#ajay stone
whoopsyeahokay · 4 months
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October Sun
summary: Wally hadn't been able to make sense of what you'd said. How had it been possible that he and the others had been trapped for so long without knowing it? With that truth out for him to examine, Wally hadn't been sure he'd wanted to look any closer. He'd felt violated. Betrayed. Lost. What other lies had he been unwittingly a part of?
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence. very involved, very dense plot.
bon reading
The world fell away as your words penetrated. Wally stilled, didn't breathe, didn't blink, didn't make a sound. As if he could delay the impact of that truth if he shut down critical functions.
Weakly, "What do you...mean?" Wally croaked, but something deep within himself had always known.
Known it like common sense; the feeling like looking at a green sky and knowing it was supposed to be blue. Like being sick since birth yet knowing that that wasn't what healthy felt like. He'd known and yet never questioned it because he and the others had had no way to be sure their situation was terribly, tragically wrong.
In the earliest days succeeding his untimely demise, Wally had tried to leave the school.
Not to follow his mother home after she'd donated his trophies, helmet, and jacket to display in the stadium entrance. Not to join his friends in Rodney's basement to get stoned after his memorial service. Not to break his own heart by stalking Jenny to the motel where she and her second choice prom date, Gary fucking Reid, lost their virginities together.
Rather, to go for a walk for the sake of getting some air. Despite having been flung back to the field multiple times by then—a lesson that had drilled into him the habit of remaining perpetually vigilant of his surroundings—Wally had had this intrinsic understanding that he could roam beyond what the barrier permitted.
So much so that, one evening, he hadn't kept track of where he'd been going (partly because he'd trusted himself to veer away from the perimeter, but mostly because he'd been relaxed. Not actively chasing down a loved one). It'd been an unconscious series of actions; one foot in front of the other, listening to Eddie Money's Can't Hold Back on a Lost & Found walkman, strolling into the thin smattering of trees on the edge of the grounds, and then wham—
Back to Start.
It had happened a few times after that, too. Rhonda would cackle around her lollipop du jour, roll her eyes, and tell him to, "Get smart, Jockstrap."
When Charley had come along, he'd experienced the same thing. And then Ajay and Katelynn. Learning the lesson after the lesson had been learned. Mr. Martin had calmly and wisely informed them that it was merely the result of not having internalized being dead yet.
But that hadn't sat right with Wally, similar to having been given the excuse of roughhousing when he'd caught his parents in a compromising position one innocuous summer-break afternoon before he'd aged into double digits.
"Babe..." Wally croaked, just above a whisper, the weight of what you'd unveiled slamming into his chest and leaving him winded, "What are you saying?"
Your eyes, marbled and bright—though not outright glowing like they had in the theater—stared right into him for a moment. You were obviously calculating what it meant that Wally couldn't leave the high school, all the hows and whys flittering like dust motes between you and him.
"Unless you're a residual haunter, like Mina or Yuri, you should be able to go wherever you want. How long have you been stuck?"
Wally's throat clicked when he swallowed, "Since I died."
You pressed your forehead to his, hands slotting under his jaw, and, voice laced with grief, said, "That's not possible."
"I mean, maybe it is?" Wally tried to reason, slumping back in his seat and staring at the 5-yard line as he stitched together his own theories based on what he'd learned as an actual dead person. "It's not like ghosts wrote those books you read. Maybe whoever wrote them got it wrong."
Shaking your head, "Actually, they did. Not the physical copies, obviously, but those authors collaborated with ghosts to write those books."
Wally didn't know what to say to that. Didn't know if he could answer a lot of things anymore. Did he even know what it meant to be dead?
You seemed willing wait him out as he turned everything over in his head, one hand on his shoulder, the other lifting the one he'd had on your calf so you could string his arm through your legs and cradle his hand on your belly, your thumb rubbing soothing patterns between the bones.
"What does it mean?" He asked, distant.
Wally could feel himself slipping away, the revelation frosting him from the inside and making him numb. He'd had a similar experience when he'd been fourteen and had broken his collarbone. The pain so intense that his brain had immediately severed its connection to the feeling.
"It means that something doesn't want you to leave." You answered once he'd returned his eyes to yours. Your features creased, "Or someone."
Wally felt that statement like a nail through the chest. "How?"
You stared at him helplessly, caressing his cheek and then tilting forward to press your foreheads together again. The action worked to ground Wally, reeled him back from the edge of an existential crisis he wasn't ready to have.
Regretfully, "I don't know, Wally. But we'll figure it out, okay?"
He nodded against you. Closed his eyes and absorbed the warmth of your nearness, the solidity of your touch. Allowed those things to calm him.
"At least we can rule out Mr. A having anything to do with that, right?" Wally snorted in an attempt to lighten the mood.
You pulled back, smiled gently, and nodded, "Right. But he could've used it to his advantage. With her soul stuck here, Maddie wouldn't be able to get back into her body and then go to the police. It also means that he could've safely stashed her body anywhere, so long as he has access to life support."
"You think he dropped her at the hospital?"
"Not here." You said, "Split River isn't big enough to pull that off. He could've driven her to another state? Dropped her off at a big city hospital as a Jane Doe?"
Wally grimaced, shaking his head at the depravity, "That's messed up."
"God, her body could be in Detroit for all we know and it wouldn't get back here until someone in the hospital there made the connection. Unless Sheriff Baxter decides to widen the search."
"Couldn't you ask him? It's like you said, Xavier's your brother from another mother. Wouldn't the sheriff listen to you?"
You didn't seem convinced, reciting in a satire of an upbeat tone, "Hey Sheriff, I think my teacher knocked Maddie out of her body and took it to another state all so she wouldn't tell you about the money he's hiding in his classroom. We should totally look into that."
Wally responded in a responsible manner, "That sounds like an awful idea, let's not do that."
Curling against the back of your seat, voice slightly strangled, you uttered, "So, Maddie's stuck in an In Between 'til I can find her body and bring it back to her."
Wally sensed the granite mass of the pressure you were already putting on yourself. Choosing to steer you out from under it, he diverted the conversation, "Still haven't told me what an In Between is, by the way."
It did the trick, at least for the time being. Your lips quirked up at the corners and the wrinkle between your brows vanished as you informed him, "It's exactly what it sounds like. A plain between plains."
"Yeah, pretty thing, you're going to have to dumb it down more." Wally said, willing to sacrifice his dignity for the sake of making you smile.
Grinning, you set the stage, "Think of plains like different worlds. I'm in the living world, you're in the dead world, right?"
"Got it."
"Now, pretend there are doorways into those worlds. In Betweens are the spaces between the doors." You nibbled your bottom lip and Wally's attention immediately slipped, the urge to lick into your mouth making him twitch. Sweetly unaware, you back-tracked and tried a different avenue, "Not doors...maybe glass walls?"
"The door thing made sense. I mean, I think I get it. In Betweens are those places that anyone can access, whereas the living world is just for the living and the dead world is just for the dead. Am I close?"
"Yeah, you got it." You praised and Wally had to stifle the desire to puff out his chest and preen. "Well, not anyone can access In Betweens, but if your soul can Travel, that's where you go."
"So, when you project, you're in an In Between." Wally stated, though he was hedging for clarification.
"And you said Maddie's stuck in an In Between, too, right?"
Wally saw the moment you clocked where he was going with that train of thought.
With a lamenting sigh, you said, "Unfortunately, In Betweens are complex. They're unique to all kinds of things like bloodlines and soul-ties—" Wally opened his mouth to ask, but you got there first, "—incredibly deep bonds you make in life with another person." He closed his mouth and listened as you elaborated. "So, me and my great-aunt enter the same In Between and can see each other. But Maddie..."
"Isn't blood?"
"And she and I weren't close enough to form the type of bond you'd need to Travel the same In Between. Either she'd have had to invite me into hers or I'd have had to invite her into mine. It's extremely intimate. Not something you do with someone you only hang out with in a group." You perked up and finally gave Wally a full, supernova smile. "I actually wrote you some notes."
The implication conjured an image of you scribbling notes for him under light cast from a laptop screen, kicking your feet as you lay on your bed like a schoolgirl. All so that he could understand the twisty, twiddly secrets of the universe...
He swooned, barely holding back a wistful exhale.
And then his brain ticked back a few frames to you on an unmade bed. The collar of the oversized t-shirt Wally hoped you owned bearing one shoulder, and the smooth skin of your legs on display.
He couldn't care less about the state of his deadness now, and what it meant that he couldn't leave the school grounds. Instead, he let a slow, devilish smirk slant across his mouth, emboldened by hormones and how receptive you were as he leaned into your space.
He slid his hand from yours and placed it on your thigh, "Gonna let me copy your homework, baby?"
"Gotta get those grades up before the big game." You played along, "Don't want you kicked off the team."
Without hesitation, Wally struck, halfway out of his seat, hand gripping the armrest behind you to hold himself up. He loomed over you, little thing that you were, squished into your seat and completely caged in by him. He hovered, heard your breath hitch, and watched your gaze go hazy.
"Lucky to have a girl like you on my side, then, huh?" Wally said, voice rough, tightly controlled, closing the distance between your lips in increments.
You reached up, wrapped your arms around his neck, "Damn right, big shot," and dipped in.
A throat cleared somewhere over Wally's shoulder, from behind and moderately above, and drove him back into his seat at Mach speed, his hold on you resituating to a socially acceptable place on your ankle. The interruption was accompanied by that arcing of gravity that emitted from a living body which meant Wally was once more on the outside looking in.
"Okay there, hot shot, time to get moving. Students aren't s'posed to be up here outside'a game time." The maintenance worker said, illicit cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth.
Wally noticed the man wasn't quite looking at you, and, for the first time, he had to wonder what the hell people saw when you and he were together while you were still in your body.
You pulled yourself up as fast as the angle allowed you to without injury, foot still tucked in Wally's lap. As soon as your head peeked above the back of your seat, the maintenance worker clutched a hand to his heart and plucked the cigarette from his lips.
"Jesus, girl, you can't do that to folks." He scolded you, southern accent thickening, "Lookin' like a zombie comin' out the grave or what."
"Sorry," You said and sounded as puzzled as Wally was by the man's overreaction.
"Just hurry up and get goin'." His eyes swept in a strange pattern, away from you then back then away, fixing on a point that would have been Wally's nose if he weren't invisible. "You kids these days thinking you can be wherever you wanna be, huh? Ignoring the rules, like they don't apply to you..."
God, this guy. "Can it, asshole. Give her a minute to get up." Wally snapped, bolstered by the fact that the man couldn't hear him. "Bet you're bent outta shape because all that nicotine makes your dick about as useful as a wet napkin."
He heard you choke on a laugh that you quickly masked under a cough.
The man squinted, lips pursed in aggravation. Surprisingly, he departed with no more than a gruff, "Get gone!" and stuck his half-burned cigarette back into his mouth.
Wally glared after him as the man marched up the stairs toward a ladder open beneath a curtain of cables and metal that spilled from the ceiling. Clearly, the man had been in the middle of fixing something when he'd seen you.
"Fucker." Wally grumbled. He patted your leg, pressed a kiss to your knee before he released you.
"I appreciated the support," You giggled, "Even if it doesn't do much on my side of things, it's nice to know you have my back."
"I've always got you, baby." Wally vowed as he unfolded himself and rose to his feet. He couldn't help tacking on, "Every bit of you," with a wink that made you pink up so prettily.
You wetted your lips, ducked your face into your shoulder; shy after you'd been caught in what might’ve been a very awkward position. "I'm starting to get that."
Wally let you take the lead, enjoyed how you brushed up against him as you shuffled out of the row and onto the stairs. He shot the man one last angry look as he grabbed his jacket and then turned to trail you across the field and out of the stadium.
At the top of the grandstand, feet from the ladder, the man examined his cigarette through a profoundly glum expression.
With a grunt, he dropped it to the ground and crushed it under the thick sole of his work boot, simultaneously pulling the crumpled, two-from-empty pack out of his breast pocket and whipping it into a nearby trashcan.
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mechaknight-98 · 8 months
Gathering act III: Titans’ nest
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I stood before a stone-faced Yujin.
"Tj. I uh" she stammered."
"Can I ask one question... make it 2?" I ask
"Yeah?" Yujin says
"Does he treat you right, and does he treat the other girls right?" I ask
"Yes. He is an absolute gentleman." Yujin answers
I smile at Yujin before responding, "Well, then I have no other questions."
Yujin smiles then asks, "Well I have some questions. Why have you been avoiding me?" she says as she gets closer to me
I squint and reply, "The only day I avoided you was yesterday."
"So you admit it?" Yujin corners me and raises her question
"To yesterday no...wait that was three weeks ago now, and yes 100%! I admit to it, but I didn't know how to talk about this ( I gesture to the space around us), but that was the only day I was actively avoiding you. the rest has been weird happenstance." I say as I pace the office. escaping the corner she had put me in.
Yujin pouts and challenges, "Why we are adults we should be able to talk to each other maturely?"
"Yes, but I don't respond like an adult when I am feeling intense emotions. If I am being honest I don't think many people can, so I waited until I was in a "better place"" I explained
"So you're in a better spot now?" Yujin asked
"No but given the circumstances. I could be better but I will take what I can get, and right now I'm feeling good." I replied
Yujin began to laugh and said, "You know you think yourself Sultai but the more I see of your heart the more I see Abzan."
"Is that meant as an insult," I asked confused.
"No that's meant as a compliment, and I hope you keep that, and your blue flexibility," Yujin said before leaving. when the door closed Astrid breathed relieved
"I thought you were going to throw yourself out of the window," Astrid said.
"LOL," I responded.
Several days later Connor, Sakura, Dexter, Eunbi, Dami, Chaewon, Yujin, and her boyfriend (named AJay) were about to start a new commander game. They decided to do a two-headed dragon to stop the game from dragging.
Eunbi and Dexter were in the play. Dexter was doing a challenge with Connor and me where we chose a color combination we liked but were too scared to venture into. I was doing Abzan, Hence the Frodo, and Sam deck. Connor was trying Grixis, and Dex was doing Naya. Their commanders today are "Zevlor, Elturel Exile" (Connor), and "Pantlaza, Sun-Favored" (Dexter) Dexter starts with a Temple garden followed by a Kinjalli's Caller while Eunbi plays Command tower and an ornithopter. They pass to Yujin and Ajay. Yujin plays a Blood crypt untapped and loses two life, while Ajay plays a Savai Triome, and passes to Chaewon and Dami. Chaewon is excited to play the revamped Tuvasa deck I helped her with and plays Forest Sol ring and sol talisman. while Dami is more measured in playing Plains and an Esper Sentinel. this leaves Connor and Sakura. Sakura plays a Breeding Pool and Birds of Paradise, while Connor plays Swamp's dark ritual into a necropotence. he exiles three to get back to hand size and loses three lives.
"We have a threat now," Chaewon says excitedly.
"What, no this is just a value necropotence and not meant to get me ahead... Oh my god, I sound like Theo." Connor says which causes everyone present to laugh except Yujin who teased Connor, as she was usually paired with me.
"See it's not so fun is it when the shoe is on the other foot right." Yujin exclaimed
"Oh please it's completely TJ's fault he plays a high density of good cards," Dexter says.
"Yeah but how often did he win?" Yujin asked
"Well, when he was partnered with you he never lost, actually when he has played with anyone they don't lose. Huh weird."
"Well yeah, he is an excellent support player in that everything he does draws hate while his partner secures value off of it." Chaewon explained "Or he just overpowers everyone super fast." She added.
"Yeah." Yujin said confused, "Wait Unnie how did you know that?"
"Oh, the first game we all played together before he met you I was his partner. He also helped me with this deck as well."
"Really?" Yujin asked
"Yeah," Chaewon said. Sensing Ajay's discomfort Yujin changed the subject to the Mega Mixer.
"Oh that's going to be fun we are going to San Diego for it," Eunbi said excitedly.
“Wait isn’t that where Civy lives?” Chaewon asked
“Yeah we should totally call him up” Sakura says jovially
“Yeah since Astrid took him off of security.” Chaewon affirms.
“Wait who is Civy?” Yujin asks
“Oh he’s a psionic like dex and Connor and friend of ours we met a while ago.” Yunjin explained
“Why have we never heard or seen him?” Yujin asks
“He kinda keeps to himself and tries to fly under the radar.” Yunjin explained, “but don’t worry he’s cool. He plays mtg too. Although he plays a lot of different colors. He’s kinda our flex player wedge wise.” Yunjin adds
Dami nodded and said, "he’s also exceptionally helpful at deck building when he’s not teasing you, but yeah, I looked up the hotel we are staying in and it looks nice."
"I know right?" Sakura said, "Yeah Aren't you going Ajay?" she added
Ajay nodded. "Yeah, our Companies think it would be good to show us together."
the room went silent as that was mentioned. the game proceeded in a much less enthused manner after. The game ended with Eunbi and Dexter winning because of a lucky Maskwood nexus off a chaos warp by Connor that Dexter played an Apex devastator off of. which you could imagine what he got when he in response to the 5 cascade triggers cascade triggers cast Congregation at dawn. After the game Dami, Ajay, and Eunbi all had to leave. So that left the two LE Serrafim members Dexter, Connor, and Yujin. They all sat around discussing deck builds moving forward.
"All I know is I am never running Chaos Warp ever again," Connor said.
"Yeah that was bad for you, but you couldn't have known I had Apex devastator in hand." Dexter Consoled
"I should have figured when you tutored for it though and cast it. I should have countered the congregation at dawn though for sure." Connor lamented
"Yeah that was the more problematic card and what allowed me to win," Dexter affirmed
"Yeah," Yujin agreed.
"Hey, why couldn't you get a hold of TJ for our game?" Chaewon asked
"He was busy with Mixer stuff and had a date as well," Dexter answered
"Oh right. do we know the girl or guy?" Sakura asked
"No, he's been quite tight-lipped about the whole thing," Chaewon said
"Wait Why? TJ is usually super open about this kind of stuff?" Yujin asked
"I think it has something to do with seeing how the last one went and the hate it brought Yujin and him. Did you know he's still getting death threats from that?" Dexter said
"Wait he got Death threats?" Yujin and Chaewon asked worriedly.
"Yeah he didn't want either of you to worry though but he got a lot of them most of them stating something along the lines of "How dare you defile my goddess with your impurities" or just the classic I'll kill you" Connor explained.
"Wow. How Noble." Sakura said.
"So is his new main squeeze an idol?" Dexter asked
"Not a clue" Connor responds.
I sat next to Mina at the beach back in Cali. She looked gorgeous as always. She leaned in closer and grabbed my hand. she was always so touchy-feely, but I loved it. Honest. Today I just had a lot on my mind, Something about the Mixer seemed off. I mean we hadn't even met the sponsor yet, but honestly and I guess sadly that wasn't what was bothering me.
"Hey, you've been quiet. What's up?" Mina asked
"uh, it's nothing," I replied
"Jio we have been together for a month now. I know you clench your jaw and bite the side of your cheek when you're stressed about something. So please just tell. me." Mina questioned
"I played a couple of games before our date today at my LGS and I keep getting these weird vibes," I answer.
"How so?" Mina asks
I shrug and say "Well you know Galadriel light of Valinor. She does a lot and so I play her higher power, and I keep getting into these situations where I am winning with her consistently but people keep saying it's a fluke. So I am weird with the deck."
"Well, why don't you revamp your sultai deck?" Mina asks
"Honestly I probably should. that would probably have fewer problems but also playing at Higher Power has been super discouraging. it's like I feel like I am making all these strides but Everyone looks at me like I am garbage and I just don't know what to do. I love the game but the community makes me feel super wonky about it half the time." I respond
"Well, Why do you care about what other people say so much?" Mina asks
"I guess it's the social aspect, both ends of the spectrum believe in shaming to ensure their "rules are met." I just like playing weird and powerful cards, but others I guess do not like seeing them." I figured
"You certainly do like playing weird cards but that has been helpful for me to tune my decks because I definitely wouldn't have found Savage ventmaw and its combo without you," Mina affirmed. "I mean bootlegger's stash in a Frodo and Sam deck wild, but it works for you. So I think you should carve out your space, and not be "shamed" into playing like everyone else. you have a voice." Mina added
"Yeah, you're right. Mina." I affirm
Mina smiles and beams, "Yes I am. Now kiss me." I do as she asks, and after a few more hours of sunbathing Mina gets a call for her schedule. so I space-sift her back to her apartment. I accidentally scare Dahyun.
"I'll never get used to that," she says still startled.
"Sorry, Dahyun just didn't want your Unnie to be late."
"Thank you," Dahyun said sarcastically. I shrugged as I left. I didn't use the front door I just space sifted to the next thing I had to do. which was to meet up with Connor and Dexter and then pick up Mina again. Surprisingly Ajay and Emma were with them in the apartment.
"Hey Theo," they all said
"Wait so this is Theo?" Ajay said
"Yep, who's asking?" I replied
"I am Ajay Yujin's boyfriend." He said he was tall a couple of inches/ centimeters shorter than I but negligibly so.
"Okay cool," I responded
"That's it?" Ajay asked with slight disappointment
"Do you want a medal?" I ask
"I'd thought you'd be more reactive." He responded
"I am sorry but I have way too much on my plate to care," I responded
"Oh someone is snippy." Emma teased
"Yeah well the date I was on is paused until she is done with her schedule that she wasn't supposed to have, and as a result, I am here," I answered slightly annoyed
"Well sorry we interrupted you and..." Emma started the trailed off hoping I'd finish the statement for her
"Oh nice try but I am not revealing that," I say
"Why?" Ajay asks worried
"Scared she'll get stolen?" Erin teases
"Yes, but also no because I love her so much. Also, Also...she likes her privacy so I will not be putting her in a bad spot just to brag." I reply
"That's more maturity than I thought you were capable of." Erin said, then she looked at me, "Oh my god she doesn't exist." Erin added
I groan before looking at my phone to see a text from my lovely "non-existent girlfriend" She was at a photo shoot and the text said, "I will be ready in 45 minutes." I sent a thumbs up back and a "I'll be there in 50 minutes."
"So what was it you all needed help with you only really call me when ya'll need my help."
"Well we have this friend who we've been playing against she is a bant player she has a Shanna Purifying blade deck, that she keeps beating us with. You play Bant so we wanted your help." Connor asked.
I shrugged. "Sorry, I have no experience with Shanna." I knew who they were talking about but again because I knew who they were talking about I wasn't going to help them trample her fun. So I decided to tell the truth that "I" had no experience with the deck.
"Who did we know that plays a Shanna deck?" I ask feigning ignorance
"Oh, she is someone out here we play with when we aren't playing with you," Connor says
"Oh, you're having games without me. how scandalous." I tease
"You're enjoying this?" Erin asks
"Yeah, a little bit. I am glad I am not the only one giving y'all trouble." I got up and began pacing the apartment.
"Wait why aren't you asking who it is? You're a Bant Player." Connor noticed.
"No, I am and always will be a Sultai player first and foremost. Mostly with a Green lean." I correct. "Regardless I hope you figure out whatever you need to beat her," I say casually. after that, I got up and was about to say something when the wind held a faint chill. It was familiar, and before I knew it I was back in a familiar place.
"Hello, Son," Izanami said.
I turned from the way I was facing and said, "Hey Mom. What's up?"
"I don't want you to worry but something is coming for you," Izanami said
"What is it?" I ask
"Remember when I told you that when you drink from the Yomi pool you'd always have a foot in the beyond and one in the known?"
"Yes," I groan.
"Well, your actions and pursuit of balance have garnered the attention of beings more ancient than I," Izanami said
"Like what," I ask skeptically
"I think it's better if you see for yourself," Izanami said before whisking me away to another space.
My eyes opened to be surrounded by more darkness, and from that darkness, two eyes sprang out. Followed by significantly more ( I counted 18). the eyes glowed a similar color to mine when I used my Psionic powers. the eyes flickered brighter. I took a step and felt the floor beneath me sink...no give the floor had a formlessness to it that seemed to be accommodating to the beast. or maybe this was all my mind could process at the moment.
"you are an interesting young one. Raised in the Drought of growth, trained by Wisdom's shadow, and favored by Death unending. A contradiction to most. Yet you persist. Why." The beast asked
"because I have no other choice," I responded
The eyes laugh as they eyes close I gain a peer into the rest of the beast. it is immense. it seemed to be a creature with antlers but I saw numerous figures and faces including but not limited to; an anaconda, a bison, a crocodile, an elephant, a kangaroo, a shark, a turtle, and a Brachisaurus. it was hard to tell what all the faces and body pieces were exactly as it covered itself in shadow, and the little light its eyes gave made something visible. The other notable feature was the coral that seemed to align its spine
"The fight for ultimate survival is always an interesting plight you humans cling to." The creature said "It makes your tales so much more intriguing especially those of you that rise beyond what we believe you to be capable of, but alas there is an interloper in your mist. She bares a face you may recognize. she has abandoned her post as a watcher like me, and so I must intervene, but I need an arbiter as I can not intervene directly less I abandon my role and fall to similar ranks as her. So I reach out to the one bearing my will." The creature explains
"That was cryptic and confusing," I reply
"Oh sorry, I forget humans' minds are often feeble." The beast responds
"It's not that you didn't say anything clearly. I get you want me to do something what is it?" I ask
"I am a species that exists beyond the stars, and I am in pursuit of another of my kind who has abandoned her post. She has taken up the role of instigator. She has chosen to guide humans as opposed to the rest of my species who merely watch." The creature said
"Why me though?" I asked
"Because you understand my will, and desires for the world." The beast said
"But wouldn't this be interloping?" I ask the beast.
"No, it is a restoration."
"Okay," I say The beast's tone was interesting and could be best described as one voice scattered among many mouths. so there was always this weird echo. "So what do I get out of this ?" I ask
"I should have figured your ravenous nature would take precedence." The beast laughs
"I'd like your help with that?" I ask
"Oh, really why?" the beast questions confused
"I know my hunger is self-destructive. it drives me to want it all, but never know what "it" even is. It has led me to pursue more power than I would ever need, and yet I crave more. It has alienated me from loved ones because I am in a constant of wanting something from them whether that hunger is validation from people who will never give me it, or solace that they would rather die than relent. I want this feeling of discomfort that has pushed me to consume and I want it gone. I want contentment. I want that feeling of Hunger that ravenous desire to be used for something other than wanton destruction I want it to be constructive or at least the path to it. If you can't get rid of it." I say
"But why? Your hunger is constructive. From what I have seen hunger is a tool to destroy the imperfect present by consuming it bit by bit and making tomorrow better. Look at all of those you have helped by eating away at the dead and decaying." The beast said
As the creature spoke images flashed into my mind of how my desires have helped others.
"So the way I see it, you are where you want to be, and I think you could be doing more. So my trade for you is simple. I will make you more ravenous and your strength will become equal to your rate of esurience. for each meal you complete you will grow in proportion to that meal so you may never be content nor satiated." The beast said.
"That is not helpful at all but I'll make it work I guess. So what am I up against?" I say
"You will know." the beast said cryptically. and a haze of teal surrounded me.
"One last question. What are you what is your name?" I ask
"I have had many names but the one I prefer is Wendigo." The beast says
I blink several times, then reply "Um you know what that means or is right?"
"Yes I am aware of how humans perceive me, but I would like to ask one thing. When you are chasing your appetites do you lack vision, do you lack purpose?" The beast replies
"No, I suppose not, but there is always that emptiness after I indulge," I answer blankly, as I do I sit down in the shapeless and formless void
"and so how do you remedy that?" The beast asks
"By finding a new appetite, but what good is that if I am always chasing?" I answer dejected
"it's simple. those who always chase have a goal. it's those who chase mindlessly and not out of a need that has twisted my visage and image. Consider this human if I was truly such a terrible beast why haven't I consumed you whole and made you my vessel? Why go through the process of partnering with you?" The beast asks
"It makes hunting your next target easier. " I guess
"Yes, and why make my Chase harder fighting you when I can grant you the strength to accomplish what those others could not?" The beast asks
I scratched my head taken aback by that. "Growth and Hunger are always tied and when you separate them madness ensues." I realized something about the beast and as I did the world shifted.
"Wake up TJ. Wake up." I heard voices around me say as I opened. I sat up and the first thing besides a profound desire to play some commander and kiss Mina was an intense hunger and pain. I got up and looked around for anything to eat. the pain was so intense that I actually couldn't hear anything anyone was saying to me. I took out my phone.
"Is there anything to eat near here that's like high in calories?" I ask my friends as I look on my phone for food places.
"Um yeah but we need to talk(they say more words but my brain stopped reporting them to my consciousness)..."
"Where ooh steak house that should work," I say salivating excessively like I am going to vomit. it was weirdly soothing. While I was getting a reservation I got a call from Mina
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oheck-trainwreck · 4 months
Thanks for the memories Bad
Thanks for the memories Dapper, and Pomme, and Richas
Thanks for the memories eggies and admins
Thanks for the memories CCs
Thanks for the memories update admins, and builders, and every every everybody who helped with this project so far.
Here’s to what we had, and here’s to everything that’s yet to come.
Here’s a couple songs. I can’t particularly explain why they’re here, but you can probably extrapolate. Words are hard right now.
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sada-siva-sanyaasi · 2 years
jagadeka veerudu athiloka sundari - part six
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“I don’t really fight girls, you know.” Ajay, the prince from Sundarsi’s neighbour was quite a headstrong and arrogant one, and Aarya stared at him with disdain as he smirked, eyeing her up and down. Bhalla and the other prince sat outside the arena with a clear view of what was going on, and Bhalla glowered at Ajay, his blood boiling. 
“I’m not as generous as you. I fight little boys too, it builds their character.” Aarya smiled as Ajay’s smirk dropped, watching him pick up his sword. Bhalla watched them closely as the words of the princes rang in his mind.
Bhalla stopped when he heard hushed voices, turning to see the only two princes left talking to each other in a room. He looked around the empty halls and walked towards the room to hear better, eyes on the princes. “... she seems to hate him anyway, so that makes it better for us.” One of them, Haridev, said as the other, Ajay, nodded. “If we both win, it doesn’t matter if he wins or loses, she will choose one of us as her grooms. Mahishmati’s king is uselessly trying to get her.” Ajay laughed as Haridev chuckled along.
“Since I’m the host, I’ll let you make the first move,” Aarya’s voice snapped Bhalla out of his thoughts as Ajay scowled, charging at her. Aarya easily dodged his attacks, the sound of metal clashing against metal echoing in the arena. Anjasi and Sadhana watched from the other side, and Bhalla could tell for once they were cheering for Aarya’s opponent, who was not doing well at all. 
Ajay felt his anxiety spike as he saw himself lose against Aarya who wasn’t even trying that hard while cornering him, her moves precise and immaculate, and closed his eyes, his God stone around his neck activating and pushing Aarya away, making her skid back. Bhalla exhaled the moment he realised she didn’t fall down, and so didn’t lose.
Ajay smirked, his eyes glowing gold as Aarya straightened, her grip on her sword tightening. “You said you had no problem with us using our God Stones, so why not? Apologies for not warning you, our Lord Brahma blessed us with brains.” Aarya shrugged, the blade glinting in her hand and she flung it straight at Ajay, the metal piercing through the barrier he had made for himself and into his armour, hurling him across the arena.
Haridev beside Bhalla stood up, his eyes widening as he pointed at the throw, turning to Bhalla and then back towards the arena. “She- she pierced through Brahma’s magic? Without using any magic herself! She defeated him without using her God stone!” Bhalla smirked, leaning back as he glanced at him. “You realise you’re next, don’t you?”
“Lord Brahma blessed you with intelligence, but not the sense to know where and how to use it.” Aarya said as walked over Ajay while he struggled to pull the sword out of his armour. She smiled, leaning down to tug it out and pointed it at his throat, her smirk widening at the way he flinched, trying to hide his face.
“I believe your kingdom belongs to me now, doesn't it?”
Ajay gulped, staring at the sword as he scrambled onto his knees, nodding. “Y-Yes, yes Your Majesty!” He turned to his advisor and screamed, “Get the message sent across! We submit to Sundarsi!” At his statement, the God stone around his neck dulled and Aarya’s stone glowed brighter. Haridev’s breath hitched as he ran down the arena, stumbling and kneeling down beside Ajay in front of Aarya.
“I forfeit! We will submit to Sundarsi as well!” Aarya’s stone glowed so much brighter as Haridev’s stone dimmed, and she glanced at Anjasi and Sadhana with a smirk. “Well, this was supposed to be for my wedding and instead I got us two kingdoms. Isn’t that nice, Mantriji?” Anjasi just stared at Aarya while Sadhana bit her lip to contain her smile.
Bhalla walked down to the arena, his claps echoing as they all turned to him. He smirked down at the kneeling princes, raising an eyebrow. “For how much you both plotted to defeat and wed her, you look very comfortable on the floor. Also thank you, your incompetence means I win without having to fight my queen.”
The princes paled as they stood up slowly, backing away. Aarya spared them a final glance and sighed, waving them away. She turned back to Bhalla and tilted her head, frowning. “Who said you’re not fighting me?” Bhalla and everyone paused as she stared at him. “I’m not accepting you as my husband, Bhallaladeva. Not until you defeat me.” Her voice lowered as she stepped closer to him, her eyes twinkling. “And I really like the thought of having you under me. Mahishmati under Sundarsi sounds wonderful, you know.”
Bhalla stared at her, his gaze dropping to her lips as he lowered his head, getting closer to her. “Is this just a way for you to have me close to you? Because I promise, you don’t have to fight me to have my hands on you, I'll do it in a heartbeat.” She stepped away, not glancing at him as she walked back. “Pick up your sword, we should start.” 
Bhalla sighed and turned to Kattappa, taking his sword from him. “I fought many wars and conquered many kingdoms, Aarya. I’m so much stronger than the fool you just fought, you don’t have to lose to me like this.” He twirled his sword in the air as she just raised an eyebrow, motioning for him to start. Bhalla shook his head, relaxing his hand. 
“I won’t charge at you, Aarya. You go first.” Aarya nodded, raising her sword when one of her soldiers came running, bowing to her. “Your Majesty, they’ve returned!” Sadhana frowned, stepping forward. “Who has returned?” 
“Rudra’s troops, Senadhipati! After three years, they’ve returned!”
— — — 
Aarya raced through the halls, her heart beating out of her chest and tears bubbling in her eyes. She had left the fight with Bhallaladeva without a glance and could hear everyone running behind her but didn’t care. She wiped her face as she reached her courtroom, setting her hair and turning back to see Anjasi and Sadhana right there. “Do I look good?” She asked breathlessly, her voice shaky. Bhalla and Kattappa reached them then, watching as Aarya struggled to compose herself.
Anjasi nodded with a small smile and Aarya smiled back at her, relieved. She opened the doors and they walked through, looking around. Bhalla noticed a troop of men on their knees, tired and worn out as they waited for their queen’s orders. 
“You can stand up, it’s alright.” She said, and they all stood up. She looked through them all, her smile vanishing as she searched them over and over. Aarya stepped back, tears filling her eyes as she looked at the oldest of the troops, biting her lip. “Where… where is Rudra? I was told his troops were here, where is he?”
He sighed, looking down. “We lost him a year ago, Your Majesty. He died a warrior’s death.” Aarya closed her eyes, tears spilling freely as she crumpled to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. Bhalla stared at her, feeling his chest tighten and the sir leave his lungs as she continued to cry, everyone else staring at her sadly.
He stepped forward, kneeling down beside her and taking her into his arms, shushing her gently. He didn’t know who Rudra was, but he understood enough to know that he was the man Devasena talked about, the one who held Aarya’s life and heart in his hands. Aarya refused to wed anyone for this man, and just as she did it, she found out he was gone.
Kattappa stared at his king with wide eyes, realising that the cruel ruthless man he had seen in front of him all these years was softening for this queen. The same man who got his brother and nephew killed, his sister-in-law imprisoned and countless kingdoms enslaved was weak for a woman who didn’t reciprocate. Somehow that made Kattappa pity him all the more, the king who supposedly had everything he could ask for but not what he craves.
Aarya’s cries stopped suddenly and she pushed Bhalla away, her eyes dark with rage. “Don’t you ever touch me unless you want to be killed. Return to Mahishmati and forget everything you know about Sundarsi, Bhallaladeva. You have a day.” She stood up and wiped her tears, storming out of the courtroom. Anjasi followed her and Sadhana dispersed the troops, turning to Kattappa. “I apologise for our queen’s behaviour, Kattappa. Please don’t think too much of it. I suggest your king gets ready to depart soon. I’ll be going now.”
Bhalla stood up, the tear stains still on his armour as he looked in the direction Aarya left. He turned and walked off to his room, Kattappa following him. “Your Majesty, we have to-” “We’re not going anywhere, Kattappa,” Bhalla cut him off, his gaze hard. “We’re not leaving until she agrees to become my queen. And I’ll do whatever it takes.”
— — — 
Aarya stared at the moon from her temple, eyes dull. Three years she had waited for Rudra even though a part of her knew it was in vain, and the moment it turned out to be true, her heart just sighed. She cried for all the time lost and spent hurting and waiting for Rudra, but felt an odd sense of relief knowing it was over.
“I had spent so long waiting for him, haven’t I? At least it’s over now.” She whispered, leaning back on a pillar. The statue of Mahadev smiled kindly at her, her God stone glowly softly as she felt warmth enveloping her and lulling her to sleep.
“You look beautiful in the moonlight,” Bhalla’s voice shook her awake and she looked up at him, watching him stare down at her with an unreadable expression. “What are you doing here?” She asked, straightening as he sighed. “I am here for you, of course.” Aarya scowled, standing up. “I told you to leave.” “And I told you,” he glared at her, backing her into the pillar and placing his hand on the side of her head, trapping her. “I told you I was here to make you my queen. Just say yes, Aarya, I’ll give you the world.”
“I don’t want the world, or to be your queen. What made you ever think I’d say yes to you? Becoming your queen is effectively turning my kingdom into your slaves, and I’ll die before I let that happen.” 
“You’re so beautiful but so stubborn, aren’t you? I don’t want your Sundarsi, I never did. I just want you. Be mine, that’s all I want.”
Aarya’s breath hitched in her throat as Bhalla leaned towards her, his breath fanning on her lips. The distance between them reduced as Bhalla got closer to her, but before he could do anything he got pushed back. He looked at Aarya and saw her God stone glowing, the idol of Mahadev staring at both of them with glowing eyes.
Aarya blushed red, pushing her hair out of her face and clearing her throat awkwardly. “I’m so sorry.” She whispered, holding her ear as she looked at the idol. Bhalla laughed, the sound so carefree and relaxed it made Aarya turn to stare at him. “You apologise to the idols too?” He laughed loudly, holding his stomach as he doubled over. “Why? You know someone who does?”
Bhalla’s laugh went down as he looked away, nodding. “He did. Bahu used to do that a lot when we were young. He cried in front of Durga Maa’s statue a lot of times, and would go and talk to her a lot as he grew up.” Aarya stared at him. “He knew you hated him.”
Bhalla turned to her as she looked at the idol. “Amarendra knew you hated him, just didn’t anticipate it was enough to get him killed. We met when I went to Kuntala, and he talked to me about it as he wanted my permission to wed Devasena.” She sighed, turning back to him. “He loved you though, and felt bad that your mother spent more time with him than she did with you. He wanted to always tell you that, and told me he would once he and Devasena returned to Mahishmati.”
Bhalla stared at her, watching as she stepped closer to him. She raised her hand, resting it on his cheek and brushing her thumb softly against his cheek, wiping the tears that he didn’t know had fallen. He leaned into her touch, closing his eyes and she pulled him closer.
“I should go,” he whispered, taking her hand in his as he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. Aarya closed her eyes and Bhalla stepped away, staring at her one last time before he walked away. She turned to the moon and sighed, playing with the God stone on her hand.
“What’s happening to me?” She whispered into the night and felt her stone glow, warming her up.
— — — 
Kattappa frowned as Bhalla approached him and stood up. “Is everything okay, Your Majesty?” He just nodded, looking outside to the temple. “We’re leaving tomorrow, Kattappa. Get everything ready.” “But I-” “I’m still going to make Aarya mine, I’m not letting her go. But I have something else to do first,” He turned back to Kattappa, a lopsided smile on his face. “I need to free Devasena.”
taglist is open!
@bluecookies-and-ink @manwalaage @thewinchestergirl1208 @lil-stark @rambheem-is-real @ramcharantitties @gauri-vishalakshi @irisesforyoureyes @itsfookingloosah @seherie @yehsahihai @ronaldofandom @hxnky-pxnky @auranightangle @voidsteffy @budugu @bromance-minus-the-b @browneyesromantic @hissterical-nyaan @chaanv @othersideoftheparadise @maraudersbitchesassemble @ramayantika @how-is-it-in-london @sabi5 @kalavathiii @ma-douce-souffrance @dumdaradumdaradum @rambheemlove @rambheemisgoated @nyotamalfoy @justmeand-myinsight @flyinlove @miriseven @mayuriebubblie
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sachindc · 4 months
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[09/06, 6:55 am] +91 93226 13363: In Treta Yug, Kabir Sahib in the form of Munindra Rishi had drawn a line around a hill and made all the stones lighter. Later, by carving those stones, the Ram Setu bridge was built over the sea.
[09/06, 7:13 am] Ajay Das: #सच्चा_इतिहास_परमात्मा_का
Kabir is God
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quordleona03 · 5 months
20, 23, 31 :3
20: Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Religion. I have been a convinced atheist since I was a teenager . (Intensive reading of the Bible and other myths will do that to you.) But I am fascinated by religion - by the stories people live by and the faiths they hold to against all reason. I invented an entire Cardassian religion for the sake of having a devout Cardassian discuss her faith with Jean-Luc Picard, who was (at least in my headcanon) brought up Catholic.
For quite a while I was also consistently interested in slavery - find me a universe, I'd write a slave-story fic in it. Sometimes I combined this with writing about religion. (MirrorMASH - especially A Hawk Through the Mirror - and A Good Job, are both technically examples of this.)
I love dialogue. My favourite thing about stories is usually when you get two or more people together and they're talking and it's so intense the reader doesn't know whether to laugh, cry, or scream.
23: Best writing advice for other writers?
Avoid glaucoma. No, seriously, the usual: you have to actually sit down and write that shitty first draft in order to get the story done. You don't need to show the rotten first draft to anyone til you make it better, but the only way to make it better is to write that crappy first version. A lot of writing advice is situational and personal. What works for me is to write something, anything, at least 750 words a day, just to keep my writing muscles energised. It helps to read a lot, to plan my stories out, to spend a lot of time thinking about my characters in situations that don't appear in the story, just so I know how they move and act and think and speak. But the one thing that is universal, I believe, is just that: write that bogging-awful unpublishable shamefully bad first draft - then polish. But you can't polish what isn't there.
31: Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
Oh, characters. Definitely. Except when I start with the plot. No, usually it's the characters. But I get really interested in the characters when I think of plot for them. So really, it's both.
I launched into MirrorMASH and The Games, both of them, without having any clear idea of where the plot was going - I just knew I wanted to put those characters in this situation and see what happened. On the other hand, I started writing "All We Know" with a very clear idea of the plot - but I would never have begun writing it if I hadn't so badly wanted to go back and find Hawkeye and Mulcahy and make sure they were still happy ten years after "Goodbye, Farewell, Amen".
3: Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
Those are two different things.
If I am writing a multi-chaptered story, I have the story planned out. I know what's going to happen in each chapter. I may not know in exact detail (though I may have a lot of exact detail written down) but I know the plot steps. I think of this as crossing a wide, deep, fast river by stepping stones. Out in the middle of the river, you're surrounded by chaos and muddle and danger, but you have each stone solid underfoot and the way across is clear. So I embark on the chapter knowing whose POV is telling the story, and knowing what has to happen in the chapter (though obviously surprises happen). I started Margaret's chapter for April in "All We Know" three times over until I got to a good starting point (Barbara, Sam's daughter, turned out to be the way in). While sometimes it can be difficult, the steps behind me are solid and the framework ahead of me is worked out and I just have to complete this step, and so I start writing. And sometimes people give me an idea for a story and I run with it. I wrote a lot of the MASH drabbles like that. And "Comrades " was written because Ajay wanted to see Hawkeye and Mulcahy trapped behind enemy lines. Generally speaking, a story from an idea someone else explicity gave me is going to be shorter and tamer. (But not always.) But a story that has no chapters, which I have just embarked on with characters in a situation and a sketchy plot - I am writing off into a white page of hope, buiding the story one sentence at a time. Sometimes doing this leads to writing a multi-chapter story when I realise this has got out of hand. Sometimes it just ends up being one very long story that I keep coming back to and coming back to until the story curls round and tells me "it's done". I got the idea for "Tuttle" like that: and the idea for "Crabapple Cove", and the idea for "For Ever" and - longer ago - "Friend and Stranger", and the whole MirrorTrek sequence. Sometimes I begin a story thinking, this is just a flashy idea, it's a one-shot, how many words can this take me to do - and then I look up and realise, my God, where am I. In the middle of the river, with no stepping stones, just a lot of chaotic water and the surety that if I can keep writing, carefully, thinking things through as I go, there will be an ending. I hope. That's the creative process. Story in search of an ending, for the love of words.
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clochanamarc · 9 months
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" now, don't be upset... but i did this with everyone's best interests at heart. " trent's voice, quiet and velvety smooth, leaks apologies across the cold stone floor of the long-abandoned kitchen. her hands wrap around the frame of a photograph, one of her as a toddler, giggling with oisín under the shade of a tree.
" look, if you're that stressed about the instagraph, you can post a picture of a tree or something. just... nothing identifiable. some secrets are best left buried, despite what you and your profession might think-- " her gaze lifts, only to assure him that her sincerity comes with respect, and finds niamh standing behind him. " oh, what the fuck? "
" she's your sister-- "
" and the last person on the planet who needs to be here! " the photograph joins the other forgotten pieces of the past, and she moves quickly across the floor, breezing past trent in her haste. " @hcpebled, i can explain. but i'll explain once we're home. it's not too late, you haven't seen anything, we still have time. and you can be pissed at me, i'm not denying anybody that right but you will be doing that in new york. "
ignore aisling and take a seat next to the boxes of scrolls and mugs of tea.
make a reasonable argument for staying at the estate. ( d12 but failure just means that ajay and trent back her up and aisling loses as the minority-- )
get mad at aisling (rightly so) for trying to take this insanity on her shoulders and not tell her a word of it.
OTHER! ( do whatever u want i am Struggling with the options for aisling's threads today-- )
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Fairy Names Pt. 2
Fly with you! It’s been a while hasn’t it? Anyway, I’m here for a second part of one of my most popular posts.
The first post listed fairy names that were used in the DS game “Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue” in the create-a-fairy section of the game. While the names provided were feminine, I have pulled all of the masculine fairy names from the original Pixie Hollow game. Some names are repeats from the original post, but I kept them in as I wanted to get this out as soon as possible. I hope you enjoy. Here’s the original post.
~🧚🏻‍♀️🔥 Foxglove 
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cadybear420 · 8 months
Masterlist of all my important Choices MCs (and their LIs). (NOTE: List is subject to frequent updates) OLD POST. The proper MC masterlist is here.
Unlinked and uncolored MCs do not have a sprite made for them yet.
You're welcome to ask me questions about any of these MCs! Yes, even the ones that I haven't fleshed out as much yet, it will help me build their characters better.
Anthology Profiles: AKA Singular Profile Braindump Posts for the Series that go through different MCs (eg. HSS, ILS, Untameable, RWB)
HSS: Jordan Price (Prime f!MC), Evie Ayana (OG f!MC), Cher Lee (HSS:CA f!MC)
ILS: Jo Hunter (Woods f!MC), Harper Addison Vance-Fisher (Beneath demigirl!MC), Cedric Zhao (Within m!MC)
MCs with Completed and Thorough Profiles
OG HSS f!MC: Evie Ayana (LI: Aiden Zhou)
MCs with Basic Simple Profiles
ILW m!MC: Cedric Zhao (LI: Jocelyn Wu, but also likes Amalia De Leon)
MCs for stories where I've completed playthroughs with their "official" story routes (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
ILITW f!MC: Jo Hunter (LI: Lucas Thomas, but also likes Andy Kang and Connor Green)
ILB genderfluid demigirl MC: Harper Addison Vance-Fisher (LI: either Tom Sato or Parker Shaw, most likely Tom)
BP f!MC: Cady Asshunter (LI: has trysts with all of them)
TNA f!MC: Eh IDC (LI: White Samuel Dalton)
MCs for stories where their specific story routes are in progress or need a replay (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
HSS Prime f!MC: Jordan Price (LI: ends up with Julian Castillo in OG HSS's prom)
HSS:CA f!MC: Cher Lee (LI: Ajay Bhandari) and her trans m!Twin Bear Lee
ES f!MC: Emilia Harris (LI: undecided)
TRR f!MC: Lew Asshunter (LI: East Asian Liam "Sexy Thicc Man" Rys)
BB trans f!MC Jasmine Yin (LI: White Adrian Raines, Kamilah Sayeed, and Jax Matsuo; can't decide which of them she becomes closest with though)
PM m!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: Black f!Hayden Young and Sloane Washington)
AME m!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: Probably MacKenzie Harris)
TH:M f!MC: Otto (LI: none, she's had and still somewhat has the hots for Ansel Crane and they have at least one hatefuck hookup)
MAH f!MC: Peggy Stone (LI: White Tyler Woods)
TPA f!MC: Jane Bond (LI: Agent Callum "Booty Galore" Grey, undecided which version)
DLS m!MC: Dick Ryder (LI: Hispanic Charlotte King, or rather "Peg" King)
MCs for stories where I haven't even started their "official" playthrough yet (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
OG HSS m!MC: Alan Parke (LI: either Emma Hawkins, Maria Flores, or both)
OG HSS f!MC: Violet Jones (LI: Michael Harrison)
ES m!MC: BJ Kingsley (LI: Estela Montoya)
PM f!MC: Penny (LI: Probably m!Hayden Young but I'm not sure)
AME f!MC: Jamie MacLeod (LI: Marries Jen Espinoza on the show, but her true love is Carson Stewart and she ends in a threeway poly relationship with them)
ROD f!MC: Adelaide Zhou (LI: Most probably Colt Kaneko)
TH:M m!MC: Bill (LI: Eris Huang)
LOA f!MC: Anjali Bhandari (LI: East Asian!Gabe Ricci, Aislinn Tanaka, and Joaquin Morales)
COP f!MC: Roslyn Rose (LI: m!Trystan Thorne, not sure which version)
MCs I have planned for stories I haven't even touched yet (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
TE f!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: Either Beckett Harrington or Griffin Langley)
Alpha m!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: East Asian f!Channing Lowe)
Alpha f!MC: Luna (LI: None, she is not interested in Channing and prefers to clap the cheeks of Asher and Markus)
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grumpmcfluff · 1 year
Fandoms & Who I Write For
There's a lot here so check it out under the cut!
Scream Franchise
Sam Carpenter
Amber Freeman
Gale Weathers
Evil Dead Franchise
Cheryl Williams
Kelly Maxwell
Ruby Knowby
Brigitte Fitzgerald / Ginger Fitzgerald - Ginger Snaps trilogy
Tiffany Valentine / Nica Pierce - Child's Play
Dollface - The Strangers
Nancy Downs / Sarah Bailey - The Craft
Amanda Young - Saw Franchise
Queen Akasha - Queen of the Damned
Mary Mason - American Mary
Violet Moraine - Friday the 13th Pt. V
Nancy Thompson - Nightmare on Elm Street
Sienna Shaw - Terrifier 2
Tara Chambler
Rosita Espinosa
Maggie Rhee
Alicia Clarke
Ofelia Salazar
RESIDENT EVIL (games and movies)
Alcina Dimitrescu
Bela Dimitrescu
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Daniela Dimitrescu
Donna Beneviento
Claire Redfield
Helena Harper
Ada Wong
Rain Ocampo (appears in film 1 and 5 only)
Natalie Paquette "Wattson"
Ajay Che "Lifeline"
Renee Blasey "Wraith"
Loba Andrade
Kairi Imahara "Valkyrie"
Mary Somers "Horizon"
Ashleigh Reid "Ash"
Tressa Crystal Smith "Catalyst"
Odessa Stone "Junker Queen"
Amelie Lacroix-Guillard "Widowmaker"
Olivia Colomar "Sombra"
Fareeha Amari "Pharah"
Brigitte Lindholm
Kiriko Kamori
Angela Ziegler "Mercy"
Elizabeth Caladonia "Ashe"
Wanda Maximoff - MCU
Bart Curlish - Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
Good Leader Tavis - The Purge tv series
Wynonna Earp / Mercedes Garner - Wynonna Earp
Rikki Chadwick - H20
Ouija / Nicky Nichols / young Carol Denning - OITNB
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tacticalvalor · 2 years
«────── « HEADCANON » ──────»
Inspired by Vendetta, and my slow returning fixations on Far Cry and Cyberpunk, here is a brief overview of what the Far Cry muses do within the Cyberpunk universe.
Ajay Ghale: Born to Ishwari and Mohan Ghale, the founder of the Golden Path. When he was only three-years-old, Ajay’s mother fled with him to Night City and would reveal nothing to him of Kyrat, his father, or why she left. Ajay led a conflicted childhood and grew up causing plenty of trouble for himself and his mother. He eventually fell in with the wrong crowd and, during his teens, became caught up in a robbery gone wrong that resulted in a store clerk being shot to death. While Ajay was not directly responsible for the shooting, he turned himself in and bartered a deal with police — in exchange for no prison time, he provided the name of the person who pulled the trigger. As Ajay was turning his life around, he learnt that his mother was dying. The last lucid conversation they had was about Kyrat. Yet before Ajay could prepare to travel back home, he was reached out to by Pagan Min. He offered his condolensces regarding Ishwari’s death, remaining vague about how it was he knew the woman and of her death. Instead, he simply offered Ajay one thing: Work with him, and he would reveal all he knew about Ishwari and their past.
Bambi “Buck” Hughes: Formerly a member of the Australian military, Buck found himself turning to the solo lifestyle. Some days he was a hired merc. Others he was a stone-cold assassin. His reputation precedes him, as many of his contracts have accompanying XBDs to go with them… if you pay the right price. Buck’s brutality and efficiency caught the eyes of Hoyt Volker, who permanently contracted him as the manager of his more sinister operations. His task? Break in the merchandise.
Bembé Alvarez: An immigrant from Yara, Bembé found himself quite at home within Night City’s bustling streets. He took up most gigs slid his way without complaint, earning quite the reputation among Night City’s criminal underbelly as “efficient” and “thorough”. Sure, it only took a hell of a lot of manipulation on his part, but that was just the way things worked. He never lied to folk, just never quite told them the whole truth about the brevity of circumstance. Soon enough, Bembé became a Fixer, establishing a lengthy network across the city and across the border.
Charlemagne “Sharky” Victor Boshaw IV: Surprisingly, Sharky had quite the normal upbringing in Night City. Born to a family who didn’t quite want him, he did his best to scrape by with what he was handed. Unfortunately for everyone else, he made it their problem. Sharky built quite the reputation among the NCPD as a serial arsonist and pyromaniac, having set fire to numerous properties (some purposeful, some accidental) with his shenanigans. Eventually, this resulted in him gaining an outstanding warrant for his arrest that resulted in him ‘taking a vacation’ to The Badlands. He fell in line with a few different Nomad groups, never sticking around long and breaking things off amicably. If only the same could be said for his high school sweetheart. Sharky travels across the desert taking up any sort of gigs he can get his hands on, often favoring those handed down by Dakota.
Dani Rojas: Born and raised in Yara’s capital city, Dani was a firsthand witness to the tensions between the government and the country’s citizens. The conflict reached a point where upon reaching adulthood, there was no choice but to enlist with Yara’s military, the Fuerzas Nacionales de Defensa (FND), as such was required for all Yaran citizens. Not long after boot camp, Dani dropped out from service and found a way to flee the country, landing in Night City. Hoping it would be a safe haven, Dani, Lita, and Alejo attempted to start anew, only for the dream to crumble when the Unification War broke out. With Lita and Alejo caught in the crossfire, Dani went into hiding until the peace treaty was signed. It was around this time that he learned of Castillo’s role within BioTechnica, and realized that if he wanted to avenge his friends, he would have to go to the source of it all.
Gilberto Rosario (Rosa Mel Paquete): Gilberto grew up in a poor family alongside his parents on the outskirts of Night City, often not having much in regard to basic necessities. Both of his parents took on odd jobs for any sort of pay, and Gilberto tried to help where he could. He would help local farmers tend to their fields and transport animals. He would help the local doctors with cleaning their offices after cases with severe traumatic injuries. Anything he could do, he would do. However, in this time, Gilberto realized he had a passion for music. It began when he helped up-and-coming bands set up and take down equipment wherever they played, and has since developed into a form of flourishing self expression to deal with the stress of his family and lifestyle. Gilberto allied himself with the Moxes even before their formal formation, finding solace alongside the group. After the death of Elizabeth “Lizzie” Borden, Gilberto rallied under the Moxes banner and used his status as a drag performer to pass along intel from other gangs and corporations. Something of a spymaster, Gilberto has his eyes set on tearing down Night City one corrupt bastard at a time.
Hoyt Volker: Formerly aligned with a vast South African corporation (comparable to the likes of Militech in size, not function) due to his father’s position among the corporation’s executives, Hoyt has taken control of the remaining land along Morro Bay and its State Park, dubbing it the grounds of the Privateers. The Privateers are a gang consisting largely of former military professionals, including many from the likes of Militech after controversies of massacring innocent civilians came to light. His primary operations remain fairly the same: Drugs, Human Trafficking, and Weapons.
Jacob Seed: Troubled from the start, the eldest Seed brother served his fair share of time among Militech’s ranks. He was a key fighter in the Unification War, tossed around while drowning in a cocktail of chems to keep him awake and going at a moment’s notice. Jacob stood on the brink of cyberpsychosis numerous times, just pulled back by the crushing weight of reality. But this weight grew lighter and lighter. Lighter until he snapped and, in what he claims to be a moment of survival, desecrated the remains of his brother-in-arms to live another day. After his discharge from Militech, he became a ghost. A specter wandering Night City’s slums until his brothers found him and brought him back to life. He joined them in leaving the city for good, and makes sure to put his combat expertise to use in The Badlands.
Jason Brody: An aspiring techie from Watson, Jason found himself way in over his head. Living in the lap of luxury that he could not afford. His debts quickly caught up to him, and it resulted in his kidnapping and the tragic loss of both brothers. Grant was executed by the cyberpsycho Vaas, dragged out past the city walls in a grand display of authority. Riley was taken without a trace, imprisoned somewhere deep within the Pirates’ territory, where rumors are Jason’s only lead to finding him.
Deputy Joey Hudson: Returning to the force after a tragic run-in with a cyberpsycho, Joey Hudson works within NCPD’s ranks as a dedicated lieutenant. Her specialties place her on the outskirts of MaxTac’s jurisdiction, a point of connection for the psdueo-military sector and those tucked away in the pockets of the rich. While she has her qualms with the purchasability of NCPD’s higher officers, she voices no complaints, long as she makes it home at the end of the day.
John Seed: Once a bright-eyed boy, tragedy would separate John from his elder brothers and land him in the hands of the Duncans. His time with them was defined by punishment. By reverance for rejecting the “corporate standard”. Yet, John studied law. He flourished when he finally left their home, burying himself in the harsh neon glow of Corpo Plaza. Losing himself in the world of cybernetics and sex. It was on the streets where he found Joseph once again, and on those very streets that he turned his nose to the world that hoisted him up. With some convincing, he left behind the city of sin and aided Joseph in establishing Eden’s Gate.
Joseph Seed: Hailing from quaint suburbs which became targets during the Unification War, Joseph and his siblings traveled west to avoid the growing plague that was the corporate takeover. Town after town fell to the atrocities of NUSA’s top corps, and life had a funny way of pulling the family apart one by one. Joseph once wandered Night City’s streets as a preacher, warning citizens of the horrors of transhumanism and the corporate greed that blinded everybody to them. His beliefs would become the foundation for Eden’s Gate, a cult of followers dedicated in their aversion to cybernetics. Eventually, through trial by fire, the Seed brothers reunited and established their compound in The Badlands.
Juan Cortez: What began as a simple tale grew into something much bigger than expected. Born in Yara, Juan had a difficult upbringing with the growing political tensions the nation faced. Many locals in his neighborhood took up arms with guerrilla forces, and others stood by the side of the Yaran government and the Castillo family. Things reached a boiling point when a group of revolutionaries led by Santos Espinosa lead an intense revolution against the Yaran government, ultimately resulting in the death of President Gabriel Castillo. Only 10 at the time, Juan’s parents realized that their best bet would be to flee before things got worse. The Cortez family packed their things and vanished into the night, eventually stumbling onto the sandy shores of Miami, Florida. Juan did what he could to aid his family, and ultimately found himself working for the NUSA’s Central Intelligence office. He served as an eye on the inside during the Corporate War, embedded into enemy lines to relay information to the government. His efforts weren’t entirely as straightforward, as the information exchange often flowed both ways. When the war ended, Juan realized that the man who toppled his home country was a frequent flyer to Night City, and thus began Juan’s independent operation into taking down Antón while he had the chance.
María Marquessa: Right hand to the newfound CEO of BioTechnica, María lends her aid as the corporation’s head of marketing (and propaganda, though she won’t go on record to call it such). María handles the corporation’s public relations, and assures the citizens of Night City that nothing can go wrong, so long as they place their trust in Castillo’s leadership. Behind the scenes, there’s another side to María. A vulnerable side hidden away from public eyes, where she dotes their son and attempts to stroke the simmering flames between herself and Antón.
Nicholas “Nick” Rye: Hailing from a long lineage of servicemen, Nick fell out of contact with his family when he refused to serve in the Unification War. Instead, he left Night City and found his personal freedom in the Badlands. He took up odd jobs as a scavenger, traveling in and out of the city to deliver cargo. It was during his outings in Night City where he fell in love with Kim, whom he convinced to join him out away from the push and pull of it all. Together, they built a homestead to call their own. A homestead to plant the seeds for raising a family of their own… alongside the abandoned Panzer that Nick salvaged from his family’s old property on the border.
Noore Najjar: Once a member of Trauma Team, Noore found herself at wit’s end when an assignment gone wrong landed her at the feet of the notorious Pagan Min. At first, she was willing to lend her aid to the organization. After all, Kang Tao was held in high regard among Night City’s corporate elite. What she didn’t know is that they had eyes on her every move. On her family. And one day, when they 'mysteriously’ went missing, Pagan was there to offer Noore information in exchange for an exclusive arrangement. She left Trauma Team to work for him as a back alley ripper, and he 'conveniently’ forgot to mention that her family had been dead for months upon months. Funny how that works, huh?
Pagan Min: Rather than abandon his role within the Triad, Pagan embraced taking the reigns from his father. Now that the piece of shit was gone, he had the means to properly tear shit up. And he did. So much so, in fact, that he got in it with Kang Tao. A few shady deals here, a couple of bribes there, and Pagan’s branch of the Triad found themselves in all the glory Night City has to offer. Pagan acts as the figurehead for Kang Tao’s less legitimate dealings, often brokering deals between the corporation and anyone willing to buy in on exclusive stock.
Paolo de la Vega: Born and raised in the Heywood District, with his parents hailing from Yara, Paolo had many expectations to uphold in his family. He was drafted into Militech’s ranks at the turn of the War, and did well to follow in the footsteps of his father. That was, until news of his identity came to light. Paolo was dishonorably discharged and disowned by his family for “dressing like a man”. He was left to fend for himself in Night City’s streets, taking odd jobs that typically weren’t worth the extra creds. At some point, he ended up stealing from Talia, who opted to befriend him and let him on her musical ventures. The duo formed Máximas Matanzas, using their voices to protest the corporate takeover of Night City (particularly that of BioTechnica, where the utopian leadership is not all that it seems).
Peaches: One of few wild animals to survive Night City’s attempts at eliminating the local populace after a string of transmissible diseases, Peaches wanders the sands of The Badlands. At times, she finds herself at the doorstep of Miss Wilhelmina Mabel, who cares for Peaches for reasons unknown. Perhaps it’s craved companionship. Perhaps it’s simply an exchange for the loot Peaches gathers and stores. Regardless, the cougar seems rather friendly to most scavengers.
Rachel Jessop (Faith Seed): Born into wealth and set up with significant shares in BioTechnica (thanks to the family’s research in experimental medicine via plants), Rachel fell from grace when the pressures put onto her finally pulled her under. She turned to drugs for comfort, often finding herself lost within Night City’s streets and barely able to make it back home when things got particularly awful. For a while, Rachel had Tracey. Had someone to help her and pull her away from whatever edge, metaphorical or literal, that she found herself nearly toppling over. Unfortunately, their relationship fell under when Rachel met Joseph. According to Rachel, dubbed Faith by the preacher, Joseph welcomed her, introducing her to a strict moral code without drugs and alcohol whereby she recovered from her addiction. Unlike Rachel, Tracey soon realized Eden’s Gate’s duplicity and left them, while Rachel immersed herself completely in the ideology of the cult. She became a figurehead for those who stumbled across their territory, luring them in with a false sense of security before subjecting them to “the Bliss”.
Sam Becker: The son of a proud Militech father, Sam Becker treads Night City from the shadows. Working alongside Willis Huntley in the NUSA CIA, a mission gone wrong turned this dedicated soldier into a man fighting for his life. After losing contact out on Morro Bay, Sam found himself stuck in the ranks of Hoyt’s Privateers. Rising to become the patriarch’s right-hand man, he’s got a bad feeling he might not be able to claw his way out.
Willis Huntley: Working for President Myers is no easy task. Anybody can tell you that, but Willis doesn’t sugar coat it. Agent Willis Huntley works as a member of the NUSA’s Central Intelligence Agency. Sound familiar? A lot of his work involves working closely with Militech to keep an eye on things. Particularly the work of Arasaka, and what exactly it is they want with Night City. What do they gain from the town’s independence from the Union? Who knows? Not Willis.
Yuma Lau: Loyalty is one hell of a drug. Ever since the Min family took her in, Yuma devoted herself to their cause… whatever that may be. She idolizes Pagan and what he’s capable of. It’s no surprise that she followed him into the light as he stepped out of the shadow his father cast upon him. She followed him into blind deals with Kang Tao, acting as his personal guard. If anybody so much as looked at him wrong, they were in for a world of trouble. She followed him to Night City, taking control of the Triad’s security and protecting their interests with an iron fist.
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medinainternational · 6 hours
(Motif-Radio) # 33 2024 track listing below
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starbiopic · 17 days
Rohit Shetty Revises ‘Singham Again’ Climax: Ajay Devgn to Reshoot Key Scenes
Rohit Shetty, known for his blockbuster action films, is leaving no stone unturned to ensure the success of his upcoming film Singham Again, starring Ajay Devgn. With the movie set to release during Diwali, Shetty has made a bold decision to change the climax at the last minute, leading to a significant reshoot. This unexpected move has created a buzz in the industry, as everyone eagerly awaits…
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ajaygulatinz · 2 months
Urgent Overseas Sale - Must Be SOLD!
-13 Rainsford Road Pukekohe
Auction 62 Highbrook Drive, East Tamaki on Wednesday 14th August 2024 at 1:00pm (unless sold prior)
Are you a first-time homebuyer? Speed is your ally! Our sellers are moving across the Tasman and are eager to see a Sold sign soon. This is your golden opportunity to secure an exceptional home that blends style and functionality effortlessly. Simply move in, relax, and enjoy all the amenities this modern, single-level property has to offer.
This is the home for you, YES! -an entertainer's delight, it features a stylish kitchen with stone bench-tops, ample storage, and a breakfast bar. The open-plan kitchen flows into a spacious dining/living area with a seamless indoor/outdoor transition to a covered timber deck. Four bedrooms, including two semi-ensuites, additional storage, a laundry, internal access, a double garage, and off-street parking.
Interested? Come and see for yourself what this home has to offer. There is no place like HOME!
349m² fully fenced freehold section
157m² single-level floor plan
Timber weatherboard construction, color-steel roof, double glazed windows
Designer kitchen with top-of-the-line appliances
Two semi-ensuites with floor-to-ceiling tiles
Double garage with internal access and laundry
Low-maintenance garden beds and a covered timber deck
Balance of 10-year Master Build Guarantee
Heat pump, keyless entry, speaker system, and burglar alarm
It's all about the LOCATION! Close to Pukekohe town centre, offering cafes, restaurants, boutique shops, and fresh produce stores. Situated in one of Pukekohe's newest subdivisions, within walking distance to schools, shops, and sports grounds. Zoned for Pukekohe Hill School and near Tamaoho School and daycare. Easy access to the Southern Motorway, connecting you to Manukau City Centre (25 minutes), Auckland CBD (45 minutes), or Hamilton (65 minutes). Pukekohe offers a strong sense of community and a traditional rural New Zealand town feel, making it an ideal place for families.
Our Vendor is on a New Adventure! Instructions are clear to SELL. Take the first step to better living, call NOW! Ajay Gulati - Barfoot & Thompson ⁨021 236 2008⁩ Munish Anand 021 023 44880
#SellitNow #ClearInstructions #ExceptionalHome #PerfectStarter #BarfootandThompson Barfoot & Thompson Manukau #RealEstate #GULATI #RainsfordRoad #Pukekohe Ajay Gulati
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clochanam · 3 months
god but aisling being saved by ajay is my favorite thing rn bc like. this is the world's most renowned psychologist. his work has shaped the foundation of modern psychology. his whole purpose for being in the company was to study aisling and manipulate her into becoming an uneasily obedient and efficient killing machine, no personality, no identity, no opinion. then he spends time with her. and nobody would've guessed the consequences of such an obvious process.
he knows her, and she knows him. he who left behind his two sons and his loving wife so he could send them the money the company was paying him. she who lost her entire family in one night and was lied to to believe that she did it. they're two halves of the same coin, and she doesn't know she knows it, but he definitely knows it every time he sees her. every time he sneaks in a tiny gift when moira has her almost broken. every time he surprises himself with a laugh at her observations. every time she says his name with the same affection as saying "dad".
he knows he's betraying her every waking moment. that the tiny origami figurines and dried flowers and mint humbugs won't protect her from the legacy he's sculpting her for. maybe it's why he lets her slip out to explore the town nearby. maybe it's why he finds himself so oddly proud when she reveals she's met a lad with a blush in her cheeks and a twinkle in her eye. "it's important to study romantic attachments in such a unique subject," he asserts to anyone who'll listen. but the truth is... the quiet relief he feels that she has another person to love is impossible to defy.
then one night, she doesn't return at the designated time. the brown leather watch he gave her is ignored. or deemed a lesser priority. either way, ajay is terrified, for all three of them, because of course eoin is fucked as well if they don't restore the illusion of normalcy soon. such is his panic, that he doesn't notice fiachra until he pounces, knocks him unconscious and restrains him in the woods. when ajay wakens hours later, he's in the backseat of a garda car, the sky is on fire, one of the officers is frantically weeping out prayers and the other is leaving a terrified voicemail for his husband.
ajay is told that he's not being arrested. they found him unconscious, they just rescued him to keep him safe. he flees, sprinting through static-infused air and ozone-heavy clouds that prickle the hairs on his arms. he arrives just in time to witness moira disappear through the tear, and aisling is nowhere to be seen.
ireland has the blackout for three whole weeks. no electricity, no wifi, no nothing. communications are down. unless your car has a petrol or diesel engine, forget about any transportation. ajay spends two days searching. he screens through all the missing posters and letters. he joins the search parties for eoin (none for aisling; nobody knows an aisling around here) and yet three days are almost gone when the parties dwindle to a helpless handful. he goes out alone one night, devastated and sickened by his part played in this. he's just moving down the cliffs of moher when he spots a tiny glimmer of orange light, way out at sea.
so when ajay finds aisling, he's stolen a fishing boat and sped off at a terrifying speed to bring her home. and he learns what happened after moira vanished. fiachra never knew moira went through the portal. he assumed aisling was lying when she tried to tell him to stop. that, and eoin's proposal, led him to shoot eoin in the hopes that aisling would use the stone to bring him back, and thus pull moira back as well. but instead, eoin fell back, and himself and aisling toppled into a boat at the foot of the cliff, only spared by a pillow of kinetic energy before being dislodged and thrust out to the atlantic. eoin spent just ten minutes insisting that aisling let nature take its course. aisling spent the remaining 68 hours and 32 minutes begging nature to ignore her own laws.
ajay decides to remain bound to the estate after eoin's funeral. a fitting punishment for his crimes, he thinks. but aisling doesn't want to punish him. so she amends his sentence, with a little help from local sorcerers, and he receives a sling ring and a bounty of studies to research and learn from. his new duty is to try and unravel the magical storm that moira bestowed upon the estate. hauntings, curses and corrupted spells have twisted the very earth on which the estate stands. ajay is responsible for limiting it, and perhaps one day, curing it entirely. a burden he embraces in the hopes it will balance the harm he caused.
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astrologerajaysharma · 3 months
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Astrologer Psychic And Spiritual Healer 🪬PANDIT AJAY SHARMA for permanent Results Specialist In All Kinds Of Astrology Face Reading, Palm Reading, Horoscope, and Numerology, +91-7973202840 Birth chart Predictions, Solutions For: ♋BRING BACK LOVED ONCE ♑Family ♈Health ♓ Children ♐Husband And Wife Problems ⚖️Love ♍Marriage ♏Money ♎Black Magic ⚖️Depression ♏Education ♎Promotion 🏹Job 🕉️ Birth Stones, Lucky StonesEtc…
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