#diana prince x kara zol el
dc-marvel-life · 1 year
Love/Hate the Heat
Request: Hmm, heard your requests are open so how about Kara and Diana with a fem! cryokinetic reader? Maybe where its summer and an extreme heat wave is going on and since Kara and Diana are basically human heaters they are suffering with the extra heat because the ac in their home is broken meanwhile reader is just walking around totally unaffected because of her powers so reader puts on as few clothes as possible and lets her girlfriends cuddle into her to cool off.  - By anon 
Pairing: Supergirl x Wonder Woman x reader
Word Count: 569
“Come on, Kara, please fix the damn thing,” Diana says impatiently in front of the thermostat. It is a record-breaking 110 degrees Fahrenheit outside, and the AC broke in the house, so Kara is trying to fix it. Diana hears a loud bang following Kara screaming curse words. Kara comes back from the garage to Diana.
“I am sorry, babe, I can’t fix the AC. I called the repair man, and he said the earliest he can come is tomorrow afternoon,” Kara says, fanning herself with her hands.
“Alright, I can’t take it anymore. We just have to strip right now then,” Diana says, then starts to take off her shirt and pants, followed by Kara doing the same thing. Now Diana and Kara are in the hallway in their bra and underwear.
“Wow, are you two about it get it on without me. Shame on you two” Y/N comes to see what her girlfriends are doing. 
“That is not what is happening right now, Y/N. Why are you in pants and a long sleeve shirt right now?!” Kara says to Y/N.
“You know that my powers always make me cold, and now I am finally not freezing cold. I am finally not wearing a hoodie inside, I thought you guys would be happy,” Y/N says, pouting thinking that she did something wrong.
“No, baby, that is not it. You probably don’t understand because of your powers, but it is extremely hot right now, and we are dying here,” Diana says, then gives Y/N a hug. 
“You are so cold and feel so good right now,” Diana says while hugging you and not letting go. 
“Hey, I want to feel how cold she is” Kara comes over and lets out a reveling sigh. You stare at your two girlfriends, enjoying how cold you are for once. They don’t say that they hate that you are cold all the time, but you know that they do. They always put on socks or extra pairs of clothes to cuddle/hug you, so it felt nice that they wanted you just as you were.
“How about I remove my clothes, and you guys can cuddle with me instead?” you tell Kara and Diana. 
“That’s a great idea!” Diana says they grab your hand, lead you into the bedroom, and strap you off your clothes only in a bra and underwear like them. 
After a couple hours of cuddling and watching tv, you start to feel off a little bit. You look at your skin, and water is coming off of it. Your body is losing the cold and turning into something else.
“Aaaaaa,” you jump up from Kara and Diana. You look over at your girlfriends, who are holding back from laughing. They look at you in concern, “What is happening to me? My body is turning into the water!” you say, wiping off the water on your body.
“Why are you guys laughing at me?! Look at me! I am turning into water!” you say, freaking out.
“Baby, what is happening to your body is called sweating. " You are just hot right now,” Kara says, leading you back into bed.
“So this is what being hot feels like?” you say, and they nod at you.
“Well, I am willing to deal with it for you guys,” you say, smiling at them and continuing to cuddle them. 
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The Ultimatum
AN: I cast Nadia Hilker as Artemis, but y’all can use anyone you want. I just kinda took reference from her look as Luna from The 100. Also I know Artemis has green eyes, I just changed it a little. Also in this chapter Diana and Kara are starting to form that Mother/Daughter bond cause they’re gonna need that shit in the future chapters. Also feel free to give suggestions for the story and I’d love to her your feedback. 
1,560+ words (lmao)
Chapter 3
A few days later and Diana, accompanied by the 3 Kryptonians were in a jet, graciously offered by Bruce, headed to Paris after Diana offered to take them in. Kal and Y/K/N, now named Clarke Calvin Prince and Y/N M/N Prince respectively, according to the fake documents Bruce made for them, were both given window seats and were marveling at the sight with big curious eyes, their faces pressed up against the glass. 
“We’ll be landing in a few minutes so make sure you have all your things” Diana called out from the cockpit.
 As soon as the jet landed, they were escorted into Diana’s car where they were taken to a nice duplex apartment. Though when Kara hesitated before stepping into the elevator, Diana quickly took action and lead them to the stairs. It wasn’t like they would get tired easily from it. So with that in mind, Kara insisted on carrying what little luggage they had, as well as the box they had filled with things from their pod. While Diana had Kal in her arms, while Y/N was perched on her shoulders as she happily babbled on with Kal whilst playing with Diana’s hair. 
 When they reached Diana’s floor, they were then directed to one of the doors there where they waited on Diana to unlock the door. As soon as they entered, they were engulfed in a welcoming atmosphere that brought comfort to Kara despite being in an unfamiliar environment. Unlike Wayne Manor, which felt dark and gloomy, whereas Diana’s apartment was light and gave her a feeling of a home filled with joy and love.
 She was brought out of her musings by a woman emerging from around a corner. She had curly copper hair that went down her shoulders, playful hazel-brown eyes, slightly tanned skin, and like Diana, she was tall and had a slim, yet muscular physique. She was wearing a white tank top with dark grey sweatpants. Though as soon as her eyes landed on Diana, the playful glint in her eyes disappeared and was replaced with fury.
“Diana” The woman said with a stern glare, crossing her arms together, which made Diana gently place Y/N on her feet and passing a sleeping Kal in Kara’s arms.
“Hello, my love” Diana answered with a sheepish smile on her face as she crossed the space between them to embrace the other woman, only for her to step away.
“Don’t ‘Hello, my love’ me Diana. You disappear for almost a week without telling me. Do you have any idea how worried I was?”
“I know and I’m sorry, my love” Diana said with a pout. Meanwhile, Kara was watching them amusedly and was occasionally taking in the place that would now be their home. She was interrupted by Diana calling her name and beckoning her over. “Love, this is Kara, the children are Y/N and Kal, Kara’s sister and cousin. They were the ones I told you about. Kara this is my wife, Artemis of Bana-Maghdall” she said. Artemis’s eyes softened as she looked at Kara, though as Kara studied her closer, she noticed that those eyes weren’t filled with pity like she thought, instead they showed understanding, much like J’onn and Diana, which Kara was thankful for. 
Just then they noticed Y/N walking over to them, well, mostly Kara, hiding behind her with her head peeking out. Artemis bent down to her height and smiled invitingly at her.
“Y/N say ‘hi’, her name’s Artemis” Kara whispered over to her. Y/N stepped out from behind Kara and smiled that charming little smile of hers before greeting her. 
“Aren’t you just adorable?” Artemis cooed, and though Y/N couldn’t understand much yet, her smile only widened at the attention she was receiving which made them all chuckle. 
 “Why don’t we show you your rooms” Diana offered with a smile. With a nod from Kara, they lead the 3 Kryptonians to each of their rooms. “You can decorate them any way you want, if you’d like we can make a trip to the store tomorrow”. They lead Kara to her room last.
“Thank you, Diana, Artemis. Goodnight” she said with a small smile and a nod before closing the door.
 Diana was awoken by sobs sounding from down the hall. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and carefully pushed Artemis’ arm off her, silently praying that she wouldn’t wake up as she got up off the bed. She grabbed a robe and wrapped it around herself before making her way down to where the sobs were coming from, which turned out to be Kara’s room.
She couldn’t really be surprised as she was expecting this. During their stay at the Wayne Manor, she noticed Kara mostly focusing on getting a hold of her powers to distract her. She remembered how often she found her in Bruce’s lab in the middle of the night and in early mornings. 
She walked up to the door and knocked softly before slowly pushing the door open and peeking her head through. She found Kara curled up her bed, one of the pillows clutched in her embrace. She immediately made her way to her and sat by Kara, trying to coax her into sitting up. When she did, she brought her into a hug. In an attempt to bring the girl more comfort, she hummed the song her mother always used to sing to her as a child. 
When Kara’s sobs subsided into hiccups and sniffles she pulled her away from her softly. She laid her down onto the bed and brushed the hair away from her face with a sad smile. She knew that this was just the beginning of a long journey of healing for the poor girl. She vowed that she’d be there every step of the way for her.
“Thank you, Diana” Kara whispered in a broken voice, her voice hoarse from crying.
“Anything for you, little one” Diana whispered back. This only brought on a new wave of tears for Kara as her lips wobbled. Diana panicked, not understanding what she did wrong. She tried shushing the girl and whispering her comforting things. 
“My aunt Astra used to call me that” she confessed.
“Oh sweetheart” 
 “It’s fine. I just miss her so much” she answered.
 “Do you want to tell me about her?” Diana asked, receiving a nod in reply as Kara sat up, hugging her knees to her chest and resting her chin on them.
“Her name was Astra Ze. She became head of house when her father, my grandfather, stepped down from the position, and since she was the older twin, the title went to her. She was my mother’s twin, the only way you could tell them apart was by the white streak in aunt Astra’s hair.” Kara said with a sad smile, “She was a high general. I have always admired her. I remember rushing from school to the training grounds each day and watching them train. Eventually, I started bugging her to train me, and I must have eventually wore her down as she started training me on my tenth name day. Oh I remember mother’s exasperation and father’s amusement when I told them she had begun training me” she chuckled, reminiscing. This caused Diana to smile as well, noticing how similar Kara’s aunt was to her aunt Antiope.
 “I used to get so upset whenever she left with her army, so she gave me a spy beacon. It allowed us to send messages to each other, no matter where she was. And when she could, she’d always come when I called for her. And every time she came back home from her travels, she always had something to give me, a souvenir, and she’d tell me all about her trip.” This time Kara’s smile was filled with less sadness and more nostalgia, although the sadness was still lingering.
Diana hummed, “I knew someone like her. Her name was Antiope. Like your aunt Astra, she was a high general.”
“Really?” Kara asked curiously, tilting her head to one side, which Diana noticed she did a lot. It was cute. 
 Diana nodded, a fond, nostalgic smile on her face. “She was my aunt too. She was the one who taught me to fight to. She is one of the reasons I am who I am today. My mother never wanted me to learn how to fight, you see, so she was furious when she found me and Antiope training in one of the gardens that no one visited much” she chuckled.
“But were you people not warrior women?” Kara inquired, both confused and curious.
“They were. But that is a story for another time, sweet one” Diana said. She smiled, tucking Kara into bed. Before she left, she placed a kiss on her forehead after whispering a soft “Goodnight”. She exited the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.
She was met in the hallway by Artemis, who had a soft smile on her face. She walked up to her and embraced her, Artemis returning. 
“Is Kara alright, love?” 
“She’s healing.”
“Then we’ll help her, in whatever way she needs us to” Artemis smiled. And there Diana’s heart melted, the woman never ceasing to amaze her as she fell even more in love with her. She gave her a quick kiss before leading her back to their bedroom for the night.
@madamevirgo , @black-dragon1998 , @marrymemcgrath 
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myimaginationplain · 5 years
Is wonder woman x supergirl something that people ship? Because I suddenly started thinking about it while watching Injustice cut scenes the other day, and that would be 👀
I imagine it being a teacher/mentor crush type of ship
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dc-marvel-life · 1 year
My Strong Girl
Request: Hi I just found your tumblr and saw you had no requests, I was wondering if you were comfortable doing a Supergirl x Wonder Woman fic ? Where they are soulmates and it’s wonderful and happy because wonder Women thought she’d be alone forever and now she has Kara who is virtually indestructible but one day kara solar flares and ends up trapped and hurt inside a burning building and needs rescuing, does she survive? By @tigerlillyruiz
Pairing: Supergirl x Wonder Woman 
Word Count: ~1.3K
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! You are the first to do so in a long time, and I thank you!
A phone alarm rings throughout the room, and two women sigh, trying to turn off the alarm. 
“Ugh, I do not want to get up. Just five more minutes,” Kara says, hiding under the comforter to lead to Diana laughing. Diana moves the comforter so she can see Kara’s face.
“Trust me, I would rather stay in bed with you all day long with cheesy movies and food, but today is our shift to go up to the watch tower and patrol,” Diana says in her low, grungy morning voice.
“You know I can’t understand your words right now. You are looking incredibly sexy right now with your voice and bed hair,” Kara says, leaning up to kiss Diana. Diana does not fight it and gives in to morning kisses from her girlfriend.
“I love you so much. You know that, right” Diana says, pulling away a bit from the kiss. 
“Hmm, I did not pick up on that when you tell me daily,” Kara giggles.
“I am being serious right now, Kara. I thought I had to spend the rest of my life sad and alone. If I find someone, they either die of old age or get hurt, but with you, it is different. I have never felt this way toward someone before, and I will not lie; it initially scared me. Now I realize you are the best thing to happen to me, and I am thankful for you being my girlfriend,” Diana says with a single tear coming down. Kara wipes away the tear. 
“I love you too, Diana. I'm sorry it took us this long to find each other, but we are together now. You are my soulmate, and I wouldn't trade you for anyone in the world” Kara pepper kisses Diana, and they laugh together. Once the laughing starts to die down, they look intensely at each other.
“Marry me,” Diana says softly.
“I am sorry, but can you repeat that again,” Kara says, shocked. Diana gets out of bed and heads to her dresser. She gets a small box out of the dresser, returns to the bed, and goes down on one knee. She opens the box, and it is an engagement ring.
“Will you marry me, Kara Zor-El?” Diana says hopefully.
“Yes, yes, yes. A million times, yes!” Kara says and jumps out of bed and hugs Diana. Kara may have put a bit too much force into it and flew them to the closet wall, making a dent in the wall.
“I will fix that later,” Kara says, then hugs Diana tightly. They separate, and Diana puts the ring on Kara's finger. Kara admires the ring.
“Now I really just want to stay in bed today and do nothing with you,” Kara says, who is now cuddling up with Diana on the floor.
“How about this. We make breakfast together and enjoy our morning, go to the watch tower, and do our shift; then, we can spend the rest of the time celebrating. Maybe even hand a few shifts off to people so we can fly to a beach somewhere and relax,” Diana suggests.
“I like the sound of that plan. Can we make some blueberry pancakes, please?” Kara whines.
“Yes, of course. Anything for my fiance,” Daina says.
“I like the sound of that” Kara kisses Diana, then gets up to go to the kitchen. They make pancakes, bacon, eggs, and some toast for breakfast. They start to talk about their wedding plans and how everything will go. While finishing up her food, Kara stops and looks towards the window. Diana knows that means she is using her super hearing. Once Kara comes back, she looks at Diana.
“I get it. People need your help. Go help whoever it is, and I’ll clean up and go to the watch tower. I will meet you there later,” Diana says while cleaning the kitchen.
“You are amazing, and I will see you later, babe,” Kara says, kissing Diana and quickly changing into her outfit.
“Gosh, I love it when you do that,” Diana says, smirking at Kara.
“Oh really? I thought you liked it when I did that taking off my clothes” Kara smirks and then flies out of their condo, leaving an open-mouthed Diana. Diana continued cleaning up the kitchen, making the bed, showering, then heading to the watch tower. 
Once Diana gets to the watch tower, everyone's attention is on the TV playing the news. She gets closer and sees it is about Kara fighting off an alien that just came down to earth. They have been fighting for closer to an hour now, and it is an intense showdown between them.
“Why has no one gone to help Kara out already?!” Diana practically screams at everyone. 
“We already tried to help her, but she said she didn’t need any help, so we let her be. You know how she is,” Batman says, but Diana has a bad feeling about this. Then all you see on the news is Kara getting thrown into a building. The new reporters say that the building is empty. 
Next thing you know, the building explodes and catches on fire. Everyone is silent and waiting for Kara to come out of the rumble, but she doesn’t. Diana looks over a superman, and he seems more worried than usual, so she walks over to him.
“What is going on, and why hasn’t Kara come out yet?” Diana asks sternly.
“I am afraid that she might have had a small solar flare,” Superman says like Diana even knows what that means.
“What is that supposed to mean, Clarke? That is my fiance out there right now,” Diana says, and Superman takes a step back. Seeing Diana this intense is a bit much, and he will ignore the part where they are engaged now.
“There is a power that we hold where we can pretty much make solar flares to take out a tough opponent, but it does drain your power for a bit,” Superman explains.
“So you are telling me that she did that and is right now powerless in a burning building” Superman just nods. Diana takes off towards the building to ensure Kara is okay.
Diana gets to the building and sees it is still on fire. She runs into the building in search of Kara. She yells her name over and over again but no response. Diana quickly searches the rooms and finds her under some rumble with cuts all over her. Diana moves the rumble off of Kara and picks her up bridal style. Diana takes her outside to get fresh air and to wake her up.
“Kara, please wake up, baby,” Diana says, setting her down on the ground everyone around is silent at the scene in front of them. Diana shook Kara, trying to wake her up.
“Come up, baby, I just proposed to you, and we had many plans together. You can leave me alone again. Not after we finally found each other,” Diana says, crying with Kara in her arms. She looks down to see the ring, but it is gone. Diana worries and searches her, and thankful she put the ring in her suit, which is indestructible, so it was not damaged. Diana puts the ring back on Kara’s finger.
“Look, baby, I put your ring back on so you can look at it like you were doing this morning. So please wake up,” Diana says desperately. Superman comes down to check out the situation. 
“You know this would have never happened if you guys just came and helped her. Even if she said she didn’t need help,” Diana screams at Superman. He just lets out a disappointing sigh because Diana is right. He uses his superhearing to listen to Kara's heartbeat.
Diana realizes what he is doing, and they just look at each other. Diana desperately waited for the answer she needs. 
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