#despite this i maintain my opinion that the demos are the best way to experience monster hunter
dravidious · 1 year
Started fighting good old Magnamalo again recently, and WOW it's a lot harder than Malzeno! Mainly because the sunbreak demo lets you replace useless bad moves with good moves instead. It's fun, having a challenge so hard that I actually lose often. Some of it is bullshit though, like the stomping attack it does here at 0:18
That attack is normally perfectly reasonable, and avoiding+countering it is key to fighting Magnamalo. The bullshit part is that its fucking tail has a hitbox during it. The tail. On the opposite side of its body. That takes out 80% of your health. Breaking its pink flames is also so unreliable that it may as well be random, and with certain weapons you basically NEED to get wyvern rides on both Rathian and Mizutsune to stand a chance. But for the most part, Magnamalo is a fun, difficult fight with a great moveset. It's still super easy to beat with certain weapons, like gunlance. Or maybe that's just because I've practiced so much with gunlance.
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painandpleasure86 · 5 years
Burned all my energy (BreakyWeek2k19)
Author’s note: Hi ppl! This was for Day 4, but this last Thursday and Friday were so frenetic... I couldn’t post this before! Probably I’ll post for the last day... Thank u @runningfortocome​ for hosting this special week for this underrated ship and for supported me last Tues for the hateful anons.
Prompt for Day 4 that I choosed: “Back Chat/arguments in the studio”
Warnings: Angst and fluff.
Word count: +2.0k
Tag list: @warriorteam1924  @runningfortocome​
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They love to each other. So much. But also argue a lot. Both have a big pride about their own opinion and that didn't helped at all. Not only in the studio, but also in the intimacy. At least in the last one scenario was always a lot easier to fix the things. Nothing like a special meal or something sexual couldn’t fix.
Record an album always was a challenge for the group. The four of them have different points of view about what to do. But the two of them were usually the worst. Fred always mediating, Roger always mocking to the couple. 
Around 1979, John showed to the group Another one bites the dust. He recorded bass, guitar, synths and claps as a demo. Meanwhile the group was listening it in the studio, Bri and Roger started to feel in disconform, mainly Roger. 
In a whisper, Roger told to Brian “please, if you want to say your disagree, be careful... despite that it’s so funny mocking him, i’m quite tired of both of you arguing”. Brian nodded.
Once the demo ended, Bri said to John with a kind smile "Nice song really, but..."
The youngest one started to feel the anger. Still in his chair, turned to them and he watched right to the hazel eyes of his man. Said sighing “ah shit here we go again ... always but. Nothing that I make likes you!”
Fred, half turned to Brian and John. Trying to calming the atmosphere, said with a cheeky face “You mean musically darling no?”, while winked and made some sexual gestures with his hands.
Brian watched at him pretty disgusting.
"That stuff it's irrelevant here" he said.
"It is Bri. Thanks to the gods that you're happy at bed, hehe." His blonde friend winked an eye. "If not, more hysteria. And the three of you are drama queens. Despite that's quite funny, sometimes it's tiring to see the three of you always discussing" throw Roger.
Bri, pretty done, almost screamed "oh okay, look at you, calling to us drama queens when you made a number for your song of the car some years ago!”
Roger started to be really irritated.
"That's your only argument! Change your cassette Bri!" yelled the blondie.
Fred stand up of his chair and puts between Bri and Rog, separating them with his hands. John just was covering his face trying to not say nothing. "That childish fight again…" he thought.
"Guys, quiet." said so calm.
They still watched to the another pretty upset.
"Relax, guys." continued the singer.
Looking at Roger, he said "the four we're hysterical queens in a some way… But just a real one, ha!" Roger smiled. 
Fred turned his face now to Bri.
"Now you can continue with your opinion about John's song."
Bri started to talk, but Fred interrupted him.
"First, something more Bri". His hands leaved the chest of his friends and walked near John to grab his shoulders, which was on one side watching all the scene. He ducked his head in direction of the face of the bassist.
"And you, darling… don't interrupt to Brian and start to argue again. Let the man speak".
Deaks looked at his friend and sighed deeply.
"Okay, Fred."
Looking at his lover "I'll not yell this time, love." He stand up of his chair. Fred was behind John now. The bassist walked to his man and hugged him with his left arm. Watching to that hazel eyes and caressing the cheeks of the guitarist, continued speaking. "Go ahead." And he kissed him in the cheek. 
Brian watched at the bassist and smiled, slightly blushed.
The environment it's relaxed again.
A couple of months later, The Game album was released. Another One Bites the Dust it's the most selled single. Bri and Roger should to recognize the ability of John there. And that was right  heeding to Michael Jackson that suggested to release that song as a single.
That album gave them tours for common lands to them like Japan, and visit for the very first time places like South America; where the band had an excellent and very warm reception from the fans. Where Another one bites the dust sounded in the discos and a lot of people enjoyed that funky vibe in the dance floor.
Even that song won the prize as Best Pop Single. Deaky and Rog were there to receive the prize. John, very happy. But Roger, pretty deceptioned "we are a rock band and we won a prize for best pop single? For God's sake…" he thoughts while they’re receiving the prize.
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Flash recording. Releasing. And now another recording, the album that would be named Hot Space. Now have even more argues and problems, the sound of this album its pretty away of the rockish sound of  the band. The experiment with AOBTD was successful, so, the funky and the (slowly dying) disco music took over the album concept. Even of that way, Brian and Roger could insert rockish songs or at least with powerful guitar riffs. Deaky and Fred must accepted that after a lot of argues, for maintain the good environment in the studio. Specifically, Deaky didn't wanted to have problems with his lover. They have already problems pretending being straights, until decide get out of the closet. He often just sighed deeply, pretending that everything's okay. But his patience was reaching it limit.
One night he couldn’t sleep. Changed a lot of time his position in bed. Deep breath didn't worked in him. He have a lot of angry inside. He needed to vent thru a song. 
He get up of the bed so quickly and was to the studio where he write his songs. In that studio he haves books that covered almost an entire wall, having infront a comfy couch. Next, the window and in front the desk. To the right side of the window, lied his Fender Precision Bass 1968, a keyboard and an acoustic guitar.   
In the studio, he grabbed paper, pen and sat in front of the desk to start to write. Isn't that often that him haves a suddenly inspo to write a full song. But that night was one of the examples. Back Chat born. Reading the paper, he though “I love you… but i’m tired of you complaining about my things and talk behind my back, my dear”.
Trying to not make a lot of noise, he grabbed his bass that are there. He connected to an amp and started to play a bassline. Meanwhile, he thought “I’ll be so funky, more than another one bites the dust… and you will not have your solo. If i can’t modify your arrangements, you will can’t modify this. Eat from your own medicine. I’m so patient, i’m so kind with you, but i’m also done.”
Next day at the studio, he came with that paper in one of his pockets. They entered like any day, but he have a little surprise…
Fred asked finally to him “well darling, do you have something to the new album?"
He extended the sheet to the singer. He has read. The face of Fred was a mix between laugh and confusion.
"My dear, who made you that damage?" finally said watching at the greenish eyes of his friend, curious.
He crossed his arms and "posed". That pose. That face. That smile.
"Don't matters" he said with a ironic voice, and his eyes focused in his lover. Bri watched at him so confused.
Roger, watching the scene and drinking a coffee, said "ha! Couple issues. That's fun guys… I love the drama between you! Thanks to God that I always haves some popcorn! That's better that any soup opera…
Despite the joke, the tension came back once again to the studio. And that just was the beginning. Because after that, Deaky specified that he will play also the guitar, keyboards and even a drum machine.
Bri and Roger started to be very upset. 
"Deaky, man, I love you… but trying to replace me? I'm the drummer! Despite all, I must to play that part!" said the blonde.
Bri, of course, reacted even worst. "Really… REALLY? What the actual fuck? Plus… YOU DON'T WANT A GUITAR SOLO? AND YOU WANT TO RECORD ALMOST ALL? Seriously, this isn't the way to speak about our problems!
Deaky watching to his face and yelling, said: "I'm so done of that attitude of you and more when we try to experiment new things… Always guitar riffs it's boring! Not always we should sound like rock music! Really… my patience it's done for today. Don't speak to me, even you Fred. I just want to be alone!!!"
He grab his things and started to leave the recording studio.
"You should to be alone for being so mean with me!" said Bri almost crying.
John sighed and turned back.
"Look Brian… we're a couple no? Learn to accept your part of the responsibility. I have patience, but isn't endless." he said in a serious tone.
He watched to Roger and Freddie.
"Guys, for today I don't want to work. I'll go to drink something perhaps. Don't try to catch me, please."
He sighed. "Sorry Fred."
And leaved the studio slamming the door.
The three of them tried to back to work. Brian couldn't really. He was crying and drinking a lot of beer. After some hours, he fell asleep in a couch, so drunk, so sad.
Similar scene was John. After a lot of drinks in a near bar and avoiding the occasionals fans trying to get an autograph, came back to the home where the four habits when they're recording an album.
Barely could close the door. His head hurts. His throat wanted to vomit. Walked as he could to the bathroom and threw in the toilet.
When he ended, he just wanted to go to bed.
Opened the door of the room… him was already in bed. And he almost started to cry, but he hadn't energies at all. Just gone to sleep, trying to not wake up to him.
Next morning, first in wake up was the guitarist. And he saw to the another one sleeping so deeply, snoring. He kissed him in the forehead and whispered "I still love you, funky man". And leaved the bed and the room. Moments later, John woke up and he find himself alone, with a hard hungover. He rubbed his eyes and said “ugh why I need to get out of this bed, i’m feeling so terrible”.
He took a bath. After choose his outift for that day and dressing, go to the kitchen to have some breakfast. He found the another three having a nice chat while they were taking their breakfast, until he entered to the kitchen to prepare some tea.
The three watched at him in silence preparing everything to his breakfast. When put the kettle to boil some water, he turned to his bandmates and ask “Who’s died that you’re in silence?”
“Are you better, darling?” Finally Fred says to Deacon.
He sighs deeply. “Yes and not. From the anger from yesterday… fine. But i’m still having a hungover and i’m hungry.” he says, touching his forehead and after his tummy.
Silence again.
Roger, after sipping of his cup of tea, look at John and says to his friend “c’mon mate”
He was confused. “What?”
Brian without rise his sight and moving the little spoon inside the cup of tea, said “an apologize, perhaps.” He sighed deeply and rise his head. Turns around still sat in his chair in Johns direction. “ Sorry for being rude with you yesterday.” added the guitarist.
He watched at him with tears in his eyes. The bassist ran to hug him so tightly.
“no, I’m the one that should apologize”. He caressed the curly hair with his left hand. Being near of the right ear of the guitarist, whispered “you will can have your damn solo if you want. You always get your way, haha”. Watched right to the face of his man, both hands holding that smiling face. He’s smiling too. “I love you”. “Me too my grumpy bassist”, added the elder one. And both kissed softly.
Roger and Fred watched the scene so happy to see that two happy again, until Roger watched to the cooker.
“Fred…? I should say it?” asked sipping his tea, quite cold.
Freddie watched to Roger and shaked his head. “Let them be happy for a moment” and giggled a little.
The water from the kettle was boiling intensely since a couple of minutes...
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If you liked this fic, reblogs are highly appreciated! -Lily
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REVIEW: Resident Evil 2 (Remake) DEMO (PS4)
TL,DR: The demo for the Resident Evil 2 remake gave us an absolutely stellar look at the newest entrant into the RE series and breathes much needed life into the classic game with all new graphics and mechanics whilst still maintaining the much loved puzzles, ambience, and story of the original. From this sneak peek alone, I’d definitely have to recommend this title.
Hello everyone!
Time for my first review. This time around, we’ll be taking a look at the demo for “Resident Evil 2 (Remake).” I figured that since the game drops today, if anyone is interested in purchasing it, now would be the best time to release a review of the experience I had as a starting point for any other consumer.
Let me say that, initially, I was really puzzled by the idea of remaking a title as old as Resident Evil 2 in today’s day and age. Especially after Resident Evil 7′s complete reboot of the series back into true survival horror, it seemed odd that Capcom had interest in going back to the old days and revisiting, let alone completely redoing, a classic. However, once I saw the trailer for the game, I was absolutely floored. I was super impressed by the vast upgrades to graphics, for one, as they’re truly stunning in-game, and once the gore and gameplay were shown off a bit, I was really excited to get my hands on a playable copy, demo or not. Let me say, I was not let down.
I’m not going to factor this into the score of this review, but I do want to take a second to talk about how this demo differed from those released for other titles. While Resident Evil 2 (hereon referred to as “RE2″) has a standard demo in the sense that it allows you to play through a section of the story to a final point, it also has one additional caveat: a time limit. RE2′s demo is built as a once off per platform demo where the player is given 30 min. to experience as much of the introductory level as possible, regardless of whether or not they complete it. This added a really interesting motivation to play through and see as much of the demo as possible, leading me to really bust my ass to see as much as I could. It was a really unique experience compared to literally EVERY other demo I’ve played in my life, and I would certainly say it was a good addition. It adds both urgency to the experience and preserves the longevity of this level for the final game’s release. Nice work, Capcom.
The Good (or “Points of My Experience Worth Giving a Thumbs Up To”):
-The Story: I see little reason to relate this version of RE2 back to its original, as it’s a remake that will indefinitely revise certain parts of the experience to be more fitting of a new audience and I have a very, VERY limited recollection of the story of the original Resident Evil 2 from the last time I played. Therefore, I will only discuss the story presented in the demo. Let me say, the snippit that we get in the demo is a really fantastic entrance to the story the game intends to present. We’re dropped into the Raccoon City Police Department as Leon Kennedy, just after escaping a horde of zombies alongside Clare Redfield, and have to navigate the halls to escape the hordes and solve the mystery of the outbreak. It’s a great intro to the content the game intends to present and I loved it.
-The Graphics: Holy s**t, does this game look good. Remember how “Resident Evil 6″ looked amazing for the generation of consoles it was released on and we were all like “Whoa?” Yeah, it’s like that again. Texture quality is absolutely stellar and the post-processing effects they’ve created to show depth, enhance shadows, and distinguish item from item are beautiful. On top of that, the model work is absolutely impeccable. I’m playing the US version of the demo, which means I’m getting the full brunt of force when it comes to gore. The models on several dead guards and one cutscene in particular, where a RCPD officer is ripped in half, are seriously admirable, feeling almost real in the way they’re framed. I don’t tend to harp on graphics when I talk about games, but this title certainly deserves it. 
-The Gameplay (Most of it, anyway): Imagine that you’re playing a fan passion project that combines aspects of the gameplay from the original Resident Evil 2, the combat of Resident Evil 4, and the neat and tidy UI of Resident Evil 7. That’s what it feels like to play RE2, and it’s amazing. Everything feels really well polished and tidied up, which is super impressive to me, as a large portion of triple A titles today feel like they lack the specific details that the worlds they occupy deserve. The game handles well, and navigating the RCPD offices as young Leon feels great and is truly a scary experience.
The Meh:
-The Time Limit: So this isn’t something I’m going to factor into my final score, but I do want to talk about it a bit. While I personally enjoyed the forced rush that the RE2 demo presented, it certainly isn’t for everyone and I can definitely see why. Some people are definitely going to miss a lot of the content present in this demo because of the time limit and from feeling too rushed, which could certainly rub some the wrong way. Nothing too bad, but indubitably noteworthy.
-The Gameplay (Specifically Related to the Combat Knife): So this is the only really bad thing about the way combat and gameplay fleshes out that I have a minor problem with. In games like Resident Evil 4, the combat knife acted as a permanent sub-weapon, and gave you a consistent backup to rely on when you were low on ammo or felt like strategically dispatching enemies. In RE2, the combat knife instead acts as an item that fills the sub-weapon slot, and has limited durability that depletes as it’s used, both in the standard slash attack and escaping grapples from enemies. Not a fan of the swap, but it’s certainly still workable, which means I can’t count it as a solid negative factor.
The Bad:
-UI controls: The controls present throughout the UI, in particular the inventory screen, feel very clunky and outdated, at least in my opinion. They’re very reminiscent of the controls in older Resident Evil titles, and I don’t think that’s a good thing, especially since the game is being remade for a new market that expects more fluid design. This was the only thing that I really disliked about my experience, and it wasn’t super obstructive to the experience, but bothered me enough to mention here.
So In Summary:
The Demo for RE2 is incredible and definitely worth a play despite its (generally) ignorable faults here and there.
Thanks for reading, and have a great day!
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bangtan-bunny · 7 years
Sweet Apple Muffins [1]
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader (ft. Taehyung)
Word Count: 4315
Genre/Summary: Angst and fluff / brief sensuality / light swearing / feels. Namjoon has been overwhelmed with work and while you are generally supportive, he’s gone too far and forgets a very important day. You begin to go through your memories of how you met him.
A/N: Hello everyone! I posted this fanfic awhile back, but upon revamping my blog and wanting to step things up, I decided to edit and re-upload this story (and actually finish it lol) This story is very special to me because I honestly drew a lot of y/n’s thoughts and opinions from my own. Anywhoooo enjoy!
~~~~ indicates a flashback/end of flashback
“So what do you think? I mean it is just a demo, so I can fix the producing and the instrumentals sou-”
You put a finger to his lips to quiet his nervous ramblings. Namjoon always felt his work never measured up to his sky high expectations. Despite the countless all-nighters and almost non-existent diet he endured, he had to make sure everything was perfect, especially when he knew you were going to see it. His incessant tapping and avoidance of eye contact was a clear sign of this paranoia. Namjoon had put the finishing touches Bangtan’s last track of the new album, and he finally felt ready to show it to you. Pulling out your earbuds and setting them and the laptop on the coffee table, you kick your legs up onto the couch and turn to face him. He refused to shift his downward gaze until you gave a light push to his shoulder. 
“Don’t start with that now, this song is really something special. The melody is catchy, but I know ARMY will love it because of the lyrics. You guys have been taking on more serious topics surrounding our age group lately, but in this song, you’ve been able to talk about young love again, but maintained a balance with the maturity you’ve developed. It’s so individually personal, but will still hit home to anyone that has ever loved.” You chose your words carefully because you knew Namjoon trusts your opinion.
He tilted his head and made the face he always did when he was touched by something, so you knew he really took what you said to heart. You kicked up your knees to your chest, pulling the blanket tighter around your torso and leaning onto Namjoon, resting your head on his shoulder. He reached behind your back and pulled you closer, his warmth having replaced the cold you’ve been feeling from the overly air conditioned studio. It’s hard to imagine all of the nights he spent here trying to finish the album. His determination was definately admirable. Relaxing into this position, you let your mind begin wander some more. How you’ve missed this comfort. How you’ve missed him. You reach up to him, lips just about to touch before you were rudely awakened.
You barely had time to register your surroundings as the loud smack of the bedroom door sounds against the wall. Shooting up in bed, you hope for it to be the person that had been ‘haunting’ your dreams almost every night. Your shoulders slump and you lay back down in disappointment at the appearance of your best friend.
“C’mon y/n, it’s your birthday!”
He stomps over and pulls off the covers you’ve recently grown accustomed to hogging. You groan in annoyance, longing to go back to your wonderful dream.
“It’s time to get up!”
You roll over from the bubbliness that is Kim Taehyung. He frowns, but then reaches across the bed to pull open the blinds. Anger billows deep inside your chest as you scrunch your face at the unwelcomed sunshines on either side of you.
“Why did you have to get here so early, Tae?”
You tried not to sound as miserable and well, as sexually deprived, as you felt. Instead, you reluctantly sit up, look him in the face and deliver your best fake smile. Sadly, this boy could read you like a book. That sympathetic look, the one he’s been giving you more often than you like to admit, makes an appearance as he plops down next to you. Putting an arm around your slouched shoulders, he attempts to cheer you up.
“Well it’s a big day and to spend it right, we have to start early! So get dressed, we’re going to Doni’s in ten minutes.”
Doni’s was your favorite coffee shop in the city. You and Tae personally know Doni’s son who sneaks both of you the two most freshly baked muffins every morning. The shop was a little space shoved between a popular hair salon and a liquor store. At first glance the place looks pretty cheap, but it’s the comforting and homey atmosphere that keeps people coming back. At least that’s what keeps you coming back. When walking in, your attention is usually diverted to the long glass counter where all of their delicious pastries and breads are lined up along three shelves. Doni’s wife, Lara, usually worked the cash register and she would greet you kindly each morning.
The rest of the café was to the left with large chalkboards along the walls that mainly listed their drinks, pastries, specialties and prices. Then there was the ‘customer board’ along the far wall by the windows. This special board was a large chalkboard where customers could draw or write whatever they wanted and as long as it was appropriate, it wouldn’t be erased. Since this shop was more of a stop and go for most, not many people hung out long enough to write anything on the board, so it was far from being filled up. Whether you were with Tae, someone else, or by yourself, you always looked for the table by the customer board. Reading the messages helped brighten the start for your day. The tables were pretty dingy as well, with chairs varying from three to five at each one. A small jukebox lay beside “your” table, but you could never stand the music selection Doni liked (mainly Skrillex and Diplo) so you routinely became the DJ. This place was particularly special though, as it was actually the place where you met Namjoon.
“Earth to y/n, we’re burning daylight!” Tae taunts while shaking your shoulders.
You sigh deeply and take your mind off of thoughts of Namjoon. Looking into Taehyung’s hopeful eyes, you can see that he’s genuinely trying to help you. Whether he’s doing this out of care or pity, you appreciated his efforts. The least you could do was put on a believable happy face this time.
“I’ll be out in a few minutes.”
His face lights up and you see his signature box-like grin. His happiness has always been contagious so you couldn’t help the corners of your mouth perk up at the sight of his childish excitement. Taehyung was right. Today was your birthday and you were going to enjoy it. If Namjoon still wants to ignore you, even on a day like this, well actions speak louder than words then.
The thought of him still makes your stomach turn, but also makes your heart skip. This confusing and uncomfortable feeling is all you’ve had of him for the past month and a half since he’s been staying at the studio. With WINGS’s success, you know he really needs to focus on this next album. However, he hasn’t taken the time to talk with you at all. You were extremely worried about him. He hasn’t answered any of your texts or calls and the other members just give vague answers that don’t help ease you at all. But the thought of Namjoon, at least for today, is not going to consume you.
Tae is already out of the room so you summon just enough energy to get up and get dressed. Even though it’s your birthday and you could’ve tried a little harder with your appearance, you chose a comfortable hoodie and sweatpants over a pretty dress. It was below freezing outside and you weren’t about to risk getting sick just to look presentable. Being a nurse isn’t a profession where you can just call in whenever you want. You had your patients to think about. In this way, you could relate to Namjoon. Both of your jobs are very demanding, time consuming and you have people relying on you. However, at least you still managed to let him know if you were staying late or if there was a problem at the hospital. Damn it, you’re not supposed to think about him today! If only your birthday wasn’t the hardest day to forget him.
There was no need to do your hair or makeup either. It was only Tae, Doni and Lara you’d be seeing, all of whom you don’t feel the need to impress. Glancing down at the desk of the vanity, you can’t help but stare longingly at the little collage of you and Namjoon. There you are on his shoulders, attempting to “hold up” one of the Zen Temples while traveling around the lakes in Arashiyama. The two of you celebrated your first anniversary by going to Kyoto, Japan because you both were fascinated by the landscape of Arashiyama. It’s known for its hilly landscapes, forests and lakes with the original Zen temples unaffected by WWII. Its untouched environment is said to give off an aura of peace and tranquility. Witnessing something seeming to be completely separate from the developing world with Namjoon was an experience you will always cherish.
Shifting to the next picture, you roll your eyes at the photo Tae took of you and Namjoon sitting in the practice room, unaware of his presence and mouths full of ramen. Passing a few family and award show pictures, your smile drops when you spot the picture taken the first day you met.
Though it was two years ago, you could still remember every detail of that bitterly cold morning. You were heading to Doni’s again, looking forward to a mint hot chocolate and one of their brand new glazed apple muffins. Also your friend Emily had wanted you to meet her new boyfriend who you’d soon find out to be Taehyung. This also being the day you first met Tae, however, you wouldn’t become close until she broke his heart and you were there to console him. Emily was a vlogger and photographer leading her to meet him while at one of BTS’s photoshoots. Though you love her, she’s known to toy with people’s emotions, and you didn’t have the heart to tell Taehyung at the time. At the time, she told you to meet them at Doni’s at eight and then you’d spend the day together. You chuckled to yourself at how it never went according to plan.
Normally you’re at Doni’s by seven and are used to the almost empty shop, so you didn’t expect it to be packed less than an hour later. You knew most people started work by nine, but you didn’t think any of those respectable business people would go to Doni’s of all places. Lara wasn’t at the counter so you decided to search the tables. Your friend had vibrant reddish hair so it didn’t take long to come to the conclusion that you beat them here. Deciding to find a place to hold until they get there, you turned to look to see if “your” table was taken.
It sort of was. There was a man there, but he had pulled the chair away from the table to face the window. On any other day, you would have assumed that even though he sat a few feet away, the table was his and you wouldn’t have bothered. However, that day you had no other choice of a seat. So you walked over to the corner with the customer chalkboard and sat down in the chair farthest from the man. You felt extremely awkward being this close to a stranger and acting as if you just rudely sat with them. Trying to distract yourself, you turned to the chalkboard which had a few new words on it.
Why is there no opposite word for loneliness?
Were we born to die.
Were we born to live.
Are we living to die,
Or are we dying to live?
The name tag with my name on it,
Is that my life?
Or is it death?
…Who knows?
Rolling your eyes at the obvious attempt for someone to sound ‘deep’ and ‘compelling,’ you scoffed before debating what new drawing you wanted to add to your little collection in the bottom corner. You were interrupted by a deep voice speaking up from behind you.  
“You disagree?”
You jumped in surprise and spun around to find that it was the man sitting by the window. He had platinum blonde hair and his smirk revealed two obvious dimples. You found him attractive, but even then you weren’t one to get all flustered just because someone looked pleasing.
“I just don’t agree with this person’s outlook. Yes, it’s perfectly fine to question why we’re here. Honestly, I think about it more than I like to admit. However, I’ve come to learn that you shouldn’t look at life as just a loan on death. That just creates a miserable existence where you don’t appreciate the adventures life offers because you’re so focused on this big “end.” Whoever wrote this needs to realize their “name tag” or whatever isn’t something prewritten for you by death. Your name tag is something you design yourself.”
You smiled more at your little speech rather than at the man. You were remembering how far you had come since the days where depression and anxiety used to control your thoughts and actions. You still struggle sometimes, but mentally, you were at a much better place now. And looking at that quote reminded you of how you used to feel.
The man’s smirk deepened and he raised an eyebrow, perhaps in surprise. Feeling his sense of superiority slip had relaxed you and made you a little cocky. He pulled his chair closer to the table and leaned forward.
“From a realist’s point of view, I don’t believe that way of thinking works for everyone. Not all people can just live happy go lucky like that,” his tone slightly mocking.
The last part struck a nerve with you because you were very aware of the happy go lucky people in this world, and you did not want to be compared to them. Especially after what you went through, you found it difficult to keep your cool at this stranger’s arrogance.
“I don’t think that what I said is happy go lucky by any means. It’s more about survival. When you question things too much, your thoughts become overwhelming. Soon enough, you’ll realize that you could question every little thing in the world for eternity. That’s when the loneliness kicks in and you see how alone you really are in this world. You’ll go mad once you embrace this. So it’s not happy go lucky,” you copied his tone, “It’s thoughtful and rational.” You took a pause before looking him right in the eyes.
“Also, there is an opposite for the word loneliness. It’s called living. Speaking of living, one of those apple muffins are calling my name.” 
Feeling that you won this conversation with the stranger, you stood to walk over to see Lara back at the register. Hearing a chair scrape against the floor, you noticed the man get up and quickly stumble beside you. He seemed to have lost his confident composure which made you feel even more proud. You had to look up at him a little, as he was taller than you thought.
“So, apple muffins, eh?” It came out awkwardly, his previous deep and confident tone had completely vanished. 
“Yeah, they just got them in for the winter. Normally I just get a pumpkin one. A mint hot chocolate sounds really good too,” you replied as the cold wind from the opening front door sent a chill throughout your body and goosebumps down your arms. You also felt awkward by going from such a deep conversation to simple small talk.
“So you’re a regular here, then?”
“I come here everyday. Today, I’m waiting for a couple friends to come by,” you said, hoping he would get the hint and get lost. Even though you weren’t that excited about Emily’s schedule, she was trying to give you a fun day and you should appreciate her attempt at getting you out of the house. At the same time though, a small part of you kind of enjoyed the man’s strange company.
“Did they ditch you?” He scoffed, his confidence had clearly returned. You rolled your eyes yet again and decided to ignore him. 
You both reached the counter and Lara immediately walked over upon seeing you. She was getting up in the years, but her voice and smile were genuine and sweet.
“Good morning, y/n and …”
Exhaustion was clear in the older woman’s voice as she waited for the man to introduce himself. Her confused expression must have been from surprise to see you with another person for once.
“Hello, my name is Namjoon. May I order two apple muffins, one grande americano and a mint hot chocolate?” You turned to him with wide eyes, but snapped back to Lara as she addressed you.
“And for you, y/n?”
The man, now you discover to be named Namjoon, placed a hand on your back and spoke for you. Your body tensed at his touch.
“It’s my turn to pay for us today, right y/n?” Hearing him say your name with that self righteous attitude angered you in a way you couldn’t articulate, but you reluctantly smiled to not embarrass yourself any further.
“That’s right, thank you Lara.”
“You shouldn’t be thanking me, y/n. The new muffins are pretty expensive.” The older woman was enjoying this as her eyes shifted from you to Namjoon, waiting for you to address him. You rigidly shifted your body to look at him, realizing he was liking this as well.
“Right. Thanks, Joonie,” you replied while hoping the cheesy nickname would throw him off. It only managed his smirk to deepen. How had he been able to get under your skin so easily within just a few minutes? 
He put an arm around you and flashed a bright grin at Lara. His action made you freeze, making you unable to talk. You couldn’t tell if it was out of shock or anger. Regardless, you let him keep control of this stupid little role play. Meanwhile, in your mind, you were planning on when to knock this guy out for making you feel like such an incompetent child.
“Your total comes to $22.57″
Namjoon leaned onto the counter, and looked Lara in the eyes with a cockiness that made you bite your tongue so hard, you swear you could taste blood. He slid his card through the reader and when it asked for the amount he wanted to pay, you watched him type in $222.57.
“I can see how hard you work in this little place, so please keep the change for yourself,” Namjoon smoothly says while you and Lara stood there, dumbfounded. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t accept this!” Lara wasn’t wealthy by any means and you couldn’t remember the last time she took a day off.
“Yes you can. Go to the ski lodge with your husband, or that new spa hotel that opened up downtown, whatever will make you happy. Everyone needs to have a little adventure sometimes.”
Now he was mocking what you said earlier. Normally you wouldn’t have cared if your opinions differed from someone else’s, but you poured your damn heart out back there and this guy was being a total ass about it.
“You’re right, thank you sir!” Lara stutters out while stumbling down the counter to get the muffins. You turned to look at him in complete shock and he just shrugged. A moment of silence ensued while you were trying to process what just happened in the past couple minutes. That was, until he came up with another jab at you.
“So these muffins were like six bucks a piece, you didn’t tell me they’d be that much!” He crossed his arms and turned away, pretending to be annoyed. 
Was he fucking kidding? If your eyes were wide before, now they were saucers. He just gave Lara a $200 tip, if that can even be called a tip. You didn’t ask him to buy you anything, so why was this your fault? And why was he still even here!? Your mouth was agape, but of course, none of these thoughts came out.
“Wow, selfish and can’t even come up with a witty comeback? You’re not as smart as I thought.”
You were beginning to see red. You wanted to scream out and punch him straight in the face, but what the hell was holding you back? This guy needed to be put in his place.
This familiar feeling reminded you of your ex-boyfriend. Being the manipulative jerk he was, he knew how to play you and your emotions. He was able to make you feel guilty for things that weren’t your fault, forgive him for the shitty way he’d treat you, and still somehow convince you to love him. He was one of the main causes for the severity of your depression. It was only when you finally caught him cheating that you were you barely strong enough to leave. So there was no way in hell a man was going to make you feel insignificant and stupid again.
“You know what, Namj-” you tried to begin your rant, but Lara’s voice cut you off.
“Here you go, kids. One grande americano, a mint hot chocolate and two apple muffins. I made sure to put extra glaze on them,” Lara said as she came back with the tray.
“Thank you and have a lovely day, Ma'am. Let’s go, y/n,” Namjoon said as he turned to walk back towards the table. 
Today was supposed to be special and here you are feeling played by this random guy. You could’ve walked right out that door, leaving Namjoon in his tracks. Emily would understand. You could start the day over, forget all about this and try to enjoy yourself. However, you somehow ended up going back to your chair. Before you started to walk away, Lara reached across the counter and placed a hand on your shoulder.
”Don’t let that one go, y/n. It’s hard to find real gentlemen these days, much less cute ones.”
Now your face was burning for an entirely different reason. All you could do was nod slightly before side stepping away from her and making your way towards the table.
Sitting back down, you grabbed your drink from the tray and took a large gulp. From many mornings of hot drinks, you became used to the scorching liquid. Namjoon looked oddly at you, but then turned down to open the bag. You chuckled at his perfectly groomed nails and pretty hands. Your ex was a rugged and dirty guy with a film of dirt always under his nails. Namjoon didn’t seem to notice as he took out the muffins and placed both in front of him. In response to your confused look, he spoke up in that arrogant voice again.
“Who said either of these were for you?” His tone and smirk made your skin crawl. This time you were determined to not give him the satisfaction of seeing you upset. 
“I assumed they were both for you. You do look like you need the extra carbs.”
“You’re calling me fat?”
“No, the opposite actually. You do look kind of scrawny,” Sarcasm practically dripping from your words.
You could see his tongue press against the inside of his cheek as he tried to keep calm. A smile spread across your face as this game was finally beginning to turn in your favor. Waiting for an opportunity, you watched his hands move away from the muffins. You then shot your hand forward and grabbed hold of the bigger one. However, he was faster than you thought because before even realizing it, his hand clasped tightly onto your wrist.
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To Trim, To Wax, Or To Laser device?
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Joining a Digital Marketing Course? Look for These 10 Qualities
Digital Marketing is on everyone’s lips now. Curious about the topic, I search for digital marketing courses. The next day, all my social media newsfeed was filled with Digital marketing course details and the job opportunities related to it. To be honest, I was surrounded by so much of Digital Marketing snippets that I was compelled to know about Digital marketing thoroughly.
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing includes all promoting endeavors that use an electronic gadget or the web. It is characterized by the use of various strategies and channels to connect with customers where they invest a lot of their time and energy, i.e., on the web. From the website itself to a business' web-based marketing resources - computerized promoting, email advertising, online pamphlets, and past - there's a range of strategies that fall under the umbrella of "Digital Marketing."
After diving deep into the topic, it came to notice that most of the people, especially fresher graduates wanting to switch their career, face a lot of difficulties while choosing a Digital marketing course offered by numerous no. of institutes in every nook and corner of India.
Why not discuss it now?  Let's look at all the factors one should glimpse on while joining a digital marketing course.
Despite how out of the box it sounds like, the zeal you have for a particular area continues as the most significant factor in discovering the ideal career path. Find your interests, skills, and faith to ensure you are sufficiently very persuaded to excel in the space that interests you. Inside the Digital Marketing field, you will discover a lot of channels and find out about which channel you are searching to ponder over.
The Institute’s Reputation
The primary thing that pops up while picking a digital marketing institute is: On what basis should you choose one. This is the place where the reputation of the institution becomes possibly the most crucial factor as its priority would focus on the course it provides and the knowledge you gain.
It is fundamental to know the in and out of the institution you will join viz., the number of years it has been in the business, the assortment of courses they give, the experience of their faculty, and so forth. The best way is to check the online presence of the institution. The other factors should include the growth procedure of the institute, the license, and accreditation and the alumni's point of view on the institute.
Course Faculty
Everything falls apart when the time comes to pick the faculty. The institution might be offering the best class, giving well-crafted courses, and well-templated syllabus but, everything tears apart if you don't get those best mentors who can make everything simple for you. Completing a foundation check with the graduated class is the best thing to determine it.
Also, a few institutes don't have an all day working for personnel. They hire working professionals for a 2-3 hr period consistently only for the class. The massive disadvantage of this is the workforce can't give their full time to you. This inevitably turns into a one-person conversation where all the others are simply nodding their heads. The personnel won't be able to address every one of your questions completely which would create a feeling of dissatisfaction in you and later loss of interest for the course. To keep away from this, ensure the personnel of the organization is accessible for full-time where you can clear your doubts after the classes are finished.
Modules Offered
The syllabus, curriculum and the time given for the study of each module are very important while choosing your institution everything should be in an order like the basics first then expanding the whole topic of the digital marketing. You should always know how important are each of the topics and their role in digital marketing.
Look for the ones that provide a hands-on experience so that you can practice what you've learned. Choose institutions that offer free demo classes before the commencement of the regular ones. By doing this, you can have a brief understanding of the teaching procedure, the class strength and if possible, you can interact with the alumni and have their opinion. The following are the modules that should be provided in every full-time digital marketing course:
•           Introduction to Digital Marketing
•           Creation of Website, Microsite
•           Search Engine Optimisation
•           Fundamentals of AdWords
•           Display Advertising using AdWords
•           Search Advertising & Adwords Tools
•           Advertising on mobile
•           Video Advertising using YouTube
•           Google Analytics
•           Social Media Marketing
•           Web Analytics
•           Shopping Advertising with Google
•           Content and Inbound Marketing
•           Email and Affiliate Marketing
I agree. Certification is nowhere when compared to your skills. But as a student and job seeker or a professional who wants to switch career, you will have to know the importance of having a course completion certificate as that is what companies ask for when you go for an interview.
Some institutions include certification fee in the fee structure so that you need not worry about it later. It's better to join such an institute that supports in these aspects of written examinations and give prior training to excel it.
But, in the first place, you need to know what are the basic certifications you need to apply for Digital marketing firms. And then match with the institutions that provide the same.  The following are the essential certifications you need to become a digital marketer:
Google Ads Certification
Google Analytics Certification
Youtube Certification
Twitter Flight School Certification
Well, most of the institutes provide Google Ads certification, there are some which provide other certifications too.
Paid Internships
With regards to acing that job offer, adding extracurricular exercises to your CV is just the same old thing. Applicable work experience through an internship is one of the key qualities looked for by graduate employers. When you take a look at the reasons behind why internships are so useful, Here are the stats:  As indicated by Monster.com, 85% of organizations use internships to enroll for full-time jobs, with former interns anticipated to fill 37% of graduate openings.
Moreover, during your internship time, work pressure is likely to be less than in a full-time job, so you will have the opportunity to explore various sectors in digital marketing. Look for institutions that offer paid internships just after the course completion and before the placement process begins.
When you have vast knowledge on the subject, there is nothing to stress over employment situation. Since having sound experience, will drive your profession with grand openings for work. However, there are a few factors you need to look for regarding placements while joining a digital marketing institute.
Nowadays, there are a lot of digital marketing training institutes in India that offer you outstanding job placement opportunities for your successful career. Even placement support would do. Have a look at the companies your institute is tied up to. If they are startups, have thorough research on them. When coming to taking that job offer, it is recommended to work in startups if you're a fresher, rather than in MNCs. Because startups provide you with the exposure of real-time digital marketing projects rather than in MNCs where you have to work under a specific sector. Choose a digital marketing course with placement assurance, to be sure about your future.
Reviews and Ratings
Digital marketing itself means creating your presence on the web. Here, maintain a business reputation is the most complex task for businessmen because they cannot afford to get negative reviews and comments on their business. And this can be an advantage for clients like us to rate various enterprises or in our case, institutes.
While looking for a digital marketing institute, make sure you read all the reviews and have a look at the ratings on Google business. The institute itself may post some reviews through the alumni. But, there do exist some who are genuine. Nowadays, many institutes advertise and influence people to fall into their trap. Make sure you've made a proper inquiry before finalizing one.
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floraexplorer · 8 years
I Joined London’s #WomensMarch with a Hundred Thousand Others. What’s Next?
“We only predicted 18,000 people today…”
Sandi Toksvig’s voice echoes through the cardboard placards which fill Trafalgar Square. Faces are turned towards the sun; banners flutter below Nelson’s column, flanked by roaring bronze lions made 150 years ago. If I squint, I can see Big Ben in the distance.
We are in the midst of London’s most famous landmarks on a chilly January day, most of which were built by men. But at the start of 2017 we’re listening to the speakers of a Women’s March, in solidarity with the march on Washington, D.C –
“… and we’ve just been told there’s actually a hundred thousand of us filling up the streets!”
An audible sense of disbelief ricochets amongst us – is that really possible?! – but quickly there is cheering. Applause. Tears. A tighter grip of my friend Jas’s hand, as we look excitedly at each other.
Who knows what we’re managing to achieve by standing here right now?
Why we held a Women’s March in London
In the early hours of November 16th 2016, I sat in my apartment with a few friends, some empty beer cans and my hands over my eyes. With every new swathe of state-led red on the TV screen came a fresh wave of nausea.
The US election felt like Brexit all over again.
The mood across all my online and offline networks was sombre. Seeing the victory of a man who legitimises sexual assault, racism, and discrimination against almost every demographic possible felt like a blow to the chest. How could over 62 million people have voted for him?
Travel is one of my major motivations in life. Why? Because the world is wide and open. It is beautiful and fearsome. It is a place I will never get tired of exploring because there’s always something new to see, new people to meet, new lessons to learn and new perspectives to realise.
The election made me understand with a new, humbling certainty just how much fear and anger is present in the world, and how much power those emotions can have. Yet so many moments of positivity throughout my travels have given me the utmost faith in the goodness of people – and there isn’t a single second where I don’t doubt the equal power of that goodness.
Together, we can be kind. We can be loving. We can respect each other, protect each other, and we can come together for the sake of millions of beautiful people living alongside us. There are worrying times ahead, that’s undoubtable. But love trumps hate, and disaster provokes action.
It’s taken me a long while to evaluate what I feel about the current political climate – and it doesn’t help that I’ve only become politicised in the last few years.
Now, I’m beginning to understand what I’ve always refused to notice before: that the spectrum of political opinion is an absolute grey area. It has to be, despite its accompanying frustration, because every single person is different.
Here’s the hard, sticky, uncomfortable truth of it: to get to grips with what the hell is happening to the world right now, those of us firmly on one end of the spectrum have to actively pay attention to exactly why and how those on the spectrum’s other end feel the way they do. 
We need to be compassionate. We need to be understanding. We need to make space for conflicting opinions, and be strong enough to address them.
I’ve never before wanted to engage with people who I think are racist, homophobic, sexist, or any other myriad of things I deem to be unacceptable. Nonetheless, I’m strangely grateful for the double-whammy of Brexit and Trump. Their presence is already galvanising people to act in ways they’ve been too nervous to do before.
Like painting signs, donning coats, and stepping into the winter air to publicise their feelings with their feet.
Meeting 100,000 fellow Women’s Marchers
The energy in London on January 21st was palpable.
The feeling of dozens, hundreds, thousands of bodies with that same fiery feeling radiated out and upwards. I kept thinking of those books we all read as children, where love and happiness became something visceral and visible; something with the power to protect us all and make us stronger.
I know some people were nervous – for many, it was their first ever demonstration – but the positive, all-inclusive attitude prevailed. There were people of every age, every race, representatives of dozens of minority groups and not a single bit of violence.
In fact, once the demo had officially ended, people wheeled huge sets of speakers into the square and we ended up dancing to techno tunes while waving our appropriately British placards.
But outside the positivity and happiness which flooded London throughout Saturday, what really hit me was seeing young girls making their voices heard.
I’ve never been pregnant and I don’t have many friends with young children, so kids aren’t that much on my radar. But when I saw these three girls holding up anti-racism signs it reminded me with a jolt that these issues simply aren’t going away unless we work our hardest to eradicate them. And it truly does take ALL of us.
The marches are over. What do we do now?
With over three million people marching across seven continents, I think I’m safe in the knowledge that this question has been a very popular Google search over the last few days.
Nonetheless, it’s still a fragile place to be. Somehow, the weekend’s energy has to be harnessed so that progressive action continues forward.
Here’s how I reckon we can make a start.
** Get educated **
Expand your literary knowledge. All those issues you saw cropping up at Women’s Marches? Research their histories; their policies; the memoirs written by their founders; the essays which discuss them. Get into the bones of these causes, and find out what makes them tick.
Keep up with the news. Current events affect everything, as do the politics of different countries. Understand as much as you can, and ask questions about what doesn’t make sense.
Engage with culture. Check out your local museums, galleries, art spaces and theatres. Watch plays, listen to lectures and walk through exhibitions. Pay attention to the ways people express themselves through art, and examine what’s triggered them to do so.
** Get uncomfortable **
Confront your echo chamber. Social media bubbles are a legitimate thing, where the majority of your chosen network agrees with your opinion. It can make us self-indulgent and a bit lazy. Start using social media to challenge your preconceptions – and although engaging in debate with online trolls isn’t always the best idea, follow some of those arguments and investigate how their beliefs have been formed.
Be humbled by your privilege. I’m a straight, cisgender, white woman, and I simply don’t know enough about the suppression, exclusion and demonisation faced by those who don’t share my background. Whether your own privilege is racial, financial, geographical, sexual or something else, vow to use your platform of relative safety to help those without it.
Expect to be challenged. More than that: actively search out situations which will do this. Your brain is powerful. Let it work.
** Get inspired **
Find your female role models. There are plenty of inspirational women around the world who are going to inspire the hell out of you. Research the works of writers, artists, politicians, musicians, teachers and activists – particularly those women of colour – and absorb what they have to say.
Follow your passions. If you’re anything like me, you’ve joined dozens of interesting-looking Facebook groups and never actually checked out what they do in real life. Whether it’s a choir, a running group, a knitting circle (all about those PussyHats!), the more out of your comfort zone, the better. Re-investigate. Reconnect. Remember how many wonderful experiences you’ve had in the past when you stepped out of your comfort zone for a minute? Yeah. Do that as much as you can.
** Get involved **
Volunteer within your local community. It’s the best place for your new-found determination to stretch itself. Join the closest library; help out at after-school programmes for kids; volunteer at a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter. Put yourself in environments where you can pass on your knowledge to others, and they can teach you things you’d never thought of. Communication is crucial.
Lend your voice to politics. Sign petitions and help organise campaigns. Pound the streets and hand out fliers. Engage others in passionate dialogue about this fantastically important new information you’ve just learned.
Be consistent. Every single thing in life needs dedication to make a discernible difference. Promise yourself you’re going to commit to a new way of thinking, living, speaking, seeing, and let that be your New Year’s Resolution for 2017. This is a year for change like no other.
In conclusion? Get ready!!
Too often I have worried about being alone. About being an outsider. About not belonging.  But on January 21st I felt part of an intrinsic sisterhood like never before. And I vow to maintain and channel that feeling into something bigger, with more longevity.
There will be more marches, and there will be more action. But most of your determination HAS to come from within you. This is a work-in-progress, and we all need to stand up together if we’re going to incite change.
Today, I wrote this article to express some of the passion still bottled up in me. Tomorrow, I’ll scour the shelves of my local library to find feminist literature I haven’t yet read. The next day, and the days after that, I’ll join local groups and listen to local women speak and march in yet more marches.
I am galvanised. I am determined. I am passionate.
I am a woman. HEAR ME ROAR!
This weekend has made me prouder than ever to be a woman: and standing with thousands at #womensmarchlondon to support those with less voice, less privilege, and less chance to express themselves has also made me intensely humble I’m going to try my absolute hardest to maintain these feelings of passion and determination, and channel them into something much bigger. Who’s with me? ❤️ #LoveTrumpsHate
A photo posted by Flora The Explorer (@florabaker) on Jan 22, 2017 at 12:52pm PST
Because information is power…
I’d love to update this article with any positive resources we can collectively find. What inspires you? What drives your passion? TELL ME what you’re doing today which is different from yesterday! Tell others too!! Your inspiration is only going to inspire people around you. But it still starts with YOU. We’ve started marching now. What are we going to do next? 
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