#desprately need to know more of their missions together
lemon-wedges · 8 months
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skybristle · 11 months
I’m actually going to bed now but infodump so I can read it in the morning. Go nuts
this is a bit hard to understand since obviously *i* have all of the conext of their cahracter and am just spitballing from the mind so please feel free to ask for elaboration anywhere i love talking about my silly guys
but. i think a lot about how i often potray messenger as very,,, jaded and exhausted. and it's true !! it is!!! they're so fucking exhausted. i mean, i would be pretty damn annoyed and tired too if i was constantly the one handed down things, especially regarding their imposed responsibilties in the republic. but. man. nothing's keeping them here. in fact, their loved ones often urge them to rest and quit, none as much as their father which in a lot of ways they're doing this all for. but they will keep fighting. they cannot lay down as long as thy are needed. stemming from a childhood of having worth assigned to productivity especially as someone disabled [OBVIOUDLY NOT PV DOING THAT. I WANT TO CLARIFY. MESSENGER IS ADOPTED] has had far reaching consequences now that they have something to care for, countless things to lose, feelings of obligation, their position as the connecting thread. literally, as the royal messenger, and one of the founders of the republic [unwillingly as it was].
idk. they started off unlearning. beloved deeply by all the kingdoms, engrossed in their cultures, adopted and held dear by the ancients, a symbol of their unity. and then pure vanilla urges them to go to the white lily grove, which is suddenly innaccessable. they don't connect the dots. and then there's war, fracturing the skies.
they were, what, 15? if that? and here they are. darting across skies weaving under and over magical projectiles with the only moments of rest being when they can entrust their wings to propel them on their own. they're one of the few winged people they have [besides gc, who is obviously more useful as a direct messenger]. their role taught them the continent, these lands, the people in it and their problems. and all of that is turned against them in the worst way possible. they care. they care so fucking much. they believe any fault, any death, can be attributed to a failure of theirs. and it ruins them. when they turn from the airship docks and fly directly into the heat of the storm, where the magic rips them apart down to their structural magic, raising the alarm bell, they *know* it's likely a suicide mission, but its okay. they helped people. they were useful. they made up for all of their wrongs. they have so so much hope and faith and love for the world but believe they are a dismissable cost to seeing it through, and the people around them are forced into a position where they must just watch them tear themself apart because they *need* to, and are brilliantly infalliable, and are so important in such a desprate time they cannot rest.
i think a lot about how, after they manage to survive the fall of the vanilla kingdom, stumbling back to the airship and crashlanding with horrific magical burns, stunted mortality, a few extra eyes,shattered arm, a broken magic gift, and constant chronic pain on top of their mobility aids being badly damaged from the storm + from pure vanilla's 'death' effecting the magic in them, they fucking GET UP. they hear secondhand the issues of the infant republic, how nobody's getting anywhere, and they believe earnestly in good faith that this arrangement *can* be made and helped. this kid doesn't know what they're doing, as they haul themself up and walk off, wings dragging, to the council table. they cannot rest yet. their father is dead. their sister is dead. there's no true vanillian heir, yes, they renounced that long ago, but they know their charm and hope direly they can pull this mess together. and they're right!
they are drowning. there's a reason their goodbye note, when they finally break and drop out a window only to fly off into the endless, blissfully silent night skies, is misinterpreted by many as a suicide note.
and, hell, when they retreat to the silence of the grove, deathly afraid of responsibility coming back to eat them alive and seeking complete isolation where if they're ignorant, they don't have to know what they're needed for now [they still feel guilt], they end up finding out the truth regarding white lily [they've always been startling intellegent, and reading trhough all the experiment logs and old letters *they delivered*, even if they're only getting one side,,, they can connect the dots]. and they can't feel angry. they did this all for pure vanilla- for the ancients- for everything. he lied to them. and yet they can't exactly hate a dead man, can they?
until pure vanilla is alive, and they know it, and everyrhing jumps back to life, including their obligations, and their feelings of betrayal. they pressure pv into fessing up and *they* are in large responsibile for odyssey, like, yeah the goal of discussing the war is obviously there and super important but,,, the reunion, the perfect chance to speak,,, even at the costs. it must go on. the world will be bettered, even if it sucks for a while.
i'll gloss over the gc arc for now since its super new, but i made a post a bit earlier about it and they're Having A Bad Fucking Time already enough.
any then odyssey. obviously, its bad enough watching the republic they had a a direct hand in be so shitty, even before they actually GO there. i think that after clotted spills the truth messenger spent so long hurting over persoanlly and working with their father to tell everyone is when their extreme hurt and exhaustion finally boils over into fucking ANGER. they absolutely chew clotted to shreds in the atrium after everyone else dissolves. and thats kinda their spiral from there.
they go to the republic, and they're a fucking *hero*. the worst parts of their life, all compartmentalized and put on a pedastal as the 'first consul'. they cover their ears as their praises are sung, constantly correcting to jsut, please, for the love of god, call them messenger. this hurts even more than if they weren't recongized at all. everyone regards them with utmost respect,,,,
as they stand on the countless dead and hurting of the lower city, countless injustices and ignorance, the paladins that they can so clearly see are just light magic infestations - all of it, all of the republics countless problems. and that awful feeling begins to fester once more. the republic tries to rob their family of their most sacred artifacts as the vehicle to the better, war-free world messenger so desires and which motivates them through hell and back.
*they. are. responsible.* in some way or another, their actions, more specifically, their abandonment of the infant republic, they feel like it lead to this. which only reinforces their tendancies, when they broke and ran it turned out like this. they fight tooth and nail, using their status in the republic as much as it hurts, for something better here. even when the dragon erupts from the earth, even as hell breaks loose at home, as they split themself between the obligations here and the obligations of the ancients, which they have bound themself to out of their love and compassion rather than unending guilt.
they hurt, man.
i can only imagine how bad the future is for them when war truely sparks up again and their mindset is completely cemented. god. theyre so ruined.
but, also,,, i think a lot about the day they're able to sit on top of the vanilla castle, stars flickering, moon parting the clouds, where they can breathe the cold air and bask in the fact that, even if there is more to be done, they *won*.
i think they deserve a long, long vacation, away from the places they have spent so long flying between without appreciating the world they started off wanting to see- the whole reason they became royal messenger so young. parfaedian snows, their sister in law's cabin up in the frost mountains, the tropical soda islands,,, boundless possibilities. they are free. their wings finally catch the wind of new sails.
they can have peace eventually, but it'll be a hell of a ride.
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
Worn Down
The infamous Bakugou Katsuki has a weak spot for nobody....well almost nobody.
Warnings: None! just fluff, A little bit of fighting I guess, angst if you really squint, Pro-Hero Bakugou, gn reader.
You weren’t sure why but something was off today.  Was it the crisp flow of a new fall breeze whisking through the window to say hello?  Or was it the new couch cushions, strategically placed in the corners of your sofa, orange and green of course.  No, it wasn’t any of that.   
It was the soft manner in which your hand graced over his sleeping face.  The drowsy self proclaimed “King Explosion Murder” was peacefully dozing on your shoulder.  His vibrant black, orange, and green hero costume adorning the snoring hero before you.  
You thought back to about 10 minutes ago, worrying yourself sick over your lover who had yet returned from his week-long mission.  Hands shaking, knee bouncing, and eyes watering as you contemplated if he would even keep his promise to return.  
But return he did.  Stumbling through the door, like a man who had seen heaven, hell, and everything in between.  And knowing his job, this was probably the case.  Without taking off his boots, or cleaning any of his multitudinous wounds, he slumped himself against your figure on the couch.  While you barely even got in a ‘Hello’ or ‘Welcome Home’ he rest his head on your shoulder, and dozed off. 
Well here you were now, still examining the wounds he insist come with the job.  You were mad, that was undeniable, but you were merciful enough to let the man next to you get at least 20 minutes of sleep.  
“Katsuki.  Katsuki wake up.”
It took a shimmy or two of his shoulder before his bleary eyes even began to open.  His blond eyelashes slightly blocking his view of your face, of which he was desprate to see, thus blinking and wiping his eyes, clearing sleep off his worn face.
“I missed you.”
“And do you think I didn’t miss you?  Katsuki I waited for you for a week.  I was a nervous wreck all seven days of it too.  All of that worrying and when I finally see you, you slump on my shoulder and fall asleep without so much as a ‘Hello’?”
His face depicted the expression of a tired man, but beneath the need for sleep and peace, lay concern.  His weak features twisted into that of sadness, disappointed in himself for his entrance.  You had always been there for him, supported him in every venture, and were always a shoulder to lean on.  
“I’m sorry.” 
His eyes drooped and his chin lowered as he played with the hem of your shirt.  He felt like a child being scolded.
“You do so much for me, and I know I need to do more for you.  I just didn’t think when I got home...I was so tired.  Thank you for taking care of me, and letting me sleep on you.”
You both let out a small laugh, accompanied by a slight smirk. 
“I love you and I’m sorry for what I did.”
“Aw Kats it’s alright, I wasn’t all that angry, just a little annoyed. Come on, let’s go get a nice hot shower and a long nap.  I think my favorite hero deserves it.”
You took his rough hand in yours and as you walked to your shared bathroom he thought to himself:
How did I get so lucky?
You guided open the bathroom door, dragging your lover along behind you.  You hoisted yourself up onto the sink, looking to clean his cuts and bruises you remove the top of his hero costume. 
While you did so, Katsuki let his limbs succumb to their exhaustion, allowing you to heal what needed to be healed.  Before starting the process you both gazed into the other’s eyes. 
And to your individual surprise, you met the same expression in each other: lovesickness.
No words were spared, only light touches and the pull of his hand on your waist.  Your bodies melted together, and you thought,
‘This is the stuff they write about in romance novels.’
His hand cupped that back of your neck, bringing your head impossibly close to his, sealing your love in the most scorching, yet dainty kiss you’d ever had.  
This is the romance of a fairytale.
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years
The keeli section in the master list is looking a little bear I think it's time for more keeli content. So have any head cannons?
Captain Keeli relationship headcanons (SFW and NSFW)
We all know Keeli is an absolute sweetheart 
He’s caring as hell and he’s very observant 
So it didn’t take him long to fall for you when you fell for him
Keeli would bring you flowers and take you out to some cute dinner
Once you two begin dating Keeli starts coming over 
He can’t afford to take you anywhere really, so he tries to have wonderful dates with you at your place
Keeli can cook and bake!! He’s amazing in the kitchen 
He always wears some frilly apron with some funny words on it just to make you laugh 
Keeli loves making you meals and sweets! 
Your date nights are mostly just both of you in soft pajama pants and t-shirts while watching movies or TV 
Nothing is better than cuddling with your favorite captain!
You are not allowed to watch any new episodes of your favorite TV show without Keeli 
One time he came back from a mission and saw you watching the show, he was very dramatically hurt by it
Keeli is kind of a goofball sometimes, he just loves seeing you smile and laugh 
Keeli will take you out on dates sometimes, and when he does he always holds your hand 
He doesn’t care about PDA, he’s happy with you and that’s all that matters 
He won’t take you to a bar though. Keeli hates drinking, but he doesn’t mind if you do. 
Keeli says he gets angry and weird when he drinks and he doesn’t like that 
Every second with you matters to him because he misses you so much when he’s away 
When he’s away on missions he always tries to comm you so you can know that he’s alright 
He always makes up for being away by bringing you beautiful flowers or a trinket he found on the mission 
Keeli loves his hair and beard almost as much as he loves you 
His hairstyle is very high maintenance, and he loves it when you help him
He’s puddy in your hands when you help him with his hair 
(I wrote a fic on this, find it here!)
Keeli also loves his tattoos, which he’ll show off often 
He has two tattoo sleeves that are filled with the same patterns he has shaved into his hair 
He has two ram horns, like the ones from his helmet, tattooed over his heart
He also shows off his earrings, which are just simple studs 
Once you introduce Keeli to a bubble bath there is no going back 
His new favorite thing is taking a nice relaxing bath with you 
Keeli loves to cuddle, but he is HOT. He’s a living space heater 
You start keeping your place colder just so you can cuddle him and not sweat 
Sometimes Keeli has nightmares or has trouble sleeping 
It helps him a lot if you hold his head against your chest, letting him hear your heartbeat 
Once he’s relaxed he’ll talk about what’s troubling him
He loves talking to you about his issues! He loves and trusts you. He has no need to keep secrets 
Keeli is a better listener though, he loves listening to you and helping where he can 
Keeli likes to talk about the possibilities of a future with you 
You both begin to plan your life out for when the war is over 
Keeli just loves you with all of his heart and he makes sure to say it as often as he can
You how Keeli has high maintenance hair? Well the carpet matches the drapes. 
He takes pride in it. 
Keeli isn’t the most experienced guy, but after a time or two he knows what he’s doing 
Like all clones, he’s a quick learner with an amazing memory 
So he knows just how to get you to scream with pleasure 
Keeli is a huge tease in bed 
His favorite teasings are to edge you and to overstimulate you 
He always makes sure you cum a few times, he’s too caring to leave you hot and bothered 
Keeli enjoys hearing your beg, but he won’t ask for it a lot 
He’s a switch. 
Please top Keeli, he’s a good boy 
He is very vocal as well, he never holds back his noises of pleasure 
When he’s being pegged/dicked down or ridden he moans like a bitch in heat 
He loves it when you tease him and edge him, he’s good at whimpering and begging
He’s very patient though and has great control, so getting him to beg may be a challenge 
Keeli is pretty kinky and is really down for anything that doesn’t require hurting you 
He’ll totally talk about your kinks and what you two want to try 
He won’t hurt you in a hitting way, that doesn’t mean he won’t go rough 
Sometimes when he’s stressed he rails you so hard that you can’t walk the next day 
Keeli loves using you as stress relief 
He loves the slow and soft intimate nights the best though 
Keeli always makes sure to make the best of the night 
You know how I mentioned Keeli likes bubble baths with you?
Well that almost always leads to bathtub sex 
Keeli is a huge tease whenever he can be, so his hands are never to himself 
Especially in public, he loves making you flustered 
Keeli will fuck you in public sometimes, it depends on how desprate he is 
He’ll do quickies, but he doesn’t prefer them. He feels like you don’t get enough pleasure from them
He is amazing at oral!! If he eats you out his beard kind of tickles, but it just adds to the sensation 
Keeli loves receiving oral, your hot tongue and warm lips are his weakness 
He’ll cum wherever. Your mouth? His pants? Between your legs? On your chest? He doesn’t care
He has a breeding kink like all clones, but he knows that’s something for your future together 
Like I said, he’s a patient boy. 
Keeli is amazing at aftercare!! He always makes sure to clean you both up with a warm damp towel
Once you’re both relaxed he’ll ask if you want to take a hot shower with him, where he washes you and makes sure to help you feel refreshed. 
You always fall asleep in the warm embrace of your favorite Captain 
Tags: @royalhandmaidens @hounding-around
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tora-the-cat · 4 years
Ok so I saw your codependent Obito & Rin post and I absolutely loved it so I just had to ask, do you have any other headcanons about them? Or even Team Minato in general? Your post was some of the best Team Minato content I've ever seen and Tumblr truly needs more Team Minato content
aww, thanks! I agree, I honestly adore Team Minato an excessive amount, though it doesn’t always show lol. This is literally forever late, but, here, you can have their first kill angst that I cut from the original post  0w0
-They both refuse to kill anyone for as long as they can, and Minato lets them get away with it longer then he probably should have
-(it just makes him sick, the thought of kind Rin and cheerful Obito and even traumatized baby Kakashi with blood on their hands. There’s no way he and Kushina were ever that young.)
-Anyway, they both avoid killing all the way until their first B-rank. Then they get ambushed, and Obito gets yanked by the collar away from Rin in the middle of the battle, and her blood goes cold.
-She feels Obito out and goes fucking rabid, sparring no thought for the Iwa nin in her way or trying to attack her.
-In one breathe, she is feeling out where Obito is and standing still, never something a shinobi can afford.
-In the next, she snarls, and everyone around her stutters and stumbles and freezes as they’re over come with hysterical terror and tears as the purple seals on her cheeks start to fade.
-In the third she blurs, appears behind the Nin that tried to kidnap Obito, and grabs the back of his neck. Her fingers spark and she closes her eyes, another rare luxary in a fight, and short circits every nerve she can feel.
-In the forth, the would-be-kidnapper falls dead, Obito is on the floor sobbing, and Rin is standing over him with a single-minded protective rage.
-by the eighth, Minato has finished the rest of the Iwa shinobi off, taking full advantage of their frozen state, ignoring the pooling despair because he couldn’t protect them, from either the Iwa nin or the fact that Rin is a killer.
-By the eleventh, Rin is on the floor sobbing into Obito’s arms as he tries to calm her down because he knows that her seals fading is very bad, especially here, especially after what she’s done-
-”We need to leave.” Obito says, somehow the first to speak, voice completely blank for the first time ever as he picks Rin up. “We need to leave now.” he emphesises, and that’s all he says before he’s gone, leaving Minato and Kakashi to stew in confusion for once. He almost wants to be proud, but he’s too worried.
-his first kill is soon after that. Sorta.
-Rin gets extra protective of him and trying to save him from having to take a life, and starts doing it more so he doesn’t have to, and it makes Obito pissed.
-They fight over it. they fight over it. not in a playful or loving or ‘cain instinct’ way like Minato and Kakashi have seen before. They aren’t touching without the intent to hurt, aren’t looking at each other without a glare or a snarl, aren’t talking without the passive aggressiveness of a verbal spar. 
-scratch that, Rin isn’t talking at all.
-Yet, paradoxically, their protective instincts only double down.They fight to knock each other out and take watch every night. Their eyes are sharp twin glares whenever anyone- anyone- else gets too close. They are more ruthless in battle together then ever before, and now Obito is trying to kill people just to spite Rin, and, of course, Rin won’t fucking let him.
-kakashi hasn’t seen a shamrock on either of them in weeks, hasn’t seen either of them smile in just as long, and he almost thinks he’s worried about them.
-Then, two months after Rin’s first kill, Obito finally makes his own, and he shatters just like Rin knew he would, and Rin is so angry and sad her seals burn off again, and everyone feels like they’re on fire as she seethes. 
-She’s ready to scream, ready to explode, ready to burn the forest to the ground because Obito’s done something he can never undo and she can’t help him, and even Minato can’t overcome the sudden pain just yet-
-and then she looks at Obito, and he looks at her, and they’re fear in his eyes. fear of her.
-She gasps, and flinches, and collapses just as Minato was about ready to move again anyway. once again he takes them out, and by the time he gets to Rin Obito is already reapplying her seals- after last time, he brings the stuff for it on every mission just in case.
-Minato approaches them carefully while Kakashi awkwardly goes off to do some clean up, and obito glares at him hard enough that he’s more shocked then ever the boy hasn’t unlocked his Sharringan.
-The boy is shaking, and tears are still pricking his eyes, and he grips Rin so hard that his fingers go numb, and he tries his best but he just can’t stay awake. No matter how paranoid his brain is trying to be, he knows that Minato-sensei isn’t really a threat, and he can’t stop himself from passing out still craddling Rin and her sloppily applied seals.
-the next time they wake up they’re both in a hosiptal, beds right next to one another. Kakashi is stand watch over them, sitting in the sil of the only window in the room, and Rin can’t help but be touched, because it’s never been a secret how much kakahsi hates hospitals.
-Rin opens her mouth to thank him at the same time Obito opens his mouth to make fun of him, but Kakashi’s gone as soon as he realizes they’re awake, before either of them can say anything to him.
-Things are...awkward between the two of them then, in a way they hadn’t been probably ever. The terrible tension they’ve had for the past few months has snapped and disappeared, but it’s been replaced by the awful fact that they’ve both done something they’ll never be able to undo.
-Rin breaks out of it first, overcome by her worry over obito. She clammers into his bed and aggressively checks him over to make sure he was okay. She starts to heal whatever surface level wounds he has, but she’s barely got a drop of chakra in her, and Obito holds her hands firmly to stop her before she passes out from chakra exhaustion.
-”You were right.” Obito chokes out, because she was, she knew that he’d regret killing someone- hell, they both knew it! but she started babying him and he just got so so so mad that he wanted to do it just to prove that he could, but she was right and now he didn’t know what to do.
-Rin collapses onto him, shifting around just enough to make their position comfortable as they cuddle/clutch onto each other and desprately convince themselves that they’ll be okay.
-She wants to help him, but she doesn’t know how to. She never really let herself process her own kills- had pushed the terrible feelings of it to the back of her brain and focused on helping Obito, doing it for his good. But she failed, and now there they were, and without the distraction the force of her deeds hit her full force.
-So there they are, clutching at each other in a too-small hospital bed and sobbing and apologizing and trying to comfort each other. Thankfully, Kakashi returns with Minato and Kushina in tow.
-Between the two of them (Kakahsi goes back to awkwardly standing guard, lost as to how else he could help) and their years of Shinobi conditioning and sensei-mandated training on how to walk gennin through traumatizing milestones, they manage to sort the two of them. 
-Mostly. THey only get more codependant after this, and they kinda loose their shit when kakashi gets his first kill and then just doesn’t tell them for a month to avoid this exact reaction, but hey. it’s team 7, and it’s as good as they’ll get, and they wouldn’t want it any other way.
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