eunchancorner · 5 months
If dexter could control multiple dolls do you think he’d use them to tickle a person all over
Oh absolutely (given he's in a less bloodthirsty mood)
Imagine you're just vibin when suddenly you're swarmed by a buncha dolls, and then all of them start tickling you-
Ik I'd be done for
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Bob: What happened to your face? Dexterfella: I used it to break some guy's fist.
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tickledspookily · 1 year
Tickletober Day 3: Villain
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inspired by @eunchancorner and their anons from a while ago.
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jacenotjason · 8 months
RatQueen is CarmenxDexter lol (In this particular instance it's an open marriage situation with Carmen and Richard)
A lady and her doll
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Shutup im right
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galexis-void · 1 year
"The Thrill of the Chase" (Ratmeat)
A/N: This one took me a while, I kinda just made it up as I went. This was more self-indulgent than anything (I'm hyperfixated as heck right now) but I hope anyone who reads still enjoys it.
Also I did use Google Translate for a few lines because I don't know Latin, so if it's wrong I'm sorry.
Summary: Dexter has a way to swap between doll form and human form, but neither of those will spare them from Bob's ler mood.
Trigger warnings: None that I can think of
Reminder: These stories are not built on logic. They're made to entertain, not to make sense. Also, be prepared if the characters here are out of character completely (again, the intention is not to be perfect).
Credit goes to @eunchancorner and their anonymous askers for the idea!
(fic below the cut)
     Dexterfella absently fiddled with the pendant around their neck. It still hadn’t completely sunk in that they were in possession of a powerful tool. According to the person who had procured the charm for them, it would allow them to swap between the Happy Fella doll their disembodied soul had taken up residence in, and a temporary reconstruction of their original body.
     In somewhat shorter form, Dexterfella could become Dexter Erotoph whenever they chose, for a limited time, but as many times as they wanted.
     As Dexterfella grasped the pendant, they paused to admire the intricate details. The charm was a brass-colored pendulum with a ring of tiny opals set around the center. Various symbols and phrases written in an unidentified language decorated the rest. There were no English characters, nor were there any recognizable foreign characters.
     Dexterfella closed their eyes, and quietly hummed a low “A” note to themself. After five seconds, they muttered the phrase the charmgiver had instructed them to use.
     Ad te voco, vim fortiorem vita ipsa. Ego me restituo.
     A sharp tingle shot up their back, and their hands began to quiver. The wooden floor seemed to fall away from them, and some kind of haze began to cloud their peripherals. No matter how many times they did this, they would never get used to it.
     After about forty five seconds or so, the haze receded, and the ground had stopped moving. They placed their hands on the ground to steady themself, and was relieved to feel the cold hardwood beneath their palms. Just to be certain, they rose to their feet from their crouched position, and noted that the floor was much further away. Feeling along their face yielded a more rectangular jawline, and a pair of glasses resting on their forehead that hadn’t previously been there. The ritual was complete.
     Dexter flexed a hand, eyes scanning over their fingers to make sure nothing had changed. Even though this body had always been theirs, it still felt odd to return to. After everything, while they didn’t necessarily prefer the doll form, it felt more familiar to them at this point than their own body did. Really went to show how long they’d been displaced, they thought.
     The sound of footsteps didn’t deter them from glancing in the wall mirror, though they were just oblivious enough to jump at Bob’s voice. “Wh- oh. Didn’t expect to see ya like this today.”
     Dexter ran a hand through their hair, hoping that Bob wouldn’t notice what a rat nest it was. “Yeah, I’m still not used to it either.”
     “Don’t worry about your hair. You’re still handsome.”
     Dexter couldn’t even respond to that without sounding ridiculous. They could already feel their face burning. Subconsciously they hugged themself, glancing off to the side so they wouldn’t have to see Bob’s smug grin. “Shut up.”
     As soon as those words left their mouth, they knew they’d screwed up big time. And Bob’s falsely offended gasp sealed their fate.
     “What did you just say to me?” he questioned, his tone quiet but lethal. Even though he was only playing around, it was still kind of scary.
     “N-nothing! I didn’t say anything-” that was all Dexter could sputter out before the wind whooshed out of them. They’d been so focused on trying to remedy their mistake that they hadn’t noticed Bob approaching.
     And now they were on the floor, with a very large and very smug man sitting beside them.
     “You seem a little on edge,” Bob teased, his eyes boring directly into Dexter’s. “I think I can help with that…”
     Dexter held their breath.
     “Tell me, did you know that being tickled reduces stress?”
     And he attacked, viciously sinking his claws into Dexter’s sides, eliciting a loud shriek from his victim, which quickly devolved into squealing laughs.
     “This’ll teach ya to talk to me that way,” Bob chuckled, and dug his fingers into Dexter’s belly. “Coochie coo~”
     The baby talk only embarrassed Dexter more. “S-SHUHUHUT-”
     “Are ya tellin’ me to shut up again?” Bob questioned, leaning over so his face was directly above Dexter’s. “Clearly I’m bein’ too lenient… I’m gonna have to up my game.”
     Apparently “upping his game” entailed scooping his flustered partner from the floor and holding them against himself while he went ham on the poor exterminator’s ribs and smothered their neck with kisses and light nibbles.
     “NOOOHAHAHA! *snort* I-IHAHAHA! *snort* A-ACCIPE ME!”
     And suddenly Dexter transformed, shrinking and folding in on themself until they settled back into doll form, enabling them to easily slip out of Bob’s grip. Dexterfella hit the ground running, daring to yell “Catch me if you can!” at Bob, who was still trying to figure out what had just happened.
     It took Bob a second, but he slowly rose to his feet, his bemused expression contorting into a borderline predatory grin. “So it’s a chase ya want, eh?” he said, mostly to himself. “Well then, I’m more than happy to oblige.”
     Dexterfella had to admit, they really hadn’t thought this through. Did they really just back themselves into a game of cat and mouse with a serial killer? Yeah, real smart. They remembered that Bob would tell them stories of his rookie days, when he’d played chase with his victims. He spoke highly of these memories, reliving every gory detail with great excitement.
     That only reinforced the fact that this was a complete and utter mistake.
     Dexterfella ducked under an end table to consider their options. If they kept running, maybe Bob would tire out. Hiding would be a mistake. No, it was better to run. In doll form they’d have no lack of stamina, and they could only hope that Bob wouldn’t outlast them.
     They heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps, and they knew Bob was hot on their heels. They counted to five, then tore off at a sprint. They didn’t look back, they just kept their gaze ahead.
     Which quickly proved to be their third mistake of the day, as they were quickly scooped up from behind.
     They squeaked in surprise, automatically glancing over their shoulder. There was Bob’s smug face, grinning down at them. “I thought ya knew better than to underestimate me. You’ve really done it this time.”
     Dexterfella tried to squirm out of his grasp. “Let go of me!!”
     “Hmmm. Nah, I don’t think I will. And since you were so rude to me today, I’m gonna make sure ya get what ya deserve.”
     Bob shifted his grip, now holding the doll with both hands. There was a beat of silence as they locked eyes, before Bob made his move. He nestled his face into the other’s plush belly, occasionally pausing to nibble a random spot. All the while, poor Dexterfella was overcome with hysterical squealing and very exaggerated snorts. “GAHAHAHAHAHH! *snrk* N-NNOOOOO! *snort* THIS IS SUHUHUCH BULLSH- *snrk* HEHEHEHE!!”
     “Good god, after all this ya still won’t watch your mouth!” Bob chided lightheartedly. “No matter. Just gives me a chance to tickle ya more. Not that I need an excuse~”
     Dexterfella knew resistance was pointless. Not only did Bob have the size and strength advantage, but any willpower they had completely died once the tickles started. They could deal with a lot of stuff, but they were completely useless against tickles.
     For all of three seconds, Dexterfella was given a chance to catch their breath, but their relief quickly turned to panic when they realized why - Bob had briefly withdrawn to take a very exaggerated inhale. They tried to brace themself, but no amount of premeditation could stop them from almost screaming as Bob blew a very loud and obnoxious raspberry into their stomach. BBBBBTTTTT!
     Unfortunately for Dexterfella, they were so small in this form that the raspberry affected more than just the targeted area - their whole body shook with ticklish jolts as they struggled to breathe. “AAAAIIIIEEEE! NO MORE! NO MOHOHOHORE! MERCYYY! I GIVE! UNCLE!!”
     Possibly sensing their fatigue, this time Bob relented. His evil smirk had changed to a considerably softer one, as he pulled the doll against his chest. “Alright, alright, I think you’ve had enough. But if you’re ever rude to me again…”
     Dexterfella got the point, gratefully sinking into Bob’s embrace. Before, they’d been very averse to being held or touched, but being transfigured into a child’s toy seemed to change that. Now it was one of their favorite comforts. “I get it, I get it. *huff* Was the raspberry *wheeze* necessary?”
     “‘Course it was! Ya really thought I was just gonna pass up that opportunity?”
     The day was finally catching up with Dexter, and it showed. They no longer had the energy to argue with Bob, which was rare. Instead they leaned into his embrace, resting their head under his chin and beginning to slowly drift off. They heard a low chuckle as Bob said something to them quietly. They couldn’t hear what it was, but that was okay.
     Even though they hadn’t expected to end up here today, they wouldn’t have changed it for the world.
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i-am-megalodonna · 1 year
I'm sure the reason for DexterFella's hair being all spiky is to differentiate him from the regular Happy Fella doll and to use shape language to make him look more aggressive, but my headcanon in-universe reason why it's like that is twofold:
He's in the company of two energetic youngsters who spend the entire episode literally dragging him along on their escapades, and there's no way his hair would survive that unchanged for six months.
He pulls at his hair when he's frustrated or overwhelmed, which is most of the time. So if he hadn't been messed up by being tossed around he would've messed it up himself anyway.
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crossover-enthusiast · 4 months
I think Lucy's fear of robots would also cause her to be afraid of any inanimate object coming to life though—like if she came to town and saw the Happy Fella dolls at the mall, she'd start to seem unreasonably anxious around them /lh
Ooooo yeah!!
Lucy finding out about Dexterfella like:
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tickledspookily · 1 year
Tickletober Day 7: Playtime
This one’s a bit of a stretch, just bear with me here.
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He doesn’t appreciate being poked at, in any sense of the phrase...
And he doesn’t seem to understand that a single pillow won’t stop a hyperactive child.
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tickledspookily · 11 months
Tickletober Day 20: Cursed
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Dex was already deathly ticklish to begin with, but if anything the doll is worse because it’s designed for children!
and he still hasn’t learned his lesson about the pillow-
Edit: Credit to @eunchancorner for the inspiration! (Because without their help I may have actually skipped doing today because I had no ideas-)
(I need to practice posing more...)
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galexis-void · 1 year
"Something Sweeter"
A/N: First fic! This took me a while but I hope anyone who reads likes it! Just a heads up - the characters in this story might be very out of character here. Even so, try to enjoy the story anyway!
Summary: Kevin is cornered by a pair of very familiar villainous faces... but they're not after his blood this time.
Trigger warnings: mentions of death, restraint, intense tickling (I think? I don't know where the line is between intense and not), spoilers for Spooky Month (I'm pretty sure on this one)
Credit goes to @eunchancorner and their anonymous askers for the idea!
(fic below the cut)
     Kevin glanced back at his watch in exasperation. Why did he keep coming back to a job he hated? It wasn’t like this was the only place he could work in town.
     That familiar ringing made him sigh automatically. “Can I help you?” he questioned unenthusiastically. He could already imagine what they were going to say. He mentally braced himself for someone to start chirping at him for something he couldn’t control.
     But his imagination wasn’t big enough to predict what the answer was. “Actually, I think ya can.”
     Kevin’s thoughts were a mix of confusion and disbelief, with just a dash of fear. He knew that voice… but there was no way… He raised his eyes from his watch.
     And his breath caught in his throat, his pulse increasing as he finally got a good view of the speaker - he wore a red sweater and a devil mask, and was grinning sickeningly from ear to ear.
     That was bad enough, but once Kevin saw who the devil was accompanied by, the feeling of dread he was experiencing only increased tenfold. Clutched under Bob’s arm was another horribly familiar face - a child-sized doll with ragged brown hair, blue overalls, and the same disturbing smile as the devil.
     Kevin finally came to his senses and stumbled backwards, knocking a box of gummy worms off the shelf. Just ONE of those two would’ve been too much, but clearly the universe hated him.
     “What’s wrong?” Dexter sneered. “Aren’t you happy to see us?”
     “I think the cat’s got his tongue,” Bob replied mockingly. “But we can fix that.”
     Kevin scrambled to his feet, desperately searching for a way out. He was so frazzled he didn’t remember the back door, and somehow thought running AROUND his unwelcome guests was a good idea. He was pretty fast when he wanted to be.
     He waited until Bob almost reached the counter, then took off. But he’d misjudged how far away he needed to be, and ended up right next to the serial killer - close enough for the latter to grab his collar. “Bad choice, candy man,” the killer chuckled.
     Kevin’s momentum was cut off by Bob grabbing his shirt, and he was flung backwards - right into the murderer’s arms. He didn’t even have a chance to catch his breath before he was in a tight hold - Bob was definitely stronger than he looked.
     Kevin tried to squirm away, thrashing and elbowing wherever he could reach, trying to get Bob to release him. Unfortunately, the killer seemed unbothered by his attacks, if anything they only seemed to amuse him. “You’re just makin’ things worse for yourself.”
     “Then lemme go!!”
     “Keep hittin’ me like that, and it’s not gonna happen.”
     Dexter, who was sitting on the counter, dropped to the floor and moved toward the door to get a better look at Kevin. “Hah! You’re a squirmy one. Whole lotta good that’s gonna do, though. Hold him down, would you, Bob?”
     The devil crouched and sat, dragging Kevin down with him and laying him out in a reclined sitting position. Bob shifted his grip from Kevin’s midsection, forcing him to lift his arms and exposing his torso. Dexter approached, their evil grin switching to a sly one. “This should be fun.”
     “Don’t forget the tool,” Bob reminded him.
     “Oh yeah, I did forget. Hold on…” they withdrew a thin black stick from one of their pockets and continued their slow advance. It didn’t look like a weapon, but it didn’t look friendly either.
     It had taken a few minutes, but somehow Kevin hadn’t registered until now that neither of his assailants were armed. Last time he’d seen either of these two was with knives and a serious bloodlust. If they wanted him dead, he’d be dead.
    But then what were they doing?
     Dexter was now standing to Kevin’s right, fiddling with the tool. Bob’s grip tightened ever so slightly, still keeping Kevin from moving but not enough to hurt him. “L-listen, you really don’t need to do this. I mean, there’s a bunch of candy on the shelf there. You don’t need my permission, do you, Mr. Velseb?”
     Bob laughed, sending a shiver down Kevin's spine. “Appealing to my sweet tooth won’t work this time. You’re right that I don’t need your permission, but we’re after something a little… sweeter.”
     Dexter nodded. “Yeah, murder’s getting pretty old. We’re trying something a little different, something infinitely more entertaining.”
     That sounded bad. Kevin couldn’t bear the thought of whatever torturous process they were about to put him through - he could only hope it was quick. He turned his head to the side and squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a small squeak of fear.
     But instead of pain, he felt a light buzzing sensation on his side. He squeaked in surprise, before opening his eyes, right in time to see Dexter tase his side with the tool. “Damn it, this isn’t working…”
     Kevin tried to ask what was going on, but was immediately silenced by Dexter jabbing the tool into his side again. “Quit it!”
     “I think the settings are too low,” Bob observed.
     Irritated, Dexter fiddled with the tool before it visibly crackled with a pale yellow light. “There we go. This should work.”
     They poked it into Kevin’s side again, and the cashier let out a squeal. It still didn’t hurt, no - it was much worse than that.
     It tickled.
     “I SAID Q-QUIT IT!!” he shrieked.
     The two villains shared a laugh. “Sounds like it’s working, huh?” Dexter snickered.
     Every shock sent ticklish jolts through the poor candyman’s body. It was strongest at his midsection, where the tool made contact, but managed to travel all the way up to his head and down to his feet. It wasn’t even that intense - it was… actually kind of…
     He wasn’t able to finish this thought before Dexter jabbed the tool into his ribs, eliciting another squeal. “Enjoying yourself, Kev?”
     The nickname made Kevin’s brain stop for a second. First they waltzed in here with obvious hostile intent, and now one of them was being all chummy with him? To be fair, they were using some kind of odd tickle device against him - not something you’d expect from a pair of psychos.
     “Try one of the other settings!” Bob encouraged. His energy was similar to that of a child.
     Dexter pressed a button on the base of the stick, and a multitude of large, very soft looking feathers expanded from the opposite tip. The tool now strongly resembled a feather duster, and looked far less threatening.
     Well, as a weapon, it was less threatening. As a tickle device, it was even scarier than before.
     And what was worse was that Bob was now lifting up Kevin's shirt - not all the way, but just enough to expose his quivering midsection.
     “Hold him tight, Bob. We don’t need him getting away now.”
     “Relax. He ain’t goin’ anywhere.”
     This was going to suck.
     The feathers didn’t even make contact before Kevin started giggling hysterically. Dexter hadn’t even moved that much, and he was already losing his mind. “Plehehease!!”
     “I haven’t even touched you!” Dexter laughed. “Are you just that ticklish?”
     “He must be,” Bob mused. “Well, ya better give the boy what he wants.”
     Good god… just hearing that made Kevin want to blush. Could Bob read minds? Under normal circumstances he’d consider that ridiculous, but based on the things he’d witnessed…
     …he couldn’t finish that thought either before those way-too-soft-to-be-legal feathers finally made contact, and he let out an embarrassing squeal. How could something so simple completely break him?!
     “Don’t ruin your voice, now,” he heard Bob say to him. “We wouldn’t want to stop hearing that lovely laugh ya got, hey?”
     His… lovely laugh? Was this for real? They liked his laugh?? He didn’t know whether to be flattered or more embarrassed. He’d had a few people compliment his looks, and some even tried to pick him up, but never once had they commented on his laugh.
     Dexter continued brushing the feathered end back and forth over the patch of pink skin, sending the poor cashier into absolute hysterics. Those stupidly soft feathers were going to be the death of him.
     Or maybe not, since Bob had just dug his claws into his ribs. He’d been so focused on the feathers that he hadn’t noticed the serial killer changing the position of his arms. Before, he’d been holding Kevin’s arms with his own, but now Kevin’s arms were above his head, held together at the wrist and the killer’s other hand was now free. “A-AAAAAHAAHAHAHA!”
     “Take it easy, you’ll blow out his voice!” Dexter chided the larger man.
     “Calm down. I know what I’m doin’.”
     He certainly did, too - somehow he knew which rib spots were the worst. His hand spidered down the left set of ribs, even pausing at certain intervals and then poking between them, as if he were counting. But the worst was when he found that sweet spot just underneath the ribs…
     “You know what I’ve noticed?” Dexter questioned, briefly lifting the feather duster from the cashier’s blushing stomach. “This guy was pretty resistant when we first came in here, but once the tickles started, he stopped fighting. Did you catch that, Bob?”
     Oh no.
     “I did,” his accomplice chuckled. “And I think I know what you’re thinking.”
     OH NO.
     Dexter tilted his head, now gazing upward and directly into Kevin’s watering eyes. “Not once did you ask us to stop, either, even after you realized what was happening. And that makes me think that you like this!”
     Kevin tried to lie, but he cut himself off with another shriek as Bob blew a raspberry into the sweet spot under his ribs. Who was he trying to fool? They knew the truth already. They’d been mercilessly wrecking him for the last fifteen minutes or so…
     …and he’d loved every second of it.
     A few more minutes passed, and they finally allowed him a chance to catch his breath. Bob still didn’t let him go, but he’d been considerate enough to remove his hands from Kevin’s ribs. “Haaah… haha… that was…”
     After a minute or so, Bob said, “Alright, that’s more than enough time. Let’s get back to tickling, shall we?”
     Wait… they weren’t done?!
Dexter tucked the tool back into their pocket. “Don’t hog him, alright? I want a piece too.”
     “You spent a good while getting him, and you say I’m hoggin’ him?”
     During this short altercation, Bob’s hands had found a new place on Kevin’s sides, though his claws were long enough to reach over onto his captive’s stomach. He lightly drummed his fingers against Kevin’s midsection, causing Kevin to squirm from the anticipation. Whatever they were planning, he was… actually looking forward to it. Sort of. A little. Maybe. Definitely.
     Dexter was now seated in his lap, glancing expectantly at Bob. It didn’t take long for the killer to transition from drumming to scribbling, and he had Kevin cackling in seconds. This sensation was quickly doubled by Dexter poking different spots on Kevin’s exposed midsection, varying from his sides to those ridiculously sensitive rib spots, and a couple times venturing dangerously close to his navel. Good god, if they were to go after his navel, he may actually go insane.
     Eventually Bob seemed to grow bored, and moved his hands back to Kevin’s sides. Thankfully that spot wasn’t nearly as bad as his stomach, but it was still pretty bad. Even before any tickles could happen he was already squirming - he must look silly, trying to wriggle away like he was. Unfortunately Bob had a tight enough grip to disallow him from escaping.
     “Hmm… since you work at the candy store, it makes sense why your laugh is so sweet…” Bob mused to himself. “In fact, your laugh really is sweeter than any candy I’ve ever had.”
     “Ain't that the truth,” Dexter agreed.
     At this point Kevin was at a complete loss for words - both because of the sudden behavior shift between these two crazies, and also because his laughter destroyed any chance of him forming coherent sentences. Then again, it wasn’t like he had much to say. He would never admit he liked being tickled, not even to people he liked.
     After what felt like hours, the villains finally released Kevin, leaving him a panting, giggling mess on the floor. “You think we went too far?” Dexter asked their companion.
     “If we did, he would’ve been completely broken. He looks fine to me.”
     Dexter gave the flustered candyman a once-over. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. This was fun.”
     “I agree. If I may, I say we come back here sometime and give him some more.”
     “Oh, hell yeah. I think he’s had enough for now, but I am definitely coming back. I want another chance to use this.” They brandished the tool in Kevin’s direction.
     Bob laughed. “Don’t you go anywhere, candyman. We’ll be back.”
     And with that, they left the store, chattering to each other about the experience. And even though Kevin was still too breathless to speak, he couldn’t help but wonder if they were serious about coming back for another round of tickling. And if they were…
     …he knew he’d be waiting for it.
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eunchancorner · 1 year
how does Dex (human and doll) react to the sponges? (like what does he think of them, not thinking about him using them for his needs)
and how does he respond to being tickled by them?
He thinks they're sorta interesting, but they're a bit scarier in doll form
Being tickled by them, however, is VERY different in the different forms
Human form, they tickle a lot but are less menacing
Doll form, however, makes them little menaces to society bc they can pile on him so much easier
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eunchancorner · 1 year
funny visual to me would be Dexterfella trying to swear at the kids but it being censored by squeaking when they poke him
Skid: *blabbing about how ticklish his happy fella is*
Dexterfella: Oh, shut the-
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eunchancorner · 1 year
I'm really tired and my brain makes me wonder:
DS but Dexterfella was actually nice to the kids and they were friends
unlikely but I like to think fluffy things
-fluffy anon
I think that'd be an interesting concept, kinda Wholesome Needs but Dexter does somehow die and possess the Happy Fella doll anyway
He will protect those kids with his life
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eunchancorner · 9 months
is there such thing as a serial tickler?
because I had the idea of Dexter being one, the version of him that has a laughter addiction
Honestly idk but it sounds like an interesting concept. I think Galexis started a series of Dexterfella and Bob with that concept
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eunchancorner · 1 year
"Stop it! You little *SQUEAK*
and then he's too laughed out to try again
He knows the risk and decide the reward ain't worth it
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