.’
‘A baby owlbear!’
‘Yeah! Do you want to see some photos too?’
The man grins crookedly. He’s so handsome it makes your heart stutter. You look away from him and focus on fishing your phone out of your back pocket. You find your photo album titled ♡ family ♡. You show him Scratch first. He coos over the dog, pointing out how pretty his coat is. You purple shampoo it every once in a while so that it stays sparkling and shiny and white. Compared to what Scratch looked like before, he’s so happy now.
It only goes up from there when you show the man the picture of the baby owlbear. He’s so chubby it’s cute with big, hopeful eyes. You tell the man about how Jaheira had found him one night in the woods and how you were the first person she thought of to help rehabilitate him. That seems to earn you some recognition. He looks at you like he’s really taking in the look of you.
‘You may as well be an angel in disguise,’ he says approvingly. ‘Although… Jaheira… I think I know her.’
‘You might! She owns the rescue.’
‘I think I took on a case for her once,’ the man muses, rubbing at his chin. ‘Yes, that sounds more like it. If you know Jaheira, then you must be a phenomenal person.’
You laugh nervously. Now he’s just flattering you, you’re sure of it. Either way, you try to change the subject as quickly as possible before your nerves get the better of you.
‘Mm, yes, I think I’ll take this one,’ he says, referring to Myshka. ‘But no need to put him in one of those awful boxes. I have a Prada carrier in my car. If you’ll only give me a moment.’
Prada… Brunello Cucinelli… You almost wish you were Myshka instead!
Still, now that you watch him go in and out, everything starts to add up. He’s an expensive magistrate with expensive cat carriers and expensive cats… You stare agape as Astarion Ancunin walks back in with his bright red Prada bag and offers it to you. He smiles once you realize who he is. The awe must show on your face. Not that it matters, he’s here to get a cat and you happen to have been one of the only ones working today, but you still feel ridiculously honored. Without saying anything, you coax Myshka into the bag and show Astarion the way to the counter so that he can pay.
“We take cash…or credit…’ you say faintly. ‘Or checks…’
‘Cash will have to do,’ Astarion says with a shrug. ‘Anything for little Myshka. What a little baby!’
You don’t even know what to say half the time, busy trying to get the paperwork together and not stare. It seems like Astarion has hit all your weaknesses in one go. Attractive, loves animals, adopts and doesn’t shop, and goes out of his way to wear ugly matching sweaters with his cat. You ring him up as slowly as you can out of your own desire to stare at him more, and then once everything is signed and paid for, you reluctantly slide Myshka’s carrier forward. You don’t mean to pout. You can’t really help it.
‘You’ll tell Jaheira I stopped by, won’t you?’ Astarion asks casually. He’s running his fingers over the zipper of his carrier instead of picking his new cat up. ‘We used to get into trouble together back in the day.’
‘You know,’ you say conspiratorially, ‘we’re actually having a bonfire out at my place this weekend. It’s a little bit out of the city, but Jaheira will be there. She’s bringing kidney pie.’ You leave out the part where it’s supposed to be an employee’s only bonfire.
‘It does sound phenomenal,’ Astarion hums. ‘Give me the address. I’d love to drop by. You can leave your phone number too if you’d like.’
It goes without saying that for the next three days, you do nothing besides prepare for the bonfire, go to work, and text Astarion. He sends you updates about his new family  —  Myshka is freshly spoiled with a Louis Vuitton collar, His Majesty wears a new Gucci sweater that matches Astarion’s, and Astarion himself takes ridiculous selfies at bad angles while looking ridiculously attractive. It’s almost unfair. 
Sometimes you send him pictures of Scratch chewing on his favorite toy, but mostly, Astarion seems to enjoy videos of the baby owlbear sitting in the silliest ways possible. You managed to get him to wear a hat one day and Astarion was so delighted by it he allegedly set it as his homescreen.
You’re the only one not surprised when Astarion shows up to your humble farm in his Mercedes-Benz. You might have forgotten to tell Jaheira about it. Everyone crowds around you instead of the bonfire trying to get a peek at the hot-shot magistrate, but if the attention was overwhelming, Astarion says nothing. He strolls in carrying a pot of something that Gale immediately begins fussing over. Now with empty hands, Astarion throws his arms around Jaheira and kisses her cheeks over and over. It’s lovely.
Astarion begins fussing over Scratch as though he were an old friend after that. Scratch has brought over his ball to play, and even though it’s covered in spit and roughly three years old, Astarion delights in playing fetch. You sneakily grab a plate of kidney pie to feed Scratch and sit on the ground so you can watch them play games. At one point, Scratch refuses to bring Astarion the ball and makes the elf chase him around the yard. When he’s done, Astarion sits next to you laughing and gasping for air.
He helps you feed Scratch the meaty bits from the pie, cooing all the while. ‘What a delightful beast!’ he says.
‘He really gave you a run for your money for a moment, didn’t he?’ you tease.
‘Well, he has two more legs than I do,’ Astarion snorts, sniffing delicately. ‘It’s only fair he wins.’
It makes you laugh more than it should, and you wipe the leftover pie crust and juices on your jeans before standing up. You’re surprised when Astarion does the same on his jeans, but he laughs at your expression and follows suit.
‘Do you  —  Do you want to see him?’ you ask.
‘See who  —  ’ Astarion’s eyes widen immediately. ‘The owlbear! The baby! Oh please, you must let me see him, darling. What a delight!’
‘I must warn you,’ you tell him, leaning forward like it’s a secret. ‘He may be asleep. And he’s extremely cuddly. Beware the claws.’
‘Beware the claws, yes, yes,’ Astarion repeats, waving his hand impatiently. ‘Let me see the little man!’
You lead Astarion away from the bonfire and everyone else to a quieter, fenced off part of your property. You had it passed down to you from your grandfather who wasn’t deceased as much as he was that much of a recluse who decided Baldur’s Gate was becoming too large. Inside, tucked into a cute little bed, was the baby owlbear who had picked up the habit of snoring from Scratch.
Everyone else liked the baby owlbear as well, but you weren’t expecting Astarion to gush at the sight of him. You lead him into the enclosure and very carefully sat next to the owlbear. As if trained to do so, he wakes up and blinks his large orange orbs at Astarion inquisitively.
‘Do you want to hold him?’ you ask.
Astarion almost quivers at the idea.
‘You have to be really careful!’ you tell him, probably for the hundredth time. ‘He’s just a baby so he can’t control his strength yet. He has big boy paws. They hurt if he smacks you in the face by accident.’
Astarion is the picture of serenity. He sits, cross legged, and waits for you to slowly coax the baby owlbear into his lap. He’s clearly delighted by the whole thing, visibly trembling, and watching the owlbear with the kind of reverence you only see at a temple. Astarion sits very patiently and gently pets the top of the owlbear’s head, and it only takes a minute or two for the baby to fall back asleep. Every snore is a hoot, and his feathers fluff out occasionally as he continues to make himself comfortable in Astarion’s lap.
‘This might be the best thing ever,’ Astarion tells you earnestly.
You aren’t quite sure what possesses you in the moment, but you straighten up a little bit and glance at him as coyly as you can manage. You put your hands in your lap and twirl your thumbs around one another nervously.
You say, ‘It really does seem like he likes you. Maybe  —  Maybe you could come by more often. If you want to.’
Astarion glances at you knowingly. ‘Oh, perhaps every once in a while,’ he says ‘Maybe I could teach him how to play fetch.’
‘Like Scratch taught you how to?’
‘I knew how to play!’ Astarion complains. ‘He wouldn’t give the ball back! And he’s so fast, it’s ridiculous. His Majesty would never treat me this way.’
‘I’d like to meet His Majesty too,’ you say casually.
Astarion’s eyes light up. Had they always been that shade of red? The light of the evening seems to make them glow… You try not to think about it too much, but you haven’t been very good at focusing lately. Astarion seems equally as interested in your eyes. He chases after them, intent on looking you in the face as you chat.
‘You’ll have to come over,’ he says encouragingly. ‘I cook a mean Lheshayl steak. It pairs nicely with a Silverymoon white wine.’
‘I don’t ever think I’ve had a Lheshayl anything,’ you say, and Astarion laughs. It isn’t a mean laugh. ‘Do I bring a dish to something like that?’
‘Oh no, darling, you don’t bring anything but your gorgeous self,’ Astarion says, nudging you with his elbow. ‘I wasn’t inviting you to get together with friends, you know. If I wanted that, I’d have it catered. I was asking you on a date  —  ’
‘A date?’ you repeated stupidly.
Astarion laughs again. It’s a whimsical, unpracticed sound that doesn’t go with his usual countenance but it sounds nice. It makes you want to make him laugh more. You’re not quite sure what you’ve done to warrant his attention, but the affection is nice… You nudge him back, fighting the smile, fighting the butterflies dancing dangerously in the pit of your stomach.
‘Okay,’ you say softly. ‘It’s a date.’
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gem-femmes · 1 month
Insider Secrets: The Truth About "Old Money" Style and Breaking Into Elite Circles
As someone close to to “old money” and “new money” in Europe, I’ve learned a few secrets that I can share with you, especially if you’re trying to navigate these circles.
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The trend of “old money” or “quiet luxury” style is everywhere these days. Ladies are flocking to this understated, elegant look, thinking it’s the golden ticket to penetrate old money/HNWI social circles, often driven by the hope of hypergamy.
But here’s the thing—while the allure of quiet luxury is understandable, it’s not as simple as wearing Loro Piana knits or perfectly tailored blazers.
Let me be clear:
Old money, or any big money really, isn’t just about how you dress. I’ve seen multimillionaires in torn, frayed jeans at professional events, looking like they couldn’t care less about fashion (or etiquette). Of course, I’ve also seen others in bespoke suits from Savile Row and Milanese tailors.
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The common thread? Rich people wear what they want, without a second thought about how others perceive them.
Yes, brands like Loro Piana, Hermès, and Brunello Cucinelli are often associated with old money due to their quality and timeless appeal. But simply buying these pieces doesn’t grant you access to elite circles.
I’ve met women who dress head-to-toe in the latest “quiet luxury” trend—neutral cashmere, silk blouses, simple gold jewelry—yet they stand out as outsiders almost immediately.
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Because it’s not about the clothes. It’s about your worldliness, your experiences, and your confidence.
Being in these circles is more about where you’ve studied, what you’ve accomplished, and where you’ve been—both geographically and culturally.
It’s the woman who spent a summer sailing the Mediterranean, the one who effortlessly converses about art, politics, and global events, or the one who knows the hidden gems in every European city because she’s lived there.
That’s what sets you apart.
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Old money recognizes old money not by brands but by behaviors, experiences, and subtle cues that can’t be bought off a rack.
Wearing a Loro Piana coat (or a dupe) won’t compensate for not knowing which fork to use at a formal dinner, or being out of place in a conversation about the latest Sotheby’s auction.
Additionally, these circles are small and everyone has known each other forever. That isn't to say newcomers can't establish connections with rich people. You simply won't be seen as “one of them”, ie a person who has enjoyed the same privileges from birth.
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If you really want to fit in with HNWIs, focus less on the wardrobe and more on the experiences that shape who you are.
Travel, educate yourself, cultivate diverse friendships, and engage with the world in a way that enriches you. That’s where the real currency lies.
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In the end, the most important lesson is this: rich people are not a monolith. Some care about fashion and brands; many do not. What they often do care about is authenticity, and no amount of “quiet luxury” can substitute for that.
So next time you’re thinking of investing in that perfectly understated designer piece, ask yourself if it’s really what you need—or if there’s another way to truly cultivate the essence of the life you aspire to.
Stay savvy, stay genuine.
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ingek73 · 1 month
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1. Morocco
Wanting to emulate the long and graceful silhouette of the Moroccan Djellaba, this look features a long scarf over the shoulder to complete an all red look with a hint of green, akin to that of the Moroccan flag.
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2. Jamaica
This look takes direct inspiration from the design of the Jamaican flag as well as the colors.
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3. USA
The classic red white and blue, with classic denim. The look itself is “Made in America” as it features American icons such as Ralph Lauren, and nephew Greg Lauren, as well as one of the most iconic American brands, Coach. The look also contains accessories from Chrome Hearts as well as a hint of the Brooklyn Based streetwear brand Kidsuper.
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4. Mexico
This look takes inspiration from the traditional charro suit, which is a type of suit originally worn by the horsemen of the Charrería, and often associated with the Mariachi. The look also features two rings in the shape of a skull, refrencing the Mexian skull, the Calavera, which represents death and rebirth and is a symbol of Mexican holiday “el Día de los Muertos” , the Day of the Dead.
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5. France
This look Features French Fashion giants Balmain, Louis Vuitton, and Hermès, the latter responsible for arguably the most popular designer bag of all time, the Birkin. This look Features the iconic Haut à Courroies 50 in Crocodile, one of the most coveted and financially consuming bags from the legendary french house.
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6. Italy
Inspired by classic Italian menswear, this look features Italian fashion giants, Giorgio Armani, Brunello Cucinelli, Salvatore Ferragamo, and Ermenegildo Zegna whilst incorporating the colors of the Italian flag.
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7. Palestine
Initially the idea was to create a look drawing inspiration from a traditional Palestinian garment called a Thawb, a long ankle length garment, which is typically long sleeved. Upon my research I discovered hundreds of Palestinian athletes had been killed recently amongst the atrocities ongoing in Gaza. Understanding the strength and courage it would take to perform at a world stage given a genocide in ones own country, I wanted to make a look that feels like a human embodiment of the flag itself but most importantly, I wanted something that felt beautiful and free.
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8. Canada
Consisting of popular Canadian brands Dquared2 and Canada goose, this look takes direct inspiration of the Canadian flag design, down to the squared brooch in the center of the vest. Stylistically, something you’d want to wear during a Canadian winter.
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malkinfashion · 7 months
Sartorial Spotlight: Geno's Bomber Jacket
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With the release of Apple TV's "Masters of the Air," bomber jackets are sure to come back into fashion any minute now.
Geno has been sporting the "Custom Cream Knit Bomber" from Gentleman's Playbook since 2021.
Here's a closeup of the jacket, as worn by Tom Marchitelli, the designer:
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Although PK Subban complimented Geno for what he thought was a Brunello Cucinelli look, Tom confirmed that he actually made the jacket. He has made similar versions for other athletes as well.
Dak Prescott of the Dallas Cowboys has a two-striped version featuring tan leather at the shoulders.
Jon Weeks of the Houston Texans has a similar jacket to Geno, though he added a zipper pocket on the sleeve.
Jimmy Garoppolo of the Las Vegas Raiders picked a tan-striped version similar to Geno's.
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georgegraphys · 8 months
Brands that user georgegraphys think would fit George (as team sponsor/individual BA jobs)
1. Samsung (Technology & Electronics)
I know George used Iphones but imo, Samsung would be a good fit to sponsor the team because a) their brand image definitely fit Mercedes & George a lot (bold, broad innovations, and of course, their main colours (Black, White, Blue) fits Mercedes official colour a lot or it doesn't clash against other colours, colour synchro is important too) + their CSR aligns a lot with Mercedes' as they focus a lot on energy efficient, sustainable, and renewable products
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2. Cartier (Jewelry)
It is unlikely for Cartier to be a team sponsor, so i'd like to think of George doing a campaign for their collections. Was actually thorn between BVLGARI and Cartier (but then I thought BVLGARI would fit Lewis better, giving me maximalism vibes) whereas George imo, will look better with the simplicity that Cartier jewelry offers (i could honestly imagine Carmen & George doing this join Cartier campaign)
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3. Brunello Cucinelli (Fashion)
This is highly unlikely as Mercedes and George are tied with Tommy Hilfiger (even if it happens, it would be an individual collab w/ George) but a collaboration with Brunello Cucinelli would blow people's minds. George actually wore plenty of Brunello Cucinelli clothes (one of them being the sweater he wore in Austria this year). Brunello Cucinelli emits the old money modest elegance, minimalism, and classic that would fit George a lot (as it seems like his fashion style is the opposite of Lewis' maximalism and stand out-ish)
plus, George is friends with THE Brunello Cucinelli's daughter alr on instagram 😜
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4. L'Oreal (Cosmetics & Personal Care)
I might sound like i'm drunk but HAVE YOU SEEN GEORGE'S HAIR?! L'Oreal can easily make him their model if they become a team sponsor or collaborate with him on a personal campaign. It's a perfect objective for L'Oreal. That's if we're talking about the haircare part, but the skincare? George could too. His skin is *chef's kiss* perfect for a L'Oreal CF shoot on a beach
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5. Hennessy (Alcoholic Beverages)
Haven't looked up the F1 policy on this since they seem to be sponsored by Heineken and idk if another alcoholic beverages brand is allowed to sponsor a team. But hey... FUCK THE ENERGY DRINKS WE ROLL WITH THE ALCOHOLS. George's fancy commercial with Hennessy, while drinking a cognac? I'll take it. Plus points for Hennessy is that sophisticated beautiful product design they had (the bottle designs) and the logo 🥹🥹 (i'm a sucker for logos okay)
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Other optional replacements:
Ritz Carlton/Marriott Bonvoy > Intercontinental Hotel Group
It's British and had the same vibes and elegance of an expensive hotel just like Marriott Group & Ritz Carlton (I prefer Ritz Carlton over all) but yeah could be switchable. We can still see George doing silly Marriot Bonvoy-like CF
IWC Schaffhausen > Tissot Watches
There won't be a really huge change between Schaffhausen to Tissot as both of them are similarly classic Mercedes vibes.
Police Eyewear > Michael Kors
I just prefer MK's design over Police even though Police ones that George wears are good. Plus point for MK is that they're more well known (opinionated statement)
Monster Energy > None (?)
I don't think an energy drink company sponsor is really needed in George's Mercedes.
Possibly other brand types that i'm interested in for Mercedes to partner with : Airlines (Lufthansa/Etihad Airways) or Luxury Goods manufacturer (Montblanc/Fortnum & Masons/Harrods)
Other than these brands : i personally think Van Cleef & Arpels, Guiness, Bottega Venetta, L'Occitane, and Salvatore Ferragamo to be a great contender in being a good brand for George. But if we're talking about British stereotypes, Lipton should sponsor him LMFAOOO
Conclusion is George doesn't lack brands that fits his image branding and personality. Haters should not worry about who'll sponsor Mercedes/George. There are lots of brands that fit George's Mercedes and George Russell himself, maybe you should broaden your brand knowledge 🤭😝☺️
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londonspirit · 1 year
Inside Rita Ora and Taika Waititi’s Intimate, Never-Before-Seen Los Angeles Wedding
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“She proposed to me, and I said yes instantly,” filmmaker Taika Waititi says of how he and singer-songwriter Rita Ora became engaged. While the pair first met at a barbecue in 2018 that Taika hosted at his house in L.A., it wasn’t until 2021, when they were both filming in Australia, that they began dating. Rita popped the question while the pair were on vacation in Palm Springs in the summer of 2022, and they planned an impromptu wedding to be held in Los Angeles a few weeks later, on August 4. “It wasn’t in London or in France like everyone reported,” Taika clarifies. “It was in L.A. with a small group of friends.”
“At our home!” Rita notes.
“Our address was…no, I’m just joking,” Taika says, laughing.
Over the past year, the two have gotten a kick out of the misinformation about their nuptials that has spread like wildfire across the internet. “It’s actually been quite entertaining for us to see the different stories people made up and all the while getting to keep it to ourselves,” Rita admits. “And, I love that we now get to share what really happened—and to do it on our one-year anniversary, no less!”
As far as the planning process goes, there wasn’t one: The entire event was dreamed up and executed in just two weeks. “There were about eight people there—just close friends and family, and parents on Zoom,” Taika says, noting he was particularly thrilled to have his best friend Jemaine Clement fly all the way over from New Zealand for the last-minute ceremony. “It was really us and my sister, Elena,” Rita says. “Elena to the rescue!”
The bride wore a Tom Ford dress and Lorraine Schwartz jewels for the intimate ceremony. “Tom Ford is one of my favorite designers of all time and favorite humans in general,” Rita says. “He’s now one of my close friends, and I adore and admire him so much. To get married in his dress was a dream come true. And because it wasn’t planned, I didn’t know if the right dress was even going to be in town, and I just took the risk and went to the Tom Ford shop, and they had it perfectly waiting with the veil, in my size, no alterations needed to be done. I mean, it was like it was meant to be, to be honest. And it just made me so happy.”
Sami Knight styled the bride’s hair in soft, loose curls, and Anthony H. Nguyen created a natural, glowy makeup look. Meanwhile, the groom wore Brunello Cucinelli (and received a touch-up or two from Rita’s makeup artist along the way).
For the ceremony itself, the couple kept things simple. “I wore my mum’s pearls that she got married in. My sister, Elena, put [the bracelet] on my wrist. It was beautiful,” Rita says. “My sister walked me down the aisle, and it was just really simple and blissful and calm and private and fun.”
“Yeah, it was beautiful,” Taika adds. “Just having close friends and not having it too big. We didn’t have table settings or any of the stressful things that go along with weddings, and it was nice to just have it super-simple. My daughters were there, and they made everything really fun and easy: I think just because we didn’t have the pressure of having caterers and all of these things, you know, people turning up late, and all of the different moving parts.”
“I felt really peaceful actually,” Rita says. “It was almost like another day. We just all dressed up and got married.”
After the ceremony, Rita and Taika went to their friend Guy Oseary’s house for a dinner party. “He was so kind to host us at the last minute,” says Rita. “We got a group of people together, and we just had a great time!” As a surprise wedding gift from a friend, an Elvis impersonator showed up to serenade them, before everyone danced the night away to a playlist of the couple’s own making.
A year later, they both are still reveling in newlywed bliss. “It’s still working!” Taika exclaims. “I can’t believe it’s been a year.”
“Same. I can’t believe it’s been a year,” Rita says. “It feels like nothing’s changed since the day I met him at the barbecue. It just feels so good to be with my best friend.”
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charlotteswebbbbb · 4 months
What's the vibe? #62
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MyTheresa are probably one of the only e-tailers to say they're making quite big leaps in profit. "The Munich-based luxury e-tailer’s net sales jumped 18 percent to €234 million ($253 million) in its fiscal third quarter that ended in March. It expects net sales for the year to grow as much as 13 percent to €869 million"
+ "Mytheresa’s steady rise in sales has been attributed to the retailer’s ability to differentiate its offering from competitors. In the third quarter, it released exclusive capsule collections with Gucci, Bottega Veneta, Loewe and Brunello Cucinelli. The company also focuses on wooing its top spending clients with special events — a recent example is a 24-hour event with Paris-based label Courrèges in Shanghai for top clients that included a brand exhibition, a meeting with the brand’s creative director Nicolas Di Felice and a private dinner."
Alongside that they're thinking of acquiring Yoox-Net-A-Porter. But we'll see.
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Cannes is on right now so here's my top films which I'm predicting will be big over the next year....Furiosa to start with, but it's a big budget film directed by so to be expected.
The Shrouds (dir David Cronenberg)
Kinds of Sadness (dir Yorgos Lanthimos)
The Substance (dir. Coralie Fargeat)
The Balconettes (dir Noemie Merlant)
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High fashion strategy of appealing to the young when you’re an old maison!
So Chanel has a Timothee Chamalet ad, directed by Martin Scorsese! Cinema!
Dior Ambassador Rosalía!
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Louis Vuitton doing a Federer + Nadal ad
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Weddings being more niche and unique than ever:
SSense launching their wedding campaign with the cutest couples has me thinking. Vogue wedding announcements are nice but this isn't similar. This is the unconventional and so are the designers in their edit - Chopova, Shushu/Tong and Anna Sui re-edits from the past.
^ From 2021
Weddings being a big business means that wedding dresses aren't necessarily applicable in every edit. They can be from ready-to-wear or custom. Younger generations are finding it easier to splurge on a designer dress more than ever, especially from a much more independent designer. They want the unique, something that someone else doesn't have.
I'm sure this is also applicable to wedding destinations also - putting this alongside maybe the rise of Luna Luna fake weddings, Usher getting married at Elvis chapel in Vegas, having custom photo booths and 7 outfits. (See New Yorker Gia Kuan)
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Anything else:
Losing it with Blackbird Spyplane this week....
Ending the piece with: "And remember that a ravenous desire for cool clothes is tight so long as you keep it “gourmand” mode and avoid slipping into “glutton” mode, where, in the throes of a boundless acquisitive frenzy, you keep shoving food down your face without even tasting it, without thinking about how it got on your plate — without ever stopping to consider whether you’re enjoying it or not."
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guy60660 · 1 year
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Brunello Cucinelli
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
You know what I wonder if the whole styling issue is little bit of both an Ilaria issue but also a Chris issue. The fitting of clothing, the twining of her clients, sticking to printed polos which she has been doing since summer 2022, no variety or creativity is all on her. But if you look at mens fashion and all the runway shows that have been happening lately, a lot of men's fashion has been so different, wild, creative and even a little feminine. I wonder if Chris and her other clients are just not comfortable in them? Like Chris has the most basic style, I think a colored suit is the most he'll go out of the box for and maybe with the current men's style, and most of her clients basically being basic af she doesn't know how to find a balance. I think thats why she doesnt dress them in the big luxurious fashion houses...she sticks with the Ralph Laurens, Brunello cucinelli, Paul Smiths designers who do basic suits and clothing well. I think DG is like the only big fashion I see her clients in and if I remember correctly she had styled for a few of their shows a couple of years back so she has a relationship with them. But other than that I havent see her use Gucci, Dior, Prada, YSL, Tom Ford all these houses have really upped mens fashion.
I would say that there's definitely more than one person at fault. Ilaria needs to get out of the box, and maybe even have some conversations with her clients. There seems to be no identity between them. They all look the same.
I also don't see Chris going too wild with his fashion. I think comfort is number one when it comes to his clothes. I do think he's basic and all American. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. In fact I think that's what is so endearing about him.
But Chris looks amazing even in a basic black tailored suit. On my blog I literally spent a whole week of him in different colors, he wears colors well. He's essentially a blank white canvas.
And I want to see him in Tom Ford. He has a classic look to him. Play off that. There's no diversity in her clients. That's what is infuriating. Look at her client list, she's got big names. She's just become bland this year, and not in a good way.
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
1H? for that ask game :)
1H ⇢ describe your style
Hmm. I'm not sure what they mean by "style"!
As far as writing style, I think I would describe it as dialogue-heavy, breezy and quick, with a lot of love???? Idk, that's hard to do!
As far as decorating style, I have spent a lot of time watching interior design shows and reading interior design magazines and thinking about interior design. I don't know why, really, because I don't think design is one of my talents, but I guess I'm just really fascinated by it. I have never seen my own design style really captured by any of the labels that designs get. I tend to call it "French modern," because it's definitely got French aspects to it (I like things a little over-the-top tbh, a little rococo, a little blingy) but I also have a modern edge to what I like, it's not ALL elaborate curly-cues. I once took this style quiz and it termed my style "Vintage Salon," and I have to say that the site's description of that style seemed pretty accurate. So Idk if that's an official term, but I'll go with it.
As far as personal style, someone once told me I'm mainly Missoni and Brunello Cucinelli, with a dash of Chloe and a little bit of Marni. Honestly, almost all of my clothes come from H&M so...yeah lol
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seoboosters · 5 days
Blu’s: A Curated Selection of the World’s Most Prestigious Women’s Clothing Designer Brands
In the fast-paced world of fashion, few boutiques can claim to offer the perfect blend of timeless elegance, modern trends, and an exclusive selection of the world’s most prestigious women’s designer clothing brands. Blu’s, an iconic fashion destination, does just that and more. With its expertly curated collection, Blu’s ensures that every fashion-forward woman can discover luxury pieces that resonate with her unique style, regardless of the occasion.
Whether you're looking for a sophisticated ensemble for a formal event, chic office attire, or the latest trend in casual wear, Blu's has something extraordinary to offer. This article delves into Blu's carefully curated selection, highlighting its commitment to showcasing only the best from the global fashion scene. For more information on Blu's and to explore the full collection of designer brands, visit: https://www.blus.com/
A Legacy of Luxury and Style
Founded with a vision to offer top-tier fashion, Blu’s has become synonymous with luxury, quality, and sophistication. With decades of expertise in the fashion industry, the boutique has established itself as a trusted name for women seeking to elevate their wardrobes. Blu’s not only caters to the high-end needs of its clientele but also ensures that fashion enthusiasts have access to iconic brands that define modern-day luxury.
Blu's Signature Brands: The Pinnacle of Fashion Excellence
At Blu’s, the focus is not just on assembling a collection but on offering a curated experience. Each brand carried at Blu’s is meticulously selected to ensure that it meets the highest standards of design, craftsmanship, and luxury. Let’s explore some of the most coveted designer brands available at Blu’s.
1. Max Mara: Italian Elegance Defined
Max Mara is celebrated for its clean lines, tailored silhouettes, and timeless designs that epitomize Italian craftsmanship. Known for its iconic coats and sophisticated pieces, the brand is a staple at Blu's. Max Mara’s collections offer the perfect balance of elegance and practicality, making them ideal for both the modern working woman and the fashion-forward trendsetter.
2. St. John: Effortless American Glamour
Renowned for its chic knitwear and impeccable tailoring, St. John is synonymous with refined sophistication. As one of the most prestigious American designer brands, St. John’s offerings at Blu's are perfect for women who appreciate classic pieces that are both comfortable and stylish. With a focus on luxurious fabrics and intricate craftsmanship, St. John’s collections exude effortless glamour.
3. Brunello Cucinelli: The King of Cashmere
Blu’s proudly features Brunello Cucinelli, a brand known for its ethical craftsmanship and luxurious cashmere creations. From cozy yet elegant sweaters to perfectly tailored suits, Brunello Cucinelli’s pieces offer understated luxury. With a commitment to sustainability and high-quality materials, the brand's garments are an investment in both style and ethics.
4. Theory: Modern Minimalism
For those who gravitate towards sleek, modern designs, Theory offers collections that speak to minimalism with a touch of sophistication. The brand is known for its clean lines, neutral palettes, and versatile pieces that can seamlessly transition from day to night. Blu’s selection of Theory pieces is perfect for women seeking a polished, contemporary look.
5. IRO Paris: Effortless French Chic
IRO is the go-to brand for women who love the casual yet edgy allure of French fashion. With its rock-chic aesthetic and innovative designs, IRO brings a fresh, youthful energy to Blu’s curated collection. From distressed leather jackets to flowy dresses, IRO’s pieces effortlessly combine casual cool with high fashion.
Blu's: More Than Just a Boutique
What sets Blu’s apart from other fashion boutiques is its deep commitment to providing an unparalleled shopping experience. From the moment you step into the boutique or browse its online store, you’re treated to personalized service and expert styling advice. The team at Blu’s understands that fashion is deeply personal, and they go above and beyond to help clients find pieces that not only fit but also enhance their individual style.
Blu’s clientele can also enjoy an exclusive range of services, including personal shopping appointments, wardrobe consultations, and alterations. These bespoke services ensure that every purchase is perfectly tailored to the customer’s needs, adding an extra layer of luxury to the Blu’s experience.
The Blu’s Experience: A Curated Shopping Journey
Shopping at Blu’s is more than a transaction—it’s a journey through the world of high fashion. Each piece in Blu’s collection is handpicked by a team of fashion experts who have a keen eye for quality and design. Whether you’re visiting one of Blu’s brick-and-mortar locations or browsing their online boutique, the attention to detail is evident in every aspect of the experience.
Blu’s online store offers the same curated selection as its physical boutiques, allowing fashion lovers from around the world to access exclusive designer pieces. With a user-friendly interface, detailed product descriptions, and high-quality images, Blu’s ensures that online shoppers can easily find the perfect piece, no matter where they are.
Why Invest in Designer Clothing?
Investing in designer clothing is about more than just owning a luxury item—it's about acquiring pieces that are crafted to last a lifetime. Designer brands are renowned for their superior craftsmanship, attention to detail, and use of high-quality materials. These factors not only ensure that the garments look and feel luxurious but also guarantee that they will stand the test of time.
Furthermore, designer clothing often transcends seasonal trends, making it a wise investment for those looking to build a timeless wardrobe. Brands like Max Mara, Brunello Cucinelli, and St. John offer pieces that can be worn year after year, maintaining their relevance and style.
Blu’s: Where Fashion Meets Philanthropy
Blu’s commitment to luxury extends beyond fashion and into the realm of philanthropy. The boutique regularly supports charitable initiatives, partnering with various organizations to give back to the community. This dedication to making a positive impact is yet another reason why Blu’s stands out as a boutique that truly cares about its clients and the world around it.
Blu’s is more than just a destination for luxury fashion—it’s a curated experience that celebrates the finest in women’s designer clothing. With a selection that includes iconic brands like Max Mara, St. John, Brunello Cucinelli, and more, Blu’s offers something for every woman, regardless of her style or occasion.
From the moment you step into Blu’s, you’re greeted with a world of elegance, sophistication, and personalized service. Whether you’re investing in a timeless piece or seeking out the latest trends, Blu’s ensures that every shopping experience is nothing short of extraordinary.
If you’re ready to elevate your wardrobe and indulge in the finest luxury fashion, visit Blu’s today and discover the world’s most prestigious designer brands in one impeccably curated space.
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stylesurrender · 7 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Milly | Pintuck Off-the-Shoulder Sheath Dress.
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lapanachestyle · 18 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Brunello Cucinelli Black Academia Ankle Straight-Leg High-Waist sz….
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poshfind · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: BRUNELLO CUCINELLI Tapered Ankle Tan Chinos 8 Reg.
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