#we stan simones take on him
the way some people talk about luke & nicola is disgusting.
at first, the "bridgerton glow up" was a fun joke, but now people are taking it too far. it is literally just a better haircut and better wardrobe that is all the glow up is. i saw someone call luke "ugly and fat." as if he isn't a real human being. just straight up called him ugly and fat and then proceeded to objectify him in the trailer and say he "redeemed himself." respectfully, you can fuck all the way out of here with that. that is such a fucked up thing to say. and i wasn't online when it happened but apparently, these fuckwads are the reason why luke doesn't smile with his teeth much anymore? idk if that's true, but if it is you are a villain. an actual villain. you bullied someone into not smiling, are you proud of yourself?
and nicola. i don't even want to quote the things i've seen said about her. she is a queen. a queen. and yeah, people bring up her body and her looks and say she doesn't deserve to be the lead. the casual fatphobia is disgusting, to say the least. nicola has literally been promoting 3 things at the same time, and she has not lagged on either project. she is the reason we have bts from filming and are getting important moments from rmb. she is a professional and she has a heart of gold. she is also chronically on line (affectionately) so she does see all the shit you antis post. and, i can't even believe i need to say this, that shit hurts. because she is a human being. she has explicitly stated, multiple times, that she wants the focus to be on her work and not on her body. thinking caps on: why do you think that is?
they are both human beings with real feelings. no one is saying you have to love penelope or colin or polin, but they are fictional characters. they won't get affected by some of the fucked up shit yall say. but luke and nicola are real human beings. you can have opinions on them, we all do, but if it isn't positive, maybe shut the fuck up?
it also needs to be said that a lot of the hate comes from people who are fans of kanthony. i usually wouldn't call them out but name but it's true. the person who called luke ugly and fat had anthony bridgerton in her user name. she also had an israeli flag in her bio but that's another rant. most of the hate i see about polin and luke and nic come from people who stan kanthony and/or are huge fans of jonny and/or simone. and that is 50 shades of fucked up. do you think they want fans like that? fans who will say disgusting things about their friends/colleagues and then turn around and praise them? jonny literally calls luke his little brother. no one is saying you have to love polin, but why do you need to say this shit? why can't you just quietly stan kanthony and go about your lives? why do you feel the need to bring down not only fictional characters, but real people?
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haunted-mindset · 29 days
How do we think Simon Strong stans are going to feel when Aemond takes Harrenhall and kills all of the Strongs? Or are the show runners going to keep him alive some how because he's such a fan favourite?
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moody-alcoholic · 4 months
Second to last Chapter :'(
Aw man I can't believe this is almost over. Here is the second to last sneak peak I will ever do for this fic.
Enjoy and as always; check out the fic so far HERE.
Most recent chapter: CHAPTER 14
“I’m going to get some air.” I said heading for the kitchen door, it led out to an overgrown back yard. It was dark and I couldn’t see the stars, too much light pollution. I heard the door open behind me I knew it was Ghost.
“Price send you out here to make sure I’m not going to fuck things up tomorrow?” I said, I was being spiteful, he moved next to me.
“I’m not here for Price.” He says. I don’t say anything.
“You have every right to be angry we all do.” I shook my head again it was all I could do to not snap at him.
“We’re letting him get away again.” I say defeated.
“Yeah, it happens more often then you think.” He replies sighing. “Believe it or not but countries don’t want to be at war with each other all the time.”
“So they make us do all the dirty work then throw us under the bus.” I say, he pats me on the shoulder.
“Welcome to the world of counter terrorism.” I look at him he looks tired.
“What happened last time?” I asked.
“Remember the terrorist attack in Verdansk?” He asks, I scoff.
“Which one?”
“6th April 2019, bombs at a stadium and airport.”
“Makarov?” I reply, Ghost nods.
“We got him handed him over to the Russians who threw him in prison. He got busted out last November.” He explains. November 22nd was when I got word John was dead. I remember I was pulled into the Commanders office and handed his letter. The official one and his personal one. I didn’t have time to mourn we were 2 months deep into a humanitarian aid trip. When I got to the house in Scotland for the first time alone, that’s when it hit me. Then 141 broke in. I smiled a little, I guess in the end that was a good thing. I looked at Ghost he was looking up at the sky. I had never wanted to know what happened in the tunnel. Now I needed to know, I needed it to be justified even just a little that disobeying Price was the right thing.
“What happened in the tunnel?” I ask taking in a deep breath of cold air. This was going to suck. Ghost looks at me then back up at the sky. He explains the mission, there was a virus on the trains, Makarov was planning on stopping the trains then blowing the tunnel. Ghost and Gaz took one tunnel and Price and Soap took the other. Price and John found the bomb and were working on disarming it when Makarov showed up.
I hope none of you are hardcore Gaz stans
“Price called for backup in good time, we were just pinned down, Konni were throwing everything at us. By the time we made it to Price and Johnny it was too late.” His voice sounded sad as he finished the story. It felt freezing all of a sudden.
“Gunshot wound to the head right?” I ask. He nods, I move a little closer to him. I want to grab his hand but I settle for being able to feel his arm brushing against mine.
“Do you still blame yourself?” I ask quieter. He takes a big breath in.
“Everyday.” He says.
“Do you trust Price?” I ask.
“With my life.” He says without hesitation then looks down at me. I look in his eyes they’re dark burrowing into me like he’s trying to guess what I’m going to say next. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in. I decided when we left for this mission I would get revenge. I thought I had nothing to lose joining 141 getting payback no matter the cost. Now everything felt wrong. Now I actually had something to lose.
“Terror never stops huh,” I say as I open my eyes, I remembering Price telling that long ago.
“If it did we’d be out of a job.” He says. I trust Price. I don’t trust Laswell, or the general. They haven’t been through this they don’t get their hands dirty. They didn’t lose a brother, a colleague, a friend. But I didn’t want to let Price down more importantly I don’t want to lose Simon. I nod.
“I’m going to go get some rest.” I say turning to head back in. He puts his hand on my shoulder to stop me. I feel him bend to whisper in my ear.
“You’ll get your revenge, we all will. You just have to trust the process.” I’m not sure what that means but I trust him. I nod and head up to bed ignoring Price and Gaz sat at the table sipping tea. I threw myself on a bed looking at the ceiling. I closed my eyes hoping sleep will find me quick.
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modelbus · 2 years
Tommyinnit x masc nb reader where they don't try to hide their relationship from the internet, but at the same time refuse to confirm nor deny it.
Like...they have pictures online of them on dates, wearing each others clothes, in each other's background during stream, etc, etc. The evidence is right there??? But they don't confirm it. Matter of fact, they don't even "know who that ugly mug in the picture is".
Wilbur is the first one to leak their relationship tho, woops.
”whoops” killed me. Also, look at my funny little guy in the photo! It felt fitting.
Pairing: CC!Tommyinnit x Nb!Reader (romantic)
Evading Evidence
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Tommy’s streaming when you get tired of scrolling through Twitter. Normally you’re able to sit on his bed, just out of sight of his camera, and catch up on all the drama. It’s been a quiet few days though, so you’re already bored.
“I’m going to run to the store real quick.” You say, getting up.
Tommy turns, neither of you acknowledging the stream. Chat’s going crazy about the fact you were there the entire thirty minutes Tommy’s been live for, and possibly longer.
Despite the fact you and Tommy were dating, neither of you had let the internet know yet. Sure, there were pictures and Tweets and remarks basically confirming it, but both of you were careful never to say it outright. At this point it was almost a game.
“Oh, can you get me twin gummy snakes?” Tommy asks, practically begging you with his eyes.
“Why would I do that?”
“Because I need fuel and you love me?”
You consider it for a second before giving in. “Fine. I’ll be back in, like, ten minutes.”
“Thanks! Don’t get run over!”
“Why would I- never mind.”
Tommy doesn’t turn back towards the stream until after he hears you leave, shutting the door behind you. It’s only then that he takes notice of the chat freaking out over his words.
“Chat, what the fuck are you talking about? They don’t love me. Actually, I don’t have a clue who the fuck that was!” He exclaims. “Back to Minecraft.”
“Hey, is this okay to post?” Jack Manifold asks, practically shoving his phone into your face.
You take it, examining the Twitter draft. It’s a selfie he took before the filming of the latest Tom Simons vlog. Behind him you can barely see you and Tommy curled up on the couch together, looking at something. The photo is captioned “Tom Simons vlog done.”
“Sure. Tommy?” You ask, handing the phone over to him.
He barely takes a look at it. “Yeah.”
“Thanks!” Jack says cheerfully, immediately posting.
“Time to fight the stans like our lives depend on it.” You joke, already opening Twitter and navigating to Jack’s profile.
“It’s fucking funny.” Tommy laughs.
“Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. What’re you tweeting?”
“I’ll reply to yours.” He leans over to watch you type out your reply, reading it aloud. “'Not Jack photoshopping the background'.”
“Are you two ever going to tell the internet?” Jack asks, laughing a little.
“Oh, the internet definitely knows. They just chose to believe us when we lie to their faces.” You answer.
“I’m replying ‘incredibly disrespectful.’” Tommy announces. You get the notification of his reply right after he says it.
“Don’t get me canceled.” Jack sighs.
“No promises.”
"Why are you talking about Tommy so much?" A donation asks.
You were doing a just chatting stream, spilling some fun stories. A few of them had been dates with Tommy, but you didn't call them dates. Chat still had their suspicions though.
"Because I hate him." You deadpan, staring into your camera. "Worst person ever, kill all Tommyinnits."
It barely takes a second for the chat to react to your words, thousands of people calling you a liar. As your eyes flick through messages, one catches your eye.
"Why are you wearing his hoodie then, hm?" Gets read aloud. "Well, you see, it simply isn't his. This very clearly branded Tommyinnit hoodie? Mine."
It's merch of his that hadn't shipped yet, his name displayed across your chest. The only possible way for you to have some would be him giving you some or you stealing his. One guess as to what you did.
Yeah, you took his.
"I have the fastest shipping in the world guys, you have to believe me."
Nobody believes you. It's not even the first time you've worn his clothes, just the first you've worn them on stream. Maybe you should've been a little more careful, but oh well. Who really cares anyways? The game was fun, but not too serious.
"Besides, as if I'd ever wear something Tom fucking Simons tainted with his gremlin hands." It's a fun little jab, one you know he'll hear about later. Probably from Twitter.
"Hey!" Tommy yells from somewhere in the flat.
Or maybe he'll hear about it right that second. He must be watching your stream, making you smile.
"Sorry." You say it in a way that clearly shows you don't mean the apology, laughing to yourself a little. After running a hand through your hair, you speak again. "Did I tell you guys about how I almost killed a person by riding a bike the other day?"
Of course, all jokes eventually end. This one just happens to meet its death in Wilbur's hands, live on stream.
“We’re out, we’ll see you tomorrow for the vlog.” Tommy says, pulling you to your feet.
It’s been over an hour of being on Wilbur’s stream, stuck in his little cramped office. One person was fine, two could fit, but three was just too much. Besides, you knew Tommy’s limit was an hour.
“Have a good stream!” You tell Wilbur cheerfully, shutting the door before he gets the chance to say goodbye. To make up for it, he waves.
“And there go the lovers.” Wilbur jokes to his stream, putting himself back into the middle of the frame now you and Tommy are gone. “Off to do whatever they do.”
It barely takes a minute for chat to explode, making Wilbur realize exactly what he just did. His face drains of color as he sits up.
“Shit- fuck. It was a joke, guys. A joke.”
Like a dog with a bone, chat’s already taken his words and ran with them. Wilbur’s fuck up is beyond repair. Instead of digging himself a deeper grave, he just messages you and Tommy.
You’re both back in his office in a matter of seconds, having sprinted back down the corridor. It wasn’t that you were upset, more just panicked. This definitely wasn’t how you meant to confirm it.
“Well… shit.” Tommy finally speaks, just off camera. “You’ve leaked it Wil.”
“I didn’t fucking mean to!”
“We should leak something about you in return.” You joke.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to!” Wilbur quickly defends himself.
Tommy pokes his head into the camera frame to address chat, grinning to show he isn’t pissed at Wilbur at all. You laugh, waiting to see what he’ll say.
“Oi, chat, you’re all fucking dumb. Took you lot long enough.”
Wilbur sags with visible relief, glad neither of you are going to kill him for his slip-up. Now that it’s established he didn’t ruin everything, it’s a lot funnier.
“We’re going to miss the movie showing.” You announce, checking your phone for the time.
“Fuck. Bye again.” Tommy laughs as you drag him out the door.
When the door shuts, Wilbur laughs and shakes his head. “Whoops?”
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seenoversundown · 8 months
Sparrow Of the Dawn : Chapter 2
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Warnings: Drinking, Self deprecating humor, otherwise fluff - unfortunately comedic themes.
Word Count: 3.7k
Summary : Sam unfortunately finds himself in not so meet cute with Willa. Hopeful that he doesn't cross her path again; the world works in mysterious ways and not always in your favor.
Author's Note: I was too excited for you to meet Willa officially, and want you to love her as much as I do! The official posting schedule for Sparrow of The Dawn will be on Sundays. Things are only beginning for these two and boy does it get GOOOD. 💜
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You’re So Vain - Carly Simon “You’re so vain You probably think this song is about you”
Honestly speaking, I don’t even know why I’m here. Dating is not something that is hugely important to me. I like my independence too much and really there is nothing a man can do for me that I can’t already do for myself. I said what I said. But Katie swore up and down that this guy, Jeff, was a good guy, and I needed to get out of the house. Or, at least, I thought I wanted to get out of the house until this morning. 
My roommate Quinn has been going through a terrible, messy breakup with a complete ASS of a man. It’s their first break-up I’m going through with them; even though we met in college a few years ago, they’ve never really dated much. In my attempt to cheer them up, though they don’t seem like they really need it, I went to the farmers market to grab them some flowers and ran into another complete ASS of a man. It has left me feeling a bit hopeless regarding the male species. 
So anyway, here I am.. At a bar.. On a first date. He clearly put a lot of effort into this. He didn’t bother to get out of the car when he came to pick me up, didn’t open the front door when we got here, and he’s wearing a Celtics jersey over a white t-shirt and Timberlands. Not exactly my type, but I'm trying hard not to let my shitty day sour my mood and attempt to give him the benefit of the doubt. I, however, wore a short black sleeveless dress with a high neck, a black leather blazer jacket, tights, and ankle boots because I was trying to impress him. Like I said, the difference in effort is astounding.
After getting our IDs checked by the tall, curly-headed bouncer, we settle into a booth toward the back, looking over the paper menu at the drink specials. I’m surprised there isn’t a QR code menu here. I heard the owner of this place was fairly young, and most places nowadays use QR codes over regular menus.
“What are you going to get?” I ask Jeff, trying to make conversation. He’s busy looking at his phone instead.
“Huh?” not even bothering to look up at me, “Oh, uhm, I’ll probably just get a bud light or something.”
Riiiiight, okay. I really should have stayed home. I let out a huff of air, resting my chin against my hand. Bored with lack of conversation and an underwhelming date, I take to people-watching. There’s so much life in this bar tonight, such a stark contrast to the man sitting across from me. People in their costumes, brightly colored wigs, all adorning smiles and laughing loudly. The red hue from the neon lights and colorful display of the jukebox only added to the atmosphere. Carly Simon sings to me through the speakers. I close my eyes, listening to her words, I always loved this song. I wonder if he’d even notice if I left and weaseled my way into one of these stranger’s tables instead. No, probably not. 
“So, do you want a beer or something?” Jeff asks plainly. 
“Yeah, I’ll just have one of whatever you’re having.” I don’t even like beer that much. I’m more of a rum kind of gal. Something tells me he wants to be here as much as I do and doesn’t actually care what I’d like to drink.
“Okay, I’ll be right back.” I give him a small smile as he gets up and heads toward the bar to place our order. At least he’s starting a tab for us; I can count that as a win. 
My eyes scan the bar once more, searching for a form of entertainment, when I spot him behind the bar, standing next to a shorter man with a mustache who looks eerily similar to him. The guy from the flower truck. They’re both staring at me, but only one of them has the decency to look away when I make eye contact, and it's not the flower guy. What the ever-loving fuck is he doing here? Does he work here? There’s no way he’s the owner. No way. Right? I avert my gaze as Jeff returns with two bottles of Bud Light, sliding me one across the table. I internally sigh, knowing this date is going to drag. 
Maybe if I squint, my ears will start to focus and listen to what Jeff is actually saying. I have no idea what he’s been going on about, but I swear it’s been  half an hour, and I’ve retained nothing. Is he talking about sports? His job? A hobby? 
“I think they’ll probably end up making a trade,” he says, his phone still in his hand.
Literally no fucking idea. It's not like he’s taken any interest in me or made any attempt to make this conversation anything other than one-sided. I opt to search for him again, curiosity taking its hold on my eyes. 
“You guys all set?” Flower truck guy says, right behind me. It startles me so bad I jump a little, causing me to knock over my half-drunk beer. 
“Shit,” I say, standing up and trying to find some napkins, “I’m so sorry.” God, can this night get any worse?
“Oh fucks sake,” Jeff says just as it spills onto his lap. “Are you kidding me?” All he does is glare at me with his hands up, helpless. Yes. Yes, it can get worse, apparently.
Flower truck guy sets down the towel previously stored in his back pocket and starts to wipe up my mess. Great, I’ve spilled my drink on my date, and as boring as he is, I still wanted to make a good impression, and the guy who took all the irises I wanted to get for Quinn is now cleaning up my mess. I can’t believe how much of a disaster this is right now. 
“Katie didn’t say you were so fucking clumsy,” his annoyed tone is like knives against my brain. 
“It was an accident, Jeff,” I say, throwing him back some attitude. 
He takes the towel right from Flower Boy's hand and starts to try to clean himself up. In realizing it's a bit too wet from mopping up the table he tosses it back to him. 
“God, girls,” he rolls his eyes and elbows Flower Boy, “amiright?”
“Yeahhh, don’t bring me into that commentary, champ.” Flower boy raises his eyebrows. Jeff scoffs at him and turns, heading toward, what I can assume is the bathroom. 
I sit back down in my chair and rest my head in my hands. “Good god,” I say aloud, mostly to myself. I can count on two hands how many times I’ve thought about the fact that I should have stayed home. Next time, I’ll trust my gut. It’s damn near never led me astray. 
“What a winner you got there, dagger fingers.” 
I lift my head then and glare at him for the second time that day. Dagger fingers? I don’t care how unsuccessful my date is going or how much of a douchebag he just was. I will not let this man get the better of me again. I take a deep breath in through my nose, trying to calm down.
“Would you be happy if you just got a drink spilled on you? No, I don’t suppose you would be.” I try to lay the snark on thick. 
He looks around confused, “Last time I checked..Yeah,” he shakes his head up and down aggressively, “Yeah, I do work in a bar. Do you have any idea how often that occurs?” It's my turn to scoff. “You really shouldn’t defend that guy. He’s a dick. He brings all his dates here. He was literally here two days ago with a different girl. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.” He reaches for the discarded towel and walks off. 
Oh, this guy. The fucking audacity of this guy. Who the hell does he think he is? I immediately grab my pocketbook and jacket and stalk after him, following his footsteps all the way to the counter where he’s handing the shorter guy from earlier the tray and towel he had been holding. 
“Do you know what your fucking problem is?” I huff out, jabbing him in the chest with my finger. You call my fingers daggers, and I’ll use them as such. I set my purse on the counter to my right and slip on my jacket. 
Mustache man lets out a loud laugh, “Oh sweetheart, you don’t even know the half of it.”
“Uhm.. Ow?” he says, rubbing at his shoulder. “And you, shut up. I wanna know exactly what my problem is. This should be good.” He crosses his arms against his chest. Waiting. In my flurry of anger, I hadn’t exactly worked out what his problem actually is. Just that he seems fucking arrogant and has been a thorn in my side one too many times today. “She doesn’t even know me. She’s just accosted me, twice in one day, in fact, and is now making assumptions based on nothing. Thanks for that, by the way, I don’t know how I got to be so lucky.” he finishes. 
I can see the surprised look on Jake’s face in my periphery. “Aww,” I place my hand on my chest, “cute of you to talk about me already. I’ll tell you, I am a bit surprised, though, considering you think you’re the only person to walk the planet. It’s like the whole world revolves around you. Flower Boy’s world, and we're all just livin’ in it." I emphasize my sentiment with a dramatic roll of my eyes. 
Another howl of laughter escapes the peanut gallery to my right. Flower Boy rubs his fingers across his chin, eyes narrowing on me. “Yeah, I’m clearly the problem here. But it’s not my date that’s sneaking out the front door and leaving me with the bill, now is it, Babydoll ?” He raises his eyebrows toward the entrance. As I follow his line of sight toward the door, I just make out the back of Jeff’s head as it closes behind him. Wonderful. I turn back around, and my eyes land on the smirk resting on his lips. If he wasn’t so cocky in this moment, I might appreciate that smirk. The thought alone only serves to fuel my anger.
“Hey,” Jake says, tapping the bar rapidly to get our attention, effectively drawing my gaze away from his lips, “Listen, I would love to listen to you humble Sammy boy here. But you’re slowly entertaining the entire bar. Either talk it out quietly or go get some fresh air… Please.” 
I pause to glance around at the eyes trained on us. A wave of embarrassment washes over me. Taking that opportunity to dig through my bag, I pull out a twenty-dollar bill and slam it onto the counter, looking Sammy Boy directly in the eyes. “Thanks for the amazing hospitality, Jake. I’ll make sure to give you a 5-star review. You deserve it, dealing with this schmuck.” 
As I exit, I pull out my phone and step to the side, trying to order myself an Uber now that I’ve been abandoned. I swear to god, Katie is never going to hear the end of this when I see her next. I tap through the app and hit another extraordinary stroke of luck today. There are no drivers available. The heavy creek of the front door opens, and Flower Noy.. Sammy pops his head out. There is nowhere for me to hide, fuck.
As he approaches me, he has his hands up in mock surrender. “Look, why don’t you just have a seat at the bar? We’ll get a replacement drink.. On the house, you can just hang out for a bit.” He then reaches into his back pocket and pulls out my twenty from earlier and hands it to me. I snatch it from him with a bit more force than I intend. Why is he being nice to me now? And why is it so irritating? 
My phone vibrates in my hand, and I swipe the notification. A driver has picked up my ride, oh thank god. 
“I’d rather rot in hell, actually.” I regret the words as soon as they're out of my mouth. I regret them even more when I dare to look him in the face. I may not like him, but it's not his fault my date was an asshole. He’s just the unfortunate person to continually be on the receiving end of.. Well me. I can feel the will to stay angry start to dissipate as the guilt takes over; I’m more tired and ready for this day to be over than anything right now. 
Sammy just sighs loudly, mumbling under his breath, “Not sure why I even bother,” before disappearing back inside. Ugh. 
When the Uber arrives, I slide my phone back into my purse and hop into the back seat. Thankfully, my driver is a man of few words, in lieu of conversation, I instead let the words of ‘Crimson and Clover’ dance around my ears. 
“When she comes walking over
Now I've been waitin' to show her
Crimson and clover”
I lean my head back against the headrest, my emotions hitting a breaking point. I really can’t remember the last time I suffered such a series of unfortunate events. Finally boiling over, a single tear spills from my eye. Wiping it away quickly, I shake my head. You do not cry. I tell myself. You do not cry.
I shut the front door to my apartment and lean against it. The highest, feral scream escapes my mouth, and I slink down, sitting on my heels. I hear Quinn’s footsteps and a quick shut of their bedroom door before I see them round the corner. The heavy thuds running to my aid. 
“Jesus fucking Christ, are you okay?” They say exasperatedly, hanging on to their bedroom doorway. “You’d have thought you were being murdered with a scream like that.”
“If I lay down on the floor, can you just drop something heavy on my skull and put me out of my misery?” I look over to them, displeasure written all over my face. They make their way into the living room sitting on the couch and propping their feet up on the coffee table.
“I take it the date didn’t go well?” My only response is a glare. “Do we need a therapy session then?”
“How much time do you have?” I frown. 
They take their phone out of their back pocket, tapping a few times. “Yeah, my schedule is clear tonight.” Sending me a small smile. 
“I just.. Urrrrrgh,” I stand in a huff, shrugging off my jacket and discarding it next to my purse on the floor. “I definitely should have never left the house today. Period. At all. For anything.” I whine. Taking a moment to unzip my boots and kick them off, adding to my pile, and finally sliding my feet into my comfy slippers.
“Firstly, there was that whole guy and the flowers I told you about this morning, right?” The sounds of my slippers scuff against the hardwood floor as I pace back and forth. “Then that date Katie set me up on, Jeff? Boring as hell. I mean, he immediately gave me ehh vibes when he couldn’t be bothered to come meet me at the door, but.. Whatever. I gave him the benefit of the doubt.” I dramatically wave my arms around. “Because I’m trying to be nice and not close myself off. We get to the bar, he can’t be bothered to look up from his fucking phone at all. Then, guess who I see there? AT the bar?” 
“.. who?” Quinn inquires
“The fricken GUY from the flower truck! The world is too small, I swear to GOD. ANYWAY.” I run my hands down my face. “So Jeff finally decides he wants to speak actual words to me. Does he ask me any questions about myself? NO, he just rants about I dont know, only god knows what because I couldn’t fucking tell you. Flower guy sneaks up behind me to check on our table because I guess he works there or something, and he scares the SHIT out of me, and I spill my drink.. Where? ALL over Jeff's lap. It was sooooo cute.” I drop my arms to my sides, and my hands smack against my thighs. The sound reverberates through the open room. When I look back at Quinn, they’re staring at their bedroom door. Weird but okay.
“I’ve pretty much prayed to the cosmic universe to swallow me up at this point in the evening but then what happens? Arrogant Flower Boy decides to sass me about my date, so I yelled at him. His brother behind the bar was cackling, listening to the whole thing, and then he basically kicked me out. Well.. he told us to shut up or fight outside essentially. And then flower boy.. I don’t know, tried to make amends or something and offered me a drink on the house, and I kinda told him to eat shit...” I push my lips out and give Quinn an innocent side eye, ready for them to read me for filth. “.. and poked him.. Again.” I add, finally. One could say I didn’t handle the course of events correctly today. One could even say that I was a tad bit more rude than necessary. One could say that, not me but… ya know, one could. 
“So,” They pause, “how cute is Flower Boy?”
“I mean, he’s got a really great smile. Even if he only uses his mouth to talk shit – Hey. Wait.” I hold up my pointer finger. “Out of everything I've said to you, that's where you ended up?”
“I mean, I’m not going to say you spent more time talking about him than your date.. But you spent more time talking about him than your date, Wills.” they glance down at their phone. 
I cannot help but defend myself. “That’s because he is single handedly the most annoying person I have come across in the last like.. Month.”
A ding comes from their bedroom, and I look towards their door with my eyebrows raised. If their phone is in their hand..
They clear their throat, “Sure, so did you want solutions, or did you need to yell?” They rush out, “Because if it’s solutions, we have a bat in the closet, and I have some knitting needles in my room. Bricks out front by the porch, whatever you need.” They let out a chuckle. 
Putting a finger to my chin, feigning deep thought, I reply, “That’s not a half-bad idea, Quinny, you may need to put that on the back burner. I do feel a bit better now that I’ve word-vomited some of that out. Thank God I never have to see him again, though.”
“Happy to be obliged, madam. You know I'm always here for whatever you need. Venting or violence, I’ll be there,” They stand and take a bow. “However, I do think you’d feel a lot better with a pamper session. Ya know, face washed, mask applied, those weird little eye patches you put on.” Shooing me a little bit and heading toward their bedroom. 
I curtsey in return, “You’re right, thank you, my liege. If you’ll excuse me, I shall retire to my bedchambers for the evening. Because this bitch is tired.”
“Goodnight, Winslow,” they call back to me from their bedroom doorway. 
“Goodnight, Quinndolyn Christie.” I giggle.
“That is Ser Quinndolyn Christie to you.”
I run a makeup remover wipe over my face, taking off my makeup from my failed date. Finding the smallest bit of solace in my nighttime routine and ‘me’ time, Quinn suggested. And you know, they were right. I do feel a bit better wiping off my makeup. I splash some water on my face, creating a slick base for my cleanser. As it foams on my face, I think back to my evening. Honestly, what a mess. 
I hear Quinn giggle and shuffling. That’s weird?
Then I hear a loud thud. 
I turn and feel around for the door handle, eyes closed so I don’t get my face wash in them. That would hurt like a bitch. 
“Hey Quinn, you okay?” I call out. 
“Huh? What?”
“I heard a noise.” trying not to get too many of the water droplets falling off my elbows on to the floor below me. 
“It was just the knitting needles I was talking about earlier. Was just prepping them for battle. Make sure they were at the ready.” They giggle again. 
“It sounded a bit heavier than a knitting needle.” 
“Are you sure you’re not hearing things? You should get your ears checked.”
“Okay keep your secrets then.” feeling my way blindly back to my bathroom to wash off my face. 
As I apply my various serums and moisturizers, my thoughts find their way back to Sam. Sam. No. Not gunna go there. 
I start whispering to myself, “I bet he doesn’t even need to do all this stuff. Stupid, perfect skin on his stupid, perfect face. Probably only uses bar soap. And it’s probably the same bar of soap he uses to wash his ASS.” Yes, that’s it, talking out loud to yourself is completely normal, Willa. Please keep going. I groan internally. “Ridiculous freckles on his ridiculous cheeks bet he’s never heard of SPF specifically for the face. What he should be doing is investing in an exfoliant for his stupidly perfect but chapped lips.”
Woah, now, Willa. What the fuck?? No. Go to bed.
I stare at myself in a mirror for a long minute before I rush to turn off the light and jump into bed. I settle in and wait for the soft plush of my blankets to lull me to sleep. 
When I wake up, I look over at my clock. It’s 3:15 a.m., and my first thought is Sam.
<- Chapter One Chapter Three ->
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Taglist 💜 :
@gvfsstardust, @myleftsock, @mindastreamofcolours, @imleavingyoufornewyork, @dont-go-home-without-me, @literal-dead-leaf, @lizzys-sunflower, @threadofstars, @mackalah,@klarxtr, @ourlovesdesire, @writingcold ,@edgingthedarkness, @takenbythemadness, @i-love-gvf, @ladywhimsymoon, @earthgrlsreasy, @peaceloveunitygvf, @violet-hayes, @anythingforjtk
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People still making Mariana out to be the devil is so funny to me because they love white woman who do worse let’s say Georgia from G&G the same people who love her and think she’s badass amazing mother for doing everything children also love and watch Bridgerton but are call marina most vile cruel things all bc she too wanted to do what was best for her and her child everyone and their mothers how much I love and will die for Penelope but even she’s done unspeakable things to Colin Eloise and his family but they still ship her with him but Marian tries to trap him and she’s the demon span or the devil himself it’s so hilarious to me because it’s not them looking out or caring about Colin it’s them being flat out racist and they act like we don’t see it and pretending to hide their hatred for marina by saying she’s not a good person like ma’am neither is pen when she’s writting most cruel things about the guy she loves and his family and Mariana just say y’all racist and hate Mariana bc of misogynior and go stop hiding behind wanting best for Colin cuz my perfect baby still wanted to marry her and liked her even when pen told him about Mariana plans he understood her and acted like the perfect gentleman he is so don’t even pretend to be doing all that hatred and cruelty and name calling in Colin honour bc he would spit on your face if he wasn’t such a perfect gentleman!
It’s not shocking that a yt show has so many old hag yt woman hating on the one and only black character in a world they think black people don’t belong or shouldn’t be in because it’s not historic accuracy or whatever or don’t think black people don’t exist I haven’t seen polin stans hate Kate but I think they would’ve if she was somehow in the way or was an interesting enough character that was getting attention just because it’s taking away from their self insert yt girl they identify with (bc men probably never looked at them and they feel like Penelope book version at least with how she looks down on herself in comparison to other girls and the men thank god tv pen is amazing badass queen who has her own flaws but bigger better complexities) being centre of the story thankfully was so bland and boring she couldn’t take attention away from anything or anyone which is shame for an actress like Simone!
I don’t even know or like marina or if her name even is marinina because I’ve only seen s2 and I’m pen polin Edwina and Benedict person do not care about anyone else but them and ofc the queen the OG queen ofc! I just think it’s tired seeing so many polin editors making marina out to be devil all bc she lied like my best beautiful hiro Penelope ain’t been lying to her men and bestie for years the hypocrisy the double standards and the obvious racism and misogynior of it all makes me sick to my stomach y’all don’t like her and you are getting your polin season and she ain’t even there nor has she been a problem so why y’all still on her ass it’s weird and it’s showing y’all loser insecurities over a character that’s no longer there who was never ever a thread because show keeps sticking to the books ending so let the girl go and leave in leave and stop this very obvious racism as pen fan y’all make me sick!!
What gets me the most is they like Anthony of all men Anthony the most horrible vile character on that whole show but wanna speak on marina please it’s plain and simple racism anti black and misogynior the end stop lying to yourself making excuses shes mean cruel nah it’s not that it’s bc she’s black and dared to get with ur yt boy fav Colin and tried taking something y’all think belongs to ur yt girl self insert fav Penelope simple af!
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im-a-king-baby · 1 year
I love the laura bonus ficlet! Do you maybe can write about her thoughts of when she found out that it was Wilhelm who was there with Simon in Bjärstad?
Thank you for loving Laura! (The previous Laura ficlet is here to give context)
Also for the reblogs, this is a bonus ficlet from my longer YR fic Everybody Loves You Now!
This picks up from slightly later in the conversation in the car between Simon and Laura.
Laura considers her next question for all of thirty seconds before going with her gut. “Is ‘Fuck this Motherfucker’ about Candace?”
Simme laughs. She made Simme laugh! There's a little buzz of pride in her stomach. “Is that what people think? You guys know I didn’t write it, right?”
“I know, but you said you always try to have a concept in mind when you sing, to make the songs about something.”
He gives a little nod, acknowledging her point. “True. I guess it’s about Candace a lot.” He shrugs. “But one time it was definitely about this stretch of highway we’d been on the night before that was so full of potholes -”
“Atlanta to Nashville,” she says, instinctively, like this is some Simme trivia game and not just her knowing a weird number of facts about his actual life. “Sorry. I just… I saw the video.”
She glances sideways at him again. He looks amused rather than mad, and he hasn’t refused to answer any of her questions yet so she kind of has to. “Can I ask… Who do you think about when you sing the love songs?”
There’s no hesitation to it. No equivocations, no questioning. Just the name, said so softly that it takes her a moment to connect it to the reality of Crown Prince Wilhelm who gives speeches on Year with the Royal Family and gets photographed in suits hugging babies and opening hospitals.
It’s a weird crossing of streams, realising The Crown Prince is a person and there are people he dated in high school who say his name like it’s something precious they want to keep hold of.
But like, that was four years ago. And Simme hasn’t even been back to Sweden since. “Still?” she finds herself asking.
“Yeah.” He’s looking out the window, at the shadows of trees in the darkness. “He’s the only… there’s never been anyone else.”
There have been four years of constant wall to wall news coverage of Simme with this popstar or that actor or this reality TV star. Simme laughing off his high school relationship with the Prince of Sweden like it was nothing at all. “I thought… I mean we all heard about Alfonso…”
He laughs something bitter lingering at the edges to it. “I thought it was a marketing stunt, he thought it was true love. We didn’t last.”
“But you and Wilhelm are still…”
“No,” he says. “We’re not.” His fingers drum against the door handle. “Can you pull over? Just for a minute. I need to do something.”
She’s at that point where she’s basically awake but is refusing to admit it, nestled down into the covers trying to avoid opening her eyes, half thinking that if she does everything that happened last night is going to turn out to be a wild dream and she’ll be back in Gothenburg about to wake up and drive to Stockholm to meet Stan and see the show.
Then there’s a gentle knock on the door and an unmistakable voice says, “Hey? Can I come in?” and Laura opens her eyes to a closet-sized bedroom with posters of horses on the walls.
She’d found a nightshirt to sleep in that falls all the way down to her knees, so she’s decent enough to sit up and say, “Okay?”
Simme steps into the room. He’s changed into a purple hoodie, but otherwise he looks much the same. Like he hasn’t slept or showered since he dug out a silk pillowcase from the depths of the linen cupboard. His eyes catch on the horse posters, lingering a moment too long before he looks down at her. “There’s lunch. If you’re hungry.”
She wants to ask ‘are you okay?’ but his eyes keep darting back to the walls, his hands are twitching and he had to pull over multiple times so he could snort a powder that she’s really hoping was not cocaine so she’s not sure she’s ready for the answer.
Also now he’s mentioned food, she’s realising she’s starving. “Sure.”
He nods, takes a step back so she can stand up and then leads her back down the tiny hallway, past family photos that she resists the urge to stop and peer at, and into the kitchen where there are two strangers setting the table and one of them is Crown Prince Wilhelm.
She lets out a noise that might be a yelp, starts a, “You’re-” but thankfully cuts herself off before she can say something completely idiotic like ‘you’re here’ or ‘you’re the prince’ or ‘you’re taller than you look on TV.’
It turns out there is a difference between knowing there is something going on between Simme and the Prince and actually seeing said prince in the flesh wearing Simme’s white hoodie instead of a neatly pressed suit and setting out plates on the kitchen table.
Only the hoodie was oversize on Simme but clearly fits Prince Wilhelm just fine so that’s… a thing.
“Hello,” she says, trying to get back to normal only this isn’t normal because he’s a prince so like. “I mean, your majesty.”
Prince Wilhelm smiles. Up close, it’s the same kind of smile Simme keeps giving her, the one he seems able to paste over whatever he’s really feeling in the moment. “Your majesty is my mother,” he says. “Call me Wilhelm.”
Which of course just reminds her of being in the car the night before, the way Simme’s voice softened on Wilhelm’s name. And Simme had said they weren’t still… but Wilhelm is here, in this middle-of-nowhere town. Not Simme’s team, not Candace, just Wilhelm.
A good half of the internet would pay a large fortune for a glimpse of what she's seeing now. The way Wilhelm's eyes track Simme's progress through the room, the way Simme's whole body seems angled towards the Prince even when they're not interacting at all.
"Have you told anyone you're here?" Wilhelm's bodyguard asks her.
She hasn't. And as Wilhelm and Simon both reach for a plate at the same time and flinch back a moment before their fingers brush, she knows she never will.
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poppetsisters · 4 months
I'm torn about captain America because on one hand he's a propaganda symbol but at the same time his shield is so fucking cool and he has the most timeless backstory of all time.
Though Captain America IS propaganda, I don't think he's propaganda in the way most people think. Captain America always stands for the American people, but that doesn't mean he stands for the American government. Mark Millar made that mistake when we adapted Steve Rogers to the Ultimate universe, and the depiction is panned by critics and meme makers even to this day.
To me, Captain America represents America's ideals more than he does America itself.
Take into account that Captain America was created before America itself entered World War 2. Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, both Jewish Americans, were seeing the horrors the Nazis were inflicting on the Jewish people overseas and America's complacency with it. They created Captain America as a power fantasy, imagining the embodiment of freedom and liberty literally punching Hitler in the face. If Captain America is propaganda, it's propaganda aimed at America itself to shed its apathy and stand up against fascism.
You have to remember, the idea of America getting involved in World War 2 was a controversial standpoint before Pearl Harbour shook the government out of apathy. Nazi sympathizers were outside Timely Comics protesting Captain America for being... well... too woke I suppose. Jack Kirby would've beat their ass had they stood their ground, instead revealing their yellow bellies the minute Jack Kirby rolled up his sleeves.
Captain America gets complicated after World War 2. Jack Kirby's service during the war changed him irreparably, theoretically giving him intense PTSD which he coped with through drawing. That's why he was so prolific, the poverty and violence he's experienced his whole life motivated every pen stroke.
During an interview with Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, they were both asked how they were going to explain Captain America coming back after a 20 year absence, and the two gave VERY different answers. Stan's answer is the lore we know today, but Jack's answer particularly struck me. He talks about how he believes Steve Rogers went into hiding after the war was finish, citing that a lot of veterans did that, feeling as if they didn't want to show their faces to the world... wanting to hide. It's very clear from the way Jack talks about Captain America that he's using him as a vehicle to traverse his own feeling and trauma surrounding the war. To me, this isn't propaganda so much as it is an artist venting through their OC.
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starry-edeline · 6 months
I couldnt help myself and i skimmed through the eps but my goodness i have so many thoughts-
First of all, my poor babies TT they are truly going through it this season and it just breaks my heart
Simon???? PLEASE SOMEONE HELP HIM i really really wish in the finale we see him fully venting out and being vulnerable with wille in the most detailed way possible cuz he needs to do so. Poor thing probably feels so alone and just stunned by this whole fiasco
Wille wille wille, i really feel bad for him man. I will say, his impulsiveness and general aggression is quiTe frustrating and worrisome but i cant blame him when he has so many things weighing on his shoulders including massive blows to the perspective hes grown with. I really want to see him talking things through with Simon and Boris(we stan)
The erik thing? I will say it isnt shocking to hear he did terrible things but what he did is so much worse than expected. Can you imagine how Wille might be feeling? Like the man you looked up to, thought did no wrong and was always supportive and protective towards you did something like this? Its already so disgusting but, imagine hearing that about your brother as a queer person yourself? It just takes up the pain a notch even when its already so high.
A moment to just say, Linda my queen. When she popped oFF in the first ep istg i was so happy like YES. The not trusting simon part was...hurtful but i get her, shes worried about her kids and has been kept in the dark about it all. But the comforting simon while he cries just..that was painful man that hurt simon please never cry.
I hate you August. I sympathise, but i still hate you.
The hugs? the kisses? the hallways scene?? the snuggles?? My heart im so glad there are scenes of them being HAPPY
The end in ep5...listen i hope to god its not an ACTUAL break up and thats the moment they talk things through and wille gets insight to everything happening with simon and in simon's mind. I hope for wilmon endgame and i just want them to be those communicative kings like in s1. Its so painful to see them cry and just be sad...they are only teenagers...
Overall, im really excited for the finale please i wish qll the loose ends are tied and its a ending that makes sense <3 more thoughts on this later when i think about it more-
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Scrublands review – Chris Hammer adaptation is a rock solid addition to Australian rural noir
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Jay Ryan plays murderer priest Byron Swift in Scrublands, now streaming on Stan. Photograph: Sarah Enticknap
A journalist is assigned to write about a traumatic event, speaks to wary locals, scratches away layers of obfuscation and discovers All Is Not What It Seems. Yes, we’ve been here before. Ditto for crime stories based in rural Australian locations; the bounty for this year alone includes Deadloch, Black Snow, Bay of Fires, The Clearing and Ivan Sen’s feature film Limbo.
However, Stan’s new four-part mystery series Scrublands, directed by Greg McLean and adapted from Chris Hammer’s bestselling novel of the same name, demonstrates why genre-ified tropes and formulas have evergreen appeal if staged with some vim and flair.
These kinds of narratives don’t have to be fresh, per se: according to Campbellian wisdom there’s nothing new under the sun. But templated stories should always feel fresh and be invigoratingly staged. That’s certainly the case in Scrublands, which at its worst feels a little potboiler-ish but is grippingly sustained across four episodes of roughly one hour apiece and never overstays its welcome.
The series begins provocatively, with a priest – Jay Ryan’s Bryon Swift – shooting at his own congregation with a sniper rifle, murdering five people before turning the gun on himself. Not the most effective recruitment drive for the church. Twelve months later, a Sydney Morning Herald journalist – Luke Arnold’s Martin Scarsden – arrives in the town where it happened to pen a “one year on” anniversary article. One local accuses him of writing “torture porn” but Scarsden says his brief is a colour piece: “just weekend supplement stuff”. Nothing to challenge or upset people. The protagonist will change his tune, of course, when he gets an inkling that something is wrong with the official narrative and attaches himself to the story like a dog with lockjaw.
We know that things can’t be as they seem but we saw the priest killing in cold blood, so what kind of twists and turns await? Good mystery writing is sometimes about appearing to box things in, to construct narrative limitations before finding ways to circumvent them – by widening the context, perhaps, or unveiling different perspectives, or laying out a tangled backstory, all of which is the case in Scrublands. Like other crime mysteries such as The Dry, McLean alternates between timeframes, the current one having a hot glazed look, the palette taking on cooler hues during earlier times. The latter moments feel reflective, distanced from the white-hot part of the flame. Later on, these once-lighter looking scenes get warmer, signifying that the plotlines are merging and the drama is coming to a head.
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Luke Arnold is compelling – and he doesn’t overdo it. Photograph: Sarah Enticknap
Luke Arnold is a compelling lead: from the start you feel invested in his presence. When Arnold does that thing when an actor frowns while examining a piece of evidence, as if to say “now I’m putting two and two together”, he doesn’t overdo it; it feels genuine. This is a less showy performance than Simon Baker’s heroin-injecting cop in Limbo or Travis Fimmel’s sleepy-eyed detective in Black Snow – perhaps because Arnold is playing a journalist who can’t afford to indulge in too much self-destructive behaviour, with all those bloody deadlines to hit.
But when it comes to dramatic purpose, the journalist and the detective often occupy the same essential role: as upsetters of the apple cart, sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong, making people uncomfortable and creating a chemistry change that draws dormant feelings – and, of course, The Truth – to the surface.
Bella Heathcote, who co-starred in the excellent 2020 horror movie Relic, is very persuasive as Mandy Bond, who has, shall we say, unique knowledge of the late priest. Just by the way she holds herself, by the longing in her eyes, the actor very effectively communicates that Bond wants to be somewhere else, emotionally and physically.
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Mandy Bond (Bella Heathcote) in Scrublands. Photograph: Narelle Portanier
As the aforementioned priest, Swift initially seems a little imposing and Ironman-like for a man of the cloth, as if he should be in a Nutri-Grain commercial rather than a confessional. But stay with it; this tale is tangled and things feel quite plausible (notwithstanding the need for a wee bit of disbelief suspension as it rolls and tumbles along).
Like much of McLean’s work, Scrublands can be a bit pulpy but here not in a bad way: this isn’t trashy or schlocky. It’s a rock-solid addition to the rural noir genre, engaging from the start, all the way to a satisfyingly explosive finale.
Scrublands is streaming now on Stan.
Source: The Guardian
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LWL Live reaction
JUDGE CASEY?!?! Smother?!? ooof ohhhh Lawyer Casey! Outfit seemed very judge-ish
Daddy Derek dadding x2 “consequences” 😭
He’s gotta pack his own bags poor baby
SHE MARRIED A HOCKEY PLAYER?!?! (she’s married 😭)
Luca being a prankster? never would’ve guessed.
“oh we’re really embracing the whole door slamming thing… gotcha.. very cool.”
Derek and Casey!!! HUG FIRST?!? YES
Cousin version of Dasey?
“Uncle Derek’s VERY immature” “I know! I love it!”
“oh…and you’re still with George…”
ohhh it’s a ROCKY marriage.
Casey is a helicopter mom (who says she’s not)
omg it’s his famous mac and cheese!!
“i wish we were cousins AND sisters” 🥹🥹
“come on, im a grown up now” “…eh”
Simon on Academic Probation. Aww he takes after his biggest bro
Sugar High Kai 😂😂
I love Simon 😂
They’ll find you Kai
Accidental Jewel thieves George and Nora
Casey. You have lawyering to do. DONT TAKE THE BATH DO THE WORK.
Go karting. oh here we goooo
poor worker is NOT paid enough
Flirty Simon
TRUMANS LAST CHANCE!?!? Better not be what I think it is 👀👀👀
don’t forget the littlest one
“had my own chair” maybe not the best thing to be proud of.
oh no Luca was mean 😭 and now Skyler is sad 😭😭
oof she didn’t turn off the bath
Babe you’re gonna need more than mop
It’s definitely George’s genetics that cause chaos kids
Truman’s Last chance is a female singer?
Principal Lassiter to Officer Lassiter. Yeah that tracks.
Again I love Simon.
Accidental Jewel thief pt 2: electric boogaloo
oh no creepy guy gonna go to the house 👀
Willow x Simon 🥹 I love them
BTS stan 😂
tell him off girlie
oh no. a bear!
she fell! her leg!
Derek quit uni after one semester and made Casey break up with his gf? TYPICAL
Aww she doesn’t hate her cousin anymore
“Like Derek! Only worse!” DANG Casey!
Jealous of her being a rockstar’s daughter when he’s a rockstar’s nephew AND a famous hockey player’s son.
Derek having a panic attack is making me tear up 🥺
“Chief Mills says to sit tight” “are we doing that” “no! give me the keys!”
Derek is so scared 😭😭 her song 😭😭
Kai in the ceiling 😂😂
“did you guys bring me presents?” 😂😂
The House-Warm-a-versery is gonna happen?
Derek being love and telling Casey to get to work in the most loving way 😭
Gave making this Awk
Aur naur he sneakin
Luca and Sky!! be careful!
smart! lock him up!
haha he’s trapped
Good job Luca! Not scaring the party but getting help!!
Luca being a sweet son
“Hey Case-“ “yes, Der?”
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nightwolf14292 · 8 months
Some of my OC Couples Answer Relationship Questions
I found this template on Pinterest and I'm going to use it lmao
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Meet the couples(There are a few couples I didn't include):
Oliver & Len
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Nightwolf, [BLANK]wolf, & Simon
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Laura & Jonathan
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Bohdi & Mara
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Sebastian, Marcus, & Nyx
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Mason(AKA Skull-Sight) & Hawthorne(AKA Hawk-Scythe)
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Skylar & Quail
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1. What was their first impression of each other?
•Oliver & Len: Len found Oliver to be very interesting and he automatically wanted to know more, while Oliver was extremely wary of Len.
•Night, [BLANK], & Simon: Night and [BLANK], already knowing about the whole soulmate thing, automatically considered Simon as their lover while Simon was more confused and flustered over the whole situation.
•Laura & Jonathan: Laura thought of Jonathan as an annoyance, while Jonathan really liked her and tried really hard to get her attention.
•Bohdi & Mara: Bohdi, being the kind soul he is, was incredibly kind to Mara and often gave him bouquets of flowers and such despite Mara's powers. Mara was confused as to why Bohdi was treating him so much better then the other deities, but secretly enjoyed it.
•Sebastian, Marcus, & Nyx: Marcus was scared, for good reason considering he just found out there was a demon under his bed and in his closet. Both Sebastian and Nyx already held a lot of affection for Marcus from watching everything he had been through. Sebastian and Nyx had a rivalry at first, both fighting over who was going to be with Marcus.
•Mason(AKA Skull-Sight) & Hawthorne(AKA Hawk-Scythe): They were very spiteful towards each other.
•Skylar & Quail: Quail was really playing up his bad boy persona to try and impress Skylar, and Skylar absolutely thought he was trying too hard.
2. Is it a casual relationship, or true love? Or somewhere in between?
•Oliver & Len: True love
•Night, [BLANK], & Simon: Literal soulmates
•Laura & Jonathan: They got married- Not that that means anything, but they love each other
•Bohdi & Mara: They complete one another. They take 'Good' and 'Evil' to make neutral, kind of like Yin and Yang. So, true love, soulmates 10/10, we stan them
•Sebastian, Marcus, & Nyx: They're chill about the relationship, but they really do love each other
•Mason(AKA Skull-Sight) & Hawthorne(AKA Hawk-Scythe): It's an enemies to lover of course they were made for each other
•Skylar & Quail: In some ways they were made for each other, because of the stereotype stories from 2018, but they're very chill about their relationship even if they love each other a lot
3. What was each of them's 'Oh shit I have feelings for them' moment?
•Oliver & Len: Len was intrigued from the start, and it honestly didn't take him very long to take a liking to Oliver. Oliver, on the other hand, took much longer to become fully invested in their relationship because of his trust issues
•Night, [BLANK], & Simon: The feelings were always there, even before they met, because of the soulmate attraction
•Laura & Jonathan: For Jonathan it was pretty simple, he saw a pretty lady and thought 'I'm going to talk to her!' With there already being a sense of attraction, and overtime that attraction turned into real feelings. As for Laura she was annoyed by his attempts at flirting at first, but then one day after he left she just went 'Uh oh' and realized she had actually started to like the 'Weirdo'
•Bohdi & Mara: Bohdi had a slow, warm realization of 'Oh, I think he's interesting' all the way up to 'I want to be with him all the time'. Mara, on the other hand, had a bucket of cold water dumped over his head as he saw that Bohdi had left another bouquet of white roses on his side of the gate(Despite knowing what would happen to them in Mara's presence), and he just went 'Wait.' Which is when he came to the realization that he felt happier then he had in thousands of years just by these simple gestures, and it meant he had caught feelings hard. This was a scary realization to him at the time since it was before he knew that his curse wouldn't work on Bohdi
•Sebastian, Marcus, & Nyx: Sebastian and Nyx's relationship was kind of a surprise because they both just wanted to go after Marcus but then Nyx was like 'What if we both dated him.. And each other' and Sebastian was like 'That's hot'. As for Marcus, the two demons knew how much they loved and cared for him every time they had to see him sad or upset
•Mason(AKA Skull-Sight) & Hawthorne(AKA Hawk-Scythe): The two were always the kind of enemy-frenemy type that were a liiiittle too close for them to actually be enemy-frenemies, and the sexual tension was always at its max, so it really wasn't that surprising
•Skylar & Quail: Skylar caught feelings once she saw that Quail had been secretly working at the library all this time, and Quail caught feelings when he realized that Skylar wasn't judging him for that
4. Did either of them fight their feelings, or was it easy to accept?
•Oliver & Len: Oliver fought it, Len didn't
•Night, [BLANK], & Simon: Night and [BLANK] accepted it, Simon was unsure at first but accepted it quickly
•Laura & Jonathan: Laura fought it, Jonathan didn't
•Bohdi & Mara: Mara fought it, Bohdi didn't
•Sebastian, Marcus, & Nyx: Marcus fought it a little, but started to enjoy his feelings pretty quickly. Sebastian and Nyx didn't really fight their feelings for Marcus or each other
•Mason(AKA Skull-Sight) & Hawthorne(AKA Hawk-Scythe): Skull-Sight fought it, Hawk-Scythe fought it a little but eventually accepted that his feelings were real and that his love would be forever unrequited and covered his feelings up with sassy sarcasm and jokes. And then stuff happened, and it turns out Hawk-Scythe's love wasn't as unrequited as he thought
•Skylar & Quail: Neither really fought it very hard
5. When was their first 'I love you'? What prompted it? If neither has said it yet, why?
•Oliver & Len: Len said it first after their third date, to which Oliver was a little put off because he felt that Len didn't know enough about him by then, but he said it back to be polite. Oliver first said it and really meant it about a month after they started dating while they were spending time together as he was overcome with a sudden powerful wave of affection.
•Night, [BLANK], & Simon: Night and [BLANK] said it basically as soon as they met Simon since they knew he was their soulmate, and he awkwardly said it back
•Laura & Jonathan: Jonathan said it early on as he gave several attempts at getting her affection, and after a while she eventually said it back to him much to his surprise
•Bohdi & Mara: They said it to one another the day they realized that their powers cancelled out and they could be together without harm
•Sebastian, Marcus, & Nyx: Marcus and Nyx had said it to each other once or twice before their presences got revealed to Marcus, and they said it to him early on since they had already developed affection towards him. It took him longer to say it back, but after he realized that the demons had been protecting him for the majority of his life, he became more open to being affectionate towards them and started to say it back
•Mason(AKA Skull-Sight) & Hawthorne(AKA Hawk-Scythe): Hawk-Scythe used to say it jokingly, but over the years it became more and more sincere, and at some point Skull-Sight started to say it back
•Skylar & Quail: Skylar said it first after they had been dating for about three months, and Quail eagerly said it back because he had wanted to say it for ages but was worried it'd be too fast
•Oliver & Len: Oliver big spoon, Len little spoon (But he big spoons sometimes because it's funny to imagine lol).
•Night, [BLANK], & Simon: Night on one side, [BLANK] on the other, they both big spoon Simon the little spoon.
•Laura & Jonathan: Jonathan big spoon, Laura little spoon (except when she's angry because she scares him)
•Bohdi & Mara: Mara big spoon, Bohdi little spoon (except when Mara is sad and he gives him bear hugs)
•Sebastian, Marcus, & Nyx: Sebastian big spoon, Marcus little spoon, Nyx is big spoon sometimes but will try to curl up and worm his way into Marcus' space so he can also be a little spoon
•Mason(AKA Skull-Sight) & Hawthorne(AKA Hawk-Scythe): Hawk-Scythe big spoon, Skull-Sight little spoon and it flusters the heck out of him
•Skylar & Quail: Skylar big spoon, Quail little spoon(He will never tell that to anyone)
7. What was the biggest obstacle to their relationship?
•Oliver & Len: The biggest obstacle is Oliver's memories of his past that he has yet to share, and the knowledge he carries that he fears will make Len hate him forever.
•Night, [BLANK], & Simon: The biggest obstacle was the fact that Night and [BLANK] are deities while Simon is a human, which some of the other residents of Manus didn't like
•Laura & Jonathan: The biggest obstacle was that they were from completely different social classed before they became Lesser deities, as Laura was considered to be a 'peasant' meant to do labor for cheap, while Jonathan was from a rather wealthy family
•Bohdi & Mara: The biggest obstacle used to be Mara's curse, but then they realized that it doesn't affect Bohdi lolololol
•Sebastian, Marcus, & Nyx: The biggest obstacle is Marcus' parents and the bad things they do, plus the administration Sebastian and Nyx work for not liking human-demon positive relationships
•Mason(AKA Skull-Sight) & Hawthorne(AKA Hawk-Scythe): The biggest obstacle was the city, and the fact that they were literally arch nemesis
•Skylar & Quail: The biggest obstacle was Quail's insecurities, and that it took him a long time to actually show his real self to Skylar because he was so busy forcing a bad boy persona
8. What drew them to each other the most?
•Oliver & Len: Len was originally drawn in by Oliver's appearance, because the two met on Halloween and he really liked Oliver's costume. After Oliver eventually revealed his true appearance, Len was even more interested in all of the scars Oliver has
•Night, [BLANK], & Simon: There was a natural soulmate attraction
•Laura & Jonathan: Jonathan was incredibly fascinated by the way Laura sewed her own clothes, and he liked to watch the graceful way her hands moved over the fabric
•Bohdi & Mara: Bohdi was drawn in by the stark contrast between him and Mara, and he liked to look through the gate into Mara's realm. Despite the fact that Mara's realm was a realm of ashen and rocky terrain with dead plant and animal life, Bohdi still found beauty in the landscape, and in Mara
•Sebastian, Marcus, & Nyx: Sebastian and Nyx, both fairly sympathetic demons since they used to be human, were drawn in both by the unfortunate situation Marcus had to live in, and by the fact that they had been watching him from in the closet(Nyx) and under the bed(Sebastian) for many years(As ageless demonic beings they were watching him since he was 5-6ish up until present story timeline where he's 17-18)
•Mason(AKA Skull-Sight) & Hawthorne(AKA Hawk-Scythe): The two, despite being arch nemesis, were always very cartoony villains that didn't ever really hate each other but just sort of bickered back and forth and acted really sarcastic and sassy. Unlike cartoon villains though, Hawk-Scythe has that natural super villain charm that no one can resist. Not even the hero ;)
•Skylar & Quail: Quail was drawn to Skylar because she's such a badass, and the entire persona he was forcing was being a baddie
9. How long did they know each other before developing feelings?
•Oliver & Len: Approximately 4 months
•Night, [BLANK], & Simon: There was always a pull from Night to Simon and from [BLANK] to Simon even before they met, since they were fated partners
•Laura & Jonathan: Approximately 7 years
•Bohdi & Mara: Approximately 157 years
•Sebastian, Marcus, & Nyx: Sebastian - Nyx, Approximately 18, Nyx & Sebastian - Marcus, Approximately 18, Marcus - Nyx & Sebastian, Approximately 2 months
•Mason(AKA Skull-Sight) & Hawthorne(AKA Hawk-Scythe): Approximately 8 years
•Skylar & Quail: Approximately 1 year
10. What's their favorite quality about the other?
•Oliver & Len: Oliver likes Len's general positive attitude that always helps to lift other up, and Len likes how calm and gentle Oliver always is
•Night, [BLANK], & Simon: Simon likes the fact that Night and [BLANK] take care of him and make sure he's protected with his weak magic up in the land of deities, and Night & [BLANK] like that Simon is so knowledgeable about mortal customs so he can help them when they're creating new life
•Laura & Jonathan: Laura likes that Jonathan is such a gentleman, and Jonathan likes that Laura is such a sweetheart
•Bohdi & Mara: Bohdi likes that despite Mara's unnerving appearance he is a kind soul at heart(Albeit a lonely one), and Mara likes that Bohdi holds no fear or ill will against him like most of the other deities do
•Sebastian, Marcus, & Nyx: Sebastian likes Nyx's sassy attitude and Marcus' sweet attitude, Marcus likes how Sebastian and Nyx both keep him safe and protected, and Nyx likes Sebastian's smarts and how much of a cutie Marcus is
•Mason(AKA Skull-Sight) & Hawthorne(AKA Hawk-Scythe): Skull-Sight likes that bickering with Hawk-Scythe will always put him in a good mood, no matter what, and Hawk-Scythe likes that Skull-Sight has never really treated him like a true villain even when they fight
•Skylar & Quail: Skylar likes that Quail is secretly really cute and sweet, and Quail likes that Skylar is secretly a baddie
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keepsmagnetoaway · 8 months
X-Men 14 (Nov 1965)
Stan Lee/Jack Kirby, Jay Gavin.
Once again Stan Lee has remembered - as he does once every four issues, while totally forgetting in-between - that the X-Men are about being a hated and feared minority. This time, the charge is being led by an anthropologisy with a face that looks like it's meant to be a parody of someone specific even if it isn't: yes, it's Bolivar Trask.
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The thing I most want to know about Bolivar Trask, aside from why his face is like that, is why his name is like that. Were his parents huge Simon Bolivar stans? Why is this not addressed?
Actually though this stuff is great. Here's the X-Men's first ever glimpse of a nightmare future, something the whole franchise would eventually become obsessed with and run into the ground: but ironically the very first instance of the theme is as anti-mutant propaganda.
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This stuff is great - after the newspaper there's some TV stuff too, with Xavier going on national TV to debate Trask, though it turns out to be a trap.
If the faces here look a a bit different - I still don't like Trask's, but it's interesting, and the looks of the bystanders and TV watchers here are really good - that may be because this is the first issue where art issues were shared by Kirby and "Jay Gavin", a pseudonym for Werner Roth, who was moonlighting on X-Men for a few issues. Roth was mostly not a superhero guy - he did a lot of Western comics - and you can see that he has a different, surer way of handling faces and features than Kirby did.
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We are instantly back to Kirby-style stuff when the interview turns out to be a trap and the Sentinels show up, though. The Sentinels are 100% Kirby: unsettling space Aztecs that ought to be goofy as hell but somehow work.
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Also in this issue: the X-Men, who are at the beatnik club again. The word libido! Racy!
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Summoned from the club, the X-Men have a showdown with the Sentinels, who are famously unstoppable, like all X-Men villains, but do represent something new in their technological menace, which is a nice contrast to all the mutant vs mutant stuff we've seen so far. They also create a nice problem of scale: being two or three times taller than a person, the logistics of fighting them, and therefore the kind of fight scenes you get, are totally new.
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The X-Men can't win but the Sentinels break off the fight to abduct Trask himself, who in another nice bit of storytelling has already realised he's gone too far: but he can't stop the Sentinels now and they take him back to their hyper-Kirby base, with the X-Men in pursuit...
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irish-urn · 2 years
SPOILER - I wanna talk about the GOOD and the BAD! Let’s start off with the good: Casey and Derek were true to their characters and I loved that Derek matured, like it’s still him but he’s grown now and he’s a good father! Second, Dasey acted like a married couple! Sorry Case, but I’m so glad she’s having marriage troubles with her husband Peter. I liked Simons character, he’s a bit like Derek, he’s goofy, friendly, and has a good heart. The bathroom scene! Casey secretly wanted to take a bath with Derek. It’s not mentioned directly in the movie, but I think it’s safe to say Casey DID go to Queens and ditched dancing in New York because she talks about the first year at Queens with Derek. That bugged me about VWD. Now for the bad, Derek dropped out of his first year of college, what! Dasey never happened in college? I’m the #1 Dasey in College fan so this felt like if someone poured pickle juice on me and then slapped me and then threw a tomato at me. Sorry, but on my rewatches I skipped the Skylar and Luca scenes. I understand why Marti, Lizzie, and Edwin weren’t in the movie, but still, I wanted to see them so bad. And Emily. I liked Simon but I wish he didn’t exist, for Dasey reasons. Derek being a musician that lives in Paris isn’t OOC, but it’s also not what me or a lot of people expected. I wanted famous hockey player Derek, dammit! Derek and Casey having kids at a young age IS OOC to me, but it’s whatever. Life happens. I didn’t like how Casey and Derek spent years apart. One is a lawyer and the other is a musician who’s always on tour so it makes sense, but it’s fiction so make it happen anyways! That’s all I can think of right now, but even with the bad, I still thought it was a pretty good movie! I have a feeling the follow up movie or series is going to be even better. Anyways, what’s your good or bad?
OH BOY. my good and bad.
My Good: The characterizations were everything I hoped for. Everyone was so in-character for the situations that they were in. I LOVED Simon. He wasn't what I was expecting but I really really enjoyed him. I also VERY MUCH liked the new kids. Was Luca kind of a jerk? Yes, but I knew WHY and so I'm looking forward to seeing him grow. Molly and Kai were the cutest things I've ever seen and I loved them. Skyler has the potential to be super annoying and instead I adored her.
I also super liked the aesthetic of it and the way they did the spliced screens. I just liked the look of it.
The Bads: Nora and George's plot annoyed me but thankfully their scenes were short enough I could deal with it (although I probably will skip them on my rewatch). I missed the kids as much as everyone did, but remain hopeful.
My main issue with it is: I think they were really mean to Derek and Casey in order to get them to where they are now.
So, before I'm a Dasey shipper, I'm a Derek Venturi stan and a member of the Casey McDonald defense squad. As long as they are happy, I am willing to give the plotline a lot of slack.
But Derek and Casey? They aren't happy. One of them is lonely and afraid, and the other is miserable and overwhelmed.
I'm going to have to do another post just about my take on Derek Venturi, and another one for the McDonald family, but tldr: Derek and Skyler need family and connection, and the McDonalds need breathing room. They've set it up so that these two families need each other and I really hope we get the chance to see them work together... Because my babies are so so sad without each other. And I'm not talking as a shipper or because I think they should bone. They just work better as a team, and I hate that they tore them apart for so long.
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thesimoneashley · 10 months
this is gonna be a long rant so fair warning:
Having been in the 🐝 fandom since before season 1, I've seen fandom fights come and go. Despite not often engaging in fandom discourse, the exposure of what is rotten in some parts of the fandom thanks to anons at @waitingforeddyneddy and the latest shadyness thrown at Simone and Simone fans made me do this post for my followers. I am not tagging this because I know these vile people love to go around doxxing and bullying.
Before anyone considers harassing or bullying me as well, I want to clarify that I am not friends with Annie, nor do I follow her. However, I appreciate her blog and some anons for exposing some of the nasties within this fandom. It reinforces my belief that certain JB fans have a superior complex and put this yt man (and themselves as “the better fans”) on a ridiculous high pedestal.
It's disgusting to continuesly see people labeled unfairly, like being called "homophobic" for not stanning JB or “racist”for whatever other reason (mainly because they are a fan of Simone but apparently they are not “right” enough).
I used to think JB and SA fans where a unit but ever since S2 dropped the shadyness from JB fans hasn’t stopped, it has increased.
So I am saying this:
If you’re one of those supporting the nasty and passive aggressive comments from certain JB Stans who claim Simone “hasn’t said shit about Kanthony S3” and “only talked about the KA dance a year ago and that was her only statement”, disregarding her numerous interviews from the past year, compared to JB's one time interview about S3 KA in April last year; if you believe Jonny's vague “we are back”qualifies him as the K*nthony king where he couldn’t even name drop his leading lady nor her character and you insist on policing anyone rightfully calling Simone the “K*nthony stan queen” (or whatever name 😂)due to your hurt ego as a JB fan; if you engage in sending death threats and hateful messages to @waitingforeddyneddy or anyone who is not a fan of your damn white as chalk man, if you are joking about “Simone's (un)employment” and calling her boyfriend all sorts of names; if all this aligns with your behavior, please unfollow me now and go f*ck yourself.
I may not support everything discussed over there, but thanks to that blog’s anons, I've become aware that some Simone fan sites (some whom I used to follow and support) are involved with or even instigating negativity. I hope you feel ashamed of calling her boyfriend ugly or harassing her fellow stans, or make fun of people supporting her just because you don’t like them while also having the audacity to dictate Simone on her own instagram how, when and what to post. What a big ass hypocrite and disgusting person you and your friends are.
To those love to claim that Simone's fans behavior reflect poorly on her and the fandom (I quote “this is why everyone hates SA fans”), you would benefit from taking a moment to reflect on everyone’s individual behavior including your own. JB fans, look no further than to your mutual stans who tell SA fans they wish they “got aborted”. All for your yt man who will never f*ck you. Your sick in the head.
And for anyone who wants to know what piece of worthless scum there is among the JB / (k)*nthony fandom read through the anons from the blog by @waitingforeddyneddy
Trigger Warning: I hope those with braincells in the JB fandom understand that I'm not generalizing all fans as a whole.
Everyone else playing superior while stanning that yt man:Wishing you a change of attitude.
I am linking this post pinned to my blog since Season 2 dropped.It features (TW for the ego hurt) THE ONLY interview from JB in April 2022 about KA S3 he ever gave since the show dropped contrasting with numerous instances where Simone(the Queen of Kan*hony;))))), has discussed KA. You are welcome to shut tf about now.
Edit: you are also f*cked up to think JB telling some random stalker fan he “loves” Simone means they are secret besties or whatever. Talking about parasocial.
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hecksupremechips · 1 year
3, 8, and 25 and infinity train for the discourse asks 😈
This is why you’re my bestie you knew just what to do to enable my pretentious about cartoon syndrome 😈
3. Description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
There’s a few but the one I’m always haunted by is one that was like “I think we can ALL agree that Ryan smokes weed based on this random line that has literally nothing to do with anything!” Like come on dude keep me out of your grasping shit 😩
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
This is really nitpicky lol but like I don’t think Simon and Samantha were together long enough for her to be like HIS MOM. Like that works for Hazel since Tuba has literally raised her since she was a baby but it’s not the same for Simon. I’m not trying to say that him being abandoned by her wasn’t traumatic or anything, but I don’t think it’s even kinda enough to justify him being more ✨fucked up ✨ than Grace (since that’s usually what people use this but of lore to do)
This is also a nitpick and honestly this probably isn’t as common anymore. Maybe idk I’m not toooo active with this fandom nowadays. But idk sometimes people acted like Ryan was just way more popular and cool than he really is? In the show I mean. While in actuality it seems a lot more like he’s constantly CONSTANTLY trying to be liked but just. Fails at it. He gives off this vibe that he’d be trying to joke around with the popular kids and they’d laugh more at him than with him, and that he’d just kinda take cuz at least he’s getting attention. He also just does a really good job at keeping up his confident persona even when no one is watching. The only time you see him not perform is when he gets abandoned by Min a second time and he just gets really fed up. Then playing in the bathroom with Min is what makes his number go down, what makes the door unlock, what makes the party successful, WHAT MAKES HIM HAPPY. Cuz the only attention that matters is the positive attention he gets from Min because he cares so much about him and he’s satisfied with no one else watching if it means they can be together. I mean a big part of his character arc is him realizing that chasing attention all the time isn’t gonna make him happy, it’s being with people you love. Also none of what I just said is coherent im sorry I am so exhausted 😵‍💫. Basically I’m a Ryan Akagi stan and I go silly thinking about him
25. Common fandom complaint that you’re sick of hearing
That b4 is bad because it was a low stakes plot. Like sorry that this show has to be so goddamn fast paced that we never get to have filler content and so they gave us a season that was more lighthearted in between what would’ve been two very heavy seasons. Sorry you have no whimsy and are bitchless and don’t understand the power of friendship and playing gay music. You’re not invited to my birthday sleepover and it is because of this 😤
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