#sm tickle
galexis-void · 9 months
"Just Toying Around" (Candybats)
A/N: Okay, this one is more story based (unintentionally). Try to enjoy anyway, I spent a while on it.
Also, I used Google Translate for a decent chunk of this, so if I wrote something in your language and it's wrong, I sincerely apologize.
Summary: Streber received a strange gift in the mail, and his curiosity lands Kevin in a quite a predicament.
Trigger warnings: None that I can think of
Reminder: These stories are not built on logic. They're made to entertain, not to make sense. Also, be prepared if the characters here are out of character completely (again, the intention is not to be perfect).
(fic below the cut)
     Streber fiddled absently with the stuffed doll, staring blankly at its button-eyed face. The doll was simple, made of white fabric and with two buttons for eyes and a stitched mouth. There were no other distinguishing features.
     For days he’d been attempting to “animate” the toy. Gone were the days when practical mechanics excited him - his new focus was something much greater than that. If he could bring a toy to life… well, he wasn’t sure what he’d do with that knowledge yet, but he was certain it’d be something world-changing.
     Now, if only he could get the damn thing to work.
     A low whistle from the room caught his attention. “Are you really gonna keep yourself locked up in the batcave forever?”
     “That’s copyright, Kev,” Streber mumbled to himself.
     “You think I care? The only thing I care about is the fact that you’ve been in here for days.”
     Streber sighed, and threw the doll on the floor. “I can’t get this stupid thing to work!”
     “…it’s a toy.”
     “Look, babe, I love you, but please don’t question my work. Now, I need to figure out if I can make a machine for this thing.”
     Kevin entered the room and took a seat on the bed. “Really trying to get out of using that book, huh?”
     He was referring to the alleged spellbook that Streber had received as a gift a few days prior. There had been no name or return address on the package it had arrived in, just a picture of a crystal ball. While he’d tested some of the lesser spells out of morbid curiosity, he’d sworn off of using it. He claimed it was because he wanted his work to be a result of his “genuine intellectual prowess”, but the few friends of his who knew about the book knew the truth - he was afraid of the kind of things he could do with that power.
     “I don’t wanna hear that from the guy who has nightmares about the supernatural almost every day,” Streber answered stiffly, glancing over his shoulder at his boyfriend.
     “That was different. I couldn’t predict or control what happened then. But this is literally untold power you hold in your hands. And I’m surprised you haven’t been totally abusing it.”
     “You know I don’t like not knowing what will happen. Any spell in that thing-” he waved at it, “-could just as easily drop a meteor on the house as it could turn us all into dust. It’s not worth the risk.”
     “Did you even read any of the spells you cast, or did you just pick one and read it off?”
     Streber cursed under his breath. He hadn’t bothered to read them because he’d doubted the book’s authenticity. “I hate you.”
     “I’ll take that as a no. Maybe there’s an anti-lying spell in there that I can use on you. Even if you didn’t mean it, it still kinda hurts to hear that.”
     Streber rose and fetched the book. The cover was thick leather, though somehow it shone a metallic gold color. A large amethyst was set in the center, surrounded by silver symbols written in some lexicon that Streber didn’t recognize - they didn’t look like any lettering he’d seen before, English or otherwise. Silver clasps and a silver spine bound the book together. At first glance it looked like an elaborate prop, like something you’d see in the hands of a wizard in a fantasy movie.
     “Open it,” his boyfriend urged.
     “What’s with your sudden change in attitude? I would think this kind of thing would terrify you.”
     Kevin shrugged. “I gave up on things going back to normal when I was cornered by a serial killer. And before that a possessed doll. And a Lovecraftian horror before that. I don’t like it, but I figured it’d be better to embrace the change.”
     “That… is not something I’d expect to hear from you. But you’re right. When in Rome, I guess. Now let’s crack this puppy open.”
     He opened the book to a random page. It was mostly words, but only one set was in English. There seemed to be one page dedicated to one spell, with the English translation first, followed by numerous other languages.
     There were even a few lines written in the unidentified lexicon again, but Streber didn’t bother trying to decipher those. Instead, he scanned the page for the English translation of the spell. Strangely, he found exactly what he was looking for on the first try.
You will need: the object you wish to animate, salt water, vanilla extract, and a person you intend to separate the soul from to use for the spell. Do not be afraid - you can return the soul to the original body at any time, with no harm done.
✫   ✫   ✫   ✫   ✫
Focus on the object of your fascination. Prepare a soak of salt water and a drop of vanilla. Steep the object of your fascination into the stew and wait for exactly four minutes. Remove the object. 
✫   ✫   ✫   ✫   ✫
Take the person you intend to separate the soul from and have them soak their hands in the stew for four minutes and three seconds. Two minutes into this process, place the object back into the stew and let them soak together. After four minutes and three seconds have passed, remove the object and have the person remove their hands, then say the following incantation:
To reverse the incantation, locate the corresponding restorative spell on page 242.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
     Streber glanced over the page once more, trying to comprehend. Kevin, who had been reading over his boyfriend’s shoulder, looked a bit pale. “Is this safe?”
     “Probably. I mean, they wouldn’t write it down if it wasn’t safe, right?”
     “Did you miss the part where it says you have to sacrifice a living soul to animate the object?”
     “Did you miss the part where it says you can return things to how they were?”
     “You’d better make sure that spell actually exists before you try this one.”
     Streber flipped to page 242, and located the spell in question. Much like the animation spell, it listed clear instructions for how to restore a dislocated soul, whether forcefully removed or having been disembodied for another reason. “Looks legitimate.”
     “You’re lucky I love you, otherwise I would never allow you to do this.”
     “I’ll make sure that I do it correctly. And I’ll switch you back right away.”
     The boys spent the next ten minutes collecting what they needed. Streber was meticulous with the instructions, not wanting to screw anything up. Throughout, it became increasingly obvious that Kevin was nervous - it seemed despite his big talk earlier, he was still plenty averse to anything vaguely unnatural. Even so, he didn’t withdraw from the procedure.
     Streber cleared his throat, and began to read the incantation aloud. Even though he didn’t sound any different, a sort of chill washed over him as he spoke, and it felt like he was breathing a little heavier. A breeze whipped through the room, threatening to tear the picture frames from the wall and sending his research papers scattered everywhere.
     The scariest part was that Kevin was nowhere to be seen.
     Streber immediately dropped the book in a panic, and called out worriedly for his boyfriend. Had he done the spell wrong? The spell was supposed to give life to the doll, not make his boyfriend vanish into thin air!
     Wait. The doll.
     Streber glanced over the table and almost shrieked. The doll was still there, but it didn’t look the same as before. Its lined smile had sunken into an almost surly expression, and now it had clothes…
     …clothes that looked exactly like the ones Kevin had been wearing a few minutes ago!
     Streber hesitantly picked up the doll. Now that he was looking over it more carefully, the doll looked unmistakably like Kevin. Starting to panic again, he turned the doll over in his hands again and again. The doll seemed lifeless, which meant that while Kevin’s soul had merged with the doll, the spell hadn’t completely worked.
     But Streber didn’t care about that anymore - the immediate concern was Kevin.
     Hey! Take it easy! I’m getting dizzy… *bleh*
     Streber dropped the doll in fright. It sounded like Kevin, but…
     Streber glanced down at the fallen toy, carefully reaching for it. Was this possible?
     “Kev?” he questioned doubtfully.
     Yeah, it’s me! I don’t think your spell worked…
     “You definitely merged with the doll, but all that did was make it look like you.”
     *hrrrgh* I-I can’t move!
     “It’s okay, I got you. Let’s see what we can do to get you back to normal.”
     But as soon as he said that, something else crossed his mind. If this doll was basically a miniature Kevin…
     “Actually…” he started slowly, carefully running a finger over the doll’s side stitches, “…I’m gonna try something first.”
     Huh? C’mon, I don’t wanna stay-EEEEK!
     Streber heard a familiar squeak, and he smiled… yes, his theory was correct.
     Streber poked the doll’s belly, each flustered sound from his boyfriend making him smile wider and wider. Chuckling softly, he kept poking various spots on the toy’s torso, enjoying the delightful laughs and squeals from Keivn.
     “Oh, shush, you know you love it,” Streber teased. He then switched tactics and smothered the doll’s midsection with kisses.
     “You are so dramatic, you know that? It’s just belly kisses, Kev. You love those!~”
     But eventually, Streber did stop the tickles. He needed to work on getting Kevin back to normal - there would be plenty of time for tickles after that.
     After about an hour of continuous failures, Streber lunged forward and tightly embraced his very disoriented partner. “Finally! I’m so glad to see you!”
     “I’m glad to be me again,” Kevin mumbled in a daze. But he quickly snapped out of it when Streber squeezed his sides. “WHAHAHA-? COME OHOHON!”
     “Hey, something could’ve gone wrong with the spell! I have to make sure everything’s in order! Like maybe you’re missing a bone or two, or you lost some of your squish.”
     Suffice to say, the rest of the night was filled with loud laughs - from both sides.
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anxious-lee-ler · 1 year
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Have some tickle sketches
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altheadajoysoul · 11 months
Cheer Up Tickles >>>>
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((Reblogs give me 🧡motivation and serotonin💜))
MORE TK ART FROM ME???? FINALLY?????? REAL???!!!??!????!?!?!?!?!?
Edit: oml how is this post still getting notes 👁👁 (tysm for liking my silly little tk comic about my silly little OCs HSJGJSHFH)
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tklmg87 · 7 months
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ol-alex-lo · 7 months
tie me up, deny me my orgasm while you brush my cl!t with a brush until I pass out
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ticklishbambi · 3 days
the concept of going to a party, being fed aphrodisiacs throughout the evening only to find myself spread, tied, and on display for allllll the guests to play with me.
Maybe it even becomes a little game— seeing who can coax the sweetest of sounds from me, who can make me squirt, who’s teasing my clit, who can make me cum by simply playing with my breasts? Then they break out the toys. Then they use my pretty little holes. But because the aphrodisiacs, I only become all the more turned on, yearning to be used.
at the end of it, I’m a dripping, disheveled mess, pussy pink and swollen, my clit is all exposed, and my tits are heaving as I catch my breath. After all, the only way to throw a party is having been forced to cum over and over until everyone is satiated, and I’m too disoriented from pleasure to speak. 🥰
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untitledlez · 9 months
I want to eat you out because I want to for my pleasure.
Not because of anything else. Not for your pleasure. For my own, I want to taste your sweet wet essence and feel your clit throb on my tongue <3
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galexis-void · 7 months
"Giddy Giggly Ghost"
A/N: This took longer than I would've liked, but I hope y'all enjoy anyways.
This fic is based off of the Spooky Month: Tragic End AU, originally by @eunchancorner. Thanks for letting me write for your AU! =)
Summary: Dexter's having one of many "lows" thanks to their current situation, but then Skid discovers a very fun way to cheer them up.
Trigger warnings: angst, mentions of death
Reminder: These stories are not built on logic. They're made to entertain, not to make sense. Also, be prepared if the characters here are out of character completely (again, the intention is not to be perfect).
All credit goes to @eunchancorner for their AU!
(fic below the cut)
     The sun had painted the sky pink and orange, but now the moon was rising and the sky was turning over to its usual ink-black void. The stars glittered like diamonds far in the distance, watching over the town with its stern focus.
     Unfortunately, the stillness of the evening did little to help Dexter’s throbbing anger.
     Their emotions had fluctuated over the last few days, ranging from them wanting to burn the house down to them wanting to curl up in a ball and cry until they disintegrated. Either way, they weren’t okay.
     How had everything gone badly in such a short time? The leader of the group they’d tried to join hadn’t just stopped at rejecting them - he had decided that just knowing about the group’s existence warranted a death sentence. That memory was still painfully clear in Dexter’s head - they’d fled to the roof of the highest building in town, an unorthodox safe space they’d used over the years, feeling particularly sorry for themselves. They’d barely heard the sound of someone coming up behind them before they were trying to stand up…
     …and subsequently experiencing a mild free-fall for about ten stories until they’d met the pavement. Thankfully, they hadn’t suffered for very long.
     The quiet creaking of the stairs snapped them out of their brief trip down memory lane. Sometimes, Dexter would forget they weren’t alone in this house. This particular house belonged to a young woman and her nightmarishly hyperactive son. Ever since Dexter’s unfortunate “accidental” fall, they’d found refuge with the boy.
     How that happened was actually pretty crazy. For the first little while, they’d been so confused about what had happened. Once the realization hit, so did the rage and vengeful feelings, but those had been briefly quelled when Dexter had stumbled across the group leader’s son.
     Or, to be more specific, the leader’s son had found them first.
     Dexter had been trying to come up with an elaborate and notably anger-fueled revenge scheme, before some kids on the street had tried to strike up conversation by telling them it was “Spooky Month”. First came the shock of realizing that the kids could see them even though they were not alive, and next thing they knew, the kids had convinced them to follow them. They had listened to the kids on a whim, and followed them to one of their houses. The pictures around said house delivered yet another hard truth to Dexter - they’d been picked up by the son of the man who had had them… taken care of.
     Some may say this was bad luck, others may say this was good fortune. For Dexter, it had been the former first, but then the latter later on. If they were going to stick to their original plan of getting revenge against the kid’s dad, then staying close to the kid may prove beneficial. You may say this is insensitive, given that the boy genuinely saw Dexter as a friend, but try to consider Dexter’s position.
     Moving on, Dexter had actually gotten a bit attached to the boy. They hardly left the house, even when the boy would. They’d always have to give some sort of excuse when the kid asked them to come with him and his friend. The kid wouldn’t really like their answer, but would accept it anyway and leave them alone. Most of this “downtime” would be spent either being angry or trying to figure out the best way to show the boy’s father exactly why screwing around with Dexter Erotoph was the worst mistake he’d ever make.
     But there was no time for anger anymore, now that the boy was home. Dexter still didn’t know the boy’s real name, if he had one. The child had referred to himself as Skid on more than one occasion, but Dexter highly doubted that was his real name... again, if he even had one. And the boy’s mother wasn’t much help either - she’d only refer to him as “son”.
     That was something else - Skid’s mother. Dexter’s saving grace was that the leader’s wife hadn’t been able to see them - she’d simply assumed that Skid was making things up when he’d told her about them. Under normal circumstances Dexter would’ve been offended, but now they felt nothing but relief. Her ignorance of their existence would make it easier to stay hidden.
     “Hi Dexter!” came the cheerful voice. “Look at all the candy I got! Do you see how much I have??”
     Dexter sighed. “That’s nice, Skid.”
     A beat of silence. “Are you okay?”
     How were they supposed to respond to that? Skid didn’t seem too bothered by the fact that his new friend was a ghost, but Dexter knew it’d break the kid’s heart if he found out how Dexter got to be that way. They’d deliberately neglected to tell him their story, and they weren’t going to start now.
     Instead, they said, “I’m not having a good day.”
     “You’re too young for that conversation. Just trust me. Okay?”
     Skid folded his arms with a pouty look. “I still wanna know.”
     “Let’s just say… don’t piss off cult leaders. Okay, kid?”
     Skid huffed in childish annoyance, but didn’t question them further. “Okay.”
     Dexter returned their gaze to the endless night sky. Whenever they’d stargaze, they were always overcome by the unsettling feeling that something out there was watching them…
     “Do you want some candy? That usually helps me feel better when I’m sad.”
     Once again, Skid’s voice caught their attention. Dexter turned their head over their shoulder to see Skid holding out a piece of candy to them. The gesture was sweet, even though Dexter couldn’t actually take him up on it.
     “I’d love some, but in case you’ve forgotten, I’m dead. I can’t eat.”
     “…oh. Sorry.”
     As Dexter glanced out the window once more, they felt something pass through their shoulder. The sudden contact was accompanied by a very strong - and very familiar - sensation, which made them squeal loudly.
     Another beat of silence. Probably with a spooked look on their face, Dexter once more glanced back at Skid, who looked surprised. The boy had his hand held out, a few inches from Dexter’s shoulder.
     Had he…?
     “Did I hurt you?” Skid questioned meekly.
     “N-no, not at all! I’m fine. It just kind of ti-” Dexter quickly caught themselves before they spoke. That was close. They’d almost admitted something embarrassing to a kid they hardly knew.
     Suddenly they shrieked again, cutting themselves off with a snort. Skid had curiously poked a finger into their ribs, once again passing right through them, and bringing about that ridiculous sensation.
     Skid giggled delightedly. “You’re ticklish? I didn’t know ghosts could be ticklish!”
     It seemed that even in death, Dexter couldn’t escape being tickled. It didn’t happen often in their previous life, but when it did, it was bad. They’d shriek and squeal their hearts out, and don’t even get them started on how much they’d snort. But now, even as a ghost, they were still cursed with being deathly ticklish.
     Skid reached for their sides, and Dexter didn’t bother trying to stop him. As that tingly feeling took hold, it seemed like Dexter’s ebbing rage just miraculously melted away. There weren't any thoughts of revenge, no roller coasters of emotions - just laughter. Nothing but genuine, happy laughter.
     After a few minutes, they sank to the floor, giggling to themselves while Skid stood above them. “I’ll have to remember that for the next time you have a bad day!”
     The doorbell rang downstairs. Skid grinned. “I forgot - Pump went home to drop off his candy but he wanted to come over and play. I’ll have to tell him all about your tickle spots!”
     “W-wait!” Dexter called after him as he ran downstairs. “Don’t-”
     But Skid was already gone. What could Dexter do to stop him anyways? It wasn’t like they wanted to. It felt nice to not be bitter for once.
     Being a ghost wasn’t great, but maybe it wouldn’t be so bad anymore.
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jettorii · 1 year
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he who laughs in the face of death
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altheadajoysoul · 3 months
The most efficient way to have a study session 💪
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((Reblogs give me 💜motivation and serotonin🧡))
MONTHS. THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE TAKEN ME MONTHS TO COMPLETE, BUT HERE WE ARE IG. in my defense, im busy with college hueueue
But anyway, have a little sequel to this tk comic I made that somehow blew up lmao
Studying while playing tickle games is such a great tk trope and im gonna be the most annoying mosquito trying to tell everyone about it /j
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tword1vyy · 10 months
Heartstopper s 2 spoilers! ⚠️ (tk community)
˓𓄹 ࣪˖
˖ ࣪ ִֶָ
⸰ 𖥔 ͙ࣳ
˓𓄹 ࣪˖
˖ ࣪ ִֶָ
⸰ 𖥔 ͙ࣳ ⸰
(I think abt this all day)
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three-sweet-desires · 6 months
Please have me tied up Hard as a rock
Leaking precum all over my red, throbbing, teased dick On the verge of tears from being tortured for hours on end by you and just the slightest gust of wind would be enough to make me cum my brains out
But you don’t let me
You brush a paintbrush up and down my aching cock and you never give me enough friction to finally get that sweet release, just enough that I feel the tickling sensation as it drives me crazy and makes me leak more
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galexis-void · 9 months
"Down in the Dunkities" (RatMeat)
A/N: Second fic! I'm having trouble trying to write a prequel to Something Sweeter, so in the meantime, have this. Again, the characters may be out of character.
Also, quick note - please don't criticize me if my stories make no sense. My intention is to entertain, not to be logical.
Summary: Dexter's feeling down on life, and of course Bob won't have any of that.
Trigger warnings: Angst (maybe?)
Credit goes to @eunchancorner and their anonymous askers for the idea!
(fic below the cut)
     Dexter had been staring at their hands for the last ten minutes, almost entranced by their own inner monologue. The aftereffect of their needs wasn’t nearly as intense as the actual anticipation itself, but it may have been worse - because now that they were in a relatively stable state of mind, they had all the time in the world to reflect on the horrible things they had done. God, they hated this feeling…
     A low voice behind them snapped them out of their own thoughts. “Dex?”
     Even if the person’s drawl wasn’t a dead giveaway, the pet name definitely was. With a heavy sigh, Dexter glanced over their shoulder to see Bob hovering over them. The large man was leaning on the couch, glancing down at his partner with clear concern. There was almost nothing that unsettled Dexter more than seeing Bob Velseb without a smile.
     “Hey,” Dexter muttered, glancing away. The last thing they needed was to make Bob worry about them.
     “Are ya havin’ those moods again?”
     For a moment, Dexter considered lying. But that would be stupid - they were a terrible liar, and even if they were good at it, Bob seemed to have some kind of built-in lie detector. And even if they didn’t outright say what was wrong, Bob would fuss over them all day until they finally cracked from his kindness.
     “Sort of,” they mumbled in defeat. There really was no point. They were damned if they did, damned if they didn’t. All they could really do was hope Bob wouldn’t be too up in arms about it, and not ask a lot of questions.
     But of course, that was wishful thinking. “You look like ya haven’t slept. Is it that bad?”
     Dexter sighed. They’d tried to explain the nature of their needs to Bob before, but the big guy never seemed to truly understand. But even so, he made up for it with his actions. Dexter used to say Bob had a big appetite and a bigger heart, and it really showed.
     Next thing Dexter knew, Bob was seated next to them, with an arm around their waist. Bob wasn’t even that much bigger than Dexter, but he was definitely stronger by a long shot. Dexter soon found themself with their head on the larger man’s shoulder, and felt so tempted to fall asleep right there.
     “There, there. You know I’m here for ya.”
     While Dexter did feel better than they had before, they still felt awful. And clearly Bob could tell, too, because now he was pulling his flustered partner even closer. He shifted position, resting his chin on top of Dexter’s head. “Dex… you know this ain’t gonna fly. You know I’m gonna hafta’ do somethin’ about this.”
     “Like what?” they mumbled bitterly.
     “C’mon… don’tcha remember what happens to grumpy lil’ beans like you?”
     Dexter tried to think. What did Bob do if they were down in the dunkities? Usually he’d spoil them, make their favorite food and whatnot. But for particularly bad days, Bob had this very… different way of handling things…
     Oh no.
     He couldn’t possibly be thinking…?!
     Dexter took a second to look upward, and catching a glimpse of Bob’s smirk confirmed their suspicions. “H-hey, listen… you don’t have to do this…”
     “Oh, but I kinda do.”
     “Y-you’re actually gonna-?!”
     “Ya know the drill. Grumpy folks get the claws.”
     Oh god. Not the claws. Anything but the claws!
     Dexter didn’t even have a chance to retort before their larger partner viciously dug his claws into their ribs, eliciting a high pitched shriek. Then the shriek dissolved into giggles, often interrupted by loud snorting. One by one the claws unclenched, and each found their way to one particular spot on Dexter’s ribs.
     “I know I’m doin’ this to cheer ya up,” Bob noted, “but I’d be lyin’ if I said I didn’t love that laugh of yours.”
     Dexter buried their face into Bob’s sweater, not wanting him to see them blush from the flattery. But they knew it was probably too late - nothing escaped Bob Velseb, whether they were prey or details.
     The claws were going to town, skittering and scribbling all over the flustered exterminator’s ribcage. It had only been a few minutes and they were already going insane. “NOOOO *snort* HAHAHAAH! NOHOT *snort* THE CLAWHAWHAWHAWS!!”
     “Yes, the claws. Don’t tell me ya can’t handle the claws?~” He raised his other hand from Dexter’s back and playfully wiggled the digits over their head. “Well, the left claws are a bit lonely, so they got a new best friend - the right claws! And they’re just dyin’ to meetcha…”
     Dexter dared to look up, and immediately hid again once they realized their mistake. One set of claws was bad enough, and only serious situations called for both pairs.
     “…so make sure ya give them a warm welcome, hey?”
     And both pairs of claws made contact with Dexter’s sides, wiggling and scribbling wherever they could reach - which was almost all of the poor exterminator’s torso, given how long the claws were. All Dexter could do was laugh and squeal their heart out, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.
     Eventually Dexter slapped their hand against Bob’s sleeve, which was their designated sign for when it was time to stop. Bob immediately released them, relocating his hands to their back and allowing them to rest. Poor Dexter was practically breathless by this point, and very tired, but also quite euphoric. They’d never admit it aloud, but this was exactly what they’d needed.
     “Ya feel better now?” they heard Bob say to them, very quietly and gently. They couldn’t respond verbally, but instead nodded, and Bob gently squeezed their back in return. “I could’ve wrecked ya for so much longer. Maybe some other time, when you’re feelin’ up to it.”
     Dexter thought that sounded wonderful. They laid their head on Bob’s chest before starting to drift off, cradled by him and finally able to relax.
     “Thank you…”
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olaineerz · 2 months
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I luv these guys 🎃💀
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eunchancorner · 2 months
Two short stories, two longer stories, almost six Google doc pages, 3377 words and one new nickname for Liv, it is with great pleasure and relief that I finally bring you
Three times Ethan tickled his partners, and one time he didn't
Ethan delighted in the soft giggles that arose as he gently squished the small bit of pudge that hung just slightly over the waistband of Streber’s pants. One of his favorite people, who he’d seen at his best, and recently at his very worst, was healing.
“You’re getting soft again,” he commented, resting his head on Streb’s shoulder.
“Ihi knohohohow.”
“I missed your squish so much…”
“Ihit’s nohot that muhuhuch.”
“But it’s something. It’s progress. Progress I’m glad you’ve made…”
Ethan pressed his cheek into Streber’s, feeling his face heating up a bit. He loved how much the genuine affection got to the poor nerd.
Ethan gently pinched up and down Streb’s tummy, listening to his giggles vary in pitch, from his normal voice to high and silly, admiring every adorable sound.
“I think your new squish is even more ticklish than before~,” he teased, adoring the flustered squeak he earned, and unable to resist giving his cheek a little kiss.
“I love you~”
“Ihi love youhu tohohoo.”
“It’s too late, Ethan, I can’t unlearn your weakness!”
The two had been locked in a chase around the house for several minutes. Ethan had recently let slip a particular secret of his to her sneaky questions, and now he was determined to make her pay for it. The only problem was that she was well-versed in running from her partners’ wrath, so he was having a tough time cornering her. However, he was also growing adept at chasing down his partners, so he had a few tricks of his own.
One of which came in the form of a very conveniently timed boyfriend.
“LEON, GRAB HER!” he shouted as Leon rounded the couch, which he was chasing her towards. In one swift motion, Leon grabbed her under her arms and swooped her up off the ground, leaving her legs to kick uselessly in midair as she protested using several threats and curses.
Ethan stopped in front of the two, taking a minute to catch his breath, before pointing at the redhead.
“You. Did you think you’d get away with that little stunt?” he questioned her.
“Yep, AND I was absolutely gonna remember it, too! I’d FINALLY have a leg up in our tickle fights, you giant ler!”
“Well, now you’ve earned yourself a one-way ticket to getting wrecked, good job. May I, Leon?”
“LEON- I swear to fuck if you hand me over to him I am gonna dump ALL of your protein powder into the toilet!!”
Leon gave the small redhead in his hands a glare at the ill-timed threat, shortly before handing her like a ragdoll over to their boyfriend with the simple statement; “Go nuts.”
“W-Wait! Leon! THAT WAS A PROMISE!” she called after him as he returned on his original route to the kitchen, before looking back at Ethan.
“U-uhm, hi?”
“Wanna apologize for your little shittery?”
“I don’t apologize for that. You know this by now!”
“Really? So you’re just gonna let this happen?”
“Let what ha-” she cut herself off as she realized what he meant. “Oh. Fuck.”
The chuckle Ethan let out was unnecessarily threatening, and Liv felt herself forcing down a nervous smile of her own.
“E-Ethan, no! I-I- I swear, i-if you tickle me, I-I’ll tell someone about it! You won’t know who, and you won’t know when until it’s too late!” she warned, wriggling in his grasp, trying to get herself down.
“Hm, guess I’ll have to tickle ya until you promise not to tell anyone!”
“Wait what-”
She squealed suddenly as Ethan practically threw her down onto the couch beside them and dug his fingers into her ribs, prompting her to grab onto and pull at his arms.
“Ehehethahahan! Nahahoho! Youhu jeheherk!” she insulted him, inadvertently digging herself a deeper hole.
“Liv, the more you fight, the worse it’s gonna get. If you wanna get out of this, you have to be nice. Start by apologizing for being rude~”
“Nehehever! Ihi’ll nehever gihive ihihin!!”
He couldn’t help but laugh at her stubbornness, especially considering how hard she was already laughing. Never change, Liv.
He grabbed her left hand, hoisting it up over her head and raking his fingers from her underarm, down her ribs and side, all the way down to her hip, then right back up, causing her to squeal and smack at him with her remaining hand.
“NyAhaHAHahaHAHaha EHEthahaHAN!! WhYhy THAhahAHAT?!” she demanded, her laughter gaining a quality Ethan could only describe as fittingly chaotic. She attempted to twist away from his hand, only to find that Ethan had very well adapted to keeping up with her constant moving.
“Because it makes you sound adorable!~ And because it’s even worse for you, which isn’t as big of a reason, but still a reason. Tell ya what. I’ll make a deal with you. All I want you to do is say sorry for being a little shit today, and you’ll be free! Sound good?~”
Once again, in all her stubbornness, Liv shook her head in refusal. She was always determined to keep from apologizing for her (admittedly harmless) actions, but unfortunately, Ethan seemed to have gained his patience back.
“That’s ok, I’ve got all the time in the world to keep tickling you until you change your mind!~”
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic! You might be extremely, adorably ticklish but you won’t die! You’ll just either succumb to cotton brain or have to apologize,” he reasoned, “If you were gonna die, it’d probably be from this.”
Suddenly, he let go of her hand and began raking his newly freed hand up and down her other side, moving in the opposite direction to the other, raising her laughter up much higher than he expected.
“FUHUHUHUHUHUCK EHEHEHETHAHAHAHAN!! IHIHIT’S TOHOHORTUHUHURE!! TOHOHORTUHUHUHUHURE!!!” she practically screeched, grabbing onto his hands and flailing every which way in an attempt to escape, even going as far as to attempt to shake his arms to try to pull him off.
“And yet you know exactly how to get me to stop! But you’re not gonna, are you? Because however much you yell it’s ‘torture’ or that it’s gonna kill you, you’ll always keep being a little shit, just so someone will pin you down, and tickle you until you can’t think because it’s just so fun. Isn’t that right?~”
“SHUHUT YOUHUHUR FAHAHAHACE!!” She tried to cover his face with one hand.
“You’re not even denying it at this point! But, I know exactly what’ll get to you. Exactly what’ll get you to apologize, and end your supposed torture~” Ethan cleared his throat and leaned in close to make sure she could hear him.
“Tickle tickle tickle~”
“Tickle tickle tickle~ Such a cute little ferret getting her tickles~”
“But why not, hm? Can’t I give a cute lil ferret her teases and tickles?~”
“Well, you’re just like one! You’re wiggly and hyper and love causing mischief until someone gives you attention. So now, you’re a wiggly, ticklish little ferret, who’s getting all her tickle-tickle-tickles~”
“FIHIHINE FIHIHINE IHI’M SOHOHORRYHYHY! NOHO MOHOHORE TEHEHEASIHIHINGGG!” she finally gave in, and Ethan let go, just as he had promised, letting her make her attempts to stop laughing and even out her breathing.
“Youhuhu… ahare fuhucking ruhuhuhuthlehehess…” she managed as she slowly calmed down, earning a soft chuckle from Ethan.
“Maybe you’ll remember that next time. Of course, whether that stops you or spurs you on is up to you~”
“Aww, what’s wrong, Leon? Too ticklish for tummy kisses?~” the goth cooed at his hysterical boyfriend, before peppering soft kisses all over his belly for the second time in a row. In response, he could feel Leon smacking the top of his head as though trying to dislodge him, despite having literally asked for this.
“C’mon, don’t try to push away now. I thought you wanted a soft night in tonight~”
“IHI DIHIHID BUHUT- FUHUHUHUCK!! NOHOT THEHEHEHERE!!” he squealed as Ethan’s kisses trailed around to the side of his tummy, which somehow seemed to be much worse than the middle.
“There’s so many little spots on your tummy, you’re so adorable. My big puppy boy~”
“Are you sure? Even if you wanna pull the tough guy routine, you’re pretty puppy-like. You have lots of energy, you’re friendly, you love having your tummy tickled, and if I do this…” Ethan gently pressed his thumb just above Leon’s belly button, making him kick out one of his legs in response. “You kick like a puppy, too! So, I’ve come to the conclusion that you are, in fact, a puppy. Hm, Streber would be proud of me.”
“HEHE WOUHUHUHULDN’T! GOHOHOHOD, EHEHEHETHAHAHAN!” Leon pushed at his boyfriend’s shoulders, pure instinct driving his actions. He loved this, he knew he did, no matter how flustering it was. 
But Ethan was never going to hear that.
Ethan loved his feared ler status.
He found himself lucky to be in a household with so many partners that loved to tickle and be tickled the same way he did, and he found himself even luckier to usually be the one who ended up tickling the others. He was sure he’d won the most tickle fights in the whole house.
Well, next to Aria.
Him and her had been tied for the longest time; Ethan because he never resisted the urge to strike, and Aria because she knew how to keep people from predicting when she’d strike next.
But today, he was going to change that. Ethan was going to show Aria who the most feared ler in the house was, by sneaking up on her and tickling her until she admitted it was him.
And now he was so close!
He crept up behind her as she leaned on the back of the couch, idly watching the news.
He could hear her humming. She sounded so distracted.
He could practically hear her laughing already.
Closer… NOW!
He’d lunged at her, and was taken by surprise when she whipped around, grabbed his wrist and lifted him with her free hand, slamming him down onto the couch, all the air rushing out of his lungs on impact. He coughed a bit as he regained his breath, looking up at her looming over him, her hand still on his chest and his wrist still locked in her grip.
“Uhm… hi?” he smiled innocently.
“Hi there,” she gave him an equally innocent look. That’s never a good sign.
“Well… uhm… how exactly did you do that?”
“Well, you remember how in high school I took ballet one year, and karate the next?”
“L-Listen, you can’t keep blaming all the weirdly impressive shit you do on the weird shit you did in high school!”
“Well, I’d be lying if I said they didn’t have a hand in it, but I have been training with Leon lately!”
“Of course…” he rolled his eyes. It always fucking ties back to Leon.
“So, mind telling me why you were sneaking up on me like a creep?” she raised an eyebrow at him.
“W-well, I was uh-” he was cut off with a grunt as Aria’s weight suddenly shifted to the hand that was on his chest as she pulled her legs over the back of the couch; one landing between Ethan’s own legs and one in front of the couch.
“Oww… It hurts when you do that, y’know,” he told her, earning a small eye roll.
“So you’ve complained before. Now answer my question.” She smiled as she saw his eyes widened. He thought I forgot.
“S-so, uhm, I-I was uh… w-well… I… was… uh…” he fumbled for an answer that didn’t incriminate himself, and found himself unable to come up with anything.
“You were plotting something, weren’t you?”
Oh fuck.
“But,” she glanced over the back of the couch, “since you didn’t bring something with you, I’m gonna assume you weren’t planning on doing anything that might result in a lecture from Streber. You weren’t planning on trying to take that little title, hm?”
“Wh-what title could that be?” he asked, averting his gaze, trying to suppress his nervous smile.
“The title of the biggest ler in the house. Because that title belongs to me. And you know how I know that?”
Oh she is absolutely setting this up but how can I NOT-
“Because you’re a cocky jerk?” he smirked at his own words, feeling a tinge of confidence.
That confidence faded as soon as her eyes narrowed at him.
“Because you are awfully ticklish to gentle tickles. Aren’t you?~” she leaned in all too close as she asked, “And luckily for you, gentle tickles are my specialty~”
“W-what are you… i-implying?” he asked cautiously, his eyes locking onto her hand as it moved from his chest to the side of his face.
“I’m implying,” she began as she began tracing behind his ear, causing him to choke down giggles already, “That I’m gonna do to you exactly what you were planning to do to me. Except I’m actually going to make it effective, because we all know what makes you tick, Eth. And you are going to admit that I’m the biggest ler in the house. Or at least the scariest.”
“Ihi- I’m n-not denying y-you’re the s-scariehest, Jehesus fucken Christ,” he managed, feeling his heart pounding in his chest from the threat of tickles alone. “B-but you are not th-the biggest leher… that’s me.”
“Hm. Then it looks like I am going to tickle you for the biggest ler title.”
“Oh th-that’s just n-nohot fair…”
“It’s completely fair! After all, isn’t that what you were gonna do?” she began to trace down his neck, causing him to squeak and grab her wrist. She raised an eyebrow at him, moving her finger in slow circles in the spot it was trapped in.
“Let go of my hand, or I’m going to tickle you so bad you won’t even be able to think about today without getting in a lee mood,” she warned, and the look she had made Ethan sure she was being very serious, so he did as she said.
“Good, now how am I going to do this, hm? Should I play a little first, see how loud I can make you laugh without going for your worst spot, or should I go for that infamous little kill button right away?~ And even so, which one? The one where my hand would be trapped to trace until you can finally lift your arm, and even then there’s no guarantee I’ll stop, or do I go for the one where you can’t protect your poor little spot, leaving me to trace in whatever little shapes I want, and all you can do is laugh and laugh and laugh, because we both know you won’t be able to get out a single word. So many decisions to make, and the longer I take to make them, the more flustered you’ll be, but I think I know what’ll make it ten times worse. One simple little question, that you ask all too often; What do you think I should do?~”
I think you should be less fucken terrifying, he thought, but truthfully he didn’t know if he could get a word out. Being teased by anyone else isn’t so bad, but this was Aria. She knew exactly how to get to him too flustered to manage a word, and it was working all too well. He tried to give any kind of answer, but the words caught in his throat, and all he could manage were a few flustered squeaks.
“Ethan~ If I can’t get a straight answer, I’ll just have to decide for myself, and you know I’ll pick what gets you the most~” she warned him, hovering her hand over his ribs and watching him flinch and try to squirm away, pressing his arm to his side in an effort to block her.
“A-aria… P-plehease…” was all he could manage. He wasn't sure what he was trying to ask for, maybe mercy, but either way she seemed to be having none of it.
“What’s wrong, darling? Too scared to give me an answer? That’s ok, I think I know exactly what to do~” she cooed before she began to gently pinch up and down his side, causing him to finally release all the laughter he’d felt bubbling up in his chest. He squealed and twisted under her in an attempt to hide himself, but a quick scribble to his other side sent him right back onto his back.
“Arihiahahaha! Plehehease, wahahahait! Nohohohoho!” he begged, resisting the urge to grab her wrist again and instead opted for grabbing his own shirt to try to ground himself.
“I don’t think I will, Ethan~ We’ve both waited long enough for me to tickle you, and if you had to wait any more, I think you’d regret saying that, wouldn’t you?” She began to skitter her nails lightly against his ribs before he could answer, making him laugh louder and kick his legs to try to dispel the energy. She chuckled softly as she watched him struggle to sass her, unable to get any sort of coherent thoughts within the fireworks of his brain to come up with something snarky to say. She traced up and down his ribs, delighting in every squeak and change in pitch, listening to him come so close to absolutely losing it just because he was that much worse off with such gentle tickles. As much as she wanted to dig in and watch him flail, listen to him cackle, she knew this was so much worse.
Occasionally she’d dip just between his ribs and underarms, ripping a squeal from his throat, and just as quickly, she’d be back to his ribs. She could see how badly it got to him; the way he’d tug at his poor shirt when she got a little too high and yet how he’d just barely whine when she’d leave it alone so fast.
“What’s wrong, Ethan? Can’t handle your tickles? Why are you so whiny, hm? Is there something you’re expecting?~” she couldn’t help but tease him, knowing exactly what he wanted; for her to finally go after his death spot, for his brain to fill with fog and fireworks and be able to do nothing but laugh, to fulfill the buzzing anticipation that only got worse every time she tricked him.
Gradually she let up under she had her hand just hovering above that little spot that she knew she could destroy him with, smirking as she listened to his nervous, giddy giggles.
“Well, Ethan?” she asked, “Got anything to say?”
“P-plehehease, Ahariahaha… I-Ihi’m sohohorry, y-youhu’re th-the bihihiggehest leheher, I wahas wrohohong… plehehease, juhust doho ihihit ahalreheheheadyyy…”
Aria blinked down at him. He’s… asking me to wreck him. Just like that. In exchange for admitting it, he wants me to destroy him.
She smiled, and then she chuckled quietly.
“You’re adorable when you’re desperate~”
Before Ethan had time to process it, his wrist was released and he felt an unbearably gentle tracing in that little kill spot between his underarms and ribs, sending him into utter hysterics. She watched as his shoulders shook with laughter, his arms clamped to his sides and he tossed his head back, and yet he seemed almost relaxed. She knew why, too; the anticipation of going after his worst spot was finally over, he finally got the tickles he’d been expecting from her.
After a few more moments of tickling him senseless, she finally let up, gently patting him on the head and giggling softly as he batted at her hand.
She looked up to see their other six partners staring at her from a few feet away, all six pairs of eyes wide and all six faces blushing. She couldn’t resist the urge to smirk and raise her hands in wiggling claws, which sent all of them running in different directions, watching Confi struggle to make a decision before following Liv to her room.
Title secured.
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sleepysheepytea · 1 year
help im trying to get better at capturing likenesses so im basically just going back to my childhood and early teen fictional crushes HDSFHKJ
also. sdjkf i didn’t like how peter’s face looked in this and i was too lazy to redraw it so i just. cropped it. DSJF SORRY IF IT LOOKS OFF
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im so excited for the second movie omgfdkjkj my expectations are so honking high oopsies
i mean... now that miles is older in the second one he can hmu if he wants HJJDHFHJFKS
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