sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
Asks are open! If you have any requests send them in!
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
Story Prompts
Send me asks with a prompt number and a character and I'll write a short story with them.
“You’re more heavenly than the stars”
“‘Us’?...I like the sound of that.”
“You’re Sweeter than strawberries. I hate strawberries”
“I don’t want to think about what life will be like without you.” “Then don’t.”
“You know I love you right?” “Nope, can’t be. Someone like you can’t love someone like me.”
“Don’t talk to me.” “Well that’s gonna be tough considering we’re married.”
“You’re brighter than a sunflower in the middle of June.”
“Shatter me, break me, destroy me into the smallest bits and pieces possible...after all I am yours.”
“You know I love it when you do that.” “Then I’ll make it a point to never do it again.”
“I screwed up.” “WELL NO SH-“
“I’m so tired of you.”
“Loving you feels like a job I have to do.”
“Don’t look at me like that.” “Why.” “Because your eyes are so compelling I fear I’ll do something I’ll regret.”
“Are you sure? Like are you really sure I don’t want to-” “Positive.”
“Hehehe you look stupid”
“It’s too late. I've decided. You've pissed me off.”
“You left too many scars on places I can't even remember.”
“You don’t get to decide if you hurt me or not.”
“Don’t pretend like you love me because you're a book and I’ve read you a million times, I know when you lie.”
*makes a stupid pun* “this is NOT THE TIME!?”
“I’m so proud to call you mine that I’m almost hesitant to because I feel as though I’m undeserving”
“We insult each other for fun.” No-”
“More...please I’m begging you.”
“I want to get drunk off of the feeling of being with you.”
“You’re being ridiculous.” “It’s what I’m best at.”
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
Worn Down
The infamous Bakugou Katsuki has a weak spot for nobody....well almost nobody.
Warnings: None! just fluff, A little bit of fighting I guess, angst if you really squint, Pro-Hero Bakugou, gn reader.
You weren’t sure why but something was off today.  Was it the crisp flow of a new fall breeze whisking through the window to say hello?  Or was it the new couch cushions, strategically placed in the corners of your sofa, orange and green of course.  No, it wasn’t any of that.   
It was the soft manner in which your hand graced over his sleeping face.  The drowsy self proclaimed “King Explosion Murder” was peacefully dozing on your shoulder.  His vibrant black, orange, and green hero costume adorning the snoring hero before you.  
You thought back to about 10 minutes ago, worrying yourself sick over your lover who had yet returned from his week-long mission.  Hands shaking, knee bouncing, and eyes watering as you contemplated if he would even keep his promise to return.  
But return he did.  Stumbling through the door, like a man who had seen heaven, hell, and everything in between.  And knowing his job, this was probably the case.  Without taking off his boots, or cleaning any of his multitudinous wounds, he slumped himself against your figure on the couch.  While you barely even got in a ‘Hello’ or ‘Welcome Home’ he rest his head on your shoulder, and dozed off. 
Well here you were now, still examining the wounds he insist come with the job.  You were mad, that was undeniable, but you were merciful enough to let the man next to you get at least 20 minutes of sleep.  
“Katsuki.  Katsuki wake up.”
It took a shimmy or two of his shoulder before his bleary eyes even began to open.  His blond eyelashes slightly blocking his view of your face, of which he was desprate to see, thus blinking and wiping his eyes, clearing sleep off his worn face.
“I missed you.”
“And do you think I didn’t miss you?  Katsuki I waited for you for a week.  I was a nervous wreck all seven days of it too.  All of that worrying and when I finally see you, you slump on my shoulder and fall asleep without so much as a ‘Hello’?”
His face depicted the expression of a tired man, but beneath the need for sleep and peace, lay concern.  His weak features twisted into that of sadness, disappointed in himself for his entrance.  You had always been there for him, supported him in every venture, and were always a shoulder to lean on.  
“I’m sorry.” 
His eyes drooped and his chin lowered as he played with the hem of your shirt.  He felt like a child being scolded.
“You do so much for me, and I know I need to do more for you.  I just didn’t think when I got home...I was so tired.  Thank you for taking care of me, and letting me sleep on you.”
You both let out a small laugh, accompanied by a slight smirk. 
“I love you and I’m sorry for what I did.”
“Aw Kats it’s alright, I wasn’t all that angry, just a little annoyed. Come on, let’s go get a nice hot shower and a long nap.  I think my favorite hero deserves it.”
You took his rough hand in yours and as you walked to your shared bathroom he thought to himself:
How did I get so lucky?
You guided open the bathroom door, dragging your lover along behind you.  You hoisted yourself up onto the sink, looking to clean his cuts and bruises you remove the top of his hero costume. 
While you did so, Katsuki let his limbs succumb to their exhaustion, allowing you to heal what needed to be healed.  Before starting the process you both gazed into the other’s eyes. 
And to your individual surprise, you met the same expression in each other: lovesickness.
No words were spared, only light touches and the pull of his hand on your waist.  Your bodies melted together, and you thought,
‘This is the stuff they write about in romance novels.’
His hand cupped that back of your neck, bringing your head impossibly close to his, sealing your love in the most scorching, yet dainty kiss you’d ever had.  
This is the romance of a fairytale.
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
Daichi Drabble
This man i swear- 
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He is the king fo comfort
If you ever feel overwhelmed or sad for no reason this man is on it
He will hold you as long as you need
He constantly asks if it was something he did wrong, but you tell him no
So he’s just there for you
Constantly asking if you need anything 
He listens for as long as you need too
His chest? the best pillow for your head
His arms? god so comfy
His personality?  the most caring 
He might seem a little intimidating 
But he’s like a big teddy bear once you get to the core of things
Movie nights with him? legendary
The pillows and blankets are everywhere, making a comfy fort in the living room
He’s just the best
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
PART 2 :: in which suna and you babysit osamu’s daughter for an entire day
check out pt.1 before reading!
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by popular demand~ here’s part 2 of that one shot you guys rly seemed to like…
also: since it was easier to give her a name, samu’s daughter is named hina :>
-> timeskip!suna x f!reader | word count : 2.5K (oopsie)
-> cw : mentions of pregnancy, suna being wholesomely awkward <3
reblogs are always appreciated!
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bathtime is and has always been sacred in the miya household. so sacred that nothing and no one has ever dared to bother osamu during one of these moments when he gets his daughter all for himself, away from the stressful paperwork and other responsibilities of his busy life.
but today is an exception. because today he’s got his phone cradled on his shoulder, both hands absentmindedly washing his little girl’s hair.
« well ok then, do it after dinner if yer more comfortable… ya could even do it at home y’know ? »
the voice on the other end of the line is hushed. not to mention a bit rushed - but it still carries suna’s usual nonchalant tone.
« fuck no, she deserves better than a lame-ass proposal between the couch and the tv »
« alright, alright, mr. romantic… » osamu rolls his eyes, dodging the splashes caused by his daughter repeatedly plunging her plastic seahorse in the soapy water. « take her on a walk or somethin’ after dinner… find a nice spot and boom, ya propose »
‘boom, you propose’. it’s obvious - considering his choice of words - that osamu has no idea of how much stress and panic suna has bottled up these last few weeks. and the closer he’s getting to the moment he’ll going down on his knee, the harder it is to keep these feelings bottled up.
« yeah i’ll probably do that… thanks » he responds, nervously chewing on the inside of his cheek. but the familiar sound of your shower faucet being turned off makes him suddenly stop. « i think she’s done. gotta go. bye »
and he hangs up without even letting his friend the time to wish him one last ‘good luck’.
but he’ll be fine without it, because he doesn’t really need luck for tonight… right ?
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Keep reading
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
Please send me some of these if you'd like :)
Soft Asks ♡
1. What's your favorite constellation?
2. Do you prefer tea,coffee or hot chocolate?
3. What's your favorite mythical creature?
4. Which type of weather do you feel most comfortable in?
5. Do you have any hobbies? If so,what?
6. Favorite fruit?
7. What's a song that makes you happy?
8. Puppies or kittens?
9. What's your favorite holiday and why? How do you celebrate it?
10. Daytime or nighttime? Which do you prefer?
11. Do you collect anything? What?
12. Museums or carnivals?
13. Hugs or kisses?
14. What's your favorite season?
15. What's a topic that fascinates you?
16. Claude Monet or Vincent Van Gogh?
17. What's your favorite book?
18. Which genre of movies/shows is your favorite to watch?
19. Who is your favorite historical figure and why?
20. Which color best represents you?
21. Do you believe in the paranormal?
22. What's your all time favorite song?
23. What's your favorite perfume scent to wear?
24. What are your religious beliefs?
25. Paintings or sculptures?
26. What's your favorite word?
27. Who do you love most in your life?
28. Do you believe in soulmates?
29. Who is your favorite fictional character?
30. What's your favorite musical?
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
Bakugou Drabble
He loves seeing you with kids
While he might not love kids himself, and may not get along great with them, he loves to see how caring and tender you can be
The gentle speech patterns, soft hugs, and tiny giggles make his heart nearly explode
He suggests that you should adopt kids together, which you're a tad skeptical of considering his track record with children
You eventually agree on doing so and eventually adopt a small baby girl.
You raise her together, to be strong yet gentle, compassionate yet steadfast
Bakugou teaches her all the essentials about how to not take s**t from anyone
You have to hold him back a bit and remind him that she is just a kid sometimes
God he's so precious around her
He makes sure to go to all of her sports games, dance recitals, or club meetings, always being the most supportive parent possible
And he always makes time for her whenever possible, to try and be the best parent he can.
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
How Deku Would Confess To You
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He's definitely not the most straightforward about his feelings.
He tends to skip around his emotions, not exactly cutting to the chase...
Or at least he used to be.
At some point in Izuku's life, a sort of switch flipped and he realized that he can't beat around to bush all the time.
Sure he wasn't going to instantly become completely transparent about how he felt, but he vowed to work on it.
And just like everything else he put his mind too, it was eventually achieved.
Your case was no exception.
When Deku had seen you for the first time, it wasn't exactly love at first sight, but that's not to say it wasn't attraction at first sight.
He thought you were beautiful beyond words but he wasn't sure how to communicate that to you.
After introducing himself and getting acquainted, you both became pretty fast friends
You talked through every problem, fear, or doubt that either of you had, as his attractions soon blossomed into love
Izuku felt a strong sense of adoration deep in his chest
He wanted to reach out and hold you close, showing to the world that you were his and he was yours
Though he was scared, he did not break his promise to himself to be straightforward
While you were both at a library, just getting some work done, he slipped a note into one of your books, accurately displaying his undying love for you
You were quite quick to say yes.
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
Bakugou Thoughts
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My brain is currently full of ring wearing Bakugou so that is what you're gonna get from me...
He would wear plain silver rings with few designs, but I think if he had an S/O he would get a silver ring with some sort of small engraving on it.
Because of his quirk he doesn't like to wear them in situations where he knows he'll have to use it, but he always has pockets so if he needs to use his explosions in a pinch he quickly throws them in his pocket.
God he would learn how to flip them in between his fingers and would definitely show it off...but like subtly. If that makes any sense at all.
If you ever wore one of his rings...that's it. Game over, he has short circuited. I'm convinced Bakugou would be such a simp for his S/O, but ESPECIALLY if you wore his rings. Good luck walking tomorrow....
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
Kiri Drabble
Reader has trouble studying
AN: I have an AP exam tomorrow morning and instead of studying more I'm doing this ;(
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Exams are difficult...but you didn't expect them to be difficult
You're body aches from sitting at a chair all day, eyes glossed over from either staring at a screen or book
It took every ounce of self restraint not to fall asleep on your computer keyboard
Your boyfriend realized this
He could read you like an open book, taking in every detail painting a picture of your exhaustion
While you were slumped over, going over definitions for what felt like the 100th time your tall boyfriend wrapped his strong arms around you
"Come here I got you. You're safe in my arms, forever and always."
You surrendered to his wishes, laying your head against his chest and finding simple rest
"I promise you know more than you think. You'll do great on these exams."
You smiled silently, closing your eyes gently as he wrapped the fluffiest blanket in the house around both of you
He guided you both to the couch where he lay on his back, beckoning you to sleep with him
You reached out your tired hand to meet his, immediately falling into a deep slumber.
Meanwhile your lover took a moment to admire how lucky he was to have someone like you.
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
Deku Drabble
God he loves falling asleep with you
Not in a lusty sexy way, but in an intimate and sweet way
He will pull you close to him in whatever cuddling position that may be
(He loves to spoon you or just simply hold you close to his chest while you face him. He's a simple man.)
When you face him while sleeping, he rubs your back to help you off to sleep
He gets lost in the small moments
The moments when you breathe in his scent and he gets to feel your chest move next to his
The moments when you subconsciously reach out to him and whisper small nothings, all while sleeping
The moments where you stir in your sleep, so he just pulls you closer to remind you that he's always there
Sometimes when you're both sleeping, one of you rolls to the other side of the bed unintentionally
Even when that happens you still manage to be touching in some way
Be it your fingers, legs, or arms, he always finds a way to you
And when you wake up
Oh boy
This man loves to see you coated in the candy sweet sunlight of early morning
He lays there observing your features, taking them in like sugar, addicting and sweet
When you finally do wake up, gracing him with your presence, He gives a sunny "good morning darling" before pulling you into yet another kiss
He's so in love my god
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
The todoroki brain rot is overwhelming at the moment.
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
Todoroki Drabble
Fluff, Soft Todo
Social media was draining. How could so many people voice their unwanted opinions so easily without any regard for another person's well being. It was a question that swirled and fogged around your mind and you knew you had to get away from it all. From all the numbers and comments, and all the influence that unknown strangers had on you. You sat on your living room couch, staring out the window slightly to your left, simply people watching.
While lost on your delusions and thoughts, two slim hands came under your chin to tilt your distracted head up towards him. "Lost in thought?" You nodded, silently communicating to him what had been transpiring in your crowded mind. "Come on I have a surprise for you. We both had the day off so I thought what better day to do it." You didn't know what he was talking about, but you didn't care. You trusted the youngest Todoroki implicitly.
After about an hour in the car, quietly singing and humming to soft gentle music on the way, you finally arrived: a garden. It was a large garden used as a walking area, for festivals and events, or just to spend a nice day parading around the grounds and getting lost in the secret passageways and behind small waterfalls. As you exited the car Shoto took your hand in his, rubbing small circles on the back of your hand, a constant reminder to the both of you that you were together and neither of you were going anywhere. You wandered around for a while, eventually finding a large greenhouse carefully decorated with just about every plant you could think of...and then some.
You stumbled through the gardens, hand in hand as you pointed to a rose bush with red flowers, and one right next to it with white. You try to make puns about his quirk at almost every opportunity. Following a long brick path through the green house, you pointed out the lovely orchids and violets growing almost above you in the archway. As you pointed upwards and smiled, lighting up your whole face Shoto felt like he was on fire.
He felt like this is where he belonged and that if he had to repeat his life over and over and over again to get to this moment, it would all be worth it.
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
Rest is Not Easy
Bakugou Fluffy Fic
It was exhausting, mentally and physically. The lingering taste of sleep, just barely escaping you each night, and each night it was almost the same. Tossing and turning, in an attempt to find a comfortable position, yet rest never arrived. You constantly wished it would wash over you, so you could drown in the ease of calmness. This restlessness continued for years, ever since you were young. Eventually at one point, about halfway through each night your body would pass out from exhaustion. However that didn’t keep it from awaking you multiple times in the meanwhile.
This continued until you met your now boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugou. You didn't know how it happened or how he did it, but somehow, you found rest. The first night you both slept in the same bed was when you were in high school, having a sleepover. While sleeping, he subconsciously pulled you close into his chest and maintained his hold on you. You found softness and warmth in his presence, despite his outward demeanor almost always being harsh and rigid.
After a few years of high school, you knew a thing or two about him, much more than most people knew. You knew his strengths and weaknesses, his ins and outs. You knew why he was the way he was, and frankly you’d never ask him to change. Your personalities balanced well and you made a beautiful friendship blossom into an even more beautiful romance over time.
You also finally found rest. After years of hoping and waiting for something to finally quench that desire to sleep, he showed up. Of course it wasn't all perfect. You and Bakugou had your ups and downs in your relationships. A few fights along the way, but your trust and resilience was strong. The toughest nights were the nights without him, especially as a now pro hero. You couldn't be prouder of your boyfriend: achieving his dream, and doing his absolute best at it...it was all you could ask for from him. The nights when he was away, on a mission or on patrol were the nights you couldn't sleep.
You didn't know what it was about him. His security, his love, his strength? You didn't know, but one of his many aspects provided you with the rest you so desperately craved, and the nights you couldn't have it were a living hell. You barely got a wink of sleep, and your body ached from the nightly struggle of tossing and turning. You hoped your boyfriend would come back soon, yet you fought that desire at the remembrance that he was out saving lives and helping people, you didn't want to be selfish.
After about 3 sleepless nights you didn't know how much longer you could go. You trudged your tired body to your kitchen to make coffee, again. The dark liquid filled the large mug as you stirred. When it was full to your liking you took a large sip, the fluid warming your insides, doing it's best to give your body whatever boost it could. Just when you were about to get dressed for your day, your long awaited boyfriend swung open the door, covered in dirt and dust. His hair was matted, and dirty, his suit torn yet somewhat intact. It was clearly a brutal mission. You perceived no large injuries, only minute scratches and bruises and you thanked heaven he came back alright.
He stumbled over to you, shedding his black boots, wanting nothing more than to hold you. When he finally got there he clasped you in an iron embrace, having absolutely no plans of letting you go any time soon. "I missed you ya know." He whispered into your ear, small tears dripping down your face. You missed him too. He would never admit it out loud but he thought about you. He thought about you every second until he walked in that door. And he would never admit out loud that he wanted nothing more than to hold you closer than anything else. "Are you tired?" He knew the answer to that question, but you nodded anyway.
"Come on I'm pretty dirty, why don't we shower and head to bed. And tomorrow we can have a cozy day in." Nothing, absolutely nothing, sounded better to either of you. You both showered, basking in the comfort of warm water and cleansing soap. The only thing that provided you more comfort than the fluffy towels and clean sheets was the comfort of your lover's soft embrace. You didn't know how but no matter how rough Bakugou may be on the outside, his arms and hold were always soft and comforting. You swore it was magic.
"Goodnight love, I love you" You didn't know it, but Katsuki Bakugou felt his heart leap out of his chest, and he knew for a fact that getting that ring, currently hiding in his sock drawer was the right choice.
"I love you too"
He couldn't wait to marry you.
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
Denki Headcanons
Just tooth rotting fluff
He loves to wear eyeliner and will flaunt it in public as much as possible.
He even asked the grocery story cashier if they like his eyeliner because he was so proud of how sharp the wing was
He's not as much of a passionate kisser as he is more of a fun kisser.
He loves to leave quick pecks on your cheeks and lips
The ones that leave you both giggling over nothing
He secretly has a tik tok account that the rest of class 1A has yet to find but Todoroki has been searching endlessly for it.
He would be the type of guy to win you stuffed animals and prizes at a carnival
But he would only do it because he "wants to be cliche like the movies"
Deep down he just wants to get you a big teddy bear that reminds you of him
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
Asks are open! If you have any requests send them in!
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sapphiresurprise65 · 3 years
♥︎- fluff ♣︎-mild spice ♠︎- angst
Rest is not east - ♥︎
Always and Forever - ♠︎
Headcanons and Drabbles
1 - ♥︎
1- ♥︎
1 - ♥︎♣︎, 2-♥︎♣︎, 3-♥︎ 4-♥︎
1-♥︎, 2-♥︎
1- ♥︎
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