nijimx · 6 months
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"D-don't I get a say in this?!"
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needlenxggin · 1 year
I get followed by so many sonic rp blogs I've noticed djhdfg I don't mind it it's just... why do the mobians flock to you so my skrunkly man?
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"I'm not too sure, honestly, but they're usually pretty nice so I don't mind much."
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sherlock-is-ace · 2 years
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The twins <3
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obiwan · 1 year
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kateis-cakeis · 4 years
Pretty much every character on the server has done some form of destruction or some sort of atrocity. The thing that makes Wilbur's seem so much worse is that he held himself to much higher standards previously, and the destruction was much more personal to him
Yeah, you’re so right, anon.
Alivebur really seemed to have these strong morals, kinda, that all melted away as he turned to destruction. It’s just he’s the only one everyone hates for destruction dfjghdfjgh which is kinda wild
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cherubchoirs · 4 years
I really enjoy your art so much. It’s so pretty, I especially enjoy your line art. And your AU’s are so fun! Thank you for sharing!!
thank you so much!!! it makes me so happy to hear ppl enjoy my aus and compliments on my line art make me so 🥺 bc that’s like the hardest part of the process for me djfhdfg
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adiamondog-a · 6 years
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Happy munday!
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imperfectercell · 2 years
Hey, go ahead! it is a free world... I'd love to see more silly heart cells. i didnt even make that image dfjhdfg
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ironxkid · 3 years
🍍 : how comfortable is my muse in their body? how do they feel about their height, weight, strength, and body type? how important is being attractive to them? 🍒 : how much does my muse value companionship? do they constantly keep people around them, or do they prefer to be alone often? do they have or desire to have many friends? do they see every meeting as an opportunity to make a new friend?
🍍 : how comfortable is my muse in their body? how do they feel about their height, weight, strength, and body type? how important is being attractive to them?
she’s actually quite comfortable with herself! Though, Carter definitely had some issues with her body when she was younger, due to her knowing she wasn’t a girl but also... not knowing what she was? So it wasn’t until she learned what genderqueer was and realized that was her did she start feeling more comfortable in her own skin
she’s fine with her weight and body type, and is actually fine with her height even if she complains about it DFSJHDFHJ - she’s also fine with her strength! And she’s actually stronger than she appears, since she does exercise frequently because she enjoys it, but also because she doesn’t get out of some training with Natasha even though she’s not an Avenger lol
being attractive isn’t something she concerns herself with a whole lot tbh - she does take some pride in her appearance? But not to the point of being vain, and being attractive isn’t something she considering important in general. She’ll dress up if the occasion calls for it, and will look nice in general because it makes her feel good, but overall she just doesn’t. really care dfjhdfg
🍒 : how much does my muse value companionship? do they constantly keep people around them, or do they prefer to be alone often? do they have or desire to have many friends? do they see every meeting as an opportunity to make a new friend?
hoo boy, Carter completely values companionship. She’s definitely an ambivert, so she does need time where she can be alone and recharge, but she needs human interaction. She doesn’t do well being completely alone, and her fear of abandonment doesn’t help her at all in that regard - and being with someone else, she’s absolutely just content sitting in silence near them. As long as she’s not forgotten or pushed aside, she’ll be fine doing nothing
likewise, she... doesn’t actually want to have a gazillion friends, and it’s hard for her to actually make new friends in general. She’s friendly, but she’s guarded and does have trust issues. It’s not easy for her to let someone new in, and she doesn’t want to be friends with everyone she meets. Tbh, she’s quite content with the small group of friends she has 
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ofmymuses · 4 years
hi amanda!! so i've come to ask for your advice because i've always wanted to run a successful tumblr blog but when it comes to it, i don't really know where to start. is there any type of advice you could give me to help me get a good start? have a good day by the way <333
hey  friend!!  i  don’t  really  think  there’s  such  thing  as  a  successful  tumblr  blog  -  in  my  eyes,  tumblr  is  a  way  to  connect  &  get  inspired  &  i  personally  don’t  think  there’s  really  a  way  to  tag  success  to  that,  yknow?  but  i  do  know  what  you  mean  &  i  can  definitely  give  some  advice  /  my  thoughts  on  where  to  start  +  how  to  connect  n  stuff  like  that  :’)
sO.  it  seems  pretty  silly  &  obvious  but  before  anything  else,  you  need  to  think  about  what  type  of  blog  you  want  yours  to  be.  will  it  be  a  place  for  your  muses?  will  it  be  a  place  for  you  to  help  others?  will  it  be  a  place  for  general  musings?  etc  etc  etc.  this  will  give  you  a  base  and  once  you  figure  that  out,  obviously  you’re  gonna  need  to  make  your  blog
i  think  your  url  will  probably  depend  on  what  type  of  blog  you’re  running.  like,  if  you’re  running  a  musing  blog,  i  don’t  think  you  would  have  “rpt”  in  the  url,  yknow?  you  can  also  just  ...  do  something  random  like  skyblueheart  or  glitterte4rs  but  keep  in  mind  that  if  you  are  a  musing  /  help  blog,  it  can  be  difficult  for  others  to  know  that  if  you  have  a  random  url  because  when  you  think  of  it,  the  url  ( and  icon )  is  9/10  times  what  people  see  first  before  checking  out  your  blog.  so  i  would  probably  suggest  putting  “muse” / “musing”  if  you’re  a  musing  blog  +   “rpc” / “rph” / etc  if  you’re  planning  on  helping  others  -  just  so  people  know  :^)
idk  if  this  is  like  .......  frowned  upon  DFJHDFG  but  you  can  go  to  similar  blogs  to  yours  +  ask  them  for  a  shoutout;  just  like  how  rpgs  do.  this  is  a  good  way  to  get  the  word  out  about  your  blog  but  plEASE  make  sure  to  check  their  wid  and  see  if  they  do  shoutouts  beforehand.  i’m  always  down  to  shout  people  out  so  @  anyone  reading  this:  feel  free  to  ask  me  for  one  +  i’d  be  more  than  happy  to!!
if  you  don’t  want  to  do  that,  however  -  a  good  way  to  get  noticed  is  to  make  original  content!!  templates,  themes,  masterlists,  aesthetics,  etc  etc;  posting  things  in  the  tags  for  people  to  see  &  use  is  definitely  a  great  way  to  help  get  your  blog  out  there.  you  can  also  even  make  a  little  introduction  post  to  tell  people  about  yourself  and  what  your  blog  is  all  about!  ( and  don’t  forget  to  pin  that  post  so  new  viewers  can  see  +  know  what  you’re  about  right  off  the  bat )
something  super  important  is  to  not  get  discouraged!!!  it  can  be  easy  to  think  you  /  your  blog  sucks  because  you  don’t  have  a  ton  of  followers  or  reblogs/likes  in  your  activity  but  you  don’t  need  these  things  to  be  ““successful””.  to  me,  just  running  and  using  a  blog  is  a  success!!  it’s  your  own  little  corner  on  the  gigantic  internet  and  you  don’t  need  a  certain  amount  of  followers  or  reblogs/likes  to  validate  your  place  here  ♡♡
i  hope  this  helped  give  you  an  idea  on  where  to  start  :^)  if  you  have  any  specific  questions  or  want  me  to  expand  further  on  anything,  please  do  let  me  know  and  i  can  most  definitely  do  that  for  ya  ♡
i’m  wishing  you  a  lovely  rest  of  your  day / night!!
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preciousmlm · 5 years
i was so confused i thought i’d stopped following you for a second because i hadn’t seen your post about changing usernames and your pfp is different 😂
lmaoo yEA brand change DFJHDFG i changed my url before my pfp but then i decided to change that and i couldnt find another good alec one ))):
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starcchild · 2 years
Does fandom intimidate you, or make you critical of your portrayal? Do you have any irrational doubts in what you are doing? Do you prefer public or private roleplay? Does this preference change when writing NSFW and smut? Does your descriptive writing change with each muse, do they influence the way that you narrate and use language?Does your OOC change with each muse, do they influence the way you generally behave?
Munday Styles and Preferences
11. Do you prefer public or private roleplay? Does this preference change when writing NSFW and smut? 
I honestly don’t have a strong preference either way, tbh! I’ve done both before multiple times, but private feels more lax, I guess? Less pressure to get things done since you know other people aren’t reading to the threads, and it’s easier to write about certain content without needing to worry about tum.blr coming in and screwing things up sdfjghfdsj
for sm.ut/ns.fw content, I haven’t really written enough to form a decision on that? I’ve done that both in a public and private writing setting (here and dis.cord), but I guess I do feel a little more comfortable writing it in private settings? Just because I less pressure to make the situation perfect dfjhdfg - ns.fw/sm.ut themes are new-ish to me, so it’s less pressure to make it sound good, if that makes sense? But overall, I honestly don’t mind either way sdfgjfd
12. Does your descriptive writing change with each muse, do they influence the way that you narrate and use language?
yes! But mainly because my writing is more heavy with how a character reacts/perceives something, versus describing something like the environment. Each character is going to react differently and perceive things differently, so their thought process/headspace is absolutely gonna influence the way I write. Take Carter and Maya, for example! Carter has this guilt complex, so her narrative can focus easily on that. She’s overly empathetic but hard on herself, and it shows with the way I write how she responds to her own actions or to someone else. With Maya, however, she’s learned to internalize a majority of what she’s feeling and will shut herself off to avoid getting emotionally involved, so her responses tend to be less emotionally-driven, and more her mentally calculating what to do next. Which, as an example, you can see here!
13. Does your OOC change with each muse, do they influence the way you generally behave?
not that I’ve noticed! Like, as an example, even if I were to write a villain with full bad morals, I’d still be keysmashing away ooc fsdgjhsdfgjh
if anything, I notice I do behave differently on my rp blogs versus my meme blog, only because with my meme blog, I have a bunch of followers I don’t know whatsoever. On my rp blogs, I know my mutuals, even if just through their about/rules page, but with the meme blog, I don’t really interact with anyone unless I get a message in my inbox, and I try to keep ooc stuff as minimal as possible. And, when I do write ooc stuff, it’s usually to answer a question/general reply/psa post, so I need to be more concise with my answer
16. Does fandom intimidate you, or make you critical of your portrayal? Do you have any irrational doubts in what you are doing?
mmm... not really, tbh! I’ve been in the mcu fandom for years, and I have past experience rping in it, so I don’t really feel much intimidation anymore from that perspective. I’m still anxious as usual lol, but I’m definitely more comfortable doing my own thing! With my portrayal, since Carter’s an oc, I don’t really have to worry about that, but I do worry about how I portray canon characters in her info pages, which is why I try to leave little info regarding them to give more flexibility to other writers! Plus, I’ve definitely carved out my own lil corner on here, so I can avoid feeling intimidated or overly-critical of myself fdsghjfdsh
for irrational doubts, I,,, don’t think so? I think I have the similar general doubts any other writers have, but I can’t think of anything otherwise off of the top of my head!
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needlenxggin · 1 year
@tesseractis: do you value your teeth. come here.
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"I value them very much, actually and I'm just gonna stay over here..."
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sherlock-is-ace · 2 years
It's always fascinating to find out how little my mom knows about queer history... We have had a discussion a while ago because she wouldn't believe me when I told her Oscar Wilde was imprisoned for his homosexuality. Today, she said that the 50s and 60s was when people started hating on gay people..? and the whole criminalization of it. She has always dismissed queer men in history who either lived in complete secret, with wives and children, or the ones that didn't make it because they killed themselves. She's always been like "those idiots, why would you do that to yourself? Just accept yourself, and be happy!" As if it was all about internalized homophobia or something and the world was beautiful and accepting...
Like she lives in a wonderful world where queer people have never experienced hate and tbh i'm a bit jealous! Ignorance is bliss. But it's also very eye opening, all the shitty homophobic stuff she has said over the years make perfect sense now, she just doesn't know, plain and simple
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softeyoongi-moved · 7 years
LUAA, could you possibly remind your followers to vote for bts on asia artist awards please? We really need votes (we can vote once per day and use multiple naver/facebook accounts) also, I'm new on tumblr so I don't know any other big blog that could help too, but if you do, please ask them to remind armys about AAA, it's really important. (Plus, to stream dna on spotify, we can do it for free, just search for a tutorial on youtube)
yes i just rb a post w links lets vote for them !!!
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cherubchoirs · 4 years
me going out of my way every time i play to get the jack frost plushie even though i know itll just end up in the attic and i cant actually give it to the twins:
ME TOO BUD ME TOO....i love getting all the claw machine plushies and it’s so cute how akira lines them all up on his desk dfjhdfg BUT HONESTLY...i wish you could give jack frost to lavenza when she visits akira’s room in royal ;o; like she could have jack frost....and akira could have black frost.....to remember each other even once akira no longer has access to the velvet room ;o;
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