#destinee goth
jazmatazzzzzz · 1 year
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Two pretty girls getting ready in Rubys room <3
Her room is so magical and goth. I love spending time w these ladies 🪦
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merrilygreen · 10 months
I already made a post about the plothole in episode 3 of Crazy Fun Park (where Violetta’s corkboard has post-it notes that mention Remus before she knows he exists) but here are some other fun things I discovered from screenshotting every single shot of Violetta’s corkboard
The park closed in 2001 after Tigger died
Tigger was the youngest of anyone to die at Crazy Fun Park
Of Siobhan and Kevin, one was impaled and one had a heart attack (possibly from looking in the mirrors?)
One of the headlines on Gonzo’s death reads “EXPLOSIVE TEEN EXPLODES”. The headline about the Makrides brothers reads “Three brothers die in COMPLETELY UNBELIEVABLE park mishap”.
This was in the other post but one of Violetta’s post-it notes reads “What’s the connection between Nimrod and Remus?”
Willo died in 1994 of a skull injury
Violetta must have known Zed’s real identity before he even remembered it because there is an entire section on Zed (using his deadname) on her corkboard
The Wave Pool was painted white to honour Destinee. Her mother approved of this because it represented the woman “she hoped she’d grow up to be after she stopped wearing so much black” (I can’t find the actual quote but it was along those lines)
Also in this article: "Police are investigating as to why a goth girl was in the pool" (again, not exact phrasing)
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anarchosimdicalist · 2 years
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birthday party at the pool for some shitty twins
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kimmy-sim · 5 years
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Baby Number Nine: Morgan Epstein-Goth.
Welcome to the family! Morgan got the Fussy Trait. I swear this game is evil...
*Update* Morgan got level three in all his Toddler skills and he aged up just as Destinee went into labour. Morgan is an Art Lover.
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nisiverum · 3 years
Undead Redemption || A Goth Cowgirl in Joshua Tree || Destinee
Soooo! A couple of my friends, Max and Sam Baker, set up a dope concept shoot based off of the Red Dead Redemption game they were hooked on last summer (otherwise, it would have been my Animal Crossing obsession themed, and that wouldn’t have been nearly as cool LOL!!!). We teamed up with Destinee to model and rock her hair and makeup skills, and Soundsnap Boudoir came through with the super radical location over at the Thunderbird Lodge in Joshua Tree!!!
Destinee is never one to disappoint at sessions—she’s an amazingly hard worker, is so so sweet, and is hella talented. As of copywriting time, I get to see her again in just a few days.Yay! Check her outtttt!
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undead-park · 5 years
Application - Lizzy Breen
About The Mun!
Name/Nickname: Destinee. / Dez. 
Age: Twenty-Three. 
Discord: {Removed for privacy reasons}
Pronouns: She/Her. 
Extra: Yesterday I saw a chicken egg hatch in a game and I almost cried tears of joy. Also maybe like, a vastly updated Unnamed Goth GIrl, or Patty Nelson, or Ferrari. All solid options. 
About The Muse! 
Name: Elizabeth Devon Breen - Aka Lizzy. 
Gender: Female. 
Age: Twenty-Two. 
Sexuality: Pansexual. 
Faction: Newhopeton. 
Five Or More Headcanons:  -Lizzy’s step-father used to scold her often for her foul mouth and her short temper. He used to say that her fondness for violence was inappropriate, and her insistence on attending boxing classes was unladylike. He said that nothing good would ever come of her hyper-competitiveness or her endless stubbornness. Well, the jokes on him now, isn’t it? Because he’s zombie chow, and she’s a survivor. -Lizzy is an all out brawler. She’s on the short side, but she’s fit and she’s fast and she knows what she’s doing. Her weapon of choice is a crowbar, but she also has a pair of nightsticks she snatched from some dead cops, and always has brass knuckles on her. She does have a pistol that once belonged to her step-father, but she only uses it when absolutely necessary - she’s not the best with ranged weapons. -Lizzy likes to feel useful and keep on the move, and jumps at each and every opportunity to go scouting or raiding or anything of the sort. She’s made herself a sort of self appointed bodyguard, acting as the muscle or the distraction whenever necessary. She’s particularly protective over the young or the weaker survivors. She’s not the sort to fall into any of that “survival of the fittest” stuff, despite being amongst the fittest herself. She thinks if humanity is gonna stand a snowball’s chance in hell of surviving, they need to look after each other. -Lizzy’s arguably bigger contribution to the faction’s survival, other than being the local tank, is her surprising knowledge of gardening and her insistence on taking the time to plant and nurture some hardy fruits and vegetables. Gardening was one of her great loves before the apocalypse, and she finds a bit of peace in tending to the garden now. -Lizzy survived a bear attack when she was nine. She has some heavy scarring on her torso. She’s honestly still genuinely terrified of bears, they scare her more than any of the other horrifying things that they deal with on a more regular basis. 
Roleplay Example  Lizzy spent more than her fair share of days elbow deep in gore. It was an unfortunate side effect of her rather brutal fighting style, but brutal had always been what she was best at. Still, she truly enjoyed the moments like these - when it was dirt smeared across her skin instead of blood, and her hands nurtured life instead of bringing death. It sounded all poetic and stupid when she thought about it, but that didn’t make it any less true. She had just finished planting potatoes that, come fall, would help to keep the people in her faction fed and healthy and alive. There was an indescribable sense of pride that came with knowing she’d contributed to something like that. It was kind of funny, she didn’t think she’d ever been so sentimental or caring before the apocalypse. Leave it to her backwards ass to be softened by tragedy rather than hardened by it. She chuckles quietly, earning a confused look from her companion. He’s almost a complete stranger to her. She can’t remember his name, but to be fair to her, he’d only joined the faction a little over two weeks ago. She thought maybe it started with a J. Or maybe it was a G? Fuck, maybe it was a K. She’d ask him if he was still around in another two weeks. “Gardening makes me happy. It’s my thing.” Lizzy runs her hands up and down her arms, brushing some of the cold dirt off her skin, “You know. The thing that lets you forget, for a few seconds, how fucked up the world is. What’s your thing, kid?" The boy stares hard at her, and Lizzy isn’t quite sure if he’s trying to decide what his thing is, or whether or not to complain about being called a kid. As far as she’s concerned, though, he is a kid - no older than fifteen or sixteen. He’s far too young to be clutching a machete and struggling to remember what makes him happy, but then again, aren’t they all? "I guess I really -” He was cut off by a loud scream, causing both survivors to jump and turn towards the noise. It was quickly followed by two gunshots, which made the boy jump again and lift his machete up as though he could somehow stop a bullet by swinging aimlessly at the air. Lizzy let out a string of curses. “Christ, watch where you’re swinging that damn thing, you idiot.” She shouldered past him, suddenly all business now that her peaceful moment had abruptly ended. “Just stay close to me and try not to fucking stab me, we need to go, now." 
Accepted! I’ll send you a link to the server through a Tumblr PM.
Welcome to the apocalypse
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underlanders · 8 years
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Karli and Destinee Goth as teens :)
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anarchosimdicalist · 2 years
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christine's officially left the nest and her new place has room for everyone!
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oh. hm. maybe a little too much room.
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everyone say hello to onion and garlic
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anarchosimdicalist · 2 years
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now that she's aged up past her copperdale friends, chris has been meeting up with some of her old childhood friends closer to her age and-
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c'mon man
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