hcshannon · 11 months
This is what Bryce Cherry AKA Dev-CatScratch looks like according to Playground AI
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patchesandco · 3 months
Introducing CatScratch! A 1-4 player, GM optional storytelling TTRPG where you play as a cat.
Every cat has nine lives, how will you live yours?
This is our first ever game, inspired by systems like Powered By the Apocalypse, TrashKin by gshowitt on itch.io, and the Warriors Series RPG.
CatScratch explores the lives of your cat, through Going on Journeys and Resting. The main focus of the game is storytelling, encouraging you to explore your cat's lives. Live your lives to the fullest, and pass something on to the next generation of cats. Die rolls are not meant to dictate the story, just to help guide it.
CatScratch is a love letter to those who role-played cats on the playground, on forums, in servers.
Thank you so much for checking it out!
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shinynightmarenight · 9 months
Dora as a sumo wrester by dev-catscratch
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bill-the-baker · 6 years
My journey to Hell
Warning: Long post. Not suitable for dial-up users or those with a short attention span. (For mobile users, just keep scrolling until you see the picture with the inflated Shantae.)
I remember when it all started. It was when I was taking my break from this site (when I should’ve been revising), and I was browsing DeviantArt.
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My journey down the rabbit hole began when I came across this account that did fanart involving characters from OK KO engaging in holy Christian activities, like denouncing Atheism as Satanism:
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But then, I found out that it was part of this collection...
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Most of it was just ironic and intentionally bad art, but then, after some searching, I came across some stamps.
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I thought to myself something along the lines of “What the fuck”, and “This must be some kind of a joke. So, I went to this guy’s user page, and it all went downhill from there.
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First of all, I must admit, this guy has some form of intellect to him, with him occasionally displaying his expertise with computers, which I can personally applaud.
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However, in order to actually get to that point, I needed to go through boatloads of confusing and morally questionable content.
First of all, this guy has made it clear numerous times in the past that he is a sufferer of autism, so it’s likely that you’d find a lot of art based on specific interests, but these ideas and interests are so closed and obscure that they’re truly something to behold.
He describes himself as an advocate for numerous ideas, but they all just appear so trivial. For example:
He really wants to have Luvs (a brand of diapers, by the way) imported to his home country of Australia, Lord knows why:
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He protested against McDonald’s on the issue of child obesity, using low quality thinly-veiled weight gain fetish art (more on that later):
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He also doesn’t like how Avon (a company specialising in feminine beauty products) has a mostly-female board of directors:
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And, to top it all off, he refuses to believe that men can be victims of sexual assault:
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(By the way, the generic white man with the Tom Baker-brand thousand-yard stare is how he draws himself.)
He also believes that’s it’s extremely important for cartoon characters (including non-humans) to have navels, and also believes that one of the most important life lessons you would teach kids is why they have one. My best guess is that it’s all just for the satisfaction of his not-so closeted fetishes, but this guy never gives straight answers so I can’t really tell:
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Speaking of not-so closeted fetishes, he’s also made a hefty load of fan-art of cartoon characters for the raising of awareness on child obesity, based on this image that you might have seen floating around the web about ten years ago:
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The results are rather unsettling. I mean, he’s sticking to an idea that he wishes to advocate for, but you’d think that after about a hundred of these damn things he would have made the message clear enough (yes, he made over a hundred of these things).
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Actually, you know what, let’s zoom in on that last image, and think about how he actually communicates to people. I know this might sound harsh, considering that I’m aware of his autism, but I’m well aware, as someone who suffers from a slightly more minor form of his condition, that communication is only really tough when speaking in person, with typing in the privacy of your own room being much easier; and while he does type in coherent sentences, he avoids questions as often as a politician. Here’s a few discussions between him and those who don’t approve of his art:
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(you may have noticed that he comments in pre-set messages.)
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Oh yeah. He also answers his opponents in a debate with the question “do you drive a Mitsubishi?”, because apparently that company is the personification of evil, because they build vehicles and tools that assist in chopping down trees. I mean, Mercedes do the same thing, but I don’t go around telling their owners that they worship Satan!
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Anyhoo, back to his odd interests.
He seems to have some odd fixation for this brand of toilet cleaner, called Toilet Duck, which has an odd duck-shaped head. He says he first gained an interest for the generally-obscure bleach brand, when he first heard a news story about a burglar, who was found pleasuring himself, using the head of the product. Let’s leave it at that for now.
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He also has a strong interest in parenthood. (I guess the man has thought to himself that these events would just remain fantasies.)
He appears to be attempting to give his pictures a cutesy-vibe, but his unnatural drawing style stops them from looking anywhere outside of creepy.
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And finally, perhaps his most confusing and unexplainable interest of them all: bumpbows!
If you’ve heard of this guy before, then chances are that it was through this. He first found out about bumpbows about two years ago. They functioned as a solution to a minor problem in pregnancy, involving the misshaping of the navel. Since that’s two interests for the price of one, obviously he was going to jump on the bumpbow bandwagon almost immediately after he discovered them!
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(This one’s my personal favourite!)
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He’s even made a group about them!
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(I love how this group doesn’t have any pictures of bumpbows showing their actual intended purpose!)
Now, it might seem all right (if not, only a little bit creepy), but things start getting weird when he starts getting people to use bumpbows, not because they’re expecting children, but as a fashion statement, as well as raising awareness for autism (even though there’s barely any correlation between them), among other hard-pressing issues. I guess I could maybe start wearing bumpbows at anti-war rallies, but, I digress.
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(Spoiler alert: There doesn’t appear to be any sign of that group actually going ahead with the plan.)
However, perhaps the strangest of his ideas for bumpbows, would be throwing parties, with them functioning as the primary dress-code.
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He’s even thrown his own private parties! (By private, I mean he was the only one there.)
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But I’d say the weirdest thing about them is that there’s this strange sexual undertone to them. Now, actually, I wouldn’t say that they’re undertones, considering that he has outright said that they should be adult-only events. He’s even regularly connected them with sex. It all seems so weird, since he usually makes drawings with such an innocent tone (at least on the surface).
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(Well, at least we now know why he’s interested in that Toilet Duck bottle!)
I could go on forever about this guy, but this post is getting long enough as it is. So I’ll just leave a couple of links, just please don’t send any hate over to him. I know it sounds hypocritical of me, but this guy’s getting enough flack as it is. He’s got an ED page, a thread on Kiwi Farms, AND there’s even and anti-Dev-Catscratch group on his home base of DeviantArt, so just feel free to explore some of these links, but leave it at that:
His DA: https://dev-catscratch.deviantart.com/
His ED page (NSFW of course): https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Dev-catscratch
His Kiwi Farms thread (gave me easy access to the things I was looking for): https://kiwifarms.net/threads/bryce-cherry-dev-catscratch.17621/
Oh. And P.S: What’s a bad DeviantArt page without a favourites section full of fetish art!
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But remember, it’s all for raising awareness on child obesity!
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Heathers AU
Heather Chandler: Dev-Catscratch Heather Duke: Mjeddy Heather McNamara: ChesterCheetosFan @thefangirlingcartoongal
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hcshannon · 7 years
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This is Tim Sharp! He’s basically the “Bizarro Dev-Catscratch”, like Bryce he was born in the late 1980s, is from Queensland, Australia and has autism...but he’s not a creepy weirdo! 
He draws his own comic strip and has a show on Cartoon Network and he does speaking with his mother about their experiences with living the spectrum. 
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angel-blitz · 4 years
Why is dev-catscratch posting in the LUNA PETUNIA TAG ON DEVIANTART GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE
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hcshannon · 8 years
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This guy makes people on the spectrum look awful! More then Autism $peaks, warrior parents or anti-vaxxers.
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